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@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
Systemd 定时器: 三种使用场景
Systemd 定时器:三种使用场景
> 继续 systemd 教程,这些特殊的例子可以展示给你如何更好的利用 systemd 定时器单元。

在这个 systemd 系列教程中,我们[已经在某种程度上讨论了 systemd 定时器单元][1]。不过,在我们开始讨论 socket 之前,我们先来看三个例子,这些例子展示了如何最佳化利用这些单元。
在这个 systemd 系列教程中,我们[已经在某种程度上讨论了 systemd 定时器单元][1]。不过,在我们开始讨论 sockets 之前,我们先来看三个例子,这些例子展示了如何最佳化利用这些单元。
### 简单的类 _cron_ 行为
### 简单的类 cron 行为
我每周都要去收集 [Debian popcon 数据][2],如果每次都能在同一时间收集更好,这样我就能看到某些应用程序的下载趋势。这是一个可以使用 cron 任务来完成的典型事例,但 systemd 定时器同样能做到:
我每周都要去收集 [Debian popcon 数据][2],如果每次都能在同一时间收集更好,这样我就能看到某些应用程序的下载趋势。这是一个可以使用 _cron_ 任务来完成的典型事例,但 systemd 定时器同样能做到:
# 类 cron 的 popcon.timer
@ -20,14 +23,14 @@ Unit= popcon.service
WantedBy= basic.target
实际的 _popcon.service_ 会执行一个常规的 _wget_ 任务,并没有什么特别之处。这里的新内容是 `OnCalendar=` 指令。这个指令可以让你在一个特定日期的特定时刻来运行某个服务。在这个例子中,`Thu` 表示“_在周四运行_”,`*-*-*` 表示“_具体年份、月份和日期无关紧要_”,这些可以翻译成“不管年月日,只在每周四运行”。
实际的 `popcon.service` 会执行一个常规的 `wget` 任务,并没有什么特别之处。这里的新内容是 `OnCalendar=` 指令。这个指令可以让你在一个特定日期的特定时刻来运行某个服务。在这个例子中,`Thu` 表示 “在周四运行”,`*-*-*` 表示“具体年份、月份和日期无关紧要”,这些可以翻译成 “不管年月日,只在每周四运行”。
这样,你就设置了这个服务的运行时间。我选择在欧洲中部夏令时区的上午 5:30 左右运行,那个时候服务器不是很忙。
如果你的服务器关闭了,而且刚好错过了每周的截止时间,你还可以在同一个计时器中使用像 _anacron_ 一样的功能。
如果你的服务器关闭了,而且刚好错过了每周的截止时间,你还可以在同一个计时器中使用像 anacron 一样的功能。
# 具备类似 anacron 功能的 popcon.timer
@ -41,26 +44,26 @@ Persistent=true
当你将 `Persistent=` 指令设为真值时,它会告诉 systemd,如果服务器在本该它运行的时候关闭了,那么在启动后就要立刻运行服务。这意味着,如果机器在周四凌晨停机了(比如说维护),一旦它再次启动后,_popcon.service_ 将会立刻执行。在这之后,它的运行时间将会回到例行性的每周四早上 5:32.
当你将 `Persistent=` 指令设为真值时,它会告诉 systemd,如果服务器在本该它运行的时候关闭了,那么在启动后就要立刻运行服务。这意味着,如果机器在周四凌晨停机了(比如说维护),一旦它再次启动后,`popcon.service` 将会立刻执行。在这之后,它的运行时间将会回到例行性的每周四早上 5:32.
### 延迟执行
但是,我们提升一个档次,来“改进”这个[基于 systemd 的监控系统][3]。你应该记得,当你接入摄像头的时候,系统就会开始拍照。假设你并不希望它在你安装摄像头的时候拍下你的脸。你希望将拍照服务的启动时间向后推迟一两分钟,这样你就有时间接入摄像头,然后走到画框外面。
为了完成这件事,首先你要更改 Udev 规则,将它指向一个定时器:
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="video4linux", ATTRS{idVendor}=="03f0",
ATTRS{idProduct}=="e207", TAG+="systemd", ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS}="picchanged.timer",
SYMLINK+="mywebcam", MODE="0666"
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="video4linux", ATTRS{idVendor}=="03f0",
ATTRS{idProduct}=="e207", TAG+="systemd", ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS}="picchanged.timer",
SYMLINK+="mywebcam", MODE="0666"
# picchanged.timer
@ -73,10 +76,9 @@ Unit= picchanged.path
WantedBy= basic.target
在你接入摄像头后,Udev 规则被触发,它会调用定时器。这个定时器启动后会等上一分钟(`OnActiveSec= 1 m`),然后运行 _picchanged.path_,它会[监视主图片的变化][4]。_picchanged.path_ 还会负责接触 _webcan.service_,这个实际用来拍照的服务。
在你接入摄像头后,Udev 规则被触发,它会调用定时器。这个定时器启动后会等上一分钟(`OnActiveSec= 1 m`),然后运行 `picchanged.path`,它会[监视主图片的变化][4]。`picchanged.path` 还会负责接触 `webcan.service`,这个实际用来拍照的服务。
### 在每天的特定时刻启停 Minetest 服务器
@ -85,6 +87,7 @@ WantedBy= basic.target
你有个为你的孩子设置的 Minetest 服务。不过,你还想要假装关心一下他们的教育和成长,要让他们做作业和家务活。所以你要确保 Minetest 只在每天晚上的一段时间内可用,比如五点到七点。
# minetest.timer
@ -97,12 +100,12 @@ Unit= minetest.service
WantedBy= basic.target
我们从最明显的东西开始 —— 设置定时器:
# stopminetest.timer
@ -115,16 +118,16 @@ Unit= stopminetest.service
WantedBy= basic.target
这里棘手的部分是如何去告诉 _stopminetest.service_ 去 —— 你知道的 —— 停止 Minetest. 我们无法从 _minetest.service_ 中传递 Minetest 服务器的 PID. 而且 systemd 的单元词汇表中也没有明显的命令来停止或禁用正在运行的服务。
这里棘手的部分是如何去告诉 `stopminetest.service` 去 —— 你知道的 —— 停止 Minetest. 我们无法从 `minetest.service` 中传递 Minetest 服务器的 PID. 而且 systemd 的单元词汇表中也没有明显的命令来停止或禁用正在运行的服务。
我们的诀窍是使用 systemd 的 `Conflicts=` 指令。它和 systemd 的 `Wants=` 指令类似,不过它所做的事情_正相反_。如果你有一个 _b.service_ 单元,其中包含一个 `Wants=a.service` 指令,在这个单元启动时,如果 _a.service_ 没有运行,则 _b.service_ 会运行它。同样,如果你的 _b.service_ 单元中有一行写着 `Conflicts= a.service`,那么在 _b.service_ 启动时,systemd 会停止 _a.service_.
我们的诀窍是使用 systemd 的 `Conflicts=` 指令。它和 systemd 的 `Wants=` 指令类似,不过它所做的事情_正相反_。如果你有一个 `b.service` 单元,其中包含一个 `Wants=a.service` 指令,在这个单元启动时,如果 `a.service` 没有运行,则 `b.service` 会运行它。同样,如果你的 `b.service` 单元中有一行写着 `Conflicts= a.service`,那么在 `b.service` 启动时,systemd 会停止 `a.service`.
这种机制用于两个服务在尝试同时控制同一资源时会发生冲突的场景,例如当两个服务要同时访问打印机的时候。通过在首选服务中设置 `Conflicts=`,你就可以确保它会覆盖掉最不重要的服务。
不过,你会在一个稍微不同的场景中来使用 `Conflicts=`. 你将使用 `Conflicts=` 来干净地关闭 _minetest.service_:
不过,你会在一个稍微不同的场景中来使用 `Conflicts=`. 你将使用 `Conflicts=` 来干净地关闭 `minetest.service`:
# stopminetest.service
@ -135,12 +138,12 @@ Conflicts= minetest.service
Type= oneshot
ExecStart= /bin/echo "Closing down minetest.service"
_stopminetest.service_ 并不会做特别的东西。事实上,它什么都不会做。不过因为它包含那行 `Conflicts=`,所以在它启动时,systemd 会关掉 _minetest.service_.
`stopminetest.service` 并不会做特别的东西。事实上,它什么都不会做。不过因为它包含那行 `Conflicts=`,所以在它启动时,systemd 会关掉 `minetest.service`.
在你完美的 Minetest 设置中,还有最后一点涟漪:你下班晚了,错过了服务器的开机时间,可当你开机的时候游戏时间还没结束,这该怎么办?`Persistent=` 指令(如上所述)在错过开始时间后仍然可以运行服务,但这个方案还是不行。如果你在早上十一点把服务器打开,它就会启动 Minetest,而这不是你想要的。你真正需要的是一个确保 systemd 只在晚上五到七点启动 Minetest 的方法:
# minetest.timer
@ -153,12 +156,12 @@ Unit= minetest.service
WantedBy= basic.target
`OnCalendar= *-*-* 17..19:*:00` 这一行有两个有趣的地方:(1) `17..19` 并不是一个时间点,而是一个时间段,在这个场景中是 17 到 19 点;以及,(2) 分钟字段中的 `*` 表示服务每分钟都要运行。因此,你会把它读做 “_在下午五到七点间的每分钟,运行 minetest.service_”
`OnCalendar= *-*-* 17..19:*:00` 这一行有两个有趣的地方:(1) `17..19` 并不是一个时间点,而是一个时间段,在这个场景中是 17 到 19 点;以及,(2) 分钟字段中的 `*` 表示服务每分钟都要运行。因此,你会把它读做 “在下午五到七点间的每分钟,运行 minetest.service”
不过还有一个问题:一旦 `minetest.service` 启动并运行,你会希望 `minetest.timer` 不要再次尝试运行它。你可以在 `minetest.service` 中包含一条 `Conflicts=` 指令:
不过还有一个问题:一旦 _minetest.service_ 启动并运行,你会希望 _minetest.timer_ 不要再次尝试运行它。你可以在 _minetest.service_ 中包含一条 `Conflicts=` 指令:
# minetest.service
@ -175,19 +178,18 @@ ExecStop= /bin/kill -2 $MAINPID
WantedBy= multi-user.targe
上面的 `Conflicts=` 指令会保证在 _minstest.service_ 成功运行后,_minetest.timer_ 就会立即停止。
上面的 `Conflicts=` 指令会保证在 `minstest.service` 成功运行后,`minetest.timer` 就会立即停止。
现在,启用并启动 `minetest.timer`:
现在,启用并启动 _minetest.timer_:
systemctl enable minetest.timer
systemctl start minetest.timer
而且,如果你在六点钟启动了服务器,_minetest.timer_ 会启用;到了五到七点,_minetest.timer_ 每分钟都会尝试启动 _minetest.service_. 不过,一旦 _minetest.service_ 开始运行,systemd 会停止 _minetest.timer_,因为它会与 _minetest.service_“冲突”,从而避免计时器在服务已经运行的情况下还会不断尝试启动服务。
而且,如果你在六点钟启动了服务器,`minetest.timer` 会启用;到了五到七点,`minetest.timer` 每分钟都会尝试启动 `minetest.service`。不过,一旦 `minetest.service` 开始运行,systemd 会停止 `minetest.timer`,因为它会与 `minetest.service` “冲突”,从而避免计时器在服务已经运行的情况下还会不断尝试启动服务。
@ -197,7 +199,7 @@ systemctl start minetest.timer
但是,这个系列文章的目的不是为任何具体问题提供最佳解决方案。它的目的是为了尽可能多地使用 systemd 来解决问题,甚至会到荒唐的程度。它的目的是展示大量的例子,来说明如何利用不同类型的单位及其包含的指令。我们的读者,也就是你,可以从这篇文章中找到所有这些的可实践范例。
尽管如此,我们还有一件事要做:下回中,我们会关注 _sockets_ 和 _targets_,然后我们将完成对 systemd 单元的介绍。
尽管如此,我们还有一件事要做:下回中,我们会关注 sockets 和 targets,然后我们将完成对 systemd 单元的介绍。
你可以在 Linux 基金会和 edX 中,通过免费的 [Linux 介绍][5]课程中,学到更多关于 Linux 的知识。
@ -208,12 +210,12 @@ via: https://www.linux.com/blog/intro-to-linux/2018/8/systemd-timers-two-use-cas
作者:[Paul Brown][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
使用 MDwiki 将 Markdown 发布成 HTML
> 用这个有用工具从 Markdown 文件创建一个基础的网站。

有很多理由喜欢 Markdown,这是一门简单的语言,有易于学习的语法,它可以与任何文本编辑器一起使用。使用像 [Pandoc][1] 这样的工具,你可以将 Markdown 文本转换为[各种流行格式][2],包括 HTML。你还可以在 Web 服务器中自动执行转换过程。由 TimoDörr 创建的名为 [MDwiki][3]的 HTML5 和 JavaScript 应用可以将一堆 Markdown 文件在浏览器请求它们时转换为网站。MDwiki 网站包含一个操作指南和其他信息可帮助你入门:
有很多理由喜欢 Markdown,这是一门简单的语言,有易于学习的语法,它可以与任何文本编辑器一起使用。使用像 [Pandoc][1] 这样的工具,你可以将 Markdown 文本转换为[各种流行格式][2],包括 HTML。你还可以在 Web 服务器中自动执行转换过程。由 TimoDörr 创建的名为 [MDwiki][3] 的 HTML5 和 JavaScript 应用可以将一堆 Markdown 文件在浏览器请求它们时转换为网站。MDwiki 网站包含一个操作指南和其他信息可帮助你入门:
![MDwiki site getting started][5]
Mdwiki 网站的样子。
*Mdwiki 网站的样子。*
在 Web 服务器内部,基本的 MDwiki 站点如下所示:
![MDwiki site inside web server][7]
该站点的 web 服务器文件夹的样子
*该站点的 web 服务器文件夹的样子*
我将此项目的 MDwiki HTML 文件重命名为 `START.HTML`。还有一个处理导航的 Markdown 文件和一个 JSON 文件来保存一些配置设置。其他的都是网站内容。
虽然整个网站设计被 MDwiki 固定了,但内容、样式和页面数量却没有。你可以在 [MDwiki 站点][8]查看由 MDwiki 生成的一系列不同站点。公平地说,MDwiki 网站缺乏网页设计师可以实现的视觉吸引力 - 但它们是功能性的,用户应该平衡其简单的外观与创建和编辑它们的速度和简易性。
虽然整个网站设计被 MDwiki 固定了,但内容、样式和页面数量却没有。你可以在 [MDwiki 站点][8]查看由 MDwiki 生成的一系列不同站点。公平地说,MDwiki 网站缺乏网页设计师可以实现的视觉吸引力 —— 但它们是功能性的,用户应该平衡其简单的外观与创建和编辑它们的速度和简易性。
Markdown 有不同的风格,可以针对不同的特定目的扩展稳定的核心功能。MDwiki 使用 GitHub 风格 [Markdown][9],它为流行的编程语言添加了格式化代码块和语法高亮等功能,使其非常适合生成程序文档和教程。
@ -29,13 +30,14 @@ MDwiki 的默认配色方案并非适用于所有项目,但你可以将其替
![MDwiki screen with Bootswatch Superhero theme][12]
MDwiki 页面使用 Bootswatch Superhero 主题
*MDwiki 页面使用 Bootswatch Superhero 主题*
MDwiki、Markdown 文件和静态图像可以用于许多目的。但是,你有时可能希望包含 JavaScript 幻灯片或反馈表单。Markdown 文件可以包含 HTML 代码,但将 Markdown 与 HTML 混合会让人感到困惑。一种解决方案是在单独的 HTML 文件中创建所需的功能,并将其显示在带有 iframe 标记的 Markdown 文件中。我从 [Twine Cookbook][13] 知道了这个想法,它是 Twine 交互式小说引擎的支持站点。Twine Cookbook 实际上并没有使用 MDwiki,但结合 Markdown 和 iframe 标签开辟了广泛的创作可能性。
此 HTML 将显示由 Markdown 文件中的 Twine 交互式小说引擎创建的 HTML 页面。
<iframe height="400" src="sugarcube_dungeonmoving_example.html" width="90%"></iframe>
@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ via: https://opensource.com/article/18/8/markdown-html-publishing
作者:[Peter Cheer][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
如何在 Linux 上对驱动器进行分区和格式化
> 这里有所有你想知道的关于设置存储器而又不敢问的一切。

@ -10,27 +11,26 @@
### 什么是块设备?
硬盘驱动器通常被称为“块设备”,因为硬盘驱动器以固定大小的块进行读写。这就可以区分硬盘驱动器和其它可能插入到您计算机的一些设备,如打印机,游戏手柄,麦克风,或相机。一个简单的方法用来列出连接到你 Linux 系统上的块设备就是使用 `lsblk` (list block devices)命令:
硬盘驱动器通常被称为“块设备”,因为硬盘驱动器以固定大小的块进行读写。这就可以区分硬盘驱动器和其它可能插入到您计算机的一些设备,如打印机、游戏手柄、麦克风,或相机。一个简单的方法用来列出连接到你 Linux 系统上的块设备就是使用 `lsblk` (list block devices)命令:
$ lsblk
sda 8:0 0 238.5G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 1G 0 part /boot
└─sda2 8:2 0 237.5G 0 part
└─luks-e2bb...e9f8 253:0 0 237.5G 0 crypt
├─fedora-root 253:1 0 50G 0 lvm /
├─fedora-swap 253:2 0 5.8G 0 lvm [SWAP]
└─fedora-home 253:3 0 181.7G 0 lvm /home
sdb 8:16 1 14.6G 0 disk
└─sdb1 8:17 1 14.6G 0 part
sda 8:0 0 238.5G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 1G 0 part /boot
└─sda2 8:2 0 237.5G 0 part
└─luks-e2bb...e9f8 253:0 0 237.5G 0 crypt
├─fedora-root 253:1 0 50G 0 lvm /
├─fedora-swap 253:2 0 5.8G 0 lvm [SWAP]
└─fedora-home 253:3 0 181.7G 0 lvm /home
sdb 8:16 1 14.6G 0 disk
└─sdb1 8:17 1 14.6G 0 part
最左列是设备标识符,每个都是以 `sd` 开头,并以一个字母结尾,字母从 `a` 开始。每个块设备上的分区分配一个数字,从 1 开始。例如,第一个设备上的第二个分区用 `sda2` 表示。如果你不确定到底是哪个分区,那也不要紧,只需接着往下读。
最左列是设备标识符,每个都是以 `sd` 开头,并以一个字母结尾,字母从 `a` 开始。每个块设备上的分区分配一个数字,从 `1` 开始。例如,第一个设备上的第二个分区用 `sda2` 表示。如果你不确定到底是哪个分区,那也不要紧,只需接着往下读。
`lsblk` 命令是无损的,仅仅用于检测,所以你可以放心的使用而不用担心破坏你驱动器上的数据。
### 使用 `dmesg` 进行测试
### 使用 dmesg 进行测试
如果你有疑问,你可以通过在 `dmesg` 命令的最后几行查看驱动器的卷标,这个命令显示了操作系统最近的日志(比如说插入或移除一个驱动器)。一句话,如果你想确认你插入的设备是不是 `/dev/sdc` ,那么,把设备插到你的计算机上,然后运行这个 `dmesg` 命令:
@ -40,20 +40,20 @@ $ sudo dmesg | tail
### 解理文件系统
### 理解文件系统
当一个驱动器没有文件系统时也是可以使用的。一旦你已经肯定,正确识别了一个驱动器,并且已经确定上面没有任何重要的资料,那就可以把它插到你的计算机上 —— 但是不要挂载它,如果它被自动挂载上了,那就请手动卸载掉它。
$ su -
# umount /dev/sdx{,1}
为了防止灾难性的复制-粘贴错误,下面的例子将使用不太可能出现的 `sdx` 来作为驱动器的卷标。
为了防止灾难性的复制 —— 粘贴错误,下面的例子将使用不太可能出现的 `sdx` 来作为驱动器的卷标。
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ $ su -
hello world
这看起来工作得很好,但是想象一下如果 "hello world" 这个短语是一个文件,如果你想要用这种方法写入一个新的文件,则必须:
这看起来工作得很好,但是想象一下如果 “hello world” 这个短语是一个文件,如果你想要用这种方法写入一个新的文件,则必须:
1. 知道第 1 行已经存在一个文件了
2. 知道已经存在的文件只占用了 1 行
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ this is a second file
分区是硬盘驱动器的一种边界,用来告诉文件系统它可以占用哪些空间。举例来说,你有一个 4GB 的 USB 驱动器,你可以只分一个分区占用一个驱动器 (4GB),或两个分区,每个 2GB (又或者是一个 1GB,一个 3GB,只要你愿意),或者三个不同的尺寸大小,等等。这种组合将是无穷无尽的。
假设你的驱动器是 4GB,你可以 GNU `parted` 命令来创建一个大的分区。
假设你的驱动器是 4GB,你可以使用 GNU `parted` 命令来创建一个大的分区。
# parted /dev/sdx --align opt mklabel msdos 0 4G
@ -113,11 +113,11 @@ this is a second file
按 `parted` 命令的要求,首先指定了驱动器的路径。
`\--align` 选项让 `parted` 命令自动选择一个最佳的开始点和结束点。
`--align` 选项让 `parted` 命令自动选择一个最佳的开始点和结束点。
`mklabel` 命令在驱动器上创建了一个分区表 (称为磁盘卷标)。这个例子使用了 msdos 磁盘卷标,因为它是一个非常兼容和流行的卷标,虽然 gpt 正变得越来越普遍。
最后定义了分区所需的起点和终点。因为使用了 `\--align opt` 标志,所以 `parted` 将根据需要调整大小以优化驱动器的性能,但这些数字仍然可以做为参考。
最后定义了分区所需的起点和终点。因为使用了 `--align opt` 标志,所以 `parted` 将根据需要调整大小以优化驱动器的性能,但这些数字仍然可以做为参考。
接下来,创建实际的分区。如果你开始点和结束点的选择并不是最优的, `parted` 会向您发出警告并让您做出调整。
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ Ignore/Cancel? C
尽管有这种特殊的情况存在,还是仍然有很多操作系统可以使用,选择哪个取决于驱动器的用途。如果你希望你的驱动器兼容多个系统,那么你唯一的选择是 exFAT 文件系统。然而微软尚未向任何开源内核提交 exFAT 的代码,因此你可能必须在软件包管理器中安装 exFAT 支持,但是 Windows 和 MacOS 都支持 exFAT 文件系统。
尽管有这种特殊的情况存在,还是仍然有很多文件系统可以使用,选择哪个取决于驱动器的用途。如果你希望你的驱动器兼容多个系统,那么你唯一的选择是 exFAT 文件系统。然而微软尚未向任何开源内核提交 exFAT 的代码,因此你可能必须在软件包管理器中安装 exFAT 支持,但是 Windows 和 MacOS 都支持 exFAT 文件系统。
一旦你安装了 exFAT 支持,你可以在驱动器上你创建好的分区中创建一个 exFAT 文件系统。
@ -155,31 +155,31 @@ Linux 中常见的文件系统是 [ext4][1]。但对于便携式的设备来说
### 使用桌面工具
很高兴知道了在只有一个 Linux shell的时候,如何操作和处理你的块设备,但是,有时候你仅仅是想让一个驱动器可用,而不需要进行那么多的检测。 GNOME 的 KDE 的开发者们提供了这样的一些优秀的工具让这个过程变得简单。
很高兴知道了在只有一个 Linux shell 的时候如何操作和处理你的块设备,但是,有时候你仅仅是想让一个驱动器可用,而不需要进行那么多的检测。 GNOME 的 KDE 的开发者们提供了这样的一些优秀的工具让这个过程变得简单。
[GNOME 磁盘][2] 和 [KDE 分区管理器][3] 是一个图形化的工具,为本文到目前为止提到的一切提供了一个一体化的解决方案。启动其中的任何一个,来查看所有连接的设备(在左侧列表中),创建和调整分区大小,和创建文件系统。
![KDE 分区管理器][5]
KDE 分区管理器
*KDE 分区管理器*
可以预见的是,GNOME 版本会比 KDE 版本更加简单,因此,我将使用复杂的版本进行演示——如果你愿意动手的话,很容易弄清楚 GNOME 磁盘工具的使用。
启动 KDE 分区管理工具,然后输入你的 root 密码。
在最左边的一列,选择你想要格式化的驱动器。如果你的驱动器并没有列出来,确认下是否已经插好,然后选择 Tools > Refresh devices (或使用键盘上的 F5 键)。
在最左边的一列,选择你想要格式化的驱动器。如果你的驱动器并没有列出来,确认下是否已经插好,然后选择 “Tools > Refresh devices” (或使用键盘上的 F5 键)。
除非你想销毁驱动器已经存在的分区表,否则请勿继续。选择好驱动器后,单击顶部工具栏中的 New Partition Table 。系统会提示你为该分区选择一个卷标: gpt 或 msdos 。前者更加灵活可以处理更大的驱动器,而后者像很多微软的技术一样,是占据大量市场份额的事实上的标准。
除非你想销毁驱动器已经存在的分区表,否则请勿继续。选择好驱动器后,单击顶部工具栏中的 “New Partition Table” 。系统会提示你为该分区选择一种卷标:gpt 或 msdos 。前者更加灵活可以处理更大的驱动器,而后者像很多微软的技术一样,是占据大量市场份额的事实上的标准。
现在您有了一个新的分区表,在右侧的面板中右键单击你的设备,然后选择 New 来创建新的分区,按照提示设置分区的类型和大小。此操作包括了分区步骤和创建文件系统。
现在您有了一个新的分区表,在右侧的面板中右键单击你的设备,然后选择 “New” 来创建新的分区,按照提示设置分区的类型和大小。此操作包括了分区步骤和创建文件系统。
要将更改应用于你的驱动器,单击窗口左上角的 Apply 按钮。
要将更改应用于你的驱动器,单击窗口左上角的 “Apply” 按钮。
### 硬盘驱动器, 容易驱动
### 硬盘驱动器,轻松驱动
在 Linux 上处理硬盘驱动器很容易,甚至如果你理解硬盘驱动器的语言就更容易了。自从切换到 Linux 系统以来,我已经能够以任何我想要的方式来处理我的硬盘驱动器了。由于 Linux 在处理存储提供的透明性,因此恢复数据也变得更加容易了。
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ via: https://opensource.com/article/18/11/partition-format-drive-linux
作者:[Seth Kenlon][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
A CEO's Guide to Emacs
Years—no, decades—ago, I lived in Emacs. I wrote code and documents, managed email and calendar, and shelled all in the editor/OS. I was quite happy. Years went by and I moved to newer, shinier things. As a result, I forgot how to do tasks as basic as efficiently navigating files without a mouse. About three months ago, noticing just how much of my time was spent switching between applications and computers, I decided to give Emacs another try. It was a good decision for several reasons that will be covered in this post. Covered too are `.emacs` and Dropbox tips so that you can set up a good, movable environment.
For those who haven't used Emacs, it's something you'll likely hate, but may love. It's sort of a Rube Goldberg machine the size of a house that, at first glance, performs all the functions of a toaster. That hardly sounds like an endorsement, but the key phrase is "at first glance." Once you grok Emacs, you realize that it's a thermonuclear toaster that can also serve as the engine for... well, just about anything you want to do with text. When you think about how much your computing life revolves around text, this is a rather bold statement. Bold, but true.
Perhaps more importantly to me though, it's the one application I've ever used that makes me feel like I really own it instead of casting me as an anonymous "user" whose wallet is cleverly targeted by product marketing departments in fancy offices somewhere near [Soma][30] or Redmond. Modern productivity and authoring applications (e.g., Pages or IDEs) are like carbon fiber racing bikes. They come kitted out very nicely and fully assembled. Emacs is like a box of classic [Campagnolo][31] parts and a beautiful lugged steel frame that's missing one crank arm and a brake lever that you have to find in some tiny subculture on the Internet. The first one is faster and complete. The second is a source of endless joy or annoyance depending on your personality—and will last until your dying day. I'm the sort of person who feels equal joy at finding an old stash of Campy parts or tweaking my editor with eLisp. YMMV.

A 1933 steel bicycle that I still ride. Check out this comparison of frame tubes: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khJQgRLKMU0][6].
This may give the impression that Emacs is anachronistic or old-fashioned. It's not. It's powerful and timeless, but demands that you patiently understand it on its terms. The terms are pretty far off the beaten path and seem odd, but there is a logic to them that is both compelling and charming. To me, Emacs feels like the future rather than the past. Just as the lugged steel frame will be useful and comfortable in decades to come and the carbon fiber wunderbike will be in a landfill, having shattered on impact, so will Emacs persist as a useful tool when the latest trendy app is long forgotten.
If the notion of building your own personal working environment by editing Lisp code and having that fits-like-a-glove environment follow you to any computer is appealing to you, you may really like Emacs. If you like the new and shiny and want to get straight to work without much investment of time and mental cycles, it's likely not for you. I don't write code any more (other than Ludwig and Emacs Lisp), but many of the engineers at Fugue use Emacs to good effect. I'd say our engineers are about 30% Emacs, 40% IDEs, and 30% Vim users. But, this post is about Emacs for CEOs and other [Pointy-Haired Bosses][32] (PHB)[1][7] (and, hey, anyone who’s curious), so I'm going to explain and/or rationalize why I love it and how I use it. I also hope to provide you with enough detail that you can have a successful experience with it, without hours of Googling.
### Lasting Advantages
The long-term advantages that come with using Emacs just make life easier. The net gain makes the initial lift entirely worthwhile. Consider these:
### No More Context Switching
Org Mode alone is worth investing some serious time in, but if you are like me, you are usually working on a dozen or so documents—from blog posts to lists of what you need to do for a conference to employee reviews. In the modern world of computing, this generally means using several applications, all of which have distracting user interfaces and different ways to store, sort, and search. The result is that you need to constantly switch mental contexts and remember minutiae. I hate context switching because it is an imposition put on me due to a broken interface model[2][8] and I hate having to remember things my computer should remember for me in any rational world. In providing a single environment, Emacs is even more powerful for the PHB than the programmer, since programmers tend to spend a greater percentage of their day in a single application. Switching mental contexts has a higher cost than is often apparent. OS and application vendors have tarted up interfaces to distract us from this reality. If you’re technical, having access to a powerful [language interpreter][33] in a single keyboard shortcut (`M-:`) is especially useful.[3][9]
Many applications can be full screened all day and used to edit text. Emacs is singular because it is both an editor and a Lisp interpreter. In essence, you have a Turing complete machine a keystroke or two away at all times, while you go about your business. If you know a little or a lot about programming, you'll recognize that this means you can do _anything_ in Emacs. The full power of your computer is available to you in near real time while you work, once you have the commands in memory. You won't want to re-create Excel in eLisp, but most things you might do in Excel are smaller in scope and easy to accomplish in a line or two of code. If I need to crunch numbers, I'm more likely to jump over to the scratch buffer and write a little code than open a spreadsheet. Even if I have an email to write that isn't a one-liner, I'll usually just write it in Emacs and paste it into my email client. Why context switch when you can just flow? You might start with a simple calculation or two, but, over time, anything you need computed can be added with relative ease to Emacs. This is perhaps unique in applications that also provide rich features for creating things for other humans. Remember those magical terminals in Isaac Asimov's books? Emacs is the closest thing I've encountered to them.[4][10] I no longer decide what app to use for this or that thing. Instead, I just work. There is real power and efficiency to having a great tool and committing to it.
### Creating Things in Peace and Quiet
What’s the end result of having the best text editing features I've ever found? Having a community of people making all manner of useful additions? Having the full power of Lisp a keychord away? It’s that I use Emacs for all my creative work, aside from making music or images.
I have a dual monitor set up at my desk. One of them is in portrait mode with Emacs full screened all day long. The other one has web browsers for researching and reading; it usually has a terminal open as well. I keep my calendar, email, etc., on another desktop in OS X, which is hidden while I'm in Emacs, and I keep all notifications turned off. This allows me to actually concentrate on what I'm doing. I've found eliminating distractions to be almost impossible in the more modern UI applications due to their efforts to be helpful and easy to use. I don't need to be constantly reminded how to do operations I've done tens of thousands of times, but I do need a nice, clean white sheet of paper to be thoughtful. Maybe I'm just bad at living in noisy environments due to age and abuse, but I’d suggest it’s worth a try for anyone. See what it's like to have some actual peace and quiet in your computing environment. Of course, lots of apps now have modes that hide the interface and, thankfully, both Apple and Microsoft now have meaningful full-screen modes. But, no other application is powerful enough to “live in” for most things. Unless you are writing code all day or perhaps working on a very long document like a book, you're still going to face the noise of other apps. Also, most modern applications seem simultaneously patronizing and lacking in functionality and usability.[5][11] The only applications I dislike more than office apps are the online versions.

My desktop arrangement. Emacs on the left.
But what about communicating? The difference between creating and communicating is substantial. I'm much more productive at both when I set aside distinct time for each. We use Slack at Fugue, which is both wonderful and hellish. I keep it on a messaging desktop alongside my calendar and email, so that, while I'm actually making things, I'm blissfully unaware of all the chatter in the world. It takes just one Slackstorm or an email from a VC or Board Director to immediately throw me out of my work. But, most things can usually wait an hour or two.
### Taking Everything with You and Keeping It Forever
The third reason I find Emacs more advantageous than other environments is that it's easy to take all your stuff with you. By this, I mean that, rather than having a plethora of apps interacting and syncing in their own ways, all you need is one or two directories syncing via Dropbox or the like. Then, you can have all your work follow you anywhere in the environment you have crafted to suit your purposes. I do this across OS X, Windows, and sometimes Linux. It's dead simple and reliable. I've found this capability to be so useful that I dread dealing with Pages, GDocs, Office, or other kinds of files and applications that force me back into finding stuff somewhere on the filesystem or in the cloud.
The limiting factor in keeping things forever on a computer is file format. Assuming that humans have now solved the problem of storage [6][12] for good, the issue we face over time is whether we can continue to access the information we've created. Text files are the most long-lived format for computing. You easily can open a text file from 1970 in Emacs. That’s not so true for Office applications. Text files are also nice and small—radically smaller than Office application data files. As a digital pack rat and as someone who makes lots of little notes as things pop into my head, having a simple, light, permanent collection of stuff that is always available is important to me.
If you’re feeling ready to give Emacs a try, read on! The sections that follow don’t take the place of a full tutorial, but will have you operational by the time you finish reading.
### Learning To Ride Emacs - A Technical Setup
The price of all this power and mental peace and quiet is that you have a steep learning curve with Emacs and it does everything differently than you're used to. At first, this will make you feel like you’re wasting time on an archaic and strange application that the modern world passed by. It’s a bit like learning to ride a bicycle[7][13]if you've only driven cars.
### Which Emacs?
I use the plain vanilla Emacs from GNU for OS X and Windows. You can get the OS X version at [][34][http://emacsformacosx.com/][35] and the Windows version at [][36][http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/][37]. There are a bunch of other versions out there, especially for the Mac, but I've found the learning curve for doing powerful stuff (which involves Lisp and lots of modes) to be much lower with the real deal. So download it, and we can get started![8][14]
### First, You'll Need To Learn How To Navigate
I use the Emacs conventions for keys and combinations in this document. These are 'C' for control, 'M' for meta (which is usually mapped to Alt or Option), and the hyphen for holding down the keys in combination. So `C-h t` means to hold down control and type h, then release control and type t. This is the command for bringing up the tutorial, which you should go ahead and do.
Don't use the arrow keys or the mouse. They work, but you should give yourself a week of using the native navigation commands in Emacs. Once you have them committed to muscle memory, you'll likely enjoy them and miss them badly everywhere else you go. The Emacs tutorial does a pretty good job of walking you through them, but I'll summarize so you don't need to read the whole thing. The boring stuff is that, instead of arrows, you use `C-b` for back, `C-f` for forward, `C-p` for previous (up), and `C-n` for next (down). You may be thinking "why in the world would I do that, when I have perfectly good arrow keys?" There are several reasons. First, you don't have to move your hands from the typing position, and the forward and back keys used with Alt (or Meta in Emacspeak) navigate a word at a time. This is more handy than is obvious. The third good reason is that, if you want to repeat a command, you can precede it with a number. I often use this when editing documents by estimating how many words I need to go back or lines up or down and doing something like `C-9 C-p` or `M-5 M-b`. The other really important navigation commands are based on `a` for the beginning of a thing and `e` for the end of a thing. Using `C-a|e` are on lines, and using `M-a|e`, are on sentences. For the sentence commands to work properly, you'll need to double space after periods, which simultaneously provides a useful feature and takes a shibboleth of [opinion][38] off the mental table. If you need to export the document to a single space [publication environment][39], you can write a macro in moments to do so.
It genuinely is worth going through the tutorial that ships with Emacs. I'll cover a few important commands for the truly impatient, but the tutorial is gold. Reminder: `C-h t` for the tutorial.
### Learn To Copy and Paste
You can put Emacs into `CUA` mode, which will work in familiar ways, but the native Emacs way is pretty great and plenty easy once you learn it. You mark regions (like selecting) by using Shift with the navigation commands. So `C-F` selects one character forward from the cursor, etc. You copy with `M-w`, you cut with `C-w`, and you paste with `C-y`. These are actually called killing and yanking, but it's very similar to cut and paste. There is magic under the hood here in the kill ring, but for now, just worry about cut, copy, and paste. If you start fumbling around at this point, `C-x u` is undo...
### Next, Learn Ido Mode
Trust me. Ido makes working with files much easier. You don't generally use a separate Finder|Explorer window to work with files in Emacs. Instead you use the editor's commands to create, open, and save files. This is a bit of a pain without Ido, so I recommend installing it before learning the other way. Ido comes with Emacs beginning with version 22, but you'll want to make some tweaks to your `.emacs` file so that it is always used. This is a good excuse to get your environment set up.
Most features in Emacs come in modes. To install any given mode, you'll need to do two things. Well, at first you'll need to do a few extra things, but these only need to be done once, and thereafter only two things. So the extra things are that you'll need a single place to put all your eLisp files and you'll need to tell Emacs where that place is. I suggest you make a single directory in, say, Dropbox that is your Emacs home. Inside this, you'll want to create an `.emacs` file and an `.emacs.d` directory. Inside the `.emacs.d`, make a directory called `lisp`. So you should have:
You'll put the `.el` files for things like modes into the `home/.emacs.d/lisp`directory, and you'll point to that in your `.emacs` like so:
`(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp/")`
Ido Mode comes with Emacs, so you won't need to put an `.el` file into your Lisp directory for this, but you'll be adding other stuff soon that will go in there.
### Symlinks are Your Friend
But wait, that says that `.emacs` and `.emacs.d` are in your home directory, and we put them in some dumb folder in Dropbox! Correct. This is how you make it easy to have your environment anywhere you go. Keep everything in Dropbox and make symbolic links to `.emacs`, `.emacs.d`, and your main document directories in `~`. On OS X, this is super easy with the `ln -s` command, but on Windows this is a pain. Fortunately, Emacs provides an easy alternative to symlinking on Windows, the HOME environment variable. Go into Environment Variables in Windows (as of Windows 10, you can just hit the Windows key and type "Environment Variables" to find this with search, which is the best part of Windows 10), and make a HOME environment variable in your account that points to the Dropbox folder you made for Emacs. If you want to make it easy to navigate to local files that aren't in Dropbox, you may instead want to make a symbolic link to the Dropbox Emacs home in your actual home directory.
So now you've done all the jiggery-pokery needed to get any machine pointed to your Emacs setup and files. If you get a new computer or use someone else's for an hour or a day, you get your entire work environment. This seems a little difficult the first time you do it, but it's about a ten minute (at most) operation once you know what you're doing.
But we were configuring Ido...
`C-x` `C-f` and type `~/.emacs RET RET` to create your `.emacs` file. Add these lines to it:
;; set up ido mode
(require `ido)
(setq ido-enable-flex-matching t)
(setq ido-everywhere t)
(ido-mode 1)
With the `.emacs` buffer open, do an `M-x evaluate-buffer` command, and you'll either get an error if you munged something or you'll get Ido. Ido changes how the minibuffer works when doing file operations. There is great documentation on it, but I'll point out a few tips. Use the `~/` effectively; you can just type `~/` at any point in the minibuffer and it'll jump back to home. Implicit in this is that you should have most of your stuff a short hop off your home. I use `~/org` for all my non-code stuff and `~/code` for code. Once you’re in the right directory, you'll often have a collection of files with different extensions, especially if you use Org Mode and publish from it. You can type period and the extension you want no matter where you are in the file name and Ido will limit the choices to files with that extension. For example, I'm writing this blog post in Org Mode, so the main file is:
I also occasionally push it out to HTML using Org Mode publishing, so I've got an `emacs.html` file in the same directory. When I want to open the Org file, I will type:
`C-x C-f ~/o[RET]/bl[RET].or[RET]`
The [RET]s are me hitting return for auto completion for Ido Mode. So, that’s 12 characters typed and, if you're used to it, a _lot_ less time than opening Finder|Explorer and clicking around. Ido Mode is plenty useful, but really is a utility mode for operating Emacs. Let's explore some modes that are useful for getting work done.
### Fonts and Styles
I recommend getting the excellent input family of typefaces for use in Emacs. They are customizable with different braces, zeroes, and other characters. You can build in extra line spacing into the font files themselves. I recommend a 1.5X line spacing and using their excellent proportional fonts for code and data. I use Input Serif for my writing, which has a funky but modern feel. You can find them on [http://input.fontbureau.com/][40] where you can customize to your preferences. You can manually set the fonts using menus in Emacs, but this puts code into your `.emacs`file and, if you use multiple devices, you may find you want some different settings. I've set up my `.emacs` to look for the machine I'm using by name and configure the screen appropriately. The code for this is:
;; set up fonts for different OSes. OSX toggles to full screen.
(setq myfont "InputSerif")
((string-equal system-name "Sampo.local")
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :font myfont :height 144)
((string-equal system-name "Morpheus.local")
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :font myfont :height 144))
((string-equal system-name "ILMARINEN")
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :font myfont :height 106))
((string-equal system-name "UKKO")
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :font myfont :height 104)))
You should replace the `system-name` values with what you get when you evaluate `(system-name)` in your copy of Emacs. Note that on Sampo (my MacBook), I also set Emacs to full screen. I'd like to do this on Windows as well, but Windows and Emacs don't really love each other and it always ends up in some wonky state when I try this. Instead, I just fullscreen it manually after launch.
I also recommend getting rid of the awful toolbar that Emacs got sometime in the 90s when the cool thing to do was to have toolbars in your application. I also got rid of some other "chrome" so that I have a simple, productive interface. Add these to your `.emacs` file to get rid of the toolbar and scroll bars, but to keep your menu available (on OS X, it'll be hidden unless you mouse to the top of the screen anyway):
(if (fboundp 'scroll-bar-mode) (scroll-bar-mode -1))
(if (fboundp 'tool-bar-mode) (tool-bar-mode -1))
(if (fboundp 'menu-bar-mode) (menu-bar-mode 1))
### Org Mode
I pretty much live in Org Mode. It is my go-to environment for authoring documents, keeping notes, making to-do lists and 90% of everything else I do. Org was originally conceived as a combination note-taking and to-do list utility by a fellow who is a laptop-in-meetings sort. I am against use of laptops in meetings and don't do it myself, so my use cases are a little different than his. For me, Org is primarily a way to handle all manner of content within a structure. There are heads and subheads, etc., in Org Mode, and they function like an outline. Org allows you to expand or hide the contents of the tree and also to rearrange the tree. This fits how I think very nicely and I find it to be just a pleasure to use in this way.
Org Mode also has a lot of little things that make life pleasant. For example, the footnote handling is excellent and the LaTeX/PDF output is great. Org has the ability to generate agendas based on the to-do's in all your documents and a nice way to relate them to dates/times. I don't use this for any sort of external commitments, which are handled on a shared calendar, but for creating things and keeping track of what I need to create in the future, it's invaluable. Installing it is as easy as adding the `org-mode.el` to your Lisp directory and adding these lines to your `.emacs`, if you want it to indent based on tree location and to open documents fully expanded:
;; set up org mode
(setq org-startup-indented t)
(setq org-startup-folded "showall")
(setq org-directory "~/org")
The last line is there so that Org knows where to look for files to include in agendas and some other things. I keep Org right in my home directory, i.e., a symlink to the directory that lives in Dropbox, as described earlier.
I have a `stuff.org` file that is always open in a buffer. I use it like a notepad. Org makes it easy to extract things like TODOs and stuff with deadlines. It's especially useful when you can inline Lisp code and evaluate it whenever you need. Having code with content is super handy. Again, you have access to the actual computer with Emacs, and this is a liberation.
#### Publishing with Org Mode
I care about the appearance and formatting of my documents. I started my career as a designer, and I think information can and should be presented clearly and beautifully. Org has great support for generating PDFs via LaTeX, which has a bit of its own learning curve, but doing simple things is pretty easy.
If you want to use fonts and styles other than the typical LaTeX ones, you've got a few things to do. First, you'll want XeLaTeX so you can use normal system fonts rather than LaTeX specific fonts. Next, you'll want to add this to `.emacs`:
(setq org-latex-pdf-process
'("xelatex -interaction nonstopmode %f"
"xelatex -interaction nonstopmode %f"))
I put this right at the end of my Org section of `.emacs` to keep things tidy. This will allow you to use more formatting options when publishing from Org. For example, I often use:
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{fontspec}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \setmonofont[Scale=0.9]{Input Mono}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \setromanfont{Maison Neue}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \linespread{1.5}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[margin=1.25in]{geometry}
#+TITLE: Document Title Here
These simply go somewhere in your `.org` file. Our corporate font for body copy is Maison Neue, but you can put whatever is appropriate here. I strongly discourage the use of Maison Neue. It’s a terrible font and no one should ever use it.
This file is an example of PDF output using these settings. This is what out-of-the-box LaTeX always looks like. It's fine I suppose, but the fonts are boring and a little odd. Also, if you use the standard format, people will assume they are reading something that is or pretends to be an academic paper. You've been warned.
### Ace Jump Mode
This is more of a gem than a major feature, but you want it. It works a bit like Jef Raskin's Leap feature from days gone by.[9][15] The way it works is you type `C-c` `C-SPC`and then type the first letter of the word you want to jump to. It highlights all occurrences of words with that initial character, replacing it with a letter of the alphabet. You simply type the letter of the alphabet for the location you want and your cursor jumps to it. I find myself using this as often as the more typical nav keys or search. Download the `.el` to your Lisp directory and put this in your `.emacs`:
;; set up ace-jump-mode
(add-to-list 'load-path "which-folder-ace-jump-mode-file-in/")
(require 'ace-jump-mode)
(define-key global-map (kbd "C-c C-SPC" ) 'ace-jump-mode)
### More Later
That's enough for one post—this may get you somewhere you'd like to be. I'd love to hear about your uses for Emacs aside from programming (or for programming!) and whether this was useful at all. There are likely some boneheaded PHBisms in how I use Emacs, and if you want to point them out, I'd appreciate it. I'll probably write some updates over time to introduce additional features or modes. I'll certainly show you how to use Fugue with Emacs and Ludwig-mode as we evolve it into something more useful than code highlighting. Send your thoughts to [@fugueHQ][41] on Twitter.
* * *
#### Footnotes
1. [^][16] If you are now a PHB of some sort, but were never technical, Emacs likely isn’t for you. There may be a handful of folks for whom Emacs will form a path into the more technical aspects of computing, but this is probably a small population. It’s helpful to know how to use a Unix or Windows terminal, to have edited a dotfile or two, and to have written some code at some point in your life for Emacs to make much sense.
2. [^][17] [][18][http://archive.wired.com/wired/archive/2.08/tufte.html][19]
3. [^][20] I mainly use this to perform calculations while writing. For example, I was writing an offer letter to a new employee and wanted to calculate how many options to include in the offer. Since I have a variable defined in my `.emacs` for outstanding-shares, I can simply type `M-: (* .001 outstanding-shares)`and get a tenth of a point without opening a calculator or spreadsheet. I keep _lots_ of numbers in variables like this so I can avoid context switching.
4. [^][21] The missing piece of this is the web. There is an Emacs web browser called eww that will allow you to browse in Emacs. I actually use this, as it is both a great ad-blocker and removes most of the poor choices in readability from the web designer's hands. It's a bit like Reading Mode in Safari. Unfortunately, most websites have lots of annoying cruft and navigation that translates poorly into text.
5. [^][22] Usability is often confused with learnability. Learnability is how difficult it is to learn a tool. Usability is how useful the tool is. Often, these are at odds, such as with the mouse and menus. Menus are highly learnable, but have poor usability, so there have been keyboard shortcuts from the earliest days. Raskin was right on many points where he was ignored about GUIs in general. Now, OSes are putting things like decent search onto a keyboard shortcut. On OS X and Windows, my default method of navigation is search. Ubuntu's search is badly broken, as is the rest of its GUI.
6. [^][23] AWS S3 has effectively solved file storage for as long as we have the Internet. Trillions of objects are stored in S3 and they've never lost one of them. Most every service out there that offers cloud storage is built on S3 or imitates it. No one has the scale of S3, so I keep important stuff there, via Dropbox.
7. [^][24] By now, you might be thinking "what is it with this guy and bicycles?" ... I love them on every level. They are the most mechanically efficient form of transportation ever invented. They can be objects of real beauty. And, with some care, they can last a lifetime. I had Rivendell Bicycle Works build a frame for me back in 2001 and it still makes me happy every time I look at it. Bicycles and UNIX are the two best inventions I've interacted with. Well, they and Emacs.
8. [^][25] This is not a tutorial for Emacs. It comes with one and it's excellent. I do walk through some of the things that I find most important to getting a useful Emacs setup, but this is not a replacement in any way.
9. [^][26] Jef Raskin designed the Canon Cat computer in the 1980s after falling out with Steve Jobs on the Macintosh project, which he originally led. The Cat had a document-centric interface (as all computers should) and used the keyboard in innovative ways that you can now imitate with Emacs. If I could have a modern, powerful Cat with a giant high-res screen and Unix underneath, I'd trade my Mac for it right away. [][27][https://youtu.be/o_TlE_U_X3c?t=19s][28]
via: https://blog.fugue.co/2015-11-11-guide-to-emacs.html
作者:[Josh Stella ][a]
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一位 CEO 的 Emacs 指南
几年前,不,是几十年前,我就在用 Emacs。不论是码代码、编写文档,还是管理邮件和日程,我都用这个编辑器或者是说操作系统,而且我还乐此不疲。多年过去了,我也转向了其他更新,更好的工具。结果,我已经忘了如何在不用鼠标的情况下来浏览文件。大约三个月前,我意识到我在应用程序和计算机之间切换上耗费了大量的时间,于是就决定再试一次 Emacs。这是个很正确的决定,原因有以下几个。其中包括了 `.emacs` 和 Dropbox 的技巧,可以让你建立一个良好的,可移植的环境。
对于那先还没用过 Emacs 的人来说,你可能会讨厌它,但也可能喜欢上它。它有点像一个房子大小的 Rube Goldberg 机器,乍一看,它具备烤面包机的所有功能。这听起来不像是一种认可,但关键短语是“乍一看”。一旦你了解了Emacs,你就会意识到它其实是一种可以作为发动机的热核烤面包机。好吧,你想对文字做什么都可以。当考虑到计算寿命在很大程度上与文本有关时,这是一个相当大胆的声明,真的很大胆。
也许对我来说更重要的是,它是我曾经使用过的一个应用程序,并让我觉得我真正的拥有它,而不是把我塑造成一个匿名的“用户”,就好像位于 [Soma][30] 或 Redmond 附近某个高档办公室的产品营销部门把钱作为明确的目标一样。现代生产力和创作应用程序(如文件或 `IDE`)就像碳纤维赛车,他们装备得很好,也很完整。而Emacs 就像一盒经典的 [Campagnolo][31] 零件和一个漂亮的拖钢框架,缺少曲柄臂和刹车杆,你必须在网上某个小众文化中找到它们。第二点就是它会给你带来无尽的快乐或烦恼,这取决于你自己,而且会一直持续到你生命的最后一天。我是那种在找到一堆老古董或用 `Emacs Lisp` 配置编辑器时同样感到高兴的人,具体情况因人而异。

一辆我还在骑的1933年产的钢制自行车。你可以从查看框架管差别: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khJQgRLKMU0][6].
这可能给人一种 Emacs 已经过气或过时的印象。但它不是,它是强大和永恒的,只要你耐心地去理解它的一些规则。他的规则很另类,也很奇怪,但其中的逻辑却引人注目,且很有魅力。对于我来说, Emacs 更像是未来而不是过去。就像牵引式钢框架在未来几十年里将会变得好用和舒适,而神奇的碳纤维自行车将会被扔进垃圾场,在撞击中粉碎一样,Emacs 也将会作为一种在最新的流行应用早已被遗忘的时候的好用的工具继续存在这。
如果通过编辑 `Lisp` 代码来构建自己的个人工作环境,并将这种非常适合自己的环境移植到任何计算机的想法吸引了你,那么你可能会爱上 Emacs。如果你喜欢很潮、很炫的,又不想投入太多时间和精力的情况下就能直接工作的话,那么它可能不适合你。我已经不再写代码了(除了 `Ludwig` 和 `Emacs Lisp`),但是 `Fugue` 的很多工程师都使用 Emacs 来提高码代码的效率。我公司有 30% 的工程师用 Emacs, 40% 用 `IDE` 和 30% 的用 vim。但这篇文章是关于 CEO 和其他[聪明的老板][32](PHB<sup>[1][7]</sup>)的 Emacs 指南,所以我将解释或者说辩解我为什么喜欢它以及我如何使用它。同时我也希望我能介绍清楚从而让你能有个良好的体验,而不是花上几个小时去 Google。
### 最后的优点
使用 Emacs 带来的长期优势是让生活更轻松。与最后的收获相比,最开始的付出完全值得。想想这些:
### 无需上下文切换
`Org` 模式本身就值得花时间,但如果你像我一样,你通常要处理十几份左右的文件 —— 从博客帖子到会议需要做什么的清单,再到员工评论。在现代计算世界中,这通常意味着要使用多个应用程序,所有这些应用程序都有不同的用户界面,保存方式、排序和搜索方式。结果就是你需要不断转换思维环境,记住细节。我讨厌上下文切换,因为它是一种强加到我身上的方式,原因是破坏了接口模型<sup>[2][8]</sup>,并且我讨厌记住计算机的命令,这本该是计算机要记住的东西。在单个环境下,Emacs 对 PHB 甚至比对于程序员更有用,因为程序员更多时候只需要专注于一个程序。转换思维环境的成本比通常看起来的要高。操作系统和应用程序供应商已经构建了各种接口,以分散我们对这一现实的注意力。如果你是技术人员,通过快捷键(`M-:`)来访问功能强大的[语言解释器][33]会方便的多<sup>[3][9]</sup>。
许多应用程序可以全天全屏并用于编辑文本。Emacs 是惟一的,因为它既是编辑器也是 `Emacs Lisp` 解释器。从本质上说,你工作时只要用电脑上的一两个键就能完成。如果你对编程略知一二,就能发现这一位置你可以在 Emacs 中做 _任何事情_。一旦你在内存中有了这些命令,你的电脑就可以在你工作时几乎实时地为你提供高效的运转。你不会想用 `Emacs Lisp` 来重建 Excel,只要用简单的一两行代码就能实现 Excel 中大多数的功能。如果我需要处理数字,我更有可能转到 scratch 缓冲区,编写一些代码,而不是打开电子表格。即便是我有一封多行的邮件要写,我通常也会先在 Emacs 中写完,然后再复制粘贴到邮件客户端中。当你可以流畅的书写时,为什么要去切换呢?你可以先从一两个简单的计算开始,随着时间的推移,你可以很容易的在 Emacs 中添加你所需要处理的计算。这在应用程序中可能是独一无二的,同时还提供了让为其他的人创造的丰富特性。还记得 Isaac Asimov 书中那些神奇的终端吗<sup>[4][10]</sup>? Emacs 是我所遇到的最接近他们的东西。我决定不再用什么应用程序来做这个或那个。相反,我只是工作。拥有一个伟大的工具并致力于此,这才是真正的动力和效率。
### 在安静中创造事情
拥有我所发现的最好的文本编辑功能的最终结果是什么?有一群人在做各种各样有用的补充吗?拥有 `Lisp` 键盘的全部功能?这就是我用 Emacs 来完成所有的创作性工作,处理音乐和图片除外。
我的办公桌上有两个显示器。其中一块竖屏是将 Emacs 全天全屏显示,另一个显示浏览器,用来搜索和阅读,通常也会打开一个终端。我将日历、邮件等保存在 OS X 的另一个桌面上,当我使用 Emacs 时,这个桌面是隐藏的,同时我也会关掉所有通知。这样就能让我专注于我手头上在做的事了。我发现,在更现代的 UI 应用程序中,消除干扰几乎是不可能的,因为这些应用程序努力提供帮助并使其易于使用。我不需要经常被提醒该如何操作,我已经做了成千上万次了,我真正需要的是一张干净整洁的白纸用来思考。也许因为年龄和自己的“恶习”,我不太喜欢处在嘈杂的环境中,但我认为这值得一试。看看在你电脑环境中有一些真正的宁静是怎样的。当然,现在很多应用程序都有隐藏界面的模式,谢天谢地,苹果和微软现在都有了真正意义上的全屏模式。但是,没有并没有应用程序可以强大到足以“处理”大多数事务。除非你整天写代码,或者像写一本书一样处理很长的文档,否则你仍然会面临其他应用程序的干扰。而且,大多数现代应用程序似乎同时显得自视甚高,缺乏功能和可用性<sup>[5][11]</sup>。比其 office 应用程序,我更讨厌在线版的应用程序。

我的桌面布局, Emacs 在左边
但是交流呢?创造和交流之间的差别很大。当我为两者留出不同的时间时,我的效率会更高。在 `Fugue` 中使用了 `Slack`,痛并快乐着。我把它和我的日历、电子邮件放在一个即时通讯的桌面上,这样,当我正在做事时,我很高兴地能够忽略所有的聊天。仅仅是风投或董事会董事的一次懈怠,或一封电子邮件,就能让我立刻丢掉手头工作。但是,大多数事情通常可以等上一两个小时。
### 带上一切,并保留着
第三个原因是,我发现 Emacs 比其它的环境更有优势的是你可以很容易的用它来处理事务。我的意思是,你所需要的只是通过 `Dropbox` 类似的网站同步一两个目录,而不是让大量的应用程序以它们自己的方式进行交互和同步。然后,你可以在任何地方,任何环境下工作了,因为你已经精心制作了适合目的套件了。我在 OS X,Windows,或有时在 Linux 都是这样做的。它非常简单可靠。这种功能很有用,以至于我害怕处理页面、Google Docs、Office 或其他类型的文件和应用程序,这些文件和应用程序会迫使我回到文件系统或云中的某个地方去寻找。
永久存储在计算机上的限制是文件格式。假设人类已经解决了存储<sup>[6][12]</sup>的问题,随着时间的推移,我们面临的问题是我们能否够继续访问我们创建的信息。文本文件是最持久的计算格式。你可以用 Emacs 轻松地打开 1970 年的文本文件。然而对于办公应用程序却并非如此。同时文本文件要比 Office 应用程序数据文件小得多,也要好的多。作为一个数码背包迷,作为一个在脑子里一闪而过就会做很多小笔记的人,拥有一个简单、轻便、永久、随时可用的东西对我来说很重要。
如果你准备尝试 Emacs,请继续阅读!下面的部分不会取代完整的教程,但是在完成阅读时,就可以操作了。
### 学会驾驭 Emacs —— 一个专业的配置
所有这些强大、精神上的平静和安宁的代价是,Emacs 有一个陡峭的学习曲线,它的一切都与你以前所习惯的不同。一开始,这会让你觉得你是在浪费时间在一个过时和奇怪的应用程序上,就好像现代世界已经过去了。这有点像你只开过车,却要你去学骑自行车<sup>[7][13]</sup>。
### 该选哪个 Emacs
我用的是 GNU 中 OS X 和 Windows 的通用版本的 Emacs。你可以在 [][34][http://emacsformacos.com/][35] 获取 OS X 版本,在[][36][http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/][37]获取 Windows 版本。市面上还有很多其他版本,尤其是 Mac 版本,但我发现,要做一些功能强大的东西(包括 `Lisp` 和许多模式),学习曲线要比实际操作低得多。下载,然后我们就可以开始了<sup>[8][14]</sup>!
### 首先,学会浏览
在本文中,我将约定 Emacs 中的键和组合。`C` 表示 `Control` 键,`M` 表示 `meta`(通常是 `Alt` 或 `Option` 键),以及用于组合键的连字符。因此,`C-h t` 表示同时按下 `Control` 和 `h` 键,然后释放,再按下 `t`。这个组快捷键会指向一个教程,这是你首先要做的一件事。
不要使用方向键或鼠标。它们可以工作,但是你应该给自己一周的时间来使用 Emacs 教程中的原生命令。一旦你这些命令变为了肌肉记忆,你可能就会乐在其中,无论到哪里,你都会非常想念它们。Emacs 教程在介绍它们方面做得很好,但是我将进行总结,所以您不需要阅读全部内容。最无聊的是,不用方向键,用 `C-b` 向前移动,用 `C-f` 向后移动,上一行用 `C-p`,下一行用 `C-n`。你可能会想:“我用方向键就很好,为什么还要这样做?” 有几个原因。首先,你不需要从主键盘区将你的手移开。第二,使用 `Alt`(或用 Emacs 的说法 `Meta`)键来向前或向后移动一个单词。显而易见这样更方便。第三,如果想重复某个命令,可以在命令前面加上一个数字。在编辑文档时,我经常使用这种方法,通过估计向前多少个单词或向上或线下移动多少行,然后按下 `C-9 C-p` 或 `M-5 M-b` 之类的快捷键。其他真正重要的浏览命令基于开头用 `a` 和结尾用 `e`。在行中使用 `C-a|e`,在句中使用 `M-a|e`。为了让句中的命令正常工作,需要在句号后增加两个空格,这同时提供了一个有用的特性,并消除了脑中的[希伯列][38]。如果需要将文档导出到单个空间[发布环境][39],可以编写一个宏来执行此操作。
Emacs 附带的教程很值得去看。对于真正缺乏耐心的人,我将介绍一些重要的命令,但那个教程非常有用。记住:用 `C-h t` 进入教程。
### 学会复制和粘贴
你可以叫 Emacs 设为 `CUA` 模式,这将会以熟悉的方式工作来操作复制粘贴,但是原生的 Emacs 方法更好,而且你一旦学会了它,就很容易。你可以使用 `Shift` 这样的浏览命令来标记区域(如选择)。所以 `C-F` 是选中管标前的一个字符,等等。亦可以用 `M-w` 来复制,用 `C-w` 剪切,然后用 `C-y` 粘贴。这些实际上叫做删除和召回,但它非常类似于剪切和粘贴。在删除的环中有些小技巧,但是现在,你只需要关注剪切、复制和粘贴。如果你在这开始摸索, `C-x u` 是撤销。
### 下一步,学会用 `Ido` 模式
相信我,`Ido` 会让文件的工作变得很简单。通常,你在 Emacs 中处理文件不需要使用一个单独分开的查找或文件资源管理器的窗口。相反的,你可以用编辑器的命令来创建、打开和保存文件。如果没有 `Ido` 的话,这将有点麻烦,所以我建议你在学习其他之前安装好它。 `Ido` 是 Emacs 的 22 版时开发出来的,但是需要对你的 `.emacs` 文件做一些调整,来确保它一直开启着。这是个配置环境的好理由。
Emacs 中的大多数功能都表现在模式上。要安装制定的模式,需要做两件事。嗯,一开始你需要做一些额外的事情,但这些只需要做一次,然后再做这两件事。那么,额外的事情是你需要一个单独的位置来放置所有 `Emacs Lisp` 文件,并且你需要告诉 Emacs 这个位置在哪。我建议你在 Dropbox 上创建一个单独的目录,那是你 Emacs 主目录。在这里,你需要创建一个 `.emacs` 文件和 `.emacs.d` 目录。在 `.emacs.d` 目录下,创建一个 `lisp` 的目录。就像这样:
你可以将那些像模式的 `.el` 文件放到 `home/.emacs.d/lis` 目录下,然后在你的 `.emacs` 文件中添加以下代码来指明该路径:
`(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp/")`
`Ido` 模式是 Emacs 自带的,所以你不需要在你的 `lisp` 目录中放 `.el` 文件,但你仍然需要添加上面代码,因为下面的介绍会使用到它.
### 符号链接是你的好伙伴
等等,这里写的 `.emacs` 和 `.emacs.d` 都是存放在你的主目录下,但我们把他们放到了 Dropbox 的某些愚蠢的文件夹!对,这就让你的环境在任何地方都很容易使用。把所有东西都保存在 Dropbox 上,并链接到 `.emacs` 和 `.emacs.d`,以及主目录 `~`。在 OS X 上,使用 `ln -s` 命令非常简单,但在 Windows 上却很麻烦。幸运的是,Emacs 提供了一种简单的方法来替代 Windows 上的符号链接,Windows 的 `HOME` 环境变量。转到 Windows 的环境变量(Windows 10,你可以按 Windows 键然后输入 “环境变量” 来搜索,这是 Windows 10 最好的一部分了),在你的帐户下创建一个指向你在 Dropbox 中 Emacs 的文件家的 `HOME` 环境变量。如果你想方便地浏览 Dropbox 之外的本地文件,你可能想在你的实际主目录下建立一个到 Dropbox 下 Emacs 主目录的符号链接。
至此,你已经完成了在任意机器上指向 Emacs 配置和配置文件所需的技巧。如果你买了一台新电脑,或者用别人的电脑一小时或一天,你就得到了你的整个工作环境。第一次做这个似乎有点困难,但是一旦你知道你在做什么,就只需要10分钟(最多)。
但我们现在是在配置 `Ido`……
按下 `C-x` `C-f` 然后输入 `~/.emacs RET RET` 来创建 `.emacs` 文件,将下面几行添加进去:
;; set up ido mode
(require `ido)
(setq ido-enable-flex-matching t)
(setq ido-everywhere t)
(ido-mode 1)
在 `.emacs` 窗口开着的时候,执行 `M-x evaluate-buffer` 命令。如果某处弄错了的话,将得到一个错误,或者你将得到 `Ido`。`Ido` 改变了在 `minibuffer` 中操作文件操方式。有一篇比较好的文档,但是我也会指出一些技巧。有效地使用 `~/`;你可以在 `minibuffer` 的任何地方输入 `~/`,它就会跳转到主目录。这就意味着,你应该让你的大部分东西就近的放在主目录下。我用 `~/org` 目录来保存所有非代码的东西,用 `~/code` 保存代码。一旦你进入到正确的目录,通常会拥有一组具有不同扩展名的文件,特别是当你使用 `Org` 模式并从中发布的话。你可以输入 `period` 和想要的扩展名,无论你的在文件名的什么位置,`Ido` 都会将选择限制在具有该扩展名的文件中。例如,我在 `Org` 模式下写这篇博客,所以该文件是:
我偶尔也会用 `Org` 模式发布成 HTML 格式,所以我将在同一目录下得到 `emacs.html` 文件。当我想打开 `Org` 文件时,我会输入:
`C-x C-f ~/o[RET]/bl[RET].or[RET]`
其中 `[RET]` 是我使用 `Ido` 模式的自动补全而按下的回车键。所以,这只需要按 12 个键,如果你习惯了的话, 这将比打开查找或文件资源管理器再用鼠标点要节省 _很_ 多时间。 `Ido` 模式很有用, 这真的是操作 Emacs 的一种实用的模式。下面让我们去探索一些其他对完成工作很有帮助的模式吧。
### 字体及风格
我推荐在 Emacs 中使用很棒的字体系列。它们可以使用不同的括号、0和其他字符进行自定义。你可以在字体文件本身中构建额外的行间距。我推荐 1\.5 倍的行间距,并在代码和数据中使用它们适应比例的字体。写作中我用 `Serif` 字体,它有一种紧凑但时髦的感觉。你可以在 [http://input.fontbureau.com/][40] 上找到它们,在那里你可以根据自己的喜好进行定制。你可以使用 Emacs 中的菜单手动设置字体,但这会将代码保存到你的 `.emacs` 文件中,如果您使用多个设备,您可能需要一些不同的设置。我我将我的 `.emacs` 设置位根据使用的机器的名称,并配置适当的屏幕机字体。代码如下:
;; set up fonts for different OSes. OSX toggles to full screen.
(setq myfont "InputSerif")
((string-equal system-name "Sampo.local")
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :font myfont :height 144)
((string-equal system-name "Morpheus.local")
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :font myfont :height 144))
((string-equal system-name "ILMARINEN")
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :font myfont :height 106))
((string-equal system-name "UKKO")
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :font myfont :height 104)))
您应该将你的 Emacs 副本中 `system-name` 的值替换成你使用命令 `(system-name)` 得到的值。注意,在 Sampo (我的 MacBook)上,我还将 Emacs 设置为全屏。我也想在 Windows 实现这个,但是 Windows 和 Emacs 并不真正喜欢对方,当我尝试这个时,它总是不稳定。相反,我只是在启动后手动全屏。
我还建议去掉 Emacs 中在 90 年代获得的难看的工具栏,当时最酷的事情是在应用程序中使用工具栏。我还去掉了一些其他的 `chrome`,这样我就有了一个简单、高效的界面。把这些加到你的 `.emacs` 的文件中,来去掉工具栏和滚动条,但要保留菜单 (在 OS X 上,它将被隐藏,除非你将鼠标到屏幕顶部):
(if (fboundp 'scroll-bar-mode) (scroll-bar-mode -1))
(if (fboundp 'tool-bar-mode) (tool-bar-mode -1))
(if (fboundp 'menu-bar-mode) (menu-bar-mode 1))
### Org 模式
我基本上 `Org` 模式下处理工作的。它是我创作文档、记笔记、列任务清单以及 90% 其他工作的首选环境。`Org` 最初是由一个在会议中使用笔记本电脑的家伙构想出来的,它是笔记和待办事项列表的组合工具。我反对在会议中使用笔记本电脑,自己也不使用,所以我的用法与他的有些不同。对我来说,`Org` 主要是一种处理结构中内容的方式。在 `Org` 模式中有标题和副标题等,它们的作用就像一个大纲。`Org` 允许你展开或隐藏文本内容,还可以重新排列文本。这非常很符合我的想法,而且我发现用这种方式使用它是一种乐趣。
`Org` 模式也有很多让生活愉快的小功能。例如,脚注处理非常好,`LaTeX/PDF` 输出也很好。`Org` 能够根据所有文档中的待办事项生成议程,并能很好地将它们与日期/时间联系起来。我不把它用在任何形式的外部任务上,这些任务都是在一个共享的日历上处理的,但是在创建事物和跟踪我未来需要创建的东西时,它是无价的。安装它,你只要将 `org-mode.el` 放到你的 `lisp` 目录下,然后再在你的 `.emacs` 文件中添加如下代码,如果你想要它基于文档的结构进行缩进并在打开时全部展开的话:
;; set up org mode
(setq org-startup-indented t)
(setq org-startup-folded "showall")
(setq org-directory "~/org")
最后一行是让 `Org` 知道在哪里查找要包含在议程和其他事情中的文件。我把 `Org` 保存在我的主目录中,也就是说,像前面介绍的一样,它是 Dropbox 目录的一个符号链接。
我有一个总是在缓冲区中打开的 `stuff.org` 文件。我把它当作记事本。`Org` 使得提取待办事项和有期限的事情变得很容易。当你在内联 `Lisp` 代码并在需要计算它时,它特别有用。拥有包含内容的代码非常方便。同样,你可以使用 Emacs 访问实际的计算机,这是一种解放。
#### 用 `Org` 模式进行发布
我关心的是文档的外观和格式。我我刚开始工作时是个设计师,而且我认为信息可以,也应该表现得清晰和美丽。`Org` 对将 `LaTeX` 生成 PDF 支持的很好, `LaTeX` 有自己的学习曲线,但是做简单的事情非常简单。
如果你想使用字体和样式,而不是典型的 `LaTeX` 字体和样式,你需要做些事。首先,你要用到 `XeLaTeX`,这样就可以使用普通的系统字体,而不是 `LaTeX` 的特殊字体。接下来,您需要将一下代码添加到 `.emacs` 中:
(setq org-latex-pdf-process
'("xelatex -interaction nonstopmode %f"
"xelatex -interaction nonstopmode %f"))
我把这个放在 `.emacs` 中 `Org` 配置部分的末尾来保持整洁。这让你在从 `Org` 发布时使用更多格式化选项。例如,我经常使用:
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{fontspec}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \setmonofont[Scale=0.9]{Input Mono}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \setromanfont{Maison Neue}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \linespread{1.5}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[margin=1.25in]{geometry}
#+TITLE: Document Title Here
这些都可以在你的 `.org` 文件中找到。我们的公司规定的正文字体是 `Maison Neue`,但你也可以在这写上任何适当的东西。我强烈反对使用 `Maison Neue`。它是一种糟糕的字体,任何人都不应该使用它。
这个文件是一个使用该配置输出为 PDF 的实例。这就是开箱即用的 `LaTeX` 一样。在我看来这还不错,但是字体很无聊,而且有点奇怪。此外,如果你使用标准格式,人们会认为他们正在阅读的东西是或假装是一篇学术论文。别怪我没提醒你。
### `Ace Jump` 模式
如果你想使用的话,这是个辅助而不是主要功能。它的工作原理有点像 Jef Raskin 的 `Leap` 功能<sup>[9][15]</sup>。 按下 `C-c` `C-SPC`,然后输入要跳转到单词的第一个字母。它会高亮显示所有以该字母开头的单词,并将其替换为字母表中的字母。您只需键入所需位置的字母,光标就会跳转到该位置。我自己经常用这个作为导航键或搜索。将 `.el` 文件下到你的 `Lisp` 目录下,并在 `.emacs` 文件添加如下代码:
;; set up ace-jump-mode
(add-to-list 'load-path "which-folder-ace-jump-mode-file-in/")
(require 'ace-jump-mode)
(define-key global-map (kbd "C-c C-SPC" ) 'ace-jump-mode)
### 更多
这篇文章已经够详细了,你能在其中的到你所想要的。我很想了解除编程(或编程)之外你对 Emacs 的使用,以及这是否有用。在我使用 Emacs 的过程中,可能存在一些自作聪明的想法,如果你能指出它们,我将感激不尽。之后,我可能会写一些更新来引入其他特性或模式。我很确定我将会向你展示如何在 Emacs 和 `Ludwig` 模式下使用 `Fugue`,因为我会将它发展成比代码突出显示更有用的东西。把你的想法发到 [@fugueHQ][41] 上。
* * *
#### 附注
1. [^][16] If you are now a PHB of some sort, but were never technical, Emacs likely isn’t for you. There may be a handful of folks for whom Emacs will form a path into the more technical aspects of computing, but this is probably a small population. It’s helpful to know how to use a Unix or Windows terminal, to have edited a dotfile or two, and to have written some code at some point in your life for Emacs to make much sense.
2. [^][17] [][18][http://archive.wired.com/wired/archive/2.08/tufte.html][19]
3. [^][20] I mainly use this to perform calculations while writing. For example, I was writing an offer letter to a new employee and wanted to calculate how many options to include in the offer. Since I have a variable defined in my `.emacs` for outstanding-shares, I can simply type `M-: (* .001 outstanding-shares)`and get a tenth of a point without opening a calculator or spreadsheet. I keep _lots_ of numbers in variables like this so I can avoid context switching.
4. [^][21] The missing piece of this is the web. There is an Emacs web browser called eww that will allow you to browse in Emacs. I actually use this, as it is both a great ad-blocker and removes most of the poor choices in readability from the web designer's hands. It's a bit like Reading Mode in Safari. Unfortunately, most websites have lots of annoying cruft and navigation that translates poorly into text.
5. [^][22] Usability is often confused with learnability. Learnability is how difficult it is to learn a tool. Usability is how useful the tool is. Often, these are at odds, such as with the mouse and menus. Menus are highly learnable, but have poor usability, so there have been keyboard shortcuts from the earliest days. Raskin was right on many points where he was ignored about GUIs in general. Now, OSes are putting things like decent search onto a keyboard shortcut. On OS X and Windows, my default method of navigation is search. Ubuntu's search is badly broken, as is the rest of its GUI.
6. [^][23] AWS S3 has effectively solved file storage for as long as we have the Internet. Trillions of objects are stored in S3 and they've never lost one of them. Most every service out there that offers cloud storage is built on S3 or imitates it. No one has the scale of S3, so I keep important stuff there, via Dropbox.
7. [^][24] By now, you might be thinking "what is it with this guy and bicycles?" ... I love them on every level. They are the most mechanically efficient form of transportation ever invented. They can be objects of real beauty. And, with some care, they can last a lifetime. I had Rivendell Bicycle Works build a frame for me back in 2001 and it still makes me happy every time I look at it. Bicycles and UNIX are the two best inventions I've interacted with. Well, they and Emacs.
8. [^][25] This is not a tutorial for Emacs. It comes with one and it's excellent. I do walk through some of the things that I find most important to getting a useful Emacs setup, but this is not a replacement in any way.
9. [^][26] Jef Raskin designed the Canon Cat computer in the 1980s after falling out with Steve Jobs on the Macintosh project, which he originally led. The Cat had a document-centric interface (as all computers should) and used the keyboard in innovative ways that you can now imitate with Emacs. If I could have a modern, powerful Cat with a giant high-res screen and Unix underneath, I'd trade my Mac for it right away. [][27][https://youtu.be/o_TlE_U_X3c?t=19s][28]
via: https://blog.fugue.co/2015-11-11-guide-to-emacs.html
作者:[Josh Stella ][a]
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