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Trusty Tahr daily builds available for download
Four days ago, Canonical released Ubuntu 13.10, introducing a more strengthened high-quality Ubuntu version capable of properly meeting the needs of users, developers, companies with a fast, agile and powerful computing experience.
Today, the developers announced that Trusty Tahr is officially open for development, immersing the upcoming LTS into new packages after only-days since the 13.10's release.
Moreover, Trusty daily builds have been generated, installable images encapsulating the new development focus of the developers on delivering Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
Although there are minor differences between the Trusty daily builds and Ubuntu 13.10, their availability set Trusty in a vigorous development since its very start, Trusty being an LTS (long term support) and, therefore, traditionally offering a more stable Ubuntu version as compared to standard between-LTSes releases.
Trusty Tahr's daily builds are available for download on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/
via: http://iloveubuntu.net/trusty-tahr-daily-builds-available-download