take a break: 20180116 Command Line Heroes- Season 1- OS Wars_2.md at 2019年 08月 23日 星期五 11:22:37 HKT

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@ -49,33 +49,33 @@ Saron Yitbarek: [00:06:00] 某种程度上来说,对命令行的访问总是
Paul Jones: [00:07:00] 从本质上讲,互联网在那个时候比较少是客户端-服务器架构的而是更多是点对点架构的。讲真当我们说某种VAX到VAX某科学工作站科学工作站。这并不意味着没有客户端与服务端的关系以及没有应用程序,但这的确意味着,最初的设计是思考如何实现点对点,它与IBM一直在做的东西相对立. IBM给你的只有哑终端,这种终端只能让你管理用户界面,却无法让你像真正的终端一样为所欲为。
Saron Yitbarek: As popular as GUI was becoming among casual users, there was always a pull in the opposite direction for the engineers and developers. Before Linux in the 1970s and 80s, that resistance was there, with EMAX and GNU . W ith Stallman's free software foundation, certain folks were always begging for access to the command line, but it was Linux in the 1990s that delivered like no other.
Saron Yitbarek: 图形用户界面在普通用户中普及的同时在工程师和开发人员中总是存在和一股相反的力量。早在20世纪70年代和80年代的Linux出现之前这股力量就存在于EMAX和GNU中。有了斯托尔曼的自由软件基金会后总有某些人想要使用命令行但上世纪90年代的Linux的交付方式是独一无二的。
[00:07:30] The early lovers of Linux and other open source software were pioneers. I'm standing on their shoulders. We all are.
[00:07:30] Linux和其他开源软件的早期爱好者是都是先驱。我正站在他们的肩膀上。我们都是。
You're listening to Command Line Heroes, an original podcast from Red Hat. This is part two of the OS wars: Rise of Linux.
您现在收听的是代码英雄, 一款由红帽公司原创的播客. 这是操作系统大战的第二部分: Linux 崛起.
Steven Vaughan-Nichols: By 1998, things have changed.
Steven Vaughan-Nichols: 1998年的时候, 情况发生了变化.
Saron Yitbarek: Steven Vaughan-Nichols is a contributing editor at zdnet.com, and he's been writing for decades about the business side of technology. He describes how Linux slowly became more and more popular until the number of volunteer contributors was way larger than the number of Microsoft developers working on Windows. Linux never really went after Microsoft's desktop customers, though, and maybe that's why Microsoft ignored them at first. Where Linux did shine was in the server room. When businesses went online, each one required a unique programming solution for their needs.
Saron Yitbarek: Steven Vaughan-Nichols 是zdnet.com的特约编辑他已经写了几十年关于技术商业方面的文章了。他将向我们讲述Linux是如何慢慢变得越来越流行直到自愿贡献者的数量远远超过了在Windows上工作的微软开发人员的数量的。不过Linux从来没有真正关注过微软的台式机客户这也许就是微软最开始时忽略了Linux及其开发者的原因。Linux真正大放光彩的地方是在服务器机房。当企业开始线上业务时每个企业都需要一个独特的编程解决方案来满足其需求。
[00:08:30] Windows NT comes out in 1993 and it's competing with other server operating systems, but lots of developers are thinking, "Why am I going to buy an AIX box or a large windows box when I could set up a cheap Linux-based system with Apache?" Point is, Linux code started seeping into just about everything online.
[00:08:30] WindowsNT于1993年问世当时它已经在与其他的服务器操作系统展开竞争了但是许多开发人员都在想“既然我可以通过Apache构建出基于Linux的廉价系统那我为什么要购买AIX设备或大型Windows设备呢”关键点在于Linux代码已经开始渗透到几乎所有在线的东西中。
Steven Vaughan-Nichols: [00:09:00] Microsoft realizes that Linux, quite to their surprise, is actually beginning to get some of the business, not so much on the desktop, but on business servers. As a result of that, they start a campaign, what we like to call FUD — fear, uncertainty and doubt — saying, "Oh this Linux stuff, it's really not that good. It's not very reliable. You can't trust it with anything."
Steven Vaughan-Nichols: [00:09:00] 令微软感到惊讶的是它开始意识到Linux实际上已经开始有一些商业应用不是在桌面环境而是在商业服务器上。因此他们发起了一场运动我们称之为FUD-恐惧、不确定和怀疑(fear,uncertainty和double).他们说“哦Linux这玩意真的没有那么好。它不太可靠。你一点都不能相信它”。
Saron Yitbarek: [00:09:30] That soft propaganda style attack goes on for a while. Microsoft wasn't the only one getting nervous about Linux, either. It was really a whole industry versus that weird new guy. For example, anyone with a stake in UNIX was likely to see Linux as a usurper. Famously, the SCO Group, which had produced a version of UNIX, waged lawsuits for over a decade to try and stop the spread of Linux. SCO ultimately failed and went bankrupt. Meanwhile, Microsoft kept searching for their opening. They were a company that needed to make a move. It just wasn't clear what that move was going to be.
Saron Yitbarek: [00:09:30] 这种软宣传式的攻击持续了一段时间。微软也不是唯一一个对Linux感到紧张的公司。这其实是整个行业在对抗这个奇怪新人的挑战。例如任何与UNIX有利害关系的人都可能将Linux视为篡夺者。有一个案例很著名那就是SCO组织(它发行过一种版本的UNIX)在过去10多年里发起一系列的诉讼试图阻止Linux的传播。SCO最终失败而且破产了。与此同时微软一直在寻找机会。他们势在必行。只不过目前还不清楚具体要怎么做。
Steven Vaughan-Nichols: [00:10:30] What will make Microsoft really concerned about it is the next year, in 2000, IBM will announce that they will invest a billion dollars in Linux in 2001. Now, IBM is not really in the PC business anymore. They're not out yet, but they're going in that direction, but what they are doing is they see Linux as being the future of servers and mainframe computers, which, spoiler alert, IBM was correct. Linux is going to dominate the server world.
Steven Vaughan-Nichols: [00:10:30] 让微软真正担心的是第二年在2000年的时候IBM宣布,他们将于2001年投资10亿美元在Linux上。现在IBM已经不再涉足个人电脑业务。他们还没有走出去但他们正朝着这个方向前进他们将Linux视为服务器和大型计算机的未来在这一点上剧透警告IBM是正确的。Linux将主宰服务器世界。
Saron Yitbarek: This was no longer just about a bunch of hackers loving their Jedi-like control of the command line. This was about the money side working in Linux's favor in a major way. John "Mad Dog" Hall, the executive director of Linux International, has a story that explains why that was. We reached him by phone.
Saron Yitbarek: 这已经不再仅仅是一群黑客喜欢命令行的Jedi式的控制了。金钱的投入对Linux助力极大。Linux国际的执行董事John "Mad Dog" Hall有一个故事可以解释为什么会这样。我们通过电话与他取得了联系。
John Hall: [00:11:30] A friend of mine named Dirk Holden [00:10:56] was a German systems administrator at Deutsche Bank in Germany, and he also worked in the graphics projects for the early days of the X Windows system for PCs. I visited him one day at the bank, and I said, "Dirk, you have 3,000 servers here at the bank and you use Linux. Why don't you use Microsoft NT?" He looked at me and he said, "Yes, I have 3,000 servers , and if I used Microsoft Windows NT, I would need 2,999 systems administrators." He says, "With Linux, I only need four." That was the perfect answer.
John Hall: [00:11:30] 我的一个朋友名叫Dirk Holden[00:10:56]他是德国德意志银行的一名系统管理员他也参与了个人电脑上早期X Windows系统的图形项目中的工作。有一天我去银行拜访他我说:“Dirk你银行里有3000台服务器用的都是Linux。为什么不用Microsoft NT呢?”他看着我说:“是的我有3000台服务器如果使用微软的Windows NT系统我需要2999名系统管理员。”他继续说道:“而使用Linux我只需要四个。”这真是完美的答案。
Saron Yitbarek: [00:12:00] The thing programmers are getting obsessed with also happens to be deeply attractive to big business. Some businesses were wary. The FUD was having an effect. They heard open source and thought, "Open. That doesn't sound solid. It's going to be chaotic, full of bugs," but as that bank manager pointed out, money has a funny way of convincing people to get over their hangups. Even little businesses, all of which needed websites, were coming on board. The cost of working with a cheap Linux system over some expensive proprietary option, there was really no comparison. If you were a shop hiring a pro to build your website, you wanted them to use Linux.
Saron Yitbarek: [00:12:00] 程序员们着迷的这些东西恰好对大公司也极具吸引力。但由于FUD的作用一些企业对此持谨慎态度。他们听到开源就想:"开源。这看起来不太可靠,很混乱充满了BUG".但正如那位银行经理所指出的金钱听过一种有趣的方式说服人们克服困境。甚至那些需要网站的小公司也加入了Linux阵营。与一些昂贵的专有选择相比使用一个廉价的Linux系统在成本上是无法比拟的。如果您是一家雇佣专业人员来构建网站的商店那么您很定想让他们使用Linux。
[00:12:30] Fast forward a few years. Linux runs everybody's website. Linux has conquered the server world, and then, along comes the smartphone. Apple and their iPhones take a sizeable share of the market, of course, and Microsoft hoped to get in on that, except, surprise, Linux was there, too, ready and raring to go.
[00:12:30] 让我们快进几年. Linux运行每个人的网站上。Linux已经征服了服务器世界然后智能手机也随之诞生。当然苹果和他们的iPhone占据了相当大的市场份额而且微软页希望能进入这个市场但令人惊讶的是Linux也在那已经做好准备了迫不及待要大展拳脚。
Author and journalist James Allworth.
作家兼记者 James Allworth.
James Allworth: [00:13:00] There was certainly room for a second player, and that could well have been Microsoft, but for the fact of Android, which was fundamentally based on Linux, and because Android, famously acquired by Google, and now running a majority of the world's smartphones, Google built it on top of that. They were able to start with a very sophisticated operating system and a cost basis of zero. They managed to pull it off, and it ended up locking Microsoft out of the next generation of devices, by and large, at least from an operating system perspective.