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synced 2025-03-21 02:10:11 +08:00
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Creating your first Git repository

Now it is time to learn how to create your own Git repository, and how to add files and make commits.
In the previous installments in this series, you learned how to interact with Git as an end user; you were the aimless wanderer who stumbled upon an open source project's website, cloned a repository, and moved on with your life. You learned that interacting with Git wasn't as confusing as you may have thought it would be, and maybe you've been convinced that it's time to start leveraging Git for your own work.
While Git is definitely the tool of choice for major software projects, it doesn't only work with major software projects. It can manage your grocery lists (if they're that important to you, and they may be!), your configuration files, a journal or diary, a novel in progress, and even source code!
And it is well worth doing; after all, when have you ever been angry that you have a backup copy of something that you've just mangled beyond recognition?
Git can't work for you unless you use it, and there's no time like the present. Or, translated to Git, "There is no push like origin HEAD". You'll understand that later, I promise.
### The audio recording analogy
We tend to speak of computer imaging in terms of snapshots because most of us can identify with the idea of having a photo album filled with particular moments in time. It may be more useful, however, to think of Git more like an analogue audio recording.
A traditional studio tape deck, in case you're unfamiliar, has a few components: it contains the reels that turn either forward or in reverse, tape to preserve sound waves, and a playhead to record or detect sound waves on tape and present them to the listener.
In addition to playing a tape forward, you can rewind it to get back to a previous point in the tape, or fast-forward to skip ahead to a later point.
Imagine a band in the 1970s recording to tape. You can imagine practising a song over and over until all the parts are perfect, and then laying down a track. First, you record the drums, and then the bass, and then the guitar, and then the vocals. Each time you record, the studio engineer rewinds the tape and puts it into loop mode so that it plays the previous part as you play yours; that is, if you're on bass, you get to hear the drums in the background as you play, and then the guitarist hears the drums and bass (and cowbell) and so on. On each loop, you play over the part, and then on the following loop, the engineer hits the record button and lays the performance down on tape.
You can also copy and swap out a reel of tape entirely, should you decide to do a re-mix of something you're working on.
Now that I've hopefully painted a vivid Roger Dean-quality image of studio life in the 70s, let's translate that into Git.
### Create a Git repository
The first step is to go out and buy some tape for our virtual tape deck. In Git terms, that's the repository ; it's the medium or domain where all the work is going to live.
Any directory can become a Git repository, but to begin with let's start a fresh one. It takes three commands:
- Create the directory (you can do that in your GUI file manager, if you prefer).
- Visit that directory in a terminal.
- Initialise it as a directory managed by Git.
Specifically, run these commands:
$ mkdir ~/jupiter # make directory
$ cd ~/jupiter # change into the new directory
$ git init . # initialise your new Git repo
Is this example, the folder jupiter is now an empty but valid Git repository.
That's all it takes. You can clone the repository, you can go backward and forward in history (once it has a history), create alternate timelines, and everything else Git can normally do.
Working inside the Git repository is the same as working in any directory; create files, copy files into the directory, save files into it. You can do everything as normal; Git doesn't get involved until you involve it.
In a local Git repository, a file can have one of three states:
- Untracked: a file you create in a repository, but not yet added to Git.
- Tracked: a file that has been added to Git.
- Staged: a tracked file that has been changed and added to Git's commit queue.
Any file that you add to a Git repository starts life out as an untracked file. The file exists on your computer, but you have not told Git about it yet. In our tape deck analogy, the tape deck isn't even turned on yet; the band is just noodling around in the studio, nowhere near ready to record yet.
That is perfectly acceptable, and Git will let you know when it happens:
$ echo "hello world" > foo
$ git status
On branch master
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
As you can see, Git also tells you how to start tracking files.
### Git without Git
Creating a repository in GitHub or GitLab is a lot more clicky and pointy. It isn't difficult; you click the New Repository button and follow the prompts.
It is a good practice to include a README file so that people wandering by have some notion of what your repository is for, and it is a little more satisfying to clone a non-empty repository.
Cloning the repository is no different than usual, but obtaining permission to write back into that repository on GitHub is slightly more complex, because in order to authenticate to GitHub you must have an SSH key. If you're on Linux, create one with this command:
$ ssh-keygen
Then copy your new key, which is plain text. You can open it in a plain text editor, or use the cat command:
$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
Now paste your key into [GitHub's SSH configuration][1], or your [GitLab configuration][2].
As long as you clone your GitHub project via SSH, you'll be able to write back to your repository.
Alternately, you can use GitHub's file uploader interface to add files without even having Git on your system.

### Tracking files
As the output of git status tells you, if you want Git to start tracking a file, you must git add it. The git add action places a file in a special staging area, where files wait to be committed, or preserved for posterity in a snapshot. The point of a git add is to differentiate between files that you want to have included in a snapshot, and the new or temporary files you want Git to, at least for now, ignore.
In our tape deck analogy, this action turns the tape deck on and arms it for recording. You can picture the tape deck with the record and pause button pushed, or in a playback loop awaiting the next track to be laid down.
Once you add a file, Git will identify it as a tracked file:
$ git add foo
$ git status
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
new file: foo
Adding a file to Git's tracking system is not making a recording. It just puts a file on the stage in preparation for recording. You can still change a file after you've added it; it's being tracked and remains staged, so you can continue to refine it or change it before committing it to tape (but be warned; you're NOT recording yet, so if you break something in a file that was perfect, there's no going back in time yet, because you never got that perfect moment on tape).
If you decide that the file isn't really ready to be recorded in the annals of Git history, then you can unstage something, just as the Git message described:
$ git reset HEAD foo
This, in effect, disarms the tape deck from being ready to record, and you're back to just noodling around in the studio.
### The big commit
At some point, you're going to want to commit something; in our tape deck analogy, that means finally pressing record and laying a track down on tape.
At different stages of a project's life, how often you press that record button varies. For example, if you're hacking your way through a new Python toolkit and finally manage to get a window to appear, then you'll certainly want to commit so you have something to fall back on when you inevitably break it later as you try out new display options. But if you're working on a rough draft of some new graphics in Inkscape, you might wait until you have something you want to develop from before committing. Ultimately, though, it's up to you how often you commit; Git doesn't "cost" that much and hard drives these days are big, so in my view, the more the better.
A commit records all staged files in a repository. Git only records files that are tracked, that is, any file that you did a git add on at some point in the past. and that have been modified since the previous commit. If no previous commit exists, then all tracked files are included in the commit because they went from not existing to existing, which is a pretty major modification from Git's point-of-view.
To make a commit, run this command:
$ git commit -m 'My great project, first commit.'
This preserves all files committed for posterity (or, if you speak Gallifreyan, they become "fixed points in time"). You can see not only the commit event, but also the reference pointer back to that commit in your Git log:
$ git log --oneline
55df4c2 My great project, first commit.
For a more detailed report, just use git log without the --oneline option.
The reference number for the commit in this example is 55df4c2. It's called a commit hash and it represents all of the new material you just recorded, overlaid onto previous recordings. If you need to "rewind" back to that point in history, you can use that hash as a reference.
You can think of a commit hash as [SMPTE timecode][3] on an audio tape, or if we bend the analogy a little, one of those big gaps between songs on a vinyl record, or track numbers on a CD.
As you change files further and add them to the stage, and ultimately commit them, you accrue new commit hashes, each of which serve as pointers to different versions of your production.
And that's why they call Git a version control system, Charlie Brown.
In the next article, we'll explore everything you need to know about the Git HEAD, and we'll nonchalantly reveal the secret of time travel. No big deal, but you'll want to read it (or maybe you already have?).
via: https://opensource.com/life/16/7/creating-your-first-git-repository
作者:[Seth Kenlon][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[a]: https://opensource.com/users/seth
[1]: https://github.com/settings/keys
[2]: https://gitlab.com/profile/keys
[3]: http://slackermedia.ml/handbook/doku.php?id=timecode
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在本系列前面文章的安装过程中,你已经学习了作为一个目标用户怎样与 Git 进行交互;你就像一个漫无目的的流浪者一样偶然发现了一个开源项目网站,然后克隆了仓库,Git 走进了你的生活。学习怎样和 Git 进行交互并不像你想的那样困难,或许你并不确信现在是否应该使用 Git 完成你的工作。
Git 被认为是选择大多软件项目的工具,它不仅能够完成大多软件项目的工作;它也能管理你杂乱项目的列表(如果他们不重要,也可以这样说!),你的配置文件,一个日记,项目进展日志,甚至源代码!
使用 Git 是很有必要的,毕竟,你肯定有因为一个备份文件不能够辨认出版本信息而烦恼的时候。
你不使用 Git,它也就不会为你工作,或者也可以把 Git 理解为“没有任何推送就像源头指针一样”【译注: HEAD 可以理解为“头指针”,是当前工作区的“基础版本”,当执行提交时, HEAD 指向的提交将作为新提交的父提交。】。我保证,你很快就会对 Git 有所了解 。
### 类比于录音
我们更喜欢谈论快照上的图像,因为很多人都可以通过一个相册很快辨认出每个照片上特有的信息。这可能很有用,然而,我认为 Git 更像是在进行声音的记录。
想象一下 70 年代的磁带录制的声音。你可能想到那会正在反复练习一首歌直到非常完美,它们最终被记录下来了。起初,你记录了鼓声,低音,然后是吉他声,还有其他的声音。每次你录音,工作人员都会把磁带重绕并设置为环绕模式,这样在你演唱的时候录音磁带就会播放之前录制的声音。如果你是低音歌唱,你唱歌的时候就需要把有鼓声的部分作为背景音乐,然后就是吉他声、鼓声、低音(和牛铃声【译注:一种打击乐器,状如四棱锥。】)等等。在每一环,你完成了整个部分,到了下一环,工作人员就开始在磁带上制作你的演唱作品。
现在我希望对于上述 70 年代的录音工作的描述足够生动,我们就可以把 Git 的工作想象成一个录音磁带了。
### 新建一个 Git 仓库
首先得为我们的虚拟的录音机买一些磁带。在 Git 术语中,这就是仓库;它是完成所有工作的基础,也就是说这里是存放 Git 文件的地方(即 Git 工作区)。
任何目录都可以是一个 Git 仓库,但是在开始的时候需要进行一次更新。需要下面三个命令:
- 创建目录(如果你喜欢的话,你可以在你的 GUI 文件管理器里面完成。)
- 在终端里查看目录。
- 初始化这个目录使它可以被 Git管理。
$ mkdir ~/jupiter # 创建目录
$ cd ~/jupiter # 进入目录
$ git init . # 初始化你的新 Git 工作区
在这个例子中,文件夹 jupiter 是空的但却成为了你的 Git 仓库。
有了仓库接下来的事件就按部就班了。你可以克隆项目仓库,你可以在一个历史点前后来回穿梭(前提是你有一个历史点),创建可交替时间线,然后剩下的工作 Git 就都能正常完成了。
在 Git 仓库里面工作和在任何目录里面工作都是一样的;在仓库中新建文件,复制文件,保存文件。你可以像平常一样完成工作;Git 并不复杂,除非你把它想复杂了。
在本地的 Git 仓库中,一个文件可以有下面这三种状态:
- 未跟踪文件:你在仓库里新建了一个文件,但是你没有把文件加入到 Git 的提交任务(提交暂存区,stage)中。
- 已跟踪文件:已经加入到 Git 暂存区的文件。
- 暂存区文件:存在于暂存区的文件已经加入到 Git 的提交队列中。
任何你新加入到 Git 仓库中的文件都是未跟踪文件。文件还保存在你的电脑硬盘上,但是你没有告诉 Git 这是需要提交的文件,就像我们的录音机,如果你没有打开录音机;乐队开始演唱了,但是录音机并没有准备录音。
不用担心,Git 会告诉你存在的问题并提示你怎么解决:
$ echo "hello world" > foo
$ git status
位于您当前工作的分支 master 上
(使用 "git add <file>" 更新要提交的内容)
没有任何提交任务,但是存在未跟踪文件(用 "git add" 命令加入到提交任务)
你看到了,Git 会提醒你怎样把文件加入到提交任务中。
### 不使用 Git 命令进行 Git 操作
在 GitHub 或 GitLab(译注:GitLab 是一个用于仓库管理系统的开源项目。使用Git作为代码管理工具,并在此基础上搭建起来的web服务。)上创建一个仓库大多是使用鼠标点击完成的。这不会很难,你单击 New Repository 这个按钮就会很快创建一个仓库。
在仓库中新建一个 README 文件是一个好习惯,这样人们在浏览你的仓库的时候就可以知道你的仓库基于什么项目,更有用的是通过 README 文件可以确定克隆的是否为一个非空仓库。
克隆仓库通常很简单,但是在 GitHub 上获取仓库改动权限就不简单了,为了进行用户验证你必须有一个 SSH 秘钥。如果你使用 Linux 系统,通过下面的命令可以生成一个秘钥:
$ ssh-keygen
复制纯文本文件里的秘钥。你可以使用一个文本编辑器打开它,也可以使用 cat 命令:
$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
现在把你的秘钥拷贝到 [GitHub SSH 配置文件][1] 中,或者 [GitLab 配置文件[2]。
如果你通过使用 SSH 模式克隆了你的项目,就可以在你的仓库开始工作了。
另外,如果你的系统上没有安装 Git 的话也可以使用 GitHub 的文件上传接口来克隆仓库。

### 跟踪文件
命令 git status 的输出会告诉你如果你想让 git 跟踪一个文件,你必须使用命令 git add 把它加入到提交任务中。这个命令把文件存在了暂存区,暂存区存放的都是等待提交的文件,或者把仓库保存为一个快照。git add 命令的最主要目的是为了区分你已经保存在仓库快照里的文件,还有新建的或你想提交的临时文件,至少现在,你都不用为它们之间的不同之处而费神了。
类比大型录音机,这个动作就像打开录音机开始准备录音一样。你可以按已经录音的录音机上的 pause 按钮来完成推送,或者拉下重置环等待开始跟踪下一个文件。
如果你把文件加入到提交任务中,Git 会自动标识为跟踪文件:
$ git add foo
$ git status
位于您当前工作的分支 master 上
(使用 "git reset HEAD <file>..." 将下列改动撤出提交任务)
如果你决定不把文件记录到 Git 历史列表中,那么你可以撤出提交任务,在 Git 中是这样做的:
$ git reset HEAD foo
### 大型提交
在一个项目从建立到完成,你会按记录键无数次。比如,如果你通过你的方式使用一个新的 Python 工具包并且最终实现了窗口展示,然后你就很肯定的提交了文件,但是不可避免的你最后会发生一些错误,现在你却不能撤销你的提交操作了。
一次提交会记录仓库中所有的暂存区文件。Git 只记录加入到提交任务中的文件,也就是说在过去某个时刻你使用 git add 命令加入到暂存区的所有文件。还有从先前的提交开始被改动的文件。如果没有其他的提交,所有的跟踪文件都包含在这次提交中,因为在浏览 Git 历史点的时候,它们没有存在于仓库中。
$ git commit -m 'My great project, first commit.'
这就保存了所有需要在仓库中提交的文件(或者,如果你说到 Gallifreyan【译注:英国电视剧《神秘博士》里的时间领主使用的一种优雅的语言,】,它们可能就是“固定的时间点” )。你不仅能看到整个提交记录,还能通过 git log 命令查看修改日志找到提交时的版本号:
$ git log --oneline
55df4c2 My great project, first commit.
如果想浏览更多信息,只需要使用不带 --oneline 选项的 git log 命令。
在这个例子中提交时的版本号是 55df4c2。它被叫做 commit hash(译注:一个SHA-1生成的哈希码,用于表示一个git commit对象。),它表示着刚才你的提交包含的所有改动,覆盖了先前的记录。如果你想要“倒回”到你的提交历史点上就可以用这个 commit hash 作为依据。
你可以把 commit hash 想象成一个声音磁带上的 [SMPTE timecode][3],或者再夸张一点,这就是好比一个黑胶唱片两首不同的歌之间的不同点,或是一个 CD 上的轨段编号。
你在很久前改动了文件并且把它们加入到提交任务中,最终完成提交,这就会生成新的 commit hashes,每个 commit hashes 标示的历史点都代表着你的产品不同的版本。
这就是 Charlie Brown 把 Git 称为版本控制系统的原因。
在接下来的文章中,我们将会讨论你需要知道的关于 Git HEAD 的一切,我们不准备讨论关于 Git 的提交历史问题。基本不会提及,但是你可能会需要了解它(或许你已经有所了解?)。
via: https://opensource.com/life/16/7/creating-your-first-git-repository
作者:[Seth Kenlon][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[a]: https://opensource.com/users/seth
[1]: https://github.com/settings/keys
[2]: https://gitlab.com/profile/keys
[3]: http://slackermedia.ml/handbook/doku.php?id=timecode
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