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l3b2w1 2013-10-22 14:05:44 +08:00
commit ff4a9eeaab
65 changed files with 2368 additions and 626 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
基于树莓派的渗透测试套件Raspbeery Pwn发布
**树莓派(Raspbeery Pi)** 是一款只有一张信用卡大小的单一主板计算机。它由英国的树莓派基金会所开发,目的是以低廉的硬件及自由软件推进学校的基础计算机教育。 树莓派是由有生产许可的**Newark element14 (Premier Farnell)**、 **RS Components** 和 **Egoman**公司所生产的这些公司都在网上出售树莓派。Egoman生产的版本主要销售到中国大陆和台湾地区可以从它们的颜色是红色和没有FCC/CE标志上区别于其它的树莓派。所有生产商产品硬件都是一样的。来自维基百科
Pwnie Express 团队已经宣布了Raspbeery Pwn的第一个发布版本它可以用于将你的树莓派变成一个全功能的安全渗透测试和审计平台。此版本的Raspbberry Pwn 包含了所有的渗透测试平台所需的工具。那么在你的树莓派上做渗透测试你觉得怎么样Sqlmap、nmap、 wireshark、 scapy、 nikto、 xprobe、 socat等等这些还不够你来渗透测试你的网络吗
Raspbeery Pwn 自带下面的工具:
- nmap
- dsniff
- netcat
- nikto
- xprobe
- scapy
- wireshark
- tcpdump
- ettercap
- hping3
- medusa
- macchanger
- nbtscan
- john
- ptunnel
- p0f
- ngrep
- tcpflow
- openvpn
- iodine
- httptunnel
- cryptcat
- sipsak
- yersinia
- smbclient
- sslsniff
- tcptraceroute
- pbnj
- netdiscover
- netmask
- udptunnel
- dnstracer
- sslscan
- medusa
- ipcalc
- dnswalk
- socat
- onesixtyone
- tinyproxy
- dmitry
- fcrackzip
- ssldump
- fping
- ike-scan
- gpsd
- darkstat
- swaks
- arping
- tcpreplay
- sipcrack
- proxychains
- proxytunnel
- siege
- sqlmap
- wapiti
- skipfish
- w3af
Nmap是一个免费开源的网络嗅探工具帮助我们扫描网络。网络管理者们发现它在每天的工作中非常有用如果你有计划做一名网管的话你应该学习如何使用Nmap。Nmap能够帮助我们扫描一个网络中有多少主机它们正在用什么操作系统以及它们开放的端口和这些端口上正在运行什么服务。它是一个命令行工具要是你不喜欢记这么多命令的话这有一个叫做Zenmap的Nmap图形化版本。Namp和Zenmap都是多平台的支持Linux、Windows、Mac OS、BSD等等因此你不必担心操作系统。Nmap可以将扫描scan结果保存为文件并且我们能够在以后的分析中使用这些文件。更棒的是我喜欢Nmap的地方是它的脚本引擎NSE我们可以自己写脚本在Nmap中使用。浏览更多:[][1]
netcat 是一个命令行网络工具它能够通过TCP协议或UDP协议来读写数据。最初为Unix而写在1996年发布,已经被移植到了多个操作系统事实说明它在竞争中依然保持强劲发展。17年来netcat是属于每一个网络管理/安全专家的工具箱。人们说"姜还是老的辣"在我看来这对netcat来说是真的。事实是只有你想不到的没有netcat做不到的根据你的意图你可以用它做好事或者不好的事。netcat可以作为客户端或服务器端运行。除开少数例外newcat的命令选项在Windows和Linux是一样的这使得netcat成为一个更强大的工具。在另外一篇文章中将为你介绍netcat的命令选项还有你将学习到如何执行一些基本的netcat操作。
- 浏览更多:[][2]
- 完全支持MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, IBM DB2, SQLite, Firebird, Sybase 和 SAP MaxDB数据库管理系统。
- 完全支持6种SQL注入技术boolean-based blindtime-based blind error-based UNION query stacked queries 和 out-of-band。
- 支持不用通过SQL注入而直接连接到数据库需要提供DBMS凭证、IP地址、端口和数据库名称等。
- 支持枚举用户、密码哈希、权限、角色、数据库、表和列等。
- 自动识别密码散列格式支持使用基于字典的攻击cracking它们。
- 支持数据库整表导出,根据每个用户的选择范围内的条目或特定的列。用户可以从每个列条目选择只转储一定范围内的字符。
- 支持通过数据库名称,所有数据库的表及所有的列的搜索。
你需要一个登录信息的暴力破解(brute-forcer)器吗Mesusa是基于Gentoo Linux 和 FreeBSD开发的用于暴力破解网络服务。Mesusa支持FTP、 HTTP、 IMAP、 MS-SQL、 MySQL、 NCP (NetWare)、 NNTP、 PcAnywhere、 POP3、 PostgreSQL、rexec、 rlogin、 rsh、 SMB、 SMTP AUTH/VRFY、 SNMP、 SSHv2、 SVN和许多其它服务一起工作。你可以在[这里][3]浏览更多关于Medusa的信息。
在Raspbeery Pwn这次发布中你能看到所有渗透测试所需要的工具.你有一个树莓派吗?把它变成一个渗透机器吧!
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出
译者:[flsf]( 校对:[wxy](

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@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
每日Ubuntu小技巧 - 禁用Ubuntu的屏幕锁定 每日Ubuntu小技巧 —— 禁用Ubuntu的屏幕锁定
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这里为Ubuntu新手准备了一些简单技巧。这些技巧对于Ubuntu高手而言毫无新意此教程也不是为Ubuntu高手而准备的它们仅供Ubuntu新手学习使用。 这里为Ubuntu新手准备了一些简单技巧。这些技巧对于Ubuntu高手而言毫无新意此教程也不是为Ubuntu高手而准备的它们仅供Ubuntu新手学习使用。
Ubuntu被设计成几分钟后就自动锁定再次使用之前您必须输入密码来解锁。如果这给您带来了太多的麻烦那么您也许想要关闭这个自动锁屏功能而这正是下面马上将要介绍的内容。 Ubuntu被设计成几分钟后就自动锁定再次使用之前您必须输入密码来解锁。如果这给您带来了太多的麻烦那么您也许想要关闭这个自动锁屏功能而这正是下面马上将要介绍的内容。
您计算机的自锁定是出于安全的原因,如果您禁用或关闭了它,您的计算机将不再被锁定,任何可以物理接触到您计算机的人都可以登录并且使用它。如果对您而言,这不是什么大问题,那么继续下面学习具体如何来做。 您计算机的自锁定是出于安全的原因,如果您禁用或关闭了它,您的计算机将不再被锁定,任何可以物理接触到您计算机的人都可以登录并且使用它。如果对您而言,这不是什么大问题,那么继续下面学习具体如何来做。
首先登录Ubuntu点击控制选项位于菜单栏的最右边的图标图标并选择 **系统设置** 首先登录Ubuntu点击控制选项位于菜单栏的最右边的图标图标并选择 **系统设置**
@ -26,6 +27,8 @@ Ubuntu被设计成几分钟后就自动锁定再次使用之前您必须输
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本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出
译者:[lenky0401]( 校对:[Caroline]( 译者:[lenky0401]( 校对:[Caroline](
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
每日Ubuntu技巧 - 让Windows访问你文件的最简单的方法 每日Ubuntu小技巧 —— 让Windows访问你文件的最简单的方法
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对于想要了解怎么从Windows快速访问Ubuntu文件的新用户或者新手来说这篇短文将会告诉你该怎么做。我们的目标是要帮助新用户。我们经历将这篇教程写得通俗易懂以便让小白用户看懂而不会遇到太大的困难。 不管你是一个新手还是精通Ubuntu和Windows的大牛让Windows访问Ubuntu文件的最好的方式都是使用Samba。通过许多第三方工具可以很轻松的安装和管理。
在这里我们不会太注重了解Samba是什么或者怎么将它配置加入域这类细节。我们要做的就是告诉你怎么在Ubuntu中安装和设置Samba让Windows可以访问Ubuntu的文件。 在这里我们不会太注重了解Samba是什么或者怎么将它配置加入域这类细节。我们要做的就是告诉你怎么在Ubuntu中安装和设置Samba让Windows可以访问Ubuntu的文件。
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@
sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf
文件打开后,查找如下行并取消其注释(删掉行首的“”)。它应该是这样的: 文件打开后,查找如下行并取消其注释(删掉行首的“;”)。它应该是这样的:
security = user security = user
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@
[homes] [homes]
这将会允许用户访问访问home目录中的文件夹及文件。比如说如果你注释了[homes]用户可以通过键入服务器名加用户名的方式访问home目录。 这将会允许用户访问访问home目录中的文件夹及文件。比如说如果你 **取消** 注释了[homes]用户可以通过键入服务器名加用户名的方式访问home目录。
\\\username \\\username
@ -34,9 +35,9 @@
sudo smbpasswd -a usernmame sudo smbpasswd -a usernmame
用你自己的用户名替代username。 用你自己的用户名替代上述的username。
当提示创建密码时创建并确认即可。最后重启Samba或者重启计算机。 当提示创建密码时创建并确认即可。最后重启Samba服务或者重启计算机。
通过Windows访问文件时点击**开始 > 运行**然后输入如下内容。或者打开资源管理器输入如下内容,如图。 通过Windows访问文件时点击**开始 > 运行**然后输入如下内容。或者打开资源管理器输入如下内容,如图。
@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ Enjoy!
来自: 来自:
译者:[SCUSJS]( 校对:[wxy](
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出 本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出
译者:[SCUSJS]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)

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@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
Debian 7.2 "Wheezy"正式发布 Debian 7.2 "Wheezy"正式发布
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**Debian项目宣布即将推出可供下载的第二个维护版本的Debian 7 Linux操作系统。** **Debian项目宣布即将推出可供下载的第二个维护版本的Debian 7 Linux操作系统。**
![]( ![](
Debian 7.2仅仅是一个维护更新版本,但是它确实进行了一系列的升级并且为当前稳定版本进行了一些修正,也为其更新了许多包。 Debian 7.2仅仅是一个维护更新版本,但是它确实进行了一系列的升级并且为当前稳定版本进行了一些修正,也为其更新了许多包。
“请注意这次更新并不是使用了一个新的Debian 7而仅仅是更新了其中的一些包。因此没有必要将以前废旧的Wheezy CD或DVD丢掉只需要在安装系统完成后通过最新的Debian镜像更新一些过期的包即可。”官方公告这么说。 “请注意这次更新并不是构建了一个新的Debian 7而仅仅是更新了其中的一些包。因此没有必要将以前废旧的Wheezy CD或DVD丢掉只需要在安装系统完成后通过最新的Debian镜像更新一些过期的包即可。”官方公告这么说。
这意味着已经安装有Debian 7.0或7.1的用户不用再重新安装系统。他们只需完成定期的升级即可这样只需要从security.debian.org下载很少部分包。 这意味着已经安装有Debian 7.0或7.1的用户不用再重新安装系统。他们只需完成定期的升级即可这样只需要从security.debian.org下载很少部分包。
@ -21,9 +22,10 @@ Debian 7.2仅仅是一个维护更新版本,但是它确实进行了一系列
来自: 来自:
译者:[SCUSJS]( 校对:[Caroline](
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出 本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出
译者:[SCUSJS]( 校对:[Caroline](
[1]: [1]:
[2]: [2]:

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Linux 随机数生成器可能还是不安全的
> 在 Linus 向那些质疑 Linux 随机数生成器安全性的人们发表了自己的[观点][1]之后,现在,一篇新的[学术论文][2]分析了Linux中的/dev/urandom和/dev/random的健壮性。
> 论文中写道:“从实际的角度来说,我们也对 Linux 的两种伪随机数生成器 /dev/random 和 /dev/urandom 的安全性做了精确的评估。特别是,我们展示了几种攻击手段来证明 Linux 中的这两种伪随机数生成器并不符合我们对健壮性的定义,而且熵没有适当地累积起来。这些攻击能生效是由于熵估算器及 Linux 伪随机数生成器的内部混合函数存在弱点。由于这些攻击的存在Linux 的伪随机数生成器并不满足安全学中‘健壮性’这一概念,但是,在实际情况中,我们并不清楚这些攻击手段是否存在真正可利用的漏洞。”
当然,你[甚至可能连硬件随机数生成器都不相信][3]。论文作者们并非只是简单地证明 Linux 伪随机数生成器是不健壮的(通过使用 Linux 的运行时熵估算器),他们提出了一个新的指标用于检验伪随机数生成器的熵累计阶段是否健壮,并且,他们还提供了另一个伪随机数生成器的模型,他们证明,这个模型不仅是健壮的,而且比现有的 Linux 伪随机数生成器更加高效。
译者:[will.qian]( 校对:[wxy](
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Linux终端用cat命令查看隐藏的字符 Linux终端用cat命令查看不可见字符
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时常某个程序或软件并没有语法错误并且你检查它的相关内容也确实没有发现问题。这是因为你用普通文本编辑器软件来查看的时候有许多字符没有显示出来但在终端使用cat命令可以很容易地检测出是否存在这些字符。 时常某个程序或软件并没有语法错误并且你检查它的相关内容也确实没有发现问题。这是因为你用普通文本编辑器软件来查看的时候有许多字符没有显示出来但在终端使用cat命令可以很容易地检测出是否存在这些字符。
首先,我们创建一个简单的文本文件,写入一些特殊字符。打开终端,运行命令: 首先,我们创建一个简单的文本文件,写入一些特殊字符。打开终端,运行命令:
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ Linux终端用cat命令查看隐藏的字符
现在我们给cat加上一些选项参数以便能显示出特殊字符来。 现在我们给cat加上一些选项参数以便能显示出特殊字符来。
1) 用cat -T命令来显示TAB键的字符^I ###用cat -T命令来显示TAB键的字符\^I
cat -T /tmp/testing.txt cat -T /tmp/testing.txt
testing testing
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ Linux终端用cat命令查看隐藏的字符
even more testing even more testing
^I^I^I ^I^I^I
2) 用cat -E命令来显示行尾的结束字符$ ###用cat -E命令来显示行尾的结束字符$
$ cat -E /tmp/testing.txt $ cat -E /tmp/testing.txt
testing$ testing$
@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ Linux终端用cat命令查看隐藏的字符
even more testing$ even more testing$
$ $
3) 用简单的cat -A命令就可以显示所有不可见的字符 ###用简单的cat -A命令就可以显示所有不可见的字符
$ cat -A /tmp/testing.txt $ cat -A /tmp/testing.txt
testing$ testing$
@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ Linux终端用cat命令查看隐藏的字符
^I^@^K^@even more testing$ ^I^@^K^@even more testing$
^I^I^I$ ^I^I^I$
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@ -65,13 +66,4 @@ via:
译者:[runningwater]( 校对:[Caroline]( 译者:[runningwater]( 校对:[Caroline](

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@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
太空军事题材巨作《救赎预言》登陆Linux Steam游戏平台 太空军事题材巨作《救赎预言》登陆Linux Steam游戏平台
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![img]( ![img](
**由Firedance Games公司在Steam平台开发并发布的游戏《救赎预言》现已在Linux平台推出。** **由Firedance Games公司在Steam平台开发并发布的游戏《救赎预言Salvation Prophecy现已在Linux平台推出。**
根据开发人员介绍《救赎预言》是一款太空军事题材游戏玩家不仅可以扮演战斗机驾驶员在太空中战斗还可以在行星表面以FPS模式对抗。 根据开发人员介绍,《救赎预言Salvation Prophecy》是一款太空军事题材游戏玩家不仅可以扮演战斗机驾驶员在太空中战斗还可以在行星表面以FPS模式对抗。
官方的[产品介绍][1]为“太空舰队碰撞冲突引发激烈的战斗,入侵者与强化的敌方殖民地交战。然而,最大的危险是世界即将毁灭的世界末日预言。你必须寻找出来自遥远外星世界的奥秘, 并掌握远古的力量来抵抗即将到来的风暴。” 官方的[产品介绍][1]为“太空舰队碰撞冲突引发激烈的战斗,入侵者与强化的敌方殖民地交战。然而,最大的危险是世界即将毁灭的世界末日预言。你必须寻找出来自遥远外星世界的奥秘, 并掌握远古的力量来抵抗即将到来的风暴。”
Linux系统最低配置要求 Linux系统最低配置要求
系统Ubuntu 12.04 或者 12.10 版本 - 系统Ubuntu 12.04 或者 12.10 版本
处理器:双核处理器 - 处理器:双核处理器
内存2GB内存 - 内存2GB内存
显卡NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT、 ATI Radeon HD 2600 或者更好 - 显卡NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT、 ATI Radeon HD 2600 或者更好
硬盘至少1GB可用空间 - 硬盘至少1GB可用空间
更多详情请关注Steam[官方网站][2]。 更多详情请关注Steam[官方网站][2]。
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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
Debian OpenSSL Bug - 后门还是安全事故?
之前Ed 写了篇文章[《软件透明度》][1],主旨是如果软件开发的过程是透明的,那么软件对恶意的后门(以及无心的安全漏洞)就更具抵抗性。
2006年为了解决一个用于查找软件内存存取bug的[工具][5]的[警告问题][4]一名Debian维护者[决定注释掉][6]OpenSSL PRNG里的[两行代码][7]。但是这两行代码非常重要它们负责抓取几乎所有的不可预测的熵以作为OpenSSL PRNG的种子。没有这些代码PRNG只有总共32,767个选择可作为种子s因而也只有这么多的F(s)供选择。
于是有人问,这是个故意设置的后门吗?似乎不大可能。做出这个更改的代码维护者 [Kurt Roeckx][17],后来成为[Debian项目的主管][18]。这意味着他是个可靠的家伙不是为了插入漏洞而由NSA伪造出来的身份。想进入Debian项目组的核心需要做出巨大的努力那真是出了名的难进。这样看来错误根本不是有意为之而是[一系列失误][19]导致的,而且后果严重。
这是否意味着软件透明没什么帮助? 我可不这么认为。许多人都赞同透明软件要比不透明软件更安全。但是这也并不表示漏洞不会产生,或者认为有其他人都看着呢而我们自己就可以掉以轻心。
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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
更新了有趣细节的 Unity 8 更新了有趣细节的 Unity 8
================================================================================ ===================
作为下一代 Unity 的 [Unity 8][1],其目标是在发展理念上与 Ubuntu 设备桌面系统趋于一致。Unity 8 旨在手机、平板,及电脑设备上展现其独到的审美、强大的功能和专业的设计。 作为下一代 Unity 的 [Unity 8][1],其目标是在发展理念上与 Ubuntu 设备桌面系统趋于一致。Unity 8 旨在手机、平板,及电脑设备上展现其独到的审美、强大的功能和专业的设计。
Unity 8 已经更新了又一个重要的 release 版本在这一新版本中Unity的基本元素经过优化处理后显得更加清新和自然了。 Unity 8 已经更新了又一个重要的 release 版本在这一新版本中Unity的基本元素经过优化处理后显得更加清新和自然了。
@ -8,11 +9,11 @@ Unity 8 已经更新了又一个重要的 release 版本,在这一新版本中
最新版本的 Unity 8 在 Music 域中为 **coverflow** 效果增加了不少细节,使用巧妙精致的形状渲染音乐的封面(音乐曲目的大号缩略图)。 最新版本的 Unity 8 在 Music 域中为 **coverflow** 效果增加了不少细节,使用巧妙精致的形状渲染音乐的封面(音乐曲目的大号缩略图)。
打开 Music 域,映入眼帘的是循环铺展着的封面,通过使用新的外观(增加了宽度并且减少了高度),使得封面看起来更接近于方形。这样修改的效果是,封面显得更加精致典雅,散发出了一种风格和品质。此外,封面`Albums` 的缩略图(例如)看起来更加一致(具有一样的外观和感觉) 打开 Music 域,映入眼帘的是循环铺展着的唱片封面,通过使用新的外观(增加了宽度并且减少了高度),使得封面看起来更接近于方形。这样修改的效果是,封面显得更加精致典雅,散发出了一种风格和品质。此外,封面的风格看起来更加一致,例如与相簿的缩略图具有一样的外观和感觉
![]( ![](
Unity 8 自带了多个搜索框,搜索框支持显示 **动态提示符** 。当您在搜索框中输入一个单词时,您可以看到一个色泽鲜艳的圆圈在不停旋转,这代表正在搜索中。 Unity 8 自带了多个搜索框,搜索框支持显示 **动态指示** 。当您在搜索框中输入一个单词时,您可以看到一个色泽鲜艳的圆圈在不停旋转,这代表正在搜索中。
![]( ![](
@ -22,9 +23,10 @@ Unity 8 自带了多个搜索框,搜索框支持显示 **动态提示符** 。
via: via:
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[1]: [1]:
[2]:apt://unity8 [2]:apt://unity8

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@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
10 Things To Do After Installing Ubuntu 13.10
**Ubuntu 13.10 is out, youve upgraded, and youre wondering what to do now. Dont fret here are 10 things to do after installing Ubuntu 13.10.**
We put together a post-install checklist for every release of Ubuntu, but as new features arrive and improvements are made, the steps we suggest change and alter.
So what are the best things to do after upgrading to Ubuntu 13.10?
### 1. Get Up To Speed ###
While Ubuntu 13.10 packs in fewer user-facing features than previous releases the effect of the new Smart Scopes Service is hard to miss.
### 2. Enable Additional Drivers ###
Ubuntu supports a vast array of hardware right out of the box. But while the free, open-source drivers that make this possible are increasingly capable you may find that performance less that ideal for playing games on Steam or streaming HD video.
If so you may want to **install and enable any proprietary drivers** listed in the Software & Updates tool.
Open the Software Sources app via the Dash (or through System Settings) then click through to the Additional Drivers tab and follow the on-screen prompts.
### 3. Install Media Codecs in Ubuntu ###
Due to a big tangle of legal issues Ubuntu is unable to play many popular audio and video formats out of the box. Its an inconvenience born of necessity.
But installing whats needed is only a couple of clicks away. During installation you can tick the *Enable Restricted Formats* box to have the required codecs pulled in, or if you forgot to do that you can install everything needed to get media working from the Ubuntu Software Centre.
- [Install Third-Party Codecs][1]
### 4. Set Up Your Social Life ###
Facebook, Twitter, Google Talk, Gmail and a heap more social accounts can be set up in one go using the *Online Accounts* hub.
Just add an network then **decide which applications can use it**. For example, stop Empathy firing up Google Chat by default, and filter our Facebook from the Social Lens.
Services supported include Twitter, Google, Yahoo!, Facebook (including Facebook Chat), Flickr, and a growing number of others.
### 5. Add Additional Apps ###
Ubuntu offers a lot of neat apps by default but one size doesnt fit all. If you dont like a certain app, or find yourself missing something else, you can easily add more software.
Fire up the Ubuntu Software Centre to browse thousands of free applications, including popular choices like:
- **Dropbox** - Popular, cross-platform cloud storage service
- **Steam** Game distribution platform
- **GIMP** Advanced image editor
- **VLC** Popular media player
Youll also find a wealth of additional software listed on sites like ours check out our Apps tag for some ideas.
- [View App Posts on OMG! Ubuntu!][2]
### 6. Protect Your Privacy ###
Privacy is a hot-potato these days, so its great to see that the latest release of Ubuntu improves its Privacy offerings with a new look and a handful of extra options.
Whether you want to hide a folder or app from appearing in the Dash, restrict access to your computer after waking up, or choose what data about system crashes is sent back to Canonical, the Privacy & Security pane is where youll find all the tools you need.
### 7. Embrace The Web ###
Canonical are enticing web devs with word that websites can be easily packaged, integrated and made available for install on Ubuntu Touch.
The genesis of this approach has been included on desktop Ubuntu for a few releases. Over 30 popular websites including Gmail, Yahoo! & - can seamlessly integrate with parts of the desktop.
For example, add GMail and you get fancy Gmail options in the Launcher and Messaging Menu; enable and youll be able to control playback using the Sound Menu.
### 8. Make Unity Yours ###
Unity is more customisable than people think. *Unity Tweak Tool* is a third-party app that lets you adjust the Unity desktop experience to suit you.
Options include:
- Adjust launcher transparency
- Set launcher icon animations
- Enable workspaces
- Configure shortcuts
- Move window controls
And no, before you wonder, it wont let you move the launcher.
- [Install Unity Tweak Tool from Ubuntu Software Centre][3]
### 9. Filter The Noise ###
Ubuntus new Smart Scopes service promises to be a handy tool, but at present its just not as smart as it claims.
The good news is that feature can be switched off with a click, so theres no need to avoid using Ubuntu altogether.
If you find yourself facing a wall of obscure music results or obtuse shopping suggestions every time you search for something unrelated you can disable each offending scope individually.
If you find yourself flooded with irrelevant music results for every search disable the music scopes. Dont want Amazon suggestions? Switch Amazon off.
### 10. Spread The Word about Ubuntu 13.10 ###
This item on our to-do list is cringe-worthy, I know. But the only way people are going to try out Ubuntu 13.10 is if they know about it so do your bit and share news of it.
Whether you just post this post to Facebook, or make a LiveUSB for your OS X-loving partner, youll be helping raise awareness of Ubuntu.
Dont forget to enjoy using it, too. Go check your Facebook profile, listen to some music, and do a bit of surfing in Firefox.
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@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
8 Things To Do After Installing Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander)
Ubuntu 13.10 was released today and for those of you who plan on doing a clean install, here are 8 useful things to do after the installation.
### 1. Install some extra AppIndicators (applets) ###
**System Load Indicator** is a port of the popular System Monitor GNOME Panel applet and it can display CPU, memory, network usage, hard disk I/O and more on the panel. Install it from the Ubuntu Software Center by clicking the button below:
Or, to install it via command line, use:
sudo apt-get install indicator-multiload
**Cpufreq Indicator** is the equivalent of the old GNOME CPU frequency scaling applet which can be used for changing the CPU frequency on-the-fly. Install it in Ubuntu by clicking the button below:
Or install it from the command line:
sudo apt-get install indicator-cpufreq
**My Weather Indicator** is an appindicator that displays the current weather on the Unity panel. The appindicator can also display a 5-day forecast, a desktop widget and supports four weather services: OpenWeatherMap, Yahoo, Wunderground and World Weather Online.
To install it in Ubuntu 13.10, use the commands below:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/atareao
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install my-weather-indicator
[**Variety**][3] is an application that comes with an AppIndicator but since you basically only have to configure it once and after that you'll only need to use the AppIndicator, I'll list it here. Variety is a cool wallpaper changer that automatically downloads and changes your wallpaper on a given interval. Using it, you'll get cool, fresh wallpapers each day. From the AppIndicator you can quickly switch to the next (random) wallpaper or copy the wallpaper to favourites, for later use.
To install Variety in Ubuntu, use the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:peterlevi/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install variety
You'll probably also want a clipboard manager. I recommend **Diodon** which is lightweight, supports files, image sections and more. To install it in Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander, click the button below:
Or open a terminal and copy/paste the following command to install it:
sudo apt-get install diodon diodon-plugins
### 2. Tweak Unity ###
**Unity Tweak Tool** allows users to change various Unity settings such as auto-hide bahavior, window snapping and hot corners, tweak Dash, the Unity Launcher or HUD, change the GTK or icon theme, change the font face or size, move the window controls to the right and much more.
To install Unity Tweak Tool from the Ubuntu Software Center, click the button below:
Or, install it in Ubuntu 13.10 via command line:
sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool
### 3. Privacy tweaks ###
As you probably know, by default Dash shows all the recently accessed files as well as other files found on your filesystem. By selecting **Security & Privacy** from System Settings, you can choose what file types can show up in Dash, exclude various applications or folders/partitions from showing up in Dash and there's also an option to clear usage data.
Furthermore, on the Search tab, you can disable online search results from being displayed in Dash. However, this option disables all the online search results so if for instance you only want to **disable the shopping suggestions**, you can run the following command:
gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Lenses disabled-scopes "['more_suggestions-amazon.scope', 'more_suggestions-u1ms.scope', 'more_suggestions-populartracks.scope', 'music-musicstore.scope', 'more_suggestions-ebay.scope', 'more_suggestions-ubuntushop.scope', 'more_suggestions-skimlinks.scope']"
More on disabling Dash (search) plugins, [HERE][6].
Another way to deal with privacy in Ubuntu 13.10 is to use the **Privacy Indicator**, a tool hat lets you quickly enable/disable Zeitgeist (activity logging) or online search results from showing up in Dash, clear the Zeitgeist log or recent files (which show up in the Nautilus "Recent" sidebar item for instance).
[**Download Privacy Indicator**][7] (there's a deb available at the bottom of the page)
### 4. Enable the discrete card on systems with Hybrid graphics ###
The Ubuntu developers have worked to support Hybrid graphics in Ubuntu 13.10 (and 12.04 LTS). Below you'll find instructions on how to set this up.
**Nvidia Optimus**: unfortunately, the Nvidia Linux graphics drivers don't yet fully support Optimus - more on this subject, [HERE][8].
Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) ships with a new package called "nvidia-prime" which enables the Nvidia graphics card on Optimus systems (which by default use the integrated Intel graphics chip). By using the instructions below, the Nvidia card will always be in use, so there's no way to switch it off to save power. Because of this, the laptop will consume more power and possibly overheat - **in my case, the laptop gets really hot and for this reason I'm not using this solution but things may work better for your laptop** (and if not, you can easily revert the changes).
Unfortunately, that's not the only issue. You may also experience screen tearing and hotplug won't work so if you want to use multiple monitors, you'll have to manually set them up in xorg.conf. The advantages are that you'll be able to play games that aren't supported by the Intel graphics, use VDPAU-enabled media players, etc.
That said, if you want to give this a try in Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander, make sure you're using LightDM (the default Ubuntu display manager) and not some other display manager like GDM. Also, if you've installed Bumblebee, you'll need to purge it:
sudo apt-get purge bumblebee* bbswitch-dkms
Then, install the latest Nvidia drivers and "nvidia-prime":
sudo apt-get install nvidia-319 nvidia-settings-319 nvidia-prime
And finally, reboot (restarting X isn't enough).
If you want to revert this change, simply remove the installed packages:
sudo apt-get remove nvidia-319 nvidia-settings-319 nvidia-prime
And reboot.
**AMD Hybrid graphics**: I didn't test this because I don't have a system with AMD graphics, but according to the [**HybridGraphics**][9] Ubuntu wiki page, there aren't any known issues, so I assume that everything works properly (again, I'm not sure since I can't test it!).
To get proper AMD Hybrid graphics support in Ubuntu 13.10, all you have to do is install the latest fglrx driver and fglrx-pxpress from the repositories:
sudo apt-get install fglrx fglrx-pxpress
And then reboot the system (restarting X isn't enough).
### 5. Improve battery life ###
There are two tools you can use to improve your laptop's battery life: laptop-mode-tools or TLP. Both try to achieve the same thing, but from what I've read, [**TLP**][10] seems to save a bit more power. However, TLP is only available in a PPA so if you don't like adding PPAs, install laptop-mode-tools.
Important note: **don't install both laptop-mode-tools and TLP!**
To install laptop-mode-tools, click the button below:
Or install it from the command line:
sudo apt-get install laptop-mode-tools
Or, to install TLP, use the commands below:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linrunner/tlp
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tlp tlp-rdw
sudo tlp start
No configuration is needed for either TLP or laptop-mode-tools.
Another way to save power and prevent your laptop from overheating (the tool also allows running apps or games on the discrete graphics card on demand, using the "optirun" command - see below) is **Bumblebee**. Bumblebee is a tool for laptops that use Nvidia Optimus, that disables the Nvidia card when not in use.
**Note: if you plan on using the hybrid graphics solution under step 4 for Nvidia Optimus, don't install Bumblebee!**
To install Bumblebee, click the button below:
Or install it via command line:
sudo apt-get install bumblebee bumblebee-nvidia
Then reboot.
Currently there's a [**bug**][13] in Ubuntu 13.10 that prevents "optirun" from working. To fix it, use the following command:
- 32bit:
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
- 64bit:
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
When you want to use the Nvidia graphics card for an application, run:
replacing "APP-EXECUTABLE" with the application (or game) executable.
### 6. Install codecs, Java and encrypted DVD playback ###
To be able to play most audio and video formats, install **Ubuntu Restricted Extras** by clicking the button below:
Or install it using the following command:
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras
I suggest to also install the **unrestricted versions of libavformat and libavcodec** so you don't encounter issues with missing codecs when trying to use some video editors or transcoders - install them by clicking the button below:
Or by using the following command:
sudo apt-get install libavformat-extra-53 libavcodec-extra-53
You may also need Java, but you must figure out what you need. Most users will only need **OpenJRE** and the Java browser plugin which you can install by clicking the button below:
Or by using the following command:
sudo apt-get install icedtea-7-plugin openjdk-7-jre
For development, you'll also want **OpenJDK** which you can install by using the button below:
Or by using the following command:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
If for various reasons, you need **Oracle Java** (the package includes JDK, JRE and the browser plugin), you can install [**Oracle Java 7**][18] by using the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
**Encrypted DVD playback**: the Medibuntu repository [**no longer exists**][19] and while most packages in the archive are obsolete or unnecessary because most are now in the official Ubuntu repository or have better equivalents, livdvdcss is still required for playing encrypted DVDs.
You can enable encrypted DVD playback in Ubuntu 13.10 by using the following commands:
sudo apt-get install libdvdread4
sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/
### 7. Get the latest Rhythmbox and VLC ###
Two popular applications: Rhythmbox and VLC, haven't been updated to the latest version in Ubuntu 13.10. If you want to install the latest version for these apps, you can use PPAs.
Please note that by upgrading Rhythmbox, the plugins in the Rhythmbox [**third-party plugins PPA**][20] will stop working. The plugins Rhythmbox ships with will obviously work.
**Rhythmbox** (version in Ubuntu 13.10: 2.99.1, version in PPA: 3.0.1):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jacob/media
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rhythmbox
**VLC** (version in Ubuntu 13.10: 2.0.8, version in the PPA: 2.1.0):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:videolan/stable-daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vlc
### 8. Tweak Nautilus: disable recursive search and install a quick file previewer ###
The type-ahead find feature was remove from Nautilus starting with version 3.6. Later versions perform a search in the current directory and all its subdirectories when you start typing a file name. And this makes it unusable at times so if you find this behavior annoying, you can install Nautilus patched to allow [**disabling recursive search**][21] (you can easily enable it back if you want).
**To upgrade Nautilus to the patched version that allows disabling recursive search, use the following commands:**
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dr3mro/personal
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
nautilus -q
**Then, disable recursive search using the following command:**
gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences enable-recursive-search false
If later on you want to re-enable recursive search, use the command below:
gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences enable-recursive-search true
**GNOME Sushi** is a quick file previewer for Nautilus. To install it, click the button below (this will install gnome-sushi and unoconv, required to be able to preview some files such as documents):
or install it via command line:
sudo apt-get install gnome-sushi unoconv
To use it, select a file (picture, text or document, sound file and so on) and press the SPACE key to preview that file. You can close the preview either by clicking the SPACE key again or clicking the window close button.
**Now it's your turn. What are the first things you install or tweak after a fresh Ubuntu installation?**
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
Cloud tool Juju GUI 0.11 released with new features and enhancements
Solid-as-a-rock desktops, polished phones and advanced cloud tools are the ground on which [Canonical][1] stands, company being characterized by speed in development, bold decisions and an overall innovative quality, innovation setting Canonical as a serious partner for Dell, HP and OpenStack Foundation, as well as delivering freshness and modernism in the IT world.
[Juju][2] is an Ubuntu technology that offers reliable service orchestration in the cloud, environment where it permits fast and productive deploying, scaling and managing of services, thus allowing its utilizers to deploy Wordpress, MongoDB, Ceph, etc.
Juju can be harnessed via both command-line and intuitive GUI, latter expressed as Juju GUI.
[Juju GUI][3] is a fancy, user-friendly and intuitive web-based interface for Juju, allowing complex actions from within web-browsers, Juju GUI presenting itself as a hassle-free manner of using Juju's power.
Juju GUI has been [updated][4] to version **0.11**, introducing a significant amount of new features, as well as multiple fixes and optimizations, among which:
- support for upgrading/downgrading of service's charms
- support to display both endpoints for relations
- significantly decreased size of GUI distribution (therefore, increasing the speed of deployment)
- optimized service positioning behavior
- red-triangle marker added to recommended charms and bundles
- removed faulty behaviors (such as newly-added units overlapping previously-added units)
- accurate URLs for unit details
- several enhancements
Juju GUI can be tested and grasped on [][5]
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@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
[scusjs占坑]Daily Ubuntu Tips How To Install Google Chrome Browser
For new users who are just starting out with Ubuntu and want to install Google Chrome browser, heres the quickest way to do it. There are many ways to install Google Chrome in Ubuntu. Some prefer going directly to [Google Chrome download page][1] and getting the **deb** installer.
Others prefer to install it via PPA from the Chromium build. I prefer downloading it via the command line using **wget** command and installing it. The command line method is the quickest and this is what this post is about to show you.
As you may already know, Google Chrome has gone from nothing to one of the most popular web browsers. In fact, its my favorite web browser. I started with Internet Explorer, then moved to Firefox and Ive finally switched to Google Chrome.
I am not telling you to switch, but if you want Chrome in Ubuntu, then go and get it.
To get started with Chrome, you have few options. First you can use Firefox and go to [Chrome download page][1] and download a copy there. If youre not comfortable with using the command line, you may want to use this method.
For users who are comfortable using the command line console, use the commands below to download Google Chrome.
cd /tmp
For the **32-bit** version of Google Chrome, use the link below.
The 64-bit version can be downloaded using this link.
After downloading it, run the commands below to install it.
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome*; sudo apt-get -f install
Thats it! After installing, go to Unity Dash and search for Chrome and launch it.
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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Daily Ubuntu Tips Understanding The App Menus And Buttons Daily Ubuntu Tips Understanding The App Menus And Buttons
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Ubuntu is a decent operating system. It can do almost anything a modern OS can do and sometimes, even better. If youre new to Ubuntu, there are some things you wont know right away. Things that are common to power users may not be so common to you and this series called Daily Ubuntu Tips is here to help you, the new users learn how to configure and manage Ubuntu easily. Ubuntu is a decent operating system. It can do almost anything a modern OS can do and sometimes, even better. If youre new to Ubuntu, there are some things you wont know right away. Things that are common to power users may not be so common to you and this series called Daily Ubuntu Tips is here to help you, the new users learn how to configure and manage Ubuntu easily.

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Daily Ubuntu Tips Upgrade To Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander Daily Ubuntu Tips Upgrade To Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander
================================================================================ ================================================================================
In a few weeks, Ubuntu 13.10 will be released and many folks will want to upgrade to the latest version. For new users who want to upgrade, this brief post will show you how to easily do it from Ubuntu 13.04 if you havent already done so. In a few weeks, Ubuntu 13.10 will be released and many folks will want to upgrade to the latest version. For new users who want to upgrade, this brief post will show you how to easily do it from Ubuntu 13.04 if you havent already done so.
@ -30,4 +31,4 @@ via:
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@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
Daily Ubuntu TipsKnowing About The Root Account
For new users who just starting with Ubuntu and wanting to know about the root account, heres a brief post that gives you a little insight about the root account and how / why to use it. You see, every Ubuntu edition comes with a root account.
The root account is also known as the administrator account. Think of the root account as an account with god-like rights. It can delete any file, any folder and make any change to the system. The power of the root account is limitless.
Because the root account is so powerful, it is automatically created with a password value with no possible encrypted match on the system, which makes it unusable to sign on with. So instead of directly logging on with the root account, users are encouraged to use the sudo command.
The sudo command allows authorized users to temporary elevate their privileges using their own password without knowing the root password or using the root account.
If you still want to enable and logon with the root account for other unknown reasons, simply give it a password. This will enable the root account.
sudo passwd
The commands above will enable the root account but to sign on as the root user, you must enable manual logon since its now been disabled in Ubuntu. The manual logon option allows for users to type their logon name as well as the password for the account instead of just selecting an account from the logon screen.
To enable manual logon with **Ubuntu 13.10**, open the config file by running the commands below
sudo gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-unity-greeter.conf
Then add the line below as shown in the image.
Save the file and restart your computer.
For earlier versions of Ubuntu, you may find this config file in a different location under **/etc/lightdm**. It may be called **lightdm.conf**.
On the logon screen, you can then type the root username with password to sign on.
If you want to lock / disable the root account, run the commands below.
sudo passwd -l root
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
Development version of GIMP presented with top-bottom-left-right configurable tabs
[GIMP][1] is a powerful, advanced and complex image-editing application, permitting to both regular and professional skilled users to in-depth edit images via a massive amount of features, tools and functionalities.
It seems that the unstable development-only versions of **GIMP** are targeting interesting potential additions, including a more friendly and configurable manner of enjoying tabs in **GIMP**.
The official Google+ webpage of GIMP [shared][2] an interesting image with a **development** version of GIMP featuring adjustable tabs, essentially, allowing the user to set the tabs in GIMP on top, bottom, left and right areas, therefore, permitting an easy rearranging of tabs per-one's likeness.
The mentioned tweakable tabs are to be housed under the `Windows` menu, where the user is to be probably able to 1-click away select desired locations for tabs.
The exciting support has been created due to "**in some cases it's desirable to have tabs position configurable**, so Jehan Pagès did just that: the unstable branch now lets you choose where you want your tabs: top, bottom, left, or right sides".
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
France's Ministry of the Interior achieved 5-"10 times less expensive" with open-source software
By looking at the world, the observer is to perceive a massive amount of nationalities, languages, habits, tastes, political structures, as well as differently-developed countries spanning from poverty to wealthy regions.
Yet, perhaps rather strange and non-intelligent, all countries,--more or less--, are characterized by the usage of proprietary software, proprietary software spreading its tentacles across the globe, where it has managed to solidify a monopoly rooted into one goal: the maintenance of monopoly.
Yet, definitely exciting, various countries have started to identify the benefits of the open-source software, perception that instantly reveals the years-and-years of non-productive usage of proprietary software: operating systems, email applications, office suites.
Moreover, adopting open-source software, even in small percentages, has the capacity of resurrecting state departments and companies, schools and city administrations, resurrection happening in steps and extremely visible: first, there are massive decreases in money used for software, second, the entities adopting open-source software are independent from the proprietary companies and, thus, are able to much more accurately, precisely and sanely conduct their computing lives, essentially, becoming completely new highly-empowered entities.
The **Open source observatory** has [published][1] an interesting article, talking about the conclusion reached by **France's Ministry of the Interior** after using open-source software on 200,000 PCs since 2008, namely, achieving five times cheaper money-spending on software.
The five-times-cheaper achievement has been reached with the open-source Thunderbird email-application, while using GLPI and OCS,-- free software tools useful to manage computer assets--, has decreased the costs up to 10 times less, "**this is 10 times less expensive than the previous proprietary tool**".
As related to servers, the ministry has adopted open-source software, too, software that, packed with open-source databases and office tools, is "leading to substantial savings".
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@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
FreeBSD 10.0 Beta 1 Available for Download and Testing
**FreeBSD 10.0 Beta 1, an operating system for x86, ARM, IA-64, PowerPC, PC-98, and UltraSPARC architectures, has been released and it's now available for download and testing.**
The FreeBSD developers are moving with an incredible speed and are releasing one version after another. The new Beta has arrived after no less than five Alpha versions, but not without any problems.
“Due to a last minute problem found in the 10.0-BETA1 freebsd-update(8) builds, freebsd-update(8) is NOT supported for 10.0-BETA1 upgrades. Please do not use freebsd-update(8) to upgrade to 10.0-BETA1. Please be aware that cvsup and CVS are not supported methods of updating the src/ tree,” reads the official [announcement][1].
Also, according to the developers, the ports.txz distribution hasn't been included in the 10.0 Beta 1 release, however, it is expected to be included with disc1.iso for subsequent builds during the release cycle.
Highlights of FreeBSD 10.0 Beta 1:
- freebsd-version, which is intended to be used as an auditing tool, has been implemented. This is a very important tool if you want to determine the userland patch level when it differs from what 'uname -r' reports;
- The ZFS lzjb decompress performance has been improved;
- Two new MIPS CPU families, mips24k and mips74k, have been added;
- The "jail_<jname>_*" rc.conf(5) variables for per-jail configuration are automatically converted to /var/run/jail.<jname>.conf before the jail(8) utility is invoked, so the new jail.conf(5) syntax is used;
- Most of the ATF tools and the _atf user have been removed;
Users have been encouraged to test the distribution and report any problems they find. The official [changelog][1] comes with a complete list of fixes and modifications. Download FreeBSD 10.0 Beta 1 right now from Softpedia.
Remember that this is a development release and it should NOT be installed on production machines. It is intended to be used for testing purposes only.
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@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
GCC 4.8.2 Compiler Brings 70+ Bug Fixes
Jakub Jelinek of Red Hat released GNU Compiler Collection 4.8.2 this morning.
GCC 4.8.2 is the latest point release in the stable [GCC 4.8][1] series while all major new developments are centered around [GCC 4.9][2] that should be out in H1'2014.
GCC 4.8.2 corrects over 70 bugs compared to the 4.8.1 release from late May. More details on the GCC 4.8.2 compiler release can be found from the [mailing list announcement][3].
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@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
(翻译中)GNOME Control Center 3.10.1 Released with Multiple Improvements
**GNOME Control Center, GNOME's main interface for configuration of various aspects of your desktop, is now at version 3.10.1.**
The Gnome Control Center allows users to configure different parts of their system using a vast collection of tools.
**Highlights of GNOME Control Center 3.10.1:**
- Several memory leaks have been corrected;
- A consistent set of permissions are now used when creating directories;
- The mouse speed is no longer reset;
- Screen sharing is now approved without the remote control enabled;
- Duplicate folders are no longer being selected for media sharing;
- When enabling DLNA, also make sure to enable the MediaExport plugin;
- The buttons in the “headerbar” have been aligned.
A complete list of changes, updates, and bug fixes can be found in the official [changelog][1].
- Download [GNOME Control Center 3.10.1 tar.xz][2][sources] [6.50 MB]
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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
GNOME Settings Daemon 3.10.1 Fixes Memory Leaks
**The GNOME developers announced a few days ago that the first maintenance release of the stable GNOME Settings Daemon 3.10 package, a daemon run by all GNOME sessions to provide live access to configuration settings and the changes done to them, is available for download. **
GNOME Settings Daemon 3.10.1 is distributed as part of the recently released GNOME 3.10.1 desktop environment, and includes several memory leak fixes and small cleanups. Below is a detailed list with all the changes implemented in this stable release of GNOME Settings Daemon:
- The cache directories are no longer scanned if not needed;
- The XKB group switching option is no longer set if not needed;
- A gsettings key is now used for the maximum length of a screencast;
- Edge scrolling is now automatically enabled if two-finger scroll is not available;
- A test case has been added as no warning was provided on startup;
- Notifications are now displayed on critical battery state;
- The "keyboard Backlight is not available" warning has been fixed;
- A mouse will no longer appear as the status icon;
- Added a 'Not Now' button to the distribution upgrade notification;
- Multiple notifications are no longer displayed when updates are available;
- It now requires PackageKit 0.8.1 or higher in order to avoid complexity;
- A couple of crashes have been fixed;
- Default area ordering has been fixed;
- A failure to get area with the cursor device has been fixed;
- Resetting the tablet area to default has been implemented;
- OSD has been fixed;
- Tablet PC setting has been removed as there's no UI (User Interface) for it;
- The temporary configurations generated by the FN+F7 keyboard shortcut or rotate buttons are no longer saved.
More details about this release can be found in the [official raw changelog][1].
- [Download GNOME Settings Daemon 3.10.1 tar.xz][2][sources] [1.60 MB]
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
Happy Birthday, Ubuntu The Worlds Most Popular Linux Distro Turns 9 Years Old
**Happy birthday to Ubuntu! The worlds most popular desktop Linux distribution turns 9 years old today.**
It was on this very day back in 2004 that Mark Shuttleworth took to the Ubuntu mailing list [to announce the inaugural release of Ubuntu 4.10][1] codenamed the **Warty Warthog** due to its rough edges.
Nine years, and some nineteen releases on, the Ubuntu desktop we find ourselves sat in front of today bears little resemblance to that of its younger self. The distro went, virtually overnight, from a Debian-based curiosity “**A space tourist making a Linux distro?!**” to becoming one of the most recognisable and powerful forces in open-source software.
We had hoped to share some words from the man himself on the genesis of Ubuntu, and whether he ever expected it to grow as large and as popular as it has. But, understandably, given the bi-annual post-release comedown, we havent heard back from him. Hopefully hes somewhere with a nice slice of cake!
Nevertheless, to help celebrate the milestone weve put together a concise **visual overview of Ubuntus release history**, highlighting some of the key features and changes each update has brought with it.
To view the graphic full size, hit the link below.
- [View The History of Ubuntu Infographic][2]
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@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
[翻译中 by chenjintao]
How This 75 Year-Old Piece of Paper Started Modern Computing
On Oct. 22, 1938, a patent attorney named Chester Carlson and an underemployed Austrian physicist named Otto Kornei spent one Saturday morning creating the world's first dry copy in an apartment in Astoria, Queens, eventually ushering in the modern era of computing. Then the two grabbed a modest lunch.
In the intervening 75 years, the copier industry would become a mainstay of Corporate America. Even in our current age of tablets and PDFs, businesses bought 19 million "multifunction printers" last year for a total of $30.9 billion, according to Gartner. You may not recall the last time that you made a copy, but IDC analyst Angèle Boyd says the world printed 3 trillion pieces of paper last year — 1 trillion of which came from the U.S. It's also not unusual for employees at some businesses to print as many as 300 to 400 copies a month. While printing remains a surprisingly robust business, though, the real revolution Carlson started went way beyond his analog invention.
The electrophotographic print Carlson made would prompt the invention of the copier, which made offices more productive and made the replicable document a fixture of business communication. As Ken Weilerstein, VP of research, imaging and print services at Gartner notes, most white collar workers' days consist of reading and creating documents of one form or another. The web was originally based on hypertext, a method of linking documents on a computer, that Tim Burners-Lee joined to the Internet in 1991.
"What the copier did is it changed the way people handled documents," he says, "which is a big piece of what people in offices do."
###The Rise of Xerox
Xerox is the best known copier company and the one still synonymous with the industry for many. Like Google, Xerox's name has been made into a lower-case verb as in "I need this xeroxed." In tech circles, Xerox is also infamous for developing the graphic user interface and the mouse in its Palo Alto Research Center in the 1970s. Steve Jobs would famously visit PARC and appropriate many of the ideas for what became the Macintosh computer. Relatedly, Carlson's invention was adapted to create the laser printer as well.
No one ever formed a company called Xerox, though. Instead, Carlson's invention would transform a company called Haloid that would eventually rename itself.
As the story goes, Carlson, a serial inventor and patent attorney, got tired of copying legal documents manually. He concluded that there must be a way to make copies without relying on carbon paper or the traditional, messy, slow and expensive photographic process of using wet, sensitized paper and water. Ray Brewer, Xerox's historical archives manager, says Carlson's solution — which involved zinc plates and powder — was simple and fairly easy to replicate.
(As Weilerstein, explains it, the process works like this: A page is exposed to a light source, which sweeps across the page, illuminating the original paper document. The reflection is projected through a set of lenses to an electrophotograhic drum, which is coated with light-sensitive material. The drum's exposure to light changes its electrostatic charge, leaving an image of the page on the drum as an electrostatic charge. The drum then rotates and the charged areas of the page attract the toner particles, effectively painting the image on the drum with toner. The drum then transfers the toner onto a sheet of paper, which is heated and pressed at a temperature similar to that of an iron. Finally, the drum rotates and excess toner is scraped off and the process is repeated for the next page.)
Perhaps it was too easy. Though Carlson was in a celebratory mood after his breakthrough, Kornei didn't see the appeal. When Kornei's contract ran out, he broke ties with Carlson. "He couldn't see what the purpose of it was," Brewer says. Kornei would remain a lifelong skeptic. **Later on, when Carlson gave Kornei 100 shares in Xerox, Kornei quickly sold them, missing out on a payday of more than $1 million.**
For years, Carlson peddled his invention to dozens of companies, including IBM and Eastman Kodak, but no one else saw the appeal, either. Brewer says the problem was that Carlson was a techie, not a salesman. "The way Chester was presenting the idea and demos were very dry and technical," Brewer says. It didn't help that Carlson was making his pitch to marketing executives. However even engineers were often befuddled by Carlson's presentations.
Carlson's big break came in 1946, when John Dessauer, chief of research at the Haloid Co. in Rochester, N.Y., read an article about Carlson's invention. Haloid, which made photographic paper, but by then "the photographic realm of things had pretty much run its course," Brewer says. In 1948, Haloid looked for a catchier way to promote Carlson's invention, which was known as "electrophotography." The company's pr department settled on "xerography," a portmanteau of the Greek "xeros" ("dry") and "graphos" ('writing.")
Over the course of the 1950s and 1960s, the Xerox copier became a staple of office life. The innovation saved time and money. Previously, the only way to make copies was to use a photostat machine, which was messy and expensive or worse, carbon paper, which could only make at best two copies at a time. If you wanted more than that then someone had to type out another version "and the secretary or administrator had to hope that everything was exactly the same," Brewer says. There were other benefits as well. Way before email and instant messaging, the office copier provided the first opportunity for office-wide communication in written form. The Xerox gave birth to the memo, the office newsletter and holiday cards.
The 914 was Xerox's most successful model. Between 1960 and the early 1970s, the company sold more than 200,000 units, prompting Fortune to dub it "the most-successful product ever marketed in America." Xerox became known as "the stock you wish you'd bought," Weilerstein says.
Here's an ad from circa 1960:
###The Modern Computing Era
This Mad Men era would come to a close in the 1980s as PCs began replacing typewriters. Carlson's invention would also be used to create the laser printer, which obviated single-function copiers. As a result, no one in the industry calls Xerox's machines copiers anymore. Instead, they are known as "multifunction printers."
That wasn't the only threat to Xerox's business. By the 1970s, Japanese competitors were offering their own cheaper version of Xerox's copiers. Xerox lost its effective monopoly, but managed to stay on the cutting edge of technology, Weilerstein says, by developing its own laser printer business. Then in 1990, Xerox introduced Docutech, a technology that let you turn a printer effectively into a printing press. Xerox scored another coup in 2000 with iGen, a color laser printer that could spit out 100 pages a minute. "By the mid-2000s, they didn't have anything exclusive at all," Weilerstein says, "and they began suffering economically."
Xerox wasn't hit as hard as its Rochester neighbor, Eastman Kodak, which is now a [shadow of its former self][1].
Partially that's because — unlike film — printing paper documents remains a lucrative business. There are sectors of the economy — including the federal government — where employees still print a few thousand pages a month. Weilerstein acknowledges that the use of print will continue to decline over time. "It's probably a generational factor," he says. However "it isn't really disappearing."
Bolstered by the continued need for multifunction printers, Xerox has the opportunity to reinvent itself as a provider of primarily digital documents and services. The company laid the groundwork for such a move by embracing the managed print services business in the last decade. MPS essentially outsources the printing aspect of the office and gives IT departments one less task to monitor.
However, since paper printing is on a long-term downward trend, Xerox is trying to anticipate where the market will go next. "Now the question is what will they do after this," says Weilerstein. "They will take this idea of a service that manages your printers and turn that into a service that handles how you handle docs in digital form."
" I think there's a great desire among IT [departments] to get rid of paper," says the IDC's Boyd. "A lot of people, including Xerox, are actively trying to help them."
Weilerstein's view is that since all communication is basically documents, Xerox has a chance to become a leader in "managed content services." Such services would help organizations cut down on the use of print. Though paper is still a useful communications medium, many printed pages are symptoms of problems involving poor interconnection between the different sources of information where workers obtain information and the different destinations to which they must apply it," Weilerstein wrote in a recent white paper on the subject.
MCS would address the advertising orders that a broadcast network still receives by fax or provide a means to let a chemical manufacturer's employees scan their handwritten notes into a searchable digital archive.
Carlson's Legacy
In promoting a largely paperless future, Xerox would not only transition its business but help cut down on needless waste. However, the company has lots of competition on the document front, most notably from Adobe, the inventor of the Portable Document Format (PDF).
Adobe, whose legacy is in desktop printing rather than hardware, appears to have a natural advantage over Xerox. Apple aside, it's rare that a company associated with the invention of an old technology manages to also become a leader in the technology that replaces it.
Yet even if Xerox ultimately fails, Carlson's contribution to tech history is assured, if a bit obscure to most. A serial inventor, Carlson didn't have much to show for his other ideas — including a raincoat with gutters and a shoe-cleaning machine — but his one great invention is a testament to how the market rewards perseverance and vision. His death was an illustration of how little we sometimes know of the inner life of public figures.
Almost exactly 30 years after Carlson and Kornei slaved over their invention in that Astoria apartment, Carlson took a trip back to New York from his Rochester home for a business meeting. Finding he had some down time, he ducked into a movie theater to catch He Who Rides a Tiger featuring Tom Bell and Judi Dench. After the movie, an usher saw Carlson, who appeared to be dozing in his seat. He hadn't. Carlson succumbed to a heart attack — his second that year.
He died with an estimated fortune of $150 million, making him one of the wealthiest men in the country in 1968. That estimate was wrong, though. Carlson had actually given away much of his wealth by then. As he told his wife, Carlson had a curious ambition for a business titan. He wanted to "die a poor man."
Images: Xerox
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
How to Install Ubuntu Touch 13.10 on Your Phone
**Ubuntu Touch 13.10 is a new operating system from Canonical aimed at phones, but it's not as easy installing it on your phone as it is on the desktop.**
Canonical provides all the necessary tools for the installation of Ubuntu Touch 13.10. This is very good news because installing the operating system manually can be a hassle.
First of all, the operating system can't be used on just any phone. For development reasons, Canonical limited its use to Nexus 4 devices (maguro and mako), and the phone has to be unlocked.
To install the tools you will need to enter a few easy commands in a terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:phablet-team/tools
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install phablet-tools android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot
Users also have to make sure that their phone is set up for development use. Go to Settings / About Phone and tap the Build number 7 times. A short message will let you know if you've taken the right steps.
From the new menu that has been unlocked through the previous method, Developer options, you have to enable USB debugging. When the option is ticked on the phone, a message that informs the user about a paring will appear. Accept, and now youre almost ready.
The last step before starting the installation is to back up your Android. The same adb tools are used. Just open a terminal and enter the following command:
adb backup -apk -shared -all
If you're going to reinstall Android, open a terminal and run this command:
adb restore backup.ab
The final command should take care of everything and you should run it with sudo, just to make sure. Open a terminal and enter this command:
phablet-flash ubuntu-system --no-backup
The process should run without any problems and the device will eventually boot into Ubuntu Touch. Do not stop the terminal and do not interrupt the process.
These are the simple steps you have to follow, and they should work on the supported devices without any problems.
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
How to observe system components' usage in Ubuntu 13.10 via System Load Indicator
[System Load Indicator][1] is a lightweight yet powerful and handy manner of displaying the user's usage of system components on the easiness of the Unity panel.
Basically, System Load Indicator is an appindicator located on the Unity panel that exposes graphs for relevant computer components, such as **CPU**, **RAM**, swap, harddisk, network traffic, etc, permitting a hassle-free observation of the usage of the mentioned components in real time.
System Load Indicator does not require additional efforts or configuration, directly,--after its launch--, presenting the graphs on the Unity panel.
Installing and launching `System Load Indicator` (via the Dash by typing system load indicator in the search area), pushes a single block on the Unity panel, block housing constantly-updated graphs of CPU, component monitored and displayed accordingly by default.
Yet, clicking on `System Load Indicator appindicator-->Preferences` summons a window from where other components can be 1-click away enabled; meaning, (for example) checking `Memory` and `Harddisk`, adds two new blocks on the Unity panel, thus there are now three components monitored by System Load Indicator: CPU, RAM and harddisk.
Under Colors, the user is able to select custom colors for the graphs-enabled blocks, meaning, changing the blue and dark colors to green and orange, renders the CPU's block with green and orange.
Moreover, System Load Indicator pairs its visual-based monitoring with accurate text-based values, clicking on System Load Indicator appindicator, opens its menu where the user is to digest the accurate text-based values of monitored components, values updated in real time.
Recently, Ubuntu 13.10 was released, version containing System Load Indicator in its Ubuntu Software Center, permitting to the user to easily install the versatile tool.
System Load Indicator 0.3 is [available][2] via Ubuntu 13.10's Ubuntu Software Center (Ubuntu 13.04 and Ubuntu 14.04, too).
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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
Install Ubuntu 13.10 Server Step by Step
Yesterday was a big day for Canonical and Ubuntu fans. Yes, After 6 months long effective development, Ubuntu 13.10 Desktop & Server, Lubuntu 13.10, Kubuntu 13.10 was finally made available to download.
You might want to check out our existing guides:
- >>> [pUbuntu 13.10 has been released | Installation instructions with screenshots][1]
- >>> [How to upgrade from Ubuntu 13.04 Raring to Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander][2]
- >>> [Top things to do after installing Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander][3](注:这个文章我们翻译过,可以把链接改成我们发布的地址,发布的时候删除包括括号在内的这些文字)
In the above awesome series, we want to add one more guide about **Ubuntu 13.10 server installation**. Here you go.
Download the latest version of **[Ubuntu 13.10 server edition here][4]**. Boot your server with latest Ubuntu 13.10 server ISO. You will see the following like screen.
Select your desired language.
Click Install Ubuntu Server.
Select Installation language.
Select your Country.
Configure locale settings.
Detect keyboard layout.
Select the keyboard layout.
Enter your server hostname.
Enter the username.
Choose user password.
If you want to encrypt the user home directory, select Yes, else select No.
Select the partitioning method.
Now installation will begin.
If you have any proxy server on your network, enter the proxy server IP address.
Select Install security updates automatically and press enter.
Choose the software to install.
Click Yes to install Grub boot loader.
Installation is completed now. Select Continue to reboot the server.
Login to Ubuntu server.
Enter the username and password to login.
Thats it. Your Ubuntu 13.10 server is up and running now.
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
Install qBittorrent 3.1.0 in Ubuntu via PPA
[qBittorrent][1] is a cross platform free and open source bittorrent client designed as an alternative the popular [µtorrent][2] client written in C++ / Qt4, using the libtorrent-rasterbar library. qBittorrent is developed by volunteers. The latest version, qBittorrent 3.1.0 released on October 12th 2013.Bittorrent client. qBittorrent is fast, stable, light, it supports unicode and it provides a good integrated search engine. It also comes with UPnP port forwarding / NAT-PMP, encryption (Vuze compatible), FAST extension (mainline) and PeX support (utorrent compatible).
### Features of qBittorrent v3.1.0 ###
- Polished µTorrent-like User Interface
- Well-integrated and extensible Search Engine
- Simultaneous search in most famous BitTorrent search sites
- Per-category-specific search requests (e.g. Books, Music, Movies)
- All Bittorrent extensions
- DHT, Peer Exchange, Full encryption, Magnet/BitComet URIs, …
- Remote control through a Web user interface
- Nearly identical to the regular UI, all in Ajax
- Advanced control over trackers, peers and torrents
- Torrents queueing and prioritizing
- Torrent content selection and prioritizing
- UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding support
- Available in ~25 languages (Unicode support)
- Torrent creation tool
- Advanced RSS support with download filters (inc. regex)
- Bandwidth scheduler
- IP Filtering (eMule and PeerGuardian compatible)
- IPv6 compliant
- Sequential downloading (aka “Download in order”)
- Available on most platforms: Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, OS/2, FreeBSD
### Installing qBittorrent ###
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hydr0g3n/qbittorrent-stable
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install qbittorrent
You can also download the [qbittorrent source code][3] and compile from source.
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Kubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) Screenshot Tour occupied by rogetfan Kubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) Screenshot Tour
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**The new Kubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) is now available for download, so it's time to see how much it has changed from the previous release with the help of a small screenshot tour.** **The new Kubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) is now available for download, so it's time to see how much it has changed from the previous release with the help of a small screenshot tour.**
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Linus Torvalds Smashes the Fedora Project, Calls Them Stupid
**Linus Torvalds posted a very simple and direct message on Google+ addressed to the Fedora people. What followed next involved accusations and various veiled insults.**
The father of Linux had a very simple question: how come the Fedora developers were not regenerating the distribution images with newer kernels and packages?
“Is there some basic reason why you never regenerate the install images? Right now the F19 install images use some ancient 3.9-based kernel. Which means that they may boot on most machines, but it's missing wireless ID's for new laptops etc, so making it useful is unnecessarily painful,” said Linus Torvalds.
The problem is that, if you have a new laptop and an old kernel, you might not get full functionality from it, especially if the wireless module is unrecognized by the kernel.
The solution would be a newer kernel but, in order to get it, you have to have access to the Internet, which is impossible because the kernel is not recognizing the hardware. It's a vicious circle easy to break if you know how to compile your own kernel and if your name is Linus Torvalds.
Shortly after the post, a few Red Hat developers have tried to explain that they can't afford to put people on testing and they can't release an image that might not work.
“Because right now you say we don't have Q&A to verify the images, and I'm telling you that's [expletive], because the old image is known to be broken, so claiming that the new images might be broken is all kinds of stupid, isn't it?” said Torvals. He didn't stop there.
“So all your arguments are just [expletive] stupid. Call it F19.x, warn people that it's more up-to-date, and just stop making stupid excuses for having an image THAT DOES NOT WORK, because you want to not test whether the new image MIGHT NOT WORK,” also said Torvalds.
A few more arguments have been posted on either sides, but it's likely that we could see regenerated Fedora images in the future. Check the [Google+ post][1] of Linus Torvalds to see the whole conversation.
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Lubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) Officially Released Screenshot Tour (翻译中...)Lubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) Officially Released Screenshot Tour
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**Lubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) has been officially released and it's now available for download.** **Lubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) has been officially released and it's now available for download.**
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Mark Shuttleworth Brands Mir Opponents “The Open Source Tea Party”
**The free software community has been rocked by recent comments made by Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth.**
> At least we know now who belongs to the Open Source Tea Party
In a blog post announcing the codename of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, the multi-millionaire space tourist describes opponents of Ubuntus new display server Mir as “The Open Source Tea Party”.
These “outraged individuals” are, he argues, attacking the project “on purely political grounds”, explaining:
> “When a project says “we will not accept a patch to enable support for Mir” they are saying you should not have the option. When thats typically a project which goes to great lengths to give its users every option, again, I suggest there is a political motive.”
His accusations havent gone over well in the wider free software community.
### “Debate” ###
In one of the more level-headed responses to the remarks, prominent KDE developer Aaron Seigo [has invited Mark to join a live, public debate][1] on “*the merits of Mir, Wayland and their implications vis-à-vis Free software.*”
A public airing would, Seigo feels, help show that the arguments against Mir are technically, as opposed to politically, motivated.
Ubuntu Community Manager Jono Bacon, in response to Seigos offer, has described the fallout from Shuttleworths comments “yet another pointless Open Source bickering match”, suggesting that parties on both sides of the argument should ”*stop biting at each others ankles about their respective projects.*”
### “Tensions” ###
Tensions between Mir proponents and those who see Wayland as the afforded successor to X have been building ever since Canonical announced plans to roll with their own solution earlier this year.
The decision came as a surprise to many as, in 2010, Mark Shuttleworth had been explicit about the need to work with Wayland developers rather than against them. He wrote at the time:
> “We evaluated the cost of building a new display manager, informed by the lessons learned in Wayland. We came to the conclusion that any such effort would only create a hard split in the world which wasnt worth the cost of having done it. There are issues with Wayland, but they seem to be solvable, wed rather be part of solving them than chasing a better alternative.”
This sudden u-turn was not helped by Canonical allegedly making inaccurate and erroneous assumptions about Wayland in initial statements explaining their decision to not use it. Canonical later retracted and amended their claims.
> The grievances felt by parties on both sides of the divide show no signs of abating.
Shuttleworth has also risked raising further ire by describing systemd a modern replacement for the init daemon - as “invasive” and “hardly justified”.
Canonicals own init replacement, *Upstart*, is most notably used in Ubuntu and Ubuntu-based derivatives, as well as in Chrome OS. Systemd, created some four years after upstart, is used by default in a growing number of Linux distributions, including *Arch, Fedora, Mageia, and openSUSE*.
While the grievances felt by parties on both sides of the divide show no signs of abating, the technologies they surround continue to progress.
Mir, which includes a compatibility layer for running legacy xserver applications and input devices, was held back from shipping as default in Ubuntu 13.10 due to technical difficulties, though recent benchmarks are showing only negligible performance hits compared to the traditional X server.
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Mark Shuttleworth to speak at GMIC about "the future of the open source mobile platform movement" and about "Open Mobile Platforms" at Mobile Monday (October 22nd and October 28th 2013)
Solid desktop, cutting-edge cloud technologies and the recently-released Ubuntu for phones are among the software pushed forward by Canonical, professional company setting itself as a serious player at a planetary scale.
[Canonical][1] has been characterized by determination and constant participation to important public events, latter rooting Canonical into the now's IT demands, requirements and state, as well as adding a layer of up-to-date to Canonical's expressing Ubuntu and related software.
**GMIC** and **Mobile Monday** are important IT events, presenting themselves as conferences and expos, where relevant computing persons, companies and experts are gathered into discussions, keynotes and topics about recent achievements in technology, cutting-edge software and the latest trends in the IT world.
Canonical will attend both GMIC and Mobile Monday, being represented by solid persons, including Mark Shuttleworth.
**Mark Shuttleworth** will talk about "**the future of the open source mobile platform movement**" [at GMIC][2] on October 22nd 11:15 AM, exciting presentation followed by Mark Shuttleworth actively joining a panel of experts in discussing the future of "[Open Mobile Platforms][3]", latter event to happen on October 28th 2013.
Moreover, a Canonical team will demo the latest version of Ubuntu for phones, **Canonical** that is to **co-host** Mobile Monday, taking serious responsibilities in the happening of the mobile-oriented event.
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Modern terminal Final Term adds multiple-terminals per-window support
[Final Term][1] is a modern terminal application that centers exciting capabilities and handy features into a beautiful interface, Final Term presenting itself as a significant advancement for the terminal metaphor.
Smart command completion with drop-down menu and case sensitive/insensitive ability, semantic text menus recognizing web URLs, IP addresses, PIDs, option to collapse commands, 8 / 16 / 256 colors support, drop-down look, accurate and proper window resizing with precise text repositioning come to present Final Term as an advanced, versatile terminal application.
Along with the already-existent pack of solid and exciting features, it seems that Final Term's development is targeting new features for inclusion, as in the case of the newly-announced **multiple terminals per window** support.
Essentially, the multiple-terminals-per-window allows the user to split the Final Term's window into multiple splits, splits then having the capacity to contain numerous tabs.
As seen in the below GIF, the modern terminal application features now a clickable menu containing *New Tab, Split Horizontally* and *Split Vertically*, clicking on *Split Horizontally*, splits the window horizontally, behavior followed by *Split Vertically*, too.
Yet, hitting the *New Tab* entry, continues to add new and new tabs into a portion/split of the Final Term's main window, therefore, permitting an advanced usage of the terminal application suitable for both regular and complex demands.
A definitely interesting aspect of the mentioned feature is its drag & drop support, dragging a tab from one split and dropping it on another split, moves the tab on the other split and, thus, moves all commands and details from one side of the terminal to another preferred area of the terminal.
The full article, including the programming-specific manner of implementing the handy features, is available on [][2]
Final Term's code is available on [][3]
**Worth mentioning**
At the moment, Final Term is work in progress.
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Multi-Master Database Replication Software SymmetricDS 3.5.10 Released
**SymmetricDS, an open source software for multi-master database replication, filtered synchronization, or transformation across the network in a heterogeneous environment, is now at version 3.5.10.**
SymmetricDS 3.5.10 supports multiple subscribers with one-direction or bi-directional asynchronous data replication and uses technologies to replicate tables between relational databases.
### Highlights of SymmetricDS 3.5.10: ###
• sym_pkg is hard coded in the Oracle dialect, but the prefix parameter now works on Oracle;
• The memory footprint usage is now improved when big lobs are in flight;
• Statements are no longer being prepared too often and the data loading performance on Firebird has been improved;
• The error message provided if a batch fails to transport because of an EOF error is now a lot more intuitive.
Check out the official [changelog][1] for more details about this release.
- [Download SymmetricDS 3.5.10 zip][2] [sources] [26.60 MB]
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NoSQL comparison NoSQL comparison
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+Personality Traits of the Best Software Developers
+I come from the world of corporate software development. It may not be the most glamorous side of software (its nowhere near as interesting as [shrinkwrap startups][1] or those fancy-dancy [Web 2.0][2] companies that show up in your browser every time you mistype a domain name), but its stable, pays well, and has its own set of challenges that other types of software development know nothing about.
+For example, when was the last time someone working on the next version of Halo spent three weeks trying to gather people from accounting, marketing, product management, and their call center in order to nail down requirements that would likely change in 2 months once theyve delivered the software?
+Or when was the last time someone at [37Signals][3] sat through back to back weeks of [JAD sessions][4]?
+In this world of corporate development Ive known a few phenomenal developers. Im talking about those A+ people whom you would quit your job for to go start a company. And the the more I looked at what makes them so good, the more I realized they all share a handful of personality traits. Well, not exactly a handful, more like four.
+### Pessimistic ###
+Admiral Jim Stockdale was the highest ranking US military officer imprisoned in Vietnam. He was held in the “Hanoi Hilton” and repeatedly tortured over 8 years. Stockdale told Jim Collins, author of [Good to Great][5], “You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end, which you can never afford to lose, with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.”
+After his release, Stockdale became the first three-star officer in the history of the navy to wear both aviator wings and the Congressional Medal of Honor.
+Stockdale was a pessimist in the short-term because he faced the brutal facts of his reality, but was an optimist in the long-term because of his confidence that he would prevail in the end.
+No one anticipates a catastrophic system failure by looking on the bright side. The best developers I know are experts at finding points of failure. Youll often hear them quipping “What could possibly go wrong?” after someone makes a suggestion to handle a critical data transfer via nightly FTP over a dial-up connection. The best developers anticipate headaches that other developers never think of, and do everything within their power to avoid them.
+On the flip side, great developers are optimistic, even downright confident, about their overall success. They know that by being a pessimist in the short-term, their long-term success is ensured. Just like Jim Stockdale, they realize that by confronting the brutal facts of their current reality they will prevail in the end.
+### Angered By Sloppy Code ###
+Paul Graham nailed it when [he said][6] “…people who are great at something are not so much convinced of their own greatness as mystified at why everyone else seems so incompetent.”
+The worst nightmare for a great developer is to see someone elses software gasping for air while bringing the rest of the system to its knees. Its downright infuriating. And this isnt limited to code; it can be bad installation packages, sloppy deployments, or a misspelled column name.
+Due to the life and death nature of their products, NASA designs zero-defect software systems using a process that has nearly eliminated the possibility for human error. Theyve added layer after layer of checks and balances that have resulted from years of finding mistakes and figuring out the best way to eliminate them. NASA is the poster child for discovering the source of a mistake and modifying their process to eliminate the possibility of that mistake ever happening again. And it works. A quote from [this Fast Company article][7] on NASAs development process says
+“What makes it remarkable is how well the software works. This software never crashes. It never needs to be re-booted. This software is bug-free. It is perfect, as perfect as human beings have achieved. Consider these stats: the last three versions of the program — each 420,000 lines long-had just one error each. The last 11 versions of this software had a total of 17 errors. Commercial programs of equivalent complexity would have 5,000 errors.”
+Im not saying we have to develop to this standard, but NASA knows how to find and fix bugs, and the way they do it is to find the source of every problem.
+Someone who fixes a problem but doesnt take the time to find out what caused it is doomed to never become an expert in their field. Experience is not years on the job, its learning to recognize a problem before it occurs, which can only be done by knowing what causes it in the first place.
+Developers who dont take the time to find the source often create sloppy solutions. For hundreds of examples of sloppy solutions visit [The Daily WTF][8]. Here are a few Ive seen in my career:
+- An assembly is deleted from a server each time its rebooted. You could create a custom script to re-copy that assembly to the server after each reboot, or find out why the assembly is being deleted in the first place.
+- An image-manipulation script is hogging processor power for minutes at a time when it should run in under 10 seconds. You could make the script run at 2am when no one will notice, or you can take the time to step through the code and figure out where the real problem is.
+- A shared XML file is being locked by a process, causing other processes to fail when they try to open it. You could make several copies of the XML file so each process has its own, or you could troubleshoot the file access code to find out why its locking the file.
+- And on and on…
+### Long Term Life Planners ###
+This one was a little puzzling for the longest time, but I think Ive finally put it together.
+People who think many years down the road in their personal life have the gift to think down the road during development. Being able to see the impacts of present-day decisions is paramount to building great software. The best developers I know have stable family lives, save for retirement, own their own home, and eat an apple a day (ok, maybe not that last one). People who have spastic home-lives and live paycheck to paycheck can certainly be good developers, but what they lack in life they tend to lack in the office: the ability to be disciplined, and to develop and adhere to a long-term plan.
+### Attention to Detail ###
+Ive known smart developers who dont pay attention to detail. The result is misspelled database columns, uncommented code, projects that arent checked into source control, software thats not unit tested, unimplemented features, and so on. All of these can be easily dealt with if youre building a Google mash-up or a five page website. But in corporate development each of these screw-ups is a death knell.
+So Ill say it very loud, but I promise Ill only say it once:
+**I have never, ever, ever seen a great software developer who does not have amazing attention to detail.**
+I worked with a programmer back in school who forced anyone working with him to indent using two spaces instead of tabs. If you gave him code that didnt use two spaces he would go through it line-by-line and replace your tabs with his spaces. While the value of tabs is not even a question, (Ive long-chided him for this anal behavior) his attention to such a small detail has served him well in his many years designing chips at Intel.
+### So There You Have It ###
+The next time youre interviewing a potential developer, determine if she has the four personality traits Ive listed above. Here are a few methods Ive found useful:
+- Ask if theyre an optimist or a pessimist
+- Ask about a time when they found the source of a problem
+- Find out if they save for retirement (you can work this in during discussions of your companys retirement plan)
+- Make an obvious misspelling in a short code sample and ask if they see anything wrong
+We know from [Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering][9] that the best programmers are up to [28 times better][10] than the worst programmers, making them the best bargains in software. Take these four traits and go find a bargain (or better yet, make yourself into one).
+If you liked this article youll also like my article [Timeline and Risk: How to Piss off Your Software Developers][11].
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Rapid Photo Downloader 0.4.7 released with enhancements
[Rapid Photo Downloader][1] is a free open-source powerful, versatile item downloader (photo and video), permitting to the user to download/copy images and videos from photography-wise devices,--as well as using regular folders from within the desktop--, to one's computer via a hassle-free, intuitive and robust experience.
A definitely interesting aspect of Rapid Photo Downloader is its nature, namely, being created by a photographer and, therefore, presenting itself as a photographer-centric utility with accordingly-exposed features and support.
Essentially, Rapid Photo Downloader allows the user to copy/move items from (for example) storage media used by photography machines, in order to remove the manual confuse manner of browsing through the photography machine' media and manually picking items.
Among its **features**, Rapid Photo Downloader comes with:
- auto-detection of camera-specific media via the Auto Detect button and exposing of contained items
- ability to specify automatic file renaming with tweakable text (editable), date and time, filename, metadata, job code, sequences and real-time previews of to-be-generated item names
- support to simultaneously download photos and images from multiple devices
- optimized manner of rapidly downloading items
- in-depth configuration options
Launching Rapid Photo Downloader, the user is to notice its elegant look centering clarity and user-friendliness, main window divided in three main areas: the top area housing `From` and `To`, middle area with items populating it and bottom-area featuring details and the actual `Download` button.
Copying (for example) items from a location to the `Pictures` and `Videos` folders is as simple as:
- under `From`, select the preferred source-like location (containing the about-to-be-copied items)
- action that exposes the automatically-detected items on the dark middle-area
- retaining the `Copy` button checked and hitting the bottom-bar's Download, downloads images to the `Pictures` folder and video-clips to `Videos`
The result: by hitting the `Download` button, Rapid Photo Downloader automatically divides the photos from videos and copies images to a specific location and video-clips to a different location.
The about-to-be-copied items are checkable, allowing the user to uncheck certain files, files then fully ignored by the copying process.
Similarly, the `Move` button is to be utilized for moving items from one location to another, action that removes the items from the source location and copies them to the new location (therefore, there is only one instance of the copied files).
Rapid Photo Downloader is a solid robust application, being able to successfully manage thousands of items, items properly exposed on its view, from where the user is able to act on them.
Rapid Photo Downloader has been updated to version **0.4.7**, introducing several fixes, including enhancements related to its usability under Ubuntu 13.10, as well as removed crashes and ability to download audio files associated with photos generated by specific cameras (such as Canon 1D series).
How do we **install** Rapid Photo Downloader 0.4.7?
Add the following **official** PPA (Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 14.04)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dlynch3/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rapid-photo-downloader
In-depth **step-by-step** features, abilities and support are fully presented on [][2]
### Worth mentioning ###
While Rapid Photo Downloader 0.4.7 removes a bug affecting Ubuntu 13.10 and Ubuntu 12.10, there still may be likely for users to encounter freezes using Rapid Photo Downloader 0.4.7 under Ubuntu 13.10, situation in which the user is advised to use Rapid Photo Downloader under Ubuntu 12.04 (version unaffected by the mentioned bug).
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SmartGit 5 Preview 4 Gets Some Greta Features
**SmartGit, a graphical client for the version control systems Git and Mercurial with optimized workflows for multiple platforms, is now at version 5 Preview 4.**
SmartGit provides some very important features such as local working tree operations, push, pull, fetch for all protocols, tag and branch management, and much more.
According to the developers, the ability to configure multiple accounts even for the same provider has been added, the refresh toolbar button is now only enabled if a GitHub account is configured, Reveal Commit now also works on Pull Requests, notifications are a lot more obvious, and a lot more.
Check out the complete [changelog][1] for a list of bugfixes and other important new features.
- [Download SmartGit (4.6.5 Stable) tar.gz][2][binary] [28 MB]
- D[ownload SmartGit (5 Preview 4 Development) tar.gz][3][sources] [19 MB]
Remember that this is a development version and it should NOT be installed on production machines. It is intended for testing purposes only.
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好好学习 天天向上 Luox
System 76 Ubuntu Touchscreen Laptop Now Available to Pre-Order
**Ubuntu PC makers System 76 have unveiled a new touchscreen notebook running Ubuntu 13.10. **
The Darter Ultra Thin features a 14.1-inch HD **multitouch display that works out of the box with Ubuntu**. Its housed in a slender 0.9″ thick chassis weighing in at 4.60 lbs (around 2 kg). Battery life is estimated at around 5 hours which, for Linux and its power management issues, is actually quite impressive!
Alongside the touchscreen the laptop also offers more traditional methods of input, namely a multi-touch trackpad and chiclet-style keyboard.
**Pricing starts at $899** for the base model specification. This gets you:
- Intel i5-4200U @ 1.5Ghz (Dual core)
- Intel HD 4400 Graphics
- 500 GB 5400 RPM HDD
- Integrated WiFi & Bluetooth
- 1MP Webcam
As with all System 76 computers you can craft your dream machine by bumping up specifications and adding optional extras. Options on offer for the Darter include:
- Intel Core i5 & i7 CPUs
- Up to 16GB DDR3 RAM
- Dual-storage, including SSD + HDD combo
All essential ports are provided:
- HDMI out
- Ethernet
- 2 x USB 3.0
- Separate Headphone & Mic Jacks
- SD Card Reader
For more information on the Darter Thin head over to the System 76 website where, until October 28th, you can pre-order the Darter Thin and pay just $5 for ground shipping in the US.
- [System76 Darter UltraThin Laptop][1]
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System-information tool I-Nex 0.5.4 released with improvements
[I-Nex][1] is a free open-source handy system-information tool, gathering, categorizing and displaying relevant informations about one's computer into a clean, clear interface.
Essentially, I-Nex exposes a significant amount of details about system components, among which drives, kernel, RAM, network, USB, CPU, GPU, motherboard, audio, allowing the user to easily grasp informations about one's computer and operating system.
Launching I-Nex, presents its main window and several tabs, clicking on a tab, populates the window with related informations, clicking on another tab, repopulates the main view with according details; for example, clicking on the `CPU` tab, displays informations about one's CPU featuring name, frequency, family, mode, extensions, cache, etc, basically, a handy bundle of informations.
I-Nex has been updated to version **0.5.4**, continuing its road on adding new features, extended support and under-the-hood enhancements.
The new version enriches its tabs with new entries, as in the case of `GPU`; hitting the `GPU` tab, the user is to notice the new `Total Memory`, `Monitor name`, `Manufacturer`, `Serial number` entries, new details increasing the level of descriptions of system components.
Moreover, the 0.5.4 version comes with various fixes, further moving the handy system-information utility towards a more usable and useful application, app presenting itself as an Ubuntu alternative to globally-used proprietary system-information applications.
How do we **install** I-Nex 0.5.4?
Add the following **official** PPA (Ubuntu 10.04, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 13.10)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:i-nex-development-team/stable && sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nemh/gambas3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install i-nex
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The future of Linux: Evolving everywhere
*InfoWorld* - Mark Shuttleworth's recent closure of [Ubuntu Linux bug No. 1][1] ("Microsoft has a majority market share") placed a meaningful, if somewhat controversial, exclamation point on how far Linux has come since Linus Torvalds rolled out the first version of the OS in 1991 as a pet project.
Microsoft may not (yet) have been taken down on the quickly fading desktop, but the nature of computing has changed completely, thanks in large part to Linux's rise as a cornerstone of IT. There's scarcely a part of computing today, from cloud servers to phone OSes, that isn't powered by Linux or in some way affected by it.
**Linux by the numbers: Commits, jobs, adoption**
The pace of development hastens, as demand for Linux pros grows
But where from here? If Linux acceptance and development are peaking, where does Linux go from up? Because Linux is such a mutable phenomenon and appears in so many incarnations, there may not be any single answer to that question.
More important, perhaps, is how Linux -- the perennial upstart -- will embrace the challenges of being a mature and, in many areas, market-leading project. Here's a look at the future of Linux: as raw material, as the product of community and corporate contributions, and as the target of any number of challenges to its ethos, technical prowess, and growth.
**Linux: Bend it, shape it, any way you want it**
If there's one adjective that sums up a significant source of Linux's power, it's "malleable." Linux is raw material that can be cut, stitched, and tailored to fit most any number of scenarios, from tiny embedded devices to massively parallel supercomputers.
That's also been one of Linux's shortcomings. Its protean nature means users rarely use "Linux" -- instead, they use a Linux-based product such as Android, or a hardware device built with a Linux base such as an in-home router. Desktop Linux's multiple (and often incompatible) incarnations winnow out all but the most devoted users.
"How end-users experience Linux is definitely fragmented," admits Jim Zemlin, executive director of the Linux Foundation. "But that's one of the powers of Linux.
"It's a building block that has allowed Google to build Android and Chromebooks, Amazon to build the Kindle, Canonical to build Ubuntu, and much more. All of those experiences are different for the user, but there is choice for the consumer."
Mark Baker, Ubuntu Server product manager for Canonical, which leads the Ubuntu project, puts it in almost exactly those words: "Open source delivers freedom of choice." Open source naturally encourages modularity, he says, so "with open source you can choose the best components for your situation," whether you're a user working on a home machine or a systems architect developing a data center.
But Al Gillen, program vice president for system software and an analyst at IDC specializing in operating environments, questions the value proposition of such total freedom going forward. "Linux is open source, and as such, anybody can fork off code and turn it into something else. However, the industry has shown that forks without value go away, and there is great value associated with staying close to main line code."
Android users have experienced this most directly with the fragmentation that exists between different editions of the OS. None of that is, strictly speaking, Linux's fault, but as with the myriad desktop distributions before it, Android fragmentation illustrates the tension that arises between allowing the freedom to change the product and the fallout of inconsistency of implementation.
Ironically, that might mean the best thing for Linux, going forward, is to double down on Linux as raw material.
Eric Sammer, engineering manager at Cloudera, doesn't see Linux alone as having users "the same way as something like Firefox or the Apache Web server." Linux "is targeted toward operating system builders, not the end-user," and so it needs "tons of other software -- much of it tightly coupled, from a user's perspective (such as a boot loader) -- to form a complete system." As Torvalds himself noted in the release notes for the very first Linux kernel, "A kernel by itself gets you nowhere."
Both Gillen's and Sammer's words are echoed by how Linux's biggest uptake with users has been, again, Android, with all its attendant value added by Google and the app ecosystem developed for the OS. The malleability of Linux is only a first step toward an actual product -- as its most successful advocates understand.
**Corporate contributors: Asset or obstacle?**
Another of Linux's hallmarks is that it's a collaborative effort; out of the contributions of many come one. But where are those collaborators coming from?
Answer: Corporations -- mainly, those who stand to benefit themselves from supporting Linux for their own future endeavors. Aside from Red Hat (apart from Canonical, the most widely recognized corporate vendor of Linux solutions), top contributors include Intel, IBM, Texas Instruments, and even Microsoft.
Much of Linux's flexibility is due to such contributions, which expand Linux's ability to run on multiple platforms and on a broad spectrum of devices. Enlightened self-interest is the main motive here: Microsoft's own kernel additions, for instance, largely revolve around allowing Linux to run well under Hyper-V.
Sammer believes the prevalence of corporate-backed contributors is "due to the barrier of entry to any project as complex and critical as the Linux kernel. Your average C hacker doesn't have the time to get up to speed, build the credibility with the community, and contribute meaningful patches in their spare time, without significant backing." In his view, corporations most often have the resources to support such endeavors, with universities and research organizations being further behind.
But has the prevalence of corporate contribution to Linux turned the OS into a mere corporate plaything? Is that Linux's future, to be a toy of the monoliths?
What matters most is not who's contributing, but in what spirit. Linux advocates are firm believers in contributions to Linux, no matter what the source, as a net gain -- as long as the gains are contributed back to the community as a whole.
Mark Coggin, senior director of product marketing for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, believes "the best innovations are those that are leveraged, and improved by the greatest number of participants in the open source community."
"We put all of our innovations into open source projects, and seek to gain acceptance by those upstream groups before we incorporate them into our supported products like Red Hat Enterprise Linux. We hope that everyone who works to enhance the Linux kernel and the userspace projects also takes a view like ours," Coggin says.
It's also not widely believed that corporate contributions are a form of "hijacking Linux," as Gillen puts it -- a way to make Linux "less applicable to other major user contingents." He's convinced commercial support for Linux and commercial enhancements to Linux "are an asset to the Linux development paradigm; not a negative."
**Likewise, to Zemlin, Linux development "is not a zero-sum game."**
"What one developer does in the mobile space to improve power consumption can benefit a developer working in the data center who needs to ensure their servers are running efficiently," says Zemlin. "That shared development is what makes Linux so powerful."
Corporate contributions are not the enemy to him, either: "Having people paid to work on Linux has never been a bad thing; it has allowed it to be iterated upon quickly and innovation to be accelerated."
The real issues, as Baker notes, come when "some very large Web companies make some changes available and push them upstream, but decide to keep others in-house to give them an advantage."
Version 3 of the GPL -- the license Linux was released under in an earlier version -- was developed in part as a response to such behaviors. However, it only prevents taking code others have written and redeploying it as a Web service. There's no inherent (or legal) way to prevent code developed in-house from being kept in-house -- which might well simply be part of the ongoing social cost of offering Linux freely to the world.
**The biggest threats to Linux**
If corporate co-opting is less likely than ever, thanks to the mechanisms that keep Linux an open project, what real threats does it face?
Nobody takes very seriously the idea that Linux is about to be wiped off the map by a rogue patent threat or lawsuit. One of the biggest such legal attacks, SCO Group's lawsuit against IBM, widely construed as a proxy attack on Linux, failed miserably.
Coggin is of this mindset: "Linux's huge success, with a vast network of developers and widespread global adoption, means that it is highly resilient. Although patent threats arise from time to time, as they do with many technologies, it seems unlikely that a patent or combination of patents could pose an existential threat to Linux."
Plus, competition in the form of other closed source products, or even those with more liberal licensing (such as the various BSDs), hasn't really materialized to the degree that Linux runs the risk of being pushed aside.
Sammer sums up the biggest legitimate threat to Linux in a single word: complacency -- the complacency that goes with becoming a market leader in any field.
"If you're vying for first place," he says, "you're usually more open to change of process, of mindset, of road map, of status quo, whatever. I can't help but think of Firefox losing so much to Chrome so fast, or the commercial Unixes losing to Linux, or all the other examples of such things."
In roughly the same vein, Zemlin sees a threat in the form of a lack of experienced Linux talent to support the demand; hence the [Linux Training][2] program.
Gillen sees a threat coming from a transition that "over time, moves the majority of the Linux user community from the enterprise customer over to service providers."
Such a move would put Linux users at the mercy of people who may consume Linux and provide it as a service but don't return their innovations to the community as a whole. It may take a decade or more for such a shift to happen, but it could have "negative implications for Linux overall, and to commercial vendors that sell Linux-based solutions."
Another possible threat to Linux is corporate co-opting -- not of the code itself, but of the possibilities it provides. Baker is worried about the rise of mobile devices, many of which, although powered by Linux, are powered all the more by corporate concerns.
"That's why we need alternatives like Ubuntu and Firefox," says Baker, "to provide real alternatives for those who do not want their experience of the Internet to be determined by Apple or Google."
Of those two, Google -- by way of Android -- is the main offender in this accusation. Many of the arguments against Android revolve around it being a Linux-powered OS that's little more than a portal to Google's view of the world, and thus isn't true to the spirit of Linux.
In short, the biggest threats to Linux may well be from within -- unintended by-products of the very things that make it most attractive in the first place. Its inherent mutability and malleability has so far given it an advantage over complacency and co-opting, but it isn't clear that will always be true.
**Where from here?**
Linux is unquestionably here to stay, and in more than one form. But how it will do that and at what cost are up for debate.
The most obvious future path for Linux is where it becomes that much more of a substrate for other things -- a way to create infrastructure -- and where it becomes that much less a product unto itself in any form. The real innovation doesn't just come from deploying Linux, but deploying it as a way to find creative solutions to problems, by delivering it in such a way that few people are forced to deal with Linux as such, and by staying a step ahead of having it put behind technological bars.
Coggin puts it this way: "Linux is emerging beyond that of a packaged or flexible operating system to become more of an infrastructure platform. With this, we see developers and architects using Linux to build next-generation solutions, and creating next-generation enterprise architectures." Much of this work is already under way, he claims, in "cloud, big data, mobile, and social networks."
Gillen, too, agrees that Linux "is going to be a very key part of public cloud infrastructure, and as such, it has ensured itself a long-term role in the industry."
"Linux already runs the cloud, of that there is no doubt," says Baker. "It needs to maintain its position as the platform for scale-out computing -- this means staying ahead of new technologies like ARM server chips and hyperscale, software-defined networking, and the overall software-defined data center." Such work ought to complement other ongoing efforts to create open system hardware designs, such as the [Open Compute Project's][3].
**Linux by the numbers: Commits, jobs, adoption**
The pace of development hastens, as demand for Linux pros grows
One possible downside of Linux becoming an ubiquitous infrastructure element is it becoming as institutionalized as the commercial, closed source Unixes it has displaced. But Zemlin thinks Linux's very mutability works in its favor here: "If you would have asked Linus Torvalds or other members of the community a decade ago if Linux would power more mobile phones than any other platform, they certainly wouldn't have expected that. We'd rather just watch where it goes and not try to forecast since we most certainly will be wrong."
Another important future direction for some is, as mentioned above, "go[ing] mobile in a bigger way independently of Google," as Baker puts it. Projects like Mozilla's Firefox OS for phones are one incarnation of this, although it's unclear how much of a dent such a thing will make in Google's existing, and colossal, market share for Android.
Lastly, and most crucially, there's the question of who will be responsible for ushering Linux into its own future. While Linux can be forked and its development undertaken by others, history's shown that having a single core development team for Linux -- and equally consistent core teams for projects based on it -- is best.
That puts all the more burden on the core team to keep Linux moving forward in ways that complement its existing and future use cases, and not to protect it -- perhaps futilely -- from becoming something it might well be in its best interests to transform into.
If Linux's future really is everywhere, it might well also be in a form that no one now can conceive of -- and that's a good thing.
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Trusty Tahr daily builds available for download
Four days ago, Canonical released Ubuntu 13.10, introducing a more strengthened high-quality Ubuntu version capable of properly meeting the needs of users, developers, companies with a fast, agile and powerful computing experience.
Today, the developers [announced][1] that **Trusty Tahr** is officially **open for development**, immersing the upcoming LTS into new packages after only-days since the 13.10's release.
Moreover, Trusty daily builds have been generated, installable images encapsulating the new development focus of the developers on delivering Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
Although there are minor differences between the Trusty daily builds and Ubuntu 13.10, their availability set Trusty in a vigorous development since its very start, Trusty being an LTS (long term support) and, therefore, traditionally offering a more stable Ubuntu version as compared to standard between-LTSes releases.
Trusty Tahr's daily builds are available for download on [][2]
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Named Trusty Tahr
**The tantalising trials of taxonomy are complete: the mascot for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS has been chosen get used to typing out the name Trusty Tahr.**
“*Whats a…tahr?*”, you ask? Google tells me its a goat-like mammal found in mountainous areas in Oman, India and the Himalayas.
The sure-footed animal reflects the goals for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, which [Shuttleworth says][1], will see conservative choices made on the desktop as it focuses on delivering “*…performance, refinement, maintainability [and] technical debt.*”
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS for servers and desktops is pencilled in for release in April 2014.
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Opens For Development
**Take a deep breath and prepare to jump back on the development rollercoaster: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS [has opened for development][1].**
Things wont get off to a rollicking start *just* yet. The early part of every development cycle is spent getting things up-to-date by syncing the latest versions of key development packages.
To stretch my “theme park” analogy a little further, imagine the first few weeks of the development cycle as being like the pre-ride check on a roller coaster; you have to wait for the ride attendant to double-check that everything is okay (and anything that might fall out is securely strapped in) before the “go” button can be pressed.
**Then the fun comes.**
For now at least theres little reason for anyone but core developers to upgrade.
The Trusty cycle is the first in which ARM 64bit port is included from the start of the cycle (having appeared mid-way through the Saucys development period).
Ubuntus Matthias Klose notes that “resources [for ARM64] are still limited compared to other architectures” - those needing help building for the port are advised to check in to the #ubuntu-devel IRC channel for help.
.ISO images can be found at the link below.
- [Download Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Daily Images][2]
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Xubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) Officially Released
**Canonical has announced that Xubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) operating system is now officially available for download.**
Xubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) has been released along with all the other distribution, but it's not a major improvement over the previous version. Still, users should upgrade as soon as possible.
According to the changelog, a new version of xfce4-settings has been uploaded bringing amongst other things a new dialog to set up your displays, and a tool for changing your theme colors easily, gtk-theme-config, has been added to the default installation, just to mention a couple of changes.
Starting from 13.04, the Xubuntu images will not fit on standard CDs anymore. To install Xubuntu, you will need other media such as a USB device or a DVD.
More details about this release can be found in the official [announcement][1].
Download Xubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander):
- [Xubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 32-bit][2][iso] [834 MB]
- [Xubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit][3][iso] [842 MB]
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openSUSE Summit Schedule Ready!
As you may well know, [Disneys Coronado Springs Resort][1] in beautiful Florida will welcome all Geekos to this years openSUSE Summit from November 15 to 17. This will be a great event, if the brand new schedule is any indication! It has just been made public, together with information about our keynote speakers.
### The keynotes ###
We are very excited to announce our keynote speaker for the keynote on Saturday. [Mykel Alvis][2] will speak to us about fostering better communication, a topic that is very important within openSUSE and any open source project. Mykels current interest lie in IT automation and he has a plethora of experience in the enterprise and open source realms as developer and consultant. Mykel has spoken at many events, including this years South East Linux Fest and Puppet Camp.
### The schedule ###
Thanks to those interested in sharing their knowledge we were able to compile a great schedule with presentations and workshops. The presentation and workshop schedule is now posted on the [openSUSE Summit web site][4]. There will be systemd and image building workshops, talks about technical subjects like virtualization or building scalable web apps to more social subjects like marketing and advocacy.
We will also have a fun game or two going on during the summit, and dont forget if you [purchase a ticket][5] in support of the event ([registration][6] and attendance is free, of course) you will receive a very nice backpack as welcome gift.
### Help promote the Summit! ###
Weve been working on some promotional materials for the openSUSE summit. The flyer on the right you can click and then get the source in a format you can print and hand out!!! We also have some pics you might want to put on your site, linking to the event, like the logo on the top of this article. Find it all in github.
### Be there and have fun! ###
Were looking forward to the Summit. Getting to know one another, learning new technologies, getting hands-on in workshops its fun and useful. Be there!
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ttyrec & ttyplay Record And Play Terminal Sessions In Linux
Sometimes you might want to record a terminal session in order to save a complex command line operation for your future reference or for knowledge sharing purpose. Then you might also want the recorded file size to be as small as possible and finally a player that would play the recorded file at a playback speed of your desire. In this article we will discuss two command line utilities (**ttyrec and ttyplay**) that let you record, save and play terminal sessions.
### ttyrec & ttyplay ###
As the names suggest, the ttyrec command is used for recording terminal sessions while the ttyplay command is used for playing the sessions recorded by ttyrec.
Here are the snapshots of the man pages of these utilities :
**> ttyrec**
** > ttyplay **
### Testing Environment ###
- OS Ubuntu 13.04
- Shell Bash 4.2.45
- Application ttyrec 1.0.8-5 & ttyplay 1.0.8-5
### A Brief Tutorial ###
Here is how you can use these commands to record and play terminal sessions.
To start recording the terminal session, just run the following command :
$ ttyrec [File-name]
The argument [**File-name**] (in the command shown above) is optional but if used, should be replaced by the a name of your choice. The recorded file will be saved with this name. If you do not specify any file name, ttyrec will use **ttyrecord** as the default file name.
The session is now being recorded, yo can run the commands that you want to be recorded. The ttyrec command can even record sessions related to command line utilities like vi, nano, emacs, lynx etc.
Once you are done with the terminal session, just execute the **exit** command and the recording session will end. The recorded file will be saved in the current directory.
You can play this file by running the following command :
$ ttyplay [File-name]
The argument [**File-name**] is the name of the recorded file which is the same name that was passed as argument to **ttyrec** command. If no file name was used with ttyrec command then the default file name is **ttyrecord**.
Once you run ttyplay command, the playback of recorded session will start. Here are some of the hot-keys that you can use while the playback session is ON :
- Press + or f key to speed up the playback session to twice the normal playback speed.
- Press - or s key to slow down the playback session to half the normal playback speed.
- Press 0 to pause the playback.
- Press 1 to bring back the playback to normal speed.
Here are some of the other options supported by the ttyrec and ttyplay commands :
**> ttyrec**
> ttyplay
There is another small utility **ttytime** that can be used to display the time of the session recorded by the ttyrec utility. Its easy to use and requires only the recorded file name as the command line argument.
Here is an example :
$ ttytime record_file
29 record_file
So you can see that the ttytime command displayed the time of session recorded in the file record_file.
Here is a useful video that describes the usage of ttyrec and ttyplay commands :
- [youtube video][1]
### Download/Install/Configure ###
Here are some of the important links related to these utilities :
- [Home Page][2]
- [Download Link][3]
You can download ttyrec, ttyplay and ttytime in one go by just installing ttyrec with any command line download manager like apt-get or yum. Ubuntu users can download and install these utilities through Ubuntu Software Centre also.
### Pros ###
- Lightweight and easy to use
- Can record sessions of various popular command line utilities like vi, nano, lynx etc.
- Almost no learning curve.
### Cons ###
- Doesnt work on IRIX 6.4
- Depends on terminal size
- Doesnt come pre-installed in most of the Linux distributions.
### Conclusion ###
If you are looking for some lightweight command line tools for recording and playing terminal sessions on Linux then ttyrec and ttyplay are ideal tools to get started. I really liked the ease with which they can be used. Try these utilities, youll not be disappointed.
**Have you ever used ttyrec, ttyplay or any other terminal recording/playing utility? Share your experience with us.**
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"Performance, refinement, maintainability, technical debt, improving quality" and "were going to keep racing forward" to characterize Ubuntu 14.04's development cycle
Ubuntu 13.10 was released yesterday, Ubuntu 13.10 allowing users to utilize an up-to-date optimized Ubuntu release with gains in agility, fluidity and an overall solid look & feel.
Starting of today, the natural flow of the developers is Ubuntu 14.04-centric, version being an LTS and, therefore, receiving a special treatment following Ubuntu's values and strategies.
**Mark Shuttleworth** [announced][1] hours ago the new name of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Trusty Tahr, interesting article presenting the focus on the 14.04 LTS version, too.
Among the to-be-followed directions, Mark Shuttleworth talked about and listed performance, refinement, maintainability and technical debt, while adopting a more conservative approach in creating, shaping and delivering Trusty, "it would be entirely appropriate for us to make **conservative choices**".
The conservative nature of Ubuntu 14.04's development is natural, the next LTS will feature five years of support, while pleasing both users and companies interested in the most stable Ubuntu experience.
Moreover, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is to witness:
- "we will be providing OpenStack I, J and K on 14.04 for LTS deployments"
- "on the desktop, 13.10 has benefited greatly from the fact that it has a team just focused on improving quality. Well do the same again and more for 14.04"
- "on the mobile front, were going to keep racing forward, the platform is too new for an LTS"
The in-depth decisions about what, where, how, when related to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS are to be planned, discussed and refined in the upcoming [virtual Ubuntu Developer][2] Summit, video-session based event happening during **November 19th - November 21st **2013, event fully open for participation and completely open to interested users, third-party developers and teams seeking to learn about all Ubuntu layers and areas directly as presented by Ubuntu developers, designers, leaders, etc.
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS will not feature convergence capabilities, yet, the work continues with vigorous plans and according features in the 14.04 cycle, too, "we wont get there in one cycle but given the pace of improvement of the phone and tablet in the last month I think **its going to be a fantastic cycle there"**.
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@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
**树莓派(Raspbeery Pi)** 是一款只有一张信用卡大小的单板机计算机.它由英国的树莓派基金会所开发,目的是以低价硬件及自由软件刺激在学校的基本的计算机教育. 树莓派的生产是通过有生产许可的**Newark element14 (Premier Farnell), RS Components** and **Egoman**公司.这些公司都在网上出售树莓派.Egoman生产的版本分布在中国和台湾(译者注:原文如此,我可没说台湾不是中国,台湾当然是中华民国了),可以从它们的颜色是红色和没有FCC/CE标志上区别其它的树莓派.所有生产商产品硬件都是一样的.(维基百科)
Pwnie Express 团队已经宣布首次发行Paspbeery Pwn,它可以用于将你的树莓派变成一个全功能的安全渗透测试和审计平台.此版本的Raspbberry Pwn 包含所有渗透测试平台所需的工具.在你的树莓派上做渗透测试,让你有什么感觉?Sqlmap, nmap, wireshark, scapy, nikto, xprobe, socat,你想要更多的工具来渗透测试你的网络?
Raspbeery Pwn 自带下面的工具:
- nmap
- dsniff
- netcat
- nikto
- xprobe
- scapy
- wireshark
- tcpdump
- ettercap
- hping3
- medusa
- macchanger
- nbtscan
- john
- ptunnel
- p0f
- ngrep
- tcpflow
- openvpn
- iodine
- httptunnel
- cryptcat
- sipsak
- yersinia
- smbclient
- sslsniff
- tcptraceroute
- pbnj
- netdiscover
- netmask
- udptunnel
- dnstracer
- sslscan
- medusa
- ipcalc
- dnswalk
- socat
- onesixtyone
- tinyproxy
- dmitry
- fcrackzip
- ssldump
- fping
- ike-scan
- gpsd
- darkstat
- swaks
- arping
- tcpreplay
- sipcrack
- proxychains
- proxytunnel
- siege
- sqlmap
- wapiti
- skipfish
- w3af
Nmap是一个免费开源的网络探索工具,帮助我们map网络.网络管理者们发现它在每天的工作中非常有用,如果你有计划做一名网管的话,你应该学习如何使用Nmap.Nmap能够帮助我们探索一个网络中有多少主机(host),它们正在用什么操作系统,还有它们开放的端口并且这些端口上正在运行什么服务.它是一个命令行工具要是你不喜欢记这么多命令,这有一个叫做Zenmap的Nmap图形化版本.Namp和Zenmap都是多平台的(Linux,Windows,Mac OS,BSD,等),因此你不必担心操作系统.Nmap有将扫描(scan)结果保存为文件的功能并且我们能够在以后的分析中使用这些文件.更好的是我喜欢Nmap的是它的脚本引擎(NSE).我们可以自己写脚本在Nmap中使用.浏览更多:[][1]
Netcat 是一个命令行网络工具,它能够通过传输控制协议TCP和用户数据报协议UDP读写数据.最初为Unix而写,在1996年发布,已经被一直到多个操作系统,事实说明它在游戏中依然保持强劲.17年来netcat是属于每一个网络管理/安全专家的工具箱.人们说"姜还是老的辣",在我看来对netcat来说是真的.事实是,只有你想不到的没有netcat做不到的,根据你的意图,你可以用它做好事或者不好的事.Netcat作为一个客户端和作为一个服务器运行.即使有少数例外,newcat的命令选项在Windows和Linux是一样的,这使得netcat成为一个更强大的工具.在下一篇文章中将为你介绍netcat的命令选项还有你将学习到如何执行一些基本的netcat操作. - 浏览更多:[][2]
- 完全支持MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, IBM DB2, SQLite, Firebird, Sybase and SAP MaxDB数据库管理系统.
- 完全支持6个SQL注入技术:boolean-based blind, time-based blind, error-based, UNION query, stacked queries and out-of-band.
- 支持不用通过SQL注入直接连接到数据库,通过提供DBMS凭证,IP地址,端口和数据库名称.
- 支持枚举用户,密码哈希,权限,角色,数据库,表和列.
- 自动识别密码散列格式,支持使用基于字典的攻击cracking它们.
- 支持完全转储数据库表,更具每个用户的选择的范围内的条目或特别的列.用户可以从每个列条目选择只转储一定范围内的字符.
- 支持搜索具体的数据库名称,所有数据库具体的表或所有数据库表中具体的列.
你需要一个暴力破解(brute-forcer)登陆器? Mesusa为破解网络服务发开于Gentoo Linux 和 FreeBSD.Mesusa和FTP, HTTP, IMAP, MS-SQL, MySQL, NCP (NetWare), NNTP, PcAnywhere, POP3, PostgreSQL,rexec, rlogin, rsh, SMB, SMTP (AUTH/VRFY), SNMP, SSHv2, SVN还有其它服务一起工作.你可以在这里浏览更多关于Medusa的信息.
在Raspbeery Pwn这次发布中你能看到所有渗透测试所需要的工具.你有一个树莓派吗?把它变成一个渗透机器吧.
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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ via:
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[1]: [1]:
[2]: [2]:

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
对于刚刚开始使用Ubuntu并想安装谷歌Chrome浏览器的新用户来说本文所介绍的方法是最快捷的。在Ubuntu上安装谷歌Chrome的方法有很多。一些用户喜欢直接在[谷歌Chrome下载页面][1]获得 **deb** 进行安装。
另一些用户喜欢通过来自Chromium的PPA进行安装。我更喜欢通过 **wget** 命令下载安装。通过命令行的方式是最快的,也是这篇文章想要告诉你的。
可能你已经知道谷歌Chrome已经完成屌丝的逆袭成为最流行的网络浏览器之一。实际上这也是我最喜欢的浏览器。我最开始使用的是Internet Explorer然后换成Firefox最后又换成了谷歌Chrome。
cd /tmp
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome*; sudo apt-get -f install
然后就搞定了安装完成后到Unity Dash搜索Chrome就可以启动它了。
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译者:[SCUSJS]( 校对:[Caroline](

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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
sudo passwd
要在**Ubuntu 13.10**中使能手动登录选项,你可以运行下面的命令
sudo gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-unity-greeter.conf
sudo passwd -l root
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译者:[Linchenguang]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)

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@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
FreeBSD 10.0 Beta 1已经可以下载测试 FreeBSD 10.0 Beta 1已经可以下载测试
================================================================================ ================================================================================
**FreeBSD 10.0 Beta 1, 一个可以运行在x86, ARM, IA-64, PowerPC, PC-98, and UltraSPARC 等架构上的操作系统, 已经发布并且可供下载测试。** **FreeBSD 10.0 Beta 1, 一个可以运行在x86, ARM, IA-64, PowerPC, PC-98, and UltraSPARC 等架构上的操作系统, 已经发布并且可供下载测试。**

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
GCC 4.8.2携70余Bug修复而来
Red Hat公司的Jakub Jelinek今天早上发布了GNU编译器4.8.2版本的集合。
GCC 4.8.2是最新[GCC 4.8][1]的稳定发布版。尽管近期大部分新的开发工作都是围绕即将在2014年面世的[GCC 4.9][2]。
GCC 4.8.2相对于五月底发布的4.8.1修复了70个bug。更多关于GCC 4.8.2编译器的信息可以在[邮件列表公告][3]上找到。
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译者:[Crowner](译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
GNOME Control Center 3.10.1版本推出,有多项性能的改进
**GNOME Control CenterGNOME桌面环境中用来配置你的桌面功效的主用户窗口应用程序现在最新的版本是3.10.1。**
Gnome Control Center允许用户使用大量的工具应用程序来对他们的系统进行各方面的配置修改。
**GNOME Control Center 3.10.1的功能亮点:**
- 修正了一些内存泄露;
- 创建目录时使用一致的权限;
- 鼠标移动速度设置不会再复位;
- 没有启用远程控制功能时屏幕共享可正常使用;
- 相同名字的文件夹不会再被选定为媒体共享文件夹;
- 当要启用DLNA必须使MediaExport插件启用;
- 在“标题栏”的按钮图标已经对齐。
- 下载 [GNOME Control Center 3.10.1 tar.xz][2][sources] [6.50 MB]
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@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
1938年10月22曰纽约市皇后区阿斯托里亚的一间公寓内专利代理人卡尔逊Chester Carlson和他的助手奥地利物理学家柯乃伊Otto Kornei利用一个上午的时间制作了世界上第一张静电复印件(卡尔逊经过3年研究在1938年成功实现世界上第一个静电复印实验——译者注),从此开创了计算机的新时代!这是一个改变世界的时刻,这是一个激动人心的时刻!然后他们就去吃午餐了:D
75年来复印产业成了美国公司的中流砥柱。即使在平板电脑和PDF大行其道的今天去年一年时间“多功能打印机”销量为1900万台交易额为309亿美元(来自顾能公司的数据)。你也许忘了上次使用打印机是在什么时候了但IDC分析师Angèle Boyd指出去年全球打印了3万亿张纸其中万亿张来自美国。在一些公司里一个员工每个月打印300到400张纸是再平常不过的事了。打印机生意保持如此令人吃惊的强大其革命性已经远超当年卡尔逊刚发明模拟式静电复印机的时候了。
静电打印机提升了企业的生产力增强了商务交流。顾能公司负责调查、绘图和打印业务的副总裁Ken Weilerstein指出大部分白领的工作任务就是以各种各样的形式阅读和创建文档。Tim Burners-Lee在1991年将超文本技术引入到互联网用于链接不同计算机内部的文档。
Ken Weilerstein说“打印机改变了人们处理文档的方式在人类的办公史上这可是一件大事。”
我们继续卡尔逊的故事,这位发明家和专利代理人对手工复印法律文件感到无比厌烦,他认为世上肯定有一种复印方法能让他摆脱油墨复写纸,这种传统上使用湿纸张和水的复印方法处理起来又乱又慢,拍照处理的代价还巨昂贵(当时世界上只有基于银盐照相直接影印的复印方法——译者注)。 施乐公司档案管理者一个历史性人物Ray Brewer不好意思没能找到你的中文名字:D他说卡尔逊的这个涉及锌片锌粉估计是作为感光材料——译者注的发明即简单又容易复制。
卡尔逊的大突破发生在1946年哈洛伊德公司老大John Dessauer读到了关于卡尔逊发明的文章。哈洛伊德本来是做照相纸的“当时的照相领域发展非常迅速”Brewer说。1948年哈洛伊德为卡尔逊的发明找了一个比较容易记住的名字静电复印技术electrophotography。后来改为施乐复印技术xerography取希腊词根“xeros”和“graphos”组成的新词。
Adobe过去是做桌面打印即通过电脑等电子手段进行文档编辑——译者注而非纸质打印的在这次转型过程中表现了很大的优势对施乐造成很大的压力。然后是苹果公司自己赖以生存的老技术被新技术取代后能迅速变成新技术的领导者这在历史上是很罕见的(TODO: 这是什么历史事件?)。
即使施乐彻底失败了卡尔逊在科技史上的贡献也是毋庸置疑的。卡尔逊的其他发明带有流水沟的雨衣、洗鞋器等但是他最重要的发明是一个证据证明市场的永恒前进和视野的不断开阔。他的死向我们阐明了在公共生活中我们对精神生活了解是如此的少TODO: 没明白这是要说什么,回头网上搜搜)。
1968年卡尔逊和柯乃伊在阿斯托里亚的公寓内辛辛苦苦地发明静电复印技术的30年之后卡尔逊从罗彻斯特家里回到纽约去参加一个商业会议。他发现离开会还有一些时间于是他走进一家电影院观看《骑虎之人He Who Rides a Tiger主演是Tom Bell和Judi Dench。当电影结束时一个服务员看见了卡尔逊此刻他正在位子上睡觉没有再醒过来。卡尔逊因心脏病去世——那是他那年第二次心脏病发作。
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译者:[chenjintao]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
在Ubuntu 13.10或者13.04上安装Rhythmbox 3.0 在Ubuntu 13.10或者13.04上安装Rhythmbox 3.0
================================================================================ ================================================================================
Rhythmbox 3.0已经发布了超过一个月了,这个版本有一些用户界面的改进使用Python 3来支持插件。不幸的是新版本并没有集成到13.10里面但是你可以使用PPA来安装它Ubuntu 13.04也支持)。 Rhythmbox 3.0已经发布了超过一个月了,这个版本改进了用户界面使用Python 3来支持插件。很可惜新版本并没有集成到13.10里面但是你可以使用PPA来安装它Ubuntu 13.04也支持)。
![]( ![](
Rhythmox 3.0更新日志 Rhythmox 3.0的新功能
- 插件现在使用Python 3; - 插件现在使用Python 3;
- 新的任务进度显示在曲目列表的下方(可以供很多东西使用包括包括轨道更换和导入作业等); - 新的任务进度显示在曲目列表的下方(可以供很多东西使用包括包括轨道更换和导入作业等);
@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ Rhythmox 3.0更新日志:
*Ubuntu 13.10 (Unity)下的Rhythmbox 3.0* *Ubuntu 13.10 (Unity)下的Rhythmbox 3.0*
因为Rhythmbox 3.0的插件使用Python3而不是Python 2 因为Rhythmbox 3.0的插件使用Python3而不是Python 2
**[第三方插件 PPA][2]里面的插件都不能在Rhythmbox里面使用了** 。你可以通过手动安装的方式来使用它们中的一些包括Equalizer超酷的**[CoverArt browser][3]** **[第三方插件 PPA][2]里面的插件都不能在Rhythmbox里面使用了** 。你可以通过手动安装的方式来使用它们中的一些包括Equalizer插件和超酷的**[CoverArt browser][3]**
- 更多信息请看**[这篇][4]**文章。 - 更多信息请看**[这篇][4]**文章。
Rhythmbox 3.0现在可以在一个由Jacob Zimmermann维护的一个为Ubuntu 13.10和13.04(及衍生系统)准备的非官方PPA里面找到。**通过以下命令添加这个PPA然后安装/升级Rhythmbox 3.0**: Rhythmbox 3.0现在可以在一个非官方PPA里面找到它是由Jacob Zimmermann维护为Ubuntu 13.10和13.04(及衍生系统)准备。**通过以下命令添加这个PPA然后安装/升级Rhythmbox 3.0**:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jacob/media sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jacob/media
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get update
@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ Rhythmbox 3.0现在可以在一个由Jacob Zimmermann维护的一个为Ubuntu 13
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[1]: [1]:
[2]: [2]:
[3]: [3]:
[4]: [4]:

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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
Linux 随机数生成器可能还是不安全的
> 在 Linus 向那些质疑 Linux 随机数生成器安全性的人们发表了自己的观点之后,现在,一篇新的学术论文[分析了 Linux 中的 /dev/urandom 和 /dev/random 的健壮性][2]。论文中写道:“从实际的角度来说,我们也对 Linux 的两种伪随机数生成器 /dev/random 和 /dev/urandom 的安全性做了精确的评估。特别是,我们展示了几种攻击手段来证明 Linux 中的这两种伪随机数生成器并不符合我们对健壮性的定义,而且熵没有适当地累积起来。这些攻击能起效是由于熵估计器及 Linux 伪随机数生成器的内部混合函数存在弱点。由于这些攻击的存在Linux 的伪随机数生成器并不满足安全学中‘健壮性’这一概念,但是,在实际情况中,我们并不清楚这些攻击手段是否存在真正可利用的漏洞。”
当然,你[甚至可能连硬件随机数生成器都不相信][3]。论文作者们并非只是简单地证明 Linux 伪随机数生成器是不健壮的(通过使用 Linux 的运行时熵估计器),他们提出了一个新的性质用于检验伪随机数生成器的熵累计阶段是否健壮,并且,他们还提供了另一个伪随机数生成器的模型,他们证明,这个模型不仅是健壮的,而且比现有的 Linux 伪随机数生成器更加高效。
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译者:[will.qian]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
现在可以预订System 76 Ubuntu触摸笔记本了!!!
**Ubuntu PC 制造商 System 76 已经公布了一款搭载Ubuntu 13.10的触摸笔记本.**
Darter Ultra Thin 14.1寸高清**搭载Ubuntu多点触摸显示**,0.9''的厚度,地盘重4.60英镑(约2kg),电池大约能支持5个小时 - 受Linux电池管理的影响,这是令人震撼的.
- Inel i5-4200U @ 1.5Ghz (双核)
- Intel HD 4400 显卡
- 500 GB 5400 RPM HDD
- 集成WIFI和蓝牙
- 1MP 网络摄像头
对于所有System 76电脑来说,你可以通过提高规格和添加可选的额外设备来精饰你的梦幻机.Dater提供的可选项包括有:
- Inter 酷睿i5和i7 CPU
- 能扩展到16GB的DDR3 RAM
- 双储存,包括SSD + HDD的联合体.
- HDMI 输出
- 以太网
- 2个USB3.0插口
- 分开的耳机和麦克风插孔
- SD 读卡器
更多关于Dater Thin的信息请转向System 76站点,到10月28号后,你可以预订Dater Thin,只需5美元在美国的快递费.
- [System76 Darter UltraThin 笔记本][1]
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译者:[Luoxcat]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)

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@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
Debian OpenSSL Bug - 后门还是安全事故?
周一Ed 写了篇文章《软件透明度》[1],主旨是如果软件开发的过程是透明的,那么软件对恶意的后门(以及无心的安全漏洞)就更具抵抗性。
2006年为了解决一个用于查找软件内存存取bug的工具[5]的警告问题[4]一名Debian维护者决定注释掉[6]OpenSSL PRNG里的两行代码[7]。
但是这两行代码非常重要它们负责抓取几乎所有的不可预测的熵以作为OpenSSL PRNG的种子。没有这些代码PRNG只有总共32,767个选择可作为种子s因而也只有这么多的F(s)供选择。
于是有人问,这是个后门,故意设置的吗?似乎不大可能。做出这个更改的代码维护者 [Kurt Roeckx][17]后来成为Debian项目的主管。这意味着他是个可靠的家伙
这是否意味着软件透明没什么帮助? 我可不这么认为。许多人都赞同透明软件要比不透明软件更安全。但是这也并不表示漏洞不会产生,或者认为有其他人都看着呢而我们自己就可以掉以轻心。
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译者:[l3b2w1]( 校对:[jasminepeng](

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@ -1,69 +1,62 @@
Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) Officially Released occupied by rogetfan Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) Officially Released
Ubuntu 13.10(俏皮的蝾螈)官方版发布
================================================================================ ================================================================================
**Canonical has announced that the next installment of their operating system, Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) has been officially released and it's now available for download.** **Canonical 已经声明他们下一代操作系统 ——Ubuntu 13.10(俏皮的蝾螈)官方版已经发布,并可以下载了。**
![]( ![](
和上一版本Ubuntu13.04铆足了劲的猫熊相比Ubuntu 13.10(俏皮的蝾螈)看起来好像并没有多大变。但是至少在系统的稳定性上,还是有着明显的变化。
Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) may not seem like much when compared with the previous Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) released, but it's an obvious evolution, at least in terms of stability. 新版本内核的加入是Ubuntu众多重要变化中比较突出的一个这样一来Ubuntu就拥有了最新的稳定版内核。
One of the biggest changes in Ubuntu is the implementation of a new Linux kernel, which right now is actually the latest stable version available. This is great news for the owners of new hardware who will be able to enjoy the new operating system without much fuss. 通过哪些开发者Ubuntu13.10囊括了3.11.0-12.19版本的Linux内核它是基于v3.11.3的上游版本开发而成的。
According to the developers, Ubuntu 13.10 includes the 3.11.0-12.19 Ubuntu Linux kernel which was based on the v3.11.3 upstream Linux kernel.
Other important changes include a number of improvements for AppArmor, which has received some extra attention during this development cycle.
For example, support has been added for fine-grained DBus mediation for bus, binding name, object path, interface and member/method, AppArmor has been integrated with several services as part of the ApplicationConfinement work in support of click packages and the Ubuntu appstore, and the support for policy generation via the aa-easyprof tool and apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu policy has been improved. For example, support has been added for fine-grained DBus mediation for bus, binding name, object path, interface and member/method, AppArmor has been integrated with several services as part of the ApplicationConfinement work in support of click packages and the Ubuntu appstore, and the support for policy generation via the aa-easyprof tool and apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu policy has been improved.
[Ubuntu 13.10][1] (Saucy Salamander) also comes with Unity 7, which is a shame because everyone was expecting Unity 8, which will be integrated on the phones. 伴随Ubuntu13.10(俏皮的蝾螈)而来的图形界面依旧是Unity7而不是万众瞩目的Unity8这不得不说是一种遗憾。不过没关系Unity8将会被应用在手机中到时候就可以和大家见面了。
在任何情况下,用户都会享受"101 Scopes" 升级。之前应为Lenses而著名的Scopes已经被更好的集成在Unity中它能够提为用户的询问提供更多的回答。
In any case, users will enjoy the “101 Scopes” upgrade. Formerly known under the name of Lenses, the Scopes have been integrated much better with Unity, providing much more relevant responses to the user's queries in the Dash. 用户只要打开软件源然后按Alt+F2并录入"update-manager"(没有引号)到命令框里面就能够马上更新到最新版本的Ubuntu。
Users will be able to upgrade to the new version of Ubuntu in no time. Just open Software Sources and Press Alt+F2 and type in "update-manager -d" (without the quotes) into the command box. ##如果你想要感受不一样的安装体验就来下载Ubuntu 13.10(俏皮的蝾螈)吧##
**下载 Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander).**
This should trigger the updates and the rest is a piece of cake. Just follow the instructions and you will have Ubuntu 13.10 installed in no time.
## If you want a fresh install, just download Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander): ##
**Download Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander).**
- [Ubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 32-bit][2][iso] [895 MB] - [Ubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 32-bit][2][iso] [895 MB]
- [Ubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit][3][iso] [883 MB] - [Ubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit][3][iso] [883 MB]
- [Ubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit + Mac][4][iso] [881 MB] - [Ubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit + Mac][4][iso] [881 MB]
**Download Ubuntu Server 13.10 (Saucy Salamander).** **下载 Ubuntu Server 13.10 (Saucy Salamander).**
- [Ubuntu Server 13.10 (ISO) 32-bit][5][iso] [658 MB] - [Ubuntu Server 13.10 (ISO) 32-bit][5][iso] [658 MB]
- [Ubuntu Server 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit][6][iso] [672 MB] - [Ubuntu Server 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit][6][iso] [672 MB]
- [Ubuntu Server 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit Mac][7][iso] [673 MB] - [Ubuntu Server 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit Mac][7][iso] [673 MB]
- [Ubuntu Server 13.10 (img) Armhf + OMAP4][8][binary] [694 MB] - [Ubuntu Server 13.10 (img) Armhf + OMAP4][8][binary] [694 MB]
**Download Ubuntu Core 13.10 (Saucy Salamander).** **下载 Ubuntu Core 13.10 (Saucy Salamander).**
- [Ubuntu Core 13.10 tar.gz (32-bit)][9][sources] [37 MB] - [Ubuntu Core 13.10 tar.gz (32-bit)][9][sources] [37 MB]
- [Ubuntu Core 13.10 tar.gz (64-bit)][10][sources] [38 MB] - [Ubuntu Core 13.10 tar.gz (64-bit)][10][sources] [38 MB]
- [Ubuntu Core 13.10 tar.gz (PowerPC)][11][sources] [37 MB] - [Ubuntu Core 13.10 tar.gz (PowerPC)][11][sources] [37 MB]
**Download Ubuntu Studio 13.10 (Saucy Salamander).** **下载 Ubuntu Studio 13.10 (Saucy Salamander).**
- [Ubuntu Studio 13.10 (ISO) 32-bit][12][iso] [2.40 GB] - [Ubuntu Studio 13.10 (ISO) 32-bit][12][iso] [2.40 GB]
- [Ubuntu Studio 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit][13][iso] [2.40 GB] - [Ubuntu Studio 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit][13][iso] [2.40 GB]
**Download Kubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander).** **下载 Kubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander).**
- [Kubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 32-bit][14][iso] [1 GB] - [Kubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 32-bit][14][iso] [1 GB]
- [Kubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit][15][iso] [1 GB] - [Kubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit][15][iso] [1 GB]
**Download Xubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander).** **下载 Xubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander).**
- [Xubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 32-bit][16][iso] [834 MB] - [Xubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 32-bit][16][iso] [834 MB]
- [Xubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit][17][iso] [842 MB] - [Xubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit][17][iso] [842 MB]
**Download Edubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander).** **下载 Edubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander).**
- [Edubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 32-bit][18][iso] [2.80 GB] - [Edubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 32-bit][18][iso] [2.80 GB]
- [Edubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit][19][iso] [2.80 GB] - [Edubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit][19][iso] [2.80 GB]
**Download Lubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander).** **下载 Lubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander).**
- [Lubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 32-bit Alternate CD][20][iso] [663 MB] - [Lubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 32-bit Alternate CD][20][iso] [663 MB]
- [Lubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit Alternate CD][21][iso] [674 MB] - [Lubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit Alternate CD][21][iso] [674 MB]
@ -75,12 +68,12 @@ This should trigger the updates and the rest is a piece of cake. Just follow the
- [Lubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit + Mac Desktop CD][17][iso] [700 MB] - [Lubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit + Mac Desktop CD][17][iso] [700 MB]
- [Lubuntu 13.10 (tar.gz) Armhf + AC100][28][binary] [469 MB] - [Lubuntu 13.10 (tar.gz) Armhf + AC100][28][binary] [469 MB]
**Download Ubuntu-GNOME 13.10 (Saucy Salamander).** **下载 Ubuntu-GNOME 13.10 (Saucy Salamander).**
- [Ubuntu GNOME 3.10 (ISO) 32-bit][29][iso] [876 MB] - [Ubuntu GNOME 3.10 (ISO) 32-bit][29][iso] [876 MB]
- [Ubuntu GNOME 3.10 (ISO) 64-bit][30][iso] [865 MB] - [Ubuntu GNOME 3.10 (ISO) 64-bit][30][iso] [865 MB]
**Download Ubuntu Kylin 13.10 (Saucy Salamander).** **下载 Ubuntu Kylin 13.10 (Saucy Salamander).**
- [Ubuntu Kylin 13.10 (ISO) 32-bit][31][iso] [934 MB] - [Ubuntu Kylin 13.10 (ISO) 32-bit][31][iso] [934 MB]
- [Ubuntu Kylin 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit][32][iso] [941 MB] - [Ubuntu Kylin 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit][32][iso] [941 MB]
@ -91,7 +84,7 @@ via:
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Jessica McKellar是一名企业家软件工程师同时也是开源领域的开发者。她协助管理Boston Python用户组鼓励新手和女性加入在推广开源多样性方面扮演着重要角色。两年来用户组的参与增长比例从0-2%上升到15%,而且以这样的方式持续了两年。 Jessica McKellar是一名企业家软件工程师同时也是开源领域的开发者。她协助管理Boston Python用户组鼓励新手和女性加入在推广开源多样性方面扮演着重要角色。两年来用户组的参与率从0-2%上升到15%,这一点已持续了两年。
取得这样的成果Jessica相信如果开源社区在推广多元化上投资每个人都将是受益者。招募新手中级工作室到后来推动开源事业高歌猛进Boston Python用户组的规模扩大了五倍以上从最初的700名成员发展到超过4000名成员。他们现在是世界上最大的Python用户组。这种增长模式是所有的开源社区都应该神往的。 取得这样的成果Jessica相信如果开源社区在推广多元化上投资每个人都将是受益者。招募新手中级工作室到后来推动开源事业高歌猛进Boston Python用户组的规模扩大了五倍以上从最初的700名成员发展到超过4000名成员。他们现在是世界上最大的Python用户组。这种增长模式是所有的开源社区都应该神往的。
@ -12,20 +12,21 @@ Jessica McKellar是一名企业家软件工程师同时也是开源领域
**你进入开源社区多长时间了? 起步的时候有导师带你吗?** **你进入开源社区多长时间了? 起步的时候有导师带你吗?**
参与到Twisted的项目中第一次经历给我的感觉非常棒社区给新手提供了详尽的文档当我第一次磕磕绊绊使用工具的时候耐心地帮助我。我不会说我有一个特定的导师Twisted社区的集体帮助还有评论者对我第一份作业耐心的反馈这些都使我受益。 我参与的第一个开源项目是在2009年Twisted项目中做些文档工作Twisted是Python写的一个事件驱动的网络引擎从此以后我就加入到这个项目中来现在是核心人员还写了一本关于Twisted 的书。
参与Twisted 的初始经历给我的感觉非常棒社区给新手提供了详尽的文档当我第一次磕磕绊绊使用工具的时候耐心地帮助我。我不会说我有一个特定的导师Twisted社区的集体帮助还有评论者对我第一份作业耐心的反馈这些都使我受益。
**自从你加入社区,你是怎样看到开源软件的发展的?** **自从你加入社区,你是怎样看到开源软件的发展的?**
拥抱多元性,推广多元性的趋势明显以级数的速率在增长,尤其是针对背景不同的初学者的帮助。技术会议采纳了越来越多的行为准则, [GNOME Outreach Program for Women][3], [Python Software Foundation's][4]的推广和培训计划还有PyCon's [Young Coders][5] 都是一些成功的范例,开源社区据此为自己打造出一个友好互助的环境。 接受多元化及推广多元性方面进步显著,尤其是针对不同背景的初学者的帮助。技术会议采纳了越来越多的行为准则, [GNOME Outreach Program for Women][3], [Python Software Foundation's][4]的推广和培训计划还有PyCon's [Young Coders][5] 都是一些成功的范例,开源社区据此为自己打造出一个友好互助的环境。
**你正在积极参与Python社区。为什么会是Python? 对这门语言,最开始的时候你有什么样的经历?** **你正在积极参与Python社区。为什么会是Python? 对这门语言,最开始的时候你有什么样的经历?**
我第一次使用Python是在学校我在MIT的时候刚好赶上核心CS课程从Scheme语言转换到Python语言,之后的每次作业都是用Python完成的。用Python也做一些小的项目。我觉得用Python开发是挺快乐的一件事除此之外之所以投资Python社区是因为 我第一次使用Python是在学校我在MIT的时候刚好赶上核心计算机课程从Scheme语言转换到Python语言,之后的每次工作也都会用Python。用Python也做一些小的项目。我觉得用Python开发是挺快乐的一件事除此之外投资Python社区是因为
该社区把强化友好互助的氛围作为自己的使命,针对的当然是来自所有领域的人 该社区为各种不同背景的人培养友好互助的氛围
**针对PyCon 2012有关Boston Python用户组推广多元性方面的工作你和Asheesh Laroia表现相当突出。可以描述一下你的同事做了哪些事情吗?** **关于Boston Python用户组增强多元性方面的工作您和Asheesh Laroia在Pycon 2012大会上做了精彩的演讲。可以描述一下你们做了哪些工作吗?**
过去两年为了使更多的女性进入本地Python社区Boston Python定期举行一些活动。该渠道的第一步就是在周末给第一次编程者一个实际动手的机会这样的活动我们已经举行了8次超过400名女性参加。 过去两年为了使更多的女性进入本地Python社区Boston Python定期举行一些活动。该渠道的第一步就是给第一次编程者提供一个实际动手的周末工作室这样的活动我们已经举行了8次超过400名女性参加。
我们这样做想要达到的目标: 我们这样做想要达到的目标:
@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ Jessica McKellar是一名企业家软件工程师同时也是开源领域
在运行这些工作室之前一次典型的Boston Python用户组活动女性参与比例大概只有0-2%。自从运行了这些工作室通常的用户组活动女性参与者比例达到或者超过15%。这些大型活动吸引80-120人参与这表明无论是女性参与者的比例还是绝对数量都有巨大的进步。甚至更为显著的是,这样的增长持续了整整两年。 在运行这些工作室之前一次典型的Boston Python用户组活动女性参与比例大概只有0-2%。自从运行了这些工作室通常的用户组活动女性参与者比例达到或者超过15%。这些大型活动吸引80-120人参与这表明无论是女性参与者的比例还是绝对数量都有巨大的进步。甚至更为显著的是,这样的增长持续了整整两年。
推广最神秘的的地方就在于,即使你所关注的是一个人数非常少的组织,也可以让其中的每个人都获益。运行这些引入工作室迫使我们要学会怎样真正的帮助初学者。我们曾经启动过一个每月举行一次的“Project Night”项目作为引入工作室的后续工作给初学者和中级水平的人一个学习和运用语言的机会并且亲自接受指导。我们制定了课程和实习计划该计划已经在全世界范围内得以执行。我们运行中级水平工作室大力推进开源事业。通过所有的这些举措用户组规模扩大了5倍从700名成员上升到4000多让我们成为世界上最大的Python用户组。 推广最大的益处就在于,即使你所关注的是一个人数非常少的组织,也可以让其中的每个人都获益。运行这些引入工作室促使我们学会怎样真正的帮助初学者。我们还启动了一个每月举行一次的“Project Night”项目作为引入工作室的后续工作给初学者和中级水平的人一个学习和运用语言的机会并且接受面对面指导。我们制定了课程和实习计划该计划已经在全世界范围内得以执行。我们运行中级水平工作室大力推进开源事业。通过所有的这些举措用户组规模扩大了5倍从700名成员上升到4000多让我们成为世界上最大的Python用户组。
简而言之,如果你投资推广多元性,每个人都将是赢家。 简而言之,如果你投资推广多元性,每个人都将是赢家。
@ -45,11 +46,11 @@ via:
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[1]: [1]:
[2]: [2]:
[3]: [3]:
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[5]: [5]:
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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
觉得长文无聊?那直接到最后一部分 "**所有内容的整理**".
### 为什么没有Linux我活不了? ###
### 考虑几个情况: ###
1. 你的机器经常崩溃.
1. 它令人发指的慢.
1. 文件/文件夹的建立/删除没有你的干预.
1. 机器莫名其妙的关闭.
有什么收获?你的机器感染了病毒.现在,它几乎不会发生在Linux上.在这里可以说"根本没有" :)
### 为什么/怎么做? ###
** 1994年3月14日,Linux 1.0.0发布,拥有176.250行代码.
到2013年,Linux 3.10发布时,已经有了15,803,499行代码.**
**稳定性** - 永远运行的Linux机器. 一个简单的"uptime"命令可以让你知道机器已经运行了多久.你永远不需要关机.机智的热插拔.当然这在其它操作系统的机器报告了同样长的运行时间,但同样,Linux机器很少崩溃,蓝屏死机(:D),除非是你搞死了它.
老话说得好 "**Linux是用户友好,不是白痴友好**"(译者注:貌似在拉仇横?)
有许多必要的事情你应该做以保护你的机器免于病毒/木马.一项研究说,windows连接到网络之后平均40分钟的时间就会受到影响,然而Linux - 像一个老板.那就是,你除了基本操作系统本身不需要安装任何东西.
**安全性增强** - Iptables, 一个极好的命令行工具用来设置firewall.同样,还有许多其它创新,比如*端口试探(port knocking),chroot监狱(译者注:维基百科:chroot是在unix系统的一个操作,用于对当前的程序和它的子进程改变真实的磁盘根目录.一个被改变根目录的程序不可以访问和命名在被改变根目录外的文件,那个根目录叫做"chroot监狱chroot jail,chroot prison)").
**SELinux** - 你给一个文件所有的访问权限,其他人仍然不能访问它,如果SELinux设置执行.
所以说,如果操作系统公司不修复bug,之后会怎么样?好,你只能和bug生活在一起了.然而在linux,有许多人修复bug,或者如果逆是一个更好的程序员,或许你应该修复它并且贡献到开源社区. **分享快乐!**
**没有crapware**(译者注:附赠软件,是一个贬义的俚语) - 这个操作系统是开源的.关于其它工具?恩,有许多开源工具可以在上面使用,而在其它操作统统中,大部分软件可能会问你是否订购服务,升级/购买.更差的是,在用了几天之后,你可能会发现这个玩意儿竟然只有30天的试用期.在这方面,Linux上永远不会让你经历这样的失意.
如果你仅仅是一个正常的桌面用户,没有多少事情要用命令行(CLI)来做 - Linux带有各种桌面,比如Gnome,KDE,没错你可以称呼它为 "**下一代桌面环境**"
**没有后门(backdoor)** - 当你不了解一个操作系统开源代码时,你怎么能确保它没有后门呢.如果制造商公司留了一个和谐的后门,当你连接到网络的时候,这会让你的隐私无所遁形.在Linux上任何东西都是开放的.因此没有后门可以引入到操作系统里.
这里要谈另一个有趣的事: 大部分使用windows的用户可能会有一个沮丧的事就是当升级一些软件或者操作系统的时候需要重启机器.Linux不需要这样的重启.Linux是一个稳定的,完美运行多年也不需要重启的系统.
**让老机器品味新生** - Linux甚至可以在很老的硬件上完美运行,不像其它的操作系统,需要新的硬件,仅仅是为了使用它.
### 所有内容的整理..###
- 让老机器新生
- 开机很快
- 随时更新
- 没有crapware(垃圾软件)
- 没有后门
- 没有病毒
- 稳定性
- 兼容性
- 安全增强
- 快速响应
- Linux不需要碎片整理
- 那么选择Linux有影响力在这个环境. (Google it)
- 自由和无限的支持 -论坛邮件列表IRC频道
- 工作区的功能 - 下一代桌面
- 没有大麻烦
- 报告bug和得到修复
- 你不会感到孤单.
- 贡献东西回来,感觉争辩.给予快乐。
- 其它操作系统是一个公司的,微软拥有的Windows,苹果拥有Mac OS.
- Linux?恩,我们拥有它.
总之,你可以品味自由的感觉 - 这是无价的. 你要体验一下它,不仅仅是阅读文章.
对我来说, **linuxing 是沉思**. 对你呢? :)
Google "linuxing urban dictionary"(译者注:urban dictionary是一个专供网友来发表对一些特殊的单词或短语的解释,这上面有许多正常词典里面查不到的词条,即使是正常词典里面有的在这里也会有新的精辟的解释.里面对于每一个词条会有提供很多网友的解释,而你可以投票),来,笑一个 :D
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
Xubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander-活泼的蝾螈)正式发行
**Canonical已宣布Xubuntu 13.10(Saucy Salamander)操作系统现在正式下载。**
Xubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander)已经与其他所有发行版一起发布,但是在以前的版本上没有一个重大改进。但是,用户应该尽快升级。
下载Xubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander):
- [Xubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 32-bit][2][iso] [834 MB]
- [Xubuntu 13.10 (ISO) 64-bit][3][iso] [842 MB]
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