Translating by ZTinoZ

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ZTinoZ 2014-12-11 21:01:27 +08:00
parent 4f9077ac9e
commit d98dd820a1

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@ -136,18 +136,18 @@ Linux系统管理员应该很熟悉**CLI**环境因为在Linux服务器中是
### 限制带宽使用 ###
还有一个很有用的参数是“**-l**”参数,它能限制使用带宽。It will be useful if you do an automation script to copy a lot of file, but you dont want the bandwidth is drained by the **SCP** process.
pungki@mint ~/Documents $ scp -l 400 Label.pdf mrarianto@202.x.x.x:.
mrarianto@202.x.x.x's password:
Label.pdf 100% 3672KB 50.3KB/s 01:13
The **400** value behind “**-l**” parameter is mean that we limit the bandwidth for **SCP** process only **50 KB/sec**. One thing to remember that bandwidth is specified in **Kilobits/sec** (**kbps**). It is mean that **8 bits** equal with **1 byte**.
在“**-l**”参数后面的这个**400**值意思是我们给**SCP**进程限制了带宽为**50 KB/秒**。有一点要记住,带宽是以**千比特/秒** (**kbps**)表示的,**8 比特**等于**1 字节**。
While **SCP** counts in **Kilobyte/sec** (**KB/s**). So if you want to limit your bandwidth for **SCP** maximum only **50 KB/s**, you need to set it into **50 x 8 = 400**.
### Specify specific port to use with SCP ###
### 指定端口 ###
Usually **SCP** is using port **22** as a default port. But for security reason, you may change the port into another port. For example, we are using port **2249**. Then the command should be like this.