[#]: collector: (lujun9972) [#]: translator: ( ) [#]: reviewer: ( ) [#]: publisher: ( ) [#]: url: ( ) [#]: subject: (Introduction to the Linux goto shell utility) [#]: via: (https://opensource.com/article/20/1/directories-autocomplete-linux) [#]: author: (Lazarus Lazaridis https://opensource.com/users/iridakos) Introduction to the Linux goto shell utility ====== Learn how to use goto to alias and navigate to directories with autocomplete in Linux. ![Files in a folder][1] The goto shell utility allows users to navigate to aliased directories and also supports autocompletion. ## How it works Before you can use goto, you need to register your directory aliases. For example: ``` `goto -r dev /home/iridakos/development` ``` then change to that directory, e.g.: ``` `goto dev` ``` ![goto demo][2] ## Autocompletion in goto **goto** comes with a nice autocompletion script—whenever you press the Tab key after the **goto** command, Bash or Zsh will prompt you with suggestions of the aliases that are available: ``` $ goto <tab> bc /etc/bash_completion.d                     dev /home/iridakos/development rubies /home/iridakos/.rvm/rubies ``` ## Installing goto There are several ways to install goto. ### Via script Clone the repository and run the install script as a superuser or root: ``` git clone cd goto sudo ./install ``` ### Manually Copy the file **goto.sh** somewhere in your filesystem and add a line in your **.zshrc** or **.bashrc** to source it. For example, if you placed the file in your home folder, all you have to do is add the following line to your **.zshrc** or **.bashrc** file: ``` `source ~/goto.sh` ``` ### MacOS Homebrew A formula named **goto** is available for the Bash shell in MacOS: ``` `brew install goto` ``` ### Add colored output ``` `echo -e "\$include /etc/inputrc\nset colored-completion-prefix on" >> ~/.inputrc` ``` **Notes:** * You need to restart your shell after installation. * You need to have the Bash completion feature enabled for Bash in MacOS (see this [issue][3]). * You can install it with **brew install bash-completion** if you don't have it enabled. ## Ways to use goto ### Change to an aliased directory To change to an aliased directory, type: ``` `goto ` ``` For example: ``` `goto dev` ``` ### Register an alias To register a directory alias, type: ``` `goto -r ` ``` or ``` `goto --register ` ``` For example: ``` `goto -r blog /mnt/external/projects/html/blog` ``` or ``` `goto --register blog /mnt/external/projects/html/blog` ``` **Notes:** * **goto** **expands** the directories, so you can easily alias your current directory with the following command and it will automatically be aliased to the whole path: [code]`goto -r last_release .` ``` * Pressing the Tab key after the alias name provides the shell's default directory suggestions. ### Unregister an alias To unregister an alias, use: ``` `goto -u ` ``` or ``` `goto --unregister ` ``` For example: ``` `goto -u last_release` ``` or ``` `goto --unregister last_release` ``` **Note:** By pressing the Tab key after the command (**-u** or **\--unregister**), the completion script will prompt you with the list of registered aliases. ### List aliases To get a list of your currently registered aliases, use: ``` `goto -l` ``` or ``` `goto --list` ``` ### Expand an alias To expand an alias to its value, use: ``` `goto -x ` ``` or ``` `goto --expand ` ``` For example: ``` `goto -x last_release` ``` or ``` `goto --expand last_release` ``` ### Clean up aliases To clean up the aliases from directories that are no longer accessible in your filesystem, use: ``` `goto -c` ``` or ``` `goto --cleanup` ``` ### Get help To view the tool's help information, use: ``` `goto -h` ``` or ``` `goto --help` ``` ### Check the version To view the tool's version, use: ``` `goto -v` ``` or ``` `goto --version` ``` ### Push before changing directories To push the current directory onto the directory stack before changing directories, type: ``` `goto -p ` ``` or ``` `goto --push ` ``` ### Revert to a pushed directory To return to a pushed directory, type: ``` `goto -o` ``` or ``` `goto --pop` ``` **Note:** This command is equivalent to **popd** but within the **goto** command. ## Troubleshooting If you see the error **command not found: compdef** in Zsh, it means you need to load **bashcompinit**. To do so, append this to your **.zshrc** file: ``` autoload bashcompinit bashcompinit ``` ## Get involved The goto tool is open source under the [MIT License][4] terms, and contributions are welcomed. To learn more, visit the [Contributing][5] section in goto's GitHub repository. ## The goto script ``` goto() {   local target   _goto_resolve_db   if [ -z "$1" ]; then     # display usage and exit when no args     _goto_usage     return   fi   subcommand="$1"   shift   case "$subcommand" in     -c|--cleanup)       _goto_cleanup "$@"       ;;     -r|--register) # Register an alias       _goto_register_alias "$@"       ;;     -u|--unregister) # Unregister an alias       _goto_unregister_alias "$@"       ;;     -p|--push) # Push the current directory onto the pushd stack, then goto       _goto_directory_push "$@"       ;;     -o|--pop) # Pop the top directory off of the pushd stack, then change that directory       _goto_directory_pop       ;;     -l|--list)       _goto_list_aliases       ;;     -x|--expand) # Expand an alias       _goto_expand_alias "$@"       ;;     -h|--help)       _goto_usage       ;;     -v|--version)       _goto_version       ;;     *)       _goto_directory "$subcommand"       ;;   esac   return $? } _goto_resolve_db() {   GOTO_DB="${GOTO_DB:-$HOME/.goto}"   touch -a "$GOTO_DB" } _goto_usage() {   cat <<\USAGE usage: goto [<option>] <alias> [<directory>] default usage:   goto <alias> \- changes to the directory registered for the given alias OPTIONS:   -r, --register: registers an alias     goto -r|--register <alias> <directory>   -u, --unregister: unregisters an alias     goto -u|--unregister <alias>   -p, --push: pushes the current directory onto the stack, then performs goto     goto -p|--push <alias>   -o, --pop: pops the top directory from the stack, then changes to that directory     goto -o|--pop   -l, --list: lists aliases     goto -l|--list   -x, --expand: expands an alias     goto -x|--expand <alias>   -c, --cleanup: cleans up non existent directory aliases     goto -c|--cleanup   -h, --help: prints this help     goto -h|--help   -v, --version: displays the version of the goto script     goto -v|--version USAGE } # Displays version _goto_version() {   echo "goto version" } # Expands directory. # Helpful for ~, ., .. paths _goto_expand_directory() {   builtin cd "$1" 2>/dev/null && pwd } # Lists registered aliases. _goto_list_aliases() {   local IFS=$' '   if [ -f "$GOTO_DB" ]; then     while read -r name directory; do       printf '\e[1;36m%20s  \e[0m%s\n' "$name" "$directory"     done < "$GOTO_DB"   else     echo "You haven't configured any directory aliases yet."   fi } # Expands a registered alias. _goto_expand_alias() {   if [ "$#" -ne "1" ]; then     _goto_error "usage: goto -x|--expand <alias>"     return   fi   local resolved   resolved=$(_goto_find_alias_directory "$1")   if [ -z "$resolved" ]; then     _goto_error "alias '$1' does not exist"     return   fi   echo "$resolved" } # Lists duplicate directory aliases _goto_find_duplicate() {   local duplicates=   duplicates=$(sed -n 's:[^ ]* '"$1"'$:&:p' "$GOTO_DB" 2>/dev/null)   echo "$duplicates" } # Registers and alias. _goto_register_alias() {   if [ "$#" -ne "2" ]; then     _goto_error "usage: goto -r|--register <alias> <directory>"     return 1   fi   if ! [[ $1 =~ ^[[:alnum:]]+[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$ ]]; then     _goto_error "invalid alias - can start with letters or digits followed by letters, digits, hyphens or underscores"     return 1   fi   local resolved   resolved=$(_goto_find_alias_directory "$1")   if [ -n "$resolved" ]; then     _goto_error "alias '$1' exists"     return 1   fi   local directory   directory=$(_goto_expand_directory "$2")   if [ -z "$directory" ]; then     _goto_error "failed to register '$1' to '$2' - can't cd to directory"     return 1   fi   local duplicate   duplicate=$(_goto_find_duplicate "$directory")   if [ -n "$duplicate" ]; then     _goto_warning "duplicate alias(es) found: \\\n$duplicate"   fi   # Append entry to file.   echo "$1 $directory" >> "$GOTO_DB"   echo "Alias '$1' registered successfully." } # Unregisters the given alias. _goto_unregister_alias() {   if [ "$#" -ne "1" ]; then     _goto_error "usage: goto -u|--unregister <alias>"     return 1   fi   local resolved   resolved=$(_goto_find_alias_directory "$1")   if [ -z "$resolved" ]; then     _goto_error "alias '$1' does not exist"     return 1   fi   # shellcheck disable=SC2034   local readonly GOTO_DB_TMP="$HOME/.goto_"   # Delete entry from file.   sed "/^$1 /d" "$GOTO_DB" > "$GOTO_DB_TMP" && mv "$GOTO_DB_TMP" "$GOTO_DB"   echo "Alias '$1' unregistered successfully." } # Pushes the current directory onto the stack, then goto _goto_directory_push() {   if [ "$#" -ne "1" ]; then     _goto_error "usage: goto -p|--push <alias>"     return   fi   { pushd . || return; } 1>/dev/null 2>&1   _goto_directory "$@" } # Pops the top directory from the stack, then goto _goto_directory_pop() {   { popd || return; } 1>/dev/null 2>&1 } # Unregisters aliases whose directories no longer exist. _goto_cleanup() {   if ! [ -f "$GOTO_DB" ]; then     return   fi   while IFS= read -r i && [ -n "$i" ]; do     echo "Cleaning up: $i"     _goto_unregister_alias "$i"   done <<< "$(awk '{al=$1; $1=""; dir=substr($0,2);                     system("[ ! -d \"" dir "\" ] && echo " al)}' "$GOTO_DB")" } # Changes to the given alias' directory _goto_directory() {   local target   target=$(_goto_resolve_alias "$1") || return 1   builtin cd "$target" 2> /dev/null || \     { _goto_error "Failed to goto '$target'" && return 1; } } # Fetches the alias directory. _goto_find_alias_directory() {   local resolved   resolved=$(sed -n "s/^$1 \\\\(.*\\\\)/\\\1/p" "$GOTO_DB" 2>/dev/null)   echo "$resolved" } # Displays the given error. # Used for common error output. _goto_error() {   (>&2 echo -e "goto error: $1") } # Displays the given warning. # Used for common warning output. _goto_warning() {   (>&2 echo -e "goto warning: $1") } # Displays entries with aliases starting as the given one. _goto_print_similar() {   local similar   similar=$(sed -n "/^$1[^ ]* .*/p" "$GOTO_DB" 2>/dev/null)   if [ -n "$similar" ]; then     (>&2 echo "Did you mean:")     (>&2 column -t <<< "$similar")   fi } # Fetches alias directory, errors if it doesn't exist. _goto_resolve_alias() {   local resolved   resolved=$(_goto_find_alias_directory "$1")   if [ -z "$resolved" ]; then     _goto_error "unregistered alias $1"     _goto_print_similar "$1"     return 1   else     echo "${resolved}"   fi } # Completes the goto function with the available commands _complete_goto_commands() {   local IFS=$' \t\n'   # shellcheck disable=SC2207   COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "-r --register -u --unregister -p --push -o --pop -l --list -x --expand -c --cleanup -v --version" -- "$1")) } # Completes the goto function with the available aliases _complete_goto_aliases() {   local IFS=$'\n' matches   _goto_resolve_db   # shellcheck disable=SC2207   matches=($(sed -n "/^$1/p" "$GOTO_DB" 2>/dev/null))   if [ "${#matches[@]}" -eq "1" ]; then     # remove the filenames attribute from the completion method     compopt +o filenames 2>/dev/null     # if you find only one alias don't append the directory     COMPREPLY=("${matches[0]// *}")   else     for i in "${!matches[@]}"; do       # remove the filenames attribute from the completion method       compopt +o filenames 2>/dev/null       if ! [[ $(uname -s) =~ Darwin* ]]; then         matches[$i]=$(printf '%*s' "-$COLUMNS" "${matches[$i]}")         COMPREPLY+=("$(compgen -W "${matches[$i]}")")       els