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Vic___ 2013-10-14 02:00:21 +08:00
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28 changed files with 748 additions and 511 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
2013年10月17日Ubuntu 13.10即将发行,这将是又一个令人兴奋的功能强大的操作系统,该系统包含许多新的特性和改进,以及设计比赛产生的、默认设计的新的桌面壁纸。
**俏皮的蝾螈壁纸** 是一组简约风格的桌面环境,它的中心图案由一个活泼的蝾螈组成。
俏皮的蝾螈壁纸包含有以下几个 **尺寸**1024x768, 1080x1024, 1366x768, 1440x900, 1920x1080, 1920x1080, 用来满足不同分辨率的需要。
要了解更多的信息,壁纸及 **XCF** 源文件的下载,可以访问以下网址: [][1]
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译者:[woodboow]( 校对:[wxy](

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
揭秘!—— 2003年Linux后门事件
最近Josh写了[一篇文章][1]讲述2006年Debian Linux中出现的一系列安全bug探讨了这些所谓bug是否是NSA植入的后门。最后他作出结论可能不是
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
但是在2003年11月5日的时候Larry McVoy[发现][3]CVS中的代码拷贝有一处改动并没有包含记录审核的链接。调查显示这一处改动由陌生人添加而且从未经过审核不仅如此在BitKeeper仓库的主拷贝中这一处改动竟然压根就不存在。经过进一步调查后可以明确显然有人入侵了CVS的服务器并植入了此处改动。
@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
猛地一看好像这两行代码就是一段正常的错误校验代码当wait4函数被某种文档中禁止的方式调用时wait4就返回一个错误代码。但是一个真正认真的程序猿立刻就会发现代码中的问题注意看在第一行末尾“= 0”应该是“== 0”才对。是的“== 0”在这里才是判断当前运行代码的用户ID(current->uid)是否等于0而“= 0”不但无法判断反而修改了用户ID的值将其值赋值为0。
猛地一看好像这两行代码就是一段正常的错误校验代码当wait4函数被某种文档中禁止的方式调用时wait4就返回一个错误代码。但是一个真正认真的程序猿立刻就会发现代码中的问题注意看在第一行末尾**= 0**”应该是“**== 0**”才对。是的,“== 0”在这里才是判断当前运行代码的用户ID(current->uid)是否等于0而“= 0”不但无法判断反而修改了用户ID的值**将其值赋值为0**
@ -32,14 +32,10 @@
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译者:[tinyeyeser]( 校对:[wxy](

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
Ubuntu 13.10 之于 Ubuntu 13.04,给我一个升级的理由
**Ubuntu 13.10(Saucy Salamander)** 将于10月17日发布但是这个由Canonical开发的操作系统的用户就有疑问了新的版本似乎并没有添加多少新的特性有鉴于此为什么他们要更新呢
Ubuntu 13.04(Raring Ringtail)相较而言令人乏味但是人们并没有意识到Ubuntu每一次发布的背后都意味着需要完成大量的工作即使初看起来没有太大的变动。
那么,对于普通用户来说如果新的版本并没有显著的变更,为什么还要升级到 Ubuntu 13.10呢?事实上,初看起来似乎几乎没什么变化,然而许多东西已经升级改善,总会变得更好的(多数情况下是这样)。
另外GNOME也升级了。Canonical支持Unity桌面环境但是仍然使用许多GNOME的软件包。Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) 自带有来自3.8 分支的应用这些应用都非常棒对偏好Ubuntu GNOME的用户来说尤其如此。
相对于之前的Lens功能Smart Scopes仍然有大的改善更好的集成并且提供更多的定向解答。
Ubuntu 13.10 也为新的软件包格式奠定了基础。迄今所有Ubuntu应用都是以deb格式提供的。不过用户需要事先安装相关依赖项或者用户选择自己单独安装。
而使用新的Click包类型所有的依赖项都可以在包本身内部获得这就意味着, 只要应用开发者使用的是ubuntu SDK, 用户就不会再碰到任何与当前使用版本不兼容的软件包。
如果这些缘由仍然不足以说服你升级ubuntu那就只有等待Ubuntu 14.04 LTS的发行了。不过不保证新的版本会看起来跟Ubuntu 13.10有多么大的不同。
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译者:[l3b2w1]( 校对:[wxy](

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@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
Are We Witnessing the Decline of Ubuntu?
History is written years after the events it describes. But when the history of free software finally is written, I am increasingly convinced that this last year will be noted as the start of the decline of Ubuntu.
At first, the idea might seem ridiculous or spiteful. You can still find Ubuntu enthusiasts who exclaim over every move the distribution makes, and journalists still report founder Mark Shuttleworth's every word uncritically.
Community manager Jono Bacon is working hard to develop a community of app developers for the Ubuntu Touch mobile operating system, and occasionally Ubuntu's commercial arm Canonical announces prestige projects such as working with the Chinese government to develop a [national Chinese operating system][1], or being chosen to deliver the [Steam][2] gaming platform to Linux.
Nor can you deduce too much from the fact that Google trend shows a sharp decline in searches for "[Ubuntu][3]." Except for Android and Mageia, the same can be said of other [major distributions][4]. It is true, though, that none of the other distros have declined as sharply as Ubuntu, which is at less than half its height in October 2007, at a low that it has not been at since June 2006.
All the same, the suspicion remains. Ubuntu and Canonical have isolated themselves from the free software community that Shuttleworth once hoped to lead. In the last year, the community has signaled repeatedly that at least parts of it feel disempowered.
Worst of all, in the last year, initiative after initiative has failed, and profitability apparently continues to elude Canonical. All these seem like indicators of organizations that are starting into a tailspin that will be difficult to correct, assuming they are correctable at all.
###Semi-Splendid Isolation
The last year is a marked contrast to the first years of Ubuntu. In 2005-2007, Ubuntu was the latest and greatest hope for the Linux desktop, and criticism was limited largely to those who felt that Debian was not given enough credit or distrusted the motives of an eccentric millionaire.
In those early years, Ubuntu did many things to improve usability on the desktop. Probably the most noticeable was the installed support for multiple languages and keyboard locale switching that are now standard in all major distributions.
Gradually, however, Ubuntu and Canonical began to isolate themselves from the mainstream of the free software community. Shuttleworth's proposals that projects coordinate their releases and emphasize usability were largely ignored. Impatient with the speed of development in GNOME -- and, perhaps, seen as an upstart in the GNOME community -- Shuttleworth began the development of the Unity interface, a design project that intrigued him so much that he stepped down as Canonical CEO to oversee it.
Unity and all its details quickly became the major focus of new Ubuntu releases. If the package versions were sometimes less up to date as they once were, few noticed as Canonical imposed change after change, effectively giving the design team a veto over the Ubuntu community.
Yet for all the development effort lavished on Unity, the result was an interface that, for all its eye candy, was better suited for mobile devices than workstations or laptops. According to Distrowatch, only [11 distributions][4] default to Unity, although [79][5] are listed as derived from Ubuntu in general. Nor have other major distributions rushed to make Unity available, much less promote it.
The same is true of [Upstart][6], Ubuntu's replacement for the init daemon, and more recently, [Mir][7], Ubuntu's replacement for Wayland, which other projects see as the upcoming replacement for the X Window System.
While both remain free-licensed, in practice both Upstart and Mir are controlled by Canonical, mainly through a [contributor's agreement][8] which assigns all rights to the company.
This control is perhaps one of the reasons why Intel recently [announced][9] that it would not be supporting Mir. In the last four years, Ubuntu and Canonical have gone from welcome members of the free software community to being perceived as mavericks who obey the letter of free-licenses while undermining their spirit. Few, apparently, are prepared to do them any favors.
###Placing Its Own House Out of Order
The more Canonical has isolated itself from the rest of the community, the more it has also attempted to control the Ubuntu community.
This effort is widely interpreted as the result of increasingly determined efforts to make Canonical profitable. Although Canonical is quick to make support and partnership announcements, [these announcements][10] are always lacking any mention of a monetary value -- an omission that, after nine years of running the business, would seem unthinkable if there was any good news to report. But, whatever the reason, Canonical has increasingly imposed its decisions on the community of Ubuntu volunteers without consulting them.
Many of these decisions have been trivial in themselves. They range from decisions not to support a completely free-licensed version of Ubuntu or a KDE-based version to the repositioning of title bar icons and the introduction of the [HUD][11] menu replacement.
However, as in many disputes, the issues involved seem less important than the relationships involved. Unlike Canonical, Ubuntu on a daily basis runs much like any free software project, with discussion and consultation the expected norm. The introduction of a hierarchy with Canonical employees at the top and often wielding a veto power would be likely to cause friction even if done politely -- which, often, it has not been. Instead of welcoming debate, Canonical has been far more apt to urge people to stifle it in the name of making Ubuntu a success.
Matters came to a head in February 2013, with long-time Ubuntu contributors publicly questioning whether they had any role and many considering quitting (although in practice, only one seems to have).
These first signs of discontent were quieted largely through the diplomatic efforts of Jono Bacon, only to flare up a couple of months later over the [removal of a community link][11] from the Ubuntu home page.
Again, Bacon managed to smooth things over, and -- so far as an outsider can tell -- the community has been quiet in the months since. However, the longstanding community grievances are unlikely to have disappeared altogether, for the simple reason that Canonical continues to ignore much of the Ubuntu community. A new outburst seems only a matter of time.
###Lost without a Compass
Whether Canonical ever believed that the Ubuntu distribution could be profitable is unknown. Certainly, over a dozen earlier efforts to monetize distributions should have warned the company how unlikely the possibility was. But the years spent polishing Ubuntu suggest that Canonical hopes -- or hoped -- to do the impossible. Or perhaps Canonical simply sees a quality distribution as a pre-requisite to grander goals.
Either way, spending so much effort on Unity seems to have been a distraction. To this day, Canonical appears to lack a business plan that offers any reasonable chance of profitability.
To some undocumented extent, efforts like online storage, a music store, or corporate ads in the dash may be defraying the costs of developing Ubuntu. However, if together they make Ubuntu profitable, no one is mentioning the fact. Attempts to cut corners by holding developer's meetings online rather than in person suggest a company that is finding ways to cut corners, not one making a profit.
Just as important, these efforts can create other problems. In particular, the ads on the dash lead to concerns about privacy and to being called spyware by [Richard Stallman][12]. The ads were also a major prompt for community unrest.
Yet Canonical has taken over a year to [address the privacy concerns][13] -- and, even then, the lack of details means that it is asking users to trust it.
Other sidelines, like [Ubuntu TV][14], have yet to materialize. Currently, Ubuntu's main strategy seems to be convergence on multiple form factors, but the advisability of trying to break into a saturated market seems dubious. The Ubuntu Touch interface is scheduled to be released in October with the 13.10 environment, but if any phone manufacturers are shipping products with it pre-installed, then Canonical is saving the announcements for the release date.
Even worse was the [Ubuntu Edge][15] fundraiser, an attempt to crowdfund a cutting edge boutique phone. Had it worked, then Canonical might have established a small niche in the marketplace.
However, in the end, only forty percent of its $32 million goal was reached. Canonical tried to put a good face on the results, mainly because of the publicity the crowdfunding campaigned produced. But since the result now mean that Canonical has a reputation for failure among potential business partners, the rationale is hard to accept. The failure of Ubuntu Edge has left Canonical's business plans more indefinite and more unlikely than ever.
###Waiting for the Next Act
All this is not to say that either Canonical and Ubuntu are about to disappear overnight. Any decline is just beginning, not at the point of no return. The introduction of new faces, or even determined internal reform could still turn Canonical and Ubuntu around. Perhaps listening to the Ubuntu community would be useful as well.
Still, the problem remains that, after nine years, Canonical and Ubuntu have yet to succeed. Major contributors to the Linux desktop in their early years, they have not even helped themselves with recent innovations, let alone free software in general. Increasingly, the general impression is one of confusion and desperation, which in itself can contribute to the decline.
Even without reform, Ubuntu and Canonical may continue to glide on their previous reputations, although the Ubuntu Edge campaign suggests that may be less possible as many imagine. But increasingly, Canonical and Ubuntu seem to have been slipping from the position of leadership they had in their earliest years.
Whether they can reverse their decline or merely accelerate it by panicky half-measures is uncertain, but watching the possibilities play out should make for an interesting next couple of years.
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译者:[Mr小眼儿][] 校对:[校对者ID][]

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@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
Audacious 3.4 for Linux Review
**Audio players are a dime a dozen on the Linux platform, but only a few of them are actually worthy of carrying this name. Audacious is a very well-known piece of software and one of the few that can be called an audio player.**
**Version reviewed: Audacious 3.4 **
Audacious is an open source audio player. A descendant of XMMS, Audacious plays your music how you want it, without stealing your computers resources away from other tasks. Drag and drop folders and individual song files, search for artists and albums in your entire music library, or create and edit your own custom playlists.
- Listen to CDs
- Simple playlist
- Clean interface
- Lightweight on system resources
- Multiple effects
- Numerous plugins
There is no shortage of audio players on the Linux platform, but the definition of this type of software has been getting fuzzier with each passing year. Developers are experimenting with new things or they are trying to imitate and to copy features from other platforms.
Most players in use today, at least in the major distributions, attempt to be something more than a simple media player. The developers have implemented online radios, podcasts, and even ways of buying music straight from the interface.
Although innovation is always commendable, some audio players have gone overboard and developers have forgotten whom are they addressing. It's nice to be able to buy music without having to open an Internet browser, but a software shouldn't be centered on this feature.
We are now taking a look now at Audacious, one of the few “old-school” audio players on the Linux platform that has managed to remain up to date and fresh, but wasnt compromised by getting all sorts of third-party services.
## Installation ##
There are two ways to install Audacious, the hard way and the easy way. The hard way means compiling it from the source and there is no real reason to do so. If you choose to compile it from source, having to install any update in the same manner will prove extremely annoying.
Weve installed Audacious 3.4 in Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander), which actually is still in the Beta stages, but has proven to be a stable operating system, with only one exception.
The latest version of this software is available in the official repositories, and it can be installed via Ubuntu Software Center or with the use of a terminal. As usual, we recommend the latter. Ubuntu Software Center requires login for some of the included software, even if it's free, and it's nice to see what's actually happening during an installation.
Just open a terminal and enter the following command:
sudo apt-get install audacious
When all the packages have been installed, you can find the shortcut for the player, as usual, by opening the Unity Dash and typing the name of the application.
## The Good ##
The main thing I loved about Audacious is the clean, but deceivingly simple interface. Right from the start you will notice that everything has been designed in such a way that you can hardly make any wrong decision.
Unlike some of its competitors (yes, I'm taking about Rythmbox), you won't have to fumble around a way to import a single folder. It doesn't bother users with tons of ways to sort your library and it's not intrusive when it's displaying the metadata of the songs.
It also comes with a very simple and efficient hover interface, which is really useful when you want to see details about a song, but you don't want to click on that particular item.
Audacious also comes with three distinct visualization models that take the older users back to the days of “real” audio players, and all can be modified and customized.
All the other options that you would expect from a media player are available and talking about them wouldn't serve a purpose. You can import playlists, set repeat points, and there's even a very simple and good equalizer.
One of Audacious strengths are the effects included by default, such as Voice Removal, Sample Rate Converter, Channel Mixer, Speed and Pitch, and much more.
A number of plugins can also be activated from the Preferences, for album art, lyrics, status icon, GNOME shortcuts, and a few others. Please notice that all these plugins are disabled by default and it's up to the user to enable them, leaving the interface clean and nice.
## The Bad ##
I might be a bit subjective about this software because I can't really stand overly complicated audio players and Audacious is right up my alley. But, to be fair, I would have loved to be able to add sorting fields for the playlist.
The application also features a second “Winamp” mode, which should make it look like the Winamp player on the Windows platform. Unfortunately, Audacious crashed every time I would try to activate it, but it might be because of Ubuntu 13.10 which isn't stable yet.
## Conclusion ##
If you are looking for an audio player still anchored in the past but also integrating a number of new features, you should look no further than Audacious.
The software has a simple interface, it doesn't hog any of the system's resources, and it does exactly what it should, without any bells and whistles. Audacious plays music and it does so with without being obtrusive.
**Audacious 3.4.1: Free Download**
- [Audacious 3.4.1 tar.bz2][1][sources] [464 KB]
- [Ubuntu 12.10 (Repository)][2][ubuntu_deb] [0 KB]
- [Red Hat/Fedora/Mandriva/openSUSE RPM (Repository)][2][rh_rpm] [0 KB]
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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
Contacts App updated with enhanced avatar support
The fresh new next-generation applications of the next-generation Ubuntu are being gradually erected and solidified via a multiple-sided approach, including a set of core applications created by third-party developers mixed with Ubuntu coders and Ubuntu designers, as well as more official applications created by Ubuntu developers and Ubuntu designers.
As part of the latter, there is Contacts App, too, handy useful application gathering contact-management capabilities into a beautiful interface, where multiple editable fields, fast scroll-through and listed items provide an interesting contact-related application (work in progress).
[Contacts App][1] has been updated to another feature-adding release, pushing forward its [recently-introduced][2] functionalities, namely, the avatar support for contacts.
In its previous releases, Contacts App introduced support for avatars selected by the user via Content Hub, feature enriched now with image-display support on the **main view**.
Meaning, clicking on a contact, hitting the bottom-bar's `Edit` button and adding an image (the actual avatar) via the monochrome icon, adds the image after the `Save` button is clicked; navigating now to the main view, the user is to notice the previously-added avatar on the main view, replacing the monochrome generic icon with the added image.
Moreover, the avatar is rendered with round corners beautifying the contacts, round thumbnails generated even if the user selects,--as avatar--, a regular non-square image.
Furthermore, clicking on the avatar-enabled contact, opens the contact, where the user is to observe the retained image, replacing the now-old generic preview image.
Contacts App is [available][3] for installation/testing via Ubuntu 13.10's Ubuntu Software Center.
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Debian 7.2 "Wheezy" Officially Released
**The Debian project announced the immediate availability for download of the second maintenance release of the Debian 7 Linux operating system.**
Debian 7.2 is just a maintenance update, but it does feature a wide array of updates and fixes for the current stable branch and a lot of packages have been upgraded.
“Please note that this update does not constitute a new version of Debian 7 but only updates some of the packages included. There is no need to throw away older wheezy CDs or DVDs but only to update via an up-to-date Debian mirror after an installation, to cause any out of date packages to be updated,” reads the official announcement.
This means that users who already have a Debian 7.0 or 7.1 installation won't have to reinstall the system all over again. They just need to perform a regular update, as only a small number of packages will be downloaded from
Check out the complete changelog in the official [announcement][1].
**Debian GNU/Linux 7.1.0: Free Download**
- [Debian GNU/Linux 7.1.0 (ISO) 32-bit[iso]][2] [3.70 GB]
- [Debian GNU/Linux 7.1.0 (ISO) 64-bit[iso]][3] [3.80 GB]
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@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
GTK3-based Twitter App Corebird In Development
Corebird is a Twitter app with an interface reminiscent of Twitters [official app]( for OS X.
Corebird written by an Arch user has a look and feature set with GNOME 3.10 in mind.
The interface uses GTK3, so itll feel right at home alongside your other GTK-based apps. Corebird makes full use of the new Header Bars that we highlighted in [our top features][2] from the latest GNOME 3.10 release. The header shows your Twitter handle, avatar, and a button to quickly compose a new tweet, consolidating what mightve been a separate toolbar into a single, compact header.
Though the interface may be tuned for GNOME 3.10, the features packed into the app are bound to make friends amongst Twitter addicts using GNOME or otherwise.
## Features ##
Corebird resembles, in some ways, the official Twitter app for Mac (and thats a good thing!) and has the feature set to show for it. Retweet, favourite, follow, search, profile view, conversations, media uploads, and a number of other features are all in working order.
If you manage several accounts, multi-account setups are also supported, though be aware that the latest builds remove configured accounts when you close and reopen the app.
*A Corebird notification on the GNOME lock screen.*
Corebird also makes use of notifications on the GNOME lockscreen, displaying the number of Twitter notifications when you make your way back to your computer.
The app comes with both light and dark themes, making it easier on your eyes when Twittering at night. A handful of other settings, including which notifications to display and a toggle for showing inline media, are also available in the compact settings dialog.
## How to Get Corebird ##
If youre still using 13.04, you might be out of luck. Corebird uses new features from GNOME 3.10 that most likely wont make their way to Ubuntu 13.04. If youve upgraded to 13.10 ahead of its release next week, GNOME 3.10 is already available for Saucy in the sundry GNOME 3 PPAs.
Corebird is still in development and a PPA hasnt been made available (though it is currently in the [Arch User Repository][3] if any Arch users have wandered in), so youll need to build Corebird by hand.
The project is a promising sign given the number of other Linux Twitter apps thatve seen their development slow down e.g., Birdie which failed to reach its [crowdfunding goal][5] earlier this summer.
And if Corebird isnt your cup of tea, check out [gFeedline][6]), another GTK3-based Twitter app.
More About Corebird:
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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
(runningwater翻译中)How To Upgrade From Ubuntu 13.04 Raring To Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander
**Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy** will be released on **October 17th**. Hope it will come with lot of improvements and features than Ubuntu 13.04 Raring and the previous versions. Everybody are curiously waiting to see what Ubuntu 13.10 will offer to Ubuntu lovers. Ubuntu 13.10 Final beta is already out a week before.
If you have Ubuntu 13,04, 12,10 or 12.04 Precise Pangolin or older version of Ubuntu on your system, and want to upgrade to this new release? I know you wish. Just follow the simple steps below, you can easily upgrade from Ubuntu 13.04 to Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy both Desktop and as well as Server editions.
**Important**: Before proceeding to upgrade, make a **full backup of your data** to an external device (USB stick or CD/DVD).
**Desktop Upgrade
1. Update the system before to upgrade**
Before to upgrade, we need to update the system, press open up Terminal and enter the following commands.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Now it is time to upgrade to new available version.
sudo update-manager -d
Software Updater will open up and will search for the new releases.
After a few seconds You will see screen just like below that saying “**However, Ubuntu 13.10 is available now (you have 13.04)**”.
Then click **Upgrade** to start.
The Software Updater will ask you to confirm still you want to upgrade. Click **Start Upgrade** to begin installing Ubuntu 13.10.
Now the Software Updater will fetch and install the files. It will take a while depending upon your Internet connection speed. Sit back and relax.
After a while youll be asked to remove unnecessary applications.
Finally click Restart to complete the upgrade.
Now you have latest Ubuntu 13.10 distribution in your system.
**Server Upgrade**
To upgrade from Ubuntu 13.04 server to Ubuntu 13.10 server, do the following steps.
Install the **update-manager-core** package if it is not already installed:
sudo apt-get install update-manager-core
Edit the file **/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades**,
sudo nano /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades
and set **Prompt=normal** as shown below.
# Default behavior for the release upgrader.
# Default prompting behavior, valid options:
# never - Never check for a new release.
# normal - Check to see if a new release is available. If more than one new
# release is found, the release upgrader will attempt to upgrade to
# the release that immediately succeeds the currently-running
# release.
# lts- Check to see if a new LTS release is available. The upgrader
# will attempt to upgrade to the first LTS release available after
# the currently-running one. Note that this option should not be
# used if the currently-running release is not itself an LTS
# release, since in that case the upgrader won't be able to
# determine if a newer release is available.
Now it is time to upgrade your server system to latest version using the following command:
sudo do-release-upgrade -d
Follow the on-screen instructions. Youre done!!.
You successfully upgraded to Ubuntu 13.10, so whats now? Check out our new article “**Top Things To Do After Installing Ubuntu 13.10**″. Now youll be able to get a full fledged perfect desktop. Cheers!!
**Please Note: This is a beta release. I recommend you to do not install it on Production environment. The final stable version will be released on 17th, October 2013.**
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译者:[runningwater]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)

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@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
翻译中by Luox Installing XScreenSaver In Ubuntu
This tutorial intention is to show you how to add screen savers in Ubuntu 12.04 (although in other Ubuntu versions) which does not with any screen savers. But, many people new to computers and Linux, dont know about the screensaver, what is a screensaver?
A screensaver is a computer program used primarily for security. This program blanks the screen or fills it with moving images or patterns when the computer is not in use. A screensaver can also be used for entertainment or to display system status information. It is a very good solution while you plan to leave your office and dont want anybody to see what you working on.
**How does a screensaver makes my computer secure?**
A screensaver can be configured to ask users for a password before permitting the user to resume work, but be careful because if you have set set your account to automatically log in upon startup the attacker will be able to access your account simply by restarting the machine.
**How to install a screensaver?**
Fire up a new terminal like shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1
Before installing a new screensaver we have to remove the default one. Run the **sudo apt-get remove gnome-screensaver** command shown in Figure 2 to uninstall gnome-screensaver.
Figure 2
Install XScreenSaver and some additional screensaver packages with the following command:
sudo apt-get install xscreensaver xscreensaver-data-extra xscreensaver-gl-extra
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
XScreenSaver will choose a random screensaver each time it starts. You can learn how to configure it [here][1].
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@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
Manage Passwords Securely in Ubuntu with KeePassX
**With security issues becoming more and more important, the emphasis on secure passwords (as well as other methods like multiple step authentication) has never been greater.**
With that in mind I recently tried out several secure password managers to try and find something secure, but also easy to use and cross-platform.
First, I went to [LastPass][1]. Its probably the most known tool for managing your passwords, and since its based on the web, its the most **cross platform** of them all. However, I found the interface lacking, and the number of tools and options on offer was overwhelming.
Next, I tried [KeePass 2][2]. While this is a perfectly capable app, very similar to the tool Im going to talk about in a minute, it doesnt provide official Linux packages, and the community ports, while serviceable, arent the nicest looking apps out there. So I tried other apps.
My favourite of all those I tested was **KeePassX**. It started out as a Linux port of KeePass, but eventually evolved as its own app. It bests KeePass 2 with a nicer, more native looking interface.
## Using KeePassX in Ubuntu ##
Conveniently, KeePassX already has packages in Ubuntu available for installation.
Install keepassx from the command line or **install it from the Software Centre**:
- [Install KeePassX from the Ubuntu Software Centre][3]
When you open it, youll see a blank window. Use the first button on the toolbar to create a new database. You can either protect it by using key files, or a password. You probably want a password which is quite easy to remember and type — youll be typing it in a lot, but on the other hand you dont want anyone else accessing your database.
Next, you need to save it somewhere. I saved mine in my Dropbox, so I can access it from multiple locations. Dropbox uses two factor authentication, so if anyone wants to get into my Dropbox to access this database, theyll also need to have my phone, which makes the process secure enough.
Alternatively, you can use other services like Google Drive and Skydrive which both use standard [Authenticator][4] apps, or Box which uses SMS for two factor authentication.
Of course, if youre **really** worried about your passwords, you probably wont want to save it where other parties can theoretically access it.
*The main screen of KeePassX in Ubuntu*
Using the app is actually pretty straightforward. You can add groups, and into those groups you can add keys. KeePassX includes a handy password generator whenever you need to input a password. I tend to generate my passwords with all the basic characters and special characters selected as well, at 20 characters long, but that of course depends on what the website accepts.
Its important to note that some websites dont always tell you how long a password theyll accept, and opt to just put a limit on the input box. If your pasted in password doesnt quite look long enough, it probably isnt. Its happened to me a few times.
*KeePassX password generator*
n my everyday usage of KeePassX, Ive noticed a few things that should make using it a bit easier:
**Copy & Paste Paranoia**
You might be worried about the notion of copying and pasting passwords. It sure is more efficient than typing them out manually. By default, KeePassX clears the clipboard about a minute, but you can shrink this in the settings. You dont need to be worried about someone else pasting the password and viewing it on your computer. You can also use a feature called AutoType, which types your password automatically, but this is a bit useless since for some reason it puts the password together with the username in the same field.
**Database Dilemma**
If you save the database in the cloud, dont set the password to the cloud service to something completely random. Its no good having the password to it saved inside the cloud if you cant access the cloud. It might seem obvious, but its not something I originally realised.
Whipping out your phone constantly while at work or school to access your most commonly used accounts can be a pain, so keep that in mind when settings passwords.
## The future ##
If youve looked into KeePass 2 and KeePassX previously, you mightve noticed that they use different database formats.
KeePass 2 uses a newer version of the format, which offers things like custom fields. Even though KeePassX is not yet ready for the newer .kdbx format, a new version of it is in development which supports this format.
You can view the new version of KeePassX, with a vastly improved interface below. You can also download it to compile it yourself on [GitHub][6].
*Main screen of KeePassX 2.0 *
*Details of a single password*
*Additional attributes of a single password *
*Entry history, most likely replacing the Backup folder from the previous version*
*Settings in KeePassX 2.0 *
## Other devices ##
As I said in the beggining of my post, **I was looking for something cross platform**. This is a great advantage of the .kdb format — there are quite a few apps currently supporting it. KeePassX is also much easier to get running on Mac OS X than KeePass 2, and runs fine on Windows too.
On Android I use [KeePassDroid][6], which works solidly both on my phone and tablet.
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@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
Mark Shuttleworth Thinks Apple Used the Ubuntu Edge Convergence Idea for iPhone 5S
Canonical's founder, Mark Shuttleworth, has made an interesting statement that ties together the concept of the Ubuntu Egde superphone and the new iPhone 5S.
A couple of months ago, Canonical and Mark Shuttleworth tried to raise money in order to build a phone that was supposed to be the “Formula 1” of mobile devices. It failed, but he thinks that Apple has taken some inspiration from the concept of the Ubuntu Edge.
"I think [Ubuntu Edge] may have accelerated the idea of convergence. You saw Apple's description of their new mobile CPU as 'desktop class' and I don't think that's accidental," he said in an interview for [ZDnet][1].
Canonical's founder may have some inside information thats unavailable to us, but thats an interesting speculation coming from someone who has no interest in drawing gratuitous parallels.
It remains to be seen if Apple follows the convergence path drawn by Canonical's Ubuntu Edge.
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Mark Shuttleworth to attend and conduct keynote at OpenStack Summit in Hong Kong, November 5th - 8th 2013
By analyzing [Canonical][1], the inquirer is to observe several attributes, among which vision, bold goals and according-to actions, attributes that have gradually positioned Canonical at the top of the computing world, where it is leading a significant portion of innovation spanning across all relevant form factors and computing environments.
Ubuntu,--the desktop--, is a massive success powering 30 million computers of users, companies and state departments seeking stability, speed, security and beauty, yet, the desktop is a part of the overall vigorous Canonical's movement through the layers and peaks of the IT world.
In the cloud, Canonical has been deeply and actively involved in OpenStack's emergence as the most popular, solid and fast open cloud platform, Ubuntu being the reference operating system for OpenStack, platform where NASA, HP and the world's experts are collaborating in the maintenance of the versatile open collaborative cloud platform.
Ubuntu is the [natural][2] operating system for companies and developers desiring to harness the power of OpenStack, Ubuntu offering numerous advantages and benefits: Ubuntu's and OpenStack's release schedules are synchronized, sync pushing the latest features of OpenStack as available under Ubuntu, Canonical delivers support,--products, services, etc--, related to an optimal OpenStack managing and handling, etc.
**OpenStack Summit** is an interesting event where experts are meeting, in order to discuss, present and analyze multiple aspects of OpenStack, featuring interesting presentations, case studies, keynotes from innovation creators, as well as developer gatherings and workshops, etc, essentially, experts talking about the now's and the tomorrow's status of OpenStack and cloud computing.
The next OpenStack Summit is to happen in **Hong Kong** during **November 5th - November 8th 2013**, event open for [registrations][3].
Canonical will be solidly represented at the Hong Kong's OpenStack Summit by **Mark Shuttleworth**, who is to conduct a keynote, keynote centered in interoperability, presence further strengthening the Ubuntu-OpenStack bond, while revealing new details about upcoming innovative goals, plans and achievements of Canonical and Ubuntu.
Full details, including discounts (to expire on October 26th), are available on [][4]
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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Shotwell 0.15 released with new features and fixes
Ubuntu ships by default [Shotwell][1], handy image manager and basic editor permitting both image-gallery management and basic image editing, latter proving itself useful in numerous and numerous situations.

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@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ via:
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Ubuntu Tweak 0.8.6 released with Ubuntu 13.10 support and improvements
Ubuntu Tweak is a powerful, advanced tweaking tool featuring a massive amount of functionalities and tweakable options, permitting an in-depth tweaking of the desktop via a clear, clean interface.
Font sizes, GTK+ themes, Unity launcher, quicklist editor, kernel removals are among the abilities contained by Ubuntu Tweak, abilities covering the whole of the powerful Ubuntu desktop.
[Ubuntu Tweak][1] **0.8.6** has been [released][2], bringing support for Ubuntu **13.10** and, therefore, allowing users to utilize the handy app under the upcoming Ubuntu 13.10.
The newly-released 0.8.6 version comes with enhanced old-kernels handling,--allowing a more accurate removal of the unwanted kernels from one's system--, as well as with disabled `Application Center` and `Source Center`; navigating now to `Ubuntu Tweak-->Admins` the user is to notice the removal of `Application Center` and `Source Center`.
The mentioned features, along with bug fixes and removed errors, are part of the newly-updated Ubuntu Tweak 0.8.6.
How do we **install** Ubuntu Tweak 0.8.6?
Add the following **official** PPA (Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 13.10)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak
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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
translating by theo-l
Ubuntu developers announced Oxide, Chromium-powered library to be used in Ubuntu Touch's web-browser and Ubuntu SDK by Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
By installing Ubuntu, 30 million users from all over the world get an immediately-usable and powerful operating system, as well as security and maintenance support specific to the installed version of Ubuntu (LTS or standard).

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@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
Weather App updated with subtle color refinements
Gradually, as seen in the latest months, Ubuntu converged is gaining a massive amount of software, software including under-the-hood services, modern Unity 8, Ubuntu developers-only applications, as well as the [core applications][1], latter being produced by a meaningful collaboration between talented third-party developers, Ubuntu developers and Ubuntu designers.
During the latest weeks, [Weather App][2] has seen numerous optimizations and refinements, polish effort aimed at delivering a stable version of the weather application in the near future.
Weather App comes with support for multiple cities and a rich range of weather values, values (like for example, Celsius degrees) expressed in relation to predefined colors; for example, the value 20 degrees Celsius is rendered with an orange-to-red color, while lower temperatures are expressed with green-to-gray color tones.
Weather App has been updated to a minor-yet-interesting release, bringing, along with bug fixes, more dark colors for the vividly-rendered color tones on its views.
Meaning, high temperatures (such as 20 degrees Celsius) retain the same orange-to-red color, yet, their color vitality has been decreased by eliminating percentages of light, while adding subtle-yet-noticeable dark tones.
The result: the weather's colors are now more pleasant to the eye featuring more calm colors.
How do we **install** Weather App 0.3?
Add the following **official** PPA (Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 13.10)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa && sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk ubuntu-weather-app
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@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
采用Saucy Salamander墙面壁纸包为你的桌面添加活力
2013年10月17日Ubuntu 13.10即将发行,这将是又一个令人兴奋的功能强大的操作系统,该系统包含许多新的特性和改进,以及设计比赛产生的、默认设计的新的桌面壁纸。
俏皮的蝾螈壁纸包含有以下几个**尺寸**1024x768, 1080x1024, 1366x768, 1440x900, 1920x1080, 1920x1080, 用来满足不同分辨率的需要。
要了解更多的信息,壁纸及**XCF**源文件的下载,可以访问以下网址: [][1]
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@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
起初这个想法可能看起来荒谬可笑或者不怀好意。因为你仍能看到Ubuntu的狂热支持者们在为其每一个发行版的改进鼓掌叫好呐喊助威记者们也还在谄媚地报道Ubuntu创始人Mark Shuttleworth所说的每一句话
社区负责人Jono Bacon正在为Ubuntu Touch移动操作系统开发一个新的应用开发者社区最近Ubuntu的商业部门Canonical还公布了一些重大项目例如与中国政府合作为其开发[国家级的中文操作系统][1]以及被Linux基金会选中负责实现[Steam][2]游戏平台等等。
然而,[Ubuntu在Google上搜索量][3]的锐减趋势也许能说明一些问题。除了Android和Mageia其他Linux[主流发行版][4]情况虽然与Ubuntu类似都有所下降但事实是即便这样却没有哪个发行版像Ubuntu一样下降得如此厉害 —— 搜索量还不到2007年10月的一半为2006年六月以来的最低值。
但好景不长渐渐地Ubuntu和Canonical开始将自己孤立于主流自由软件社区之外。Shuttleworth的那些美好初衷诸如项目协作、强调易用性等等都被严重忽略了。GNOME开发也开始变得急功近利 —— GNOME社区也许认为这是一种进步 —— Shuttleworth甘愿放弃Canonical CEO的职位也要参与主导开发让他疯狂着迷的Unity。
其实在争论中解决问题并不是最重要的重要的是解决问题时人们之间的关系。与Canonical不同Ubuntu每天的运行看起来就像是任何预期中规范的自由软件项目一样有讨论有商议。而Canonical呢据说Canonical公司中的高级雇员经常滥用否决权即便是礼貌的否定都可能会导致摩擦 —— 更何况这种否定还常常是粗鲁的。Canonical已经不再欢迎开诚布公的讨论而是借着“为了让Ubuntu成功”的名义越来越倾向于扼杀人们的不同意见。
表达不满的首次发声很快就被Jono Bacon老练的公关手段平息下来但也仅仅过了几个月由于Ubuntu首页上[通往社区的链接被移除][11],矛盾再次爆发。
更重要的这些“努力”会导致新的问题。其中格外要提到的是Dash中的广告已经导致了对个人隐私的担忧甚至被[Richard Stallman][12]称之为间谍软件。这些广告还加重了社区的不满情绪。
其他方面,像[Ubuntu TV][14]仍然没有成形。当然Ubuntu的主战略看起来正向多样化多元素靠拢但是尝试闯入一个饱和市场其合理性仍然值得怀疑。Ubuntu Touch计划于10月份同13.10一起发布但是如果有手机制造商要搭载预装产品Canonical还将推迟发布日期。
更糟的是[Ubuntu Edge][15]投资人计划该计划打算通过众筹基金打造一款时尚前卫的经典手机如果能够成功Canonical就可以在市场中为其建立一个小生态圈。
然而最终3200万美元的筹资目标只达到了四成Canonical对此只能“强颜欢笑”因为参与众筹的投资者们也确实为产品卖力的宣传了。但是这个结果意味着Canonical在潜在的商业伙伴眼中背上了失败者的名声现实就是如此残酷。Ubuntu Edge的失败给Canonical的商业计划留下的是更多的不确定性希望愈加渺茫。
如果不加以改革Ubuntu和Canonical也许能改变之前失败者的印象尽管Ubuntu Edge项目表明这种可能性并不大。但是渐渐地Canonical和Ubuntu已经开始失去他们多年来拥有的领袖地位。
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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
Linux平台上的Audacious 3.4回顾
**版本回顾Audacious 3.4**
Audacious是一款开源的音乐播放器软件。 作为XMMS播放器软件的分支Audacious播放器可以随心所欲的播放你的音乐并且不会抢占其他任务的系统资源。 在你的所有音乐库里,你可以进行拖动文件夹和放置私人的歌曲文件、搜索歌手和专辑或者编辑你的自定义播放列表等操作。
- 聆听CD
- 简洁的播放列表
- 清爽的界面
- 轻量级的系统资源利用
- 多种音效设置
- 大量的plugins
## 安装 ##
我们已经在Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander)系统上安装了Audacious 3.4。虽然Ubuntu 13.10系统仍然处于测试阶段,但是除了一个异常外它已经被证实是一个稳定的操作系统。
sudo apt-get install audacious
当所有的包都已安装结束像平时一样打开Unity Dash键入应用程序的名称你就能找到这个播放器的快捷图标。
## 优点 ##
## 不足 ##
## 总结 ##
**Audacious 3.4.1: 自由下载**
- [Audacious 3.4.1 tar.bz2][1][sources] [464 KB]
- [Ubuntu 12.10 (Repository)][2][ubuntu_deb] [0 KB]
- [Red Hat/Fedora/Mandriva/openSUSE RPM (Repository)][2][rh_rpm] [0 KB]
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
在官方的开发出来的软件们中有一个联系人应用程序,它非常的容易上手,并且是一个拥有友好界面的联系人信息收集管理程序。拥有许多可以编辑的字段。 快速滚动条 还有被列出来的项目还会提供一个有趣的相关联系的应用(正在研发中。)
[联系人应用][1]被更新了另外的一个附加的功能,正在展现出来的[最近几个新的][2]功能。也就是所说的 avatar的联系人支持
还有更多的功能呦~点击那些已经开启avatar的联系人。点开联系人在用户查看之前保存图片的地方可以新的图片替换掉就 图片。
联系人应用已经[可以][3]在Ubuntu13.10的 Ubuntu软件中心中找到了并且可用用来安装使用或者用来做测试。
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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
Corebird是一个Twitter应用它的界面让人想到了Twitter在OS X上的[官方应用](。
Corebird是由一个Archlinux用户开发的它具有GNOME 3.10的外观和功能集。
Corebird的界面使用GTK3开发因此当你把它放在其他的GTK应用旁边时Corebird会感觉在家一样。Corebird充分利用了最新版GNOME 3.10 release的新标题栏这正是GNOME 3.10 release所强调的顶级功能。Corebird的标题栏展示了你的Twitter头像以及一个快速编写微博文章的按钮。这把本该是单独的工具栏整合为了一个紧凑简洁的标题。
虽然Corebird的界面可能是为了GNOME 3.10而设计但Corebird具备的功能是要让所有的Twitter用户之间交友无论你是使用GNOME或是其他桌面环境。
## 功能 ##
## 如何获取Corebird ##
如果你还在使用Ubuntu 13.04非常不走运Corebird使用了GNOME 3.10的新功能因此Ubuntu 13.04并不支持。如果你把系统升级为13.10下周将发布release版本你就可以在Saucy13.10的代号简称的GNOME 3 PPA中体验GNOME 3.10了。
这个项目给了那些开发逐渐慢下来的Linux Twitter应用一个希望的信号例如Birdie在今年的夏天没有达成它的[crowdfunding][4]目标。
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@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
如何在Ubuntu中用上iOS 7的图标
如何在Ubuntu 13.04和13.10上安装iOS 7的图标
**这个简单的教程将会教你如何在你的Ubuntu12.04、13.04、13.10上使用高端大气上档次的苹果iOS 7系统新图标。**
**这个简单的教程将指导你如何在你的Ubuntu 12.04、13.04和13.10上安装苹果iOS 7操作系统的所有图标。**
在开始之前请注意一下。本文使用的PPA(Personal Package Archives)只能在Ubuntu 12.04上运行。这是因为在复制iOS的图标时候是在Ubuntu 12.04版本上建立的。
当然正如开始提到的这些图标可以在Ubuntu 13.04 和 Ubuntu 13.10上使用,只是需要改变一点小小的操作。
除此之外你需要一个小软件使这些图标生效。我们推荐使用GNOME Tweak Tool当然你也可以根据自己的习惯选择。
除此之外你需要一个小软件使这些图标生效。我们推荐使用GNOME Tweak Tool但是如果你喜欢的话还有几个其他软件可供选择。
@ -38,22 +37,21 @@ Ubuntu 13.04、Ubuntu 13.10安iOS装图标
wget -c
sudo dpkg -i ieos7-icons_0.1-0~13~ubuntu12.04.1_all.deb
sudo apt-get install -f
sudo apt-get install -f
sudo dpkg -i ieos7-icons_0.1-0~13~ubuntu12.04.1_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i ieos7-icons_0.1-0~13~ubuntu12.04.1_all.deb
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Mark Shuttleworth认为苹果5S使用了Ubuntu Edge收敛的创意
Canonical公司的创始人Mark Shuttleworth通过这一有趣的说法将Ubuntu Egde智能手机与iPhone 5S联系了起来。
几个月前Canonical和Mark Shuttleworth尝试筹资来推出一款手机该手机被认为是手机中的“F1赛车”。虽然失败了但是他认为苹果已经从这款手机Ubuntu Edge的概念中获得了灵感。
“我认为[Ubuntu Edge]可能加速了收敛的概念你看苹果描述他们的新的CPU为桌面级我认为这并不是偶然。”他在接受[ZDnet][1]采访时这么说。
苹果是否会按照Canonical的Ubuntu Edge手机描绘的收敛性发展还有待观察。
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@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
Ubuntu 13.10 vs. Ubuntu 13.04: Reasons to Upgrade
**Ubuntu 13.10(Saucy Salamander) 于8月17日发布但是来自之前Canonical操作系统的用户就有疑问了新的版本似乎并没有添加多
Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail)相较而言令人乏味但是人们并没有意识到Ubuntu每一次发布的背后都意味着需要完成大
那么,对于普通用户来说如果新的版本并没有显著的变更,为什么还要升级到 Ubuntu 13.10呢?事实上,初看起来似乎几乎没什
GNOME 也可以升级了。Canonical 支持 Unity 桌面环境但是任然使用许多GNOME的包。Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) 自带
有来自3.8 分支的应用,这些应用都非常棒,对偏好Ubuntu GNOME的用户来说尤其如此。
相对于之前的Lens 特色Smart Scopes仍然有大的改善更好的集成并且提供更多的定向解答。
Ubuntu 13.10 也为软件包格式奠定了基石。迄今所有Ubuntu应用都是以deb格式提供的。不过用户需要事先安装相关依赖项
使用新的点选模式, 所有的依赖项都可以同多包本身获得,这就意味着, 只要应用开发者使用的是ubuntu SDK, 用户就不会再碰到
如果这些缘由仍然不足以说服你升级ubuntu那就只有等待Ubuntu 14.04 LTS的发行了。不过不保证新的版本会看起来跟Ubuntu
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
正如最近几个月所见Ubuntu渐渐汇聚的是获得了大量的软件这些软件涵盖了底层的系统服务新的Unity 8界面程序和Ubuntu开发人员专用的应用程序另外还有一些正由能力较强的第三方开发者、Ubuntu开发者和Ubuntu设计者通力合作来联合生产的[核心的应用][1]程序。
添加下面的官方PPAUbuntu 13.04Ubuntu 13.10)就可以了。
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa && sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk ubuntu-weather-app
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@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
**iLinux图标在Linux平台上可能是最大的图标收藏铺并且它从LinuxWindows和Mac OS系统得到灵感。**
**iLinux图标可能是Linux平台上最大的图标收藏铺它的创作灵感来源于LinuxWindows和Mac OS系统。**
iLinux图标的开发商设法获得那些类似的图标在一些情况下甚至优于那些在三个不同的平台UbuntuWindows和Mac OS。
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ iLinux图标的开发商设法获得那些类似的图标在一些情况下
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ilinux-icons
为了应用这些图标你还需要Ubuntu Tweak或GNOME Tweak tool。你还可以查看开发商的[官方网站][1]的更多信息。
为了应用这些图标你还需要Ubuntu Tweak或GNOME Tweak Tool。你还可以查看开发商的[官方网站][1]的更多信息。
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ via:
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