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[translating by dianbanjiu] The Best Linux Distributions for 2018

Jack Wallen shares his picks for the best Linux distributions for 2018.[Creative Commons Zero][6]Pixabay
It’s a new year and the landscape of possibility is limitless for Linux. Whereas 2017 brought about some big changes to a number of Linux distributions, I believe 2018 will bring serious stability and market share growth—for both the server and the desktop.
For those who might be looking to migrate to the open source platform (or those looking to switch it up), what are the best choices for the coming year? If you hop over to [Distrowatch][14], you’ll find a dizzying array of possibilities, some of which are on the rise, and some that are seeing quite the opposite effect.
So, which Linux distributions will 2018 favor? I have my thoughts. In fact, I’m going to share them with you now.
Similar to what I did for[ last year’s list][15], I’m going to make this task easier and break down the list, as follows: sysadmin, lightweight distribution, desktop, distro with more to prove, IoT, and server. These categories should cover the needs of any type of Linux user.
With that said, let’s get to the list of best Linux distributions for 2018.
### Best distribution for sysadmins
[Debian][16] isn’t often seen on “best of” lists. It should be. Why? If you consider that Debian is the foundation for Ubuntu (which is, in turn, the foundation for so many distributions), it’s pretty easy to understand why this distribution should find its way on many a list. But why for administrators? I’ve considered this for two very important reasons:
* Ease of use
* Extreme stability
Because Debian uses the dpkg and apt package managers, it makes for an incredibly easy to use environment. And because Debian offers one of the the most stable Linux platforms, it makes for an ideal environment for so many things: Desktops, servers, testing, development. Although Debian may not include the plethora of applications found in last years winner (for this category), [Parrot Linux][17], it is very easy to add any/all the necessary applications you need to get the job done. And because Debian can be installed with your choice of desktop (Cinnamon, GNOME, KDE, LXDE, Mate, or Xfce), you can be sure the interface will meet your needs.

Figure 1: The GNOME desktop running on top of Debian 9.3.[Used with permission][1]
At the moment, Debian is listed at #2 on Distrowatch. Download it, install it, and then make it serve a specific purpose. It may not be flashy, but Debian is a sysadmin dream come true.
### Best lightweight distribution
Lightweight distribution serve a very specific purpose—giving new life to older, lesser-powered machines. But that doesn’t mean these particular distributions should only be considered for your older hardware. If speed is your ultimate need, you might want to see just how fast this category of distribution will run on your modern machine.
Topping the list of lightweight distributions for 2018 is [Lubuntu][18]. Although there are plenty of options in this category, few come even close to the next-to-zero learning curve found on this distribution. And although Lubuntu’s footprint isn’t quite as small as Puppy Linux, thanks to it being a member of the Ubuntu family, the ease of use gained with this distribution makes up for it. But fear not, Lubuntu won’t bog down your older hardware.The requirements are:
* CPU: Pentium 4 or Pentium M or AMD K8
* For local applications, Lubuntu can function with 512MB of RAM. For online usage (Youtube, Google+, Google Drive, and Facebook), 1GB of RAM is recommended.
Lubuntu makes use of the LXDE desktop (Figure 2), which means users new to Linux won’t have the slightest problem working with this distribution. The short list of included apps (such as Abiword, Gnumeric, and Firefox) are all lightning fast and user-friendly.
### [lubuntu.jpg][8]

Figure 2: The Lubuntu LXDE desktop in action.[Used with permission][2]
Lubntu can make short and easy work of breathing life into hardware that is up to ten years old.
### Best desktop distribution
For the second year in a row, [Elementary OS][19] tops my list of best Desktop distribution. For many, the leader on the Desktop is [Linux Mint][20] (which is a very fine flavor). However, for my money, it’s hard to beat the ease of use and stability of Elementary OS. Case in point, I was certain the release of [Ubuntu][21] 17.10 would have me migrating back to Canonical’s distribution. Very soon after migrating to the new GNOME-Friendly Ubuntu, I found myself missing the look, feel, and reliability of Elementary OS (Figure 3). After two weeks with Ubuntu, I was back to Elementary OS.
### [elementaros.jpg][9]

Figure 3: The Pantheon desktop is a work of art as a desktop.[Used with permission][3]
Anyone that has given Elementary OS a go immediately feels right at home. The Pantheon desktop is a perfect combination of slickness and user-friendliness. And with each update, it only gets better.
Although Elementary OS stands at #6 on the Distrowatch page hit ranking, I predict it will find itself climbing to at least the third spot by the end of 2018\. The Elementary developers are very much in tune with what users want. They listen and they evolve. However, the current state of this distribution is so good, it seems all they could do to better it is a bit of polish here and there. Anyone looking for a desktop that offers a unified look and feel throughout the UI, Elementary OS is hard to beat. If you need a desktop that offers an outstanding ratio of reliability and ease of use, Elementary OS is your distribution.
### Best distro for those with something to prove
For the longest time [Gentoo][22] sat on top of the “show us your skills” distribution list. However, I think it’s time Gentoo took a backseat to the true leader of “something to prove”: [Linux From Scratch][23]. You may not think this fair, as LFS isn’t actually a distribution, but a project that helps users create their own Linux distribution. But, seriously, if you want to go a very long way to proving your Linux knowledge, what better way than to create your own distribution? From the LFS project, you can build a custom Linux system, from the ground up... entirely from source code. So, if you really have something to prove, download the [Linux From Scratch Book][24] and start building.
### Best distribution for IoT
For the second year in a row [Ubuntu Core][25] wins, hands down. Ubuntu Core is a tiny, transactional version of Ubuntu, built specifically for embedded and IoT devices. What makes Ubuntu Core so perfect for IoT is that it places the focus on snap packages—universal packages that can be installed onto a platform, without interfering with the base system. These snap packages contain everything they need to run (including dependencies), so there is no worry the installation will break the operating system (or any other installed software). Also, snaps are very easy to upgrade and run in an isolated sandbox, making them a great solution for IoT.
Another area of security built into Ubuntu Core is the login mechanism. Ubuntu Core works with Ubuntu One ssh keys, such that the only way to log into the system is via uploaded ssh keys to a [Ubuntu One account][26] (Figure 4). This makes for a heightened security for your IoT devices.
### [ubuntucore.jpg][10]

Figure 4:The Ubuntu Core screen indicating a remote access enabled via Ubuntu One user.[Used with permission][4]
### Best server distribution
This where things get a bit confusing. The primary reason is support. If you need commercial support your best choice might be, at first blush, [Red Hat Enterprise Linux][27]. Red Hat has proved itself, year after year, to not only be one of the strongest enterprise server platforms on the planet, but the single most profitable open source businesses (with over $2 billion in annual revenue).
However, Red Hat isn’t far and away the only server distribution. In fact, Red Hat doesn’t even dominate every aspect of Enterprise server computing. If you look at cloud statistics on Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud alone, Ubuntu blows away Red Hat Enterprise Linux. According to [The Cloud Market][28], EC2 statistics show RHEL at under 100k deployments, whereas Ubuntu is over 200k deployments. That’s significant.
The end result is that Ubuntu has pretty much taken over as the leader in the cloud. And if you combine that with Ubuntu’s ease of working with and managing containers, it starts to become clear that Ubuntu Server is the clear winner for the Server category. And, if you need commercial support, Canonical has you covered, with [Ubuntu Advantage][29].
The one caveat to Ubuntu Server is that it defaults to a text-only interface (Figure 5). You can install a GUI, if needed, but working with the Ubuntu Server command line is pretty straightforward (and something every Linux administrator should know).
### [ubuntuserver.jpg][11]

Figure 5: The Ubuntu server login, informing of updates.[Used with permission][5]
### The choice is yours
As I said before, these choices are all very subjective … but if you’re looking for a great place to start, give these distributions a try. Each one can serve a very specific purpose and do it better than most. Although you may not agree with my particular picks, chances are you’ll agree that Linux offers amazing possibilities on every front. And, stay tuned for more “best distro” picks next week.
_Learn more about Linux through the free ["Introduction to Linux" ][13]course from The Linux Foundation and edX._
via: https://www.linux.com/blog/learn/intro-to-linux/2018/1/best-linux-distributions-2018
作者:[JACK WALLEN ][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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# 2018 年最好的 Linux 发行版

Jack Wallen 分享他挑选的 2018 年最好的 Linux 发行版。
这是新的一年,Linux仍有无限可能。而且许多 Linux 在 2017 年都带来了许多重大的改变,我相信在 2018 年它在服务器和桌面上将会带来更加稳定的系统和市场份额的增长。
对于那些期待迁移到开源平台(或是那些想要切换到)的人对于即将到来的一年,什么是最好的选择?如果你去 [Distrowatch][14] 找一下,你可能会因为众多的发行版而感到头晕,其中一些的排名在上升,而还有一些则恰恰相反。
因此,哪个 Linux 发行版将在 2018 年得到偏爱?我有我的看法。事实上,我现在就要和你们分享它。
跟我做的 [去年清单][15] 相似,我将会打破那张清单,使任务更加轻松。普通的 Linux 用户,至少包含以下几个类别:系统管理员,轻量级发行版,桌面,为物联网和服务器发行的版本。
根据这些,让我们开始 2018 年最好的 Linux 发行版清单吧。
### 对系统管理员最好的发行版
[Debian][16] 不常出现在“最好的”列表中。但他应该出现,为什么呢?如果了解到 Ubuntu 是基于 Debian 构建的(其实有很多的发行版都基于 Debian),你就很容易理解为什么这个发行版应该在许多“最好”清单中。但为什么是对管理员最好的呢?我想这是由于两个非常重要的原因:
* 容易使用
* 非常稳定
因为 Debain 使用 dpkg 和 apt 包管理,它使得使用环境非常简单。而且因为 Debian 提供了最稳定的 Linux 平台之一,它为许多事物提供了理想的环境:桌面,服务器,测试,开发。虽然 Debian 可能不包括去年获奖者发现的大量应用程序,但添加完成任务所需的任何/所有必要应用程序都非常容易。而且因为 Debian 可以根据你的选择安装桌面(Cinnamon, GNOME, KDE, LXDE, Mate, 或者 Xfce),你可以确定满足你需要的桌面。

图1:在 Debian 9.3 上运行的 GNOME 桌面。[使用][1]
同时,Debain 在 Distrowatch 上名列第二。下载,安装,然后让它为你的工作而服务吧。Debain 尽管不那么华丽,但是对于管理员的工作来说十分有用。
### 最轻量级的发行版
在 2018 年上榜的最轻量级的发行版是 [Lubuntu][18]。尽管在这个类别里还有很多选择,而且尽管 Lubuntu 的大小与 Puppy Linux 相接近,但得益于它是 Ubuntu 家庭的一员,这弥补了它在易用性上的一些不足。但是不要担心,Lubuntu 对于硬件的要求并不高:
+ CPU:奔腾 4 或者 奔腾 M 或者 AMD K8 以上
+ 对于本地应用,512 MB 的内存就可以了,对于网络使用(Youtube,Google+,Google Drive, Facebook),建议 1 GB 以上。
Lubuntu 使用的是 LXDE 桌面,这意味着用户在初次使用这个 Linux 发行版时不会有任何问题。这份短清单中包含的应用(例如:Abiword, Gnumeric, 和 Firefox)都是非常轻量,且对用户友好的。
### [lubuntu,jpg][8]

Lubuntu 能让十年以上的电脑如获新生。
### 最好的桌面发行版
[Elementary OS][19] 连续两年都是我清单中最好的桌面发行版。对于许多人,[Linux Mint][20] 都是桌面发行版的领导。但是,与我来说,它在易用性和稳定性上很难打败 Elementary OS。例如,我确信 [Ubuntu][21] 17.10 的发布会让我迁移回 Canonical 的发行版。不久之后我会迁移到 新的使用 GNOME 桌面的 Ubuntu,但是我发现我少了 Elementary OS 外观,可用性和感觉。在使用 Ubuntu 两周以后,我又换回了 Elementary OS。
### [elementaros.jpg][9]

图3:Pantheon 桌面是一件像艺术品一样的桌面。[使用][3]
任何使用 Elementary OS 的感觉很好。Pantheon 桌面是缺省和用户友好做的最完美的桌面。每次更新,它都会变得更好。
尽管 Elementary OS 在 Distrowatch 中排名第六,但我预计到 2018 年第,它将至少上升至第三名。Elementary 开发人员非常关注用户的需求。他们倾听并且改进,他们目前的状态是如此之好,似乎所有他们都可以做的更好。 如果您需要一个具有出色可靠性和易用性的桌面,Elementary OS 就是你的发行版。
### 能够证明自己的最好的发行版
很长一段时间内,[Gentoo][22]都稳坐“展现你技能”的发行版的首座。但是,我认为现在 Gentoo 是时候让出“证明自己”的宝座给 [Linux From Svratch][23]。你可能认为这不公平,因为 LFS 实际上不是一个发行版,而是一个帮助用户创建自己的 Linux 发行版的项目。但是,有什么能比你自己创建一个自己的发行版更能证明自己所学的 Linux 知识的呢?在 LFS 项目中,你可以从头开始构建自定义的 Linux 系统。 所以,如果你真的有需要证明的东西,请下载 [Linux From Scratch Book][24] 并开始构建。
### 对于物联网最好的发行版
[Ubuntu Core][25] 已经是第二年赢得了该项的冠军。Ubuntu Core 是 Ubuntu 的一个小型版本,专为嵌入式和物联网设备而构建。使Ubuntu Core 如此完美的物联网的原因在于它将重点放在快照包 - 通用包上,可以安装到平台上,而不会干扰基本系统。这些快照包包含它们运行所需的所有内容(包括依赖项),因此不必担心安装会破坏操作系统(或任何其他已安装的软件)。 此外,快照非常容易升级并在隔离的沙箱中运行,这使它们成为物联网的理想解决方案。
Ubuntu Core 内置的另一个安全领域是登录机制。Ubuntu Core使用Ubuntu One ssh密钥,这样登录系统的唯一方法是通过上传的ssh密钥到[Ubuntu One帐户][26]。这为你的物联网设备提供了更高的安全性。
### [ubuntucore.jpg][10]

图4:Ubuntu Core屏幕指示通过Ubuntu One用户启用远程访问。[使用][3]
### 最好的服务器发行版
这让事情变得有些混乱。 主要原因是支持。 如果你需要商业支持,乍一看,你最好的选择可能是 [Red Hat Enterprise Linux][27]。红帽年复一年地证明了自己不仅是全球最强大的企业服务器平台之一,而且是单一最赚钱的开源业务(年收入超过20亿美元)。
但是,Red Hat 并不是唯一的服务器发行版。 实际上,Red Hat 甚至不支持企业服务器计算的各个方面。如果你关注亚马逊 Elastic Compute Cloud 上的云统计数据,Ubuntu 就会打败红帽企业Linux。根据[云市场][28],EC2 统计数据显示 RHEL 的部署率低于 10 万,而 Ubuntu 的部署量超过 20 万。
最终的结果是,Ubuntu 几乎已经成为云计算的领导者。如果你将它与 Ubuntu 易于使用和管理容器结合起来,就会发现 Ubuntu Server 是服务器类别的明显赢家。而且,如果你需要商业支持,Canonical 将为你提供 [Ubuntu Advantage][29]。
对使用 Ubuntu Server 的一个警告是它默认为纯文本界面。如果需要,你可以安装 GUI,但使用Ubuntu Server 命令行非常简单(每个Linux管理员都应该知道)。
### [ubuntuserver.jpg][11]

图5:Ubuntu 服务器登录,通知更新。[使用][3]
### 你最好的选择
正如我之前所说,这些选择都非常主观,但如果你正在寻找一个好的开始,那就试试这些发行版。每一个都可以用于非常特定的目的,并且比大多数做得更好。虽然你可能不同意我的特定选择,但你可能会同意 Linux 在每个方面都提供了惊人的可能性。并且,请继续关注下周更多“最佳发行版”选秀。
通过 Linux 基金会和 edX 的免费[“Linux 简介”][13]课程了解有关Linux的更多信息。
via: https://www.linux.com/blog/learn/intro-to-linux/2018/1/best-linux-distributions-2018
作者:[JACK WALLEN ][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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