translating---geekpi What all you need to know about HTML5 ============================================================ _![]( _HTML5, the fifth and current version of the HTML standard, is a markup language used to structure and present content on the World Wide Web. This article will help readers get acquainted with it._ HTML5 has evolved through the cooperation between the W3C and the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group. It is a higher version of HTML, and its many new elements make your pages more semantic and dynamic. It was developed to provide a greater Web experience for everyone. HTML5 offers great features that make the Web more dynamic and interactive. The new features of HTML5 are: * New sets of tags such as
* element for 2D drawing * Local storage * New form controls like calendar, date and time * New media functionality * Geo-location HTML5 is not an official standard as yet; hence, not all browsers support it or some of its features. One of the most important reasons behind developing HTML5 was to prevent users from having to download and install multiple plugins like Silverlight and Flash. **New tags and elements** **Semantic elements:** Figure 1 displays a few useful semantic elements. **Form elements:** The form elements present in HTML5 are shown in Figure 2. **Graphic elements:** The graphic elements in HTML5 can be seen in Figure 3. **Media elements:** The new media elements in HTML5 are listed in Figure 4. [![](][3] Figure 1: Semantic elements [![](][4] Figure 2: Form elements **Advanced features of HTML5** **Geo-location** It is an HTML5 API that is used to get the geographical location of a website’s user, who has to first permit the site to fetch his or her location. This usually happens via a button and/or browser popup. All the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari and Opera can use the geo-location feature of HTML5. Some uses of geo-location are: * Public transportation websites * Taxi and other transportation websites * To calculate shipping costs on an e-commerce site * Travel agency websites * Real estate websites * Movie theatre websites can find movies playing nearby * Online gaming * For sites to feature local headlines and weather on their front page * Job postings can automatically include commute times **How it works:** Geo-location works by scanning common sources of location information, which include the following: * Global Positioning System (GPS), which is the most accurate * Network signals—IP address, RFID, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth MAC addresses * GSM/CDMA cell IDs * User inputs The API offers a very handy function to detect geo-location support in browsers: | `if` `(navigator.geolocation) {``//` `do` `stuff``}` | The  _getCurrentPosition_  API is the main method for using geo-location. It retrieves the current geographic location of the user’s device. The location is described as a set of geographic coordinates along with the heading and speed. The location information is returned as a position object. The syntax is: `getCurrentPosition(showLocation, ErrorHandler, options);` * _showLocation:_  This defines the callback method that retrieves location information. * _ErrorHandler(Optional):_  This defines the callback method that is invoked when an error occurs in processing the asynchronous call. * _options (Optional):_  This defines a set of options for retrieving the location information. [![](][5] Figure 3: Graphic elements [![](][6] Figure 4: Media elements Figure 5 incorporates the set of properties returned by a position object. We can present location information to the user in two ways—geodetic and civil: 1\. The geodetic way of describing a position refers directly to the latitude and longitude. 2\. The civic representation of location data is readable and easily understood by humans. As shown in Table 1, each attribute/parameter has both a geodetic representation and a civic representation. [![](][7] **Web storage** In HTML, to store user data on a local machine, we were using JavaScript cookies. To avoid that, HTML5 has introduced Web storage, with which websites themselves store user data on a local machine. The advantages of Web storage, as compared to cookies, are: * More secure * Faster * Stores a larger amount of data * The stored data is not sent with every server request. It is only included when asked for. This is a big advantage of HTML5 Web storage over cookies. There are two types of Web storage objects: 1) Local – this stores data with no expiration date. 2) Session – this stores data for one session only. **How it works:** The  _localStorage_  and  _sessionStorage_  objects create a  _key = value pair._ An example is: _ key=“Name”,_   _value=“Palak”_ These are stored as strings but can be converted, if required, by using JavaScript functions like  _parseInt()_  and  _parseFloat()_ . Given below is the syntax for using Web storage objects: `Storing a Value:``• localStorage.setItem(“key1”, “value1”);``• localStorage[“key1”] = “value1”;``Getting a Value:``• alert(localStorage.getItem(“key1”));``• alert(localStorage[“key1”]);``Remove a Value:``• removeItem(“key1”);``Remove All Values:``• localStorage.``clear``();` [![](][8] Figure 5: Position object properties **Application Cache (AppCache)** Using HTML5 Apache, we can make a Web application work offline without an Internet connection. All browsers, besides IE, can use  _AppCache_  (at this point in time). The advantages of Application Cache are: * Enables browsing Web pages offline * Pages load faster * Results in less load for servers The  _cache manifest_  file is a simple text file that lists the resources the browser should cache for offline access. The  _manifest_  attribute can be included on the document’s HTML tag, as follows: ```...``<``/html``>` It should be on all the pages that you want to cache. The application pages that are cached will remain unless: 1\. The user clears them out. 2\. The manifest has been modified. 3\. The cache is updated. **Video** Until HTML5 was launched, there was no uniform standard for showing video on Web pages. Most of the videos were shown through different plugins like Flash. But HTML5 specifies a standard way to show the video on a Web page by using a video element. Currently, it supports three video formats for the video element, as shown in Table 2. [![](][9] The example given below shows the use of this video element: ```````