This commit is contained in:
KayGuoWhu 2015-05-30 10:49:44 +08:00
commit bf456f0f22
12 changed files with 702 additions and 197 deletions

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Ubuntu 社区委员会要求 Kubuntu 项目领导人下台
> 而Jonathan Riddell拒绝从Kubuntu领导人位置退出
**这一切刚刚发生。一名Debian开发者以及Kubuntu委员会成员 Scott Kitterman 决定公开一些电子邮件邮件披露了Ubuntu 社区委员会成员要求 Jonathan Riddell 从 Kubuntu 项目领导人位置退出的过程。**
Jonathan Riddell 是 KDE 以及 Kubuntu 的一名开发者,多年来也是 Ubuntu 社区的一名重要成员。从 Scott Kitterman [今天曝光的社区邮件往来][1]中来看Jonathan Riddell 被指责对 Ubuntu 以及 Kubuntu 社区的一些成员咄咄逼人和挑衅。
长话短说经过多轮邮件往来之后Ubuntu 社区委员会的最终决定是让 Jonathan Riddell 退出他在 Ubuntu 以及Kubuntu 社区的领导人位置至少12个月但仍可以像其他成员一样参与讨论。这个决定同时也得到了 Canonical 和Ubuntu 的创始人 Mark Shuttleworth 的支持。
“很遗憾写下了讨论这个我们觉得对 Ubuntu 社区有着消极影响的问题的邮件。长期以来Jonathan Riddell 变得越来越难以交往。Jonathan 提出了有效的问题及关注,但当收到他不赞同的答案时,他的反应就不那么让人愉快了。”在 Ubuntu 社区委员会发出的第一封认为 Jonathan Riddell 行为“不友好”的邮件中这么写道。
### Jonathan Riddell拒绝从Kubuntu领导人位置退出 ###
从今天 Scott Kitterman 披露邮件往来,并决定在博客上写第二篇博文来看,表明了他想从他在 Ubuntu 和 Kubuntu 的位置退出,这表明 Jonathan Riddell 可能拒绝从 Kubuntu 领导人位置退出。
正如预料之中Kubuntu 社区委员会的成员们支持 Jonathan Riddell并且回击了 Ubuntu 社区委员会罢免 Kubuntu 项目领导人的决定。“我要感谢所有在 Kubuntu 委员会投票再次肯定我的 Kubuntu 成员。”Jonathan Riddell 在[他的博客][2]上写道,“希望 Kubuntu 能够继续走下去,我也计划和我深爱的社区伙伴们一起为 15.10 发布而努力。”
作者:[Marius Nestor][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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Ubuntu Community Council Asks the Kubuntu Project Leader to Step Down
> Jonathan Riddell refuses to step down as Kubuntu leader
**So this just happened. Scott Kitterman, a Debian developer and member of the Kubuntu Council, decided to make public some emails where it would appear that members of the Ubuntu Community Council asks Jonathan Riddell to step down from his position as a Kubuntu Project leader.**
Jonathan Riddell, which is both a KDE and Kubuntu developer, as well as an important member of the Ubuntu community for many years now, is being accused by several members of the Ubuntu and Kubuntu community about his confrontational and aggressive behavior towards them, as [the email exchanges exposed today][1] by Scott Kitterman suggest.
Long story short, after several email exchanges, the final decision of the Ubuntu Community Council, which is also backed by Canonical and Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth, was for Jonathan Riddell to step down from all his positions as a leader within the Ubuntu and Kubuntu communities, for at least 12 months, but still being able to participate to discussions as any other member.
"It is with regret that we write this email to discuss an issue that we feel is negatively impacting the Ubuntu Community. Over a long period of time Jonathan Riddell has become increasingly difficult to deal with. Jonathan raised valid issues and concerns, but reacted poorly when he received answers he did not agree with," reads the first email send to the Ubuntu Community Council regarding the "nasty" behavior of Jonathan Riddell.
### Jonathan Riddell refuses to step down as a Kubuntu Project leader ###
From the email exchanges exposed today by Scott Kitterman, who decided to write a second post on his blog, suggesting that he wants to resign from its position in the Ubuntu and Kubuntu community, it would appear that Jonathan Riddell refused to step down as a Kubuntu Project leader.
As expected, Jonathan Riddell is being backed by members of the Kubuntu Community Council, who fired back at the Ubuntu Community Council's decision to take down the Kubuntu Project leader. "Id like to thank all the Kubuntu members who just voted to re-affirm me on the Kubuntu Council," says Jonathan Riddell on [his blog][2].
作者:[Marius Nestor][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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sevenot translating
Install Googles Material Design Inspired GTK And Icon Theme Paper in Linux

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translating by wwy-hust
How to Develop Own Custom Linux Distribution From Scratch
Have you ever thought of making your own Linux Distribution? Every Linux user in their journey to Linux thought of making their own Linux distribution, at-least once. Even I was not an exception as a newbie to Linux land and have given my considerable time developing my own Linux Distribution. Developing a Linux Distribution from scratch is called Linux From Scratch (LFS)

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translating by wwy-hust
### Had history been slightly different, youd be reading FreeBSD Voice today… ###
#### So whats the deal with this Birsa Seva Dal then? Isnt it a political group in India? ####
Very funny you looked up the “BSD” disambiguation page on Wikipedia just to make that joke, didnt you? Here were talking about the Berkeley Software Distribution, a family of operating systems that are much more widely used than you might think.
#### Sorry, I couldnt help myself. OK, so whats the deal with these OSes? ####
There are three main BSD operating systems in use today. They are based on Unix, they are open source, they tend to be used in server roles, but can also make good desktops and workstations as well. They run KDE, Firefox, LibreOffice, Apache, MySQL and pretty much any open source application you can name. Theyre reliable, secure and support a lot of different hardware.
#### Congratulations youve just described GNU/Linux… ####
True. Linux has all of the things Ive just mentioned, and thats why a lot of people never investigate BSD. In day-to-day usage, there isnt a lot of difference between the BSD family and Linux, largely because they all have Unix underpinnings, and also because they share a lot of software. You could be logged into a remote machine, hacking some Python code in Vim, and checking your email in Mutt, and you wouldnt know you were running BSD. Or you could be using an internet terminal in a cafe somewhere and not know its BSD.
The biggest differences are in the development model and licence, and to understand this, we need to step back in time. The B in BSD refers to the University of California, Berkeley, which was a hotbed of open source Unix development back in the 1980s. As the 90s came, x86-based PCs were becoming popular and many people were interested in having a Unix-like OS on their home computers. A project called 386BSD was released in 1992 to provide just that.
#### And where were all the Linux distributions at this time? ####
Good question! You might know that one year before, Linus Torvalds had announced his kernel, which, when paired with the GNU project, formed a complete open source operating system. Linus had been following GNUs own kernel (Hurd) and 386BSD, and said that had either of them been ready for daily use, he probably wouldnt have created Linux. So the first few years of the 90s were tremendously lively for open source operating systems, and nobody was really sure which ones would succeed.
Then it got messy for BSD. AT&T, the original developer of Unix, was trying to monetise its work on the operating system and claimed that BSD infringed its intellectual property rights. This culminated in a lawsuit in 1992 which severely held back BSD development. In the end, various chunks of the BSD source code had to be rewritten while all this time, GNU/Linux was gaining features, stability and popularity.
BSD was arguably in a more mature state than GNU/Linux in the early 1990s, and without these legal complications it could have become the standard on x86 PCs. We could all be using it today instead of Linux.
#### But you said earlier that BSD is still widely used, so things improved after that? ####
Yes. 386BSD development stagnated, but two teams of developers working over the internet created separate successor projects. FreeBSD became the most widely used flavour of BSD, and is now the closest to Linux as a desktop and server operating system, while NetBSD focused on portability (today it runs on over 50 platforms, all built from the same codebase). The third flavour, OpenBSD, forked off from NetBSD just a few years after NetBSD started due to a developer spat, and today its well known for its concentration on security. Over the years, OpenBSD has created many programs that have become standard on Linux, such as OpenSSH and now we have LibreSSL too.
#### So these three flavours of BSD are like Linux distributions? ####
Yes and no. Each BSD has a separate codebase and separate development teams, although there is a lot of code-flow between them (especially for hardware drivers). But they are standalone operating systems with their own features, pros and cons.
We mentioned that the development model of the BSDs is one feature that really distinguishes them from GNU/Linux. Theres nobody in charge of GNU/Linux as a whole: some teams are working on the GNU components, some are working on the kernel, some on boot scripts, some on manual pages, some on libraries, and so forth. The development model is often called “wild west”, with a lack of central authority, and distributions do all the hard work of fitting everything together.
The BSDs, in contrast, are developed as complete projects from centralised source code trees. The kernel, the libraries, the system utilities and the manual pages are all stored and worked on in the same place. Many BSD fans argue that this gives the operating systems more coherency and stability, and from our years of dabbling with BSD we can attest that the manual pages are largely superb.
#### Dont the BSDs use anything from GNU/Linux? ####
Yes, especially GCC. The GNU Compiler Collection has been the de-facto standard compiler on free Unix systems for decades, although FreeBSD has recently moved to LLVM/Clang. Its important to note that the BSDs also use other open source projects that arent specifically GNU or Linux, such as the X Window System (XFree86 and, Perl and so forth. And thanks to standards such as POSIX, most programs that run on Linux can be recompiled to run on the various BSD flavours.
So, you could replace the L in a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) stack with FreeBSD, and get pretty much the same environment, with a different set of features (eg variations in filesystem and driver support). And there are some mega, super, huge users of FreeBSD, such as Netflix, which serve up ridiculous amounts of data every day. While FreeBSD makes a good desktop OS, its strengths really lie in the server room, with exceptional reliability and network performance.
OpenBSD tends to be used in smaller web serving, file hosting, firewall and gateway roles where security is imperative. NetBSD is the least popular of the main BSD flavours it can run on almost anything though, including old Amigas and Acorn boxes, and sometimes finds itself inside closed-source network devices.
#### Hang on how can someone close the source code? That aint kosher in Linux! ####
Correct, and here we come to the other major difference with GNU/Linux. The licence for the BSD flavours (called, funnily enough, the BSD Licence) is very different to the GPL that we know. For starters, its much shorter. The BSD Licence essentially says: do what you want with this code, but give the original developers credit for writing it, and dont try to sue them if it blows up your computer.
So theres nothing in the licence that forces the code to stay open, unlike with the GPL, which requires that users of the code also make their modifications freely available. This crucial difference has sparked countless flame wars over the years, with BSD fans saying that their licence is more free (because its less restrictive), while GNU/GPL fans say that their licence is actually more free (because it preserves freedom down the road).
#### Blimey. Anyway, now that youve piqued my interest, where can I try out all these lovely BSD flavours? ####
You can probably guess the websites [][1], [][2] and [][3] where you can download ISO images, boot them in VirtualBox, and play around. If youve been using Linux for a while, you wont find any of them too difficult, although youre expected to know your way around the command line. If youre looking for something more newbie-friendly, PC-BSD
([][4]) is a customised version of FreeBSD focused on the desktop, with a fancy graphical installer and super-simple management of software. Have fun exploring!
作者:[Mike Saunders][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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3 Useful Hacks Every Linux User Must Know
The world of Linux is filled with so much fun and interesting stuffs, the more we go in, the more we find stuffs. In our efforts to bring those little hacks and tips for you that makes you different from others, here we have came up with three little tricks.
### 1. How to Schedule a Linux Job Without Cron ###
Scheduling a job/command in Linux is acronym to cron. Whenever we need to schedule a job, we call cron, but do you know we can schedule a job at a later time without corn? You can do it as suggested below..
Run a command (say date) every 5 sec and write the output to a file (say date.txt). To achieve this scenario, we need to run the below one liner script directly on the command prompt.
$ while true; do date >> date.txt ; sleep 5 ; done &
Anatomy of the above one liner script:
- while true Ask script to run while the condition is true, it acts as a loop which makes the command to run again-and-again or say in a loop.
- do do perform what follows, ie., execute command or set of commands that lies ahead of do statement.
- date >> date.txt here the output of date command is being written to a file date.txt. Also note that we have used >> and not >.
- >> ensures that the file (date.txt) is not overwritten every time the script execute. It just append the changes. Whereas > overwrite the file again and again.
- sleep 5 It ask the shell to keep a time difference of 5 seconds before it executed again. Note the time here is always measured in seconds. Say if you want to execute the command every 6 minutes, you should use (6*60) 360, in succession of sleep.
- done marks the end of while loop.
- & Put the whole process in loop to background.
Similarly, we can execute any script in the same manner. Here is the command to call a script after certain interval (say 100 sec) and the name of script is ``.
Also worth mentioning that the script above should be run in the directory where the script to be called lies, else you need to provide full path (`/home/$USER/…/`). The syntax for calling script at above described interval is:
$ while true; do /bin/sh ; sleep 100 ; done &
**Conclusion**: The above one liner is not a replacement of Cron, because Cron utility supports a whole lots of options, as compared and is very flexible as well as customizable. However if we want to run certain test cases or I/O benchmark, then the above singe command will serve the purpose.
Read Also: [11 Linux Cron Job Scheduling Examples][1]
### 2. How to Clear Terminal without Using clear Command ###
What we do to clear the screen? Well you may think how silly it is to ask such question. Well, we all know its clear command. However if we make a habit of using key combination ctrl+l to clear terminal, we will save a lot of time of ours.
Key combination Ctrl+l has the same effect as clear command. So from next time use ctrl+l to clear your Linux Command Line Interface.
**Conclusion**: Since ctrl+l is a key combination, so we can not use it inside a script. If we need to clear screen inside a shell script, call command clear, for all other cases I could think of now, ctrl+l is more than sufficient.
### 3. Run a command and come back to the current working directory automatically. ###
Well this is an amazing hack not many people know. You may run a command no matter what it return back to the current directory. All you need to do is to run the command in parentheses i.e., in between `( and )`.
Let see the example,
avi@deb:~$ (cd /home/avi/Downloads/)
#### Sample Output ####
First it cd to directory Downloads and then again return back to home directory in one go. May be you believe that the command didnt executed and for some reason one or another it is not throwing error, since there is no change in prompt. Lets do a little more tweak..
avi@deb:~$ (cd /home/avi/Downloads/ && ls -l)
#### Sample Output ####
-rw-r----- 1 avi avi 54272 May 3 18:37 text1.txt
-rw-r----- 1 avi avi 54272 May 3 18:37 text2.txt
-rw-r----- 1 avi avi 54272 May 3 18:37 text3.txt
So in the above command it first changed the current directory to Downloads and then list the content of that directory before returning back to current directory. Also, it proves that command executed successfully. You may run any sort of command in the parentheses and return back to your current working directory without a hitch.
Thats all for now, if you know any such Linux hacks or tricks you may share with us via our comment section and dont forget to share this article with your friends….
作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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How to Kill Linux Processes/Unresponsive Applications Using xkill Command
How do we kill a resource/process in Linux? Obviously we find the PID of the resource and then pass the PID to the kill command.

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Translating by goreliu ...
11 pointless but awesome Linux terminal tricks
Here are some great Linux terminal tips and tricks, each one as pointless as it is awesome.
### All work and no play... ###
Linux is one of the most astoundingly functional and utilitarian Operating Systems around when it comes to working from the command line. Need to perform a particular task? Odds are there is an application or script you can use to get it done. Right from the terminal. But, as they say in the good book, "All work and no play make Jack really bored or something." So here is a collection of my favorite pointless, stupid, annoying or amusing things that you can do right in your Linux Terminal.
### Give the terminal an attitude ###
Step 1) Type "sudo visudo".
Step 2) At the bottom of the "Defaults" (near the top of the file) add, on a new line, "Defaults insults".
Step 3) Save the file.
"What did I just do to my computer?" you may be asking yourself. Something wonderful. Now, whenever you issue a sudo command and misstype your password, your computer will call you names. My favorite: "Listen, burrito brains, I don't have time to listen to this trash."
### apt-get moo ###
That screenshot you see? That's what typing "apt-get moo" (on a Debian-based system) does. That's it. Don't go looking for this to do something fancy. It won't. That, I kid you not, is it. But it's one of the most commonly known little Easter eggs on Linux. So I include it here, right near the beginning, so I won't get 5,000 emails telling me I missed it in this list.
### aptitude moo ###
A bit more entertaining is aptitude's take on "moo." Type "aptitude moo" (on Ubuntu and the like) and you'll be corrected about thinking "moo" would do anything. But you know better. Try the same command again, this time with an optional "-v" attribute. Don't stop there. Add v's, one at a time, until aptitude gives you what you want.
### Arch: Put Pac-Man in pacman ###
This is one just for the Arch-lovers out there. The de facto package manager, pacman, is pretty fantastic already. Let's make it even better.
Step 1) Open "/etc/pacman.conf".
Step 2) In the "# Misc options", remove the "#" from in front of "Color".
Step 3) Add "ILoveCandy".
Now the progress for installing new packages, in pacman, will include a little tiny Pac-Man. Which should really just be the default anyway.
### Cowsay! ###
Making aptitude moo is neat, I guess, but you really can't use it for much. Enter "cowsay." It does what you think. You make a cow say things. Anything you like. And it's not even limited to cows. Calvin, Beavis, and the Ghostbusters logo are all available in full ASCII art glory type "cowsay -l" for a full list of what's available in this, Linux's most powerful tool. Remember that, like most great terminal applications, you can pipe the output from other applications straight into cowsay (ala "fortune | cowsay").
### Become an 3l33t h@x0r ###
Typing "nmap" isn't something one typically needs to do on a day-to-day basis. But when one does need to "whip out the nmap," one wants to look as l33t as humanly possible. Add a "-oS" to any nmap command (such as "nmap -oS -"). Bam. You're now in what is officially known as "[Script Kiddie Mode][1]." Angelina Jolie and Keanu Reeves would be proud.
### Getting all Discordian ddate ###
If you've ever been sitting around thinking, "Hey! I want today's date to be written in an essentially useless, but whimsical, way"…try typing "ddate". Results like "Today is Setting Orange, the 72nd day of Discord in the YOLD 3181," can really spice up your server logs.
Note: Technically, this is a real thing called the [Discordian Calendar][2], used (in theory) by the followers of [Discordianism][3]. Which means I probably offended somebody. Or maybe not. I'm not really sure. Either way, ddate is a handy tool in any office.
### I See Colors Everywhere! ###
Tired of boring old text? Looking to spruce things up and show the world your true style? lolcat. Install it. Use it. Everywhere. It takes any text input and turns it into a rainbow of wonder and enchantment. Piping text into lolcat (ala "fortune | lolcat") is sure to liven up any party.
### The Steam Locomotive ###
Animated ASCII art steam locomotive in your terminal. You want this. You need this. Install and run "sl". Use "sl -l" for a tiny version. Or, if you want to really spend some time on this, "sl-h". This is the full train, including passenger cars.
### Reverse any text ###
Pipe the output of any text into "rev" and it will reverse the text. "fortune | rev" gives you a fortune. In reverse. Which is, as odd as it may seem, not a misfortune.
### The Matrix is still cool, right? ###
Want your terminal to do that scrolling text, l33t, Matrix-y thing? "cmatrix" is your friend. You can even have it output different colors, which is snazzy. Learn how by typing "man cmatrix". Or, better yet, "man cmatrix | lolcat". Which, really, is the most pointless (but wonderful) thing you can do in the Linux Terminal. So that's where I leave you.
作者:[Bryan Lunduke][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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27 DNF (Fork of Yum) Commands for RPM Package Management in Linux
DNF aka Dandified YUM is a next generation Package Manager for RPM based Distribution. It was first introduced in Fedora 18 and it is replaced [YUM utility][1] in recent release of Fedora 22.
DNF aims at improving the bottlenecks of YUM viz., Performance, Memory Usages, Dependency Resolution, Speed and lots of other factors. DNF does Package Management using RPM, libsolv and hawkey library. Though it does not come per-installed in CentOS and RHEL 7 you can yum, dnf and use it alongside the yum.
You may like to read more about DNF here:
- [Reasons Behind Replacing Yum with DNF][2]
The latest stable release of DNF is 1.0 (at the time of writing of post) which was released on May 11, 2015. It (and all previous version of DNF) is mostly written in Python and is released under GPL v2 License.
### Installation of DNF ###
DNF in not available in the default repository of RHEL/CentOS 7. However Fedora 22 ships with DNF implemented officially.
To install DNF on RHEL/CentOS systems, you need to first install and enable epel-release repository.
# yum install epel-release
# yum install epel-release -y
Though it is not ethical to use -y with yum as it is recommended to see what is being installed in your system. However if this does not matter you much you may use -y with yum to install everything automatically without users intervention.
Next, install DNS package using yum command from epel-release repository.
# yum install dnf
After dnf installed successfully, its time to show you 27 practical usage of dnf commands with examples that will help you to manage packages in RPM based distribution easily and effectively.
### 1. Check DNF Version ###
Check the version of DNF installed on your System.
# dnf --version
![Check DNF Version](
### 2. List Enabled DNF Repositories ###
The option repolist with dnf command, will display all enabled repositories under your system.
# dnf repolist
![Check All Enabled Repositories](
### 3. List all Enabled and Disabled DNF Repositories ###
The option repolist all will print all the enabled/disabled repositories under your system.
# dnf repolist all
![List All Enabled/Disabled Repositories](
### 4. List all Available and Installed Packages using DNF ###
The command “dnf list” will list all the available packages from all the repositories and installed packages on your Linux system.
# dnf list
![List All Packages using DNF](
### 5. List all Installed Packages using DNF ###
While the “dnf list” command shows all the available/installed packages from all the repositories. However, you have the option to list only the installed packages using option “list installed” as shown below.
# dnf list installed
![List All Installed Packages](
### 6. List all Available Packages using DNF ###
Similarly, the “list available” option, will list all the packages available to be installed from all the enabled repositories.
# dnf list available
![List Available Packages using DNF](
### 7. Search for a Package using DNF ###
If incase, youve no idea about the package that you want install, in such situation you may use search option with dnf command to search for the package that matches the word or string (say nano).
# dnf search nano
![Search Package by Word](
### 8. See what Provides a file/sub-package? ###
The dnf option “provides” find the name of the package that provides specific file/sub-package. For example, if you would like to find what provides /bin/bash on your system?
# dnf provides /bin/bash
![Find File Sub Package](
### 9. Get Details of a Package using DNF ###
Lets assume you want to know the information of a package before installing it on the system, you may use “info” switch to get a detailed information about a package (say nano) as below.
# dnf info nano
![Check Package Information with DNF](
### 10. Install a Package with DNF ###
To install a package called nano, just run the below command it will automatically resolve and install all required dependencies for package nano.
# dnf install nano
![Install Package using DNF](
### 11. Updating a Package using DNF ###
You may update only a specific package (say systemd) and leave everything on the system untouched.
# dnf update systemd
![Update a Specific Package](
### 12. Check for System Updates using DNF ###
Check updates for all the system packages installed into the system simply as.
# dnf check-update
![Check For System Update](
### 13. Update All System Packages using DNF ###
You may update the whole system including all the installed packages with following commands.
# dnf update
# dnf upgrade
![Update System](
### 14. Remove/Erase a Package using DNF ###
To remove or erase any unwanted package (say nano), you may use “remove” or “erase” switch with dnf command to remove it.
# dnf remove nano
# dnf erase nano
![Remove Package in Linux](
### 15. Remove Orphan Packages using DNF ###
Those packages that were installed to satisfy dependency may be useless if not being used by other applications. To remove those orphan packages execute the below command.
# dnf autoremove
![Remove Orphan Packages](
### 16. Remove Cached Packages using DNF ###
A lot of time we encounter out-of-date headers and unfinished transactions which results into error while executing dnf. We may clean all the cached packages and headers containing remote package information simply by executing.
# dnf clean all
![Remove DNF Cache](
### 17. Get Help on Specific DNF Command ###
You may get help of any specific dnf command (say clean) just by executing the below command.
# dnf help clean
![Get DNF Command Help](
### 18. List all DNF Commands and Options ###
To list help on all available dnf commands and option simply type.
# dnf help
![Get Help on DNF Options](
### 19. View History of DNF ###
You may call dnf history to look at the list of already executed dnf commands. This way you can be aware of what was installed/removed with time stamp.
# dnf history
![Check DNF History](
### 20. List all Group Packages ###
The command “dnf grouplist” will print all available or installed packages, if nothing is mentioned, it will list all known groups.
# dnf grouplist
![List All Group Packages](
### 21. Install a Group Package using DNF ###
To install a Group of packages bundled together as group package (say Educational Software) simply as.
# dnf groupinstall 'Educational Software'
![Install Group Packages](
### 22. Update a Group Package ###
Lets update a Group Package (say Educational Software) by executing the below command.
# dnf groupupdate 'Educational Software'
![Update Group Package](
### 23. Remove a Group Package ###
We can remove the group Package (say Educational Software) as.
# dnf groupremove 'Educational Software'
![Remove Group Package](
### 24. Install a Package from Specific Repository ###
DNF makes it possible to install any specific package (say phpmyadmin) from a repo (epel) as simply as,
# dnf --enablerepo=epel install phpmyadmin
![Install Package From Specific Repo](
### 25. Synchronize Installed Packages to Stable Release ###
The command “dnf distro-sync” will provides necessary options to synchronize all installed packages to most recent stable version available from any enabled repository. If no package is selected, all installed packages are synchronized.
# dnf distro-sync
![Synchronize Packages to Stable Version](
### 26. Reinstall a Package ###
The command “dnf reinstall nano” will reinstall an already installed package (say nano).
# dnf reinstall nano
![ReInstall Package](
### 27. Downgrade a Package ###
The option “downgrade” will downgrades the named package (say acpid) to lower version if possible.
# dnf downgrade acpid
Sample Output
Using metadata from Wed May 20 12:44:59 2015
No match for available package: acpid-2.0.19-5.el7.x86_64
Error: Nothing to do.
**My observation**: DNF does not downgraded the package as it is supposed to. It has also been reported as bug.
### Conclusion ###
DNF is the upper state of the end of the art Package Manager YUM. It tends to do a lot of processing automatically which is not going to be praised by many experienced Linux System Administrator, as I believe. As a matter of example:
- `--skip-broken` is not recognized by DNF and there is no alternative.
- There is nothing like resolvedep command however you may run dnf provides.
- There is no deplist command to find package dependency.
- You exclude a repo, means the exclusion apply on all operations, unlike yum which excludes those repos only at the time of install and updates, etc.
Several Linux users are not happy the way Linux Ecosystem is moving. First [Systemd removed init system][3] v and now DNF will be replacing YUM sooner in Fedora 22 and later in RHEL and CentOS.
What do you think? are distributions and the whole Linux ecosystem is not valuing its users and moving against their will. Also it is often said in IT industry “Why fix, If not broken?”, and neither init System V is broken nor YUM.
Thats all for now. Please let me know your valuable thoughts in the comments below. Like and share us and help us get spread.
作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
Things To Do After Installing Fedora 22
Fedora 22 the latest entrant in the community developed line of Red hat operating systems is released on the 26th of May 2015. A lot of speculation and anticipation has been associated with this release of the venerable fedora. Well there are some major changes that are being proposed for Fedora 22.
Systemd is the new kid in the block when it comes to initialization daemons, it is poised to replace the venerable sysvinit module that has long been a part of the Linux ecosystem. Another major change that users will come across in the base python version. Its just that python in available in two different flavors the 2.x and 3.x lines. Each has its fair share of quirks and benefits. So users who might prefer the 2.x flavor might want to install their favorite python. The dandified Yum installer that has been around since Fedora 18 is all set to replace the age old YUM installer. Fedora has finally decided that it is time that DNF replace YUM.
### 1) Install VLC media player ###
Fedora 22 comes with a default media player viz. gnome videos (previously known as totem). If that is fine by you we can skip this step and move ahead. However if you like me prefer the most widely used VLC you can go ahead and install it from the RPMFusion repos. You can do that with :
sudo dnf install vlc -y
### 2) Configure RPMFusion Repos ###
As I already mentioned Fedora is very strict with its ideologies, it does not ship with any non-free components with it. The official repositories does not provide some essential software containing non-free components like multimedia codes. So it is necessary to install some 3rd party repositories which will provide us some essential software. Luckily RPMFusion repositories come to the rescue.
$ sudo dnf install --nogpgcheck
### 3) Install Multimedia Codecs ###
As is said some multimedia codecs and plugins don't ship with fedora. Now who would like to miss out on their favorite shows and movies just because the codes are proprietary. Try this:
$ sudo dnf install gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-bad-free-extras gstreamer-plugins-ugly gstreamer-ffmpeg gstreamer1-libav gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-extras gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld gstreamer-plugins-base-tools gstreamer1-plugins-good-extras gstreamer1-plugins-ugly gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free gstreamer1-plugins-good gstreamer1-plugins-base gstreamer1
### 4) Update your system ###
Fedora is a bleeding edge distribution and hence it releases updates which will fix bugs and loopholes present in your system continuously. Hence it is a good practice to keep your system up to date.
$ sudo dnf update -y
### 5) Uninstall software you may not need ###
Fedora comes with a set of pre-chosen packages that most users can utilize, however for more advanced users, you may recognize that you do not need all of it. It's easy enough to remove any packages you don't need using the following command - I chose to uninstall rhythmbox because I know I won't use it:
$ sudo dnf remove rhythmbox
### 6) Install Adobe Flash ###
We all wish Adobe Flash didn't exist anymore since it is not always know for being the most secure or resource efficient, but for awhile it's here to stay. The only way to install Adobe Flash for Fedora 22 is to install the official RPM from Adobe, as shown below.
You can download the RPM [here][1]. After downloading the file, you can right click and open it like this:
![Install Adobe Flash](
Right click and select "Open With Software Install"
Then, simply click install on the window that pops up:
![Install Adobe](
Click on "Install" to complete the process of installing the custom RPM from Adobe
Once the process completes, the "Install" button will change to "Remove" and the installation should have finished. If your browser is open during the process, it may ask you to close it first or restart it after the install for the changes to take effect.
### 7) Spin Up a VM with Gnome Boxes ###
So you just installed Fedora and you're loving it, but maybe you need Windows still for something proprietary, or maybe you just want to play with another Linux distro. In any situation, you can use Gnome Boxes, provided with Fedora 22, to easily create a VM or use a live distribution. Follow the steps below to get started using an ISO of your choice! Who knows, maybe you can even check out a [Fedora Spin][2].
First open Gnome Boxes and select "New" in the top left:
![Add a new virtual machine (box)](
Click "New" to start the process of adding a new virtual machine.
Next, click to open a file and choose an ISO:
![Choose ISO](
After choosing to select a file or ISO, select your ISO. In this case, I had a Debian ISO I installed
Finally, customize the VM settings or use the defaults and click "Create." The VM will start by default and the available VMs will be available in Gnome Boxes as little thumbnails.
![Create VM](
Customize the settings to whatever you choose, or keep the defaults. Click "Create" when you are done and the VM will be ready to go.
### 8) Install Google Chrome ###
Firefox is included with Fedora 22, but as with most software, everyone has their browser of choice. If yours happens to be Google Chrome, you can follow the instructions above for Adobe Flash player, however, obviously use the RPM from Google for whichever version of Chrome you download. The latest version can usually be found [here][3].
### 9) Add Social Media and Other Online Accounts ###
Gnome has some nice built in functionality to accommodate accounts for things like Facebook, Google, and other online accounts. You can access the Online Accounts settings through the main Gnome Settings application. You can access the settings by right clicking on the desktop or by finding it in the applications. Then, simply click on Online Accounts and add the accounts of your choosing. If you add an account like Google, for example, you can use it as the default for things like sending email, calendar appointments, interacting with photos and documents, and more.
### 10) Install KDE or another Desktop Environment ###
Some of us just don't like Gnome, and that's okay. Run the following command in Terminal to install everything necessary to use KDE instead. The same instructions can be applied to xfce, lxde, or other desktop environments as well.
$ sudo dnf install @kde-desktop
After the install finishes, log out. When you click on your username, notice the little gear wheel that indicates settings. Click it and select "Plasma." When you log in again, you will be greeted by a fresh KDE desktop.
![Plasma on Fedora 22](
The Plasma environment after just installing it on Fedora 22
### Conclusion ###
Thats it you are all set to go. Use the system and try out things. If you don't find something according to your liking, linux gives you the freedom to change them. Fedora comes with the latest Gnome shell as its desktop environment, too heavy for you and don't like it. Try KDE or some light weight DE like cinnamon, xfce etc. Wish you a very happy and hassle free Fedora experience. !!
作者:[Jonathan DeMasi][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
### 假如历史稍有不同您将在今天听到FreeBSD的声音... ###
#### 那么这个Birsa Seva Dal是怎么回事呢难道不是一个印度的政治组织么 ####
真有趣您查阅了维基百科上“BSD”的消除分歧页面是为了讲上面这个笑话对么这里我们在讨论伯克利软件发行版Berkeley Software Distribution一个比您想象中用的更广泛的操作系统家族。
#### 抱歉,我控制不住自己。那么,这些操作系统是怎么回事呢? ####
#### 恭喜你你刚才在描述GNU/Linux吧 ####
两者最大的区别在于开发模型和许可证为了解这些我们需要回到过去。在BSD中B代表着加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校University of California, Berkeley在1980年代那里是开源Unix软件的发源地。到了90年代基于x86的PC变得流行许多人对在他们的家庭电脑中安装Unix类操作系统产生了兴趣。一个叫做386BSD的项目在那时发布并可以提供上述的功能。
#### 那么所有的Linux发行版那个时候在哪里呢 ####
问得好您也许知道一年前Linus Torvalds已经发布了他的内核当与GNU项目结合时变成了完整的开源操作系统。Linus那时已经在跟进GNU的内核Hurd和386BSD并且谈到如果那时两个内核有一个可以被用于日常生活他可能就不会创造Linux了。所以90年代的头几年开源操作系统生机勃勃没有人知道哪个系统会最终胜出。
在90年代BSD被论证比GNU/Linux更加成熟如果没有那些法律麻烦他可能已经成为了x86 PC的标准了。今天我们可能都在使用它而不是Linux。
#### 但你提到BSD仍然被广泛的使用所以它后来有提升么 ####
是的。386BSD的开发停滞了但有两只开发团队以网络的方式工作并创造了两个独立的成功的项目。FreeBSD成为了使用最广泛的BSD版本它目前是和Linux最相似的系统包括桌面和服务器版本。然而NetBSD聚焦于可移植性今天它可以运行在超过50种不同平台上均基于同样的代码版本。另一个版本是OpenBSD它在NetBSD开始不久就因为开发者的口角而作为NetBSD的分支诞生了今天它以专注于安全闻名。多年以来OpenBSD创建了许多程序它们都成了Linux的标准比如说OpenSSH - 所以现在我们有了LibreSSL。
#### 所以这三种版本的BSD和Linux发行版相似么 ####
#### 难道BSD没有使用GNU/Linux的任何东西么 ####
是的但除了GCC。几十年来GNU Compiler Collection已经成为了实际上的Unix系统标准编译器但FreeBSD最近已经转而使用LLVM/Clang了。值得注意的是BSD还是用了一些其他的开源项目但它们并不是GNU或者Linux比如说X Window SystemXFree86和、Perl等等。并且幸亏有像POSIX一样的标准许多运行在Linux上的程序可以在BSD的许多版本上编译和运行。
OpenBSD更倾向用于安全性十分必要的场合如小型Web服务、文件托管、防火墙和网关。NetBSD是BSD主要发行版中最不流行的一个它能运行在几乎所有平台上包括古老的Amigas和Acorn boxes有时您可以在闭源的网络设备中找到它的身影。
#### 等等怎么会有人将开源代码闭源呢那在Linux中是不合适的 ####
#### 啊呀不管怎么说你已经引起了我的兴趣我在哪里能尝试这些可爱的BSD版本呢 ####
您大概已经可以猜到这些网站了 [][1]、[][2]、[][3]。在那里您可以下载ISO镜像在VirtualBox中启动它们然后开始玩耍。如果您已经用了一段时间的Linux尽管您需要了解那些命令但这不会太难。如果您在寻找一些对新手更加友好的东西可以试试PC-BSDPC-BSD([][4])是一个基于FreeBSD的个性化定制版本它专注于桌面有美观的图形化安装器和超级简单的软件管理器。祝你玩的愉快
作者:[Mike Saunders][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
### 1. 如何在不使用Cron的情况调度Linux下的作业 ###
$ while true; do date >> date.txt ; sleep 5 ; done &
- `while true` :让脚本进入一个条件总为真的循环中,也就是制造一个死循环,将里边的命令一遍遍地重复运行。
- `do` `do`是`while`语句中的关键字,它之后的命令会被执行,在它后边可以放置一个或一系列命令。
- `date >> date.txt` 运行date命令并将其输出写入到data.txt文件中。注意我们使用`>>`,而不是`>`。
- `>>` 对文件date.txt进行追加写的操作这样每次运行命令后输出内容会被追加到文件中。如果使用`>`的话,则会一遍遍地覆盖之前的内容。
- `sleep 5` 让脚本处于5秒睡眠状态然后再运行之后的命令。注意这里的时间单位只能用秒。也就是说如果你想让命令每6分钟运行一次你应该使用`sleep 360`。
- `done` `while`循环语句块结束的标记。
- `&` :将整个进程放到后台运行。
$ while true; do /bin/sh ; sleep 100 ; done &
还可以参考:[11 Linux Cron Job Scheduling Examples][1]
### 2. 如何不使用clear命令清空终端的内容 ###
你如何清空终端的内容?你可能会认为这是一个傻问题。好吧,大家都清楚可以使用`clear`命令。如果养成使用`ctrl + l`快捷键的习惯,我们会节省大量时间。
`Ctrl + l`快捷键的效果和`clear`命令一样。所以下一次你就可以使用`ctrl + l`来清空终端的内容了。
**总结**:因为`ctrl + l`是一个快捷键,我们不可以在脚本中使用。所以如果我们需要在脚本中清空屏幕内容,还是需要使用`clear`命令。但我能想到的所有其他情况,`ctrl + l`都更加有效。
### 3. 运行一个命令,然后自动回到当前的工作目录 ###
avi@deb:~$ (cd /home/avi/Downloads/)
#### 示例输出 ####
avi@deb:~$ (cd /home/avi/Downloads/ && ls -l)
#### 示例输出 ####
-rw-r----- 1 avi avi 54272 May 3 18:37 text1.txt
-rw-r----- 1 avi avi 54272 May 3 18:37 text2.txt
-rw-r----- 1 avi avi 54272 May 3 18:37 text3.txt
这就是全部内容了如果你知道任何类似的Linux技巧你可以在文章下面的评论框中分享给我们不要忘记将本文和朋友分享 :)
作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出