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@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
[#]: subject: "Ctrl+C Ctrl+V Made Better With These Clipboard Managers in Linux"
[#]: via: "https://itsfoss.com/linux-clipboard-managers/"
[#]: author: "Sagar Sharma https://itsfoss.com/author/sagar/"
[#]: collector: "lujun9972/lctt-scripts-1700446145"
[#]: translator: "ChatGPT"
[#]: reviewer: "wxy"
[#]: publisher: "wxy"
[#]: url: "https://linux.cn/article-16534-1.html"
这些剪贴板管理器使得 Linux 下的复制粘贴更上一层楼
> 配备高效的剪贴板管理器,让你告别复制粘贴的烦恼,节省时间和精力。
毫无疑问,我们都利用神奇的 `Ctrl+C``Ctrl+V` 快捷键来复制粘贴,对吧?
但是,想象一下,你正打算粘贴刚刚复制的内容,却不小心又按了 `Ctrl+C` 而不是 `Ctrl+V`,糟糕!你得再复制一次原来的文字。
有许多剪贴板工具供你选择。我要向 Linux 用户推荐 7 款优秀的剪贴板管理器。
### 1、CopyQ
[CopyQ][2] 是 Linux 上功能最齐全的剪贴板管理器之一。
以下是 CopyQ 提供的一些引人注目的特性:
* 对复制的条目执行搜索和修改
* 支持重启后保留复制的项目
* 根据复制的项目指定操作
* 可以固定重要的项目以便快速访问
* 使用不同的标签以便快速识别内容
如果你对此有兴趣,我们曾在一篇独立的文章中详细介绍了 [CopyQ][2A] 的所有功能以及如何安装它:
在 Ubuntu 上安装 CopyQ只需运行以下命令
sudo apt install copyq
在 Fedora Linux 上安装:
sudo dnf install copyq
或者你也可以运行下面的命令将 CopyQ 以 flatpak 形式安装:
flatpak install --user --from https://flathub.org/repo/appstream/com.github.hluk.copyq.flatpakref
### 2、GPaste
[GPaste][5] 因其能够完美融合 GNOME shell 的风格,被广泛认为是 GNOME 桌面管理器上的佼佼者。
* 支持图片
* 可自定义的快捷键,以提升你的工作效率
* 支持 GNOME 扩展,使你操作更便捷
* 允许自定义历史和容量
在 Ubuntu 上安装 GPaste只需执行以下的命令
sudo apt install gpaste-2
在 Fedora Linux 上安装:
sudo dnf install gpaste
在 Arch Linux 上安装:
sudo pacman -S gpaste
GNOME 扩展已不再维护,所以你不能在官方网站上安装它,但如果你还是想要使用,可以在 Ubuntu 上使用以下的方式安装:
sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-gpaste
### 3、Diodon
[Diodon][7] 的目标是成为 Unity 桌面管理器最好的剪贴板管理器,但在我的 GNOME 和 KDE 上的测试中,它表现也很出色。
Diodon 直接了当,只提供了大多数用户从剪贴板管理器中期望得到的基础功能。
以下是 Diodon 的一些特色功能:
* 默认提供了托盘图标支持
* 能够同步剪贴板
* 自动粘贴选中的项目
* 支持图片
在 Ubuntu 上安装 Diodon只需执行下面的命令
sudo apt install diodon
在 Fedora Linux 上安装:
sudo dnf install diodon
在 Arch Linux 上安装:
sudo pacman -S diodon
### 4、Parcellite
[Parcellite][9] 是一款看上去极其简洁,但深挖下去时却相当先进的工具。
以下是你在使用 Parcellite 时可以获得的一些有趣的功能:
* 持久化历史记录
* 与其他剪贴板同步
* 输入即搜索
* 修剪空格和新行
要在 Ubuntu 上安装 Parcellite只需执行以下命令
sudo apt install parcellite
在 Fedora Linux 上安装:
sudo dnf install parcellite
在 Arch Linux 上安装:
sudo pacman -S parcellite
### 5、Keepboard
[Keepboard][11] 的显著特性就是其对复制的项目进行分组。此外,也可以保存你的喜爱项目以便将来使用。
但是Keepboard 其他的特性还包括:
* 当你从 Keepboard 对复制的项目双击或按回车时,会自动粘贴。
* 为你喜欢的项和分组自定义名称。
* 可以搜索项目。
* 自定义快捷方式。
尽管 UI 看上去有些过时,但如果能有一个更现代化的界面,无疑将对其大有裨益。如果你对此无所谓,可以试一试。
糟糕的是,安装 Kepboard 的唯一途径是作为 Snap 包进行安装:
sudo snap install keepboard
### 6、Qclipper
如果你在寻找一款轻量级的剪贴板管理器,其只有一个功能:保存你复制的文本,那么 [Qlipper][13] 就是你最好的选择。
* 能够更改系统图标
* 支持扩展
* 指定储存的项目数
* 从复制的行中修剪空格
看起来很有趣?要在 Ubuntu 上安装 Qclipper只需执行以下的命令
sudo apt install qlipper
在 Fedora Linux 上安装:
sudo dnf install qlipper
在 Arch Linux 上安装:
sudo pacman -S qlipper
### 7、PanoGNOME 扩展)
![Pano 是 Linux 下的一个剪贴板管理器][13A]
颇为亮眼,对吧?这是因为 [Pano][13B] 具备独特的剪贴板展现方式,更像是展示复制项目的预览。
正因为如此,作为 GNOME 扩展的 Pano 才得以跻身此列表(这是列表中唯一的扩展)。但除此之外,它还有很多其他丰富的功能:
* 剪贴板能显示复制项目的预览,利用适当的标签把它们分开,增强了可读性。
* 隐身模式,不会把复制的项目保存至剪贴板
* 可以限制剪贴板历史长度。
* 排除敏感的应用,比如密码管理器。
* 可以为特定文件类型定制预览。
在你安装 Pano 之前,确认你已经安装了 libgda 和 gsound这样才能保证此工具的正常工作。以下是你如何安装这些库的指南。
在 Ubuntu 下:
sudo apt install gir1.2-gda-5.0 gir1.2-gsound-1.0
在 Fedora 下:
sudo dnf install libgda libgda-sqlite
在 Arch Linux 下:
sudo pacman -S libgda
当你完成安装后,就可以访问 Pano 的官方扩展页面并安装它了:
> **[获取 Pano][13C]**
### 附加Clipboard专为终端打造
你有没有想过在 Linux 下你会需要一个剪贴板功能?以往,我习惯使用 `cp` 命令在 Linux 中复制文件,但现在,[剪贴板工具][15] 却极大地简化了这个过程。
别把它与 `cp` 命令混淆,因为它是专为终端用户精心打造的全功能剪贴板,下面是你可以享受到的一些强大功能:
* 与 Linux 上现有的 GUI 剪贴板集成
* 炫酷的设计
* 运行速度飞快
* 无需配置,使用简便
获取这款工具的最直接方式是通过 Flatpak 或 Snap 包,因为大多数 Linux 发行版的默认仓库并未提供。
对于 Flatpak
flatpak install app.getclipboard.Clipboard
alias cb='flatpak run app.getclipboard.Clipboard'
对于 Snap 包:
sudo snap install clipboard
alias cb='snap run clipboard'
为了永久地设置别名,你可以参考这篇详尽的 [指南][16]。
### 我对剪贴板管理器的个人看法
如果你问我的话,我更喜欢的是那些简洁、高效的工具。如果你和我有类似的审美,你应该会喜欢 CopyQ —— 功能强大,但它极简的设计使你不会觉得困扰。
💬 现在,该轮到你了。你使用或打算使用上述提到的哪一款剪贴板管理器?或者你知道哪款工具应该被添加到这个列表中?请在评论中告诉我们。
via: https://itsfoss.com/linux-clipboard-managers/
作者:[Sagar Sharma][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[a]: https://itsfoss.com/author/sagar/
[b]: https://github.com/lujun9972
[1]: https://itsfoss.com/content/images/2023/12/CopyQ-clipboard-manager-in-Linux.png
[2]: https://github.com/hluk/CopyQ
[2A]: https://itsfoss.com/copyq-clipboard-manager/
[3]: https://itsfoss.com/content/images/size/w256h256/2022/12/android-chrome-192x192.png
[4]: https://itsfoss.com/content/images/2023/12/GPaste-clipboard-manager-in-Linux.png
[5]: https://github.com/Keruspe/GPaste
[6]: https://itsfoss.com/content/images/2023/12/diodon-clipboard-manager-in-Linux.png
[7]: https://github.com/diodon-dev/diodon
[8]: https://itsfoss.com/content/images/2023/12/Parcellite-clipboard-manager-in-Linux.png
[9]: https://github.com/rickyrockrat/parcellite
[10]: https://itsfoss.com/content/images/2023/12/clipboard-manager-in-Linux.png
[11]: https://draganbozanovic.blogspot.com/2020/05/keepboard-clipboard-manager.html
[12]: https://itsfoss.com/content/images/2023/12/Qlipper-clipboard-manager-in-Linux.png
[13]: https://github.com/pvanek/qlipper
[13A]: https://itsfoss.com/content/images/2023/12/Using-the-pano-clipboard-manager-in-Linux-1-.png
[13B]: https://github.com/oae/gnome-shell-pano
[13C]: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/5278/pano/
[14]: https://itsfoss.com/content/images/2023/12/copy-and-paste-using-clipboard.gif
[15]: https://github.com/Slackadays/Clipboard
[16]: https://linuxhandbook.com/linux-alias-command/
[17]: https://linuxhandbook.com/content/images/size/w256h256/2021/08/Linux-Handbook-New-Logo.png
[0]: https://img.linux.net.cn/data/attachment/album/202401/05/000900dhjue9onjmn66j99.jpg

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@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
[#]: subject: "Ctrl+C Ctrl+V Made Better With These Clipboard Managers in Linux"
[#]: via: "https://itsfoss.com/linux-clipboard-managers/"
[#]: author: "Sagar Sharma https://itsfoss.com/author/sagar/"
[#]: collector: "lujun9972/lctt-scripts-1700446145"
[#]: translator: " "
[#]: reviewer: " "
[#]: publisher: " "
[#]: url: " "
Ctrl+C Ctrl+V Made Better With These Clipboard Managers in Linux
Whenever you copy something, it gets stored in the system clipboard, a special short-term memory where your system stores the copied text.
I mean we all used those magical Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V shortcuts for copy pasting, right?
But imagine, that you copied something and when you were about to paste, you used Ctrl+C again instead of Ctrl+V. What a bummer! Now you have to copy the intended text again.
**This is why you need a clipboard manager**. It keeps a history of the text you copied. This way, you can access the text that you copied hours ago and everything else copied in between.
There are several such clipboard tools available. I will share share 7 clipboard managers for Linux users.
This list contains some advanced clipboard managers as well as some super simple ones so you can choose what fits the best for your use.
### 1\. CopyQ
The [CopyQ][2] is one of the most feature-rich clipboard managers available on Linux.
But that does not compromise the usability. The user interface is simple and you can use tags for copied text or you can pin them.
Here are some more interesting features of CopyQ:
* Ability to search and modify the copied items
* Preserves copied items on reboot
* You can specify actions based on copied items
* Pin important items for ease of reachability
* Use different tags for better identification
If you are interested, we have covered CopyQ in a separate article exploring all the features and installation:
To install CopyQ on Ubuntu, use the given command:
sudo apt install copyq
For Fedora Linux:
sudo dnf install copyq
Get CopyQ as a flatpak using the following:
flatpak install --user --from https://flathub.org/repo/appstream/com.github.hluk.copyq.flatpakref
### 2\. GPaste
The [GPaste][5] is considered one of the best clipboard managers for the GNOME desktop manager as it blends well with the GNOME shell styling.
But that's not it! You get tonnes of features that you expect from any modern and advanced clipboard manager:
* Support for images
* Customizable shortcuts for better productivity
* Support for GNOME extension for better reach
* Ability to customize the history and size
To install GPaste on Ubuntu, use the following command:
sudo apt install gpaste-2
For Fedora Linux:
sudo dnf install gpaste
For Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S gpaste
The GNOME extension is no longer maintained so you can not install it from the official site but if you want to have it, here's how you do it on Ubuntu:
sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-gpaste
### 3\. Diodon
The [Diodon][7] aims to be the best clipboard manager for Unity desktop manager but when I tested it on GNOME and KDE, it worked just fine.
Diodon is simple and only gets you the basic feature that most users would want from a clipboard manager.
Here are some interesting features of Diodon:
* Support for tray icon support by default
* Ability to sync clipboards
* Pastes selected items automatically
* Image support
To install Diodon in Ubuntu, use the following:
sudo apt install diodon
For Fedora Linux:
sudo dnf install diodon
For Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S diodon
### 4\. Parcellite
[Parcellite][9] is one of those utilities that look super simple from the front and when you dig in, you get a taste of advancement.
From typing to searching in the clipboard to creating actions for better control, it offers almost everything you can expect from the clipboard.
Here are some interesting features you get with Paecellite:
* Persistent history
* Synchronize with other clipboards
* Type to search
* Trim whitespace and newlines
To install Parcellite on Ubuntu, use the given command:
sudo apt install parcellite
For Fedora Linux:
sudo dnf install parcellite
For Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S parcellite
### 5\. Keepboard
The most prominent feature of the [Keepboard][11] is how it groups the copied items. Apart from that, you can also save your favorites for future use as well.
But here are some other features of Keepboard:
* Auto-paste when you double-click or enter the copied item from Keepboard.
* Give custom names for your favorite items and groups.
* Ability to search items.
* Customizable shortcuts.
The UI looks dated to me. It could surely benefit with a more modern interface. If you don't have any issues with that, you can surely give it a try.
The sad part is the only way to install Kepboard is to install it as a snap package:
sudo snap install keepboard
### 6\. Qclipper
If you are looking for a lightweight option that does only one thing: saves your copied text then [Qlipper][13] is the perfect option for you.
Apart from being one of the most lightweight keyboard managers, it has some other features too:
* Ability to change the system icon
* Extension support
* Specify the number of items to store
* Trim whitespace from the copied line
Looks interesting? Here's how you install Qclipper on Ubuntu:
sudo apt install qlipper
For Fedora Linux:
sudo dnf install qlipper
For Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S qlipper
### 7\. Clipboard (for terminal use only)
Ever thought you'd ever need a clipboard in Linux? Well, I used to use the cp command to copy files in Linux but [the Clipboard utility][15] has made things pretty easy for me.
Don't confuse it with the cp command as it is a full-fledged clipboard crafted for the terminal users and here are some great features you get:
* Integration with the existing GUI clipboard on Linux
* Eye candy design
* Blazing fast
* No configuration is required and easy to use
The easiest way to get this utility is to use the Flatpak or snap package as it is not available in the default repository of most Linux distributions.
For Flatpak:
flatpak install app.getclipboard.Clipboard
alias cb='flatpak run app.getclipboard.Clipboard'
For Snap package:
sudo snap install clipboard
alias cb='snap run clipboard'
Each of these methods requires you to set up an alias to make it work and the command which I mentioned will only add alias temporarily.
To [create an alias permanently][16], you can refer to this detailed guide:
### My take on clipboard managers
If you ask me, I love using tools that are not super fancy and get the job done and if your ideology aligns with mine, you should use CopyQ which has amazing features but is minimal enough that does not crips me out.
Sure, you may not agree with me and this is why I wrote this article with other such options.
_💬 Now, it's your turn. Which of the above mentioned clipboard managers you use or willing to use? Do you know any other such tool that should be added to the list here? Share it in the comments please._
via: https://itsfoss.com/linux-clipboard-managers/
作者:[Sagar Sharma][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[a]: https://itsfoss.com/author/sagar/
[b]: https://github.com/lujun9972
[1]: https://itsfoss.com/content/images/2023/12/CopyQ-clipboard-manager-in-Linux.png
[2]: https://github.com/hluk/CopyQ
[3]: https://itsfoss.com/content/images/size/w256h256/2022/12/android-chrome-192x192.png
[4]: https://itsfoss.com/content/images/2023/12/GPaste-clipboard-manager-in-Linux.png
[5]: https://github.com/Keruspe/GPaste
[6]: https://itsfoss.com/content/images/2023/12/diodon-clipboard-manager-in-Linux.png
[7]: https://github.com/diodon-dev/diodon
[8]: https://itsfoss.com/content/images/2023/12/Parcellite-clipboard-manager-in-Linux.png
[9]: https://github.com/rickyrockrat/parcellite
[10]: https://itsfoss.com/content/images/2023/12/clipboard-manager-in-Linux.png
[11]: https://draganbozanovic.blogspot.com/2020/05/keepboard-clipboard-manager.html
[12]: https://itsfoss.com/content/images/2023/12/Qlipper-clipboard-manager-in-Linux.png
[13]: https://github.com/pvanek/qlipper
[14]: https://itsfoss.com/content/images/2023/12/copy-and-paste-using-clipboard.gif
[15]: https://github.com/Slackadays/Clipboard
[16]: https://linuxhandbook.com/linux-alias-command/
[17]: https://linuxhandbook.com/content/images/size/w256h256/2021/08/Linux-Handbook-New-Logo.png