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保持自由 - GCC应该接受收费插件吗?
> GCC邮件列表中在争论GCC是否应该接受收费插件,但是认为GCC是一个免费软件开发的媒介的论调占得了上风
LLVM的核心是‘开放源代码’。GCC是反著作权(copyleft)代表,是严格的免费软件,她不允许以任何形式收费的插件的代码进入到GCC的代码中。争论的一种意见,正如Eric Raymond说的,“FSF不可能既阻止持有所有权的供应者添加他们的插件到一个免费编译器中,又让这个编译器得到发展。就像马儿已经偏离了跑道,反对插件策略的战略目标已经彻底的失败了”。
LLVM已经被苹果公司采用作为OS X和苹果硬件上GCC的替代品,并且正在变得流行起来,特别是在BSD系列操作系统的用户中间。LLVM的拥护者推测LLVM将会在更广阔的应用程序和移动设备开发市场上成为GCC的替代者。GCC的反对者们的观点是GCC太过复杂,并且开发者们必须遵守她的‘反著作权(copyleft)’。这限制了那些不想在‘反著作权(copyleft)’许可证下发布他们的语言或者软件产品。作为典型,苹果公司有一个很长的厌恶免费软件的历史。他们也不允许遵守‘反著作权(copyleft)’的软件通过他们的App Store发布。
GCC对于软件开发者和移动设备开发者来说也是一个划时代的产品,而不仅仅对于那些免费软件概念提出者。GCC不但免费和可移植,她跨越不同硬件架构的普遍性和公用性使得更加容易做到软件的兼容性、鲁棒性和一致性。这和John Gilmore,Michael Tiemann和David Henkel-Wallace在开发GCC时发现的一样。这也是Cygnus Solutions公司主要的卖点,Cygnus Solutions是第一家靠卖免费软件赚钱的公司。[译注:Cygnus Solutions是John Gilmore, Michael Tiemann and David Henkel- Wallace创办的公司,同时也是GNU几个主要产品的贡献者]
对于一个免费软件项目,添加一种新的语言或者架构到GCC也许是一个非常困难的过程,添加有版权的插件也是不允许的。由于模块间界限非常不明确,最容易的添加方法就是让添加的特性遵循免费软件许可证。最初的开发者也许想保持代码的封闭和版权,但最后不得不将代码以免费软件发布。早期的C++以及Objective C就被认为是其中典型的例子。
Richard Stallman[对这方面的演讲中][1]旗帜鲜明地宣布:“在免费软件运动中,我们为自由而战。免费软件的的价值观从根本上就和开源软件不同,后者以写‘更好的代码’为终极目标。如果GCC从免费的编译器变成非免费的编译器,她将不再能够达成自由的目标。
via: http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/features/staying-free-should-gcc-allow-non-free-plug-ins
译者:[love\_daisy\_love](https://github.com/CNprober) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
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@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
CNprober translating..
Staying free – should GCC allow non-free plug ins?
> Arguments in favour of the use of non-free plug-ins in GCC have again been raised on GCC mailing-lists, but are trumped by the arguments for GCC as a vehicle for free software development
Once again, Gcc and its lack of modularity has been raised as an issue and contrasted with LLVm, the new compiler on the block. GCC is huge and venerable: 5 million lines, 30 years, and growing. LLVM, in contrast, is relatively youthful and modular and allows free and proprietary languages to be added as modules.
The core of LLVM is ‘open source’. GCC is copyleft and unreservedly free software and doesn’t allow plug-ins or other means to add proprietary extensions to the GCC code. The argument, as delivered by Eric Raymond, is that “FSF can no longer prevent proprietary vendors from plugging into a free compiler to improve their tools. That horse has left the barn; the strategic goal of the anti-plug-in policy has been definitively busted.”
LLVM has been sponsored by Apple as a replacement for GCC on OS X and Apple hardware and has grown in popularity, especially among users of the BSDs. Advocates of LLVM see it as a putative replacement for GCC in the wider market for applications developers and mobile devices. The argument against GCC is that its complexity, and the commitment of its developers to copyleft licensing, constrains the possibilities for proprietary developers, who do not want to release their language or architectural specifications under a copyleft licence. Apple, of course, has a long history of antipathy to free software, and doesn’t allow applications licensed under copyleft licences to be distributed through its App Store.
To this extent, the argument between LLVM and GCC is a retread of the historic differences between GNU/Linux and the BSDs, between ‘open source’ and free software. Open source developers allow the code to be reused in any context, free or proprietary. Free software is restrictive in that it insists that the code, and any modifications to the code, must remain free in perpetuity. Advocates of free software would argue that the integrity of copyleft licensing has been instrumental in the spread of GCC, and has taken Linux and free software into places it would not otherwise have reached, and that free software cannot be bought or corrupted by commercial or corporate interests. Open source advocates argue that open source is more free because the user has no restrictions and can do what he or she likes, including developing closed source versions of the code.
Since the beginning, the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) was vital to the spread of free software. Compilers were a rare and expensive commodity and the compilers of the proprietary software companies were rife with ‘features’ that were non-compliant with ANSI programming standards. Porting software between different machines and operating systems was an unnecessarily complicated task. GCC, the first truly free cross-platform compiler, commoditised this process.
GCC was a breakthrough product for applications developers and mobile device developers – not just those who were committed to the idea of free software. Not only was GCC free and portable, its ubiquity and commonality across different architectures made it easier to port software between machines and to expect robust and consistent results – as the likes of John Gilmore, Michael Tiemann and David Henkel- Wallace were to discover when they made GCC and its development the key selling point of Cygnus Solutions, the first company to make money by selling free software.
The primary technical difference between LLVM and GCC emerges in the separation between the modules that form the ‘front ends’, ‘middle end’ and ‘back ends’ of both GCC and LLVM. ‘Front ends’ are used to interpret the code specific to the translation of a particular language. The ‘middle end’ optimises the translated code. The ‘back ends’ take the optimised code and apply the results to a specific target architecture. LLVM separates these modules into distinct entities, but for semantic and historical reasons, GCC obfuscates the separation between the modules.
Perhaps untypically for a free software project, it is a difficult process to add a new language or architecture to GCC and the adding of proprietary plug-ins is not allowed. There is little clear separation between the modules, and the path of least resistance is to add any feature under a free software licence. The early ports of C++ and Objective C (via Apple) are cited as examples where the original developers might have preferred to keep the code in-house and proprietary, and instead released the code as free software.
In contrast, LLVM has allowed, or perhaps even encouraged, the addition and development of proprietary languages and architectures – one example being Nvidia’s NVCC for GPU computing, based on Clang and LLVM. The source code of NVCC is inaccessible to free software or ‘open source’ developers.
Richard Stallman’s [take on this][1] is characteristically resolute: “In the free software movement, we campaign for the freedom of the users of computing. The values of free software are fundamentally different from the values of open source, which make‘bettercode’theultimategoal. IfGCCwere to change from a free compiler into a platform for non-free compilers, it would no longer serve the goal of freedom very well.
“The Clang and LLVM developers reach different conclusions from ours because they do not share our values and goals. They object to the measures we have taken to defend freedom because they see the inconvenience of them and do not recognise (or don’t care about) the need for them. I would guess they describe their work as ‘open source’ and do not talk about freedom.”
The GCC developers are unlikely to compromise on the licensing terms. While LLVM is fashionable among certain sectors of industry, because it is young and new and has been quicker to jump on developing trands in programming languages, the prevailing wind is towards greater openness, and GCC’s resolve to be incorruptible and free from commercial interests, may be the greater asset in the long term. The Unix companies learnt something from the Unix wars of the Eighties and Nineties. Languages and operating systems are tools, and are better open and shared. GCC is free software and belongs to nobody.
via: http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/features/staying-free-should-gcc-allow-non-free-plug-ins
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Translating by ZTinoZ
Linus Torvalds Promotes Linux for Desktops, Embedded Computing
> Linux kernel developer and open source leader Linus Torvalds spoke recently about the future of desktop Linux and Linux for embedded devices.
@ -28,4 +29,4 @@ via: http://thevarguy.com/open-source-application-software-companies/082514/linu
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Happy Birthday Email
**An Indian American had the brain to invent electronic mail without which we cannot figure out a single day in this era.**
@ -20,4 +21,4 @@ via: http://www.efytimes.com/e1/fullnews.asp?edid=147170
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@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
Linux FAQs with Answers--How to change hostname on CentOS or RHEL 7
> Question: What is a proper way to change hostname on CentOS / RHEL 7 (permanently or temporarily)?
In CentOS or RHEL, there are three kinds of hostnames defined: (1) static, (2) transient, and (3) pretty. The "static" hostname is also known as kernel hostname, which is initialized from /etc/hostname automatically at boot time. The "transient" hostname is a temporary hostname assigned at run time, for example, by a DHCP or mDNS server. Both static and transient hostnames follow the same character restriction rules as Internet domain names. On the other hand, the "pretty" hostname is allowed to have a free-form (including special/whitespace characters) hostname, presented to end users (e.g., Dan's Computer).
In CentOS/RHEL 7, there is a command line utility called hostnamectl, which allows you to view or modify hostname related configurations.
To view hostname related settings:
$ hostnamectl status

To view static, transient or pretty hostname only, use "--static", "--transient" or "--pretty" option, respectively.
$ hostnamectl status [--static|--transient|--pretty]
To change all three hostnames: static, transient, and pretty, simultaneously:
$ sudo hostnamectl set-hostname <host-name>

As shown above, in case of static/transient hostnames, any special or whitespace character will be removed, and any uppercase letter will automatically be converted to lowercase in the supplied <host-name> argument. Once the static hostname is changed, /etc/hostname will automatically be updated accordingly. However, /etc/hosts will not be updated to reflect the change, so you need to update /etc/hosts manually.
If you want to change a particular hostname only (static, transient or pretty), you can use "--static", "--transient" or "--pretty" option.
For example, to change hostname permanently, you can change the static hostname:
$ sudo hostnamectl --static set-hostname <host-name>
Note that you do not have to reboot the machine to activate permanent hostname change. The above command will change kernel hostname immediately. Log out, and log back in to see the new static hostname in the command-line prompt.
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/change-hostname-centos-rhel-7.html
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Linux FAQs with Answers--How to create a new Amazon AWS access key
> **Question**: I was asked to provide an **AWS access key ID** and **secret access key** when configuring an application which requires access to my Amazon AWS account. How can I create a new AWS access key?
Amazon AWS security credentials are used to authenticate you and authorize any third-party application to access your AWS account. There are different types of AWS security credentials available, e.g., password, access key, multi-factor authentication, X.509 certificates, etc.
If you want to create a new access key (access key ID and secret access key), here is how to do it.
First, log in to [AWS console][1].
Choose "Security Credentials" menu from the top bar.

In the next page, choose "Access Keys (Access Key ID and Secret Access Key) option.

In the next page, you will see a list of existing access key IDs (if any). Note that you cannot retrieve "secret access keys" of existing access key IDs. For security reason, a secret access key is visible only at the time you create a new access key.

Click on "Create New Access Key", and it will create a new pair of access key ID and secret access key instantly.

Either download a key file which contains a new access key, or copy and paste a new access key information. Again remember. Once you close this window, the secret access key will not be available again unless you download a key file.
### Multi-User AWS Account ###
If you are a corporate which has a corporate AWS account shared by multiple employees, you may want to use Identity and Access Management (IAM) to create and manage their access keys.
IAM is a web service which allows a corporate to manage multiple users and their associated security credentials under a single AWS account. Using IAM, multiple users can sign in as different identities under a single AWS account, and manage their own security credentials without tampering with each other's keys.
To manage IAM users, click on "Users" menu on the "Security Credentials" page.

Then you can create a new IAM user and manage their security credentials such as access keys.
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/create-amazon-aws-access-key.html
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@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
Linux FAQs with Answers--How to remove PPA repository from command line on Ubuntu
> **Question**: I added a third-party PPA repository on my Ubuntu box some time ago. How can I remove the PPA repository?
A Personal Package Archives (PPA) is a Ubuntu way to allow independent developers and contributors to build and distribute any custom packages as a third-party APT repository via Launchpad. If you are a Ubuntu user, chances are that you have added some popular third-party PPA repositories to your Ubuntu system. If you want to remove any pre-configured PPA repository, here is how to do it.
Suppose you have a third-party PPA repository named "ppa:webapps/preview" added on your Ubuntu system, as follows.
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webapps/preview
If you want to **delete a PPA repository alone**, run the following command.
$ sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:someppa/ppa
Note that the above command does not touch any packages installed or upgraded from the PPA itself.
If you want to **delete a PPA repository as well as all packages installed/upgraded from the PPA**, you can use ppa-purge command.
To install ppa-purge package:
$ sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
To remove a PPA repository and all its packages from the command line:
$ sudo ppa-purge ppa:webapps/preview
These methods can be useful when you [identify and purge broken PPA repositories][1](注:此文原文在同一个更新中,文件名:“20140915 Linux FAQs with Answers--How to find and remove obsolete PPA repositories on Ubuntu.md”) after distro upgrade.
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/how-to-remove-ppa-repository-from-command-line-on-ubuntu.html
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How to create a software RAID-1 array with mdadm on Linux
Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) is a storage technology that combines multiple hard disks into a single logical unit to provide fault-tolerance and/or improve disk I/O performance. Depending on how data is stored in an array of disks (e.g., with striping, mirroring, parity, or any combination thereof), different RAID levels are defined (e.g., RAID-0, RAID-1, RAID-5, etc). RAID can be implemented either in software or with a hardware RAID card. On modern Linux, basic software RAID functionality is available by default.
@ -220,4 +221,4 @@ via: http://xmodulo.com/2014/09/create-software-raid1-array-mdadm-linux.html
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Linux有问必答——如何在CentOS或RHEL 7上修改主机名
> 问题:在CentOS/RHEL 7上修改主机名的正确方法是什么(永久或临时)?
在CentOS或RHEL中,有三种定义的主机名:(1)静态的,(2)瞬态的,以及(3)优雅的。“静态”主机名也成为内核主机名,是系统在启动时从/etc/hostname自动初始化的主机名。“瞬态”主机名是在系统运行时临时分配的主机名,例如,通过DHCP或mDNS服务器分配。静态主机名和瞬态主机名都遵从作为互联网域名同样的字符限制规则。而另一方面,“优雅”主机名则被允许使用自由形式(包括特殊/空白字符)的主机名,以展示给终端用户(如Dan's Computer)。
在CentOS/RHEL 7中,有个叫hostnamectl的命令行工具,它允许你查看或修改与主机名相关的配置。
$ hostnamectl status

$ hostnamectl status [--static|--transient|--pretty]
$ sudo hostnamectl set-hostname <host-name>

$ sudo hostnamectl --static set-hostname <host-name>
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/change-hostname-centos-rhel-7.html
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
> **问题**:我在配置一个需要访问我的亚马逊AWS帐号的应用时被要求提供**AWS访问密钥ID**和**秘密访问密钥**,我怎样创建一个新的AWS访问密钥呢?




### 多用户AWS帐号 ###

via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/create-amazon-aws-access-key.html
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Linux FAQ - Ubuntu如何使用命令行移除PPA仓库
> **问题**: 前段时间,我的Ubuntu增加了一个第三方的PPA仓库,如何才能移除这个PPA仓库呢?
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webapps/preview
如果你想要 **单独地删除一个PPA仓库**,运行下面的命令。
$ sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:someppa/ppa
如果你想要 **完整的删除一个PPA仓库并包括来自这个PPA安装或更新过的软件包**,你需要ppa-purge命令。
$ sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
$ sudo ppa-purge ppa:webapps/preview
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/how-to-remove-ppa-repository-from-command-line-on-ubuntu.html
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