[#]: collector: (lujun9972) [#]: translator: (wxy) [#]: reviewer: (wxy) [#]: publisher: (wxy) [#]: url: (https://linux.cn/article-12696-1.html) [#]: subject: (Scan your Linux security with Lynis) [#]: via: (https://opensource.com/article/20/5/linux-security-lynis) [#]: author: (Gaurav Kamathe https://opensource.com/users/gkamathe) 使用 Lynis 扫描 Linux 安全性 ====== > 使用这个全面的开源安全审计工具检查你的 Linux 机器的安全性。  你有没有想过你的 Linux 机器到底安全不安全?Linux 发行版众多,每个发行版都有自己的默认设置,你在上面运行着几十个版本各异的软件包,还有众多的服务在后台运行,而我们几乎不知道或不关心这些。 要想确定安全态势(指你的 Linux 机器上运行的软件、网络和服务的整体安全状态),你可以运行几个命令,得到一些零碎的相关信息,但你需要解析的数据量是巨大的。 如果能运行一个工具,生成一份关于机器安全状况的报告,那就好得多了。而幸运的是,有一个这样的软件:[Lynis][2]。它是一个非常流行的开源安全审计工具,可以帮助强化基于 Linux 和 Unix 的系统。根据该项目的介绍: > “它运行在系统本身,可以进行深入的安全扫描。主要目标是测试安全防御措施,并提供进一步强化系统的提示。它还将扫描一般系统信息、易受攻击的软件包和可能的配置问题。Lynis 常被系统管理员和审计人员用来评估其系统的安全防御。” ### 安装 Lynis 你的 Linux 软件仓库中可能有 Lynis。如果有的话,你可以用以下方法安装它: ``` dnf install lynis ``` 或 ``` apt install lynis ``` 然而,如果你的仓库中的版本不是最新的,你最好从 GitHub 上安装它。(我使用的是 Red Hat Linux 系统,但你可以在任何 Linux 发行版上运行它)。就像所有的工具一样,先在虚拟机上试一试是有意义的。要从 GitHub 上安装它: ``` $ cat /etc/redhat-release Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.8 (Maipo) $ $ uname -r 3.10.0-1127.el7.x86_64 $ $ git clone https://github.com/CISOfy/lynis.git Cloning into 'lynis'... remote: Enumerating objects: 30, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (30/30), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (30/30), done. remote: Total 12566 (delta 15), reused 8 (delta 0), pack-reused 12536 Receiving objects: 100% (12566/12566), 6.36 MiB | 911.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (9264/9264), done. $ ``` 一旦你克隆了这个版本库,那么进入该目录,看看里面有什么可用的。主要的工具在一个叫 `lynis` 的文件里。它实际上是一个 shell 脚本,所以你可以打开它看看它在做什么。事实上,Lynis 主要是用 shell 脚本来实现的: ``` $ cd lynis/ $ ls CHANGELOG.md CONTRIBUTING.md db developer.prf FAQ include LICENSE lynis.8 README SECURITY.md CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md CONTRIBUTORS.md default.prf extras HAPPY_USERS.md INSTALL lynis plugins README.md $ $ file lynis lynis: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable, with very long lines $ ``` ### 运行 Lynis 通过给 Lynis 一个 `-h` 选项来查看帮助部分,以便有个大概了解: ``` $ ./lynis -h ``` 你会看到一个简短的信息屏幕,然后是 Lynis 支持的所有子命令。 接下来,尝试一些测试命令以大致熟悉一下。要查看你正在使用的 Lynis 版本,请运行: ``` $ ./lynis show version 3.0.0 $ ``` 要查看 Lynis 中所有可用的命令: ``` $ ./lynis show commands Commands: lynis audit lynis configure lynis generate lynis show lynis update lynis upload-only $ ``` ### 审计 Linux 系统 要审计你的系统的安全态势,运行以下命令: ``` $ ./lynis audit system ``` 这个命令运行得很快,并会返回一份详细的报告,输出结果可能一开始看起来很吓人,但我将在下面引导你来阅读它。这个命令的输出也会被保存到一个日志文件中,所以你可以随时回过头来检查任何可能感兴趣的东西。 Lynis 将日志保存在这里: ``` Files: - Test and debug information : /var/log/lynis.log - Report data : /var/log/lynis-report.dat ``` 你可以验证是否创建了日志文件。它确实创建了: ``` $ ls -l /var/log/lynis.log -rw-r-----. 1 root root 341489 Apr 30 05:52 /var/log/lynis.log $ $ ls -l /var/log/lynis-report.dat -rw-r-----. 1 root root 638 Apr 30 05:55 /var/log/lynis-report.dat $ ``` ### 探索报告 Lynis 提供了相当全面的报告,所以我将介绍一些重要的部分。作为初始化的一部分,Lynis 做的第一件事就是找出机器上运行的操作系统的完整信息。之后是检查是否安装了什么系统工具和插件: ``` [+] Initializing program ------------------------------------ - Detecting OS... [ DONE ] - Checking profiles... [ DONE ] --------------------------------------------------- Program version: 3.0.0 Operating system: Linux Operating system name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.8 (Maipo) Operating system version: 7.8 Kernel version: 3.10.0 Hardware platform: x86_64 Hostname: example --------------------------------------------------- <<截断>> [+] System Tools ------------------------------------ - Scanning available tools... - Checking system binaries... [+] Plugins (phase 1) ------------------------------------ Note: plugins have more extensive tests and may take several minutes to complete - Plugin: pam [..] - Plugin: systemd [................] ``` 接下来,该报告被分为不同的部分,每个部分都以 `[+]` 符号开头。下面可以看到部分章节。(哇,要审核的地方有这么多,Lynis 是最合适的工具!) ``` [+] Boot and services [+] Kernel [+] Memory and Processes [+] Users, Groups and Authentication [+] Shells [+] File systems [+] USB Devices [+] Storage [+] NFS [+] Name services [+] Ports and packages [+] Networking [+] Printers and Spools [+] Software: e-mail and messaging [+] Software: firewalls [+] Software: webserver [+] SSH Support [+] SNMP Support [+] Databases [+] LDAP Services [+] PHP [+] Squid Support [+] Logging and files [+] Insecure services [+] Banners and identification [+] Scheduled tasks [+] Accounting [+] Time and Synchronization [+] Cryptography [+] Virtualization [+] Containers [+] Security frameworks [+] Software: file integrity [+] Software: System tooling [+] Software: Malware [+] File Permissions [+] Home directories [+] Kernel Hardening [+] Hardening [+] Custom tests ``` Lynis 使用颜色编码使报告更容易解读。 * 绿色。一切正常 * 黄色。跳过、未找到,可能有个建议 * 红色。你可能需要仔细看看这个 在我的案例中,大部分的红色标记都是在 “Kernel Hardening” 部分找到的。内核有各种可调整的设置,它们定义了内核的功能,其中一些可调整的设置可能有其安全场景。发行版可能因为各种原因没有默认设置这些,但是你应该检查每一项,看看你是否需要根据你的安全态势来改变它的值: ``` [+] Kernel Hardening ------------------------------------ - Comparing sysctl key pairs with scan profile - fs.protected_hardlinks (exp: 1) [ OK ] - fs.protected_symlinks (exp: 1) [ OK ] - fs.suid_dumpable (exp: 0) [ OK ] - kernel.core_uses_pid (exp: 1) [ OK ] - kernel.ctrl-alt-del (exp: 0) [ OK ] - kernel.dmesg_restrict (exp: 1) [ DIFFERENT ] - kernel.kptr_restrict (exp: 2) [ DIFFERENT ] - kernel.randomize_va_space (exp: 2) [ OK ] - kernel.sysrq (exp: 0) [ DIFFERENT ] - kernel.yama.ptrace_scope (exp: 1 2 3) [ DIFFERENT ] - net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects (exp: 0) [ DIFFERENT ] - net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route (exp: 0) [ OK ] - net.ipv4.conf.all.bootp_relay (exp: 0) [ OK ] - net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding (exp: 0) [ OK ] - net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians (exp: 1) [ DIFFERENT ] - net.ipv4.conf.all.mc_forwarding (exp: 0) [ OK ] - net.ipv4.conf.all.proxy_arp (exp: 0) [ OK ] - net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter (exp: 1) [ OK ] - net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects (exp: 0) [ DIFFERENT ] - net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_redirects (exp: 0) [ DIFFERENT ] - net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route (exp: 0) [ OK ] - net.ipv4.conf.default.log_martians (exp: 1) [ DIFFERENT ] - net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts (exp: 1) [ OK ] - net.ipv4.icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses (exp: 1) [ OK ] - net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies (exp: 1) [ OK ] - net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps (exp: 0 1) [ OK ] - net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_redirects (exp: 0) [ DIFFERENT ] - net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_source_route (exp: 0) [ OK ] - net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_redirects (exp: 0) [ DIFFERENT ] - net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_source_route (exp: 0) [ OK ] ``` 看看 SSH 这个例子,因为它是一个需要保证安全的关键领域。这里没有什么红色的东西,但是 Lynis 对我的环境给出了很多强化 SSH 服务的建议: ``` [+] SSH Support ------------------------------------ - Checking running SSH daemon [ FOUND ] - Searching SSH configuration [ FOUND ] - OpenSSH option: AllowTcpForwarding [ SUGGESTION ] - OpenSSH option: ClientAliveCountMax [ SUGGESTION ] - OpenSSH option: ClientAliveInterval [ OK ] - OpenSSH option: Compression [ SUGGESTION ] - OpenSSH option: FingerprintHash [ OK ] - OpenSSH option: GatewayPorts [ OK ] - OpenSSH option: IgnoreRhosts [ OK ] - OpenSSH option: LoginGraceTime [ OK ] - OpenSSH option: LogLevel [ SUGGESTION ] - OpenSSH option: MaxAuthTries [ SUGGESTION ] - OpenSSH option: MaxSessions [ SUGGESTION ] - OpenSSH option: PermitRootLogin [ SUGGESTION ] - OpenSSH option: PermitUserEnvironment [ OK ] - OpenSSH option: PermitTunnel [ OK ] - OpenSSH option: Port [ SUGGESTION ] - OpenSSH option: PrintLastLog [ OK ] - OpenSSH option: StrictModes [ OK ] - OpenSSH option: TCPKeepAlive [ SUGGESTION ] - OpenSSH option: UseDNS [ SUGGESTION ] - OpenSSH option: X11Forwarding [ SUGGESTION ] - OpenSSH option: AllowAgentForwarding [ SUGGESTION ] - OpenSSH option: UsePrivilegeSeparation [ OK ] - OpenSSH option: AllowUsers [ NOT FOUND ] - OpenSSH option: AllowGroups [ NOT FOUND ] ``` 我的系统上没有运行虚拟机或容器,所以这些显示的结果是空的: ``` [+] Virtualization ------------------------------------ [+] Containers ------------------------------------ ``` Lynis 会检查一些从安全角度看很重要的文件的文件权限: ``` [+] File Permissions ------------------------------------ - Starting file permissions check File: /boot/grub2/grub.cfg [ SUGGESTION ] File: /etc/cron.deny [ OK ] File: /etc/crontab [ SUGGESTION ] File: /etc/group [ OK ] File: /etc/group- [ OK ] File: /etc/hosts.allow [ OK ] File: /etc/hosts.deny [ OK ] File: /etc/issue [ OK ] File: /etc/issue.net [ OK ] File: /etc/motd [ OK ] File: /etc/passwd [ OK ] File: /etc/passwd- [ OK ] File: /etc/ssh/sshd_config [ OK ] Directory: /root/.ssh [ SUGGESTION ] Directory: /etc/cron.d [ SUGGESTION ] Directory: /etc/cron.daily [ SUGGESTION ] Directory: /etc/cron.hourly [ SUGGESTION ] Directory: /etc/cron.weekly [ SUGGESTION ] Directory: /etc/cron.monthly [ SUGGESTION ] ``` 在报告的底部,Lynis 根据报告的发现提出了建议。每项建议后面都有一个 “TEST-ID”(为了下一部分方便,请将其保存起来)。 ``` Suggestions (47): ---------------------------- * If not required, consider explicit disabling of core dump in /etc/security/limits.conf file [KRNL-5820] https://cisofy.com/lynis/controls/KRNL-5820/ * Check PAM configuration, add rounds if applicable and expire passwords to encrypt with new values [AUTH-9229] https://cisofy.com/lynis/controls/AUTH-9229/ ``` Lynis 提供了一个选项来查找关于每个建议的更多信息,你可以使用 `show details` 命令和 TEST-ID 号来访问: ``` ./lynis show details TEST-ID ``` 这将显示该测试的其他信息。例如,我检查了 SSH-7408 的详细信息: ``` $ ./lynis show details SSH-7408 2020-04-30 05:52:23 Performing test ID SSH-7408 (Check SSH specific defined options) 2020-04-30 05:52:23 Test: Checking specific defined options in /tmp/lynis.k8JwazmKc6 2020-04-30 05:52:23 Result: added additional options for OpenSSH < 7.5 2020-04-30 05:52:23 Test: Checking AllowTcpForwarding in /tmp/lynis.k8JwazmKc6 2020-04-30 05:52:23 Result: Option AllowTcpForwarding found 2020-04-30 05:52:23 Result: Option AllowTcpForwarding value is YES 2020-04-30 05:52:23 Result: OpenSSH option AllowTcpForwarding is in a weak configuration state and should be fixed 2020-04-30 05:52:23 Suggestion: Consider hardening SSH configuration [test:SSH-7408] [details:AllowTcpForwarding (set YES to NO)] [solution:-] ``` ### 试试吧 如果你想更多地了解你的 Linux 机器的安全性,请试试 Lynis。如果你想了解 Lynis 是如何工作的,可以研究一下它的 shell 脚本,看看它是如何收集这些信息的。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- via: https://opensource.com/article/20/5/linux-security-lynis 作者:[Gaurav Kamathe][a] 选题:[lujun9972][b] 译者:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy) 本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 [a]: https://opensource.com/users/gkamathe [b]: https://github.com/lujun9972 [1]: https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/styles/image-full-size/public/lead-images/yearbook-haff-rx-linux-file-lead_0.png?itok=-i0NNfDC (Hand putting a Linux file folder into a drawer) [2]: https://github.com/CISOfy/lynis