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@ -1,17 +1,21 @@
怎样在桌面上安装 Docker CE?
[在上一篇文章中][1],我们学习了容器世界的一些基本术语。当我们运行命令并在后续文章中使用其中一些术语时,这些背景信息将会派上用场,包括这篇文章。本文将介绍在桌面 Linux, macOS 和 Windows 上安装 Docker,它适用于想要开始使用 Docker 容器的初学者。唯一的先决条件是你对命令行界面满意。
> 按照这些简单的步骤在你的 Linux、Mac 或 Windows 桌面上安装 Docker CE。

[在上一篇文章中][1],我们学习了容器世界的一些基本术语。当我们运行命令并在后续文章中使用其中一些术语时,这些背景信息将会派上用场,包括这篇文章。本文将介绍在桌面 Linux、 macOS 和 Windows 上安装 Docker,它适用于想要开始使用 Docker 容器的初学者。唯一的先决条件是你对命令行界面满意。
### 为什么我在本地机器上需要 Docker CE?
作为一个新用户,你很可能想知道为什么你在本地系统上需要容器。难道它们不是作为微服务在云和服务器中运行吗?尽管容器长期以来一直是 Linux 世界的一部分,但 Docker 使它们真正可以使用它的工具和技术。(to 校正者:这句话它们意义似乎不明确)
作为一个新用户,你很可能想知道为什么你在本地系统上需要容器。难道它们不是作为微服务在云和服务器中运行吗?尽管容器长期以来一直是 Linux 世界的一部分,但 Docker 才真正使容器的工具和技术步入使用。
Docker 容器最大的优点是可以使用本地机器进行开发和测试。你在本地系统上创建的容器映像可以在“任何位置”运行。就应用程序在开发系统上运行良好但生产环境中出现问题这一点,开发人员和操作人员之间不会起冲突。
Docker 容器最大的优点是可以使用本地机器进行开发和测试。你在本地系统上创建的容器映像可以在“任何位置”运行。开发人员和操作人员之间不再会为应用程序在开发系统上运行良好但生产环境中出现问题而产生纷争。
你可以使用以下三个平台中的任何一个 -- 桌面 Linux, Windows 或 macOS 作为容器的开发平台。一旦 Docker 在这些系统上成功运行,你将可以在不同的平台上使用相同的命令。因此,接下来你运行的操作系统无关紧要。
你可以使用以下三个平台中的任何一个 —— 桌面 Linux、 Windows 或 macOS 作为容器的开发平台。一旦 Docker 在这些系统上成功运行,你将可以在不同的平台上使用相同的命令。因此,接下来你运行的操作系统无关紧要。
这就是 Docker 之美。
@ -21,149 +25,152 @@ Docker 容器最大的优点是可以使用本地机器进行开发和测试。
Docker CE 有两个版本:stable 和 edge。顾名思义,stable(稳定)版本会为你提供经过充分测试的季度更新,而 edge 版本每个月都会提供新的更新。经过进一步的测试之后,这些边缘特征将被添加到稳定版本中。我建议新用户使用 stable 版本。
Docker CE 支持 macOS, Windows 10, Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 17.04 和 17.10,以及 Debian 7.7, 8, 9 和 10, Fedora 25, 26, 27 和 centOS。虽然你可以下载 Docker CE 二进制文件并安装到桌面 Linux 上,但我建议添加仓库源以便继续获得修补程序和更新。
Docker CE 支持 macOS、 Windows 10、 Ubuntu 14.04/16.04/17.04/17.10、 Debian 7.7/8/9/10、 Fedora 25/26/27 和 CentOS。虽然你可以下载 Docker CE 二进制文件并安装到桌面 Linux 上,但我建议添加仓库源以便继续获得修补程序和更新。
### 在桌面 Linux 上安装 Docker CE
你不需要一个完整的桌面 Linux 来运行 Docker,你也可以将它安装在最小的 Linux 服务器上,即你可以在一个虚拟机中运行。在本教程中,我将在我的主系统 Fedora 27 和 Ubuntu 17.04 上运行它(to 校正者:这句话搞不清主要是什么系统)。
你不需要一个完整的桌面 Linux 来运行 Docker,你也可以将它安装在最小的 Linux 服务器上,即你可以在一个虚拟机中运行。在本教程中,我将在我的主系统的 Fedora 27 和 Ubuntu 17.04 上运行它。
### 在 Ubuntu 上安装
首先,运行系统更新,以便你的 Ubuntu 软件包完全更新:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
然后安装 Docker PGP 密钥:
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
Update the repository info again:
$ sudo apt-get update
现在安装 Docker CE:
$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce
一旦安装,Docker CE 就会在基于 Ubuntu 的系统上自动运行,让我们来检查它是否在运行:
一旦安装完成,Docker CE 就会在基于 Ubuntu 的系统上自动运行,让我们来检查它是否在运行:
$ sudo systemctl status docker
docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2017-12-28 15:06:35 EST; 19min ago
Docs: https://docs.docker.com
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2017-12-28 15:06:35 EST; 19min ago
Docs: https://docs.docker.com
Main PID: 30539 (dockerd)
由于 Docker 安装在你的系统上,你现在可以使用 Docker CLI(命令行界面)运行 Docker 命令。像往常一样,我们运行 ‘Hello World’ 命令:
$ sudo docker run hello-world
恭喜!在你的 Ubuntu 系统上正在运行着 Docker。
### 在 Fedora 上安装 Docker CE
Fedora 27 上的情况有些不同。在 Fedora 上,你首先需要安装 def-plugins-core 包,这将允许你从 CLI 管理你的 DNF 包。
Fedora 27 上的情况有些不同。在 Fedora 上,你首先需要安装 `def-plugins-core` 包,这将允许你从 CLI 管理你的 DNF 包。
$ sudo dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core
现在在你的系统上安装 Docker 仓库:
$ sudo dnf config-manager \
--add-repo \
--add-repo \
It’s time to install Docker CE:
$ sudo dnf install docker-ce
$ sudo dnf install docker-ce
与 Ubuntu 不同,Docker 不会在 Fedora 上自动启动。那么让我们启动它:
$ sudo systemctl start docker
你必须在每次重新启动后手动启动 Docker,因此让我们将其配置为在重新启动后自动启动。$ systemctl enable docker 就行。现在该运行 Hello World 命令了:
你必须在每次重新启动后手动启动 Docker,因此让我们将其配置为在重新启动后自动启动。`$ systemctl enable docker` 就行。现在该运行 Hello World 命令了:
$ sudo docker run hello-world
恭喜,在你的 Fedora 27 系统上正在运行着 Docker。
### 解除 root
你可能已经注意到你必须使用 sudo 来运行 Docker 命令。这是因为 Docker 守护进程与 UNIX 套接字绑定,而不是 TCP 端口,套接字由 root 用户拥有。所以,你需要 sudo 权限才能运行 docker 命令。你可以将系统用户添加到 docker 组,这样它就不需要 sudo 了:
你可能已经注意到你必须使用 `sudo` 来运行 `docker` 命令。这是因为 Docker 守护进程与 UNIX 套接字绑定,而不是 TCP 端口,套接字由 root 用户拥有。所以,你需要 `sudo` 权限才能运行 `docker` 命令。你可以将系统用户添加到 docker 组,这样它就不需要 `sudo` 了:
$ sudo groupadd docker
在大多数情况下,在安装 Docker CE 时会自动创建 Docker 用户组,因此你只需将用户添加到该组中即可:
$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
为了测试组是否已经成功添加,根据用户名运行 groups 命令:
为了测试该组是否已经成功添加,根据用户名运行 `groups` 命令:
$ groups swapnil
(这里,swapnil 是用户名。)
(这里,`swapnil` 是用户名。)
$ swapnil : swapnil adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare docker
swapnil : swapnil adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare docker
你可以看到该用户也属于 docker 组。注销系统,这样组就会生效。一旦你再次登录,在不使用 sudo 的情况下试试 Hello World 命令:
你可以看到该用户也属于 docker 组。注销系统,这样组就会生效。一旦你再次登录,在不使用 `sudo` 的情况下试试 Hello World 命令:
$ docker run hello-world
你可以通过运行以下命令来查看关于 Docker 的安装版本以及更多系统信息:
$ docker info
### 在 macOS 和 Windows 上安装 Docker CE
你可以在 macOS 和 Windows 上很轻松地安装 Docker CE(和 EE)。下载官方为 macOS 提供的 Docker 安装包,在 macOS 上安装应用程序的方式是只需将它们拖到 Applications 目录即可。一旦文件被复制,从 spotlight(译者注:mac 下的搜索)下打开 Docker 开始安装。一旦安装,Docker 将自动启动,你可以在 macOS 的顶部看到它。
你可以在 macOS 和 Windows 上很轻松地安装 Docker CE(和 EE)。下载官方为 macOS 提供的 Docker 安装包,在 macOS 上安装应用程序的方式是只需将它们拖到 Applications 目录即可。一旦文件被复制,从 spotlight(LCTT 译注:mac 下的搜索功能)下打开 Docker 开始安装。一旦安装,Docker 将自动启动,你可以在 macOS 的顶部看到它。
macOS 是类 UNIX,所以你可以简单地打开终端应用程序,并开始使用 Docker 命令。测试 hello world 应用:
macOS 是类 UNIX 系统,所以你可以简单地打开终端应用程序,并开始使用 Docker 命令。测试 hello world 应用:
$ docker run hello-world
恭喜,你已经在你的 macOS 上运行了 Docker。
@ -173,9 +180,9 @@ $ docker run hello-world
你需要最新版本的 Windows 10 Pro 或 Server 才能在它上面安装或运行 Docker。如果你没有完全更新,Windows 将不会安装 Docker。我在 Windows 10 系统上遇到了错误,必须运行系统更新。我的版本还很落后,我出现了[这个][14] bug。所以,如果你无法在 Windows 上安装 Docker,只要知道并不是只有你一个。仔细检查该 bug 以找到解决方案。
一旦你在 Windows 上安装 Docker 后,你可以通过 WSL 使用 bash shell,或者使用 PowerShell 来运行 Docker 命令。让我们在 PowerShell 中测试 “Hello World” 命令:
PS C:\Users\swapnil> docker run hello-world
恭喜,你已经在 Windows 上运行了 Docker。
@ -188,9 +195,9 @@ PS C:\Users\swapnil> docker run hello-world
via: https://www.linux.com/blog/learn/intro-to-linux/how-install-docker-ce-your-desktop
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
DevOps 如何帮助你将很酷的应用交付给用户
> 想要在今天的快节奏的商业环境中获得成功?要么选择 DevOps,要么死亡。

在很久之前,遥远的银河系中,在 DevOps 成为主流实践之前,软件开发的过程是极其缓慢、单调和按部就班的。当一个应用准备要部署的时候,就已经为下一个主要版本迭代积累了一长串的变更和修复。每次为新版本迭代所花费的准备时间都需要花费数个月的时间去回顾和贯穿整个开发周期。请记住这个过程将会在交付更新给用户的过程中不断的
今天一切都是瞬间和实时完成的,这个概念似乎很原始。这场移动革命已经极大的改变了我们和软件之间的交互。那些早期采用 DevOps 的公司已经彻底改变了对软件开发和部署的期望。
让我们看看 Facebook:这个移动应用每两周更新和刷新一次,像钟表一样。这就是新的标准,因为现在的用户期望软件持续的被修复和更新。任何一家要花费一个月或者更多的时间来部署新的功能或者修复 bug 的公司将会逐渐走向没落。如果你不能交付用户所期待的,他们将会去寻找那些能够满足他们需求的。
### 为什么是 DevOps?
敏捷和 DevOps 对于移动应用开发领域是相当重要的,因为开发周期正变得如闪电般的快。现在是一个密集、快节奏的环境,公司必须加紧步伐赶超,思考的更深入,运用策略来去完成,从而生存下去。在应用商店中,排名前十的应用平均能够保持的时间只有一个月左右。
为了说明老式的瀑布方法,回想一下你第一次学习驾驶。起先,你专注于每个独立的层面,使用一套方法论的过程:你上车;系上安全带;调整座椅、镜子,控制方向盘;发动汽车,将你的手放在 10 点和 2 点钟的方向,等等。完成一个换车道一样简单的任务需要付出艰苦的努力,以一个特定的顺序执行多个步骤。
DevOps,正好相反,是在你有了几年的经验之后如何去驾驶的。一切都是靠直觉同时发生的,你可以不用过多的思考就很平滑的从 A 点移动到 B 点。
移动 app 的世界对越老式的 app 开发环境来说太快节奏了。DevOps 被设计用来快速交付有效、稳定的 app,而不需要增加资源。然而你不能像购买一件普通的商品或者服务一样去购买 DevOps。DevOps 是用来指导改变团队如何一起工作的文化和活动的。
不是只有像亚马逊和 Facebook 这样的大公司才拥抱 DevOps 文化;小的移动应用公司也在很好的使用。“缩短迭代周期,同时保持生产事故处于一个较低水平,以及满足顾客追求的整体故障成本。”来自移动产品代理 [Reinvently][1]的工程部的负责人,Oleg Reshetnyak 说道。
### DevOps: 不是如果,而是什么时候
在今天的快节奏的商业环境中,选在了 DevOps 就像是选择了呼吸:要么去[做要么就死亡][2]。
根据[美国小企业管理局][3]的报道,现在只有 16% 的公司能够持续一代人的时间。不采用 DevOps 的移动应用公司将冒着逐渐走向灭绝的风险。而且,同样的研究表明采用 DevOps 的公司组织可能能够获得两倍的盈利能力、生产目标以及市场份额。
更快速、更安全的革新需要做到三点:云、自动化和 DevOps。根据你对 DevOps 的定义的不同,这三个要点之间的界限是不清晰的。然而,有一点是确定的:DevOps 围绕着更快、更少风险地交付高质量的软件的共同目标将组织内的每个人都统一起来。
via: https://opensource.com/article/18/2/devops-delivers-cool-apps-users
作者:[Stanislav Ivaschenko][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,29 +1,32 @@
不像 MySQL 的 MySQL:MySQL 文档存储介绍
> MySQL 文档存储 可以跳过底层数据结构创建、数据规范化和其它使用传统数据库时需要做的工作,直接存储数据。

MySQL 可以提供 NoSQL JSON <ruby>文档存储<rt>Document Store</rt></ruby>了,这样开发者保存数据前无需<ruby>规范化<rt>normalize</rt></ruby>数据、创建数据库,也无需在开发之前就制定好数据样式。从 MySQL 5.7 版本和 MySQL 8.0 版本开始,开发者可以在表的一列中存储 JSON 文档。由于引入 X DevAPI,你可以从你的代码中移除令人不爽的结构化查询字符串,改为使用支持现代编程设计的 API 调用。
系统学习过结构化查询语言(SQL)、<ruby>关系理论<rt>relational theory</rt></ruby>和其它关系数据库底层理论的开发者并不多,但他们需要一个安全可靠的数据存储。如果数据库管理人员不足,事情很快就会变得一团糟,
系统学习过结构化查询语言(SQL)、<ruby>关系理论<rt>relational theory</rt></ruby>、<ruby>集合<rt>set</rt></ruby>和其它关系数据库底层理论的开发者并不多,但他们需要一个安全可靠的数据存储。如果数据库管理人员不足,事情很快就会变得一团糟,
[MySQL 文档存储][1] 允许开发者跳过底层数据结构创建、数据规范化和其它使用传统数据库时需要做的工作,直接存储数据。只需创建一个 JSON <ruby>文档集合<rt>document collection</rt></ruby>,接着就可以使用了。
### JSON 数据类型
所有这一切都基于多年前 MySQL 5.7 引入的 JSON 数据类型。允许在表的一行中提供大约 1GB 的列。数据必须是有效的 JSON,否则服务器会报错;但开发者可以自由使用这些空间。
所有这一切都基于多年前 MySQL 5.7 引入的 JSON 数据类型。它允许在表的一行中提供大约 1GB 大小的列。数据必须是有效的 JSON,否则服务器会报错;但开发者可以自由使用这些空间。
### X DevAPI
旧的 MySQL 协议已经历经差不多四分之一个世纪,已经显现出疲态,因此新的协议被开发出来,协议名为 [X DevAPI][2]。协议引入高级会话概念,允许代码从单台服务器扩展到多台,使用符合<ruby>通用主机编程语言样式<rt>common host-language programming patterns</rt></ruby>的非阻塞异步 I/O。需要关注的是如何遵循现代实践和编码风格,同时使用 CRUD (create, replace, update, delete) 样式。换句话说,你不再需要在你精美、淳朴的代码中嵌入丑陋的 SQL 语句字符串。
旧的 MySQL 协议已经历经差不多四分之一个世纪,已经显现出疲态,因此新的协议被开发出来,协议名为 [X DevAPI][2]。协议引入高级会话概念,允许代码从单台服务器扩展到多台,使用符合<ruby>通用主机编程语言样式<rt>common host-language programming patterns</rt></ruby>的非阻塞异步 I/O。需要关注的是如何遵循现代实践和编码风格,同时使用 CRUD (Create、 Replace、 Update、 Delete)样式。换句话说,你不再需要在你精美、纯洁的代码中嵌入丑陋的 SQL 语句字符串。
一个新的 shell 支持这种新协议,即所谓的 [MySQL Shell][3]。该 shell 可用于设置<ruby>高可用集群<rt>high-availability cluster</rt></ruby>、检查服务器<ruby>升级就绪状态<rt>upgrade readiness</rt></ruby>以及与 MySQL 服务器交互。支持的交互方式有以下三种:JavaScript,Python 和 SQL。
### 代码示例
一个新的 shell 支持这种新协议,即所谓的 [MySQL Shell][3]。该 shell 可用于设置<ruby>高可用集群<rt>high-availability clusters</rt></ruby>、检查服务器<ruby>升级就绪状态<rt>upgrade readiness</rt></ruby>以及与 MySQL 服务器交互。支持的交互方式有以下三种:JavaScript,Python 和 SQL。
下面的代码示例基于 JavaScript 方式使用 MySQL Shell,可以从 `JS>` 提示符看出。
下面,我们将使用用户 `dstokes` 、密码 `password` 登录本地系统上的 `demo` 库。`db` 是一个指针,指向 demo 库。
下面,我们将使用用户 `dstokes` 、密码 `password` 登录本地系统上的 `demo` 库。`db` 是一个指针,指向 `demo` 库。
$ mysqlsh dstokes:password@localhost/demo
JS> db.createCollection("example")
@ -35,14 +38,14 @@ JS> db.example.add(
在上面的示例中,我们登录服务器,连接到 `demo` 库,创建了一个名为 `example` 的集合,最后插入一条记录;整个过程无需创建表,也无需使用 SQL。只要你能想象的到,你可以使用甚至滥用这些数据。这不是一种代码对象与关系语句之间的映射器,因为并没有将代码映射为 SQL;新协议直接与服务器层打交道。
### Node.js 支持
新 shell 看起来挺不错,你可以用其完成很多工作;但你可能更希望使用你选用的编程语言。下面的例子使用 `world_x` 示例数据库,搜索 `_id` 字段匹配 "CAN." 的记录。我们指定数据库中的特定集合,使用特定参数调用 `find` 命令。同样地,操作也不涉及 SQL。
新 shell 看起来挺不错,你可以用其完成很多工作;但你可能更希望使用你选用的编程语言。下面的例子使用 `world_x` 示例数据库,搜索 `_id` 字段匹配 `CAN.` 的记录。我们指定数据库中的特定集合,使用特定参数调用 `find` 命令。同样地,操作也不涉及 SQL。
var mysqlx = require('@mysql/xdevapi');
mysqlx.getSession({ //Auth to server
@ -62,10 +65,10 @@ collection // Get row for 'CAN'
下面例子使用 PHP,搜索 `_id` 字段匹配 "USA" 的记录:
下面例子使用 PHP,搜索 `_id` 字段匹配 `USA` 的记录:
// Connection parameters
@ -88,19 +91,16 @@ collection // Get row for 'CAN'
$data = $result->fetchAll();
可以看出,在上面两个使用不同编程语言的例子中,`find` 操作符的用法基本一致。这种一致性对跨语言编程的开发者有很大帮助,对试图降低新语言学习成本的开发者也不无裨益。
支持的语言还包括 C,Java,Python 和 JavaScript 等,未来还会有更多支持的语言。
支持的语言还包括 C、Java、Python 和 JavaScript 等,未来还会有更多支持的语言。
### 从两种方式受益
我会告诉你使用 NoSQL 方式录入的数据也可以用 SQL 方式使用?换句话说,我会告诉你新引入的 NoSQL 方式可以访问旧式关系型表中的数据?现在使用 MySQL 服务器有多种方式,作为 SQL 服务器,作为 NoSQL 服务器或者同时作为两者。
Dave Stokes 将于 6 月 8-10 日在北卡罗来纳州 Charlotte 市举行的 [Southeast LinuxFest][4] 大会上做”不用 SQL 的 MySQL,我的天哪!“主题演讲。
via: https://opensource.com/article/18/6/mysql-document-store
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ via: https://opensource.com/article/18/6/mysql-document-store
作者:[Dave Stokes][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
4 tools for building embedded Linux systems

Linux is being deployed into a much wider array of devices than Linus Torvalds anticipated when he was working on it in his dorm room. The variety of supported chip architectures is astounding and has led to Linux in devices large and small; from [huge IBM mainframes][1] to [tiny devices][2] no bigger than their connection ports and everything in between. It is used in large enterprise data centers, internet infrastructure devices, and personal development systems. It also powers consumer electronics, mobile phones, and many Internet of Things devices.
When building Linux software for desktop and enterprise-class devices, developers typically use a desktop distribution such as [Ubuntu][3] on their build machines to have an environment as close as possible to the one where the software will be deployed. Tools such as [VirtualBox][4] and [Docker][5] allow even better alignment between development, testing, and productions environments.
### What is an embedded system?
Wikipedia defines an [embedded system][6] as: "A computer system with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical system, often with real-time computing constraints."
I find it simple enough to say that an embedded system is a computer that most people don't think of as a computer. Its primary role is to serve as an appliance of some sort, and it is not considered a general-purpose computing platform.
The development environment in embedded systems programming is usually very different from the testing and production environments. They may use different chip architectures, software stacks, and even operating systems. Development workflows are very different for embedded developers vs. desktop and web developers. Typically, the build output will consist of an entire software image for the target device, including the kernel, device drivers, libraries, and application software (and sometimes the bootloader).
In this article, I will present a survey of four commonly available options for building embedded Linux systems. I will give a flavor for what it's like to work with each and provide enough information to help readers decide which tool to use for their design. I won't teach you how to use any of them; there are plenty of in-depth online learning resources once you have narrowed your choices. No option is right for all use cases, and I hope to present enough details to direct your decision.
### Yocto
The [Yocto][7] project is [defined][8] as "an open source collaboration project that provides templates, tools, and methods to help you create custom Linux-based systems for embedded products regardless of the hardware architecture." It is a collection of recipes, configuration values, and dependencies used to create a custom Linux runtime image tailored to your specific needs.
Full disclosure: most of my work in embedded Linux has focused on the Yocto project, and my knowledge and bias to this system will likely be evident.
Yocto uses [Openembedded][9] as its build system. Technically the two are separate projects; in practice, however, users do not need to understand the distinction, and the project names are frequently used interchangeably.
The output of a Yocto project build consists broadly of three components:
* **Target run-time binaries:** These include the bootloader, kernel, kernel modules, root filesystem image. and any other auxiliary files needed to deploy Linux to the target platform.
* **Package feed:** This is the collection of software packages available to be installed on your target. You can select the package format (e.g., deb, rpm, ipk) based on your needs. Some of them may be preinstalled in the target runtime binaries, however, it is possible to build packages for installation into a deployed system.
* **Target SDK:** These are the collection of libraries and header files representing the software installed on your target. They are used by application developers when building their code to ensure they are linked with the appropriate libraries
#### Advantages
The Yocto project is widely used in the industry and has backing from many influential companies. Additionally, it has a large and vibrant developer [community][10] and [ecosystem][11] contributing to it. The combination of open source enthusiasts and corporate sponsors helps drive the Yocto project.
There are many options for getting support with Yocto. There are books and other training materials if you wish to do-it-yourself. Many engineers with experience in Yocto are available if you want to hire expertise. And many commercial organizations provide turnkey Yocto-based products or services-based implementation and customization for your design.
The Yocto project is easily expanded through [layers][12], which can be published independently to add additional functionality, to target platforms not available in the project releases, or to store customizations unique to your system. Layers can be added to your configuration to add unique features that are not specifically included in the stock releases; for example, the "[meta-browser][13]" layer contains recipes for web browsers, which can be easily built for your system. Because they are independently maintained, layers can be on a different release schedule (tuned to the layers' development velocity) than the standard Yocto releases.
Yocto has arguably the widest device support of any of the options discussed in this article. Due to support from many semiconductor and board manufacturers, it's likely Yocto will support any target platform you choose. The direct Yocto [releases][14] support only a few boards (to allow for proper testing and release cycles), however, a standard working model is to use external board support layers.
Finally, Yocto is extremely flexible and customizable. Customizations for your specific application can be stored in a layer for encapsulation and isolation. Customizations unique to a feature layer are generally stored as part of the layer itself, which allows the same settings to be applied simultaneously to multiple system configurations. Yocto also provides a well-defined layer priority and override capability. This allows you to define the order in which layers are applied and searched for metadata. It also enables you to override settings in layers with higher priority; for instance, many customizations to existing recipes will be added in your private layers, with the order precisely controlled by the priorities.
#### Disadvantages
The biggest disadvantage with the Yocto project is the learning curve. It takes significant time and effort to learn the system and truly understand it. Depending on your needs, this may be too large of an investment in technologies and competence that are not central to your application. In such cases, working with one of the commercial vendors may be a good option.
Development build times and resources are fairly high for Yocto project builds. The number of packages that need to be built, including the toolchain, kernel, and all target runtime components, is significant. Development workstations for Yocto developers tend to be large systems. Using a compact notebook is not recommended. This can be mitigated by using cloud-based build servers available from many providers. Additionally, Yocto has a built-in caching mechanism that allows it to reuse previously built components when it determines that the parameters for building a particular package have not changed.
#### Recommendation
Using the Yocto project for your next embedded Linux design is a strong choice. Of the options presented here, it is the most broadly applicable regardless of your target use case. The broad industry support, active community, and wide platform support make this a good choice for must designers.
### Buildroot
The [Buildroot][15] project is defined as "a simple, efficient, and easy-to-use tool to generate embedded Linux systems through cross-compilation." It shares many of the same objectives as the Yocto project, however it is focused on simplicity and minimalism. In general, Buildroot will disable all optional compile-time settings for all packages (with a few notable exceptions), resulting in the smallest possible system. It will be up to the system designer to enable the settings that are appropriate for a given device.
Buildroot builds all components from source but does not support on-target package management. As such, it is sometimes called a firmware generator since the images are largely fixed at build time. Applications can update the target filesystem, but there is no mechanism to install new packages into a running system.
The Buildroot output consists broadly of three components:
* The root filesystem image and any other auxiliary files needed to deploy Linux to the target platform
* The kernel, boot-loader, and kernel modules appropriate for the target hardware
* The toolchain used to build all the target binaries.
#### Advantages
Buildroot's focus on simplicity means that, in general, it is easier to learn than Yocto. The core build system is written in Make and is short enough to allow a developer to understand the entire system while being expandable enough to meet the needs of embedded Linux developers. The Buildroot core generally only handles common use cases, but it is expandable via scripting.
The Buildroot system uses normal Makefiles and the Kconfig language for its configuration. Kconfig was developed by the Linux kernel community and is widely used in open source projects, making it familiar to many developers.
Due to the design goal of disabling all optional build-time settings, Buildroot will generally produce the smallest possible images using the out-of-the-box configuration. The build times and build host resources will likewise be smaller, in general, than those of the Yocto project.
#### Disadvantages
The focus on simplicity and minimal enabled build options imply that you may need to do significant customization to configure a Buildroot build for your application. Additionally, all configuration options are stored in a single file, which means if you have multiple hardware platforms, you will need to make each of your customization changes for each platform.
Any change to the system configuration file requires a full rebuild of all packages. This is somewhat mitigated by the minimal image sizes and build times compared with Yocto, but it can result in long builds while you are tweaking your configuration.
Intermediate package state caching is not enabled by default and is not as thorough as the Yocto implementation. This means that, while the first build may be shorter than an equivalent Yocto build, subsequent builds may require rebuilding of many components.
#### Recommendation
Using Buildroot for your next embedded Linux design is a good choice for most applications. If your design requires multiple hardware types or other differences, you may want to reconsider due to the complexity of synchronizing multiple configurations, however, for a system consisting of a single setup, Buildroot will likely work well for you.
### OpenWRT/LEDE
The [OpenWRT][16] project was started to develop custom firmware for consumer routers. Many of the low-cost routers available at your local retailer are capable of running a Linux system, but maybe not out of the box. The manufacturers of these routers may not provide frequent updates to address new threats, and even if they do, the mechanisms to install updated images are difficult and error-prone. The OpenWRT project produces updated firmware images for many devices that have been abandoned by their manufacturers and gives these devices a new lease on life.
The OpenWRT project's primary deliverables are binary images for a large number of commercial devices. There are network-accessible package repositories that allow device end users to add new software to their systems. The OpenWRT build system is a general-purpose build system, which allows developers to create custom versions to meet their own requirements and add new packages, but its primary focus is target binaries.
#### Advantages
If you are looking for replacement firmware for a commercial device, OpenWRT should be on your list of options. It is well-maintained and may protect you from issues that the manufacturer's firmware cannot. You can add extra functionality as well, making your devices more useful.
If your embedded design is networking-focused, OpenWRT is a good choice. Networking applications are the primary use case for OpenWRT, and you will likely find many of those software packages available in it.
#### Disadvantages
OpenWRT imposes significant policy decisions on your design (vs. Yocto and Buildroot). If these decisions don't meet your design goals, you may have to do non-trivial modifications.
Allowing package-based updates in a fleet of deployed devices is difficult to manage. This, by definition, results in a different software load than what your QA team tested. Additionally, it is difficult to guarantee atomic installs with most package managers, and an ill-timed power cycle can leave your device in an unpredictable state.
#### Recommendation
OpenWRT is a good choice for hobbyist projects or for reusing commercial hardware. It is also a good choice for networking applications. If you need significant customization from the default setup, you may prefer Buildroot or Yocto.
### Desktop distros
A common approach to designing embedded Linux systems is to start with a desktop distribution, such as [Debian][17] or [Red Hat][18], and remove unneeded components until the installed image fits into the footprint of your target device. This is the approach taken for the popular [Raspbian][19] distribution for the [Raspberry Pi][20] platform.
#### Advantages
The primary advantage of this approach is familiarity. Often, embedded Linux developers are also desktop Linux users and are well-versed in their distro of choice. Using a similar environment on the target may allow developers to get started more quickly. Depending on the chosen distribution, many additional tools can be installed using standard packaging tools such as apt and yum.
It may be possible to attach a display and keyboard to your target device and do all your development directly there. For developers new to the embedded space, this is likely to be a more familiar environment and removes the need to configure and use a tricky cross-development setup.
The number of packages available for most desktop distributions is generally greater than that available for the embedded-specific builders discussed previously. Due to the larger user base and wider variety of use cases, you may be able to find all the runtime packages you need for your application already built and ready for use.
#### Disadvantages
Using the target as your primary development environment is likely to be slow. Running compiler tools is a resource-intensive operation and, depending on how much code you are building, may hinder your performance.
With some exceptions, desktop distributions are not designed to accommodate low-resource systems, and it may be difficult to adequately trim your target images. Similarly, the expected workflow in a desktop environment is not ideal for most embedded designs. Getting a reproducible environment in this fashion is difficult. Manually adding and deleting packages is error-prone. This can be scripted using distribution-specific tools, such as [debootstrap][21] for Debian-based systems. To further improve [reproducibility][21], you can use a configuration management tool, such as [CFEngine][22] (which, full disclosure, is made by my employer, [Mender.io][23]). However, you are still at the mercy of the distribution provider, who will update packages to meet their needs, not yours.
#### Recommendation
Be wary of this approach for a product you plan to take to market. This is a fine model for hobbyist applications; however, for products that need support, this approach is likely going to be trouble. While you may be able to get a faster start, it may cost you time and effort in the long run.
### Other considerations
This discussion has focused on build systems' functionality, but there are usually non-functional requirements that may affect your decision. If you have already selected your system-on-chip (SoC) or board, your choice will likely be dictated by the vendor. If your vendor provides a board support package (BSP) for a given system, using it will normally save quite a bit of time, but please research the BSP's quality to avoid issues later in your development cycle.
If your budget allows, you may want to consider using a commercial vendor for your target OS. There are companies that will provide a validated and supported configuration of many of the options discussed here, and, unless you have expertise in embedded Linux build systems, this is a good choice and will allow you to focus on your core competency.
As an alternative, you may consider commercial training for your development staff. This is likely to be cheaper than a commercial OS provider and will allow you to be more self-sufficient. This is a quick way to get over the learning curve for the basics of the build system you choose.
Finally, you may already have some developers with experience with one or more of the systems. If you have engineers who have a preference, it is certainly worth taking that into consideration as you make your decision.
### Summary
There are many choices available for building embedded Linux systems, each with advantages and disadvantages. It is crucial to prioritize this part of your design, as it is extremely costly to switch systems later in the process. In addition to these options, new systems are being developed all the time. Hopefully, this discussion will provide some context for reviewing new systems (and the ones mentioned here) and help you make a solid decision for your next project.
via: https://opensource.com/article/18/6/embedded-linux-build-tools
作者:[Drew Moseley][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@

### 为什么是DevOps?
不是只有像亚马逊和脸书这样的大公司拥抱DevOps文化;小的移动应用公司也在很好的使用。“在保持生产事故处于一个较低水平的同时速度啊迭代周期以及满足顾客最求的整体的失败成本。”来自移产品代理[Reinvently][1]的工程部的负责人,Oleg Reshetnyak说道。
### DevOps: 不是如果,而是什么时候
根据美国小企业管理的报道,现在只有16% 的公司能够持续一代人的时间。不采用DevOps的移动应用公司将冒着逐渐走向灭绝的风险。而且,同样的研究表明采用DevOps的公司组织可能能够超过盈利能力,生产目标以及市场份额。
更快速更安全的革新需要做到三点:云,自动化和DevOps, 根据你对DevOps的定义的不同,这三个要点之间的界限是不清晰的。然而,有一点是确定的:DevOps围绕着更快更少风险的交付高质量的软件的共同目标将组织额内的每个人都统一起来。
via: https://opensource.com/article/18/2/devops-delivers-cool-apps-users
作者:[Stanislav Ivaschenko][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,212 @@

Linux被部署到比Linus Torvalds在他的宿舍里工作时所预期的更广泛的设备。对各种芯片的支持是令人震惊的,使得Linux应用在大大小小的设备上:
在为桌面和企业级设备构建Linux软件时,开发者典型的在他们的构建机器上使用桌面发行版,如[Ubuntu][3] 以便尽可能与被部署的机器相似。工具
如[VirtualBox][4] and [Docker][5]使得开发测试和生成环境更好的保持一致
### 什么是嵌入式系统?
维基百科将[嵌入式系统] [6]定义为:“在更大的机械或电气系统中具有专用功能的计算机系统,往往伴随着实时计算限制。
### Yocto
[Yocto] [7]项目[定义] [8]是:一个开源协作项目,提供模板,工具和方法,帮助您为嵌入式产品创建定制的基于Linux的系统,而不管硬件架构如何。
Yocto使用[Openembedded] [9]作为其构建系统。从技术上讲,这两个是独立的项目;然而,在实践中,用户不需要了解区别,项目名称经常可以互换使用。
* **目标运行时二进制文件:**这些包括引导加载程序,内核,内核模块,根文件系统映像。以及将Linux部署到目标平台所需的任何其他辅助文件。
* **包流:**这是可以安装在目标上的软件包集合。您可以根据需要选择软件包格式(例如,deb,rpm,ipk)。其中一些可能预先安装在目标运行时
* **目标SDK:**这些是表示安装在目标上的软件的库和头文件的集合。应用程序开发人员在构建代码时使用它们,以确保它们与适当的库链接
#### 优点
Yocto项目在行业中得到广泛应用,并得到许多有影响力的公司的支持。此外,它还拥有一个庞大且充满活力的开发人员[社区] [10]和[生态系统] [11]。
Yocto项目很容易通过[layer] [12]进行扩展,它可以独立发布以添加额外的功能,将目标平台定位到项目发布中不可用的平台,或存储系统特有的自定义项。
layer可以添加到您的配置中,以添加未特别包含在市面上版本中的独特功能;例如,[meta-browser] [13] layer包含Web浏览器的清单,可以轻松为您
主版本Yocto [分支] [14]仅支持少数几块主板(以便进行正确的测试和发布周期),但是,标准工作模式是使用外部主板支持layer。
的一部分,这可以将相同的设置同时应用于多个系统配置。 Yocto还提供了一个定义良好的layer优先和覆盖功能。这使您可以定义layer应用和搜索元数
#### 缺点
Yocto项目最大的缺点是学习曲线。 学习系统并真正理解系统需要花费大量的时间和精力。 根据您的需求,这可能对您的应用程序不重要的技术和能力
投入太大。 在这种情况下,与其中一家商业供应商合作可能是一个不错的选择。
Yocto项目的开发时间和资源相当高。 需要构建的包(包括工具链,内核和所有目标运行时组件)的数量非常重要。 Yocto开发人员的开发工作站往往是
大型系统。 不建议使用小型笔记本电脑。 这可以通过使用许多提供商提供的基于云的构建服务器来缓解。 另外,Yocto有一个内置的缓存机制,当它确定
#### 建议
为您的下一个嵌入式Linux设计使用Yocto项目是一个强有力的选择。 在这里介绍的选项中,无论您的目标用例如何,它都是最广泛适用的。 广泛的行业
### Buildroot
[Buildroot] [15]项目被定义为:通过交叉编译生成嵌入式Linux系统的简单,高效且易于使用的工具。它与Yocto项目具有许多相同的目标,但它注重
### 优点
到足以满足嵌入式Linux开发人员的需求。 Buildroot核心通常只处理常见用例,但它可以通过脚本进行扩展。Buildroot系统使用普通的Makefile和Kconfig
语言来进行配置。 Kconfig由Linux内核社区开发,广泛用于开源项目,使得许多开发人员都熟悉它。
[OpenWRT] [16]项目开始为消费者路由器开发定制固件。您当地零售商提供的许多低成本路由器都可以运行Linux系统,但可能无法使用。这些路由器的
制造商可能无法提供频繁的更新来解决新的威胁,即使他们这样做,安装更新镜像的机制也很困难且容易出错。 OpenWRT项目为许多已被其制造商放弃的
OpenWRT项目的主要交付物是大量商业设备的二进制镜像。有网络可访问的软件包存储库,允许设备最终用户将新软件添加到他们的系统中。 OpenWRT构建
#### 优点
### Desktop distros
设计嵌入式Linux系统的一种常见方法是从桌面发行版开始,例如[Debian] [17]或[Red Hat] [18],并在安装的镜像符合目标设备的占用空间之前删除
不需要的组件。这是[Raspberry Pi] [20]平台流行的[Raspbian] [19]分发方法。
### 优点
的[debootstrap] [21]。为了进一步提高[可重复性] [21],您可以使用配置管理工具,如[CFEngine] [22](我的雇主[Mender.io] [23]完整披露了
via: https://opensource.com/article/18/6/embedded-linux-build-tools
作者:[Drew Moseley][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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