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@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
[#]: collector: (lujun9972)
[#]: translator: (wxy)
[#]: reviewer: (wxy)
[#]: publisher: (wxy)
[#]: url: (
[#]: subject: (Best Linux Distributions for Beginners)
[#]: via: (
[#]: author: (Aquil Roshan
最适合于初学者的 Linux 发行版
> 在本文中,我们将看到**最适合于初学者的 Linux 发行版**。这将有助于 Linux 新用户选择他们的第一个发行版。
让我们面对现实,[Linux][1] 可能会给新用户带来巨大的复杂性。但是,带来这种复杂性的并不是 Linux 本身。相反,是“新奇”因素导致了这种情况。并不是怀旧,但我记得第一次使用 Linux 时,我甚至不知道会发生什么。我喜欢它,但最初这对我来说像是逆流游泳一样。
不知道从何处着手可能是一个令人沮丧的原因,特别是对于那些在 PC 上运行 Windows 之外的其它系统没有概念的人来说。
Linux 不仅仅是一个操作系统,而是一个理念:在这里大家共同成长,也适合于每个人的不同需要。我们已经介绍过:
* [Windows 用户的最佳 Linux 发行版][2]
* [最佳轻量级 Linux 发行版][3]
* [黑客攻击的最佳 Linux 发行版][4]
* [最佳 Linux 游戏发行版][5]
* [隐私和匿名的最佳 Linux 发行版][6]
* [看起来像 MacOS 的最佳 Linux 发行版][7]
除此之外,还有一些能够特别满足新人需求的发行版。这里有一些这样的适合初学者的 Linux 发行版。你也可以在视频中观看并[订阅我们的 YouTube 频道][8]以获取更多与 Linux 相关的视频。
### 最适合于初学者的 Linux 发行版
#### 1、Ubuntu
如果你在互联网上研究过 Linux那么你很可能遇到过 Ubuntu。Ubuntu 是领先的 Linux 发行版之一,它也是开始 Linux 之旅的完美之选。
Ubuntu 被视为人性化的 Linux这是因为 Ubuntu 在通用可用性上付出了很多努力。Ubuntu 并不要求你在技术方面懂得很多才能使用它。它打破了 “Linux = 命令行麻烦”这一概念。这是 Ubuntu 飙升到今天的主要优势之一。
Ubuntu 提供了非常方便的安装程序。这个安装程序以简单的英语(或你想要的任何主要语言)描述安装过程。你甚至可以在实际执行安装过程之前尝试使用 Ubuntu。安装程序提供了简单的选项
* 删除旧操作系统以安装 Ubuntu。
* 与 Windows 或任何其他现有操作系统[一起][10]安装 Ubuntu每次启动时都会提供要启动的操作系统的选择列表
* 让高级用户自行配置分区。
Ubuntu 的用户界面采用 GNOME。它简单、高效。你可以通过按 Windows 键搜索从应用程序到文件的任何内容。有什么比这更简单的吗?
没有驱动程序安装问题,因为 Ubuntu 附带硬件检测器,可以检测、下载和安装适用于你的 PC 的最佳驱动程序。此外,安装会附带所有基本软件,如音乐播放器、视频播放器、办公套件和一些消磨时间的游戏。
Ubuntu 拥有出色的文档和社区支持。[Ubuntu 论坛][11]和 [Ask Ubuntu][12] 几乎在 Ubuntu 的所有方面都提供了可观的高质量支持。你的一些问题很有可能已经得到了回答,这些答案是适合初学者的。
请在[官方网站][13]查看并下载 [Ubuntu][13]。
#### 2、Linux Mint Cinnamon
多年来Linux Mint 一直是 [Distrowatch][14] 上的**排名第一的** Linux 发行版。我必须说这是当之无愧的宝座。Linux Mint 是我个人的最爱之一。它优雅、秀气,提供了卓越的计算体验(开箱即用)。
Linux Mint 带有 Cinnamon 桌面环境。仍处于熟悉 Linux 软件阶段的 Linux 新用户会发现 Cinnamon 非常有用。所有软件都按类别分组,非常易于访问。虽然这不是一个令人兴奋的功能,但对于不了解 Linux 软件名称的新用户来说,这是一个巨大的好处。
Linux Mint 很快在旧电脑上也运行良好。Linux Mint 建立在坚如磐石的 Ubuntu 基础之上。它使用与 Ubuntu 相同的软件存储库。而对于 Ubuntu 软件存储库,仅在广泛测试后 Ubuntu 才会将软件推送在其中。这意味着用户不必处理某些新软件容易出现的意外崩溃和故障,对于新的 Linux 用户来说这可能是一个真正不可接受的。
Windows 7 爱好者如果没有真的升级到微软 Windows 10 的话,那将会发现 Linux Mint 的可爱。 Linux Mint 桌面非常类似于 Windows 7 桌面。类似的工具栏、类似的菜单、类似的托盘图标都绝对会使 Windows 用户感到十分熟悉。
就个人而言,我更倾向于向 Linux 世界的新人推荐 Linux Mint因为 Linux Mint 确实给用户留下了足够的印象会让他们接受它。对我来说Linux Mint 应该是面向初学者的 Linux 列表中的首位。
请在这里查看 [Linux Mint][18],看看 Cinnamon 版。
#### 3、Zorin OS
大多数计算机用户是 Windows 用户。当 [Windows 用户拿到一个 Linux][2] 时,他必须经历相当多的“去知识过程”。大量的操作已经固定在我们的肌肉记忆当中。例如,每次要启动应用程序时,鼠标都会移动屏幕的左下角(“开始”菜单)。因此,如果我们能够在 Linux 上找到一些可以缓解这些问题的东西,那就成功了一半了。进入 Zorin OS。
Zorin OS 是一款基于 Ubuntu 的高度打磨的 Linux 发行版,完全是为 Windows 难民制作的。尽管几乎每个 Linux 发行版都可供任何人使用但是当桌面看起来太陌生时有些人可能会不情愿使用。Zorin OS 避开了这个障碍,因为它与 Windows 外观明显相似。
对 Linux 新手来说,软件包管理器是一个新概念。这就是为什么 Zorin OS 带有一个巨大的(我的意思是真的很大)预安装软件列表。你需要的任何东西,很有可能都已经安装在 Zorin OS 上了。好像这还不够,[Wine 和 PlayOnLinux][20] 也预先安装好了,所以你也可以在这里运行你喜爱的 Windows 软件和[游戏][21]。
Zorin OS 配备了一款名为 “Zorin look changer” 的惊人的主题引擎。它提供了一些重要的自定义选项和预设,可以使你的操作系统看起来像 Windows 7、XP、2000 甚至是 Mac你会有宾至如归的感觉。
正是这些功能使 Zorin OS 成为**适合初学者的最佳 Linux 发行版**。查看 [Zorin OS 网站][24]以了解更多信息和下载该操作系统。
#### 4、Elementary OS
我们已经看过了给 Windows 用户准备的 Linux 发行版,让我们为 MacOS 用户也提供一些东西。Elementary OS 成名非常迅速,现在总是被列入顶级发行列表之中,这一切都归功于其美学本质。其灵感来自于 MacOSElementary OS 是最美丽的 Linux 发行版之一。
Elementary OS 是又一个基于 Ubuntu 的操作系统这意味着操作系统本身无疑是稳定的。Elementary OS 带有 Pantheon 桌面环境。你马上就会注意到它与 MacOS 桌面的相似之处。这对于转换到 Linux 的 MacOS 用户来说是一个优势,因为他们会对桌面非常适应,这确实简化了应对此变化的过程。
它的菜单简单可根据用户喜好自定义。该操作系统是零侵入性的因此你可以真正专注于工作。它附带了非常少量的预安装软件。因此新用户都不会被庞杂的内容吓跑。但是它具备开箱即用所需要的一切。如果需要更多软件Elementary OS 提供了一个整洁的 AppCenter。它易于访问且简单易用一切都在一个地方你可以一键获得所需的所有软件和升级。
经验表明,[Elementary OS][28] 真的是一个很棒的软件。绝对值得[试一试][28]。
#### 5、Linux Mint Mate
许多来了解 Linux 的人都希望让旧电脑焕发新生。随着 Windows 10 的普及,几年前许多具有不错配置的计算机已经变得无力应对。在谷歌上快速搜索一下会建议你在这样的电脑上安装 Linux。通过这种方式你可以让它们在之后一段时间仍旧能保持水准。如果你正在寻找可以运行在旧计算机上的操作系统Linux Mint Mate 是一个很棒的 Linux 发行版。
Linux Mint Mate 非常轻便,资源利用效率高,而仍然是一个漂亮的发行版。它可以在计算能力较弱的计算机上平稳运行。桌面环境没有各种花哨的东西。但它在功能上和任何其他桌面环境相比毫不逊色。这个操作系统是非侵入式的,允许你获得高效的计算体验而不会妨碍你。
同样Linux Mint Mate 基于 Ubuntu具有巨大而坚实的 Ubuntu 软件存储库的优势。它预装了最少数量的必需软件。提供了简便的驱动程序安装和设置管理。
即使你只有 512 MB 的内存和 9 GB 的硬盘空间(当然是越多越好),你也可以运行 Linux Mint Mate。
Mate 桌面环境非常简单易用,没有什么费解的地方。对于 Linux 初学者来说,这确实是一个巨大的优势,更有理由 [尝试 Linux Mint Mate][30]。
#### 6、Manjaro Linux
好吧。任何一个 Linux 的老用户都会说,即使只是在大方向上,引导新手接触 Arch Linux 都是一种罪过。但是听我说。
Arch 被认为是专家级 Linux因为它的安装过程非常复杂。Manajro 和 Arch Linux 有着共同的起源,但它们在其他方面存在很大差异。
Manajro Linux 具有非常适合初学者的安装程序。许多事情都是自动化的比如使用“硬件检测”进行驱动程序安装。Manjaro 极大地解决了困扰许多其它 Linux 发行版的硬件驱动程序的麻烦。即使你遇到任何问题Manjaro 也有很棒的社区支持。
Manjaro 拥有自己的软件存储库,其维护了最新的软件。虽然优先向用户提供最新软件,但它是以保证稳定性不会受到损害为前提的。这是 Arch 和 Manjaro 之间的主要区别之一。Manjaro 延迟软件包的发布以确保它们绝对稳定并且不会导致回退。你还可以访问 Manjaro 上的 Arch User RepositoryAUR因此你可以随时获得所需的一切。
如果你想了解更多有关 Manjaro 功能的信息,请阅读我的同事 [John 的 Manjaro Linux 经历以及为什么他会被它迷住][32]。
Manjaro Linux 有 XFCE、KDE、Gnome、Cinnamon 以及更多桌面环境,请查看[官方网站][34]。
要安装上述 6 个操作系统中的任何一个,你需要创建一个可启动的 U 盘。如果你当前正在使用 Windows [请使用本指南][35]。Mac OS 用户可以[遵循本指南][36]。
### 你选择哪个最适合初学者的 Linux 发行版?
Linux 可能会有学习曲线,但这是一件不会让每个人都感到后悔的事情。进一步获得一个 ISO 文件并体验一下 Linux 吧。如果你已经是 Linux 用户,请分享这篇文章,并帮助人们在这个爱的季节爱上 Linux 吧。加油!
作者:[Aquil Roshan][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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[#]: collector: (lujun9972)
[#]: translator: (wxy)
[#]: reviewer: ( )
[#]: publisher: ( )
[#]: url: ( )
[#]: subject: (Best Linux Distributions for Beginners)
[#]: via: (
[#]: author: (Aquil Roshan
Best Linux Distributions for Beginners
_**Brief** : In this article, we will see the **best Linux distro for beginners**_. This will help new Linux users to pick their first distribution.
Lets face it, [Linux][1] can pose an overwhelming complexity to new users. But then, its not Linux itself that brings this complexity. Rather, its the “newness” factor that causes this. Not getting nostalgic, but remembering my first time with Linux, I didnt even know what to expect. I liked it. But it was an upstream swim for me initially.
Not knowing where to start can be a downer. Especially for someone who does not have the concept of something else running on their PC in place of Windows.
Linux is more than an OS. Its an idea where everybody grows together and theres something for everybody. We have already covered:
* [Best Linux distributions for Windows users][2]
* [Best lightweight Linux distros][3]
* [Best Linux distributions for hacking][4]
* [Best Linux distributions for gaming][5]
* [Best Linux distributions for privacy and anonymity][6]
* [Best Linux distributions that look like MacOS][7]
In addition to that, there are distributions that cater to the needs of newcomers especially. So here are a few such Linux distros for beginners. You can watch it in a video and [subscribe to our YouTube channel][8] for more Linux related videos.
### Best Linux Distros for Beginners
Please remember that this list is no particular order. The main criteria for compiling this list is ease of installation, out of the box hardware software, ease of use and availability of software packages.
#### 1\. Ubuntu
If youve researched Linux on the internet, its highly probable that you have come across Ubuntu. Ubuntu is one of the leading Linux distributions. It is also the perfect path to begin your Linux journey.
Ubuntu has been tagged as Linux for human beings. Now, this is because Ubuntu has put in a lot of effort on universal usability. Ubuntu does not require you to be technically sound for you to use it. It breaks the notion of Linux=Command line hassle. This is one of the major plus points that rocketed Ubuntu to where it is today.
Ubuntu offers a very convenient installation procedure. The installer speaks plain English (or any major language you want). You can even try out Ubuntu before actually going through the installation procedure. The installer provides simple options to:
* Install Ubuntu removing the older OS
* [Install Ubuntu alongside Windows][10] or any other existing OS (A choice is given at every startup to select the OS to boot).
* Configure partitions for users who know what they are doing.
_Beginner tip: Select the second option if you are not sure about what to do._
Ubuntus user interface is called GNOME. It is as simple as well as productive as it gets. You can search anything from applications to files by pressing the Windows key. Is there any way you can make this simpler?
There are no driver installation issues as Ubuntu comes with a hardware detector which detects, downloads and installs optimal drivers for your PC. Also, the installation comes with all the basic software like a music player, video player, an office suite and games for some time killing.
Ubuntu has a great documentation and community support. [Ubuntu forums ][11]and [Ask Ubuntu][12] provide an appreciable quality support in almost all aspects regarding Ubuntu. Its highly probable that any question you might have will already be answered. And the answers are beginner friendly.
Do check out and download [Ubuntu][13] at the [official site.][13]
#### 2\. Linux Mint Cinnamon
For years, Linux Mint has been the **number one** Linux distribution on [Distrowatch][14]. Well deserved throne I must say. Linux mint is one of my personal favorites. It is elegant, graceful and provides a superior computing experience (out of the box).
Linux Mint features the Cinnamon desktop environment. New Linux users who are still in the process of familiarizing themselves with Linux software will find Cinnamon very useful. All the software are very accessibly grouped under categories. Although this is nothing of a mind-blowing feature, to new users who do not know the names of Linux software, this is a huge bonus.
Suggested read Installing Microsoft Visual Studio Code on Linux
Linux Mint is fast. Runs fine on older computers. Linux Mint is built upon the rock-solid Ubuntu base. It uses the same software repository as Ubuntu. About the Ubuntu software repository, Ubuntu pushes software for general only use after extensive testing. This means users will not have to deal with unexpected crashes and glitches that some new software are prone to, which can be a real no-no for new Linux users.
Windows 7 lovers who are really not into where Microsoft if heading with Windows 10 will find Linux Mint lovable. Linux Mint desktop is pretty similar to Windows 7 desktop. Similar toolbar, similar menu, similar tray icons are all set to make Windows users feel absolutely at home.
Personally, Im more likely to suggest Linux Mint to someone who is new to Linux world as Linux Mint does impress users enough for them to accept it. To me, Linux Mint should be the first among the list of Linux for beginners.
Do check out [Linux Mint here][18]. Go for the Cinnamon version.
#### 3\. Zorin OS
A majority of computer users are Windows users. And when a [Windows user gets a Linux][2], theres a fair amount of unlearning process that user must go through. A huge amount of operations have been fixed in our muscle memory. For example, the mouse reaching to the lower left corner of the screen (Start) everytime you want to launch an application. So if we could find something that eases these issues on Linux, its half a battle won. Enter Zorin OS.
Zorin OS is an Ubuntu-based, highly polished Linux distribution, entirely made for Windows refugees. Although pretty much every Linux distro is usable by everybody, some people might tend to be reluctant when the desktop looks too alien. Zorin OS dodges past this obstacle because of its similarities with Windows appearance wise.
Package managers are something of a new concept to Linux newcomers. Thats why Zorin OS comes with a huge (I mean really huge) list of pre-installed software. Anything you need, theres good chance its already installed on Zorin OS. As if that was not enough, [Wine and PlayOnLinux][20] come pre-installed so you can run your loved Windows software and [games][21] here too.
Zorin OS comes with an amazing theme engine called the Zorin look changer. It offers some heavy customization options with presets to make your OS look like Windows 7, XP, 2000 or even a Mac for that matter. Youre going to feel home.
These features make Zorin OS the _**best Linux distro for beginners**_ , isnt it? Do check out the [Zorin OS website][24] to know more and download the OS.
#### 4\. Elementary OS
Since we have taken a look at Linux distros for Windows users, lets swing by something for MacOS users too. Elementary OS very quickly rose to fame and now is always included in the list of top distros, all thanks to its aesthetic essence. Inspired by MacOS looks, Elementary OS is one of the most beautiful Linux distros.
Elementary OS is another Ubuntu-based operating system which means the operating system itself is unquestionably stable. Elementary OS features the Pantheon desktop environment. You can immediately notice the resemblance to MacOS desktop. This is an advantage to MacOS users switching to Linux as they will much comfortable with the desktop and this really eases the process of coping to this change.
The menu is simple and customizable according to user preferences. The operating system is zero intrusive so you can really focus on your work. It comes with a very small number of pre-installed software. So, any new user will not be repulsed by huge bloat. But hey, its got everything you need out of the box. For more software, Elementary OS provides a neat AppCenter. It is highly accessible and simple. Everything at one place. You can get all the software you want and perform upgrades in clicks.
Suggested read How to Install and Use Slack in Linux
Experience wise, [Elementary OS][28] is really a great piece of software. Definitely give [it a try.][28]
#### 5\. Linux Mint Mate
A good number of people who come to Linux are looking to revive older computers. With Windows 10, many computers that had decent specs just some years ago have become incompetent. A quick google will suggest you install Linux on such computers. In that way, you can keep them running up to the mark for the near future. Linux Mint Mate is a great Linux distro if you are looking for something to run your older computers.
Linux Mint Mate is very light, resource efficient but still a polished distro. It can run smoothly on computers with less muscle power. The desktop environment does not come with bells and jingles. But in no way is it functionally inferior to any other desktop environments. The operating system is non-intrusive and allows you to have a productive computing experience without getting in your way.
Again, the Linux Mint Mate is based on Ubuntu and has the advantage of huge base solid Ubuntu software repository. It comes with a minimum number of necessities pre-installed. Easy driver installation and setting management are made available.
You can run Linux Mint Mate even if you have 512 MB RAM and 9 GB hard disk space (the more the merrier).
The Mate desktop environment is really simple to use with no twists in the tale. This is really a huge plus point for Linux beginners. All the more reason to [try out Linux Mint Mate][30].
#### 6\. Manjaro Linux
Ok. Any long time Linux user will say guiding a newcomer even in the general direction of Arch Linux is a sin. But hear me out.
Arch is considered experts-only Linux because of its highly complex installation procedure. Manajro and Arch Linux have a common origin. But they differ extensively in everything else.
Manajro Linux has an extremely beginner friendly installation procedure. A lot of things are automated like driver installation using Hardware detection. Manjaro hugely negates the hardware driver hassles that torments a lot of other Linux distros. And even if you face any issues, Manjaro has an amazing community support.
Manjaro has its own software repository which maintains the latest of software. While providing up to date software to users is a priority, guaranteed stability is not at all compromised. This is one of the prime differences between Arch and Manjaro. Manjaro delays package releases to make sure they are absolutely stable and no regression will be caused. You can also access the Arch User Repository on Manjaro, so anything and everything you need, is always available.
If you want to know more about Manjaro features, do read my colleague [Johns experience with Manjaro Linux and why he is hooked][32] to it.
Manjaro Linux comes in XFCE, KDE, Gnome, Cinnamon and a host of more desktop environments. Do check out the [official website][34].
To install any of the above 6 operating systems, you need to create a bootable USB stick. If you are currently using Windows [use this guide to do so][35]. Mac OS users may [follow this guide][36].
**Your choice for the best Linux distro for beginners?**
Linux might come with a learning curve, but thats not something anybody ever regretted. Go ahead get an ISO and check out Linux. If you are already a Linux user, do share this article and help someone fall in love with Linux in this season of love. Cheers.
作者:[Aquil Roshan][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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[#]: translator: (geekpi)
[#]: reviewer: ( )
[#]: publisher: ( )
[#]: url: ( )

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@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
[#]: collector: (lujun9972)
[#]: translator: (geekpi)
[#]: reviewer: ( )
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[#]: subject: (Bond WiFi and Ethernet for easier networking mobility)
[#]: via: (
[#]: author: (Ben Cotton
Bond WiFi and Ethernet for easier networking mobility
Sometimes one network interface isnt enough. Network bonding allows multiple network connections to act together with a single logical interface. You might do this because you want more bandwidth than a single connection can handle. Or maybe you want to switch back and forth between your wired and wireless networks without losing your network connection.
The latter applies to me. One of the benefits to working from home is that when the weather is nice, its enjoyable to work from a sunny deck instead of inside. But every time I did that, I lost my network connections. IRC, SSH, VPN — everything goes away, at least for a moment while some clients reconnect. This article describes how I set up network bonding on my Fedora 30 laptop to seamlessly move from the wired connection my laptop dock to a WiFi connection.
In Linux, interface bonding is handled by the bonding kernel module. Fedora does not ship with this enabled by default, but it is included in the kernel-core package. This means that enabling interface bonding is only a command away:
sudo modprobe bonding
Note that this will only have effect until you reboot. To permanently enable interface bonding, create a file called _bonding.conf_ in the _/etc/modules-load.d_ directory that contains only the word “bonding”.
Now that you have bonding enabled, its time to create the bonded interface. First, you must get the names of the interfaces you want to bond. To list the available interfaces, run:
sudo nmcli device status
You will see output that looks like this:
enp12s0u1 ethernet connected Wired connection 1
tun0 tun connected tun0
virbr0 bridge connected virbr0
wlp2s0 wifi disconnected --
p2p-dev-wlp2s0 wifi-p2p disconnected --
enp0s31f6 ethernet unavailable --
lo loopback unmanaged --
virbr0-nic tun unmanaged --
In this case, there are two (wired) Ethernet interfaces available. _enp12s0u1_ is on a laptop docking station, and you can tell that its connected from the _STATE_ column. The other, _enp0s31f6_, is the built-in port in the laptop. There is also a WiFi connection called _wlp2s0_. _enp12s0u1_ and _wlp2s0_ are the two interfaces were interested in here. (Note that its not necessary for this exercise to understand how network devices are named, but if youre interested you can see the [ man page][2].)
The first step is to create the bonded interface:
sudo nmcli connection add type bond ifname bond0 con-name bond0
In this example, the bonded interface is named _bond0_. The “_con-name bond0_” sets the connection name to _bond0_; leaving this off would result in a connection named _bond-bond0_. You can also set the connection name to something more human-friendly, like “Docking station bond” or “Ben”
The next step is to add the interfaces to the bonded interface:
sudo nmcli connection add type ethernet ifname enp12s0u1 master bond0 con-name bond-ethernet
sudo nmcli connection add type wifi ifname wlp2s0 master bond0 ssid Cotton con-name bond-wifi
As above, the connection name is specified to be [more descriptive][3]. Be sure to replace _enp12s0u1_ and _wlp2s0_ with the appropriate interface names on your system. For the WiFi interface, use your own network name (SSID) where I use “Cotton”. If your WiFi connection has a password (and of course it does!), youll need to add that to the configuration, too. The following assumes youre using [WPA2-PSK][4] authentication
sudo nmcli connection modify bond-wifi wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk
sudo nmcli connection edit bond-wif
The second command will bring you into the interactive editor where you can enter your password without it being logged in your shell history. Enter the following, replacing _password_ with your actual password
set wifi-sec.psk password
Now youre ready to start your bonded interface and the secondary interfaces you created
sudo nmcli connection up bond0
sudo nmcli connection up bond-ethernet
sudo nmcli connection up bond-wifi
You should now be able to disconnect your wired or wireless connections without losing your network connections.
### A caveat: using other WiFi networks
This configuration works well when moving around on the specified WiFi network, but when away from this network, the SSID used in the bond is not available. Theoretically, one could add an interface to the bond for every WiFi connection used, but that doesnt seem reasonable. Instead, you can disable the bonded interface:
sudo nmcli connection down bond0
When back on the defined WiFi network, simply start the bonded interface as above.
### Fine-tuning your bond
By default, the bonded interface uses the “load balancing (round-robin)” mode. This spreads the load equally across the interfaces. But if you have a wired and a wireless connection, you may want to prefer the wired connection. The “active-backup” mode enables this. You can specify the mode and primary interface when you are creating the interface, or afterward using this command (the bonded interface should be down):
sudo nmcli connection modify bond0 +bond.options "mode=active-backup,primary=enp12s0u1"
The [kernel documentation][5] has much more information about bonding options.
作者:[Ben Cotton][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
[#]: collector: (lujun9972)
[#]: translator: ( )
[#]: reviewer: ( )
[#]: publisher: ( )
[#]: url: ( )
[#]: subject: (Building an organization that's always learning: Tips for leaders)
[#]: via: (
[#]: author: (Colin Willis
Building an organization that's always learning: Tips for leaders
Research shows that informal learning is essential in open
organizations. How can we measure and foster it?
![word learn in chalk on blackboard][1]
In open organizations, informal learning is critical to success. "Informal learning" accounts for all learning that occurs outside a training program, a classroom, or another formalized instruction setting. Unlike the learning in these formalized learning settings, informal learning is unstructured, personal, and voluntary.
As a result, systematic study of it is difficult. But due to [the prevalence and importance of informal learning in workplaces][2], several researchers have called for additional research into the subject—and particularly for the design of instruments to actually _measure_ informal learning. Such instruments could likewise be useful in [open organizations][3] hoping to measure and foster informal learning practices among employees.
Over the past few years, I've conducted research addressing this gap in the scientific literature. In this article, I'll describe a recent study I conducted and explain how my results can help us think about informal learning in the open organization.
### Measuring the invisible
The field of psychology studies the thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors of individuals both in isolation and in group settings. The specific field of psychology in which I specialize, industrial and organizational psychology, studies these same variables in the workplace.
My research in this area concerns a phenomenon important to everyone in my field: How do we _accurately_ and _reliably_ measure psychological phenomena? In my case, I'm attempting to develop a specific tool for measuring informal learning. In short, this means I'm testing for two things:
1. Can an "invisible" concept, like one's ability to adapt, be measured by a set of behaviors that are thought to be indicative of, in this example, adapting?
2. If these conceptual abilities exist, are they related to other behaviors or outcomes in an interesting way (for example, is there a relationship between adapting and job performance)?
One method of measurement is the use of psychological scales, which are a set of statements that describe a psychological construct. People respond to statements they're given and note the extent to which they agree with the statement or believe the statement to be true of them, typically on some form of "low to high" scale. For example, common psychological scales include, but are not limited to, personality inventories of traits like "conscientiousness," "openness to experience," "extraversion," "agreeableness," or "emotional stability" and specific attitudes like "job satisfaction" or "self-efficacy." Scales such as these go through an extensive scientific development process.
However, not all scales are created equally. You may recognize the similarity between a psychological scale and an internet or magazine quiz. Both include a series of statements that you rate, and your ratings tell you something about yourself. But the former has undergone a rigorous process of study and verification involving creation of many possible statements, as well as continual refinement via data collection and statistical analysis. The latter has not.
### A new tool
To create a measure of informal learning behaviors, I reviewed theories and behaviors of informal learning documented in hundreds of journal articles and books on the subject.
To create a measure of informal learning behaviors, I reviewed theories and behaviors of informal learning documented in hundreds of journal articles and books on the subject. I then analyzed what I found in them to create a set of six higher-level dimensions of behaviors that I believed would comprehensively and accurately describe the wide variety of intentional learning behaviors often seen in the workplace. These were:
* **Planning:** the act of thinking ahead or preparing for future events by amassing materials, rehearsing, setting goals, or evaluating one's learning ability
* **Socializing:** the process of debating, conversing, or digesting information with a group of peers, creating or maintaining a network, or observing the work of others
* **Reflecting:** the internal act of thinking about feedback one has received, maintaining awareness about one's environment, or drawing upon experiences to adjust future behavior
* **Experimenting:** The outwardly act of trying out new ideas, taking on new challenges, coming up with alternatives, taking risks, and anticipating consequences of actions.
* **Adapting:** the set of proactive behaviors one takes to learn, adjust to, and master changes to one's environment such as asking clarifying questions, addressing conflict directly, or making conclusions about new situations
* **Scanning:** the process of staying current on job-related knowledge by researching answers to new questions, reading or watching content related to one's job, or attending events related to one's profession
I then wrote slightly fewer than 100 statements that described unique behaviors related to the six dimensions I hypothesized existed. With the help of several subject matter experts, I revised and retooled the language of these statements. For example, a planning item reads, "Set a learning goal for yourself," and an experimenting item reads, "Challenge existing assumptions about ideas at work." Subjects rate their responses to these items on a 1-to-5 scale, where "1" means "not at all characteristic of me" and "5" means "highly characteristic of me."
I collected more than 1,000 responses to these items and several additional, related psychological scales that pertained to motivations and attitudes centered on learning. I found strong support for four of my dimensions and additional evidence that two of my dimensions—"planning" and "scanning"—were very similar to one another, so I began treating those two dimensions as one. Furthermore, I reduced the number of statements down to 23 while retaining the ability to measure each dimension accurately. These five dimensions were very strongly related to other learning concepts, like one's motivation to learn, one's tendency to think about one's own thinking and learning, and one's tendency to act in a goal-driven manner.
### What I learned about learning
Given this evidence, I conducted a second study to confirm the five dimensions and 23 items I found in the first study. I conducted this study in an organization where I asked participants to respond to my "informal learning" scale, a "professional confidence" scale, and a "support for learning" scale. The organization also provided performance data to use as an outcome measure.
Specifically, I was interested in determining whether and how professional confidence and perceived support for learning in the organization predicted informal learning behaviors and whether informal learning behaviors predicted job performance. It is increasingly common in the organizational science to test statistical models of individual and organizational level variables; in this case, I was interested in determining the extent to which one's confidence in their ability to do their job affected informal learning (are confident people more likely to self-guide their own learning?) and the extent to which a culture of learning (or lack thereof) bolstered or inhibited learning (if one thinks they won't be rewarded for learning, will they perform learning behaviors anyway?). Finally, job performance is a common outcome to measure in the organizational sciences, as researchers and practitioners in the field are often concerned with the ability to predict and improve performance.
For this study, 167 employees completed the survey. The small sample size limited the ability for the statistical analyses to study all proposed research questions, but I still uncovered several interesting results.
I found that two dimensions of informal learning were strong predictors of job outcomes:
1. Experimenting behaviors, or _a willingness to try new things_, predicted job performance and job potential.
2. Reflecting behaviors, or _the extent to which one requests and processes feedback_, predicted a likelihood to remain with the organization.
Additionally, the study found a strong relationship between occupational self-efficacy, or _one's confidence in his or her ability to do their job_, and informal learning.
### Some results and implications
Succeeding in any organization—but especially an open organization—requires one to develop as a continuous learner. Evidence supports this claim.
The second study provided some compelling indications that informal learning is not only theoretically but also practically important to both the employee and the organization. Succeeding in any organization—but especially an open organization—requires one to develop as a continuous learner. Evidence supports this claim. Those who had well-developed habits of experimenting and reflecting were more likely to be top performers who were well-ingrained in the organization.
That's not to say that these are the only important behaviors. But they do represent important areas of concern for both individual contributors, managers, and other leaders in an organization. If you're intrigued and want to begin supporting informal learning in a concrete way, consider the following:
* Evidence from these studies suggest that informal learning is closely related to one's confidence in their ability to do their job. Confidence can be developed through motivation and work design; for example, giving an employee the ability to shape his or her own tasks or role, which cultivates a sense of autonomy and curiosity, would likely spur learning behaviors.
* Following up with support and rewards for doing so, which are strong motivators, would reinforce that learning. You might also consider educating yourself or your team about learning behaviors and providing, where applicable, tools and opportunities to develop those behaviors. For example, research has shown that reflecting via note-taking or journaling has been very effective at bolstering reflecting abilities and later ability to recall information.
Learning informally at work is incredibly common; however, treating learning as a skill is far less common. Hopefully this article series has better equipped you to think about and support learning at work using the latest research has to offer on the topic.
作者:[Colin Willis][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出
[1]: (word learn in chalk on blackboard)

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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
[#]: collector: (lujun9972)
[#]: translator: ( )
[#]: reviewer: ( )
[#]: publisher: ( )
[#]: url: ( )
[#]: subject: (WPS Office on Linux is a Free Alternative to Microsoft Office)
[#]: via: (
[#]: author: (Sergiu
WPS Office on Linux is a Free Alternative to Microsoft Office
_**If you are looking for a free alternative of Microsoft Office on Linux, WPS Office is one of the best choice. Its free to use and offers compatibility with MS Office document formats.**_
[WPS Office][1] is a cross-platform office productivity suite. It is light and fully compatible with Microsoft Office, Google Docs/Sheets/Slide and Adobe PDF.
For many users, WPS Office feels intuitive and capable enough to meet their needs. It has gained popularity because of its closeness to Microsoft Office, both in terms of looks and compatibility.
![WPS Office 2019 All In One Mode][2]
WPS office is created by Kingsoft Corporation based in China. For Windows users, WPS Office has both free and premium versions. For Linux users, WPS Office is available for free through its [community project][3].
Non-FOSS Alert!
WPS Office is not an open source software. We have covered it here because its available for free for Linux users and at times, we cover software created for Linux even if they are not open source.
### WPS Office on Linux
![WPS Office in Linux | Image Credit: Ubuntu Handbook][4]
WPS Office has four main components:
* WPS Writer
* WPS Presentation
* WPS Spreadsheet
WPS Office is fully compatible with MS Office and more, supporting .doc, .docx, .dotx, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx, .docm, .dotm, .xml, .txt, .html, .rtf (and others), as well as its own format (.wps, .wpt). It also includes Microsoft fonts by default (to ensure compatibility), can export PDFs and provides spell checking capabilities in more than 10 languages.
However, it didnt do very well with ODT, ODP and other open document formats.
All three main WPS Office applications feature a very similar interface to Microsoft Office, with the same Ribbon UI. Although there are minor differences, the usage remains relatively the same. You can easily clone any Microsoft Office/LibreOffice document using WPS Office.
![WPS Office Writer][5]
The only thing you might dislike are some of the default styling settings (some headers having a lot of space beneath them etc.), but these can be easily tweaked.
Suggested read  WPS Office: Microsoft Office Clone For Ubuntu!
By default, WPS saves files in .docx, .pptx and .xlsx file types. You can also save documents to the **[WPS Cloud][7]** and collaborate on them with others. Another nice addition is the possibility to download a great number of templates from [here][8].
### Install WPS Office on Linux
WPS provides DEB and RPM installer files for Linux distributions. This makes installing WPS Office an easy process if you use Debian/Ubuntu or Fedora based distributions.
You can download WPS for Linux from its download section:
[Download WPS Office for Linux][9]
Scroll down and youll find a link to the package for the latest version:
![WPS Office Download][10]
Download the appropriate file for your distribution. [Installing applications from DEB][11] or RPM file is as easy as double clicking on them. Doing so will open up a Software Center instance providing you the option to install the package:
![WPS Office Install Package][12]
After a few seconds, the application should successfully install on your system!
You can now search for **WPS** in the Applications Menu and find all applications found in the WPS Office Suite:
![WPS Applications Menu][13]
**Do you use WPS Office or something else?**
There are other [open source alternatives to Microsoft Office][14] but they have poor compatibility with the MS Office.
Personally, I prefer LibreOffice but you have to work considerably with Microsoft Office, you may try WPS Office on Linux. It looks similar to MS Office and has good compatibility with MS document formats. Its free on Linux so you dont have to worry about Office 365 subscription as well.
What office suite do you use on your system? Have you ever used WPS Office on Linux? How was/is your experience with it?
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
[#]: collector: (lujun9972)
[#]: translator: ( )
[#]: reviewer: ( )
[#]: publisher: ( )
[#]: url: ( )
[#]: subject: (How to Enable Canonical Kernel Livepatch Service on Ubuntu LTS System?)
[#]: via: (
[#]: author: (Magesh Maruthamuthu
How to Enable Canonical Kernel Livepatch Service on Ubuntu LTS System?
Canonical was introduced Live patch Service in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS system.
Live patching service allows you to install and apply critical Linux kernel security updates without rebooting your system.
This means, you dont need to reboot your system after applying the kernel patches.
But usually, we need to reboot the Linux server after installing the kernel patches to available for the system to use.
Live patching is pretty fast. Most kernel fixes apply in seconds without any issues.
Canonical live patch service is available for user upto 3 systems without any cost.
You can enable Canonical Live patch in both variants desktop and server, through the command line.
This live patching system is intended to address high and critical Linux kernel security vulnerabilities.
Refer the following table for [supported systems][1] and other details.
Ubuntu Release | Arch | Kernel Version | Kernel Variants
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS | 64-bit x86 | 4.15 | GA generic and lowlatency kernel variants only
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS | 64-bit x86 | 4.4 | GA generic and lowlatency kernel variants only
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | 64-bit x86 | 4.4 | Hardware Enablement kernel only
**`Note:`**` ` Canonical Livepatch Service in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS requires users to run the Ubuntu v4.4 kernel in Trusty. Please reboot into this kernel if you are not currently running to use the service.
To do so, follow the below procedures.
### How To Get Live patch Token?
Navigate to [Canonical Live patch service page][2] and choose `Ubuntu user` if you want to use the free service.
It will be applicable upto 3 systems. If you are an `UA customer`, then select Ubuntu Advantage customer. Finally click Get your Live patch token.
Make sure you already have account in `Ubuntu One`. If no, you can create a new one.
After logged in, you will get a secret key for your account.
### Install Snap Daemon in Your System
The live patching system is handled through a snap package. So, make sure you have the “snap daemon” installed on your Ubuntu system.
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install snapd
### How To Install & Configure Live patch Service in Your System?
Install the canonical-livepatch daemon by running the below command.
$ sudo snap install canonical-livepatch
canonical-livepatch 9.4.1 from Canonical* installed
Run the following command to enable live kernel patches on an Ubuntu machine.
$ sudo canonical-livepatch enable xxxxc4xxxx67xxxxbxxxxbxxxxfbxx4e
Successfully enabled device. Using machine-token: xxxxc4xxxx67xxxxbxxxxbxxxxfbxx4e
Run the below command to find the status of your livepatched machine.
$ sudo canonical-livepatch status
client-version: 9.4.1
architecture: x86_64
cpu-model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz
last-check: 2019-07-24T12:30:04+05:30
boot-time: 2019-07-24T12:11:06+05:30
uptime: 19m11s
- kernel: 4.15.0-55.60-generic
running: true
checkState: checked
patchState: nothing-to-apply
version: ""
fixes: ""
Run the above same command with the `--verbose` switch to get more information about live patched machine.
$ sudo canonical-livepatch status --verbose
Execute the below command, if you would like to run the patch manually.
$ sudo canonical-livepatch refresh
Before refresh:
kernel: 4.15.0-55.60-generic
fully-patched: true
version: ""
After refresh:
kernel: 4.15.0-55.60-generic
fully-patched: true
version: ""
You will be getting one of the below status in the `patchState` output.
* **applied:** There are no vulnerabilities found
* **nothing-to-apply:** Vulnerabilities are found and patched successfully
* **kernel-upgrade-required:** Livepatch cannot install a patch to fix the vulnerability
Make a note, installing a kernel patch is different from upgrading/installing a new kernel on system. If you have installed new kernel then you have to reboot the system to activate the new kernel.
作者:[Magesh Maruthamuthu][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
[#]: collector: (lujun9972)
[#]: translator: (geekpi)
[#]: reviewer: ( )
[#]: publisher: ( )
[#]: url: ( )
[#]: subject: (Bond WiFi and Ethernet for easier networking mobility)
[#]: via: (
[#]: author: (Ben Cotton
绑定 WiFi 和以太网,以便于更轻松的网络移动
我是后面一种情况。在家工作的好处之一是,当天气晴朗时,在阳光明媚的阳台而不是在室内工作是很愉快的。但每当我这样做时,我都会失去网络连接。 IRC、SSH、VPN一切都断开了客户端重连至少需要一会。本文介绍了如何在 Fedora 30 笔记本上设置网络绑定,以便从笔记本扩展坞的有线连接无缝切换到 WiFi。
在 Linux 中接口绑定由绑定内核模块处理。默认情况下Fedora 没有启用此功能,但它包含在 kernel-core 软件包中。这意味着启用接口绑定只需一个命令:
sudo modprobe bonding
请注意,这只会在你重启之前生效。要永久启用接口绑定,请在 _/etc/modules-load.d_ 目录中创建一个名为 _bonding.conf_ 的文件,该文件仅包含单词 “bonding”。
sudo nmcli device status
enp12s0u1 ethernet connected Wired connection 1
tun0 tun connected tun0
virbr0 bridge connected virbr0
wlp2s0 wifi disconnected --
p2p-dev-wlp2s0 wifi-p2p disconnected --
enp0s31f6 ethernet unavailable --
lo loopback unmanaged --
virbr0-nic tun unmanaged --
在本例中,有两个(有线)以太网接口可用。 _enp12s0u1_ 在笔记本电脑扩展坞上,你可以通过 _STATE_ 列知道它已连接。另一个是 _enp0s31f6_,是笔记本电脑中的内置端口。还有一个名为 _wlp2s0_ 的 WiFi 连接。 _enp12s0u1__wlp2s0_ 是我们在这里感兴趣的两个接口。(请注意,本文无需了解网络设备的命名方式,但如果你感兴趣,可以查看 [ 手册页][2]。)
sudo nmcli connection add type bond ifname bond0 con-name bond0
在此示例中,绑定接口名为 _bond0_。 “_con-name bond0_” 将连接名称设置为 _bond0_。直接这样会有一个名为 _bond-bond0_ 的连接。你还可以将连接名设置得更加人性化,例如 “Docking station bond” 或 “Ben”
sudo nmcli connection add type ethernet ifname enp12s0u1 master bond0 con-name bond-ethernet
sudo nmcli connection add type wifi ifname wlp2s0 master bond0 ssid Cotton con-name bond-wifi
如上所示,连接名称被设置为[更具描述性][3]。请务必使用系统上相应的接口名称替换 _enp12s0u1__wlp2s0_。对于 WiFi 接口,请使用你自己的网络名称 SSID替换我的 “Cotton”。如果你的 WiFi 连接有密码(这当然会有!),你也需要将其添加到配置中。以下假设你使用 [WPA2-PSK][4] 身份验证
sudo nmcli connection modify bond-wifi wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk
sudo nmcli connection edit bond-wif
第二条命令将进入交互式编辑器,你可以在其中输入密码,而无需将其记录在 shell 历史记录中。输入以下内容,将 _password_ 替换为你的实际密码
set wifi-sec.psk password
sudo nmcli connection up bond0
sudo nmcli connection up bond-ethernet
sudo nmcli connection up bond-wifi
### 警告:使用其他 WiFi 网络时
在指定的 WiFi 网络间移动时,此配置很有效,但是当远离此网络时,那么绑定中使用的 SSID 就不可用了。从理论上讲,可以为每个使用的 WiFi 连接添加一个接口,但这似乎并不合理。相反,你可以禁用绑定接口:
sudo nmcli connection down bond0
回到定义的 WiFi 网络时,只需按上述方式启动绑定接口即可。
### 微调你的绑定
默认情况下绑定接口使用“负载平衡round-robin”模式。 这会在接口上平均分配负载。 但是,如果你有有线和无线连接,你可能希望更喜欢有线连接。 “active-backup” 模式能实现此功能。 你可以在创建接口时指定模式和主接口,或者之后使用此命令(绑定接口应该关闭):
sudo nmcli connection modify bond0 +bond.options "mode=active-backup,primary=enp12s0u1"
[kernel 文档][5]提供了有关绑定选项的更多信息。
作者:[Ben Cotton][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出