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7 Linux Distros to Look Forward to in 2022
2022 年值得期待的 7 款 Linux 发行版
> Moving forward to 2022, it’s time to expect some exciting distro releases! Here are some of our picks that we think you should keep an eye on.
> 2022 年已至,是时候期待一些激动人心的发行版更新了!这里我们挑选了一些值得关注的发行版选择。
It is time to bid farewell to 2021.
是时候和 2021 年说再见了。
You might want to go through some of the [biggest Linux stories of 2021][1] if you missed them.
如果你错过了 [2021 年的 Linux 大事件][1],现在你也可以去回顾一下。
However, considering some of the impressive distro releases in 2021, excitement for newer Linux distributions and upgrades for 2022 is at its peak.
不过,考虑到 2021 年已有许多令人印象深刻的发行版推出,2022 年,对于较新的 Linux 发行版以及现有版本的更新,人们的期待值已经直达顶峰。
Compared to the last decade, Linux distributions are now focusing more on the user experience aspect. It is no longer just about the resource usage but how a distribution looks and works with modern desktop hardware.
与十年前相比,Linux 发行版如今更加注重用户体验。这不仅仅关乎资源占用,更关系到发行版的外观及对现代桌面硬件的兼容性。
To give you a quick recap—[elementary OS 6.1][2], [Zorin OS 16][3], [Pop!_OS 21.10][4], and Linux Mint 20.3 were some of the biggest Linux distribution releases. The distributions concentrated on improving the user experience for a better look/feel or enhancing the productivity use-cases.
先来简单回顾一下 —— [elementary OS 6.1][2]、[Zorin OS 16][3]、[Pop!\_OS 21.10][4] 和 Linux Mint 20.3 都是于 2021 年推出的大型 Linux 发行版更新。这些发行版都专注于改善用户体验、改进视觉、优化生产力。
Undoubtedly, you can choose to get an unrivaled desktop experience from some of these or the latest updates for the [best Linux distributions][5].
毫无疑问,你可以选择上述发行版并感受前所未有的桌面体验,也可以获取 [最佳 Linux 发行版][5] 的最新更新。
So, what should you expect for 2022? Are there any expected distro releases that plan to take things up a notch?
所以,到了 2022 年,你又应该期待什么?是否会有一个能让用户体验更上一层楼的发行版呢?
Yes, there are several distros you should keep an eye for. Here, I shall highlight a list of distros and their potential stated for release next year.
答案是肯定的,这里就有一些你值得关注的发行版。在此我列出了清单,重点强调 2022 年这些发行版的计划更新内容。
### Most Anticipated Distro Releases for 2022
### 2022 年最值得期待的发行版
Note that official information for most distributions is not available yet. However, this article will be regularly updated to reflect the latest information.
#### 1\. Slackware 15
Slackware is the [oldest active distribution][7] as of now. Slackware 15 beta was released last year and the stable version should be available in early 2022.
Slackware 是至今为止 [最长寿的活跃发行版][7]。Slackware 15 Beta 版已在去年发布,稳定版将于 2022 年初发布。
While this may not be an exciting release for new desktop users, if you want a distro for older hardware or something that makes efficient use of resources, this can be a candidate.
对于新手级桌面用户来说,这并不那么吸引人,不过如果你想要一款支持旧硬件,或者能够有效利用资源的发行版,Slackware 可以成为你的候选方案。
Not to forget, Slackware 15 will be a major release after six years, so it is a big deal.
再次强调一下,Slackware 15 将是时隔六年后的一个大版本更新,所以这是一件大事。
However, it is mostly suitable for experienced Linux users.
不过,这款发行版会更适合有经验的 Linux 用户。
Hence, if this does not interest you, you might want to look for some of the [most lightweight Linux distributions][8].
因此,如果你对此不感兴趣的话,你可以去看看 [最轻量级的 Linux 发行版列表][8]。
#### 2\. Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
The schedule for Ubuntu’s next LTS release, codenamed Jammy Jellyfish, is already official for April 21, 2022.
Ubuntu 的下一个 LTS 版本 22.04(代号 Jammy Jellyfish)将于 2022 年 4 月 21 日发布。
With Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, you can expect GNOME 42 as the desktop environment, a new installer, and Wayland as the default desktop session.
在 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 中,你将可以体验到 GNOME 42 桌面环境、全新的安装器,以及默认使用 Wayland 的桌面会话。
The improvements to [Ubuntu 21.10][9] should also carry over to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
[Ubuntu 21.10][9] 的一系列改进也将在 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 中一并出现。
#### 3\. Zorin OS 17
![Zorin OS 16][6]
[Zorin OS 16][10] was an impressive release with numerous feature additions and UX improvements.
[Zorin OS 16][10] 凭借其新增的许多功能及用户体验改进,让我们留下了极其深刻的印象。
I think Zorin OS 16 was one of the most extensive upgrades in terms of quality changes for an enhanced desktop experience.
我认为 Zorin OS 16 是一次极大增强桌面体验的更新,拓展幅度也是前所未有的。
Considering they have improved a lot with Zorin OS 16, it is only fair to be excited about what’s coming to its next major release, Zorin OS 17 in 2022. Of course, you should expect it to be based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, but it should be a surprise to expect visual changes/improvements.
考虑到 Zorin OS 16 中已经有了大幅改进,我们应该转投于下一个大版本更新 —— 将于 2022 年发布的 Zorin OS 17。当然,它应该会基于 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS,不过你更应该期待一下视觉改进。
#### 4\. Pop!_OS 22.04
#### 4\. Pop!\_OS 22.04
[Pop!_OS][11] is a solid distribution out of the box. Unlike some others, it does not primarily aim to “look better”, but focuses on enhancing the workflow while providing a unique desktop experience.
[Pop!\_OS][11] 是一款开箱即用的稳定发行版。与其他发行版不同, Pop!\_OS 并不意在于“更棒的视觉体验”,而是专注于增强工作流环境,同时提供独特的桌面体验。
System76’s [decision to switch away from Launchpad][12] and plans to [build a Rust-based desktop environment from scratch][13] are some of the exciting developments that make me want to keep an eye on them.
System76 [将仓库从 Launchpad 转移出去][12] 和计划 [使用 Rust 从头构建桌面环境][13] 这几件激动人心的举措,使我更有意愿去关注他们的发展动态。
No wonder [Pop!_OS is my daily driver][14].
毫无疑问,[Pop!\_OS 能够成为我的主力系统][14]。
And, Pop!_OS 22.04 can be the pillars of System76’s ambitious plans for the future of its operating system. So, looking forward to it makes sense to see what they plan to do next.
此外,Pop!\_OS 22.04 将会是 System76 对其操作系统后续规划的有力支撑,所以,拭目以待吧。
#### 5\. Linux Mint 21
The [Linux Mint][16] team may not introduce massive changes, but they have started to focus on improving the look/feel of the distro starting with Linux Mint 20.3.
[Linux Mint][16] 团队可能不会推出大型变更,但从 Linux Mint 20.3 开始,他们开始专注于改善视觉了。
I wouldn’t want anything different about them. Still, Linux Mint 21 could be a release where you could expect some significant visual overhaul, considering they need to improve the user experience for the modern desktop.
我并不希望有任何破坏性变更。不过,Linux Mint 21 仍旧有值得期待的重大视觉优化,毕竟他们确实需要向更现代的桌面环境发展了。
#### 6\. CutefishOS
[CutefishOS][17] is in its early stage of development (beta phase) and hasn’t reached a stable release yet.
[CutefishOS][17] 目前仍处于早期开发阶段(虽然已经到了 Beta 测试阶段),尚未进入稳定阶段。
As per my experience with its beta release, it could [rival the likes of Deepin Linux][18] in terms of user experience. Of course, I would be cautious about it, considering it does not have a stable release yet.
根据我对其 Beta 测试版本的体验,CutefishOS 在用户体验上 [可以与深度操作系统相媲美][18]。当然我仍旧持谨慎态度,毕竟它还没到达稳定阶段。
However, CutefishOS should be an exciting project to keep an eye on. After all, it is good to more distributions compete to provide a pleasing user experience to compete with some of the [most beautiful Linux distributions][19] available.
不过,CutefishOS 确实是款值得关注的项目,毕竟,更多的发行版将开始意识到改进用户体验的重要性,并试图与现有的 [最美 Linux 发行版][19] 一决高下,这么“卷”起来总归是好事。
#### 7\. Fedora 36
Team [Fed][21][o][21][ra][21] has been taking the feedback from [Linus Tech Tip’s Linux challenge series results][22] seriously.
[Fedora][21] 团队已经从 [Linus Tech Tip 的 Linux 日用挑战系列视频][22] 中认真地听取了用户反馈。
In fact, [Red Hat contributed $10,000][23] to help make the OBS Flatpak official for Linux.
事实上,[红帽公司已经捐赠了 1 万美元][23] 来帮助 OBS 的 Flatpak 构建包成为官方 Linux 版本。
While Fedora isn’t considered an ideal distribution for Linux gamers, they have been making efforts to their Workstation edition to feature the latest and greatest without compromising the system’s stability.
即便 Fedora 并非 Linux 游戏玩家的理想发行版,Fedora 团队也在努力使 Workstation 版本兼顾稳定性和最新功能。
[Fedora 35][24] release was an impressive example of that, to debut GNOME 41 and introduce a new KDE variant.
[Fedora 35][24] 正是一个优秀案例,它带来了 GNOME 41 和全新的 KDE 变体版本。
I can’t say if Fedora 36 will be more suitable for gamers, but some expected changes include Wayland by default with Nvidia proprietary drivers and GNOME 42. An [official list of expected changes][25] is available if you want to keep an eye on it.
我并不敢保证 Fedora 36 能更适合游戏玩家,但它确实有很多不错的更新,比如在 NVIDIA 闭源驱动下 Wayland 将成为默认会话,以及新的 GNOME 42 桌面环境。如果你想关注开发动态,你可以查阅 [官方的更新内容列表][25]。
#### Bonus: Nitrux Linux
#### 额外:Nitrux Linux
I didn’t plan to include Nitrux in this list initially but then [Nitrux introdu][26]ced the Maui shell a couple of days ago.
我本来没有计划在这里介绍 Nitrux 的,但 Nitrux 几天前突然 [推出了 Maui Shell 项目][26]。
Maui Shell is a convergent shell for desktops, tablets, and phones. Sounds like what Ubuntu wanted to with Unity, right? The Nitrux project has always been good with design part so I am excited for this new shell.
Maui Shell 是一款跨终端的桌面环境,支持电脑、平板、手机。听起来是不是有点像当年 Ubuntu 的 Unity 呢?Nitrux 项目在设计方面一直很出色,所以我对这款新的桌面环境的期待值已经拉满了。
The project is still under heavy development. It plans to add a number of features to make it usable in the coming months. We should see how it comes around in 2022.
Maui Shell 项目仍在大力开发中。它将在接下来的几个月里添加新功能,以确保其基本可用。我们可以期待 2022 年它会变成什么样子。
### Wrapping Up
### 结束语
Even with the list here, there should be some surprise releases that could steal the headlines, who knows?
Maybe an exciting update to [EndeavourOS][28], [Garuda Linux][29], or something else?
也许是 [EndeavourOS][28]、[Garuda Linux][29] 的重量级更新,又或者是别的?
What distribution are you looking forward to in 2022? Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments down below.
2022 年,你又会期待哪款发行版呢?不要介意,欢迎在评论区分享你的想法。
@ -134,37 +134,37 @@ via: https://news.itsfoss.com/linux-distro-releases-2022/
作者:[Ankush Das][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[a]: https://news.itsfoss.com/author/ankush/
[b]: https://github.com/lujun9972
[1]: https://news.itsfoss.com/biggest-linux-stories-2021/
[1]: https://linux.cn/article-14103-1.html
[2]: https://news.itsfoss.com/elementary-os-6-1-release/
[3]: https://news.itsfoss.com/zorin-os-16-release/
[4]: https://news.itsfoss.com/pop-os-21-10/
[4]: https://linux.cn/article-14083-1.html
[5]: https://itsfoss.com/best-linux-distributions/
[6]: 
[7]: https://news.itsfoss.com/slackware-15-beta-release/
[8]: https://itsfoss.com/lightweight-linux-beginners/
[9]: https://news.itsfoss.com/ubuntu-21-10-release/
[9]: https://linux.cn/article-13887-1.html
[10]: https://news.itsfoss.com/zorin-os-16-features/
[11]: https://pop.system76.com
[12]: https://news.itsfoss.com/pop-os-ppa-repo-move/
[13]: https://news.itsfoss.com/pop-os-cosmic-rust/
[14]: https://itsfoss.com/why-use-pop-os/
[14]: https://linux.cn/article-14118-1.html
[15]: 
[16]: https://linuxmint.com
[17]: https://en.cutefishos.com
[18]: https://news.itsfoss.com/cutefishos-intro/
[17]: https://cn.cutefishos.com
[18]: https://linux.cn/article-14058-1.html
[19]: https://itsfoss.com/beautiful-linux-distributions/
[20]: 
[21]: https://getfedora.org
[22]: https://news.itsfoss.com/more-linux-distros-become-linus-proof/
[22]: https://linux.cn/article-14053-1.html
[23]: https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/12/red-hat-donates-10k-to-obs-studio-flatpak-to-be-official-for-linux/
[24]: https://news.itsfoss.com/fedora-35-release/
[24]: https://linux.cn/article-13949-1.html
[25]: https://www.fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/36/ChangeSet
[26]: https://nxos.org/news/introducing-maui-shell/
[27]: 
Reference in New Issue
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