Merge pull request #1 from LCTT/master

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shipsw 2014-05-22 17:29:10 +08:00
commit b6d9a07609
40 changed files with 1876 additions and 818 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
> 从SSH到端口转发这些先进的技术将使你的树莓派开发更简单。
> 然而从基础跨越到中级还是存在较大距离。当你从“设置你的派”的教程转而学习“创建一个媒体服务器”时项目开始前的需求就会有一点点挑战。许多中级的Pi教程包括ReadWrite的一些文章都会假设你已经对树莓派设置好了一些东西。
### 1) 使用SSH登录 ###
SSH意思是[Secure Shell][2],它是一种加密网络协议,用于安全地在计算机与树莓派之间传输你的数据。项目中也许需要你通过你的计算机的命令行控制树莓派,而不是通过给树莓派连接显示器和键盘来控制。
现在SSH已经预先安装在树莓派系统 [Raspbian][3] 中了所以如果你安装的是最新版本或较新版本的树莓派都是支持SSH使用的。
sudo ifconfig
无论通过哪种方式你将会看到以“inet addr”开头后面跟着像192.168.2.2这样类型的IP地址这是我们在这篇文章中经常引用到的一种默认IP地址格式。
ssh pi@
### 2) 使用远程桌面连接到你的树莓派 ###
sudo apt-get install xrdp
### 3) 给你的树莓派设置一个家庭网络的静态地址 ###
在之前第一步找到的树莓派的IP地址现在是可以连接的但是不能保证你的路由器会一直给你的树莓派分配一个永久固定的IP地址。这意味着在你网段中的其它计算机无法知道树莓派被分配了什么IP地址。那么如何来给树莓派分配静态的IP地址而不是每隔几天就在树莓派上执行“sudo ifconfig”命令或者糟糕到每隔几个小时一次
sudo ifconfig
inet addr: # 树莓派的当前IP地址
Bcast: # 地址广播范围
Mask: # 子网掩码
netstat -nr
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
将“iface eth0 inet dhcp”这一段修改成“iface eth0 inet static”也就是将动态获取IP修改成静态IP。
netmask XXX.XXX.XXX.X
network XXX.XXX.X.X
broadcast XXX.XXX.X.X
gateway XXX.XXX.X.X
使用“sudo reboot”的命令重启树莓派系统后在命令行再次输入“ifconfig”我们刚刚新设置的静态IP设置就会呈现。
### 4) 端口转发至树莓派 ###
某些端口默认情况下代表着特定的应用。例如80端口默认为HTML页面21端口默认代表FTP传输1194端口默认用于设置VPN服务器。所以大多情况下你可以随便选择哪个端口作为默认使用。译注此处原文“So a lot of the time, you can just go with whichever port is set as the default. ”似乎不能和上文衔接,以译者判断,应该是“所以大多数情况下,你应该选择默认的端口提供服务。”)
- [Belkin][10]
- [Netgear][11]
- [Linksys][12]
### 5) 在互联网上给你的树莓派设置静态地址 ###
我们可以通过[DDNS][13]即动态DNS来实现它实时维护名字解析并通过 [DDClient][14] 程序通知DDNS修改指向到你的树莓派。
首先需要注册一个类似[DNS Dynamic][15]的动态主机服务。根据指示并创建新的名称服务器类似
sudo apt-get install ddclient
sudo nano /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf
每种服务配置都会有略微的不同但是DDNS的网站会告诉你需要在配置文件中修改的内容。一个标准的DDNS配置举个栗子如 [DDNS配置][16],可以直接复制粘贴。
# check every 600 seconds
如上输入程序的名称就可以运行了。当你的树莓派开着的时候就会持续运行了。如果你重启树莓派,键入 “ddclient”就会重新开始运行了。
### 关于作者:
本文的美女作者:[Lauren Orsini](是一个专业记者、业余程序员和全职宅女她住在饱受交通之苦的Arlington, VA。
![Lauren Orsini](
译者:[disylee]( 校对:[wxy](
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
Git 1.9.3版本控制系统已正式发布
**Git 1.9.3,是一种自由和开放源码的分布式控制版本系统,该设计用于快速有效地处理从小到非常大的项目,现在已经可以提供下载了。**
新的Git 1.9.x系列继续保持着大量发布的传统包含了大量的变动和修复。最新版本系列比我们预期稍微小了一点但的确做了一些有趣的变化。如果你在使用Git你也许该考虑升级到最新版本的。
根据开发者所说“git p4”在处理二进制文件时受损是由于1.9版本的一些改变但是这已经被修复了。在shell提示符脚本在contrib目录/下使用PROMPT_COMMAND界面时显示分支名称$PS时不再使用不安全的构造“git rebase”也不再使用POSIX shell中的结构。
下载Git 1.9.3地址
- [tar.gz][2][sources] [4.60 MB]
- [Debian/Ubuntu DEB ALL][3][ubuntu_deb] [0 KB]
- [Red Hat/Fedora/Mandriva/openSUSE RPM noarch][4][rh_rpm] [0 KB]
译者:[disylee](译者ID) 校对:[wxy](
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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
如何在 Win8 上禁用 UEFI 以安装Linux
现在,如果你买了预装 Windows 的电脑,一般都是 Windows8 或 Windows8.1。从 Windows8 开始,微软用 UEFI 取代了 BIOS。尽管 UEFI 不是微软发明的,在 Windows8 之前它就已经存在。比如某些 Mac 设备使用 UEFI 已经有一段时间了。
UEFI 有“安全启动”这个特点,引导程序只会启动那些得到 UEFI 固件签署的引导装载程序。此安全功能可以防止 Rootkit 类的恶意软件,并提供了额外的安全层。但它有一个缺点,如果你想在 Win8的电脑上双引导 Linux 安全机制会阻止这样做。这篇文章告诉大家如何在Win8中禁用UEFI安全引导以支持 Linux 的双系统启动。
### 在Windows 8 & 8.1上禁用UEFI安全启动 ###
关于安全启动,充斥着各种各样的说法。由于这些传闻,有些人几乎认为在预装 Windows8 的电脑上启动 Linux 是不可能的。虽然在 ARM PC上这是真的但是在基于 Intel 的系统上安全引导是可以被禁用的。老实说,**禁用UEFI安全启动**不是一个艰巨的任务,同样的双启动的 Linux 与 Windows 8 也不是。
虽然在 BIOS 时代,访问 BIOS 是相当简单的,在启动的时候按 F10 或 F12 键即可。但是在 UEFI 的世界里,就不一样了。要访问 UEFI 设置,你就必须进入到 Windows 中去。让我们来看看如何在 Windows 8 中访问 UEFI 设置来禁用安全启动。
#### Step 1: 进入PC设置 ####
点击 Windows+I 按钮进入 Windows 设置界面。在底部,你会看到更改电脑设置的选项。点击它。
#### Step 2: 进入高级启动 ####
在 Windows 8 和 Windows8.1 上PC设置有一个细微的差别。依照你使用的系统不同分别按照下面介绍的各个步骤进行操作
Windows 8的在Windows 8中你需要进入通用PC设置并选择**高级启动**,然后点击**立即重新启动:**
**Window 8.1**的:在 Windows8.1,从左侧边栏点击**更新和恢复**
#### Step 4: 进入UEFI设置 ####
#### Step 5: 在 UEFI 中禁用安全启动 ####
这个时候,你一定已经启动到 UEFI 工具界面。你可以在这里更改各种设置。但我们想要做的,只是禁用安全启动选项,允许 Ubuntu 或者任何其它 Linux 版本的双启动。
移动到启动选项卡,在那里你会发现**安全引导**选项被设置为启用。使用箭头键进入安全引导选项,然后按**回车键**来选择它。 *使用+或 - 来改变它的值。按** F10 键保存更改**并退出 UEFI 设置。**提示时确认即可**。
接下来,您将会正常引导到 Windows。现在您就支持双启动 Windows8 与 Ubuntu 或其它 Linux 操作系统了。过段时间里我会写关于如何双启动 Ubuntu 与 Windows 8 UEFI 的教程。敬请关注。
我希望这个教程可以帮助您禁用 Windows8 和 Windows8.1 的安全引导。如有任何疑问或建议,欢迎随时评论。
译者:[MikeCoder]( 校对:[Caroline](
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@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
linux下的命令行可能是对于新手而言最恐怖的经历了。我记得花费数天的时间来尝试解码终端中错误信息。然而,这是完全值得的。如果我如今让我说只说一个让新手学习学习命令行的原因,,那可能是完全可以在命令行中管理音乐库。我喜欢用的软件是[cmus][1],是"C* MUsic Player"(C音乐播放器)的简写,由于它完全由C写成。
linux下的命令行可能是对于新手而言最恐怖的经历了。我记得花费若干小时来尝试搞明白终端爆出的错误信息。当然,这是完全值得的!如果现在让我只能挑一个让新手学习学习命令行的原因,那可能就是用命令行来整个管理音乐库。在这个事情上,我喜欢用的软件叫做[cmus][1],是"C* MUsic Player"(C音乐播放器)的简写它完全由C写成。
### Linux上安装cmus ###
在Ubuntu, Debian 或者Linux Mint中:
@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ cmus是一个强力的内置音频播放器的音乐文件管理器。使用它
$ cmus
### 导入 [音乐文件][4] 到 cmus ###
### 导入音乐文件到 cmus ###
第一件要做的事情是导入你的音乐文件到你的库中。这个过程马上揭露了两件事情快捷方式是受到了vim的启发还有cmus运行的很快。我已经在20秒之内成功地导入了超过1000首歌 在iTunes或者其他任何图形音乐库软件下试一下会有足够的时间来做一份花生酱三明治。
第一件要做的事情是导入你的音乐文件到你的库中。这个过程可以看出两个事情快捷方式受到了vim的命令模式的启发还有cmus运行的很快。我已经在20秒之内成功地导入了超过1000首歌在iTunes或者其他任何图形音乐库软件下试一下导入我想你会有足够的时间来做一份花生酱三明治 :>
@ -54,21 +54,21 @@ cmus是一个强力的内置音频播放器的音乐文件管理器。使用它
- **z** 播放前一首音乐
- **s** 激活随机播放
### 基本使用 ###
:save /path/to/playlist
@ -78,15 +78,15 @@ cmus的界面由7个标签组成你可以按下适当的数字键来访问。
:filter [name of the filter]
@ -94,19 +94,19 @@ cmus的界面由7个标签组成你可以按下适当的数字键来访问。
:filter classical
### 高级用法 ###
@ -120,33 +120,33 @@ cmus的界面由7个标签组成你可以按下适当的数字键来访问。
:fset [name of the new filter]=[expression]
:fset oldies=genre="Rock"&date<1970
:set replaygain=1
common x player-play
:bind -f common w player-stop
:bind -f common w player-play
译者:[geekpi]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
译者:[geekpi]( 校对:[wxy](
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
之前,用于[启用Linux 3.15内核的实验LTO支持][1]的补丁已经发布了一个PR上拉请求但Linus Torvalds 还没有决定他是否会接受这段代码到上游的Linux内核…… Linus 仍然没看到链接时优化内核LTOink-time optimizations的好处也不确认这段代码是否已准备好放入主干中。
[LTO的Linux kernel][2]有一个好处是可以减小Linux内核镜像的大小而且更快和更高效。在GCC中配合使用LTO会使整个程序在链接阶段就实现整个的二进制优化。先前的结果表明一个LTO的内核可以减少超过10的尺寸大小并且内核优化后比常规的内核快百分之几但是它目前的问题是需要占用更多的系统内存以及更长的编译时间。
这个推送给Linux 3.15 LTO Kconfig的PR希望在下一个内核版本中的增加一个实验性选项。作为回复Linus Torvalds[写道][3]:
> 到目前为止,我有几个不进行合并的原因(“实验性太强,我们甚至不希望鼓励人们去测试它”,以及“它不是完全可靠,并且使得编译时间变的**很长**").
> 而且至今没有人真正和我讨论过,为什么我*应该*合并它译注Linus的意思是说其实没有人真正知道并且讨论合并LTO的理由
> Linus
作为对Linus的关注的回应LTO内核变得尺寸更小了通过把未使用代码的自动淘汰它们减少了对许多低级Kconfig符号的需要、减少了所需的配置选项的数目。来自Tim bird的几个报告显示在ARM上带有LTO配置的内核可以减少11的尺寸而其他用户甚至最多减少了30。也有报告称系统调用减少了约4。基准测试的结果根据测试负载有所差异但一般都有几个百分点的提升。
如今Linux内核是否支持[链接时优化][4]仍然在讨论Linus 是否愿意合并此实验性功能到Linux 3.15还不明朗。
译者:[owen-carter]( 校对:[wxy](
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
**Canonical公司意图创建最常用的Linux桌面发行版然而它也成为了最成功的服务器操作系统之一。事实上Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Openstack 和 Ubuntu的编制工具Juju正在运行在世界上最强的超级计算机上。**
现在世界上最强大的超级计算机是天河二号它在中国的广东省。据它的制造者介绍这些服务器使用Intel Xeon处理器、Intel Xeon Phi协同处理器它有每秒160Gb的传输速度用于两个节点之间超高速传输。从2013年以来它一直保持着最强记录。
“Ubuntu OpenStack运行在256个高性能节点上而且在接下来的数月将会增长至超过6400个节点。这些节点将能够提供给广东政府部门和其他国防科技大学的合作伙伴们使用用于进行分析、人口普查以及运行电子政务应用程序。”
Canonical公司正在努力推动中国市场并且他们已经正在尝试用Ubuntu Kylin覆盖桌面生态系统正当微软宣布Windows XP生命终结的同时它抓住了一个很好的时机。
译者:[linuhap]( 校对:[reinoir](
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
alim0x translating
Aura-Powered Google Chrome Now Available on Linux
**After what feels like forever in the making, Google has today released the first stable version of Chrome for Linux to use Aura, the search giants in-house graphics stack. **
Aura, which replaces GTK+, is used to draw the bulk of the Chrome UI on screen, including menus and window frames (and yes, it works fine with both locally integrated and global menus).
The “shell” is already in use on Windows and Chrome OS builds and, as its largely cross-platform, enables Google to develop new features faster and ensure feature parity across different operating systems.
An accelerated interface, Aura is better able to leverage GPU features in Chrome/Chromium on Linux than GTK+ builds. Notably, it is able to use OpenGL on a per-window rather than per-tab basis.
Its arrival also brings additional features to the desktop, including the Chrome Notification Centre, [an optional App Launcher][1] and support for displaying select Google Now cards.
### Other Changes ###
Chrome 35 stable also comes loaded with a bunch of cross platform changes, including a number of new extension APIs for developers to toy around with; new touch input controls; and undefined new JavaScript features.
As with every release there are a bunch of stability, performance and security updates bundled in.
To download Google Chrome 35 for Linux just hit the button below.
- [Download Google Chrome][2]
译者:[译者ID](译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
linuhap 翻译中
BattleBlock Theater Now Rules the Steam for Linux Best-Selling List
@ -53,4 +54,4 @@ via:

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@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
Translating by GoLinux!
Git 1.9.3 Version Control System Officially Released
**Git 1.9.3, a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency, is now available for download.**
The new Git 1.9.x branch continues the trend of large releases, integrating a big number of changes and fixes. This latest build in the branch is a little bit smaller than what we were expecting, but it does feature some interesting changes. If you are using Git, you might consider to update to the new version.
According to the developers, "git p4" dealing with changes in binary files was broken by a change in 1.9 release, but it has been fixed. The shell prompt script (in contrib/), when using the PROMPT_COMMAND interface, no longer uses an unsafe construct when showing the branch name in $PS, and "git rebase" no longer uses a POSIX shell construct.
Also, some more Unicode codepoints defined in Unicode 6.3 as having zero width have been fixed, and some tests used shell constructs that did not work well on FreeBSD, but they have been fixed.
For a complete list of changes, check out the [changelog][1].
### download Git 1.9.3 ###
- [tar.gz][2][sources] [4.60 MB]
- [Debian/Ubuntu DEB ALL][3][ubuntu_deb] [0 KB]
- [Red Hat/Fedora/Mandriva/openSUSE RPM noarch][4][rh_rpm] [0 KB]
译者:[译者ID](译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
Native Spotify for Linux Client Updated With New Dark Design
**Spotify for Linux has been updated with the same flatter, darker design that the streaming service brought to its apps on other platforms last month. **
Steely grey gradients and expansive swathes of white have given way to a colour scheme based on black, black and slightly lighter black. Even the companys trademark green hasnt been spared the overhaul, with its use now limited to the odd flourish here and there.
> Spotify say the design puts the emphasis squarely on content
Rounded elements have been introduced on artist and profile photos, while navigation and player controls buttons have been given iOS 7-style thin line makeovers.
Spotify say the design puts the emphasis squarely on content, likening the new look to “*a cinema when you dim the lights.*”
Aside from the changes staring you in the face there are a couple under the hood that you might otherwise miss. These include the use of OpenSSL 1.0.x, working local music playback using *libavcodec54* and support for native system notifications on track change.
For now, 32-bit builds are not available.
The native, if eternally-in-preview, Spotify client for Linux **supports free and subscription accounts**.
### Install Spotify ###
To install Spotify on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS open a new terminal and enter the following commands.
The first adds the official Spotify repository to your software sources list:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb stable non-free" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list'
Add the secure key for the repository to prevent errors being thrown up:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 94558F59
Finally, update and install the application:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install spotify-client-qt
Launch the app from the Dash once installation has completed.
译者:[译者ID](译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
Smallest OS for Raspberry Pi, piCore 5.3, Returns with Linux Kernel 3.14.4
**The Tiny Core team has announced that piCore 5.3, the Raspberry Pi port of Tiny Core Linux, has just received a new version and is now available for download.**
The Tiny Core developers are actually responsible for a larger number of other distributions that are built with the same foundations. There are a number of variants available from the developer. There is the Core version (base system the provides only a command line interface for experienced users), TinyCore (recommended option for new users who have a wired network connection), and CorePlus (an installation image, not a Live one).
Team Tiny Core is not at the first release of this Linux distribution, but some improvements were necessary, although the changes are not all that big, with the exception of a new Linux kernel.
According to the changelog, the Linux kernel has been updated to version 3.14.4, the Raspberry Pi firmware has been updated to its latest version (May release), e2fsprogs has been updated to version 1.42.10, HDMI sound is now working at 192 kbit/s rate, CMA and FIQ-FSM are now enabled by default, and sudo is now used when unmounting meta-extensions.
It's possible to update previous versions on Raspberry Pi without removing the SD card, and the devs have posted some instructions on how to do this.
“Download piCore-5.3rc4-boot.tar.gz extract to a temporary folder and overwrite content of /mnt/mmcblk0p1 after mounting it. It will overwrite custom boot options. If you have customized cmdline.txt on config.txt in the old system, do it again.”
“Do not reboot if using wireless remote connection, otherwise you will lose connection due to incompatible kernel modules! Next download kernel module tcz's from the repo matching new kernel version and reboot. You must have a new, updated system working. Please note, there may be kernel module extensions which are not yet available in the repo,” read the notes posted on the official forums.
A complete list of updates and changes can be found in the official announcement. You can download piCore 5.3 right now from Softpedia.
Raspberry Pi relies on an ARM processor with a clock speed of 700 MHz, 512 MB of RAM, an SD card slot, and a 5V Micro USB connector that supplies the power. It also features RCA and HDMI ports.
The Raspberry Pi port of Tiny Core Linux is an independent system architected by Robert Shingledecker and now developed by a small team with strong community support.
If you are not familiar with the Tiny Core family of Linux distributions, you need to know that this is a modular-based system with community-built extensions. It usually implements the latest Linux kernel vmlinuz 3.0 and a 5MB core.gz.
### Tiny Core Linux piCore 5.3: Free Download ###
- [Tiny Core Linux piCore 5.3 (zip) Multiple editions][3][binary] [14 MB]
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owen-carter translating
Torvalds Is Unconvinced By LTO'ing A Linux Kernel
Yesterday patches were published via a pull request to [enable experimental LTO support for the Linux 3.15 kernel][1], but Linus Torvalds hasn't yet decided whether he will accept this code in the upstream Linux kernel... Linus doesn't yet see the benefits in link-time optimizations for the kernel and isn't sure whether this code is ready yet to be mainlined.
[LTO'ing the Linux kernel][2] has the potential of reducing the size of the Linux kernel image along with generating a faster and more efficient binary. Link-time optimizations within GCC allow the whole program to be optimized at link-time stage across the entire binary. Previous results showed that an LTO'ed kernel could be over 10% smaller in size and a few percent faster by optimizing the kernel in this manner, but it currently results in much greater system memory usage and a much longer compilation process.
In responding to the Linux 3.15 LTO Kconfig pull request that would make it an experimental option for the next kernel release, Linus Torvalds [wrote][3]:
> So right now, I see several reasons not to merge it ("It's so experimental that we don't even want to encourage people to test it" to "it's not fully fleshed out yet and makes compile times _much_ longer").
> And yet nobody has actually talked about why I *should* merge it.
> Which - I think understandably - makes me less than enthusiastic.
> So I think I'll let this wait a bit longer, _unless_ people start talking about the upsides. How much smaller is the end result? How much faster is it? How much more beautiful is it? Does it make new cool things possible? Are those cool things really close on the horizon and really want this merged even though it's not really quite ready yet?
> So please: convince me. Andi?
> Linus
In response to Torvalds' concerns, among the responses back were that the LTO kernels are smaller in size, they reduce the need for many lower-level Kconfig symbols / reduce the number of CONFIG options needed since unused code can automatically be eliminated, etc. Numbers reported by Tim Bird saw an 11% binary reduction on ARM with the LTO configuration while other users can see upwards of a 30% reduction. There's also reports of an LTO kernel having about 4% less system calls. Benchmark results vary based upon workload but can range from no improvement to generally a couple of percent.
At the moment the matter of [link-time optimization][4] support for the Linux kernel is still being discussed with Linus not yet coming out with any revised thoughts whether he's willing to merge this experimental feature for Linux 3.15 or not.
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Turn Ubuntu and Debian Jessie into Windows 7 and Windows 8 with WinAte Theme Pack
**WinAte, the theme pack that will turn your Ubuntu and Debian installation into a Windows 7 of Windows 8 look-alike, has just received a new update.**
There was a time when it was easy to change the look of most Linux distributions and make them look like a Windows counterpart, but that time has passed. There are only a handful that can still be modified, and Ubuntu and Debian Jessie are among them.
“With this brand-new WinAte - Windows 7/8 Transformation Pack for LXDE - you will be able to get all the icons and overall appearance of Windows to your GNU/Linux box, without spending lots of resources nor having to adapt old Gnome 2 themes. Everything works just by executing the script. Just do that, logout and login again, and there should be a different feeling in the whole system,” reads the official website.
The package has a few dependencies that are very easy to meet: gtk2-engines-murrine, gtk2-engines-pixbuf, and compton. The installation is very simple and the instructions can be followed by anyone.
This theme is probably the closest that users will ever going to get to Windows 7 or Windows 8 in term of look, but it ca be used to help people migrate to Linux more easily.
You can download the WinAte - Windows 7/8 Theme pack from [][1].
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Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) Now Based on Linux Kernel 3.15 RC5
**The development of Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) started a few weeks ago and now the developers have made the first major change to it by adding a new Linux kernel.**
Usually, the development of a new version of Ubuntu begins by basing it on the latest release, in this case Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. The team starts adding new packages to the distribution, usually stuff that didn't have a chance to make it into the previous one. One of the key components for a Linux distribution is the Linux kernel, and this package has been updated as well.
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS shipped with Linux kernel 3.13 and the developers didn't get a chance to add the 3.14 branch into the mix. It shipped too late and there wasn't enough time to test it. Until now, the Ubuntu team didn't say what kernel they were targeting for the final release, but they have implemented the 3.15 build, even if it's still under development.
“We have uploaded our first v3.15 based kernel, 3.15.0-1.5, to the Utopic archive. It is currently based on the v3.15-rc5 upstream kernel,” [said Joseph Salisbury][1] in the regular Ubuntu Kernel Team meeting.
It's very likely that at least another version of Linux kernel, 3.16, will have already been released by the time Ubuntu 14.10 hits the kernel freeze (past this point the kernel can no longer be updated), so this might be the one that will get implemented by October.
If nothing out of the ordinary happens with the kernel development, each cycle usually features eight to ten Release Candidates, but this number can vary. Linus Torvalds usually releases a new RC every week, but it's not set in stone. For example, it's been almost two weeks since the last RC in the 3.15 series.
Canonical has to consider that Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS and Ubuntu 14.04.1 will also be released in the coming months and the kernel freeze for this version is only 5 weeks away.
Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) promises to be a very interesting version and there is already talk about a new flavor, featuring Unity 8 and Mir, that could be launched in parallel with the regular one.
If you really want to see what is happening on the Ubuntu 14.10 front you can always [download the daily image][2] and give it a spin. For now it's almost identical with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, but that will soon change.
### download ###
- [Ubuntu 14.10 Daily Build (ISO) 64-bit][3][iso] [965 MB]
- [Ubuntu 14.10 Daily Build (ISO) 32-bit][4][iso] [971 MB]
- [Ubuntu 14.10 Daily Build (ISO) 64-bit Mac][5][iso] [963 MB]
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Arduino Vs. Raspberry Pi: Which Is The Right DIY Platform For You?
@ -240,4 +241,4 @@ via:

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TechView: Linus Torvalds, Inventor of Linux
> TechView is a new part of TechScape featuring exclusive interviews and long-running conversations with Technology glitterati about all things Technology.
> Our first conversation is with [Linus Torvalds][1] the legendary inventor of Linux and founder of the Open Source crusade. Torvalds was born in Helsinki, Finland the grandson of poet Ole Torvalds. Though he prefers to tell people he was named after the "Peanuts" character, the truth is he was named after Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel Prize-winner. His computer experience began with a Commodore, moved to a Sinclair and an IBM 386. He initially used a Minix OS which he swapped with his own Linux OS. Torvalds is married to wife, Tove, a six-time Finnish national karate champion, they have three daughters and live in San Jose, California.
**TechView (TV)**: What excites you in Technology today?
**Torvalds**: I'm pretty much an "eyes on the ground in front of you" kind of guy, so I get excited by actual new pieces of technology rather than some more fluffy "big trends".
I love following what the hardware companies do, their newest chips, and what probably motivates me the most (since I'm a software person, after all) is people who come up with new algorithms and software to take advantage of all those new capabilities.
**TV**: What really pisses you off in Technology today? How and why does it make you angry?
**Torvalds**: I wouldn't say it makes me angry, but if there's something distasteful in the tech market, it's the glorification of the most visible "leaders".
That very much includes me, btw. I think the whole "cult of personality" is pretty disturbing, and I hate how people take me and what I say too seriously. The same goes for Jobs, Ellison, Gates, you name it. I wish more people thought for themselves, and realized that the technology actually flows from all those random anonymous great engineers that are all around.
I understand that people want and need a focus, and that it doesn't just happen in technology either (hey, I sure hope it happens less in technology than it happens in the entertainment industry ;), but it's still a bit sad.
**TV**: How was it that you missed capturing "the licensing opportunity of a lifetime" but others such as Red Hat, SuSE, etc. didn't? Was this because if Linux wasn't Open Source it never would've been Linux? Tell me more about this and whether you've ever been kicking yourself over it.
**TV**: I'm definitely not kicking myself over anything. I'm in the enviable position that I get to do what I love to do, and people respect me for it, and I'm even paid to do things that I would (and did) do for free!
I think very few people get to feel like they have actually made a difference, and let me tell you, it's a good feeling to have. I was never very interested in the commercial side, and to me the people and companies who were able to take Linux and use it commercially are the people who did what I simply would never have had the drive to do. And it was needed, and useful, so I'm actually very grateful for the commercial entities: they've allowed me to concentrate on the parts I enjoy.
**TV**: Who do you respect in Technology today and why?
**Torvalds**: Heh. See my answer ranting against that whole "cult of personality". I'm just not all that impressed by the whole "let's find a person and put him on a pedestal" thing.
So rather than name individuals, I'd be much happier to point to things like the EFF - the organizations (and sometimes just the notions and ideas) that try to not necessarily improve just their own lot in life, but try to do something concrete to help make technology work better in a bigger picture.
On an individual level, I tend to like people who don't take themselves too seriously, and play well at what they do. If I had to pick some well-known individual, I think the Steve Wozniak kind of person is the kind that I'd prefer to be, and I guess that makes me respect him.
**TV**: What happens in your estimation between Google and Microsoft when it's all been said and done? Why does the winner win?
**Torvalds**: I don't think the winner is nearly as interesting as the process of it happening.
In the whole Google vs. MS, I really don't think the companies themselves are as interesting as the changes in the technology environment that made the focus shift. It shifted from the company that controlled what happened on individual machines, to a company that is much more about the aggregate of tons of individual machines.
**TV**: Why do you think the Tech Wreck, Dot-Com Debacle and Telecom Meltdown occurred? How can we prevent a repeat in the future?
**Torvalds**: Actually, I'm going to be contrarian on that, and argue that there's no reason to "prevent a repeat".
I'm a big believer in pushing the envelope, and I'm not a huge believer in trying to be entirely stable and 100% "sane".
A lot of real development happens in spurts, and as part of what later is called "hype" and other unflattering things. But the thing is, trying too hard to be sane and boring and not doing stupid things is actually
I personally think the stable development model is not one of continual incremental improvements, but a succession of overshooting and crashing.
The gradual incremental improvement may often look like the better strategy, but if you don't overshoot and crash occasionally, how do you ever know that you're actually ever pushing the envelope at all?
**TV**: How will Technology change our lives in the future? Would you work with any other leaders in other sectors to create new technologies, Bioinformatics, for instance?
**Torvalds**: My personal theory is that technology doesn't change our lives nearly as much as we tend to build our technology to suit our lives.
Which is why you don't see flying cars etc favorite staples of science fiction - but instead see technology being used to lower the transaction costs of things that existed before but where it just wasn't practical
before to do them on a bigger scale or individually tailored (except, sometimes, for the insanely rich).
So technology seldom directly changes our lives per se - although it often means that lots more people have access to things that used to be rare, or only limited to the insanely rich.
The real changes come about when something gets so cheap and ubiquitous that that just causes you to behave differently. And in many ways, those behavioural changes are more interesting than the technology itself.
For example, the one thing that the internet really did was to lower the "transaction cost" of finding and communicating with other people who shared your interests, and I think a lot of the real changes flowed from how people change their habits when it's easy to find other people who are interested in the same things without having to really even go to much effort.
So you find all these specialty interest groups, and a lot of people spending a lot of time discussing the most esoteric issues that they just happen to find interesting - things that you simply couldn't necessarily
practically do before, because it was really hard to find and talk to people who were interested in some unusual speciality.
And I think that's how lives really change - not really because of any new technological whiz-bang feature, but because a totally unintentional side effect of technology lowering the incremental costs.
**TV**: Who in your estimation are the most important people in Technology today?
**Torvalds**: I think it's a bit telling how a lot of technology is driven no longer by military or even commercial needs, but by the consumer market. I also think that a lot of the totally idiotic things that companies seem to be doing (DRM in particular) seem to be overlooking that the most important person for any technology always ends up being the "user".
So I think the answer to your question as far as I'm concerned is the "user" aka "consumer", and that it's the most important part exactly because THAT is where the needs and the actual commercial successes will stem from.
**TV**: What are some of your personal views? Religion? Politics?
**Torvalds**: I'm completely a-religious--atheist. I find that people seem to think religion brings morals and appreciation of nature. I actually think it detracts from both. It gives people the excuse to say, 'Oh, nature was just created,' and so the act of creation is seen to be something miraculous. I appreciate the fact that, 'Wow, it's incredible that something like this could have happened in the first place.' Yeah, it's kind of ironic that in many European countries, there is actually a kind of legal binding between the state and the state religion.
I became a United States citizen and I'm registered to vote in the United States. I don't support any political party because I have way too much personal pride to want to be associated with any of them, quite frankly.
**TV**: Kiitos Linus!
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The Open Source Witch Hunts Have Returned
> The open source community has been turning on itself lately, just like the good old days.
Open source has gone soft. We used to pass the time with hangings of the ideologically impure, but of late we've had this weird obsession with sharing code and innovation.
Fortunately, this streak of pragmatism was bound to end. In the past few weeks, we've picketed Mozilla for supporting DRM and pilloried Red Hat for competing against OpenStack rivals. The community that once spent years counting the number of free software angels that were bumped off the [Open Core][1] pin is back to eating its own.
And oh, how we missed it!
### Red Hat Rewinds To 2003 ###
Red Hat, arguably the poster child for open source idealism, has come under fire in the past week for—wait for it!—refusing to support its competitors. ReadWrite's Jodi Mardesich [does an excellent job uncovering][2] the accusations and Red Hat's labored defense, but ultimately, the real issue is this:
Red Hat doesn't want to support competitors, and its OpenStack competitors don't like that much.
In what other universe would this even be news?
### Mozilla Becomes A Mudblood ###
The problem for Red Hat is that it has such a strong track record of open source idealism that it's an easy target if it looks like it's coloring outside the lines. But Mozilla, if anything, offers an even bigger target.
Mozilla, for its part, committed the cardinal sin of serving its users. The organization that recently went through a bout of self-immolation over its ousted CEO's politics has been called on the carpet for agreeing to embed DRM technology in the otherwise pure Firefox browser code so that its users can—gasp!—watch videos on the Web.
No, really. People want to watch videos and Mozilla prefers they watch those videos in its browser. Stop the presses!
Ever ready to make much of others' ideological failings, the Free Software Foundation [blasted Mozilla][3], expressing its "deep disappoint[ment]" in Mozilla because its "decision compromises important principles in order to alleviate misguided fears about loss of browser market share."
After all, why should Mozilla bother with such silly things as, you know, actually being useful to customers?
Not to be outdone in the moralizing department, the [Electronic Frontier Foundation tsktsk's the decision][4], lamenting that "the last holdout for the open web has fallen." It goes on to argue that Mozilla's capitulation "changes the industry by accepting DRM" because such "repeated compromises to the needs of DRM advocates by tech company after tech company [are] transforming [the personal computer industry] into a sector that is dominated by established interests and produces locked-down devices, monitored and managed by everyone but their users."
Well, maybe. Or maybe, as Mozilla chair [Mitchell Baker explains][5] without such capitulation "Firefox users would need to use another browser every time they want to watch a controlled video, and that calls into question the usefulness of Firefox as a product."
Um, yes.
### A Return To Our Ideological Roots ###
However much we may want to force others to live by our absolutist ideals, the reality is that others may have different priorities. As free software gave way to open source, its more pragmatic cousin, a fixed fetish on "the one true way" to license software, also withered.
And yet, such ideological handwringing is useful, if not always convenient or pleasant. As much as I prefer the pragmatism of open source/Apache Software Foundation crowd, there's great benefit in the grating reminders of what's at stake from the more ideologically minded free software/GPL group. Software freedom actually does matter.
As such, and despite my sarcastic tone above, I simultaneously dread and welcome a return to the constant self-flagellation of the free and open-source software communities. It makes open source less collaborative and more fractious, but it may also make it more powerful and relevant for decades to come.
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The Top 8 Open Source NoSQL Databases In Java!
![NoSQL Databases, Java, Terrastore, Neo4j, Voldemort, HBase, InfoGrid, HyperGraphDB, Perst, NeoDatis ODB](
NoSQL is picking up. Many enterprises and developers have already replaced their MySQL databases with the NoSQL version. NoSQL makes it easier to analyse unstructured data, as such developers must be aware of the latest trends and tools that exist in the world of NoSQL.
#### 1.[Terrastore][1] ####
Modern document store which provides advanced scalability and elasticity features without sacrificing consistency. Terrastore is based on Terracotta, so it relies on an industry-proven, fast (and cool) clustering technology.
#### 2.[Neo4j][2] ####
Open-source graph database, implemented in Java. The developers describe Neo4j as "embedded, disk-based, fully transactional Java persistence engine that stores data structured in graphs rather than in tables".
#### 3.[Voldemort][3] ####
Distributed key-value storage system. It is basically just a big, distributed, persistent, fault-tolerant hash table. For applications that can use an O/R mapper like active-record or hibernate this will provide horizontal scalability and much higher availability but at great loss of convenience.
#### 4.[HBase][4] ####
Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational database modeled after Google's Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data by Chang et al.
#### 5.[InfoGrid][5] ####
Web Graph Database with a many additional software components that make the development of REST-ful web applications on a graph foundation easy.
#### 6.[HyperGraphDB][6] ####
General purpose, extensible, portable, distributed, embeddable, open-source data storage mechanism. It is a graph database designed specifically for artificial intelligence and semantic web projects, it can also be used as an embedded object-oriented database for projects of all sizes.
#### 7.[Perst][7] ####
Perst is McObject's open source, dual license, object-oriented embedded database system (ODBMS). It is available in one edition developed as an all-Java embedded database, and another implemented in C# (for Microsoft .NET Framework applications).
#### 8.[NeoDatis ODB][8] ####
Simple Object Database that currently runs on the Java, .Net, Google Android, Groovy and Scala.
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GOLinux Translating!
Enable Username On Indicator Panel In Ubuntu 14.04
Hi Guys,
Well if you just installed Ubuntu 14.04, you should figure this out already.
You will notice that your name is not displayed on the indicator bar, in the right top corner of the desktop. If you still want enable it; this is very easy to do.
Open Terminal and run the command below:
$ gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.session show-real-name-on-panel true
To hide the name, just replace **true** with **false** in the above command:
$ gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.session show-real-name-on-panel false
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@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
translating by icybreaker
How to Upgrade to GNOME 3.12 in Ubuntu 14.04
![You can upgrade to GNOME 3.12 but its not advised](
**If youve recently installed or upgraded to Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 LTS then you will no doubt be enjoying a stable, dependable GNOME Shell experience.**
But I suspect that the more nerdcore users among you would rather trade in the stability thats offered up by default for a newer, badder, and potentially much buggier experience. You want to know how to upgrade to GNOME 3.12 in Ubuntu 14.04?
### Well, Im here to show you how. First though, I n ###
GNOME 3.12 was released in late March to much fanfare and some fantastic reviews. But despite going stable before Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, released last month, it is not available to install from the Ubuntu 14.04 repositories — why?
Simply put it came too late in the development cycle to give enough time to thoroughly vet, test and ensure it was up to the standards an LTS release commands, and its users expect. Defaulting to the older 3.10 release makes sense as it benefits from having an extra cycle of thorough testing under its belt.
Its for this reason that **upgrading to GNOME 3.12 is not recommended**.
Understood? Great, lets move on to the fun stuff.
### How to Upgrade to GNOME 3.12 in Ubuntu 14.04 ###
#### Make sure youre running 3.10 ####
To follow this guide correctly you need to be running the latest release of Ubuntu (14.04 LTS) or Ubuntu GNOME. If not, stop now; you must upgrade before you continue. If you dont you can expect a whole world of hassle to follow.
If youre running the regular version of Ubuntu (i.e., the one with Unity) then you should go ahead and grab GNOME 3.10 from the Ubuntu Software Centre before proceeding.
Click the button below to prompt installation.
- [Install GNOME 3.10 in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS][1]
#### Add the GNOME 3.12 PPA ####
It was originally expected that GNOME 3.12 would be made available through the standard GNOME Team PPA following the release of Trusty. Three weeks hence, that hasnt happened. As of writing it contains a handful of minor 3.10 packages and not anything related to the newest release.
However, the [GNOME Team Staging PPA][2] does contain all of the various 3.12 packages one needs to upgrade. Adding this archive should, the developers behind it say, result in a desktop that runs smoothly but that packages included within have not been deemed ready for general use.
Providing youre a dab hand with the PPA Purge tool you should be okay to continue. First, lets check for and install any outstanding distribution updates:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Install any packages waiting by hitting the enter key.
Once complete, or if you have no pending updates at all, you can add the GNOME 3 Team Staging PPA. To do this, open a new Terminal window and enter the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Youll be prompted to enter your password before the upgrade process can begin. Pay attention to any notices or alerts given. If all is acceptable agree to the installation by hitting the y key.
#### Extras ####
For a true GNOME experience you may wish to grab some of the new GNOME applications, such as the [Polari IRC client, GNOME Maps and the GNOME Web browser][3]. To install these three in particular run the following command:
sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser gnome-maps polari -y
After everything has finished doing what it needs to, youre safe to reboot!
sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser gnome-maps polari -y
After everything has finished doing what it needs to, youre safe to reboot!
### After Care ###
#### Logging In ####
If youre coming from Unity, Xfce or another desktop environment dont forget to select the GNOME session from the login screen before logging in.
#### Drawbacks ####
![GNOME Weather & GNOME Maps in 3.12](
For me, in my lone experience, GNOME 3.12 on Ubuntu 14.04 runs pretty much fine. There do not appear to be any significant performance regressions after upgrading, though I do see the odd, infrequent visual glitch that occurs when opening the activities overlay, and the occasional disappearing drop shadow from under an app. But as bugs go these are hardly deal breakers.
Performance seems to be on par with GNOME 3.10; applications open with just as much pep and there are no noticeable drops in interactivity.
I was marginally disappointed to find that the all new GNOME Videos application has not been packaged up in this PPA. One suspects there are reasons for this (likely requiring a newer version of streamer). I also noticed that several GNOME extensions refused to work after upgrading, something else to bear in mind.
With the lack of testing this has received, bugs are pretty much guaranteed. If you want stability (or to keep Unity working and intact) stick with the thoroughly tested GNOME 3.10.
### Downgrade from GNOME 3.12 to 3.10 ###
But if you want shiny new features and access to the latest builds of GNOME apps then dont be afraid to give the staging PPA a whirl. You can always downgrade using PPA Purge if things go awry.
sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
sudo ppa-purge ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging
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How to download webcomics from the command line on Linux
Do you never miss a new strip from xkcd? Read webcomics regularly? Or would you like to back up all the strips of your favorite website? Hopefully, the open source community has the solution: a command line program to download all your favorite webcomics from your terminal.
Before we begin, remember that you should keep these downloaded strips for your personal use, and not broadcast them without permission. If you really like an author's work, support the comic by donating or buying some of the merchandise.
### Install Dosage on Linux ###
The open source program to download webcomics is called [dosage][1]. There are a couple of ways to install this webcomic downloader on your machine since it is written in Python. Today we will go with an easy way.
First, you will need to [install pip][2]. Also, make sure that you have at least Python 2.7.0 or Python 3.3 installed. Then use pip to install dosage as follows.
$ sudo pip install dosage
If pip cannot somehow find the package (like on Ubuntu 14.04), use the following command instead.
$ sudo pip install
dosage will automatically create a new folder called "Comics" in your home directory.
### Basic Usage of Dosage ###
dosage's basic usage can be described as follows. Using dosage, you can find webcomics in the database that you are interested in reading, download the strips, and easily fetch the latest strips as they come out. In a sense, you more or less subscribe to a webcomic, and dosage will take care of making sure that you never miss any unread strips.
To start downloading and reading offline your webcomics, begin by listing them with the command:
$ dosage -l
Right now, dosage has over 2000 comics in its database. My personal tip is if you are looking for a particular webcomic, use the syntax:
$ dosage -l | grep [keyword]
It will then return all the comics with title containing [keyword].
Once you decided which comic you wanted to subscribe to from the list, use this command to subsribe to the comic:
$ dosage [name of the webcomic]
Subscribing to a comic will automatically create a folder in the "Comics" directory, and download the latest strip of that webcomic.
If instead of downloading just the latest strip, you are interested in all the issues, use this command:
$ dosage -a [name of the comic]
Finally, once you subscribed to a couple of webcomics, you can easily download the latest strip of all of them in one shot with the simple command below:
$ dosage @
If you never want to miss your daily comics for example, you should run this command every day.
### Advanced Usage of Dosage ###
Past the first day playing around with dosage, you might want to get the most out of it. It entails knowing a bit more about the command's syntax and shortcuts.
If you tried to download some xkcd strips, you might have noticed that dosage refuses with the message:
use the --adult option to confirm your age
Because by default dosage will ignore any webcomic flagged for people over 18 (and for some reason xkcd is one of them). To bypass that, just do as it says:
$ dosage --adult xkcd
From a previous example, you may have noticed that the argument '@' is used to refer to all downloaded comics. A continuation is '@@' for all comics in dosage database.
$ dosage @@
The above command will download the latest strip of every comic that dosage knows about.
If you want to fetch the strips from the beginning of the series up to a particular day, you can do:
$ dosage -a [name of the comic]:[year-month-day]
For example, to see all of Calvin and Hobbes' strips from 2014 until its creation, run:
$ dosage -a calvinandhobbes:2014-01-01
Finally for all the developers out there who would like to do something of these strips for your personal use, dosage integrates the possibility of generating rss, json, and html log files while downloading strips:
$ dosage -o [type] [name of the comic]
In the above command, [type] is either rss, json, or html, and [name of the comic] can also be just '@'. For example, the "html" argument will create a nice HTML code to see all the strips downloaded:
The command below will download all the strips for Calvin and Hobbes, and then spit out an HTML code to view in your web browser all the strips in a nice webpage format.
$ dosage -o html -a calvinandhobbes
To conclude, I invite you to read the [manual page][3] for more information. dosage is a really neat tool, and I know that it will be of great use to any fans of webcomics out there. I'm very curious to know what can come out of the fancier options like creating a json file out of downloaded strips.
Do you have an alternative to dosage? Or are you actually a fan of the latter and use it regularly? Let us know in the comments.
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How to launch applications differently with Gnome-Pie on Linux desktop
The biggest complaint you can hear those days about Ubuntu is the new Unity interface. I remember leaving for Archlinux precisely when Unity started to rise, and when it was made clear that it was here to stay. However, Unity indirectly has led to good consequences: it allowed other distributions and other desktop environments to become more prominent as people were unhappy with it. If your system can support it, no one is against a bit of eye candy.
So today I shall propose you a different type of application launcher which is definitely original: Gnome-Pie. Some of you may recognize the inspiration from the World of Warcraft addon "OPie." The concept is similar: a keyboard shortcut opens a circular "pie" from which you can select an application or a command to launch. The main idea behind that design is that a user does not have to remember the name of a command, but its direction. The fact that it is circular makes every application at the same distance from the pointer. Plus we get the combo that so many gamers adopted: left hand on the keyboard and right hand on the mouse. The two combined intend to minimize the amount of time needed and maximize the ergonomy.
### Gnome-Pie Installation ###
On Ubuntu, Gnome-Pie is available from the universe repository, but for some reason this version crashes at startup. Instead, I advise you to get it from the official PPA repository:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:simonschneegans/testing
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install gnome-pie
On Fedora, use this command to install it:
$ sudo yum install gnome-pie
For Archlinux, the package is on [AUR][1].
### Basic Usage of Gnome-Pie ###
By default, Gnome-Pie comes with a very decent initial configuration. The first pie, summoned with Ctrl+Alt+a, displays your system's basic applications.
The second pie, associated with Ctrl+Alt+b, brings your file manager's bookmarks.
The third pie is maybe the most useful as it displays your application menu, callable by Ctrl+Alt+Space.
The fourth pie is exclusively to control the music player. As you can guess, the shortcut is Ctrl+Alt+m.
The fifth pie is a quick access to the reboot, shutdown, and log out commands (with Ctrl+Alt+q, q for quit I suppose).
Finally, the sixth pie controls the windows, allowing you to minimize, scale, close, etc. And of course, the shortcut is Ctrl+Alt+w.
I find this default setup already pretty satisfactory, almost as good as an out-of-the-box launcher. However, if I wanted to be picky, I would say that some shortcuts are hard to perform with just one hand, and it is kind of frustrating to use two hands to call a pie, and then go back to the mouse to select the option. But again I am being picky.
However, we are on Linux! Who cares about the default? The whole point is to configure like crazy, and make the system our own. With Gnome-Pie, you are well served. The configuration screen lets you edit the current pies, change the shortcuts, select the icons, make your own pie, change the theme, and even make pie menu that summons another pie.
You can even edit the pie to launch an URL, simulate a hotkey activation, or just your own command. The only thing that is potentially missing is the possibility to have widgets.
In conclusion, Gnome-Pie is a quite attractive visual application launcher which differs from traditional text-based launchers. I really like the combo left hand on the keyboard and right hand on the mouse, which does indeed remind me of Warcraft or even Leagues of Legend. If players adopted this kind of system, it is because it is convenient and efficient. I would even advise it if you are trying to save some space on the screen, and don't want a launcher constantly on the screen. As a last word, I would even dare to say that it provides an interesting alternative to the awesome Gnome-Do.
What do you think? Do you believe in eye candy at all? Or is Gnome-Pie out of the question since the new Gnome shell entered the competition? Please let us know in the comments.
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How to manage ip addresses and subnets with phpIPAM
A typical network/system admin is responsible for managing one or more subnets within the network under control. For example, when a LAN segment is assigned a /24 subnet, a total of 254 IP addresses can be used for different purposes. To keep track of what IP addresses are assigned to which hosts, some sort of documentation is needed. The easiest way to do it would be maintaining a single spreadsheet which documents IP address allocation information. This works like a charm for a small network with only one admin. However, relying on a spreadsheet is not convenient and can be error-prone with multiple large networks. Worse, if there are multiple admins involved, updating the spreadsheet could be tricky as each admin could often end up with different versions of the document.
One way to manage IP address allocations more systematically is using a web based IP address management tool. Not only can the web based tool be accessed from anywhere, but a backend database also ensures that all updates to the database are properly synchronized and applied in real time. While there are many web applications available, we will be focusing on setting up [phpIPAM][1] (IP Address Manager) in this tutorial. phpIPAM is an open source, efficient IP address management application with the following features.
- Support for both IPv4 and IPv6 (unlike many other tools, IPv6 support is very good)
- Built in IPv4 and IPv6 calculator
- Supports CIDR notations
- MySQL support
- Nested subnets
- User/group based permissions
- Visual reporting tool
- Import/export using .xls files
- Device, VRF, and VLAN support
- Powerful search engine
- Email notifications
- Supports AD/LDAP based authentication
The demo site for phpIPAM is available at [][2].
In this tutorial, we will be **setting up phpIPAM along with Apache web server in the Ubuntu environment**.
### Installing phpIPAM on Ubuntu ###
First of all, install required packages using apt-get.
# apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5 php5-gmp php-pear php5-mysql php5-ldap wget
If MySQL has been installed for the first time, please set the root password using the following command.
# mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD
phpIPAM can be set up with any web server directory. We will set it up in the /phpipam/ sub directory under the root directory of Apache web server.
Download phpIPAM package.
# wget
Extract the package into the web server directory.
# cp phpipam-1.0.tar /var/www/
# cp /var/www/
# tar xvf phpipam-1.0.tar
# rm phpipam-1.0.tar
Now, specify the MySQL username and password, as well as its base directory.
# vim /var/www/phpipam/config.php
$db['host'] = "localhost";
## MySQL user for ipam ##
$db['user'] = "phpipam";
## password for the MySQL user ##
$db['pass'] = "phpipamadmin";
## database for MySQL ##
$db['name'] = "phpipam";
## base directory ##
define('BASE', "/phpipam/");
The base directory needs to be defined in the provided .htaccess file.
# vim /var/www/phpipam/.htaccess
> RewriteBase /phpipam/
### Preparing Apache Web Server ###
phpIPAM needs the rewrite module for operation. The module can be enabled in an Ubuntu or Debian machine using a2enmod command as follows.
# a2enmod rewrite
Next, Apache's default configuration needs to be changed as well. Please add/modify your configuration to look like the one below.
# vim /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride all
Order allow,deny
allow from all
Finally, restart Apache web service.
# service apache2 restart
### Finalizing Installation ###
We can finalize the installation of phpIPAM by using the web browser. Pointing the browser to the URL: http://<serverIP>/phpIPAM will show the following phpIPAM installation page. We can proceed to automatic database installation.
Now phpIPAM should be up and running. We can login using the following default credentials.
- **URL**: http://<serverIP>/phpipam
- **User**: Admin
- **Pass**: ipamadmin
### Manage IP Addresses with phpIPAM ###
In the rest of the tutorial, we will walk you through how to manage subnets and IP addresses with phpIPAM.
#### Creating a section ####
Let us start by adding a section for our network. Click on Administration > Sections.
Click on "Add Section". Now we can name our section as we want it to be displayed. Fill in the details of the section.
#### Creating a subnet ####
Next, we add a new subnet under the section 'Our Network'. Click on Our Network > Add Subnet
Now we can easily add IP addresses in the subnet. One method of adding IP addresses is to add them one by one. phpIPAM provides an alternative method to scan all the hosts and add them automatically without much hassle. It can scan the local subnet located in the same broadcast domain, as well as remote subnets reachable through routing. After selecting a subnet, click on 'scan subnet for new hosts' to scan IP addresses as shown below.
After the scan is performed, the discovered IP addresses can be added into the database by clicking the 'Add discovered hosts' button at the bottom.
#### Creating an IPv6 subnet ####
IPv6 subnets can also be created in a similar process. We specify the IPv6 network as showed in the screenshot.
All the tools available for IPv4 can be used for IPv6 as well.
#### Creating a nested subnet ####
phpIPAM also provides the option of creating nested subnets for both IPv4 and IPv6. For example, we will be dividing our IP block into 4 smaller subnets (/26), each for a specific department within the organization. After selecting the /24 subnet, we can create a nested subnet using the 'Add a new nested subnet' button. The screenshot below shows the icon for adding a nested subnet.
After all the subnets have been created, we should have similar output. Following is a nested subnet preview window.
#### Adding users and groups ####
First, we will create a group with READ/WRITE permission to the section 'Our network'. This can be done by selecting Administration > Groups > Create Group.
Now that the group has been created, we modify section permission by selecting Administration > Sections, and then editing the section.
We will create a user named 'user1'. We will add the user to the group 'Demonstration group' so that it inherits all necessary permissions from the group. We start by clicking on Administration > Users > Create user.
Now we can log in as this user and add/modify IP addresses under the section 'Our network'.
To sum up, phpIPAM is a versatile IP address management tool that can be used for both IPv4 and IPv6. This tutorial focused on the basics that can help you get started. Be sure to test with all the available features like using IP address calculator, adding devices, VLANs and VRFs, and import/export using xls.
Hope this helps.
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How to set up a web-based lightweight system monitor on Linux
Sometimes we, as a normal user or a system admin, need to know how well our system is running. Many questions related to system status can be answered by checking log files generated by active services. However, inspecting every bit of log files is not easy even for seasoned system admins. That is why they rely on monitoring software which is capable of gathering information from different sources, and reporting analysis result in easy to understand formats, such as graphs, visualization, statistics, etc.
There are many sophisticated monitoring system software such as [Cacti][1], [Nagios][2], Zabbix, Munin, etc. In this article, we pick a lightweight monitoring tool called Monitorix, which is designed to monitor system resources and many well-known third-party applications on Linux/BSD servers. Optimized to run on resource-limited embedded systems, Monitorix boasts of simplicity and small memory footprint. It comes with a built-in HTTP server for web-based interface, and stores time series statistics with RRDtool which is easy to combine with any scripting language such as Perl, Python, shell script, Ruby, etc.
### Main Features ###
Here is a list of Monitorix's main features. For a complete list, refer to the [official site][3].
- System load and system service demand
- CPU/GPU temperature sensors
- Disk temperature and health
- Network/port traffic and netstat statistics
- Mail statistics
- Web server statistics (Apache, Nginx, Lighttpd)
- MySQL load and statistics
- Squid proxy statistics
- NFS server/client statistics
- Raspberry Pi sensor statistics
- Memcached statistics
### Install and Configure Monitorix on Fedora, CentOS or RHEL ###
First, install required packages as follows. Note that on CentOS, you need to set up [EPEL][4] and [Repoforge][5] repositories first.
$ sudo yum install rrdtool rrdtool-perl perl-libwww-perl perl-MailTools perl-MIME-Lite perl-CGI perl-DBI perl-XML-Simple perl-Config-General perl-HTTP-Server-Simple perl-IO-Socket-SSL
After this, Monitorix can be installed with this command:
$ sudo yum install monitorix
To configure Monitorix, open the configuration file in /etc/monitorix/monitorix.conf, and change the options. The details on Monitorix configuration file can be found at [][6]
By default, the built-in HTTP server listens on port 8080. Thus, make sure that your firewall does not block TCP port 8080.
To start Monitorix, simply type the following.
$ sudo service monitorix start
Start your favorite web browser, and then go to http://<host-ip-address>:8080/monitorix to access Monitorix's web interface.
### Install and Configure Monitorix on Archlinux ###
On Archlinux, the Monitorix package can be downloaded from [AUR][7].
By default, the built-in HTTP server is disabled on Archlinux. To enable built-in HTTP server, edit <httpd_builtin> section in /etc/monitorix.conf as follows.
enabled = y
host =
port = 8080
user = nobody
group = nobody
log_file = /var/log/monitorix-httpd
hosts_deny =
hosts_allow =
enabled = n
msg = Monitorix: Restricted access
htpasswd = /var/lib/monitorix/htpasswd
Finally, start Monitorix service.
Open your favorite web browser, and go to http://<host-ip-address>:8080/monitorix to access Monitorix.
### Install and Configure Monitorix on Debian and Ubuntu ###
For Debian family, Monitorix can be installed in two ways: manually or through a third party repository.
#### Manual installation (for Debian) ####
Install all dependent packages first.
$ sudo apt-get install rrdtool perl libwww-perl libmailtools-perl libmime-lite-perl librrds-perl libdbi-perl libxml-simple-perl libhttp-server-simple-perl libconfig-general-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl
Download Monitorix package from [][8], and install it.
$ sudo dpkg -i monitorix*.deb
During installation, you might be asked to configure a backend web server. If you using Apache, make sure to reload Apache configuration by restarting Apache service.
$ sudo service apache2 reload
#### nstallation through repositories (for Ubuntu) ####
Enable Izzysoft repository by appending the following line in /etc/apt/source.list.
deb generic universe
Download and add a GPG key for the repository.
$ wget
$ sudo apt-key add izzysoft.asc
Install Monitorix with apt-get. All its dependent packages will automatically be installed as well.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install monitorix
Finally, start Monitorix service.
$ sudo service monitorix start
To configure Monitorix, edit /etc/monitorix/monitorix.conf with a text editor, and restart Monitorix service.
$ sudo service monitorix restart
The built-in web server of Monitorix for Ubuntu is enabled by default. To access web-based monitoring result, go to http://<host-ip-address>8080/monitorix on your favorite web browser.
### Install and Configure Monitorix on Raspberry Pi ###
If you want to install Monitorix on Raspberry Pi (which is Debian-based), you cannot use the Izzysoft repository mentioned above because it does not provide an ARM port of Monitorix. Instead, follow Debian-based manual installation as follows.
First, install required packages.
$ sudo apt-get install rrdtool perl libwww-perl libmailtools-perl libmime-lite-perl librrds-perl libdbi-perl libxml-simple-perl libhttp-server-simple-perl libconfig-general-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl
If some of the required packages are not be installed, we need to force install with this command.
$ sudo apt-get -f install
Download Monitorix package (monitorix_x.x.x-izzy1_all.deb) from [][9].
Install Monitorix package with the command below.
$ sudo dpkg -i monitorix_x.x.x-izzy1_all.deb
After installation is finished, we need to change a small thing in Monitorix configuration as follows.
Open /etc/monitorix/monitorix.conf with your favorite text editor. Scroll down until you find <graphs enable>. Search for "raspberrypi = n", and replace 'n' with 'y'. This will enable monitoring of Raspberry Pi clock frequency, temperatures and voltages.
After editing is done, restart Monitorix service.
$ sudo service monitorix restart
By default, Monitorix's built-in HTTP web server is enabled. To access Monitorix's web interface, go to http://<raspberrypi-ip-address>:8080/monitorix
### Monitorix Screenshots (on Raspberry Pi) ###
Monitorix home screen:
System load average and usage in graph option:
Active process graph option:
Choose "Clock Frequency" under "Raspberry Pi" section in the home screen, and you will see clock frequency, temperature, and voltage graphs for [Raspberry Pi][13].
All monitoring graphs:
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How to verify DDOS attack with netstat command on Linux Terminal
Your server appearing pretty slow could be many things from wrong configs, scripts and dodgy hardware but sometimes it could be because someone is flooding your server with traffic known as DoS ( Denial of Service ) or DDoS ( Distributed Denial of Service ).
Denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) or Distributed Denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is an attempt to make a machine or [network][1] resource unavailable to its intended users. This attack generally target sites or services hosted on high-profile web servers such as banks, credit card payment gateways, and even root nameservers. DoS attacks are implemented by either forcing the targeted computer to reset, or consuming its resources so that it can no longer provide its services or obstructs the communication media between the users and the victim so that they can no longer communicate adequately.
In this small article youll see how to check if your server is under attack from the Linux [Terminal][2] with the netstat command
From the man page of netstat “netstat Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships”
### Some examples with explanation ###
netstat -na
This display all active Internet connections to the server and only established connections are included.
netstat -an | grep :80 | sort
Show only active Internet connections to the server on port 80, this is the http port and so its useful if you have a web server, and sort the results. Useful in detecting a single flood by allowing you to recognize many connections coming from one IP.
netstat -n -p|grep SYN_REC | wc -l
This command is useful to find out how many active SYNC_REC are occurring on the server. The number should be pretty low, preferably less than 5. On DoS attack incidents or mail bombs, the number can jump to pretty high. However, the value always depends on system, so a high value may be average on another server.
netstat -n -p | grep SYN_REC | sort -u
List out the all IP addresses involved instead of just count.
netstat -n -p | grep SYN_REC | awk '{print $5}' | awk -F: '{print $1}'
List all the unique IP addresses of the node that are sending SYN_REC connection status.
netstat -ntu | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
Use netstat command to calculate and count the number of connections each IP address makes to the server.
netstat -anp |grep 'tcp|udp' | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
List count of number of connections the IPs are connected to the server using TCP or UDP protocol.
netstat -ntu | grep ESTAB | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
Check on ESTABLISHED connections instead of all connections, and displays the connections count for each IP.
netstat -plan|grep :80|awk {'print $5'}|cut -d: -f 1|sort|uniq -c|sort -nk 1
Show and list IP address and its connection count that connect to port 80 on the server. Port 80 is used mainly by HTTP web page request.
### How to mitigate a DOS attack ###
Once that you have found the IP that are attacking your server you can use the following commands to block their connection to your server:
Please note that you have to replace $IPADRESS with the IP numbers that you have found with netstat.
After firing the above command, KILL all httpd connections to clean your system and than restart httpd service by
using the following commands:
killall -KILL httpd
service httpd start #For Red Hat systems
/etc/init/d/apache2 restart #For Debian systems
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Install SoundCloud In Ubuntu 14.04
[SoundCloud][1] is a great platform to discover alternate or indi music. If you are a fan of SoundCloud, you may want to try it as a desktop app for Ubuntu 14.04, earlier versions and other Linux distributions such as Linux Mint, Elementary OS etc.
To **install SoundCloud in Ubuntu 14.04**, we shall use the same trick which we used to [install Google Keep in Ubuntu][2]. We used Google Chrome to install Google Keep and this time well use Firefox to install SoundCloud.
### Install SoundCloud in Ubuntu 14.04 and Linux Mint: ###
Since Ubuntu (and most other Linux distributions) come pre-installed with Ubuntu, just open Firefox and go to the following address: [][3]
Firefox Marketplace is Firefox alternative of Chrome store and provides several apps meant for Firefox smartphone OS, as well as Firefox web browser. Search for SoundCloud in Firefox Marketplace. Click on install to install it and add is as a web app in Ubuntu.
Once its done, you can start the SoundCloud desktop app by searching for it in Unity Dash. Here is how the app looks like in Ubuntu 14.04 Unity:
### Uninstall SoundCloud app installed from Firefox Marketplace ###
Dont be over excited. This desktop doesnt have sound menu integration and I cannot say the same about desktop notification but it is still better than the web one, at least I think so. But if you are disappointed with it and uninstall it, its very easy to do so in Ubuntu.
Run SoundCloud, **right click** on its icon in Unity Launcher and click **unintsall app**.
I am not much of a SoundCloud fan. I prefer [installing Spotify in Ubuntu][4] over any other streaming music app. What about you?
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Linux Terminal: Dstat monitoring tools
Dstat is a versatile replacement for vmstat, iostat, netstat and ifstat. Dstat overcomes some of their limitations and adds some extra features, more counters and flexibility. Dstat is handy for monitoring systems during performance tuning tests, benchmarks or troubleshooting.
Dstat allows you to view all of your system resources in real-time, you can eg. compare disk utilization in combination with interrupts from your IDE controller, or compare the [network bandwidth][1] numbers directly with the disk throughput (in the same interval).
Dstat gives you detailed selective information in columns and clearly indicates in what magnitude and unit the output is displayed. Less confusion, less mistakes. And most importantly, it makes it very easy to write plugins to collect your own counters and extend in ways you never expected.
Dstats output by default is designed for being interpreted by humans in real-time, however you can export details to CSV output to a file to be imported later into Gnumeric or Excel to generate graphs.
### Features ###
- Combines vmstat, iostat, ifstat, netstat information and more
- Shows stats in exactly the same timeframe
- Enable/order counters as they make most sense during analysis/troubleshooting
- Modular design
- Written in python so easily extendable for the task at hand
- Easy to extend, add your own counters (please contribute those)
- Includes many external plugins to show how easy it is to add counters
- Can summarize grouped block/network devices and give total numbers
- Can show interrupts per device
- Very accurate timeframes, no timeshifts when system is stressed
- Shows exact units and limits conversion mistakes
- Indicate different units with different colors
- Show intermediate results when delay > 1
- Allows to export CSV output, which can be imported in Gnumeric and Excel to make graphs
### Installation ###
Ubuntu/Mint and Debian:
The package its available on the repository, so you can easily install it with the command:
# sudo apt-get install dstat
RHEL/Centos and Fedora:
The package its available in the rpmforge repository, so you can add it, see [this guide][2], and after that install it easily with the command:
# yum install dstat
The package its available in the community repository, so it can be easily installed with the command:
# pacman -S dstat
### Usage ###
The basic usage of dstat its just the command dstat that produces an output like this one:
The default will show you these information:
**CPU stats**: What percentage of the CPU is in use. The more interesting sections of this report are user, system, and idle, which should break down most of the current CPU use. If you see high CPU use in the “wait” column there might be a problem elsewhere in the system. When a cpu “waits” its because its expecting a response from an I/O device (like memory, disk, or network) and hasnt received it yet.
**Disk stats**: Read and write activity to disks, this is the total for all of your disks.
**Net stats**: Data sent and received on network devices, this is the total of all of your network devices.
**Paging stats**: Paging activity on the system. Paging refers to a memory management technique used behind the scenes on your system. A high level of paging can indicate that the system is using a lot of swap space, or it could mean that memory is very fragmented, in general you want to see 0 0 for pages/in page/out.
**System stats**: This shows interrupts (int) and context switches (csw). These stats are usually only useful if you have a baseline to compare them to. Higher stats in these columns usually indicate a large number of processes jostling for the CPUs attention. Since your server is likely running many processes by default, there will always be some numbers there.
By default dstat reports new figures every second. To quit dstat you can use “control-C”.
Note that the first line of the report is typically going to show nothing for all stats.
Thats because dstat operates by summarizing what it saw since its last report. When it first runs theres no data to average or sum.
Its possible to control the delay between reports and the number of reports dstat will output in a run by passing 2 options. As example if you want dstat to run with default stats, wait 3 seconds between reports, and only report 10 results, you could run:
dstat 3 10
In dstat there are a lot of options, you can see all with the command man dstat, some of the most useful parameters are:
- -l = shows load statistics
- -m = shows the memory usage (used, buffer, cache, free)
- -r = displays I/O statistics,
- -s = shows the swap usage
- -t = puts the current time in the first column
- fs = displays file system stats (includes amount of files and used inodes)
- nocolor = sometimes very useful…
- socket = shows interesting network statistics
- tcp = displays common TCP stats
- udp = shows you the listen and active figures for the UDP usage
And thats not all, dstat ships with a number of **plugins** that extend its capabilities greatly. Its possible to check the directory /usr/share/dstat in order to view a list of them. Some of the most useful are:
- disk-util = shows how much the disks are busy at the moment
- freespace = shows the current disk usage
- proc-count = displays the number of running processes
- top-bio = points to the most expensive block I/O process
- top-cpu = draws the attention on the most expensive CPU process
- top-io = shows the most expensive “normal” I/O process
- top-mem = displays the process using the most memory
Some examples:
To see who is eating all the memory:
dstat -g -l -m -s --top-mem
To shows some stats about the CPU resource consumption:
dstat -c -y -l --proc-count --top-cpu
#### How to send to a csv file ####
To send the output to a csv file for later use we can issue the following command:
# dstat output /tmp/sampleoutput.csv -cdn
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
通过 Ubuntu AIO DVD 将 Ubuntu 14.04 的所有版本刻录到一张光盘
Ubuntu 有基于不同桌面环境的几个官方版本。默认的 Ubuntu 自带 Unity 桌面Kubuntu 则是[KDE] [1]Lubuntu 用[LXDE] [2]Xubuntu 自带[Xfce] [3]。除此之外,还有一些其它的版本,但这些是最流行的官方桌面版本。
你该如何选择最适合你的 Ubuntu一种方法是下载 Ubuntu 不同版本的 ISO 镜像并且[通过Live CD或者USB实时运行] [4]。但是,这将意味着你将会下载多个 ISO 文件,一个个地写入 USB 盘或者 Live CD。有点麻烦是吧
这就是[Ubuntu AIO(ALL IN ONE)][5]出现的原因。该项目是由[Start Ubuntu] [6]小组部分成员发起的Ubuntu 的 AIO DVD 可以让你在一张光盘或者一个U盘中尝试 Ubuntu UnityLubuntuXubuntuKubuntu 和 Ubuntu Gnome 等不同版本。
当然 Ubuntu AIO 也有一些缺点。首先它体积太大了有将近4.7GB。所以它不适合于标准的4GB U盘。而且它只有两个版本第一个是64位版本包括有 UbuntuKubuntu 和 Ubuntu Gnome另外一个则包含有32位版本的 Xubuntu 和 Lubuntu。尽管有缺点这是一个不错的项目可以帮助我们选择恰当的 Ubuntu 版本。
下载 Ubuntu AIO DVD
- [Sourceforge][7]
- [Softpedia][8]
享受 Ubuntu 吧!
译者:[MikeCoder]( 校对:[Caroline](
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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
Ubuntu现在运行在世界最快超级计算机上Ubuntu Is Now Running on World's Fastest Supercomputer
**Canonical公司创建了最常用的Linux桌面发行版它也成为最成功的服务器操作系统之一。事实上Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Openstack 和 Ubuntu的编制工具Juju,正在运行在世界上最强的超级计算机上。**
现在世界上最强大的计算机是天河二号它在中国的广东省。根据它的制造者了解到这个服务器使用Intel Xeon处理器、Intel Xeon Phi协同处理器它有160Gb每秒的传输速度用于两个节点之间超高速传输。从2013年以来它一直保持着记录。
“Ubuntu OpenStack运行在256个高性能节点而且在接下来的数月将会增长至超过6400个节点。这些节点将提供给广东政府部门和其他国防科技大学合作伙伴使用用于分析、人口普查和电子政务应用程序。”
Canonical公司正在推动中国市场而且公司已经试图用Ubuntu Kylin覆盖桌面生态系统这是一个很好的时机与此同时微软宣布Windows XP生命的终结。
译者:[linuhap]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
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@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
> 从SSH到端口转发这些先进技术将使树莓派的发展轻松前进。
> 然而在基础和中间的东西之间还是存在较大差距。当你从“设置你的派”的教程例如“创建一个媒体服务器”前期项目的需求就变得有点冒险了。许多中级的Pi教程包括其中的一些读写操作例如一些关于树莓派的安装设置。 并非每一个项目都需要教程里的所有建议,但是知道这些步骤可以使项目更顺利地贴合需求。当你准备超越基础知识时,这里有一些关于树莓派的教程将提前为你准备。
### 1) Using SSH ###
SSH代表Secure Shell是一种加密网络协议用于安全地传输你的计算机与树莓派之间的数据。项目中也许需要你通过计算机的命令行而不是直接通过链接显示器和键盘来实现。如今SSH已经提前安装在树莓派系统中所以如果你安装的是最新版本或者接近最新版本的树莓派都是支持SSH使用的。
sudo ifconfig
无论通过哪种方式你将会看到以“inet addr”开头后面跟着像192.168.2.2这样类型的IP地址这是我们在这篇文章中经常引用到的一种默认IP地址格式。
ssh pi@
下载并运行PuTTY或者另一种支持Windows系统的SSH客户端。输入你的IP地址在空格 中如一下截图所示。将默认端口设置成22.点击enterPuTTY将会提示你输入用户名和密码。填完之后将可以开始在你的Pi里远程工作了。
### 2) Remote Desktop Your Raspberry Pi ###
sudo apt-get install xrdp
### 3) Static IP For Your Pi On The Home Network ###
我们发现如第一步所说很容易就可以管理树莓派但是不能保证你的路由器会一直给你的树莓派分配一个永久固定的IP地址。这意味着在你网段中的计算机无法知道树莓派被分配了什么IP地址。那么如何来给树莓派分配静态的IP地址而不是每隔几天就在树莓派上执行“sudo ifconfig”命令有时候情况糟糕几个小时就更变了一次IP。
sudo ifconfig
inet addr: # Pi's Current IP Address
Bcast: # The Broadcast IP Range
Mask: # Subnet Mask Address
netstat -nr
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
将“iface eth0 inet dhcp”这一段修改成“iface eth0 inet static”也就是将动态获取IP修改成静态IP。
netmask XXX.XXX.XXX.X
network XXX.XXX.X.X
broadcast XXX.XXX.X.X
gateway XXX.XXX.X.X
使用“sudo reboot”的命令重启树莓派系统后再命令行在再输入“ifconfig”我们刚刚新设置的静态IP设置就会呈现。
### 4) Forwarding Ports To Raspberry Pi ###
- [Belkin][10]
- [Netgear][11]
- [Linksys][12]
### 5) Static IP For Your Pi On The Internet ###
sudo apt-get install ddclient
sudo nano /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf
# check every 600 seconds
只需要输入程序的名称就可以运行了。当你的树莓派开着的时候就会持续运行了。如果你重启树莓派,键入 “ddclient”就会重新开始运行了。
译者disylee(译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
Ubuntu 14.04最棒的图标主题
还在苦苦寻找方法来让你的Ubuntu 14.04更加漂亮吗?那就赶紧给你的系统换套图标吧!如果你还不知道有哪些很棒的图标主题,不用着急,我已经整理了一些适用于**Ubuntu 14.04的最棒的图标集**。不过在向你们介绍这些图标集之前,我还是先向你介绍一下如何应用图标主题吧。
### 如何在Ubuntu系统中应用新图标 ###
mkdir ~/.icons
到此,你已经安装了该图标。这样的话,你就可以使用[Unity Tweak Tool][1]来应用该图标主题。你可以使用下面的命令来安装Unity Tweak Tool
sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool
### Ubuntu 14.04最棒的图标主题: ###
废话不多说我们一起来欣赏一些Ubuntu Unity桌面可用的图标主题吧可能也支持Gnome桌面环境小编未在该桌面环境下测试
#### Moka: ####
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:snwh/moka-icon-theme-daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install moka-icon-theme moka-icon-theme-symbolic moka-icon-theme-extras
#### Numix: ####
上图中展示的是Numix 圆形图标主题。一些相似的图标主题和壁纸资源也是可以通过Numix PPA软件源获得的
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:numix/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install numix-icon-theme numix-icon-theme-circle
#### Uniform: ####
- [下载Uniform icon theme][2]
#### Plateau: ####
- [下载Plateau icon theme][3]
#### Simple [只支持Gnome桌面环境]: ####
- [下载Simple icon theme for Gnome][4]
译者:[JonathanKang]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
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@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
如何在Windows 8 & 8.1上禁用UEFI安全验证
UEFI有“安全启动”这个特点引导程序只会启动那些得到UEFI固件签署的引导装载程序。此安全功能可以防止Rootkit类的恶意软件并提供了额外的安全层。但它有一个缺点如果你想在Linux的电脑上启动Windows8安全机制将会制止他。因此我们建议**禁用安全启动来让Windows 8支持Linux的双系统启动**。
### 在Windows 8 & 8.1上禁用UEFI安全验证 ###
现在在关于安全启动充斥着各种各样的杂音。由于这些传闻有些人几乎认为在预装Windows8的电脑上启动到Linux是不可能的虽然在ARM上这是真的。但是安全引导可以在基于Intel的系统上被禁用。老实说**禁用UEFI安全启动**不是一个艰巨的任务同样的双启动的Linux与Windows 8 也不是。
#### Step 1: 进入PC设置 ####
点击 Windows+I 按钮进入Windows设置界面。在底部你会看到更改电脑设置的选项。点击它。
#### Step 2: 进入高级启动 ####
在Windows 8和Windows8.1上PC设置有一个细微的差别。依照你使用的系统你需要分别按照下面介绍的各个步骤进行操作
Windows 8的在Windows 8中你需要进入一般的PC设置并选择**高级启动**,然后点击**立即重新启动:**
**Window 8.1**的在Windows8.1,从左侧边栏点击**更新和恢复**
#### Step 4: 进入UEFI设置 ####
在高级选项菜单中,选择** UEFI固件设置**
#### Step 5: 在 UEFI 中禁用安全启动 ####
移动到启动选项卡,在那里你会发现**安全引导**选项被设置为启用。使用箭头键进入安全引导选项,然后按**进入**来选择它。 *使用+或 - 来改变它的值。**确认提示时。按** F10键保存更改**并退出UEFI设置。
接下来您将到Windows正常开机。现在你应该可以双启动的Windows8与Ubuntu或其他Linux操作系统。我会在未来的日子里写关于如何双启动的Ubuntu与Windows 8 UEFI。敬请关注。
译者:[MikeCoder]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
Ubuntu 14.04下升级GNOME至3.12
**如果您的系统最近已升级至Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 LTS版本那么拥有稳定独立的GNOME Shell无疑是您最佳的选择**
### 好的,接下来我将向你介绍如何完成。首先,我们需要先探查一下来龙去脉 ###
GNOME 3.12在3月底发布后引发了一阵轰动而天马行空的评论。尽管上个月发布的版本在Ubuntu 14.04 LTS版本之前已经逐步趋于稳定却仍不能从14.04包中直接安装,这是为什么呢?
### 如何在Ubuntu 14.04升级GNOME至3.12###
### 确保你正在运行的GNOME版本是3.10 ###
为确保正确遵循本向导需要在最新版本的Ubuntu(14.04 LTS)或Ubuntu GNOME下继续操作.如果不是最新版本的话,请停止操作;你需要升级后再继续。如果不这样做,接下来将会有一系列复杂又麻烦的事情需要解决。
若你运行的是Ubuntu常规版本例如统一版那么需要在开始以下步骤前从Ubuntu软件中心获取GNOME 3.10。
- [Ubuntu14.04LTS版本下安装GNOME3.10]
#### 增加GNOME 3.12 PPA ####
起初人们预想的是GNOME 3.12将会通过标准GNOME PPA团队遵循可信版本发布实施。但3个星期过去了这并未发生。这是因为向系统写入它时包含少量小的3.10包,并且这跟最新发布的版本没有任何关联。
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
一旦完成此过程或再没有任何挂起的更新就可以增加GNOME 3团队PPA工作台了。为实现这项操作打开新的命令行窗口输入以下命令
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
#### 附加内容 ####
sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser gnome-maps polari -y
After everything has finished doing what it needs to, youre safe to reboot!
sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser gnome-maps polari -y
After everything has finished doing what it needs to, youre safe to reboot!
### 善后服务 ###
#### 登陆 ####
#### 回顾 ####
![GNOME Weather & GNOME Maps in 3.12 3.12版GNOME天气&GNOME地图](
对我自己来说Ubuntu 14.04下运行GNOME 3.12很流畅。升级后没有出现任何诸如性能下降的问题,尽管我确实见到过在打开活动窗口时的奇怪罕见的视觉故障,并且在一个应用下发生的间歇性阴影消失现象。但随着错误不断消除这些都不是大问题。
当然3.12因为测试不足其中存在错误不可避免。若用户要求稳定性或者希望保持系统工作时的高度统一和完整可以继续支持已通过测试的GNOME 3.10版本。
### 从GNOME 3.12 降至3.10版本 ###
sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
sudo ppa-purge ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging
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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
$ sudo pip install dosage
$ sudo pip install
$ dosage -l
$ dosage -l | grep [keyword]
$ dosage [name of the webcomic]
$ dosage -a [name of the comic]
$ dosage @
use the --adult option to confirm your age
$ dosage --adult xkcd
$ dosage @@
$ dosage -a [name of the comic]:[year-month-day]
举个例子我们想看《Calvin and Hobbes》2014年之前的所有连载运行这条命令
$ dosage -a calvinandhobbes:2014-01-01
$ dosage -o [type] [name of the comic]
在以上命令中,,[type]可以是rssjson或者html[name of comic]也可以只用'@'。例如,用'html'参数就回创建一个漂亮的HTML代码可以看到所有已经下载到的漫画连载。
下面的命令会下载所有关于Calvin and Hobbes的连载并生成一个网页代码在你的浏览器中看到一个漂亮的网页格式呈现出所有连载漫画。
$ dosage -o html -a calvinandhobbes
译者disylee(译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
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@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
市面上流传着许多复杂的系统监控软件,诸如[Cacti][1], [Nagios][2], Zabbix, Munin此类。在本文中我们选取了一个轻量级的监控工具——Monitorix该工具设计用于在Linux/BSD上监控系统资源和许多熟知的第三方应用程序。由于专为资源有限的嵌入式系统而优化Monitorix以使用简单消耗内存资源少而著称。它内建了一个HTTP服务器用于提供web界面并使用PRDtool来存储时间序列统计数据该PRDtoo可以很容易地和任何脚本语言整合如PerlPythonshell脚本Ruby等。
### 主要特性 ###
- 系统负载和系统服务需求
- CPU/GPU温度传感器
- 磁盘温度和健康
- 网络/端口流量和网络状况统计
- 邮件统计
- Web服务器统计ApacheNginxLight图片的
- MySQL负载和统计
- Squid代理统计
- NFS服务器/客户端统计
- Raspberry Pi传感器统计
- Memcached统计
### 在Fedora, CentOS或者RHEL上安装并配置Monitorix ###
首先安装需要的软件包。注意在CentOS上你需要先设置 [EPEL][4]和[Repoforge][5]仓库。
$ sudo yum install rrdtool rrdtool-perl perl-libwww-perl perl-MailTools perl-MIME-Lite perl-CGI perl-DBI perl-XML-Simple perl-Config-General perl-HTTP-Server-Simple perl-IO-Socket-SSL
$ sudo yum install monitorix
默认情况下内建的HTTP服务器监听8080端口。因此确保你的防火墙没有阻止TCP 8080端口。
$ sudo service monitorix start
### 在Archlinux上安装并配置Monitorix ###
enabled = y
host =
port = 8080
user = nobody
group = nobody
log_file = /var/log/monitorix-httpd
hosts_deny =
hosts_allow =
enabled = n
msg = Monitorix: Restricted access
htpasswd = /var/lib/monitorix/htpasswd
### 在Debian和Ubuntu上安装并配置Monitorix ###
#### 手工安装(用于Debian) ####
Install all dependent packages first.
$ sudo apt-get install rrdtool perl libwww-perl libmailtools-perl libmime-lite-perl librrds-perl libdbi-perl libxml-simple-perl libhttp-server-simple-perl libconfig-general-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl
$ sudo dpkg -i monitorix*.deb
$ sudo service apache2 reload
#### 通过软件仓库安装 (用于Ubuntu) ####
deb generic universe
$ wget
$ sudo apt-key add izzysoft.asc
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install monitorix
$ sudo service monitorix start
$ sudo service monitorix restart
### 在Raspberry Pi上安装并配置Monitorix ###
如果想要在Raspberry Pi基于Debian上安装Monitorix你不能使用上面提到的Izzysoft仓库因为它不提供Monitorix的ARM端口。取而代之的是你可以参照如下基于Debian的手工安装。
$ sudo apt-get install rrdtool perl libwww-perl libmailtools-perl libmime-lite-perl librrds-perl libdbi-perl libxml-simple-perl libhttp-server-simple-perl libconfig-general-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl
$ sudo apt-get -f install
$ sudo dpkg -i monitorix_x.x.x-izzy1_all.deb
用你喜爱的文本编辑器打开/etc/monitorix/monitorix.conf向下滚动文本直到你找到<graphs enable>。搜索“raspberrypi = n”并用“y”替换“n”这将启用对Raspberry Pi时钟频率、温度和电压的监控。
$ sudo service monitorix restart
默认情况下Monitorix的内建HTTP Web服务器会被启用。要访问Monitorix的Web界面访问此地址http://<raspberrypi-ip-address>:8080/monitorix。
### Monitorix截图(Raspberry Pi上) ###
在主屏幕中选择“Raspberry Pi”部分下的“时钟频率”你会看到[Raspberry Pi][13]的时钟频率、温度和电压的图示:
译者:[GOLinux]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
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@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
这是一个名叫 **Tsamis Konstantinos** 的访客所发的帖子。他是一个 Linux 和开源软件的狂热用户,也是一个 Unixmen 的常客。你可以通过他的邮箱 **** 联系他:
这是一个名叫 **Tsamis Konstantinos** 的访客所发的帖子。他是一个 Linux 和开源软件的狂热用户,也是 Unixmen 的常客。你可以通过他的邮箱 **** 联系他:
对于 Linux你将会有一个更好的解决方案使用一个 GNOME 的应用来截取某个链接的整个页面。
这个应用叫做 **gnome-web-photo**而这篇文章将介绍如何按照和使用她
这个应用叫做 **gnome-web-photo**这篇文章将介绍如何安装和使用它
在 Ubuntu 和 Debian 的分支下:
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
**-t** 这个参数可以设置生成截图的超时时间。**-t 0** 则表示禁用超时参数。
@ -47,13 +47,12 @@
注意这个应用并不兼容 **.jpg** 格式。
译者:[VizV]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
译者:[VizV]( 校对:[Caroline](
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Ubuntu 14.04安装声云SoundCloud
[SoundCloud][1]是一个发现交流音乐或印地音乐的很棒的平台。如果你是声云SoundCloud的粉丝你可以在Ubuntu 14.04或者其早期版本以及Linux Mint、Elementary OS等其它Linux发行版中作为“桌面应用”来尝试。
要**在Ubuntu 14.04中安装声云SoundCloud**,我们将使用与[在Ubuntu中安装Google Keep][2]相同的方法来安装。上次我们使用Google Chrome来安装Google Keep而这次我们将使用Firefox来安装声云SoundCloud
### 在Ubuntu 14.04和Linux Mint中安装声云SoundCloud ###
一旦完成你可以通过在Unity Dash中搜索声云SoundCloud应用来启动它。下图展示了Ubuntu 14.04 Unity中该应用的外观
### 卸载从Firefox应用市场安装的声云SoundCloud应用 ###
运行声云SoundCloud在Unity启动器上**右击**声云SoundCloud图标然后点击**卸载应用uninstall app**。
译者:[GOLinux]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
在Manjaro/Arch Linux上安装Sublime Text 3 (Build 3059)
[Sublime Text 3][1]目前还处于beta测试状态目前最新的版本为Build 3059。 这个教程中我们将通过AUR安装Sublime Text 3 build 3059。
打开终端并运行下列命令, 选择是否(Y/N)继续安装这里选择Y
sudo yaourt -S sublime-text-dev
loading packages...
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
Packages (1): sublime-text-dev-3.3059-1
Total Installed Size: 16.02 MiB
:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
(1/1) checking keys in keyring [########################################] 100%
(1/1) checking package integrity [########################################] 100%
(1/1) loading package files [########################################] 100%
(1/1) checking for file conflicts [########################################] 100%
(1/1) checking available disk space [########################################] 100%
(1/1) installing sublime-text-dev [########################################] 100%
==> sublime-text-dev 安装/升级 提示:
要禁用程序内Sublime Text开发版新版提醒
在你的个人偏好文件(User Preferences file)加入以下设置:
"update_check": false
译者:[alim0x]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Navicat Lite MySQL Admin Tool
Navicat for MySQL是一个强大的数据库管理和开发工具。它支持3.21及以上版本的所有MySQL数据库服务器支持绝大多数最新的MySQL功夫能其中包括触发器、存储过程、函数、事件、视图和管理用户等。Navicat Lite是针对非商业客户提供的免费下载

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
为什么 Linux 的 htop 命令优于 top 命令
在 Linux 系统中top 命令用来显示系统中正在运行的进程的实时状态,它显示了像 CPU 利用情况、内存消耗情况,以及每个进程情况等十分有用的信息。你应该知道,与传统的 top 命令功能一样的,还存在另一个命令行工具 'htop',但它有更加强大的功能及能显示更多的信息。这篇文章,我们会用实例来讨论这个 'htop' 命令。
在 Linux 系统中top 命令用来显示系统中正在运行的进程的实时状态,它显示了一些非常有用的信息,比如 CPU 利用情况、内存消耗情况,以及每个进程情况等。但是,你知道吗?还有另外一个命令行工具 'htop',它与传统的 top 命令功能一样,但它有更加强大的功能及能显示更多的信息。这篇文章,我们会用实例来讨论这个 'htop' 命令。
### Linux 中的 htop 命令 ###
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ HTOP 命令提供了某种功能,通过此功能您可以很容易地在 HTOP
如你所见,窗口的左边部分列出的是可用的信号,右边部分列出的是进程。只要选中信号,并选择一个进程,然后按下 enter 键,选中的信号就会发送到此进程。
如你所见,窗口的左边部分列出的是所有可用的信号,右边部分列出的是进程。只要选中信号,并选择一个进程,然后按下 enter 键,选中的信号就会发送到此进程。
### 3. 显示进程的树状视图 ###
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ HTOP 命令提供了易用的方式来搜索进程。您需要做就是按下 F3
### 6. 命令行选项 ###
@ -82,6 +82,6 @@ HTOP 命令提供了易用的方式来搜索进程。您需要做就是按下 F3
译者:[runningwater]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
译者:[runningwater]( 校对:[Caroline](
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出