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2013新出的 14 个Linux发行版

1. **[Slackel Linux][1]**:该发行版基于 Slackware Linux 和 Salix Os 。并将KDE作为默认的桌面环境。
2. **[SalentOS][2]**:基于目前非常流行的 Ubuntu 操作系统,这个发行版用 Openbox 作为默认的窗口管理器。他针对于初学者,是一个比较轻量级的 Linux 发行版。(译注:超爱Openbox :P)
3. **[Linux Lite][3]**: 这款基于 Linux 的轻量级操作系统受用于新手,用的是 XFCE 桌面环境。
4. **[Kali Linux][4]**: BackTrack Linux 复兴了!,众所周知的发行版,全新 Kali Linux 备战待敌。这是一款用于渗透测试的发行版,在它正式推出后,立马得到了社区的支持。
5. **[Springdale Linux][5]**: 基于红帽的一款发行版,Springdale Linux发行版最初称为 PUIAS linux。它由美国的高级研究所连同普林斯顿大学一起维护。
6. **[Emmabuntüs][6]**: 该发行版有大量的预加载程序,便于日常的操作。基于 Xubuntu 操作系统,是一款轻量级 OS。
7. **[Antergos][7]**: 该发行版起初命名为 Cinnarch 。这个名字是由 Archlinux 发行版和 Cinnamon 桌面环境组合而成。
8. **[SolydXK][8]**: SolydX 和 SolydK 都基于 Debian Linux 发行版,分别使用了 XFCE 和 KDE 桌面。而 SolydXK 是这两者的混合版兼具家庭版和商业版。
9. **[Point Linux][9]**: 结合了 Debian 发行版和 Mate 桌面环境,Mate 是 GNOME2 的一个分支。这个发行版的目标在于简易的设置和使用。
10. **[Simplicity Linux][10]**: 此发行版的默认桌面是 LXDE,平台本身衍生于 Puppy Linux发行版。
11. **[LXLE][11]**: 名字再次暗示了该发行版的本质。它基于 Lubuntu 系统的长期支持版本,是一个轻量级的发行版。
12. **[Kwheezy][12]**: 基于 Debian Linux 发行版同时携带 KDE 桌面环境。该系统已经默认安装了各样的应用程序和媒体解码器。
13. **[MakuluLinux][13]**: 在这个基于 Debian 的发行版中预装了大量的应用程序,于2013年发布。
14. **[OpenMandriva][14]** LX: 该发行版基于俄罗斯的 ROSA 发行版。该发行版也受 Mandriva 发行版的支持。事实上,早些时候 Mandriva 也是由 ROSA 分支出来的。
via: http://itsfoss.com/new-linux-distros-2013/
译者:[Luoxcat](https://github.com/Luoxcat) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
published/How to install and configure Nagios on Linux.md
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published/How to install and configure Nagios on Linux.md
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而基于Nagios的第三方监测工具如[Centreon][2], [FAN][3] , [op5 Monitor][4]
## Debian或Ubuntu下Nagios的安装 ##
root@mrtg:~# apt-get install nagios3
可以看到Nagios支持多种邮件传送方式。最常见的莫过于服务器(Internet Site)直接向接收者发送邮件,另一种常见的形式是用智能主机或中继服务器,将邮件传送至中继邮件服务器,然后它负责将邮件传送给接收者。
## CentOS或RHEL下Nagios的安装 ##
[root@mrtg ~]# yum install nagios nagios-plugins
## 监测需求 ##
1. 每三分钟监测一次所有Linux服务器。
2. 每三分钟监测一次所有思科路由器。
3. 所有的邮件告警集中发送至sentinel@example.tst。
4. 发出告警前Nagios都将进行3次验证以确保问题确有发生。
5. 当设备的往返时延超过100ms并且/或包丢失量超过20%将发出邮件告警。
## Ubuntu下Nagios的配置 ##
/etc/nagios-plugins 实现监测功能的专有脚本存放地址
/etc/nagios3 添加主机、服务,定义检测和定时器的配置文件
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins 用于监测的可执行文件
### 添加主机模板 ###
root@mrtg:~# cd /etc/nagios3/conf.d
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# cp generic-host_nagios2.cfg linux-server.cfg
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# vim linux-server.cfg
define host{
name linux-server ; 名称,需修改
notifications_enabled 1
event_handler_enabled 1
flap_detection_enabled 1
failure_prediction_enabled 1
process_perf_data 1
retain_status_information 1
retain_nonstatus_information 1
check_command example-host-check ; 检查所用脚本,需修改
check_interval 3 ; 连续检查的间隔,需修改
max_check_attempts 3 ; 产生邮件告警前的自检次数,需修改
notification_interval 0
notification_period 24x7
notification_options d,u,r
contact_groups admins ; 邮件将要发送至的组,需修改
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# cp linux-server.cfg cisco-device.cfg
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# vim cisco-device.cfg
define host{
name cisco-device ;名称,需修改
notifications_enabled 1
event_handler_enabled 1
flap_detection_enabled 1
failure_prediction_enabled 1
process_perf_data 1
retain_status_information 1
retain_nonstatus_information 1
check_command example-host-check ; 检查时使用的脚本,需修改
check_interval 3 ; 连续检查间隔,需修改
max_check_attempts 3 ; 产生邮件告警前的自检次数,需修改
notification_interval 0
notification_period 24x7
notification_options d,u,r
contact_groups admins ; 邮件将要发至的组,需修改
register 0
### 添加主机 ###
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# cp localhost_nagios2.cfg example.cfg
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# vim example.cfg
# Host 1
define host{
use linux-server ; 使用的主机模板名
host_name our-server ; nagios使用的主机名
alias our-server
address ; 主机的IP地址
# Host 2
define host{
use cisco-device ; 使用的主机模板名
host_name our-router ; nagios使用的主机名
alias our-router
address ; 主机的IP地址
### 主机组定义 ###
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# vim hostgroups_nagios2.cfg
define hostgroup {
hostgroup_name linux-server ; 主机组名
alias Linux Servers
members our-server ; 组员列表
define hostgroup {
hostgroup_name cisco-device ; 主机组名
alias Cisco Devices
members our-server ; comma separated list of members
### 定义服务 ###
root@mrtg:~# vim /etc/nagios-plugins/config/ping.cfg
define command{
command_name example-host-check
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_ping -H '$HOSTADDRESS$' -w 100,20% -c 5000,100% -p 1 -4
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# vim services_nagios2.cfg
define service {
hostgroup_name linux-server
service_description Linux Servers
check_command example-host-check
use generic-service
notification_interval 0 ; 初始化设置为0
define service {
hostgroup_name cisco-device
service_description Cisco Devices
check_command example-host-check
use generic-service
notification_interval 0 ; 初始化设置为0
### 联系人定义 ###
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# vim contacts.cfg
define contact{
contact_name root
alias Root
service_notification_period 24x7
host_notification_period 24x7
service_notification_options w,u,c,r
host_notification_options d,r
service_notification_commands notify-service-by-email
host_notification_commands notify-host-by-email
email root@localhost, sentinel@example.tst
root@mrtg:~#nagios –v /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg
root@mrtg:~# service nagios3 restart
## CentOS/RHEL上的Nagios配置 ##
/etc/nagios/objects 添加主机、服务,定义监测和定时器的配置文件
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins 实现监测的可执行文件
### 添加主机模板 ###
[root@mrtg objects]# cd /etc/nagios/objects/
[root@mrtg objects]# vim templates.cfg
define host{
name linux-server
use generic-host
check_period 24x7
check_interval 3
retry_interval 1
max_check_attempts 3
check_command example-host-check
notification_period 24x7
notification_interval 0
notification_options d,u,r
contact_groups admins
register 0
define host{
name cisco-router
use generic-host
check_period 24x7
check_interval 3
retry_interval 1
max_check_attempts 3
check_command example-host-check
notification_period 24x7
notification_interval 0
notification_options d,u,r
contact_groups admins
register 0
### 添加主机和主机组 ###
[root@mrtg objects]# cp localhost.cfg example.cfg
[root@mrtg objects]# vim example.cfg
#Adding Linux server
define host{
use linux-server
host_name our-server
alias our-server
#Adding Cisco Router
define host{
use cisco-router
host_name our-router
alias our-router
define hostgroup{
hostgroup_name linux-servers
alias Linux Servers
members our-server
define hostgroup{
hostgroup_name cisco-router
alias cisco-router
members our-router
### 服务定义 ###
[root@mrtg objects]# vim commands.cfg
define command{
command_name example-host-check
command_line $USER1$/check_ping -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -w 100.0,20% -c 5000.0,100% -p 1 -4
### 联系人定义 ###
[root@objects objects]# vim contacts.cfg
define contact{
contact_name nagiosadmin
use generic-contact
alias Nagios Admin
email nagios@localhost, sentinel@example.tst
[root@mrtg ~]# nagios –v /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
[root@mrtg ~]# service nagios restart
[root@mrtg ~]# chkconfig nagios on
### 配置后访问Nagios ###
若Nagios没有依原设定运行,首先要做的是建立一个测试运行(dry run)。
# nagios3 -v /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg
# nagios -v /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
via: http://xmodulo.com/2013/12/install-configure-nagios-linux.html
译者:[icybreaker](https://github.com/icybreaker) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
Linux free 命令 - 显示系统中空闲和已使用的内存
系统管理员必须维护他们服务器的健康运行。其中一个重要的部分就是内存。当服务器内存使用率过高时,它会降低服务器的性能。Linux有一个称为 **free** 的工具,来监控内存使用率。
### free 命令是什么 ###
**free** 命令是一个显示系统中空闲和已用内存大小的工具。free 命令的输出和 top 命令相似。大多数Linux发行版已经含有 free 命令。
### 如何运行 free ###
想要运行,只需在控制台输入**free** 即可。不带选项运行会显示一个以KB为单位的默认输出。
$ free

#### 内存 (以KB计) ####
- Total(全部) : 1026740
- Used(已用) : 843396
- Free(可用) : 183344
- Shared(共享) : 0
- Buffers(块设备缓存区) : 52704
- Cached(文件缓存) : 376384
译注:关于Buffers和Cached的区别,来自 http://www.taobaotesting.com/blogs/qa?bid=2265 的一段解释如下:
> buffers是指用来给块设备做的缓冲大小,他只记录文件系统的metadata以及 tracking in-flight pages.
> cached是用来给文件做缓冲。
> 那就是说:buffers是用来存储,目录里面有什么内容,权限等等。而cached直接用来记忆我们打开的文件
#### Swap (以KB计) ####
- Total(全部) : 1045500
- Used(已用) : 3376
- Free(可用) : 1042124
当你看见 buffer/cache 的空闲空间低或者 swap 的空闲空间低,说明内存需要升级了。这意味这内存利用率很高。请注意 **shared(共享)内存列应该被忽略** ,因为它已经被废弃了。
### 以其它单元显示内存信息 ###
如我们先前提到的,默认 free 会以 KB 为单位显示信息。free 同样提供给我们 **b (B), -k (KB), -m (MB), -g (GB) and –tera (TB)**这些单位。要显示我们想要的单位,只要选择一个并在 free 后面跟上。下面一个是以 MB 为单位的输出样例。
$ free -m

这个技巧同样适用于**-b, -k, -g** 以及 **–tera** 选项。
### 以适于人类可读方式显示内存信息 ###
free 同样提供了**-h**选项,这意味着适于人类可读(译注:系统上可能并不存在-h选项,已被-m取代)。那么这与其它的选项有什么不同呢,如**-m**(MB)选项? 可见的最大不同是**-h**选项会在数字后面加上适于人类可读的单位。让我们看一个例子。
$ free -h

如我们一起看到的,在1,0数字后这里是**G(GB)**字母。当数字并没有达到GB时,free足够聪明来知道并在每个数字后面跟上合适的单位。后面的**M** - 数字929告诉我们它有929MB(译注: 原文为929 number tell us its 969 Megabytes,这里应该为输入错误)。
### 间隔显示 free ###
$ free -hs 3

### 显示高低内存利用率 ###
$ free -l

### 显示 Linux 全部内存 ###
如果我们需要每列的总计信息,我们可以在 free 命令后面跟上 **-t** 选项。这会在字底部额外加入一行显示。
$ free -t

### 总结 ###
除了[vmstat][1]以外,free 命令也是一个用于统计内存利用率的简单统计工具。用这个你可以快速查看你的 Linux 内存信息。free 命令使用 **/proc/meminfo** 作为基准来显示内存利用率信息。如往常一样,你可以在控制台下输入 **man free** 来获取更多关于 free 的信息。
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/linux-free-command/
译者:[geekpi](https://github.com/geekpi) 校对:[Caroline](https://github.com/carolinewuyan)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ Who命令有一些参数用于调整输出。以下是常用的例子。
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/linux-who-command/
译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[Caroline](https://github.com/carolinewuyan)
译者:[l3b2w1](https://github.com/l3b2w1) 校对:[Caroline](https://github.com/carolinewuyan)
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@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
翻译 by Luox
14 New Linux Distros That Were Introduced In 2013

The year 2013 has been a big one for the open source industry. With the rise of the Android OS, which owns over 85 per cent of the market share in the mobile devices segment, Linux has come to the forefront like never before. Corroborating the increasing reports of the rise in popularity of Linux-based distributions, 13 new distros emerged this year. In case you happened to miss them, take a look!
1. **[Slackel Linux][1]**: This distro is based on Slackware Linux and the Salix OS. It uses KDE as its default desktop environment.
2. **[SalentOS][2]**: Based on the popular Ubuntu operating system, this distribution uses Openbox as its default windows manager. It is aimed at beginners and is a comparatively light Linux distro.
3. **[Linux Lite][3]**: This lightweight Linux-based operating system is aimed at beginners and uses the XFCE desktop environment.
4. **[Kali Linux][4]**: The resurrection of BackTrack Linux, the well known distro, was brought around by Kali Linux. This is a penetration testing distribution that has gained favour in the community since it was launched.
5. **[Springdale Linux][5]**: Based on Red Hat Linux, the Springdale Linux distribution was originally known as PUIAS Linux. It is mainted by the Institute for Advanced Study along with the Princeton University in USA.
6. **[Emmabuntüs][6]**: This distro has a number of pre loaded programs, which are useful in day to day activities. It is based on the Xubuntu operating system and is a lightweight OS.
7. **[Antergos][7]**: This distribution was previously known as Cinnarch. The name is a combination of the Arch Linux distro and the Cinnamon desktop environment.
8. **[SolydXK][8]**: Both SolydX and SolydK are Debian-based Linux distributions that use the XFCE and KDE desktop environments respectively. SolydXK is a mix of the two and has both home and business editions.
9. **[Point Linux][9]**: This is a combination of the Debian distro with the Mate desktop environment, which has GNOME 2 forked into it. The goal of this distribution is to be easy-to-setup and use.
10. **[Simplicity Linux][10]**: The default desktop environment on this distribution is LXDE and the platform itself is derived from the Puppy Linux distro.
11. **[LXLE][11]**: The name is again suggestive of the nature of the distribution. It is based on the long term support release of the Lubuntu OS and is a lightweight Linux-based distro.
12. **[Kwheezy][12]**: This is a Debian-based Linux distribution that comes with the KDE desktop environment. The OS has a variety of default applications and media codecs installed in it.
13. **[MakuluLinux][13]**: Preinstalled applications galore in this Debian-based Linux distro that came out in 2013.
14. **[OpenMandriva][14]** LX: This is a Linux distribution that is based on the Russian ROSA distro. This distribution is supported by the Mandriva distribution. In fact, Mandriva had earlier also been forked into ROSA.
Source: ItsFoss.com
via: http://itsfoss.com/new-linux-distros-2013/
译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(translating by runningwater)
Gnu: toward the post-scarcity world – the Free Software Column
**It is 30 years since Richard Stallman announced that he was going to write a complete UNIX-compatible software system called GNU, pioneering the idea of free and open source software, but the struggle continues **
**It is 30 years since Richard Stallman announced that he was going to write a complete UNIX-compatible software system called GNU, pioneering the idea of free and open source software, but the struggle continues**

@ -34,6 +35,6 @@ Free software owes much to the obduracy and insights of Stallman, but as he sugg
via: http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/features/gnu-toward-the-post-scarcity-world-the-free-software-column
译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
译者:[runningwater](https://github.com/runningwater) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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sources/Hardware, software, standards.md
Normal file
sources/Hardware, software, standards.md
Normal file
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Hardware, software, standards
The idea behind Coova is simple: to provide you with the open (and free) tools and services you need to manage and access your WiFi network, just the way you want to. Our philosophy is that you shouldn't be required to use any specific hardware (like [FON][1] or [Meraki][2]) or software (like [Whisher][3]). From the ground up, Coova is about being open and standards based - compatible with the widest possible range of hardware, protocols, and services. It's about bringing ["Carrier" grade][4] features and services to the open-source/services world. It's also about making dumb routers a bit smarter - recycling is good, right?
With Coova, you can pick and choose the software and services you need - depending on the kind of network you are building and how you want to access it. Here are some typical uses of Coova technologies:
#### Use [CoovaAP][5] for easy configuration of [CoovaChilli][6] (or [WiFiDog][7]):
* with or without using CoovaAAA services,
* using RADIUS or locally defined users,
* using the customizable "Internal" captive portal, or
* configured to use your own portal or RADIUS service.
#### Use [CoovaChilli][6] either in [CoovaAP][5] or in your own firmware or server to:
* enforce a captive portal and authentication using CoovaAAA or any other portal/RADIUS service,
* works with a variety of commercial services (ask your provider),
* integrate with 802.1X authentication to provide accounting and access limitations.
#### Use [CoovaAAA][8] to manage the access to your network:
* with a CoovaChilli/AP captive portal,
* using a patched WiFiDog captive portal,
* using [your own captive portal][9] (no advanced programming needed),
* using our Facebook or standard captive portal applications,
* using a commercial access controller (like Colubris), or
* using any router supporting WPA Enterprise/802.1X (like the AirPort Extreme).
#### Use and share your [CoovaAAA][8] controlled network:
* using one account to login to both your captive portal and your secure WPA Enterprise networks (using any device supporting 802.1X, like your laptop or Nokia phone),
* using your account at any [CoovaAAA][8] location that is being shared with you,
* selectively share your network with only those you choose - individuals or entire realms, or
* share your network based on [OpenID][10] logins or Facebook fans/friends.
#### Use [CoovaFX][11] and [CoovaSX][12] in Firefox or your phone, respectively, to login past a captive portal using the WISPr standard and a pre-configured account - WISPr is supported by CoovaAAA and most commercial access controllers and service providers.
#### Use [JRadius][13] to program your own RADIUS provisioning logic for your network.
If you are building a WiFi network and haven't found anything on this site that can help you, you probably haven't looked hard enough. Though, it has been said, and we do acknowledge, that more documentation is needed. For this, we call out to the development and user community to help out in the Wiki , [forums][14], and [mailing lists][15]. Note: In the Wiki, we do lock pages to prevent SPAM - either create a new page or ask for more permissions on one of the mailing lists.
We are also hoping to hear more about how and where you are using Coova! In fact, a friend of mine was recently vacationing in the Dominican Republic and was pleasantly surprised to find a Coova signal at the Hotel. They were using CoovaAP for their WiFi. Stories like this are terrific -- lets get them in the forum!
via: http://coova.org/node/133
译者:[Akagi201](https://github.com/Akagi201) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[1]: https://corp.fon.com/en
[2]: https://meraki.cisco.com/
[3]: http://www.whisher.com/
[4]: https://meraki.cisco.com/blog/2008/04/new-carrier-services/
[5]: http://coova.org/CoovaAP
[6]: http://coova.org/CoovaChilli
[7]: http://dev.wifidog.org/
[8]: http://coova.org/CoovaAAA
[9]: http://coova.org/node/80
[10]: http://coova.org/node/71
[11]: http://www.coova.com/CoovaFX
[12]: http://www.coova.com/CoovaSX
[13]: http://coova.org/JRadius
[14]: http://coova.org/forum/
[15]: http://coova.org/MailingLists
@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
(翻译中 by runningwater)
How to open a large text file on Linux
In the era of "big data", large text files (GB or more) could be commonly encountered around us. Suppose you somehow need to search and edit one of those big text files by hand. Or you could be analyzing multi-GB log files manually for specific troubleshooting purposes. A typical text editor may not be designed to deal with such large text files efficiently, and may simply get choked while attempting to open a big file, due to insufficient memory.
If you are a savvy system admin, you can probably open or touch an arbitrary text file with a combination of cat, tail, grep, sed, awk, etc. In this tutorial, I will discuss more user-friendly ways to **open (and possibly edit) a large text file on Linux**.
### Vim with LargeFile Plugin ###
Vim text editor boasts of various plugins (or scripts) which can extend Vim's functionality. One such Vim plugin is [LargeFile plugin][1].
The LargeFile plugin allows you to load and edit large files more quickly, by turning off several Vim features such as events, undo, syntax highlighting, etc.
To install the LargeFile plugin on Vim, first make sure that you have Vim installed.
On Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint:
$ sudo apt-get install vim
On Fedora, CentOS or RHEL:
$ sudo yum install vim-enhanced
Then download the LargFile plugin from [Vim website][2]. The latest version of the plugin is 5, and it will be saved in Vimball format (.vba extension).
To install the plugin in your home directory, you can open the .vba file with Vim as follows.
$ gunzip LargeFile.vba.gz
$ vim LargeFile.vba
Enter ":so %" and press ENTER within Vim window to install the plugin in your home directory.
After this, enter ":q" to quit Vim.
The plugin will be installed at ~/.vim/plugin/LargeFile.vim. Now you can start using Vim as usual.
What this plugin does is to turn off events, undo, syntax highlighting, etc. when a "large" file is loaded on Vim. By default, files bigger than 100MB are considered "large" by the plugin. To change this setting, you can edit ~/.vimrc file (create one if it does not exist).
To change the minimum size of large files to 10MB, add the following entry to ~/.vimrc.
> let g:LargeFile=10
While the LargeFile plugin can help you speed up file loading, Vim itself still cannot handle editing an extremely large file very well, because it tries to load the entire file in memory. For example, when a 1GB file is loaded on Vim, it takes as much memory and swap space, as shown in the top output below.
So if your files are significantly bigger than the physical memory of your Linux system, you can consider other options, as explained below.
### glogg Log Explorer ###
If all you need is "read-only" access to a text file, and you don't have to edit it, you can consider [glogg][4], which is a GUI-based standalone log analyzer. The glogg analyzer supports filtered views of an input text file, based on extended regular expressions and wildcards.
To install glogg on Debian (Wheezy and higher), Ubuntu or Linux Mint:
$ sudo apt-get install glogg
To install glogg on Fedora (17 or higher):
$ sudo yum install glogg
To open a text file with glogg:
$ glogg test.log
glogg can open a large text file pretty fast. It took me around 12 seconds to open a 1GB log file.
You can enter a regular expression in the "Text" field, and press "Search" button. It supports case-insensitive search and auto-refresh features. After searching, you will see a filtered view at the bottom window.
Compared to Vim, glogg is much more lightweight after a file is loaded. It was using only 83MB of physical memory after loading a 1GB log file.
### JOE Text Editor ###
[JOE][7] is a light-weight terminal based text editor released under GPL. JOE is one of few text editors with large file support, allows opening and editing files larger than memory.
Besides, JOE supports various powerful text editing features, such as non-destructive editing, search and replace with regular expression, unlimited undo/redo, syntax highlighting, etc.
To install JOE on Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint:
$ sudo apt-get install joe
To install JOE on Fedora, CentOS or RHEL:
$ sudo yum install joe
To open a text file for editing, run:
$ joe test.log
Loading a large file on JOE is a little bit sluggish, compared to glogg above. It took around 30 seconds to load a 1GB file. Still, that's not too bad, considering that a file is fully editable now. Once a file is loaded, you can start editing a file in terminal mode, which is quite fast.
The memory consumption of JOE is impressive. To load and edit a 1GB text file, it only takes 47MB of physical memory.
If you know any other way to open/edit a large text file on Linux, share your knowledge!
via: http://xmodulo.com/2013/12/open-large-text-file-linux.html
译者:[runningwater](https://github.com/runningwater) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
翻译中 by小眼儿
Linux is Everywhere. We show you exactly where

” [Linux][1] is Everywhere. From Space Stations to Microwave Ovens, Linux powers everything.” You might have heard that a lot and have always wondered ” Is that just a phrase or is it actually true ? “ Be assured, it is true. World’s biggest companies use Linux in one way or another but you are not going to believe unless I take names. Well, get ready for a roller coaster ride across the globe where I show you where and how Linux is used
### Government ###
Most of the Governments use Linux, which is pretty obvious for two major reasons. It saves money and provides the flexibility no other OS can . Below is a comprehensive list of Governments around the global using Linux -:
- **America** – Starting July 2001, The White House started migrating the computers to the Linux-based [Red Hat][2] Linux and [Apache][3] HTTP Server and the migration was completed in February 2009. In October 2009, [Drupal][4] was chosen as the primary Content management system for White House Servers.
The United States Department of Defense uses Linux – “the U.S. Army is “the” single largest install base for Red hat Linux and the US Navy nuclear submarine fleets run on Linux.
In 2006, the US Federal Aviation Administration announced that it had completed a migration to Red Hat Enterprise Linux in one-third of the scheduled time and saved 15 million dollars.
The US National Nuclear Security Administration operates the world’s tenth fastest supercomputer, the IBM Roadrunner. which used Red Hat Enterprise Linux along with [Fedora][5] as its operating system.
The city government of Largo, Florida, USA uses Linux and has won international recognition for their implementation, indicating that it provides ” extensive savings over more traditional alternatives in city-wide applications.”
In June 2012 the US Navy signed a US$27,883,883 contract with Raytheon to install Linux ground control software for its fleet of vertical take-off and landing ( VTOL ) Northup-Grumman MQ8B Fire Scout Drones. The contract involves Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Maryland which has already spent $5,175,075 in preparation for the Linux Systems.
- **Germany** – In 2003 the City Government of Munich decided to migrate their 14,000 desktops to LiMux, a customised version of [Debian][6]. Even though more than 80% of workstations were already using Free Software like Open Office, Firefox and Thunderbird.In November 2008, five years later the migration rate of 20% was achieved because of focusing on smaller deployments and winning over staff to the value of program. By the end of 2011, more than 9000 desktops were running Linux and the government of Munich later reported that the migration to Linux was highly successful and has already saved the city over €11 million ( USD $14 million ).
The Federal Employment office of germany has migrated 13,000 public workstations from Windows NT to [OpenSuse][7].
- **France** – the French parliament has switched to using Ubuntu on Desktop PCs. France’s Ministry of Agriculture uses Mandriva Linux.
France’s national Police Force, the National Gendarmerie, started moving their 90,000 desktops from Windows XP to Ubuntu in 2007 over the concerns over additional training costs of moving to Windows Vista, and following the success of OpenOffice roll-outs. The migration should be completed in 2015. The force have saved over €50 million on software licensing between 2004 and 2008.
- **South Africa** – The South African Social Security Agency ( SASSA ) deployed Multi-Station Linux Desktops to address budget and infrastructure constraints in 50 rural sites.
- **Turkey** – In 2003, the Turkish Government decided to create its own Linux Distribution , Pardus, developed by UEKAE ( National Research Institute of Electronics and Cryptology ). The First version, Pardus 1.0, was officially announced in December 2005.
- **hilippines** – In 2010, The Philippines started using national Voting System powered by [Ubuntu][8].
- **Malaysia** – In July 2010, Malaysia had switched 703 of the state’s 724 agencies to Free Software with a Linux-based operating system used. The Chief Secretary cited,”General acceptance of its promise of better quality. higher reliability, more flexibility and lower cost”.
- **China** – State owned Industrial and Commercial bank of China ( ICBC ) has installed Linux in all of its 20,000 retail branches on the basis of its web server and a new terminal platform.
The People’s Republic of China exclusively uses Linux as the operating system for its Loongson processor family, with the aim of technology independence.
- **Cuba** – Students from the Cuban University of Information Science launched its own distribution of Linux called Nova to promote the replacement of Microsoft Windows on civilian computers and government computers, a project that is now supported by the Cuban Government and have successfully migrated more than 8000 computers to this new operating system.
- **Russia** – In late 2010 Vladimir Putin signed a plan to move the Russian Federation government towards Free Software including Linux in the second quarter of 2012.
- **Netherland** – The Dutch Police Internet Research and Investigation Network ( iRN ) has only used Free and open source software based on open standards, publicly developed with the source code available on the internet for audit, since 2003. the use 2200 ubuntu workstations.
- **Spain** – The regional Andalusian Autonomous Government of Andalusia in Spain developed its own Linux distribution, called Guadalinex in 2004.
- **Pakistan** – The Government of Pakistan established a Technology Resource Mobilization Unit in 2002 to enable groups of professionals to exchange views and coordinate activities in their sectors and to educate users about free software alternatives. Linux is an option for poor countries which have little revenue for public investment. Pakistan is using open source software in public schools and colleges, and hopes to run all government services on Linux.
- **India** – The government of Kerala, India, announced its official support for Free Software in its State IT Policy of 2001. which was founded after the first ever free software conference in India, “Freedom First!”. held in July 2001 in Trivandrum, the capital of Kerala, where Richard Stallman inaugurated the Free Software Foundation Of India. since then, Kerala’s IT Policy has been significantly influenced by FOSS, with several major initiatives such as IT@School Project, possibly the latest single-purpose deployment of Linux in the world, and leading to the formation of the International Centre for Free and open Source Software ( ICFOSS ) in 2009.
### Education ###
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world – Nelson Mandela. Free Software should be part of the education system and some countries have done a remarkable job of integrating Free Software in their education system.
- **The Children’s Machine** – The OLPC XO-1 ( previously called the MIT $100 laptop and The Children’s Machine ), is an inexpensive laptop running Linux, which will be distributed to millions of children as part of the One Laptop Per Child project, especially in developing countries.
- **China** – The Chinese government is buying 1.5 million Linux Loongson PCs as part of its plans to support its domestic industry. In addition the provision of Jiangsu will install as many as 150,000 Linux PCs, using Loongson processors, in rural schools starting in 2009.
- **Italy** – Schools in Bolzano, Italy, with a student population of 16,000, switched to a custom distribution of Linux ( FUSS Soledad GNU/Linux ) in september 2005.
- **Russia** – Russia announced in October 2007 that all its schools computers will run on Linux. This is to avoid cost of Licensing currently unlicensed software.
- **Switzerland** – 9000 computers were converted to Linux and OpenOffice in school district Geneva, Switzerland.
- **Georgia** – In 2004, Georgia began running all its computers and LTSP thin clients on Linux, mainly using [Kubuntu][9], ubuntu and stripped Fedora-based distro.
- **Philippines** – The Philippines has deployed 13,000 desktops running on Fedora, the first 10,000 were delivered in 2007 by Advances Solutions Inc. Another 10,000 desktops of [Edubuntu][10] and Kubuntu are planned.
- **India** – Government officials of Kerala, India announced they will use only free software running on Linux Platform, for computer education, starting with the 2,650 government and government-aided high schools. The Indian State of Tamilnadu also plans to distribute 100,00 Linux laptops to its students.
The Indian government’s tablet computer initiative for students use Linux as the operating system as part of its drive to produce a tablet PC for under 1,500 rupees ( US$35 ).
- **Germany** – In 2012 the Keibniz Supercomputing Centre of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities unveiled the SuperMUC, the world’s fourth most powerful supercomputer. The computer is x86-based and features 155,000 processors cores with a maximum speed of 3 petaflops of processing power and 324 terabytes of RAM. Its operating system is [SUSE][11] Linux Enterprise Server.
Germany also announced that 5,60,000 students in 33 universities will migrate to Linux.
- **Venezuela** – In 2009, Venezuela’s Ministry of Education begins a project called Canaima-educativo, to provide all students in public schools with “Canamita” laptop computers with the Canaima Debian-based Linux distribution pre-installed, as well as with open source educational content.
### Businesses and non Profits ###
Linux is used extensively on servers in businesses, and has been for a long time. Linux is also used in some corporate environments as the desktop platform for their employees, with commercially available solutions including Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop, and Ubuntu.
- **Amazon** – Amazon.com, the US based mail-order retailer, uses Linux “in nearly every corner of its business”.
- **Google** – Google uses a version of Ubuntu internally nicknamed Goobuntu.
- **Wikipedia** – Wikipedia moved to running its server on ubuntu in late 2008, after having previously used a combination of Red Hat Enterprise and Fedora.
- **DreamWorks** – DreamWorks Animation adopted the use of Linux since 2001, and uses more than 1,000 Linux Desktops and more than 3,000 Linux servers.
- **IBM** – IBM does extensive development work for Linux and also uses it on desktops and servers internally. the company also created a TV advertising campaign : IBM supports Linux 100%.
- **NYSE** – The New York Stock System uses Linux to run its trading applications.
- **Novell** – Novell initiated a migration from Windows to Linux back in 2004. Of its 5500 employees, 50% were successfully migrated as of April 2006. The Migration rate rose to 80% in november.
- **LSE** – The London Stock Exchange uses the Linux based MilleniumIT Millenium Exchange software for its trading platform and predicts that moving from windows to Linux will give it an annual cost savings of at least £10 million ($14.7 million) from 2011-12.
- **Banco do Brasil** – Banco do Brasil of Brazil, the biggest bank in the country, has moved nearly all desktops to Linux, except some corporate ones and a few that are needed to operate some specific hardware. They began migration of their services to Linux in 2002. Branch servers and ATMs all run Linux and the distribution of choice is Open Suse.
- **Dukejets** – DukeJets LLC (USA) and Duke Jets Ltd. (Canada), air charter brokerage companies, switched from Windows to Ubuntu Linux in 2012 upon converting their operations management suite to the web-based AirManager software package they helped design.
- **Mindbridge** – Mindbridge, a software company, announced in September 2007 that it had migrated a large number of Windows servers onto a smaller number of Linux servers and a few BSD servers. It claims to have saved “bunches of money.”
- **Wotif** – Wotif, the Australian hotel booking website, migrated from Windows to Linux servers to keep up with the growth of its business.
- **Virgin** – Virgin America, the low-cost U.S airline, uses Linux to power its in-flight entertainment system, RED.
- **Erine Ball** – Ernie Ball, known for its famous Super Slinky guitar strings, has used Linux as its desktop operating system since 2000.
- **CME** – The Chicago Mercantile Exchange employs an all-Linux computing infrastructure and has used it to process over a quadrillion dollars worth of financial transactions.
- **Electrolux Frigidaire** – Electrolux Frigidaire Infinity i-kitchen is a “smart appliance” refrigerator that uses a Linux operating system, running on an embedded 400 MHz Freescale i.MX25 processor with 128 MB of RAM and a 480×800 touch panel.
- **KLM** – KLM, the Royal Aviation Company of the Netherlands, uses Linux on the OSS-based version of its KLM WebFarm.
- **Nav Canada** – Nav Canada’s new Internet Flight Planning System for roll-out in 2011, is written in Python and runs on Red Hat Linux.
- **Kim Cascone** – American electronic music composer Kim Cascone migrated from Apple Mac to Ubuntu for his music studio, performance use and administration in 2009.
- **Chi-X** – The Chi-X pan-European equity exchange runs its MarketPrizm trading platform software on Linux.
- **Peugeot** – Peugeot, the European car maker, announced plans to deploy up to 20,000 copies of Novell’s Linux desktop, SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop, and 2,500 copies of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, in 2007.
- **United Bank Of California** – Union Bank of California announced in January 2007 that it would standardize its IT infrastructure on Red Hat Enterprise Linux in order to lower costs.
- **Laughing Boy** – Laughing Boy Records under the direction of owner Geoff Beasley switched from doing audio recording on Windows to Linux in 2004 as a result of Windows spyware problems.
### Scientific Institutions ###
- **NASA** – NASA has migrated the International Space Station from Windows Xp to Debian 6.
- **University of Portsmouth** – The University of Portsmouth in the United Kingdom has deployed a “cost effective” high performance computer that will be used to analyse data from telescopes around the world, run simulations and test the current theories about the universe. Its operating system is [Scientific Linux][12]. Dr David Bacon of the University of Portsmouth said: “Our Institute of Cosmology is in a great position to use this high performance computer to make real breakthroughs in understanding the universe, both by analysing the very latest astronomical observations, and by calculating the consequences of mind-boggling new theories…By selecting Dell’s industry-standard hardware and open source software we’re able to free up budget that would have normally been spent on costly licences and reinvest it.”
- **Tianhe** – Tianhe-I, the worlds fastest super computer as of October 2010, located at the National Centre for Supercomputing in Tianjin, China runs Linux.
- **University of Toronto** – Canada’s largest super computer, the IBM iDataPlex cluster computer at the University of Toronto uses Linux as its operating system.
- **CERN** – Both CERN and Fermilab use Scientific Linux in all their work; this includes running the Large Hadron Collider or the Dark Energy Cameraor the 20,000 internal servers of CERN.
- **Internet Archive** – The Internet Archive uses hundreds of x86 servers to catalogue the Internet, all of them running Linux.
So these are the few places we know of where Linux is used and this is not even a fraction of what the real numbers are. Please feel free to comment and if I have missed any Linux using country or company, mention it in the commetns and I’ll be quick to add it to the list.
source: [Wikipedia][13]
via: http://www.linuxfederation.com/linux-everywhere/
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本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
yechunxiao19 翻译中
Move Dropbox’s Folder To An External Drive In Ubuntu
Few weeks ago we showed you how to [move Dropbox folder to an external drive using Microsoft Windows][1]. That tutorial was well received. The same can be done in Ubuntu for those who are using Ubuntu as their operating system.
This brief tutorial is going to show you how to easily move Dropbox folder to another location when using Ubuntu.
The reason I am writing these tutorials is couple of months ago I received a new HP EliteBook laptop with only 128GB SSD hard drive. I love the machine, it’s fast and performs well.
The downside with it is that the local storage is just too small to handle all my stuff. Besides my local applications and data, I also have online stuff in GB size, in my Dropbox account.
So, when I synchronized my Dropbox account and downloaded all the content in it to my HP EliteBook, it completely consumed the entire local disk.
The only solution was to move the Dropbox folder to an external drive so that it’s not using the local storage disk.
If you find yourself in similar situation, whether using Windows or Ubuntu, follow these posts to make room on your local disk. To get started with moving Dropbox folder in Ubuntu, first attach the external storage.
After attaching the disk, go to Unity Dash and search for Disks app. Open it and select the drive you wish to use and click **Tools –> Format**.

Next, format the drive with filesystem type **NTFS**

After formatting, select **Tools –> Mount Options**

Then specify the options as shown below… The Mount Point (location to mount Dropbox’s folder), filesystem type, and other options in the image below. Save it when you’re done.

After that, quit Dropbox service and delete the current DropBox folder at the default location (/home/username/Dropbox). When you start Dropbox service again, it will alert you of missing folder. Click the Relink button to assign the new location.

When prompted to choose the setup type, select ‘**Advanced**’ and specify the location location to install Dropbox folder.

After the setup, restart and if Dropbox doesn’t prompt you of missing folder, then you’re ok.

That’s it! Enjoy!
If NTFS-3G isn’t installed, run this command to install it.
sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g
via: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/12/move-dropboxs-folder-to-an-external-drive-in-ubuntu/
译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
Setup your personal Cloud server in minutes using ownCloud On RHEL, CentOS, Scientific Linux 6.5
[ownCloud][1] is a free Open Source software, used to setup your own personal cloud for file sharing, Calender, Contact and Bookmark sharing and Personal Audio/Video Streaming. It is pretty easy to setup and manage.
### Prerequisites ###
In this tutorial i am using CentOS 6.5 minimal server to setup ownCloud. My testbox details are given below.
Operating system: CentOS 6.5 Minimal Installation
IP Address:
While it was tested on CentOS 6.5, it is applicable for all RPM based distros.
Then your server should have a working LAMP stack. Refer the following link to setup LAMP server.
- [Install LAMP server on RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux][2]
Install following necessary PHP extensions:
# yum install php-mysql php-json php-xml php-mbstring php-zip php-gd curl php-curl php-pdo
### Setting up database for ownCloud ###
Let us create a database called ‘ownclouddb’ and database user ‘ownclouduser’ with passwor ‘centos’.
# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 66
Server version: 5.5.34-MariaDB MariaDB Server
Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle, Monty Program Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE ownclouddb;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL ON ownclouddb.* TO ownclouduser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'centos';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> flush privileges;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> exit
### Getting owncloud ###
Switch to your apache root folder and download ownCloud latest version
Goto to Apache root document folder and download the latest version of owncloud.
# wget http://download.owncloud.org/community/owncloud-6.0.0a.tar.bz2
Extract the tar package using command:
# tar xvf owncloud-6.0.0a.tar.bz2
Move the extracted folder to your apache root folder (i.e /var/www/html/)
# mv owncloud/ /var/www/html/
Set the ownership and permissions to the following folders:
# chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/owncloud/
# chmod 777 /var/www/html/owncloud/config/
Enable apache rewrite mode.
Edit file “**/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf**”,
# vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Find the following section and Change **AllowOverride None** to **Allowoverride All**.
AllowOverride All
Finally, restart the apachehttpd and mysql services.
# service mysql restart
# service httpd restart
### Begin ownCloud Installation ###
Navigate to **http://ip-address/owncloud** or **http://domain-name/owncloud** from your web browser.
**Note**: If encountered with any permission errors, disable SELinux and try again.
The index page of own cloud will shown up. You will asked be to create a new admin account. Enter the admin account details.
Then, Click on the **Advanced** drop-down box, select mysql and enter the mysal database name, database user name and password. Finally click **Finish setup** to complete installation.

This is how my ownCloud dashboard looks:

Thats it. Our cloud server is ready. From here, you can upload/download your images, files, Audio, Video and also can access them from your client systems over LAN/WAN.
via: http://www.unixmen.com/setup-your-personal-cloud-server-in-minutes-using-owncloud/
译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
Ubuntu Stores Your Wi-Fi Passwords By Default!
Ubuntu is not as secure as you perhaps thought it to be. According to reports, the Linux-driven distribution stores its Wi-Fi profiles outside its home folder, which makes them more accessible. This includes passwords for the Wi-Fi profiles. Reports say that a user pointed out that Wi-Fi passwords on Ubuntu aren’t encrypted as they are stored outside the Home folder. This folder though can be encrypted during the OS’ installation.
“I recently stumbled over the fact, that NetworkManager by default stores Wifi profiles *including clear text passwords* under ‘/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/.’ I think that is not what one expects when he/she turns on home folder encryption and should because of that be corrected somehow,” Softpedia quoted user Per Guth from a mailing list.
The issue is apparently a result of “All users may connect to this network”, the option that is enabled by default. In order to switch this feature off, users have to open the Network Indicator and go to Edit Connections. Then choose Select Network and clock on Edit. In the General tab here, untick the option in order to switch it off.
Unchecking the option reportedly moves the password into the required folder, but the Softpedia report speculated that majority of the users won’t be aware of this issue. Whether Canonical will make any changes to this or not remains to be seen.
via: http://www.efytimes.com/e1/fullnews.asp?edid=125483
译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
15个 MySQL 基础面试题,DBA 准备好了吗?
此前我们已经有发表过[Linux 面试基础问答]共3篇文章,获得读者的好评,同时我们得到反馈,有些读者希望这种交互式学习方法能够做得更加灵活。心动不如行动,我们这就为您奉上**15道 MySQL 面试题**
此前我们已经有发表过[Linux 面试基础问答][1]共3篇文章,获得读者的好评,同时我们得到反馈,有些读者希望这种交互式学习方法能够做得更加灵活。心动不如行动,我们这就为您奉上 **15个 MySQL 面试题**

### 问题1:你如何确定 MySQL 是否处于运行状态? ###
> **答案**: Debian 上运行命令 **service mysql status;**;RedHat 上运行命令 **service mysqld status;**。然后看看输出即可。
> **答案**: Debian 上运行命令 **service mysql status;**,在RedHat 上运行命令 **service mysqld status;**。然后看看输出即可。
root@localhost:/home/avi# service mysql status
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
Threads: 1 Questions: 112138 Slow queries: 1 Opens: 1485 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 64 Queries per second avg: 22.567.
### 问题2:如何关闭或开启 MySQL 服务? ###
### 问题2:如何开启或停止 MySQL 服务? ###
> **答案**:运行命令 **service mysqld start;** 开启服务;运行命令 **service mysqld stop** 停止服务。
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
### 问题7:如何获取表内所有 Field 对象的名称和类型? ###
> **答案**:运行命令 **describe table_name;** 查看名为 table_name 的表。
> **答案**:运行命令 **describe table_name;**
mysql> describe oc_users;
@ -162,9 +162,9 @@
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
### 问题11:如何从 oc_users 这个表获取一个 field 对象(比如 uid)的所有数据? ###
### 问题11:如何从表(比如 oc_users )中获取一个 field 对象(比如 uid)的所有数据? ###
> **答案**:运行命令 **select uid from oc_users;**。
> **答案**:运行命令 **select uid from oc_users;**
mysql> select uid from oc_users;
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
1 row in set (0.03 sec)
### 问题12:假设你有一个表,名为 ‘xyz’,存在多个 field,如 create_time 和 engine。名为 engine 的 field 由 ‘Memoty’ 和 ‘MyIsam’ 两种数值组成。如何只列出 create_time 和 engine 这两列并且 engine 的值为 ‘MyIsam’? ###
### 问题12:假设你有一个名为 ‘xyz’ 的表,它存在多个 field,如 ‘create_time’ 和 ‘engine’。名为 engine 的 field 由 ‘Memoty’ 和 ‘MyIsam’ 两种数值组成。如何只列出 ‘create_time’ 和 ‘engine’ 这两列并且 engine 的值为 ‘MyIsam’? ###
> **答案**:运行命令 **select create_time, engine from xyz where engine = ”MyIsam”;**
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
| 41 | tecmint | tecmint.com |
### 问题14:如何列出表 ‘xrt’ 内 name 域值_不_为 ‘tecmint’,web_address 域值为 ‘tecmint.com’ 的所有数据? ###
### 问题14:如何列出表 ‘xrt’ 内 name 域值不为 ‘tecmint’,web_address 域值为 ‘tecmint.com’ 的所有数据? ###
> **答案**:运行命令 **select * from xrt where name != "tecmint" and web_address = "tecmint.com";**
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
| 1173 | tecmint | tecmint.com |
### 问题15:你需要知道表内行数,这个该怎么做?
### 问题15:如何知道表内行数?
> **答案**:运行命令 **select count(*) from table_name;**
@ -239,14 +239,14 @@
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
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via: http://www.tecmint.com/basic-mysql-interview-questions-for-database-administrators/
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@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
Ubuntu 一天一课 - 合上笔记本,系统不睡眠
Ubuntu 是一个处在牛 A 和牛 C 之间的现代操作系统,全世界数百万人和公司都在使用它。无论是充当工作台还是高级工程机器(译者表示不知道 advanced engineering machines 是个什么东西),Ubuntu 都游刃有余。
Ubuntu 是一个处在牛 A 和牛 C 之间的现代操作系统,全世界数百万用户和公司都在使用它。无论是充当工作台还是高级工程机器,Ubuntu 都游刃有余。
如果你是 Ubuntu 初学者,使用过程还需要高手指导,那就关注本博客吧。我们已经写了数百 Ubuntu 教程,足以带你入门。从安装 Ubuntu 到系统基本设置,我们都有涉猎。
如果你是 Ubuntu 初学者,使用过程还需要高手指导,那就关注本博客吧。我们已经写了数百篇 Ubuntu 教程,足以带你入门。从安装 Ubuntu 到系统基本设置,我们都有涉猎。
很多现代操作系统(包括 Windows)会在笔记本合上时进入睡眠状态。Ubuntu 也是这样做的。如果你想让你的笔记本盖子合上时不睡眠,就跟着我们学习吧。
大多数现代操作系统(包括 Windows)会在笔记本合上时进入睡眠状态。Ubuntu 也是如此。如果你想让你的笔记本盖子合上时不睡眠,就跟着我们学习吧。
要达到这个目的,Ubuntu 有两种方法。第一种是打开 **System Settings –> Power**(中文版是打开 **系统设置 -> 电源**),然后进行设置。一些用户设置后不会生效。
另一个方法是直接编辑 Login Manager 的配置文件(**logind.conf**)。这个方法基本能生效,你最好用这个。
另一个方法是直接编辑 Login Manager 的配置文件(**logind.conf**)。这个方法基本能生效,建议使用这个。
要开始了,按下 **Ctrl – Alt – T** 组合键,打开终端。然后运行下面的命令打开 logind.conf 文件。你的所有修改都在这个文件内。
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Ubuntu 是一个处在牛 A 和牛 C 之间的现代操作系统,全世界数
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Ubuntu 是一个处在牛 A 和牛 C 之间的现代操作系统,全世界数
配置文件的 “ignore” 值告诉 Ubuntu 当笔记本合上后不要睡眠或挂起。不要动其它设置然后保存文件。
配置文件的 “ignore” 值告诉 Ubuntu 当笔记本合上后不要睡眠或挂起。不要改动其它设置然后保存文件。

@ -38,6 +38,6 @@ Ubuntu 是一个处在牛 A 和牛 C 之间的现代操作系统,全世界数
via: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/12/daily-ubuntu-tips-do-nothing-when-laptop-lid-is-closed/
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@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
而基于Nagios的第三方监测工具如[Centreon][2], [FAN][3] , [op5 Monitor][4]
### Debian或Ubuntu下Nagios的安装 ###
root@mrtg:~# apt-get install nagios3
### CentOS或RHEL下Nagios的安装 ###
[root@mrtg ~]# yum install nagios nagios-plugins
### 监测需求 ###
1. 每三分钟监测一次所有Linux服务器。
2. 每三分钟监测一次所有思科路由器。
3. 所有的邮件告警集中存至sentinel@example.tst。
4. 发出告警前Nagios都将进行3次验证以确保问题确有发生。
5. 当设备的往返时延超过100ms并且/或包丢失量超过20%将发出邮件告警。
### Ubuntu下Nagios的配置 ###
/etc/nagios-plugins 实现监测功能的专有脚本存放地址
/etc/nagios3 添加主机、服务,定义检测和定时器的配置文件
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins 用于监测的可执行文件
### 添加主机模板 ###
root@mrtg:~# cd /etc/nagios3/conf.d
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# cp generic-host_nagios2.cfg linux-server.cfg
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# vim linux-server.cfg
> define host{
> name linux-server
> notifications_enabled 1
> event_handler_enabled 1
> flap_detection_enabled 1
> failure_prediction_enabled 1
> process_perf_data 1
> retain_status_information 1
> retain_nonstatus_information 1
> check_command example-host-check ; 检查所用脚本
> check_interval 3 ; 连续检查的间隔
> max_check_attempts 3 ; 产生邮件告警前的自检次数
> notification_interval 0
> notification_period 24x7
> notification_options d,u,r
> contact_groups admins ; 邮件将要发送至的组
> register0
> }
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# cp linux-server.cfg cisco-device.cfg
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# vim cisco-device.cfg
> # 修改部分高亮显示
> define host{
> name cisco-device
> notifications_enabled 1
> event_handler_enabled 1
> flap_detection_enabled 1
> failure_prediction_enabled 1
> process_perf_data 1
> retain_status_information 1
> retain_nonstatus_information 1
> check_command example-host-check ; 检查时使用的脚本
> check_interval 3 ; 连续检查间隔
> max_check_attempts 3 ; 产生邮件告警前的自检次数
> notification_interval 0
> notification_period 24x7
> notification_options d,u,r
> contact_groups admins ; 邮件将要发至的组
> register 0
> }
### 添加主机 ###
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# cp localhost_nagios2.cfg example.cfg
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# vim example.cfg
> # Host 1
> define host{
> use linux-server ; 使用的主机模板名
> host_name our-server ; nagios使用的主机名
> alias our-server
> address ; 主机的IP地址
> }
> # Host 2
> define host{
> use cisco-device ; 使用的主机模板名
> host_name our-router ; nagios使用的主机名
> alias our-router
> address ; 主机的IP地址
> }
### 主机组定义 ###
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# vim hostgroups_nagios2.cfg
> definehostgroup {
> hostgroup_name linux-server ; 主机组名
> alias Linux Servers
> members our-server ; 组员列表
> }
> definehostgroup {
> hostgroup_name cisco-device ; 主机组名
> alias Cisco Devices
> members our-server ; comma separated list of members
> }
### 定义服务 ###
root@mrtg:~# vim /etc/nagios-plugins/config/ping.cfg
> define command{
> command_name example-host-check
> command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_ping -H '$HOSTADDRESS$' -w 100,20% -c 5000,100% -p 1 -4
> }
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# vim services_nagios2.cfg
> define service {
> hostgroup_name linux-server
> service_description Linux Servers
> check_command example-host-check
> use generic-service
> notification_interval 0 ; 初始化设置为0
> }
> define service {
> hostgroup_name cisco-device
> service_description Cisco Devices
> check_command example-host-check
> use generic-service
> notification_interval 0 ; 初始化设置为0
> }
### 通讯定义 ###
> define contact{
> contact_name root
> alias Root
> service_notification_period 24x7
> host_notification_period 24x7
> service_notification_options w,u,c,r
> host_notification_options d,r
> service_notification_commands notify-service-by-email
> host_notification_commands notify-host-by-email
> email root@localhost, sentinel@example.tst
> }
root@mrtg:~#nagios –v /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg
root@mrtg:~# service nagios3 restart
### CentOS/RHEL上的Nagios配置 ###
> /etc/nagios/objects 添加主机、服务,定义监测和定时器的配置文件
> /usr/lib/nagios/plugins 实现监测的可执行文件
### 添加主机模板 ###
[root@mrtg objects]# cd /etc/nagios/objects/
[root@mrtg objects]# vim templates.cfg
> define host{
> name linux-server
> use generic-host
> check_period 24x7
> check_interval 3
> retry_interval 1
> max_check_attempts 3
> check_command example-host-check
> notification_period 24x7
> notification_interval 0
> notification_options d,u,r
> contact_groups admins
> register 0
> }
> define host{
> name cisco-router
> use generic-host
> check_period 24x7
> check_interval 3
> retry_interval 1
> max_check_attempts 3
> check_command example-host-check
> notification_period 24x7
> notification_interval 0
> notification_options d,u,r
> contact_groups admins
> register 0
> }
### 添加主机和主机组 ###
[root@mrtg objects]# cp localhost.cfg example.cfg
[root@mrtg objects]# vim example.cfg
> #Adding Linux server
> define host{
> use linux-server
> host_name our-server
> alias our-server
> address
> }
> #Adding Cisco Router
> define host{
> use cisco-router
> host_name our-router
> alias our-router
> address
> }
> define hostgroup{
> hostgroup_name linux-servers
> alias Linux Servers
> members our-server
> }
> define hostgroup{
> hostgroup_name cisco-router
> alias cisco-router
> members our-router
> }
### 服务定义 ###
[root@mrtg objects]# vim commands.cfg
> define command{
> command_name example-host-check
> command_line $USER1$/check_ping -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -w 100.0,20% -c 5000.0,100% -p 1 -4
> }
### 通讯定义 ###
> define command{
> command_name example-host-check
> command_line $USER1$/check_ping -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -w 100.0,20% -c 5000.0,100% -p 1 -4
> }
### 通讯定义 ###
[root@objects objects]# vim contacts.cfg
> define contact{
> contact_name nagiosadmin
> use generic-contact
> alias Nagios Admin
> email nagios@localhost, sentinel@example.tst
> }
[root@mrtg ~]# nagios –v /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
[root@mrtg ~]# service nagios restart
[root@mrtg ~]# chkconfig nagios on
### 配置后访问Nagios ###
若Nagios没有依原设定运行,首先要做的是建立一个dry run。
# nagios3 -v /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg
# nagios -v /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
via: http://xmodulo.com/2013/12/install-configure-nagios-linux.html
译者:[icybreaker](https://github.com/icybreaker) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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translated/How to open a large text file on Linux.md
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translated/How to open a large text file on Linux.md
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@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
Linux 中如何打开一个大文本文件
在“大数据”时候,我们会经常遇到有大文件文件(上 GB 或更大)的情况。假设有某种方式需要我们手工的搜索和编辑这些大文件,或者为了解决一些特定的问题而需要手工分析多个上 GB 的日志文件。传统的文本编辑软件对处理这样的大文件不太有效,当我们试图打开一个大文件时会经常由于内存不足而郁闷的不行。
如果你是一个精明的系统管理员,你也许会用 cat、tail、grep、sed、awk 等这些命令的组合来打开和编辑一个任意的文本文件。在这篇教程里,我将会谈论关于如何**在 Linux 中打开(和有可能编辑)一个大文本文件**的更友好的方式方法。
### Vim 的 LargeFile 插件 ###
文本编辑器拥有大量的插件(或脚本),它们能扩展 VIM 的功能。其中的一个是 [LargeFile plugin][1].Vim。
LargeFile 插件可以使大文件更迅速的被加载和编辑,它是通过关闭 VIM 的一些像事件、回退、语法高亮等功能来实现的。
要在 VIM 上安装 LargeFile 插件,首先要确认是否已经安装 VIM。
在 Debian、 Ubuntu 或 Linux Mint 系统中:
$ sudo apt-get install vim
在 Fedora、CentOS 或 RHEL 系统中:
$ sudo yum install vim-enhanced
可以从 [Vim website][2] 上下载 LargFile 插件,最新版本号是5,下载的文件将会保存为 Vimball 格式(以 .vba 结尾)。
要在你的 home 目录下安装插件,如下所示用 VIM 打开 .vba 文件。
$ gunzip LargeFile.vba.gz
$ vim LargeFile.vba
在 VIM 窗体上输入 “:so %”,然后按回车键,就可以在你的 home 目录下安装这个插件了。
完成后,输入 “:q” 退出 VIM。
这个插件将会被安装在 ~/.vim/plugin/LargeFile.vim 下。现在可以像平常一样使用 VIM 了。
当在 VIM 中装载一个“大”文件的时候,这个插件起的作用就是关掉事件、回退、语法高亮等功能。默认情况下大于 100MB 的文件就会被插件认为是“大文件”。要改变也个默认设置,你可以编辑 ~/.vimrc 文件(如果不存在就创建一个)。
如要把大文件的标准最小定为 10MB 的话,可以在 ~/.vimrc 中添加
> let g:LargeFile=10
虽然 LargeFile 可以加速文件装载的速度,但 VIM 自身对编辑相当大的文件支持不太好,因为它会一下子把整个文件都加载进内存。例如,用 VIM 装载 1G 大小的文件,它就会占很多内存和交换空间,如下图所示的顶部输出。
所以如果你的文件明显大于你 Linux 系统的物理内存的话,就要考虑其它的选择,如下所述。
### glogg 日志资源管理器 ###
如果你只需要查看一个文本文件,并不会对它做编辑,可以考虑下 [glogg][4]。它是一款基于图形用户界面的独立日志分析器。该 glogg 分析器支持通过正则表达式和通配符来对要打开的文本文件进行过滤和筛选,使用户只看到其真正关注的内容。
在 Debian (Wheezy 版本或更高版本)、Ubuntu 或 Linux Mint 系统中安装 glogg :
$ sudo apt-get install glogg
在 Fedora (17 版本或更高版本) 系统中安装 glogg :
$ sudo yum install glogg
用 glogg 打开文本文件 :
$ glogg test.log
glogg 能很快的打开一个大文本文件。我花了大约 12 秒就打开了一个 1G 的日志文件。
在 "Text" 区域,你可以输入正则表达式,然后点击 "Search" 按纽,它支持表达式大小写敏感搜索以及自动刷新功能。搜索后,在窗体底部会显示出筛选的结果内容。
从装载文件来跟 VIM 对比, glogg 显得更轻量级,在加载完一个 1G 的日志文件后,它仅仅只使用了 83M 的物理内存。
### JOE 文体编辑器 ###
[JOE][7] 是GPL下发布一个轻量级的基于终端的文本编辑器。JOE 是一款支持大文件,可以打开和编辑比物理内存大的文件的文本编辑器。
在 Debian、Ubuntu 或 Linux Mint 系统中安装 JOE:
$ sudo apt-get install joe
在 Fedora、CentOS 或 RHEL 系统中安装 JOE:
$ sudo yum install joe
$ joe test.log
相比上面提到的 glogg 来说,用 JOE 加载一个大文本文件会有点卡,加载一个 1G 的文件要用将近 30 秒的时间,不过考虑到要对文件进行全文编辑,这还能忍受。一旦文件加载完成,就可以在相当快捷的终端模式中编辑此文件。
The memory consumption of JOE is impressive. To load and edit a 1GB text file, it only takes 47MB of physical memory.
如果你还知道在 Linux 中打开/编辑大文本文件的其它方法的话,请跟我们分享!
via: http://xmodulo.com/2013/12/open-large-text-file-linux.html
译者:[runningwater](https://github.com/runningwater) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
Linux free 命令 - 显示系统中空闲和已使用的内存
### free是什么 ###
**free** 命令是一个显示系统中空闲和已用内存大小的工具。free命令的输出和top命令相似。大多数Linux发行版已经含有free命令。
### How to run it ###
$ free

#### 内存 (以KB计) ####
- Total : 1026740
- Used : 843396
- Free : 183344
- Shared : 0
- Buffers : 52704
- Cached : 376384
#### Swap (以KB计) ####
- Total : 1045500
- Used : 3376
- Free : 1042124
当你看见buffer/cache的空闲空间低或者swap的空闲空间低,那么内存需要升级了。这意味这内存利用率很高。请注意 **共享内存那个应该被忽略**,因为他已经被废弃了。
### 以其他单元显示内存信息 ###
如我们先前提到的,默认上free会以KB为单位显示信息。free同样提供给我们 **b (B), -k (KB), -m (MB), -g (GB) and –tera (TB)**这些单位。要显示我们想要的单位,只要选择一个并在free后面跟上。下面一个是以MB为单位的输出。
$ free -m

这个技巧技巧同样适用于**-b, -k, -g** and **–tera** 选项。
### 以人类可读方式显示内存信息 ###
free同样提供了**-h**选项,这意味着人类可读(译注:系统上可能并不存在-h选项,已被-m取代)。那么这与其他的选项有什么不同呢,如**-m**(MB)选项? 最大的可见的不同是**-h**选项会在数字后面加上人类可读的单元。让我们看一个例子。
$ free -h

如我们一起看到的,在1,0数字后这里是**G(GB)**字母。当数字并没有达到GB时,free足够聪明来知道并在每个数字后面跟上合适的单元。后面的**M** - 数字929告诉我们它有929MB(译注: 原文为929 number tell us its 969 Megabytes,这里应该为typo)。
### 延迟显示free ###
$ free -hs 3

### 显示高低内存利用率 ###
$ free -l

### 显示Linux全部内存 ###
$ free -t

### 总结 ###
除了[vmstat][1]以外,free命令是另外一个用于捕捉内存利用率的简单统计工具。用这个你可以抓取一个快速的关于你Linux内存的信息。free命令使用/proc/meminfo作为基准来显示内存利用率信息。如往常一样,你可以在控制台下输入"man free"来发现关于free的更多细节。
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/linux-free-command/
译者:[geekpi](https://github.com/geekpi) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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translated/Linux is Everywhere. We show you exactly where.md
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- **美国** - 从2001年7月起,白宫开始向基于Linux的[红帽][2]操作系统和[Apache][3]HTTP服务器迁移,迁移工作于2009年2月结束。2009年10月,白宫选择[Drupal][4]作为其主要的服务器内容管理系统。
美国国防部使用Linux - “美国陆军是安装红帽Linux的最庞大个体,而美国海军核潜艇舰队也运行着Linux”。
美国国家核安全管理局运行着世界上速度排名第十的超级计算机 —— IBM Roadrunner,它使用的就是红帽企业版Linux,它的操作系统为[Fedora][5]。
2012年6月,美国海军与雷神公司(Raytheon)签署了一项将近2800万美元的合同,后者将为其Northup-Grumman MQ8B型火力侦察无人机的垂直起降舰队安装Linux地面站控制软件。合同中包含了马里兰州克森特河海军航空站为Linux系统的准备工作已经先行支付的 $5,175,075美元。
- **德国** - 2003年,慕尼黑市政府决定将其14000台桌面系统迁移到[Debian][6]的一个定制版 —— LiMux。到了2008年11月,尽管超过80%的工作岗位已经在使用诸如OpenOffice、Firefox和Thunderbird这样的自由软件,但是由于一直专注于在较小的拓展范围内巩固政府员工对Linux的价值认知,因此,五年时间桌面系统的迁移量仅仅只完成了20%。但是到了2011年底,超过9000个桌面系统已经在运行Linux,稍后没多久,慕尼黑政府宣布Linux的迁移工作取得了巨大成功,总共为全市节省了超过1100万欧元(约合1400万美元)的开支。
德国联邦就业办公室已经将13000台公共工作站从Windows NT迁移到了[OpenSuse][7]。
- **法国** - 法国议会已经转为使用Ubuntu桌面系统,而法国农业部也已经在使用Mandriva Linux。
2007年,法国的国家警察部队 —— 国家宪兵,由于担心升级到Vista会产生额外的培训开支,于是开始将他们的90000台桌面系统从Windows XP更换为Ubuntu,紧接着还成功的部署了OpenOffice。整个迁移工作应该会在2015年结束。从2004年到2008年,该部门已经在软件许可证方面节省了超过5000万欧元。
- **南非** - 南非社会安全局(SASSA)由于预算和基础设施的限制,为50家农业网站部署了多站点Linux桌面系统。
- **土耳其** - 2003年,土耳其政府决定创建自己的Linux发行版 —— Pardus。该发行版由UEKAE(电子和密码国防研究所)开发。2005年12月官方发布了第一版Pardus1.0。
- **菲律宾** - 2010年,菲律宾开始使用部署在[Ubuntu][8]上的国家投票系统。
- **马来西亚** - 2010年7月,马来西亚已经将全国724个行政部门中的703个,转为采用基于Linux操作系统的自由软件。援引其政务司司长的话,“Linux之所以能被大家普遍接受,是因为它质量更好、更可靠、更灵活、也更便宜”。
- **中国** - 国有“爱存不存”银行(ICBC,有人也叫工商银行)以它的web服务器和一个新的终端平台为基础,已经在其全部20000个营业网点安装了Linux。
- **古巴** - 来自古巴大学信息科学专业的学生们开发了他们自己的Linux发行版——Nova,为的就是替代政府与公民电脑上的微软Windows操作系统,该项目现在已经得到了古巴政府的支持,并成功部署了超过8000台电脑。
- **俄罗斯** - 2010年底,弗拉基米尔·普京签署了一项计划,到2012年第二季度,俄联邦政府全部转为使用包括Linux在内的自由软件。
- **荷兰** - 荷兰警方的因特网调查研究部门(iRN)只使用2003年以来在因特网上公开源代码的基于开源标准的自由和开源软件。使用Ubuntu的工作站已经超过了2200个。
- **西班牙** - 西班牙的安达卢西亚自治区政府在2004年开发出了他们自己的Linux发行版——Guadalinex。
- **巴基斯坦** - 巴基斯坦政府于2002年建立了一个技术资源调度部门,组织专业人员交流观点、协调相关活动、教授用户使用替代的自由软件。对于贫穷的国家来说,公共投资的回报很少,Linux自然成为了一个合适的选择。巴基斯坦正在公立学校和大学中使用开源软件,并希望在Linux上运行所有的政府服务。
- **印度** - 印度喀拉拉邦政府于2001年发表了关于从国家IT政策层面支持自由软件的官方声明。当年7月,喀拉拉邦首府Trivandrum举办了印度历史上第一届自由软件大会 —— “自由第一!”,大会上Richard Stallman还宣布了印度自由软件基金会的成立。从诸如“IT@学校”等几个重大项目可以看出,从那时起,喀拉拉邦的IT政策已经被自由和开源软件深刻影响,也许这是目前世界范围内专门针对Linux的最新拓展政策了,而这也促成了2009年自由与开源软件国际中心(ICFOSS)的形成。
“教育是改变世界的最有力武器” —— 纳尔逊·曼德拉。自由软件应当成为教育系统的一部分,一些国家已经为了将自由软件与自身教育系统整合做出了相当斐然的工作。
- **儿童计算机** - OLPC XO-1项目(之前也叫做MIT100美元笔记本电脑项目或儿童计算机项目),是一种运行Linux的廉价笔记本电脑,这种电脑将被分发到数百万个儿童手中,它是“每个孩子一人一本(One Laptop Per Child - OLPC)”项目的一部分,主要在发展中国家推广。
- **中国** - 中国政府正打算购买1500万台Linux龙芯电脑作为其支持国内产业计划的一部分。另外江苏省还打算从2009年起,为农村中学15万台使用龙芯处理器的电脑安装Linux。
- **意大利** - 2005年9月,意大利城市Bolzano的总共16000名学生,使用上了定制的Linux发行版(FUSS Soledad GNU/Linux)。
- **俄罗斯** - 2007年10月,俄罗斯声明它的所有学校都将运行Linux,此举可以避免当前未经授权软件的许可证付费问题。
- **瑞士** - 瑞士第二大城市日内瓦学校中的9000台电脑改用Linux和OpenOffice。
- **格鲁吉亚** - 2004年,格鲁吉亚开始在所有电脑上和LTSP瘦客户机上运行Linux,主要使用的是[Kubuntu][9]、ubuntu和基于Fedora的精简版发行版。
- **菲律宾** - 菲律宾已经部署了13000台Fedora桌面系统,前1万台已经由Advances Solutions公司于2007年部署完毕。另外还有1万台[Edubuntu][10]和Kubuntu正在计划中。
- **印度** - 印度的喀拉拉邦政府声明,他们将在2650所公立或半公立高校中,只使用基于Linux平台的自由软件,用于计算机教育。印度的Tamilnadu也计划为当地学生分发1万台装配Linux的笔记本。
- **德国** - 2012年,巴伐利亚学院Keibniz超级计算机中心发布了超级计算机SuperMUC,排名世界第四。它基于x86架构,搭载了155000个处理器,最大运算速度3千万亿次,324T RAM内存。它的操作系统为[SUSE][11] Linux Enterprise Server。
- **委内瑞拉** - 2009年,委内瑞拉教育部发起了一个名为Canaima-educativo的项目,为所有公立学校的学生提供搭载“Canamita”的笔记本电脑,电脑预装了基于Canaima Debian的Linux发行版,另外还安装了开源教育内容。
Linux在商业领域的服务器上有非常广泛的应用,而且已经持续了很长一个时期。另外,Linux还在企业环境中作为雇员的桌面平台广泛使用,商用的解决方案主要包括红帽企业版、SUSE Linux企业版以及Ubuntu。
- **亚马逊** - Amazon.com,美国网络零售商,在其“商业帝国的几乎每个角落”都使用了Linux。
- **Google** - Google使用了Ubuntu的一个内部版本Goobuntu。
- **维基百科** - 维基百科在2008年底将其服务器迁移到了Ubuntu,之前使用的是红帽企业版和Fedora的组合。
- **梦工厂** - 梦工厂动画公司自从2001年开始使用Linux,总共使用了超过1000台Linux桌面系统和3000台Linux服务器。
- **IBM** - IBM为Linux的开发做了大量的工作,桌面系统和服务器端都有使用Linux。公司还有一条电视广告语:IBM百分百支持Linux。
- **纽约证券系统** - 纽约证券系统在Linux上运行它的交易应用程序。
- **Novell** - Novell在2004年从Windows回归Linux。到2006年4月,其一半的员工,共5500名,成功转为使用Linux,到11月,这一比例达到了八成。
- **伦敦证券交易所** - 伦敦证券交易所使用基于Linux的MilleniumIT交易软件作为它的的交易平台,2011-12年间,从windows迁移到Linux为其节省至少1千万英镑开支。
- **巴西银行** - 巴西最大的国有银行——巴西银行,除了个别企业系统需要运行一些特定的硬件以外,已经将几乎所有的桌面系统换为了Linux。他们从2002年开始迁移,各分支机构和ATM都运行这Linux,选择的发行版是Open SUSE。
- **杜克航空** - 杜克航空(DukeJets)租赁公司,2012年从Windows转向了Ubuntu Linux,他们的运营管理套件也变为了Ubuntu帮忙设计的基于Web的航空管理软件。
- **Mindbridge** - Mindbridge软件公司,2007年9月宣布,已经将一大批Windows服务器更换为一部分Linux服务器和一部分BSD服务器,同时它声称节省了“相当大的一笔钱”。
- **Wotif** - Wotif是澳大利亚一家酒店预订网站,为了保持其业务增长需要,也从Windows转向了Linux服务器。
- **维珍航空** - 美国维珍航空公司是一家低成本航空公司,使用Linux搭载它的机上娱乐系统RED。
- **Ernie Ball** - Ernie Ball最广为人知的就是它的Super Slinky吉他弦,从2000年开始就开始使用Linux作为它的桌面操作系统。
- **芝加哥商品交易所** - 芝加哥商品交易所所有的电脑都是Linux系统,已经处理了价值超过10的15次方这么多的金融交易。
- **伊莱克斯冰箱** - 伊莱克斯的“无限i厨房”冰箱是一款使用Linux操作系统的智能电冰箱,搭载嵌入式400Mhz飞思卡尔i.MX25处理器,128MB RAM和480x800分辨率触摸屏。
- **KLM** - KLM,荷兰皇家航空公司,使用基于Linux的开源软件作为它KLM的WebFarm。
- **加拿大航管公司** - 加拿大航管公司2011年推出了新的互联网飞行计划系统,由Python编写,在红帽Linux上运行。
- **Kim Cascone** - 2009年,美国电子音乐作曲家Kim Cascone将他的音乐工作室、演出使用和行政部门电脑系统从苹果Mac换成了Ubuntu。
- **Chi-X** - 泛欧洲股权交易所Chi-X在Linux上运行它的MarketPrizm交易平台软件。
- **标致** - 欧洲汽车制造商标致,2007年宣布计划部署近2万个Novell公司的SUSE Linux企业版桌面系统以及2500个SUSE Linux企业版服务器。
- **加州联合银行** - 加州联合银行2007年1月宣布,为了降低支出,统一将IT基础设备更换为红帽企业版Linux。
- **《Laughing Boy》** - 2004年,由所有者Geoff Beasley指导的唱片《Laughing Boy》,在音频录制的过程中,由于间谍软件问题,从Windows迁移到了Linux。
- **NASA** - NASA已经将国际空间站从Windows XP迁移到了Debian 6。
- **朴茨茅斯大学** - 英国的朴茨茅斯大学部署了一台“性价比超高”的高性能计算机,用来分析全世界范围内的数据,运行仿真算法测试当前的宇宙理论。它的操作系统就是[Scientific Linux][12]。朴茨茅斯大学的David Bacon博士说:“我们的宇宙学研究所恰好处在一个绝佳位置,这样我们使用这种高性能计算机就可能取得探索宇宙的真正突破,它可以分析最新的天文观测,还能计算令人难以置信的新理论结果…… 通过选择Dell的工业化标准硬件和开源软件,我们将那些通常用于许可证和授权的支出节省下来。”
- **天河超级计算机** - 2010年10月,作为当时世界上最快的超级计算机,位于中国天津的国家超级计算机中心的天河1号运行的就是Linux。
- **多伦多大学** - 加拿大最大的超级计算机,位于多伦多大学的IBM iDataPlex集群计算机使用的操作系统也是Linux。
- **欧洲核子研究中心** - 欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)和费米国立加速器实验室(Fermilab)在工作中使用的都是Scientific Linux;包括大型强子碰撞型加速装置和暗物质摄像机的2万台CERN内部服务器。
- **互联网档案馆** - 互联网档案馆(Internet Archive)使用数百个x86服务器将互联网编入目录,所有的服务器运行的都是Linux。
数据与资料来源: [维基百科][13]
via: http://www.linuxfederation.com/linux-everywhere/
译者:[Mr小眼儿](http://blog.csdn.net/tinyeyeser) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
分分钟使用ownCloud在RHEL,CentOS,Scientific Linux 6.5上安装你自己的个人云服务
### 前提 ###
在这篇教程里我使用CentOS 6.5 minimal server来安装ownCloud。下面是我测试机的资料。
Operating system: CentOS 6.5 Minimal Installation
IP Address:
在CentOS 6.5上测试了一段时间,ownCloud适用于所有基于RPM的发行版。
- [在RHEL/Scientific Linux上安装LAMP服务][2]
# yum install php-mysql php-json php-xml php-mbstring php-zip php-gd curl php-curl php-pdo
### 为ownCloud设置数据库 ###
# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 66
Server version: 5.5.34-MariaDB MariaDB Server
Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle, Monty Program Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE ownclouddb;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL ON ownclouddb.* TO ownclouduser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'centos';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> flush privileges;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> exit
### 获取owncloud ###
切换到你的apache root目录并下载ownCloud最新版
转到Apache root文件目录并下载最新版owncloud。
# wget http://download.owncloud.org/community/owncloud-6.0.0a.tar.bz2
# tar xvf owncloud-6.0.0a.tar.bz2
移动解压后的目录到你的apache root目录 (例如 /var/www/html/)
# mv owncloud/ /var/www/html/
# chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/owncloud/
# chmod 777 /var/www/html/owncloud/config/
编辑文件 “**/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf**”,
# vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
查找并修改 **AllowOverride None** 为 **Allowoverride All**.
AllowOverride All
# service mysql restart
# service httpd restart
### 开始安装ownCloud ###
通过你的网页浏览器导航到 **http://ip-address/owncloud** 或 **http://domain-name/owncloud** 。
然后点击 **Advanced** 下拉按钮,选择mysql并输入mysql数据库名,数据库用户和密码。最后点击 **Finish setup** 来完成安装。


via: http://www.unixmen.com/setup-your-personal-cloud-server-in-minutes-using-owncloud/
译者:[Vito](https://github.com/vito-L) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
Tunnel SSH Connections Over SSL Using ‘Stunnel’ On Debian 7 / Ubuntu 13.10
在Debian 7/Ubuntu 13.10 使用SSH隧道链接
**stunnel** is designed to work as an SSL encryption wrapper between remote client and local (inetd-startable) or remote server. It can be used to add SSL functionality to commonly used inetd daemons like POP2, POP3, and IMAP servers without any changes in the programs code. Stunnel uses the OpenSSL library for cryptography, so it supports whatever cryptographic algorithms are compiled into the library. In simple words, stunnel can be used to turn any insecure port to a secure encrypted port.
**隧道** 被设计用于远端和本地(inetd-startable)或远端服务器间的SSL加密封装。它被用于加入SSL功能作为超级守护进程,像POP2,POP3和IMAP服务而不必改变程序代码。隧道使用OpenSSL库用于加密,因此它支持任何被编译进库的加密算法。简而言之,隧道可以使任何一个不安全的端口变得安全加密。
In this tutorial, i will describe how to tunnel SSH over SSL using stunnel. The setup is pretty simple. You’ll need stunnel installed on both your client PC and a remote PC with sshd already running.
I am using two systems as mentioned below.
Remote System:
Operating System: Debian 7
IP address:
操作系统: Debian 7
IP 地址:
Client(Local) System:
客户端(本地) 系统:
Operating system: Ubuntu 13.04 desktop
IP address:
操作系统: Ubuntu 13.04 desktop
IP 地址:
#### Configure Remote System ####
#### 配置远程系统 ####
Let us install stunnel package in our remote Debian 7 server.
让我们在远程Debian 7服务器上安装stunnel包。
# apt-get install stunnel4
Now let us create a SSL certificate as shown below.
# openssl genrsa 1024 > stunnel.key
Sample output:
Generating RSA private key, 1024 bit long modulus
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Sample output:
# openssl req -new -key stunnel.key -x509 -days 1000 -out stunnel.crt
You will be asked to answer for a couple of questions such as Country, State, company details etc.
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ You will be asked to answer for a couple of questions such as Country, State, co
# cat stunnel.crt stunnel.key > stunnel.pem
# mv stunnel.pem /etc/stunnel/
Now we have to configure stunnel to tunnel **443(https)** to **22(ssh)**. This can be done by creating a new file **stunnel.conf** under **/etc/stunnel/** directory:
现在我们需要配置stunnel来将 **443(https)**隧道到**22(ssh)**。这可以通过在**/etc/stunnel/**目录下创建**stunnel.conf**文件来实现:
# vi /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf
Add the following lines:
pid = /var/run/stunnel.pid
cert = /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem
@ -67,15 +67,15 @@ Add the following lines:
accept =
connect =
The above lines says stunnel that where to look for the certificate file and where to accept and forward ssh connections. In our case, stunnel will accept the incoming traffic on port 443 and forward it back to port 22.
Save and close the file.
Now let us enable stunnel service. To do that, edit file **/etc/default/stunnel4**:
现在让我们启用stunnel服务。要这么做,编辑文件 **/etc/default/stunnel4**:
# vi /etc/default/stunnel4
Change the line **Enabled = 0** to **1**.
改变行从 **Enabled = 0** 到 **1**。
# /etc/default/stunnel
# Julien LEMOINE <speedblue@debian.org>
@ -89,23 +89,23 @@ Change the line **Enabled = 0** to **1**.
# Change to one to enable ppp restart scripts
Then start stunnel service with command:
# service stunnel4 start
#### Configure Local System ####
#### 配置本地系统 ####
Install stunnel with command:
$ sudo apt-get install stunnel4
We need the same certificate file(stunnel.pem) from the remote system. Copy the remote system **stunnel.pem** file to our local system and save it in the same location(i.e /etc/stunnel).
我们需要远程系统上相同的证书文件(stunnel.pem)。复制远程系统上的 **stunnel.pem**文件到我们本地系统中并在相同的位置保存(也就是 /etc/stunnel)。
creating a new file **stunnel.conf** under **/etc/stunnel/** directory:
在 **/etc/stunnel/**目录下创建新的文件**stunnel.conf**:
$ sudo vi /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf
Add the following lines:
pid = /var/run/stunnel.pid
cert = /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem
@ -114,13 +114,13 @@ Add the following lines:
Save and close the file. Here is our remote system IP.
Now let us enable stunnel service. To do that, edit file **/etc/default/stunnel4**:
$ sudo vi /etc/default/stunnel4
Change the line **Enabled = 0** to **1**.
改变行从 **Enabled = 0** 到 **1**.
# /etc/default/stunnel
# Julien LEMOINE <speedblue@debian.org>
@ -134,17 +134,17 @@ Change the line **Enabled = 0** to **1**.
# Change to one to enable ppp restart scripts
Then start stunnel service with command:
$ sudo service stunnel4 start
#### Test SSH connection ####
#### 测试SSH连接 ####
Now we’re good to go. You’ll be able to connect to your remote machine using command:
$ ssh sk@localhost -v -p 443
Sample output:
OpenSSH_6.1p1 Debian-4, OpenSSL 1.0.1c 10 May 2012
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
@ -212,11 +212,11 @@ Sample output:
Last login: Mon Dec 30 15:12:22 2013 from localhost
Or you can simply use the command:
$ ssh -p 443 sk@localhost
Sample output:
sk@localhost's password:
Linux server 3.2.0-4-486 #1 Debian 3.2.51-1 i686
@ -231,19 +231,20 @@ Sample output:
Last login: Mon Dec 30 15:22:08 2013 from localhost
Now you’ll be able to make ssh connection to your remote system, but all the traffic tunneled through SSL.
You’re done now! You can SSH to your remote system even when the ssh default 22 is blocked by any firewall.
Reference Links:
- **[stunnel homepage][1]**
- **[stunnel 主页][1]**
via: http://www.unixmen.com/tunnel-ssh-connections-ssl-using-stunnel-debian-7-ubuntu-13-10/
译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
译者:[geekpi](https://github.com/geekpi) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
translated/Ubuntu Stores Your Wi-Fi Passwords By Default!.md
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translated/Ubuntu Stores Your Wi-Fi Passwords By Default!.md
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
"最近,我偶然发现了一个事实,NetworkManager默认存储WiFi配置文件*包括明文密码*到/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/.我认为这不是用户所期望的,当他/她开启了home目录加密,正因为如此,应该以某种方式纠正." - Softpedia引用邮件列表中Per Guth的话。
这个问题显然是为了让“所有用户都可以连接到这个网络”,即默认情况下启用该选项的结果。为了关掉此功能,用户必须打开Network Indicator,然后去Edit Connection。然后选择在Edit上的Select Network and clock。在General选项卡,取消勾选,以将其关闭。
via: http://www.efytimes.com/e1/fullnews.asp?edid=125483
译者:[Akagi201](https://github.com/Akagi201) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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