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Translated:20140603 Write Your First Linux Kernel Module.md
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Write your first Linux Kernel module
> Ever wanted to start hacking the kernel? Don’t have a clue how to begin? Let us show you how it’s done…
Kernel programming is often seen as a black magic. In Arthur C Clarke’s sense, it probably is. The Linux kernel is quite different from its user space: many abstractions are waived, and you have to take extra care, as a bug in you code affects the whole system. There is no easy way to do floating-point maths, the stack is fixed and small, and the code you write is always asynchronous so you need to think about the concurrency. Despite all of this though, the Linux kernel is just a very large and complex C program that is open for everyone to read, learn and improve, and you too can be a part of it.
> “The easiest way to start kernel programming
> is to write a module – a piece of code that
> can be dynamically loaded into the kernel.“
Probably the easiest way to start kernel programming is to write a module – a piece of code that can be dynamically loaded into the kernel and removed from it. There are limits to what modules can do – for example, they can’t add or remove fields to common data structures like process descriptors. But in all other ways they are full-fledged kernel-level code, and they can always be compiled into the kernel (thus removing all the restrictions) if needed. It is fully possible to develop and compile a module outside the Linux source tree (this is unsurprisingly called an out-of-tree build), which is very convenient if you just want to play a bit and do not wish to submit your changes for inclusion into the mainline kernel.
In this tutorial, we’ll develop a simple kernel module that creates a **/dev/reverse** device. A string written to this device is read back with the word order reversed (“Hello World” becomes “World Hello”). It is a popular programmer interview puzzle, and you are likely to get some bonus points when you show the ability to implement it at the kernel level as well. A word of warning before we start: a bug in your module may lead to a system crash and (unlikely, but possible) data loss. Be sure you’ve backed up all your important data before you start, or, even better, experiment in a virtual machine.
### Avoid root if possible ###
> By default, **/dev/reverse** is available to root only, so you’ll have to run your test programs with **sudo**. To fix this, create a **/lib/udev/rules.d/99-reverse.rules** file that contains:
> SUBSYSTEM=="misc", KERNEL=="reverse", MODE="0666"
> Don’t forget to reinsert the module. Making device nodes accessible to non-root users is generally not a good idea, but it is quite useful during development. This is not to mention that running test binaries as root is not a good idea either.
#### A module’s anatomy ####
As most of the Linux kernel modules are written in C (apart from low-level architecture-specific parts), it is recommended that you keep your module in a single file (say, reverse.c). We’ve put the full source code on GitHub – and here we’ll look at some snippets of it. To begin, let’s include some common headers and describe the module using predefined macros:
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
MODULE_AUTHOR("Valentine Sinitsyn <valentine.sinitsyn@gmail.com>");
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("In-kernel phrase reverser");
Everything is straightforward here, except for **MODULE_LICENSE()**: it is not a mere marker. The kernel strongly favours GPL-compatible code, so if you set the licence to something non GPL-compatible (say, “Proprietary”), certain kernel functions will not be available to your module.
### When not to write a kernel module ###
> Kernel programming is fun, but writing (and especially debugging) kernel code in a real-world project requires certain skills. In general, you should descend to the kernel level only if there is no other way to solve your problem. Chances are you can stay in the userspace if:
> - You develop a USB driver – have a look at [libusb][1].
> - You develop a filesystem – try [FUSE][2].
> - You are extending Netfilter – [libnetfilter_queue][3] may help you then.
> Generally, native kernel code will perform better, but for many projects this performance loss isn’t crucial.
Since kernel programming is always asynchronous, there is no **main()** function that Linux executes sequentially to run your module. Instead, you provide callbacks for various events, like this:
static int __init reverse_init(void)
printk(KERN_INFO "reverse device has been registered\n");
return 0;
static void __exit reverse_exit(void)
printk(KERN_INFO "reverse device has been unregistered\n");
Here, we define functions to be called on the module’s insertion and removal. Only the first one is required. For now, they simply print a message to the kernel ring buffer (accessible from the userspace via the **dmesg** command); **KERN_INFO** is a log level (note there is no comma). **__init** and **__exit** are attributes – the pieces of metadata attached to functions (or variables). Attributes are rarely seen in userspace C code but are pretty common in the kernel. Everything marked with **__init** is recycled after the initialisation (remember the old “Freeing unused kernel memory…” message?). **__exit** denotes functions that are safe to optimise out when the code is built statically into the kernel. Finally, the **module_init()** and **module_exit()** macros set **reverse_init()** and **reverse_exit()** functions as lifecycle callbacks for our module. The actual function names aren’t important; you can call them **init()** and **exit()** or **start()** and **stop()**, if you wish. They are declared static and hence invisible outside your module. In fact, any function in the kernel is invisible unless explicitly exported. However, prefixing your functions with a module name is a common convention among kernel programmers.
These are bare bones – let’s make things more interesting. Modules can accept parameters, like this:
# modprobe foo bar=1
The **modinfo** command displays all parameters accepted by the module, and these are also available under **/sys/module//parameters** as files. Our module will need a buffer to store phrases – let’s make its size user-configurable. Add the following three lines just below **MODULE_DESCRIPTION()**:
static unsigned long buffer_size = 8192;
module_param(buffer_size, ulong, (S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH));
MODULE_PARM_DESC(buffer_size, "Internal buffer size");
Here, we define a variable to store the value, wrap it into a parameter, and make it readable by everyone via sysfs. The parameter’s description (the last line) appears in the modinfo’s output.
As the user can set **buffer_size** directly, we need to sanitise it in **reverse_init()**. You should always check the data that comes outside the kernel – if you don’t, you are opening yourself to kernel panics or even security holes.
static int __init reverse_init()
if (!buffer_size)
return -1;
"reverse device has been registered, buffer size is %lu bytes\n",
return 0;
Non-zero return value from a module init function indicates a failure.
### Navigation ###
> The Linux kernel is the ultimate source for everything you may need when developing modules. However, it’s quite big, and you may have trouble trying to find what you are after. Luckily, there are tools that make it easier to navigate large codebases. First of all, there is Cscope – a venerable tool that runs in a terminal. Simply run **make cscope && cscope** in the kernel sources top-level directory. Cscope integrates well with Vim and Emacs, so you can use it without leaving the comfort of your favorite editor.
> If terminal-based tools aren’t your cup of tea, visit [http://lxr.free-electrons.com][4]. It is a web-based kernel navigation tool with not quite as many features as Cscope (for example, you can’t easily find usages for the function), but it still provides enough for the quick lookups.
Now it’s time to compile the module. You will need the headers for the kernel version you are running (**linux-headers** or equivalent package) and **build-essential** (or analogous). Next, it’s time to create a boilerplate Makefile:
obj-m += reverse.o
make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules
make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) clean
Now, call **make** to build your first module. If you typed everything correctly, you will find **reverse.ko** in the current directory. Insert it with **sudo insmod reverse.ko**, and run:
$ dmesg | tail -1
[ 5905.042081] reverse device has been registered, buffer size is 8192 bytes
Congratulations! However, for now this line is telling lies – there is no device node yet. Let’s fix it.
#### Miscellaneous devices ####
In Linux, there is a special character device type called “miscellaneous” (or simply “misc”). It is designed for small device drivers with a single entry point, and is exactly what we need. All misc devices share the same major number (10), so the one driver (**drivers/char/misc.c**) can look after all of them, and they are distinguished by their minor numbers. In all other senses, they are just normal character devices.
To register a minor number (and an entry point) for the device, you declare **struct misc_device**, fill its fields (note the syntax), and call **misc_register()** with a pointer to this structure. For this to work, you will also need to include the **linux/miscdevice.h** header file:
static struct miscdevice reverse_misc_device = {
.name = "reverse",
.fops = &reverse_fops
static int __init reverse_init()
printk(KERN_INFO ...
Here, we request a first available (dynamic) minor number for the device named “reverse”; th ellipsis indicates omitted code that we’ve already seen. Don’t forget to unregister the device on the module’s teardown:
static void __exit reverse_exit(void)
The ‘fops’ field stores a pointer to a struct **file_operations** (declared in linux/fs.h), and this is the entry point for our module. **reverse_fops** is defined as:
static struct file_operations reverse_fops = {
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.open = reverse_open,
.llseek = noop_llseek
Again, **reverse_fops** contains a set of callbacks (also known as methods) to be executed when userspace code opens a device, reads from it, writes to it or closes the file descriptor. If you omit any of these, a sensible fallback will be used instead. That’s why we explicitly set the **llseek** method to **noop_llseek()**, which (as the name implies) does nothing. The default implementation changes a file pointer, and we don’t want our device to be seekable now (this will be your home assignment for today).
#### I open at the close ####
Let’s implement the methods. We’ll allocate a new buffer for each file descriptor opened, and free it on close. This is not really safe: if a userspace application leaks descriptors (perhaps intentionally), it may hog the RAM, and render the system unusable. You should always think about these possibilities in the real world, but for the tutorial, it’s acceptable.
We’ll need a structure to describe the buffer. The kernel provides many generic data structures: linked lists (which are double-linked), hash tables, trees and so on. However, buffers are usually implemented from scratch. We will call ours “struct buffer”:
struct buffer {
char *data, *end, *read_ptr;
unsigned long size;
**data** is a pointer to the string this buffer stores, and end is the first byte after the string end. **read_ptr** is where **read()** should start reading the data from. The buffer size is stored for the completeness – for now, we don’t use this field. You shouldn’t assume the users of your structure will correctly initialise all of these, so it is better to encapsulate buffer allocation and deallocation in functions. They are usually named **buffer_alloc()** and **buffer_free()**.
static struct buffer *buffer_alloc(unsigned long size)
struct buffer *buf;
buf = kzalloc(sizeof(*buf), GFP_KERNEL);
if (unlikely(!buf))
goto out;
return buf;
Kernel memory is allocated with **kmalloc()** and freed with **kfree()**; the **kzalloc()** flavour sets the memory to all-zeroes. Unlike standard **malloc()**, its kernel counterpart receives flags specifying the type of memory requested in the second argument. Here, **GFP_KERNEL** means we need a normal kernel memory (not in DMA or high-memory zones) and the function can sleep (reschedule the process) if needed. **sizeof(*buf)** is a common way to get the size of a structure accessible via pointer.
You should always check **kmalloc()**’s return value: dereferencing NULL pointer will result in kernel panic. Also note the use of **unlikely()** macro. It (and the opposite **likely()** macro) is widely used in the kernel to signify that the condition is almost always true (or false). It doesn’t affect control flow, but helps modern processors to boost performance with branch prediction.
Finally, note the **gotos**. They are often considered evil, however, the Linux kernel (and some other system software) employs them to implement centralised function exiting. This results in less deeply nested and more readable code, and is much like the **try-ctach** blocks used in higher-level languages.
With **buffer_alloc()** and **buffer_free()** in place, the implementation of the **open** and **close** methods becomes pretty straightforward.
static int reverse_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
int err = 0;
file->private_data = buffer_alloc(buffer_size);
return err;
**struct file** is a standard kernel data structure that stores information about an opened file, like current file position (**file->f_pos**), flags (**file->f_flags**), or open mode (**file->f_mode**). Another field, **file->private_data** is used to associate the file with some arbitrary data. Its type is void *, and it is opaque to the kernel outside the file’s owner. We store a buffer there.
If the buffer allocation fails, we indicate this to the calling user space code by returning negative value (**-ENOMEM**). A C library doing **open(2)** system call (probably, **glibc**) will detect this and set **errno** appropriately.
#### Learn to read and write ####
“Read” and “write” methods are where the real job is done. When data is written to a buffer, we drop its previous contents and reverse the phrase in-place, without any temporary storage. The **read** method simply copies the data from the kernel buffer into the userspace. But what should the **reverse_read()** method do if there is no data in the buffer yet? In userspace, the **read()** call would block until the data is available. In the kernel, you must wait. Luckily, there is a mechanism for this, and it is called ‘wait queues’.
The idea is simple. If a current process needs to wait for some event, its descriptor (a **struct task_struct** stored as ‘current’) is put into non-runnable (sleeping) state and added to a queue. Then **schedule()** is called to select another process to run. A code that generates the event uses the queue to wake up the waiters by putting them back to the **TASK_RUNNING** state. The scheduler will select one of them somewhere in the future. Linux has several non-runnable process states, most notably **TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE** (a sleep that can be interrupted with a signal) and **TASK_KILLABLE** (a sleeping process that can be killed). All of this should be handled correctly, and wait queues do this for you.
A natural place to store our read wait queue head is struct buffer, so start with adding **wait_queue_head_t read_queue** field to it. You should also include **linux/sched.h**. A wait queue can be declared statically with DECLARE_WAITQUEUE() macro. In our case, dynamic initialisation is needed, so add this line to **buffer_alloc()**:
We wait for the data to be available; or for **read_ptr != end** condition to become true. We also want the wait to be interruptible (say, by Ctrl+C). So the “read” method should start like this:
static ssize_t reverse_read(struct file *file, char __user * out,
size_t size, loff_t * off)
struct buffer *buf = file->private_data;
ssize_t result;
while (buf->read_ptr == buf->end) {
if (file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) {
result = -EAGAIN;
goto out;
if (wait_event_interruptible
(buf->read_queue, buf->read_ptr != buf->end)) {
result = -ERESTARTSYS;
goto out;
We loop until the data is available and use **wait_event_interruptible()** (it’s a macro, not a function, that’s why the queue is passed by value) to wait if it isn’t. If **wait_event_interruptible()** is, well, interrupted, it returns a non-zero value, which we translate to **-ERESTARTSYS**. This code means the system call should be restarted. **file->f_flags** check accounts for files opened in non-blocking mode: if there is no data, we return **-EAGAIN**.
We can’t use **if()** instead of **while()**, since there can be many processes waiting for the data. When the **write** method awakes them, the scheduler chooses the one to run in an unpredictable way, so by the time this code is given a chance to execute, the buffer can be empty again. Now we need to copy the data from **buf->data** to the userspace. The **copy_to_user()** kernel function does just that:
size = min(size, (size_t) (buf->end - buf->read_ptr));
if (copy_to_user(out, buf->read_ptr, size)) {
result = -EFAULT;
goto out;
The call can fail if the user space pointer is wrong; if this happen, we return **-EFAULT**. Remember not to trust anything coming outside the kernel!
buf->read_ptr += size;
result = size;
return result;
Simple arithmetic is needed so the data can be read in arbitrary chunks. The method returns the number of bytes read or an error code.
The write method is simpler and shorter. First, we check that the buffer have enough space, then we use the **copy_from_userspace()** function to get the data. Then **read_ptr** and end pointers are reset and the buffer contents are reversed:
buf->end = buf->data + size;
buf->read_ptr = buf->data;
if (buf->end > buf->data)
reverse_phrase(buf->data, buf->end - 1);
Here, **reverse_phrase()** does all heavy lifting. It relies on the **reverse_word()** function, which is quite short and marked inline. This is another common optimisation; however, you shouldn’t overuse it, since aggressive inlining makes the kernel image unnecessarily large.
Finally, we need to wake up processes waiting for the data at **read_queue**, as described earlier. **wake_up_interruptible()** does just that:
Phew! You now have a kernel module that at least compiles successfully. Now it’s time to test it.
### Debugging kernel code ###
> Perhaps the most common debugging method in the kernel is printing. You can use plain **printk()** (presumably with **KERN_DEBUG** log level) if you wish. However, there are better ways. Use **pr_debug()** or **dev_dbg()**, if you are writing a device driver that has its own “struct device”: they support the dynamic debug (**dyndbg**) feature and can be enabled or disabled on request (see **Documentation/dynamic-debug-howto.txt**). For pure development messages, use **pr_devel()**, which becomes a no-op unless DEBUG is defined. To enable DEBUG for our module, include:
> CFLAGS_reverse.o := -DDEBUG
> in the Makefile. After that, use **dmesg** to view debug messages generated by **pr_debug()** or **pr_devel()**.
> Alternatively, you can send debug messages directly to the console. To do this, either set the **console_loglevel** kernel variable to 8 or greater (**echo 8 /proc/sys/kernel/printk**) or temporarily print the debug message in question at the high log level like **KERN_ERR**. Naturally, you should remove debug statements of this kind before publishing your code.
> Note that kernel messages appear on the console, not in a terminal emulator window such as Xterm; that’s why you’ll find recommendations not to do kernel development in the X environment.
### Surprise, surprise! ###
Compile the module and load it into the kernel:
$ make
$ sudo insmod reverse.ko buffer_size=2048
$ lsmod
reverse 2419 0
$ ls -l /dev/reverse
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 10, 58 Feb 22 15:53 /dev/reverse
Everything seems to be in place. Now, to test how the module works, we’ll write a small program that reverses its first command line argument. The **main()** function (sans error checking) may look like this:
int fd = open("/dev/reverse", O_RDWR);
write(fd, argv[1], strlen(argv[1]));
read(fd, argv[1], strlen(argv[1]));
printf("Read: %s\n", argv[1]);
Run it as:
$ ./test 'A quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'
Read: dog lazy the over jumped fox brown quick A
It works! Play with it a little: try passing single-word or single-letter phrases, empty or non-English strings (if you have a keyboard layout set) and anything else.
Now let’s make things a little trickier. We’ll create two processes that share the file descriptor (and hence the kernel buffer). One will continuously write strings to the device, and another will read them. The **fork(2)** system call is used in the example below, but pthreads will work as well. I also omitted the code that opens and closes the device and does the error checking (again):
char *phrase = "A quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog";
if (fork())
/* Parent is the writer */
while (1)
write(fd, phrase, len);
/* child is the reader */
while (1) {
read(fd, buf, len);
printf("Read: %s\n", buf);
What do you expect this program to output? Below is what I’ve got on my laptop:
Read: dog lazy the over jumped fox brown quick A
Read: A kcicq brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
Read: A kciuq nworb xor jumped fox brown quick A
Read: A kciuq nworb xor jumped fox brown quick A
What’s going on here? It’s a race. We thought **read** and **write** were atomic, or executed one instruction at a time from the beginning till the end. However the kernel is a concurrent beast, and it can easily reschedule the process running the kernel-mode part of the **write** operation somewhere inside the **reverse_phrase()** function. If the process that does **read()** is scheduled before the writer is given a chance to finish, it will see the data in an inconsistent state. Such bugs are really hard to debug. But how to fix it?
Basically, we need to ensure that no **read** method can be executed until the write method returns. If you ever programmed a multi-threaded application, you’ve probably seen synchronisation primitives (locks) like mutexes or semaphores. Linux has them as well, but there are nuances. Kernel code can run in the process context (working “on behalf” of the userspace code, as our methods do) and in the interrupt context (for example, in an IRQ handler). If you are in the process context and a lock you need has already been taken, you simply sleep and retry until you succeed. You can’t sleep in the interrupt context, so the code spins in a loop until the lock become available. The corresponding primitive is called a spinlock, but in our case, a simple mutex – an object that only one process can “hold” at the given time – is sufficient. A real-world code may also use a read-write semaphore, for performance reasons.
Locks always protect some data (in our case, a “struct buffer” instance), and it is very common to embed them in a structure they are protecting. So we add a mutex (‘struct mutex lock’) into the “struct buffer”. We must also initialise the mutex with **mutex_init()**; **buffer_alloc()** is a good place for this. The code that uses mutexes must also include **linux/mutex.h**.
A mutex is much like a traffic light – it’s useless unless drivers look at it and follow the signals. So we need to update **reverse_read()** and **reverse_write()** to acquire the mutex before doing anything to the buffer and release it when they are done. Let’s have a look at the **read** method – **write** works just the same way:
static ssize_t reverse_read(struct file *file, char __user * out,
size_t size, loff_t * off)
struct buffer *buf = file->private_data;
ssize_t result;
if (mutex_lock_interruptible(&buf->lock)) {
result = -ERESTARTSYS;
goto out;
We acquire the lock at the very beginning of the function. **mutex_lock_interruptible()** either grabs the mutex and returns or puts the process to sleep until the mutex is available. As before, the **_interruptible** suffix means the sleep can be interrupted with a signal.
while (buf->read_ptr == buf->end) {
/* ... wait_event_interruptible() here ... */
if (mutex_lock_interruptible(&buf->lock)) {
result = -ERESTARTSYS;
goto out;
Below is our “wait for the data” loop. You should never sleep when holding a mutex, or a situation called a “deadlock” may occur. So, if there is no data, we release the mutex and call **wait_event_interruptible()**. When it returns, we reacquire the mutex and continue as usual:
if (copy_to_user(out, buf->read_ptr, size)) {
result = -EFAULT;
goto out_unlock;
return result;
Finally, the mutex is unlocked when the function ends or if an error occurs while the mutex is being held. Recompile the module (don’t forget to reload it) and run the second test again. You should see no corrupted data now.
### What’s next? ###
Now you have a taste of kernel hacking. We’ve just scratched the surface of the topic, and there is much more to see. Our first module was intentionally simple, however the concepts you learned will stay the same in more complex scenarios as well. Concurrency, method tables, registering callbacks, putting processes to sleep and waking them up are things that every kernel hacker should be comfortable with, and now you’ve seen all of them in action. Maybe your kernel code will end up in the mainline Linux source tree some day – drop us a line if this happens!
via: http://www.linuxvoice.com/be-a-kernel-hacker/
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> 曾经多少次想要在内核游荡?曾经多少次茫然不知方向?你不要再对着它迷惘,让我们指引你走向前方……
内核编程常常看起来像是黑魔法,而在亚瑟 C 克拉克的眼中,它八成就是了。Linux内核和它的用户空间是大不相同的:抛开漫不经心,你必须小心翼翼,因为你编程中的一个bug就会影响到整个系统。浮点数学做起来可不容易,堆栈固定而渺小,而你写的代码总是异步的,因此你需要想想怎样让它并发。而除了所有这一切之外,Linux内核只是一个很大的、很复杂的C程序,它对每个人开放,任何人都去读它、学习它并改进它,而你也可以是其中之一。
> “开始内核编程的最简单的方式
> 是写模块——一段代码
> 可以用来动态加载进内核。”
在本教程中,我们将开发一个简单的内核模块用以创建一个**/dev/reverse**设备。写入该设备的字符串将以逆序的方式读回(“Hello World”读成“World Hello”)。这是一个流行的节目采访智力游戏,而当你展示能力来实施时,你也可能获得一些奖励分。在开始前,有一句忠告:你的模块中的一个bug会导致系统崩溃(虽然可能性不大,但还是有可能的)和数据丢失。在开始前,请确保你已经将重要数据备份,或者,采用一种更好的方式,在虚拟机中进行试验。
### 尽可能避免root身份 ###
> 默认情况下,**/dev/reverse**只有root可以使用,因此你不得不使用**sudo**来测试该程序。要解决该问题,可以创建一个包含以下内容的**/lib/udev/rules.d/99-reverse.rules**文件:
> SUBSYSTEM=="misc", KERNEL=="reverse", MODE="0666"
> 别忘了重新插入模块。让设备节点让非root用户访问这往往不是一个好主意,但是在开发其间却是十分有用的,这不是说以root身份运行二进制测试文件也不是个好主意。
#### 模块的构造 ####
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
MODULE_AUTHOR("Valentine Sinitsyn <valentine.sinitsyn@gmail.com>");
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("In-kernel phrase reverser");
### 什么时候不该写内核模块 ###
> 内核编程很有趣,但是在现实项目中写(尤其是调试)内核代码要求特定的技巧。通常来讲,在没有其它方式解决你的问题时,你才应该沉入内核级别。可能你可以待在用户空间中,如果:
> - 你开发一个USB驱动 —— 请查看[libusb][1]。
> - 你开发一个文件系统 —— 试试[FUSE][2]。
> - 你在扩展Netfilter —— 那么[libnetfilter_queue][3]对你有所帮助。
> 通常,本地内核代码会干得更好,但是对于许多项目而言,这点性能丢失并不严重。
static int __init reverse_init(void)
printk(KERN_INFO "reverse device has been registered\n");
return 0;
static void __exit reverse_exit(void)
printk(KERN_INFO "reverse device has been unregistered\n");
这儿,我们定义了函数,用来访问模块的插入和移除功能,只有第一个是必要的。目前,它们只是打印消息到内核环缓冲区(可以通过**dmesg**命令从用户空间访问);**KERN_INFO**是日志等级(注意,没有逗号)。**_init**和**_exit**是属性 —— 联结到函数的元数据片(或者变量)。属性在用户空间的C代码中是很罕见的,但是内核中却很普遍。所有标记为**_init**的,会在初始化后再生(还记得那条老旧的“释放未使用的内核内存……”信息?)。**__exit**表明,当代码被静态构建进内核时,该函数可以安全地优化。最后,**module_init()**和**module_exit()**这两个宏将**reverse_init()**和**reverse_exit()**函数设置成为我们模块的生命周期回调函数。实际的函数名称并不重要,你可以称它们为**init()**和**exit()**,或者**start()**和**stop()**,你想叫什么就叫什么吧。在你的模块外,它们被申明成为静态的和不可见的。事实上,内核中的任何函数都是不可见的,除非明确地被导出。然而,在内核程序员中,给你的函数加上模块名前缀是约定俗成的。
这些是基本要素 —— 让我们把事情变得更有趣些。模块可以接收参数,就像这样:
# modprobe foo bar=1
**modinfo**命令显示了所有模块接受的参数,而这些也可以在**/sys/module//parameters**下作为文件使用。我们的模块需要一个缓冲区来存储短语 —— 让我们把这大小设置为用户可配置。添加**MODULE_DESCRIPTION()**以下的三行:
static unsigned long buffer_size = 8192;
module_param(buffer_size, ulong, (S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH));
MODULE_PARM_DESC(buffer_size, "Internal buffer size");
由于用户可以直接设置**buffer_size**,我们需要在**reverseinit()**来清除它。你总该检查来自内核外的数据 —— 如果你不这么做,你就是会将你自身置于内核异常之中,设置造成安全漏洞。
static int __init reverse_init()
if (!buffer_size)
return -1;
"reverse device has been registered, buffer size is %lu bytes\n",
return 0;
### 导航 ###
> 但你开发模块时,Linux内核就是你所需一切的源头。然而,它相当大,你可能在查找你所要的内容时会有困难。幸运的是,在浏览庞大的代码库时,有工具可以帮助你干得轻松一点。首先,是Cscope —— 在终端中运行的一个令人肃然起敬的工具。你所要做的,就是在内核源代码的顶级目录中运行**make cscope && cscope**。Cscope和Vim以及Emacs整合得很好,因此你可以在使用你最喜爱的编辑器舒适地工作时来使用它。
> 如果基于终端的工具不是你的最爱,那么就访问[http://lxr.free-electrons.com][4]吧。它是一个基于web的内核导航工具,即使它的功能没有Cscope来得多(例如,你不能方便地找到函数的用法),但它仍然提供了足够多的快速查询功能。
obj-m += reverse.o
make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules
make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) clean
现在,调用**make**来构建你的第一个模块。如果你输入的都正确,在当前目录内会发现reverse.ko文件。使用**sudo insmod reverse.ko**插入,然后运行:
$ dmesg | tail -1
[ 5905.042081] reverse device has been registered, buffer size is 8192 bytes
恭喜了!然而,目前这一行还只是在逗你玩而已 —— 还没有设备节点呢。让我们来修复它。
#### 混杂设备 ####
要为该设备注册一个次设备号(以及一个接入点),你需要声明**struct misc_device**,填上所有字段(注意语法),然后使用指针指向该结构函数来调用**misc_register()**。为了这个能工作,你也需要包含**linux/miscdevice.h**头文件:
static struct miscdevice reverse_misc_device = {
.name = "reverse",
.fops = &reverse_fops
static int __init reverse_init()
printk(KERN_INFO ...
static void __exit reverse_exit(void)
static struct file_operations reverse_fops = {
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.open = reverse_open,
.llseek = noop_llseek
#### 我在关闭时打开 ####
我们需要一个结构函数来描述缓冲区。内核提供了许多常规的数据结构:链接列表(双联的),哈希表,树等等之类。然而,缓冲区常常从零开始实施。我们将调用我们的“struct buffer”:
struct buffer {
char *data, *end, *read_ptr;
unsigned long size;
**data**是该缓冲区存储的一个指向字符串的指针,而最后部分是字符串结尾后的第一个字节。**read_ptr**是**read()**开始读取数据的地方。缓冲区大小为了完整性而存储 —— 目前,我们还没有使用该区域。你不能假设使用你结构体的用户会正确地初始化所有这些东西,所以最好在函数中封装缓冲区分配和解除。它们通常命名为**buffer_alloc()**和**buffer_free()**。
static struct buffer *buffer_alloc(unsigned long size)
struct buffer *buf;
buf = kzalloc(sizeof(*buf), GFP_KERNEL);
if (unlikely(!buf))
goto out;
return buf;
static int reverse_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
int err = 0;
file->private_data = buffer_alloc(buffer_size);
return err;
**struct file**是一个标准的内核数据结构,用以存储打开的文件的信息,如当前文件位置(**file->fpos**),标志(**file->flags**),或者打开模式(**file->fmode**)。另外一个字段**file->privatedata**用于关联文件到一些专有数据,它的类型是void *,而且它在文件拥有者以外对内核不透明。我们将一个缓冲区存储在那里。
#### 学会读写 ####
“read”和“write”方法是真正完成工作的地方。当数据写入到缓冲区时,我们就丢弃它里头先前的内容,并在没有任何临时存储时将短语恢复原状。**read**方法仅仅是从内核缓冲区复制数据到用户空间。但是如果缓冲区还没有数据,**reverseread()**会做什么呢?在用户空间中,**read()**调用会在有可用数据前阻塞它。在内核中,你必须等待。幸运的是,有一项机制用于处理这种情况,就是‘wait queues’。
想法很简单。如果当前进程需要等待某个事件,它的描述符(**struct task_struct**存储为‘current’)被放进非可运行(睡眠中)状态,并添加到一个队列中。然后**schedule()**就被调用来选择另一个进程运行。生成事件的代码通过使用队列将等待进程放回**TASKRUNNING**状态来唤醒它们。调度程序将在以后在某个地方选择它们之一。Linux有多种非可运行状态,最值得注意的是**TASKINTERRUPTIBLE**(一个可以通过信号中断的睡眠)和**TASKKILLABLE**(一个可被杀死的睡眠中的进程)。所有这些都应该正确处理,并等待队列为你做这些事。
一个用以存储读取等待队列头的天然场所就是结构缓冲区,所以从为它添加**wait_queue_head_t read_queue**字段开始。你也应该包含**linux/sched.h**。可以使用DECLARE_WAITQUEUE()宏来静态声明一个等待队列。在我们这种情况下,需要动态初始化,因此添加下面这行到**buffer_alloc()**:
我们等待可用数据;或者等待**read_ptr != end**条件成立。我们也想要让等待操作可以被中断(如,通过Ctrl+C)。因此,“read”方法应该像这样开始:
static ssize_t reverse_read(struct file *file, char __user * out,
size_t size, loff_t * off)
struct buffer *buf = file->private_data;
ssize_t result;
while (buf->read_ptr == buf->end) {
if (file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) {
result = -EAGAIN;
goto out;
if (wait_event_interruptible
(buf->read_queue, buf->read_ptr != buf->end)) {
result = -ERESTARTSYS;
goto out;
我们不能使用**if()**来替代**while()**,因为可能有许多进程正等待数据。当**write**方法唤醒它们时,调度程序选择一个来以不可预知的方式运行,因此,在这段代码有机会执行的时候,缓冲区可能再次空出。现在,我们需要将数据从**buf->data** 复制到用户空间。**copytouser()**内核函数就干了此事:
size = min(size, (size_t) (buf->end - buf->read_ptr));
if (copy_to_user(out, buf->read_ptr, size)) {
result = -EFAULT;
goto out;
buf->read_ptr += size;
result = size;
return result;
buf->end = buf->data + size;
buf->read_ptr = buf->data;
if (buf->end > buf->data)
reverse_phrase(buf->data, buf->end - 1);
这里, **reverse_phrase()**干了所有吃力的工作。它依赖于**reverse_word()**函数,该函数相当简短并且标记为内联。这是另外一个常见的优化;但是,你不能过度使用。因为积极的内联会导致内核映像徒然增大。
### 调试内核代码 ###
> 或许,内核中最常见的调试方法就是打印。如果你愿意,你可以使用普通的**printk()** (假定使用**KERN_DEBUG**日志等级)。然而,那儿还有更好的办法。如果你正在写一个设备驱动,这个设备驱动有它自己的“struct device”,可以使用**pr_debug()**或者**dev_dbg()**:它们支持动态调试(**dyndbg**)特性,并可以根据需要启用或者禁用(请查阅**Documentation/dynamic-debug-howto.txt**)。对于单纯的开发消息,使用**prdevel()**,该函数没有操作符,除非设置了DEBUG。要为我们的模块启用DEBUG,请添加以下行到Makefile中:
> CFLAGS_reverse.o := -DDEBUG
> 完了之后,使用**dmesg**来查看**pr_debug()**或**pr_devel()**生成的调试信息。
> 或者,你可以直接发送调试信息到控制台。要想这么干,你可以设置**console_loglevel**内核变量为8或者更大的值(**echo 8 /proc/sys/kernel/printk**),或者在高日志等级,如**KERN_ERR**,来临时打印要查询的调试信息。很自然,在发布代码前,你应该移除这样的调试声明。
> 注意出现在控制台的内核消息,而不要在Xterm这样的终端模拟器窗口中去查看;那也是你在内核开发时,经常会建议你不要再X环境下进行的原因。
### 惊喜,惊喜! ###
$ make
$ sudo insmod reverse.ko buffer_size=2048
$ lsmod
reverse 2419 0
$ ls -l /dev/reverse
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 10, 58 Feb 22 15:53 /dev/reverse
int fd = open("/dev/reverse", O_RDWR);
write(fd, argv[1], strlen(argv[1]));
read(fd, argv[1], strlen(argv[1]));
printf("Read: %s\n", argv[1]);
$ ./test 'A quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'
Read: dog lazy the over jumped fox brown quick A
char *phrase = "A quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog";
if (fork())
/* Parent is the writer */
while (1)
write(fd, phrase, len);
/* child is the reader */
while (1) {
read(fd, buf, len);
printf("Read: %s\n", buf);
Read: dog lazy the over jumped fox brown quick A
Read: A kcicq brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
Read: A kciuq nworb xor jumped fox brown quick A
Read: A kciuq nworb xor jumped fox brown quick A
基本上,我们需要确保在写方法返回前没有**read**方法能被执行。如果你曾经编写过一个多线程的应用程序,你可能见过同步原语(锁),如互斥锁或者信号。Linux也有这些,但有些细微的差别。内核代码可以运行在进程条件中(“代表”用户空间代码工作,就像我们的方法那样)以及运行在中断条件中(例如,在IRQ处理器中)。如果你的程序处于进程条件中,并且你需要的锁已经被拿走,你的程序就会睡眠并重试直至成功。在中断条件中是无法睡眠的,因此代码在循环中流转,直到有可用的锁为止。关联原语被称为自旋锁,但在我们的环境中,一个简单的互斥锁 —— 在特定时间内只有唯一一个进程能“占有”的对象 —— 就足够了。处于性能方面的考虑,现实的代码可能也会使用读-写信号。
锁总是保护某些数据(在我们的环境中,是一个“struct buffer”实例),而且也常常会把它们嵌入到它们所保护的结构体中。因此,我们添加一个互斥锁(‘struct mutex lock’)到“struct buffer”中。我们也必须用**mutex_init()**来初始化互斥锁;**buffer_alloc**是用来处理这件事的好地方。使用互斥锁的代码也必须包含**linux/mutex.h**。
互斥锁很像交通信号灯 —— 除非驱动查看并跟踪信号,否则它没什么用。因此,在对缓冲区做操作并在操作完成时释放它之前,我们需要更新**reverse_read()**和**reverse_write()**来获取互斥锁。让我们来看看**read**方法 —— **write**的工作原理相同:
static ssize_t reverse_read(struct file *file, char __user * out,
size_t size, loff_t * off)
struct buffer *buf = file->private_data;
ssize_t result;
if (mutex_lock_interruptible(&buf->lock)) {
result = -ERESTARTSYS;
goto out;
while (buf->read_ptr == buf->end) {
/* ... wait_event_interruptible() here ... */
if (mutex_lock_interruptible(&buf->lock)) {
result = -ERESTARTSYS;
goto out;
if (copy_to_user(out, buf->read_ptr, size)) {
result = -EFAULT;
goto out_unlock;
return result;
### 接下来是什么? ###
现在,你体验了一把内核侵入。我们刚刚为你揭开了今天话题的外衣,里面还有更多东西供你探索。我们的第一个模块是有意识地写得简单一点,在从中学到的概念在更复杂的环境中也一样。并发、方法表、注册回调函数、使进程睡眠以及唤醒进程,这些都是内核黑客们耳熟能详的东西,而现在你已经看过了它们的运作。或许某天,你的内核代码也将被加入到主线Linux源代码树中 —— 如果真这样,请联系我们!
via: http://www.linuxvoice.com/be-a-kernel-hacker/
译者:[GOLinux](https://github.com/GOLinux) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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