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20150115 Tips for Apache Migration From 2.2 to 2.4 on Ubuntu 14.04.md20150122 Linux FAQs with Answers--How to add a cron job on Linux.md20150123 How to Boot Linux ISO Images Directly From Your Hard Drive.md20150123 How to make a file immutable on Linux.md20150123 Keep History Of Notifications With Recent Notifications AppIndicator.md
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
> 在 2014 年的完胜后,接下来会如何?
**超级计算机**: Linux 在超级计算机系统 500 强的名单上占据绝对的主导地位这本身就令其它操作系统很尴尬。[2014年11月的数据][1]显示前500系统中的485个系统都在运行着 Linux 的发布系统,而仅仅只有一台运行着 Windows 系统。如果您看看所用的处理器数量,这数据更是让人惊叹。截止到目前,运行 Linux 系统的处理器有 22,851,693 个之多,而 windows 系统仅仅只有 30,720。这意味着什么?Linux 不仅仅是占据主导地位,在大型系统中已经是绝对的霸主了。
**云计算**: 去年, Linux 基金会撰写了一个有趣的[报告][2],是关于大公司在云端使用 Linux 的情况的。它发现 75% 的大公司在使用 Linux 系统作为他们的主要平台,相对的使用 Windows 系统的只占 23%。因为需要考虑云端和非云端的因素,它们已经混淆在一起了,所以很难把这比例对应到真实的市场份额里。但是,鉴于当前云计算的流行度,可以很确定的说明 Linux 使用的高速增长。事实上,同样的调查发现,在云端的 Linux 部署率已经从 45% 增长到 79%,而对于 Windows 来说已经从 45% 下降到 36%。当然了,某些人可能认为 Linux 基金会在这块上并不是完全公正无私的,但即使是有私心或是因统计的不确定性而有失公允,事情也正朝着预料的正确方向迈进。
**Web 服务器**: 开源已经统治这个行业近20年 - 取得了一份很惊人的成绩。然而,最近在市场份额上出现了一些有趣的变动:一点就是,在 Web 服务器的总计数上,微软的 IIS 服务已经超越了 Apache 服务。但正如 Netcraft 公司其最近的[分析][3]解释所说的那样,这儿还有很多令人大饱眼福的地方呢:
> 这是网站总数持续大幅回落以来的第二个月,从一月份以来,本月达到了最低点。与十一月份情况一样,损失的仅仅只是集中在一小部分的主机提供商中,只占了5200万主机名数的十大点。这点损失相比于激活的站点和网站来说不是一个数据级的,所以造不成什么影响,但激活的这些站点大部分都是广告类的链接页面池,基本上没有原创的内容。大多数这些站点都是运行在微软的 IIS 服务器上的,所以在2014年7月份的调查中 IIS 的使用数就超过了 Apache。然而,近期跌势已导致其市场份额下降到 29.8%,现在已经低于Apache 10个百分点了。
这表明,微软的所谓“激增”更多的是表象,而事实并非如此,它的大多数增加都是基于没什么有用内容的链接页面池。事实上,Netcraft公司的关于活动网站的数据给我们描绘了一幅完全不同的图表:Apache 拥有 50.57% 的市场份额,nginx 的是 14.73% 位居第二;微软的 IIS 很无力,占到了相当微弱的 11.72%。这意味着在活跃 Web 服务器市场上开源大约有65%的份额 - 虽然没有超级计算机那么高的水平,但也还不错。
**移动设备系统**. 目前,开源的大军主要是 Andriod 为基础在不断高歌猛进。最新数据表明,在2014年第三季度的智能手机出货量中,Andriod 设备的市场份额从去年同期的 81.4% 上升到了 [83.6%][4]。苹果的从去年同期的 13.4% 下降到 12.3%。对于平板电脑来说,Android 平板遵循同样的轨迹:在2014年第二季度,Android 平板的占有率达到[全球平板电脑的销量的75%][5]左右,而苹果的只有25%。
**嵌入式系统**: 虽然很难量化 Linux 在的重要的嵌入式系统市场的市场份额,但来一个自 2013 年的研究数字表明,[按规划,大约一半的嵌入式系统][6]将会采用 Linux。
**物联网**: 在很多方面上可以把它们简单的认为是嵌入式系统的另外一个化身,不同之处在于它们被设计为一直在线的。虽然现在谈论它的市场份额还有点为时过早,但如我在[讨论栏目][7]里说的,AllSeen 的物联网开源框架正进行的如火如荼。他们所缺少的也最引入注目的事情只是还没有任何可信任的闭源项目对手。因此,很有可能物联网将会通过开源的方式来达到 Linux 在超级计算机中的占有率这样的水平。
当然了,这个阶段的成功也带来了一些问题:我们将何去何从?鉴于开源将会使很多成功的行业达到饱和点,想必唯一的办法就是下跌吗?要回答这个问题,我建议浏览下 Christopher Kelty 于2013年写的一篇供同行参阅、发人深省的文章,有个耐人寻味的标题“[天下没有免费的软件][8]”。下面是他的开头段:
> 自由软件并不存在。在我写了一整本书后,我莫名的忧伤。但这也是我写进文章的一个观点。自由软件和与它一体两面的开源正在不断的变化着。它并不是一直持续不变的,不稳定、不固定、不持久,这正是它的特色的一部分。
via: http://www.computerworlduk.com/blogs/open-enterprise/open-source-has-won-3592314/
作者:[lyn Moody][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
Translating By H-mudcup
Top 4 Linux download managers
**Improve and better manage your web downloads for mirroring, mass grabs or just better control over your files**
Download managers seem to be old news these days, but there are still some excellent uses for them. We compare the top four of them on Linux.
### [uGet][1] ###
Advertised as lightweight and full- featured like a majority of other Linux apps, uGet can handle multi- threaded streams, includes filters and can integrate with an undefined selection of web browsers. It’s been around for over ten years now, starting out as UrlGet, and can also run on Windows.

uGet is actually very full-featured, with a lot of the kind of functions that advanced torrent clients use
#### Interface ####
uGet reminds us of any number of torrent client interfaces, with categories for Active, Finished, Paused and so on for the different downloads. Although there is a lot of information to take in, it’s all presented very cleanly and clearly. The main downloading controls are easy to access, with more advanced ones alongside them.
#### Integration ####
While it can see into the clipboard for URLs, uGet doesn’t natively integrate into browsers like Chromium and Firefox. Still, there are add-ons for both these browsers that allow them to connect to uGet: Firefox via FlashGot and Chromium with a dedicated plug-in. Not ideal, but good enough.
#### Features ####
uGet’s maturity affords it a range of features, including advanced scheduling to switch downloading on and off, batch download via the clipboard and the ability to change which file types it looks for in the clipboard. There are plug-in options, but not a huge amount.
#### Availability ####
While it’s also available in most major distro repos, the uGet website includes regularly updated binaries for a variety of popular distributions as well as easily accessible source code. It runs on GTK 3+ so it has a smaller footprint in some desktop environments than others, although we’d say it’s worth the extra dependancies in KDE or other Qt desktops.
#### Overall ####
We very much like uGet – its wide variety of features and popularity have allowed it to develop quite a lot to be an all-encompassing solution to download management, with some decent integration with Linux browsers.
### [KGet][2] ###
KDE’s own download manager seems to have been originally designed to work with Konqueror, the KDE web browser. It comes with the kind of features we’re looking for in this test: control of multiple downloads and the ability to run a checksum alongside the downloaded product.

You need to manually activate the ability to keep an eye on the clipboard for links
#### Interface ####
As expected of a KDE app, KGet fits the aesthetic style of the desktop environment with similar icons and curves throughout. It’s quite a simple design as well, with only the most necessary functions available on the main toolbars and a minimal view of the current downloads.
#### Integration ####
KGet natively integrates with KDE’s Konqueror browser, although it’s not the most popular. Support for it in Firefox is done via FlashGot as usual, but there’s no real way to do it in Chromium. You can turn on a feature that asks if you want to download copied URLs, however it doesn’t parse the clipboard very well and sometimes wants to download text.
#### Features ####
The selection of features available are not that high. No scheduling, no batch operations and generally an almost bare-minimum amount of downloading features. The clipboard-scanning feature is a nice idea but it’s a bit buggy. It’s a little weird as the Settings menu looks like it’s designed to have more settings and options.
#### Availability ####
While it doesn’t come by default with a KDE install, it is available for any distro that supports KDE. It does need a few KDE libraries to run though, and it’s a bit tricky to find the source code. There isn’t a selection of binaries that you can use with a few distros either.
#### Overall ####
KGet doesnt really offer users a huge amount more than the download manager in the majority of popular browsers, although at least you can use it while the browsers are otherwise turned off.
### [DownThemAll!][3] ###
DownThemAll, being somewhat platform-independent, comes to Linux by way of Firefox as an add- on. This limits it somewhat to use with only Firefox, however as one of the most popular browsers in the world its tighter integration may be just what some are looking for in a download manager.

There are actually a whole lot of options available for DownThemAll! that make it very flexible
#### Interface ####
Part of the integration in Firefox allows DownThemAll! to slot into the standard aesthetic of the browser, with right-clicking bringing up options alongside the normal downloading ones. The extra dialog menus are generally themed after Firefox as well, while the main download window is clean and based on its own design
#### Integration ####
It doesn’t integrate system-wide but its ability to camouflage itself with Firefox makes it seem like an extra part of the original browser. It can also run alongside the normal downloader if you want, and can find specific link types on a webpage with little manual filtering, and no need for copy and pasting.
#### Features ####
With the ability to control how many downloads can happen at once, limit bandwidth when not idle and advanced auto or manual filtering, DownThemAll! is full of excellent features that aid mass downloading. The One Click function also allows it to very quickly start downloads to a pre- determined folder faster than normal download functions.
#### Availability ####
Firefox is available on just about every distro and other operating system around, which makes DownThemAll! just as prolific. Unfortunately this is a double-edged sword, as Firefox may not be your browser of choice. It also adds a little weight to the browser, which isn’t the lightest to begin with.
#### Overall ####
DownThemAll! is excellent and if you use Firefox you may not need to use anything else. Not everyone uses Firefox as their preferred browser though, and it needs to be left on for the manager to start running.
### [Steadyflow][4] ###
Easily available in Ubuntu and some Debian-based distros, Steadyflow may be limited in terms of where you can get it but it’s got a reputation in some circles as one of the better managers available for any distro. It can read the clipboard for URLs, use GNOME’s preset proxies and has many other features.

The settings in Steady flow are extremely limiting and somewhat difficult to access
#### Interface ####
Steadyflow is quite simple in appearance with a pleasant, clean interface that doesn’t clutter the download window. The dialog for adding downloads is simple enough, with basic options for how to treat it and where the file should live. It’s nothing we can really complain about, although it does remind us of the lack of features in the app.
#### Integration ####
Reading copied URLs is as standard and there’s a plug-in for Chromium to integrate with that. Again, you can use FlashGot to link it up to Firefox if that’s your preferred browser. You can’t really edit what it parses from the clipboard though and there’s no batch ability like in uGet and DownThemAll!
#### Features ####
Extremely lacking in features and the Options menu is very limited as well. The Pause and Resume function also doesn’t seem to work – a basic part of any browser’s file download features. Still, notifications and default action on finished files can be edited, along with an option to run a script once downloads are finished.
#### Availability ####
Only available on Ubuntu and there’s no easy way to get the source code for the app either. This means while it’s easily obtainable on all Ubuntu- based distros, it’s limited to these types of distros. As it’s not even the best download manager available on Linux, that shouldn’t be too big of a concern.
#### Overall ####
Frankly, not that good. With very basic options and limited to only working on Ubuntu, Steadyflow doesn’t do enough to differentiate itself from the standard downloading options you’ll get on your web browser.
### And the winner is… ###
#### uGet ####
In this test we’ve proven that there is a place for download managers on modern computers, even if the better ones have cribbed from the torrent clients that seem to have usurped them. While torrenting may be a more effective way for some, with ISPs getting wiser to torrent traffic some people may get better results with a good download manager. Not only are transfer caps imposed by most major ISPs, some are even beginning to slow- down or even block torrent traffic in peak hours – even legal traffic such as distro ISOs and other free software are throttled.
Steadyflow seems to be a very popular solution for this, but our usage and tests showed an underdeveloped and weak product. The much older uGet was the star of the show, with an amazing selection of features that can aid in downloading single items or filtering through an entire webpage for relevant items to grab. The same goes for DownThemAll!, the excellent Firefox add-on that, while stuck with Firefox, has just about the same level of features, albeit with better integration.
If you’re choosing between the two it really comes down to what your preferred browser is and whether you need to have downloads and uploads going around the clock. DownThemAll! requires Firefox running, whereas uGet runs on its own, saving a lot of resources and electricity in the process – obviously this makes uGet a much better prospect for 24-hour data transferring and it really isn’t a major hassle to set up big batch downloads, or even just get the download information from your browser.
Give download managers another chance. You will not be disappointed with the results.
via: http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/reviews/top-4-linux-download-managers
作者:Rob Zwetsloot
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
Tips for Apache Migration From 2.2 to 2.4 on Ubuntu 14.04
If you do a distribution upgrade from **Ubuntu** 12.04 to 14.04, the upgrade will bring among other things an important update to **Apache**, from [version 2.2][1] to version 2.4. The update brings many improvements but it may cause some errors when used with the old configuration file from 2.2.
### Access control in Apache 2.4 Virtual Hosts ###
Starting with **Apache 2.4** authorization is applied in a way that is much more flexible then just a single check against a single data store like it was in 2.2. In the past it was tricky to figure how and in what order authorization is applied but with the introduction of authorization container directives such as and , the configuration also has control over when the authorization methods are called and what criteria determines when access is granted.
This is the point where most upgrades fail because of wrong configuration because in 2.2 access control based on IP address, hostname or other characteristic was done using the directives Order, Allow, Deny or Satisfy, but in 2.4 this is done with authorization checks using the new modules.
To be clear let's see some virtual host examples, this can be found in your /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default or /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/YOUR_WEBSITE_NAME:
Old 2.2 virtual host configuration:
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
New 2.4 virtual host configuration:
Require all granted

### .htaccess problems ###
If after the upgrade some settings don't work or you get redirect errors, check if those settings are in a .htaccess file. If settings in the .htaccess file are not used by Apache it's because in 2.4 AllowOverride directive is set to None by default, thus ignoring the .htaccess files. All you have to do is to either change or add the AllowOverride All directive to your site configuration file.
You also see the AllowOverride All directive set in the screenshot above.
### Missing config file or module ###
From my experience another problem during upgrades is that your configuration file includes an old module or configuration file that is no longer needed or supported in 2.4, you will get a clear warning that Apache can't include the respective file and all you have to do is go to your configuration file and remove the line that causes problem. Afterwards you can search or install a similar module.
### Other small changes you shound know about ###
There are a few other changes that you should consider, although they generally result in an warning and not an error:
- MaxClients has been renamed to MaxRequestWorkers, which describes more accurately what it does. For async MPMs, like event, the maximum number of clients is not equivalent than the number of worker threads. The old name is still supported.
- The DefaultType directive no longer has any effect, other than to emit a warning if it's used with any value other than none. You need to use other configuration settings to replace it in 2.4.
- EnableSendfile now defaults to Off.
- FileETag now defaults to "MTime Size" (without INode).
- KeepAlive only accepts values of On or Off. Previously, any value other than "Off" or "0" was treated as "On".
- Directives AcceptMutex, LockFile, RewriteLock, SSLMutex, SSLStaplingMutex, and WatchdogMutexPath have been replaced with a single Mutex directive. You will need to evaluate any use of these removed directives in your 2.2 configuration to determine if they can just be deleted or will need to be replaced using Mutex.
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-how-to/apache-migration-2-2-to-2-4-ubuntu-14-04/
作者:[Adrian Dinu][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
Linux FAQs with Answers--How to add a cron job on Linux
> **Question**: I would like to schedule a task on my Linux box, so that the task runs periodically at fixed times. How can I add a cron job for this task on my Linux system?
The cron utility is the default task scheduler used in Linux. Using cron, you can schedule a task (e.g., a command or a shell-script) to run it periodically or one-time at a specific time of hour, day, week, month, etc. The cron tool is useful when you schedule a variety of regular maintenance jobs, such as periodic backup, rotating logs, checking filesystem, monitoring disk space, and so on.
### Add a Cron Job from the Command Line ###
To add a cron job, you can use a command-line tool called crontab.
Type the following command to create a new cron job to run as the current user.
$ crontab -e
If you want a cron job to run as any other user, type the following command instead.
$ sudo crontab -u <username> -e
You will be presented with a text editor window, where you can add or edit cron jobs. By default, nano editor will be used.

Each cron job is formatted as follows.
<minute> <hour> <day-of-month> <month-of-year> <day-of-week> <command>
The first five elements specify the schedule for a task, and the last element is the (full-path) command or script to execute according to the schedule.

Here are a few useful cron job examples.
- *** * * * * /home/dan/bin/script.sh**: run every minute.
- **0 * * * * /home/dan/bin/script.sh**: run every hour.
- **0 0 * * * /home/dan/bin/script.sh**: run at 12am daily.
- **0 9,18 * * * /home/dan/bin/script.sh**: run at 9AM and 6PM twice a day.
- **0 9-18 * * * /home/dan/bin/script.sh**: run every hour from 9AM and 6PM.
- **0 9-18 * * 1-5 /home/dan/bin/script.sh**: run every hour from 9AM and 6PM every weekday.
- ***/10 * * * * /home/dan/bin/script.sh**: run every 10 minutes.
Once you are done with setting up cron job(s), press Ctrl+X to save and quit the editor. At this point, newly added cron jobs should be activated.
To browse existing cron jobs of yours, use the following command:
$ crontab -l
### Add a Cron Job from GUI ###
If you are in Linux desktop environment, you can use a GUI fronend for crontab to add or edit a cron job via a more user-friendly interface.
On GNOME desktop, there is GNOME Schedule (gnome-schedule package).

On KDE desktop, there is Task Scheduler (kcron package).

via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/add-cron-job-linux.html
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
How to Boot Linux ISO Images Directly From Your Hard Drive
Hi all, today we'll teach you an awesome interesting stuff related with the Operating System Disk Image and Booting. Now, try many OS you like without installing them in your Physical Hard Drive and without burning DVDs or USBs.
We can boot Linux ISO files directly from your hard drive with Linux’s GRUB2 boot loader. We can boot any Linux Distribution's using this method without creating bootable USBs, Burn DVDs, etc but the changes made will be temporary.

### 1. Get the ISO of the Linux Distributions: ###
Here, we're gonna create Menu of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS "Trusty" and Linux Mint 17.1 LTS "Rebecca" so, we downloaded them from their official site:
Ubuntu from : [http://ubuntu.com/][1] And Linux Mint from: [http://linuxmint.com/][2]
You can download ISO files of required linux distributions from their respective websites. If you have mirror of the iso files hosted near your area or country, it is recommended if you have no sufficient internet download speed.
### 2. Determine the Hard Drive Partition’s Path ###
GRUB uses a different “device name” scheme than Linux does. On a Linux system, /dev/sda0 is the first partition on the first hard disk — **a** means the first hard disk and **0** means its first partition. In GRUB, (hd0,1) is equivalent to /dev/sda0. The **0** means the first hard disk, while **1** means the first partition on it. In other words, in a GRUB device name, the disk numbers start counting at 0 and the partition numbers start counting at 1. For example, (hd3,6) refers to the sixth partition on the fourth hard disk.
You can use the **fdisk -l** command to view this information. On Ubuntu, open a Terminal and run the following command:
$ sudo fdisk -l

You’ll see a list of Linux device paths, which you can convert to GRUB device names on your own. For example, below we can see the system partition is /dev/sda1 — so that’s (hd0,1) for GRUB.
### 3. Adding boot menu to Grub2 ###
The easiest way to add a custom boot entry is to edit the /etc/grub.d/40_custom script. This file is designed for user-added custom boot entries. After editing the file, the contents of your /etc/defaults/grub file and the /etc/grub.d/ scripts will be combined to create a /boot/grub/grub.cfg file. You shouldn't edit this file by hand. It’s designed to be automatically generated from settings you specify in other files.
So we’ll need to open the /etc/grub.d/40_custom file for editing with root privileges. On Ubuntu, you can do this by opening a Terminal window and running the following command:
$ sudo nano /etc/grub.d/40_custom
Unless we’ve added other custom boot entries, we should see a mostly empty file. We'll need to add one or more ISO-booting sections to the file below the commented lines.
menuentry “Ubuntu 14.04 ISO” {
set isofile=”/home/linoxide/Downloads/ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso”
loopback loop (hd0,1)$isofile
linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz.efi boot=casper iso-scan/filename=${isofile} quiet splash
initrd (loop)/casper/initrd.lz
menuentry "Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon ISO" {
set isofile=”/home/linoxide/Downloads/mint-17.1-desktop-amd64.iso”
loopback loop (hd0,1)$isofile
linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz.efi boot=casper iso-scan/filename=${isofile} quiet splash
initrd (loop)/casper/initrd.lz

**Important Note**: Different Linux distributions require different boot entries with different boot options. The GRUB Live ISO Multiboot project offers a variety of [menu entries for different Linux distributions][3]. You should be able to adapt these example menu entries for the ISO file you want to boot. You can also just perform a web search for the name and release number of the Linux distribution you want to boot along with “boot from ISO in GRUB” to find more information.
### 4. Updating Grub2 ###
To make the custom menu entries active, we'll run "sudo update-grub"
sudo update-grub
Hurray, we have successfully added our brand new linux distribution's ISO to our GRUB Menu. Now, we'll be able to boot them and enjoy trying them. You can add many distributions and try them all. Note that the changes made in those OS will don't be kept preserved, which means you'll loose changes made in that distros after the restart.
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-how-to/boot-linux-iso-images-directly-hard-drive/
作者:[Arun Pyasi][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
How to make a file immutable on Linux
Suppose you want to write-protect some important files on Linux, so that they cannot be deleted or tampered with by accident or otherwise. In other cases, you may want to prevent certain configuration files from being overwritten automatically by software. While changing their ownership or permission bits on the files by using chown or chmod is one way to deal with this situation, this is not a perfect solution as it cannot prevent any action done with root privilege. That is when chattr comes in handy.
chattr is a Linux command which allows one to set or unset attributes on a file, which are separate from the standard (read, write, execute) file permission. A related command is lsattr which shows which attributes are set on a file. While file attributes managed by chattr and lsattr are originally supported by EXT file systems (EXT2/3/4) only, this feature is now available on many other native Linux file systems such as XFS, Btrfs, ReiserFS, etc.
In this tutorial, I am going to demonstrate how to use chattr to make files immutable on Linux.
chattr and lsattr commands are a part of e2fsprogs package which comes pre-installed on all modern Linux distributions.
Basic syntax of chattr is as follows.
$ chattr [-RVf] [operator][attribute(s)] files...
The operator can be '+' (which adds selected attributes to attribute list), '-' (which removes selected attributes from attribute list), or '=' (which forces selected attributes only).
Some of available attributes are the following.
- **a**: can be opened in append mode only.
- **A**: do not update atime (file access time).
- **c**: automatically compressed when written to disk.
- **C**: turn off copy-on-write.
- **i**: set immutable.
- **s**: securely deleted with automatic zeroing.
### Immutable Attribute ###
To make a file immutable, you can add "immutable" attribute to the file as follows. For example, to write-protect /etc/passwd file:
$ sudo chattr +i /etc/passwd
Note that you must use root privilege to set or unset "immutable" attribute on a file. Now verify that "immutable" attribute is added to the file successfully.
$ lsattr /etc/passwd
Once the file is set immutable, this file is impervious to change for any user. Even the root cannot modify, remove, overwrite, move or rename the file. You will need to unset the immutable attribute before you can tamper with the file again.
To unset the immutable attribute, use the following command:
$ sudo chattr -i /etc/passwd

If you want to make a whole directory (e.g., /etc) including all its content immutable at once recursively, use "-R" option:
$ sudo chattr -R +i /etc
### Append Only Attribute ###
Another useful attribute is "append-only" attribute which forces a file to grow only. You cannot overwrite or delete a file with "append-only" attribute set. This attribute can be useful when you want to prevent a log file from being cleared by accident.
Similar to immutable attribute, you can turn a file into "append-only" mode by:
$ sudo chattr +a /var/log/syslog
Note that when you copy an immutable or append-only file to another file, those attributes will not be preserved on the newly created file.
### Conclusion ###
In this tutorial, I showed how to use chattr and lsattr commands to manage additional file attributes to prevent (accidental or otherwise) file tampering. Beware that you cannot rely on chattr as a security measure as one can easily undo immutability. One possible way to address this limitation is to restrict the availability of chattr command itself, or drop kernel capability CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE. For more details on chattr and available attributes, refer to its man page.
via: http://xmodulo.com/make-file-immutable-linux.html
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
Keep History Of Notifications With Recent Notifications AppIndicator

Most of the desktop environments like Unity and Gnome have notification featured. Something which I like a lot. It specially helps me when I am listening to [streaming radio on Ubuntu][1]. But by default the notification is displayed on the top of the desktop for a couple of seconds and then it fades in disappearance. Now, what if you hear the notification sound but did not see it in time? How do you know what notification was it?
If somehow you could have a history of all recent notifications, would it not be great? Yes, I know it would be great. You can easily keep track of all recent notifications in Ubuntu Unity or GNOME using Recent **Notifications applet indicator**.
Recent Notifications sits in the top panel and keeps the history of all recent notifications. When there are new notifications captured by it, the indicator turns green to notify you of unread notifications.

When you click on it, you will see all the recent notifications. You can either choose to clear all of the notifications or remove some of those.

Unfortunately there are no configuration options here. Therefore you cannot block notifications from specific applications. All kind of notifications will be saved here.
### Install Recent Notifications in Ubuntu 14.04 and 14.10 ###
Normally this Recent Notification applet indicator should also work in Linux Mint Cinnamon edition. You can give it a try. Use the following commands to install Recent Notifications applet indicator in Ubuntu 14.04 and 14.10:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jconti/recent-notifications
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install indicator-notifications
After installation, log out, log back in and you are good to go. Now none of the recent notifications will go unnoticed. Hand applet indicator, isn’t it?
via: http://itsfoss.com/notifications-appindicator/
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translated/share/20140819 Top 4 Linux download managers.md
Normal file
translated/share/20140819 Top 4 Linux download managers.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
Translated By H-mudcup
### [uGet][1] ###

#### 界面 ####
#### 集成 ####
#### 功能 ####
#### 可得性 ####
虽然在多数主要的发行版的软件库中都能得到它,但uGet网站上有着定期更新的适用于各种流行的发行版的二进制安装文件,还能轻易获得源代码。它的运行基于GTK 3+的图形库,所以它在某些桌面环境上的封装要比其他的小,然而我们得说,在KDE或其他Qt桌面上值得有这么一个额外的从属。
#### 总体评价 ####
### [KGet][2] ###

#### 界面 ####
#### 集成 ####
#### 功能 ####
#### 可得性 ####
#### 总体评价 ####
### [DownThemAll!][3] ###

#### 界面 ####
#### 集成 ####
#### 功能 ####
#### 可得性 ####
#### 总体评价 ####
### [Steadyflow][4] ###

Steady flow里的设置非常受限,而且有点难以使用。
#### 界面 ####
#### 集成 ####
#### 功能 ####
#### 可得性 ####
#### 总体评价 ####
### 那么获奖者是…… ###
#### uGet ####
via: http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/reviews/top-4-linux-download-managers
作者:Rob Zwetsloot
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
> 在 2014 年的完胜后,接下来会如何?
**超级计算机**: Linux 在超级计算机系统 500 强的名单上占据绝对的主导地位这本身就令人很尴尬。[2014年11月的数据][1]显示前500系统中的485个系统都在运行着 Linux 的发布系统,而仅仅只有一台运行着 Windows 系统。如果您查询相关的核心数据,这问题更是让人触目惊心。截止到目前,Linux 系统有 22,851,693 之多而 windows 系统仅仅只有 30,720。这意味着什么?Linux 不仅仅是占据主导地位,在大型系统中已经是绝对的霸主了。
**云计算**: 去年, Linux 基金会撰写了一个有趣的[报告][2],是关于大公司在云端使用 Linux 的情况的。它发现 75% 的大公司在使用 Linux 系统作为他们的主要平台,相对的使用 Windows 系统的只占 23%。因为需要考虑云端和非云端的因素,它们已经混淆在一起了,所以很难把这比例对应到真实的市场份额里。但是,鉴于当前云计算的流行度,可以很确定的说明 Linux 使用的高速增长。事实上,同样的调查发现,在云端的 Linux 部署率已经从 45% 增长到 79%,而对于 Windows 来说已经从 45% 下降到 36%。当然了,某些人可能认为 Linux 基金会在这块上并不是完全公正无私的,但即使是有私心或是统计的不确定性而有失公允,事情也正朝着预料的正确方向迈进。
**Web 服务器**: 开源已经统治这个行业近20年 - 取得了一份很惊人的成绩。然而,最近在市场份额上出现了一些有趣的变动:一点就是,在 Web 服务器的总计数上,微软的 IIS 服务已经超越了 Apache 服务。但正如 Netcraft 公司其最近的[分析][3]解释所说的那样,这儿还有很多令人大饱眼福的地方呢:
> 这是网站总数持续大幅回落以来的第二个月,从一月份以来,创造了一个月的最低点。由于在十一月份的时候,损失的仅仅只是集中在主机提供商中的一小部分,只占了5200万主机名数的十大点。这点损失相比于激活的站点和网站来说不是一个数据级的,所以造不成什么影响,但激活的这些站点大部分都是广告类的链接页面,基本上没有原创的内容。大多数这些站点都是运行在微软的 IIS 服务器上的,所以在2014年7月份的调查中 IIS 的使用数就超过的 Apache 的。然而,近期跌势已导致其市场份额下降到 29.8%,现在已经低于Apache 10个百分点了。
这表明,微软的所谓“激增”更多的是表象,而事实并非如此,它的大多数增加都是基于链接页面站点,其内容很少有用。事实上,Netcraft公司的关于活动网站的数据给我们描绘了一幅完全不同的图表:Apache 拥有 50.57% 的市场份额,nginx 的是 14.73% 位居第二;微软的 IIS 很无力,占到了相当微弱的 11.72%。这意味着在活跃 Web 服务器市场上开源大约有65%的份额 - 虽然没有超级计算机那么高的水平,但也还不错。
**移动设备系统**. 目前,开源的大军主要是 Andriod 为基础在继续着。最新数据表明,在2014年第三季度的智能手机出货量中,Andriod 设备的市场份额从去年同期的 81.4% 上升到了 [83.6%][4]。苹果的从去年同期的 13.4% 下降到 12.3%。对于平板电脑来说,Android 平板遵循同样的轨迹:在2014年第二季度,Android 平板的占有率达到[全球平板电脑的销量的75%][5]左右,而苹果的只有25%。
**嵌入式系统**: 虽然很难量化 Linux 在的重要的嵌入式系统市场的市场份额,但来一个自 2013 年的研究数字表明,[计划大约一半的嵌入式系统][6]将会采用 Linux。
**物联网**: 在很多方面上可以把它们简单的认为是嵌入式系统的另外一个化身,不同之处在于它们被设计为一直在线的。虽然现在谈论它的市场份额还有点为时过早,但如我在[讨论栏目][7]里的,AllSeen 的物联网开源框架正进行的如火如荼。他们所缺少的也最引入注目的事情是要让任何可信任的闭源项目把其当做对手。因此,很有可能物联网将会通过开源的方式来达到 Linux 在超级计算机中的占有率这样的水平。
当然了,这个阶段的成功也带来了一些问题:我们将何去何从?鉴于开源将会使很多成功的行业达到饱和点,想必唯一的办法就是下跌吗?要回答这个问题,我建议浏览下 Christopher Kelty 于2013年写的一篇供同行参阅、发人深省的文章,有个耐人寻味的标题“[天下没有免费的软件][8]”。下面是他的开头段:
> 免费软件并不存在。在我写了一整本书后,我莫名的忧伤。但这也是我写进文章的一个观点。免费软件和它的分身开源正在不断的变化着。它并不是一直持续不变的,不稳定、不固定、不持久,这正是它的特色的一部分。
via: http://www.computerworlduk.com/blogs/open-enterprise/open-source-has-won-3592314/
作者:[lyn Moody][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
Ubuntu 14.04 Apache2.2迁移2.4问题解决
### 访问控制的改变 ###
从**Apache 2.4**起,授权(authorization)开始启用,比起2.2的一个检查一个数据存储,授权更加灵活。过去很难确定那些命令授权应用了,但是授权(authorization)的引入解决了这些问题,现在,配置可以控制什么时候授权方法被调用,什么条件决定何时授权访问。
这就是为什么大多数的升级失败是由于错误配置,2.2的访问控制基于IP地址,主机名和其他字符通过使用指令Order,来设置Allow, Deny或 Satisfy,但是2.4,这些一切被新模板授权(authorization)来替代检查。
为了弄清楚这些,可以来看一些虚拟主机的例子,这些可以在/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default 或者 /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/网页名称 中找到:
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Require all granted

### .htaccess 问题 ###
升级后如果一些设置不执行或者得到重定向错误,检查是否这些设置是在.htaccess文件中。如果是,2.4已经不再使用.htaccess文件,在2.4中默认使用AllowOverride指令来设置,因此忽略了.htaccess文件。你需要做的就是改变和增加AllowOverride All命令到你的页面配置文件中。
上面截图中,可以看见AllowOverride All指令。
### 丢失配置文件或者模块 ###
### 其他需要的知道的小改变 ###
- MaxClients重命名为MaxRequestWorkers,使之有更准确的描述。而异步MPM,如event,客服端最大连接数不量比与工作线程数。老名字依然支持。
- DefaultType命令无效,使用它已经没有任何效果了。需要使用其他配置设定来替代它
- EnableSendfile默认关闭
- FileETag 默认"MTime Size"(没有INode)
- KeepAlive 只接受On或Off值。之前的任何值不是Off或者0都认为是On
- Mutex 替代 Directives AcceptMutex, LockFile, RewriteLock, SSLMutex, SSLStaplingMutex, 和 WatchdogMutexPath 。需要删除或者替代所有2.2老配置的设置。
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-how-to/apache-migration-2-2-to-2-4-ubuntu-14-04/
作者:[Adrian Dinu][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
Linux 有问必答: 如何在Linux中加入cron任务
> **提问**: 我想在我的Linux中安排一个计划任务,该任务在固定时间周期性地运行。我该如何在Linux中添加一个cron任务?
### 从命令行中添加cron任务 ###
$ crontab -e
$ sudo crontab -u <username> -e

<minute> <hour> <day-of-month> <month-of-year> <day-of-week> <command>

- *** * * * * /home/dan/bin/script.sh**: 每分钟运行。
- **0 * * * * /home/dan/bin/script.sh**: 每小时运行。
- **0 0 * * * /home/dan/bin/script.sh**: 每12小时运行。
- **0 9,18 * * * /home/dan/bin/script.sh**: 在每天的9AM和6PM运行。
- **0 9-18 * * * /home/dan/bin/script.sh**: 在9AM到6PM的每个小时运行。
- **0 9-18 * * 1-5 /home/dan/bin/script.sh**: 周一到周五的9AM到6PM每小时运行。
- ***/10 * * * * /home/dan/bin/script.sh**: 每10分钟运行。
$ crontab -l
### 从GUI添加计划任务 ###
在Gnome桌面中,有一个Gnome Schedule(gnome-schedule包)。

在KDE桌面中,有一个Task Scheduler(kcron包)。

via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/add-cron-job-linux.html
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