mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 01:40:10 +08:00
@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
在 Linux 中用 nmcli 命令绑定多块网卡
今天,我们来学习一下在 CentOS 7.x 中如何用 nmcli(Network Manager Command Line Interface:网络管理命令行接口)进行网卡绑定。
网卡(接口)绑定是将多块 **网卡** 逻辑地连接到一起从而允许故障转移或者提高吞吐率的方法。提高服务器网络可用性的一个方式是使用多个网卡。Linux 绑定驱动程序提供了一种将多个网卡聚合到一个逻辑的绑定接口的方法。这是个新的实现绑定的方法,并不影响 linux 内核中旧绑定驱动。
1. **高带宽**
1. **冗余/弹性**
现在让我们在 CentOS 7 上配置网卡绑定吧。我们需要决定选取哪些接口配置成一个组接口(Team interface)。
运行 **ip link** 命令查看系统中可用的接口。
$ ip link

这里我们使用 **eno16777736** 和 **eno33554960** 网卡在 “主动备份” 模式下创建一个组接口。(译者注:关于不同模式可以参考:<a href="http://support.huawei.com/ecommunity/bbs/10155553.html">多网卡的7种bond模式原理</a>)
按照下面的语法,用 **nmcli** 命令为网络组接口创建一个连接。
# nmcli con add type team con-name CNAME ifname INAME [config JSON]
**CNAME** 指代连接的名称,**INAME** 是接口名称,**JSON** (JavaScript Object Notation) 指定所使用的处理器(runner)。**JSON** 语法格式如下:
**METHOD** 是以下的其中一个:**broadcast、activebackup、roundrobin、loadbalance** 或者 **lacp**。
### 1. 创建组接口 ###
# nmcli con add type team con-name team0 ifname team0 config '{"runner":{"name":"activebackup"}}'

运行 **# nmcli con show** 命令验证组接口配置。
# nmcli con show

### 2. 添加从设备 ###
现在让我们添加从设备到主设备 team0。这是添加从设备的语法:
# nmcli con add type team-slave con-name CNAME ifname INAME master TEAM
在这里我们添加 **eno16777736** 和 **eno33554960** 作为 **team0** 接口的从设备。
# nmcli con add type team-slave con-name team0-port1 ifname eno16777736 master team0
# nmcli con add type team-slave con-name team0-port2 ifname eno33554960 master team0

再次用命令 **#nmcli con show** 验证连接配置。现在我们可以看到从设备配置信息。
#nmcli con show

### 3. 分配 IP 地址 ###
上面的命令会在 **/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/** 目录下创建需要的配置文件。
现在让我们为 team0 接口分配一个 IP 地址并启用这个连接。这是进行 IP 分配的命令。
# nmcli con mod team0 ipv4.addresses ""
# nmcli con mod team0 ipv4.method manual
# nmcli con up team0

### 4. 验证绑定 ###
用 **#ip add show team0** 命令验证 IP 地址信息。
#ip add show team0

现在用 **teamdctl** 命令检查 **主动备份** 配置功能。
# teamdctl team0 state

# nmcli dev dis eno33554960

断开激活端口后再次用命令 **#teamdctl team0 state** 检查状态。
# teamdctl team0 state

是的,它运行良好!!我们会使用下面的命令连接回到 team0 的断开的连接。
#nmcli dev con eno33554960

我们还有一个 **teamnl** 命令可以显示 **teamnl** 命令的一些选项。
用下面的命令检查在 team0 运行的端口。
# teamnl team0 ports

显示 **team0** 当前活动的端口。
# teamnl team0 getoption activeport

好了,我们已经成功地配置了网卡绑定 :-) ,如果有任何反馈,请告诉我们。
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/interface-nics-bonding-linux/
作者:[Arun Pyasi][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ if (i == f) // 执行某段代码
在整型数的演变中,当`int`变成`unsigned`时,会丢掉负数部分(有趣的是,这样的话,`0u < -1`就是对的了)。
@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ if((double) i < (double) f)
顺便提一下,在这个问题中有趣的是,`unsigned`的优先级高于`int`,所以把`int`和`unsigned`进行比较时,最终进行的是unsigned类型的比较(开头提到的`0u < -1`就是这个道理)。我猜测这可能是在早些时候(计算机发展初期),当时的人们认为`unsigned`比`int`在所表示的数值范围上受到的限制更小:现在还不需要符号位,所以可以使用额外的位来表示更大的数值范围。如果你觉得`int`可能会溢出,那么就使用unsigned好了——在使用16位表示的ints时这个担心会更明显。
via: [stackoverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28010565/why-does-c-promote-an-int-to-a-float-when-a-float-cannot-represent-all-int-val/28011249#28011249)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
### 特征 ###
- IP流量监控器,用来显示你的网络中的IP流量变化信息。包括TCP标识信息、包以及字节计数,ICMP细节,OSPF包类型。
- 简单的和详细的接口统计数据,包括IP、TCP、UDP、ICMP、非IP以及其他的IP包计数、IP校验和错误,接口活动、包大小计数。
- TCP和UDP服务监控器,能够显示常见的TCP和UDP应用端口上发送的和接收的包的数量。
- 局域网数据统计模块,能够发现在线的主机,并显示其上的数据活动统计信息。
- TCP、UDP、及其他协议的显示过滤器,允许你只查看感兴趣的流量。
- 日志功能。
- 支持以太网、FDDI、ISDN、SLIP、PPP以及本地回环接口类型。
- 利用Linux内核内置的原始套接字接口,允许它(指iptraf)能够用于各种支持的网卡上
- 全屏,菜单式驱动的操作。
sudo apt-get install iptraf
**Arch Linux以及其衍生版本**
sudo pacman -S iptra
sudo yum install iptraf
### 用法 ###




via: http://www.unixmen.com/iptraf-tcpudp-network-monitoring-utility/
作者:[Enock Seth Nyamador][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
搭建一个私有的Docker registry

[TL;DR] 这是系列的第二篇文章,这系列讲述了我的公司如何把基础服务从PaaS迁移到Docker上
- [第一篇文章][1]: 我谈到了接触Docker之前的经历;
- [第三篇文章][2]: 我展示如何使创建镜像的过程自动化以及如何用Docker部署一个Rails应用。
为什么需要搭建一个私有的registry呢?嗯,对于新手来说,Docker Hub(一个Docker公共仓库)只允许你拥有一个免费的私有版本库(repo)。其他的公司也开始提供类似服务,但是价格可不便宜。另外,如果你需要用Docker部署一个用于生产环境的应用,恐怕你不希望将这些镜像放在公开的Docker Hub上吧!
这篇文章提供了一个非常务实的方法来处理搭建私有Docker registry时出现的各种错综复杂的情况。我们将会使用一个运行于DigitalOcean(之后简称为DO)的非常小巧的512MB VPS 实例。并且我会假定你已经了解了Docker的基本概念,因为我必须集中精力在复杂的事情上!
首先你需要安装**boot2docker**以及docker CLI。如果你已经搭建好了基本的Docker环境,你可以直接跳过这一步。
从终端运行以下命令(我假设你使用OS X,使用 HomeBrew 来安装相关软件,你可以根据你的环境使用不同的包管理软件来安装):
brew install boot2docker docker
如果一切顺利(想要了解搭建docker环境的完整指南,请参阅 [http://boot2docker.io/][10]) ,你现在就能够通过如下命令启动一个 Docker 运行于其中的虚拟机:
boot2docker up
按照屏幕显示的说明,复制粘贴book2docker在终端输出的命令。如果你现在运行`docker ps`命令,终端将有以下显示。
登录进你的DO账号,选择一个预安装了Docker的镜像文件,创建一个新的Drople。(本文写成时选择的是 Image > Applications > Docker 1.4.1 on 14.04)

你将会以邮件的方式收到一个根用户凭证。登录进去,然后运行`docker ps`命令来查看系统状态。
### 搭建AWS S3 ###
我们现在将使用Amazo Simple Storage Service(S3)作为我们registry/repository的存储层。我们将需要创建一个桶(bucket)以及用户凭证(user credentials)来允许我们的docker容器访问它。
登录到我们的AWS账号(如果没有,就申请一个[http://aws.amazon.com/][5]),在控制台选择S3(Simpole Storage Service)。

点击 **Create Bucket**,为你的桶输入一个名字(把它记下来,我们一会需要用到它),然后点击**Create**。

### 设置AWS访问凭证###
我们现在将要创建一个新的用户。退回到AWS控制台然后选择IAM(Identity & Access Management)。

在dashboard的左边,点击Users。然后选择 **Create New Users**。

输入一个用户名(例如 docker-registry)然后点击Create。写下(或者下载csv文件)你的Access Key以及Secret Access Key。回到你的用户列表然后选择你刚刚创建的用户。
在Permission section下面,点击Attach User Policy。之后在下一屏,选择Custom Policy。

custom policy的内容如下:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "SomeStatement",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
这个配置将允许用户(也就是regitstry)来对桶上的内容进行操作(读/写)(确保使用你之前创建AWS S3时使用的桶名)。总结一下:当你想把你的Docker镜像从你的本机推送到仓库中时,服务器就会将他们上传到S3。
### 安装registry ###
现在回过头来看我们的DO服务器,SSH登录其上。我们将要[使用][11]一个[官方Docker registry镜像][6]。
docker run \
-e AWS_BUCKET=bucket-name \
-e STORAGE_PATH=/registry \
-e AWS_KEY=your_aws_key \
-e AWS_SECRET=your_aws_secret \
-e SEARCH_BACKEND=sqlalchemy \
-p 5000:5000 \
--name registry \
-d \
Docker将会从Docker Hub上拉取所需的文件系统分层(fs layers)并启动守护容器(daemonised container)。
### 测试registry ###
ssh -N -L 5000:localhost:5000 root@your_registry.com
这条命令建立了一条从registry服务器(前面执行`docker run`命令的时候我们见过它)的5000号端口到本机的5000号端口之间的 SSH 管道连接。
如果你现在用浏览器访问 [http://localhost:5000/v1/_ping][7],将会看到下面这个非常简短的回复。
这个意味着registry工作正常。你还可以通过登录 [http://localhost:5000/v1/search][8] 来查看registry内容,内容相似:
"num_results": 2,
"query": "",
"results": [
"description": "",
"name": "username/first-repo"
"description": "",
"name": "username/second-repo"
### 创建一个镜像 ###
# ruby 2.2.0 的基础镜像
FROM ruby:2.2.0
MAINTAINER Michelangelo Chasseur <michelangelo.chasseur@touchwa.re>
docker build -t localhost:5000/username/repo-name .
`localhost:5000`这个部分非常重要:Docker镜像名的最前面一个部分将告知`docker push`命令我们将要把我们的镜像推送到哪里。在我们这个例子当中,因为我们要通过SSH管道连接远程的私有registry,`localhost:5000`精确地指向了我们的registry。
如果一切顺利,当命令执行完成返回后,你可以输入`docker images`命令来列出新近创建的镜像。执行它看看会出现什么现象?
### 推送到仓库 ###
你在终端上运行的docker命令实际上都是使用boot2docker虚拟机来运行容器及各种东西。所以当你执行像`docker push some_repo`这样的命令时,是boot2docker虚拟机在与registry交互,而不是我们自己的机器。
在这之前,我们需要对 SSH 做最后一点工作。
### 设置 SSH ###
让我们把boot2docker 的 SSH key添加到远端服务器的“已知主机”里面。我们可以使用ssh-copy-id工具完成,通过下面的命令就可以安装上它了:
brew install ssh-copy-id
ssh-copy-id -i /Users/username/.ssh/id_boot2docker root@your-registry.com
用你ssh key的真实路径代替`/Users/username/.ssh/id_boot2docker`。
boot2docker ssh "ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i /Users/michelangelo/.ssh/id_boot2docker -N -L 5000:localhost:5000 root@registry.touchwa.re &" &
- `boot2docker ssh`允许你以参数的形式传递给boot2docker虚拟机一条执行的命令;
- 最后面那个`&`表明这条命令将在后台执行;
- `ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i /Users/michelangelo/.ssh/id_boot2docker -N -L 5000:localhost:5000 root@registry.touchwa.re &`是boot2docker虚拟机实际运行的命令;
- `-o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no'`——不提示安全问题;
- `-i /Users/michelangelo/.ssh/id_boot2docker`指出虚拟机使用哪个SSH key来进行身份验证。(注意这里的key应该是你前面添加到远程仓库的那个)
- 最后我们将打开一条端口5000映射到localhost:5000的SSH通道。
### 从其他服务器上拉取 ###
docker push localhost:5000/username/repo_name
via: http://cocoahunter.com/2015/01/23/docker-2/
作者:[Michelangelo Chasseur][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,246 @@

[TL;DR] 这是系列文章的第三篇,讲述了我的公司是如何将基础设施从PaaS移植到Docker上的。
- [第一部分][1]:谈论了我接触Docker之前的经历;
- [第二部分][2]:一步步搭建一个安全而又私有的registry。
### 基本的Rails应用程序###
现在让我们启动一个基本的Rails应用。为了更好的展示,我使用Ruby 2.2.0和Rails 4.1.1
$ rvm use 2.2.0
$ rails new && cd docker-test
$ rails g controller welcome index
……,然后编辑 `routes.rb` ,以便让该项目的根指向我们新创建的welcome#index方法:
root 'welcome#index'
在终端运行 `rails s` ,然后打开浏览器,登录[http://localhost:3000][3],你会进入到索引界面当中。我们不准备给应用加上多么神奇的东西,这只是一个基础的实例,当我们将要创建并部署容器的时候,用它来验证一切是否运行正常。
### 安装webserver ###
我们打算使用Unicorn当做我们的webserver。在Gemfile中添加 `gem 'unicorn'`和 `gem 'foreman'`然后将它bundle起来(运行 `bundle install`命令)。
web: bundle exec unicorn -p $PORT -c ./config/unicorn.rb
现在运行**foreman start**命令启动应用,一切都将正常运行,并且你将能够在[http://localhost:5000][5]上看到一个正在运行的应用。
### 构建一个Docker镜像 ###
# 基于镜像 ruby 2.2.0
FROM ruby:2.2.0
# 安装所需的库和依赖
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -qy nodejs postgresql-client sqlite3 --no-install-recommends && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# 设置 Rails 版本
# 安装 Rails
RUN gem install rails --version "$RAILS_VERSION"
# 创建代码所运行的目录
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# 使 webserver 可以在容器外面访问
# 设置环境变量
# 启动 web 应用
CMD ["foreman","start"]
# 安装所需的 gems
ADD Gemfile /usr/src/app/Gemfile
ADD Gemfile.lock /usr/src/app/Gemfile.lock
RUN bundle install --without development test
# 将 rails 项目(和 Dockerfile 同一个目录)添加到项目目录
ADD ./ /usr/src/app
# 运行 rake 任务
RUN RAILS_ENV=production rake db:create db:migrate
$ docker build -t localhost:5000/your_username/docker-test .
Successfully built 82e48769506c
$ docker images
localhost:5000/your_username/docker-test latest 82e48769506c About a minute ago 884.2 MB
$ docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name docker-test localhost:5000/your_username/docker-test
通过你的boot2docker虚拟机的3000号端口(我的是[][6]),你可以观察你的Rails应用。(如果不清楚你的boot2docker虚拟地址,输入` $ boot2docker ip`命令查看。)
### 使用shell脚本进行自动化部署 ###
### 清除 ###
- 停止并重启boot2docker;
- 去除Docker孤儿镜像(那些没有标签,并且不再被容器所使用的镜像们)。
echo Restarting boot2docker...
boot2docker down
boot2docker up
echo Exporting Docker variables...
sleep 1
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/Users/user/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm
sleep 1
echo Removing orphaned images without tags...
docker images | grep "<none>" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs docker rmi
$ chmod +x clean.sh
### 构建 ###
构建的过程基本上和之前我们所做的(docker build)内容相似。在工程的根目录下创建一个**build.sh**脚本,填写如下内容:
docker build -t localhost:5000/your_username/docker-test .
### 部署 ###
# 打开 boot2docker 到私有注册库的 SSH 连接
boot2docker ssh "ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i /Users/username/.ssh/id_boot2docker -N -L 5000:localhost:5000 root@your-registry.com &" &
# 在推送前先确认该 SSH 通道是开放的。
echo Waiting 5 seconds before pushing image.
echo 5...
sleep 1
echo 4...
sleep 1
echo 3...
sleep 1
echo 2...
sleep 1
echo 1...
sleep 1
# Push image onto remote registry / repo
echo Starting push!
docker push localhost:5000/username/docker-test
### 使用rake将以上所有绑定 ###
1. clean
1. build
1. deploy / push
namespace :docker do
desc "Remove docker container"
task :clean do
sh './clean.sh'
desc "Build Docker image"
task :build => [:clean] do
sh './build.sh'
desc "Deploy Docker image"
task :deploy => [:build] do
sh './deploy.sh'
- rake docker:clean
- rake docker:build
- rake docker:deploy
$ rake docker:deploy
### 测试 ###
$ rake docker:deploy
via: http://cocoahunter.com/2015/01/23/docker-3/
作者:[Michelangelo Chasseur][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
25个 Git 进阶技巧
我已经使用git差不多18个月了,觉得自己对它应该已经非常了解。然后来自GitHub的[Scott Chacon][1]过来给LVS做培训,[LVS是一个赌博软件供应商和开发商][2](从2013年开始的合同),而我在第一天里就学到了很多。
我已经使用git差不多18个月了,觉得自己对它应该已经非常了解。然后来自GitHub的[Scott Chacon][1]过来给LVS做培训([LVS是一个赌博软件供应商和开发商][2],从2013年开始的合同),而我在第一天里就学到了很多。
@ -15,21 +15,21 @@
#### 2. Git是基于指针的 ####
所有的分支指针都保存在.git/refs/heads里,HEAD在.git/HEAD里,而标签保存在.git/refs/tags里 - 自己可以放心地进去看看。
所有的分支指针都保存在.git/refs/heads里,HEAD在.git/HEAD里,而标签保存在.git/refs/tags里 - 自己可以随便进去看看。
#### 3. 两个父节点 - 当然! ####
#### 3. 两个爸爸(父节点) - 你没看错! ####
#### 4. 合并冲突 ####
$ git diff --merge
diff --cc dummy.rb
@ -45,14 +45,14 @@
$ git checkout master flash/foo.fla # 或者...
$ git checkout feature132 flash/foo.fla
$ # 然后...
$ git add flash/foo.fla
另一种方式是通过git输出文件 - 你可以输出到另外的文件名,然后再重命名正确的文件(当你决定了要用哪个)为正常的文件名:
另一种方式是通过git输出文件 - 你可以输出到另外的文件名,然后当你决定了要用哪个后,再将选定的正确文件复制为正常的文件名:
$ git show master:flash/foo.fla > master-foo.fla
$ git show feature132:flash/foo.fla > feature132-foo.fla
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
#### 5. 远端服务器 ####
$ git remote add john git@github.com:johnsomeone/someproject.git
@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ git的一个超强大的功能就是可以有不止一个远端服务器(实
$ git diff master..john/master
$ git log remote/branch..
# 注意:..后面没有结束的refspec
# 注意:..后面没有结束的特定引用
#### 6. 标签 ####
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ git的一个超强大的功能就是可以有不止一个远端服务器(实
$ git tag to-be-tested
$ git tag -a v1.1.0 # 会提示输入标签信息
$ git tag -a v1.1.0 # 会提示输入标签的信息
#### 7. 建立分支 ####
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ git的一个超强大的功能就是可以有不止一个远端服务器(实
$ git branch feature132
$ git checkout feature132
$ git checkout -b feature132
@ -117,20 +117,20 @@ git的一个超强大的功能就是可以有不止一个远端服务器(实
$ git checkout -b twitter-experiment feature132
$ git branch -d feature132
更新:你也可以(像Brian Palmer在原博客文章的评论里提出的)只用“git branch”的-m开关在一个命令里实现(像Mike提出的,如果你只有一个分支参数,就会重命名当前分支):
更新:你也可以(像Brian Palmer在原博客文章的评论里提出的)只用“git branch”的-m开关在一个命令里实现(像Mike提出的,如果你只指定了一个分支参数,就会重命名当前分支):
$ git branch -m twitter-experiment
$ git branch -m feature132 twitter-experiment
#### 8. 合并分支 ####
$ git checkout master
$ git merge feature83 # 或者...
$ git rebase feature83
merge和rebase之间的差别是merge会尝试处理改动并建立一个新的混合了两者的提交。rebase会尝试把你从一个分支最后一次分离后的所有改动,一个个加到该分支的HEAD上。不过,在已经将分支推到远端服务器后不要再rebase了 - 这回引起冲突/问题。
merge和rebase之间的差别是merge会尝试处理改动并建立一个新的混合了两者的提交。rebase会尝试把你从一个分支最后一次分离后的所有改动,一个个加到该分支的HEAD上。不过,在已经将分支推到远端服务器后不要再rebase了 - 这会引起冲突/问题。
如果你不确定在哪些分支上还有独有的工作 - 所以你也不知道哪些分支需要合并而哪些可以删除,git branch有两个开关可以帮你:
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ merge和rebase之间的差别是merge会尝试处理改动并建立一个新的
$ git push origin twitter-experiment:refs/heads/twitter-experiment
# origin是我们服务器的名字,而twitter-experiment是分支名字
更新:感谢Erlend在原博客文章上的评论 - 这个实际上和`git push origin twitter-experiment`效果一样,不过使用完整的语法,你可以在两者之间使用不同的分知名(这样本地分支可以是`add-ssl-support`而远端是`issue-1723`)。
更新:感谢Erlend在原博客文章上的评论 - 这个实际上和`git push origin twitter-experiment`效果一样,不过使用完整的语法,你可以在两者之间使用不同的分支名(这样本地分支可以是`add-ssl-support`而远端是`issue-1723`)。
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ git会基于当前的提交信息自动创建评论。如果你更希望有自
$ git add -p
diff --git a/dummy.rb b/dummy.rb
@ -226,11 +226,11 @@ git会基于当前的提交信息自动创建评论。如果你更希望有自
Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,/,e,?]?
#### 12. 从文件系统里保存/取回改动 ####
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ git会基于当前的提交信息自动创建评论。如果你更希望有自
#### 13. 查看日志 ####
如果不用‘git log’来查看最近的提交你git用不了多久。不过,有一些技巧来更好地应用。比如,你可以使用下面的命令来查看每次提交的具体改动:
长时间使用 Git 的话,不会没用过‘git log’来查看最近的提交。不过,有一些技巧来更好地应用。比如,你可以使用下面的命令来查看每次提交的具体改动:
$ git log -p
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ git会基于当前的提交信息自动创建评论。如果你更希望有自
#### 14. 搜索日志 ####
$ git log --author=Andy
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ git会基于当前的提交信息自动创建评论。如果你更希望有自
$ git log --grep="Something in the message"
$ git log -S "TODO: Check for admin status"
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ git会基于当前的提交信息自动创建评论。如果你更希望有自
$ git log --since=2.months.ago --until=1.day.ago
$ git log --since=2.months.ago --until=1.day.ago --author=andy -S "something" --all-match
@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ git会基于当前的提交信息自动创建评论。如果你更希望有自
$ git show feature132@{yesterday} # 时间相关
$ git show feature132@{2.hours.ago} # 时间相关
注意和之前部分有些不同,末尾的插入符号意思是该提交的父节点 - 开始位置的插入符号意思是不在这个分支。
注意和之前部分有些不同,末尾的^的意思是该提交的父节点 - 开始位置的^的意思是不在这个分支。
#### 16. 选择范围 ####
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ git会基于当前的提交信息自动创建评论。如果你更希望有自
### Rewinding Time & Fixing Mistakes ###
### 时光回溯和后悔药 ###
#### 17. 重置改动 ####
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ git会基于当前的提交信息自动创建评论。如果你更希望有自
$ git reset HEAD lib/foo.rb
$ git config --global alias.unstage "reset HEAD"
$ git unstage lib/foo.rb
@ -369,11 +369,11 @@ git会基于当前的提交信息自动创建评论。如果你更希望有自
#### 19. 交互式切换基础 ####
$ git rebase -i master~3
然后会启动你的编辑器并带有一些指令。你所要做的就是修改这些指令来选择/插入/编辑(或者删除)提交和保存/退出。然后在编辑完后你可以用`git rebase --continue`命令来让每一条指令生效。
然后这会启动你的编辑器并带有一些指令。你所要做的就是修改这些指令来选择/插入/编辑(或者删除)提交和保存/退出。然后在编辑完后你可以用`git rebase --continue`命令来让每一条指令生效。
如果你有修改,将会切换到你提交时所处的状态,之后你需要使用命令git commit --amend来编辑。
@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ git会基于当前的提交信息自动创建评论。如果你更希望有自
$ git branch experimental SHA1_OF_HASH
如果你访问过的话,你通常可以用git reflog来找到SHA1哈希值。
如果你最近访问过的话,你通常可以用git reflog来找到SHA1哈希值。
另一种方式是使用`git fsck —lost-found`。其中一个dangling的提交就是丢失的HEAD(它只是已删除分支的HEAD,而HEAD^被引用为当前的HEAD所以它并不处于dangling状态)
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ via: https://www.andyjeffries.co.uk/25-tips-for-intermediate-git-users/
作者:[Andy Jeffries][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
> **问题**:我发现我的一个应用程序在尝试通过IPv6建立连接,但是由于我们本地网络不允许分配IPv6的流量,IPv6连接会超时,应用程序的连接会退回到IPv4,这样就会造成不必要的延迟。由于我目前对IPv6没有任何需求,所以我想在我的Linux主机上禁用IPv6。有什么比较合适的方法呢?
> **问题**:我发现我的一个应用程序在尝试通过IPv6建立连接,但是由于我们本地网络不允许分配IPv6的流量,IPv6连接会超时,应用程序的连接会回退到IPv4,这样就会造成不必要的延迟。由于我目前对IPv6没有任何需求,所以我想在我的Linux主机上禁用IPv6。有什么比较合适的方法呢?
IPv6被认为是IPv4——互联网上的传统32位地址空间的替代产品,它为了解决现有IPv4地址空间即将耗尽的问题。然而,由于IPv4已经被每台主机或设备连接到了互联网上,所以想在一夜之间将它们全部切换到IPv6几乎是不可能的。许多IPv4到IPv6的转换机制(例如:双协议栈、网络隧道、代理) 已经被提出来用来促进IPv6能被采用,并且很多应用也正在进行重写,就像我们所说的,来增加对IPv6的支持。有一件事情能确定,就是在可预见的未来里IPv4和IPv6势必将共存。
IPv6被认为是IPv4——互联网上的传统32位地址空间——的替代产品,它用来解决现有IPv4地址空间即将耗尽的问题。然而,由于已经有大量主机、设备用IPv4连接到了互联网上,所以想在一夜之间将它们全部切换到IPv6几乎是不可能的。许多IPv4到IPv6的转换机制(例如:双协议栈、网络隧道、代理) 已经被提出来用来促进IPv6能被采用,并且很多应用也正在进行重写,如我们所提倡的,来增加对IPv6的支持。有一件事情可以确定,就是在可预见的未来里IPv4和IPv6势必将共存。
这里有一些让你在Linux中部分或全部禁用IPv6的小技巧(例如:为一个已经确定的网络接口)。这些小贴士应该适用于所有主流的Linux发行版包括Ubuntu、Debian、Linux Mint、CentOS、Fedora、RHEL以及Arch Linux。
这里有一些让你在Linux中部分(例如:对于某个特定的网络接口)或全部禁用IPv6的小技巧。这些小贴士应该适用于所有主流的Linux发行版包括Ubuntu、Debian、Linux Mint、CentOS、Fedora、RHEL以及Arch Linux。
### 查看IPv6在Linux中是否被启用 ###
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ IPv6被认为是IPv4——互联网上的传统32位地址空间的替代产品
### 临时禁用IPv6 ###
如果你想要在你的Linux系统上临时关闭IPv6,你可以用 /proc 文件系统。"临时",意思是我们所做的禁用IPv6的更改在系统重启后将不被保存。IPv6会在你的Linux机器重启后再次被启用。
如果你想要在你的Linux系统上临时关闭IPv6,你可以用 /proc 文件系统。"临时"的意思是我们所做的禁用IPv6的更改在系统重启后将不被保存。IPv6会在你的Linux机器重启后再次被启用。
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ IPv6被认为是IPv4——互联网上的传统32位地址空间的替代产品
#### 方法一 ####
第一种方法是请求以上提到的 /proc 对 /etc/sysctl.conf 文件进行修改。
第一种方法是通过 /etc/sysctl.conf 文件对 /proc 进行永久修改。
换句话说,就是用文本编辑器打开 /etc/sysctl.conf 然后添加以下内容:
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ IPv6被认为是IPv4——互联网上的传统32位地址空间的替代产品
#### 方法二 ####
用文本编辑器打开 /etc/default/grub 并给GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX变量添加"ipv6.disable=1"。
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ IPv6被认为是IPv4——互联网上的传统32位地址空间的替代产品
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="xxxxx ipv6.disable=1"

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ Fedora、CentOS/RHEL系统:
### 禁用IPv6之后的其它可选步骤 ###
#### /etc/hosts ####
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ Fedora、CentOS/RHEL系统:
要强制sshd只捆绑IPv4地址,用文本编辑器打开 /etc/ssh/sshd_config 并添加以下脚本行。inet只适用于IPv4,而inet6是适用于IPv6的。
要强制sshd只捆绑IPv4地址,用文本编辑器打开 /etc/ssh/sshd_config 并添加以下行。inet只适用于IPv4,而inet6是适用于IPv6的。
$ sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/disable-ipv6-linux.html
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
如何修复:apt-get update无法添加新的CD-ROM
如何修复 apt-get update 无法添加新的 CD-ROM 的错误

@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
via: http://itsfoss.com/fix-failed-fetch-cdrom-aptget-update-add-cdroms/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ Budgie是为Linux发行版定制的旗舰桌面,也是一个定制工程。为

$ gnome-session-quit
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Budgie是为Linux发行版定制的旗舰桌面,也是一个定制工程。为
### 登录Budgie会话 ###

@ -79,8 +79,7 @@ Budgie是为Linux发行版定制的旗舰桌面,也是一个定制工程。为
### 结论 ###
Hurray! We have successfully installed our Lightweight Budgie Desktop Environment in our Ubuntu 14.04 LTS "Trusty" box. As we know, Budgie Desktop is still underdevelopment which makes it a lot of stuffs missing. Though it’s based on Gnome’s GTK3, it’s not a fork. The desktop is written completely from scratch, and the design is elegant and well thought out. If you have any questions, comments, feedback please do write on the comment box below and let us know what stuffs needs to be added or improved. Thank You! Enjoy Budgie Desktop 0.8 :-)
嗨,现在我们已经成功的在 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 上安装了轻量级 Budgie 桌面环境。Budgie桌面当前正在开发过程中,因此有目前有很多功能的缺失。虽然它是基于Gnome 的 GTK3,但不是完全的复制。Budgie是完全从零开始实现,它的设计是优雅的并且正在不断的完善。如果你有任何问题、评论,请在下面的评论框发表。愿你喜欢 Budgie 桌面 0.8 。
@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ via: http://linoxide.com/ubuntu-how-to/install-lightweight-budgie-v8-desktop-ubu
作者:[Arun Pyasi][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Linux 基础:如何修复Ubuntu上“E: /var/cache/apt/archives/ subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1 ”的错误
如何修复 Ubuntu 上“...script returned error exit status 1”的错误

@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ Linux 基础:如何修复Ubuntu上“E: /var/cache/apt/archives/ subprocess ne
> E: /var/cache/apt/archives/ subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1


### 解决: ###
sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ Linux 基础:如何修复Ubuntu上“E: /var/cache/apt/archives/ subprocess ne
via: https://www.unixmen.com/linux-basics-how-to-fix-e-varcacheaptarchives-subprocess-new-pre-removal-script-returned-error-exit-status-1-in-ubuntu/
via: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-basics-how-to-fix-e-varcacheaptarchives-subprocess-new-pre-removal-script-returned-error-exit-status-1-in-ubuntu/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ via: http://www.unixmen.com/install-mate-desktop-freebsd-10-1/
作者:[M.el Khamlichi][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
### 在Ubuntu上安装并配置Prey ###
sudo apt-get install prey
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Prey有一个明显的不足。它需要你的设备接入互联网才会发送
### 结论 ###
@ -62,9 +62,10 @@ via: http://linoxide.com/ubuntu-how-to/anti-theft-application-prey-ubuntu/
作者:[Aun Raza][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
两种方式创建你自己的 Docker 基本映像
欢迎大家,今天我们学习一下 docker 基本映像以及如何构建我们自己的 docker 基本映像。[Docker][1] 是一个开源项目,提供了一个可以打包、装载和运行任何应用的轻量级容器的开放平台。它没有语言支持、框架和打包系统的限制,从小型的家用电脑到高端服务器,在何时何地都可以运行。这使它们可以不依赖于特定软件栈和供应商,像一块块积木一样部署和扩展网络应用、数据库和后端服务。
Docker 映像是不可更改的只读层。Docker 使用 **Union File System** 在只读文件系统上增加可读写的文件系统,但所有更改都发生在最顶层的可写层,而其下的只读映像上的原始文件仍然不会改变。由于映像不会改变,也就没有状态。基本映像是没有父类的那些映像。Docker 基本映像主要的好处是它允许我们有一个独立运行的 Linux 操作系统。
### 1. 使用 Tar 创建 Docker 基本映像 ###
我们可以使用 tar 构建我们自己的基本映像,我们从一个运行中的 Linux 发行版开始,将其打包为基本映像。这过程可能会有些不同,它取决于我们打算构建的发行版。在 Debian 发行版中,已经预带了 debootstrap。在开始下面的步骤之前,我们需要安装 debootstrap。debootstrap 用来获取构建基本系统需要的包。这里,我们构建基于 Ubuntu 14.04 "Trusty" 的映像。要完成这些,我们需要在终端或者 shell 中运行以下命令。
$ sudo debootstrap trusty trusty > /dev/null
$ sudo tar -C trusty -c . | sudo docker import - trusty

上面的命令为当前文件夹创建了一个 tar 文件并输出到标准输出中,"docker import - trusty" 通过管道从标准输入中获取这个 tar 文件并根据它创建一个名为 trusty 的基本映像。然后,如下所示,我们将运行映像内部的一条测试命令。
$ docker run trusty cat /etc/lsb-release
[Docker GitHub Repo][2] 中有一些允许我们快速构建基本映像的事例脚本.
### 2. 使用Scratch构建基本映像 ###
在 Docker registry 中,有一个被称为 Scratch 的使用空 tar 文件构建的特殊库:
$ tar cv --files-from /dev/null | docker import - scratch

FROM scratch
ADD script.sh /usr/local/bin/run.sh
CMD ["/usr/local/bin/run.sh"]
上面的 Dockerfile 文件来自一个很小的映像。这里,它首先从一个完全空的文件系统开始,然后它复制新建的 /usr/local/bin/run.sh 为 script.sh ,然后运行脚本 /usr/local/bin/run.sh。
### 结尾 ###
这这个教程中,我们学习了如何构建一个开箱即用的自定义 Docker 基本映像。构建一个 docker 基本映像是一个很简单的任务,因为这里有很多已经可用的包和脚本。如果我们想要在里面安装想要的东西,构建 docker 基本映像非常有用。如果有任何疑问,建议或者反馈,请在下面的评论框中写下来。非常感谢!享受吧 :-)
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-how-to/2-ways-create-docker-base-image/
作者:[Arun Pyasi][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
在 Linux 中以交互方式实时查看Apache web访问统计
[GoAccess][1] 是一款用于Apache或者Nginx的命令行日志分析器和交互式查看器。使用这款工具,你不仅可以浏览到之前提及的相关数据,还可以通过分析网站服务器日志来进一步挖掘数据 - 而且**这一切都是在一个终端窗口实时输出的**。由于今天的[大多数web服务器][2]都使用Debian的衍生版或者基于RedHat的发行版来作为底层操作系统,所以本文中我告诉你如何在Debian和CentOS中安装和使用GoAccess。
### 在Linux系统安装GoAccess ###
# aptitude install goaccess
在CentOS中,你将需要使你的[EPEL 仓库][3]可用然后执行以下命令:
# yum install goaccess
# yum install goaccess
如果你想从源码安装GoAccess来使用更多功能(例如 GeoIP 定位功能),需要在你的操作系统安装[必需的依赖包][4],然后按以下步骤进行:
# wget http://tar.goaccess.io/goaccess-0.8.5.tar.gz
# tar -xzvf goaccess-0.8.5.tar.gz
# cd goaccess-0.8.5/
# ./configure --enable-geoip
# make
# make install
以上安装的版本是 0.8.5,但是你也可以在该软件的网站[下载页][5]确认是否是最新版本。
### 运行 GoAccess ###
# goaccess -f /var/log/apache2/access.log
# goaccess -f /var/log/httpd/access_log
当你第一次启动GoAccess,你将会看到如下的屏幕中选择日期和日志格式。正如前面所述,你可以按空格键进行选择,并按F10确认。至于日期和日志格式,你可能需要参考[Apache 文档][6]来刷新你的记忆。
在这个例子中,选择常见日志格式(Common Log Format(CLF)):

然后按F10 确认。你将会从屏幕上看到统计数据。为了简洁起见,这里只显示了首部,也就是日志文件的摘要,如下图所示:

### 通过 GoAccess来浏览网站服务器统计数据 ###
1. 每天唯一访客(来自同样IP、同一日期和同一浏览器的请求被认为是是唯一访问)

2. 请求的文件(网页URL)

3. 请求的静态文件(例如,.png文件,.js文件等等)
4. 来源的URLs(每一个URL请求的出处)
5. HTTP 404 未找到的响应代码

6. 操作系统
7. 浏览器
8. 主机地址(客户端IP地址)

9. HTTP 状态代码

10. 前几位的来源站点
11. 来自谷歌搜索引擎的前几位的关键字
# zcat -f /var/log/apache2/access.log* | goaccess
# cat /var/log/httpd/access* | goaccess


### 保存用于离线分析的报告 ###
# zcat -f /var/log/apache2/access.log* | goaccess > /var/www/webserverstats.html

可以查看youtube视频:https://youtu.be/UVbLuaOpYdg 。
正如我们通过这篇文章讨论,GoAccess是一个非常有价值的工具,它能给系统管理员实时提供可视的HTTP 统计分析。虽然GoAccess的默认输出是标准输出,但是你也可以将他们保存到JSON,HTML或者CSV文件。这种转换可以让 GoAccess在监控和显示网站服务器的统计数据时更有用。
via: http://xmodulo.com/interactive-apache-web-server-log-analyzer-linux.html
作者:[Gabriel Cánepa][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,154 +1,169 @@
10 个‘ls’命 令面试的问题(二)
- [15 Interview Questions on “ls” Command – Part 1][1]
- [15 个‘ls’命令的面试问题(一)][1]

10 Interview Questions on ls Command
### 1. 假如你想要以长列表的形式列出目录中的内容,但是不打印文件创建者名称以及文件所属组。同时在输出中显示其不同之处。###
*10 ‘ls’ 命令面试的问题*
### 16. 假如你想要以长列表的形式列出目录中的内容,但是不打印文件创建者名称以及文件所属组。看看输出有何不同之处。###
a. ls 命令在与‘-l’选项一起使用时会将文件以长列表格式输出。
# ls -l

List Files in- Long List Format
b. ls 命令在与‘-l’和‘--author’一起使用时,会将文件以长列表格式输出并带有文件创建者的名称信息。
# ls -l --author

List Files By Author
c. ls 命令在与‘-g’选项 一起将会列出文件名但是不带属主名称。
# ls -g

List Files Without Printing Owner Name
d. ls 命令在与'-G'和‘-l’选项一起将会使用长列表格式列出文件名称带式不带文件所属组名称。
d. ls 命令在与'-G'和‘-l’选项一起将会使用长列表格式列出文件名称但是不带文件所属组名称。
# ls -Gl

List Files Without Printing Group
### 2. 使用用户友好的格式打印出当前目录中的文件以及文件夹的大小,你会如何做?###
### 17. 使用易读格式打印出当前目录中的文件以及文件夹的大小,你会如何做?###
# ls -hl

List Files in Human Readable Format
# ls -hs

List File Sizes in Long List Format
**注意**: ‘-h’选项使用1024(计算机中的标准)的幂,文件或文件夹的大小分别以K,M和G作为输出单位。
### 3. 既然‘-h’选项是使用1024的幂作为标准来输出大小,那么ls命令还支持其他的幂值呢?###
### 18. 既然‘-h’选项是使用1024的幂作为标准来输出大小,那么ls命令是否还支持其他的幂值呢?###
存在一个选项 ‘-si’与选项‘-h’相似,不同之处在于前者以使用1000的幂,后者使用1024的幂。
存在一个选项 ‘--si’与选项‘-h’相似,不同之处在于前者以使用1000的幂,后者使用1024的幂。
# ls -si
# ls --si

Supported Power Values of ls Command
# ls --si -l
# ls -si -l
(LCTT 译注:此处原文参数有误,附图也不对,因此删除之)

List Files by Power Values
### 19. 假如要你使用逗号‘,’作为分隔符来打印一个目录中的内容,可以吗? 对于长列表形式也可行吗?###
### 4. 假如要你使用逗号‘,’作为分隔符来打印一个目录中的内容,可以吗? 对于长列表形式也可行吗?###
# ls -m

Print Contents of Directory by Comma
# ls -ml

Listing Content Horizontally
### 5. 有办法将目录的内容逆序打印出来吗?###
### 20. 有办法将目录的内容逆序打印出来吗?###
# ls -r

List Content in Reverse Order
# ls -rl

Long List Content in Reverse Order
### 6. 如果你被分配一个任务,来递归地打印各个子目录,你会如何应付?注意哟,只针对子目录而不是文件哦。###
### 21. 如果你被分配一个任务,来递归地打印各个子目录,你会如何应付?注意,只针对子目录而不是文件哦。###
# ls -R

Print Sub Directories in Recursively
### 7. 如何按照文件大小对其进行排序?###
### 22. 如何按照文件大小对其进行排序?###
# ls -S

Sort Files with ls Command
# ls -Sr

Sort Files in Descending Order
### 8. 列出目录中的内容按照一行一个文件并且不带额外信息的方式 ###
### 23. 按照一行一个文件列出目录中的内容,并且不带额外信息的方式 ###
# ls -1

List Files Without Information
### 9. 现在委派给你一个任务,你必须将目录中的内容输出到终端而且需要使用双引号引起来,你会如何做?###
### 24. 现在委派给你一个任务,你必须将目录中的内容输出到终端而且需要使用双引号引起来,你会如何做?###
# ls -Q

Print Files with Double Quotes
### 10. 想象一下你正在与一个包含有很多文件和文件夹的目录打交道,你需要使目录名显示在文件名之前,你如何做?###
### 25. 想象一下你正在与一个包含有很多文件和文件夹的目录打交道,你需要使目录名显示在文件名之前,你如何做?###
# ls --group-directories-first

Print Directories First
先点到为止,我们会马上提供该系列文章的下一部分。别换频道,关注Tecmint。 另外别忘了在下面的评论中提出你们宝贵的反馈信息,喜欢就分享,帮助我们得到更好的传播吧!
先点到为止,我们会马上提供该系列文章的下一部分。别换频道,关注我们。 另外别忘了在下面的评论中提出你们宝贵的反馈信息,喜欢就分享,帮助我们得到更好的传播吧!
@ -156,9 +171,9 @@ via: http://www.tecmint.com/ls-interview-questions/
作者:[Ravi Saive][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,85 +1,91 @@
关于linux中的“ls”命令的15个面试问题 - 第一部分
15 个‘ls’命令的面试问题(一)

### 1. 你会如何从目录中列出文件?###
### 1. 如何列出目录中的文件?###
# ls

# echo *

### 2. 你会如何只通过使用echo命令来列出目录中的所有文件?###
### 2. 如何只使用echo命令来只列出所有目录?###
# echo */

### 3. 你会怎样列出一个目录中的所有文件, 包括隐藏的dot文件?###
### 3. 怎样列出一个目录中的所有文件, 包括隐藏的以“.”开头的文件?###
# ls -a

### 4. 如何列出目录中除了 “当前目录暗喻(.)”和“父目录暗喻(..)”之外的所有文件,包括隐藏文件?###
### 4. 如何列出目录中除了 “当前目录 .”和“父目录 ..”之外的所有文件,包括隐藏文件?###
答: 我们需要将“-A”选项与“ls”命令一起使用
# ls -A

### 5. 如何将当前目录中的内容使用长格式打印列表?###
### 5. 如何使用长格式打印出当前目录内容?###
答: 我们需要将“-l”选项与“ls”命令一起使用。
# ls -l

drwxr-xr-x 5 avi tecmint 4096 Sep 30 11:31 Binary
上面的drwxr-xr-x 是文件的权限,分别代表了文件所有者,组以及对整个世界。 所有者具有读(r),写(w)以及执行(x)等权限。 该文件所属组具有读(r)和执行(x)但是没有写的权限,相同的权限预示着
上面的drwxr-xr-x 是文件的权限,分别代表了文件所有者,所属组以及“整个世界”。 所有者具有读(r),写(w)以及执行(x)等权限。 该文件所属组具有读(r)和执行(x)但是没有写的权限,整个世界的其他可以访问到该文件的人也具有相同权限。
- 开头的‘d’意味着这是一个目录
- 数字'5'表示符号链接
- 数字'5'表示符号链接(有5个符号链接)
- 文件 Binary归属于用户 “avi”以及用户组 "tecmint"
- Sep 30 11:31 表示文件最后一次的访问日期与时间。
### 6. 假如让你来将目录中的内容以长格式列表打印,并且显示出隐藏的“点文件”,你会如何实现?###
答: 我们需要同时将"-a"和"-l"选项与“ls”命令一起使用。
答: 我们需要同时将"-a"和"-l"选项与“ls”命令一起使用(LCTT 译注:单字符选项可以合并写)。
# ls -la

# ls -lA
@ -90,9 +96,10 @@ Unix或类Unix系统中的“文件列表”命令“ls”是最基础并且使
# ls --author -l

### 8. 如何对非显示字符进行转义打印?###
### 8. 如何对用转义字符打印出非显示字符?###
@ -100,52 +107,58 @@ Unix或类Unix系统中的“文件列表”命令“ls”是最基础并且使

### 9. 指定特定的单位格式来列出文件和目录的大小,你会如何实现?###
答: 在此可以同时使用选项“-block-size=scale”和“-l”,但是我们需要用特定的单位如M,K等来替换‘scale’。
### 9. 用指定特定的单位格式来列出文件和目录的大小,你会如何实现?###
答: 在此可以同时使用选项“-block-size=scale”和“-l”,但是我们需要用特定的单位如M,K等来替换‘scale’参数。
# ls --block-size=M -l
# ls --block-size=K -l

### 10. 列出目录中的非备份文件,也就是那些文件名以‘~’结尾的文件###
### 10. 列出目录中的文件,但是不显示备份文件,即那些文件名以‘~’结尾的文件###
答: 选项‘-B’赶来救驾。
# ls -B

### 11. 将目录中的所有文件按照名称进行排序并与最后修改时间信息进行关联显示###
### 11. 将目录中的所有文件按照名称进行排序,并显示其最后修改时间信息?###
答: 为了实现这个需求,我们需要同时将“-c”和"-l"选项与命令一起使用。
# ls -cl

### 12. 将目录中的文件按照修改时间进行排序,并显示相关联的信息。###
答: 我们需要同时使用3个选项--'-l','-t','-c'--与命令‘ls’一起使用来对文件使用修改时间排序,最新的修改时间排在最前。
答: 我们需要同时使用3个选项:'-l','-t','-c' 来对文件使用修改时间排序,最新的修改时间排在最前。
# ls -ltc

### 13. 如何控制‘ls’命令的输出颜色的有无?###
答: 需要使用选项‘--color=parameter’,parameter参数值具有三种不同值,“auto(自动)”,“always(一直)”,“never(无色)”。
答: 需要使用选项‘--color=parameter’,参数具有三种不同值,“auto(自动)”,“always(一直)”,“never(无色)”。
# ls --color=never
# ls --color=auto
# ls --color=always

### 14. 假如只需要列出目录本身,而不是目录的内容,你会如何做?###
@ -154,9 +167,10 @@ ls的输出颜色
# ls -d

### 15. 为长格式列表命令"ls -l"创建别名“ll”,并将其结果输出到一个文件而不是标准输出中。###
### 15. 为长格式列表命令"ls -l"创建一个别名“ll”,并将其结果输出到一个文件而不是标准输出中。###
@ -166,13 +180,14 @@ ls的输出颜色
# nano ll.txt

### 参考阅读:###
- [10 个‘ls’命令的面试问题-第二部分][1]
- [10 个‘ls’命令的面试问题(二)][1]
- [Linux中15个基础的'ls'命令][2]
@ -187,4 +202,4 @@ via: http://www.tecmint.com/ls-command-interview-questions/
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Linux存储的未来
> **摘要**:Linux系统的软件开发者们正致力于使Linux支持更多种类的文件和存储方案。
波士顿 - 在[Linux基金会][1]最近的[Vault][2]展示会上,全都是关于文件系统和存储方案的讨论。你可以会想关于这两个主题并没有什么展值得讨论的最新进展,但事实并非如此。
波士顿 - 在[Linux基金会][1]最近的[Vault][2]展示会上,全都是关于文件系统和存储方案的讨论。你可以会觉得关于这两个主题并没有什么值得讨论的最新进展,但事实并非如此。

@ -14,17 +14,17 @@ Linux存储的未来
### Btrfs ###
例如,Chris Mason,一位来自Facebook的软件工程师,也是[Btrfs][6](对外宣称Butter FS)的维护者之一,说明了Facebook是如何使用这种文件系统。Btrfs拥有文件系统固有的许多优点,比如既能处理大量的小文件,也能处理大小可达16EB的单个文件;支持RAID的baked(烦请校正补充);内置的文件系统压缩,以及集成了对多种存储设备的支持。
例如,Chris Mason,一位来自Facebook的软件工程师,也是[Btrfs][6](念做 Butter FS)的维护者之一,介绍了Facebook是如何使用这种文件系统。Btrfs拥有文件系统固有的许多优点,比如既能处理大量的小文件,也能处理大小可达16EB的单个文件;支持RAID ;内置的文件系统压缩,以及集成了对多种存储设备的支持。
在正在开展的重要性工作中,Btrfs并非是唯一的文件系统。John Spary,[Red Hat][13]的一位高级软件工程师,提到了另一款名为[Ceph][14]的分布式文件系统。
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Ceph提供了一种分布式对象存储方案和文件系统,反过来它依
但是,Ceph FS仍值得去做,正如Spray所说,“因为兼容POSIX的文件系统是操作系统通用的。”这并不是说Ceph FS就一无是处。“它并不是支离破碎的,相反它奏效了。所缺的是修复和监控工具。”
Red Hat目前正致力于获得[fsck][17]和日志修复工具、快照强化、更好客户端访问控制,以及云与容器的集成。尽管Ceph FS到目前为止只是一种有潜力或者没前景的文件系统,但仍然值得用在生产环境中。
Red Hat目前正致力于完成[fsck][17]和日志修复工具开发、快照强化、更好客户端访问控制,以及云与容器的集成。尽管Ceph FS到目前为止只是一种有潜力或者没前景的文件系统,但仍然值得用在生产环境中。
### 文件与存储的差别与目标 ###
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ via: http://www.zdnet.com/article/linux-storage-futures/
作者:[Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -10,12 +10,14 @@
#### 在 64位 Ubuntu 15.04 ####
$ wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.0-vivid/linux-image-4.0.0-040000-generic_4.0.0-040000.201504121935_amd64.deb
$ wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.0-vivid/linux-headers-4.0.0-040000-generic_4.0.0-040000.201504121935_amd64.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-4.0.0*.deb linux-image-4.0.0*.deb
#### 在 32位 Ubuntu 15.04 ####
$ wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.0-vivid/linux-image-4.0.0-040000-generic_4.0.0-040000.201504121935_i386.deb
$ wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.0-vivid/linux-headers-4.0.0-040000-generic_4.0.0-040000.201504121935_i386.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-4.0.0*.deb linux-image-4.0.0*.deb
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
安装完最小化 RHEL/CentOS 7 后需要做的 30 件事情--1
安装完最小化 RHEL/CentOS 7 后需要做的 30 件事情(一)
CentOS 是一个工业标准的 Linux 发行版,是红帽企业版 Linux 的衍生版本。你安装完后马上就可以使用,但是为了更好地使用你的系统,你需要进行一些升级、软件包安装、配置特定服务和应用程序等操作。
CentOS 是一个工业标准的 Linux 发行版,是红帽企业版 Linux 的衍生版本。你安装完后马上就可以使用,但是为了更好地使用你的系统,你需要进行一些升级、安装新的软件包、配置特定服务和应用程序等操作。
这篇文章介绍了 “安装完 RHEL/CentOS 7 后需要做的 30 件事情”。阅读帖子的时候请牢记已经完成了 RHEL/CentOS 最小化安装,这是首选的企业和生产环境,如果还没有,你可以按照下面的指南,它会告诉你两者的最小化安装方法。
这篇文章介绍了 “安装完 RHEL/CentOS 7 后需要做的 30 件事情”。阅读帖子的时候请先完成 RHEL/CentOS 最小化安装,这是首选的企业和生产环境。如果还没有,你可以按照下面的指南,它会告诉你两者的最小化安装方法。
- [最小化安装 CentOS 7][1]
- [最小化安装 RHEL 7][2]
1. 注册并启用红帽订阅
2. 使用静态 IP 地址配置网络
@ -42,50 +42,54 @@ CentOS 是一个工业标准的 Linux 发行版,是红帽企业版 Linux 的
### 1. 注册并启用红帽订阅 ###
RHEL 7 最小化安装完成后,是时候注册并启用系统红帽订阅库,以及执行一个完整的系统更新。这只当你有一个可用的红帽订阅时才能有效。你要注册才能启用官方红帽系统库并时不时进行操作系统更新。
RHEL 7 最小化安装完成后,就应该注册并启用系统红帽订阅库, 并执行一个完整的系统更新。这只当你有一个可用的红帽订阅时才能有用。你要注册才能启用官方红帽系统库,并时不时进行操作系统更新。(LCTT 译注:订阅服务是收费的)
- [在 RHEL 7 中注册并启用红帽订阅][3]
**注意**: 这一步仅适用于有一个有效订阅的红帽企业版 Linux. 如果你用的是 CentOS 服务器,请查看后面的章节。
**注意**: 这一步仅适用于有一个有效订阅的红帽企业版 Linux。如果你用的是 CentOS 服务器,请查看后面的章节。
### 2. 使用静态 IP 地址配置网络 ###
你第一件要做的事情就是为你的 CentOS 服务器配置静态 IP 地址,路由以及 DNS。我们会使用 ip 命令代替 ifconfig 命令。当然,ifconfig 命令对于大部分 Linux 发行版来说还是可用的,还能从默认库安装。
你第一件要做的事情就是为你的 CentOS 服务器配置静态 IP 地址、路由以及 DNS。我们会使用 ip 命令代替 ifconfig 命令。当然,ifconfig 命令对于大部分 Linux 发行版来说还是可用的,还能从默认库安装。
# yum install net-tools [提供 ifconfig 工具]
# yum install net-tools [它提供 ifconfig 工具,如果你不习惯 ip 命令,还可以使用它]

(LCTT 译注:关于 ip 命令的使用,请参照:http://www.linux.cn/article-3631-1.html )
但正如我之前说,我们会使用 ip 命令来配置静态 IP 地址。所以,确认你首先检查了当前的 IP 地址。
# ip addr show

现在用你的编辑器打开并编辑文件 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3。这里,我使用 Vi 编辑器,另外你要确保你是 root 用户才能保存更改。
现在用你的编辑器打开并编辑文件 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3 (LCTT 译注:你的网卡名称可能不同,如果希望修改为老式网卡名称,参考:http://www.linux.cn/article-4045-1.html )。这里,我使用 vi 编辑器,另外你要确保你是 root 用户才能保存更改。
# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3
IPADDR = “[在这里输入你的静态 IP]”
GATEWAY = “[输入你的默认网关]”
DNS1 = “[你的域名系统 1]”
DNS2 = “[你的域名系统 2]”
IPADDR = "[在这里输入你的静态 IP]"
GATEWAY = "[输入你的默认网关]"
DNS1 = "[你的DNS 1]"
DNS2 = "[你的DNS 2]"
更改了 ‘ifcfg-enp0s3’ 之后,看起来像下面的图片。注意你的 IP,网关和 DNS 可能会变化,请和你的 ISP(译者注:互联网服务提供商商) 确认。保存并退出。
更改了 ‘ifcfg-enp0s3’ 之后,它看起来像下面的图片。注意你的 IP,网关和 DNS 可能会变化,请和你的 ISP(译者注:互联网服务提供商,即给你提供接入的服务的电信或 IDC) 确认。保存并退出。

重启网络服务并检查 IP 是否和分配的一样。如果一切都顺利,用 Ping 查看网络状态。
# service network restart

重启网络后,确认检查了 IP 地址和网络状态。
@ -93,10 +97,14 @@ RHEL 7 最小化安装完成后,是时候注册并启用系统红帽订阅库
# ping -c4 google.com

验证 IP 地址
*验证 IP 地址*

(LCTT 译注:关于设置静态 IP 地址的更多信息,请参照:http://www.linux.cn/article-3977-1.html )
### 3. 设置服务器的主机名称 ###
@ -105,34 +113,40 @@ RHEL 7 最小化安装完成后,是时候注册并启用系统红帽订阅库
# echo $HOSTNAME

要设置新的主机名称,我们需要编辑 ‘/etc/hostsname’ 文件并用想要的名称替换旧的主机名称。
# vi /etc/hostname

在 CentOS 中设置主机名称
*在 CentOS 中设置主机名称*
$ echo $HOSTNAME

你也可以用 ‘hostname’ 命令查看你当前的主机名。
$ hostname
(LCTT 译注:关于设置静态、瞬态和灵活主机名的更多信息,请参考:http://www.linux.cn/article-3937-1.html )
### 4. 更新或升级最小化安装的 CentOS ###
除了更新和安装已经有的软件的最新版本以及安全升级,这不会安装任何新的软件。总的来说更新和升级是相同的,除了事实上 升级 = 更新 + 更新时进行废弃处理。
这样做除了更新安装已有的软件最新版本以及安全升级,不会安装任何新的软件。总的来说更新(update)和升级(upgrade)是相同的,除了事实上 升级 = 更新 + 更新时进行废弃处理。
# yum update && yum upgrade

更新最小化安装的 CentOS 服务器
*更新最小化安装的 CentOS 服务器*
**重要**: 你也可以运行下面的命令,这不会弹出软件更新的提示,你也就不需要输入 ‘y’ 接受更改。
@ -147,7 +161,8 @@ RHEL 7 最小化安装完成后,是时候注册并启用系统红帽订阅库
# yum install links

Links: 命令行 Web 浏览器
*Links: 命令行 Web 浏览器*
请查看我们的文章 [用 links 工具命令行浏览 Web][4] 了解用 links 工具浏览 web 的方法和例子。
@ -157,8 +172,9 @@ Links: 命令行 Web 浏览器
# yum install httpd

安装 Apache 服务器

*安装 Apache 服务器*
如果你想更改 Apache HTTP 服务器的默认端口号(80)为其它端口,你需要编辑配置文件 ‘/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf’ 并查找以下面开始的行:
@ -167,7 +183,8 @@ Links: 命令行 Web 浏览器
把端口号 ‘80’ 改为其它任何端口(例如 3221),保存并退出。

更改 Apache 端口
*更改 Apache 端口*
增加刚才分配给 Apache 的端口通过防火墙,然后重新加载防火墙。
@ -183,6 +200,8 @@ Links: 命令行 Web 浏览器
# firewall-cmd –reload
(LCTT 译注:关于 firewall 的进一步使用,请参照:http://www.linux.cn/article-4425-1.html )
完成上面的所有事情之后,是时候重启 Apache HTTP 服务器了,然后新的端口号才能生效。
# systemctl restart httpd.service
@ -192,12 +211,15 @@ Links: 命令行 Web 浏览器
# systemctl start httpd.service
# systemctl enable httpd.service
(LCTT 译注:关于 systemctl 的进一步使用,请参照:http://www.linux.cn/article-3719-1.html )
如下图所示,用 links 命令行工具 验证 Apache HTTP 服务器。
# links

验证 Apache 状态
*验证 Apache 状态*
@ -205,7 +227,7 @@ via: http://www.tecmint.com/things-to-do-after-minimal-rhel-centos-7-installatio
作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
安装完最小化 RHEL/CentOS 7 后需要做的 30 件事情--2
安装完最小化 RHEL/CentOS 7 后需要做的 30 件事情(二)
### 7. 安装 PHP ###
PHP 是用于 web 基础服务的服务器端脚本语言。它也经常被用作通用编程语言。在最小化安装的 CentOS 中安装 PHP。
PHP 是用于 web 基础服务的服务器端脚本语言。它也经常被用作通用编程语言。在最小化安装的 CentOS 中安装 PHP:
# yum install php
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ PHP 是用于 web 基础服务的服务器端脚本语言。它也经常被用
下一步,通过在 Apache 文档根目录下创建下面的 php 脚本验证 PHP。
# echo -e "<?php\nphpinfo();\n?>" > /var/ww/html/phpinfo.php
# echo -e "<?php\nphpinfo();\n?>" > /var/www/html/phpinfo.php
现在在 Linux 命令行中查看我们刚才创建的 PHP 文件(phpinfo.php)。
@ -21,32 +21,35 @@ PHP 是用于 web 基础服务的服务器端脚本语言。它也经常被用
# links

验证 PHP
*验证 PHP*
### 8. 安装 MariaDB 数据库 ###
MariaDB 是 MySQL 的一个分支。红帽企业版 Linux 以及它的衍生版已经从 MySQL 迁移到 MariaDB。这是个主要的数据库管理系统。这又是一个你必须拥有的工具,不管你在配置怎样的服务器,或迟或早你都会需要它。在最小化安装的 CentOS 上安装 MariaDB,如下所示。
MariaDB 是 MySQL 的一个分支。RHEL 以及它的衍生版已经从 MySQL 迁移到 MariaDB。这是一个主流的数据库管理系统,也是一个你必须拥有的工具。不管你在配置怎样的服务器,或迟或早你都会需要它。在最小化安装的 CentOS 上安装 MariaDB,如下所示:
# yum install mariadb-server mariadb

安装 MariaDB 数据库
启动被配置 MariaDBs 随机启动。
*安装 MariaDB 数据库*
启动 MariaDB 并配置它开机时自动启动。
# systemctl start mariadb.service
# systemctl enable mariadb.service
允许 mysql(mariadb) 服务通过防火墙
允许 mysql(mariadb) 服务通过防火墙(LCTT 译注:如果你的 MariaDB 只用在本机,则务必不要设置防火墙允许通过,使用 UNIX Socket 连接你的数据库;如果需要在别的服务器上连接数据库,则尽量使用内部网络,而不要将数据库服务暴露在公开的互联网上。)
# firewall-cmd –add-service=mysql
现在是时候确保 MariaDB 服务器安全了。
现在是时候确保 MariaDB 服务器安全了(LCTT 译注:这个步骤主要是设置 mysql 管理密码)。
# /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation

保护 MariaDB 数据库
*保护 MariaDB 数据库*
@ -55,18 +58,19 @@ MariaDB 是 MySQL 的一个分支。红帽企业版 Linux 以及它的衍生版
### 9. 安装和配置 SSH 服务器 ###
SSH 表示 Secure Shell,是 Linux 远程管理的默认协议。 SSH 是随最小化 CentOS 服务器一起发布的最重要的软件之一。
SSH 即 Secure Shell,是 Linux 远程管理的默认协议。 SSH 是随最小化 CentOS 服务器中安装运行的最重要的软件之一。
检查当前已安装的 SSH 版本。
# SSH -V

检查 SSH 版本
在默认的 SSH 协议上使用安全协议,更改端口号进一步加强安全。编辑 SSH 的配置文件 ‘/etc/ssh/ssh_config’。
*检查 SSH 版本*
去掉下面行的注释或者从协议行中删除 1,然后行看起来像这样:
使用更安全的 SSH 协议,而不是默认的协议,并更改端口号进一步加强安全。编辑 SSH 的配置文件 ‘/etc/ssh/ssh_config’。
去掉下面行的注释或者从协议行中删除 1,然后行看起来像这样(LCTT 译注: SSH v1 是过期废弃的不安全协议):
# Protocol 2,1 (原来)
Protocol 2 (现在)
@ -74,15 +78,17 @@ SSH 表示 Secure Shell,是 Linux 远程管理的默认协议。 SSH 是随最
这个改变强制 SSH 使用 协议 2,它被认为比协议 1 更安全,同时也确保在配置中更改端口号 22 为其它。

保护 SSH 登录
取消 SSH ‘root login’ 然后允许只有当以普通用户账号登录后才能连接到 root 以进一步加强安全。为了做到这个,打开并编辑配置文件 ‘/etc/ssh/sshd_config’ 并更改 PermitRootLogin yes 为 PermitRootLogin no。
*保护 SSH 登录*
取消 SSH 中的‘root login’, 只允许通过普通用户账号登录后才能使用 su 切换到 root,以进一步加强安全。请打开并编辑配置文件 ‘/etc/ssh/sshd_config’ 并更改 PermitRootLogin yes 为 PermitRootLogin no。
# PermitRootLogin yes (原来)
PermitRootLogin no (现在)

取消 SSH Root 登录
*取消 SSH Root 直接登录*
最后,重启 SSH 服务启用更改。
@ -96,34 +102,39 @@ SSH 表示 Secure Shell,是 Linux 远程管理的默认协议。 SSH 是随最
### 10. 安装 GCC (GNU 编译器集) ###
GCC 表示 GNU 编译器集,是一个 GNU 项目开发的支持多种编程语言的编译系统。在最小化安装的 CentOS 没有默认安装。运行下面的命令安装 gcc 编译器。
GCC 即 GNU 编译器集,是一个 GNU 项目开发的支持多种编程语言的编译系统(LCTT 译注:在你需要自己编译构建软件时需要它)。在最小化安装的 CentOS 没有默认安装。运行下面的命令安装 gcc 编译器。
# yum install gcc

在 CentOS 上安装 GCC
*在 CentOS 上安装 GCC*
检查安装的 gcc 版本。
# gcc --version

检查 GCC 版本
*检查 GCC 版本*
### 11. 安装 Java ###
Java是一种通用的基于类的,面向对象的编程语言。在最小化 CentOS 服务器中没有默认安装。按照下面命令从库中安装 Java。
Java是一种通用的基于类的,面向对象的编程语言。在最小化 CentOS 服务器中没有默认安装(LCTT 译注:如果你没有任何 Java 应用,可以不用装它)。按照下面命令从库中安装 Java。
# yum install java

安装 Java
*安装 Java*
检查安装的 Java 版本。
# java -version

检查 Java 版本
*检查 Java 版本*
@ -131,7 +142,7 @@ via: http://www.tecmint.com/things-to-do-after-minimal-rhel-centos-7-installatio
作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
安装完最小化 RHEL/CentOS 7 后需要做的 30 件事情--3
安装完最小化 RHEL/CentOS 7 后需要做的 30 件事情(三)
### 12. 安装 Apache Tomcat ###
@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ Tomcat 是由 Apache 设计的用来运行 Java HTTP web 服务器的 servlet
# yum install tomcat

安装 Apache Tomcat
*安装 Apache Tomcat*
安装完 tomcat 之后,启动 tomcat 服务。
@ -18,11 +19,12 @@ Tomcat 是由 Apache 设计的用来运行 Java HTTP web 服务器的 servlet
# /usr/sbin/tomcat version

查看 tomcat 版本
*查看 tomcat 版本*
允许 tomcat 服务和默认端口(8080) 通过防火墙并重新加载设置。
# firewall-cmd –zone=public –add-port=8080/tcp --permannet
# firewall-cmd –zone=public –add-port=8080/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd –reload
现在该保护 tomcat 服务器了,添加一个用于访问和管理的用户和密码。我们需要编辑文件 ‘/etc/tomcat/tomcat-users.xml’。查看类似下面的部分:
@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ Tomcat 是由 Apache 设计的用来运行 Java HTTP web 服务器的 servlet
<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<role rolename="manager-script"/>
<role rolename="manager-jmx"/>
<role rolename="manager-status"/>
@ -42,44 +44,48 @@ Tomcat 是由 Apache 设计的用来运行 Java HTTP web 服务器的 servlet

保护 Tomcat
我们在这里添加用户 “tecmint” 到 tomcat 的管理员/管理 组中,使用 “tecmint” 作为密码。先停止在启动 tomcat 服务以使更改生效,并添加 tomcat 服务到随系统启动。
*保护 Tomcat*
我们在这里添加用户 “tecmint” 到 tomcat 的管理员/管理组中,使用 “tecmint” 作为密码。先停止再启动 tomcat 服务以使更改生效,并添加 tomcat 服务到随系统启动。
# systemctl stop tomcat
# systemctl start tomcat
# systemctl enable tomcat.service
请阅读: 在 RHEL/CentOS 7.0/6.x 中安装和配置 Apache Tomcat 8.0.9
请阅读: [在 RHEL/CentOS 7.0/6.x 中安装和配置 Apache Tomcat 8.0.9][5]
### 13. 安装 Nmap 监视开放端口 ###
Nmap 网络映射器通过检查运行它的主机以及分析网络创建一个网络映射。nmap 并没有默认安装,你需要从库中安装它。
Nmap 网络映射器用来分析网络,通过运行它可以发现网络的映射关系。nmap 并没有默认安装,你需要从库中安装它。
# yum install nmap

安装 Nmap 监视工具
*安装 Nmap 监视工具*
# namp 127.0.01
你也可以使用 firewall-cmd 列出所有端口,但我发现 nmap 更有用。
# firewall-cmd –list-ports

请阅读: [Nmap 监视开放端口的 29 个有用命令][1]
### 14. 配置 FirewallD ###
firewalld 是动态管理服务器的防火墙服务。在 CentOS 7 中 Firewalld 移除了 iptables。在红帽企业版 Linux 和它的衍生版中默认安装了 Firewalld。如果有 iptables 的话为了使每个更改生效需要清空所有旧的规则然后创建新规则。
firewalld 是动态管理服务器的防火墙服务。在 CentOS 7 中 Firewalld 移除了 iptables 服务。在红帽企业版 Linux 和它的衍生版中默认安装了 Firewalld。如果有 iptables 的话为了使每个更改生效需要清空所有旧的规则然后创建新规则。
@ -90,59 +96,66 @@ firewalld 是动态管理服务器的防火墙服务。在 CentOS 7 中 Firewall
# firewall-cmd –state

检查 Firewalld 状态
*检查 Firewalld 状态*
# firewall-cmd --get-zones

检查 Firewalld 区域
*检查 Firewalld 区域*
# firewall-cmd --zone=work --list-all

# firewall-cmd --get-default-zone

Firewalld 默认区域
*Firewalld 默认区域*
切换到另一个区域,比如 ‘work’。
# firewall-cmd --set-default-zone=work

切换 Firewalld 区域
*切换 Firewalld 区域*
# firewall-cmd --list-services

列出 Firewalld 区域的服务
*列出 Firewalld 区域的服务*
添加临时服务,比如 http,然后重载 firewalld。
# firewall-cmd --add-service=http
# firewall-cmd –reload
添加临时 http 服务

添加临时 http 服务
*添加临时 http 服务*
添加永久服务,比如 http,然后重载 firewalld。
# firewall-cmd --add-service=http --permanent
# firewall-cmd --reload
# firewall-cmd --add-service=http --permanent
# firewall-cmd --reload

添加永久 http 服务
*添加永久 http 服务*
删除临时服务,比如 http。
@ -150,7 +163,8 @@ Firewalld 默认区域
# firewall-cmd --reload

删除临时 Firewalld 服务
*删除临时 Firewalld 服务*
删除永久服务,比如 http
@ -158,7 +172,8 @@ Firewalld 默认区域
# firewall-cmd --reload

允许一个临时端口(比如 331)。
@ -166,7 +181,8 @@ Firewalld 默认区域
# firewall-cmd --reload

允许一个永久端口(比如 331)。
@ -174,7 +190,8 @@ Firewalld 默认区域
# firewall-cmd --reload

阻塞/移除临时端口(比如 331)。
@ -182,7 +199,8 @@ Firewalld 默认区域
# firewall-cmd --reload

阻塞/移除永久端口(比如 331)。
@ -190,7 +208,8 @@ Firewalld 默认区域
# firewall-cmd --reload

停用 firewalld。
@ -199,7 +218,8 @@ Firewalld 默认区域
# firewall-cmd --state

停用 Firewalld 服务
*停用 Firewalld 服务*
启用 firewalld。
@ -208,33 +228,36 @@ Firewalld 默认区域
# firewall-cmd --state

启用 Firewalld
*启用 Firewalld*
- [如何在 RHEL/CentOS 7 中配置 ‘Firewalld’][2]
- [配置和管理 Firewalld 的有用 ‘Firewalld’ 规则][3]
### 15. 安装 Wget ###
Wget 是基于 Linux 命令行从 web 服务器获取(下载)内容的工具。它是你使用 wget 命令获取 web 内容或下载任何文件必须要有的重要工具。
Wget 是从 web 服务器获取(下载)内容的命令行工具。它是你使用 wget 命令获取 web 内容或下载任何文件必须要有的重要工具。
# yum install wget

安装 Wget 工具
*安装 Wget 工具*
关于在终端中如何使用 wget 命令下载文件的方法和实际例子,请阅读[10 个 Wget 命令例子][4]。
### 16. 安装 Telnet ###
### 16. 安装 Telnet 客户端###
Telnet 是通过 TCP/IP 允许用户登录到相同网络上的另一台计算机的网络协议。和远程计算机的连接建立后,它就成为了一个允许你在自己的计算机上用所有提供给你的权限和远程主机交互的虚拟终端。
Telnet 是通过 TCP/IP 允许用户登录到相同网络上的另一台计算机的网络协议。和远程计算机的连接建立后,它就成为了一个允许你在自己的计算机上用所有提供给你的权限和远程主机交互的虚拟终端。(LCTT 译注:除非你真的需要,不要安装 telnet 服务,也不要用 telnet 客户端连接另外一个 telnet 服务,因为 telnet 是明文传输的。不过如下用 telnet 客户端检测另外一个服务的端口是否工作是常用的操作。)
Telnet 对于检查远程计算机或主机的监听端口也非常有用。
# yum install telnet
# telnet google.com 80

检查 Telnet 端口

*Telnet 端口检查*
@ -242,12 +265,13 @@ via: http://www.tecmint.com/things-to-do-after-minimal-rhel-centos-7-installatio
作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
GNOME-Pie 0.6.1 应用启动器发布,酷炫新特性[多图+视频]
**Simon Schneegans 高兴地[宣布][1]他的 GNOME-Pie 0.6.1 已可供下载使用。GNOME-Pie 是一个可以在包括 GNOME 和 Unity 在内的多种桌面环境中作为应用启动器的小工具。**

GNOME-Pie 0.6.1 看起来是个主要版本更新,引入了许多新特性,比如支持半个或四分之一圆,可选择每个启动器想要的形状,也可以自动根据位置调整形状(圆形,半个或四分之一圆),以及多彩的动态图标。
此外,软件现在还适配若干类dock应用,包括elementary OS 的 Plank,Ubuntu 的 Unity,以及通用的 Docky。一些已有的 GNOME-Pie 主题也已更新,还引入了全新的为半圆启动器布局设计的主题 Simple,。
“Gnome-Pie 新版本已发布,实际上已经发布了两个版本:0.6.0和之后的0.6.1,修复了[issue #73][2],”Simon Schneegans 在发布声明上说道,“新版本修复了许多 bug,还带来了许多新特性!”
<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/125339537" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
### 现在就可在Ubuntu上安装GNOME-Pie ###
Ubuntu 及其衍生版用户现在就可通过 Simon Schneegans 的PPA源安装 GNOME-Pie。只需打开终端,运行下列命令即可。GNOME-Pie 适用于 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS,14.10和15.04。
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:simonschneegans/testing
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gnome-pie
其他 GNU/Linux 发行版用户可以从官网下载 GNOME-Pie 0.6.1 的源代码,或者近期在系统的软件源中搜索新版GNOME-Pie。








via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/GNOME-Pie-0-6-Application-Launcher-Released-with-Many-New-Features-Video-478914.shtml
译者:[alim0x](https://github.com/alim0x) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
Translated by H-mudcup

@ -23,11 +22,11 @@ Translated by H-mudcup
Google Play和苹果应用商店充满了环境音和白噪声的应用。现在,在Ubuntu里有同样的应用了。
‘[Ambient Noise][1]‘ ‘[环境音][1]’——人如其名——是一个专门被设计成播放这种声音的音频播放器。他甚至可以同Ubuntu声音菜单整合到一起,给你‘选择,点击即放松’的体验。
‘[Ambient Noise (环境音)][1] ’——人如其名,这是一个专门被设计成播放这种声音的音频播放器。他甚至可以同Ubuntu声音菜单整合到一起,给你‘选择,点击即放松’的体验。
这个应用(又被称为‘ANoise播放器’,由Marcos Costales制作)带有**8个高品质声道**。
这个应用(又被称为‘ANoise播放器’,由Marcos Costales制作)带有**8个高品质音频**。
### 在Ubuntu上安装ANoise播放器 ###
@ -39,9 +38,9 @@ Google Play和苹果应用商店充满了环境音和白噪声的应用。现在
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install anoise
安装好以后只需从Unity Dash(或DE里等价的地方)里打开它,通过声音菜单选择你喜欢的环境音然后……放松吧!这个应用甚至记得你上次用的环境音。
安装好以后只需从Unity Dash(或桌面环境里类同的地方)里打开它,通过声音菜单选择你喜欢的环境音然后……放松吧!这个应用甚至记得你上次用的环境音。
Even so, give it a try out and see if it suits your needs. I would say let me know what you think, but I will be too focused to hear — and so might you!即便如此,你还是要试一试看它是否能满足你的需要。我要说的是让我直到你是怎么想的,但是我将会专心致志到听不到你的声音——你可能也会这样!
@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/04/ambient-noise-player-app-for-ubuntu-linu
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
EvilAP_Defender:可以警示和攻击 WIFI 热点陷阱的工具
这是一个新的开源工具,可以定期扫描一个区域,以防出现恶意 Wi-Fi 接入点,同时如果发现情况会提醒网络管理员。
这个工具叫做 EvilAP_Defender,是为监测攻击者所配置的恶意接入点而专门设计的,这些接入点冒用合法的名字诱导用户连接上。
这类接入点被称做假面猎手(evil twin),使得黑客们可以从所接入的设备上监听互联网信息流。这可以被用来窃取证书、钓鱼网站等等。
[EvilAP_Defender][1]是一个叫Mohamed Idris的人用Python语言编写,公布在GitHub上面。它可以使用一个计算机的无线网卡来发现流氓接入点,这些坏蛋们复制了一个真实接入点的SSID,BSSID,甚至是其他的参数如通道,密码,隐私协议和认证信息等等。
该工具还有一个保护模式,在这种模式下,应用会发起一个denial-of-service [DoS]攻击反抗恶意接入点,为管理员采取防卫措施赢得一些时间。
“DoS 将仅仅针对有着相同SSID的而BSSID(AP的MAC地址)不同或者不同信道的流氓 AP,”Idris在这款工具的文档中说道。“这是为了避免攻击到你的正常网络。”
via: http://www.infoworld.com/article/2905725/security0/this-tool-can-alert-you-about-evil-twin-access-points-in-the-area.html
作者:[Lucian Constantin][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
published/20150415 Strong SSL Security on nginx.md
Normal file
published/20150415 Strong SSL Security on nginx.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
增强 nginx 的 SSL 安全性
本文向你介绍如何在 nginx 服务器上设置健壮的 SSL 安全机制。我们通过禁用 SSL 压缩来降低 CRIME 攻击威胁;禁用协议上存在安全缺陷的 SSLv3 及更低版本,并设置更健壮的加密套件(cipher suite)来尽可能启用前向安全性(Forward Secrecy);此外,我们还启用了 HSTS 和 HPKP。这样我们就拥有了一个健壮而可经受考验的 SSL 配置,并可以在 Qually Labs 的 SSL 测试中得到 A 级评分。
如果不求甚解的话,可以从 [https://cipherli.st][2] 上找到 nginx 、Apache 和 Lighttpd 的安全设置,复制粘帖即可。
本教程在 Digital Ocean 的 VPS 上测试通过。如果你喜欢这篇教程,想要支持作者的站点的话,购买 Digital Ocean 的 VPS 时请使用如下链接:[https://www.digitalocean.com/?refcode=7435ae6b8212][3] 。
本教程可以通过[发布于 2014/1/21 的][4] SSL 实验室测试的严格要求(我之前就通过了测试,如果你按照本文操作就可以得到一个 A+ 评分)。
- [本教程也可用于 Apache ][5]
- [本教程也可用于 Lighttpd ][6]
- [本教程也可用于 FreeBSD, NetBSD 和 OpenBSD 上的 nginx ,放在 BSD Now 播客上][7]: [http://www.bsdnow.tv/tutorials/nginx][8]
- [野兽攻击(BEAST)][9]
- [罪恶攻击(CRIME)][10]
- [怪物攻击(FREAK )][11]
- [心血漏洞(Heartbleed)][12]
- [完备的前向安全性(Perfect Forward Secrecy)][13]
- [RC4 和 BEAST 的处理][14]
我们需要编辑 nginx 的配置,在 Ubuntu/Debian 上是 `/etc/nginx/sited-enabled/yoursite.com`,在 RHEL/CentOS 上是 `/etc/nginx/conf.d/nginx.conf`。
本文中,我们需要编辑443端口(SSL)的 `server` 配置中的部分。在文末你可以看到完整的配置例子。
### 野兽攻击(BEAST)和 RC4 ###
简单的说,野兽攻击(BEAST)就是通过篡改一个加密算法的 CBC(密码块链)的模式,从而可以对部分编码流量悄悄解码。更多信息参照上面的链接。
针对野兽攻击(BEAST),较新的浏览器已经启用了客户端缓解方案。推荐方案是禁用 TLS 1.0 的所有加密算法,仅允许 RC4 算法。然而,[针对 RC4 算法的攻击也越来越多](http://www.isg.rhul.ac.uk/tls/) ,很多已经从理论上逐步发展为实际可行的攻击方式。此外,有理由相信 NSA 已经实现了他们所谓的“大突破”——攻破 RC4 。
禁用 RC4 会有几个后果。其一,当用户使用老旧的浏览器时,比如 Windows XP 上的 IE 会用 3DES 来替代 RC4。3DES 要比 RC4 更安全,但是它的计算成本更高,你的服务器就需要为这些用户付出更多的处理成本。其二,RC4 算法能减轻 野兽攻击(BEAST)的危害,如果禁用 RC4 会导致 TLS 1.0 用户会换到更容易受攻击的 AES-CBC 算法上(通常服务器端的对野兽攻击(BEAST)的“修复方法”是让 RC4 优先于其它算法)。我认为 RC4 的风险要高于野兽攻击(BEAST)的风险。事实上,有了客户端缓解方案(Chrome 和 Firefox 提供了缓解方案),野兽攻击(BEAST)就不是什么大问题了。而 RC4 的风险却在增长:随着时间推移,对加密算法的破解会越来越多。
### 怪物攻击(FREAK) ###
怪物攻击(FREAK)是一种中间人攻击,它是由来自 [INRIA、微软研究院和 IMDEA][15] 的密码学家们所发现的。怪物攻击(FREAK)的缩写来自“Factoring RSA-EXPORT Keys(RSA 出口密钥因子分解)”
这造成了一些现在的 TLS 客户端存在一个缺陷,这些客户端包括: 苹果的 SecureTransport 、OpenSSL。这个缺陷会导致它们会接受出口降级 RSA 密钥,即便客户端并没有要求使用出口降级 RSA 密钥。这个缺陷带来的影响很讨厌:在客户端存在缺陷,且服务器支持出口降级 RSA 密钥时,会发生中间人攻击,从而导致连接的强度降低。
攻击分为两个组成部分:首先是服务器必须接受“出口降级 RSA 密钥”。
- 在客户端的 Hello 消息中,要求标准的 RSA 加密套件。
- 中间人攻击者修改该消息为‘export RSA’(输出级 RSA 密钥)。
- 服务器回应一个512位的输出级 RSA 密钥,并以其长期密钥签名。
- 由于 OpenSSL/SecureTransport 的缺陷,客户端会接受这个弱密钥。
- 攻击者根据 RSA 模数分解因子来恢复相应的 RSA 解密密钥。
- 当客户端编码‘pre-master secret’(预主密码)给服务器时,攻击者现在就可以解码它并恢复 TLS 的‘master secret’(主密码)。
- 从这里开始,攻击者就能看到了传输的明文并注入任何东西了。
本文所提供的加密套件不启用输出降级加密,请确认你的 OpenSSL 是最新的,也强烈建议你将客户端也升级到新的版本。
### 心血漏洞(Heartbleed) ###
心血漏洞(Heartbleed) 是一个于2014年4月公布的 OpenSSL 加密库的漏洞,它是一个被广泛使用的传输层安全(TLS)协议的实现。无论是服务器端还是客户端在 TLS 中使用了有缺陷的 OpenSSL,都可以被利用该缺陷。由于它是因 DTLS 心跳扩展(RFC 6520)中的输入验证不正确(缺少了边界检查)而导致的,所以该漏洞根据“心跳”而命名。这个漏洞是一种缓存区超读漏洞,它可以读取到本不应该读取的数据。
哪个版本的 OpenSSL 受到心血漏洞(Heartbleed)的影响?
- OpenSSL 1.0.1 直到 1.0.1f (包括)**存在**该缺陷
- OpenSSL 1.0.1g **没有**该缺陷
- OpenSSL 1.0.0 分支**没有**该缺陷
- OpenSSL 0.9.8 分支**没有**该缺陷
这个缺陷是2011年12月引入到 OpenSSL 中的,并随着 2012年3月14日 OpenSSL 发布的 1.0.1 而泛滥。2014年4月7日发布的 OpenSSL 1.0.1g 修复了该漏洞。
升级你的 OpenSSL 就可以避免该缺陷。
### SSL 压缩(罪恶攻击 CRIME) ###
罪恶攻击(CRIME)使用 SSL 压缩来完成它的魔法,SSL 压缩在下述版本是默认关闭的: nginx 1.1.6及更高/1.0.9及更高(如果使用了 OpenSSL 1.0.0及更高), nginx 1.3.2及更高/1.2.2及更高(如果使用较旧版本的 OpenSSL)。
如果你使用一个早期版本的 nginx 或 OpenSSL,而且你的发行版没有向后移植该选项,那么你需要重新编译没有一个 ZLIB 支持的 OpenSSL。这会禁止 OpenSSL 使用 DEFLATE 压缩方式。如果你禁用了这个,你仍然可以使用常规的 HTML DEFLATE 压缩。
### SSLv2 和 SSLv3 ###
SSLv2 是不安全的,所以我们需要禁用它。我们也禁用 SSLv3,因为 TLS 1.0 在遭受到降级攻击时,会允许攻击者强制连接使用 SSLv3,从而禁用了前向安全性(forward secrecy)。
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
SSLv3 会受到[卷毛狗漏洞(POODLE)][16]的攻击。这是禁用 SSLv3 的主要原因之一。
Google 提出了一个名为 [TLS\_FALLBACK\_SCSV][17] 的SSL/TLS 扩展,它用于防止强制 SSL 降级。如果你升级 到下述的 OpenSSL 版本会自动启用它。
- OpenSSL 1.0.1 带有 TLS\_FALLBACK\_SCSV 1.0.1j 及更高。
- OpenSSL 1.0.0 带有 TLS\_FALLBACK\_SCSV 1.0.0o 及更高。
- OpenSSL 0.9.8 带有 TLS\_FALLBACK\_SCSV 0.9.8zc 及更高。
[更多信息请参照 NGINX 文档][18]。
### 加密套件(cipher suite) ###
前向安全性(Forward Secrecy)用于在长期密钥被破解时确保会话密钥的完整性。PFS(完备的前向安全性)是指强制在每个/每次会话中推导新的密钥。
这就是说,泄露的私钥并不能用来解密(之前)记录下来的 SSL 通讯。
提供PFS(完备的前向安全性)功能的是那些使用了一种 Diffie-Hellman 密钥交换的短暂形式的加密套件。它们的缺点是系统开销较大,不过可以使用椭圆曲线的变体来改进。
以下两个加密套件是我推荐的,之后[Mozilla 基金会][19]也推荐了。
ssl_ciphers 'AES128+EECDH:AES128+EDH';
如果你的 OpenSSL 版本比较旧,不可用的加密算法会自动丢弃。应该一直使用上述的完整套件,让 OpenSSL 选择一个它所支持的。
较旧版本的 OpenSSL 也许不能支持这个算法的完整列表,AES-GCM 和一些 ECDHE 算法是相当新的,在 Ubuntu 和 RHEL 中所带的绝大多数 OpenSSL 版本中不支持。
#### 优先顺序的逻辑 ####
- ECDHE+AESGCM 加密是首选的。它们是 TLS 1.2 加密算法,现在还没有广泛支持。当前还没有对它们的已知攻击。
- PFS 加密套件好一些,首选 ECDHE,然后是 DHE。
- AES 128 要好于 AES 256。有一个关于 AES256 带来的安全提升程度是否值回成本的[讨论][20],结果是显而易见的。目前,AES128 要更值一些,因为它提供了不错的安全水准,确实很快,而且看起来对时序攻击更有抵抗力。
- 在向后兼容的加密套件里面,AES 要优于 3DES。在 TLS 1.1及其以上,减轻了针对 AES 的野兽攻击(BEAST)的威胁,而在 TLS 1.0上则难以实现该攻击。在非向后兼容的加密套件里面,不支持 3DES。
- RC4 整个不支持了。3DES 用于向后兼容。参看 [#RC4\_weaknesses][21] 中的讨论。
#### 强制丢弃的算法 ####
- aNULL 包含了非验证的 Diffie-Hellman 密钥交换,这会受到中间人(MITM)攻击
- eNULL 包含了无加密的算法(明文)
- EXPORT 是老旧的弱加密算法,是被美国法律标示为可出口的
- RC4 包含的加密算法使用了已弃用的 ARCFOUR 算法
- DES 包含的加密算法使用了弃用的数据加密标准(DES)
- SSLv2 包含了定义在旧版本 SSL 标准中的所有算法,现已弃用
- MD5 包含了使用已弃用的 MD5 作为哈希算法的所有算法
### 更多设置 ###
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;
在一个 SSLv3 或 TLSv1 握手过程中选择一个加密算法时,一般使用客户端的首选算法。如果设置了上述配置,则会替代地使用服务器端的首选算法。
- [关于 ssl\_prefer\_server\_ciphers 的更多信息][22]
- [关于 ssl\_ciphers 的更多信息][23]
### 前向安全性和 Diffie Hellman Ephemeral (DHE)参数 ###
前向安全性(Forward Secrecy)的概念很简单:客户端和服务器协商一个永不重用的密钥,并在会话结束时销毁它。服务器上的 RSA 私钥用于客户端和服务器之间的 Diffie-Hellman 密钥交换签名。从 Diffie-Hellman 握手中获取的预主密钥会用于之后的编码。因为预主密钥是特定于客户端和服务器之间建立的某个连接,并且只用在一个限定的时间内,所以称作短暂模式(Ephemeral)。
使用了前向安全性,如果一个攻击者取得了一个服务器的私钥,他是不能解码之前的通讯信息的。这个私钥仅用于 Diffie Hellman 握手签名,并不会泄露预主密钥。Diffie Hellman 算法会确保预主密钥绝不会离开客户端和服务器,而且不能被中间人攻击所拦截。
所有版本的 nginx(如1.4.4)都依赖于 OpenSSL 给 Diffie-Hellman (DH)的输入参数。不幸的是,这意味着 Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral(DHE)将使用 OpenSSL 的默认设置,包括一个用于密钥交换的1024位密钥。因为我们正在使用2048位证书,DHE 客户端就会使用一个要比非 DHE 客户端更弱的密钥交换。
我们需要生成一个更强壮的 DHE 参数:
cd /etc/ssl/certs
openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 4096
然后告诉 nginx 将其用作 DHE 密钥交换:
ssl_dhparam /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem;
### OCSP 装订(Stapling) ###
当连接到一个服务器时,客户端应该使用证书吊销列表(CRL)或在线证书状态协议(OCSP)记录来校验服务器证书的有效性。CRL 的问题是它已经增长的太大了,永远也下载不完了。
OCSP 更轻量级一些,因为我们每次只请求一条记录。但是副作用是当连接到一个服务器时必须对第三方 OCSP 响应器发起 OCSP 请求,这就增加了延迟和带来了潜在隐患。事实上,CA 所运营的 OCSP 响应器非常不可靠,浏览器如果不能及时收到答复,就会静默失败。攻击者通过 DoS 攻击一个 OCSP 响应器可以禁用其校验功能,这样就降低了安全性。
解决方法是允许服务器在 TLS 握手中发送缓存的 OCSP 记录,以绕开 OCSP 响应器。这个机制节省了客户端和 OCSP 响应器之间的通讯,称作 OCSP 装订。
客户端会在它的 CLIENT HELLO 中告知其支持 status\_request TLS 扩展,服务器仅在客户端请求它的时候才发送缓存的 OCSP 响应。
大多数服务器最多会缓存 OCSP 响应48小时。服务器会按照常规的间隔连接到 CA 的 OCSP 响应器来获取刷新的 OCSP 记录。OCSP 响应器的位置可以从签名的证书中的授权信息访问(Authority Information Access)字段中获得。
- [阅读我的教程:在 NGINX 中启用 OCSP 装订][24]
### HTTP 严格传输安全(HSTS) ###
如有可能,你应该启用 [HTTP 严格传输安全(HSTS)][25],它会引导浏览器和你的站点之间的通讯仅通过 HTTPS。
- [阅读我关于 HSTS 的文章,了解如何配置它][26]
### HTTP 公钥固定扩展(HPKP) ###
你也应该启用 [HTTP 公钥固定扩展(HPKP)][27]。
公钥固定的意思是一个证书链必须包括一个白名单中的公钥。它确保仅有白名单中的 CA 才能够为某个域名签署证书,而不是你的浏览器中存储的任何 CA。
我已经写了一篇[关于 HPKP 的背景理论及在 Apache、Lighttpd 和 NGINX 中配置例子的文章][28]。
### 配置范例 ###
server {
listen [::]:443 default_server;
ssl on;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/cert/raymii_org.pem;
ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/cert/ca-bundle.pem;
ssl_ciphers 'AES128+EECDH:AES128+EDH:!aNULL';
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;
ssl_stapling on;
ssl_stapling_verify on;
resolver valid=300s;
resolver_timeout 10s;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
ssl_dhparam /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem;
add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=63072000;
add_header X-Frame-Options DENY;
add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
root /var/www/;
index index.html index.htm;
server_name raymii.org;
### 结尾 ###
如果你使用了上述配置,你需要重启 nginx:
# 首先检查配置文件是否正确
/etc/init.d/nginx configtest
# 然后重启
/etc/init.d/nginx restart
现在使用 [SSL Labs 测试][29]来看看你是否能得到一个漂亮的“A”。当然了,你也得到了一个安全的、强壮的、经得起考验的 SSL 配置!
- [参考 Mozilla 关于这方面的内容][30]
via: https://raymii.org/s/tutorials/Strong_SSL_Security_On_nginx.html
作者:[Remy van Elst][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
Linux ‘sort’命令的14个有用的范例 -- 第一部分
Linux 的 ‘sort’命令的14个有用的范例(一)
###1. 首先我们将会创建一个用于执行‘sort’命令的文本文件(tecmint.txt)。工作路径是‘/home/$USER/Desktop/tecmint’。###
1、 首先我们将会创建一个用于执行‘sort’命令的文本文件(tecmint.txt)。工作路径是‘/home/$USER/Desktop/tecmint’。
$ echo -e "computer\nmouse\nLAPTOP\ndata\nRedHat\nlaptop\ndebian\nlaptop" > tecmint.txt

###2. 在开始学习‘sort’命令前,我们先看看文件的内容及其显示方式。###
2、 在开始学习‘sort’命令前,我们先看看文件的内容及其显示方式。
$ cat tecmint.txt

###3. 现在,使用如下命令对文件内容进行排序。###
3、 现在,使用如下命令对文件内容进行排序。
$ sort tecmint.txt
@ -26,30 +26,30 @@ Sort是用于对单个或多个文本文件内容进行排序的Linux程序。So
###4. 对文件‘tecmint.txt’文件内容排序,并将排序后的内容输出到名为sorted.txt的文件中,然后使用[cat][1]命令查看验证sorted.txt文件的内容。###
4、 对文件‘tecmint.txt’文件内容排序,并将排序后的内容输出到名为sorted.txt的文件中,然后使用[cat][1]命令查看验证sorted.txt文件的内容。
$ sort tecmint.txt > sorted.txt
$ cat sorted.txt

###5. 现在使用‘-r’参数对‘tecmint.txt’文件内容进行逆序排序,并将输出内容重定向到‘reversesorted.txt’文件中,并使用cat命令查看文件的内容。###
5、 现在使用‘-r’参数对‘tecmint.txt’文件内容进行逆序排序,并将输出内容重定向到‘reversesorted.txt’文件中,并使用cat命令查看文件的内容。
$ sort -r tecmint.txt > reversesorted.txt
$ cat reversesorted.txt

###6. 创建一个新文件(lsl.txt),文件内容为在home目录下执行‘ls -l’命令的输出。###
6、 创建一个新文件(lsl.txt),文件内容为在home目录下执行‘ls -l’命令的输出。
$ ls -l /home/$USER > /home/$USER/Desktop/tecmint/lsl.txt
$ cat lsl.txt

###7. 基于第二列(符号连接的数量)对文件‘lsl.txt’进行排序。###
7、 基于第二列(符号连接的数量)对文件‘lsl.txt’进行排序。
$ sort -nk2 lsl.txt
@ -57,19 +57,19 @@ Sort是用于对单个或多个文本文件内容进行排序的Linux程序。So

###8. 基于第9列(文件和目录的名称,非数值)对文件‘lsl.txt’进行排序。###
8、 基于第9列(文件和目录的名称,非数值)对文件‘lsl.txt’进行排序。
$ sort -k9 lsl.txt

###9. sort命令并非仅能对文件进行排序,我们还可以通过管道将命令的输出内容重定向到sort命令中。###
9、 sort命令并非仅能对文件进行排序,我们还可以通过管道将命令的输出内容重定向到sort命令中。
$ ls -l /home/$USER | sort -nk5

###10. 对文件tecmint.txt进行排序,并删除重复的行。然后检查重复的行是否已经删除了。###
10、 对文件tecmint.txt进行排序,并删除重复的行。然后检查重复的行是否已经删除了。
$ cat tecmint.txt
$ sort -u tecmint.txt
@ -78,23 +78,23 @@ Sort是用于对单个或多个文本文件内容进行排序的Linux程序。So
- 以数字开头的行优先级最高
- 以小写字母开头的行优先级次之
- 待排序内容按字典序进行排序
- 默认情况下,‘sort’命令将带排序内容的每行关键字当作一个字符串进行字典序排序(数字优先级最高,参看规则 - 1)
- 默认情况下,‘sort’命令将带排序内容的每行关键字当作一个字符串进行字典序排序(数字优先级最高,参看规则 1)
###11. 创建文件‘lsla.txt’,其内容用‘ls -la’命令的输出内容填充。###
11、 在当前位置创建第三个文件‘lsla.txt’,其内容用‘ls -lA’命令的输出内容填充。
$ ls -lA /home/$USER > /home/$USER/Desktop/tecmint/lsla.txt
$ cat lsla.txt

了解ls命令的读者都知道‘ls -la’=‘ls -l’ + 隐藏文件。因此这两个文件的大部分内容都是相同的。
了解ls命令的读者都知道‘ls -lA’ 等于 ‘ls -l’ + 隐藏文件,所以这两个文件的大部分内容都是相同的。
###12. 对上面两个文件内容进行排序输出。###
12、 对上面两个文件内容进行排序输出。
$ sort lsl.txt lsla.txt
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ Sort是用于对单个或多个文本文件内容进行排序的Linux程序。So
###13. 现在我们看看怎样对两个文件进行排序、合并,并且删除重复行。###
13、 现在我们看看怎样对两个文件进行排序、合并,并且删除重复行。
$ sort -u lsl.txt lsla.txt
@ -110,13 +110,13 @@ Sort是用于对单个或多个文本文件内容进行排序的Linux程序。So
###14. 我们同样可以基于多列对文件内容进行排序。基于第2,5(数值)和9(非数值)列对‘ls -l’命令的输出进行排序。###
14、 我们同样可以基于多列对文件内容进行排序。基于第2,5(数值)和9(非数值)列对‘ls -l’命令的输出进行排序。
$ ls -l /home/$USER | sort -t "," -nk2,5 -k9

@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ via: http://www.tecmint.com/sort-command-linux/
作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
Linux 'sort'命令的七个有趣实例-第二部分
Linux 的 'sort'命令的七个有趣实例(二)
在上一篇文章里,我们已经探讨了关于sort命令的多个例子,如果你错过了这篇文章,可以点击下面的链接进行阅读。今天的这篇文章作为上一篇文章的继续,将讨论关于sort命令的剩余用法,与上一篇一起作为Linux ‘sort’命令的完整指南。
- [14 ‘sort’ Command Examples in Linux][1]
在[上一篇文章][1]里,我们已经探讨了关于sort命令的多个例子,如果你错过了这篇文章,可以点击下面的链接进行阅读。今天的这篇文章作为上一篇文章的继续,将讨论关于sort命令的剩余用法,与上一篇一起作为Linux ‘sort’命令的完整指南。
- [Linux 的 ‘sort’命令的14个有用的范例(一)][1]
$ echo -e "mar\ndec\noct\nsep\nfeb\naug" > month.txt
@ -13,7 +12,7 @@ Linux 'sort'命令的七个有趣实例-第二部分

### 15. 通过使用’M‘选项,对’month.txt‘文件按照月份顺序进行排序。###
15、 通过使用’M‘选项,对’month.txt‘文件按照月份顺序进行排序。
$ sort -M month.txt
@ -21,14 +20,14 @@ Linux 'sort'命令的七个有趣实例-第二部分

### 16. 把数据整理成方便人们阅读的形式,比如1K、2M、3G、2T,这里面的K、G、M、T代表千、兆、吉、梯。
16、 把数据整理成方便人们阅读的形式,比如1K、2M、3G、2T,这里面的K、G、M、T代表千、兆、吉、梯。
(LCTT 译注:此处命令有误,ls 命令应该增加 -h 参数,径改之)
$ ls -l /home/$USER | sort -h -k5
$ ls -lh /home/$USER | sort -h -k5

### 17. 在上一篇文章中,我们在例子4中创建了一个名为‘sorted.txt’的文件,在例子6中创建了一个‘lsl.txt’。‘sorted.txt'已经排好序了而’lsl.txt‘还没有。让我们使用sort命令来检查两个文件是否已经排好序。###
17、 在上一篇文章中,我们在例子4中创建了一个名为‘sorted.txt’的文件,在例子6中创建了一个‘lsl.txt’。‘sorted.txt'已经排好序了而’lsl.txt‘还没有。让我们使用sort命令来检查两个文件是否已经排好序。
$ sort -c sorted.txt
@ -40,14 +39,14 @@ Linux 'sort'命令的七个有趣实例-第二部分

Reports Disorder. Conflict..
### 18. 如果文字之间的分隔符是空格,sort命令自动地将横向空格后的东西当做一个新文字单元,如果分隔符不是空格呢?###
18、 如果文字之间的分隔符是空格,sort命令自动地将空格后的东西当做一个新文字单元,如果分隔符不是空格呢?
$ echo -e "21+linux+server+production\n11+debian+RedHat+CentOS\n131+Apache+Mysql+PHP\n7+Shell Scripting+python+perl\n111+postfix+exim+sendmail" > delimiter.txt
@ -66,9 +65,9 @@ Reports Disorder. Conflict..

### 19. 对主用户目录下使用‘ls -l’命令得到的结果基于第五列——‘数据的大小’进行一个乱序排列。
19、 对主用户目录下使用‘ls -l’命令得到的结果基于第五列(‘文件大小’)进行一个乱序排列。
$ ls -l /home/avi/ | sort -k5 -R
@ -76,28 +75,30 @@ Reports Disorder. Conflict..
### 20. 如何覆盖默认的排序优先权?在这之前我们需要先将环境变量LC_ALL的值设置为C。在命令行提示栏中运行下面的代码。###
20、 如何覆盖默认的排序优先权?在这之前我们需要先将环境变量LC_ALL的值设置为C。在命令行提示栏中运行下面的代码。
$ export LC_ALL=C
$ sort tecmint.txt

不要忘记与example 3中得到的输出结果做比较,并且你可以使用‘-f’选项,又叫‘-ignore-case’来获取非常有序的输出。
不要忘记与example 3中得到的输出结果做比较,并且你可以使用‘-f’,又叫‘-ignore-case’(忽略大小写)的选项来获取更有序的输出。
$ sort -f tecmint.txt

### 21. 给两个输入文件进行‘sort‘,然后一口气把它们连接起来怎么样?###
21、 给两个输入文件进行‘sort‘,然后把它们连接成一行!
$ echo -e “5 Reliable\n2 Fast\n3 Secure\n1 open-source\n4 customizable” > file1.txt
$ cat file1.txt
@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ Reports Disorder. Conflict..

@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ via: http://www.tecmint.com/linux-sort-command-examples/
作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
SuperTuxKart 0.9 已发行 —— Linux 中最好的竞速类游戏变得更好了
SuperTuxKart 0.9 已发行 —— Linux 中最好的竞速类游戏越来越棒了!
**热门竞速类游戏 SuperTuxKart 的新版本已经[打包发行][1]登陆下载服务器**

Super Tux Kart 0.9 发行海报
*Super Tux Kart 0.9 发行海报*
SuperTuxKart 0.9 相较前一版本做了巨大的升级,内部运行着刚出炉的新引擎(有个炫酷的名字叫‘Antarctica(南极洲)’),目的是要呈现更加炫酷的图形环境,从阴影到场景的纵深,外加卡丁车更好的物理效果。
@ -14,14 +14,11 @@ SuperTuxKart 0.9 相较前一版本做了巨大的升级,内部运行着刚出
SuperTuxKart 0.9 中与图像的改善同样吸引人眼球的是一对**全新赛道**,新的卡丁车,新的在线账户可以记录和分享**全新推出的成就系统**里赢得的徽章,以及大量的改装和涂装的微调。
点击播放下面的官方发行视频,看看基于调色器的 STK 0.9 所散发的光辉吧。
注:youtube 视频
<iframe width="750" height="422" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0FEwDH7XU9Q?feature=oembed"></iframe>
点击播放下面的官方发行视频,看看基于调色器的 STK 0.9 所散发的光辉吧。(youtube 视频:https://www.youtube.com/0FEwDH7XU9Q )
Ubuntu 用户可以从项目网站上下载新发行版已编译的二进制文件。
- [Download SuperTuxKart 0.9][2]
- [下载 SuperTuxKart 0.9][2]
@ -29,7 +26,7 @@ via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/04/supertuxkart-0-9-released
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
在Ubuntu中安装Visual Studio Code

微软令人意外地[发布了Visual Studio Code][1],并支持主要的桌面平台,当然包括linux。如果你是一名需要在ubuntu工作的web开发人员,你可以**非常轻松的安装Visual Studio Code**。
我将要使用[Ubuntu Make][2]来安装Visual Studio Code。Ubuntu Make,就是以前的Ubuntu开发者工具中心,是一个命令行工具,帮助用户快速安装各种开发工具、语言和IDE。也可以使用Ubuntu Make轻松[安装Android Studio][3] 和其他IDE,如Eclipse。本文将展示**如何在Ubuntu中使用Ubuntu Make安装Visual Studio Code**。(译注:也可以直接去微软官网下载安装包)
### 安装微软Visual Studio Code ###
开始之前,首先需要安装Ubuntu Make。虽然Ubuntu Make存在Ubuntu15.04官方库中,**但是需要Ubuntu Make 0.7以上版本才能安装Visual Studio**。所以,需要通过官方PPA更新到最新的Ubuntu Make。此PPA支持Ubuntu 14.04, 14.10 和 15.04。
打开终端,使用下列命令,通过官方PPA来安装Ubuntu Make:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-make
安装Ubuntu Make完后,接着使用下列命令安装Visual Studio Code:
umake web visual-studio-code

在抛出一堆要求和条件后,它会询问你是否确认安装Visual Studio Code。输入‘a’来确定:

确定之后,安装程序会开始下载并安装。安装完成后,你可以发现Visual Studio Code 图标已经出现在了Unity启动器上。点击图标开始运行!下图是Ubuntu 15.04 Unity的截图:

### 卸载Visual Studio Code###
卸载Visual Studio Code,同样使用Ubuntu Make命令。如下:
umake web visual-studio-code --remove
如果你不打算使用Ubuntu Make,也可以通过微软官方下载安装文件。
- [下载Visual Studio Code Linux版][4]
怎样!是不是超级简单就可以安装Visual Studio Code,这都归功于Ubuntu Make。我希望这篇文章能帮助到你。如果您有任何问题或建议,欢迎给我留言。
via: http://itsfoss.com/install-visual-studio-code-ubuntu/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
### 突出特点 ###
**动态密码**:Vault可以随时为AWS、SQL数据库等类似的系统产生密码。比如,如果应用需要访问AWS S3 桶,它向Vault请求AWS密钥对,Vault将给出带有租期的所需秘密信息。一旦租用期过期,这个秘密信息就不再存储。
### 安装Vault ###
**1. 预编译的Vault二进制** 能用于所有的Linux发行版,下载地址如下,下载之后,解压并将它放在系统PATH路径下,以方便调用。
- [下载预编译的二进制 Vault (32-bit)][1]
- [下载预编译的二进制 Vault (64-bit)][2]
- [下载预编译的二进制 Vault (ARM)][3]



**2. 从源代码编译**是另一种在系统中安装Vault的方式。在安装Vault之前需要安装GO和GIT。
在 **Redhat系统中安装GO** 使用下面的指令:
sudo yum install go
在 **Debin系统中安装GO** 使用下面的指令:
sudo apt-get install golang
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gophers/go
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install golang-stable
在 **Redhat系统中安装GIT** 使用下面的命令:
sudo yum install git
在 **Debian系统中安装GIT** 使用下面的命令:
sudo apt-get install git
> 将下列的Vault仓库拷贝至GOPATH
> 测试下面的文件是否存在,如果它不存在,那么Vault没有被克隆到合适的路径。
> 执行下面的指令来编译Vault,并将二进制文件放到系统bin目录下。
make dev

### 一份Vault入门教程 ###
- 初始化并启封您的Vault
- 在Vault中对您的请求授权
- 读写秘密信息
- 密封您的Vault
#### **初始化您的Vault**
vault init -key-shares=1 -key-threshold=1

#### **启封您的Vault**
vault unseal <key 1>

vault auth <root token>

vault write secret/hello value=world
vault read secret/hello

vault seal

### 总结 ###
via: http://linoxide.com/how-tos/secure-secret-store-vault/
作者:[Aun Raza][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
监控 Linux 容器性能的命令行神器
### 功能 ###
- 收集CPU、内存和块输入输出的度量值
- 收集与拥有者、容器技术和任务统计相关的信息
- 通过任意栏对信息排序
- 以树状视图显示信息
- 折叠/展开cgroup树
- 选择并跟踪cgroup/容器
- 选择显示数据刷新的时间窗口
- 暂停刷新数据
- 检测基于systemd、Docker和LXC的容器
- 基于Docker和LXC的容器的高级特性
- 打开/连接shell以进行深度诊断
- 停止/杀死容器类型
### 安装 ###
**ctop**是由Python写成的,因此,除了需要Python 2.6或其更高版本外(带有内建的光标支持),别无其它外部依赖。推荐使用Python的pip进行安装,如果还没有安装pip,请先安装,然后使用pip安装ctop。
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
poornima@poornima-Lenovo:~$ sudo pip install ctop
[sudo] password for poornima:
Downloading/unpacking ctop
Downloading ctop-0.4.0.tar.gz
Running setup.py (path:/tmp/pip_build_root/ctop/setup.py) egg_info for package ctop
Installing collected packages: ctop
Running setup.py install for ctop
changing mode of build/scripts-2.7/ctop from 644 to 755
changing mode of /usr/local/bin/ctop to 755
Successfully installed ctop
Cleaning up...
poornima@poornima-Lenovo:~$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yadutaf/ctop/master/cgroup_top.py -O ctop
--2015-04-29 19:32:53-- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yadutaf/ctop/master/cgroup_top.py
Resolving raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)...
Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 27314 (27K) [text/plain]
Saving to: ctop
100%[======================================>] 27,314 --.-K/s in 0s
2015-04-29 19:32:59 (61.0 MB/s) - ctop saved [27314/27314]
poornima@poornima-Lenovo:~$ chmod +x ctop
poornima@poornima-Lenovo:~$ ./ctop
[ERROR] Failed to locate cgroup mountpoints.
poornima@poornima-Lenovo:~$ sudo apt-get install cgroup-bin

### 用法选项 ###
ctop [--tree] [--refresh=] [--columns=] [--sort-col=] [--follow=] [--fold=, ...] ctop (-h | --help)
**-h / --help - 显示帮助信息**
poornima@poornima-Lenovo:~$ ctop -h
Usage: ctop [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--tree show tree view by default
--refresh=REFRESH Refresh display every <seconds>
--follow=FOLLOW Follow cgroup path
--columns=COLUMNS List of optional columns to display. Always includes
--sort-col=SORT_COL Select column to sort by initially. Can be changed
**--tree - 显示容器的树形视图**
**--fold=<name> - 在树形视图中折叠名为 \<name> 的 cgroup 路径**
该选项需要与 --tree 选项组合使用。
例子: ctop --tree --fold=/user.slice

*'ctop --fold'的输出*
**--follow= - 跟踪/高亮 cgroup 路径**
例子: ctop --follow=/user.slice/user-1000.slice

*'ctop --follow'的输出*
**--refresh= - 按指定频率刷新显示,默认1秒**
**--columns=<columns> - 限定只显示选定的列。'name' 需要是第一个字段,其后跟着其它字段。默认情况下,字段包括:owner, processes,memory, cpu-sys, cpu-user, blkio, cpu-time**
例子: ctop --columns=name,owner,type,memory

*'ctop --column'的输出*
**-sort-col=<sort-col> - 按指定的列排序。默认使用 cpu-user 排序**
例子: ctop --sort-col=blkio
press 'a' - 接驳到终端输出
press 'e' - 打开容器中的一个 shell
press 's' - 停止容器 (SIGTERM)
press 'k' - 杀死容器 (SIGKILL)
目前 Jean-Tiare Le Bigot 还在积极开发 [ctop][1] 中,希望我们能在该工具中见到像本地 top 命令一样的特性 :-)
via: http://linoxide.com/how-tos/monitor-linux-containers-performance/
作者:[B N Poornima][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,55 +1,59 @@
安装完最小化 RHEL/CentOS 7 后需要做的 30 件事情--4
安装完最小化 RHEL/CentOS 7 后需要做的 30 件事情(四)
### 17. 安装 Webmin ###
Webmin 是基于 Web 的 Linux 配置工具。它像一个中央系统用于配置各种系统设置,比如用户、磁盘分配、服务以及 HTTP 服务器、Apache、MySQL 等的配置。
Webmin 是基于 Web 的 Linux 配置工具。它像一个中央系统,用于配置各种系统设置,比如用户、磁盘分配、服务以及 HTTP 服务器、Apache、MySQL 等的配置。
# wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin-1.740-1.noarch.rpm
# rpm -ivh webmin-*.rpm

安装 Webmin
安装完 webmin 后,你会在终端上得到一个用你的 root 密码在 端口 10000 登录你的主机(http://ip-address:10000)的信息。 如果运行的是无头服务器(译注:无头服务器是指没有专门用于向其它计算机和它们的用户提供服务的本地接口的计算设备)你可以转发端口然后从有头机器/服务器上访问它。
*安装 Webmin*
安装完 webmin 后,你会在终端上得到一个消息,提示你用 root 密码在端口 10000 登录你的主机 (http://ip-address:10000)。 如果运行的是无接口的服务器你可以转发端口然后从有接口的服务器上访问它。(LCTT 译注:无接口[headless]服务器指没有访问接口或界面的服务器,在此次场景,指的是是出于内网的服务器,可采用外网/路由器映射来访问该端口)
### 18. 启用第三方库 ###
为企业版 Linux(EPEL)库添加额外的软件包。
为企业版 Linux(EPEL)库添加额外的软件包。
# yum install epel-release
添加社区企业版 Linux 库
添加社区企业版 Linux (Community Enterprise Linux)库:
# rpm -Uvh http://www.elrepo.org/elrepo-release-7.0-2.el7.elrepo.noarch.rpm

安装 Epel 库
**注意**! 添加第三方库的时候尤其需要注意。
*安装 Epel 库*
**注意!** 添加第三方库的时候尤其需要注意。
### 19. 安装 7-zip 工具 ###
在最小化安装 CentOS 时你并没有获得类似 unzip 或者 untar 的工具。我们可以选择基于需要安装每个工具或者一个能处理所有格式的工具。7-zip 就是一个能压缩和解压所有已知类型文件的工具。
在最小化安装 CentOS 时你并没有获得类似 unzip 或者 untar 的工具。我们可以选择根据需要来安装每个工具,或一个能处理所有格式的工具。7-zip 就是一个能压缩和解压所有已知类型文件的工具。
# yum install p7zip

安装 7zip 工具
*安装 7zip 工具*
**注意**: 该软件包从 Fedora EPEL 7 的库中下载和安装。
### 20. 安装 NTFS-3G 驱动 ###
NTFS-3G,一个很小但非常有用的 NTFS 驱动在大部分类 UNIX 发行版上都可用。它对于挂载和访问 Windows NTFS 文件系统很有用。尽管也有其它可用的替代品,比如 Tuxera,但 NTFS-3G 是使用最广泛的。
NTFS-3G,一个很小但非常有用的 NTFS 驱动,在大部分类 UNIX 发行版上都可用。它对于挂载和访问 Windows NTFS 文件系统很有用。尽管也有其它可用的替代品,比如 Tuxera,但 NTFS-3G 是使用最广泛的。
# yum install ntfs-3g

安装 NTFS-3G 用于挂载 Windows 分区
ntfs-3g 安装完成之后,你可以使用以下命令挂载 Windows NTFS 分区(我的 Windows 分区是 /dev/sda5)。
*安装 NTFS-3G 用于挂载 Windows 分区*
ntfs-3g 安装完成之后,你可以使用以下命令挂载 Windows NTFS 分区(我的 Windows 分区是 /dev/sda5)。
# mount -ro ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /mnt
# cd /mnt
@ -62,25 +66,26 @@ VSFTPD 表示 Very Secure File Transfer Protocol Daemon,是用于类 UNIX 系
# yum install vsftpd

安装 Vsftpd FTP
*安装 Vsftpd FTP*
编辑配置文件 ‘/etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf’ 用于保护 vsftpd。
# vi /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
你也可以更改端口号并使 vsftpd 端口通过防火墙。
你也可以更改端口号,记得让 vsftpd 端口通过防火墙。
# firewall-cmd --add-port=21/tcp
# firewall-cmd --reload
下一步重启 vsftpd 并启用随机启动。
下一步重启 vsftpd 并启用开机自动启动。
# systemctl restart vsftpd
# systemctl enable vsftpd
@ -91,32 +96,33 @@ sudo 通常被称为 super do 或者 suitable user do,是一个类 UNIX 操作
# visudo
打开要编辑的文件 /etc/sudoers
这会打开 /etc/sudoers 并进行编辑

sudoers 文件
给一个已经创建的用户(比如 tecmint)赋予所有权限(等同于 root)。
*sudoers 文件*
tecmint ALL=(ALL) ALL
1. 给一个已经创建好的用户(比如 tecmint)赋予所有权限(等同于 root)。
给一个已经创建的用户(比如 tecmint)赋予除重启和关闭服务器以外的所有权限(等同于 root)。
tecmint ALL=(ALL) ALL
2. 如果给一个已经创建好的用户(比如 tecmint)赋予除了重启和关闭服务器以外的所有权限(等同于 root)。
cmnd_Alias nopermit = /sbin/shutdown, /sbin/reboot
用 逻辑操作符(!) 添加别名。
cmnd_Alias nopermit = /sbin/shutdown, /sbin/reboot
tecmint ALL=(ALL) ALL,!nopermit
准许一个组(比如 debian) 运行一些 root 权限命令,比如(增加或删除用户)。
tecmint ALL=(ALL) ALL,!nopermit
cmnd_Alias permit = /usr/sbin/useradd, /usr/sbin/userdel
3. 如果准许一个组(比如 debian)运行一些 root 权限命令,比如(增加或删除用户)。
给组 debian 增加权限。
cmnd_Alias permit = /usr/sbin/useradd, /usr/sbin/userdel
debian ALL=(ALL) permit
然后,给组 debian 增加权限。
debian ALL=(ALL) permit
### 23. 安装并启用 SELinux ###
@ -125,24 +131,28 @@ SELinux 表示 Security-Enhanced Linux,是内核级别的安全模块。
# yum install selinux-policy

安装 SElinux 策略
查看 SELinux 模式。
*安装 SElinux 策略*
查看 SELinux 当前模式。
# getenforce

查看 SELinux 模式
*查看 SELinux 模式*
输出是 Enforcing,意味着 SELinux 策略已经生效。
为了调试,可以临时设置 selinux 模式为允许。不需要重启。
如果需要调试,可以临时设置 selinux 模式为允许。不需要重启。
# setenforce 0
调试完了之后再次设置 selinux 为强制模式,无需重启。
# setenforce 1
(LCTT 译注:在生产环境中,SELinux 固然会提升安全,但是也确实会给应用部署和运行带来不少麻烦。具体是否部署,需要根据情况而定。)
### 24. 安装 Rootkit Hunter ###
@ -151,17 +161,21 @@ Rootkit Hunter,简写为 RKhunter,是在 Linux 系统中扫描 rootkits 和
# yum install rkhunter

安装 Rootkit Hunter
*安装 Rootkit Hunter*
在 Linux 中,从脚本文件以计划作业的形式运行 rkhunter 或者手动扫描有害攻击。
# rkhunter --check

扫描 rootkits
*扫描 rootkits*

RootKit 扫描结果
*RootKit 扫描结果*
@ -169,7 +183,7 @@ via: http://www.tecmint.com/things-to-do-after-minimal-rhel-centos-7-installatio
作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
安装完最小化 RHEL/CentOS 7 后需要做的 30 件事情--5
安装完最小化 RHEL/CentOS 7 后需要做的 30 件事情(五)
### 25. 安装 Linux Malware Detect (LMD) ###
Linux Malware Detect (LMD) 是 GNU GPLv2 协议下发布的开源 Linux 恶意程序扫描器,尤其是为面临威胁的主机环境。LMD 完整的安装、配置以及使用方法可以查看:
Linux Malware Detect (LMD) 是 GNU GPLv2 协议下发布的开源 Linux 恶意程序扫描器,它是特别为面临威胁的主机环境所设计的。LMD 完整的安装、配置以及使用方法可以查看:
- [安装 LMD 并和 ClamAV 一起使用作为反病毒引擎][1]
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ Linux Malware Detect (LMD) 是 GNU GPLv2 协议下发布的开源 Linux 恶意
speedtest-cli 是用 python 写的用于测试网络下载和上传带宽的工具。关于 speedtest-cli 工具的完整安装和使用请阅读我们的文章[用命令行查看 Linux 服务器带宽][2]
### 27. 配置 Cron 作业 ###
### 27. 配置 Cron 任务 ###
这是最广泛使用的软件工具之一。它是一个作业调度器,比如,现在安排一个以后可以自动运行的作业。它对于日志、保存没有实现的记录以及其它日常工作,比如常规备份,非常有用。所有的调度都写在文件 /etc/crontab 中。
这是最广泛使用的软件工具之一。它是一个任务调度器,比如,现在安排一个以后可以自动运行的作业。它用于未处理记录的日志和维护,以及其它日常工作,比如常规备份。所有的调度都写在文件 /etc/crontab 中。
crontab 文件包含下面的 6 个域:
@ -20,18 +20,19 @@ crontab 文件包含下面的 6 个域:
(0-59) (0-23) (1-31) (1/jan-12/dec) (0-6/sun-sat) Command/script

Crontab 域
在每天 04:30 运行一个 cron 作业(比如运行 /home/$USER/script.sh)。
*Crontab 域*
要在每天 04:30 运行一个 cron 任务(比如运行 /home/$USER/script.sh)。
分 时 日期 月份 星期 命令
30 4 * * * speedtest-cli
把下面的条目增加到 crontab 文件 ‘/etc/crontab/’。
就把下面的条目增加到 crontab 文件 ‘/etc/crontab/’。
30 4 * * * /home/$user/script.sh
把上面一行增加到 crontab 之后,它会在每天的 04:30 am 自动运行,输出取决于脚本文件的内容。另外脚本也可以用命令代替。关于更多 cron 作业的例子,可以阅读[Linux 上的 11 个 Cron 作业例子][3]
把上面一行增加到 crontab 之后,它会在每天的 04:30 am 自动运行,输出取决于脚本文件的内容。另外脚本也可以用命令代替。关于更多 cron 任务的例子,可以阅读[Linux 上的 11 个 Cron 任务例子][3]
### 28. 安装 Owncloud ###
@ -41,12 +42,13 @@ Owncloud 是一个基于 HTTP 的数据同步、文件共享和远程文件存
我们的最小化 CentOS 服务器是一个无头服务器(译注:无头服务器是指没有专门用于向其它计算机和它们的用户提供服务的本地接口的计算设备)。我们通过安装下面的软件包为它承载可通过 HTTP 访问的虚拟机器做准备。
我们的最小化 CentOS 服务器是一个无用户界面服务器(LCTT 译注:无用户界面[headless]服务器指没有监视器和鼠标键盘等外设的服务器)。我们通过安装下面的软件包,让它可以托管虚拟机,虚拟机可通过 HTTP 访问。
# yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' SDL kernel-devel kernel-headers dkms

更改工作目录到 ‘/etc/yum.repos.d/’ 并下载 VirtualBox 库。
@ -66,10 +68,12 @@ Owncloud 是一个基于 HTTP 的数据同步、文件共享和远程文件存
# VBoxManage extpack install Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.3.12-93733.vbox-extpack

安装 VirtualBox 扩展包
*安装 VirtualBox 扩展包*

正在安装 VirtualBox 扩展包
*正在安装 VirtualBox 扩展包*
添加用户 ‘vbox’ 用于管理 VirtualBox 并把它添加到组 vboxusers 中。
@ -81,11 +85,11 @@ Owncloud 是一个基于 HTTP 的数据同步、文件共享和远程文件存
# yum install httpd
安装 PHP (有 soap 扩展)。
安装 PHP (支持 soap 扩展)。
# yum install php php-devel php-common php-soap php-gd
下载 PHP virtualBox.
下载 phpVirtualBox(一个 PHP 写的开源的 VirtualBox 用户界面)。
# wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpvirtualbox/files/phpvirtualbox-4.3-1.zip
@ -107,15 +111,17 @@ Owncloud 是一个基于 HTTP 的数据同步、文件共享和远程文件存
# service vbox-service restart
# service httpd restart

登录 PHP Virtualbox
*登录 PHP Virtualbox*

PHP Virtualbox 面板
*PHP Virtualbox 面板*
@ -123,12 +129,12 @@ via: http://www.tecmint.com/things-to-do-after-minimal-rhel-centos-7-installatio
作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,26 +1,27 @@
安装完最小化 RHEL/CentOS 7 后需要做的 30 件事情--6
安装完最小化 RHEL/CentOS 7 后需要做的 30 件事情(六)
### 30. 用密码保护 GRUB ###
用密码保护你的 boot 引导程序这样你就可以在启动时获得额外水平的安全保障。同时你也可以在物理水平获得保护层。通过在引导时给 GRUB 加锁防止任何无授权访问来保护你的服务器。
用密码保护你的 boot 引导程序这样你就可以在启动时获得额外的安全保障。同时你也可以在实物层面获得保护。通过在引导时给 GRUB 加锁防止任何无授权访问来保护你的服务器。
首先备份两个文件,这样如果有任何错误出现,你可以有回滚的选择。备份 ‘/etc/grub2/grub.cfg’ 为 ‘/etc/grub2/grub.cfg.old’。
# cp /boot/grub2/grub.cfg /boot/grub2/grub.cfg.old
同样,备份 ‘/etc/grub.d/10_linux’ 为 ‘/etc/grub.d/10_linux.old’。(这里10_linux下划线不知道怎么弄,请校对的时候注意改正,thx)
同样,备份 ‘/etc/grub.d/10\_linux’ 为 ‘/etc/grub.d/10\_linux.old’。
# cp /etc/grub.d/10_linux /etc/grub.d/10_linux.old
打开文件 ‘/etc/grub.d/10_linux’ 并在文件末尾添加下面一行。
打开文件 ‘/etc/grub.d/10\_linux’ 并在文件末尾添加下列行。
cat <<EOF
set superusers=”tecmint”
set superusers="tecmint"
Password tecmint avi@123

密码保护 Grub
*密码保护 Grub*
注意在上面的文件中,用你自己的用户名和密码代替 “tecmint” 和 “avi@123”。
@ -29,51 +30,56 @@
# grub2-mkconfig --output=/boot/grub2/grub.cfg

生成 Grub 文件
创建 grub.cfg 文件之后,重启机器并敲击 ‘e’ 进入编辑。你会发现它会要求你输入 ‘valid credentials’ 来编辑 boot 菜单。
*生成 Grub 文件*
创建 grub.cfg 文件之后,重启机器并敲击 ‘e’ 进入编辑。你会发现它会要求你输入 “有效验证” 来编辑 boot 菜单。

有密码保护的 Boot 菜单
*有密码保护的 Boot 菜单*
输入登录验证之后,你就可以编辑 grub boot 菜单。

Grub 菜单文件
*Grub 菜单文件*
# grub2-mkpasswd-pbkdf2

生成加密的 Grub 密码
打开 ‘/etc/grub.d/10_linux’ 文件并在文件末尾添加下面一行。
*生成加密的 Grub 密码*
打开 ‘/etc/grub.d/10_linux’ 文件并在文件末尾添加下列行。
cat <<EOF
set superusers=”tecmint”
Password_pbkdf2 tecmint

加密 Grub 密码
*加密 Grub 密码*
同样注意在这种情况下你也需要像上面那样生成 grub.cfg。重启并敲击 ‘e’ 进入编辑,会提示你输入用户名和密码。
我们已经介绍了大部分工业标准发行版 RHEL 7 和 CentOS 7 安装后必要的操作。如果你发现我们缺少了一些点或者你有新的东西可以扩充这篇博文,你可以和我们一起分享,我们会通过扩充在这篇文章中包括你的分享。
我们已经介绍了大部分工业标准发行版 RHEL 7 和 CentOS 7 安装后必要的操作。如果你发现我们缺少了一些点或者你有新的东西可以扩充这篇文章,你可以和我们一起分享,我们会通过扩充在这篇文章中包括你的分享。
via: http://www.tecmint.com/things-to-do-after-minimal-rhel-centos-7-installation/6/
作者:[vishek Kumar][a]
作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
在 RedHat/CentOS 7.x 中使用 cmcli 命令管理网络
在 RedHat/CentOS 7.x 中使用 nmcli 命令管理网络
[**Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7** 与 **CentOS 7**][1] 中默认的网络服务由 **NetworkManager** 提供,这是动态控制及配置网络的守护进程,它用于保持当前网络设备及连接处于工作状态,同时也支持传统的 ifcfg 类型的配置文件。
NetworkManager 可以用于以下类型的连接:
Ethernet,VLANS,Bridges,Bonds,Teams,Wi-Fi,mobile boradband(如移动3G)以及 IP-over-InfiniBand。针对与这些网络类型,NetworkManager 可以配置他们的网络别名,IP 地址,静态路由,DNS,VPN连接以及很多其它的特殊参数。
NetworkManager 可以用于以下类型的连接:Ethernet,VLANS,Bridges,Bonds,Teams,Wi-Fi,mobile boradband(如移动3G)以及 IP-over-InfiniBand。针对与这些网络类型,NetworkManager 可以配置他们的网络别名,IP 地址,静态路由,DNS,VPN连接以及很多其它的特殊参数。
可以用命令行工具 nmcli 来控制 NetworkManager。
@ -24,19 +24,21 @@ Ethernet,VLANS,Bridges,Bonds,Teams,Wi-Fi,mobile boradband(如移
# nmcli connection show -a
# nmcli connection show -a
# nmcli device status
列出通过 NetworkManager 验证的设备列表及他们的状态。
列出 NetworkManager 识别出的设备列表及他们的状态。

### 启动/停止 网络接口###
使用 nmcli 工具启动或停止网络接口,与 ifconfig 的 up/down 是一样的。使用下列命令停止某个接口:
使用 nmcli 工具启动或停止网络接口,与 ifconfig 的 up/down 是一样的。
# nmcli device disconnect eno16777736
@ -50,7 +52,7 @@ Ethernet,VLANS,Bridges,Bonds,Teams,Wi-Fi,mobile boradband(如移
# nmcli connection add type ethernet con-name NAME_OF_CONNECTION ifname interface-name ip4 IP_ADDRESS gw4 GW_ADDRESS
根据你需要的配置更改 NAME_OF_CONNECTION,IP_ADDRESS, GW_ADDRESS参数(如果不需要网关的话可以省略最后一部分)。
根据你需要的配置更改 NAME\_OF\_CONNECTION,IP\_ADDRESS, GW\_ADDRESS参数(如果不需要网关的话可以省略最后一部分)。
# nmcli connection add type ethernet con-name NEW ifname eno16777736 ip4 gw4
@ -68,9 +70,11 @@ Ethernet,VLANS,Bridges,Bonds,Teams,Wi-Fi,mobile boradband(如移

###增加一个使用 DHCP 的新连接
增加新的连接,使用DHCP自动分配IP地址,网关,DNS等,你要做的就是将命令行后 ip/gw 地址部分去掉就行了,DHCP会自动分配这些参数。
例,在 eno 16777736 设备上配置一个 名为 NEW_DHCP 的 DHCP 连接
例,在 eno 16777736 设备上配置一个 名为 NEW\_DHCP 的 DHCP 连接
# nmcli connection add type ethernet con-name NEW_DHCP ifname eno16777736
@ -79,8 +83,8 @@ Ethernet,VLANS,Bridges,Bonds,Teams,Wi-Fi,mobile boradband(如移
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/nmcli-tool-red-hat-centos-7/
作者:[Adrian Dinu][a]
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Ubuntu Devs Propose Stateless Persistent Network Interface Names for Ubuntu and Debian
*Networks are detected in an unpredictable and unstable order*
**Martin Pitt, a renown Ubuntu and Debian developer, came with the proposal of enabling stateless persistent network interface names in the upcoming versions of the Ubuntu Linux and Debian GNU/Linux operating systems.**
According to Mr. Pitt, it appears that the problem lies in the automatic detection of network interfaces within the Linux kernel. As such, network interfaces are detected in an unstable and unpredictable order. However, it order to connect to a certain network interface in ifupdown or networkd users will need to identify it first using a stable name.
"The general schema for this is to have an udev rule which does some matches to identify a particular interface, and assings a NAME="foo" to it," says Martin Pitt in an email to the Ubuntu mailinglist. "Interfaces with an explicit NAME= get called just like this, and others just get a kernel driver default, usually ethN, wlanN, or sometimes others (some wifi drivers have their own naming schemas)."
**Sever solutions appeared over the years: mac, biosdevname, and ifnames**
Apparently, several solutions are available for this problem, including an installation of an udev rule in /lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules that creates a MAC address at first boot and writes it to /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, which is currently used by default in Ubuntu and applies to most hardware components.
Other solutions include biosdevname, a package that reads port or index numbers, and slot names from the BIOS and writes them to /lib/udev/rules.d/71-biosdevname.rules, and ifnames, a persistent name generator that automatically checks the BIOS and/or firmware for index numbers or slot names, similar to biosdevname.
However, the difference between ifnames and biosdevname is that the latter falls back to slot names, such as PCI numbers, and then to the MAC address and writes to /lib/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules. All of these solutions can be combined, and Martin Pitt proposes to replace the first solution that is now used by default with the ifnames one.
If a new solution is implemented, a lot of networking issues will be resolved in Ubuntu, especially the cloud version. In addition, it will provide for stable network interface names for all new Ubuntu installations, and resolve many other problems related to system-image, etc.
via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-Devs-Propose-Stateless-Persistent-Network-Interface-Names-for-Ubuntu-and-Debian-480730.shtml
作者:[Marius Nestor][a]
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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Compact Text Editors Great for Remote Editing and Much More
A text editor is software used for editing plain text files. This type of software has many different uses including modifying configuration files, writing programming language source code, jotting down thoughts, or even making a grocery list. Given that editors can be used for such a diverse range of activities, it is worth spending the time finding an editor that best suites your preferences.
@ -216,4 +217,4 @@ via: http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20141011073917230/TextEditors.html
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
KevinSJ translating
10 Truly Amusing Easter Eggs in Linux

@ -151,4 +152,4 @@ via: http://www.linux.com/news/software/applications/820944-10-truly-amusing-lin
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
Synfig Studio 1.0 — Open Source Animation Gets Serious

**A brand new version of the free, open-source 2D animation software Synfig Studio is now available to download. **
The first release of the cross-platform software in well over a year, Synfig Studio 1.0 builds on its claim of offering “industrial-strength solution for creating film-quality animation” with a suite of new and improved features.
Among them is an improved user interface that the project developers say is ‘easier’ and ‘more intuitive’ to use. The client adds a new **single-window mode** for tidy working and has been **reworked to use the latest GTK3 libraries**.
On the features front there are several notable changes, including the addition of a fully-featured bone system.
This **joint-and-pivot ‘skeleton’ framework** is well suited to 2D cut-out animation and should prove super efficient when coupled with the complex deformations new to this release, or used with Synfig’s popular ‘automatic interpolated keyframes’ (read: frame-to-frame morphing).
<iframe width="750" height="422" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/M8zW1qCq8ng?feature=oembed"></iframe>
New non-destructive cutout tools, friction effects and initial support for full frame-by-frame bitmap animation, may help unlock the creativity of open-source animators, as might the addition of a sound layer for syncing the animation timeline with a soundtrack!
### Download Synfig Studio 1.0 ###
Synfig Studio is not a tool suited for everyone, though the latest batch of improvements in this latest release should help persuade some animators to give the free animation software a try.
If you want to find out what open-source animation software is like for yourself, you can grab an installer for Ubuntu for the latest release direct from the project’s Sourceforge page using the links below.
- [Download Synfig 1.0 (64bit) .deb Installer][1]
- [Download Synfig 1.0 (32bit) .deb Installer][2]
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/04/synfig-studio-new-release-features
作者:[oey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
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Open Source History: Why Did Linux Succeed?
> Why did Linux, the Unix-like operating system kernel started by Linus Torvalds in 1991 that became central to the open source world, succeed where so many similar projects, including GNU HURD and the BSDs, fail?

One of the most puzzling questions about the history of free and open source is this: Why did Linux succeed so spectacularly, whereas similar attempts to build a free or open source, Unix-like operating system kernel met with considerably less success? I don't know the answer to that question. But I have rounded up some theories, which I'd like to lay out here.
First, though, let me make clear what I mean when I write that Linux was a great success. I am defining it in opposition primarily to the variety of other Unix-like operating system kernels, some of them open and some not, that proliferated around the time Linux was born. [GNU][1] HURD, the free-as-in-freedom kernel whose development began in [May 1991][2], is one of them. Others include Unices that most people today have never heard of, such as various derivatives of the Unix variant developed at the University of California at Berkeley, BSD; Xenix, Microsoft's take on Unix; academic Unix clones including Minix; and the original Unix developed under the auspices of AT&T, which was vitally important in academic and commercial computing circles during earlier decades, but virtually disappeared from the scene by the 1990s.
#### Related ####
- [Open Source History: Tracing the Origins of Hacker Culture and the Hacker Ethic][3]
- [Unix and Personal Computers: Reinterpreting the Origins of Linux][4]
I'd also like to make clear that I'm writing here about kernels, not complete operating systems. To a great extent, the Linux kernel owes its success to the GNU project as a whole, which produced the crucial tools, including compilers, a debugger and a BASH shell implementation, that are necessary to build a Unix-like operating system. But GNU developers never created a viable version of the the HURD kernel (although they are [still trying][5]). Instead, Linux ended up as the kernel that glued the rest of the GNU pieces together, even though that had never been in the GNU plans.
So it's worth asking why Linux, a kernel launched by Linus Torvalds, an obscure programmer in Finland, in 1991—the same year as HURD—endured and thrived within a niche where so many other Unix-like kernels, many of which enjoyed strong commercial backing and association with the leading Unix hackers of the day, failed to take off. To that end, here are a few theories pertaining to that question that I've come across as I've researched the history of the free and open source software worlds, along with the respective strengths and weaknesses of these various explanations.
### Linux Adopted a Decentralized Development Approach ###
This is the argument that comes out of Eric S. Raymond's essay, "[The Cathedral and the Bazaar][6]," and related works, which make the case that software develops best when a large number of contributors collaborate continuously within a relatively decentralized organizational structure. That was generally true of Linux, in contrast to, for instance, GNU HURD, which took a more centrally directed approach to code development—and, as a result, "had been evidently failing" to build a complete operating system for a decade, in Raymond's view.
To an extent, this explanation makes sense, but it has some significant flaws. For one, Torvalds arguably assumed a more authoritative role in directing Linux code development—deciding which contributions to include and reject—than Raymond and others have wanted to recognize. For another, this reasoning does not explain why GNU succeeded in producing so much software besides a working kernel. If only decentralized development works well in the free/open source software world, then all of GNU's programming efforts should have been a bust—which they most certainly were not.
### Linux is Pragmatic; GNU is Ideological ###
Personally, I find this explanation—which supposes that Linux grew so rapidly because its founder was a pragmatist who initially wrote the kernel just to be able to run a tailored Unix OS on his computer at home, not as part of a crusade to change the world through free software, as the GNU project aimed to do—the most compelling.
Still, it has some weaknesses that make it less than completely satisfying. In particular, while Torvalds himself adopted pragmatic principles, not all members of the community that coalesced around his project, then or today, have done the same. Yet, Linux has succeeded all the same.
Moreover, if pragmatism was the key to Linux's endurance, then why, again, was GNU successful in building so many other tools besides a kernel? If having strong political beliefs about software prevents you from pursuing successful projects, GNU should have been an outright failure, not an endeavor that produced a number of software packages that remain foundational to the IT world today.
Last but not least, many of the other Unix variants of the late 1980s and early 1990s, especially several BSD off-shoots, were the products of pragmatism. Their developers aimed to build Unix variants that could be more freely shared than those restricted by expensive commercial licenses, but they were not deeply ideological about programming or sharing code. Neither was Torvalds, and it is therefore difficult to explain Linux's success, and the failure of other Unix projects, in terms of ideological zeal.
### Operating System Design ###
There are technical differences between Linux and some other Unix variants that are important to keep in mind when considering the success of Linux. Richard Stallman, the founder of the GNU project, pointed to these in explaining, in an email to me, why HURD development had lagged: "It is true that the GNU Hurd is not a practical success. Part of the reason is that its basic design made it somewhat of a research project. (I chose that design thinking it was a shortcut to get a working kernel in a hurry.)"
Linux is also different from other Unix variants in the sense that Torvalds wrote all of the Linux code himself. Having a Unix of his own, free of other people's code, was one of his stated intentions when he [first announced Linux][7] in August 1991. This characteristic sets Linux apart from most of the other Unix variants that existed at that time, which derived their code bases from either AT&T Unix or Berkeley's BSD.
I'm not a computer scientist, so I'm not qualified to decide whether the Linux code was simply superior to that of the other Unices, explaining why Linux succeeded. But that's an argument someone might make—although it does not account for the disparity in culture and personnel between Linux and other Unix kernels, which, to me, seem more important than code in understanding Linux's success.
### The "Community" Put Its Support Behind Linux ###
Stallman also wrote that "mainly the reason" for Linux's success was that "Torvalds made Linux free software, and since then more of the community's effort has gone into Linux than into the Hurd." That's not exactly a complete explanation for Linux's trajectory, since it does not account for why the community of free software developers followed Torvalds instead of HURD or another Unix. But it nonetheless highlights this shift as a large part of how Linux prevailed.
A fuller account of the free software community's decision to endorse Linux would have to explain why developers did so even though, at first, Linux was a very obscure project—much more so, by any measure, than some of the other attempts at the time to create a freer Unix, such as NET BSD and 386/BSD—as well as one whose affinity with the goals of the free software movement was not at first clear. Originally, Torvalds released Linux under a license that simply prevented its commercial use. It was considerably later that he switched to the GNU General Public License, which protects the openness of source code.
So, those are the explanations I've found for Linux's success as an open source operating system kernel—a success which, to be sure, has been measured in some respects (desktop Linux never became what its proponents hoped, for instance). But Linux has also become foundational to the computing world in ways that no other Unix-like OS has. Maybe Apple OS X and iOS, which derive from BSD, come close, but they don't play such a central role as Linux in powering the Internet, among other things.
Have other ideas on why Linux became what it did, or why its counterparts in the Unix world have now almost all sunk into obscurity? (I know: BSD variants still have a following today, and some commercial Unices remain important enough for [Red Hat][8] (RHT) to be [courting their users][9]. But none of these Unix holdouts have conquered everything from Web servers to smartphones in the way Linux has.) I'd be delighted to hear them.
via: http://thevarguy.com/open-source-application-software-companies/050415/open-source-history-why-did-linux-succeed
作者:[hristopher Tozzi][a]
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@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
alim0x translating
The history of Android
### Voice Actions—a supercomputer in your pocket ###
In August 2010, a new feature “[Voice Actions][1]" launched in the Android Market as part of the Voice Search app. Voice Actions allowed users to issue voice commands to their phone, and Android would try to interpret them and do something smart. Something like "Navigate to [address]" would fire up Google Maps and start turn-by-turn navigation to your stated destination. You could also send texts or e-mails, make a call, open a Website, get directions, or view a location on a map—all just by speaking.
<iframe width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/gGbYVvU0Z5s?start=0&wmode=transparent" type="text/html" style="display:block"></iframe>
Voice Actions was the culmination of a new app design philosophy for Google. Voice Actions was the most advanced voice control software for its time, and the secret was that Google wasn’t doing any computing on the device. In general, voice recognition was very CPU intensive. In fact, many voice recognition programs still have a “speed versus accuracy" setting, where users can choose how long they are willing to wait for the voice recognition algorithms to work—more CPU power means better accuracy.
Google’s innovation was not bothering to do the voice recognition computing on the phone’s limited processor. When a command was spoken, the user’s voice was packaged up and shipped out over the Internet to Google’s cloud servers. There, Google’s farm of supercomputers pored over the message, interpreted it, and shipped it back to the phone. It was a long journey, but the Internet was finally fast enough to accomplish something like this in a second or two.
Many people throw the phrase “cloud computing" around to mean “anything that is stored on a server," but this was actual cloud computing. Google was doing hardcore compute operations in the cloud, and because it is throwing a ridiculous amount of CPU power at the problem, the only limit to the voice recognition accuracy is the algorithms themselves. The software didn't need to be individually “trained" by each user, because everyone who used Voice Actions was training it all the time. Using the power of the Internet, Android put a supercomputer in your pocket, and, compared to existing solutions, moving the voice recognition workload from a pocket-sized computer to a room-sized computer greatly increased accuracy.
Voice recognition had been a project of Google’s for some time, and it all started with an 800 number. [1-800-GOOG-411][1] was a free phone information service that Google launched in April 2007. It worked just like 411 information services had for years—users could call the number and ask for a phone book lookup—but Google offered it for free. No humans were involved in the lookup process, the 411 service was powered by voice recognition and a text-to-speech engine. Voice Actions was only possible after three years of the public teaching Google how to hear.
Voice recognition was a great example of Google’s extremely long-term thinking—the company wasn't afraid to invest in a project that wouldn’t become a commercial product for several years. Today, voice recognition powers products all across Google. It’s used for voice input in the Google Search app, Android’s voice typing, and on Google.com. It’s also the primary input interface for Google Glass and [Android Wear][2].
The company even uses it beyond input. Google's voice recognition technology is used to transcribe YouTube videos, which powers automatic closed captioning for the hearing impaired. The transcription is even indexed by Google, so you can search for words that were said in the video. Voice is the future of many products, and this long-term planning has led Google to be one of the few major tech companies with an in-house voice recognition service. Most other voice recognition products, like Apple’s Siri and Samsung devices, are forced to use—and pay a license fee for—voice recognition from Nuance.
With the computer hearing system up and running, Google is applying this strategy to computer vision next. That's why things like Google Goggles, Google Image Search, and [Project Tango][3] exist. Just like the days of GOOG-411, these projects are in the early stages. When [Google's robot division][4] gets off the ground with a real robot, it will need to see and hear, and Google's computer vision and hearing projects will likely give the company a head start.

The Nexus S, the first Nexus phone made by Samsung.
### Android 2.3 Gingerbread—the first major UI overhaul ###
Gingerbread was released in December 2010, a whopping seven months after the release of 2.2. The wait was worth it, though, as Android 2.3 changed just about every screen in the OS. It was the first major overhaul since the initial formation of Android in version 0.9. 2.3 would kick off a series of continual revamps in an attempt to turn Android from an ugly duckling into something that was capable of holding its own—aesthetically—against the iPhone.
And speaking of Apple, six months earlier, the company released the iPhone 4 and iOS 4, which added multitasking and Facetime video chat. Microsoft was finally back in the game, too. The company jumped into the modern smartphone era with the launch of Windows Phone 7 in November 2010.
Android 2.3 focused a lot on the interface design, but with no direction or design documents, many apps ended up getting a new bespoke theme. Some apps went with a flatter, darker theme, some used a gradient-filled, bubbly dark theme, and others went with a high-contrast white and green look. While it wasn't cohesive, Gingerbread accomplished the goal of modernizing nearly every part of the OS. It was a good thing, too, because the next phone version of Android wouldn’t arrive until nearly a year later.
Gingerbread’s launch device was the Nexus S, Google’s second flagship device and the first Nexus manufactured by Samsung. While today we are used to new CPU models every year, back then that wasn't the case. The Nexus S had a 1GHz Cortex A8 processor, just like the Nexus One. The GPU was slightly faster, and that was it in the speed department. It was a little bigger than the Nexus One, with a 4-inch, 800×480 AMOLED display.
Spec wise, the Nexus S might seem like a tame upgrade, but it was actually home to a lot of firsts for Android. The Nexus S was Google’s first flagship to shun a MicroSD slot, shipping with 16GB on-board memory. The Nexus One had only 512MB of storage, but it had a MicroSD slot. Removing the SD slot simplified storage management for users—there was just one pool now—but hurt expandability for power users. It was also Google's first phone to have NFC, a special chip in the back of the phone that could transfer information when touched to another NFC chip. For now, the Nexus S could only read NFC tags—it couldn't send data.
Thanks to some upgrades in Gingerbread, the Nexus S was one of the first Android phones to ship without a hardware D-Pad or trackball. The Nexus S was now down to just the power, volume, and the four navigation buttons. The Nexus S was also a precursor to the [crazy curved-screen phones][6] of today, as Samsung outfitted the Nexus S with a piece of slightly curved glass.

Gingerbread changed the status bar and wallpaper, and it added a bunch of new icons.
Photo by Ron Amadeo
An upgraded "Nexus" live wallpaper was released as an exclusive addition to the Nexus S. It was basically the same idea as the Nexus One version, with its animated streaks of light. On the Nexus S, the "grid" design was removed and replaced with a wavy blue/gray background. The dock at the bottom was given square corners and colored icons.

The new notification panel and menu.
Photo by Ron Amadeo
The status bar was finally overhauled from the version that first debuted in 0.9. The bar was changed from a white gradient to flat black, and all the icons were redrawn in gray and green. Just about everything looked crisper and more modern thanks to the sharp-angled icon design and higher resolution. The strangest decisions were probably the removal of the time period from the status bar clock and the confusing shade of gray that was used for the signal bars. Despite gray being used for many status bar icons, and there being four gray bars in the above screenshot, Android was actually indicating no cellular signal. Green bars would indicate a signal, gray bars indicated “empty" signal slots.
The green status bar icons in Gingerbread also doubled as a status indicator of network connectivity. If you had a working connection to Google's servers, the icons would be green, if there was no connection to Google, the icons turned white. This let you easily identify the connectivity status of your connection while you were out and about.
The notification panel was changed from the aging Android 1.5 design. Again, we saw a UI piece that changed from a light theme to a dark theme, getting a dark gray header, black background, and black-on-gray text.
The menu was darkened too, changing from a white background to a black one with a slight transparency. The contrast between the menu icons and the background wasn’t as strong as it should be, because the gray icons are the same color as they were on the white background. Requiring a color change would mean every developer would have to make new icons, so Google went with the preexisting gray color on black. This was a change at the system level, so this new menu would show up in every app.

[Ron Amadeo][a] / Ron is the Reviews Editor at Ars Technica, where he specializes in Android OS and Google products. He is always on the hunt for a new gadget and loves to rip things apart to see how they work.
via: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/06/building-android-a-40000-word-history-of-googles-mobile-os/14/
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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
alim0x translating
The history of Android

@ -83,4 +85,4 @@ via: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/06/building-android-a-40000-word-histor
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@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
translating by wwy-hust
Web Caching Basics: Terminology, HTTP Headers, and Caching Strategies
### Introduction
Intelligent content caching is one of the most effective ways to improve
the experience for your site's visitors. Caching, or temporarily storing
content from previous requests, is part of the core content delivery
strategy implemented within the HTTP protocol. Components throughout the
delivery path can all cache items to speed up subsequent requests,
subject to the caching policies declared for the content.
In this guide, we will discuss some of the basic concepts of web content
caching. This will mainly cover how to select caching policies to ensure
that caches throughout the internet can correctly process your content.
We will talk about the benefits that caching affords, the side effects
to be aware of, and the different strategies to employ to provide the
best mixture of performance and flexibility.
What Is Caching?
Caching is the term for storing reusable responses in order to make
subsequent requests faster. There are many different types of caching
available, each of which has its own characteristics. Application caches
and memory caches are both popular for their ability to speed up certain
Web caching, the focus of this guide, is a different type of cache. Web
caching is a core design feature of the HTTP protocol meant to minimize
network traffic while improving the perceived responsiveness of the
system as a whole. Caches are found at every level of a content's
journey from the original server to the browser.
Web caching works by caching the HTTP responses for requests according
to certain rules. Subsequent requests for cached content can then be
fulfilled from a cache closer to the user instead of sending the request
all the way back to the web server.
Effective caching aids both content consumers and content providers.
Some of the benefits that caching brings to content delivery are:
- **Decreased network costs**: Content can be cached at various points
in the network path between the content consumer and content origin.
When the content is cached closer to the consumer, requests will not
cause much additional network activity beyond the cache.
- **Improved responsiveness**: Caching enables content to be retrieved
faster because an entire network round trip is not necessary. Caches
maintained close to the user, like the browser cache, can make this
retrieval nearly instantaneous.
- **Increased performance on the same hardware**: For the server where
the content originated, more performance can be squeezed from the
same hardware by allowing aggressive caching. The content owner can
leverage the powerful servers along the delivery path to take the
brunt of certain content loads.
- **Availability of content during network interruptions**: With
certain policies, caching can be used to serve content to end users
even when it may be unavailable for short periods of time from the
origin servers.
When dealing with caching, there are a few terms that you are likely to
come across that might be unfamiliar. Some of the more common ones are
- **Origin server**: The origin server is the original location of the
content. If you are acting as the web server administrator, this is
the machine that you control. It is responsible for serving any
content that could not be retrieved from a cache along the request
route and for setting the caching policy for all content.
- **Cache hit ratio**: A cache's effectiveness is measured in terms of
its cache hit ratio or hit rate. This is a ratio of the requests
able to be retrieved from a cache to the total requests made. A high
cache hit ratio means that a high percentage of the content was able
to be retrieved from the cache. This is usually the desired outcome
for most administrators.
- **Freshness**: Freshness is a term used to describe whether an item
within a cache is still considered a candidate to serve to a client.
Content in a cache will only be used to respond if it is within the
freshness time frame specified by the caching policy.
- **Stale content**: Items in the cache expire according to the cache
freshness settings in the caching policy. Expired content is
"stale". In general, expired content cannot be used to respond to
client requests. The origin server must be re-contacted to retrieve
the new content or at least verify that the cached content is still
- **Validation**: Stale items in the cache can be validated in order
to refresh their expiration time. Validation involves checking in
with the origin server to see if the cached content still represents
the most recent version of item.
- **Invalidation**: Invalidation is the process of removing content
from the cache before its specified expiration date. This is
necessary if the item has been changed on the origin server and
having an outdated item in cache would cause significant issues for
the client.
There are plenty of other caching terms, but the ones above should help
you get started.
What Can be Cached?
Certain content lends itself more readily to caching than others. Some
very cache-friendly content for most sites are:
- Logos and brand images
- Non-rotating images in general (navigation icons, for example)
- Style sheets
- General Javascript files
- Downloadable Content
- Media Files
These tend to change infrequently, so they can benefit from being cached
for longer periods of time.
Some items that you have to be careful in caching are:
- HTML pages
- Rotating images
- Frequently modified Javascript and CSS
- Content requested with authentication cookies
Some items that should almost never be cached are:
- Assets related to sensitive data (banking info, etc.)
- Content that is user-specific and frequently changed
In addition to the above general rules, it's possible to specify
policies that allow you to cache different types of content
appropriately. For instance, if authenticated users all see the same
view of your site, it may be possible to cache that view anywhere. If
authenticated users see a user-sensitive view of the site that will be
valid for some time, you may tell the user's browser to cache, but tell
any intermediary caches not to store the view.
Locations Where Web Content Is Cached
Content can be cached at many different points throughout the delivery
- **Browser cache**: Web browsers themselves maintain a small cache.
Typically, the browser sets a policy that dictates the most
important items to cache. This may be user-specific content or
content deemed expensive to download and likely to be requested
- **Intermediary caching proxies**: Any server in between the client
and your infrastructure can cache certain content as desired. These
caches may be maintained by ISPs or other independent parties.
- **Reverse Cache**: Your server infrastructure can implement its own
cache for backend services. This way, content can be served from the
point-of-contact instead of hitting backend servers on each request.
Each of these locations can and often do cache items according to their
own caching policies and the policies set at the content origin.
Caching Headers
Caching policy is dependent upon two different factors. The caching
entity itself gets to decide whether or not to cache acceptable content.
It can decide to cache less than it is allowed to cache, but never more.
The majority of caching behavior is determined by the caching policy,
which is set by the content owner. These policies are mainly articulated
through the use of specific HTTP headers.
Through various iterations of the HTTP protocol, a few different
cache-focused headers have arisen with varying levels of sophistication.
The ones you probably still need to pay attention to are below:
- **`Expires`**: The `Expires` header is very straight-forward,
although fairly limited in scope. Basically, it sets a time in the
future when the content will expire. At this point, any requests for
the same content will have to go back to the origin server. This
header is probably best used only as a fall back.
- **`Cache-Control`**: This is the more modern replacement for the
`Expires` header. It is well supported and implements a much more
flexible design. In almost all cases, this is preferable to
`Expires`, but it may not hurt to set both values. We will discuss
the specifics of the options you can set with `Cache-Control` a bit
- **`Etag`**: The `Etag` header is used with cache validation. The
origin can provide a unique `Etag` for an item when it initially
serves the content. When a cache needs to validate the content it
has on-hand upon expiration, it can send back the `Etag` it has for
the content. The origin will either tell the cache that the content
is the same, or send the updated content (with the new `Etag`).
- **`Last-Modified`**: This header specifies the last time that the
item was modified. This may be used as part of the validation
strategy to ensure fresh content.
- **`Content-Length`**: While not specifically involved in caching,
the `Content-Length` header is important to set when defining
caching policies. Certain software will refuse to cache content if
it does not know in advanced the size of the content it will need to
reserve space for.
- **`Vary`**: A cache typically uses the requested host and the path
to the resource as the key with which to store the cache item. The
`Vary` header can be used to tell caches to pay attention to an
additional header when deciding whether a request is for the same
item. This is most commonly used to tell caches to key by the
`Accept-Encoding` header as well, so that the cache will know to
differentiate between compressed and uncompressed content.
### An Aside about the Vary Header
The `Vary` header provides you with the ability to store different
versions of the same content at the expense of diluting the entries in
the cache.
In the case of `Accept-Encoding`, setting the `Vary` header allows for a
critical distinction to take place between compressed and uncompressed
content. This is needed to correctly serve these items to browsers that
cannot handle compressed content and is necessary in order to provide
basic usability. One characteristic that tells you that
`Accept-Encoding` may be a good candidate for `Vary` is that it only has
two or three possible values.
Items like `User-Agent` might at first glance seem to be a good way to
differentiate between mobile and desktop browsers to serve different
versions of your site. However, since `User-Agent` strings are
non-standard, the result will likely be many versions of the same
content on intermediary caches, with a very low cache hit ratio. The
`Vary` header should be used sparingly, especially if you do not have
the ability to normalize the requests in intermediate caches that you
control (which may be possible, for instance, if you leverage a content
delivery network).
How Cache-Control Flags Impact Caching
Above, we mentioned how the `Cache-Control` header is used for modern
cache policy specification. A number of different policy instructions
can be set using this header, with multiple instructions being separated
by commas.
Some of the `Cache-Control` options you can use to dictate your
content's caching policy are:
- **`no-cache`**: This instruction specifies that any cached content
must be re-validated on each request before being served to a
client. This, in effect, marks the content as stale immediately, but
allows it to use revalidation techniques to avoid re-downloading the
entire item again.
- **`no-store`**: This instruction indicates that the content cannot
be cached in any way. This is appropriate to set if the response
represents sensitive data.
- **`public`**: This marks the content as public, which means that it
can be cached by the browser and any intermediate caches. For
requests that utilized HTTP authentication, responses are marked
`private` by default. This header overrides that setting.
- **`private`**: This marks the content as `private`. Private content
may be stored by the user's browser, but must *not* be cached by any
intermediate parties. This is often used for user-specific data.
- **`max-age`**: This setting configures the maximum age that the
content may be cached before it must revalidate or re-download the
content from the origin server. In essence, this replaces the
`Expires` header for modern browsing and is the basis for
determining a piece of content's freshness. This option takes its
value in seconds with a maximum valid freshness time of one year
(31536000 seconds).
- **`s-maxage`**: This is very similar to the `max-age` setting, in
that it indicates the amount of time that the content can be cached.
The difference is that this option is applied only to intermediary
caches. Combining this with the above allows for more flexible
policy construction.
- **`must-revalidate`**: This indicates that the freshness information
indicated by `max-age`, `s-maxage` or the `Expires` header must be
obeyed strictly. Stale content cannot be served under any
circumstance. This prevents cached content from being used in case
of network interruptions and similar scenarios.
- **`proxy-revalidate`**: This operates the same as the above setting,
but only applies to intermediary proxies. In this case, the user's
browser can potentially be used to serve stale content in the event
of a network interruption, but intermediate caches cannot be used
for this purpose.
- **`no-transform`**: This option tells caches that they are not
allowed to modify the received content for performance reasons under
any circumstances. This means, for instance, that the cache is not
able to send compressed versions of content it did not receive from
the origin server compressed and is not allowed.
These can be combined in different ways to achieve various caching
behavior. Some mutually exclusive values are:
- `no-cache`, `no-store`, and the regular caching behavior indicated
by absence of either
- `public` and `private`
The `no-store` option supersedes the `no-cache` if both are present. For
responses to unauthenticated requests, `public` is implied. For
responses to authenticated requests, `private` is implied. These can be
overridden by including the opposite option in the `Cache-Control`
Developing a Caching Strategy
In a perfect world, everything could be cached aggressively and your
servers would only be contacted to validate content occasionally. This
doesn't often happen in practice though, so you should try to set some
sane caching policies that aim to balance between implementing long-term
caching and responding to the demands of a changing site.
### Common Issues
There are many situations where caching cannot or should not be
implemented due to how the content is produced (dynamically generated
per user) or the nature of the content (sensitive banking information,
for example). Another problem that many administrators face when setting
up caching is the situation where older versions of your content are out
in the wild, not yet stale, even though new versions have been
These are both frequently encountered issues that can have serious
impacts on cache performance and the accuracy of content you are
serving. However, we can mitigate these issues by developing caching
policies that anticipate these problems.
### General Recommendations
While your situation will dictate the caching strategy you use, the
following recommendations can help guide you towards some reasonable
There are certain steps that you can take to increase your cache hit
ratio before worrying about the specific headers you use. Some ideas
- **Establish specific directories for images, css, and shared
content**: Placing content into dedicated directories will allow you
to easily refer to them from any page on your site.
- **Use the same URL to refer to the same items**: Since caches key
off of both the host and the path to the content requested, ensure
that you refer to your content in the same way on all of your pages.
The previous recommendation makes this significantly easier.
- **Use CSS image sprites where possible**: CSS image sprites for
items like icons and navigation decrease the number of round trips
needed to render your site and allow your site to cache that single
sprite for a long time.
- **Host scripts and external resources locally where possible**: If
you utilize javascript scripts and other external resources,
consider hosting those resources on your own servers if the correct
headers are not being provided upstream. Note that you will have to
be aware of any updates made to the resource upstream so that you
can update your local copy.
- **Fingerprint cache items**: For static content like CSS and
Javascript files, it may be appropriate to fingerprint each item.
This means adding a unique identifier to the filename (often a hash
of the file) so that if the resource is modified, the new resource
name can be requested, causing the requests to correctly bypass the
cache. There are a variety of tools that can assist in creating
fingerprints and modifying the references to them within HTML
In terms of selecting the correct headers for different items, the
following can serve as a general reference:
- **Allow all caches to store generic assets**: Static content and
content that is not user-specific can and should be cached at all
points in the delivery chain. This will allow intermediary caches to
respond with the content for multiple users.
- **Allow browsers to cache user-specific assets**: For per-user
content, it is often acceptable and useful to allow caching within
the user's browser. While this content would not be appropriate to
cache on any intermediary caching proxies, caching in the browser
will allow for instant retrieval for users during subsequent visits.
- **Make exceptions for essential time-sensitive content**: If you
have content that is time-sensitive, make an exception to the above
rules so that the out-dated content is not served in critical
situations. For instance, if your site has a shopping cart, it
should reflect the items in the cart immediately. Depending on the
nature of the content, the `no-cache` or `no-store` options can be
set in the `Cache-Control` header to achieve this.
- **Always provide validators**: Validators allow stale content to be
refreshed without having to download the entire resource again.
Setting the `Etag` and the `Last-Modified` headers allow caches to
validate their content and re-serve it if it has not been modified
at the origin, further reducing load.
- **Set long freshness times for supporting content**: In order to
leverage caching effectively, elements that are requested as
supporting content to fulfill a request should often have a long
freshness setting. This is generally appropriate for items like
images and CSS that are pulled in to render the HTML page requested
by the user. Setting extended freshness times, combined with
fingerprinting, allows caches to store these resources for long
periods of time. If the assets change, the modified fingerprint will
invalidate the cached item and will trigger a download of the new
content. Until then, the supporting items can be cached far into the
- **Set short freshness times for parent content**: In order to make
the above scheme work, the containing item must have relatively
short freshness times or may not be cached at all. This is typically
the HTML page that calls in the other assisting content. The HTML
itself will be downloaded frequently, allowing it to respond to
changes rapidly. The supporting content can then be cached
The key is to strike a balance that favors aggressive caching where
possible while leaving opportunities to invalidate entries in the future
when changes are made. Your site will likely have a combination of:
- Aggressively cached items
- Cached items with a short freshness time and the ability to
- Items that should not be cached at all
The goal is to move content into the first categories when possible
while maintaining an acceptable level of accuracy.
Taking the time to ensure that your site has proper caching policies in
place can have a significant impact on your site. Caching allows you to
cut down on the bandwidth costs associated with serving the same content
repeatedly. Your server will also be able to handle a greater amount of
traffic with the same hardware. Perhaps most importantly, clients will
have a faster experience on your site, which may lead them to return
more frequently. While effective web caching is not a silver bullet,
setting up appropriate caching policies can give you measurable gains
with minimal work.
作者: [Justin Ellingwood](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/users/jellingwood)
via: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/web-caching-basics-terminology-http-headers-and-caching-strategies
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
Interface (NICs) Bonding in Linux using nmcli
Today, we'll learn how to perform Interface (NICs) bonding in our CentOS 7.x using nmcli (Network Manager Command Line Interface).
NICs (Interfaces) bonding is a method for linking **NICs** together logically to allow fail-over or higher throughput. One of the ways to increase the network availability of a server is by using multiple network interfaces. The Linux bonding driver provides a method for aggregating multiple network interfaces into a single logical bonded interface. It is a new implementation that does not affect the older bonding driver in linux kernel; it offers an alternate implementation.
**NIC bonding is done to provide two main benefits for us:**
1. **High bandwidth**
1. **Redundancy/resilience**
Now lets configure NICs bonding in CentOS 7. We'll need to decide which interfaces that we would like to configure a Team interface.
run **ip link** command to check the available interface in the system.
$ ip link

Here we are using **eno16777736** and **eno33554960** NICs to create a team interface in **activebackup** mode.
Use **nmcli** command to create a connection for the network team interface,with the following syntax.
# nmcli con add type team con-name CNAME ifname INAME [config JSON]
Where **CNAME** will be the name used to refer the connection ,**INAME** will be the interface name and **JSON** (JavaScript Object Notation) specifies the runner to be used.**JSON** has the following syntax:
where **METHOD** is one of the following: **broadcast, activebackup, roundrobin, loadbalance** or **lacp**.
### 1. Creating Team Interface ###
Now let us create the team interface. here is the command we used to create the team interface.
# nmcli con add type team con-name team0 ifname team0 config '{"runner":{"name":"activebackup"}}'

run **# nmcli con show** command to verify the team configuration.
# nmcli con show

### 2. Adding Slave Devices ###
Now lets add the slave devices to the master team0. here is the syntax for adding the slave devices.
# nmcli con add type team-slave con-name CNAME ifname INAME master TEAM
Here we are adding **eno16777736** and **eno33554960** as slave devices for **team0** interface.
# nmcli con add type team-slave con-name team0-port1 ifname eno16777736 master team0
# nmcli con add type team-slave con-name team0-port2 ifname eno33554960 master team0

Verify the connection configuration using **#nmcli con show** again. now we could see the slave configuration.
#nmcli con show

### 3. Assigning IP Address ###
All the above command will create the required configuration files under **/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/**.
Lets assign an IP address to this team0 interface and enable the connection now. Here is the command to perform the IP assignment.
# nmcli con mod team0 ipv4.addresses ""
# nmcli con mod team0 ipv4.method manual
# nmcli con up team0

### 4. Verifying the Bonding ###
Verify the IP address information in **#ip add show team0** command.
#ip add show team0

Now lets check the **activebackup** configuration functionality using the **teamdctl** command.
# teamdctl team0 state

Now lets disconnect the active port and check the state again. to confirm whether the active backup configuration is working as expected.
# nmcli dev dis eno33554960

disconnected the active port and now check the state again using **#teamdctl team0 state**.
# teamdctl team0 state

Yes its working cool !! we will connect the disconnected connection back to team0 using the following command.
#nmcli dev con eno33554960

We have one more command called **teamnl** let us show some options with **teamnl** command.
to check the ports in team0 run the following command.
# teamnl team0 ports

Display currently active port of **team0**.
# teamnl team0 getoption activeport

Hurray, we have successfully configured NICs bonding :-) Please share feedback if any.
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/interface-nics-bonding-linux/
作者:[Arun Pyasi][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
What are useful command-line network monitors on Linux
Network monitoring is a critical IT function for businesses of all sizes. The goal of network monitoring can vary. For example, the monitoring activity can be part of long-term network provisioning, security protection, performance troubleshooting, network usage accounting, and so on. Depending on its goal, network monitoring is done in many different ways, such as performing packet-level sniffing, collecting flow-level statistics, actively injecting probes into the network, parsing server logs, etc.
While there are many dedicated network monitoring systems capable of 24/7/365 monitoring, you can also leverage command-line network monitors in certain situations, where a dedicated monitor is an overkill. If you are a system admin, you are expected to have hands-on experience with some of well known CLI network monitors. Here is a list of **popular and useful command-line network monitors on Linux**.
### Packet-Level Sniffing ###
In this category, monitoring tools capture individual packets on the wire, dissect their content, and display decoded packet content or packet-level statistics. These tools conduct network monitoring from the lowest level, and as such, can possibly do the most fine-grained monitoring at the cost of network I/O and analysis efforts.
1. **dhcpdump**: a comman-line DHCP traffic sniffer capturing DHCP request/response traffic, and displays dissected DHCP protocol messages in a human-friendly format. It is useful when you are troubleshooting DHCP related issues.
2. **[dsniff][1]**: a collection of command-line based sniffing, spoofing and hijacking tools designed for network auditing and penetration testing. They can sniff various information such as passwords, NSF traffic, email messages, website URLs, and so on.
3. **[httpry][2]**: an HTTP packet sniffer which captures and decode HTTP requests and response packets, and display them in a human-readable format.
4. **IPTraf**: a console-based network statistics viewer. It displays packet-level, connection-level, interface-level, protocol-level packet/byte counters in real-time. Packet capturing can be controlled by protocol filters, and its operation is full menu-driven.

5. **[mysql-sniffer][3]**: a packet sniffer which captures and decodes packets associated with MySQL queries. It displays the most frequent or all queries in a human-readable format.
6. **[ngrep][4]**: grep over network packets. It can capture live packets, and match (filtered) packets against regular expressions or hexadecimal expressions. It is useful for detecting and storing any anomalous traffic, or for sniffing particular patterns of information from live traffic.
7. **[p0f][5]**: a passive fingerprinting tool which, based on packet sniffing, reliably identifies operating systems, NAT or proxy settings, network link types and various other properites associated with an active TCP connection.
8. **pktstat**: a command-line tool which analyzes live packets to display connection-level bandwidth usages as well as descriptive information of protocols involved (e.g., HTTP GET/POST, FTP, X11).

9. **Snort**: an intrusion detection and prevention tool which can detect/prevent a variety of backdoor, botnets, phishing, spyware attacks from live traffic based on rule-driven protocol analysis and content matching.
10. **tcpdump**: a command-line packet sniffer which is capable of capturing nework packets on the wire based on filter expressions, dissect the packets, and dump the packet content for packet-level analysis. It is widely used for any kinds of networking related troubleshooting, network application debugging, or [security][6] monitoring.
11. **tshark**: a command-line packet sniffing tool that comes with Wireshark GUI program. It can capture and decode live packets on the wire, and show decoded packet content in a human-friendly fashion.
### Flow-/Process-/Interface-Level Monitoring ###
In this category, network monitoring is done by classifying network traffic into flows, associated processes or interfaces, and collecting per-flow, per-process or per-interface statistics. Source of information can be libpcap packet capture library or sysfs kernel virtual filesystem. Monitoring overhead of these tools is low, but packet-level inspection capabilities are missing.
12. **bmon**: a console-based bandwidth monitoring tool which shows various per-interface information, including not-only aggregate/average RX/TX statistics, but also a historical view of bandwidth usage.

13. **[iftop][7]**: a bandwidth usage monitoring tool that can shows bandwidth usage for individual network connections in real time. It comes with ncurses-based interface to visualize bandwidth usage of all connections in a sorted order. It is useful for monitoring which connections are consuming the most bandwidth.
14. **nethogs**: a process monitoring tool which offers a real-time view of upload/download bandwidth usage of individual processes or programs in an ncurses-based interface. This is useful for detecting bandwidth hogging processes.
15. **netstat**: a command-line tool that shows various statistics and properties of the networking stack, such as open TCP/UDP connections, network interface RX/TX statistics, routing tables, protocol/socket statistics. It is useful when you diagnose performance and resource usage related problems of the networking stack.
16. **[speedometer][8]**: a console-based traffic monitor which visualizes the historical trend of an interface's RX/TX bandwidth usage with ncurses-drawn bar charts.

17. **[sysdig][9]**: a comprehensive system-level debugging tool with a unified interface for investigating different Linux subsystems. Its network monitoring module is capable of monitoring, either online or offline, various per-process/per-host networking statistics such as bandwidth usage, number of connections/requests, etc.
18. **tcptrack**: a TCP connection monitoring tool which displays information of active TCP connections, including source/destination IP addresses/ports, TCP state, and bandwidth usage.

19. **vnStat**: a command-line traffic monitor which maintains a historical view of RX/TX bandwidh usage (e.g., current, daily, monthly) on a per-interface basis. Running as a background daemon, it collects and stores interface statistics on bandwidth rate and total bytes transferred.
### Active Network Monitoring ###
Unlike passive monitoring tools presented so far, tools in this category perform network monitoring by actively "injecting" probes into the network and collecting corresponding responses. Monitoring targets include routing path, available bandwidth, loss rates, delay, jitter, system settings or vulnerabilities, and so on.
20. **[dnsyo][10]**: a DNS monitoring tool which can conduct DNS lookup from open resolvers scattered across more than 1,500 different networks. It is useful when you check DNS propagation or troubleshoot DNS configuration.
21. **[iperf][11]**: a TCP/UDP bandwidth measurement utility which can measure maximum available bandwidth between two end points. It measures available bandwidth by having two hosts pump out TCP/UDP probe traffic between them either unidirectionally or bi-directionally. It is useful when you test the network capacity, or tune the parameters of network stack. A variant called [netperf][12] exists with more features and better statistics.
22. **[netcat][13]/socat**: versatile network debugging tools capable of reading from, writing to, or listen on TCP/UDP sockets. They are often used alongside with other programs or scripts for backend network transfer or port listening.
23. **nmap**: a command-line port scanning and network discovery utility. It relies on a number of TCP/UDP based scanning techniques to detect open ports, live hosts, or existing operating systems on the local network. It is useful when you audit local hosts for vulnerabilities or build a host map for maintenance purpose. [zmap][14] is an alernative scanning tool with Internet-wide scanning capability.
24. ping: a network testing tool which works by exchaning ICMP echo and reply packets with a remote host. It is useful when you measure round-trip-time (RTT) delay and loss rate of a routing path, as well as test the status or firewall rules of a remote system. Variations of ping exist with fancier interface (e.g., [noping][15]), multi-protocol support (e.g., [hping][16]) or parallel probing capability (e.g., [fping][17]).

25. **[sprobe][18]**: a command-line tool that heuristically infers the bottleneck bandwidth between a local host and any arbitrary remote IP address. It uses TCP three-way handshake tricks to estimate the bottleneck bandwidth. It is useful when troubleshooting wide-area network performance and routing related problems.
26. **traceroute**: a network discovery tool which reveals a layer-3 routing/forwarding path from a local host to a remote host. It works by sending TTL-limited probe packets and collecting ICMP responses from intermediate routers. It is useful when troubleshooting slow network connections or routing related problems. Variations of traceroute exist with better RTT statistics (e.g., [mtr][19]).
### Application Log Parsing ###
In this category, network monitoring is targeted at a specific server application (e.g., web server or database server). Network traffic generated or consumed by a server application is monitored by analyzing its log file. Unlike network-level monitors presented in earlier categories, tools in this category can analyze and monitor network traffic from application-level.
27. **[GoAccess][20]**: a console-based interactive viewer for Apache and Nginx web server traffic. Based on access log analysis, it presents a real-time statistics of a number of metrics including daily visits, top requests, client operating systems, client locations, client browsers, in a scrollable view.

28. **[mtop][21]**: a command-line MySQL/MariaDB server moniter which visualizes the most expensive queries and current database server load. It is useful when you optimize MySQL server performance and tune server configurations.

29. **[ngxtop][22]**: a traffic monitoring tool for Nginx and Apache web server, which visualizes web server traffic in a top-like interface. It works by parsing a web server's access log file and collecting traffic statistics for individual destinations or requests.
### Conclusion ###
In this article, I presented a wide variety of command-line network monitoring tools, ranging from the lowest packet-level monitors to the highest application-level network monitors. Knowing which tool does what is one thing, and choosing which tool to use is another, as any single tool cannot be a universal solution for your every need. A good system admin should be able to decide which tool is right for the circumstance at hand. Hopefully the list helps with that.
You are always welcome to improve the list with your comment!
via: http://xmodulo.com/useful-command-line-network-monitors-linux.html
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
[Translating by DongShuaike]
Installing Cisco Packet tracer in Linux

@ -194,4 +196,4 @@ via: http://www.unixmen.com/installing-cisco-packet-tracer-linux/
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
[Trnslating by DongShuaike]
iptraf: A TCP/UDP Network Monitoring Utility
[iptraf][1] is an ncurses-based IP LAN monitor that generates various network statistics including TCP info, UDP counts, ICMP and OSPF information, Ethernet load info, node stats, IP checksum errors, and others.
@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
Setting up a private Docker registry

[TL;DR] This is the second post in a series of 3 on how my company moved its infrastructure from PaaS to Docker based deployment.
- [First part][1]: where I talk about the process we went thru before approaching Docker;
- [Third pard][2]: where I show how to automate the entire process of building images and deploying a Rails app with Docker.
Why would ouy want ot set up a provate registry? Well, for starters, Docker Hub only allows you to have one free private repo. Other companies are beginning to offer similar services, but they are all not very cheap. In addition, if you need to deploy production ready applications built with Docker, you might not want to publish those images on the public Docker Hub.
This is a very pragmatic approach to dealing with the intricacies of setting up a private Docker registry. For the tutorial we will be using a small 512MB instance on DigitalOcean (from now on DO). I also assume you already know the basics of Docker since I will be concentrating on some more complicated stuff.
### Local set up ###
First of all you need to install **boot2docker** and docker CLI. If you already have your basic Docker environment up and running, you can just skip to the next section.
From the terminal run the following command[1][3]:
brew install boot2docker docker
If everything is ok[2][4], you will now be able to start the VM inside which Docker will run with the following command:
boot2docker up
Follow the instructions, copy and paste the export commands that boot2docker will print in the terminal. If you now run `docker ps` you should be greeted by the following line
Ok, Docker is ready to go. This will be enough for the moment. Let's go back to setting up the registry.
### Creating the server ###
Log into you DO account and create a new Droplet by selecting an image with Docker pre-installed[^n].

You should receive your root credentials via email. Log into your instance and run `docker ps` to see if eveything is ok.
### Setting up AWS S3 ###
We are going to use Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) as the storage layer for our registry / repository. We will need to create a bucket and user credentials to allow our docker container accessoing it.
Login into your AWS account (if you don't have one you can set one up at [http://aws.amazon.com/][5]) and from the console select S3 (Simple Storage Service).

Click on **Create Bucket**, enter a unique name for your bucket (and write it down, we're gonna need it later), then click on **Create**.

That's it! We're done setting up the storage part.
### Setup AWS access credentials ###
We are now going to create a new user. Go back to your AWS console and select IAM (Identity & Access Management).

In the dashboard, on the left side of the webpage, you should click on Users. Then select **Create New Users**.
You should be presented with the following screen:

Enter a name for your user (e.g. docker-registry) and click on Create. Write down (or download the csv file with) your Access Key and Secret Access Key that we'll need when running the Docker container. Go back to your users list and select the one you just created.
Under the Permission section, click on Attach User Policy. In the next screen, you will be presented with multiple choices: select Custom Policy.

Here's the content of the custom policy:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "SomeStatement",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
This will allow the user (i.e. the registry) to manage (read/write) content on the bucket (make sure to use the bucket name you previously defined when setting up AWS S3). To sum it up: when you'll be pushing Docker images from your local machine to your repository, the server will be able to upload them to S3.
### Installing the registry ###
Now let's head back to our DO server and SSH into it. We are going to use[^n] one of the [official Docker registry images][6].
Let's start our registry with the following command:
docker run \
-e AWS_BUCKET=bucket-name \
-e STORAGE_PATH=/registry \
-e AWS_KEY=your_aws_key \
-e AWS_SECRET=your_aws_secret \
-e SEARCH_BACKEND=sqlalchemy \
-p 5000:5000 \
--name registry \
-d \
Docker should pull the required fs layers from the Docker Hub and eventually start the daemonised container.
### Testing the registry ###
If everything worked out, you should now be able to test the registry by pinging it and by searching its content (though for the time being it's still empty).
Our registry is very basic and it does not provide any means of authentication. Since there are no easy ways of adding authentication (at least none that I'm aware of that are easy enough to implment in order to justify the effort), I've decided that the easiest way of querying / pulling / pushing the registry is an unsecure (over HTTP) connection tunneled thru SSH.
Opening an SSH tunnel from your local machine is straightforward:
ssh -N -L 5000:localhost:5000 root@your_registry.com
The command is tunnelling connections over SSH from port 5000 of the registry server (which is the one we exposed with the `docker run` command in the previous paragraph) to port 5000 on the localhost.
If you now browse to the following address [http://localhost:5000/v1/_ping][7] you should get the following very simple response
This just means that the registry is working correctly. You can also list the whole content of the registry by browsing to [http://localhost:5000/v1/search][8] that will get you a similar response:
"num_results": 2,
"query": "",
"results": [
"description": "",
"name": "username/first-repo"
"description": "",
"name": "username/second-repo"
### Building an image ###
Let's now try and build a very simple Docker image to test our newly installed registry. On your local machine, create a Dockerfile with the following content[^n]:
# Base image with ruby 2.2.0
FROM ruby:2.2.0
MAINTAINER Michelangelo Chasseur <michelangelo.chasseur@touchwa.re>
...and build it:
docker build -t localhost:5000/username/repo-name .
The `localhost:5000` part is especially important: the first part of the name of a Docker image will tell the `docker push` command the endpoint towards which we are trying to push our image. In our case, since we are connecting to our remote private registry via an SSH tunnel, `localhost:5000` represents exactly the reference to our registry.
If everything works as expected, when the command returns, you should be able to list your newly created image with the `docker images` command. Run it and see it for yourself.
### Pushing to the registry ###
Now comes the trickier part. It took a me a while to realize what I'm about to describe, so just be patient if you don't get it the first time you read and try to follow along. I know that all this stuff will seem pretty complicated (and it would be if you didn't automate the process), but I promise in the end it will all make sense. In the next post I will show a couple of shell scripts and Rake tasks that will automate the whole process and will let you deploy a Rails to your registry app with a single easy command.
The docker command you are running from your terminal is actually using the boot2docker VM to run the containers and do all the magic stuff. So when we run a command like `docker push some_repo` what is actually happening is that it's the boot2docker VM that is reacing out for the registry, not our localhost.
This is an extremely important point to understand: in order to push the Docker image to the remote private registry, the SSH tunnel needs to be established from the boot2docker VM and not from your local machine.
There are a couple of ways to go with it. I will show you the shortest one (which is not probably the easiest to understand, but it's the one that will let us automate the process with shell scripts).
First of all though we need to sort one last thing with SSH.
### Setting up SSH ###
Let's add our boot2docker SSH key to our remote server (registry) known hosts. We can do so using the ssh-copy-id utility that you can install with the following command shouldn't you already have it:
brew install ssh-copy-id
Then run:
ssh-copy-id -i /Users/username/.ssh/id_boot2docker root@your-registry.com
Make sure to substitute `/Users/username/.ssh/id_boot2docker` with the correct path of your ssh key.
This will allow us to connect via SSH to our remote registry without being prompted for the password.
Finally let's test it out:
boot2docker ssh "ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i /Users/michelangelo/.ssh/id_boot2docker -N -L 5000:localhost:5000 root@registry.touchwa.re &" &
To break things out a little bit:
- `boot2docker ssh` lets you pass a command as a parameter that will be executed by the boot2docker VM;
- the final `&` indicates that we want our command to be executed in the background;
- `ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i /Users/michelangelo/.ssh/id_boot2docker -N -L 5000:localhost:5000 root@registry.touchwa.re &` is the actual command our boot2docker VM will run;
- the `-o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no'` will make sure that we are not prompted with security questions;
- the `-i /Users/michelangelo/.ssh/id_boot2docker` indicates which SSH key we want our VM to use for authentication purposes (note that this should be the key you added to your remote registry in the previous step);
- finally we are opening a tunnel on mapping port 5000 to localhost:5000.
### Pulling from another server ###
You should now be able to push your image to the remote registry by simply issuing the following command:
docker push localhost:5000/username/repo_name
In the [next post][9] we'll se how to automate some of this stuff and we'll containerize a real Rails application. Stay tuned!
P.S. Please use the comments to let me know of any inconsistencies or fallacies in my tutorial. Hope you enjoyed it!
1. I'm also assuming you are running on OS X.
1. For a complete list of instructions to set up your docker environment and requirements, please visit [http://boot2docker.io/][10]
1. Select Image > Applications > Docker 1.4.1 on 14.04 at the time of this writing.
1. [https://github.com/docker/docker-registry/][11]
1. This is just a stub, in the next post I will show you how to bundle a Rails application into a Docker container.
via: http://cocoahunter.com/2015/01/23/docker-2/
作者:[Michelangelo Chasseur][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
Automated Docker-based Rails deployments

[TL;DR] This is the third post in a series of 3 on how my company moved its infrastructure from PaaS to Docker based deployment.
- [First part][1]: where I talk about the process we went thru before approaching Docker;
- [Second part][2]: where I explain how setting up a private registry for in house secure deployments.
In this final part we will see how to automate the whole deployment process with a real world (though very basic) example.
### Basic Rails app ###
Let's dive into the topic right away and bootstrap a basic Rails app. For the purpose of this demonstration I'm going to use Ruby 2.2.0 and Rails 4.1.1
From the terminal run:
$ rvm use 2.2.0
$ rails new && cd docker-test
Let's create a basic controller:
$ rails g controller welcome index
...and edit `routes.rb` so that the root of the project will point to our newly created welcome#index method:
root 'welcome#index'
Running `rails s` from the terminal and browsing to [http://localhost:3000][3] should bring you to the index page. We're not going to make anything fancier to the app, it's just a basic example to prove that when we'll build and deploy the container everything is working.
### Setup the webserver ###
We are going to use Unicorn as our webserver. Add `gem 'unicorn'` and `gem 'foreman'` to the Gemfile and bundle it up (run `bundle install` from the command line).
Unicorn needs to be configured when the Rails app launches, so let's put a **unicorn.rb** file inside the **config** directory. [Here is an example][4] of a Unicorn configuration file. You can just copy & paste the content of the Gist.
Let's also add a Procfile with the following content inside the root of the project so that we will be able to start the app with foreman:
web: bundle exec unicorn -p $PORT -c ./config/unicorn.rb
If you now try to run the app with **foreman start** everything should work as expected and you should have a running app on [http://localhost:5000][5]
### Building a Docker image ###
Now let's build the image inside which our app is going to live. In the root of our Rails project, create a file named **Dockerfile** and paste in it the following:
# Base image with ruby 2.2.0
FROM ruby:2.2.0
# Install required libraries and dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -qy nodejs postgresql-client sqlite3 --no-install-recommends && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Set Rails version
# Install Rails
RUN gem install rails --version "$RAILS_VERSION"
# Create directory from where the code will run
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Make webserver reachable to the outside world
# Set ENV variables
# Start the web app
CMD ["foreman","start"]
# Install the necessary gems
ADD Gemfile /usr/src/app/Gemfile
ADD Gemfile.lock /usr/src/app/Gemfile.lock
RUN bundle install --without development test
# Add rails project (from same dir as Dockerfile) to project directory
ADD ./ /usr/src/app
# Run rake tasks
RUN RAILS_ENV=production rake db:create db:migrate
Using the provided Dockerfile, let's try and build an image with the following command[1][7]:
$ docker build -t localhost:5000/your_username/docker-test .
And again, if everything worked out correctly, the last line of the long log output should read something like:
Successfully built 82e48769506c
$ docker images
localhost:5000/your_username/docker-test latest 82e48769506c About a minute ago 884.2 MB
Let's try and run the container!
$ docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name docker-test localhost:5000/your_username/docker-test
You should be able to reach your Rails app running inside the Docker container at port 3000 of your boot2docker VM[2][8] (in my case [][6]).
### Automating with shell scripts ###
Since you should already know from the previous post3 how to push your newly created image to a private regisitry and deploy it on a server, let's skip this part and go straight to automating the process.
We are going to define 3 shell scripts and finally tie it all together with rake.
### Clean ###
Every time we build our image and deploy we are better off always clean everything. That means the following:
- stop (if running) and restart boot2docker;
- remove orphaned Docker images (images that are without tags and that are no longer used by your containers).
Put the following into a **clean.sh** file in the root of your project.
echo Restarting boot2docker...
boot2docker down
boot2docker up
echo Exporting Docker variables...
sleep 1
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/Users/user/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm
sleep 1
echo Removing orphaned images without tags...
docker images | grep "<none>" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs docker rmi
Also make sure to make the script executable:
$ chmod +x clean.sh
### Build ###
The build process basically consists in reproducing what we just did before (docker build). Create a **build.sh** script at the root of your project with the following content:
docker build -t localhost:5000/your_username/docker-test .
Make the script executable.
### Deploy ###
Finally, create a **deploy.sh** script with this content:
# Open SSH connection from boot2docker to private registry
boot2docker ssh "ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i /Users/username/.ssh/id_boot2docker -N -L 5000:localhost:5000 root@your-registry.com &" &
# Wait to make sure the SSH tunnel is open before pushing...
echo Waiting 5 seconds before pushing image.
echo 5...
sleep 1
echo 4...
sleep 1
echo 3...
sleep 1
echo 2...
sleep 1
echo 1...
sleep 1
# Push image onto remote registry / repo
echo Starting push!
docker push localhost:5000/username/docker-test
If you don't understand what's going on here, please make sure you've read thoroughfully [part 2][9] of this series of posts.
Make the script executable.
### Tying it all together with rake ###
Having 3 scripts would now require you to run them individually each time you decide to deploy your app:
1. clean
1. build
1. deploy / push
That wouldn't be much of an effort, if it weren't for the fact that developers are lazy! And lazy be it, then!
The final step to wrap things up, is tying the 3 parts together with rake.
To make things even simpler you can just append a bunch of lines of code to the end of the already present Rakefile in the root of your project. Open the Rakefile file - pun intended :) - and paste the following:
namespace :docker do
desc "Remove docker container"
task :clean do
sh './clean.sh'
desc "Build Docker image"
task :build => [:clean] do
sh './build.sh'
desc "Deploy Docker image"
task :deploy => [:build] do
sh './deploy.sh'
Even if you don't know rake syntax (which you should, because it's pretty awesome!), it's pretty obvious what we are doing. We have declared 3 tasks inside a namespace (docker).
This will create the following 3 tasks:
- rake docker:clean
- rake docker:build
- rake docker:deploy
Deploy is dependent on build, build is dependent on clean. So every time we run from the command line
$ rake docker:deploy
All the script will be executed in the required order.
### Test it ###
To see if everything is working, you just need to make a small change in the code of your app and run
$ rake docker:deploy
and see the magic happening. Once the image has been uploaded (and the first time it could take quite a while), you can ssh into your production server and pull (thru an SSH tunnel) the docker image onto the server and run. It's that easy!
Well, maybe it takes a while to get accustomed to how everything works, but once it does, it's almost (almost) as easy as deploying with Heroku.
P.S. As always, please let me have your ideas. I'm not sure this is the best, or the fastest, or the safest way of doing devops with Docker, but it certainly worked out for us.
- make sure to have **boot2docker** up and running.
- If you don't know your boot2docker VM address, just run `$ boot2docker ip`
- if you don't, you can read it [here][10]
via: http://cocoahunter.com/2015/01/23/docker-3/
作者:[Michelangelo Chasseur][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
[translating by KayGuoWhu]
Enjoy Android Apps on Ubuntu using ARChon Runtime
Before, we gave try to many android app emulating tools like Genymotion, Virtualbox, Android SDK, etc to try to run android apps on it. But, with this new Chrome Android Runtime, we are able to run Android Apps on our Chrome Browser. So, here are the steps we'll need to follow to install Android Apps on Ubuntu using ARChon Runtime.
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
translating by createyuan
How to Test Your Internet Speed Bidirectionally from Command Line Using ‘Speedtest-CLI’ Tool
We always need to check the speed of the Internet connection at home and office. What we do for this? Go to websites like Speedtest.net and begin test. It loads JavaScript in the web browser and then select best server based upon ping and output the result. It also uses a Flash player to produce graphical results.
@ -129,4 +131,4 @@ via: http://www.tecmint.com/check-internet-speed-from-command-line-in-linux/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
translating by runningwater
How to Manage and Use LVM (Logical Volume Management) in Ubuntu

@ -258,7 +259,7 @@ That should cover most of what you need to know to use LVM. If you’ve got some
via: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/40702/how-to-manage-and-use-lvm-logical-volume-management-in-ubuntu/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
How to set up networking between Docker containers
As you may be aware, Docker container technology has emerged as a viable lightweight alternative to full-blown virtualization. There are a growing number of use cases of Docker that the industry adopted in different contexts, for example, enabling rapid build environment, simplifying configuration of your infrastructure, isolating applications in multi-tenant environment, and so on. While you can certainly deploy an application sandbox in a standalone Docker container, many real-world use cases of Docker in production environments may involve deploying a complex multi-tier application in an ensemble of multiple containers, where each container plays a specific role (e.g., load balancer, LAMP stack, database, UI).
There comes the problem of **Docker container networking**: How can we interconnect different Docker containers spawned potentially across different hosts when we do not know beforehand on which host each container will be created?
One pretty neat open-source solution for this is [weave][1]. This tool makes interconnecting multiple Docker containers pretty much hassle-free. When I say this, I really mean it.
In this tutorial, I am going to demonstrate **how to set up Docker networking across different hosts using weave**.
### How Weave Works ###

Let's first see how weave works. Weave creates a network of "peers", where each peer is a virtual router container called "weave router" residing on a distinct host. The weave routers on different hosts maintain TCP connections among themselves to exchange topology information. They also establish UDP connections among themselves to carry inter-container traffic. A weave router on each host is then connected via a bridge to all other Docker containers created on the host. When two containers on different hosts want to exchange traffic, a weave router on each host captures their traffic via a bridge, encapsulates the traffic with UDP, and forwards it to the other router over a UDP connection.
Each weave router maintains up-to-date weave router topology information, as well as container's MAC address information (similar to switch's MAC learning), so that it can make forwarding decision on container traffic. Weave is able to route traffic between containers created on hosts which are not directly reachable, as long as two hosts are interconnected via an intermediate weave router on weave topology. Optionally, weave routers can be set to encrypt both TCP control data and UDP data traffic based on public key cryptography.
### Prerequisite ###
Before using weave on Linux, of course you need to set up Docker environment on each host where you want to run [Docker][2] containers. Check out [these][3] [tutorials][4] on how to create Docker containers on Ubuntu or CentOS/Fedora.
Once Docker environment is set up, install weave on Linux as follows.
$ wget https://github.com/zettio/weave/releases/download/latest_release/weave
$ chmod a+x weave
$ sudo cp weave /usr/local/bin
Make sure that /usr/local/bin is include in your PATH variable by appending the following in /etc/profile.
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin"
Repeat weave installation on every host where Docker containers will be deployed.
Weave uses TCP/UDP 6783 port. If you are using firewall, make sure that these port numbers are not blocked by the firewall.
### Launch Weave Router on Each Host ###
When you want to interconnect Docker containers across multiple hosts, the first step is to launch a weave router on every host.
On the first host, run the following command, which will create and start a weave router container.
$ sudo weave launch
The first time you run this command, it will take a couple of minutes to download a weave image before launching a router container. On successful launch, it will print the ID of a launched weave router.
To check the status of the router, use this command:
$ sudo weave status

Since this is the first weave router launched, there will be only one peer in the peer list.
You can also verify the launch of a weave router by using docker command.
$ docker ps

On the second host, run the following command, where we specify the IP address of the first host as a peer to join.
$ sudo weave launch <first-host-IP-address>
When you check the status of the router, you will see two peers: the current host and the first host.

As you launch more routers on subsequent hosts, the peer list will grow accordingly. When launching a router, just make sure that you specify any previously launched peer's IP address.
At this point, you should have a weave network up and running, which consists of multiple weave routers across different hosts.
### Interconnect Docker Containers across Multiple Hosts ###
Now it is time to launch Docker containers on different hosts, and interconnect them on a virtual network.
Let's say we want to create a private network, to interconnect two Docker containers. We will assign random IP addressses from this subnet to the containers.
When you create a Docker container to deploy on a weave network, you need to use weave command, not docker command. Internally, the weave command uses docker command to create a container, and then sets up Docker networking on it.
Here is how to create a Ubuntu container on hostA, and attach the container to subnet with an IP addresss
hostA:~$ sudo weave run -t -i ubuntu
On successful run, it will print the ID of a created container. You can use this ID to attach to the running container and access its console as follows.
hostA:~$ docker attach <container-id>
Move to hostB, and let's create another container. Attach it to the same subnet ( with a different IP address
hostB:~$ sudo weave run -t -i ubuntu
Let's attach to the second container's console as well:
hostB:~$ docker attach <container-id>
At this point, those two containers should be able to ping each other via the other's IP address. Verify that from each container's console.

If you check the interfaces of each container, you will see an interface named "ethwe" which is assigned an IP address (e.g., and you specified.

### Other Advanced Usages of Weave ###
Weave offers a number of pretty neat features. Let me briefly cover a few here.
#### Application Isolation ####
Using weave, you can create multiple virtual networks and dedicate each network to a distinct application. For example, create for one group of containers, and for another group of containers, and so on. Weave automatically takes care of provisioning these networks, and isolating container traffic on each network. Going further, you can flexibly detach a container from one network, and attach it to another network without restarting containers. For example:
First launch a container on
$ sudo weave run -t -i ubuntu
Detach the container from
$ sudo weave detach <container-id>
Re-attach the container to another network
$ sudo weave attach <container-id>

Now this container should be able to communicate with other containers on This is a pretty useful feature when network information is not available at the time you create a container.
#### Integrate Weave Networks with Host Network ####
Sometimes you may need to allow containers on a virtual weave network to access physical host network. Conversely, hosts may want to access containers on a weave network. To support this requirement, weave allows weave networks to be integrated with host network.
For example, on hostA where a container is running on network, run the following command.
hostA:~$ sudo weave expose
This will assign IP address to hostA, so that hostA itself is also connected to network. Obviously, you need to choose an IP address which is not used by any other containers on the network.
At this point, hostA should be able to access any containers on, whether or not the containers are residing on hostA. Pretty neat!
### Conclusion ###
As you can see, weave is a pretty useful Docker networking tool. This tutorial only covers a glimpse of [its powerful features][5]. If you are more ambitious, you can try its multi-hop routing, which can be pretty useful in multi-cloud environment, dynamic re-routing, which is a neat fault-tolerance feature, or even its distributed DNS service which allows you to name containers on weave networks. If you decide to use this gem in your environment, feel free to share your use case!
via: http://xmodulo.com/networking-between-docker-containers.html
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
How to secure SSH login with one-time passwords on Linux
As someone says, security is a not a product, but a process. While SSH protocol itself is cryptographically secure by design, someone can wreak havoc on your SSH service if it is not administered properly, be it weak passwords, compromised keys or outdated SSH client.
As far as SSH authentication is concerned, [public key authentication][1] is in general considered more secure than password authentication. However, key authentication is actually not desirable or even less secure if you are logging in from a public or shared computer, where things like stealth keylogger or memory scraper can always a possibility. If you cannot trust the local computer, it is better to use something else. This is when "one-time passwords" come in handy. As the name implies, each one-time password is for single-use only. Such disposable passwords can be safely used in untrusted environments as they cannot be re-used even when they are stolen.
One way to generate disposable passwords is [Google Authenticator][2]. In this tutorial, I am going to demonstrate another way to create one-time passwords for SSH login: [OTPW][3], a one-time password login package. Unlike Google Authenticator, you do not rely on any third party for one-time password generation and verification.
### What is OTPW? ###
OTPW consists of one-time password generator and PAM-integrated verification routines. In OTPW, one-time passwords are generated apriori with the generator, and carried by a user securely (e.g., printed in a paper sheet). Cryptographic hash of the generated passwords are then stored in the SSH server host. When a user logs in with a one-time password, OTPW's PAM module verifies the password, and invalidates it to prevent re-use.
### Step One: Install and Configure OTPW on Linux ###
#### Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint ####
Install OTPW packages with apt-get.
$ sudo apt-get install libpam-otpw otpw-bin
Open a PAM configuration file for SSH (/etc/pam.d/sshd) with a text editor, and comment out the following line (to disable password authentication).
#@include common-auth
and add the following two lines (to enable one-time password authentication):
auth required pam_otpw.so
session optional pam_otpw.so

#### Fedora or CentOS/RHEL ####
OTPW is not available as a prebuilt package on Red Hat based systems. So let's install OTPW by building it from the source.
First, install prerequites:
$ sudo yum git gcc pam-devel
$ git clone https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/git/otpw
$ cd otpw
Open Makefile with a text editor, and edit a line that starts with "PAMLIB=" as follows.
On 64-bit system:
On 32-bit system:
Compile and install it. Note that installation will automatically restart an SSH server. So be ready to be disconnected if you are on an SSH connection.
$ make
$ sudo make install
Now you need to update SELinux policy since /usr/sbin/sshd tries to write to user's home directory, which is not allowed by default SELinux policy. The following commands will do. If you are not using SELinux, skip this step.
$ sudo grep sshd /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow -M mypol
$ sudo semodule -i mypol.pp
Next, open a PAM configuration file for SSH (/etc/pam.d/sshd) with a text editor, and comment out the following line (to disable password authentication).
#auth substack password-auth
and add the following two lines (to enable one-time password authentication):
auth required pam_otpw.so
session optional pam_otpw.so
#### Step Two: Configure SSH Server for One-time Passwords ####
The next step is to configure an SSH server to accept one-time passwords.
Open /etc/ssh/sshd_config with a text editor, and set the following three parameters. Make sure that you do not add these lines more than once, because that will cause an SSH server to fail.
UsePrivilegeSeparation yes
ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes
UsePAM yes
You also need to disable default password authentication. Optionally, enable public key authentication, so that you can fall back to key-based authentication in case you do not have one-time passwords.
PubkeyAuthentication yes
PasswordAuthentication no
Now restart SSH server.
Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint:
$ sudo service ssh restart
Fedora or CentOS/RHEL 7:
$ sudo systemctl restart sshd
#### Step Three: Generate One-time Passwords with OTPW ####
As mentioned earlier, you need to create one-time passwords beforehand, and have them stored on the remote SSH server host. For this, run otpw-gen tool as the user you will be logging in as.
$ cd ~
$ otpw-gen > temporary_password.txt

It will ask you to set a prefix password. When you later log in, you need to type this prefix password AND one-time password. Essentially the prefix password is another layer of protection. Even if the password sheet falls into the wrong hands, the prefix password forces them to brute-force.
Once the prefix password is set, the command will generate 280 one-time passwords, and store them in the output text file (e.g., temporary_password.txt). Each password (length of 8 characters by default) is preceded by a three-digit index number. You are supposed to print the file in a sheet and carry it with you.

You will also see ~/.otpw file created, where cryptographic hashs of these passwords are stored. The first three digits in each line indicate the index number of the password that will be used for SSH login.
$ more ~/.otpw
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### Test One-time Passwords for SSH Login ###
Now let's login to an SSH server in a usual way:
$ ssh user@remote_host
If OTPW is successfully set up, you will see a slightly different password prompt:
Password 191:
Now open up your password sheet, and look for index number "191" in the sheet.
023 kBvp tq/G 079 jKEw /HRM 135 oW/c /UeB 191 fOO+ PeiD 247 vAnZ EgUt
According to sheet above, the one-time password for number "191" is "fOO+PeiD". You need to prepend your prefix password to it. For example, if your prefix password is "000", the actual one-time password you need to type is "000fOO+PeiD".
Once you successfully log in, the password used is automatically invalidated. If you check ~/.otpw, you will notice that the first line is replaced with "---------------", meaning that password "191" has been voided.
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### Conclusion ###
In this tutorial, I demonstrated how to set up one-time password login for SSH using OTPW package. You may realized that a print sheet can be considered a less fancy version of security token in two-factor authentication. Yet, it is simpler and you do not rely on any third-party for its implementation. Whatever mechanism you are using to create disposable passwords, they can be helpful when you need to log in to an SSH server from an untrusted public computer. Feel free to share your experience or opinion on this topic.
via: http://xmodulo.com/secure-ssh-login-one-time-passwords-linux.html
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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