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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
使用Nemiver调试器来调试 C/C++ 程序
如果你读过我写的[使用GDB命令行调试器调试C/C++程序][1],你就会明白一个调试器对一段C/C++程序来说有多么的重要和有用。然而,如果一个像GDB这样的命令行对你而言听起来更像一个问题而不是一个解决方案的话,那么你也许会对Nemiver更感兴趣。[Nemiver][2] 是一款基于 GTK+ 的用于C/C++程序的图形化的独立调试器,它以GDB作为其后端。最令人赞赏的是其速度和稳定性,Nemiver是一个非常可靠,具备许多优点的调试工具。
### Nemiver的安装 ###
$ sudo apt-get install nemiver
在Arch Linux中安装如下:
$ sudo pacman -S nemiver
$ sudo yum install nemiver
如果你选择自己编译,[GNOME 网站][3]上有最新源码包。
### Nemiver的基本用法 ###
$ nemiver
$ nemiver [需要调试的可执行程序的路径]
注意,如果在调试模式下编译程序(在 GCC 中使用 -g 选项)将会对 nemiver 更有帮助。


- 执行到下一行 (按键是F6)
- 执行到函数内部即停止(F7)
- 执行到函数外部即停止(Shift+F7)
不过我个人喜欢“Run to cursor(运行至光标所在行)”,该选项使你的程序准确的运行至你光标所在行,它的默认按键是F11。




### Nemiver的高级用法 ###
#### 调试一个正在运行的进程 ####

#### 通过TCP连接远程调试一个程序 ####
Nemiver支持远程调试,你可以在一台远程机器上设置一个轻量级调试服务器,然后你在另外一台机器上启动 nemiver 去调试运行在调试服务器上的程序。如果出于某些原因,你不能在远程机器上很好地驾驭 Nemiver或者GDB,那么远程调试对于你来说将非常有用。在“File”菜单下,指定二进制文件、共享库位置、远程地址和端口。

#### 使用你的GDB二进制程序进行调试 ####
#### 跟随一个子进程或者父进程 ####

via: http://xmodulo.com/debug-program-nemiver-debugger.html
作者:[Adrien Brochard][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
**Git**是一款注重速度、数据完整性、分布式支持和非线性工作流的分布式版本控制工具。Git最初由Linus Torvalds在2005年为Linux内核开发而设计,如今已经成为被广泛接受的版本控制系统。
本篇教程我会演示如何安装 gitlit 服务器。gitlit的最新稳定版是1.6.2。[Gitblit][1]是一款开源、纯Java开发的用于管理、浏览和提供[Git][2]仓库服务的软件。它被设计成一款为希望托管中心仓库的小型工作组服务的工具。
mkdir -p /opt/gitblit; cd /opt/gitblit; wget http://dl.bintray.com/gitblit/releases/gitblit-1.6.2.tar.gz
### 列出目录: ###
### 列出解压后目录内容: ###
root@vps124229 [/opt/gitblit]# ls
./ docs/ gitblit-stop.sh* LICENSE service-ubuntu.sh*
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
### 启动gitlit服务: ###
### 通过service命令: ###
root@vps124229 [/opt/gitblit]# cp service-centos.sh /etc/init.d/gitblit
root@vps124229 [/opt/gitblit]# chkconfig --add gitblit
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
Starting gitblit server
### 手动启动: ###
root@vps124229 [/opt/gitblit]# java -jar gitblit.jar --baseFolder data
2015-01-10 09:16:53 [INFO ] *****************************************************************
@ -108,15 +108,15 @@
打开浏览器,依据你的配置进入**http://localhost:8080** 或者 **https://localhost:8443**。 输入默认的管理员授权:**admin / admin** 并点击**Login** 按钮


### 添加用户: ###




### 用命令行创建新的仓库: ###
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ via: http://www.unixmen.com/install-gitblit-ubuntu-fedora-centos/
作者:[M.el Khamlichi][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
Ubuntu 15.04 终于可以让你将菜单设置为 ‘始终可见’
**如果你不喜欢 Unity 的全局菜单在你的鼠标离开后就淡出你的视野,在 Ubuntu 15.04 稍微做点工作就可以留住菜单。**

最新的Ubuntu 15.04的Unity界面通过在“提议(Proposed)”通道提供了一个选项,**使应用程序菜单在Ubuntu中始终可见**。
现在,如果你使用的是 Ubuntu 15.04,并启用了“提议(Proposed)”的更新通道后,你可以在dconf 的com>canonical>Unity>‘always show menus’ 中找到这个开关。
### 迟到总比没有要好? ###
开发者们计划在Ubuntu 14.04 LTS的下一个SRU中反向移植这个选项(假设在测试阶段没有任何意外发生)。
本地集成菜单(LIM)在Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 中的首次亮相就赢得了赞誉,其被广泛认为在那些喜欢隐藏方式的与那些不喜欢必须使用鼠标和触摸板的人之间的最佳的折衷方案。
在Ubuntu 过去的几个版本中已经能够看到他们在积极解决早期的用户体验中的几个痛点。经过了几年,在TODO列表中[我们去年终于看到了本地集成菜单][1],以及通过[点击应用图标来实现Unity 启动器中应用的最小化及恢复的选项][2]。
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/01/ubuntu-15-04-always-show-menu-bar-option
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
nload 是一个 linux 自由软件工具,通过提供两个简单的图形来帮助linux用户和系统管理员来实时监控网络流量以及宽带使用情况:一个是进入流量,一个是流出流量。
在其使用手册上说到,在默认情况下它会监控所有网络设备。但是你可以轻松地指定你想要监控的设备,而且可以通过方向键在不同的网络设备之间进行转换。另外还有很多的选项可用,例如 ‘-t’选项以毫秒来设定刷新显示时间间隔(默认时间间隔值是500毫秒),‘-m’选项用来同时显示多个设备(在使用该选项时不会显示流量图),‘-u’选项用来设置显示流量数字的单位,另外还有许多其他的选项将会在本教程中探索和练习。
### 如何将 nload安装到你的linux机器上 ###
**Ubuntu** 和 **Fedora** 用户可以从默认的软件仓库中容易地安装。
sudo apt-get install nload
sudo yum install nload
**CentOS**用户该怎么办呢? 只需要在你的机器上输入以下命令就可以安装成功。
sudo yum install nload
sudo pkg_add -i nload
在 linux 机器上的另外一个非常有效的安装软件的方式就是编译源代码,下载并安装最新的版本意味着能够获得更好地性能、更酷的特性以及更少的bug。
### 如何通过源代码安装nload ###
在从源代码安装nload之前,你需要首先下载源代码。 我通常使用wget工具来进行下载--该工具在许多linux机器上默认可用。该免费工具帮助用户以非交互式的方式从网络上下载文件,并支持以下协议:
cd /tmp
wget http://www.roland-riegel.de/nload/nload-0.7.4.tar.gz
1. **-x** 从归档中解压文件
1. **-v** 使用繁琐模式运行--用来显示详细信息
1. **-f** 用来指定归档文件
例如(LCTT 译注:tar 命令的参数前的“-”可以省略):
tar xvf example.tar
tar xvf nload-0.7.4.tar.gz
cd nload*


sudo make install


#### 流入量####





#### 流出量 ####
#### 一些nload有用的选项####
nload -u m

nload -u g

同时还有一个**-U**选项。根据手册描述,该选项基本上与-u选项类似,只是用在合计数据。 我测试了这个命令,老实说,当你需要检查总的流入与流出量时非常有用。
nload -U G

从上面的截图中可以看到,**nload -U G** 使用Gbyte来显示数据总量。
另外一个我喜欢使用的有用选项是 **-t**。 该选项用来设置刷新显示事件间隔,单位为毫秒,默认值为500毫秒。
nload -t 130
那么上述命令做了什么呢?它将刷新显示时间间隔设置为130毫秒。 通常推荐不要将该时间间隔值设置为小于100毫秒,因为nload在生成报告时计算错误。
另外的一个选项为 **-a**, 在你想要设置计算平均值的时间窗口的秒数时使用,默认该值为300秒。
那么当你想要监控指定的网络设备该如何呢? 非常容易, 像下面这样简单地指定设备或者列出想要监控的设备列表即可。
nload wlan0

nload [options] device1 device2 devicen
nload wlan0 eth0
via: http://linoxide.com/monitoring-2/monitor-network-usage-nload/
作者:[Oltjano Terpollari][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
> **问题**: 我想要了解我的电脑关于CPU处理器的详细信息,查看CPU信息比较有效地方法是什么?
根据你的需要,有各种各样的关于你的CPU处理器信息你需要了解,比如CPU供应商名、模型名、时钟频率、套接字/内核的数量, L1/L2/L3缓存配置、可用的处理器能力(比如:硬件虚拟化、AES, MMX, SSE)等等。在Linux中,有许多命令行或基于GUI的工具就能来展示你的CPU硬件的相关具体信息。
根据你的需要,有各种各样的关于你的CPU处理器信息你需要了解,比如CPU供应商名、模型名、时钟频率、插槽/内核的数量, L1/L2/L3缓存配置、可用的处理器能力(比如:硬件虚拟化、AES, MMX, SSE)等等。在Linux中,有许多命令行或基于GUI的工具就能来展示你的CPU硬件的相关具体信息。
### 1. /proc/cpuinfo ###
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Linux有问必答时间--如何查看Linux系统的CPU信息

### 2. cpufreq-info ###
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ cpuid命令的功能就相当于一个专用的CPU信息工具,它能通过使
### 4. dmidecode ###
$ sudo dmidecode
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ i7z是一个专供英特尔酷睿i3、i5和i7 CPU的实时CPU报告工具。它

### 8. likwid-topology ###
### 8. likwid拓扑 ###
[likwid][3] (Like I Knew What I'm Doing) 是一个用来测量、配置并显示硬件相关特性的命令行收集工具。其中的likwid拓扑结构能显示CPU硬件(线程/缓存/NUMA)的拓扑结构信息,还能识别处理器家族(比如:Intel Core 2, AMD Shanghai)。
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ lscpu命令用一个更加用户友好的格式统计了 /etc/cpuinfo 的内容
### 10. lshw ###
$ sudo lshw -class processor
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ lscpu命令用一个更加用户友好的格式统计了 /etc/cpuinfo 的内容
### 11. lstopo ###
lstopo命令 (包括 [hwloc][4] 包) 使由CPU、缓存、内存和I/O设备组成的拓扑结构可见。这个命令用来识别处理器结构和系统的NUMA拓扑结构。
lstopo命令 (包括在 [hwloc][4] 包中) 以可视化的方式组成 CPU、缓存、内存和I/O设备的拓扑结构。这个命令用来识别处理器结构和系统的NUMA拓扑结构。
$ lstopo
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ lstopo命令 (包括 [hwloc][4] 包) 使由CPU、缓存、内存和I/O设备组
### 12. numactl ###
$ numactl --hardware
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ lstopo命令 (包括 [hwloc][4] 包) 使由CPU、缓存、内存和I/O设备组
### 13. x86info ###
$ x86info --all
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ x86info是一个为了展示基于x86架构的CPU信息的命令行工具。信
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/check-cpu-info-linux.html
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
**slay** 是**Chris Ausbrooks**写的一款用于杀掉指定用户所有运行进程的命令行工具。slay对系统管理员而言在找出那些不应该运行进程的用户是很有用的。
@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ slay在大多数发行版中都有官方仓库。
~ sudo slay amitooo
slay: Done.


@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ via: http://www.unixmen.com/kill-processes-specific-user-slay/
作者:[Enock Seth Nyamador][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
### 什么是wifi-linux ###
根据github作者账号的官方的offical readme.md文件, wifi-linux是一个简单的收集你周围AP的RSSI信息的python脚本,它还会画出RSSI活动图形。
根据github上作者账号的官方的 readme.md文件, wifi-linux是一个简单的收集你周围AP的RSSI信息的python脚本,它还会画出RSSI活动图形。
,这同样可以用命令plot生成,但是不幸的是,这对我不可行。wifi-linux支持其他的命令,比如**bp** 来加入一个断点,**print**会打印一些统计和**启动开关**。
作者说可以在该程序中可以使用plot命令绘制RSSI 活动图形,但是不幸的是,这对我不可行。wifi-linux也支持其他的命令,比如**bp** 来加入一个断点,**print**会打印一些统计和**启动开关**。
@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ wifi-linux程序有下面这些依赖:
### 安装wifi-linux需要的包 ###
pip install dbus-python
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/pip_build_oltjano/dbus-python/setup.py'
我该怎么解决这个问题呢?很简单,用下面命令中的系统包管理工具安装Python DBUS。
我该怎么解决这个问题呢?很简单,用下面命令中的系统包管理工具来安装Python DBUS。
sudo apt-get install python-dbus
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ wifi-linux程序有下面这些依赖:


@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ via: http://linoxide.com/linux-how-to/monitor-access-point-signal-strength-wifi-
作者:[Oltjano Terpollari][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
> 开源为大大小小的商业带来了一些显著的效益 -- 但是你可能会对某些用途感到惊讶。

技术上已经发生了一些必然性的改变。举个例子,开源软件以它的方式进入到了你的工作之中。10 年前,这也许还能称为一个问题。现在呢?则已经无法避免开源技术的使用 -- 也没有理由要去避免。有如此多强大(和必需的)的方方面面技术,开源在许多方面已经成为了技术的救世主。但是你哪一块的工作最适合开源软件呢?当然,这个问题的答案会因公司而异。然而许多的应用几乎可以适用于每个场景中。
### 1: 服务器软件 ###
如果你还在微软的 IIS 平台苦苦挣扎,那么你需要体验一下 Apache。这款旗舰级开源软件是这个星球上使用最广泛的网页服务器软件之一。Apache 免费、极其可靠、易于管理,而且不像 IIS 一样需要大量的资源。然而,开源并不局限于网页服务器。如果你需要在公司内使用 SMB 来共享资源,可以试试 Samba, Samba 4甚至集成了活动目录(AD),所以你不需要担心在Samba服务器上建立单独的用户账号。
### 2: 开发 ###
用开源开发是很简单的事。PHP,Rails,Perl -- 开源上面的开发语言和开发的工具(从集成开发环境到调试)都很多。为开源或者开源工具做开发可以有很多种选择(如同使用商业软件开发一样)。开源软件与商业软件最大的不同之处在于开源可以接触到软件源代码。在自由开源软件(FOSS,free open source software)的世界里,代码都是公开的。对许多开发者来说,Linux操作系统有他们开发和构建所需要的一切(特别那些没有一个成熟环境来写代码的人而言)。如果你需要图形用户界面(GUI)的开发工具,开源也能满足你。
### 3: 安全 ###
### 4: 桌面 ###
Linux 桌面是大多数人不认可的地方。尽管如此,你必须考虑一个事实,那就是你每天的工作流程已经经历了一个主要的思维模式的转换。我们现在做的大部分事情都是通过网络浏览器。那么为什么不将Linux部署到桌面上呢?不但可以能做如今要做的许多工作,而且不用遭受病毒,恶意软件和能破坏系统的更新。它不完美 -- 但哪个平台敢说完美?但是它很强大,最后,还可以节省你的开支。这是一个双赢的结局。
### 5: 工作流程 ###
每一种工作都依赖于工作流程。对于某些工作来说,一个流畅的工作流程又取决于所用的工具。开源已经登上这个舞台了。CRM(客户关系管理),HRM(人力资源管理),ERP(企业资源计划),BI(商业智能),BPM(业务流程管理) …… 只要你叫得出名字,开源就可以做到几乎你能想到的每一种可能 -- 并且干得不错。借助于[Pentaho][1], [Collabtive][2]和[SugarCRM][3], 开源可以在任何时候与最新的源工具保持同步。
### 6: 协作 ###
没有一起合作项目的能力,你的员工就不能干好工作。所以你选择的协作工具是十分重要的。你会在开源的世界里发现大量的优质协作工具。[Cyn.in 社区版][4], [Zimbra 开源版][5]和[Kolab][6]都是不错的协作工具,但这仅仅是开源世界里的三个代表而已。
### 7: 大数据 ###
### 8: 云 ###
云的主要玩家都是开源的。[Red Hat][8], [Ubuntu][9], [SUSE][10], [Amazon][11], [Rackspace][12] -- 他们都提供云服务,而且认为开源是云配置的最好解决方案。但是,如果你不想用大公司的服务,仍然有很多后起之秀如[OwnCloud][13],你可以选择OwnCloud的托管云方案,或者建立自己的一套。
### 9: 多媒体 ###
如果你的公司做播客或为产品发布制作视频,开源可以为你提供服务。借助像[Audacity][14]和[OpenShot][15]这样的工具,你可以对音频和视频做你需要的任何处理 -- 而且十分的廉价。实际上,你会感觉到很难再去找到比Audacity更好的播客工具,或者比OpenShot更易用的视频编辑器。没有太大的学习壁垒,或者闭源软件工具所要求的高额费用,开源的软件在帮助你创造专业水准的作品方面已经做得很好了。
### 10: 电子商务 ###
如果你做在线销售,如果不尝试一下像[PrestaShop][16]之类的工具,你就太懈怠了。PrestaShop是最强大的电子商务解决方案之一,易于获取 -- 不需要许可证。 PrestaShop有你可能想要的所有功能(而且有些你可能都没有想过),这个开源平台已经在任何水平上超出了电子商务的范畴。
### FOSS 之于商业 ###
### 该你了 ###
via: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/10-things/10-best-uses-for-open-source-software-in-the-business-world/
作者:[Jack Wallen][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@

### 1. 不带任何选项列出文件 ###
@ -50,9 +51,9 @@ Linux的ls命令
.bash_logout Desktop fbcmd_update.php .ICEauthority .mozilla Public Videos
.bash_profile .digrc .gconf index.html Music .pulse .wireshark
### 4. 用-lh选项来以人类可读方式列出文件 ###
### 4. 用 -lh 选项来以易读方式列出文件 ###
# ls -lh
@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ Linux的ls命令
### 5. 以尾部以‘/’字符结尾的方式列出文件和目录 ###
Using -F option with ls command, will add the ‘/’ Character at the end each directory.
使用 ls 命令的 -F 选项,会在每个目录的末尾添加“/”字符显示。
# ls -F
@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ ls -R选项能列出非常长的目录树,来看看示例输出:
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 Aug 12 03:17 access.log
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 390 Aug 12 03:17 access.log-20120812.gz
### 8. 反向输出次序 ###
### 8. 以修改时间倒序列出 ###
@ -159,9 +160,9 @@ ls -R选项能列出非常长的目录树,来看看示例输出:
-rw-------. 1 root root 1586 Jul 31 02:17 anaconda-ks.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 683 Aug 19 09:59 0001.pcap
### 10. 显示文件或目录的索引节点数 ###
### 10. 显示文件或目录的索引节点号 ###
# ls -i
@ -192,7 +193,7 @@ ls -R选项能列出非常长的目录树,来看看示例输出:
### 13. 列出目录信息 ###
用ls -l命令列出/tmp目录下的文件,其中-ld参数可以显示/tmp目录的信息。
用ls -l命令列出/tmp目录下的文件,其中-ld参数可以只显示/tmp目录的信息。
# ls -l /tmp
total 408
@ -225,13 +226,13 @@ ls -R选项能列出非常长的目录树,来看看示例输出:
-rw-rw-r--. 1 500 500 12 Aug 21 13:06 tmp.txt
drwxr-xr-x. 2 500 500 4096 Aug 2 01:52 Videos
### 15. ls命令和它的别名功能 ###
### 15. ls命令和它的别名 ###
# alias ls="ls -l"
# alias
@ -255,7 +256,7 @@ via: http://www.tecmint.com/15-basic-ls-command-examples-in-linux/
作者:[Ravi Saive][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
4 Linux Based Mini PC You Can Buy In 2015

Mini PCs, in my opinion, will takeover the traditional desktop computers in near future. Traditional desktop has a bulky CPU which takes a lot of space with its fan running like a blower. The mini PCs, on the other hand, are tiny and compact. With hardly 4″ or 5″ in size, they can be easily placed on a table.
Moreover, these mini PCs are fanless which is an added virtue. Of course, you can buy fanless regular desktops but the space consumption is still an issue. Personally, I find the mini PC cute in looks. If you are not a gamer and thinking of buying a new desktop PC, I’ll highly recommend you to **buy a Linux based mini PC**.
If you go by my recommendation and consider buying it, you might wonder what options do you have. Worry not. In this post we shall see four **Linux based Mini PC that you can buy in 2015**.
### Linux based mini PCs ###
Please do note that some of these gadgets might not be available to order just yet. Some of these have been just announced and will be released to public in near future.
#### 1. Meerkat by System76 ####

[System76][1] is a computer manufacturer exclusively dealing with only Ubuntu based desktop, laptops and servers. [System76 announced an Ubuntu based mini PC Meerkat][2] last week. Let’s take a quick look at its specification:
- Intel 5th Generation processors, available options i3-5010U and i5-5250U
- up to 2 TB of storage (M.2 SATA SSD)
- 16 GB DDR3 RAM
- Graphics Intel HD 5500 and Intel HD 6000 for i3 and i5 respectively
- 4″ x 4″ in size
- WiFi
- 1 Gb NIC
- 2 USB 3.0 ports
In the range of $500 (yet to be confirmed).
US release by the end of March 2015.
#### 2. Mintbox Mini by Compulab ####

[Compulab][3] shrunk its flagship Linux Mint based PC devices, Mintbox into [Mintbox Mini][4]. The compact version is around 4″ in size. More details are as following:
- AMD A4-6400T processor
- Radeon R3 graphics processor
- 4 GB RAM
- 64 GB SSD
- 2 USB 3.0 ports, 3 USB 2.0 ports
- 2 HDMI out ports
- 802.11 b/g/n Wifi
- Gigabit Ethernet
- MicroSD reader
Staring around $300
Second quarter of 2015
#### 3. Utilite2 by Compulab ####

It’s not that Compulab has stuck with Linux Mint only. It announced an ARM desktop PC running Ubuntu in last December. With a size of 3.4″x2.3″, [Utilite2][5] has modest feature and modest price.
- Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 (APQ8064) quad-core CPU 1.7GHz
- 2GB RAM, eMMC with optional 32 GB mSATA storage
- Graphics with Qualcomm Adreno™ GPU
- 1080p video playback and capture
- Dual-antenna WiFi 802.11 and Bluetooth 4.0
- Gigabit Ethernet, 4x USB2, USB OTG
- Cellular modem support
$192 for regular model, $229 with SSD storage. Shipping charges extra.
Available to purchase now. It will take four weeks in shipping.
#### Penguin Pocket Wee by Think Penguin ####

[Think Penguin][6] is a Open Source focused hardware manufacturer. In the mini PC category, it has [Penguin Pocket Wee][7] to offer. With 4.6″x 4.4″x 1.4″ in size, Penguin Pocket Wee provides a number of configuration to you. You can choose between the processors, storage, network adapters and what not. You can choose to buy it pre-installed with your favorite Linux distribution, default OS is Ubuntu.
The general configuration is as following:
- Intel Core i3 or i5 processor with support for up to 1080p HD video
- Expandable up to 16GB of DDR3 RAM
- Intel HD graphics
- Wireless N
- Up to 250GB of SSD
- 4 USB 3.0
- Intel 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet Controller
Basic model starts at $499 and it can go up to $1000 based on the configuration you select.
Available to order now. There are offices in UK and USA so it should be shipping to North America and Europe.
### What’s your pick? ###
I have deliberately not included [Raspberry Pi 2][8] or other Linux microcomputer such as [Intel’s Compute Stick][9]. The reason is that I do not think that micro-computers fall in the same categories as mini PCs.
What do you think? Are you tempted to replace your desktop with a mini PC? Is there another player which I missed in this list of **best Linux based mini PCs**? Do share your views.
via: http://itsfoss.com/4-linux-based-mini-pc-buy-2015/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
Papyrus: An Open Source Note Manager

In last post, we saw an [open source to-do app Go For It!][1]. In a similar article, today we’ll see an **open source note taking application Papyrus**.
[Papyrus][2] is a fork of [Kaqaz note manager][3] and is built on QT5. It brings a clean, polished user interface and is security focused (as it claims). Emphasizing on simplicity, I find Papyrus similar to OneNote. You organize your notes in ‘paper’ and add them a label for grouping those papers. Simple enough!
### Papyrus features: ###
Though Papyrus focuses on simplicity, it still has plenty of features up its sleeves. Some of the main features are:
- Note management with labels and categories
- Advanced search options
- Touch mode available
- Full screen option
- Back up to Dropbox/hard drive/external
- Password protection for selective papers
- Sharing papers with other applications
- Encrypted synchronization via Dropbox
- Available for Android, Windows and OS X apart from Linux
### Install Papyrus ###
Papyrus has APK available for Android users. There are installer files for Windows and OS X. Linux users can get source code of the application. Ubuntu and other Ubuntu based distributions can use the .deb packages. Based on your OS and preference, you can get the respective files from the Papyrus download page:
- [Download Papyrus][4]
### Screenshots ###
Here are some screenshots of the application:




Give Papyrus a try and see if you like it. Do share your experience with it with the rest of us here.
via: http://itsfoss.com/papyrus-open-source-note-manager/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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Red Hat Developer Toolset 3.1 beta arrives
> **Summary**:Want the newest developer tools for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 or 7? The beta's ready for you now.
It's one of those eternal problems between developers and operators that even [DevOps][1] can't entirely solve. System administrators want the most stable operating system possible, while programmers want the latest and greatest development tools. [Red Hat][2]'s solution for this dilemma has been to take those brand spanking-new tools, test them out on the latest stable [Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)][3], and then release them to developers.

Red Hat Developer Toolset
So it is that Red Hat has just announced its latest toys for developers, [Red Hat Developer Toolset 3.1][4]. This packaging of the hottest new tools is now available in beta.
This update includes:
[GNUCompiler Collection (GCC) 4.9][5]: the latest stable upstream version of GCC, which provides numerous improvements and bug fixes
[Eclipse 4.4.1][6]: with support for Java 8 and updated versions of Eclipse CDT (8.5), Eclipse Linux Tools (3.1), Eclipse Mylyn (3.14), and Eclipse Egit/Jgit (3.6.1)
Numerous additional updated packages: These include GDB 7.8.2, elfutils 0.161, memstomp 0.1.5, SystemTap 2.6, Valgrind 3.10.1, Dyninst 8.2.1, and ltrace 0.7.91.
With these development programs, you'll be able to create applications for RHEL 6 and 7.x. These apps will then run on RHEL regardless of whether you're running it on a physical, virtual or cloud environments. They will also run on Red Hat's [OpenShift][7], its Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offering.
This new set of developer programs includes packages for both RHEL 7 and 7 running on [AMD64 and Intel 64 architectures][8]. Although the tools are 64-bit you can use them to create and modify 32-bit binaries.
Before you try running any of these programs, you should patch RHEL with all the latest updates. To install the beta Toolset, your systems need to be subscribed to the Optional channel to access all the required Red Hat Developer Toolset tool-chain packages.
In addition, if you've installed earlier Toolkits you may run into some [problems while installing Toolkit 3.1][9]. While these difficulties are easy enough to fix, you should go over these possible hiccups before trying to install the new Toolkit.
Finally, you may notice that some of the most exciting of the new tools, such as Docker, Kubernetes, and other container tools aren't here. That's because they're in the newly released [RHEL 7.1][10] and [Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Atomic Host (RHELAH)][11]. [Red Hat has partnered with Docker][12], but you'll need to move to a Docker-friendly version of RHEL to get at these container-friendly programs.
via: http://www.zdnet.com/article/red-hat-developer-toolset-3-1-beta-arrives/
作者:[Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
Square 2.0 Icon Pack Is Twice More Beautiful

Elegant, modern looking [Square icon theme][1] has recently been upgraded to version 2.0, which makes it more beautiful than ever. Square icon packs are compatible with all major desktop environments such as **Unity, GNOME, KDE, MATE** etc. Which means that you can use them for all popular Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, Fedora, Linux Mint, elementary OS etc. The vastness of this icon pack can be estimated from the fact it contains over 15,000 icons.
### Install and use Square icon pack 2.0 in Linux ###
There are two variants of Square icons, dark and light. Based on your preference, you can choose either of the two. For experimentation sake, I would advise you to download both variants of the icon theme.
You can download the icon pack from the link below. The files are stored in Google Drive, so don’t be suspicious if you don’t see a standard website like [SourceForge][2].
- [Square Dark Icons][3]
- [Square Light Icons][4]
To use the icon theme, extract the downloaded files in ~/.icons directory. If this doesn’t exist, create it. Once you have the files in the right place, based on your desktop environment, use a tool to change the icon theme. I have written some small tutorials in the past on this topic. Feel free to refer to them if you need further help:
- [How to change themes in Ubuntu Unity][5]
- [How to change themes in GNOME Shell][6]
- [How to change themes in Linux Mint][7]
- [How to change theme in Elementary OS Freya][8]
### Give it a try ###
Here is what my Ubuntu 14.04 looks like with Square icons. I am using [Ubuntu 15.04 default wallpaper][9] in the background.

A quick look at several icons in the Square theme:

How do you find it? Do you think it can be considered as one of the [best icon themes for Ubuntu 14.04][10]? Do share your thoughts and stay tuned for more articles on customizing your Linux desktop.
via: http://itsfoss.com/square-2-0-icon-pack-linux/
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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
translating by haimingfg
Torvalds: 'People who start writing kernel code get hired really quickly'
Now more than ever, the development of the Linux kernel is a matter for the professionals, as unpaid volunteer contributions to the project reached their lowest recorded levels in the latest "Who Writes Linux" report, which was released today.
According to the report, which is compiled by the Linux Foundation, just 11.8 percent of kernel development last year was done by unpaid volunteers -- a 19 percent downturn from the 2012 figure of 14.6 percent. The foundation says that the downward trend in volunteer contributions has been present for years.

Even so, unpaid contributors were still the single biggest source of commits in the latest Who Writes Linux, at 11,968 total changes -- good for 12.4 percent of the whole. However, corporate contributors collectively account for much, much more. The Linux Foundation said that more than 80 percent of all work on the kernel is done by paid professional developers.
According to Linus Torvalds, the shift towards paid developers hasn't changed much about kernel development on its own.
"I think one reason it hasn't changed things all that much is that it's not so much 'unpaid volunteers are going away' as 'people who start writing kernel code get hired really quickly,'" he told Network World.
Torvalds said that, while Linux development has changed for plenty of other reasons -- and that, naturally, new contributors pop up all the time -- many of the original developers, with decades of experience, have simply been snapped up by companies with an interest in Linux.
"We may have started as volunteers, but we're happily employed doing Linux these days," he said.
Torvalds' own role in development has become increasingly hands-off, according to the report -- he has personally signed off on 329 patches since version 3.10 of kernel was released, or 0.4 percent. Increasingly, subsystem maintainers do their own reviews and merges of code.
via: http://www.infoworld.com/article/2885339/application-development/torvalds-people-who-start-writing-kernel-code-get-hired-really-quickly.html
作者:[Jon Gold][a]
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@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
[translating by KayGuoWhu]
The future of Linux storage
> **Summary**:Linux software developers are working hard on expanding Linux's file and storage options.
BOSTON - At the [Linux Foundation's][1] new [Vault][2] show, it's all about file systems and storage. You might think that there's nothing new to say about either topic, but you'd be wrong.

Linux file systems, such as Btrfs, and storage support options are constantly evolving. -- Facebook
Storage technology has come a long way from the days of, as Linus Torvalds put it, "[nasty platters of spinning rust][3]" and Linux has had to keep up. In recent years, for example, [flash memory has arrived as enterprise server primary storage][4] and [persistent memory][5] is bringing us storage that works at DRAM speeds. At the same time, Big Data, cloud computing, and containers are all bringing new use cases to Linux.
To deal with this, Linux developers are both expanding their existing file and storage programs and working on new ones.
### Btrfs ###
For instance, Chris Mason, a Facebook software engineer and one of the [Btrfs][6] (pronounced Butter FS) maintainers, explained how Facebook uses this file system. Btrfs has many advantages as a file system such as the ability to handle both numerous small files and single files as large as 16 exabytes; baked in RAID; built-in file-system compression; and integrated multi-storage device support.
Facebook, of course, runs on Linux. To be exact, Facebook runs the 3.10 and 3.18 Linux kernels on an internal distribution, which is based on [CentOS][7]. For Facebook, the real win is that Btrfs is stable and fast under the endless input/output operations per second (IOPS) pounding from Facebook's constantly updating users.
That's the good news. The bad news is that Btrfs is still much too slow for traditional DBMSs such as MySQL. For those, Facebook uses [XFS][8]. To co-ordinate the two file systems, Facebook uses [Gluster][9], the open-source distributed file system.
Facebook, which works hand-in-glove with the upstream Btrfs Linux kernel developers, is working on improving Btrfs's DBMS speed. Mason, and his companions, are doing this by using Btrfs with the [RocksDB][10] database. This is a persistent key-value store for fast storage, which can be used as the foundation for a client-server database.
Btrfs also still has some bugs. For example, if you're foolish enough to fill a disk almost to bursting, Btrfs will stop you from writing to storage before the disk is completely stuffed. For some projects, such as [CoreOS][12], the enterprise Linux that relies on containers, that's a showstopper. [CoreOS has since switched to using xt4 and overlayfs][11].
The Btrfs crew is also working on data deduplication. In this, when a file system has more than one identical file, you automatically delete the duplicate. As Mason said, "Not everyone needs this, but if you need it, you really need it!"
Btrfs isn't the only file system that's both very important and getting worked on. John Spray, a senior software engineer at [Red Hat][13], talked about the distributed [Ceph][14] file system.
### Ceph FS ###
Ceph provides a distributed object store and file system which, in turn, relies on a resilient and scalable storage model (RADOS) using clusters of commodity hardware. Along with the RADOS block device (RBD), and the RADOS object gateway (RGW), Ceph provides a [POSIX][15] file-system interface -- Ceph FS. While RBD and RGW have been in use for production workloads for some time, efforts to make Ceph FS ready for production are now underway.
[Red Hat, after acquiring Inktank][16], Ceph's parent company, in 2014 has been working hard on making CephFS production ready. For better or worse, Spray said, "Some people are already using it in production; we're terrified of this. It's really not ready yet." Still, Spray added, that this "is a mixed blessing because while it's a bit scary, we get really useful feedback and testing from those users."
That's because while Ceph object stores scale out well, Ceph FS, as a POSIX compliant file-system, are hard to scale out. For example, as a distributed file system, Ceph FS has to deal with multiple writes from multiple clients. This can lead to all or nothing situations where one client can write and others must wait. This can result in file-locking situations that are more complicated than those in ordinary file systems.
Still, Ceph FS is worth doing, Spray said, "since POSIX file-systems are an operating system lingua franca." That's not to say that Ceph FS doesn't work. "It's not horribly broken. It works. What's missing is the repair and monitoring tools."
Red Hat is currently hard at work on getting [fsck][17] and journal repair tools, snapshot hardening, better client access control, and cloud and container integration. For now, though, Ceph FS is a file system that only the very brave, or foolish, should use in production.
### File and storage odds and ends ###
As for larger issues of file-systems and storage, Jeff Layton, senior software engineer at [Primary Data][18], explained that there are efforts under way to to create "tests for catastrophic power failure, without actually pulling the plug." These tests will soon be integrated with [xfstests][19], the gold standard for Linux file-system testing.
Rik van Riel, a Red Hat principal software engineer, spoke about the problem of dealing with persistent memory products. You can treat them as storage or as memory. But, you can't currently take snapshots for backups if you use them as memory. The real problem: van Riel is certain that people will try to use persistent memory as both, which will lead to such as situations as "Without back up, how do you deal with a 200GB persistent memory database?" Adding insult to injury, logging systems don't currently work with persistent memory.
What's the right answer? Linux doesn't have one yet, but programmers are working on it.
So, while Linux has many file systems and can use any kind of storage out there that can hold a byte, there's still a lot of work to be done. Technology never stands still. Linux, which runs on everything from devices to desktops to servers to clouds to supercomputers, has to keep up with storage advances no matter where they appear.
via: http://www.zdnet.com/article/linux-storage-futures/
作者:[Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
johnhoow translating...
How to Install Lightweight Budgie ( v8) Desktop in Ubuntu 14.04
Budgie is the flagship desktop of the Evolve OS Linux Distribution, and is an Evolve OS project. Designed with the modern user in mind, it focuses on simplicity and elegance. A huge advantage for the Budgie desktop is that it is not a fork of another project, but rather one written from scratch with integration in mind.
The [Budgie Desktop][1] tightly integrates with the GNOME stack, employing underlying technologies to offer an alternative desktop experience. In the spirit of open source, the project is compatible with and available for other Linux distributions.
Also note that Budgie can now emulate the look and feel of the GNOME 2 desktop, optionally, via a setting in the panel preferences.
### Features in the 0.8 release ###
- IconTasklist: Add pinning support
- IconTasklist: Use .desktop files for quicklists
- IconTasklist: Use .desktop files for icon resolution
- IconTasklist: Support “attention” hint (blue blink)
- Panel: Support dark theme (used by default)
- Add Menubar applet
- Panel: Initial autohide support (manual, not automatic)
- Panel: Support shadow onall screen edges
- Panel: Dynamic support for gnome panel theming
- RunDialog: Complete visual refresh (bootiful)
- BudgieMenu: Add compact mode, use by default
- BudgieMenu: Sort items by usage
- BudgieMenu: Remove old power option
- Editor: Add all menu options to UI
- Support from GNOME 3.10 up to 3.16 (unreleased, git)
- wm: Kill workspace animation (resolve after v8)
- wm: Better animations for changing of wallpapers
### Important information ###
- Budgie [released version 0.8][2] so it is still in development and a beta.
- No nnative network management; can be fixed by using Ubuntu's applet.
- Budgie is intended for the Evolve OS so even with this PPA it might be buggy.
- GNOME themes work better than the native Ubuntu themes.
- Ubuntu’s overlay scrollbars are not working.
- If you want to read more visit the Evolve OS website.
### Installation ###
Now, we'll install our Lightweight Budgie Desktop in our Ubuntu 14.04 LTS "Trusty" distribution of Linux Operating System. First of all, we'll need to add ppa repository to our Ubuntu PC. To do so, we'll need to execute the below command in a shell or terminal.
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:evolve-os/ppa

Now, after we finish adding PPA to our Ubuntu Computer, we'll need to update the local repository index in it. It can be done by running the following command in the same terminal or shell after above is done.
$ sudo apt-get update
Then, finally, we'll install the one and only Budgie Desktop Environment in our Ubuntu machine running the latest version 14.04 LTS.
$ sudo apt-get install budgie-desktop

It is in active development and features remain missing, including, but not limited to: no network management support, no volume control applet (keyboard keys will work fine), no notification system and no way to ‘pin’ apps to the task bar.
As a workaround you can disable overlay scrollbars, set a different default theme and quit a session from the terminal using the following command:
$ gnome-session-quit

### Log into the Budgie Session ###
After installation is completed, we’ll be able to select ‘Budgie’ from the session selector of the Unity Greeter. For that, we'll need to logout the current user and get back to the login screen. Then, we'll be able to switch to Budgie Desktop Environment.

### Budgie Desktop Environment ###

### Logging Out ###
You can simply execute **budgie-session --logout** in a shell or terminal to logout it.
$ budgie-sessioon --logout
### Conclusion ###
Hurray! We have successfully installed our Lightweight Budgie Desktop Environment in our Ubuntu 14.04 LTS "Trusty" box. As we know, Budgie Desktop is still underdevelopment which makes it a lot of stuffs missing. Though it’s based on Gnome’s GTK3, it’s not a fork. The desktop is written completely from scratch, and the design is elegant and well thought out. If you have any questions, comments, feedback please do write on the comment box below and let us know what stuffs needs to be added or improved. Thank You! Enjoy Budgie Desktop 0.8 :-)
via: http://linoxide.com/ubuntu-how-to/install-lightweight-budgie-v8-desktop-ubuntu/
作者:[Arun Pyasi][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
tanslating by martin.
Fedora GNOME Keyboard Shortcuts
To get the very best out of the [GNOME desktop environment][1], within Fedora, you need to learn and remember the keyboard shortcuts required to navigate the system.
This article lists the most useful keyboard shortcuts and how they are used.

GNOME Keyboard Shortcuts - The Super Key.
#### 1. The Super Key ####
[The "super" key][2] is your best friend when navigating modern operating systems.
On a standard laptop the "super" key sits on the bottom row next to the "alt" key.
When you press the "super" key the "activities" overview will be displayed and you will be able to see all of the open applications zoomed out.
Pressing "ALT" and "F1" together will show the same display.

GNOME Run Command.
### 2. How To Run A Command Quickly ###
If you need to run a command quickly, you can press "ALT" and "F2" which displays a "Run Command" dialog.
You can now enter your command into that window and press return.

TAB Through Applications.
### 3. Quickly Switch To Other Open Applications ###
As with Microsoft Windows you can switch applications using the "ALT" and "TAB" keys.
On some keyboards the tab key looks like this: **|<- ->|** and on others it simply spells the word "TAB".
The GNOME application switcher simply shows the icons and names of the applications as you tab through them.
If you hold down the "shift" and "tab" keys, the application switcher rotates around the icons in reverse order.

Switch Windows In The Same Application.
### 4. Quickly Switch To Another Window In The Same Application ###
If you are anything like me then you will end up with half a dozen instances of Firefox open.
You now know that "Alt" and "Tab" switch between applications.
There are two ways to cycle through all of the open instances of the same application.
The first is to press "Alt" and "Tab" until the cursor sits over the icon of the application with many windows that you wish to cycle through. After a pause a dropdown will appear and you can select the Window with the mouse.
The second and preferred option is to press "Alt" and "Tab" until the cursor sits over the icon of the application you want to cycle through and then press the "super" and "`" keys to toggle through the open instances.
**Note that the "`" key is the one just above the tab key. The key for cycling through the open instances is always the key above the tab key regardless of your keyboard layout, therefore it isn't always guaranteed to be the "`" key.**
If you have nimble fingers (or as I like to call them ninja fingers) then you can hold the "shift", "`" and "super" key to cycle backwards through the open instances of an application.

Switch Keyboard Focus.
### 5. Switch Keyboard Focus ###
This keyboard shortcut isn't essential but a nice to know.
If you want to switch the keyboard focus to the search bar or to an application window you can press "CTRL", "ALT" and "TAB". to show a list of possible areas to switch to.
You can then use the arrow keys to cycle through the possible options.

Show All Applications.
### 6. Show A List Of All The Applications ###
If the last one was a nice to have then this one is a real time saver.
To quickly navigate to a full list of all the applications on your system press the "super" key and "A".

Switch Workspaces.
### 7. Switch Workspaces ###
If you have been using Linux for a while you will appreciate the fact that you [can use multiple workspaces][3].
For instance in one workspace you might have development environments open, in another web browsers and in a third your email client.
To toggle between workspaces press the "super" and the "Page Up" (PGUP) keys to toggle in one direction and the "super", "Page Down" (PGDN) keys to toggle in the other direction.
The alternative but more longwinded away to switch to another workspace is to press the "super" key to show a list of applications and then select the workspace you wish to switch to on the right side of the screen.

Move Application To Another Workspace.
### 8. Move Items To A New Workspace ###
If the workspace you are using is getting cluttered and you wish to move the current application to a new workspace press the "super", "shift" and "page up" button or "super", "shift" and "page down" key.
Alternatively press the "super" key to bring up the list of applications and drag the application you wish to move to one of the workspaces on the right of the screen.

Show The Message Tray.
### 9. Show The Message Tray ###
The message tray provides a list of notifications.
To bring up the message tray press the "super" and "M" key on the keyboard.
Alternatively move the mouse to the bottom right corner of the screen.

Lock The Screen.
### 10. Lock The Screen ###
Need to a comfort break or a cup of coffee? Don't want sticky paws all over your keyboard?
Whenever you leave your computer alone get in the habit of pressing "super" and L to lock the screen.
To unlock the screen drag up from the bottom and enter your password.

Control Alt Delete Within Fedora.
### 11. Power Off ###
If you used to be a Windows user then you will remember the three finger salute known as CTRL, ALT and DELETE.
If you press "CTRL", "ALT" and "DEL" on your keyboard within Fedora a message will appear telling you that your computer will shut down in 60 seconds.
### 12. Editing Shortcuts ###
The editing keyboard shortcuts are pretty much universal across every operating system.
- CTRL + A - Select All
- CTRL + X - Cut
- CTRL + C - Copy
- CTRL + V - Paste
- CTRL + Z - Undo
### 13. Screen Capturing ###
As with the editing shortcuts, the screencapturing keys are fairly standard
- PRTSC (Print Screen) - Take screenshot
- Alt + PRTSC - Take screenshot of current window
- Shift + PRTSC - Take screenshot of an area of the screen
Here is one that is fairly unique but great for people making tutorial videos.
- CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + R - Record Screencast
- CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + R again - Stop Screencast
The [screencasts][4] will be stored in the videos folder under your home directory in the [webm][5] format.

Put Windows Side By Side.
### 14. Put Windows Side By Side ###
You can put windows side by side so that one uses up the left side of the screen and the other uses the right side of the screen.
Press the "Super" and "Left Arrow" key on the keyboard to shift the current application to the left.
Press the "Super" and "Right Arrow" key on the keyboard to shift the current application to the right.
### 15. Maximise, Minimise And Restore Windows ###
To maximise a window double click on the title bar.
To restore a window to its original size double click on the maximised window.
To minimise a window, right click and select "minimise" from the menu.

GNOME Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet.
### 16. Summary ###
To help you learn these keyboard shortcuts I have created a cheat sheet which you can print out and stick to your wall.
When you have learned these shortcuts you will begin to appreciate how modern desktop environments work.
- [Click here to view the Fedora Linux GNOME Desktop Environment cheat sheet.][6]
- [Click here for the GNOME WIKI][7]
- [The other GNOME WIKI][8]
- [An alternative GNOME 3 Cheat Sheet][9]
via: http://linux.about.com/od/howtos/tp/Fedora-GNOME-Keyboard-Shortcuts.htm
作者:[Gary Newell][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
translating wi-cuckoo LLAP
Install And Use ‘Go For It!’ To Do App In Linux

How do you manage tasks and remember things in desktop Linux? I preferred [using sticky notes in Ubuntu][1] for a long time. But the problem I faced was syncing it with other devices, especially with my smartphone. This is the reason why went on with [Google Keep][2].
Now, Google Keep is feature rich app and I really like it, and like it to the extent of calling it [Linux alternative of Evernote][3]. But not everyone may like a feature rich todo list app. Minmalist is the current trend and liked by many. And if you are one of the minimalist lover, who is looking for an open source to do list app, you should give [Go For It!][4] a try.
### Go For It! productivity desktop app for Linux ###
Go For It! is a simple to do list app that comes with a timer to keep you focused on the work. So, you add a task to the list and can attach a timer to it. It will keep remind you to work on the task. You can watch the video by its developer, [Manuel Kehl][5]:
<iframe width="640" height="390" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/mnw556C9FZQ?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent" type="text/html" class="youtube-player"></iframe>
### Install Go For It! ###
To install Go For It! in Ubuntu 15.04, 14.10, 14.04 and other Ubuntu based Linux distributions such as Linux Mint, elementary OS Freya etc, use the official PPA of this app:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mank319/go-for-it
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install go-for-it
You can download the .deb binaries, binaries for Windows and source code from the respective links below:
- [Download source code][6]
- [Download .deb binaries][7]
- [Download for Windows][8]
### Using Go For It! in desktop Linux ###
Using Go For It! is really simple. You add tasks in the list. The tasks are saved in todo.txt file.

By default a timer of 25 minutes will be set on each task.

Once done, task is automatically archived to done.txt. Based on preferences, it will send desktop notifications at regular time interval and few minutes before the task is supposed to be over:

You can change all these preferences from configuration.

So far so good. But what about using it on a smartphone. A productivity app is not complete if you cannot keep it synced across various devices. Good thing is that Go For It! is based on [todo.txt][9], which means you can use it in smartphones using third party apps and a cloud service like Dropbox.
### Using Go For It! in Android smartphones and tablets ###
You need to do couple of things here. First thing first, install Dropbox in Linux as well as in your Android phone, if you haven’t installed it already. The next thing you need to do is to change the configuration of Go For It! and **change the todo.txt directory to Dropbox location**.
Next, you will have to download [Simpletask Android app][10]. It’s a free app. Install this app. When you run Simpletask for the first time, you will ask to link your account with Dropbox:

Once you have linked Simpletask with Dropbox, open the app. If you have change the configuration of Go For It! to save the files in Dropbox, you should be able to see it in Simpletask. If you do not see it, click on the settings from the bottom and use the option of Open Todo file:

Now you should be able to see your tasks synced with Simpletask.
### Conclusion ###
With Simpletask, you can use it in similar fashion as a [markup language tool][11]. For minimal and focused usage Go For It! is a nice to do app. A clean interface is another plus point. It could have been better to have its own smartphone app but we already saw the workarounds.
On the down side, Go For It! doesn’t run in background. Which means, you’ll have to keep it running always. It doesn’t even has a minimize button, a tiny annoyance. What I would like to see is an indicator applet for it. Running in the background and quick access in the panel will definitely improve its usability.
Do try Go For It! and share your experience with it. What other to-do app do you use on desktop Linux? How does Go For It! compare with your other favorite productivity app?
via: http://itsfoss.com/go-for-it-to-do-app-in-linux/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
tranlating by haimingfg
Sleuth Kit - Open Source Forensic Tool to Analyze Disk Images and Recover Files
SIFT is a Ubuntu based forensics distribution provided by SANS Inc. It consist of many forensics tools such as Sleuth kit / Autopsy etc . However, Sleuth kit/Autopsy tools can be installed on Ubuntu/Fedora distribution instead of downloading complete distribution of SIFT.
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
How to enable ssh login without entering password
Assume that you are a user "aliceA" on hostA, and wish to ssh to hostB as user "aliceB", without entering her password on hostB. You can follow this guide to **enable ssh login without entering a password**.
First of all, you need to be logged in as user "aliceA" on hostA.
Generate a public/private rsa key pair by using ssh-keygen. The generated key pair will be stored in ~/.ssh directory.
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Then, create ~/.ssh directory on aliceB account at the destination hostB by running the following command. This step can be omitted if there is already .ssh directory at aliceB@hostB.
$ ssh aliceB@hostB mkdir -p .ssh
Finally, copy the public key of user "aliceA" on hostA to aliceB@hostB to enable password-less ssh.
$ cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh aliceB@hostB 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
From this point on, you no longer need to type in password to ssh to aliceB@hostB from aliceA@hostA.
### Troubleshooting ###
1. You are still asked for an SSH password even after enabling key authentication. In this case, check for system logs (e.g., /var/log/secure) to see if you see something like the following.
Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for file /home/aliceB/.ssh/authorized_keys
In this case, failure of key authentication is due to the fact that the permission or ownership ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file is not correct. Typically this error can happen if ~/.ssh/authorized_keys is read accessible to anyone but yourself. To fix this problem, change the file permission as follows.
$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
via: http://xmodulo.com/how-to-enable-ssh-login-without.html
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
How to set up networking between Docker containers
As you may be aware, Docker container technology has emerged as a viable lightweight alternative to full-blown virtualization. There are a growing number of use cases of Docker that the industry adopted in different contexts, for example, enabling rapid build environment, simplifying configuration of your infrastructure, isolating applications in multi-tenant environment, and so on. While you can certainly deploy an application sandbox in a standalone Docker container, many real-world use cases of Docker in production environments may involve deploying a complex multi-tier application in an ensemble of multiple containers, where each container plays a specific role (e.g., load balancer, LAMP stack, database, UI).
There comes the problem of **Docker container networking**: How can we interconnect different Docker containers spawned potentially across different hosts when we do not know beforehand on which host each container will be created?
One pretty neat open-source solution for this is [weave][1]. This tool makes interconnecting multiple Docker containers pretty much hassle-free. When I say this, I really mean it.
In this tutorial, I am going to demonstrate **how to set up Docker networking across different hosts using weave**.
### How Weave Works ###

Let's first see how weave works. Weave creates a network of "peers", where each peer is a virtual router container called "weave router" residing on a distinct host. The weave routers on different hosts maintain TCP connections among themselves to exchange topology information. They also establish UDP connections among themselves to carry inter-container traffic. A weave router on each host is then connected via a bridge to all other Docker containers created on the host. When two containers on different hosts want to exchange traffic, a weave router on each host captures their traffic via a bridge, encapsulates the traffic with UDP, and forwards it to the other router over a UDP connection.
Each weave router maintains up-to-date weave router topology information, as well as container's MAC address information (similar to switch's MAC learning), so that it can make forwarding decision on container traffic. Weave is able to route traffic between containers created on hosts which are not directly reachable, as long as two hosts are interconnected via an intermediate weave router on weave topology. Optionally, weave routers can be set to encrypt both TCP control data and UDP data traffic based on public key cryptography.
### Prerequisite ###
Before using weave on Linux, of course you need to set up Docker environment on each host where you want to run [Docker][2] containers. Check out [these][3] [tutorials][4] on how to create Docker containers on Ubuntu or CentOS/Fedora.
Once Docker environment is set up, install weave on Linux as follows.
$ wget https://github.com/zettio/weave/releases/download/latest_release/weave
$ chmod a+x weave
$ sudo cp weave /usr/local/bin
Make sure that /usr/local/bin is include in your PATH variable by appending the following in /etc/profile.
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin"
Repeat weave installation on every host where Docker containers will be deployed.
Weave uses TCP/UDP 6783 port. If you are using firewall, make sure that these port numbers are not blocked by the firewall.
### Launch Weave Router on Each Host ###
When you want to interconnect Docker containers across multiple hosts, the first step is to launch a weave router on every host.
On the first host, run the following command, which will create and start a weave router container.
$ sudo weave launch
The first time you run this command, it will take a couple of minutes to download a weave image before launching a router container. On successful launch, it will print the ID of a launched weave router.
To check the status of the router, use this command:
$ sudo weave status

Since this is the first weave router launched, there will be only one peer in the peer list.
You can also verify the launch of a weave router by using docker command.
$ docker ps

On the second host, run the following command, where we specify the IP address of the first host as a peer to join.
$ sudo weave launch <first-host-IP-address>
When you check the status of the router, you will see two peers: the current host and the first host.

As you launch more routers on subsequent hosts, the peer list will grow accordingly. When launching a router, just make sure that you specify any previously launched peer's IP address.
At this point, you should have a weave network up and running, which consists of multiple weave routers across different hosts.
### Interconnect Docker Containers across Multiple Hosts ###
Now it is time to launch Docker containers on different hosts, and interconnect them on a virtual network.
Let's say we want to create a private network, to interconnect two Docker containers. We will assign random IP addressses from this subnet to the containers.
When you create a Docker container to deploy on a weave network, you need to use weave command, not docker command. Internally, the weave command uses docker command to create a container, and then sets up Docker networking on it.
Here is how to create a Ubuntu container on hostA, and attach the container to subnet with an IP addresss
hostA:~$ sudo weave run -t -i ubuntu
On successful run, it will print the ID of a created container. You can use this ID to attach to the running container and access its console as follows.
hostA:~$ docker attach <container-id>
Move to hostB, and let's create another container. Attach it to the same subnet ( with a different IP address
hostB:~$ sudo weave run -t -i ubuntu
Let's attach to the second container's console as well:
hostB:~$ docker attach <container-id>
At this point, those two containers should be able to ping each other via the other's IP address. Verify that from each container's console.

If you check the interfaces of each container, you will see an interface named "ethwe" which is assigned an IP address (e.g., and you specified.

### Other Advanced Usages of Weave ###
Weave offers a number of pretty neat features. Let me briefly cover a few here.
#### Application Isolation ####
Using weave, you can create multiple virtual networks and dedicate each network to a distinct application. For example, create for one group of containers, and for another group of containers, and so on. Weave automatically takes care of provisioning these networks, and isolating container traffic on each network. Going further, you can flexibly detach a container from one network, and attach it to another network without restarting containers. For example:
First launch a container on
$ sudo weave run -t -i ubuntu
Detach the container from
$ sudo weave detach <container-id>
Re-attach the container to another network
$ sudo weave attach <container-id>

Now this container should be able to communicate with other containers on This is a pretty useful feature when network information is not available at the time you create a container.
#### Integrate Weave Networks with Host Network ####
Sometimes you may need to allow containers on a virtual weave network to access physical host network. Conversely, hosts may want to access containers on a weave network. To support this requirement, weave allows weave networks to be integrated with host network.
For example, on hostA where a container is running on network, run the following command.
hostA:~$ sudo weave expose
This will assign IP address to hostA, so that hostA itself is also connected to network. Obviously, you need to choose an IP address which is not used by any other containers on the network.
At this point, hostA should be able to access any containers on, whether or not the containers are residing on hostA. Pretty neat!
### Conclusion ###
As you can see, weave is a pretty useful Docker networking tool. This tutorial only covers a glimpse of [its powerful features][5]. If you are more ambitious, you can try its multi-hop routing, which can be pretty useful in multi-cloud environment, dynamic re-routing, which is a neat fault-tolerance feature, or even its distributed DNS service which allows you to name containers on weave networks. If you decide to use this gem in your environment, feel free to share your use case!
via: http://xmodulo.com/networking-between-docker-containers.html
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
Linux FAQs with Answers--How to compress JPEG images from the command line on Linux
> **Question**: I have several JPEG photo images I have taken using a digital camera. I would like to optimize and compress the JPEG pictures before uploading them to Dropbox. What is the easiest way to compress JPEG images without losing their quality on Linux?
Image resolution of today's picture taking gadgets (e.g., smartphones, digital cameras) keeps increasing. Even 36.3 Megapixel Nikon D800 recently hit the consumer market, and this trend will continue. While modern gadgets continue to produce increasingly high resolution images, we may often want to post-process and compress their sizes before uploading them to a storage-limited and bandwidth-restricted cloud.
In fact, there is a way to compress JPEG images easily on Linux. A command-line tool called jpegoptim allows you do "lossless" optimization on JPEG images, so you can compress JPEG pictures without sacrificing their quality. In case your storage or bandwidth budget is really low, jpegoptim allows you to do "lossy" compression as well by adjusting image quality.
For those interested in compressing PNG images, refer to [this guideline][1] instead.
### Install Jpegoptim on Linux ###
To install jpegoptim on Ubuntu, Debian or Linux Mint:
$ sudo apt-get install jpegoptim
To install jpegoptim on Fedora:
$ sudo yum install jpegoptim
To install jpegoptim on CentOS/RHEL, first enable [EPEL repo][2], and then run:
$ sudo yum install jpegoptim
### Compress JPEG Images Losslessly ###
To compress a JPG picture losslessly, simply run:
$ jpegoptim photo.jpg
photo.jpg 2048x1536 24bit N ICC JFIF [OK] 882178 --> 821064 bytes (6.93%), optimized.
Note that the original input image will be overwritten with a compressed impage.
If jpegoptim is not able to further optimize an image losselessly, it will skip overwriting it.
$ jpegoptim -v photo.jpg
photo.jpg 2048x1536 24bit N ICC JFIF [OK] 821064 --> 821064 bytes (0.00%), skipped.
If you want to preserve an original image, use "-d" option to specify a target directory.
$ jpegoptim -d ./compressed photo.jpg
An compressed image will then be placed (with the same name as the input file) in ./compressed directory.
If you want to preserve file creation/modification time, use "-p" option as follows. Then a compressed image will be placed with the same date and time as the original image.
$ jpegoptim -d ./compressed -p photo.jpg
If you simply check out possible lossless compression ratio without actually compressing it, use "-n" option to "simulate" compression. Then it will simply print results without actually performing compression.
$ jpegoptim -n photo.jpg
### Compress JPEG Images Lossily ###
In case you really want to save storage space, you can do lossy compression on large JPEG pictures.
In this case, use "-m<maximum-quality>" option, where maximum quality is specified in the range of 0 and 100 (0 is the highest quality, and 100 is the lowest quality).
For example, to compress an image with 50% quality:
$ jpegoptim -m50 photo.jpg
photo.jpg 2048x1536 24bit N ICC JFIF [OK] 882178 --> 301780 bytes (65.79%), optimized.
You will get a smaller image at the cost of reduced quality.

### Compress Multiple JPEG Images in a Batch ###
Often times you need to compress many JPEG image files in a directory. In that case, you can use the following shell script.
# compress all *.jpg files in the current directory
# and place them in ./compressed directory
# with the same modification date as original files.
for i in *.jpg; do jpegoptim -d ./compressed -p "$i"; done
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/compress-jpeg-images-command-line-linux.html
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
Linux FAQs with Answers--How to install and access CentOS remote desktop on VPS
> **Question**: I want to install CentOS desktop on VPS, and be able to access the desktop GUI remotely from home. What is a recommended way to set up and access CentOS-based remote desktop on VPS?
Nowadays teleworking or remote working with flexible hours is increasingly popular in tech industry. One of the enabling technologies behind this trend is remote desktop. Your desktop environment is in the cloud, and you can access the remote desktop anywhere you go, either from home or at your workplace.
This tutorial describes how you can set up CentOS based remote desktop on VPS. Here we are going to demonstrate CentOS 7 based environment.
We assume that you already created a CentOS 7 VPS instance somewhere (e.g., using [DigitalOcean][1] or Amazon EC2). Make sure that the VPS instance has at least 1GB memory. Otherwise, CentOS desktop will crash when you try to access remote desktop.
### Step One: Install CentOS Desktop ###
If an available CentOS image is a minimal version of CentOS without desktop, you will need to install desktop (e.g., GNOME) on your CentOS VPS before proceeding. For example, DigitalOcean's CentOS image is such a minimal version, which requires [desktop GUI installation][2] as follows.
# yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop"
Reboot a VPS after finishing installation.
### Step Two: Install and Configure VNC Server ###
The next step is to install and configure VNC server. We are going to use TigerVNC, an open-source VNC server implementation.
# yum install tigervnc-server
Now create a user account (e.g., xmodulo) which will be used to access remote desktop.
# useradd xmodulo
# passwd xmodulo
When a user tries to access remote desktop using VNC, a dedicated VNC server daemon will be launched to handle its requests. This means that you will need to create a separate VNC server configuration for each user.
CentOS 7 relies on systemd to manage and configure system services. So we are going to configure VNC server for xmodulo user using systemd.
Let's first check the status of VNC server by running either command below:
# systemctl status vncserver@:.service
# systemctl is-enabled vncserver@.service
By default, freshly installed VNC service is not active (disabled).

Now create a VNC service configuration for xmodulo user by copying a generic VNC service unit file as follows.
# cp /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@.service /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:1.service
Open the configuration file with a text editor, and replace <USER> with an actual user name (e.g., xmodulo) under [Service] section. Also, append "-geometry <resolution>" parameter in ExecStart. In the end, the following two lines with bold font will be modified.
# vi /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:1.service
# Clean any existing files in /tmp/.X11-unix environment
ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/vncserver -kill %i > /dev/null 2>&1 || :'
ExecStart=/sbin/runuser -l xmodulo -c "/usr/bin/vncserver %i -geometry 1024x768"
ExecStop=/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/vncserver -kill %i > /dev/null 2>&1 || :'
Now set up (optional) VNC password for xmodulo user for security. For this, switch to the user, and run vncserver command.
# su - xmodulo
# vncserver
You will be prompted to enter a VNC password for the user. Once the password is set, you will need to use this password to gain access to remote desktop.

Finally, reload services to activate the new VNC configuration:
# systemctl daemon-reload
and enable VNC service to make it start automatically upon boot:
# systemctl enable vncserver@:1.service
Check the port number that a VNC server is listening on by running:
# netstat -tulpn | grep vnc

Port 5901 is the default port number for VNC client to connect to a VNC server.
### Step Three: Connect to Remote Desktop over SSH ###
By design, Remote Frame Buffer (RFB) protocol used by VNC is not a secure protocol. Thus it is not a good idea to directly connect to a remote VNC server running on VPS using a VNC client. Any sensitive information such as password could easily be leaked from VNC traffic. So instead, I strongly recommend that you [tunnel VNC traffic][3] over a secure SSH tunnel, as described here.
On a local host where you want to run VNC client, create an SSH tunnel to a remote VPS using the following command. When prompted for SSH password, type the password of the user.
$ ssh xmodulo@<VPS-IP-address> -L 5901:
Replace "xmodulo" with your own VNC user, and fill in the IP address of your VPS instance.
Once an SSH tunnel is established, remote VNC traffic will be routed over the SSH tunnel, and be sent to
Now go ahead and launch your favorite VNC client (e.g., vinagre), and connect to

You will be asked to enter a VNC password. When you type a correct VNC password, you will finally be able to CentOS remote desktop on VPS securely.


via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/centos-remote-desktop-vps.html
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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### 基于Linux的迷你PC ###
#### 1. System76出品的Meerkat ####

[System76][1] is a computer manufacturer exclusively dealing with only Ubuntu based desktop, laptops and servers. [System76 announced an Ubuntu based mini PC Meerkat][2] last week. Let’s take a quick look at its specification:
[System76][1] 是一家仅出品基于Ubuntu电脑、笔记本、服务器的电脑生产商。[System76在上周宣布了一款基于Ubuntu的迷你PC][2]。让我看一下它的规格:
- Intel第五代处理器,共有两种选择 i3-5010U 和 i5-5250U
- 最高2TB存储 (M.2 SATA SSD)
- 16 GB DDR3 内存
- i3和i5处理器下相应的Intel HD 5500 和 Intel HD 6000显卡
- 4″ x 4″ 大小
- WiFi
- 1 Gb 网卡
- 2个USB 3.0端口
#### 2.Compulab出品的Mintbox Mini ####

[Compulab][3]将它的旗舰产品基于Linux Mint的桌面设备成了[Mintbox Mini][4]。紧凑的版本在4″大小。更多的细节如下:
- AMD A4-6400T 处理器
- Radeon R3 显卡
- 4 GB 内存
- 64 GB SSD
- 2个USB 3.0端口, 3个USB 2.0端口
- 2个HDMI输出端
- 802.11 b/g/n Wifi
- 千兆网卡
- MicroSD读卡器
#### 3. Compulab出品的Utilite2 ####

It’s not that Compulab has stuck with Linux Mint only. It announced an ARM desktop PC running Ubuntu in last December. With a size of 3.4″x2.3″, [Utilite2][5] has modest feature and modest price.
Compulab并不是坚持用Linux Mint的。它在去年12月宣布了一款运行Ubuntu的ARM桌面PC。大小是3.4″x2.3″,[Utilite2][5]有最现代的特性和价格
- 高通Snapdragon 600 (APQ8064) 四核 CPU 1.7GHz
- 2GB 内存, 可选32 GB的eMMC mSATA 存储
- 高通 Adreno™ GPU显卡
- 1080p 视频回放和捕捉
- 双天线 WiFi 802.11 和 Bluetooth 4.0
- 千兆网卡, 4个USB2端口和USB OTG
- 蜂窝调制解调器支持
#### Think Penguin出品的Penguin Pocket Wee ####

[Think Penguin][6]是一家开源硬件生产商。在迷你PC领域,它提供了[Penguin Pocket Wee][7]。大小是4.6″x 4.4″x 1.4″ ,, Penguin Pocket Wee提供了大量的配置。你可以选择处理器、存储、网卡等。你可以选择购买预装你喜欢的Linux发行版,默认系统是Ubuntu。
The general configuration is as following:
- Intel Core i3 或者 i5处理器,最高支持1080p视频
- 最高扩展至 16GB 的 DDR3内存
- Intel HD 显卡
- Wireless N
- 最大250GB的SSD
- 4个USB 3.0接口
- Intel 10/100/1000 千兆网卡
Basic model starts at $499 and it can go up to $1000 based on the configuration you select.
### 你会选哪种? ###
我故意没有介绍[Raspberry Pi 2][8]或者其他Linux微电脑如[Intel的电脑棒][9]。原因是我不认为这些微电脑属于迷你PC的范畴。
via: http://itsfoss.com/4-linux-based-mini-pc-buy-2015/
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@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
Ubuntu 15.04 最终实现你可以设置你的菜单 ‘始终可见’
**如果你不喜欢 Unity 的全局菜单在你的鼠标离开后就淡出你的视野, Ubuntu 15.04 有一些额外附加去实现这点.**

最新的Ubuntu 15.04的Unity界面通过在提议通道提供了一个选项**使应用程序菜单在Ubuntu中可见**.
不时尚, 不过时, 没有丢失的菜单.
### 迟到总比没有要好? ###
开发者计划在Ubuntu14.04 LTS的下一个SRU中反向移植这个选项(假设在测试阶段没有任何意外发生)。
本地集成菜单(LIM)在Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 首次获得了欣赏,被广泛认为在那些喜欢隐藏方式的和那些不喜欢必须使用鼠标和触摸板的人之间的最佳的折衷方法
在Ubuntu 过去的几个版本中已经能够看到积极的去解决早期UX的经历过的关切的问题。在经过几年“打算去做”的列表[我们去年终于得到了本地集成菜单][1],以及不支持的通过点击图标实现[减少和恢复Unity启动程序中不支持的应用程序的选项]。
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/01/ubuntu-15-04-always-show-menu-bar-option
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
translated by haimingfg
Torvalds: 参加linux内核贡献更加容易找工作

根据 linus Torvalds 说,这个有偿开发者趋势不会改变太多这个内核发展的本身。
Torvalds 开始抽离了他的开发角色,根据报道在3.10的内核版本里面他个人发布329补丁,占04% 逐渐地,子系统维护人员自己会检查与合并他们的代码。
via: http://www.infoworld.com/article/2885339/application-development/torvalds-people-who-start-writing-kernel-code-get-hired-really-quickly.html
作者:[Jon Gold][a]
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@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
> 开源为大大小小的商业带来了一些显著的效益 -- 但是你可能会对某些用途感到惊讶。

技术上出现了一些不可避免的东西。举个例子,开源会以自己的方式来协助你的工作。10年前,这很容易成为问题。现在呢?仍然无法避免 -- 也没有理由要去避免。有如此多强大(和必要的)的方方面面技术,开源在许多方面已经成为了技术的救世主。但是你哪一块的工作最适合开源呢?当然,这个问题的答案会因公司而异。然而许多的应用可以部署到几乎每个场景中。
### 1: 服务器软件 ###
如果你还在微软的互联网信息服务(IIS,Internet Information Services)平台苦苦挣扎,那么你需要体验一下Apache。这款旗舰开源网页服务器软件是这个星球上使用最广泛的软件之一。Apsche免费,难以置信的可靠,易于管理,而且不需要大量如IIS需要的费用。然而,开源并不局限于网页服务器。如果你需要在公司内共享服务器信息块(SMB,Server Message Block),考虑一下Samba, Samba 4甚至集成了活动的目录,所以你不需要担心在Samba服务器上建立单独的用户账号。
### 2: 开发 ###
用开源开发是很简单的事。PHP,Rails,Perl -- 开源上面的开发语言如同开发的工具(从I集成开发环境到调试)一样多。为开源或者开源工具做开发可以有很多种选择(如同私有的开发一样)。开源与私有最大的不同之处在于开源可以接触到软件源代码。在免费开源软件的世界里(FOSS,free open source software),代码都是公开的。对许多开发者来说,Linux操作系统有他们开发和建立需要的一切(特别那些写代码没有一个成熟环境的人)。如果你确实需要图形用户界面(GNU)的开发工具,开源能满足你。
### 3: 安全 ###
### 4: 桌面 ###
桌面是大多数宏机发生的地方。尽管如此,你必须考虑一个事实,那就是你每天的工作流程已经经历了一个主要的思维模式的转换。我们现在做的大部分事情都是通过网络浏览器。那么为什么不在桌面上部署Linux呢?不但可以能做如今要做的许多工作,而且不用遭受病毒,恶意软件和能破外系统的更新。它不完美 -- 但哪个平台敢说完美?但是它很强大,最后,还可以节省你的开支。这是一个双赢的结局。
### 5: 工作流程 ###
每一种工作都依赖于工作的流程。对于某些工作来说,一个流畅的工作流程又取决于所用的工具。开源已经登上这个舞台了。CRM(客户关系管理),HRM(人力资源管理),ERP(企业资源计划),BI(商业智能),BPM(业务流程管理) 。。。。。。只要你叫得出名字,开源就可以做到几乎你能想到的每一种可能的缩写 -- 并且干得不错。借助于[Pentaho][1], [Collabtive][2]和[SugarCRM][3], 开源可以在任何时候与最新的源工具保持同步。
### 6: 协作 ###
没有一起合作项目的能力,你的员工就不能干好工作。所以你选择的协作工具是十分重要的。你会在开源的世界里发现大量的优质协作工具。[Cyn.in community edition][4], [Zimbra Open Source Edition][5]和[Kolab][6]都是不错的协作工具,但仅仅是开源世界里的三个代表而已。
### 7: 大数据 ###
以前说道大数据的时候,往往不会想到开源。多亏了[SUSE][7]的努力,大数据和开源现在可以携手共进了。许多如内存数据和现场内核修复的创意,使得开源成为大数据一个理想的解决方案。 它可以完美地满足大数据在平台上所需的大量要求。而封闭的软件则达不到如此灵活的水平。
### 8: 云 ###
云的主要玩家都是开源的。[Red Hat][8], [Ubuntu][9], [SUSE][10], [Amazon][11], [Rackspace][12] -- 他们都提供云服务,而且知道开源是云配置的最好解决方案。但是,如果你不想用大公司的服务,仍然有很多后起之秀如[OwnCloud][13],你可以选择OwnCloud的特色云方案,或者建立自己的一套。
### 9: 多媒体 ###
如果你的公司为产品发布做播客或视频,开源可以为你提供服务。借助像[Audacity][14]和[OpenShot][15]这样的工具,你可以对音频和视频做你需要的任何处理 -- 而且十分的廉价。实际上,你会感觉到很难再去找到比Audacity更好的播客工具,或者比OpenShot更易用的视频编辑器。没有太大的学习壁垒,或者封闭软件工具要求的高额费用,开源的软件在帮助你创造专业水准的作品方面已经做得很好了。 #这里前一个意群不明白如何翻译
### 10: 电子商务 ###
如果你做在线销售,如果不尝试一下像[PrestaShop][16]之类的工具,你会觉得很没效率的。PrestaShop是最强大的电子商务解决方案之一,易于获取 -- 不需要许可证。 PrestaShop有你可能想要的所有功能(而且有些你可能都没有想过),这个开源平台已经在任何水平上超出了电子商务的范畴。
### FOSS 之于商业 ###
### 该你了 ###
via: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/10-things/10-best-uses-for-open-source-software-in-the-business-world/
作者:[Jack Wallen][a]
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translated/talk/20150318 The future of Linux storage.md
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translated/talk/20150318 The future of Linux storage.md
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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
> **摘要**:Linux系统的软件开发者们正致力于使Linux支持更多种类的文件和存储方案。
波士顿 - 在[Linux基金会][1]最近的[Vault][2]展示会上,全都是关于文件系统和存储方案的讨论。你可以会想关于这两个主题并没有什么展值得讨论的最新进展,但事实并非如此。

对Linux文件系统,比如Btrfs,和存储方案的支持正在持续发展中。 -- Facebook
### Btrfs ###
例如,Chris Mason,一位来自Facebook的软件工程师,也是[Btrfs][6](对外宣称Butter FS)的维护者之一,说明了Facebook是如何使用这种文件系统。Btrfs拥有文件系统固有的许多优点,比如既能处理大量的小文件,也能处理大小可达16EB的单个文件;支持RAID的baked(烦请校正补充);内置的文件系统压缩,以及集成了对多种存储设备的支持。
在正在开展的重要性工作中,Btrfs并非是唯一的文件系统。John Spary,[Red Hat][13]的一位高级软件工程师,提到了另一款名为[Ceph][14]的分布式文件系统。
### Ceph FS ###
Ceph提供了一种分布式对象存储方案和文件系统,反过来它依托于一种使用商用硬件集群的弹性的、可扩展的存储模型(RADOS)。配合RADOS块设备(RBD)和RADOS对象网关(RGW),Ceph提供了一种[POSIX][15]接口的文件系统 -- Ceph FS。尽管RBD和RGW已经在生产环境中使用了一段时间,但使Ceph FS适用于生产的工作还是进行中。
[Rad Hat,在收购Ceph的母公司Inktank后][16],在2014年一直致力于使CephFS适用于生产环境。不管怎样,Spray说,“有些人已经在生产中使用了它;我们对此表示担忧,毕竟它还没有准备好。”然而,Spray也补充说,“这具有两面性,因为一方面这是让人担心的,另一方面我们又从用户获得了真正有用的反馈和测试。”
这是因为尽管Ceph对象存储很好地支持扩展,但Ceph Fs,作为一种兼容POSIX的文件系统,却很难实现扩展。比如,作为一种分布式文件系统,Ceph FS必须解决来自多个客户端的多个写操作。这会导致全有或全无的情况,即一个客户端可以写入,但其它客户端必须等待,也会产生文件加锁的情形,即相比普通文件系统中更加复杂。
但是,Ceph FS仍值得去做,正如Spray所说,“因为兼容POSIX的文件系统是操作系统通用的。”这并不是说Ceph FS就一无是处。“它并不是支离破碎的,相反它奏效了。所缺的是修复和监控工具。”
Red Hat目前正致力于获得[fsck][17]和日志修复工具、快照强化、更好客户端访问控制,以及云与容器的集成。尽管Ceph FS到目前为止只是一种有潜力或者没前景的文件系统,但仍然值得用在生产环境中。
### 文件与存储的差别与目标 ###
至于文件系统和存储上的更大问题,Jeff Layton,[Primary Data][18]的一位高级软件工程师,解释说为了“在不断开电源的情况下给灾难性的电源故障提供测试”,大量的相关工作正在进行中。这些测试很快会被集成到[xftests][19]中,它是Linux文件系统测试的黄金标准。
Rik van Riel,一位Red Hat的主要软件工程师,谈到了解决持久化内存产品的问题。你可以把它们作为存储器或者内存。但是,如果你现在把它们作为内存来用,是不能为备份创建快照。真正的问题是:van Riel确信人们会尝试使用持久的内存作这两种用途,这会导致出现和“如果不备份,你会如何处理一个200GB大小的持久化内存数据库?”类似的情形发生。更糟的是,现在日志系统也无法和持久化的内存一起发挥作用。
via: http://www.zdnet.com/article/linux-storage-futures/
作者:[Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols][a]
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@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
如果你读过[my post on GDB][1],你就会明白我认为一个调试器对一段C/C++程序来说意味着多么的重要和有用。然而,如果一个像GDB的命令行对你而言听起来更像一个问题而不是一个解决方案,那么你也许会对Nemiver更感兴趣。[Nemiver][2] 是一款基于GTK+的独立图形化用于C/C++程序的调试器,同时它以GDB作为其后端。最令人佩服的是其速度和稳定性,Nemiver时一个非常可靠,具备许多优点的调试工具。
### Nemiver的安装 ###
$ sudo apt-get install nemiver
在Arch Linux中安装如下:
$ sudo pacman -S nemiver
$ sudo yum install nemiver
如果你选择自己变异,[GNOME website][3]中最新源码包可用。
### Nemiver的基本用法 ###
$ nemiver
$ nemiver [path to executable to debug]


- Next line (mapped to F6)
- Step inside a function (F7)
- Step out of a function (Shift+F7)
- 下一行 (映射到F6)
- 执行内部行数(F7)
- 执行外部函数(Shift+F7) ## 我不确定这个保留哪个都翻译出来了 ##
但是由于我个人的喜好是“Run to cursor(运行至光标)”,该选项使你的程序运行精确至你光标下的行,并且默认映射到F11.




### Nemiver的高级用法 ###
#### 调试一个正在运行的进程 ####

#### 通过TCP连接远程调试一个程序 ####

#### 使用你的GDB二进制进行调试 ####
#### 循序一个子进程或者父进程 ####

via: http://xmodulo.com/debug-program-nemiver-debugger.html
作者:[Adrien Brochard][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
nload 是一个免费的linux工具,通过提供两个简单的图形化界面来帮助linux用户和系统管理员来实时监控网络流量以及宽带使用情况:一个作为进入流量,一个作为流出流量.
在使用手册上说到,在默认情况下会监控所有网络设备。但是你可以轻松地指定你想要监控的设备,而且可以可以通过方向键头在不同的网络设备之间进行转换。另外还有很多的选项可用,例如 ‘-r’选项确定以毫秒来刷新显示时间间隔(默认时间间隔值是500毫秒),‘-m’选项用来实时显示多个设备(流量图在使用该选项时不会显示), ‘-u’选项用来设置显示流量数字的单元类型,另外还有许多其他的选项将会在该教程中探索和练习。
### 如何将 nload安装到你的linux机器上 ###
**Ubuntu** 和 **Fedora** 用户可以从默认的软件仓库中容易地安装。
sudo apt-get install nload
sudo yum install nload
**CentOS**用户该怎么办呢? 只需要在你的机器上输入以下命令,通用能够达到相同的结果--殊途同归。
sudo yum install nload
sudo pkg_add -i nload
### 如何通过源代码安装nload ###
在从源代码安装nload之前,你需要首先下载源代码。 我通常使用wget工具来进行下载--该工具在许多linux机器上默认可用。该免费工具帮助用户以非交互式的方式从网络上下载文件,并支持以下协议:
cd /tmp
wget http://www.roland-riegel.de/nload/nload-0.7.4.tar.gz
1. **-x** to extract files from an archive
1. **-x** 从文档中解压文件
1. **-v** to run in verbose mode
1. **-v** 使用繁琐模式运行--用来输入详细信息
1. **-f** to specify the files
1. **-f** 用来指定文件
tar xvf example.tar
tar xvf nload-0.7.4.tar.gz
cd nload*


sudo make install


### 流入量###
#### 当前下载速度####

#### 平均下载速度####

#### 最小下载速度####

#### 最大下载速度####

#### 总的流入量按字节进行显示####

### 流出量 ###
#### 一些nload有用的选项####
nload -u m

nload -u g

同时还有一个**-U**选项.根据手册描述,该选项基本上与-u选项类似,只是用在合计数据. 我测试了这个命令,老实说,当你需要检查总的流入与流出量时非常有用.
nload -U G

从上面的截图中可以看到,**nload -U G** 使用Gbyte来显示数据总量.
另外一个我喜欢使用的有用选项是 **-t**. 该选项用来设置刷新显示事件间隔为毫秒,默认值为500毫秒.
nload -t 130
那么上述命令做了什么呢,它讲刷新显示时间间隔设置为130毫秒. 通常推荐不要讲该时间间隔值设置为小于100毫秒,因为nload在计算过程中可能会生成带错的报告.
另外的一个选项为 **-a**. 在你想要设置计算平均值的时间窗口秒数长度时使用,默认该值为300秒.
那么当你想要监控指定的网络设备该如何呢? 非常容易, 想下面这样简单地指定设备或者列出想要监控的设备列表.
nload wlan0

nload [options] device1 device2 devicen
nload wlan0 eth0
via: http://linoxide.com/monitoring-2/monitor-network-usage-nload/
作者:[Oltjano Terpollari][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
### 0.8版的特点 ###
- 任务栏:支持应用锁定到任务栏
- 任务栏:使用.desktop文件来配置quicklists菜单
- 任务栏:使用.desktop文件来配置图标分辨率
- 任务栏:支持有通知时蓝色闪烁
- 面板:支持默认深色主体
- 添加菜单条的小组件
- 面板:自动隐藏菜单条和工具条(这配置为手动)
- 面板:支持屏幕边缘处阴影
- 面板:动态支持gnome面板主题
- 运行对话框:虚拟刷新
- Budgie菜单: 增加紧凑模式,并默认采用
- Budgie菜单: 按照使用顺序排列菜单项
- Budgie菜单: 移除旧的电源选项
- 编辑器: 在UI中增加所有的菜单选项
- 支持从GNOME 3.10 升级到3.16
- wm: 关闭工作区的动画(v8之后)
- wm: 改变壁纸时更好的动画
### 重要信息 ###
- Budgie [0.8版发行版][2]目前只是beta
- 无本地网络管理;可以通过使用ubuntu的小组件解决
- Budgie 是为Evolve OS设计的,因此这个PPA可能会有bug
- GNOME 主题比Ubuntu本地的主题效果更好
- Ubuntu的滚动栏将不在工作
- 如果你想了解的更多可以访问Evolve OS网站
### 安装 ###
现在,我们将在Ubuntu14.04 LTS中安装我们自己的轻量级Budgie桌面。首先,我们要把PPA源添加到我们的Ubuntu中。执行以下命令:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:evolve-os/ppa

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install budgie-desktop

$ gnome-session-quit

### 登录Budgie会话 ###

### Budgie 桌面环境 ###

### 注销当前用户 ###
$ budgie-sessioon --logout
### 结论 ###
Hurray! We have successfully installed our Lightweight Budgie Desktop Environment in our Ubuntu 14.04 LTS "Trusty" box. As we know, Budgie Desktop is still underdevelopment which makes it a lot of stuffs missing. Though it’s based on Gnome’s GTK3, it’s not a fork. The desktop is written completely from scratch, and the design is elegant and well thought out. If you have any questions, comments, feedback please do write on the comment box below and let us know what stuffs needs to be added or improved. Thank You! Enjoy Budgie Desktop 0.8 :-)
via: http://linoxide.com/ubuntu-how-to/install-lightweight-budgie-v8-desktop-ubuntu/
作者:[Arun Pyasi][a]
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translated/tech/20150318 Fedora GNOME Keyboard Shortcuts.md
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translated/tech/20150318 Fedora GNOME Keyboard Shortcuts.md
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@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
Fedora GNOME快捷键
在Fedora,为了获得最好的[GNOME桌面] [1]体验,你需要了解并掌握一些驾驭系统的快捷键。

GNOME 快捷键 - super键.
#### 1. Super键 ####
同时按下 "ALT" 和"F1"一样可以达到这样的效果。

GNOME 指令运行.
### 2. 如何快速执行一条指令 ###

### 3. 快速切换到另一个打开的应用 ###
就像微软的Windows一样你可以使用"ALT"和"TAB" 的组合键在应用程序之间切换。
在一些键盘上tab键是这样的**|<- ->|**而有些则是简单的"TAB"字母。

### 4. 在同一应用中快速切换不同的窗口 ###
如果你的手很灵活(或者是我称之为的忍者手)那你也可以同时按"shift", "`"和"super"键来反向切换窗口。

### 5. 切换键盘焦点 ###
如若你想将输入的焦点放到搜索栏或者一个应用窗口上,你可以同时按下"CTRL", "ALT"和"TAB",这样就会出现一个让你选择切换区域的列表。

### 6. 显示所有应用程序列表 ###

### 7. 切换工作区 ###
工作区切换你可以使用"super"+"Page Up" (PGUP)键朝一个方向切,也可以按"super"+"Page Down" (PGDN)键朝另一个方向切。

### 8. 将一些项目移至一个新的工作区 ###
如果这个工作区已经被搞得杂乱无章了没准你会想将手头的应用转到一个全新的工作区,请按组合键"super", "shift"和"page up"或"super", "shift"和"page down" key。

### 9. 显示信息栏 ###

### 10. 锁屏 ###

### 11. 关机 ###
### 12. 编辑快捷键 ###
- CTRL + A - 全选
- CTRL + X - 剪切
- CTRL + C - 复制
- CTRL + V - 粘贴
- CTRL + Z - 撤销
### 13. 截屏 ###
- PRTSC (Print Screen) - 截屏
- Alt + PRTSC - 当前窗口截图
- Shift + PRTSC - 所选区域截图
- CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + R - 录制视频
- CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + R 第二次按下时 - 停止录制

### 14. 并排显示窗口 ###
### 15. 窗口的最大化, 最小化和恢复 ###

### 16. 总结 ###
- [戳这里查看Fedora GNOME桌面的速查表][6]
- [查看GNOME WIKI请戳这里][7]
- [另外的一个GNOME WIKI][8]
- [GNOME 3备用速查表][9]
via: http://linux.about.com/od/howtos/tp/Fedora-GNOME-Keyboard-Shortcuts.htm
作者:[Gary Newell][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
在Linux上安装与使用‘Go for it!’备忘软件

你在Linux桌面是如何管理任务和备忘的?我喜欢[用Ubuntu的粘滞便签][1]很久了。但是我要面对与其他设备同步的麻烦,特别是我的智能手机。这就是我为什么选择使用[Google Keep][2]的原因了。
现在,Google Keep是一款功能丰富的软件,我十分喜爱,而且喜欢到把他叫做[Linux的Evernote][3]地步。但是并不是每个人都喜欢一款功能丰富的备忘录软件。极简主义是目前的主流,很多人喜欢。如果你是极简主义的追求者之一,而且正在寻找一款开源的备忘录软件,那么你应该试一试[Go For It!][4]。
### Go For It!高效的Linux桌面软件 ###
Go For It!是一款简洁的备忘软件,借助定时提醒帮助你专注于工作。所以,你添加一个任务到列表后,可以附上一个定时器。到设定时间后,它就会提醒你去做任务。你可以看看其开发者制作的视频,[Manuel Kehl][5]:
<iframe width="640" height="390" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/mnw556C9FZQ?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent" type="text/html" class="youtube-player"></iframe>
### 安装 Go For It!###
为在Ubuntu 15.04,14.04和其他基于Linux内核的Ubuntu版本,如Linux Mint,初级操作系统Freya等等上面安装 Go For It!请使用这款软件官方的PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mank319/go-for-it
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install go-for-it
- [Download source code][6]
- [Download .deb binaries][7]
- [Download for Windows][8]
### 在Linux桌面使用Go For It!###
Go For It!使用真心方便。你只需添加任务到列表中,任务会自动存入todo.txt文件中。




目前一切都看着挺好。但是在智能手机上使用体验怎样呢?如果你不能使它在不同设备间同步,那这款高效软件就是不完整的。好消息是Go For It!是基于[todo.txt][9]的,这意味着你可以用第三方软件和像Dropbox一样的云服务来使用它。
### 在安卓手机和平板上使用Go For It! ###
在这里你需要做一些工作。首先的首先,在Linux和你的安卓手机上安装Dropbox,如果之前没有安装的话。下一步你要做的就是要配置Go For It!和 **改todo.txt的目录到Dropbox的路径下**。
然后,你得去下载[Simpletask Andriod app][10]。这是免费的应用。安装它。当你第一次运行Simletask的时候,你会被要求关联你的账号到Dropbox:

一旦你完成了Simpletask与Dropbox的关联,就可以打开应用。如果你已经修改了Go For It的配置,将文件保存到Dropbox上,你就应该可以在Simpletask里看到。而如果你没有看到,点击应用底部的设置,选择Open Todo file的选项:

### 总结 ###
有了Simpletask,你就可以相似地使用它,就像一种[标记语言工具][11]。对于小巧和专注而言,Go For It!是一款不错的备忘软件。一个干净的界面是额外的加分点。拥有它自己的手机应用应该是比较好的,但是我们已经看到了替代的方案。
底层来讲,Go For It!不会运行在后台。这就是说,你不得不让它一直保持运行。它甚至没有一个最小化的按钮,这有一点小小的烦扰。我想要看到的是有一个小的指示程序,运行在后台,并且快速进入主面板,这肯定会提升其可用性。
是该试试Go For It!了,分享一下你们之间的经历。在Linux桌面上,你还使用了哪些其他的备忘软件?比起其他你最喜欢的同类应用,Go For It!怎么样?
via: http://itsfoss.com/go-for-it-to-do-app-in-linux/
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