diff --git a/published/20220716 Top 10 Linux Distributions for KDE Plasma [Compared].md b/published/20220716 Top 10 Linux Distributions for KDE Plasma [Compared].md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..95608a1e47 --- /dev/null +++ b/published/20220716 Top 10 Linux Distributions for KDE Plasma [Compared].md @@ -0,0 +1,265 @@ +[#]: subject: "Top 10 Linux Distributions for KDE Plasma [Compared]" +[#]: via: "https://www.debugpoint.com/top-linux-distributions-kde-plasma/" +[#]: author: "Arindam https://www.debugpoint.com/author/admin1/" +[#]: collector: "lkxed" +[#]: translator: "ChatGPT" +[#]: reviewer: "wxy" +[#]: publisher: "wxy" +[#]: url: "https://linux.cn/article-15926-1.html" + +十大采用 KDE Plasma 的 Linux 发行版 +====== + +![][0] + +> 你是否计划在 Linux 上采用以 KDE Plasma 为基础的稳定桌面环境,并打算将其作为日常工作环境?在这里,我们为你介绍与 KDE Plasma 更好集成的前十个 Linux 发行版。 + +KDE Plasma 桌面环境如今已经成为数百万用户的选择。借助活跃的开发者和社区的支持,它不断改进并推出与技术潮流相符的新功能。经过多年的发展,KDE 技术现在已经能够运行在桌面、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、手机和手持游戏设备上。这对于一个桌面环境来说是非常令人惊叹的,不是吗? + +我经常听到或读到 KDE 桌面的各种问题,或者与 GNOME 相比被认为它的“选项太多”。我同意这些观点。但是我们不能忽视一个事实,尽管有这些争议和不同看法,KDE Plasma 桌面环境仍然是任何个人或企业使用场景的首选解决方案之一。它有一个成熟的路线图,采用独特的 Qt 技术构建,甚至能够在汽车和其他平台上运行。此外,它还有一个专门的基金会,拥有大量开发者,每天在努力改进这个桌面环境。 + +这就是为什么我撰写这篇文章的目的。有数百种 Linux 发行版支持 KDE Plasma 桌面环境。但是应该选择哪一个呢?它们各自有什么优势和劣势?哪一个对我来说最好?我们将在本文中尝试回答所有这些问题,并帮助你自行做出决策。 + +### KDE Plasma 桌面的十大 Linux 发行版 + +我基于使用情况而非技术术语(如安装、终端使用等)编制了以下列表。 + +#### 1、Kubuntu + +![Kubuntu 桌面][1] + +[Kubuntu][2] 是 Ubuntu Linux 操作系统的官方 KDE Plasma 桌面版本。它使用与 Ubuntu 相同的基础软件包,并遵循 Ubuntu 的发布计划。这意味着它在 Ubuntu 发布新版本时也会发布新版本。由于基于 Ubuntu,你可以享受到伴随 Kubuntu 版本的庞大的帮助和支持社区。Kubuntu 是目前最广泛使用的 KDE Plasma 桌面。 + +优点: + +* 在质量方面非常稳定 - 包括 LTS 和非 LTS 版本 +* LTS 版本提供 5 年支持 +* 庞大的社区帮助系统 +* 易于使用 + +缺点: + +* 需要大约 6 个月的延迟才能获得 KDE Plasma 桌面的最新版本。这是因为 Ubuntu 要求的稳定性。 + +> **[下载 Kubuntu][3]** + +#### 2、KDE Neon + +[KDE Neon][4] 是 KDE 官方的 Linux 发行版,它提供了来自 KDE 社区的最新 KDE Plasma 桌面、KDE 框架和 KDE 应用程序。这个基于 Ubuntu 的 Linux 发行版直接来自 KDE 开发团队。KDE Neon 有两个版本:用户版和开发者版。用户版适用于所有希望体验经过测试且可用的最新 KDE Plasma 桌面的人。它可能会有一些小问题,但对我来说并不是致命问题。开发者版则专为开发人员提供,其中包含最新的软件包。这适合那些在 Linux 平台上有一些经验,并且有时间解决偶尔问题的人,但它也相当稳定。 + +![KDE Neon 桌面][5] + +优点: + +* 最新的 KDE 应用程序、软件包和框架 +* 基于 Ubuntu 基础 +* 第一时间获得新的 KDE Plasma 版本 + +缺点: + +* 可能会有偶尔的问题 + +> **[下载 KDE Neon][6]** + +#### 3、Fedora KDE 定制版 + +[Fedora Linux][7] 是一个由红帽拥有并得到社区支持的基于 RPM 包管理器的 Linux 发行版。这个自由开源的 Linux 发行版提供领先的软件包和技术,并支持 KDE Plasma 版本。尽管其官方版本采用 GNOME 桌面,但也提供了一个 KDE Plasma 的“定制版”。每年会有两次 Fedora 发布,你可以在每个发布版本中获得最新的 KDE 软件包。理论上,它与 Kubuntu 类似,唯一的区别在于其底层的软件包管理和一个不同的赞助公司。 + +![Fedora Linux 中的 KDE Plasma][8] + +优点: + +* 设计良好且稳定的 Linux 发行版 +* 每年提供两次新的 KDE Plasma 发布 +* 适合新手和高级用户 +* 提供多功能的社区支持 + +缺点: + +* Fedora Linux 使用 KDE 可能对完全新手用户来说稍微复杂 + +> **[下载 Fedora KDE 定制版][9]** + +#### 4、OpenSUSE KDE 版 + +[openSUSE][10] 是一个为新手和有经验的用户定制的完备的 Linux 发行版。它由 SUSE Linux 和其他公司赞助。它支持 KDE Plasma 桌面作为其中一个桌面环境选择。使用 OpenSUSE KDE 版,你可以选择最新的 KDE 技术的滚动发布版本(称为 Tumbleweed),或者选择稳定且经过充分测试的 KDE Plasma 的长期支持版本(称为 Leap)。如果你想尝试非 Ubuntu、非 Fedora 的 KDE Plasma 发行版,那么这是一个不错的选择。 + +![OpenSUSE 中的 KDE Plasma][11] + +优点: + +* 具有良好商业声誉的 Linux 发行版,因此提供了与 KDE 配套的高质量 Linux 系统 +* 提供滚动发布和长期支持版本 +* 支持多种硬件平台(单板设备、瘦客户端终端、台式机、笔记本电脑、PowerPC 等) + +缺点: + +* 可能不太出名的 Linux 发行版,因此通过论坛获得的免费支持可能较少 + +> **[下载 OpenSUSE KDE 版本(Leap)][12]** + +#### 5、Manjaro KDE 版 + +[Manjaro Linux][13] 是基于 Arch Linux 的 Linux 发行版,采用滚动发布模型。它是一个非常快速、用户友好的桌面操作系统,具有自动硬件检测、多个 Linux 内核支持和良好设计的配置设置等许多优点。Manjaro 带有的 KDE Plasma 桌面非常适合那些略懂 Linux 而又想体验带有 KDE 的 Arch Linux 的人。 + +优点: + +* 滚动发布模型,在官方 Plasma 发布后一两周内提供最新的 KDE Plasma 桌面软件包 +* 提供了用于 Arch 的图形化安装程序选项 +* 通过论坛提供良好的社区支持 + +缺点: + +* 由于持续的软件包更新,基于 Arch Linux 的发行版有时可能会出现错误和不稳定情况 +* 可能不适合完全新手用户,或者那些希望在多年内无需重新安装的稳定系统 + +> **[下载 Manjaro KDE][14]** + +#### 6、EndeavourOS KDE 版 + +[EndeavourOS][15] 是一个相对较新的基于 Arch Linux 的 Linux 发行版,作为其支持的选择之一,它支持 KDE Plasma。它提供了易于使用的安装程序和预配置的桌面环境。这个 Linux 发行版的最大卖点之一是你可以选择安装哪些软件,并且预装了基于图形界面的桌面调整脚本。这是一个令人期待的发展中的 Linux 发行版。 + +优点: + +* 基于 Arch Linux 的 KDE Plasma 桌面易于安装 +* 一键操作的预制脚本,用于执行各种桌面操作(如更新) +* 支持多个 Arch Linux 内核版本 +* 适合希望体验和学习带有 KDE Plasma 的 Arch Linux 的新用户 + +缺点: + +* 相对较新的 Linux 发行版,由社区支持 +* 如果你的组织计划为多个安装单位采用这个 KDE Plasma 版本,不大会选择这个发行版 + +> **[下载 EndeavourOS][16]** + +#### 7、MX Linux KDE 版 + +[MX Linux][17] 是一个基于 Debian 稳定分支的 Linux 发行版。Debian 是一个通用的 Linux 操作系统,是 Ubuntu 和所有衍生版的上游,它是所有这些 Linux 发行版的核心。它很少会出现问题,不会给你一个不稳定的系统。拥有了 Debian 的强大功能,MX Linux 又通过提供自家的实用工具和软件包来提供自己的特色。它的 KDE 版本非常适合所有用户,可以使用多年,特别是如果你想要一个稳定的 KDE 桌面系统。但是,由于 Debian 的发布周期较慢,你可能无法立即获得最新的技术。这意味着要获取最新的 KDE Plasma 技术,你可能需要等待 1.5 到 2 年。 + +优点: + +* 稳定的 Linux 系统,带有经过充分测试的 KDE Plasma 软件包 +* 适用于稳定性优于最新功能的系统 +* 适合新用户和有经验的用户 +* 为低配和老旧硬件提供良好的支持 +* MX Linux 提供了一些最好的专有实用工具,可用于完成各种桌面任务 + +缺点: + +* 它遵循 Debian 的稳定版本发布方式。因此,升级的 KDE Plasma 桌面版本需要花费数年的时间才能到达你这里。 + +> **[下载 MX Linux KDE 版本][18]** + +#### 8、Garuda Linux + +[Garuda Linux][19] 也是一个基于 Arch 的滚动发布发行版,其中一个版本提供了 KDE Plasma 桌面。它提供了一个易于使用的 Calamares 安装程序和其他图形工具来管理你的桌面系统。 + +Garuda 与其他基于 Arch 的发行版的显著区别在于它提供了一些开箱即用的工具来管理系统性能。其中一些工具包括 Zram、CPU 管理器以及用于内存管理的定制工具。 + +优点: + +* 基于 Arch 的 Linux,具有用于内存管理的定制工具 +* 官方支持的 KDE Plasma 版本 + +缺点: + +* 相对较新的 Linux 发行版,于 2020 年 3 月首次发布 +* 需要相对较高的硬件配置才能正常运行(最低 8GB 内存,40GB 存储空间) + +> **[下载 Garuda Linux][20]** + +#### 9、Nitrux + +Nitrux 是一个针对 KDE Plasma 的独特 Linux 发行版。我想将它加入到这个列表中,是因为它提供了独特的开箱即用的外观。Nitrux 是一个基于 Debian SID 不稳定分支的 Linux 发行版。它提供了一个自定义的 KDE Plasma 桌面,使用了 “修改版 Plasma” Kvantum 主题进行增强。从技术上讲,这个桌面被称为 NX-Desktop,它是 KDE Plasma 的变种,提供了各种外观和感觉上的变化。这个 Linux 发行版基于 Debian 不稳定分支,使用 AppImage 进行应用程序部署,提供了最新的 KDE Plasma 技术。 + +优点: + +* 提供了最佳的自定义 KDE Plasma 桌面版本 +* 美观的 Nitrix 图标和主题,搭配 Kvuntum 强大的功能 +* 支持 AppImage + +缺点: + +* 由于基于 Debian 的 SID 分支,有时会不稳定 +* 完全依赖 AppImage,有时会产生问题 +* 不适合 KDE Plasma 的初学者用户 + +> **[下载 Nitrux][21]** + +#### 10、KaOS + +我想在这里提到的最后一个发行版是 [KaOS][22],这是因为它的独特性。KaOS 是一个专为提供全新 KDE Plasma 桌面而特殊设计的 Linux 发行版,重点关注 Qt 和 KDE。它是一个滚动发布的 Linux 发行版,并且不基于 Ubuntu/Fedora,它是一个独立的 Linux 发行版。此外,它通过自家仓库提供软件包,相比于直接从 Arch Linux 获取的软件包,具有额外的质量保证。它仅适用于64位系统。 + +优点: + +* 精心设计的 KDE Plasma 适用于新用户 +* 滚动发布的自家仓库为稳定性提供了最新的 KDE Plasma 软件包,并提供了额外的质量保证 + +缺点: + +* 不太流行,因此在论坛和谷歌搜索方面可能会得到较少的支持 +* 对于完全的新用户来说,可能还不够成熟,因为找到错误可能需要更多的 Linux 知识。 + +> **[下载 KaOS][23]** + +### 其它基于 KDE Plasma 的 Linux 发行版 + +除了以上列表,你可能还想考虑从头开始安装带有 KDE 桌面的纯净 Debian 稳定版。这样可以既获得 Debian 的稳定性,又可以自定义所需的 KDE 软件包。你可以按照我们的 [Debian 安装指南][24] 来安装。 + +另外,我认为还有一个需要在这里提及的 Linux 发行版是 [Q4OS][25]。原因是它提供了 Trinity 桌面环境,那是一个 KDE 3 的分支,而不是最新的 KDE Plasma 5+ 系列。早期的 KDE 3 版本非常可爱,拥有自己独特的美学特征。喜欢早期 KDE 桌面和小部件的用户可能会喜欢 Q4OS。 + +### 如何找出最适合你的 KDE Plasma Linux 发行版呢? + +当你选择 Linux 发行版和桌面环境时,会考虑多个因素。例如,你可能始终需要最新的 KDE 技术,即使它有点不稳定也可以接受。另一方面,你可能需要非常稳定的系统,不需要最新的 KDE 技术。因此,基于这个思路,我们为你准备了一个快速对比表格,以帮助你做出决策。 + +![KDE Plasma Linux 发行版的比较][26] + +### 结论 + +我们列出了一些提供了 KDE Plasma 桌面的最佳 Linux 发行版。我们还列出了一些优缺点和比较。现在,哪个是你或你的团队/学校/组织的最佳选择,完全取决于你的决策。但是说实话,这取决于你的用例、你所处的情况或者你通过采用 KDE Plasma 桌面来解决的问题。 + +选择很主观,每个人口味不同。考虑到这一点,我希望这些信息能为你在选择完美的 Linux 发行版中采用 KDE Plasma 桌面提供一些指导。请在下方评论框中告诉我你对上述列表和比较的看法。 + +*(题图:MJ/6954a449-0ab8-42d0-9d3b-d6660732a382)* + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: https://www.debugpoint.com/top-linux-distributions-kde-plasma/ + +作者:[Arindam][a] +选题:[lkxed][b] +译者:ChatGPT +校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]: https://www.debugpoint.com/author/admin1/ +[b]: https://github.com/lkxed +[1]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Kubuntu-Desktop.jpg +[2]: https://kubuntu.org/ +[3]: https://kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/ +[4]: https://neon.kde.org/ +[5]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/KDE-Neon-Desktop-1024x576.jpg +[6]: https://neon.kde.org/download +[7]: https://spins.fedoraproject.org/en/kde/ +[8]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/KDE-Plasma-in-Fedora-Linux-1024x576.jpg +[9]: https://spins.fedoraproject.org/kde/download/index.html +[10]: https://get.opensuse.org/leap/ +[11]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/KDE-Plasma-in-OpenSUSE-1024x575.jpg +[12]: https://get.opensuse.org/leap/ +[13]: https://manjaro.org/ +[14]: https://manjaro.org/download/ +[15]: https://endeavouros.com/ +[16]: https://endeavouros.com/latest-release/ +[17]: https://mxlinux.org/ +[18]: https://mxlinux.org/download-links/ +[19]: https://garudalinux.org/ +[20]: https://garudalinux.org/downloads.html +[21]: https://nxos.org/ +[22]: https://kaosx.us/ +[23]: https://kaosx.us/pages/download/ +[24]: https://www.debugpoint.com/2021/01/install-debian-buster/ +[25]: https://q4os.org/ +[26]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/KDE-Plasma-with-Linux-Distributions-Comparison3-1024x216.jpg +[0]: https://img.linux.net.cn/data/attachment/album/202306/20/144909mhes3hxnshb0hnhx.jpg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sources/tech/20220716 Top 10 Linux Distributions for KDE Plasma [Compared].md b/sources/tech/20220716 Top 10 Linux Distributions for KDE Plasma [Compared].md deleted file mode 100644 index a4ce84883b..0000000000 --- a/sources/tech/20220716 Top 10 Linux Distributions for KDE Plasma [Compared].md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,259 +0,0 @@ -[#]: subject: "Top 10 Linux Distributions for KDE Plasma [Compared]" -[#]: via: "https://www.debugpoint.com/top-linux-distributions-kde-plasma/" -[#]: author: "Arindam https://www.debugpoint.com/author/admin1/" -[#]: collector: "lkxed" -[#]: translator: " " -[#]: reviewer: " " -[#]: publisher: " " -[#]: url: " " - -Top 10 Linux Distributions for KDE Plasma [Compared] -====== -Are you planning to adopt a stable KDE Plasma-based desktop in Linux and thinking about it as a daily driver? Well, here we present the top 10 Linux distributions better integrated with KDE Plasma. - -KDE Plasma desktop is used by millions today. And with an active set of developers and community, it is improving every day with new features aligning with technology trends. The KDE technology evolved over the years to reach a point where it is now running on desktops, laptops, tabs, mobile phones and hand-held gaming devices. It’s incredible, isn’t it, for a desktop environment? - -Often I hear or read about bugs in KDE Desktop, or it is being termed as “too many options” compared to GNOME. I agree with that. But we can not ignore the fact that despite all those arguments & opinions – the KDE Plasma desktop is a “go-to” solution for any individual or enterprise use case. It has a well-established road map, built on unique Qt technology that can even run on automobiles and other platforms, Plus a dedicated foundation with a huge set of developers working every day to polish this desktop. - -That brings me to the purpose of writing this article. There are hundreds of Linux distributions featuring the KDE Plasma desktop. But which one to choose? What are their advantages or disadvantages? Which is best for me? We try to cover all these questions in this article and help you decide on your own. - -### Top 10 Linux Distributions for KDE Plasma Desktop - -I have compiled the following list in terms of use cases and not much in technical terms – such as installation, terminal usage, etc. - -#### 1. Kubuntu - -![Kubuntu Desktop][1] - -[Kubuntu][2] is an official KDE Plasma Desktop flavour of the Ubuntu Linux operating system. It uses same set of underlying packages of Ubuntu and follow Ubuntu release schedule. That means it releases a new version when Ubuntu does. As it is based on Ubuntu, you get a huge help and support community that comes with Kubuntu flavour. This official Ubuntu flavour is the most used KDE Plasma desktop today. - -**Pros** - -* Very stable system in terms of bugs – both LTS and non-LTS versions -* LTS versions have 5 years of support -* Huge community-based help system -* Easy to use - -**Cons** - -* Delay of around 6 months to receive latest from KDE Plasma desktop. The reason being stability that Ubuntu requires. - -[Download Kubuntu][3] - -#### 2. KDE Neon - -[KDE Neon][4] is the official Linux distribution which features the latest KDE Plasma Desktop, KDE Framework and KDE Applications from KDE Community. This Linux distribution directly comes from the KDE Development team and is based on Ubuntu. KDE Neon comes with two variants. A User edition and a Developer’s Edition. The User Edition is for everyone who wants to experience the latest KDE Plasma desktop that is tested and ready to use. But it may have some little bugs – but not a dealbreaker, if you ask me. The Developer edition for, as it says – for developers with cutting-edge packages. This is ideal for those who are a little experienced in the Linux platform and have time to get around occasional problems. But this is also reasonably stable. - -![KDE Neon Desktop][5] - -**Pros** - -* Latest KDE Applications, Packages and Framework -* Based on the Ubuntu base -* First to receive new KDE Plasma Versions - -**Cons** - -* It May contain occasional bugs - -[Download KDE Neon][6] - -#### 3. Fedora KDE Edition - -[Fedora Linux][7] is an RPM package manager-based Linux distribution that is community-supported and owned by Red Hat. This free and open-source Linux distribution features leading-edge packages and technology and supports a KDE Plasma edition. Although its official edition features GNOME desktop, but an official KDE Plasma “spin” is available. You get the latest KDE Packages with each Fedora release, which happens twice a year. Ideally, it’s similar to Kubuntu; the only difference is its underlying package management and a different sponsoring company. - -![KDE Plasma in Fedora Linux][8] - -**Pros** - -* Well-designed and stable Linux Distribution -* New KDE Plasma releases twice a year -* Suitable for new and advanced users -* Versatile community support - -**Cons** - -* Fedora Linux with KDE may feel a little complex for absolute new Linux users - -[Download Fedora KDE Edition][9] - -#### 4. OpenSUSE KDE Edition - -The [openSUSE][10] is a complete Linux Distribution targeted for new and experienced users. This is sponsored by SUSE Linux and other companies. It supports KDE Plasma desktop as one of the desktop offerings. With OpenSUSE KDE Edition, you can get a rolling release version (aka Tumbleweed) with the latest KDE technology and a long-term-support version with stable and well-tested KDE Plasma (aka Leap). If you’re a non-Ubuntu, non-Fedora KDE Plasma flavour, then this is the one you should choose. - -![KDE Plasma in OpenSUSE][11] - -**Pros** - -* Well-established Linux Distribution commercially, hence a quality Linux with KDE -* Provides both rolling and long-term-support release -* Support a wide variant of hardware out of the box (single board devices, thin clients terminals, desktops, laptops, PowerPC and more) - -**Cons** - -* Probably a less famous Linux Distribution hence free support via forums might be less - -[Download OpenSUSE KDE Edition (Leap)][12] - -#### 5. Manjaro KDE Edition - -[Manjaro][13] Linux is an Arch Linux-based Linux distribution that follows a rolling release model. It is a very fast, user-friendly desktop operating system which gives several benefits such as automatic hardware detection, multiple Linux Kernel support and well-designed configuration settings. Both Manjaro with KDE Plasma is perfect for those with a little knowledgeable person in Linux who wants to experience Arch Linux with KDE. - -**Pros** - -* Rolling release brings the latest KDE Plasma Desktop packages within a week or two after the official Plasma release -* Provides options to GUI installers for Arch -* Good community support via forums - -**Cons** - -* Arch Linux-based distributions sometimes become buggy and unstable due to continuous package updates -* It May not be suitable for absolutely new users or those aiming for a stable system that runs for multiple years without re-installations - -[Download Manjaro KDE][14] - -#### 6. EndeavourOS KDE Edition - -[EndeavourOS][15] is a fairly new Arch-Linux based Linux distribution that supports KDE Plasma as of their offerings. It provides an easy-to-use installation and pre-configured desktop environment. The one of the best-selling point of this Linux is you get to choose what you install and GUI based desktop-tweak scripts that comes preloaded. A growling Linux distribution which looks promising. - -**Pros** - -* Easy installation for Arch Linux based – KDE Plasma Desktop -* One-click ready-made scripts to perform various desktop actions (such as updates) -* Supports multiple Linux Kernel versions for Arch -* Perfect for new users who wants to experience and learn Arch with KDE Plasma - -**Cons** - -* Fairly new Linux Distribution and community supported -* Difficult to commit to this distribution if you are an organization planning to adopt KDE Plasma with this flavour for multiple installation units. - -[Download EndeavourOS][16] - -#### 7. MX Linux KDE Edition - -[MX Linux][17] is a Linux distribution based on Debian’s Stable branch. Debian is a Universal Linux Operating System, the father of Ubuntu and all derivatives. It’s the core of all those Linux distribution. It rarely breaks and gives you an unstable system. With the power of Debian, MX Linux brings its flavours by providing its in-house utilities and packages. It’s KDE edition is perfect for all users, especially if you want a stable KDE Desktop which runs for years. But you may not get the latest technology immediately, as Debian’s release cycle has been slower in years. That means that to get the latest KDE plasma technology, you may need to wait 1.5 to 2 years. - -**Pros** - -* Stable Linux with well-tested KDE Plasma packages -* It can be suitable for systems where stability trumps the latest features -* Suitable for new users and advanced ones -* Provides good coverage for low-end and older hardware -* One of the best In-house utilities provided by MX Linux for various desktop tasks - -**Cons** - -* It follows Debian’s stable releases. Hence KDE Plasma desktop version upgrades take years to reach you. - -[Download MX Linux KDE Edition][18] - -#### 8. Garuda Linux - -[Garuda Linux][19]is also an Arch-based rolling release distribution that provides KDE Plasma desktop as it’s one of the flavours. It comes with an easy-to-use Calamares installer and other graphical tools to manage your desktop. - -The significant difference between Garuda with other Arch-based distributions is it provides some tools out of the box for managing your system performance. Some of them are zram, CPU Governor, and custom tools for memory management. - -**Pros** - -* Arch-based Linux with custom tools for memory management -* Official KDE Plasma flavour - -**Cons** - -* Very new Linux distribution with its first release on March 2020 -* It requires a relatively high-end hardware to work correctly (Minimum 8GB RAM, 40 GB Storage) - -[Download Garuda Linux][20] - -#### 9. Nitrux - -This is a unique Linux distribution for KDE Plasma. I wanted to add this to this list because of only the out-of-the-box looks it provides. Nitrux is a Linux distribution that is based on Debian’s unstable SID branch. This only provides a customized KDE Plasma desktop that is enhanced with “plasmoids”, Kvantum themes. Technically the desktop is called NX-Desktop, a KDE Plasma variant with all those look and feel changes. This Linux distribution provides the latest KDE Plasma tech as it’s based on Debian unstable branch and uses AppImage for application deployments. - -**Pros** - -* One of the best-customized versions of the KDE Plasma desktop is available out of the box. -* Aesthetically pleasing with Nitrix icons and themes with the power of Kvuntum. -* Support of AppImage - -**Cons** - -* Sometimes it is unstable due to the Debian SID branch -* Complete dependency on AppImage sometimes creates a problem -* Not a suitable distribution for beginners users of KDE Plasma - -[Download Nitrux][21] - -#### 10. KaOS - -The final distribution I would like to mention here is [KaOS][22] because of its uniqueness. KaOS is a specially designed Linux distribution that provides bleeding-edge KDE Plasma desktop with a special focus on Qt and KDE. It is a rolling release Linux distribution and not based on Ubuntu/Fedora. It is an independent Linux distribution. Furthermore, it provides packages via in-house repositories that provides an extra quality over direct packages from Arch Linux. It is only available for 64-bit systems. - -**Pros** - -* Well-designed KDE Plasma ready to use for new users -* Rolling release with in-house repository gives latest KDE Plasma with extra quality in terms of stability - -**Cons** - -* Not so popular, and hence you may get less support in terms of forums, Google search. -* It may not ready yet for absolutely new users, as printing errors may require a little more Linux knowledge. - -[Download KaOS][23] - -### Honorary Mentions of other KDE Plasma-based Linux distributions - -Apart from the above list, you may want to check out vanilla Debian stable with KDE Desktop installed from scratch. That would give you the stability of Debian with the customized KDE packages you want. You can follow our [Debian installation guide][24] to get it going. - -Also, one of the Linux distributions I think needed a mention here – is [Q4OS][25]. The reason is it provides Trinity desktop environment, which is a KDE 3 fork. Not the latest KDE Plasma 5+ series. The earlier KDE 3 version was adorable, with its own set of aesthetics. Those who like earlier KDE Desktop and widgets may want to check out Q4OS. - -### How to find out which is the best KDE Plasma Linux distribution for you? - -Several factors are involved when you decide on a Linux distribution and Desktop environment. For example, you might always need bleeding-edge latest KDE tech, and it’s okay if it’s a little unstable. On the other hand, you might need rock-solid stability and may not require the latest KDE tech. So, holding on to that thought here’s a quick comparison table we prepared for you to help you decide. - -![KDE Plasma with Linux Distributions - Comparison][26] - -### Conclusion - -We have covered a list of the best Linux distributions that feature KDE Plasma desktop. We also listed some pros and cons with comparisons. Now, which is the best for you or your team/school/organization – is up to you to choose. But honestly, that depends on the use case, the situations you are in, or the problem you are trying to solve by adopting the KDE Plasma desktop. - -The choice is subjective, and everyone has a different taste. With that in mind, I hope this gives you some guidance in adopting a KDE Plasma desktop with a perfect Linux distribution. Let me know your opinion on the above list and the comparison in the comment box below. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: https://www.debugpoint.com/top-linux-distributions-kde-plasma/ - -作者:[Arindam][a] -选题:[lkxed][b] -译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) -校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 - -[a]: https://www.debugpoint.com/author/admin1/ -[b]: https://github.com/lkxed -[1]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Kubuntu-Desktop.jpg -[2]: https://kubuntu.org/ -[3]: https://kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/ -[4]: https://neon.kde.org/ -[5]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/KDE-Neon-Desktop-1024x576.jpg -[6]: https://neon.kde.org/download -[7]: https://spins.fedoraproject.org/en/kde/ -[8]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/KDE-Plasma-in-Fedora-Linux-1024x576.jpg -[9]: https://spins.fedoraproject.org/kde/download/index.html -[10]: https://get.opensuse.org/leap/ -[11]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/KDE-Plasma-in-OpenSUSE-1024x575.jpg -[12]: https://get.opensuse.org/leap/ -[13]: https://manjaro.org/ -[14]: https://manjaro.org/download/ -[15]: https://endeavouros.com/ -[16]: https://endeavouros.com/latest-release/ -[17]: https://mxlinux.org/ -[18]: https://mxlinux.org/download-links/ -[19]: https://garudalinux.org/ -[20]: https://garudalinux.org/downloads.html -[21]: https://nxos.org/ -[22]: https://kaosx.us/ -[23]: https://kaosx.us/pages/download/ -[24]: https://www.debugpoint.com/2021/01/install-debian-buster/ -[25]: https://q4os.org/ -[26]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/KDE-Plasma-with-Linux-Distributions-Comparison3-1024x216.jpg