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synced 2025-03-21 02:10:11 +08:00
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[#]: subject: "Best Video Editors for Linux in 2023"
[#]: via: "https://www.debugpoint.com/linux-video-editors/"
[#]: author: "Arindam https://www.debugpoint.com/author/admin1/"
[#]: collector: "lkxed"
[#]: translator: "ChatGPT"
[#]: reviewer: "wxy"
[#]: publisher: "wxy"
[#]: url: "https://linux.cn/article-16062-1.html"
2023 年最佳 Linux 视频编辑软件
> 我们列出了最佳的 Linux 视频编辑器选项。请看一下。
视频编辑软件的确可能很昂贵,尤其是像 Adobe Premiere Pro 这样更高级的选项。但好消息是,有很多自由开源的视频编辑器可供选择。这些替代方案提供了出色的功能,而不需要付费。在这里,我们编制了一个由十个这样的免费 Linux 视频编辑器组成的列表,它们可能非常适合你的特定需求:
### 2023 年最佳 Linux 视频编辑器
#### 1、Blender
Blender 是这个列表中功能最强大的视频编辑器之一。值得注意的是,它是自由开源软件,同时也是一个 3D 建模工具。使用 Blender,你可以制作令人印象深刻的电影、动画电影、模拟以及进行动作追踪。
![Blender Video Editor][1]
- 建模
- 雕刻
- 动画与绑定
- <ruby>油笔<rt>Grease Pencil</rt></ruby>
- 渲染
- 模拟
- 视频编辑
- 脚本编写
- 视觉效果
- 用户界面
- 工作流程
> **[下载 Blender][2]**
#### 2、Lightworks
体验 [Lightworks][3],一款多功能的<ruby>免费增值<rt>freemium</rt></ruby>的视频编辑器,可帮助你编辑社交媒体视频、4K 质量甚至完整的电影。非凡的是,这款非线性视频编辑器已在好莱坞电影编辑领域打下了自己的烙印,证明了其专业能力。
因此,无论你是渴望成为社交媒体影响者、专业电影制片人,还是喜欢制作高质量视频的人,Lightworks 可能成为你在视频编辑世界释放创造力的通行证。
![Lightworks Video Editor][4]
- 简单直观的用户界面
- 访问出色的免版税音频和视频内容
- 轻松进行时间轴编辑和修剪
- 用于 4K 的低分辨率代理工作流程
- 实时即用的音频和视频特效
- 导出适用于 YouTube/Vimeo、SD/HD 的视频,高达 4K
- 广泛的文件格式支持,包括可变帧率媒体
- 使用高达 32 位 GPU 精度和直方图工具专业地调整序列
> **[下载 Lightworks][5]**
#### 3、Shotcut
介绍一下 [Shotcut][6],这是一款出色的自由开源的视频编辑器,能够在各种平台上无缝运行。Shotcut 具备许多功能,为用户带来了很多便利。其中一个突出的特点是其对各种格式的出色支持,让你可以轻松处理各种媒体文件。它的独特之处在于本地时间轴编辑,意味着你可以直接编辑文件,而无需进行耗时的导入操作。
Shotcut 的功能远不止于此;它还支持 Blackmagic Design,为你提供专业的输入和预览监控。无论你是内容创作者还是电影制片人,能够使用 4K 分辨率进行工作是 Shotcut 提供的巨大优势。你可以轻松使用该编辑器捕捉音频、视频甚至是摄像头画面。
![Shotcut Video Editor][7]
Shotcut 的显著功能包括:
- 支持 4K 分辨率
- 音频、视频和摄像头捕捉
- 广泛的文件格式支持
- 4K 分辨率支持
- 插件
- 音频和视频滤镜
> **[下载 Shotcut][8]**
#### 4、Avidemux
对于初学者或仅作为业余爱好者的视频编辑者来说,Avidemux 是一个完美的选择。这款自由开源的视频编辑器专为简单的任务设计,如剪辑、应用滤镜和编码。它拥有用户友好的界面,为刚开始学习编辑的人提供流畅且易于操作的体验。
Avidemux 使用简单,并且支持广泛的文件格式,确保与各种媒体类型兼容。如果你有一些重复的任务或特定的工作流程,Avidemux 的项目和作业队列功能可以帮助你自动化编辑过程。
此外,Avidemux 还提供强大的脚本功能,适用于喜欢深入技术细节的用户,可以根据个人喜好自定义和微调编辑任务。
然而,需要注意的是,Avidemux 可能缺少一些其他专业级视频编辑器中的高级功能和复杂性。然而,对于初学者、学习者和业余爱好者来说,Avidemux 是一个直观且免费的解决方案,非常适合开始视频编辑之旅,为你的创作努力铺平道路。
![Avidemux Video Editor][9]
> **[下载 Avidemux][10]**
#### 5、HitFilm Express
寻找一个免费且出色的视频编辑器?试试 [HitFilm Express][11],这是一款顶级的免费编辑软件。顾名思义,“express” 版本在功能上毫不逊色,非常适合初学者、YouTube 创作者和有抱负的电影制作者。有一支专业的开发团队支持,你可以期待无缝而精细的编辑体验。
HitFilm Express 集成了大量功能,让你释放创造力,制作出令人印象深刻的视频。无论你是刚开始视频编辑之旅还是希望提升你的 YouTube 内容,该软件提供了工具和灵活性,让你的想象变为现实。
然而,需要注意的是,目前 HitFilm Express 仅与 Windows 和 Mac 系统兼容。目前还没有 Linux 版本可用。开发团队根据用户群体做出了这个决定,因为在目前情况下,支持 Linux 可能在经济上不可行。(LCTT 译注:这个是怎么混进来的!)
![Hitfilm Express Video Editor][12]
> **[下载 HitFilm Express][11]**
#### 6、DaVinci Resolve
DaVinci Resolve 是专业视频编辑的代表,具备精湛处理 8K 编辑的令人印象深刻能力。这款强大的软件跨越多个平台,使得 Linux、Mac 和 Windows 用户都能使用。然而,需要了解的是,DaVinci Resolve 是专有的商业软件。
凭借其全面的功能和出色的性能,DaVinci Resolve 是视频编辑爱好者和行业专业人士的强大选择。该软件提供了附加付费功能的工作室版本,包括许多插件和附加组件,以增强你的编辑能力。
如果你不想花费一分钱就能入门,也不必担心 - DaVinci Resolve 还提供免费版本。对于许多普通用户来说,免费版本已经完全足够满足他们的视频编辑需求。即使是免费版本,凭借其强大的工具和功能,也提供了丰富的选项,可以创建令人惊艳的视频,展现创意的想象力。
![DaVinci Resolve Video Editor][13]
- 双时间轴
- 源磁带
- 专用修剪界面
- 智能编辑模式
- 快速回顾
- 变换、变速和稳定
- 快速导出
- 媒体导入
- 便携编辑
- 自定义时间轴设置
- 调整剪辑
- 人脸识别
- 速度加速变速
- 图像稳定
- 关键帧曲线编辑器
- 磁带式音频刮动
- 更快、更智能的编码
> **[下载 DaVinci Resolve][14]**
#### 7、OpenShot
如果你正在寻找一个简单强大、具有用户友好界面的免费视频编辑软件,那么 [OpenShot][15] 是你的不二选择。这款出色的软件以简洁为设计理念,确保即使是初次接触视频编辑的人也能轻松上手。OpenShot 的直观设计提供了低学习曲线,适用于各个层次的用户。
最棒的是,OpenShot 适用于 Windows、Linux 和 Mac 等各种操作系统。因此,无论你喜欢哪个平台,都可以享受到 OpenShot 视频编辑能力带来的便利和强大功能。
因此,如果你正在寻找一个将用户友好功能与强大编辑能力相结合的免费视频编辑软件,OpenShot 应该是你的首选。拥抱其简洁性,投入编辑过程,轻松看到你的视频项目焕发生机。
![OpenShot Video Editor][16]
> **[下载 OpenShot 视频编辑器][17]**
#### 8、KDenlive
认识一下 [KDenlive][18],这是一款经过 15 年开发的经验丰富的视频编辑器。作为一款自由开源的应用程序,KDenlive 是社区合作和创新力量的典范。它基于 QT 框架构建,在 FFMpeg、frei0r、movie、ladspa 和 sox 等一流框架的支持下,确保了无缝可靠的编辑体验。
KDenlive 面向广泛的用户群体,非常适合想要尝试视频编辑的普通用户。它的独特之处在于考虑周到地包含了高级功能,实现了功能和易用性的完美平衡。你将找到丰富的工具,可以增强你的视频项目,而无需过多学习复杂的技术知识。
使用 KDenlive,你可以释放创造力,而无需被复杂的过程所困扰。这款编辑器使你能够制作引人入胜的视频,而无需掌握过多的技术知识。
- 多轨视频编辑
- 使用任何音频/视频格式
- 可配置的界面和快捷键
- 使用带有 2D 标题的标题工具
- 多种效果和转场
- 音频和视频范围检测
- 代理编辑
- 自动备份
- 可在界面直接下载在线资源
- 时间轴预览
- 可关键帧化的效果
- 主题界面
![KDenlive Video Editor][19]
> **[下载 KDenlive][20]**
#### 9、Flowblade
“快速、精确、稳定” - 这正是最能概括 [Flowblade][21] 的标语,这是一款非线性视频编辑器,旨在以最高效的方式满足目标用户的需求。通过提供一种无缝快速的编辑体验,保证每个细节的精确性,并为你的创意努力提供稳定的平台,这款编辑器兑现了它的承诺。
Flowblade 在功能方面毫不保留。它配备了一套全面的工具,以促进你的编辑过程。从简化工作流程的编辑工具到平滑排序的时间轴功能,该编辑器应有尽有。
为了进一步提高你的编辑效率,Flowblade 包含了一个范围记录,方便你管理剪辑并精确选择所需的片段。此外,它支持代理编辑,这是一个有价值的功能,可在处理高分辨率媒体时优化性能。
- 编辑工具
- 时间轴功能
- 合成器
- 滤镜
- 范围记录
- 代理编辑
- 批量渲染队列
- G'mic 特效工具
- 音频混音器
- 媒体链接处理
- 标题制作
- 其它功能
- 渲染
- 支持 MLT 视频和音频编解码器
![Flowblade Video Editor][22]
该软件只适用于 Linux 系统,不适用于 Windows 或 Mac。
> **[下载 Flowblade][23]**
#### 10、Olive
介绍一下 [Olive][24],这是一款非常出色的免费非线性视频编辑器,旨在成为高端专业视频编辑软件的全功能替代品。目前 Olive 处于活跃开发阶段,处于 ALPHA 阶段。尽管处于早期阶段,这个编辑器已经引起了广泛关注,并且已经在使用 Olive 进行视频创作的用户中表现出色。
凭借其雄心勃勃的目标和不断壮大的社区,Olive 展示出了成为视频编辑领域强大竞争对手的潜力。已经有用户开始使用这个新兴编辑器制作视频,他们的经验展示了它所具备的能力。
![Olive Video Editor][26]
你可以通过下面的链接在 Windows、Linux 和 Mac 上下载。
> **[下载 Olive][27]**
### 总结
在这个汇编中,我们重点介绍了 Linux 上的十大专业视频编辑器,为不同的编辑需求提供了多样化的选择。某些编辑器在熟练使用时甚至可以媲美甚至取代高价专业软件。
例如,Blender、KDenlive 和 DaVinci Resolve 是创建专业级视频甚至完整电影的出色选择。每个编辑器都具有独特的优势和功能,使它们成为有抱负的电影制作者和内容创作者的可靠工具。
现在轮到你了!你对这个 Linux 视频编辑器列表有何看法?你还有其他喜欢推荐的编辑器吗?请在评论框中告诉我。
via: https://www.debugpoint.com/linux-video-editors/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[a]: https://www.debugpoint.com/author/admin1/
[b]: https://github.com/lkxed/
[1]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Blender-Video-Editor-1024x579.jpg
[2]: https://www.blender.org/download/
[3]: https://www.lwks.com/
[4]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Lightworks-Video-Editor-1024x557.jpg
[5]: https://lwks.com/
[6]: https://shotcut.org/
[7]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Shotcut-Video-Editor-1024x644.jpg
[8]: https://shotcut.org/download/
[9]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Avidemux-Video-Editor.png
[10]: https://avidemux.sourceforge.net/download.html
[11]: https://fxhome.com/hitfilm-express
[12]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Hitfilm-Express-Video-Editor-1024x572.jpg
[13]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/DaVinci-Resolve-Video-Editor.jpg
[14]: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/in/products/davinciresolve
[15]: https://www.openshot.org/
[16]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/OpenShot-Video-Editor.jpg
[17]: https://www.debugpoint.com
[18]: https://kdenlive.org/
[19]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/KDenlive-Video-Editor--1024x579.jpg
[20]: https://kdenlive.org/en/download/
[21]: https://jliljebl.github.io/flowblade/
[22]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Flowblade-Video-Editor-1024x579.jpg
[23]: https://jliljebl.github.io/flowblade/download.html
[24]: https://www.olivevideoeditor.org/
[25]: https://www.debugpoint.com/olive-0-2-video-editor-review/
[26]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Olive-Video-Editor-1024x576.jpg
[27]: https://www.olivevideoeditor.org/download.php
[0]: https://img.linux.net.cn/data/attachment/album/202308/04/103513emmpins0a8bbfbbo.jpg
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[#]: subject: "Best Video Editors for Linux in 2023"
[#]: via: "https://www.debugpoint.com/linux-video-editors/"
[#]: author: "Arindam https://www.debugpoint.com/author/admin1/"
[#]: collector: "lkxed"
[#]: translator: " "
[#]: reviewer: " "
[#]: publisher: " "
[#]: url: " "
Best Video Editors for Linux in 2023
**We list the best options of video editors for Linux. Have a look.**
Video editing software can indeed be expensive, particularly the more advanced options like Adobe Premiere Pro. However, the good news is that plenty of free and open-source video editors are available. These alternatives offer excellent functionality without the price tag. Here, we’ve compiled a list of ten such free video editors for Linux that could be of great help for your specific needs:
### Best Video Editors for Linux in 2023
#### 1. Blender
Blender stands out as one of this list’s most capable video editors. Notably, it’s free and open-source software that also serves as a 3D modelling tool. With Blender, you can craft impressive movies, animated films, simulations, and even perform motion tracking.
Its versatility makes it a go-to choice for many users, including studios, individual artists, professionals, hobbyists, scientists, students, VFX experts, animators, game artists, modders, and more.
A vibrant global community embraces and enriches this powerful editor, with numerous contributors constantly enhancing its features and capabilities. However, since it offers a comprehensive set of tools, newcomers may need some learning to harness its full potential effectively. But once you grasp its functionalities, you’ll be amazed at the boundless creativity it can unlock.
![Blender Video Editor][1]
Its feature list is enormous; however, here are some noteworthy features.
- Modelling
- Sculpting
- Animation & Rigging
- Grease Pencil
- Rendering
- Simulation
- Video Editing
- Scripting
- Interface
- Pipeline
[Download Blender][2]
#### 2. Lightworks
Discover [Lightworks][3], a versatile freemium video editor that empowers you to edit videos for social media, 4K quality, and even full-fledged movies. Remarkably, this non-linear video editor has made its mark in the illustrious realm of Hollywood movie editing, proving its professional capabilities.
Keep in mind that while the free version provides ample tools and functionalities, some specialized features may be available only in the premium offering.
So, whether you’re an aspiring social media influencer, a professional filmmaker, or someone who simply enjoys crafting high-quality videos, Lightworks could be your ticket to unleashing your creativity in the world of video editing.
![Lightworks Video Editor][4]
Here’s a quick sneak peek of its features:
- Simple & intuitive User Interface
- Access excellent royalty-free audio & video content
- Easy timeline editing & trimming
- Lo-Res Proxy workflows for 4K
- Real-time ready-to-use audio & video FX
- Export video for YouTube/Vimeo, SD/HD, up to 4K
- Broad file format support, including variable frame rate media
- Grade your sequence professionally utilising up to 32bit GPU precision and histogram tool
[Download Lightworks][5]
#### 3. Shotcut
Introducing [Shotcut][6], an exceptional free and open-source video editor that runs seamlessly on various platforms. Packed with many features, Shotcut brings a lot to the table. One of its standout attributes is its remarkable support for various formats, allowing you to work effortlessly with diverse media files. What sets it apart is its native timeline editing, which means you can directly edit your files without the need for time-consuming imports.
Shotcut doesn’t stop there; it also supports Blackmagic Design, enabling input and preview monitoring for a professional touch. Whether you’re a content creator or a filmmaker, the ability to work with 4K resolutions is a huge advantage that Shotcut readily provides. You’ll easily capture audio, video, and even webcam footage using this editor.
![Shotcut Video Editor][7]
Notable features of Shotcut:
- Support for 4K resolutions
- Audio, Video, and Webcam capture
- Wide range of file format support
- $K resolution support
- Plugins
- Audio and Video filters
[Download Shotcut][8]
#### 4. Avidemux
Are you new to video editing or simply pursuing it as a hobby? Look no further than Avidemux, a perfect choice for beginners and learners. This free and open-source video editor is tailored for straightforward tasks like cutting, applying filters, and encoding. With a user-friendly interface, it provides a smooth and accessible experience for those starting their editing journey.
Avidemux is easy to use and boasts support for a wide range of file formats, ensuring compatibility with various media types. If you have repetitive tasks or specific workflows in mind, Avidemux has you covered with its project and job queue functionalities, enabling you to automate your editing processes.
Furthermore, Avidemux offers powerful scripting capabilities for those who love to delve into the technical side of things, allowing you to customize and fine-tune your editing tasks according to your preferences.
However, it’s essential to note that Avidemux might lack the advanced features and complexity found in some other professional-grade video editors. Nevertheless, for beginners, learners, and hobbyists seeking an intuitive and free solution to start their video editing journey, Avidemux is an excellent choice that will pave the way for your creative endeavours.
![Avidemux Video Editor][9]
[Download Avidemux][10]
#### 5. HitFilm Express
Looking for a fantastic video editor that won’t cost you a penny? Try [HitFilm Express][11], a top-notch editing software available for free download. As the name suggests, the “express” version doesn’t hold back on features, making it an excellent choice for beginners, YouTube creators, and aspiring movie makers. With a professional development team behind it, you can expect a seamless and polished editing experience.
HitFilm Express comes jam-packed with a wide array of features, allowing you to unleash your creativity and craft impressive videos. Whether you’re just starting your video editing journey or aiming to elevate your YouTube content, this software offers the tools and flexibility to make your vision come to life.
However, it’s essential to note that HitFilm Express is currently compatible only with Windows and Mac systems. Unfortunately, there’s no Linux version available at the moment. The development team has made this decision based on the user base, as supporting Linux might not be financially viable at present.
![Hitfilm Express Video Editor][12]
[Download HitFilm Express][11]
#### 6. DaVinci Resolve
The DaVinci Resolve is the epitome of professional video editing, boasting the impressive capability of handling 8K editing with finesse. This powerhouse of a software is available across multiple platforms, making it accessible to Linux, Mac, and Windows users alike. However, it’s essential to know that DaVinci Resolve falls under proprietary commercial software.
With its comprehensive features and top-notch performance, DaVinci Resolve is a formidable option for video editing enthusiasts and industry professionals. The software offers a studio version with additional paid features, including an array of plugins and addons to enhance your editing prowess.
Not to worry if you want to get started without spending a dime – DaVinci Resolve also offers a free version. For many standard users, the free version is more than sufficient to meet their video editing needs. With its robust tools and capabilities, even the free version provides a wealth of options to create stunning videos and bring your creative vision to life.
![DaVinci Resolve Video Editor][13]
Here’s a quick feature guide.
- Dual Timeline
- Source Tape
- Dedicated Trim Interface
- Intelligent Edit Modes
- Fast Review
- Transform, Retime and Stabilise
- Quick Export
- Media Import
- Portable Editing
- Custom Timeline Settings
- Adjustment Clips
- Facial Recognition
- Speed Warp Retiming
- Image Stabilisation
- Keyframe Curve Editor
- Tape Style Audio Scrubbing
- Faster, Smarter Encoding
[Download DaVinci Resolve][14]
#### 7. OpenShot
Look no further for a straightforward and potent free video editor with a user-friendly interface than [OpenShot][15]. This exceptional software has been crafted with simplicity in mind, ensuring that even those new to video editing can easily jump in. OpenShot’s intuitive design offers a low learning curve, making it accessible for users of all levels.
The best part is, OpenShot caters to a wide range of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Mac. So, regardless of which platform you prefer, you can enjoy the convenience and power of OpenShot’s video editing capabilities.
So, if you’re on the hunt for a free video editor that combines user-friendly features with robust editing capabilities, OpenShot should be your go-to choice. Embrace its simplicity, dive into the editing process, and watch your video projects come to life effortlessly.
![OpenShot Video Editor][16]
[Download OpenShot Video Editor][17]
#### 8. KDenlive
Meet [KDenlive][18], a seasoned video editor with over 15 years of development under its belt. As a free and open-source application, KDenlive is a testament to the power of community collaboration and innovation. Built upon the QT framework, it harnesses the capabilities of top-notch frameworks such as FFMpeg, frei0r, movie, ladspa, and sox, ensuring a seamless and reliable editing experience.
KDenlive caters to a wide audience, making it an ideal choice for average users looking to dip their toes into video editing. What sets it apart is its thoughtful inclusion of advanced features, striking the perfect balance between functionality and approachability. You’ll find ample tools to enhance your video projects without overwhelming yourself with an extensive learning curve.
With KDenlive, you can unleash your creativity without feeling bogged down by complex processes. This editor empowers you to craft compelling videos without requiring you to absorb an excessive amount of technical knowledge.
Some of its features include:
- Multi-track video editing
- Use any audio/video format
- Configurable interface and shortcuts
- Titler with 2D Title
- Many effects and transitions
- Audio and video scopes
- Proxy editing
- Automatic backup
- Online resources downloaded directly from UI
- Timeline preview
- Keyframeable effects
- Theme interface
![KDenlive Video Editor][19]
[Download KDenlive][20]
#### 9. Flowblade
“FAST, PRECISE, and STABLE” – that’s the tagline that perfectly sums up [Flowblade][21], the non-linear video editor designed to cater to its target users with utmost efficiency. This editor lives up to its promise by offering a seamless and rapid editing experience, ensuring precision in every detail, and providing a stable platform for your creative endeavors.
Flowblade doesn’t hold back when it comes to features. It’s packed with a comprehensive set of tools to facilitate your editing process. From edit tools that streamline your workflow to timeline features that enable smooth sequencing, this editor has got you covered.
To further enhance your editing efficiency, Flowblade incorporates a range log, making it easy to manage your clips and precisely select the segments you need. Additionally, it supports proxy editing, a valuable feature that helps optimize performance when working with high-resolution media.
Here are some of its features:
- Edit tools
- Timeline features
- Compositors
- Filters
- Range log
- Proxy editing
- Batch render queue
- G’mic effects tool
- Audio mixer
- Media relinker
- Titler
- Misc. Features
- Rendering
- MLT-supported video and audio codecs
![Flowblade Video Editor][22]
It is only available for Linux Systems and not for Windows or Mac.
[Download Flowblade][23]
#### 10. Olive
Introducing [Olive][24], a remarkable free non-linear video editor that sets its sights on becoming a fully-featured alternative to high-end professional video editing software. As it undergoes active development, Olive currently finds itself in the ALPHA stage. Despite this early phase, the editor has garnered significant interest and is already proving [promising][25] for users who are delving into video creation with Olive.
With its ambitious goals and growing community, Olive offers a glimpse of its potential to become a formidable competitor in the video editing landscape. Users have already started crafting videos using this emerging editor, and their experiences showcase the capabilities it holds.
![Olive Video Editor][26]
You can download it for Windows, Linux and Mac via the link below.
[Download Olive][27]
### Wrapping Up
In this compilation, we’ve highlighted the top 10 professional video editors available for Linux, offering a diverse range of options for various editing needs. Some of these editors, when utilized skillfully, can rival and even replace high-priced professional programs.
For instance, Blender, KDenlive, and DaVinci Resolve shine as exceptional choices for creating professional-grade videos or even full-fledged movies. Each of these editors brings its unique strengths and capabilities to the table, making them reliable tools for aspiring filmmakers and content creators.
Now, it’s your turn! What are your thoughts on this list of video editors in Linux? Do you have other favourites to recommend? Do let me know in the comment box.
_Image Credits: Respective applications._
via: https://www.debugpoint.com/linux-video-editors/
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[a]: https://www.debugpoint.com/author/admin1/
[b]: https://github.com/lkxed/
[1]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Blender-Video-Editor-1024x579.jpg
[2]: https://www.blender.org/download/
[3]: https://www.lwks.com/
[4]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Lightworks-Video-Editor-1024x557.jpg
[5]: https://lwks.com/
[6]: https://shotcut.org/
[7]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Shotcut-Video-Editor-1024x644.jpg
[8]: https://shotcut.org/download/
[9]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Avidemux-Video-Editor.png
[10]: https://avidemux.sourceforge.net/download.html
[11]: https://fxhome.com/hitfilm-express
[12]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Hitfilm-Express-Video-Editor-1024x572.jpg
[13]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/DaVinci-Resolve-Video-Editor.jpg
[14]: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/in/products/davinciresolve
[15]: https://www.openshot.org/
[16]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/OpenShot-Video-Editor.jpg
[17]: https://www.debugpoint.com
[18]: https://kdenlive.org/
[19]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/KDenlive-Video-Editor--1024x579.jpg
[20]: https://kdenlive.org/en/download/
[21]: https://jliljebl.github.io/flowblade/
[22]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Flowblade-Video-Editor-1024x579.jpg
[23]: https://jliljebl.github.io/flowblade/download.html
[24]: https://www.olivevideoeditor.org/
[25]: https://www.debugpoint.com/olive-0-2-video-editor-review/
[26]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Olive-Video-Editor-1024x576.jpg
[27]: https://www.olivevideoeditor.org/download.php
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