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[#]: subject: "Top 10 Essential Ubuntu Apps For Everyone in 2022"
[#]: via: "https://www.debugpoint.com/2022/05/essential-ubuntu-apps-2022-part-1/"
[#]: author: "Arindam https://www.debugpoint.com/author/admin1/"
[#]: collector: "lkxed"
[#]: translator: "Donkey-Hao"
[#]: reviewer: "wxy"
[#]: publisher: "wxy"
[#]: url: "https://linux.cn/article-14794-1.html"
10 大必备 Ubuntu 应用:基本篇

> 本文列出了 2022 年可以用于不同情况的 10 个 Ubuntu 基本应用。
不管你是偶尔使用的用户、学生、老师,还是科学家、开发人员和创意工作者,在工作上你需要各种各样的应用程序。Linux 生态系统有数以千计的应用程序,它们分散在各个角落,几乎可以满足各种需求。而包括 Ubuntu 在内的大多数主流 Linux 发行版,默认都只提供了基本的应用程序。
### 1、GNOME 优化工具
如果你在使用 Ubuntu GNOME 版,<ruby>GNOME 优化工具<rt>GNOME Tweak Tool</rt></ruby>是你必备的实用工具。使用这个工具来定制你的桌面,你可以改变字体、缩放比例、主题、光标和许多其他选项。默认的设置窗口现在没有列出所有这些选项。
你可以使用应用商店搜索 “Tweaks” 来安装它,或者通过下列终端的命令来安装:
sudo apt install gnome-tweaks
![GNOME Tweaks Tool][2]
### 2、Steam
由于 Valve 公司和相关社区的贡献,在 Linux 上玩游戏不再困难。[Steam][3] 是 Valve 公司开发的电子游戏服务的前端平台,你可以通过 Steam 在 Ubuntu 上获取最新的游戏版本。此外,Steam 客户端提供反外挂监测、自动更新,和支持带有流媒体功能的社交对话。
如果你是一个 Linux 游戏玩家,Steam 是常用的客户端,你可以用下面的命令来安装。此外,你可以在应用商店中搜索 “Steam Installer” 并使用 [Flatpak][4] 或 [Snap][5] 进行安装。
sudo apt install steam
![Steam Client][6]
### 3、Peek
在我看来,[Peek][7] 是一款被低估的应用。它是一个 GIF 动画录像机,对各种工作场景都非常有用。这是一款非常强大的应用程序,它适合在 Ubuntu 或任何 Linux 发行版中使用。此外,Peek 带有诸如录制区域选择、倒计时、GIF/MP4/WebM 支持等选项。它的后端使用的是 ffmpeg 。
在应用商店中搜索 “peek” 或者在命令行输入以下命令来安装这款优秀的应用。
sudo apt install peek
### 4、新立得
<ruby>[新立得][9]<rt>Synaptic</rt></ruby> 是一款杰出的软件包管理器,可以帮助你以传统方式添加和移除软件包。有经验的 Linux 用户知道它的特性以及灵活性。你可以在各种库中搜索软件包、验证依赖性并进行安装。
如果你经常安装和卸载软件包,这是一个完美的应用程序。你可以通过以下命令或在应用商店中搜索 “synaptic” 来安装它。
sudo apt install synaptic
![Synaptic Package Manager][10]
### 5、GDebi
正如上面提到的新立得,你也可以试试 [GDebi][11] 软件包安装程序,它带有几种功能。GDebi 软件包安装程序是用于安装外部 deb 文件的命令行实用程序。此外,GDebi 安装 .deb 包速度更快、效率更高,可以快速解决依赖关系并为你下载它们。
它是 Ubuntu 上安装 .deb 包最好的终端程序之一,你可以用以下命令安装它。安装后,你可以运行 `gdebi <你的 .deb 软件包路径>` 来安装任何软件包。
sudo apt install gdebi
### 6、Geary
不管从事什么工作,你需要一个 Ubuntu 桌面的本地 [邮箱客户端][12]。电子邮件对很多人来说仍然是有意义和有价值的。尽管 Ubuntu 默认带有最好的 Thunderbird 电子邮件客户端,但你也可以试试其它的电子邮件客户端应用,或许可以给你带来更好体验。
[Geary][13] 拥有友好而简洁的用户界面,能够让你更简单的设置多个邮件账号。此外, Geary 也带来了会话功能、更快的搜索、撰写富文本电子邮件以及其他功能,这使它成为 Linux 桌面的“首选”电子邮件客户端。
你可以使用如下命令或者在应用商店中搜索 “Geary” 来安装 Geary 。也可以通过 [Flatpak][14] 获得。
sudo apt install geary
### 7. 谷歌 Chrome 浏览器
虽然很多人担心隐私以及跟踪,但谷歌 Chrome 仍然是浏览器市场的领头者。Ubuntu 默认提供了 Firefox 浏览器,但随着近期火狐的 Snap 事件,你可能想换到其它浏览器。
如果你与谷歌生态系统密切相关,并希望在流媒体和浏览方面获得更好的网络体验,你可能会考虑使用谷歌 Chrome。但是,如果你担心隐私和跟踪,你可以选择其他一些浏览器,例如 Brave 或 Vivaldi。
你可以从下面链接中下载 .deb 包来安装谷歌 Chrome 安装器。安装后,你可以打开应用商店来安装它。
> **[下载谷歌 Chrome][16]**
### 8、Kdenlive
[Kdenlive][17] 是 Linux 上最好的自由开源的视频编辑器之一。 Kdenlive 设计良好的用户界面易于使用,并且带来了各种功能。使用 Kdenlive,你可以简单的导入视频片段,更改画布分辨率,并在编辑后导出为多种格式。时间线和工具让只需你单击一个按钮即可剪切和添加标题、转场和效果。此外,如果你是视频编辑新手,学习起来也非常容易。
Kdenlive 是一个非常活跃的项目,每个主要版本都会带有更多先进的功能。这是 2022 年必不可少的 Ubuntu 应用程序之一,如果你想与其它 [免费视频编辑器][18] 进行比较,你可以看看此列表。
使用以下命令安装 Kdenlive 很简单。除此,你可以用 [Flatpak][19] 或 [Snap][20] 版本来安装。
sudo apt install kdenlive
![Kdenlive Video Editor][21]
### 9. Spectacle
你可能尝试过很多截屏应用。但在我看来,[Spectacle][22] 或许是最好的、也是被低估了的一款应用。Spectacle 是一款 KDE 应用程序,速度超快,非常适合需要截屏并使用的任何工作需求。你可以在自定义的延时后截取整个桌面、部分桌面或窗口。如果需要,窗口截屏还可以选择截取窗口装饰和光标。Spectacle 还为你提供了一个内置的注释功能,可以涂鸦、书写和标记你的图像。
此外,你还可以直接从其主窗口在 GIMP 或任何图像编辑器中打开图像,并将其导出。此外,自动保存、将截屏复制到剪贴板以及共享到社交媒体是 Spectacle 的一些独特功能。
你可以用以下命令或者从 [Snap][23] 中安装 Spectacle。
sudo apt install kde-spectacle
![Spectacle Screenshot tool][24]
### 10. VLC 媒体播放器
Ubuntu Linux 的 GNOME 版默认带有可以播放视频文件的 GNOME 视频应用程序。但由于缺乏解码功能,GNOME 视频无法播放多种视频格式。这就是为什么你应该考虑一下 [VLC 媒体播放器][25] —— 它是 Linux 桌面上的“首选”媒体播放器。
VLC 确实可以播放任何格式。它甚至可以帮助你播放数据不完整的损坏视频文件。它是强大的媒体播放器之一,你可以使用下面的命令来安装。
此外,如果你偏向于另一种安装方式,你可以通过 [Flatpak][26] 或者 [Snap][27] 安装。
sudo apt install vlc
![VLC Media Player][28]
### 结语
2022 年必备的 Ubuntu 应用程序系列的第 1 部分到此结束。通过以上信息,我希望你可以选择一些应用供你的日常使用。在下面的评论框中告诉我你更喜欢此列表中的哪些应用程序。
最后,请继续关注本 Ubuntu 应用程序系列的第 2 部分。
via: https://www.debugpoint.com/2022/05/essential-ubuntu-apps-2022-part-1/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[a]: https://www.debugpoint.com/author/admin1/
[b]: https://github.com/lkxed
[1]: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-tweaks
[2]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/GNOME-Tweaks-Tool.jpg
[3]: https://store.steampowered.com/
[4]: https://flathub.org/apps/details/com.valvesoftware.Steam
[5]: https://snapcraft.io/steam
[6]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Steam-Client.jpg
[7]: https://github.com/phw/peek
[8]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Peek-in-action2.jpg
[9]: https://www.nongnu.org/synaptic/
[10]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Synaptic-Package-Manager.jpg
[11]: https://launchpad.net/gdebi
[12]: https://www.debugpoint.com/2019/06/best-email-client-linux-windows/
[13]: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Geary
[14]: https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.gnome.Geary
[15]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Geary.png
[16]: https://www.google.com/chrome
[17]: https://kdenlive.org/
[18]: https://www.debugpoint.com/2019/09/best-free-video-editors-linux-ubuntu/
[19]: https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.kde.kdenlive
[20]: https://snapcraft.io/kdenlive
[21]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Kdenlive-Video-Editor.jpg
[22]: https://apps.kde.org/spectacle/
[23]: https://snapcraft.io/spectacle
[24]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Spectacle-Screenshot-tool.jpg
[25]: https://www.videolan.org/vlc
[26]: https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.videolan.VLC
[27]: https://snapcraft.io/vlc
[28]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/VLC-Media-Player.jpg
@ -3,23 +3,26 @@
[#]: author: "Ankush Das https://itsfoss.com/author/ankush/"
[#]: collector: "lkxed"
[#]: translator: "geekpi"
[#]: reviewer: " "
[#]: publisher: " "
[#]: url: " "
[#]: reviewer: "wxy"
[#]: publisher: "wxy"
[#]: url: "https://linux.cn/article-14795-1.html"
Kuro:非官方的微软 To-Do Linux 桌面客户端
微软说他们热爱 Linux 和开源,但我们仍然没有对其在 Linux 上的许多产品提供原生支持。
虽然他们可能在努力增加更多的支持,比如[在 Linux 上安装 Microsoft Edge][1],但对于一个价值几万亿美元的公司来说,这并不出色。

> 微软说他们热爱 Linux 和开源,但我们仍然没有得到对其许多产品的 Linux 原生支持。
虽然他们可能在努力增加更多的支持,比如 [可以在 Linux 上安装微软 Edge 浏览器][1],但对于一个价值几万亿美元的公司来说,这并不出色。
同样,微软的 To-Do 服务也是一个受欢迎的服务,它取代了 2020 年关闭的 Wunderlist。
如果你感到好奇,我们有很多[可用于 Linux 的待办事项列表应用][2]。因此,如果你想脱离微软 To-Do,你有选择。
如果你不知道的话,我们有很多 [可用于 Linux 的待办事项列表应用][2]。因此,如果你想脱离微软 To-Do,你有选择。
微软 To-Do 是一个基于云的任务管理应用,让你从手机、桌面和网络组织你的任务。它可以在 Windows、Mac 和 Android 上下载。
那么,如果你宁愿不使用网络浏览器而使用一个单独的应用,你在 Linux 上能做什么呢?
那么,如果你不愿意使用网页浏览器而使用一个单独的应用,你在 Linux 上能做什么呢?
Kuro 派上用场了。
@ -29,11 +32,11 @@ Kuro 派上用场了。
Kuro 是一个非官方的开源应用,它为你提供了微软 To-Do 在 Linux 上的桌面体验和一些额外的功能。
它是 Ao 的一个分叉,Ao 是一个开源项目,逐渐成为它的解决方案。 不幸的是,它不再被积极维护。 所以,我遇到了一个似乎可以完成工作的新分叉。
它是 Ao 的一个分叉,Ao 是一个开源项目,逐渐成为它的解决方案。不幸的是,它不再积极维护了。所以,我遇到了一个似乎可以工作的新复刻。
![kuro todo options][4]
Kuro 提供了一些额外的功能,让你在应用中切换主题,启用全局快捷方式等。
Kuro 提供了一些额外的功能,可以让你在应用中切换主题,启用全局快捷方式等。
@ -41,9 +44,9 @@ Kuro 提供了一些额外的功能,让你在应用中切换主题,启用全
![kuro todo 1][5]
如果你倾向于使用微软的服务(如 Outlook),它的 To-Do 应用应该是组织你的任务的一个完美选择。你甚至可以标记电子邮件,以创建任务出来。
如果你倾向于使用微软的服务(如 Outlook),它的 To-Do 应用应该是组织你的任务的一个完美选择。你甚至可以标记电子邮件以创建任务。
使用 Kuro 桌面客户端,你可以得到一些快速配置的功能,包括:
使用 Kuro 桌面客户端,你可以得到一些可配置的功能,包括:
* 能够在启动时启动该程序。
* 获得一个系统托盘图标,以快速创建一个任务,搜索,或检查当天的可用列表。
@ -55,21 +58,21 @@ Kuro 提供了一些额外的功能,让你在应用中切换主题,启用全
![kuro todo settings][6]
### 在 Linux 中安装 Kuro
你可以从它的 [GitHub 发布页面][7]找到基于 Ubuntu 的发行版的 .deb 包。
你可以从它的 [GitHub 发布页面][7] 找到基于 Ubuntu 的发行版的 .deb 包。
无论哪种情况,你都可以从 [Snap 商店][8] 中为你选择的任何 Linux 发行版获取它。 该软件包也可在 Arch Linux 发行版的 [AUR][9] 中获取。
此外,你可以从 [Snap 商店][8] 中在你选择的任何 Linux 发行版上安装它。该软件包也可在 Arch Linux 发行版的 [AUR][9] 中获取。
开发者还提到,一个 Flatpak 软件包正在进行中。所以,你可以关注它的 [GitHub 页面][10]以了解更多相关信息。
开发者还提到,正在开发一个 Flatpak 软件包。所以,你可以关注它的 [GitHub 页面][10]以了解更多相关信息。
> **[Kuro][11]**
你已经试过这个了吗?你知道有什么更好的微软待办事项客户端用于 Linux 吗?请在下面的评论中告诉我。
你已经试过它了吗?你知道有什么更好的微软 To-Do 客户端用于 Linux 吗?请在下面的评论中告诉我。
@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ via: https://itsfoss.com/kuro-to-do-app/
作者:[Ankush Das][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
[#]: subject: "With Extensions, GNOME Web is Slowly Becoming an Attractive Option on Desktop Linux"
[#]: via: "https://news.itsfoss.com/gnome-web-extensions-dev/"
[#]: author: "Ankush Das https://news.itsfoss.com/author/ankush/"
[#]: collector: "lkxed"
[#]: translator: " "
[#]: reviewer: " "
[#]: publisher: " "
[#]: url: " "
With Extensions, GNOME Web is Slowly Becoming an Attractive Option on Desktop Linux
GNOME Web is looking to shape up as the perfect Linux browser. Do you think so?
![gnome web][1]
GNOME Web (Epiphany) is one of the [best browsers available for Linux users][2].
It offers a minimal, and a unique user experience.
Unfortunately, the uniqueness does not incentivize users to use it as their primary web browser.
But, it looks like that could change soon…
GNOME Web is finally adding support for WebExtensions, as revealed by one of the developers (**Patrick a.k.a TingPing**).
This is all a part of the GNOME 43 feature set.
### GNOME Web with WebExtensions
A minimal-looking browser, with extension support, what more can I ask for?
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been bummed by the fact that GNOME Web did not have extension support.
So, this makes me excited!
For now, this is experimental support for **Epiphany 43.alpha** version. So, you can only test it as an adventure with GNOME Web’s beta/alpha builds available.
The developer mentions:
> Epiphany 43.alpha supports the basic structure described above. We are currently modeling our behavior after Firefox’s ManifestV2 API which includes compatibility with Chrome extensions where possible. Supporting ManifestV3 is planned alongside V2 in the future.
You will have to explicitly enable the extension support using the terminal, and then install the extensions by downloading + adding the **.xpi** files for the extensions.
[Mozilla’s Firefox add-ons web portal][4] is the one you need to visit for the extensions.
You can install the latest development version for Epiphany (GNOME Web) and enable extensions using the following commands:
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists gnome-nightly https://nightly.gnome.org/gnome-nightly.flatpakrepo
flatpak install gnome-nightly org.gnome.Epiphany.Devel
flatpak run --command=gsettings org.gnome.Epiphany.Devel set org.gnome.Epiphany.web:/org/gnome/epiphany/web/ enable-webextensions true
Note that it is actively in development, and may not work as expected. You may want to keep an eye on the terminal for any errors and resolve that if it did not work for you on the first try.
For more technical details, you can read [TingPing’s blog post][6].
### Your Next Daily Driver?
GNOME Web is an entirely unique alternative to Firefox and Chrome/Chromium-based browsers on Linux.
So, with the upcoming support for extensions, would you be willing to give it a try as your main browser?
*What do you think about the improvements arriving in GNOME Web (or Epiphany)?*
via: https://news.itsfoss.com/gnome-web-extensions-dev/
作者:[Ankush Das][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[a]: https://news.itsfoss.com/author/ankush/
[b]: https://github.com/lkxed
[1]: https://news.itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/gnome-web-adds-extensions-support.jpg
[2]: https://itsfoss.com/best-browsers-ubuntu-linux/
[3]: https://news.itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/gnome-web-extensions.png
[4]: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/extensions/
[5]: https://news.itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/gnome-web-extensions-1.png
[6]: https://blog.tingping.se/2022/06/29/WebExtensions-Epiphany.html
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
[#]: subject: "StarFighter: A Linux Laptop with a 4K 10-bit IPS Display is Coming Soon"
[#]: via: "https://news.itsfoss.com/starfighter-laptop-reveal/"
[#]: author: "Ankush Das https://news.itsfoss.com/author/ankush/"
[#]: collector: "lkxed"
[#]: translator: " "
[#]: reviewer: " "
[#]: publisher: " "
[#]: url: " "
StarFighter: A Linux Laptop with a 4K 10-bit IPS Display is Coming Soon
StarFighter is an upcoming Linux laptop by Star Labs. They are finalising the production details while revealing some of the key highlights.
We’ve had numerous Linux-exclusive laptops from manufacturers like Star Labs, TUXEDO, and others.
However, only a handful of them focused on providing a great display.
For instance, [TUXEDO’s Infinitybook Pro 14][2] featured a 3K display. And, it was a nice offering.
Now, it looks like [Star Labs][3] is gearing up with a 15.6-inch 4K display for its upcoming “StarFighter” laptop. They shared initial information on [Twitter][4] mentioning that they are finalizing the production details.
### StarFighter: Here’s What We Know So Far
The laptop will feature a 45W-powered Intel/AMD processor. So, yes, it will have both Intel/AMD variants available.
You will also be getting options for up to 64 GB of memory and 2 TB of storage. It is safe to say that it should be a powerhouse for users who want beefed-up specifications for their Linux laptops.
Of course, the key highlight is the display. It will be sporting a 4K 10-bit matte IPS display.
The company mentions that the display costs more than its StarLite laptop.
But, will this be an attractive offering? Many laptops with high-res displays or OLED panels haven’t worked well with the battery life. Not just Linux laptops.
So, will StartFighter be a competitive contender in the space?
Star Labs mentioned in a tweet that they estimate it for around 8-14 hours depending on the configuration. Of course, it will come down to your usage as well.
The company also clarified that the laptop will be available with coreboot, but it will not be an entirely free software project. Some other points to note include:
* The laptops will feature [LVFS][5] support.
* Intel models will be available with Gen 4 SSDs. AMD variants will be limited to Gen 3.
It could feature elementaryOS 6.1 as the image suggests. However, you should also expect to have Ubuntu 22.04 LTS as an option for the OS.
So, what do you think about StarFighter by Star Labs? Would this be your next laptop when it is available?
Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
via: https://news.itsfoss.com/starfighter-laptop-reveal/
作者:[Ankush Das][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[a]: https://news.itsfoss.com/author/ankush/
[b]: https://github.com/lkxed
[1]: https://news.itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/starfighter-linux-powered-laptop.jpg
[2]: https://news.itsfoss.com/infinitybook-pro-14-3k/
[3]: http://starlabs.systems
[4]: https://twitter.com/starlabsltd/status/1542908391793692672
[5]: https://fwupd.org/
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
[#]: via: "https://ostechnix.com/install-docker-ubuntu/"
[#]: author: "sk https://ostechnix.com/author/sk/"
[#]: collector: "lkxed"
[#]: translator: " "
[#]: translator: "Donkey"
[#]: reviewer: " "
[#]: publisher: " "
[#]: url: " "
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ via: https://ostechnix.com/install-docker-ubuntu/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
[#]: subject: "New Features in the Upcoming Linux Mint 21 Release"
[#]: via: "https://itsfoss.com/linux-mint-21-features/"
[#]: author: "Abhishek Prakash https://itsfoss.com/author/abhishek/"
[#]: collector: "lkxed"
[#]: translator: " "
[#]: reviewer: " "
[#]: publisher: " "
[#]: url: " "
New Features in the Upcoming Linux Mint 21 Release
This is a continually updated article to share the latest features added to the upcoming Linux Mint 21 release.
You probably already know that Linux Mint is based on the long-term support (LTS) release of Ubuntu.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS was released a few months ago. This means that a new major version of Linux Mint is to follow sooner or later.
And indeed the next major version, Linux Mint 21, is already in development. While there is no official release date announced, you should expect it to arrive by the end of July’22 or early August.
### Linux Mint 21 is codenamed Venessa
![linux mint 21][1]
Every Linux Mint release, be it minor or major, has a codename. It is a female name normally of Greek or Latin release.
Like Ubuntu, there is a pattern in the codename in Mint also. The codenames are in alphabetically increasing order for the major release but they use the same alphabet for the minor releases.
For example, Mint 20 was called Ulyana, 20.1 Ulyssa, 20.2 Uma and 20.3 Una. Mint 19 series had codenamed starting with T.
Mint 21 codename starts with V and the first release of the 21 series is called Venessa.
There will be at least 3 more minor releases in the Mint 21 series and they will be released every six months until the next Mint major release in 2024. They all will have a codename starting with the letter V.
### New features in Mint 21 Venessa
There is not a lot of information available to the public about the features in Linux Mint 21. What I am listing here is based on the official updates, forums and GitHub repositories. I’ll be adding more as I test the beta version when it is released.
#### New upgrade tool
Existing Mint 20.3 users should be able to upgrade to Mint 21 relatively easier thanks to the [new upgrade tool][2].
![New Mint Upgrade tool in Linux Mint 21][3]
Earlier, upgrading to a major version involved using the terminal. Now everything should be done with a few mouse clicks in the new GUI tool.
It will show what packages have been upgraded and which packages won’t be upgraded. It supports several languages. It even checks if your PPA and custom repositories are supported in the new version.
![New Mint Upgrade tool in Linux Mint 21][4]
Overall an excellent tool to ease the upgrade process. It’s good to see that Mint focuses on developing graphical tools to help its users.
#### New Bluetooth application
Though not developed by the Mint team, Mint 21 will feature the Blueman tool for managing the Bluetooth settings.
![New Bluetooth settings in Linux Mint 21][5]
What’s wrong with the existing Blueberry tool? Nothing really. But since it is not compatible with GNOME 42 (which is the base for the next version of Cinnamon desktop). As lead developer, Clem [mentioned][6], “There is also frustration upstream from the GNOME Bluetooth development team who simply does not want to have users from other desktops than GNOME and so Blueberry will probably get discontinued.”
Blueberry had a simple interface whereas Blueman has plenty of settings you’ll hardly need.
#### Timeshift becomes a Mint tool
Mint team has been recommending Timeshift for system settings backups for some time now. It almost felt a part of the Mint applications suite. I actually[mistakenly said that in one of the YouTube videos as well][7].
But the good news is that the Mint team has taken over the development of the Timeshift application. It is now part of the XApp and you should see it even more integrated within the Linux Mint ecosystem.
There are already a few developments to it. For example, in rsync mode, Timeshift now calculates the required space for the next snapshot and skips it if performing that snapshot leads to less than 1GB of free space on the disk.
![timeshift mint21][8]
#### WebP image support
WebP image format is getting popular these days among website owners. They are smaller in size without compromising on quality.
If you try to download images from the internet and they are in WebP format, they are opened with a web browser. You’ll have to install additional packages for [WebP support in other Linux distributions][9].
Mint 21 will have WebP support enabled by default. You can open the WebP images in the image viewer and the images will be displayed with Thumbnail in the Nemo file manager.
#### No negative impact on dual boot
It was noticed in Ubuntu 22.04 release that Windows disappeared from the Grub menu in dual boot systems. It was because the os-prober feature was disabled by default in version 2.6 of [Grub bootloader][10].
Mint team has correctly decided to enable the os-prober by default. This means that the Grub bootloader with Mint 21 should be able to properly detect Windows (and other OS) as it used to previously.
#### No surprise killing of applications (like Ubuntu 22.04)
Ubuntu 22.04 introduced the [systemd-oomd][11], a userspace out-of-memory (OOM) killing service. This service takes “corrective action before an OOM occurs in the kernel space”.
So when the system is struggling with memory pressure, this service jumps into action to ensure that system keeps running. How does it do that? By killing some running applications.
But that’s created a problem as[Ubuntu users complained of random closing of running applications][12].
For this reason, Mint team has decided against including this ‘performance improving’ feature in the upcoming Mint 21.
How does that impact you as an end user? Well, if you tried downloading some images from the internet, it might be in
#### AppImage support as it is
It looks like Mint 21 is undoing a lot of things that Ubuntu 22.04 have done. The libfuse library has been removed from Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and hence you [cannot run AppImage applications][13] unless you install it explicitly.
The Mint team takes note of this pain point and has included libfuse2 and libfuse3-3 by default in Mint 21.
#### Newer software and kernel
Of course, Mint 21 will have newer versions of many popular applications and Kernel 5.15 LTS.
The newer version of the Cinnamon desktop environment should bring visual changes as well. More on that when the new version is out.
#### More to come …
Mint 21 is under heavy development. While you won’t see regular updates from the Mint team on its development, we’ll have a clearer picture of what’s coming when the beta version is released.
Meanwhile, do express your views on Linux Mint 21. What kinds of features are you expecting in the new version?
via: https://itsfoss.com/linux-mint-21-features/
作者:[Abhishek Prakash][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[a]: https://itsfoss.com/author/abhishek/
[b]: https://github.com/lkxed
[1]: https://itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/linux-mint-21.png
[2]: https://github.com/linuxmint/mintupgrade
[3]: https://itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/mintupgrade.png
[4]: https://itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/mintupgrade2.png
[5]: https://itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/blueman-800x458.png
[6]: https://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=4323
[7]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWrZvRnAda0&t=45s
[8]: https://itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/timeshift_mint21-800x648.png
[9]: https://itsfoss.com/webp-ubuntu-linux/
[10]: https://itsfoss.com/what-is-grub/
[11]: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-oomd.service.html
[12]: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/06/ubuntu-22-04-systemd-oom-killing-apps
[13]: https://itsfoss.com/cant-run-appimage-ubuntu/
@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
[#]: subject: "Hamming Codes: The Error-Correcting Codes"
[#]: via: "https://www.opensourceforu.com/2022/07/hamming-codes-the-error-correcting-codes/"
[#]: author: "Supriyo Ganguly https://www.opensourceforu.com/author/supriyo-ganguly/"
[#]: collector: "lkxed"
[#]: translator: " "
[#]: reviewer: " "
[#]: publisher: " "
[#]: url: " "
Hamming Codes: The Error-Correcting Codes
When bits are transmitted or sent over the computer network, they can easily get corrupted due to interference and network problems, and lead to errors. Hamming codes are linear codes used to detect and correct the errors that can occur when data is moved from the sender to the receiver. Let’s take a look at their implementation in Python.
In 1950, R.W. Hamming created an error correction code called the Hamming code. It divides data into fixed length blocks, making it a block based error detection and correction algorithm. Extra or redundant parity bits are generated and embedded into the data message before transmission. After the receiver gets them, these parity bits are recalculated to detect and correct the error.
Up to 2 bit errors can be detected and up to 1 bit errors can be corrected. For example, in case of even parity, the number of 1s in specific positions should turn out to be even. This will ensure the integrity or correctness of the message. The procedure can be described in the following steps:
* Calculation of the number of redundant bits
* Finding the position of parity/redundant bits
* Filling the parity bits
* Sending the message On the receiver side, the steps are:
* Receiving the message
* Finding the position of parity/redundant bits
* Comparing the parity bits to find the error
### Algorithm overview
We are going to use even parity in this example.
The user has to send a data stream of bits from one endpoint to another. The number of bits in the data stream is represented as ‘m’. And the hamming encoding algorithm is going to insert ‘r’ number of extra parity bits in the message for encoding before sending on the wire.
If ‘m’ is the number of data bits and ‘r’ is number of redundant bits, the following condition must be satisfied:
2^r ≥ m + r + 1 ....eq1
The parity bits will be inserted in specific locations of the encoded data stream. These locations are powers of 2; e.g. (2^0=1, 2^1=2, 2^2=4, 2^3=8, etc).
Let us take an example. Say we have a data stream of 4 bits; so, m=4. This is represented as follows:
| - | - | - | - |
| :- | :- | :- | :- |
| D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 |
We now need to calculate the number of parity bits:
If r=1 we put in eq1 2^1 < 4+1+1, so not ok
If r=2 we put in eq1 2^2 < 4+2+1, so not ok
If r=3 we put in eq1 2^3 = 4+3+1, this is ok
So the number of redundant bits is r=3. After the insertion of parity bits, the data stream will look like this:
| - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
| :- | :- | :- | :- | :- | :- | :- |
| P1 | P2 | D1 | P3 | D2 | D3 | D4 |
These parity bits are calculated from XOR of data bits at specific locations. The specific data bit positions are found based on the following table (where the corresponding bit is 1).
| bit location | P3 | P2 | P1 |
| :- | :- | :- | :- |
| 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
| 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
| 3 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
| 4 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
| 5 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
| 6 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
| 7 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
This is referred to as (7,4) Hamming code.
### Implementation overview (with code walkthrough)
I have written a Python code to implement the algorithm. Here, *even parity* is used.
*Data* is the input data stream taken as input from the user (example: data=’1101’).
‘m’ is the length of data taken as input from user (m=4).
#### Encoding of data
Step 1: *calculateRedundantBitSize()* function finds the value of ‘r’; r=3.
Step 2: In *createEncodedDat(),* the encodedList is the list initialised with all 0s.
For (7,4), the Hamming code encodedList will look like this:
| - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
| :- | :- | :- | :- | :- | :- | :- |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
The next code copies data bits to specific locations:
for i in range(1,m+r+1,1):
The *for* loop is iterating over the complete data length of ‘m+r’. If ‘i’ is power of 2 in the encodedList, the i-1 index will hold the data bit. For (7,4), the Hamming code encodedList will look like this:
| - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
| :- | :- | :- | :- | :- | :- | :- |
| 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Then the parity bits are calculated as follows:
for j in range(0,r,1):
parityBitLoc = 2**j
for i in range(1,m+r+1,1):
if((parityBitLoc & i) != 0):
encodedList[p]= str(int(encodedList[i-1]) ^ int(encodedList[p]))
‘j’ is iterating over parity bits and ‘i’ is iterating over the full data stream. The condition:
if((parityBitLoc & i) != 0)
…will verify the specific positions for parity bit calculation, as specified in equation 2. ‘p’ is indicating the position of the parity bit in the list.
For (7,4) Hamming code, the encodedList will look like this:
| - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
| :- | :- | :- | :- | :- | :- | :- |
| 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Finally, the encoded bits are stored as a string in encodedData.
#### Decoding and error correction
We now look at error correction. For error simulation, users can give an input to intentionally alter a bit. *rcvdList* is an erroneous bitString, which is passed on to the decodedData function.
As an example, we assume that bit 4 is corrupted. rcvdList will look like this:
| - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
| :- | :- | :- | :- | :- | :- | :- |
| 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
In the decodedData function, execute the following code:
chkList[p] = int(rcvdList[i-1]) ^ int(rcvdList[p]) ^ int(chkList[p])
After execution of this code, chkList will look like this:
| P1 | P2 | | P3 | | | |
| :- | :- | :- | :- | :- | :- | :- |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
We convert it to a binary:
P3P2P1 = (100)b
…which is 4 in decimals. This matches exactly with the user input. Thus it can also detect and correct the error. You can find the full source code on GitHub at *https://github.com/SupriyoGanguly/python-hamming.*
Hamming code is a cost-effective solution for detecting and correcting single-bit errors in computers. But if multiple bits are erroneous, it can totally spoil the data. Satellites and modem communications use hamming code. The simple Python code implementation discussed in this article can be used as a module by programmers for hamming code encoding and decoding for any standard data stream length of 4 bits, 7 bits, 13 bits, and so on.
via: https://www.opensourceforu.com/2022/07/hamming-codes-the-error-correcting-codes/
作者:[Supriyo Ganguly][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[a]: https://www.opensourceforu.com/author/supriyo-ganguly/
[b]: https://github.com/lkxed
[1]: https://www.opensourceforu.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Hamming-Codes-The-Error-Correcting-Codes.jpg
@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
[#]: subject: "WebP Image: How to Create, Convert to JPEG, PNG & View in Ubuntu and Other Linux"
[#]: via: "https://www.debugpoint.com/view-webp-ubuntu-linux/"
[#]: author: "Arindam https://www.debugpoint.com/author/admin1/"
[#]: collector: "lkxed"
[#]: translator: " "
[#]: reviewer: " "
[#]: publisher: " "
[#]: url: " "
WebP Image: How to Create, Convert to JPEG, PNG & View in Ubuntu and Other Linux
In this article, I will explain the following topics, which cover all the information you need to convert and view WebP images in Ubuntu and other distributions.
![WebP Logo][1]
### What is WebP
In September 2010, Google announced the WebP image format with a vision and a solid replacement for JPEG, PNG and GIF file formats. As you can see, it’s one single format that provides all the features of the legacy compression algorithm. At its core, WebP supports lossy, lossless animation and transparency.
In addition, WebP is based on block prediction technology and its recommended image format for the web. Due to its significant low file size and better quality, it became the modern standard for serving website images.
### The Current State
Today, almost all the major web browsers support WebP – which means you can view the images in popular browsers such as Chromium, Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Vivaldi, Safari and Edge.
But creating a WebP image from existing JPG and PNG files requires the [WebP][2] library developed by Google. Moreover, the Linux distribution’s file managers are not yet capable of displaying them out of the box.
For a seamless integration and experience with WebP – many small components must work together. The operating system requires the core library for WebP. In addition, the file manager and image viewers need to recognise the `*.webp` file type and read them.
All of these result in a consistent experience for users. Since it is still a new standard and adoption is in progress, you need to perform some extra steps in Linux to get it working.
On the other hand, Windows 10 and 11 currently support WebP by default, including its new Image Viewer.
Hence, this article will discuss how to view, create and convert WebP images in Linux systems.
### View WebP Images
#### Ubuntu, Linux Mint and related distros
Viewing an image requires a loader. The file managers or image viewers use that loader library to enable the display of WebP images. By default, the WebP image loader is not available in Ubuntu Linux. Hence, you need to install the `webp-pixbuf-loader` library using the following PPA to view a WebP image in Ubuntu. This library enables GTK applications to show the WebP images.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:helkaluin/webp-pixbuf-loadersudo apt updatesudo apt install webp-pixbuf-loader
If you want to learn how a GDK library works between the display server (e.g. X.Org) and GTK components, visit [this page.][3]
#### openSUSE
Leap and Tumbleweed packages are [available here][4]. Visit the page and click on the Expert Download to install.
#### Arch Linux
In Arch Linux, the package is available in [the community repo][5]. Hence the installation is easy using the following command.
sudo pacman -S webp-pixbuf-loader
#### Fedora Linux, RHEL
For Fedora and other related distributions, use the following command to install.
sudo dnf install webp-pixbuf-loader
After installation is complete, **restart your system**(optional)**.**
Now, the fun part. Browse to any directory with WebP images, and you should see them in thumbnails or the default image viewer.
Here’s an example image with a before-after view of the Nautilus file manager in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS with WebP images.
![GNOME Files (Nautilus) with WebP file - before][6]
![GNOME Files (Nautilus) with WebP file - after][7]
### View WebP images in Various File Manager/Image Viewers in Linux Distros
#### GNOME & Nautilus
For GNOME desktops, Nautilus would work fine with the method I explained above for Ubuntu/Fedora or others.
#### View WebP images in Thunar Desktop (Xfce-based distros)
Although Thunar can show the thumbnail by default for the Xfce desktop, the default image viewer Ristretto wouldn’t open the WebP. So, you must install the above packages first (Ubuntu/Fedora or Arch) and reboot. Then open it with Ristretto image viewer after changing the default .webp file-type association.
![Thunar and Ristretto Image Viewer shows webp image][8]
#### KDE Plasma – Dolphin file manager and image viewer – Gwenview
The default image viewer Gwenview supports WebP by default. Hence you don’t need any additional installation to view it. And Dolphin can display the WebP thumbnail just fine.
![Dolphin and Gwenview displays a sample WebP image in KDE Plasma][9]
#### Viewing WebP images in PCManFMQt (LXQt-based distros)
If you are using Lubuntu, you should be able to open WebP by LXImage viewer because it supports WebP by default. Also, PCManFMQt can show WebP thumbnails by default.
![PCManFM-Qt and LXImage][10]
#### Nemo file manager
[Linux Mint][11] is bringing WebP support from the [Mint 21 “Vanessa”][12] release onwards, which should work for the Nemo file manager. Until then, you can use the above PPA to view the WebP images in Linux Mint.
### How to view WebP image in Ubuntu and other Linux using an app (recommended)
Firstly, the famous raster graphics program **GIMP** can open and save WebP images from version 2.10 onwards (currently available for all distros).
Secondly, you can use the following image viewers (other than what your desktop offers), which support WebP.
* [Qview][13] – A minimal image viewer
* [gThumb][14] – A GTK-based image viewer [available as Flatpak]
Finally, [LibreOffice 7.4][15] (due in August) brings [native WebP support][16] for both import and export for its all components – Writer, Calc, Draw and Impress.
### Convert WebP Images to JPG or PNG
Since you learned how to view the .webp files, it’s worth knowing how to convert them.
Firstly, install the webp packages for Ubuntu or Fedora Linux, including related distros using the following command. Alternatively, if you want the pre-compiled packages for all distros and operating systems which does not require installation, then visit [this page][17] and download the latest zip file.
**Ubuntu and related distros:**
sudo apt install webp
**Fedora and related distros:**
sudo dnf install libwebp
**After installation**, use the following command to convert a WebP image to JPG/PNG. Make sure to change the file name and path for your case.
dwebp image1.webp -o image1.png
### Convert JPEG or PNG images to WebP format
Similarly, if you want to convert a JPEG or PNG file to WebP format, use the following command with cwebp (WebP encoder).
cwebp -q <compression factor> <input image> -o <output image>
For example, you can use a sample command below, which converts image1.png to image1.webp with a compression factor of 80
cwebp -q 80 image1.png -o image1.webp
### Convert GIF image to WebP image
One of the underrated features of the WebP format is it supports animation. Hence, the animated GIF files can also work in WebP format with the same animation. Using the following command, you can convert an existing GIF file to a WebP file.
gif2webp input_file.gif -o output_file.webp
Visit [this page][18] to learn more about the above utility and other options.
### Closing Notes
Although it’s been a decade since the first announcement of WebP, it took considerable time for desktop Linux to adapt to view the WebP image formats. And I believe, by 2022 end, the WebP support will be native, and you may not need additional tweaking or workaround to view or save WebP files.
I hope this article gives you complete detail about WebP and how you can make it streamlined for your workflow.
So, how you are managing WebP images today? Let me know in the comment box below.
via: https://www.debugpoint.com/view-webp-ubuntu-linux/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[a]: https://www.debugpoint.com/author/admin1/
[b]: https://github.com/lkxed
[1]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/WebP-Logo.jpg
[2]: https://developers.google.com/speed/webp
[3]: https://docs.gtk.org/gdk-pixbuf/
[4]: https://software.opensuse.org/package/webp-pixbuf-loader
[5]: https://archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/webp-pixbuf-loader/
[6]: https://i0.wp.com/www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/GNOME-Files-Nautilus-with-WebP-file-before.png?ssl=1
[7]: https://i0.wp.com/www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/GNOME-Files-Nautilus-with-WebP-file-after.png?ssl=1
[8]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Thunar-and-Ristretto-Image-Viewer-shows-webp-image.jpg
[9]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Dolphin-and-Gwenview-displays-a-sample-WebP-image-in-KDE-Plasma.jpg
[10]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/PCManFM-Qt-and-LXImage.jpg
[11]: https://www.debugpoint.com/linux-mint/
[12]: https://debugpointnews.com/linux-mint-21-systemd-oom/
[13]: https://interversehq.com/qview/download/
[14]: https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.gnome.gThumb
[15]: https://www.debugpoint.com/libreoffice-7-4/
[16]: https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/commit/?id=60eaa424c5e213f31227008e1ed66a646491a360
[17]: https://storage.googleapis.com/downloads.webmproject.org/releases/webp/index.html
[18]: https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/download
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
[#]: subject: "Why I love Tig for visualizing my Git workflows"
[#]: via: "https://opensource.com/article/22/7/visualize-git-workflow-tig"
[#]: author: "Sumantro Mukherjee https://opensource.com/users/sumantro"
[#]: collector: "lkxed"
[#]: translator: " "
[#]: reviewer: " "
[#]: publisher: " "
[#]: url: " "
Why I love Tig for visualizing my Git workflows
Tig is an excellent tool for reviewing your Git repository by encouraging you to explore the logs without having to construct long and sometimes complex queries.
Image by: opensource.com
If you find navigating your Git repositories frustratingly complex, have I got the tool for you. Meet Tig.
Tig is an [ncurses-based][2] text-mode interface for Git that allows you to browse changes in a Git repository. It also acts as a pager for the output of various Git commands. I use this tool to give me a good idea of what’s been changed in which commit by whom, the latest commit merged, and so much more. Try it for yourself, starting with this brief tutorial.
### Installing Tig
On Linux, you can install Tig using your package manager. For instance, on Fedora and Mageia:
$ sudo dnf install tig
On Debian, Linux Mint, Elementary, Pop_OS, and other Debian-based distributions:
$ sud apt install tig
On macOS, use [MacPorts][3] or [Homebrew][4]. Tig’s complete installation guide can be found in the [Tig Manual][5].
### Using Tig
Tig provides an interactive view of common Git output. For instance, with Git you can view all refs with the command `git show-ref` :
$ git show-ref
98b108... refs/heads/master
6dae95... refs/remotes/origin/1010-internal-share-partition-format-reflexion
84e1f8... refs/remotes/origin/1015-add-libretro-openlara
e62c7c... refs/remotes/origin/1016-add-support-for-retroarch-project-cd
1c29a8... refs/remotes/origin/1066-add-libretro-mess
ffd3f53... refs/remotes/origin/1155-automatically-generate-assets-for-external-installers
ab4d14... refs/remotes/origin/1160-release-on-bare-metal-servers
28baa9... refs/remotes/origin/1180-ipega-pg-9118
8dff1d... refs/remotes/origin/1181-add-libretro-dosbox-core-s
81a7fe... refs/remotes/origin/1189-allow-manual-build-on-master
With Tig, you can get that information and much more in a scrollable list, plus keyboard shortcuts to open additional views with details about each ref.
![Screenshot of a terminal using Tig. On the left there is a scrollable list of outputs, on the right the details of the selected output (add become an ambassador page) is shown, such as author, date, commit date, sign off, etc.][6]
Image by: (Sumantro Mukherjee, CC BY-SA 4.0)
### Pager mode
Tig enters pager mode when input is provided to stdin (standard input). When the `show` subcommand is specified and the `--stdin` option is given, stdin is assumed to be a list of commit IDs, which is forwarded to `git-show` :
$ git rev-list --author=sumantrom HEAD | tig show –stdin
### Log and diff views
When you're in Tig's log view, you can press the d key on your keyboard to display diffs. This displays the files changed in the commit and the lines that were removed and added.
### Interactive Git data
Tig is an excellent addition to Git. It makes it easy to review your Git repository by encouraging you to explore the logs without having to construct long and sometimes complex queries.
Add Tig to your Git toolkit today!
via: https://opensource.com/article/22/7/visualize-git-workflow-tig
作者:[Sumantro Mukherjee][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[a]: https://opensource.com/users/sumantro
[b]: https://github.com/lkxed
[1]: https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/images/life/computer_code_programming_laptop_0.jpg
[2]: https://opensource.com/article/21/8/ncurses-linux
[3]: https://opensource.com/article/20/11/macports
[4]: https://opensource.com/article/20/6/homebrew-mac
[5]: https://jonas.github.io/tig/doc/manual.html
[6]: https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/2022-06/tig%201.png
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
[#]: subject: "With Extensions, GNOME Web is Slowly Becoming an Attractive Option on Desktop Linux"
[#]: via: "https://news.itsfoss.com/gnome-web-extensions-dev/"
[#]: author: "Ankush Das https://news.itsfoss.com/author/ankush/"
[#]: collector: "lkxed"
[#]: translator: "lkxed"
[#]: reviewer: " "
[#]: publisher: " "
[#]: url: " "
有了扩展,GNOME Web 正逐渐成为 Linux 桌面上一个有吸引力的选择
GNOME Web 正在打磨成一个完美的 Linux 浏览器。你认同吗?
![Gnome Web 浏览器][1]
GNOME Web(Epiphany)是 [可供 Linux 用户使用的最佳浏览器][2] 之一。
根据其中一位开发者(Patrick,网名 TingPing)透露,GNOME Web 终于添加了对 WebExtensions 的支持。
它将会是 GNOME 43 新功能的一部分。
### 带有 WebExtensions 的 GNOME Web
我不知道你怎么想,但我对于 GNOME Web 不支持扩展这件事,一直耿耿于怀。
目前,这只是对 **Epiphany 43.alpha** 版本的实验性支持。因此,你只能使用 GNOME Web 的 beta/alpha 构建来测试它。
> Epiphany 43.alpha 支持上述的基本结构。我们目前正在根据 Firefox 的 ManifestV2 API 来建模行为,同时也尽可能与 Chrome 扩展程序保持兼容。未来,我们计划在保留 V2 的同时,支持 ManifestV3。
你必须在终端中显式启用扩展支持,然后下载、添加扩展的 **.xpi** 文件,以安装浏览器扩展。
你需要访问 [Mozilla 的 Firefox 附加组件门户网站][4] 来获得扩展程序。
你可以安装 Epiphany(GNOME Web)的最新开发版本,并使用以下命令启用扩展:
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists gnome-nightly https://nightly.gnome.org/gnome-nightly.flatpakrepo
flatpak install gnome-nightly org.gnome.Epiphany.Devel
flatpak run --command=gsettings org.gnome.Epiphany.Devel set org.gnome.Epiphany.web:/org/gnome/epiphany/web/ enable-webextensions true
如果你想了解更多技术细节,你可以阅读 [TingPing 的博文][6]。
### 你的下一个主力浏览器?
与 Linux 上的基于 Firefox 和 Chrome/Chromium 的浏览器相比,GNOME Web 是一个的完全独特的替代品。(LCTT 译注:GNOME Web 基于 WebKit 引擎。)
那么,随着即将推出的扩展支持,你愿意尝试将 GNOME Web 作为你的主力浏览器吗?
*你如何看待 GNOME Web(或 Epiphany)中的改进呢?请在下方评论区中告诉我们吧!*
via: https://news.itsfoss.com/gnome-web-extensions-dev/
作者:[Ankush Das][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[a]: https://news.itsfoss.com/author/ankush/
[b]: https://github.com/lkxed
[1]: https://news.itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/gnome-web-adds-extensions-support.jpg
[2]: https://itsfoss.com/best-browsers-ubuntu-linux/
[3]: https://news.itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/gnome-web-extensions.png
[4]: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/extensions/
[5]: https://news.itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/gnome-web-extensions-1.png
[6]: https://blog.tingping.se/2022/06/29/WebExtensions-Epiphany.html
@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
[#]: subject: "Top 10 Essential Ubuntu Apps For Everyone in 2022"
[#]: via: "https://www.debugpoint.com/2022/05/essential-ubuntu-apps-2022-part-1/"
[#]: author: "Arindam https://www.debugpoint.com/author/admin1/"
[#]: collector: "lkxed"
[#]: translator: "Donkey"
[#]: reviewer: " "
[#]: publisher: " "
[#]: url: " "
2022 年人人必备的 10 大 Ubuntu 应用
本文列出了 2022 年各种情况下使用的 10 大 Ubuntu 必备应用。
如果你是偶尔使用的用户、学生、老师、科学家、开发人员或发明家,你需要为你的工作流程提供额外的应用程序。Linux 生态系统有数以千计的应用程序分散在各地,几乎可以满足所有可能的需求。大多数主流 Linux 发行版,包括 Ubuntu ,都只把基本的应用程序作为默认功能。
### 2022 年 Ubuntu 必备应用--第一部分
#### 1. GNOME 调整工具
如果你在使用 Ubuntu GNOME 版本,GNOME 调整工具是你必备的实用工具。使用这个工具来定制你的桌面,你可以改变字体、缩放比例、主题、光标和许多其他选项。默认设置窗口现在没有列出所有选项。
你可以使用应用商店搜索 "Tweaks" 来安装它,或者通过下列终端的命令来安装。
sudo apt install gnome-tweaks
![GNOME Tweaks Tool][2]
#### 2. Steam
在 Linux 上玩游戏不再困难,感谢 Valve 公司和相关社区的贡献。[Steam][3] 是 Valve 公司开发的视频游戏的前端服务平台,你可以通过 Steam 在 Ubuntu 上获取最新的游戏版本。此外, Steam 客户端提供反外挂监测、自动更新并且支持带有流媒体功能的社交对话。
如果你用 Linux 玩游戏,Steam 是常用的客户端,你可以用下面的命令来安装。此外,你可以在应用商店中搜索 “Steam Installer” 并使用 [Flatpak][4] 或 [Snap][5] 进行安装。
sudo apt install steam
![Steam Client][6]
#### 3. Peek
在我看来, [Peek][7] 是被低估的一款应用。它是一个对各种工作流非常有用的 GIF 动画记录器。这是一款非常强大的应用程序,它适合 Ubuntu 或任何 Linux 发行版。此外, Peek 带有如录制区域选择、倒计时、gif 、mp4 和 WebM 支持等选项。它的后端使用 ffmpeg 。
在应用商店中搜索 “peek” 或者在命令行输入以下命令来安装这款优秀的应用。
sudo apt install peek
#### 4. Synaptic
[Synaptic][9] 是一款杰出的软件包管理器,可以帮助你传统地添加和移除软件包。对 Linux 经验很少的用户知道它的特性以及灵活性。你可以在各种库中搜索软件包,验证依赖性并继续安装。
如果你经常安装和卸载软件包,这是一个完美的应用程序。你可以通过以下命令或在应用商店中搜索 “synaptic” 来安装它。
sudo apt install synaptic
![Synaptic Package Manager][10]
#### 5. GDebi
正如上面提到的 Synaptic ,你也可以试试带有几种功能的 [GDebi][11] 包安装程序。 GDebi 包安装程序是是用于安装外部 deb 文件的命令行实用程序。此外, GDebi 安装 deb 包速度更快,效率更高,并快速解决依赖关系并为你下载它们。
它是 Ubuntu 上安装 deb 包最好的终端程序之一,你可以用以下命令安装它。安装后,你可以运行 `gdebi <你的 .deb 带路径的文件名>` 来安装任何包。
sudo apt install gdebi
#### 6. Geary
为了任何工作流,你需要一个 Ubuntu 桌面的本地 [邮箱客户端][12] 。电子邮件仍具有相关性并且对很多人很重要。尽管 Ubuntu 默认带有最好的雷鸟电子邮件客户端,但你可以用其他有更好体验的电子邮件客户端应用。
[Geary][13] 拥有友好的并且简单的用户界面,能够让你更简单的设置多个邮件账号。此外, Geary 也带来了对话功能,更快的搜索,富文本电子邮件编写以及其他功能,这使它成为 Linux 桌面的“首选”电子邮件客户端。
你可以使用如下命令或者在应用商店中搜索 “Geary” 来安装 Geary 。也可以通过 [Flatpak][14] 获得。
sudo apt install geary
#### 7. 谷歌 Chrome
虽然大多数人担心隐私以及跟踪,但谷歌 Chrome 仍然是浏览器市场的领头者。 Ubuntu 默认装配了火狐浏览器,随着近期火狐的 snap 事件,你可能想换到其他浏览器。
如果你与 Google 生态系统紧密联系并希望在流媒体和浏览方面获得更好的网络体验,你可能会考虑使用 Google Chrome。但是,如果你担心隐私和跟踪,你可以选择其他一些浏览器,例如 Brave 或 Vivaldi。
你可以从下面链接中下载 deb 包来安装谷歌 Chrome 。安装后,你可以打开应用商店来安装。
[下载谷歌 Chrome][16]
#### 8. Kdenlive
[Kdenlive][17] 是 Linux 上最好的免费并开源的视频编辑器之一。 Kdenlive 设计良好的用户界面易于使用,并且带来了各种各样的特点。首先,使用 Kdenlive ,你可以简单的导入视频片段,更改画布分辨率,并且编辑后导出为多种格式。其次,时间线和工具让只需你单击一个按钮即可剪切和添加标题、转场和效果。此外,如果你是视频编辑新手,学习起来非常容易。
Kdenlive 是一个非常活跃的项目,每个主版本都会带有更多先进的特征。这是 2022 年必不可少的 Ubuntu 应用程序之一,如果你将其与列入此列表的其他 [免费视频编辑器][18] 进行比较。
使用以下命令安装 Kdenlive 很简单。除此,你可以用 [Flatpak][19] 或 [Snap][20] 版本来安装。
sudo apt install kdenlive
![Kdenlive Video Editor][21]
#### 9. Spectacle
你可以试用过很多截屏应用。但在我看来, [Spectacle][22] 或许是最好也是被低估了的一款应用。 Spectacle 是一款 KDE 应用程序,速度非常快,非常适合任何需要截屏并使用它们的工作流。首先,你可以捕获整个桌面,它的一部分或自定义时间的窗口。其次,如果需要,窗口捕获还可以选择窗口装饰和光标。再次,Spectacle 还为你提供了一个内置的注释功能来撤回、写入和标记你的图像。
此外,你还可以直接从其主窗口在 GIMP 或任何图像编辑器中打开图像并将其导出。此外,自动保存、将捕获复制到剪贴板以及共享到社交媒体是 Spectacle 的一些独特功能。
你可以用以下命令或者从 [Snap][23] 中安装 Spectacle。
sudo apt install kde-spectacle
![Spectacle Screenshot tool][24]
#### 10. VLC 媒体播放器
带有 GNOME 桌面的 Ubuntu Linux 默认带有 GNOME Videos 应用程序来播放视频文件。但由于缺乏解码功能,GNOME Videos 无法播放多种视频格式。这就是为什么,你应该总是考虑 [VLC 媒体播放器][25]——它是 Linux 桌面上的“首选”媒体播放器。
VLC 确实可以播放任何格式。 它甚至可以帮助您播放数据不完整的损坏视频文件。它是你可以使用以下命令安装的强大媒体播放器之一。
此外,如果你偏向于另一种安装模式,你可以通过 [Flatpak][26] 或者 [Snap][27] 安装。
sudo apt install vlc
![VLC Media Player][28]
### 结语
2022 年必备的 Ubuntu 应用程序系列的第 1 部分到此结束。有了以上信息,我希望你可以选择一些应用供你的日常使用。在下面的评论框中告诉我你更喜欢此列表中的哪些应用程序。
最后,请继续关注本 Ubuntu 应用程序系列的第 2 部分。
via: https://www.debugpoint.com/2022/05/essential-ubuntu-apps-2022-part-1/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[a]: https://www.debugpoint.com/author/admin1/
[b]: https://github.com/lkxed
[1]: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-tweaks
[2]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/GNOME-Tweaks-Tool.jpg
[3]: https://store.steampowered.com/
[4]: https://flathub.org/apps/details/com.valvesoftware.Steam
[5]: https://snapcraft.io/steam
[6]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Steam-Client.jpg
[7]: https://github.com/phw/peek
[8]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Peek-in-action2.jpg
[9]: https://www.nongnu.org/synaptic/
[10]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Synaptic-Package-Manager.jpg
[11]: https://launchpad.net/gdebi
[12]: https://www.debugpoint.com/2019/06/best-email-client-linux-windows/
[13]: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Geary
[14]: https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.gnome.Geary
[15]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Geary.png
[16]: https://www.google.com/chrome
[17]: https://kdenlive.org/
[18]: https://www.debugpoint.com/2019/09/best-free-video-editors-linux-ubuntu/
[19]: https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.kde.kdenlive
[20]: https://snapcraft.io/kdenlive
[21]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Kdenlive-Video-Editor.jpg
[22]: https://apps.kde.org/spectacle/
[23]: https://snapcraft.io/spectacle
[24]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Spectacle-Screenshot-tool.jpg
[25]: https://www.videolan.org/vlc
[26]: https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.videolan.VLC
[27]: https://snapcraft.io/vlc
[28]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/VLC-Media-Player.jpg
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