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已翻译 by小眼儿
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Ubuntu 13.10 Review: A great Linux desktop gets better
***Summary**: Ubuntu 13.10 may not be the most exciting desktop Linux, but it is very solid and contains many useful new features.*
Many hardcore desktop fans still haven't forgiven Ubuntu for switching to its Unity interface. Others dislike how [Canonical][2], [Ubuntu][2]'s parent company, has gone its own way with such technical issues as working on the Mir display stack instead of the more mainstream Wayland. And, some people dislike how Ubuntu is combining "local" searches with Web searches. So what!

*Ubuntu 13.10 launches next week. Here's an early review.*
Here's all that really matters. Back in April 2011, Ubuntu's founder, Mark Shuttleworth said that the purpose of Ubuntu's new path was "to bring the [joys and freedoms and innovation and performance and security that have always been part of the Linux platform, to a consumer audience.][3]" He's done it.
Sure, Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander, which has just gone into its final release candidate stage, isn't a desktop Linux that a Linux techie who still compiles his or her kernels from source code can love. But, it's not meant to be that kind of desktop.
It's meant to be a Linux desktop that anyone, say my now 81-year old mother-in-law can use. From that standpoint Ubuntu has been a success and this one week from final release version is even more of a win for people who just want to use a computer without tears.
To see how it was doing this time, I've been running the Ubuntu beta and the release candidate on two test systems. The first test box was my 2007 Dell Inspiron 530S, which is powered by a 2.2-GHz Intel Pentium E2200 dual-core processor. This PC has 4GBs of RAM, a 500GB SATA (Serial ATA) drive, and an Integrated Intel 3100 GMA (Graphics Media Accelerator) chip set. The second was a 2008-vintage Gateway DX4710. This PC is powered by a 2.5-GHz Intel Core 2 Quad processor, 6GBs of RAM, and a 1TB SATA drive. and also used an Intel GMA 3100 for graphics.
Installation was a cinch on all these systems. While I didn't try to install Ubuntu on a system locked down with Windows 8 Secure Boot, there are [good instructions on how to put Ubuntu on Windows 8 PCs][4] and other systems that use Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI).
One nice new feature about the installation is that during it, you're asked to either login or open a free [Ubuntu One][5] cloud service account. Ubuntu One is a Dropbox-like storage service which comes with 5GBs of no-cost storage. The [commercial version, at $39.95][6], gives you 20GBs of storage and music streaming. While this service works hand-in-glove with Ubuntu you can also its storage from Windows, Mac OS, Android and iOS.
The first thing I noticed once I had it installed was that on both of these older systems, Ubuntu 13.10 ran like a top. If you have an older PC of your own and you're concerned about its fast approaching XP expiration date, keep in mind that Ubuntu, and other easy-to-use Linux distributions such as Mint run just fine on hardware that Windows 7 and above might find too slow.
Looking under the hood, here's what I found. First, the Saucy Salamander is running the [Linux 3.11 kernel][7].
Above this foundation, you'll find the graphics stack. It was supposed to be Mir, but on PCs Mir just isn't ready for prime time. The Mir graphics stack has also faced both internal opposition from Ubuntu-related distributions such as [Kubuntu][8] and [external rejection from Intel][9].
The end result is that Ubuntu 13.10 will still be using the old Xorg-server 1.4.3 by default. You can elect to try Mir if you're feeling adventuresome. If you're going to be running Ubuntu on a smartphone, aka [Ubuntu Touch, you will be using the Mir graphics stack][10].
If you're a developer, this is a big deal. As Joe or Jane user, you won't notice it. For example, until Valve's Ubuntu-based SteamOS ships, Ubuntu is still going to be the best Linux for gaming.
Above the graphics stack you'll find the GNOME 3.8-based Unity 7 interface. The new [Unity 8 interface][11], which emphasizes the use of the screen's edges to control a computing device, will be used in Ubuntu Touch 13.10, but it won't be the default on the desktop.
If you really can't stand Unity, you can easily install your Linux desktop of choice. Or, you can simply use another [Ubuntu-based Linux distribution][12] such as Kubuntu for KDE users, Mint for Cinnamon fans, or [Lubuntu][13] for LXDE enthusiasts. While the main Ubuntu with Unity is meant for new users, you really can run Ubuntu with any Linux desktop you like.
When the software for this edition of Ubuntu was being decided upon, it looked as if Chromium, the open-source version of Google's Chrome Web browser, would be the browser of choice. That didn't happen. Instead, Firefox 24 will be the default Web browser.
The other applications will also be familiar to any Ubuntu or Linux desktop user. They'll include LibreOffice 4.12 for the office suite; Thunderbird 24 for the e-mail client, Gimp 2.8.6 for photo editing, and Rhythmbox 2.99.1 as the default music player.
The most noticeable new feature to casual users will be [Smart Scopes][14], formerly known as Lens. When Lens was first introduced, all it did was integrate Amazon search results with local Unity Dash search results. This default feature was made eventually made optional.
In Ubuntu 13.10, when you search with Unity Dash you'll have the option of having your local search not only look into Amazon but in Facebook, Google Drive, Yelp, and dozens of other online Web sites as well.
Here's how it works. When you enter a search term in the Unity Dash, Ubuntu will try to guess which searches are appropriate. So, for example, if I searched for "Mumford & Sons," it will search not just my PC, but for the group on the Web under the music category.
Each of these categories has multiple sources, or scopes. For example, selecting the "Reference" category will ensure that [Wikipedia][15]; [Wordnik][16], an online dictionary; and [Zotero][17], an Evernote-like program that works with Linux, are used for sources.
Worried about privacy on your Web-based searches? Ubuntu has addressed this by anonymizing both searches and their results.
Say you still don't want to have a thing to do with Web searches from your desktop? Don't sweat it. You can turn all of them off from Settings/Security & Privacy/Search. Or, what I recommend is you take the following steps to use only the online search scopes you feel comfortable with:
- Open the Application Scope (Super, aka Windows key, +A).
- Scroll down to Dash plugins.
- Select “See X more results.”
- Click on the Scope you want to disable.
- Click “Disable.”
Frankly, after some tweaking, I really like this feature. I also like the rest of Ubuntu 13.10.
I've been using the operating system now for several weeks. It's worked well for me as a fast, secure and easy-to-use desktop.
While Unity isn't quite to my personal taste, Shuttleworth has been successful in making a Linux desktop that anyone can use. Don't believe me? Download [Saucy Salamander][18] and see for yourself.

**About Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols**
Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, aka sjvn, has been writing about technology and the business of technology since CP/M-80 was the cutting edge PC operating system. SJVN covers networking, Linux, open source, and operating systems.
via: http://www.zdnet.com/ubuntu-13-10-review-a-great-linux-desktop-gets-better-7000021825/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
译者:[小眼儿](https://github.com/tinyeyeser) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
Ubuntu 13.10评论:日趋完善,一个伟大的Linux桌面系统。
***摘要**:Ubuntu 13.10也许并不是最激动人心的桌面Linux,但它却非常可靠,拥有许多有用的新特性。*

*Ubuntu 13.10下周发布,本文只是预热。*
让我来告诉你们,什么是事实!回首2011年4月,Ubuntu的创始人Mark Shuttleworth曾经说过,Ubuntu新的发展方向是,“为普通消费者带来[快乐、自由、创新、性能和安全,而这些正是Linux平台中一直所缺少的东西][3]”。如今,他做到了!
Ubuntu 13.10,代号“俏皮的蝾螈(Saucy Salamander)”,已经进入发布前的最后阶段。的确,Ubuntu也许不是那些每天热衷于编译内核代码的Linux专家们所喜爱的桌面Linux,因为它本就不是为那些人准备的。
为了目睹新版的Ubuntu是如何做到这一点的,我在两套系统上分别安装运行了beta版和发布版。第一套测试环境是我2007年产的Dell Inspiron 530S,搭载2.2GHz Intel奔腾 E2200双核处理器、4G内存、500GSATA串口硬盘,集成Intel 3100GMA显示芯片组。第二套测试环境是2008年入手的Gateway DX4710,搭载2.5GHz Intel酷睿2四核处理器,6G内存,1T串口硬盘,同样集成了Intel GMA 3100显卡。
安装过程小菜一碟。首先说明一下,我并没有尝试在有Windows 8 Secure Boot锁定的系统上安装Ubuntu,如果你想尝试的话,这里有[如何安装Ubuntu与Win8双系统的教程][4],如果是其他使用统一可扩展固件接口(Unified Extensible Firmware Interface - UEFI)的系统,也可以看下这个教程。
安装过程中有个出色的新特性,就是安装的同时你可以登录并打开[Ubuntu One][5]的云端服务账户。Ubuntu One是一款类似Dropbox的存储服务,提供5G免费空间,[商业版费用为39.95美刀][6],提供20G空间和音乐流媒体支持。该服务除了完美集成在Ubuntu系统中,你也可以在Windows、Mac OS、Android和IOS系统中使用它。
首先,安装完成后,我注意到的第一件事是,在我这两台老电脑上,Ubuntu 13.10运行非常流畅,就像在顶级配置的电脑上运行一样。(译者表示,这样的配置竟然还叫老电脑,让译者的1G内存情何以堪,你们有考虑过老闪龙的感受吗!)如果你的机子比我的还老,跑Windows 7以上的系统都嫌慢,并且比较在意即将结束的XP官方支持,可以考虑一下Ubuntu,或者其他易于上手的Linux发行版,比如Mint。
再来看看核心部分。首先,“俏皮的蝾螈”运行[Linux 3.11 内核][7]。
最后的结果就是13.10将仍然默认使用老旧的Xorg-server 1.4.3。如果你富有冒险精神,可以选择尝试一下Mir。如果你想要在智能手机上运行Ubuntu,也就是传说中的[Ubuntu Touch,恰好,你就可以用到Mir][10]。
在图形架构之上,Ubuntu搭载的是基于Unity 7接口的GNOME 3.8。最新的[Unity 8][11]强调使用屏幕边缘来控制计算机设备,但Unity 8只将在Ubuntu Touch 13.10中使用,默认并不会加入桌面版的13.10。
在新版Ubuntu的软件包最终敲定之前,人们都以为它会选用Google浏览器Chrome的开源版本Chromium。但是最终,它还是选择了Firefox 24作为默认浏览器。
其他应用程序都将是Ubuntu或Linux桌面用户熟悉的面孔。办公套件为LibreOffice 4.12;邮件客户端为Thunderbird 24;照片编辑有Gimp 2.8.6,默认的音乐播放器为Rhythmbox 2.99.1。
对新用户来说,最值得一提的新特性将是[Smart Scopes][14](之前叫做Lens)。Lens最初被提出来的时候,其功能只是根据本地Unity Dash的搜索结果对Amazon的搜索结果进行整合。原本是作为默认功能的,但最终该特性被改为了可选。
在Ubuntu 13.10中,当你使用Unity Dash搜索时,不但可以使用Amazon,还可以选择Facebook、Google、Yelp以及其他多个在线Web页面。
它是如何工作的呢?当你在Unity Dash中输入一个搜索条目时,Ubuntu会尝试猜测最佳匹配项。例如,如果我搜索“最炫民族风”,它除了在我的电脑中搜索,还会在Web的音乐分类下进行搜索。
- 打开应用程序源(屌丝青年可以使用快捷键,Win键+A)
- 往下“滚”,一直滚到Dash插件
- 选择“See X more results.”
- 选择你想要禁止的源
- 点击“Disable”
坦白讲,经过一些修改,我很喜欢这个新功能,当然,Ubuntu 13.10的其他部分我也很喜欢。
经过几个星期的试用,Ubuntu 13.10一直运行良好。对我来说,它是一个流畅、安全、使用方便的桌面Linux。

**About Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols**
**Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols**,亦称sjvn,早在上世纪80年代,CP/M-80还是最前沿操作系统的时候,就开始撰写技术及商业文章。范围涵盖网络、Linux、开源以及操作系统。
via: http://www.zdnet.com/ubuntu-13-10-review-a-great-linux-desktop-gets-better-7000021825/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
译者:[小眼儿](https://github.com/tinyeyeser) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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