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Update 20170703 Brewing beer with Linux python and raspberry pi.md
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Brewing beer with Linux, Python, and Raspberry Pi
### A handy how-to for building a homemade homebrew setup with Python and the Raspberry Pi.
### 怎样在家用python和树莓派搭建一个家用便携的自制酿啤酒装置

@ -9,57 +9,59 @@ Image by :
[Quinn Dombrowski][21]. Modified by Opensource.com. [CC BY-SA 4.0][22].
I started brewing my own beer more than 10 years ago. Like most homebrewers, I started in my kitchen making extract-based brews. This required the least equipment and still resulted in really tasty beer. Eventually I stepped up to all-grain brewing using a big cooler for my mash tun. For several years I was brewing 5 gallons at a time, but brewing 10 gallons takes the same amount of time and effort (and only requires slightly larger equipment), so a few years ago I stepped it up. After moving up to 10 gallons, I stumbled across [StrangeBrew Elsinore][23] and realized what I _really_ needed to do was convert my whole system to be all-electric, and run it with a [Raspberry Pi][24].
There is a ton of great information available for building your own all-electric homebrew system, and most brewers start out at [TheElectricBrewery.com][25]. Just putting together the control panel can get pretty complicated, although the simplest approach is outlined well there. Of course you can also take [a less expensive approach][26] and still end up with the same result—a boil kettle and hot liquor tank powered by heating elements and managed by a PID controller. I think that's a little too boring though (and it also means you don't get neat graphs of your brew process).
More on Raspberry Pi
* [Our latest on Raspberry Pi][1]
* [关于树莓派最新消息[1]
* [What is Raspberry Pi?][2]
* [树莓派是什么?][2]
* [Getting started with Raspberry Pi][3]
* [树莓派如何开始使用][3]
* [Send us your Raspberry Pi projects and tutorials][4]
* [发送给我们你的树莓派项目和教程][4]
### Hardware supplies
### 需要用到的硬件
Before I talked myself out of the project, I decided to start buying parts. My basic design was a Hot Liquor Tank (HLT) and boil kettle with 5500w heating elements in them, plus a mash tun with a false bottom. I would use a pump to recirculate the mash through a 50' stainless coil in the HLT (a ["heat exchanger recirculating mash system", known as HERMS][27]). I would need a second pump to circulate the water in the HLT, and to help with transferring water to the mash tun. All of the electrical components would be controlled with a Raspberry Pi.
在我开始我得这个项目之前, 我决定开始买零件,我最基础的设计是一个可以将液体加热到5500w的热酒容器和开水壶,加一个活底的麦芽浆桶,我通过一个50的不锈钢线圈在热酒容器里让泵来再循环麦芽浆(a ["热量交换再循环麦芽浆系统, 也叫 HERMS][27]).同时我需要另一个泵来在热酒容器里循环水,并且把水传输到麦芽浆桶里,整个电子部件全部是用树莓派来控制的。
Building my electric brew system and automating as much of it as possible meant I was going to need the following:
* HLT with a 5500w electric heating element
* HERMS coil (50' 1/2" stainless steel) in the HLT
* boil kettle with a 5500w electric heating element
* 一个5500瓦的电子加热酒精容器
* multiple solid-state relays to switch the heaters on and off
* 能够放入加热酒精容器里的一英尺(0.5英寸)长的不锈钢线圈(热量交换再循环麦芽浆系统)
* 2 high-temp food-grade pumps
* 一个5500瓦的电子加热水壶
* relays for switching the pumps on and off
* 多个固态继电器加热开关
* fittings and high-temp silicon tubing
* 2个高温食品级泵
* stainless ball valves
* 泵的开关用继电器
* 1-wire temperature probes
* 可拆除装置和一个硅管
* lots of wire
* 不锈钢球阀
* electrical box to hold everything
* 一个测量温度的探针
* 很多线
* 一个来容纳这些配件的电路盒子
### [aedo-f1.png][11]

Brew system (photo by Christopher Aedo. [CC BY-SA 4.0)][5]
酿酒系统 (photo by Christopher Aedo. [CC BY-SA 4.0)][5]
The details of building out the electrical side of the system are really well covered by [The Electric Brewery][28], so I won't repeat their detailed information. You can read through and follow their suggestions while planning to replace the PID controllers with a Raspberry Pi.
建立酿酒系统的电气化方面的细节The Electric Brewery这个网站概括的很好,这里我不再重复,当你计划用树莓派代替这个PID控制器的话,你可以读以下的建议。
One important thing to note is the solid-state relay (SSR) signal voltage. Many tutorials suggest using SSRs that need a 12-volt signal to close the circuit. The Raspberry Pi GPIO pins will only output 3v, however. Be sure to purchase relays that will trigger on 3 volts.
### [aedo-f2.png][12]
@ -67,23 +69,25 @@ One important thing to note is the solid-state relay (SSR) signal voltage. Many
Inkbird SSR (photo by Christopher Aedo. [CC BY-SA 4.0)][6]
To run your brew system, your Pi must do two key things: sense temperature from a few different places, and turn relays on and off to control the heating elements. The Raspberry Pi easily is able to handle these tasks.
There are a few different ways to connect temp sensors to a Pi, but I've found the most convenient approach is to use the [1-Wire bus][29]. This allows for multiple sensors to share the same wire (actually three wires), which makes it a convenient way to instrument multiple components in your brew system. If you look for waterproof DS18B20 temperature sensors online, you'll find lots of options available. I used [Hilitchi DS18B20 Waterproof Temperature Sensors][30] for my project.
这里有一些不同的方法来将温度传感器连到树莓派上,但是我找到了最方便的方法用单总线。这就可以让多个传感器分享相同的线路(实际上三根线),这三根线可以使酿酒系统的多个设备更方便的工作,如果你要从网上找一个DS18B20 防水的温度传感器,你将会找到更多的选择。我用的是日立DS18B20防水温度传感器。
To control the heating elements, the Raspberry Pi includes several General Purpose IO (GPIO) pins that are software addressable. This allows you to send 3.3v to a relay by simply putting a **1** or a **0** in a file. The _Raspberry Pi—Driving a Relay using GPIO_ tutorial was the most helpful for me when I was first learning how all this worked. The GPIO controls multiple solid-state relays, turning on and off the heating elements as directed by the brewing software.
I first started working on the box to hold all the components. Because this would all be on a rolling cart, I wanted it to be relatively portable rather than permanently mounted. If I had a spot (for example, inside a garage, utility room, or basement), I would have used a larger electrical box mounted on the wall. Instead I found a decent-size [waterproof project box][31] that I expected I could shoehorn everything into. In the end, it turned out to be a little bit of a tight fit, but it worked out. In the bottom left corner is the Pi with a breakout board for connecting the GPIO to the 1-Wire temperature probes and the [solid state relays][32].
To keep the 240v SSRs cool, I cut holes in the case and stacked [copper shims][33] with CPU cooling grease between them and heat sinks mounted on the outside of the box. It worked out well and there haven't been any cooling issues inside the box. On the cover I put two switches for 120v outlets, plus two 240v LEDs to show which heating element was energized. I used dryer plugs and outlets for all connections so disconnecting a kettle from everything is easy. Everything worked right on the first try, too. (Sketching a wiring diagram first definitely pays off.)
The pictures are from the "proof-of-concept" version—the final production system should have two more SSRs so that both legs of the 240v circuit would be switched. The other thing I would like to switch via software is the pumps. Right now they're controlled via physical switches on the front of the box, but they could easily be controlled with relays.
### [aedo-f3.png][13]

Control box (photo by Christopher Aedo. [CC BY-SA 4.0)][7]
控制盒子 (photo by Christopher Aedo. [CC BY-SA 4.0)][7]
The only other thing I needed that was a little tricky to find was a compression fitting for the temperature probes. The probes were mounted in T fittings before the valve on the lowest bulkhead in both the HLT and the mash tun. As long as the liquid is flowing past the temp sensor, it's going to be accurate. I thought about adding a thermowell into the kettles as well, but realized that's not going to be useful for me based on my brewing process. Anyway, I purchased [1/4" compression fittings][34] and they worked out perfectly.
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