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Linux-pdz 2013-11-16 12:40:39 +08:00
parent 78d4f92ff9
commit d4b9feb63f

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@ -1,19 +1,24 @@
翻译中 by Linux-pdz
Ubuntu vs. openSUSE: Weighing different styles of corporate control
*Ubuntu and openSUSE approach their Linux distros in much different ways. Which do you prefer?*
Ubuntu vs openSUSE不同的公司控制风格
It's no secret that a rather large portion of Linux development is funded by companies with a financial interest in seeing Linux be improved. (And, by "Linux," I mean "All the various pieces and parts that make up a complete Linux-based system.") But there is a pretty major difference between how various companies go about that.
Let's take a look at two high-profile examples: Ubuntu and openSUSE.
Both are distributions of Linux. Both are large, long-standing and highly successful projects with a large community of both volunteers and paid workers. Yet the difference between the two is fairly extreme, and highly important.
Mark Shuttleworth
对于Ubuntu它发展的主要方向是由其Canonical的团队和它的首脑Mark Shuttleworth决定的。当谈到Canonical确实控制Ubuntu的时候我们呢很快就会想起两个例子例如UnityUbuntu采用的用户界面和MirUbuntu的显示服务。在许多案例中母公司都会在没有协商的情况下设定目标、项目和优先级。例如Ubuntu的Unity用户界面最为Canonical公司广泛战略目标来说是必须的。一些社区成员喜欢Unity用户界面另一些讨厌这样的用户界面。但是不管怎么说不管你喜欢还是讨厌它Unity都已经成为Ubuntu的默认用户界面了。
For Ubuntu, the primary direction is set by the team at Canonical and its head-master, Mark Shuttleworth. Examples such as Unity (Ubuntu's in-house user interface) and Mir (Ubuntu's in-house display server) quickly jump to mind when talking about how Canonical really “steers the ship” of Ubuntu. Goals, projects and priorities put into place by the parent company are, in many cases, simply non-negotiable (so to speak). Ubuntu's Unity user interface, for example, was a must-have for Canonical as it was part of their broader strategy. Some community members love it. Some hate it. But, either way, it's happening.
于此形成对比的是OpenSUSE它也有一个公司掌控者好吧是SUSE。关键的不同点是SUSE以“SUSE Linux企业版”的形式提供一个商业发行版。尽管OpenSUSE社区Linux发行版与SUSE Linux发行版商业发行版在技术上有许多重叠之处。。。然而在专业上两者是不同的。
But is that bad? I'm not really convinced that it is either good or bad. It's simply how it is with that particular project and company.
Contrast that with openSUSE, who also has a "corporate master" in the form of, well, SUSE. The key difference there being that SUSE has a commercial offering in the form of "SUSE Linux Enterprise." And, while there is a great deal of technical overlap between openSUSE (the community Linux distro) and SUSE Linux Enterprise (the commercial offering)...the two are not, technically, the same.
Which means that SUSE, as a company, can afford to take a more “hands-off” approach to working with openSUSE. Sure, they have a vested interest in seeing key bits of technology (such as, say, Btrfs) be improved, tested and packaged with the community distro as they may wish to include it in the commercial offering but the separation between the community and commercial systems provides them with a bit more flexibility, in this regard, than Canonical presently has.