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@ -6,16 +6,16 @@ Containers and Kubernetes: What's next?

If you want a basic idea of where containers are headed in the near future, follow the money. There’s a lot of it: 451 Research projects that the overall market for containers will hit roughly [$2.7 billion in 2020][4], a 3.5-fold increase from the $762 million spent on container-related technology in 2016.
If you want a basic idea of where containers are headed in the near future, follow the money. There’s a lot of it: 451 Research projects that the overall market for containers will hit roughly [$2.7 billion in 2020][4], a 3.5-fold increase from the $762 million spent on container-related technology in 2016.
There’s an obvious fundamental factor behind such big numbers: Rapidly increasing containerization. The parallel trend: As container adoption grows, so will container _orchestration_ adoption.
There’s an obvious fundamental factor behind such big numbers: Rapidly increasing containerization. The parallel trend: As container adoption grows, so will container _orchestration_ adoption.
As recent survey data from [_The New Stack_][5] indicates, container adoption is the most significant catalyst of orchestration adoption: 60 percent of respondents who’ve deployed containers broadly in production report they’re also using Kubernetes widely in production. Another 19 percent of respondents with broad container deployments in production were in the initial stages of broad Kubernetes adoption. Meanwhile, just 5 percent of those in the initial phases of deploying containers in production environments were using Kubernetes broadly – but 58 percent said they were preparing to do so. It’s a chicken-and-egg relationship.
As recent survey data from [_The New Stack_][5] indicates, container adoption is the most significant catalyst of orchestration adoption: 60 percent of respondents who’ve deployed containers broadly in production report they’re also using Kubernetes widely in production. Another 19 percent of respondents with broad container deployments in production were in the initial stages of broad Kubernetes adoption. Meanwhile, just 5 percent of those in the initial phases of deploying containers in production environments were using Kubernetes broadly – but 58 percent said they were preparing to do so. It’s a chicken-and-egg relationship.
Most experts agree that an orchestration tool is essential to the scalable [long-term management of containers][6] – and corresponding developments in the marketplace. “The next trends in container orchestration are all focused on broadening adoption,” says Alex Robinson, software engineer at [Cockroach Labs][7].
Most experts agree that an orchestration tool is essential to the scalable [long-term management of containers][6] – and corresponding developments in the marketplace. “The next trends in container orchestration are all focused on broadening adoption,” says Alex Robinson, software engineer at [Cockroach Labs][7].
This is a quickly shifting landscape, one that is just starting to realize its future potential. So we checked in with Robinson and other practitioners to get their boots-on-the-ground perspective on what’s next in container orchestration – and for Kubernetes itself.
This is a quickly shifting landscape, one that is just starting to realize its future potential. So we checked in with Robinson and other practitioners to get their boots-on-the-ground perspective on what’s next in container orchestration – and for Kubernetes itself.
### **Container orchestration shifts to mainstream**
@ -25,40 +25,40 @@ We’re at the precipice common to most major technology shifts, where we transi
### **Reduced complexity**
On a related front, expect an intensifying effort to cut back on the complexity that some organizations face when taking their first plunge into container orchestration. As we’ve covered before, deploying a container might be “easy,” but [managing containers long-term ][8]requires more care.
On a related front, expect an intensifying effort to cut back on the complexity that some organizations face when taking their first plunge into container orchestration. As we’ve covered before, deploying a container might be “easy,” but [managing containers long-term ][8]requires more care.
“Today, container orchestration is too complex for many users to take full advantage,” says My Karlsson, developer at [Codemill AB][9]. “New users are often struggling just to get single or small-size container configurations running in isolation, especially when applications are not originally designed for it. There are plenty of opportunities to simplify the orchestration of non-trivial applications and make the technology more accessible.”
“Today, container orchestration is too complex for many users to take full advantage,” says My Karlsson, developer at [Codemill AB][9]. “New users are often struggling just to get single or small-size container configurations running in isolation, especially when applications are not originally designed for it. There are plenty of opportunities to simplify the orchestration of non-trivial applications and make the technology more accessible.”
### **Increasing focus on hybrid cloud and multi-cloud**
As adoption of containers and container orchestration grows, more organizations will scale from a starting point of, say, running non-critical workloads in a single environment to more [complex use cases][10] across multiple environments. For many companies, that will mean managing containerized applications (and particularly containerized microservices) across [hybrid cloud][11] and [multi-cloud][12] environments, often globally.
As adoption of containers and container orchestration grows, more organizations will scale from a starting point of, say, running non-critical workloads in a single environment to more [complex use cases][10] across multiple environments. For many companies, that will mean managing containerized applications (and particularly containerized microservices) across [hybrid cloud][11] and [multi-cloud][12] environments, often globally.
"Containers and Kubernetes have made hybrid cloud and application portability a reality,” says [Brian Gracely][13], director of [Red Hat][14] OpenShift product strategy. “Combined with the Open Service Broker, we expect to see an explosion of new applications that combine private and public cloud resources."
"Containers and Kubernetes have made hybrid cloud and application portability a reality,” says [Brian Gracely][13], director of [Red Hat][14] OpenShift product strategy. “Combined with the Open Service Broker, we expect to see an explosion of new applications that combine private and public cloud resources."
“I believe that federation will get a push, enabling much-wanted features such as seamless multi-region and multi-cloud deployments,” says Carlos Sanchez, senior software engineer at [CloudBees][15].
“I believe that federation will get a push, enabling much-wanted features such as seamless multi-region and multi-cloud deployments,” says Carlos Sanchez, senior software engineer at [CloudBees][15].
**[ Want CIO wisdom on hybrid cloud and multi-cloud strategy? See our related resource, **[**Hybrid Cloud: The IT leader's guide**][16]**. ]**
**[ Want CIO wisdom on hybrid cloud and multi-cloud strategy? See our related resource, **[**Hybrid Cloud: The IT leader's guide**][16]**. ]**
### **Continued consolidation of platforms and tools**
Technology consolidation is common trend; container orchestration is no exception.
“As containerization goes mainstream, engineers are consolidating on a very small number of technologies to run their [microservices and] containers and Kubernetes will become the dominant container orchestration platform, far outstripping other platforms,” says Ben Newton, analytics lead at [Sumo Logic][17]. “Companies will adopt Kubernetes to drive a cloud-neutral approach as Kubernetes provides a reasonably clear path to reduce dependence on [specific] cloud ecosystems.**”**
“As containerization goes mainstream, engineers are consolidating on a very small number of technologies to run their [microservices and] containers and Kubernetes will become the dominant container orchestration platform, far outstripping other platforms,” says Ben Newton, analytics lead at [Sumo Logic][17]. “Companies will adopt Kubernetes to drive a cloud-neutral approach as Kubernetes provides a reasonably clear path to reduce dependence on [specific] cloud ecosystems.**”**
### **Speaking of Kubernetes, what’s next?**
"Kubernetes is here for the long haul, and the community driving it is doing great job – but there's lots ahead,” says Gadi Naor, CTO and co-founder of [Alcide][18]. Our experts shared several predictions specific to [the increasingly popular Kubernetes platform][19]:
"Kubernetes is here for the long haul, and the community driving it is doing great job – but there's lots ahead,” says Gadi Naor, CTO and co-founder of [Alcide][18]. Our experts shared several predictions specific to [the increasingly popular Kubernetes platform][19]:
**_Gadi Naor at Alcide:_** “Operators will continue to evolve and mature, to a point where applications running on Kubernetes will become fully self-managed. Deploying and monitoring microservices on top of Kubernetes with [OpenTracing][20] and service mesh frameworks such as [istio][21] will help shape new possibilities.”
**_Gadi Naor at Alcide:_** “Operators will continue to evolve and mature, to a point where applications running on Kubernetes will become fully self-managed. Deploying and monitoring microservices on top of Kubernetes with [OpenTracing][20] and service mesh frameworks such as [istio][21] will help shape new possibilities.”
**_Brian Gracely at Red Hat:_** “Kubernetes continues to expand in terms of the types of applications it can support. When you can run traditional applications, cloud-native applications, big data applications, and HPC or GPU-centric applications on the same platform, it unlocks a ton of architectural flexibility.”
**_Brian Gracely at Red Hat:_** “Kubernetes continues to expand in terms of the types of applications it can support. When you can run traditional applications, cloud-native applications, big data applications, and HPC or GPU-centric applications on the same platform, it unlocks a ton of architectural flexibility.”
**_Ben Newton at Sumo Logic: _ “**As Kubernetes becomes more dominant, I would expect to see more normalization of the operational mechanisms – particularly integrations into third-party management and monitoring platforms.”
**_Ben Newton at Sumo Logic: _ “**As Kubernetes becomes more dominant, I would expect to see more normalization of the operational mechanisms – particularly integrations into third-party management and monitoring platforms.”
**_Carlos Sanchez at CloudBees: _** “In the immediate future there is the ability to run without Docker, using other runtimes...to remove any lock-in. [Editor’s note: [CRI-O][22], for example, offers this ability.] “Also, [look for] storage improvements to support enterprise features like data snapshotting and online volume resizing.”
**_Carlos Sanchez at CloudBees: _** “In the immediate future there is the ability to run without Docker, using other runtimes...to remove any lock-in. [Editor’s note: [CRI-O][22], for example, offers this ability.] “Also, [look for] storage improvements to support enterprise features like data snapshotting and online volume resizing.”
**_Alex Robinson at Cockroach Labs: _ “**One of the bigger developments happening in the Kubernetes community right now is the increased focus on managing [stateful applications][23]. Managing state in Kubernetes right now is very difficult if you aren't running in a cloud that offers remote persistent disks, but there's work being done on multiple fronts [both inside Kubernetes and by external vendors] to improve this.”
**_Alex Robinson at Cockroach Labs: _ “**One of the bigger developments happening in the Kubernetes community right now is the increased focus on managing [stateful applications][23]. Managing state in Kubernetes right now is very difficult if you aren't running in a cloud that offers remote persistent disks, but there's work being done on multiple fronts [both inside Kubernetes and by external vendors] to improve this.”
@ -95,4 +95,4 @@ via: https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2017/11/containers-and-kubernetes-w
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
容器技术和 k8s 的下一站:
### 想知道容器编排管理和 K8s 的最新展望么?来看看专家怎么说。

如果你想对容器在未来的发展方向有一个整体把握,那么你一定要跟着钱走,看看钱都投在了哪里。当然了,有很多很多的钱正在投入容器的进一步发展。相关研究预计 2020 年容器技术的投入将占有 [27 亿美元][4] 的市场份额 。而在 2016 年,容器相关技术投入的总额为 7.62 亿美元,只有 2020 年投入预计的三分之一。巨额投入的背后是一些显而易见的基本因素,包括容器化的迅速增长以及并行化的大趋势。随着容器被大面积推广和使用,容器编排管理也会被理所当然的推广应用起来。
来自 [_The new stack_][5] 的调研数据表明,容器的推广使用是编排管理被推广的主要的催化剂。根据调研参与者的反馈数据,在已经将容器技术使用到生产环境中的使用者里,有六成正在将 kubernetes(k8s)编排管理广泛的应用在生产环境中,另外百分之十九的人员则表示他们已经处于部署 k8s 的初级阶段。在容器部署初期的使用者当中,虽然只有百分之五的人员表示已经在使用 K8s ,但是百分之五十八的人员表示他们正在计划和准备使用 K8s。总而言之,容器和 Kuebernetes 的关系就好比是鸡和蛋一样,相辅相成紧密关联。众多专家一致认为编排管理工具对容器的[长周期管理][6] 以及其在市场中的发展有至关重要的作用。正如 [Cockroach 实验室][7] 的 Alex Robinson 所说,容器编排管理被更广泛的拓展和应用是一个总体的大趋势。毫无疑问,这是一个正在快速演变的领域,且未来潜力无穷。鉴于此,我们对罗宾逊和其他的一些容器的实际使用和推介者做了采访,来从他们作为容器技术的践行者的视角上展望一下容器编排以及 k8s 的下一步发展。
### **容器编排将被主流接受***
像任何重要技术的转型一样,我们就像是处在一个高崖之上一般,在经过了初期步履蹒跚的跋涉之后将要来到一望无际的广袤平原。广大的新天地和平实真切的应用需求将会让这种新技术在主流应用中被迅速推广,尤其是在大企业环境中。正如 Alex Robinson 说的那样,容器技术的淘金阶段已经过去,早期的技术革新创新正在减速,随之而来的则是市场对容器技术的稳定性和可用性的强烈需求。这意味着未来我们将不会再见到大量的新的编排管理系统的涌现,而是会看到容器技术方面更多的安全解决方案,更丰富的管理工具,以及基于目前主流容器编排系统的更多的新特性。
### **更好的易用性**
人们将在简化容器的部署方面下大功夫,因为容器部署的初期工作对很多公司和组织来说还是比较复杂的,尤其是容器的[长期管理维护][8]更是需要投入大量的精力。正如 [Codemill AB][9] 公司的 My Karlsson 所说,容器编排技术还是太复杂了,这导致很多使用者难以娴熟驾驭和充分利用容器编排的功能。很多容器技术的新用户都需要花费很多精力,走很多弯路,才能搭建小规模的,单个的,被隔离的容器系统。这种现象在那些没有针对容器技术设计和优化的应用中更为明显。在简化容器编排管理方面有很多优化可以做,这些优化和改造将会使容器技术更加具有可用性。
### **在 hybrid cloud 以及 multi-cloud 技术方面会有更多侧重***
随着容器和容器编排技术被越来越多的使用,更多的组织机构会选择扩展他们现有的容器技术的部署,从之前的把非重要系统部署在单一环境的使用情景逐渐过渡到更加[复杂的使用情景][10]。对很多公司来说,这意味着他们必须开始学会在 [hybrid cloud][11] 和 [muilti-cloud][12] 的环境下,全局化的去管理那些容器化的应用和微服务。正如红帽 [Openshift 部门产品战略总监][14] [Brian Gracely][13] 所说,容器和 k8s 技术的使用使得我们成功的实现了混合云以及应用的可移植性。结合 Open Service Broker API 的使用,越来越多的结合私有云和公有云资源的新应用将会涌现出来。
据 [CloudBees][15] 公司的高级工程师 Carlos Sanchez 分析,联合服务(Federation)将会得到极大推动,使一些诸如多地区部署和多云部署等的备受期待的新特性成为可能。
**[ 想知道 CIO 们对 hybrid cloud 和 multi cloud 的战略构想么? 请参看我们的这条相关资源, **[**Hybrid Cloud: The IT leader's guide**][16]**. ]**
### **平台和工具的持续整合及加强**
对任何一种科技来说,持续的整合和加强从来都是大势所趋; 容器编排管理技术在这方面也不例外。来自 [Sumo Logic][17] 的首席分析师 Ben Newton 表示,随着容器化渐成主流,软件工程师们正在很少数的一些技术上做持续整合加固的工作,来满足他们的一些微应用的需求。容器和 K8s 将会毫无疑问的成为容器编排管理方面的主流平台,并轻松碾压其他的一些小众平台方案。因为 K8s 提供了一个相当清晰的可以摆脱各种特有云生态的途径,K8s 将被大量公司使用,逐渐形成一个不依赖于某个特定云服务的“中立云”(cloud-neutral)。
### ** K8s 的下一站**
来自 [Alcide][18] 的 CTO 和联合创始人 Gadi Naor 表示,k8s 将会是一个有长期和远景发展的技术,虽然我们的社区正在大力推广和发展 k8s,k8s 仍有很长的路要走。
专家们对[日益流行的 k8s 平台][19]也作出了以下一些预测:
**_来自 Alcide 的 Gadi Naor 表示:_** “运营商会持续演进并趋于成熟,直到在 k8s 上运行的应用可以完全自治。利用 [OpenTracing][20] 和诸如 [istio][21] 技术的 service mesh 架构,在 k8s 上部署和监控微应用将会带来很多新的可能性。”
**_来自 Red Hat 的 Brian Gracely 表示:_** “k8s 所支持的应用的种类越来越多。今后在 k8s 上,你不仅可以运行传统的应用程序,还可以运行原生的云应用,大数据应用以及 HPC 或者基于 GPU 运算的应用程序,这将为灵活的架构设计带来无限可能。”
**_来自 Sumo Logic 的 Ben Newton 表示:_** “随着 k8s 成为一个具有统治地位的平台,我预计更多的操作机制将会被统一化,尤其是 k8s 将和第三方管理和监控平台融合起来。”
**_来自 CloudBees 的 Carlos Sanchez 表示:_** ”在不久的将来我们就能看到不依赖于 Docker 而使用其他运行时环境的系统,这将会有助于消除任何可能的 lock-in 情景“ [小编提示:[CRI-O][22] 就是一个可以借鉴的例子。]“而且我期待将来会出现更多的针对企业环境的存储服务新特性,包括数据快照以及在线的磁盘容量的扩展。”
**_来自小强实验室(Cockroach Labs)的 Alex Robinson 表示:_** “k8s 社区正在讨论的一个重大发展议题就是加强对[有状态程序][23]的管理。目前在 k8s 平台下,实现状态管理仍然非常困难,除非你所使用的云服务商可以提供远程固定磁盘。现阶段也有很多人在多方面试图改善这个状况,包括在 k8s 平台内部以及在外部服务商一端做出的一些改进。”
via: https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2017/11/containers-and-kubernetes-whats-next
作者:[Kevin Casey ][a]
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