##How To Add or Edit a Linux File System Label File system labels are not something you need to have in order to have a functioning Linux operating system, but they can make your computer easier to navigate when you have several disk partitions. In this post I'll show how to add or **edit a Linux file system label** for ext2, ext3, and ext4 disk partitions. My netbook has 3 OS's installed; Windows XP, Linux Mint, and Xubuntu. Sometimes I want to view files located on one file system from one of the other operating systems. It's convenient to have these [file systems labeled](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Persistent_block_device_naming), so I know which one to open to find the desired files. ###View Linux File System Labels It might be handy to first take a look at what file systems already have a label and which ones don't. You can view information about your files systems with the **blkid** command. You may need to run the command as root to see all of the information. sudo blkid -c /dev/null On my netbook, the output looks like this. /dev/sda1: LABEL="WINRE" UUID="80AE-9D55" TYPE="vfat" /dev/sda2: LABEL="OS_Install" UUID="E468676968673A06" TYPE="ntfs" /dev/sda3: UUID="012ff341-f854-4c4f-8bbd-bbc810121fe6" TYPE="ext4" /dev/sda5: UUID="ec0fe4d1-e21c-407d-8374-aa4b470519da" TYPE="ext3" /dev/sda6: UUID="ee275431-64b2-4f55-b958-4055147cdf4e" TYPE="swap" /dev/sda7: UUID="99feb5c5-25a6-47a3-aa2c-6d466c0094ab" TYPE="ext4" Now I can also check where certain file systems are mounted on my current system with **lsblk**. lsblk The output from my Linux Mint OS looks like this. NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 149.1G 0 disk |-sda1 8:1 0 3.9G 0 part |-sda2 8:2 0 39.1G 0 part |-sda3 8:3 0 9.3G 0 part / |-sda4 8:4 0 1K 0 part |-sda5 8:5 0 86G 0 part /home |-sda6 8:6 0 1.4G 0 part [SWAP] |-sda7 8:7 0 9.3G 0 part As you can see from the output from **blkid** and **lsblk**, only my Windows partitions have labels. Looking at my file manager I see a generic title for one of the partitions. Need to edit linux file system label Unlabeled partition ###Edit a Linux File System Label with e2label Looking at the output from **lsblk** I can see that my Linux Mint installation is on /dev/sda3, my home partition is on /dev/sda5, and my Xubuntu installation is on /dev/sda7. I'm going to use [e2label](http://linux.die.net/man/8/e2label) as root to assign labels to these partitions. sudo e2label /dev/sda3 Mint sudo e2label /dev/sda5 Home sudo e2label /dev/sda7 Xubuntu Now if I look at the output of **blkid**, sudo blkid -c /dev/null /dev/sda1: LABEL="WINRE" UUID="80AE-9D55" TYPE="vfat" /dev/sda2: LABEL="OS_Install" UUID="E468676968673A06" TYPE="ntfs" /dev/sda3: UUID="012ff341-f854-4c4f-8bbd-bbc810121fe6" TYPE="ext4" LABEL="Mint" /dev/sda5: UUID="ec0fe4d1-e21c-407d-8374-aa4b470519da" TYPE="ext3" LABEL="Home" /dev/sda6: UUID="ee275431-64b2-4f55-b958-4055147cdf4e" TYPE="swap" /dev/sda7: UUID="99feb5c5-25a6-47a3-aa2c-6d466c0094ab" TYPE="ext4" LABEL="Xubuntu" I can see that the labels have been applied. Checking my file manager I also see that my 10.0 GB partition is now shown with the Xubuntu label. After editing Linux file system label File system with label ###Tips You can also view the label of an individual partition with **e2label** like this for partition 5. sudo e2label /dev/sda5 To remove the label from partition 5: sudo e2label /dev/sda5 "" This tutorial was written by [Linerd](http://tuxtweaks.com/author/Linerd/) and originally appeared on [Tux Tweaks](http://tuxtweaks.com/) at http://tuxtweaks.com/2013/08/edit-a-linux-file-system-label/. via: http://tuxtweaks.com/2013/08/edit-a-linux-file-system-label/