XLCYun translating.
Syncthing: A Private, And Secure Tool To Sync Files/Folders Between Computers
### Introduction ###
**Syncthing** is a free, Open Source tool that can be used to sync files/folders between your networked computers. Unlike other sync tools, such as **BitTorrent Sync** or **Dropbox**, Syncthing transfers data directly from one system to another system, and It is completely open source, secure and private. All of your precious data will be stored in your system so that you can have full control over your files and folders, and none of them are stored in any third party systems. Also, you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it’s transmitted over the Internet.
All communication is encrypted using TLS, so your data is very secure from the prying eyes. Syncthing has a responsive and powerful WebGUI which will help the users to easily add, delete and manage directories to be synced over network. Using Syncthing, you can sync multiple folders to multiple systems at a time. Syncthing is very simple, portable, yet powerful tool in terms of installation and usage. Since all files/folders are directly transferred from one computer to another computer, you don’t have to worry about purchasing extra space from your Cloud provider. All you need is very stable LAN/WAN connection and enough disk space on your systems. It supports all modern operating systems, including GNU/Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, and ofcourse Android.
### Installation ###
For the purpose of this tutorial, We will be using two systems, one is running with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, and another one is running with Ubuntu 14.10 server. To easily recognize these two systems, we will be calling them using names **system1**, and **system2**.
### System1 Details: ###
- **OS**: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS server;
- **Hostname**: server1.unixmen.local;
- **IP Address**:
- **System user**: sk (You can use your own)
- **Sync Directory**: /home/Sync/ (Will be created by default by Syncthing)
### System2 Details: ###
- **OS**: Ubuntu 14.10 server;
- **Hostname**: server.unixmen.local;
- **IP Address**:
- **System user**: sk (You can use your own)
- **Sync Directory**: /home/Sync/ (Will be created by default by Syncthing)
### Creating User For Syncthing On System 1 & System2: ###
Run the following commands on both system to create the user for Syncthing and the directory to be synced between two systems:
sudo useradd sk
sudo passwd sk
### Install Syncthing On System1 And System2: ###
You should do the following steps on both System 1 and System 2.
Download the latest version from the [official download page][1]. As I am using 64bit system, I downloaded the 6bbit package.
wget https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/releases/download/v0.10.20/syncthing-linux-amd64-v0.10.20.tar.gz
Extract the download file:
tar xzvf syncthing-linux-amd64-v0.10.20.tar.gz
Cd to the extracted folder:
cd syncthing-linux-amd64-v0.10.20/
Copy the excutable file “syncthing” to **$PATH**:
sudo cp syncthing /usr/local/bin/
Now, run the following command to run the syncthing for the first time.
When you run the above command, syncthing will generate a configuration and some keys and then start the admin GUI in your browser. You should see something like below.
Sample output:
[monitor] 15:40:27 INFO: Starting syncthing
15:40:27 INFO: Generating RSA key and certificate for syncthing...
[BQXVO] 15:40:34 INFO: syncthing v0.10.20 (go1.4 linux-386 default) unknown-user@syncthing-builder 2015-01-13 16:27:47 UTC
[BQXVO] 15:40:34 INFO: No config file; starting with empty defaults
[BQXVO] 15:40:34 INFO: Edit /home/sk/.config/syncthing/config.xml to taste or use the GUI
[BQXVO] 15:40:34 INFO: Starting web GUI on
[BQXVO] 15:40:34 INFO: Loading HTTPS certificate: open /home/sk/.config/syncthing/https-cert.pem: no such file or directory
[BQXVO] 15:40:34 INFO: Creating new HTTPS certificate
[BQXVO] 15:40:34 INFO: Generating RSA key and certificate for server1...
[BQXVO] 15:41:01 INFO: Starting UPnP discovery...
[BQXVO] 15:41:07 INFO: Starting local discovery announcements
[BQXVO] 15:41:07 INFO: Starting global discovery announcements
[BQXVO] 15:41:07 OK: Ready to synchronize default (read-write)
[BQXVO] 15:41:07 INFO: Device BQXVO3D-VEBIDRE-MVMMGJI-ECD2PC3-T5LT3JB-OK4Z45E-MPIDWHI-IRW3NAZ is "server1" at [dynamic]
[BQXVO] 15:41:07 INFO: Completed initial scan (rw) of folder default
Syncthing has been successfully initialized, and the Web admin interface can be accessed using URL: **http://localhost:8080** from your browser. As you see in the above output, syncthing has automatically created a folder called **default** for you, in a directory called **Sync** in your **home** directory.
By default, Syncthing WebGUI will only be accessed from the localhost itself. To access the WebGUI from the remote systems, you need to do the following changes on both systems.
First, stop the Syncthing initialization process by pressing the CTRL+C. Now, you will be returned back to the Terminal.
Edit file **config.xml**,
sudo nano ~/.config/syncthing/config.xml
Find this directive: