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GraveAccent翻译中 Rock Solid React.js Foundations: A Beginner’s Guide
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React.js crash course
I’ve been working with React and React-Native for the last couple of months. I have already released two apps in production, [Kiven Aa][1] (React) and [Pollen Chat][2] (React Native). When I started learning React, I was searching for something (a blog, a video, a course, whatever) that didn’t only teach me how to write apps in React. I also wanted it to prepare me for interviews.
Most of the material I found, concentrated on one or the other. So, this post is aimed towards the audience who is looking for a perfect mix of theory and hands-on. I will give you a little bit of theory so that you understand what is happening under the hood and then I will show you how to write some React.js code.
If you prefer video, I have this entire course up on YouTube as well. Please check that out.
Let’s dive in…
> React.js is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces
You can build all sorts of single page applications. For example, chat messengers and e-commerce portals where you want to show changes on the user interface in real-time.
### Everything’s a component
A React app is comprised of components, _a lot of them_ , nested into one another. _But what are components, you may ask?_
A component is a reusable piece of code, which defines how certain features should look and behave on the UI. For example, a button is a component.
Let’s look at the following calculator, which you see on Google when you try to calculate something like 2+2 = 4 –1 = 3 (quick maths!)

Red markers denote components
As you can see in the image above, the calculator has many areas — like the _result display window_ and the _numpad_ . All of these can be separate components or one giant component. It depends on how comfortable one is in breaking down and abstracting away things in React
You write code for all such components separately. Then combine those under one container, which in turn is a React component itself. This way you can create reusable components and your final app will be a collection of separate components working together.
The following is one such way you can write the calculator, shown above, in React.
<DisplayWindow />
<Key number={1}/>
<Key number={2}/>
<Key number={9}/>
Yes! It looks like HTML code, but it isn’t. We will explore more about it in the later sections.
### Setting up our Playground
This tutorial focuses on React’s fundamentals. It is not primarily geared towards React for Web or [React Native][3] (for building mobile apps). So, we will use an online editor so as to avoid web or native specific configurations before even learning what React can do.
I’ve already set up an environment for you on [codepen.io][4]. Just follow the link and read all the comments in HTML and JavaScript (JS) tabs.
### Controlling Components
We’ve learned that a React app is a collection of various components, structured as a nested tree. Thus, we require some sort of mechanism to pass data from one component to other.
#### Enter “props”
We can pass arbitrary data to our component using a `props` object. Every component in React gets this `props` object.
Before learning how to use this `props` object, let’s learn about functional components.
#### a) Functional component
A functional component in React consumes arbitrary data that you pass to it using `props` object. It returns an object which describes what UI React should render. Functional components are also known as Stateless components.
Let’s write our first functional component.
function Hello(props) {
return <div>{props.name}</div>
It’s that simple. We just passed `props` as an argument to a plain JavaScript function and returned, _umm, well, what was that? That _ `_<div>{props.name}</div>_` _thing!_ It’s JSX (JavaScript Extended). We will learn more about it in a later section.
This above function will render the following HTML in the browser.
<!-- If the "props" object is: {name: 'rajat'} -->
> Read the section below about JSX, where I have explained how did we get this HTML from our JSX code.
How can you use this functional component in your React app? Glad you asked! It’s as simple as the following.
<Hello name='rajat' age={26}/>
The attribute `name` in the above code becomes `props.name` inside our `Hello`component. The attribute `age` becomes `props.age` and so on.
> Remember! You can nest one React component inside other React components.
Let’s use this `Hello` component in our codepen playground. Replace the `div`inside `ReactDOM.render()` with our `Hello` component, as follows, and see the changes in the bottom window.
function Hello(props) {
return <div>{props.name}</div>
ReactDOM.render(<Hello name="rajat"/>, document.getElementById('root'));
> But what if your component has some internal state. For instance, like the following counter component, which has an internal count variable, which changes on + and — key presses.
A React component with an internal state
#### b) Class-based component
The class-based component has an additional property `state` , which you can use to hold a component’s private data. We can rewrite our `Hello` component using class notation as follows. Since these components have a state, these are also known as Stateful components.
class Counter extends React.Component {
// this method should be present in your component
render() {
return (
We extend `React.Component` class of React library to make class-based components in React. Learn more about JavaScript classes [here][5].
The `render()` method must be present in your class as React looks for this method in order to know what UI it should render on screen.
To use this sort of internal state, we first have to initialize the `state` object in the constructor of the component class, in the following way.
class Counter extends React.Component {
constructor() {
// define the internal state of the component
this.state = {name: 'rajat'}
render() {
return (
// Usage:
// In your react app: <Counter />
Similarly, the `props` can be accessed inside our class-based component using `this.props` object.
To set the state, you use `React.Component`'s `setState()`. We will see an example of this, in the last part of this tutorial.
> Tip: Never call `setState()` inside `render()` function, as `setState()` causes component to re-render and this will result in endless loop.

A class-based component has an optional property “state”.
_Apart from _ `_state_` _, a class-based component has some life-cycle methods like _ `_componentWillMount()._` _ These you can use to do stuff, like initializing the _ `_state_` _and all but that is out of the scope of this post._
### JSX
JSX is a short form of _JavaScript Extended_ and it is a way to write `React`components. Using JSX, you get the full power of JavaScript inside XML like tags.
You put JavaScript expressions inside `{}`. The following are some valid JSX examples.
<button disabled={true}>Press me!</button>
<button disabled={true}>Press me {3+1} times!</button>;
<div className='container'><Hello /></div>
The way it works is you write JSX to describe what your UI should look like. A [transpiler][6] like `Babel` converts that code into a bunch of `React.createElement()` calls. The React library then uses those `React.createElement()` calls to construct a tree-like structure of DOM elements. In case of React for Web or Native views in case of React Native. It keeps it in the memory.
React then calculates how it can effectively mimic this tree in the memory of the UI displayed to the user. This process is known as [reconciliation][7]. After that calculation is done, React makes the changes to the actual UI on the screen.
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How React converts your JSX into a tree which describes your app’s UI
You can use [Babel’s online REPL][8] to see what React actually outputs when you write some JSX.

Use Babel REPL to transform JSX into plain JavaScript
> Since JSX is just a syntactic sugar over plain `React.createElement()` calls, React can be used without JSX.
Now we have every concept in place, so we are well positioned to write a `counter` component that we saw earlier as a GIF.
The code is as follows and I hope that you already know how to render that in our playground.
class Counter extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {count: this.props.start || 0}
// the following bindings are necessary to make `this` work in the callback
this.inc = this.inc.bind(this);
this.dec = this.dec.bind(this);
inc() {
count: this.state.count + 1
dec() {
count: this.state.count - 1
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.inc}>+</button>
<button onClick={this.dec}>-</button>
The following are some salient points about the above code.
1. JSX uses `camelCasing` hence `button`'s attribute is `onClick`, not `onclick`, as we use in HTML.
2. Binding is necessary for `this` to work on callbacks. See line #8 and 9 in the code above.
The final interactive code is located [here][9].
With that, we’ve reached the conclusion of our React crash course. I hope I have shed some light on how React works and how you can use React to build bigger apps, using smaller and reusable components.
* * *
If you have any queries or doubts, hit me up on Twitter [@rajat1saxena][10] or write to me at [rajat@raynstudios.com][11].
* * *
#### Please recommend this post, if you liked it and share it with your network. Follow me for more tech related posts and consider subscribing to my channel [Rayn Studios][12] on YouTube. Thanks a lot.
via: https://medium.freecodecamp.org/rock-solid-react-js-foundations-a-beginners-guide-c45c93f5a923
作者:[Rajat Saxena ][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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坚实的 React 基础:初学者指南

React.js crash course
在过去的几个月里,我一直在使用 React 和 React-Native。我已经发布了两个作为产品的应用, [Kiven Aa][1](React)和 [Pollen Chat][2](React Native)。当我开始学习 React 时,我找了一些不仅仅是教我如何用 React 写应用的东西(一个博客,一个视频,一个课程,等等),我也想让它帮我做好面试准备。
我发现的大部分资料都集中在某一单一方面上。所以,这篇文章针对的是那些希望理论与实践完美结合的观众。我会告诉你一些理论,以便你了解幕后发生的事情,然后我会向你展示如何编写一些 React.js 代码。
> React.js 是一个用于构建用户界面的 JavaScript 库
### 一切都是组件
React 应用由组件组成,数量多且互相嵌套。你或许会问:”可什么是组件呢?“
组件是可重用的代码段,它定义了某些功能在 UI 上的外观和行为。 比如,按钮就是一个组件。
让我们看看下面的计算器,当你尝试计算2 + 2 = 4 -1 = 3(简单的数学题)时,你会在Google上看到这个计算器。

如上图所示,这个计算器有很多区域,比如展示窗口和数字键盘。所有这些都可以是许多单独的组件或一个巨大的组件。这取决于在 React 中分解和抽象出事物的程度。你为所有这些组件分别编写代码,然后合并这些组件到一个容器中,而这个容器又是一个 React 组件。这样你就可以创建可重用的组件,最终的应用将是一组协同工作的单独组件。
以下是一个你践行了以上原则并可以用 React 编写计算器的方法。
<DisplayWindow />
<Key number={1}/>
<Key number={2}/>
<Key number={9}/>
### 设置我们的 Playground
这篇教程专注于 React 的基础部分。它没有偏向 Web 或 React Native(开发移动应用)。所以,我们会用一个在线编辑器,这样可以在学习 React 能做什么之前避免 web 或 native 的具体配置。
我已经为读者在 [codepen.io][4] 设置好了开发环境。只需点开这个链接并且阅读所有 HTML 和 JavaScript 注释。
### 控制组件
我们已经了解到 React 应用是各种组件的集合,结构为嵌套树。因此,我们需要某种机制来将数据从一个组件传递到另一个组件。
#### 进入 “props”
我们可以使用 `props` 对象将任意数据传递给我们的组件。 React 中的每个组件都会获取 `props` 对象。在学习如何使用 `props` 之前,让我们学习函数式组件。
#### a) 函数式组件
在 React 中,一个函数式组件通过 `props` 对象使用你传递给它的任意数据。它返回一个对象,该对象描述了 React 应渲染的 UI。函数式组件也称为无状态组件。
function Hello(props) {
return <div>{props.name}</div>
就这么简单。我们只是将 `props` 作为参数传递给了一个普通的 JavaScript 函数并且有返回值。嗯?返回了什么?那个 `<div>{props.name}</div>`。它是 JSX(JavaScript Extended)。我们将在后面的部分中详细了解它。
<!-- If the "props" object is: {name: 'rajat'} -->
> 阅读以下有关 JSX 的部分,这一部分解释了如何从我们的 JSX 代码中得到这段 HTML 。
如何在 React 应用中使用这个函数式组件? 很高兴你问了! 它就像下面这么简单。
<Hello name='rajat' age={26}/>
属性 `name` 在上面的代码中变成了 `Hello` 组件里的 `props.name` ,属性 `age` 变成了 `props.age` 。
> 记住! 你可以将一个React组件嵌套在其他React组件中。
让我们在 codepen playground 使用 `Hello` 组件。用我们的 `Hello` 组件替换 `ReactDOM.render()` 中的 `div`,并在底部窗口中查看更改。
function Hello(props) {
return <div>{props.name}</div>
ReactDOM.render(<Hello name="rajat"/>, document.getElementById('root'));
> 但是如果你的组件有一些内部状态怎么办?例如,像下面的计数器组件一样,它有一个内部计数变量,它在 + 和 - 键按下时发生变化。
具有内部状态的 React 组件
#### b) 基于类的组件
基于类的组件有一个额外属性 `state` ,你可以用它存放组件的私有数据。我们可以用 class 表示法重写我们的 `Hello` 。由于这些组件具有状态,因此这些组件也称为有状态组件。
class Counter extends React.Component {
// this method should be present in your component
render() {
return (
我们继承了 React 库的 React.Component 类以在React中创建基于类的组件。在[这里][5]了解更多有关 JavaScript 类的东西。
`render()` 方法必须存在于你的类中,因为React会查找此方法,用以了解它应在屏幕上渲染的 UI。为了使用这种内部状态,我们首先要在组件
class Counter extends React.Component {
constructor() {
// define the internal state of the component
this.state = {name: 'rajat'}
render() {
return (
// Usage:
// In your react app: <Counter />
类似地,可以使用 this.props 对象在我们基于类的组件内访问 props。
要设置 state,请使用 `React.Component` 的 `setState()`。 在本教程的最后一部分中,我们将看到一个这样的例子。
> 提示:永远不要在 `render()` 函数中调用 `setState()`,因为 `setState` 会导致组件重新渲染,这将导致无限循环。

基于类的组件具有可选属性 “state”。
除了 `state` 以外,基于类的组件有一些声明周期方法比如 `componentWillMount()`。你可以利用这些去做初始化 `state`这样的事, 可是那将超出这篇文章的范畴。
### JSX
JSX 是 JavaScript Extended 的一种简短形式,它是一种编写 React components 的方法。使用 JSX,你可以在类 XML 标签中获得 JavaScript 的全部力量。
你把 JavaScript 表达式放在`{}`里。下面是一些有效的 JSX 例子。
<button disabled={true}>Press me!</button>
<button disabled={true}>Press me {3+1} times!</button>;
<div className='container'><Hello /></div>
它的工作方式是你编写 JSX 来描述你的 UI 应该是什么样子。像 Babel 这样的转码器将这些代码转换为一堆 `React.createElement()`调用。然后,React 库使用这些 `React.createElement()`调用来构造 DOM 元素的树状结构。对于 React 的网页视图或 React Native 的 Native 视图,它将保存在内存中。
React 接着会计算它如何在存储展示给用户的 UI 的内存中有效地模仿这个树。此过程称为 [reconciliation][7]。完成计算后,React会对屏幕上的真正 UI 进行更改。

React 如何将你的 JSX 转化为描述应用 UI 的树。
你可以使用 [Babel 的在线 REPL][8] 查看当你写一些 JSX 的时候,React 的真正输出。

使用Babel REPL 转换 JSX 为普通 JavaScript
> 由于 JSX 只是 `React.createElement()` 调用的语法糖,因此可以在没有 JSX 的情况下使用 React。
代码如下,我希望你已经知道了如何在我们的 playground 上渲染它。
class Counter extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {count: this.props.start || 0}
// the following bindings are necessary to make `this` work in the callback
this.inc = this.inc.bind(this);
this.dec = this.dec.bind(this);
inc() {
count: this.state.count + 1
dec() {
count: this.state.count - 1
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.inc}>+</button>
<button onClick={this.dec}>-</button>
1. JSX 使用 `驼峰命名` ,所以 `button` 的 属性是 `onClick`,不是我们在HTML中用的 `onclick`。
2. 绑定 `this` 是必要的,以便在回调时工作。 请参阅上面代码中的第8行和第9行。
有了这个,我们已经到了 React 速成课程的结束。我希望我已经阐明了 React 如何工作以及如何使用 React 来构建更大的应用程序,使用更小和可重用的组件。
via: https://medium.freecodecamp.org/rock-solid-react-js-foundations-a-beginners-guide-c45c93f5a923
作者:[Rajat Saxena ][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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