diff --git a/sources/talk/20140922 Ten Blogs Every Ubuntu User Must Follow.md b/sources/talk/20140922 Ten Blogs Every Ubuntu User Must Follow.md index 32c090fc43..94af3d46b4 100644 --- a/sources/talk/20140922 Ten Blogs Every Ubuntu User Must Follow.md +++ b/sources/talk/20140922 Ten Blogs Every Ubuntu User Must Follow.md @@ -15,40 +15,65 @@ This is a question beginner often ask. I am going to list here ten of my favorit These blogs help you with ongoing issues, make you aware of various application and provide you the latest from Ubuntu world. Following these blogs should help you to indulge more in Ubuntu. So, here goes the list of ten of my favorite blogs that cover Ubuntu extensively. +这些网站帮助你解决你正遇到的问题,提醒你关注各种应用和提供给你来自乌邦图世界的最新更新。这个网站可以让你对乌邦图(ubuntu)更放心,所以,下面列出10个我最喜欢的网站覆盖乌邦图(ubuntu)的方方面面。 + ### Ten blogs every Ubuntu user must follow ### +###每个乌邦图(ubuntu)用户都应该知道的10个博客### Since I am writing it on It’s F.O.S.S., I have deliberately kept it out of the list. I have also not included [Planet Ubuntu][1] in list for it is less useful for beginners. Without further ado, let’s have a look at the list of **best Ubuntu blogs** (not in any specific order): +从我开始在itsfoss网站上写作开始,我特意把他排除在外,没有列入名单。我也并没有把[Planet Ubuntu][1]列入名单,因为他不适合刚入门的同学。废话不多说,让我们一起来看下**最好的乌邦图(ubuntu)博客**(排名不分先后): + ### [OMG! Ubuntu!][2] ### This is one blog that has somewhat solely responsible for creating the ‘Ubuntu fanboyism’. Anything related to Ubuntu, no matter how minor, is covered by OMG! Ubuntu! It mainly covers news and application. Tutorials can be found but there are not many of them. +这是一个只针对乌邦图(ubuntu)爱好者的网站。任何和乌邦图有关系的想法,不管成不成熟,OMG!Ubuntu上都会有!他主要包括资讯和应用。你也可以再这里找到一些关于乌邦图的教程,但是不是很多。 + Follow this blog to know what’s going on in Ubuntu world. +这个博客会让你知道乌邦图的世界是怎么运作的。 + ### [Web Upd8][3] ### Web Upd8 is my favorite blog. Apart from covering news items, it has a vast amount of easy to follow tutorials. Web Upd8 also maintains several PPAs. Blogger [Andrei][4] is very helpful when it comes to questions in comments. +Web Upd8是我最喜欢的博客。出了涵盖新闻,他有很多容易跟随的简易教程。Web Upd8还维护了几个PPAs。博主[Andrei][4]有时会在评论里回答你的问题,这对你来说也会是很有帮助的。 + A must follow for news and tutorials. +一个你可以追新闻资讯和教程的网站。 + ### [Noobs Lab][5] ### Similar to Web Upd8, Noobs Lab is also full of tutorials, news and it maintains perhaps the biggest collection of themes and icon themes in its PPA. +和Web Upd8一样,Noobs Lab上也有很多教程,新闻,并且它可能是PPA最大的主题和图标集。 + If you are a noob, follow Noobs Lab. +如果你是个小白,跟着Noobs Lab。 + ### [Linux Scoop][6] ### Most of the blogs out there are ‘text blogs’. You follow the tutorials with instructions and screenshots. Linux Scoop on the other hand is complete video blog that has video tutorials to help beginners. +这里,大多数的博客都是“文字博客”。你通过说明和截图来学习教程。而Linux Scoop有很多录像帮助初学者来学习,是一个实实在在的录像博客。 + If you prefer seeing over reading, Linux Scoop is a must for you. +如果你更细化看,而不是阅读的话,Linux Scoop应该是最适合你的。 + ### [Ubuntu Geek][7] ### A relatively old blog on the web. Extensively covers Ubuntu and has a vast collection of quick how to tutorials and installation instructions. Though, I find that at times some tutorials lack depth but perhaps it is just my opinion. +这是一个相对比较老的博客。覆盖面很广,并且有很多快递安装的教程和说明。虽然,有时我发现其中的一些教程文章缺乏深度,当然这也可能是我个人的观点。 + Want quick tips, go to Ubuntu Geek. +想要快速的小贴士,去Ubuntu Geek。 + ### [Tech Drive-in][8] ### Not updated as frequently as it used to be in the past, perhaps Manuel is busy with his job, but it still offers a lot. News, tutorials, application reviews are the main highlight of the blog.