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-kylepeng93 is translating
-Part 3 - LXD 2.0: Your first LXD container
-This is the third blog post [in this series about LXD 2.0][0].
-As there are a lot of commands involved with managing LXD containers, this post is rather long. If you’d instead prefer a quick step-by-step tour of those same commands, you can [try our online demo instead][1]!
-### Creating and starting a new container
-As I mentioned in the previous posts, the LXD command line client comes pre-configured with a few image sources. Ubuntu is the best covered with official images for all its releases and architectures but there also are a number of unofficial images for other distributions. Those are community generated and maintained by LXC upstream contributors.
-### Ubuntu
-If all you want is the best supported release of Ubuntu, all you have to do is:
-lxc launch ubuntu:
-Note however that the meaning of this will change as new Ubuntu LTS releases are released. So for scripting use, you should stick to mentioning the actual release you want (see below).
-### Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
-To get the latest, tested, stable image of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, you can simply run:
-lxc launch ubuntu:14.04
-In this mode, a random container name will be picked.
-If you prefer to specify your own name, you may instead do:
-lxc launch ubuntu:14.04 c1
-Should you want a specific (non-primary) architecture, say a 32bit Intel image, you can do:
-lxc launch ubuntu:14.04/i386 c2
-### Current Ubuntu development release
-The “ubuntu:” remote used above only provides official, tested images for Ubuntu. If you instead want untested daily builds, as is appropriate for the development release, you’ll want to use the “ubuntu-daily:” remote instead.
-lxc launch ubuntu-daily:devel c3
-In this example, whatever the latest Ubuntu development release is will automatically be picked.
-You can also be explicit, for example by using the code name:
-lxc launch ubuntu-daily:xenial c4
-### Latest Alpine Linux
-Alpine images are available on the “images:” remote and can be launched with:
-lxc launch images:alpine/3.3/amd64 c5
-### And many more
-A full list of the Ubuntu images can be obtained with:
-lxc image list ubuntu:
-lxc image list ubuntu-daily:
-And of all the unofficial images:
-lxc image list images:
-A list of all the aliases (friendly names) available on a given remote can also be obtained with (for the “ubuntu:” remote):
-lxc image alias list ubuntu:
-### Creating a container without starting it
-If you want to just create a container or a batch of container but not also start them immediately, you can just replace “lxc launch” by “lxc init”. All the options are identical, the only different is that it will not start the container for you after creation.
-lxc init ubuntu:
-### Information about your containers
-#### Listing the containers
-To list all your containers, you can do:
-lxc list
-There are a number of options you can pass to change what columns are displayed. On systems with a lot of containers, the default columns can be a bit slow (due to having to retrieve network information from the containers), you may instead want:
-lxc list --fast
-Which shows a different set of columns that require less processing on the server side.
-You can also filter based on name or properties:
-stgraber@dakara:~$ lxc list security.privileged=true
-| NAME |  STATE  |        IPV4         |                       IPV6                    |    TYPE    | SNAPSHOTS |
-| suse | RUNNING | (eth0) | 2607:f2c0:f00f:2700:216:3eff:fef2:aff4 (eth0) | PERSISTENT | 0         |
-In this example, only containers that are privileged (user namespace disabled) are listed.
-stgraber@dakara:~$ lxc list --fast alpine
-|    NAME     |  STATE  | ARCHITECTURE |      CREATED AT      | PROFILES |    TYPE    |
-| alpine      | RUNNING | x86_64       | 2016/03/20 02:11 UTC | default  | PERSISTENT |
-| alpine-edge | RUNNING | x86_64       | 2016/03/20 02:19 UTC | default  | PERSISTENT |
-And in this example, only the containers which have “alpine” in their names (complex regular expressions are also supported).
-#### Getting detailed information from a container
-As the list command obviously can’t show you everything about a container in a nicely readable way, you can query information about an individual container with:
-lxc info <container>
-For example:
-stgraber@dakara:~$ lxc info zerotier
-Name: zerotier
-Architecture: x86_64
-Created: 2016/02/20 20:01 UTC
-Status: Running
-Type: persistent
-Profiles: default
-Pid: 31715
-Processes: 32
- eth0: inet
- eth0: inet6 2607:f2c0:f00f:2700:216:3eff:feec:65a8
- eth0: inet6 fe80::216:3eff:feec:65a8
- lo: inet
- lo: inet6 ::1
- lxcbr0: inet
- lxcbr0: inet6 fe80::c0a4:ceff:fe52:4d51
- zt0: inet
- zt0: inet6 fd80:56c2:e21c:0:199:9379:e711:b3e1
- zt0: inet6 fe80::79:e7ff:fe0d:5123
- zerotier/blah (taken at 2016/03/08 23:55 UTC) (stateless)
- ```
-### Life-cycle management commands
-Those are probably the most obvious commands of any container or virtual machine manager but they still need to be covered.
-Oh and all of them accept multiple container names for batch operation.
-#### start
-Starting a container is as simple as:
-lxc start <container>
-#### stop
-Stopping a container can be done with:
-lxc stop <container>
-If the container isn’t cooperating (not responding to SIGPWR), you can force it with:
-lxc stop <container> --force
-#### restart
-Restarting a container is done through:
-lxc restart <container>
-And if not cooperating (not responding to SIGINT), you can force it with:
-lxc restart <container> --force
-#### pause
-You can also “pause” a container. In this mode, all the container tasks will be sent the equivalent of a SIGSTOP which means that they will still be visible and will still be using memory but they won’t get any CPU time from the scheduler.
-This is useful if you have a CPU hungry container that takes quite a while to start but that you aren’t constantly using. You can let it start, then pause it, then start it again when needed.
-lxc pause <container>
-#### delete
-Lastly, if you want a container to go away, you can delete it for good with:
-lxc delete <container>
-Note that you will have to pass “–force” if the container is currently running.
-### Container configuration
-LXD exposes quite a few container settings, including resource limitation, control of container startup and a variety of device pass-through options. The full list is far too long to cover in this post but it’s available [here][2].
-As far as devices go, LXD currently supports the following device types:
-- disk
-This can be a physical disk or partition being mounted into the container or a bind-mounted path from the host.
-- nic
-A network interface. It can be a bridged virtual ethernet interrface, a point to point device, an ethernet macvlan device or an actual physical interface being passed through to the container.
-- unix-block
-A UNIX block device, e.g. /dev/sda
-- unix-char
-A UNIX character device, e.g. /dev/kvm
-- none
-This special type is used to hide a device which would otherwise be inherited through profiles.
-#### Configuration profiles
-The list of all available profiles can be obtained with:
-lxc profile list
-To see the content of a given profile, the easiest is to use:
-lxc profile show <profile>
-And should you want to change anything inside it, use:
-lxc profile edit <profile>
-You can change the list of profiles which apply to a given container with:
-lxc profile apply <container> <profile1>,<profile2>,<profile3>,...
-#### Local configuration
-For things that are unique to a container and so don’t make sense to put into a profile, you can just set them directly against the container:
-lxc config edit <container>
-This behaves the exact same way as “profile edit” above.
-Instead of opening the whole thing in a text editor, you can also modify individual keys with:
-lxc config set <container> <key> <value>
-Or add devices, for example:
-lxc config device add my-container kvm unix-char path=/dev/kvm
-Which will setup a /dev/kvm entry for the container named “my-container”.
-The same can be done for a profile using “lxc profile set” and “lxc profile device add”.
-#### Reading the configuration
-You can read the container local configuration with:
-lxc config show <container>
-Or to get the expanded configuration (including all the profile keys):
-lxc config show --expanded <container>
-For example:
-stgraber@dakara:~$ lxc config show --expanded zerotier
-name: zerotier
-- default
- security.nesting: "true"
- user.a: b
- volatile.base_image: a49d26ce5808075f5175bf31f5cb90561f5023dcd408da8ac5e834096d46b2d8
- volatile.eth0.hwaddr: 00:16:3e:ec:65:a8
- volatile.last_state.idmap: '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":100000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":100000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536}]'
- eth0:
-  name: eth0
-  nictype: macvlan
-  parent: eth0
-  type: nic
-  limits.ingress: 10Mbit
-  limits.egress: 10Mbit
- root:
-  path: /
-  size: 30GB
-  type: disk
- tun:
-  path: /dev/net/tun
-  type: unix-char
-ephemeral: false
-That one is very convenient to check what will actually be applied to a given container.
-#### Live configuration update
-Note that unless indicated in the documentation, all configuration keys and device entries are applied to affected containers live. This means that you can add and remove devices or alter the security profile of running containers without ever having to restart them.
-### Getting a shell
-LXD lets you execute tasks directly into the container. The most common use of this is to get a shell in the container or to run some admin tasks.
-The benefit of this compared to SSH is that you’re not dependent on the container being reachable over the network or on any software or configuration being present inside the container.
-Execution environment
-One thing that’s a bit unusual with the way LXD executes commands inside the container is that it’s not itself running inside the container, which means that it can’t know what shell to use, what environment variables to set or what path to use for your home directory.
-Commands executed through LXD will always run as the container’s root user (uid 0, gid 0) with a minimal PATH environment variable set and a HOME environment variable set to /root.
-Additional environment variables can be passed through the command line or can be set permanently against the container through the “environment.<key>”  configuration options.
-#### Executing commands
-Getting a shell inside a container is typically as simple as:
-lxc exec <container> bash
-That’s assuming the container does actually have bash installed.
-More complex commands require the use of a separator for proper argument parsing:
-lxc exec <container> -- ls -lh /
-To set or override environment variables, you can use the “–env” argument, for example:
-stgraber@dakara:~$ lxc exec zerotier --env mykey=myvalue env | grep mykey
-### Managing files
-Because LXD has direct access to the container’s file system, it can directly read and write any file inside the container. This can be very useful to pull log files or exchange files with the container.
-#### Pulling a file from the container
-To get a file from the container, simply run:
-lxc file pull <container>/<path> <dest>
-For example:
-stgraber@dakara:~$ lxc file pull zerotier/etc/hosts hosts
-Or to read it to standard output:
-stgraber@dakara:~$ lxc file pull zerotier/etc/hosts -
- localhost
-# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
-::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
-fe00::0 ip6-localnet
-ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
-ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
-ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
-ff02::3 ip6-allhosts
-#### Pushing a file to the container
-Push simply works the other way:
-lxc file push <source> <container>/<path>
-#### Editing a file directly
-Edit is a convenience function which simply pulls a given path, opens it in your default text editor and then pushes it back to the container when you close it:
-lxc file edit <container>/<path>
-### Snapshot management
-LXD lets you snapshot and restore containers. Snapshots include the entirety of the container’s state (including running state if –stateful is used), which means all container configuration, container devices and the container file system.
-#### Creating a snapshot
-You can snapshot a container with:
-lxc snapshot <container>
-It’ll get named snapX where X is an incrementing number.
-Alternatively, you can name your snapshot with:
-lxc snapshot <container> <snapshot name>
-#### Listing snapshots
-The number of snapshots a container has is listed in “lxc list”, but the actual snapshot list is only visible in “lxc info”.
-lxc info <container>
-#### Restoring a snapshot
-To restore a snapshot, simply run:
-lxc restore <container> <snapshot name>
-#### Renaming a snapshot
-Renaming a snapshot can be done by moving it with:
-lxc move <container>/<snapshot name> <container>/<new snapshot name>
-#### Creating a new container from a snapshot
-You can create a new container which will be identical to another container’s snapshot except for the volatile information being reset (MAC address):
-lxc copy <source container>/<snapshot name> <destination container>
-#### Deleting a snapshot
-And finally, to delete a snapshot, just run:
-lxc delete <container>/<snapshot name>
-### Cloning and renaming
-Getting clean distribution images is all nice and well, but sometimes you want to install a bunch of things into your container, configure it and then branch it into a bunch of other containers.
-#### Copying a container
-To copy a container and effectively clone it into a new one, just run:
-lxc copy <source container> <destination container>
-The destination container will be identical in every way to the source one, except it won’t have any snapshot and volatile keys (MAC address) will be reset.
-#### Moving a container
-LXD lets you copy and move containers between hosts, but that will get covered in a later post.
-For now, the “move” command can be used to rename a container with:
-lxc move <old name> <new name>
-The only requirement is that the container be stopped, everything else will be kept exactly as it was, including the volatile information (MAC address and such).
-### Conclusion
-This pretty long post covered most of the commands you’re likely to use in day to day operation.
-Obviously a lot of those commands have extra arguments that let you be more efficient or tweak specific aspects of your LXD containers. The best way to learn about all of those is to go through the help for those you care about (–help).
-### Extra information
-The main LXD website is at: <https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd>
-Development happens on Github at: <https://github.com/lxc/lxd>
-Mailing-list support happens on: <https://lists.linuxcontainers.org>
-IRC support happens in: #lxcontainers on irc.freenode.net
-And if you don’t want or can’t install LXD on your own machine, you can always [try it online instead][1]!
-via: https://www.stgraber.org/2016/03/19/lxd-2-0-your-first-lxd-container-312/
-作者:[Stéphane Graber][a]
-本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
-[a]: https://www.stgraber.org/author/stgraber/
-[0]: https://www.stgraber.org/2016/03/11/lxd-2-0-blog-post-series-012/
-[1]: https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/try-it
-[2]: https://github.com/lxc/lxd/blob/master/doc/configuration.md
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+kylepeng93 is translating
+### 创建并启动一个新的容器
+### Ubuntu
+lxc launch ubuntu:
+注意,这里所做的解释会随着ubuntu LTS的发布而变化。因此对于你使用的脚本应该取决于下面提到的具体你想要安装的版本:
+###Ubuntu14.04 LTS
+得到最新的,已经测试过的,稳定的ubuntu14.04 LTS镜像,你可以简单的执行:
+lxc launch ubuntu:14.04
+lxc launch ubuntu:14.04 c1
+lxc launch ubuntu:14.04/i386 c2
+### 当前的Ubuntu开发版本
+lxc launch ubuntu-daily:devel c3
+lxc launch ubuntu-daily:xenial c4
+### 最新的Alpine Linux
+lxc launch images:alpine/3.3/amd64 c5
+### And many more
+### 其他
+lxc image list ubuntu:
+lxc image list ubuntu-daily:
+lxc image list images:
+lxc image alias list ubuntu:
+### 创建但不启动一个容器
+如果你想创建一个容器或者一批容器,但是你不想马上启动他们,你可以使用“lxc init”替换掉“lxc launch”。所有的选项都是相同的,唯一的不同就是它并不会在你创建完成之后启动容器。
+lxc init ubuntu:
+### 关于你的容器的信息
+### 列出所有的容器
+lxc list
+lxc list --fast
+stgraber@dakara:~$ lxc list security.privileged=true
+| NAME |  STATE  |        IPV4         |                       IPV6                    |    TYPE    | SNAPSHOTS |
+| suse | RUNNING | (eth0) | 2607:f2c0:f00f:2700:216:3eff:fef2:aff4 (eth0) | PERSISTENT | 0         |
+stgraber@dakara:~$ lxc list --fast alpine
+|    NAME     |  STATE  | ARCHITECTURE |      CREATED AT      | PROFILES |    TYPE    |
+| alpine      | RUNNING | x86_64       | 2016/03/20 02:11 UTC | default  | PERSISTENT |
+| alpine-edge | RUNNING | x86_64       | 2016/03/20 02:19 UTC | default  | PERSISTENT |
+###  获取容器的详细信息
+lxc info <container>
+stgraber@dakara:~$ lxc info zerotier
+Name: zerotier
+Architecture: x86_64
+Created: 2016/02/20 20:01 UTC
+Status: Running
+Type: persistent
+Profiles: default
+Pid: 31715
+Processes: 32
+ eth0: inet
+ eth0: inet6 2607:f2c0:f00f:2700:216:3eff:feec:65a8
+ eth0: inet6 fe80::216:3eff:feec:65a8
+ lo: inet
+ lo: inet6 ::1
+ lxcbr0: inet
+ lxcbr0: inet6 fe80::c0a4:ceff:fe52:4d51
+ zt0: inet
+ zt0: inet6 fd80:56c2:e21c:0:199:9379:e711:b3e1
+ zt0: inet6 fe80::79:e7ff:fe0d:5123
+ zerotier/blah (taken at 2016/03/08 23:55 UTC) (stateless)
+ ```
+### 生命周期管理命令
+###  启动
+lxc start <container>
+###  停止
+lxc stop <container>
+lxc stop <container> --force
+###  重启
+lxc restart <container>
+lxc restart <container> --force
+###  暂停
+如果你有一个CPU的饥饿容器,而这个容器需要一点时间来启动,但是你却并 不会经常用到它。这时候,你可以先启动它,然后将它暂停,并在你需要它的时候再启动它。
+lxc pause <container>
+###  删除
+lxc delete <container>
+### 容器的配置
+- 磁盘
+- 网络接口卡
+- unix块
+- unix字符
+- none
+### 配置profiles文件
+lxc profile list
+lxc profile show <profile>
+lxc profile edit <profile>
+lxc profile apply <container> <profile1>,<profile2>,<profile3>,...
+###  本地配置
+For things that are unique to a container and so don’t make sense to put into a profile, you can just set them directly against the container:
+lxc config edit <container>
+上面的命令将会完成和“profile edit”命令一样的功能。
+lxc config set <container> <key> <value>
+lxc config device add my-container kvm unix-char path=/dev/kvm
+对一个profile文件使用“lxc profile set”和“lxc profile device add”命令也能实现上面的功能。
+#### 读取配置
+lxc config show <container>
+lxc config show --expanded <container>
+stgraber@dakara:~$ lxc config show --expanded zerotier
+name: zerotier
+- default
+ security.nesting: "true"
+ user.a: b
+ volatile.base_image: a49d26ce5808075f5175bf31f5cb90561f5023dcd408da8ac5e834096d46b2d8
+ volatile.eth0.hwaddr: 00:16:3e:ec:65:a8
+ volatile.last_state.idmap: '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":100000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":100000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536}]'
+ eth0:
+  name: eth0
+  nictype: macvlan
+  parent: eth0
+  type: nic
+  limits.ingress: 10Mbit
+  limits.egress: 10Mbit
+ root:
+  path: /
+  size: 30GB
+  type: disk
+ tun:
+  path: /dev/net/tun
+  type: unix-char
+ephemeral: false
+###  实时配置更新
+### 获得一个shell
+###  执行命令
+lxc exec <container> bash
+lxc exec <container> -- ls -lh /
+stgraber@dakara:~$ lxc exec zerotier --env mykey=myvalue env | grep mykey
+### 管理文件
+#### 从容器中取回一个文件
+lxc file pull <container>/<path> <dest>
+stgraber@dakara:~$ lxc file pull zerotier/etc/hosts hosts
+stgraber@dakara:~$ lxc file pull zerotier/etc/hosts -
+ localhost
+# 下面的所有行对于支持IPv6的主机是有用的
+::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
+fe00::0 ip6-localnet
+ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
+ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
+ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
+ff02::3 ip6-allhosts
+#### 向容器发送一个文件  
+lxc file push <source> <container>/<path>
+#### 直接编辑一个文件
+lxc file edit <container>/<path>
+### 快照管理
+#### 创建一个快照
+lxc snapshot <container>
+lxc snapshot <container> <snapshot name>
+#### 列出所有的快照
+一个容器的所有快照的数量可以使用“lxc list”来得到,但是真正的快照列表只能执行“lxc info”命令才能看到。
+lxc info <container>
+#### 恢复快照
+lxc restore <container> <snapshot name>
+#### 给快照重命名
+lxc move <container>/<snapshot name> <container>/<new snapshot name>
+#### 从快照中创建一个新的容器
+lxc copy <source container>/<snapshot name> <destination container>
+#### 删除一个快照
+lxc delete <container>/<snapshot name>
+### 克隆并重命名
+#### 复制一个容器
+lxc copy <source container> <destination container>
+#### 移除一个快照
+lxc move <old name> <new name>
+### 结论
+### 额外的信息
+Github上的开发说明: <https://github.com/lxc/lxd>
+IRC支持: #lxcontainers on irc.freenode.net
+如果你不想或者不能在你的机器上安装LXD,你可以[try it online instead][1]!
+作者:[Stéphane Graber][a]
+本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
+[a]: https://www.stgraber.org/author/stgraber/
+[0]: https://www.stgraber.org/2016/03/11/lxd-2-0-blog-post-series-012/
+[1]: https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/try-it
+[2]: https://github.com/lxc/lxd/blob/master/doc/configuration.md