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须知: 本文中的截图取自Debian Linux 8.1 (“Jessie”),其运行在OS X 10.10.3 (“Yosemite”)操作系统下Oracle VirtualBox 4.3.28中的一台虚拟机里。想要建立你的Debian虚拟机,可以看看我的这篇教程——“How to install Debian Linux in a VirtualBox VM”。
相比top,它的替代品Htop则更为精致。维基百科是这样描述的:“用户经常会部署htop以防Unix top不能提供关于系统进程的足够信息,比如说当你在尝试发现应用程序里的一个小的内存泄露问题,Htop一般也能作为一个系统监听器来使用。相比top,它提供了一个更方便的光标控制界面来向进程发送信号。” (想了解更多细节猛戳这里.)
Vmstat is a simpler tool for monitoring your Linux system performance statistics but that makes it highly suitable for use in shell scripts. Fire up your regex-fu and you can do some amazing things with vmstat and cron jobs. “The first report produced gives averages since the last reboot. Additional reports give information on a sampling period of length delay. The process and memory reports are instantaneous in either case” (go here for more info.).
The ps command shows a list of running processes. In this case, I’ve used the “-e”switch to show everything, that is, all processes running (I’ve scrolled back to the top of the output otherwise the column names wouldn’t be visible). This command has a lot of switches that allow you to format the output as needed. Add a little of the aforementioned regex-fu and you’ve got a powerful tool. Go here for the full details.
Pstree “shows running processes as a tree. The tree is rooted at either pid or init if pid is omitted. If a user name is specified, all process trees rooted at processes owned by that user are shown.”This is a really useful tool as the tree helps you sort out which process is dependent on which process (go here).
Understanding just how an app uses memory is often crucial in debugging, and the pmap produces just such information when given a process ID (PID). The screenshot shows the medium weight output generated by using the “-x”switch. You can get pmap to produce even more detailed information using the “-X”switch but you’ll need a much wider terminal window.
A crucial factor in your Linux system’s performance is processor and storage usage, which are what the iostat command reports on. As with the ps command, iostat has loads of switches that allow you to select the output format you need as well as sample performance over a time period and then repeat that sampling a number of times before reporting. See here.
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