Merge pull request #12 from LCTT/master

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joeren 2014-09-19 08:45:04 +08:00
commit e5fb54d87b
6 changed files with 112 additions and 119 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
保持自由 - GCC应该接受收费插件吗
> GCC邮件列表中在争论GCC是否应该接受收费插件但是认为GCC是一个免费软件开发的媒介的论调占得了上风
LLVM的核心是开放源代码。GCC是反著作权copyleft代表是严格的免费软件她不允许以任何形式收费的插件的代码进入到GCC的代码中。争论的一种意见正如Eric Raymond说的“FSF不可能既阻止持有所有权的供应者添加他们的插件到一个免费编译器中又让这个编译器得到发展。就像马儿已经偏离了跑道反对插件策略的战略目标已经彻底的失败了”。
LLVM已经被苹果公司采用作为OS X和苹果硬件上GCC的替代品并且正在变得流行起来特别是在BSD系列操作系统的用户中间。LLVM的拥护者推测LLVM将会在更广阔的应用程序和移动设备开发市场上成为GCC的替代者。GCC的反对者们的观点是GCC太过复杂并且开发者们必须遵守她的反著作权copyleft。这限制了那些不想在反著作权copyleft许可证下发布他们的语言或者软件产品。作为典型苹果公司有一个很长的厌恶免费软件的历史。他们也不允许遵守反著作权copyleft的软件通过他们的App Store发布。
GCC对于软件开发者和移动设备开发者来说也是一个划时代的产品而不仅仅对于那些免费软件概念提出者。GCC不但免费和可移植她跨越不同硬件架构的普遍性和公用性使得更加容易做到软件的兼容性、鲁棒性和一致性。这和John GilmoreMichael Tiemann和David Henkel-Wallace在开发GCC时发现的一样。这也是Cygnus Solutions公司主要的卖点Cygnus Solutions是第一家靠卖免费软件赚钱的公司。[译注Cygnus Solutions是John Gilmore, Michael Tiemann and David Henkel- Wallace创办的公司同时也是GNU几个主要产品的贡献者]
对于一个免费软件项目添加一种新的语言或者架构到GCC也许是一个非常困难的过程添加有版权的插件也是不允许的。由于模块间界限非常不明确最容易的添加方法就是让添加的特性遵循免费软件许可证。最初的开发者也许想保持代码的封闭和版权但最后不得不将代码以免费软件发布。早期的C++以及Objective C就被认为是其中典型的例子。
Richard Stallman[对这方面的演讲中][1]旗帜鲜明地宣布“在免费软件运动中我们为自由而战。免费软件的的价值观从根本上就和开源软件不同后者以写更好的代码为终极目标。如果GCC从免费的编译器变成非免费的编译器她将不再能够达成自由的目标。
译者:[love\_daisy\_love]( 校对:[wxy](
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
alim0x translating
GNOME Control Center 3.14 RC1 Corrects Lots of Potential Crashes
![GNOME Control Center in Arch Linux](
@ -38,4 +40,4 @@ via:

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@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
barney-ro translating
Why Your Company Needs To Write More Open Source Software - ReadWrite
> Real innovation doesn't happen behind closed doors.
**The Wall Street Journal [thinks][1] it's news that Zulily is developing** "more software in-house." It's not. At all. As [Eric Raymond wrote][2] years ago, 95% of the world's software is written for use, not for sale. The reasons are many, but one stands out: as Zulily CIO Luke Friang declares, it's "nearly impossible for a [off the shelf] solution to keep up with our pace."
True now, just as it was true 20 years ago.
But one thing is different, and it's something the WSJ completely missed. Historically software developed in-house was zealously kept proprietary because, the reasoning went, it was the source of a firm's competitive advantage. Today, however, companies increasingly realize the opposite: there is far more to be gained by open sourcing in-house software than keeping it closed.
Which is why your company needs to contribute more open-source code. Much more.
We've gone through an anomalous time these past 20 years. While most software continued to be written for internal use, most of the attention has been focused on vendors like SAP and Microsoft that build solutions that apply to a wide range of companies.
That's the theory, anyway.
In practice, buyers spent a small fortune on license fees, then a 5X multiple on top of that to make the software fit their requirements. For example, a company may spend $100,000 on an ERP system, but they're going to spend another $500,000 making it work.
One of the reasons open source took off, even in applications, was that companies could get a less functional product for free (or a relatively inexpensive fee) and then spend their implementation dollars tuning it to their needs. Either way, customization was necessary, but the open source approach was less costly and arguably more likely to result in a more tailored result.
Meanwhile, technology vendors doubled-down on "sameness," as Redmonk analyst [Stephen O'Grady describes][3]:
> The mainstream technology industry has, in recent years, eschewed specialization. Virtual appliances, each running a version of the operating system customized for an application or purpose, have entirely failed to dent the sales of general purpose alternatives such as RHEL or Windows. For better than twenty years, the answer to any application data persistence requirement has meant one thing: a relational database. If you were talking about enterprise application development, you were talking about Java. And so on.
Along the way, however, companies discovered that vendors weren't really meeting their needs, even for well-understood product categories like Content Management Systems. They needed different, not same.
So the customers went rogue. They became vendors. Sort of.
As is often the case, [O'Grady nails][4] this point. Writing in 2010, O'Grady uncovers an interesting trend: "Software vendors are facing a powerful new market competitor: their customers."
Think about the most visible technologies today. Most are open source, and nearly all of them were originally written for some company's internal use, or some developer's hobby. Linux, Git, Hadoop, Cassandra, MongoDB, Android, etc. None of these technologies were originally written to be sold as products.
Instead, they were developed by companies—usually Web companies—building software to "[scratch their own itches][5]," to use the open source phrase. And unlike previous generations of in-house software developed at banks, hospitals and other organizations, they open sourced the code.
While [some companies eschew developing custom software][6] because they don't want to maintain it, open source (somewhat) mitigates this by letting a community grow up to extend and maintain a project, thereby amortizing the costs of development for the code originators. Yahoo! started Hadoop, but its biggest contributors today are Cloudera and Hortonworks. Facebook kickstarted Cassandra, but DataStax primarily maintains it today. And so on.
Today real software innovation doesn't happen behind closed doors. Or, if it does, it doesn't stay there. It's open source, and it's upending decades of established software orthodoxy.
Not that it's for the faint of heart.
The best open-source projects [innovate very fast][7]. Which is not the same as saying anyone will care about your open-source code. There are [significant pros and cons to open sourcing your code][8]. But one massive "pro" is that the best developers want to work on open code: if you need to hire quality developers, you need to give them an open source outlet for their work. (Just [ask Netflix][9].)
But that's no excuse to sit on the sidelines. It's time to get involved, and not for the good of some ill-defined "community." No, the primary beneficiary of open-source software development is you and your company. Better get started.
Lead image courtesy of Shutterstock.
作者:[Matt Asay][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
translating by barney-ro
Interesting facts about Linux
Today, August, 25th, is the 23rd birthday of Linux. The modest [Usenet post][1] made by a 21 year old student at the University of Helsinki on August 25th, 1991, marks the birth of the venerable Linux as we know it today.
@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ Happy birthday, Linux!
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
CNprober translated
保持自由 - GCC应该接受收费插件吗
> GCC是否应该接受收费插件的争论在GCC邮件列表中又一次升温但是认为GCC是一个免费软件开发的媒介的论调占得了上风
LLVM的核心是开放源代码。GCC是反著作权copyleft代表是严格的免费软件她不允许以任何形式收费的插件的代码进入到GCC的代码中。争论的一种意见正如Eric Raymond说的“FSF不可能既阻止持有所有权的供应者添加他们的插件到一个
LLVM已经被苹果公司采用作为OS X和苹果硬件上GCC的替代品并且正在变得流行起来特别是在BSD系列操作系统的用户中间。LLVM的拥护者推测LLVM将会在更广阔的应用程序和移动设备开发市场上成为GCC的替代者。GCC的反对者们的观点是GCC太过复杂并且
开发者们必须遵守她的反著作权copyleft。这限制了那些不想在反著作权copyleft许可证下发布他们的语言或者软件产品。作为典型苹果公司有一个很长的厌恶免费软件的历史。他们也不允许遵守反著作权copyleft的软件通过他们的App Store发布。
GCC对于软件开发者和移动设备开发者来说也是一个划时代的产品而不仅仅对于那些免费软件概念提出者。GCC不但免费和可移植她跨越不同硬件架构的普遍性和公用性使得更加容易做到软件的兼容性、鲁棒性和一致性。这和John GilmoreMichael Tiemann和David
Henkel-Wallace在开发GCC时发现的一样。这也是Cygnus Solutions公司主要的卖点Cygnus Solutions是第一家靠卖免费软件赚钱的公司。[译注Cygnus Solutions是John Gilmore, Michael Tiemann and David Henkel- Wallace创办的公司同时也是GNU
最初的开发者也许想保持代码的封闭和版权但最后不得不将代码以免费软件发布。早期的C++以及Objective C就被认为是其中典型的例子。
Richard Stallman[在这里的演讲][1]旗帜鲜明地宣布“在免费软件运动中我们为自由而战。免费软件的的价值观从根本上就和开源软件不同后者以写更好的代码为终极目标。如果GCC从免费的编译器变成非免费的编译器她将不再能够达成自由的目标。
译者:[love_daisy_love]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
**华尔街日报 [称][1]有消息表明Zulily正在开发** 更多的内部软件,但实际上根本不是。多年前[Eric Raymond写道][2]全世界95%的软件写来用的而不是售卖。原因很多但是其中有一个比较突出正如Zulily的CIO Luke Friang所说几乎没有一个[非定制]软件解决方案能跟上我们的步伐。
但是有一点是不同的,这也正是华尔街日报完全忽略的地方。而这也正是历史上开发的内部软件始终保持着专有的原因了,因为她是一个公司的 核心竞争力。然而今天,越来越多的公司意识到另一面:开源内部软件将会比保持专有获益更多。
在实践中买方花费很少的钱购买license然后至少付出5倍以上的代价来使软件符合他们的需求。比如说一个公司可能在一个ERP系统上花费 100,000美元但是他们还得继续花费500,000来维持软件正常运行。
开源软件甚至是应用程序正式发展起来的原因之一是很多公司可以免费获得一些功能性的产品(或者是以一个相对便宜的费用获得产品), 然后定制为他们所需要的。不管怎样,定制是有必要的,而且开源的根本是使成本更低,或许,这样的定制或许能产生更好的结果。
同时开发者尽量的减少同类之间的相似之处。作为Redmonk分析师[Stephen O'Grady认为][3]:
> 从最近几年看主流技术产业都有意避开专业化。运行在定制操作系统上的虚拟设备已经彻底败给了RHEL和Windowns这些通用的操作系统。 最快20年任何程序的数据保存都意味着一件事一个关联的数据库如果你要做的是企业级应用开发那么你首先要接触的是Java等等。
然而,开源的道路上,一些公司也发现,有些销售商不能很好地描述他们所想要的,即便是很好理解的产品类别,如像内容管理系统,他们需要 知道的是产品亮点,而不希望是一个模子刻出来的。
这也是常有的事,[O'Grady指出了][4]这一点。2010年O'Grady发现了一个有趣的现象“软件提供商正面对着一个强有力的市场竞争者他们 的顾客。”
最好的开源项目都[发展得很快][7],但是这并不意味着别人在乎你的开源代码。[开放你的源码有显著的优缺点][8],其中一个很重要的优点是 很多伟大的开发者都希望为开源做出贡献:如果你也想找一个伟大的开发者跟你一起,你需要给他们一个开放的源代码来让他们工作。([Netflix][9]说)
但是,我们没有理由站在一边看,现在正是时候参与开源社区了,而不是一些不清楚的社区。是的,开源最大的参与者正是你们和你们的公司。 赶紧开始吧。
主要图片来自于Shutterstock. (注Shutterstock是美国的一家摄影图片网站。)
作者:[Matt Asay][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出