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@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
一位开发者的 Linux 容器之旅
我告诉你一个秘密:使得我的应用程序进入到全世界的 DevOps 云计算之类的东西对我来说仍然有一点神秘。但随着时间流逝,我意识到理解大规模的机器增减和应用程序部署的来龙去脉对一个开发者来说是非常重要的知识。这类似于成为一个专业的音乐家,当然你肯定需要知道如何使用你的乐器,但是,如果你不知道一个录音棚是如何工作的,或者如何适应一个交响乐团,那么你在这样的环境中工作会变得非常困难。
在软件开发的世界里使你的代码进入我们的更大的世界如同把它编写出来一样重要。DevOps 重要,而且是很重要。
在这篇文章中我会介绍容器化containerization背后的概念。包括容器和虚拟机的区别以及容器构建背后的逻辑以及它是如何适应应用程序架构的。我会探讨轻量级的 Linux 操作系统是如何适应容器生态系统。我还会讨论使用镜像创建可重用的容器。最后我会介绍容器集群如何使你的应用程序可以快速扩展。
在后面的文章中,我会一步一步向你介绍容器化一个示例应用程序的过程,以及如何为你的应用程序容器创建一个托管集群。同时,我会向你展示如何使用 Deis 将你的示例应用程序部署到你本地系统以及多种云供应商的虚拟机上。
### 虚拟机的好处 ###
[虚拟机][1] virtual machine (VM))是运行在物理宿主机上的软件抽象。配置一个虚拟机就像是购买一台计算机:你需要定义你想要的 CPU 数目、RAM 和磁盘存储容量。配置好了机器后,你为它加载操作系统,以及你想让虚拟机支持的任何服务器或者应用程序。
### 虚拟机的局限 ###
如上面所示,假如你在一个主机上创建了三个虚拟机。主机有 12 个 CPU48 GB 内存和 3TB 的存储空间。每个虚拟机配置为有 4 个 CPU16 GB 内存和 1TB 存储空间。到现在为止,一切都还好。主机有这个容量。
但这里有个缺陷。所有分配给一个虚拟机的资源,无论是什么,都是专有的。每台机器都分配了 16 GB 的内存。但是,如果第一个虚拟机永不会使用超过 1GB 分配的内存,剩余的 15 GB 就会被浪费在那里。如果第三个虚拟机只使用分配的 1TB 存储空间中的 100GB其余的 900GB 就成为浪费空间。
### 来到:容器 ###
概念上来说,容器是一个 Linux 进程Linux 认为它只是一个运行中的进程。该进程只知道它被告知的东西。另外,在容器化方面,该容器进程也分配了它自己的 IP 地址。这点很重要,重要的事情讲三遍,这是第二遍。**在容器化方面,容器进程有它自己的 IP 地址。**一旦给予了一个 IP 地址,该进程就是宿主网络中可识别的资源。然后,你可以在容器管理器上运行命令,使容器 IP 映射到主机中能访问公网的 IP 地址。建立了该映射,无论出于什么意图和目的,容器就是网络上一个可访问的独立机器,从概念上类似于虚拟机。
这是第三遍,容器是拥有不同 IP 地址从而使其成为网络上可识别的独立 Linux 进程。下面是一个示意图:
容器/进程以动态、合作的方式共享主机上的资源。如果容器只需要 1GB 内存,它就只会使用 1GB。如果它需要 4GB就会使用 4GB。CPU 和存储空间利用也是如此。CPU、内存和存储空间的分配是动态的和典型虚拟机的静态方式不同。所有这些资源的共享都由容器管理器来管理。
### 容器托管、配置和管理 ###
托管容器的计算机运行着被剥离的只剩下主要部分的某个 Linux 版本。现在,宿主计算机流行的底层操作系统是之前提到的 [CoreOS][2]。当然还有其它,例如 [Red Hat Atomic Host][3] 和 [Ubuntu Snappy][4]。
该 Linux 操作系统被所有容器所共享,减少了容器足迹的重复和冗余。每个容器只包括该容器特有的部分。下面是一个示意图:
你可以用它所需的组件来配置容器。一个容器组件被称为**层layer**。层是一个容器镜像,(你会在后面的部分看到更多关于容器镜像的介绍)。你从一个基本层开始,这通常是你想在容器中使用的操作系统。(容器管理器只提供你所要的操作系统在宿主操作系统中不存在的部分。)当你构建你的容器配置时,你需要添加层,例如你想要添加网络服务器时这个层就是 Apache如果容器要运行脚本则需要添加 PHP 或 Python 运行时环境。
分层非常灵活。如果应用程序或者服务容器需要 PHP 5.2 版本,你相应地配置该容器即可。如果你有另一个应用程序或者服务需要 PHP 5.6 版本,没问题,你可以使用 PHP 5.6 配置该容器。不像虚拟机,更改一个版本的运行时依赖时你需要经过大量的配置和安装过程;对于容器你只需要在容器配置文件中重新定义层。
所有上面描述的容器的各种功能都由一个称为容器管理器container manager的软件控制。现在最流行的容器管理器是 [Docker][5] 和 [Rocket][6]。上面的示意图展示了容器管理器是 Docker宿主操作系统是 CentOS 的主机情景。
### 容器由镜像构成 ###
从概念上讲,注册库类似于一个使用 Java 的人眼中的 [Maven][7] 仓库、使用 .NET 的人眼中的 [NuGet][8] 服务器。你会创建一个列出了你应用程序所需镜像的容器配置文件。然后你使用容器管理器创建一个包括了你的应用程序代码以及从容器注册库中下载的部分资源。例如,如果你的应用程序包括了一些 PHP 文件,你的容器配置文件会声明你会从注册库中获取 PHP 运行时环境。另外,你还要使用容器配置文件声明需要复制到容器文件系统中的 .php 文件。容器管理器会封装你应用程序的所有东西为一个独立容器,该容器将会在容器管理器的管理下运行在宿主计算机上。
如果你使用了配置provisioning服务例如 [Deis][9]你刚刚创建的应用程序容器做成镜像4配置服务会将它部署到你选择的云供应商上比如类似 AWS 和 Rackspace 云供应商。
### 集群中的容器 ###
容器真正的灵活是在集群中。记住,每个容器有一个独立的 IP 地址。因此,能把它放到负载均衡器后面。将容器放到负载均衡器后面,这就上升了一个层面。
假如你开发了一个资源密集型的应用程序,例如图片处理。使用类似 [Deis][9] 的容器配置技术,你可以创建一个包括了你图片处理程序以及你图片处理程序需要的所有资源的容器镜像。然后,你可以部署一个或多个容器镜像到主机上的负载均衡器下。一旦创建了容器镜像,你可以随时使用它。当系统繁忙时可以添加更多的容器实例来满足手中的工作。
### 全部放在一起 ###
容器技术完善了虚拟机缺失的部分。类似 CoreOS、RHEL Atomic、和 Ubuntu 的 Snappy 宿主操作系统,和类似 Docker 和 Rocket 的容器管理技术结合起来,使得容器变得日益流行。
尽管容器变得更加越来越普遍,掌握它们还是需要一段时间。但是,一旦你懂得了它们的窍门,你可以使用类似 [Deis][9] 这样的配置技术使容器创建和部署变得更加简单。
作者:[Bob Reselman][a]
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@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ Linux 下如何安装 Retro Terminal
![Retro Terminal in Linux](
你有怀旧情节?那就试试 **安装 retro terminal 应用** [cool-retro-term][1] 来一瞥过去的时光吧。顾名思义,`cool-retro-term` 是一个兼具酷炫和怀旧的终端。
你有怀旧情节?那就试试 **安装复古终端应用** [cool-retro-term][1] 来一瞥过去的时光吧。顾名思义,`cool-retro-term` 是一个兼具酷炫和怀旧的终端。
你还记得那段遍地都是 CRT 显示器、终端屏幕闪烁不停的时光吗?现在你并不需要穿越到过去来见证那段时光。假如你观看背景设置在上世纪 90 年代的电影,你就可以看到大量带有绿色或黑底白字的显像管显示器。再加上它们通常带有极客光环,这使得它们看起来更酷。
你还记得那段遍地都是 CRT 显示器、终端屏幕闪烁不停的时光吗?现在你并不需要穿越到过去来见证那段时光。假如你观看背景设置在上世纪 90 年代的电影,你就可以看到大量带有绿色或黑底白字的显像管显示器。这种极客光环让它们看起来非常酷!
若你已经厌倦了你机器中终端的外表,正寻找某些炫酷且‘新奇’的东西,则 `cool-retro-term` 将会带给你一个复古的终端外表,使你可以重温过去。你也可以改变它的颜色、动画类型并添加一些额外的特效。
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Linux 下如何安装 Retro Terminal
sudo cp cool-retro-term.desktop /usr/share/applications
@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ Linux 下如何安装 Retro Terminal
作者:[Hossein Heydari][a]
作者:[Abhishek Prakash][a]
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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
如何在 Linux 上使用 SSHfs 挂载一个远程文件系统
有想通过安全 shell 挂载一个远程文件系统到本地的经历如果有的话SSHfs 也许就是你所需要的。它通过使用 SSH 和 FuseLCTT 译注Filesystem in Userspace用户态文件系统是 Linux 中用于挂载某些网络空间,如 SSH到本地文件系统的模块 允许你挂载远程计算机(或者服务器)到本地。
曾经想过用安全 shell 挂载一个远程文件系统到本地吗如果有的话SSHfs 也许就是你所需要的。它通过使用 SSH 和 FuseLCTT 译注Filesystem in Userspace用户态文件系统是 Linux 中用于挂载某些网络空间,如 SSH到本地文件系统的模块 允许你挂载远程计算机(或者服务器)到本地。
**注意** 这篇文章假设你明白[SSH 如何工作并在你的系统中配置 SSH][1]。
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
如果你使用的不是 Ubuntu那就在你的发行版软件包管理器中搜索软件包名称。最好搜索和 fuse 或 SSHfs 相关的关键字,因为取决于你运行的系统,软件包名称可能稍微有些不同。
在你的系统上安装完软件包之后,就该创建 fuse 组了。在你安装 fuse 的时候,应该会在你的系统上创建一个组。如果没有的话,在终端窗口中输入以下命令以便在你的 Linux 系统中创建组:
在你的系统上安装完软件包之后,就该创建 fuse 组了。在你安装 fuse 的时候,应该会在你的系统上创建一个组。如果没有的话,在终端窗口中输入以下命令以便在你的 Linux 系统中创建组:
sudo groupadd fuse
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
![sshfs 添加用户到组 fuse](
别担心上面命令的 `$USER`。shell 会自动用你自己的用户名替换。处理了和组相关的之后,就是时候创建要挂载远程文件的目录了。
别担心上面命令的 `$USER`。shell 会自动用你自己的用户名替换。处理了和组相关的工作之后,就是时候创建要挂载远程文件的目录了。
mkdir ~/remote_folder
@ -54,9 +54,9 @@
### 总结 ###
在 Linux 上有很多工具可以用于访问远程文件并挂载到本地。如之前所说,如果有的话,也只有很少的工具能充分利用 SSH 的强大功能。我希望在这篇指南的帮助下,也能认识到 SSHfs 是一个多么强大的工具。
在 Linux 上有很多工具可以用于访问远程文件并挂载到本地。但是如之前所说,如果有的话,也只有很少的工具能充分利用 SSH 的强大功能。我希望在这篇指南的帮助下,也能认识到 SSHfs 是一个多么强大的工具。
你觉得 SSHfs 怎么样呢?在线的评论框里告诉我们吧!
你觉得 SSHfs 怎么样呢?在下面的评论框里告诉我们吧!
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ via:
作者:[Derrik Diener][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
Linux又问必答-- 如何在Linux中改变默认的Java版本
Linux 有问必答:如何在 Linux 中改变默认的 Java 版本
> **提问**当我尝试在Linux中运行一个Java程序时我遇到了一个错误。看上去像程序编译所使用的Javab版本与我本地的不同。我该如何在Linux上切换默认的Java版本
> **提问**当我尝试在Linux中运行一个Java程序时我遇到了一个错误。看上去像程序编译所使用的Java版本与我本地的不同。我该如何在Linux上切换默认的Java版本
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/xmodulo/hmon/gui/NetConf : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/xmodulo/hmon/gui/NetConf : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
比如,这种情况下程序在Java JRE 1.7下编译但是系统只有Java JRE 1.6。
比如程序在Java JRE 1.7下编译但是系统只有Java JRE 1.6。
要解决这个问题你需要改变默认的Java版本到Java JRE 1.7或者更高假设JRE已经安装了
@ -21,7 +19,7 @@ Linux又问必答-- 如何在Linux中改变默认的Java版本
本例中总共安装了4个不同的Java版本OpenJDK JRE 1.6、Oracle Java JRE 1.6、OpenJDK JRE 1.7 和 Oracle Java JRE 1.7。现在默认的Java版本是OpenJDK JRE 1.6。
如果没有安装需要的Java JRE,你可以参考[这些指导][1]来完成安装。
如果没有安装需要的Java JRE你可以参考[这些指导][1]来完成安装。
现在有可用的候选版本你可以用下面的命令在可用的Java JRE之间**切换默认的Java版本**
@ -45,7 +43,7 @@ via:
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
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@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
LastPass 的开源替代品
LastPass是一个跨平台的密码管理程序。在Linux平台中它可作为Firefox, Chrome和Opera浏览器的插件使用。LastPass Sesame支持Ubuntu/Debian与Fedora系统。此外LastPass还有安装在Firefox Portable的便携版可将其安装在USB设备上。再加上适用于Ubuntu/Debian, Fedora和openSUSE的LastPass Pocket, 其具有良好的跨平台覆盖性。虽然LastPass备受好评但它是一个专有软件。此外LastPass最近被LogMeIn收购。如果你在找一个开源的替代品这篇文章可能会对你有所帮助。
@ -14,25 +14,27 @@ LastPass是一个跨平台的密码管理程序。在Linux平台中它可作
- 多重管理模式 - 使每条密码更容易被识别
- 管理模式丰富
- 通过标题使每条密码更容易被识别
- 可设置密码过期时间
- 可插入附件
- 可为不同分组或密码自定义标志
- 在分组中对密码排序
- 搜索函数:可在特定分组或整个数据库中搜索
- Auto-Type: 这个功能允许你在登录网站时只需要按下几个键。KeePassX可以帮助你输入剩下的密码。Auto-Type通过读取当前窗口的标题,对密码数据库进行搜索来获取相应的密码
- 数据库安全性强用户可通过密码或一个密钥文件可存储在CD或U盘中访问数据库
- 自动生成安全的密码
- 具有预防措施,获取选中的密码并检查其安全性
- 加密 - 用256位密钥通过AES(高级加密标准)或TwoFish算法加密数据库
- 搜索功能:可在特定分组或整个数据库中搜索
- 自动键入: 这个功能允许你在登录网站时只需要按下几个键。KeePassX可以帮助你输入剩下的密码。自动键入通过读取当前窗口的标题,对密码数据库进行搜索来获取相应的密码
- 数据库安全性强用户可通过密码或一个密钥文件可存储在CD或U盘中访问数据库(或两者)
- 安全密码自动生成
- 具有预防措施,获取用星号隐藏的密码并检查其安全性
- 加密 - 用256位密钥通过AES(高级加密标准)或TwoFish算法加密数据库
- 密码可以导入或导出。可从PwManager文件(*.pwm)或KWallet文件(*.xml)中导入密码,可导出为文本(*.txt)格式。
- 软件官网:[][1]
- 开发者KeepassX Team
- 软件许可证GNU GPL V2
@ -42,21 +44,23 @@ KeePassX提供KeePass的多平台接口是一款开源、跨平台的密码
- 使用极安全、零知晓的Crypton框架软件只在本地加密/解密数据
- 使用非常安全的零知识Crypton框架只在你的本地加密/解密数据
- 易于使用
- 基于云端
- 可存储三种类型的数据:密码、信用卡账号以及通用的键值对
- 可对每条密码设置“备注”项
- 对本地密码进行缓存加密,以节省上传时间
- 过滤和搜索密码
- 对密码进行本地加密缓存,以节省载入时间
- 软件官网: [][2]
- 开发者: Tommy Williams
- 软件许可证: GNU GPL v3
@ -74,7 +78,9 @@ RatticDB被设计为一个“密码生命周期管理工具”而不是单单一
- 简洁的ACL设计
- 可改变队列功能,可让用户知晓何时需要更改某应用的密码
- Ansible配置
- 支持Ansible配置
- 软件官网: [][3]
- 开发者: Daniel Hall
@ -85,9 +91,9 @@ RatticDB被设计为一个“密码生命周期管理工具”而不是单单一
Seahorse是一个于Gnome前端运行的GnuPG - GNU隐私保护软件。它的目标是提供一个易于使用密钥管理工具一并提供一个易于使用的界面来控制加密操作。
@ -95,7 +101,7 @@ Seahorse是一个工具用来提供安全沟通和数据存储服务。数据
- 对文本进行加密/解密/签名
- 管理密钥及密钥环
- 将密钥及密钥环密钥服务器同步
- 将密钥及密钥环密钥服务器同步
- 密码签名及发布
- 将密码缓存起来,无需多次重复键入
- 对密钥及密钥环进行备份
@ -103,6 +109,8 @@ Seahorse是一个工具用来提供安全沟通和数据存储服务。数据
- 生成SSH密钥对其进行验证及储存
- 多语言支持
- 软件官网: [][4]
- 开发者: Jacob Perkins, Jose Carlos, Garcia Sogo, Jean Schurger, Stef Walter, Adam Schreiber
- 软件许可证: GNU GPL v2
@ -113,7 +121,7 @@ Seahorse是一个工具用来提供安全沟通和数据存储服务。数据
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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
Linux 有问必答:如何在 Linux 上自动设置 JAVA_HOME 环境变量
> **问题**:我需要在我的 Linux 机器上编译 Java 程序。为此我已经安装了 JDK (Java Development Kit),而现在我正试图设置 JAVA\_HOME 环境变量使其指向安装好的 JDK 。关于在 Linux 上设置 JAVA\_HOME 环境变量,最受推崇的办法是什么?
许多 Java 程序或基于 Java 的*集成开发环境* (IDE)都需要设置好 JAVA_HOME 环境变量。该变量应指向 *Java 开发工具包* (JDK)或 *Java 运行时环境* (JRE)的安装目录。JDK 不仅包含了 JRE 提供的一切,还带有用于编译 Java 程序的额外的二进制代码和库文件(例如编译器,调试器及 JavaDoc 文档生成器。JDK 是用来构建 Java 程序的,如果只是运行已经构建好的 Java 程序,单独一份 JRE 就足够了。
当您正试图设置 JAVA\_HOME 环境变量时,麻烦的事情在于 JAVA\_HOME 变量需要根据以下几点而改变:(1) 您是否安装了 JDK 或 JRE(2) 您安装了哪个版本;(3) 您安装的是 Oracle JDK 还是 Open JDK。
因此每当您的开发环境或运行时环境发生改变(例如为 JDK 更新版本)时,您需要根据实际情况调整 JAVA\_HOME 变量,而这种做法是繁重且缺乏效率的。
以下 export 命令能为您**自动设置** JAVA\_HOME 环境变量,而无须顾及上述的因素。
若您安装的是 JRE
export JAVA_HOME=$(dirname $(dirname $(readlink -f $(which java))))
若您安装的是 JDK
export JAVA_HOME=$(dirname $(dirname $(readlink -f $(which javac))))
根据您的情况,将上述命令中的一条写入 ~/.bashrc或 /etc/profile文件中它就会永久地设置好 JAVA\_HOME 变量。
注意,由于 java 或 javac 可以建立起多个层次的符号链接,为此"readlink -f"命令是用来获取它们真正的执行路径的。
举个例子,假如您安装的是 Oracle JRE 7那么上述的第一条 export 命令将自动设置 JAVA\_HOME 为:
若您安装的是 Open JDK 第8版那么第二条 export 命令将设置 JAVA\_HOME 为:
简而言之,这些 export 命令会在您重装/升级您的JDK/JRE或[更换默认 Java 版本][1]时自动更新 JAVA\_HOME 变量。您不再需要手动调整它。
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
第七部分 - 在 Linux 客户端配置基于 Kerberos 身份验证的 NFS 服务器
RHCE 系列(七):在 Linux 客户端配置基于 Kerberos 身份验证的 NFS 服务器
在本系列的前一篇文章,我们回顾了[如何在可能包括多种类型操作系统的网络上配置 Samba 共享][1]。现在,如果你需要为一组类-Unix 客户端配置文件共享,很自然的你会想到网络文件系统,或简称 NFS。
在本系列的前一篇文章,我们回顾了[如何在可能包括多种类型操作系统的网络上配置 Samba 共享][1]。现在,如果你需要为一组类 Unix 客户端配置文件共享,很自然的你会想到网络文件系统,或简称 NFS。
![设置使用 Kerberos 进行身份验证的 NFS 服务器](
RHCE 系列:第七部分 - 设置使用 Kerberos 进行身份验证的 NFS 服务器
*RHCE 系列:第七部分 - 设置使用 Kerberos 进行身份验证的 NFS 服务器*
在这篇文章中我们会介绍配置基于 Kerberos 身份验证的 NFS 共享的整个流程。假设你已经配置好了一个 NFS 服务器和一个客户端。如果还没有,可以参考 [安装和配置 NFS 服务器][2] - 它列出了需要安装的依赖软件包并解释了在进行下一步之前如何在服务器上进行初始化配置。
@ -24,28 +23,26 @@ RHCE 系列:第七部分 - 设置使用 Kerberos 进行身份验证的 NFS 服
#### 创建 NFS 组并配置 NFS 共享目录 ####
1. 新建一个名为 nfs 的组并给它添加用户 nfsnobody然后更改 /nfs 目录的权限为 0770组属主为 nfs。于是nfsnobody对应请求用户在共享目录有写的权限你就不需要在 /etc/exports 文件中使用 no_root_squash注:设为 root_squash 意味着在访问 NFS 服务器上的文件时,客户机上的 root 用户不会被当作 root 用户来对待)。
1 新建一个名为 nfs 的组并给它添加用户 nfsnobody然后更改 /nfs 目录的权限为 0770组属主为 nfs。于是nfsnobody对应请求用户在共享目录有写的权限你就不需要在 /etc/exports 文件中使用 no_root_squashLCTT 译注:设为 root_squash 意味着在访问 NFS 服务器上的文件时,客户机上的 root 用户不会被当作 root 用户来对待)。
# groupadd nfs
# usermod -a -G nfs nfsnobody
# chmod 0770 /nfs
# chgrp nfs /nfs
2. 像下面那样更改 export 文件(/etc/exports只允许从 box1 使用 Kerberos 安全验证的访问sec=krb5
2 像下面那样更改 export 文件(/etc/exports只允许从 box1 使用 Kerberos 安全验证的访问sec=krb5
**注意**anongid 的值设置为之前新建的组 nfs 的 GID
**exports 添加 NFS 共享**
/nfs box1(rw,sec=krb5,anongid=1004)
3. 再次 exprot-r所有-aNFS 共享。为输出添加详情(-v是个好主意因为它提供了发生错误时解决问题的有用信息
3 再次 exprot-r所有-aNFS 共享。为输出添加详情(-v是个好主意因为它提供了发生错误时解决问题的有用信息
# exportfs -arv
4. 重启并启用 NFS 服务器以及相关服务。注意你不需要启动 nfs-lock 和 nfs-idmapd因为系统启动时其它服务会自动启动它们
4 重启并启用 NFS 服务器以及相关服务。注意你不需要启动 nfs-lock 和 nfs-idmapd因为系统启动时其它服务会自动启动它们
# systemctl restart rpcbind nfs-server nfs-lock nfs-idmap
# systemctl enable rpcbind nfs-server
@ -61,14 +58,12 @@ RHCE 系列:第七部分 - 设置使用 Kerberos 进行身份验证的 NFS 服
正如你看到的为了简便NFS 服务器和 KDC 在同一台机器上,当然如果你有更多可用机器你也可以把它们安装在不同的机器上。两台机器都在 `` 域。
最后同样重要的是Kerberos 要求客户端和服务器中至少有一个域名解析的基本式和[网络时间协议][5]服务,因为 Kerberos 身份验证的安全一部分基于时间戳。
最后同样重要的是Kerberos 要求客户端和服务器中至少有一个域名解析的基本式和[网络时间协议][5]服务,因为 Kerberos 身份验证的安全一部分基于时间戳。
为了配置域名解析,我们在客户端和服务器中编辑 /etc/hosts 文件:
**host 文件 为域添加 DNS**
---------- box1 box2
@ -82,10 +77,9 @@ RHCE 系列:第七部分 - 设置使用 Kerberos 进行身份验证的 NFS 服
# chronyc tracking
![用 Chrony 同步服务器时间](
用 Chrony 同步服务器时间
*用 Chrony 同步服务器时间*
### 安装和配置 Kerberos ###
@ -109,7 +103,7 @@ RHCE 系列:第七部分 - 设置使用 Kerberos 进行身份验证的 NFS 服
![创建 Kerberos 数据库](
创建 Kerberos 数据库
*创建 Kerberos 数据库*
下一步,使用 kadmin.local 工具为 root 创建管理权限:
@ -129,7 +123,7 @@ RHCE 系列:第七部分 - 设置使用 Kerberos 进行身份验证的 NFS 服
![添加 Kerberos 到 NFS 服务器](
添加 Kerberos 到 NFS 服务器
*添加 Kerberos 到 NFS 服务器*
为 root/admin 获取和缓存票据授权票据ticket-granting ticket
@ -138,7 +132,7 @@ RHCE 系列:第七部分 - 设置使用 Kerberos 进行身份验证的 NFS 服
![缓存 Kerberos](
缓存 Kerberos
*缓存 Kerberos*
真正使用 Kerberos 之前的最后一步是保存被授权使用 Kerberos 身份验证的规则到一个密钥表文件(在服务器中):
@ -154,7 +148,7 @@ RHCE 系列:第七部分 - 设置使用 Kerberos 进行身份验证的 NFS 服
![挂载 NFS 共享](
挂载 NFS 共享
*挂载 NFS 共享*
@ -163,7 +157,7 @@ RHCE 系列:第七部分 - 设置使用 Kerberos 进行身份验证的 NFS 服
![挂载/卸载 Kerberos NFS 共享](
挂载/卸载 Kerberos NFS 共享
*挂载/卸载 Kerberos NFS 共享*
现在你可以使用基于 Kerberos 身份验证的 NFS 共享了。
@ -177,12 +171,12 @@ via:
作者:[Gabriel Cánepa][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
sevenot translating
Curious about Linux? Try Linux Desktop on the Cloud
Linux maintains a very small market share as a desktop operating system. Current surveys estimate its share to be a mere 2%; contrast that with the various strains (no pun intended) of Windows which total nearly 90% of the desktop market. For Linux to challenge Microsoft's monopoly on the desktop, there needs to be a simple way of learning about this different operating system. And it would be naive to believe a typical Windows user is going to buy a second machine, tinker with partitioning a hard disk to set up a multi-boot system, or just jump ship to Linux without an easy way back.
We have examined a number of risk-free ways users can experiment with Linux without dabbling with partition management. Various options include Live CD/DVDs, USB keys and desktop virtualization software. For the latter, I can strongly recommend VMWare (VMWare Player) or Oracle VirtualBox, two relatively easy and free ways of installing and running multiple operating systems on a desktop or laptop computer. Each virtual machine has its own share of CPU, memory, network interfaces etc which is isolated from other virtual machines. But virtual machines still require some effort to get Linux up and running, and a reasonably powerful machine. Too much effort for a mere inquisitive mind.
It can be difficult to break down preconceptions. Many Windows users will have experimented with free software that is available on Linux. But there are many facets to learn on Linux. And it takes time to become accustomed to the way things work in Linux.
Surely there should be an effortless way for a beginner to experiment with Linux for the first time? Indeed there is; step forward the online cloud lab.
### LabxNow ###
LabxNow provides a free service for general users offering Linux remote desktop over the browser. The developers promote the service as having a personal remote lab (to play around, develop, whatever!) that will be accessible from anywhere, with the internet of course.
The service currently offers a free virtual private server with 2 cores, 4GB RAM and 10GB SSD space. The service runs on a 4 AMD 6272 CPU with 128GB RAM.
#### Features include: ####
- Machine images: Ubuntu 14.04 with Xfce 4.10, RHEL 6.5, CentOS with Gnome, and Oracle
- Hardware: CPU - 1 or 2 cores; RAM: 512MB, 1GB, 2GB or 4GB
- Fast network for data transfers
- Works with all popular browsers
- Install anything, run anything - an excellent way to experiment and learn all about Linux without any risk
- Easily add, delete, manage and customize VMs
- Share VMs, Remote desktop support
All you need is a reasonable Internet connected device. Forget about high cost VPS, domain space or hardware support. LabxNow offers a great way of experimenting with Ubuntu, RHEL and CentOS. It gives Windows users an excellent environment to dip their toes into the wonderful world of Linux. Further, it allows users to do (programming) work from anywhere in the word without having the stress of installing Linux on each machine. Point your web browser at [][1].
There are other services (mostly paid services) that allow users to experiment with Linux. These include Cloudsigma which offers a free 7 day trial, and (full root access via HTML5). But for now, LabxNow gets my recommendation.
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
sevenot translating
A Linux User Using Windows 10 After More than 8 Years See Comparison
Windows 10 is the newest member of windows NT family of which general availability was made on July 29, 2015. It is the successor of Windows 8.1. Windows 10 is supported on Intel Architecture 32 bit, AMD64 and ARMv7 processors.
@ -341,4 +342,4 @@ via:
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
How bad a boss is Linus Torvalds?
![linus torvalds](
*Linus Torvalds addressed a packed auditorium of Linux enthusiasts during his speech at the LinuxWorld show in San Jose, California, on August 10, 1999. Credit: James Niccolai*
**It depends on context. In the world of software development, hes what passes for normal. The question is whether that situation should be allowed to continue.**
I've known Linus Torvalds, Linux's inventor, for over 20 years. We're not chums, but we like each other.
Lately, Torvalds has been getting a lot of flack for his management style. Linus doesn't suffer fools gladly. He has one way of judging people in his business of developing the Linux kernel: How good is your code?
Nothing else matters. As Torvalds said earlier this year at the Conference, "I'm not a nice person, and I don't care about you. [I care about the technology and the kernel][1] -- that's what's important to me."
Now, I can deal with that kind of person. If you can't, you should avoid the Linux kernel community, where you'll find a lot of this kind of meritocratic thinking. Which is not to say that I think everything in Linuxland is hunky-dory and should be impervious to calls for change. A meritocracy I can live with; a bastion of male dominance where women are subjected to scorn and disrespect is a problem.
That's why I see the recent brouhaha about Torvalds' management style -- or more accurately, his total indifference to the personal side of management -- as nothing more than standard operating procedure in the world of software development. And at the same time, I see another instance that has come to light as evidence of a need for things to really change.
The first situation arose with the [release of Linux 4.3][2], when Torvalds used the Linux Kernel Mailing List to tear into a developer who had inserted some networking code that Torvalds thought was -- well, let's say "crappy." "[[A]nd it generates [crappy] code.][3] It looks bad, and there's no reason for it." He goes on in this vein for quite a while. Besides the word "crap" and its earthier synonym, he uses the word "idiotic" pretty often.
Here's the thing, though. He's right. I read the code. It's badly written and it does indeed seem to have been designed to use the new "overflow_usub()" function just for the sake of using it.
Now, some people see this diatribe as evidence that Torvalds is a bad-tempered bully. I see a perfectionist who, within his field, doesn't put up with crap.
Many people have told me that this is not how professional programmers should act. People, have you ever worked with top developers? That's exactly how they act, at Apple, Microsoft, Oracle and everywhere else I've known them.
I've heard Steve Jobs rip a developer to pieces. I've cringed while a senior Oracle developer lead tore into a room of new programmers like a piranha through goldfish.
In Accidental Empires, his classic book on the rise of PCs, Robert X. Cringely described Microsoft's software management style when Bill Gates was in charge as a system where "Each level, from Gates on down, screams at the next, goading and humiliating them." Ah, yes, that's the Microsoft I knew and hated.
The difference between the leaders at big proprietary software companies and Torvalds is that he says everything in the open for the whole world to see. The others do it in private conference rooms. I've heard people claim that Torvalds would be fired in their company. Nope. He'd be right where he is now: on top of his programming world.
Oh, and there's another difference. If you get, say, Larry Ellison mad at you, you can kiss your job goodbye. When you get Torvalds angry at your work, you'll get yelled at in an email. That's it.
You see, Torvalds isn't anyone's boss. He's the guy in charge of a project with about 10,000 contributors, but he has zero hiring and firing authority. He can hurt your feelings, but that's about it.
That said, there is a serious problem within both open-source and proprietary software development circles. No matter how good a programmer you are, if you're a woman, the cards are stacked against you.
No case shows this better than that of Sarah Sharp, an Intel developer and formerly a top Linux programmer. [In a post on her blog in October][4], she explained why she had stopped contributing to the Linux kernel more than a year earlier: "I finally realized that I could no longer contribute to a community where I was technically respected, but I could not ask for personal respect.... I did not want to work professionally with people who were allowed to get away with subtle sexist or homophobic jokes."
Who can blame her? I can't. Torvalds, like almost every software manager I've ever known, I'm sorry to say, has permitted a hostile work environment.
He would probably say that it's not his job to ensure that Linux contributors behave with professionalism and mutual respect. He's concerned with the code and nothing but the code.
As Sharp wrote:
> I have the utmost respect for the technical efforts of the Linux kernel community. They have scaled and grown a project that is focused on maintaining some of the highest coding standards out there. The focus on technical excellence, in combination with overloaded maintainers, and people with different cultural and social norms, means that Linux kernel maintainers are often blunt, rude, or brutal to get their job done. Top Linux kernel developers often yell at each other in order to correct each other's behavior.
> That's not a communication style that works for me. …
> Many senior Linux kernel developers stand by the right of maintainers to be technically and personally brutal. Even if they are very nice people in person, they do not want to see the Linux kernel communication style change.
She's right.
Where I differ from other observers is that I don't think that this problem is in any way unique to Linux or open-source communities. With five years of work in the technology business and 25 years as a technology journalist, I've seen this kind of immature boy behavior everywhere.
It's not Torvalds' fault. He's a technical leader with a vision, not a manager. The real problem is that there seems to be no one in the software development universe who can set a supportive tone for teams and communities.
Looking ahead, I hope that companies and organizations, such as the Linux Foundation, can find a way to empower community managers or other managers to encourage and enforce civil behavior.
We won't, unfortunately, find that kind of managerial finesse in our pure technical or business leaders. It's not in their DNA.
作者:[Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,801 +0,0 @@
wyangsun translating
Linux workstation security checklist
This is a set of recommendations used by the Linux Foundation for their systems
administrators. All of LF employees are remote workers and we use this set of
guidelines to ensure that a sysadmin's system passes core security requirements
in order to reduce the risk of it becoming an attack vector against the rest
of our infrastructure.
Even if your systems administrators are not remote workers, chances are that
they perform a lot of their work either from a portable laptop in a work
environment, or set up their home systems to access the work infrastructure
for after-hours/emergency support. In either case, you can adapt this set of
recommendations to suit your environment.
This, by no means, is an exhaustive "workstation hardening" document, but
rather an attempt at a set of baseline recommendations to avoid most glaring
security errors without introducing too much inconvenience. You may read this
document and think it is way too paranoid, while someone else may think this
barely scratches the surface. Security is just like driving on the highway --
anyone going slower than you is an idiot, while anyone driving faster than you
is a crazy person. These guidelines are merely a basic set of core safety
rules that is neither exhaustive, nor a replacement for experience, vigilance,
and common sense.
Each section is split into two areas:
- The checklist that can be adapted to your project's needs
- Free-form list of considerations that explain what dictated these decisions
## Severity levels
The items in each checklist include the severity level, which we hope will help
guide your decision:
- _(CRITICAL)_ items should definitely be high on the consideration list.
If not implemented, they will introduce high risks to your workstation
- _(MODERATE)_ items will improve your security posture, but are less
important, especially if they interfere too much with your workflow.
- _(LOW)_ items may improve the overall security, but may not be worth the
convenience trade-offs.
- _(PARANOID)_ is reserved for items we feel will dramatically improve your
workstation security, but will probably require a lot of adjustment to the
way you interact with your operating system.
Remember, these are only guidelines. If you feel these severity levels do not
reflect your project's commitment to security, you should adjust them as you
see fit.
## Choosing the right hardware
We do not mandate that our admins use a specific vendor or a specific model, so
this section addresses core considerations when choosing a work system.
### Checklist
- [ ] System supports SecureBoot _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] System has no firewire, thunderbolt or ExpressCard ports _(MODERATE)_
- [ ] System has a TPM chip _(LOW)_
### Considerations
#### SecureBoot
Despite its controversial nature, SecureBoot offers prevention against many
attacks targeting workstations (Rootkits, "Evil Maid," etc), without
introducing too much extra hassle. It will not stop a truly dedicated attacker,
plus there is a pretty high degree of certainty that state security agencies
have ways to defeat it (probably by design), but having SecureBoot is better
than having nothing at all.
Alternatively, you may set up [Anti Evil Maid][1] which offers a more
wholesome protection against the type of attacks that SecureBoot is supposed
to prevent, but it will require more effort to set up and maintain.
#### Firewire, thunderbolt, and ExpressCard ports
Firewire is a standard that, by design, allows any connecting device full
direct memory access to your system ([see Wikipedia][2]). Thunderbolt and
ExpressCard are guilty of the same, though some later implementations of
Thunderbolt attempt to limit the scope of memory access. It is best if the
system you are getting has none of these ports, but it is not critical, as
they usually can be turned off via UEFI or disabled in the kernel itself.
#### TPM Chip
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a crypto chip bundled with the motherboard
separately from the core processor, which can be used for additional platform
security (such as to store full-disk encryption keys), but is not normally used
for day-to-day workstation operation. At best, this is a nice-to-have, unless
you have a specific need to use TPM for your workstation security.
## Pre-boot environment
This is a set of recommendations for your workstation before you even start
with OS installation.
### Checklist
- [ ] UEFI boot mode is used (not legacy BIOS) _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] Password is required to enter UEFI configuration _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] SecureBoot is enabled _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] UEFI-level password is required to boot the system _(LOW)_
### Considerations
#### UEFI and SecureBoot
UEFI, with all its warts, offers a lot of goodies that legacy BIOS doesn't,
such as SecureBoot. Most modern systems come with UEFI mode on by default.
Make sure a strong password is required to enter UEFI configuration mode. Pay
attention, as many manufacturers quietly limit the length of the password you
are allowed to use, so you may need to choose high-entropy short passwords vs.
long passphrases (see below for more on passphrases).
Depending on the Linux distribution you decide to use, you may or may not have
to jump through additional hoops in order to import your distribution's
SecureBoot key that would allow you to boot the distro. Many distributions have
partnered with Microsoft to sign their released kernels with a key that is
already recognized by most system manufacturers, therefore saving you the
trouble of having to deal with key importing.
As an extra measure, before someone is allowed to even get to the boot
partition and try some badness there, let's make them enter a password. This
password should be different from your UEFI management password, in order to
prevent shoulder-surfing. If you shut down and start a lot, you may choose to
not bother with this, as you will already have to enter a LUKS passphrase and
this will save you a few extra keystrokes.
## Distro choice considerations
Chances are you'll stick with a fairly widely-used distribution such as Fedora,
Ubuntu, Arch, Debian, or one of their close spin-offs. In any case, this is
what you should consider when picking a distribution to use.
### Checklist
- [ ] Has a robust MAC/RBAC implementation (SELinux/AppArmor/Grsecurity) _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] Publishes security bulletins _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] Provides timely security patches _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] Provides cryptographic verification of packages _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] Fully supports UEFI and SecureBoot _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] Has robust native full disk encryption support _(CRITICAL)_
### Considerations
#### SELinux, AppArmor, and GrSecurity/PaX
Mandatory Access Controls (MAC) or Role-Based Access Controls (RBAC) are an
extension of the basic user/group security mechanism used in legacy POSIX
systems. Most distributions these days either already come bundled with a
MAC/RBAC implementation (Fedora, Ubuntu), or provide a mechanism to add it via
an optional post-installation step (Gentoo, Arch, Debian). Obviously, it is
highly advised that you pick a distribution that comes pre-configured with a
MAC/RBAC system, but if you have strong feelings about a distribution that
doesn't have one enabled by default, do plan to configure it
Distributions that do not provide any MAC/RBAC mechanisms should be strongly
avoided, as traditional POSIX user- and group-based security should be
considered insufficient in this day and age. If you would like to start out
with a MAC/RBAC workstation, AppArmor and PaX are generally considered easier
to learn than SELinux. Furthermore, on a workstation, where there are few or
no externally listening daemons, and where user-run applications pose the
highest risk, GrSecurity/PaX will _probably_ offer more security benefits than
#### Distro security bulletins
Most of the widely used distributions have a mechanism to deliver security
bulletins to their users, but if you are fond of something esoteric, check
whether the developers have a documented mechanism of alerting the users about
security vulnerabilities and patches. Absence of such mechanism is a major
warning sign that the distribution is not mature enough to be considered for a
primary admin workstation.
#### Timely and trusted security updates
Most of the widely used distributions deliver regular security updates, but is
worth checking to ensure that critical package updates are provided in a
timely fashion. Avoid using spin-offs and "community rebuilds" for this
reason, as they routinely delay security updates due to having to wait for the
upstream distribution to release it first.
You'll be hard-pressed to find a distribution that does not use cryptographic
signatures on packages, updates metadata, or both. That being said, fairly
widely used distributions have been known to go for years before introducing
this basic security measure (Arch, I'm looking at you), so this is a thing
worth checking.
#### Distros supporting UEFI and SecureBoot
Check that the distribution supports UEFI and SecureBoot. Find out whether it
requires importing an extra key or whether it signs its boot kernels with a key
already trusted by systems manufacturers (e.g. via an agreement with
Microsoft). Some distributions do not support UEFI/SecureBoot but offer
alternatives to ensure tamper-proof or tamper-evident boot environments
([Qubes-OS][3] uses Anti Evil Maid, mentioned earlier). If a distribution
doesn't support SecureBoot and has no mechanisms to prevent boot-level attacks,
look elsewhere.
#### Full disk encryption
Full disk encryption is a requirement for securing data at rest, and is
supported by most distributions. As an alternative, systems with
self-encrypting hard drives may be used (normally implemented via the on-board
TPM chip) and offer comparable levels of security plus faster operation, but at
a considerably higher cost.
## Distro installation guidelines
All distributions are different, but here are general guidelines:
### Checklist
- [ ] Use full disk encryption (LUKS) with a robust passphrase _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] Make sure swap is also encrypted _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] Require a password to edit bootloader (can be same as LUKS) _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] Set up a robust root password (can be same as LUKS) _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] Use an unprivileged account, part of administrators group _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] Set up a robust user-account password, different from root _(CRITICAL)_
### Considerations
#### Full disk encryption
Unless you are using self-encrypting hard drives, it is important to configure
your installer to fully encrypt all the disks that will be used for storing
your data and your system files. It is not sufficient to simply encrypt the
user directory via auto-mounting cryptfs loop files (I'm looking at you, older
versions of Ubuntu), as this offers no protection for system binaries or swap,
which is likely to contain a slew of sensitive data. The recommended
encryption strategy is to encrypt the LVM device, so only one passphrase is
required during the boot process.
The `/boot` partition will always remain unencrypted, as the bootloader needs
to be able to actually boot the kernel before invoking LUKS/dm-crypt. The
kernel image itself should be protected against tampering with a cryptographic
signature checked by SecureBoot.
In other words, `/boot` should always be the only unencrypted partition on your
#### Choosing good passphrases
Modern Linux systems have no limitation of password/passphrase length, so the
only real limitation is your level of paranoia and your stubbornness. If you
boot your system a lot, you will probably have to type at least two different
passwords: one to unlock LUKS, and another one to log in, so having long
passphrases will probably get old really fast. Pick passphrases that are 2-3
words long, easy to type, and preferably from rich/mixed vocabularies.
Examples of good passphrases (yes, you can use spaces):
- nature abhors roombas
- 12 in-flight Jebediahs
- perdon, tengo flatulence
You can also stick with non-vocabulary passwords that are at least 10-12
characters long, if you prefer that to typing passphrases.
Unless you have concerns about physical security, it is fine to write down your
passphrases and keep them in a safe place away from your work desk.
#### Root, user passwords and the admin group
We recommend that you use the same passphrase for your root password as you
use for your LUKS encryption (unless you share your laptop with other trusted
people who should be able to unlock the drives, but shouldn't be able to
become root). If you are the sole user of the laptop, then having your root
password be different from your LUKS password has no meaningful security
advantages. Generally, you can use the same passphrase for your UEFI
administration, disk encryption, and root account -- knowing any of these will
give an attacker full control of your system anyway, so there is little
security benefit to have them be different on a single-user workstation.
You should have a different, but equally strong password for your regular user
account that you will be using for day-to-day tasks. This user should be member
of the admin group (e.g. `wheel` or similar, depending on the distribution),
allowing you to perform `sudo` to elevate privileges.
In other words, if you are the sole user on your workstation, you should have 2
distinct, robust, equally strong passphrases you will need to remember:
**Admin-level**, used in the following locations:
- UEFI administration
- Bootloader (GRUB)
- Disk encryption (LUKS)
- Workstation admin (root user)
**User-level**, used for the following:
- User account and sudo
- Master password for the password manager
All of them, obviously, can be different if there is a compelling reason.
## Post-installation hardening
Post-installation security hardening will depend greatly on your distribution
of choice, so it is futile to provide detailed instructions in a general
document such as this one. However, here are some steps you should take:
### Checklist
- [ ] Globally disable firewire and thunderbolt modules _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] Check your firewalls to ensure all incoming ports are filtered _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] Make sure root mail is forwarded to an account you check _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] Check to ensure sshd service is disabled by default _(MODERATE)_
- [ ] Set up an automatic OS update schedule, or update reminders _(MODERATE)_
- [ ] Configure the screensaver to auto-lock after a period of inactivity _(MODERATE)_
- [ ] Set up logwatch _(MODERATE)_
- [ ] Install and use rkhunter _(LOW)_
- [ ] Install an Intrusion Detection System _(PARANOID)_
### Considerations
#### Blacklisting modules
To blacklist a firewire and thunderbolt modules, add the following lines to a
file in `/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-dma.conf`:
blacklist firewire-core
blacklist thunderbolt
The modules will be blacklisted upon reboot. It doesn't hurt doing this even if
you don't have these ports (but it doesn't do anything either).
#### Root mail
By default, root mail is just saved on the system and tends to never be read.
Make sure you set your `/etc/aliases` to forward root mail to a mailbox that
you actually read, otherwise you may miss important system notifications and
# Person who should get root's mail
Run `newaliases` after this edit and test it out to make sure that it actually
gets delivered, as some email providers will reject email coming in from
nonexistent or non-routable domain names. If that is the case, you will need to
play with your mail forwarding configuration until this actually works.
#### Firewalls, sshd, and listening daemons
The default firewall settings will depend on your distribution, but many of
them will allow incoming `sshd` ports. Unless you have a compelling legitimate
reason to allow incoming ssh, you should filter that out and disable the `sshd`
systemctl disable sshd.service
systemctl stop sshd.service
You can always start it temporarily if you need to use it.
In general, your system shouldn't have any listening ports apart from
responding to ping. This will help safeguard you against network-level 0-day
#### Automatic updates or notifications
It is recommended to turn on automatic updates, unless you have a very good
reason not to do so, such as fear that an automatic update would render your
system unusable (it's happened in the past, so this fear is not unfounded). At
the very least, you should enable automatic notifications of available updates.
Most distributions already have this service automatically running for you, so
chances are you don't have to do anything. Consult your distribution
documentation to find out more.
You should apply all outstanding errata as soon as possible, even if something
isn't specifically labeled as "security update" or has an associated CVE code.
All bugs have the potential of being security bugs and erring on the side of
newer, unknown bugs is _generally_ a safer strategy than sticking with old,
known ones.
#### Watching logs
You should have a keen interest in what happens on your system. For this
reason, you should install `logwatch` and configure it to send nightly activity
reports of everything that happens on your system. This won't prevent a
dedicated attacker, but is a good safety-net feature to have in place.
Note, that many systemd distros will no longer automatically install a syslog
server that `logwatch` needs (due to systemd relying on its own journal), so
you will need to install and enable `rsyslog` to make sure your `/var/log` is
not empty before logwatch will be of any use.
#### Rkhunter and IDS
Installing `rkhunter` and an intrusion detection system (IDS) like `aide` or
`tripwire` will not be that useful unless you actually understand how they work
and take the necessary steps to set them up properly (such as, keeping the
databases on external media, running checks from a trusted environment,
remembering to refresh the hash databases after performing system updates and
configuration changes, etc). If you are not willing to take these steps and
adjust how you do things on your own workstation, these tools will introduce
hassle without any tangible security benefit.
We do recommend that you install `rkhunter` and run it nightly. It's fairly
easy to learn and use, and though it will not deter a sophisticated attacker,
it may help you catch your own mistakes.
## Personal workstation backups
Workstation backups tend to be overlooked or done in a haphazard, often unsafe
### Checklist
- [ ] Set up encrypted workstation backups to external storage _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] Use zero-knowledge backup tools for cloud backups _(MODERATE)_
### Considerations
#### Full encrypted backups to external storage
It is handy to have an external hard drive where one can dump full backups
without having to worry about such things like bandwidth and upstream speeds
(in this day and age most providers still offer dramatically asymmetric
upload/download speeds). Needless to say, this hard drive needs to be in itself
encrypted (again, via LUKS), or you should use a backup tool that creates
encrypted backups, such as `duplicity` or its GUI companion, `deja-dup`. I
recommend using the latter with a good randomly generated passphrase, stored in
your password manager. If you travel with your laptop, leave this drive at home
to have something to come back to in case your laptop is lost or stolen.
In addition to your home directory, you should also back up `/etc` and
`/var/log` for various forensic purposes.
Above all, avoid copying your home directory onto any unencrypted storage, even
as a quick way to move your files around between systems, as you will most
certainly forget to erase it once you're done, exposing potentially private or
otherwise security sensitive data to snooping hands -- especially if you keep
that storage media in the same bag with your laptop.
#### Selective zero-knowledge backups off-site
Off-site backups are also extremely important and can be done either to your
employer, if they offer space for it, or to a cloud provider. You can set up a
separate duplicity/deja-dup profile to only include most important files in
order to avoid transferring huge amounts of data that you don't really care to
back up off-site (internet cache, music, downloads, etc).
Alternatively, you can use a zero-knowledge backup tool, such as
[SpiderOak][5], which offers an excellent Linux GUI tool and has additional
useful features such as synchronizing content between multiple systems and
## Best practices
What follows is a curated list of best practices that we think you should
adopt. It is most certainly non-exhaustive, but rather attempts to offer
practical advice that strikes a workable balance between security and overall
### Browsing
There is no question that the web browser will be the piece of software with
the largest and the most exposed attack surface on your system. It is a tool
written specifically to download and execute untrusted, frequently hostile
code. It attempts to shield you from this danger by employing multiple
mechanisms such as sandboxes and code sanitization, but they have all been
previously defeated on multiple occasions. You should learn to approach
browsing websites as the most insecure activity you'll engage in on any given
There are several ways you can reduce the impact of a compromised browser, but
the truly effective ways will require significant changes in the way you
operate your workstation.
#### 1: Use two different browsers
This is the easiest to do, but only offers minor security benefits. Not all
browser compromises give an attacker full unfettered access to your system --
sometimes they are limited to allowing one to read local browser storage,
steal active sessions from other tabs, capture input entered into the browser,
etc. Using two different browsers, one for work/high security sites, and
another for everything else will help prevent minor compromises from giving
attackers access to the whole cookie jar. The main inconvenience will be the
amount of memory consumed by two different browser processes.
Here's what we recommend:
##### Firefox for work and high security sites
Use Firefox to access work-related sites, where extra care should be taken to
ensure that data like cookies, sessions, login information, keystrokes, etc,
should most definitely not fall into attackers' hands. You should NOT use
this browser for accessing any other sites except select few.
You should install the following Firefox add-ons:
- [ ] NoScript _(CRITICAL)_
- NoScript prevents active content from loading, except from user
whitelisted domains. It is a great hassle to use with your default browser
(though offers really good security benefits), so we recommend only
enabling it on the browser you use to access work-related sites.
- [ ] Privacy Badger _(CRITICAL)_
- EFF's Privacy Badger will prevent most external trackers and ad platforms
from being loaded, which will help avoid compromises on these tracking
sites from affecting your browser (trackers and ad sites are very commonly
targeted by attackers, as they allow rapid infection of thousands of
systems worldwide).
- [ ] HTTPS Everywhere _(CRITICAL)_
- This EFF-developed Add-on will ensure that most of your sites are accessed
over a secure connection, even if a link you click is using http:// (great
to avoid a number of attacks, such as [SSL-strip][7]).
- [ ] Certificate Patrol _(MODERATE)_
- This tool will alert you if the site you're accessing has recently changed
their TLS certificates -- especially if it wasn't nearing expiration dates
or if it is now using a different certification authority. It helps
alert you if someone is trying to man-in-the-middle your connection,
but generates a lot of benign false-positives.
You should leave Firefox as your default browser for opening links, as
NoScript will prevent most active content from loading or executing.
##### Chrome/Chromium for everything else
Chromium developers are ahead of Firefox in adding a lot of nice security
features (at least [on Linux][6]), such as seccomp sandboxes, kernel user
namespaces, etc, which act as an added layer of isolation between the sites
you visit and the rest of your system. Chromium is the upstream open-source
project, and Chrome is Google's proprietary binary build based on it (insert
the usual paranoid caution about not using it for anything you don't want
Google to know about).
It is recommended that you install **Privacy Badger** and **HTTPS Everywhere**
extensions in Chrome as well and give it a distinct theme from Firefox to
indicate that this is your "untrusted sites" browser.
#### 2: Use two different browsers, one inside a dedicated VM
This is a similar recommendation to the above, except you will add an extra
step of running Chrome inside a dedicated VM that you access via a fast
protocol, allowing you to share clipboards and forward sound events (e.g.
Spice or RDP). This will add an excellent layer of isolation between the
untrusted browser and the rest of your work environment, ensuring that
attackers who manage to fully compromise your browser will then have to
additionally break out of the VM isolation layer in order to get to the rest
of your system.
This is a surprisingly workable configuration, but requires a lot of RAM and
fast processors that can handle the increased load. It will also require an
important amount of dedication on the part of the admin who will need to
adjust their work practices accordingly.
#### 3: Fully separate your work and play environments via virtualization
See [Qubes-OS project][3], which strives to provide a high-security
workstation environment via compartmentalizing your applications into separate
fully isolated VMs.
### Password managers
#### Checklist
- [ ] Use a password manager _(CRITICAL_)
- [ ] Use unique passwords on unrelated sites _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] Use a password manager that supports team sharing _(MODERATE)_
- [ ] Use a separate password manager for non-website accounts _(PARANOID)_
#### Considerations
Using good, unique passwords should be a critical requirement for every member
of your team. Credential theft is happening all the time -- either via
compromised computers, stolen database dumps, remote site exploits, or any
number of other means. No credentials should ever be reused across sites,
especially for critical applications.
##### In-browser password manager
Every browser has a mechanism for saving passwords that is fairly secure and
can sync with vendor-maintained cloud storage while keeping the data encrypted
with a user-provided passphrase. However, this mechanism has important
1. It does not work across browsers
2. It does not offer any way of sharing credentials with team members
There are several well-supported, free-or-cheap password managers that are
well-integrated into multiple browsers, work across platforms, and offer
group sharing (usually as a paid service). Solutions can be easily found via
search engines.
##### Standalone password manager
One of the major drawbacks of any password manager that comes integrated with
the browser is the fact that it's part of the application that is most likely
to be attacked by intruders. If this makes you uncomfortable (and it should),
you may choose to have two different password managers -- one for websites
that is integrated into your browser, and one that runs as a standalone
application. The latter can be used to store high-risk credentials such as
root passwords, database passwords, other shell account credentials, etc.
It may be particularly useful to have such tool for sharing superuser account
credentials with other members of your team (server root passwords, ILO
passwords, database admin passwords, bootloader passwords, etc).
A few tools can help you:
- [KeePassX][8], which improves team sharing in version 2
- [Pass][9], which uses text files and PGP and integrates with git
- [Django-Pstore][10], which uses GPG to share credentials between admins
- [Hiera-Eyaml][11], which, if you are already using Puppet for your
infrastructure, may be a handy way to track your server/service credentials
as part of your encrypted Hiera data store
### Securing SSH and PGP private keys
Personal encryption keys, including SSH and PGP private keys, are going to be
the most prized items on your workstation -- something the attackers will be
most interested in obtaining, as that would allow them to further attack your
infrastructure or impersonate you to other admins. You should take extra steps
to ensure that your private keys are well protected against theft.
#### Checklist
- [ ] Strong passphrases are used to protect private keys _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] PGP Master key is stored on removable storage _(MODERATE)_
- [ ] Auth, Sign and Encrypt Subkeys are stored on a smartcard device _(MODERATE)_
- [ ] SSH is configured to use PGP Auth key as ssh private key _(MODERATE)_
#### Considerations
The best way to prevent private key theft is to use a smartcard to store your
encryption private keys and never copy them onto the workstation. There are
several manufacturers that offer OpenPGP capable devices:
- [Kernel Concepts][12], where you can purchase both the OpenPGP compatible
smartcards and the USB readers, should you need one.
- [Yubikey NEO][13], which offers OpenPGP smartcard functionality in addition
to many other cool features (U2F, PIV, HOTP, etc).
It is also important to make sure that the master PGP key is not stored on the
main workstation, and only subkeys are used. The master key will only be
needed when signing someone else's keys or creating new subkeys -- operations
which do not happen very frequently. You may follow [the Debian's subkeys][14]
guide to learn how to move your master key to removable storage and how to
create subkeys.
You should then configure your gnupg agent to act as ssh agent and use the
smartcard-based PGP Auth key to act as your ssh private key. We publish a
[detailed guide][15] on how to do that using either a smartcard reader or a
Yubikey NEO.
If you are not willing to go that far, at least make sure you have a strong
passphrase on both your PGP private key and your SSH private key, which will
make it harder for attackers to steal and use them.
### SELinux on the workstation
If you are using a distribution that comes bundled with SELinux (such as
Fedora), here are some recommendation of how to make the best use of it to
maximize your workstation security.
#### Checklist
- [ ] Make sure SELinux is enforcing on your workstation _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] Never blindly run `audit2allow -M`, always check _(CRITICAL)_
- [ ] Never `setenforce 0` _(MODERATE)_
- [ ] Switch your account to SELinux user `staff_u` _(MODERATE)_
#### Considerations
SELinux is a Mandatory Access Controls (MAC) extension to core POSIX
permissions functionality. It is mature, robust, and has come a long way since
its initial roll-out. Regardless, many sysadmins to this day repeat the
outdated mantra of "just turn it off."
That being said, SELinux will have limited security benefits on the
workstation, as most applications you will be running as a user are going to
be running unconfined. It does provide enough net benefit to warrant leaving
it on, as it will likely help prevent an attacker from escalating privileges
to gain root-level access via a vulnerable daemon service.
Our recommendation is to leave it on and enforcing.
##### Never `setenforce 0`
It's tempting to use `setenforce 0` to flip SELinux into permissive mode
on a temporary basis, but you should avoid doing that. This essentially turns
off SELinux for the entire system, while what you really want is to
troubleshoot a particular application or daemon.
Instead of `setenforce 0` you should be using `semanage permissive -a
[somedomain_t]` to put only that domain into permissive mode. First, find out
which domain is causing troubles by running `ausearch`:
ausearch -ts recent -m avc
and then look for `scontext=` (source SELinux context) line, like so:
This tells you that the domain being denied is `gpg_pinentry_t`, so if you
want to troubleshoot the application, you should add it to permissive domains:
semange permissive -a gpg_pinentry_t
This will allow you to use the application and collect the rest of the AVCs,
which you can then use in conjunction with `audit2allow` to write a local
policy. Once that is done and you see no new AVC denials, you can remove that
domain from permissive by running:
semanage permissive -d gpg_pinentry_t
##### Use your workstation as SELinux role staff_r
SELinux comes with a native implementation of roles that prohibit or grant
certain privileges based on the role associated with the user account. As an
administrator, you should be using the `staff_r` role, which will restrict
access to many configuration and other security-sensitive files, unless you
first perform `sudo`.
By default, accounts are created as `unconfined_r` and most applications you
execute will run unconfined, without any (or with only very few) SELinux
constraints. To switch your account to the `staff_r` role, run the following
usermod -Z staff_u [username]
You should log out and log back in to enable the new role, at which point if
you run `id -Z`, you'll see:
When performing `sudo`, you should remember to add an extra flag to tell
SELinux to transition to the "sysadmin" role. The command you want is:
sudo -i -r sysadm_r
At which point `id -Z` will show:
**WARNING**: you should be comfortable using `ausearch` and `audit2allow`
before you make this switch, as it's possible some of your applications will
no longer work when you're running as role `staff_r`. At the time of writing,
the following popular applications are known to not work under `staff_r`
without policy tweaks:
- Chrome/Chromium
- Skype
- VirtualBox
To switch back to `unconfined_r`, run the following command:
usermod -Z unconfined_u [username]
and then log out and back in to get back into the comfort zone.
## Further reading
The world of IT security is a rabbit hole with no bottom. If you would like to
go deeper, or find out more about security features on your particular
distribution, please check out the following links:
- [Fedora Security Guide](
- [CESG Ubuntu Security Guide](
- [Debian Security Manual](
- [Arch Linux Security Wiki](
- [Mac OSX Security](
## License
This work is licensed under a
[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License][0].
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
translating by Ezio
Remember sed and awk? All Linux admins should

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@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
How to Install Redis Server on CentOS 7
Hi everyone, today Redis is the subject of our article, we are going to install it on CentOS 7. Build sources files, install the binaries, create and install files. After installing its components, we will set its configuration as well as some operating system parameters to make it more reliable and faster.
![Runnins Redis](
Redis server
Redis is an open source multi-platform data store written in ANSI C, that uses datasets directly from memory achieving extremely high performance. It supports various programming languages, including Lua, C, Java, Python, Perl, PHP and many others. It is based on simplicity, about 30k lines of code that do "few" things, but do them well. Despite you work on memory, persistence may exist and it has a fairly reasonable support for high availability and clustering, which does good in keeping your data safe.
### Building Redis ###
There is no official RPM package available, we need to build it from sources, in order to do this you will need install Make and GCC.
Install GNU Compiler Collection and Make with yum if it is not already installed
yum install gcc make
Download the tarball from [redis download page][1].
curl -o redis-3.0.4.tar.gz
Extract the tarball contents
tar zxvf redis-3.0.4.tar.gz
Enter Redis the directory we have extracted
cd redis-3.0.4
Use Make to build the source files
### Install ###
Enter on the src directory
cd src
Copy Redis server and client to /usr/local/bin
cp redis-server redis-cli /usr/local/bin
Its good also to copy sentinel, benchmark and check as well.
cp redis-sentinel redis-benchmark redis-check-aof redis-check-dump /usr/local/bin
Make Redis config directory
mkdir /etc/redis
Create a working and data directory under /var/lib/redis
mkdir -p /var/lib/redis/6379
#### System parameters ####
In order to Redis work correctly you need to set some kernel options
Set the vm.overcommit_memory to 1, which means always, this will avoid data to be truncated, take a look [here][2] for more.
sysctl -w vm.overcommit_memory=1
Change the maximum of backlog connections some value higher than the value on tcp-backlog option of redis.conf, which defaults to 511. You can find more on sysctl based ip networking "tunning" on [][3] website.
sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=512.
Disable transparent huge pages support, that is known to cause latency and memory access issues with Redis.
echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
### redis.conf ###
Redis.conf is the Redis configuration file, however you will see the file named as 6379.conf here, where the number is the same as the network port is listening to. This name is recommended if you are going to run more than one Redis instance.
Copy sample redis.conf to **/etc/redis/6379.conf**.
cp redis.conf /etc/redis/6379.conf
Now edit the file and set at some of its parameters.
vi /etc/redis/6379.conf
#### daemonize ####
Set daemonize to no, systemd need it to be in foreground, otherwise Redis will suddenly die.
daemonize no
#### pidfile ####
Set the pidfile to under /var/run.
pidfile /var/run/
#### port ####
Change the network port if you are not going to use the default
port 6379
#### loglevel ####
Set your loglevel.
loglevel notice
#### logfile ####
Set the logfile to /var/log/redis_6379.log
logfile /var/log/redis_6379.log
#### dir ####
Set the directory to /var/lib/redis/6379
dir /var/lib/redis/6379
### Security ###
Here are some actions that you can take to enforce the security.
#### Unix sockets ####
In many cases, the client application resides on the same machine as the server, so there is no need to listen do network sockets. If this is the case you may want to use unix sockets instead, for this you need to set the **port** option to 0, and then enable unix sockets with the following options.
Set the path to the socket file
unixsocket /tmp/redis.sock
Set restricted permission to the socket file
unixsocketperm 700
Now, to have access with redis-cli you should use the -s flag pointing to the socket file
redis-cli -s /tmp/redis.sock
#### requirepass ####
You may need remote access, if so, you should use a password, that will be required before any operation.
requirepass "bTFBx1NYYWRMTUEyNHhsCg"
#### rename-command ####
Imagine the output of the next command. Yes, it will dump the configuration of the server, so you should deny access to this kind information whenever is possible.
To restrict, or even disable this and other commands by using the **rename-command**. You must provide a command name and a replacement. To disable, set the replacement string to "" (blank), this is more secure as it will prevent someone from guessing the command name.
rename-command FLUSHDB "FLUSHDB_MY_SALT_G0ES_HERE09u09u"
rename-command FLUSHALL ""
rename-command CONFIG "CONFIG_MY_S4LT_GO3S_HERE09u09u"
![Access Redis through unix with password and command changes](
Access through unix sockets with password and command changes
#### Snapshots ####
By default Redis will periodically dump its datasets to **dump.rdb** on the data directory we set. You can configure how often the rdb file will be updated by the save command, the first parameter is a timeframe in seconds and the second is a number of changes performed on the data file.
Every 15 hours if there was at least 1 key change
save 900 1
Every 5 hours if there was at least 10 key changes
save 300 10
Every minute if there was at least 10000 key changes
save 60 10000
The **/var/lib/redis/6379/dump.rdb** file contains a dump of the dataset on memory since last save. Since it creates a temporary file and then replace the original file, there is no problem of corruption and you can always copy it directly without fear.
### Starting at boot ###
You may use systemd to add Redis to the system startup
Copy sample init_script to /etc/init.d, note also the number of the port on the script name
cp utils/redis_init_script /etc/init.d/redis_6379
We are going to use systemd, so create a unit file named redis_6379.service under **/etc/systems/system**
vi /etc/systemd/system/redis_6379.service
Put this content, try man systemd.service for details
Description=Redis on port 6379
ExecStart=/etc/init.d/redis_6379 start
ExecStop=/etc/init.d/redis_6379 stop
Now add the memory overcommit and maximum backlog options we have set before to the **/etc/sysctl.conf** file.
vm.overcommit_memory = 1
For the transparent huge pages support there is no sysctl directive, so you can put the command at the end of /etc/rc.local
echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
### Conclusion ###
That's enough to start, with these settings you will be able to deploy Redis server for many simpler scenarios, however there is many options on redis.conf for more complex environments. On some cases, you may use [replication][4] and [Sentinel][5] to provide high availability, [split the data][6] across servers, create a cluster of servers. Thanks for reading!
作者:[Carlos Alberto][a]
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translating by ezio
How to Install SQLite 3.9.1 with JSON Support on Ubuntu 15.04
Hello and welcome to our today's article on SQLite which is the most widely deployed SQL database engine in the world that comes with zero-configuration, that means no setup or administration needed. SQLite is public-domain software package that provides relational database management system, or RDBMS that is used to store user-defined records in large tables. In addition to data storage and management, database engine process complex query commands that combine data from multiple tables to generate reports and data summaries.
SQLite is very small and light weight that does not require a separate server process or system to operate. It is available on UNIX, Linux, Mac OS-X, Android, iOS and Windows which is being used in various software applications like Opera, Ruby On Rails, Adobe System, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Skype.
### 1) Basic Requirements: ###
There is are no such complex complex requirements for the installation of SQLite as it mostly comes support all major cross platforms.
So, let's login to your Ubuntu server with sudo or root credentials using your CLI or Secure Shell. Then update your system so that your operating system is upto date with latest packages.
In ubuntu, the below command is to be used for system update.
# apt-get update
If you are starting to deploy SQLite on on a fresh Ubuntu, then make sure that you have installed some basic system management utilities like wget, make, unzip, gcc.
To install wget, make and gcc packages on ubuntu, you use the below command, then press "Y" to allow and proceed with installation of these packages.
# apt-get install wget make gcc
### 2) Download SQLite ###
To download the latest package of SQLite, you can refer to their official [SQLite Download Page][1] as shown below.
![SQLite download](
You can copy the link of its resource package and download it on ubuntu server using the wget utility command.
# wget
![wget SQLite](
After downloading is complete, extract the package and change your current directory to the extracted SQLite folder by using the below command as shown.
# tar -zxvf sqlite-autoconf-3090100.tar.gz
### 3) Installing SQLite ###
Now we are going to install and configure the SQLite package that we downloaded. So, to compile and install SQLite on ubuntu run the configuration script within the same directory where your have extracted the SQLite package as shown below.
root@ubuntu-15:~/sqlite-autoconf-3090100# ./configure prefix=/usr/local
![SQLite Installation](
Once the package is configuration is done under the mentioned prefix, then run the below command make command to compile the package.
root@ubuntu-15:~/sqlite-autoconf-3090100# make
source='sqlite3.c' object='sqlite3.lo' libtool=yes \
DEPDIR=.deps depmode=none /bin/bash ./depcomp \
After running make command, to complete the installation of SQLite on ubuntu run the 'make install' command as shown below.
# make install
![SQLite Make Install](
### 4) Testing SQLite Installation ###
To confirm the successful installation of SQLite 3.9, run the below command in your command line interface.
# sqlite3
You will the SQLite verion after running the above command as shown.
![Testing SQLite Installation](
### 5) Using SQLite ###
SQLite is very handy to use. To get the detailed information about its usage, simply run the below command in the SQLite console.
sqlite> .help
So here is the list of all its available commands, with their description that you can get help to start using SQLite.
![SQLite Help](
Now in this last section , we make use of few SQLite commands to create a new database using the SQLite3 command line interface.
To to create a new database run the below command.
# sqlite3 test.db
To create a table within the new database run the below command.
sqlite> create table memos(text, priority INTEGER);
After creating the table, insert some data using the following commands.
sqlite> insert into memos values('deliver project description', 15);
sqlite> insert into memos values('writing new artilces', 100);
To view the inserted data from the table , run the below command.
sqlite> select * from memos;
deliver project description|15
writing new artilces|100
to exit from the sqlite3 type the below command.
sqlite> .exit
![Using SQLite3](
### Conclusion ###
In this article you learned the installation of latest version of SQLite 3.9.1 which enables the recently JSON1 support in its 3.9.0 version and so on. Its is an amazing library that gets embedded inside the application that makes use of it to keep the resources much efficient and lighter. We hope you find this article much helpful, feel free to get back to us if you find any difficulty.
作者:[Kashif Siddique][a]
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@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
How to Manage Your To-Do Lists in Ubuntu Using Go For It Application
Task management is arguably one of the most important and challenging part of professional as well as personal life. Professionally, as you assume more and more responsibility, your performance is directly related to or affected with your ability to manage the tasks youre assigned.
If your job involves working on a computer, then youll be happy to know that there are various applications available that claim to make task management easy for you. While most of them cater to Windows users, there are many options available on Linux, too. In this article we will discuss one such application: Go For It.
### Go For It ###
[Go For It][1] (GFI) is developed by Manuel Kehl, who describes it as a “a simple and stylish productivity app, featuring a to-do list, merged with a timer that keeps your focus on the current task.” The timer feature, specifically, is interesting, as it also makes sure that you take a break from your current task and relax for sometime before proceeding further.
### Download and Installation ###
Users of Debian-based systems, like Ubuntu, can easily install the app by running the following commands in terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mank319/go-for-it
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install go-for-it
Once done, you can execute the application by running the following command:
### Usage and Configuration ###
Here is how the GFI interface looks when you run the app for the very first time:
As you can see, the interface consists of three tabs: To-Do, Timer, and Done. While the To-Do tab contains a list of tasks (the 4 tasks shown in the image above are there by default you can delete them by clicking on the rectangular box in front of them), the Timer tab contains task timer, while Done contains a list of tasks that youve finished successfully. Right at the bottom is a text box where you can enter the task text and click “+” to add it to the list above.
For example, I added a task named “MTE-research-work” to the list and selected it by clicking on it in the list see the screenshot below:
Then I selected the Timer tab. Here I could see a 25-minute timer for the active task which was “MTE-reaserch-work.”
Of course, you can change the timer value and set to any time you want. I, however, didnt change the value and clicked the Start button present below to start the task timer. Once 60 seconds were left, GFI issued a notification indicating the same.
And once the time was up, I was asked to take a break of five minutes.
Once those five minutes were over, I could again start the task timer for my task.
When youre done with your task, you can click the Done button in the Timer tab. The task is then removed from the To-Do tab and listed in the Done tab.
GFI also allows you to tweak some of its settings. For example, the settings window shown below contains options to tweak the default task duration, break duration, and reminder time.
Its worth mentioning that GFI stores the to-do lists in the Todo.txt format which simplifies synchronization with mobile devices and makes it possible for you to edit tasks using other frontends read more about it [here][2].
You can also see the GFI app in action in the video below.
youtube 视频
<iframe frameborder="0" src=";autohide=2&amp;border=1&amp;wmode=opaque&amp;enablejsapi=1&amp;controls=1&amp;showinfo=0" id="youtube-iframe"></iframe>
### Conclusion ###
As you have observed, GFI is an easy to understand and simple to use task management application. Although it doesnt offer a plethora of features, it does what it claims the timer integration is especially useful. If youre looking for a basic, open-source task management tool for Linux, Go For It is worth trying.
作者:[Himanshu Arora][a]
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How to Monitor the Progress of a Linux Command Line Operation Using PV Command
@ -76,4 +78,4 @@ via:

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translation by strugglingyouth
Linux FAQs with Answers--How to install Node.js on Linux
> **Question**: How can I install Node.js on [insert your Linux distro]?
[Node.js][1] is a server-side software platform built on Google's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js has become a popular choice for building high-performance server-side applications all in JavaScript. What makes Node.js even more attractive for backend server development is the [huge ecosystem][2] of Node.js libraries and applications. Node.js comes with a command line utility called npm which allows you to easily install, version-control, and manage dependencies of Node.js libraries and applications from the vast npm online repository.
In this tutorial, I will describe **how to install Node.js on major Linux distros including Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora and CentOS**.
Node.js is available as a pre-built package on some distros (e.g., Fedora or Ubuntu), while you need to install it from its source on other distros. As Node.js is fast evolving, it is recommended to install the latest Node.js from its source, instead of installing an outdated pre-built package. The lasted Node.js comes with npm (Node.js package manager) bundled, allowing you to install external Node.js modules easily.
### Install Node.js on Debian ###
Starting from Debian 8 (Jessie), Node.js is available in the official repositories. Thus you can install it with:
$ sudo apt-get install npm
On Debian 7 (Wheezy) or earlier, you can install Node.js from its source as follows.
$ sudo apt-get install python g++ make
$ wget
$ tar xvfvz node-latest.tar.gz
$ cd node-v0.10.21 (replace a version with your own)
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
### Install Node.js on Ubuntu or Linux Mint ###
Node.js is included in Ubuntu (13.04 and higher). Thus installation is straightforward. The following will install Node.js and npm.
$ sudo apt-get install npm
$ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
While stock Ubuntu ships Node.js, you can install a more recent version from [its PPA][3].
$ sudo apt-get install python-software-properties python g++ make
$ sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:chris-lea/node.js
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install npm
### Install Node.js on Fedora ###
Node.js is included in the base repository of Fedora. Therefore you can use yum to install Node.js on Fedora.
$ sudo yum install npm
If you want to install the latest version of Node.js, you can build it from its source as follows.
$ sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
$ wget
$ tar xvfvz node-latest.tar.gz
$ cd node-v0.10.21 (replace a version with your own)
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
### Install Node.js on CentOS or RHEL ###
To install Node.js with yum package manager on CentOS, first enable EPEL repository, and then run:
$ sudo yum install npm
If you want to build the latest Node.js on CentOS, follow the same procedure as in Fedora.
### Install Node.js on Arch Linux ###
Node.js is available in the Arch Linux community repository. Thus installation is as simple as running:
$ sudo pacman -S nodejs npm
### Check the Version of Node.js ###
Once you have installed Node.js, you can check Node.js version as follows.
$ node --version
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
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Install Android On BQ Aquaris Ubuntu Phone In Linux
![How to install Android on Ubuntu Phone](
If you happen to own the first Ubuntu phone and want to **replace Ubuntu with Android on the bq Aquaris e4.5**, this post is going to help you.
There can be plenty of reasons why you might want to remove Ubuntu and use the mainstream Android OS. One of the foremost reason is that the OS itself is at an early stage and intend to target developers and enthusiasts. Whatever may be your reason, installing Android on bq Aquaris is a piece of cake, thanks to the tools provided by bq.
Lets see what to do we need to install Android on bq Aquaris.
### Prerequisite ###
- Working Internet connection to download Android factory image and install tools for flashing Android
- USB data cable
- A system running Linux
This tutorial is performed using Ubuntu 15.10. But the steps should be applicable to most other Linux distributions.
### Replace Ubuntu with Android in bq Aquaris e4.5 ###
#### Step 1: Download Android firmware ####
First step is to download the Android image for bq Aquaris e4.5. Good thing is that it is available from the bqs support website. You can download the firmware, around 650 MB in size, from the link below:
- [Download Android for bq Aquaris e4.5][1]
Yes, you would get OTA updates with it. At present the firmware version is 2.0.1 which is based on Android Lolipop. Over time, there could be a new firmware based on Marshmallow and then the above link could be outdated.
I suggest to check the [bq support page][2] and download the latest firmware from there.
Once downloaded, extract it. In the extracted directory, look for **MT6582_Android_scatter.txt** file. We shall be using it later.
#### Step 2: Download flash tool ####
bq has provided its own flash tool, Herramienta MTK Flash Tool, for easier installation of Android or Ubuntu on the device. You can download the tool from the link below:
- [Download MTK Flash Tool][3]
Since the flash tool might be upgraded in future, you can always get the latest version of flash tool from the [bq support page][4].
Once downloaded extract the downloaded file. You should see an executable file named **flash_tool** in it. We shall be using it later.
#### Step 3: Remove conflicting packages (optional) ####
If you are using recent version of Ubuntu or Ubuntu based Linux distributions, you may encounter “BROM ERROR : S_UNDEFINED_ERROR (1001)” later in this tutorial.
To avoid this error, youll have to uninstall conflicting package. Use the commands below:
sudo apt-get remove modemmanager
Restart udev service with the command below:
sudo service udev restart
Just to check for any possible side effects on kernel module cdc_acm, run the command below:
lsmod | grep cdc_acm
If the output of the above command is an empty list, youll have to reinstall this kernel module:
sudo modprobe cdc_acm
#### Step 4: Prepare to flash Android ####
Go to the downloaded and extracted flash tool directory (in step 2). Use command line for this purpose because youll have to use the root privileges here.
Presuming that you saved it in the Downloads directory, use the command below to go to this directory (in case you do not know how to navigate between directories in command line).
cd ~/Downloads/SP_Flash*
After that use the command below to run the flash tool as root:
sudo ./flash_tool
Youll see a window popped as the one below. Dont bother about Download Agent field, it will be automatically filled. Just focus on Scatter-loading field.
![Replace Ubuntu with Android](
Remember we talked about **MT6582_Android_scatter.txt** in step 1? This text file is in the extracted directory of the Andriod firmware you downloaded in step 1. Click on Scatter-loading (in the above picture) and point to MT6582_Android_scatter.txt file.
When you do that, youll see several green lines like the one below:
#### Step 5: Flashing Android ####
We are almost ready. Switch off your phone and connect it to your computer via a USB cable.
Select Firmware Upgrade from the dropdown and after that click on the big download button.
![flash Android with Ubuntu](
If everything is correct, you should see a flash status in the bottom of the tool:
![Replace Ubuntu with Android](
When the procedure is successfully completed, youll see a notification like this:
![Successfully flashed Android on bq qauaris Ubuntu Phone](
Unplug your phone and power it on. You should see a white screen with AQUARIS written in the middle and at bottom, “powered by Android” would be displayed. It might take upto 10 minutes before you could configure and start using Android.
Note: If something goes wrong in the process, Press power, volume up, volume down button together and boot in to fast boot mode. Turn off again and connect the cable again. Repeat the process of firmware upgrade. It should work.
### Conclusion ###
Thanks to the tools provided, it becomes easier to **flash Android on bq Ubuntu Phone**. Of course, you can use the same steps to replace Android with Ubuntu. All you need is to download Ubuntu firmware instead of Android.
I hope this tutorial helped you to replace Ubuntu with Android on your bq phone. If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to ask in the comment section below.
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Install PostgreSQL 9.4 And phpPgAdmin On Ubuntu 15.10
### Introduction ###
[PostgreSQL][1] is a powerful, open-source object-relational database system. It runs under all major operating systems, including Linux, UNIX (AIX, BSD, HP-UX, SGI IRIX, Mac OS, Solaris, Tru64), and Windows OS.
Here is what **Mark Shuttleworth**, the founder of **Ubuntu**, says about PostgreSQL.
> Postgres is a truly awesome database. When we started working on Launchpad I wasnt sure if it would be up to the job. I was so wrong. Its been robust, fast, and professional in every regard.
> — Mark Shuttleworth.
In this handy tutorial, let us see how to install PostgreSQL 9.4 on Ubuntu 15.10 server.
### Install PostgreSQL ###
PostgreSQL is available in the default repositories. So enter the following command from the Terminal to install it.
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
If youre looking for other versions, add the PostgreSQL repository, and install it as shown below.
The **PostgreSQL apt repository** supports LTS versions of Ubuntu (10.04, 12.04 and 14.04) on amd64 and i386 architectures as well as select non-LTS versions(14.10). While not fully supported, the packages often work on other non-LTS versions as well, by using the closest LTS version available.
#### On Ubuntu 14.10 systems: ####
Create the file **/etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list**;
sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list
Add a line for the repository:
deb utopic-pgdg main
**Note**: The above repository will only work on Ubuntu 14.10. It is not updated yet to Ubuntu 15.04 and 15.10.
**On Ubuntu 14.04**, add the following line:
deb trusty-pgdg main
**On Ubuntu 12.04**, add the following line:
deb precise-pgdg main
Import the repository signing key:
wget --quiet -O -
sudo apt-key add -
Update the package lists:
sudo apt-get update
Then install the required version.
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.4
### Accessing PostgreSQL command prompt ###
The default database name and database user are “**postgres**”. Switch to postgres user to perform postgresql related operations:
sudo -u postgres psql postgres
#### Sample Output: ####
psql (9.4.5)
Type "help" for help.
To exit from posgresql prompt, type **\q** in the **psql** prompt return back to the Terminal.
### Set “postgres” user password ###
Login to postgresql prompt,
sudo -u postgres psql postgres
.. and set postgres password with following command:
postgres=# \password postgres
Enter new password:
Enter it again:
postgres=# \q
To install PostgreSQL Adminpack, enter the command in postgresql prompt:
sudo -u postgres psql postgres
postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION adminpack;
Type **\q** in the **psql** prompt to exit from posgresql prompt, and return back to the Terminal.
### Create New User and Database ###
For example, let us create a new user called “**senthil**” with password “**ubuntu**”, and database called “**mydb**”.
sudo -u postgres createuser -D -A -P senthil
sudo -u postgres createdb -O senthil mydb
### Delete Users and Databases ###
To delete the database, switch to postgres user:
sudo -u postgres psql postgres
Enter command:
$ drop database <database-name>
To delete a user, enter the following command:
$ drop user <user-name>
### Configure PostgreSQL-MD5 Authentication ###
**MD5 authentication** requires the client to supply an MD5-encrypted password for authentication. To do that, edit **/etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf** file:
sudo vi /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf
Add or Modify the lines as shown below
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local all all md5
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all md5
host all all md5
# IPv6 local connections:
host all all ::1/128 md5
Here, is my local network IP address. Replace this value with your own address.
Restart postgresql service to apply the changes:
sudo systemctl restart postgresql
sudo service postgresql restart
### Configure PostgreSQL-Configure TCP/IP ###
By default, TCP/IP connection is disabled, so that the users from another computers cant access postgresql. To allow to connect users from another computers, Edit file **/etc/postgresql/9.4/main/postgresql.conf:**
sudo vi /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/postgresql.conf
Find the lines:
#listen_addresses = 'localhost'
#port = 5432
Uncomment both lines, and set the IP address of your postgresql server or set * to listen from all clients as shown below. You should be careful to make postgreSQL to be accessible from all remote clients.
listen_addresses = '*'
port = 5432
Restart postgresql service to save changes:
sudo systemctl restart postgresql
sudo service postgresql restart
### Manage PostgreSQL with phpPgAdmin ###
[**phpPgAdmin**][2] is a web-based administration utility written in PHP for managing PosgreSQL.
phpPgAdmin is available in default repositories. So, Install phpPgAdmin using command:
sudo apt-get install phppgadmin
By default, you can access phppgadmin using **http://localhost/phppgadmin** from your local systems web browser.
To access remote systems, do the following.
On Ubuntu 15.10 systems:
Edit file **/etc/apache2/conf-available/phppgadmin.conf**,
sudo vi /etc/apache2/conf-available/phppgadmin.conf
Find the line **Require local** and comment it by adding a **#** in front of the line.
#Require local
And add the following line:
allow from all
Save and exit the file.
Then, restart apache service.
sudo systemctl restart apache2
On Ubuntu 14.10 and previous versions:
Edit file **/etc/apache2/conf.d/phppgadmin**:
sudo nano /etc/apache2/conf.d/phppgadmin
Comment the following line:
#allow from ::1/128
Uncomment the following line to make phppgadmin from all systems.
allow from all
Edit **/etc/apache2/apache2.conf**:
sudo vi /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
Add the following line:
Include /etc/apache2/conf.d/phppgadmin
Then, restart apache service.
sudo service apache2 restart
### Configure phpPgAdmin ###
Edit file **/etc/phppgadmin/**, and do the following changes. Most of these options are self-explanatory. Read them carefully to know why do you change these values.
sudo nano /etc/phppgadmin/
Find the following line:
$conf['servers'][0]['host'] = '';
Change it as shown below:
$conf['servers'][0]['host'] = 'localhost';
And find the line:
$conf['extra_login_security'] = true;
Change the value to **false**.
$conf['extra_login_security'] = false;
Find the line:
$conf['owned_only'] = false;
Set the value as **true**.
$conf['owned_only'] = true;
Save and close the file. Restart postgresql service and Apache services.
sudo systemctl restart postgresql
sudo systemctl restart apache2
sudo service postgresql restart
sudo service apache2 restart
Now open your browser and navigate to **http://ip-address/phppgadmin**. You will see the following screen.
![phpPgAdmin Google Chrome_001](
Login with users that youve created earlier. I already have created a user called “**senthil**” with password “**ubuntu**” before, so I log in with user “senthil”.
![phpPgAdmin Google Chrome_002](
Now, you will be able to access the phppgadmin dashboard.
![phpPgAdmin Google Chrome_003](
Log in with postgres user:
![phpPgAdmin Google Chrome_004](
Thats it. Now youll able to create, delete and alter databases graphically using phppgadmin.
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Going Beyond Hello World Containers is Hard Stuff
In [my previous post][1], I provided the basic concepts behind Linux container technology. I wrote as much for you as I did for me. Containers are new to me. And I figured having the opportunity to blog about the subject would provide the motivation to really learn the stuff.
I intend to learn by doing. First get the concepts down, then get hands-on and write about it as I go. I assumed there must be a lot of Hello World type stuff out there to give me up to speed with the basics. Then, I could take things a bit further and build a microservice container or something.
I mean, it cant be that hard, right?
Maybe its easy for someone who spends significant amount of their life immersed in operations work. But for me, getting started with this stuff turned out to be hard to the point of posting my frustrations to Facebook...
But, there is good news: I got it to work! And its always nice being able to make lemonade from lemons. So I am going to share the story of how I made my first microservice container with you. Maybe my pain will save you some time.
If you've ever found yourself in a situation like this, fear not: folks like me are here to deal with the problems so you don't have to!
Lets begin.
### A Thumbnail Micro Service ###
The microservice I designed was simple in concept. Post a digital image in JPG or PNG format to an HTTP endpoint and get back a a 100px wide thumbnail.
Heres what that looks like:
I decide to use a NodeJS for my code and version of [ImageMagick][2] to do the thumbnail transformation.
I did my first version of the service, using the logic shown here:
I download the [Docker Toolbox][3] which installs an the Docker Quickstart Terminal. Docker Quickstart Terminal makes creating containers easier. The terminal fires up a Linux virtual machine that has Docker installed, allowing you to run Docker commands from within a terminal.
In my case, I am running on OS X. But theres a Windows version too.
I am going to use Docker Quickstart Terminal to build a container image for my microservice and run a container from that image.
The Docker Quickstart Terminal runs in your regular terminal, like so:
### The First Little Problem and the First Big Problem ###
So I fiddled around with NodeJS and ImageMagick and I got the service to work on my local machine.
Then, I created the Dockerfile, which is the configuration script Docker uses to build your container. (Ill go more into builds and Dockerfile more later on.)
Heres the build command I ran on the Docker Quickstart Terminal:
$ docker build -t thumbnailer:0.1
I got this response:
docker: "build" requires 1 argument.
After 15 minutes I realized: I forgot to put a period . as the last argument!
It needs to be:
$ docker build -t thumbnailer:0.1 .
But this wasnt the end of my problems.
I got the image to build and then I typed [the the `run` command][4] on the Docker Quickstart Terminal to fire up a container based on the image, called `thumbnailer:0.1`:
$ docker run -d -p 3001:3000 thumbnailer:0.1
The `-p 3001:3000` argument makes it so the NodeJS microservice running on port 3000 within the container binds to port 3001 on the host virtual machine.
Looks so good so far, right?
Wrong. Things are about to get pretty bad.
I determined the IP address of the virtual machine created by Docker Quickstart Terminal by running the `docker-machine` command:
$ docker-machine ip default
This returns the IP address of the default virtual machine, the one that is run under the Docker Quickstart Terminal. For me, this IP address was
I browsed to and got the file upload page I built:
I selected a file and clicked the Upload Image button.
But it didnt work.
The terminal is telling me it cant find the `/upload` directory my microservice requires.
Now, keep in mind, I had been at this for about a day—between the fiddling and research. Im feeling a little frustrated by this point.
Then, a brain spark flew. Somewhere along the line remembered reading a microservice should not do any data persistence on its own! Saving data should be the job of another service.
So what if the container cant find the `/upload` directory? The real issue is: my microservice has a fundamentally flawed design.
Lets take another look:
Why am I saving a file to disk? Microservices are supposed to be fast. Why not do all my work in memory? Using memory buffers will make the "I cant find no stickin directory" error go away and will increase the performance of my app dramatically.
So thats what I did. And heres what the plan was:
Heres the NodeJS I wrote to do all the in-memory work for creating a thumbnail:
// Bind to the packages
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var path = require('path'); // used for file path
var im = require("imagemagick");
// Simple get that allows you test that you can access the thumbnail process
router.get('/', function (req, res, next) {
res.status(200).send('Thumbnailer processor is up and running');
// This is the POST handler. It will take the uploaded file and make a thumbnail from the
// submitted byte array. I know, it's not rocket science, but it serves a purpose'/', function (req, res, next) {
req.busboy.on('file', function (fieldname, file, filename) {
var ext = path.extname(filename)
// Make sure that only png and jpg is allowed
if(ext.toLowerCase() != '.jpg' && ext.toLowerCase() != '.png'){
res.status(406).send("Service accepts only jpg or png files");
var bytes = [];
// put the bytes from the request into a byte array
file.on('data', function(data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
console.log('File [' + fieldname + '] got bytes ' + bytes.length + ' bytes');
// Once the request is finished pushing the file bytes into the array, put the bytes in
// a buffer and process that buffer with the imagemagick resize function
file.on('end', function() {
var buffer = new Buffer(bytes,'binary');
console.log('Bytes got ' + bytes.length + ' bytes');
srcData: buffer,
height: 100
}, function(err, stdout, stderr){
if (err){
throw err;
// get the extension without the period
var typ = path.extname(filename).replace('.','');
res.setHeader("content-type", "image/" + typ);
// send the image back as a response
res.send(new Buffer(stdout,'binary'));
module.exports = router;
Okay, so were back on track and everything is hunky dory on my local machine. I go to sleep.
But, before I do I test the microservice code running as standard Node app on localhost...
![Containers Hard](
It works fine. Now all I needed to do was get it working in a container.
The next day I woke up, grabbed some coffee, and built an image—not forgetting to put in the period!
$ docker build -t thumbnailer:01 .
I am building from the root directory of my thumbnailer project. The build command uses the Dockerfile that is in the root directory. Thats how it goes: put the Dockerfile in the same place you want to run build and the Dockerfile will be used by default.
Here is the text of the Dockerfile I was using:
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y nodejs nodejs-legacy npm
RUN apt-get install imagemagick libmagickcore-dev libmagickwand-dev
RUN apt-get clean
COPY ./package.json src/
RUN cd src && npm install
COPY . /src
CMD npm start
What could go wrong?
### The Second Big Problem ###
I ran the `build` command and I got this error:
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Abort.
The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get install imagemagick libmagickcore-dev libmagickwand-dev' returned a non-zero code: 1
I figured something was wrong with the microservice. I went back to my machine, fired up the service on localhost, and uploaded a file.
Then I got this error from NodeJS:
Error: spawn convert ENOENT
Whats going on? This worked the other night!
I searched and searched, for every permutation of the error I could think of. After about four hours of replacing different node modules here and there, I figured: why not restart the machine?
I did. And guess what? The error went away!
Go figure.
### Putting the Genie Back in the Bottle ###
So, back to the original quest: I needed to get this build working.
I removed all of the containers running on the VM, using [the `rm` command][5]:
$ docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)
The `-f` flag here force removes running images.
Then I removed all of my Docker images, using [the `rmi` command][6]:
$ docker rmi if $(docker images | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $3}')
I go through the whole process of rebuilding the image, installing the container and try to get the microservice running. Then after about an hour of self-doubt and accompanying frustration, I thought to myself: maybe this isnt a problem with the microservice.
So, I looked that the the error again:
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Abort.
The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get install imagemagick libmagickcore-dev libmagickwand-dev' returned a non-zero code: 1
Then it hit me: the build is looking for a Y input from the keyboard! But, this is a non-interactive Dockerfile script. There is no keyboard.
I went back to the Dockerfile, and there it was:
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y nodejs nodejs-legacy npm
RUN apt-get install imagemagick libmagickcore-dev libmagickwand-dev
RUN apt-get clean
The second `apt-get` command is missing the `-y` flag which causes "yes" to be given automatically where usually it would be prompted for.
I added the missing `-y` to the command:
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y nodejs nodejs-legacy npm
RUN apt-get install -y imagemagick libmagickcore-dev libmagickwand-dev
RUN apt-get clean
And guess what: after two days of trial and tribulation, it worked! Two whole days!
So, I did my build:
$ docker build -t thumbnailer:0.1 .
I fired up the container:
$ docker run -d -p 3001:3000 thumbnailer:0.1
Got the IP address of the Virtual Machine:
$ docker-machine ip default
Went to my browser and entered into the address bar.
The upload page loaded.
I selected an image, and this is what I got:
It worked!
Inside a container, for the first time!
### So What Does It All Mean? ###
A long time ago, I accepted the fact when it comes to tech, sometimes even the easy stuff is hard. Along with that, I abandoned the desire to be the smartest guy in the room. Still, the last few days trying get basic competency with containers has been, at times, a journey of self doubt.
But, you wanna know something? Its 2 AM on an early morning as I write this, and every nerve wracking hour has been worth it. Why? Because you gotta put in the time. This stuff is hard and it does not come easy for anyone. And dont forget: youre learning tech and tech runs the world!
P.S. Check out this two part video of Hello World containers, check out [Raziel Tabibs][7] excellent work in this video...
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
And don't miss part two...
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
作者:[Bob Reselman][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
sevenot translated
我们实验过一系列无风险的使用方法让用户试操作Linux并且不涉及任何分区管理包括CD/DVDs光盘、USB钥匙和桌面虚拟化软件。通过实验我强烈推荐使用VMware的VMware Player或者Oracle VirtualBox虚拟机对于桌面操作系统或者便携式电脑的用户这是一种相对简单而且免费的的方法来安装运行多操作系统。每一台虚拟机和其他虚拟机相隔离但是共享CPU,存贮网络接口等等。但是虚拟机仍需要一定的资源来安装运行Linux也需要一台相当强劲的主机。对于一个好奇心不大的人这样做实在是太麻烦了。
### LabxNow ###
这项服务现在可以为个人用户提供2核处理器4GB RAM和10GB的固态硬盘运行在128G RAM的4 AMD 6272处理器上。
#### 配置参数: ####
- 系统镜像基于Ubuntu 14.04的Xface 4.10RHEL 6.5,CentOS(Gnome桌面)Oracle
- 硬件: CPU - 1核或者2核; 内存: 512MB, 1GB, 2GB or 4GB
- 超快的网络数据传输
- 可以运行在所有流行的浏览器上
- 可以安装任意程序,可以运行任何程序 这是一个非常棒的方法,可以随意做实验学你你想学的所有知识, 没有 一点风险
- 添加、删除、管理、制定虚拟机非常方便
- 支持虚拟机共享,远程桌面
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
![N1 Open Source email client](
当我们谈论到Linux中的邮件客户端通常上 Thunderbird、Geary 和 [Evolution][3] 会出现在我们的脑海。作为对这些大咖们的挑战,一款新的开源邮件客户端正在涌入市场。
### 设计和功能 ###
[N1][4]是一个同时聚焦设计和功能的下一代开源邮件客户端。作为一个开源软件N1目前支持 Linux 和 Mac OS XWindows的版本还在开发中。
N1宣传它自己为“可扩展的开源邮件客户端”因为它包含了 Javascript 插件架构,任何人都可以为它创建强大的新功能。可扩展是一个非常流行的功能,它帮助[开源编辑器Atom][5]变得流行。N1同样把重点放在了可扩展上面。
![N1 Open Source email client on Mac OS X](
Mac OS X上的N1客户端。图片来自N1
除了这个功能N1兼容上百的邮件提供商包括Gmail、Yahoo、iCloud、Microsoft Exchange等等桌面应用提供离线功能。
### 目前只能邀请使用 ###
我不知道为什么每个人都选择了 OnePlus 的只能邀请使用的市场策略。目前N1桌面端只能被邀请才能下载。你可以用下面的链接请求一个邀请。N1团队会在几天内邮件给你下载链接。
- [请求N1邀请][6]
### 感兴趣了么? ###
我并不是桌面邮件客户端的粉丝,但是 N1 的确引起了我的兴趣,让我想要试一试。你呢?
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@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ Aix, HP-UX, Solaris, BSD, 和 LINUX 简史
有句话说,当一扇门在你面前关上的时候,另一扇门就会打开。[Ken Thompson][1] 和 [Dennis Richie][2] 两个人就是最好的例子。他们俩是 **20世纪** 最优秀的信息技术专家,因为他们创造了 **UNIX**,最具影响力和创新性的软件之一。
要记住,当一扇门在你面前关闭的时候,另一扇门就会打开。[Ken Thompson][1] 和 [Dennis Richie][2] 两个人就是这句名言很好的实例。他们俩是 **20世纪** 最优秀的信息技术专家,因为他们创造了 **UNIX**,最具影响力和创新性的软件之一。
### UNIX 系统诞生于贝尔实验室 ###
**UNIX** 最开始的名字是 **UNICS** (**UN**iplexed **I**nformation and **C**omputing **S**ervice),它有一个大家庭,并不是从石头里蹦出来的。UNIX的祖父是 **CTSS** (**C**ompatible **T**ime **S**haring **S**ystem),它的父亲是 **Multics** (**MULT**iplexed **I**nformation and **C**omputing **S**ervice),这个系统能支持大量用户通过交互式分时使用大型机。
**UNIX** 最开始的名字是 **UNICS** (**UN**iplexed **I**nformation and **C**omputing **S**ervice),它有一个大家庭,并不是从石头里蹦出来的。UNIX的祖父是 **CTSS** (**C**ompatible **T**ime **S**haring **S**ystem),它的父亲是 **Multics** (**MULT**iplexed **I**nformation and **C**omputing **S**ervice),这个系统能支持大量用户通过交互式分时使用大型机。
UNIX 诞生于 **1969** 年,由 **Ken Thompson** 以及后来加入的 **Dennis Richie** 共同完成。这两位优秀的研究员和科学家一起在一个**通用电子**和**麻省理工学院**的合作项目里工作,项目目标是开发一个叫 Multics 的交互式分时系统。
@ -20,71 +20,71 @@ UNIX 的第一声啼哭是在一台 PDP-7 微型机上,它是 Thompson 测试
> “我们想要的不仅是一个优秀的编程环境而是能围绕这个系统形成团体。按我们自己的经验通过远程访问和分时共享主机实现的公共计算本质上不只是用终端输入程序代替打孔机而已而是鼓励密切沟通。”Dennis Richie 说。
UNIX 是第一个靠近理想的系统,在这里程序员可以坐在机器前自由摆弄程序,探索各种可能性并随手测试。在 UNIX 整个生命周期里,因为大量因为其他操作系统限制而投身过来的高手做出无私贡献,它的功能模型一直保持上升趋势。
UNIX 是第一个靠近理想的系统,在这里程序员可以坐在机器前自由摆弄程序,探索各种可能性并随手测试。在 UNIX 整个生命周期里,它吸引了大量因其他操作系统限制而投身过来的高手做出无私贡献,因此它的功能模型一直保持上升趋势。
UNIX 在 1970 年因为 PDP-11/20 获得了首次资金注入,之后正式更名为 UNIX 并支持在 PDP-11/20 上运行。UNIX 带来的第一次收获是在 1971 年,贝尔实验室的专利部门配备来做文字处理。
### UNIX 上的 C 语言革命 ###
Dennis Richie 在 1972 年发明了一种叫 “**C**” 的高级编程语言,之后他和 Ken Thompson 决定用 “C” 重写 UNIX 系统,来支持更好的移植性。他们在那一年里编写和调试了差不多 100,000 行代码。在使用了 “C” 语言后,系统可移植性非常好,只需要修改一小部分机器相关的代码就可以将 UNIX 移植到其他计算机平台上。
Dennis Richie 在 1972 年发明了一种叫 “**C**” 的高级编程语言 ,之后他和 Ken Thompson 决定用 “C” 重写 UNIX 系统,来支持更好的移植性。他们在那一年里编写和调试了差不多 100,000 行代码。在使用了 “C” 语言后,系统可移植性非常好,只需要修改一小部分机器相关的代码就可以将 UNIX 移植到其他计算机平台上。
UNIX 第一次公开露面是 1973 年 Dennis Ritchie 和 Ken Thompson 在操作系统原理上发表的一篇论文,然后 AT&T 发布了 UNIX 系统第 5 版,并授权给教育机构使用,然后在 1976 年第一次以 **$20.000** 的价格授权企业使用 UNIX 第 6 版。应用最广泛的是 1980 年发布的 UNIX 第 7 版,任何人都可以购买,只是授权条款非常有限。授权内容包括源代码,以及用 PDP-11 汇编语言写的及其相关内核。各种版本 UNIX 系统完全由它的用户手册确定。
UNIX 第一次公开露面是 1973 年 Dennis Ritchie 和 Ken Thompson 在操作系统原理上发表的一篇论文,然后 AT&T 发布了 UNIX 系统第 5 版,并授权给教育机构使用,然后在 1976 年第一次以 **$20.000** 的价格授权企业使用 UNIX 第 6 版。应用最广泛的是 1980 年发布的 UNIX 第 7 版,任何人都可以购买授权,只是授权条款非常有限。授权内容包括源代码,以及用 PDP-11 汇编语言写的及其相关内核。反正,各种版本 UNIX 系统完全由它的用户手册确定。
### AIX 系统 ###
**1983** 年,**Microsoft** 计划开发 **Xenix** 作为 MS-DOS 的多用户版继任者,他们在那一年花了 $8,000 搭建了一台拥有 **512 KB** 内存以及 **10 MB**硬盘并运行 Xenix 的 Altos 586。而到 1984 年为止,全世界已经安装了超过 100,000 份 UNIX System V 第二版。在 1986 年发布了包含因特网域名服务的 4.3BSD,而且 **IBM** 宣布 **AIX 系统**的安装数已经超过 250,000。AIX 基于 Unix System V 开发,这套系统拥有 BSD 风格的根文件系统,是两者的结合。
AIX 第一次引入了 **日志文件系统 (JFS)** 以及集成逻辑卷管理器 (LVM)。IBM 在 1989 年将 AIX 移植到自己的 RS/6000 平台。2001 年发布的 5L 版是一个突破性的版本,提供了 Linux 友好性以及支持 Power4 服务器的逻辑分区。
**1983** 年,**Microsoft** 计划开发 **Xenix** 作为 MS-DOS 的多用户版继任者,他们在那一年花了 $8,000 搭建了一台拥有 **512 KB** 内存以及 **10 MB**硬盘并运行 Xenix 的 Altos 586。而到 1984 年为止,全世界 UNIX System V 第二版的安装数量已经超过了 100,000 。在 1986 年发布了包含因特网域名服务的 4.3BSD,而且 **IBM** 宣布 **AIX 系统**的安装数已经超过 250,000。AIX 基于 Unix System V 开发,这套系统拥有 BSD 风格的根文件系统,是两者的结合。
AIX 第一次引入了 **日志文件系统 (JFS)** 以及集成逻辑卷管理器 (LVM)。IBM 在 1989 年将 AIX 移植到自己的 RS/6000 平台。2001 年发布的 5L 版是一个突破性的版本,提供了 Linux 友好性以及支持 Power4 服务器的逻辑分区。
在 2004 年发布的 AIX 5.3 引入了支持 Advanced Power Virtualization (APV) 的虚拟化技术,支持对称多线程,微分区,以及可分享的处理器池。
在 2007 年IBM 同时发布 AIX 6.1 和 Power6 架构,开始加强自己的虚拟化产品。他们还将 Advanced Power Virtualization 重新包装成 PowerVM。
这次改进包括被称为 WPARs 的负载分区形式,类似于 Solaris 的 zones/Containers但是功能更强。
### HP-UX 系统 ###
**惠普 UNIX (HP-UX)** 源于 System V 第 3 版。这套系统一开始只支持 PA-RISC HP 9000 平台。HP-UX 第 1 版发布于 1984 年。
HP-UX 第 9 版引入了 SAM一个基于角色的图形用户界面 (GUI),用户可以用来管理整个系统。在 1995 年发布的第 10 版,调整了系统文件分布以及目录结构,变得有点类似 AT&T SVR4。
HP-UX 第 9 版引入了 SAM一个基于字符的图形用户界面 (GUI),用户可以用来管理整个系统。在 1995 年发布的第 10 版,调整了系统文件分布以及目录结构,变得有点类似 AT&T SVR4。
第 11 版发布于 1997 年。这是 HP 第一个支持 64 位寻址的版本。不过在 2000 年重新发布成 11i因为 HP 为特定的信息技术目的,引入了操作环境和分级应用的捆绑组。
在 2001 年发布的 11.20 版宣称支持 Itanium 系统。HP-UX 是第一个使用 ACLs访问控制列表管理文件权限的 UNIX 系统,也是首先支持内建逻辑卷管理器的系统之一。
如今HP-UX 因为 HP 和 Veritas 的合作关系使用了 Veritas 作为主文件系统。
HP-UX 目前最新版是 11iv3, update 4。
HP-UX 目前最新版是 11iv3, update 4。
### Solaris 系统 ###
Sun 的 UNIX 版本是 **Solaris**,用来接替 1992 年创建的 **SunOS**。SunOS 一开始基于 BSD伯克利软件发行版风格的 UNIX但是 SunOS 5.0 版以及之后的版本都是基于重新包装成 Solaris 的 Unix System V 第 4 版。
SunOS 1.0 版于 1983 年发布,用于支持 Sun-1 和 Sun-2 平台。随后在 1985 年发布了 2.0 版。在 1987 年Sun 和 AT&T 宣布合作一个项目以 SVR4 为基础将 System V 和 BSD 合并成一个版本。
Solaris 2.4 是 Sun 发布的第一个 Sparc/x86 版本。1994 年 11 月份发布的 SunOS 4.1.4 版是最后一个版本。Solaris 7 是首个 64 位 Ultra Sparc 版本,加入了对文件系统元数据记录的原生支持。
Solaris 9 发布于 2002 年,支持 Linux 特性以及 Solaris 卷管理器。之后2005 年发布了 Solaris 10带来许多创新比如支持 Solaris Containers新的 ZFS 文件系统,以及逻辑域。
目前 Solaris 最新的版本是 第 10 版,最后的更新发布于 2008 年。
### Linux ###
到了 1991 年,用来替代商业操作系统的免费系统的需求日渐高涨。因此 **Linus Torvalds** 开始构建一个免费操作系统,最终成为 **Linux**。Linux 最开始只有一些 “C” 文件并且使用了阻止商业发行的授权。Linux 是一个类 UNIX 系统但又不尽相同。
2015 年 发布了基于 GNU Public License 授权的 3.18 版。IBM 声称有超过 1800 万行开源代码开放给开发者。
如今 GNU Public License 是应用最广泛的免费软件授权方式。根据开源软件原则,这份授权允许个人和企业自由分发,运行,通过拷贝共享,学习,以及修改软件源码。
到了 1991 年,用来替代商业操作系统的免费系统的需求日渐高涨。因此 **Linus Torvalds** 开始构建一个免费的操作系统,最终成为 **Linux**。Linux 最开始只有一些 “C” 文件并且使用了阻止商业发行的授权。Linux 是一个类 UNIX 系统但又不尽相同。
2015 年 发布了基于 GNU Public License 授权的 3.18 版。IBM 声称有超过 1800 万行开源代码开放给开发者。
如今 GNU Public License 是应用最广泛的免费软件授权方式。根据开源软件原则,这份授权允许个人和企业自由分发、运行、通过拷贝共享、学习,以及修改软件源码。
### UNIX vs. Linux: 技术概要 ###
- Linux 鼓励多样性Linux 的开发人员有更广的背景,有更多不同经验和意见。
- Linux 比 UNIX 支持更多的平台和架构。
- UNIX 商业版本的开发人员会为他们的操作系统考虑特定目标平台以及用户。
- **Linux 比 UNIX 有更好的安全性**更少受病毒或恶意软件攻击。Linux 上大约有 60-100 种病毒但是没有任何一种还在传播。另一方面UNIX 上大约有 85-120 种病毒,但是其中有一些还在传播中。
- 通过 UNIX 命令,系统上的工具和元素很少改变,甚至很多接口和命令行参数在后续 UNIX 版本中一直沿用。
- 有些 Linux 开发项目以自愿为基础进行资助,比如 Debian。其他项目会维护一个和商业 Linux 的社区版,比如 SUSE 的 openSUSE 以及红帽的 Fedora。
- 传统 UNIX 是扩大规模,而另一方面 Linux 是扩大范围
- Linux 鼓励多样性Linux 的开发人员有更广的背景,有更多不同经验和意见。
- Linux 比 UNIX 支持更多的平台和架构。
- UNIX 商业版本的开发人员会为他们的操作系统考虑特定目标平台以及用户。
- **Linux 比 UNIX 有更好的安全性**更少受病毒或恶意软件攻击。Linux 上大约有 60-100 种病毒但是没有任何一种还在传播。另一方面UNIX 上大约有 85-120 种病毒,但是其中有一些还在传播中。
- 通过 UNIX 命令,系统上的工具和元素很少改变,甚至很多接口和命令行参数在后续 UNIX 版本中一直沿用。
- 有些 Linux 开发项目以自愿为基础进行资助,比如 Debian。其他项目会维护一个和商业 Linux 的社区版,比如 SUSE 的 openSUSE 以及红帽的 Fedora。
- 传统 UNIX 是纵向扩展,而另一方面 Linux 是横向扩展
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ via:
作者:[M.el Khamlichi][a]
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@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
[GNOME文件管理器][1]中一个新的**搜索过滤器**正在开发中。它大量使用 GNOME 漂亮的弹出式菜单努力提供一个简单的方法缩小搜索结果并精确找到你需要的。
开发者Georges Stavracas正致力于新的UI并[描述][2]新的编辑器为“更干净、更理、更直观”。
开发者Georges Stavracas正致力于新的UI并[描述][2]新的编辑器为“更干净、更理、更直观”。
> 他在他的博客中写到:“Nautilus有非常复杂但是强大的内部它允许我们做很多事情。事实上这对于很多选项的代码也是这样。那么,为何它曾经看上去这么糟糕?”
> 他在他的博客中写到:“ Nautilus 有非常复杂但是强大的内部组成,它允许我们做很多事情。事实上有代码可提供很多选择。那么,为何它曾经看上去这么糟糕?”
于像 Nautilus 这类 app 的任何修改有可能让一些用户不安,因此像这样帮助性的、直接的新UI会带来一些争议。
不要担心不满会影响进度(毫无疑问,虽然像[移除类型优先搜索][4]的争议自2014年以来一直在争论[上个月发布的][5]GNOME 3.18给Nautilus引入了新的文件进度对话框以及更好的远程共享包括Google Drive。
虽然对于不满的担心貌似会影响进度(毫无疑问,虽然像[移除类型优先搜索][4]的争议自2014年以来一直在争论GNOME 3.18 在[上个月发布了][5],给 Nautilus 引入了新的文件进度对话框,以及远程共享的更好整合,包括 Google Drive。
Stavracas的搜索过滤还没被合并进Files的trunk但是重做的UI已经初步计划在明年春天的GNOME 3.20中实现。
Stavracas 的搜索过滤还没被合并进 Files trunk但是重做的搜索 UI 已经初步计划在明年春天的 GNOME 3.20 中实现。
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ via:
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
这绝不是一个详细的“工作站加固”文档,可以说这是一个努力避免大多数明显安全错误导致太多不便的一组规范的底线。你可能阅读这个文档会认为它的方法太偏执,同时另一些人也许会认为这仅仅是一些肤浅的研究。安全就像在高速公路上开车 -- 任何比你开的慢的都是一个傻瓜,然而任何比你开的快的人都是疯子。这个指南仅仅是一些列核心安全规则,既不详细又不是替代经验,警惕,和常识。
- 核对适合你项目的需求
- 随意列出关心的项目,解释为什么这么决定
## 严重级别
- _(关键)_ 项目应该在考虑列表上被明确的重视。如果不采取措施,将会导致你的平台安全出现高风险。
- _(中等)_ 项目将改善你的安全形态,但不是很重要,尤其是如果他们太多的干涉你的工作流程。
- _(低等)_ 项目也许会改善整体安全性,但是在便利权衡下也许并不值得。
- _(可疑)_ 留作感觉会明显完善我们平台安全的项目,但是可能会需要大量的调整与操作系统交互的方式。
## 选择正确的硬件
### 清单
- [ ] 系统支持安全启动 _(关键)_
- [ ] 系统没有火线,雷电或者扩展卡接口 _(中等)_
- [ ] 系统有TPM芯片 _(低)_
### 注意事项
#### 安全引导
尽管它是有争议的性质安全引导提供了对抗很多针对平台的攻击Rootkits, "Evil Maid,"等等),没有介绍太多额外的麻烦。它将不会停止真正专用的攻击者,加上有很大程度上,站点安全机构有办法应对它(可能通过设计),但是拥有安全引导总比什么都没有强。
作为选择,你也许部署了[Anti Evil Maid][1]提供更多健全的保护,对抗安全引导支持的攻击类型,但是它需要更多部署和维护的工作。
#### 系统没有火线,雷电或者扩展卡接口
#### TPM芯片
## 预引导环境
### 清单
- [ ] 使用UEFI引导模式不是传统BIOS_(关键)_
- [ ] 进入UEFI配置需要使用密码 _(关键)_
- [ ] 使用安全引导 _(关键)_
- [ ] 启动系统需要UEFI级别密码 _(低)_
### 注意事项
#### UEFI和安全引导
## 发行版选择注意事项
### 清单
- [ ] 拥有一个强健的MAC/RBAC系统SELinux/AppArmor/Grsecurity _(关键)_
- [ ] 公开的安全公告 _(关键)_
- [ ] 提供及时的安全补丁 _(关键)_
- [ ] 提供密码验证的包 _(关键)_
- [ ] 完全支持UEFI和安全引导 _(关键)_
- [ ] 拥有健壮的原生全磁盘加密支持 _(关键)_
### 注意事项
#### SELinuxAppArmor和GrSecurity/PaX
#### 发行版安全公告
#### 及时和可靠的安全更新
#### 发行版支持UEFI和安全引导
检查发行版支持UEFI和安全引导。查明它是否需要导入额外的密钥或是否要求启动内核有一个已经被系统厂商信任的密钥签名例如跟微软达成合作。一些发行版不支持UEFI或安全启动但是提供了替代品来确保防篡改或防破坏引导环境[Qubes-OS][3]使用Anti Evil Maid前面提到的。如果一个发行版不支持安全引导和没有机制防止引导级别攻击还是看看别的吧。
#### 全磁盘加密
## 发行版安装指南
### 清单
- [ ] 使用健壮的密码全磁盘加密LUKS _(关键)_
- [ ] 确保交换分区也加密了 _(关键)_
- [ ] 确保引导程序设置了密码可以和LUKS一样 _(关键)_
- [ ] 设置健壮的root密码可以和LUKS一样 _(关键)_
- [ ] 使用无特权账户登录,管理员组的一部分 _(关键)_
- [ ] 设置强壮的用户登录密码不同于root密码 _(关键)_
### 注意事项
#### 全磁盘加密
#### 选择好密码
- nature abhors roombas
- 12 in-flight Jebediahs
- perdon, tengo flatulence
#### Root用户密码和管理组
我们建议你的root密码和你的LUKS加密使用同样的密码除非你共享你的笔记本给可信的人他应该能解锁设备但是不应该能成为root用户。如果你是笔记本电脑的唯一用户,那么你的root密码与你的LUKS密码不同是没有意义的安全优势。通常你可以使用同样的密码在你的UEFI管理磁盘加密和root登陆 -- 知道这些任意一个都会让攻击者完全控制您的系统,在单用户工作站上使这些密码不同,没有任何安全益处。
- UEFI管理
- 引导程序GRUB
- 磁盘加密LUKS
- 工作站管理root用户
**User-level**, used for the following:
- 用户登陆和sudo
- 密码管理器的主密码
## 安装后的加强
### 清单
- [ ] 在全体范围内禁用火线和雷电模块 _(关键)_
- [ ] 检查你的防火墙,确保过滤所有传入端口 _(关键)_
- [ ] 确保root邮件转发到一个你可以查看到的账户 _(关键)_
- [ ] 检查以确保sshd服务默认情况下是禁用的 _(中等)_
- [ ] 建立一个系统自动更新任务,或更新提醒 _(中等)_
- [ ] 配置屏幕保护程序在一段时间的不活动后自动锁定 _(中等)_
- [ ] 建立日志监控 _(中等)_
- [ ] 安装使用rkhunter _(低等)_
- [ ] 安装一个入侵检测系统 _(偏执)_
### 注意事项
#### 黑名单模块
blacklist firewire-core
blacklist thunderbolt
#### Root邮件
# Person who should get root's mail
#### 防火墙sshd和监听进程
systemctl disable sshd.service
systemctl stop sshd.service
#### 自动更新或通知
#### 监控日志
#### Rkhunter和IDS
## 个人工作站备份
### 清单
- [ ] 设置加密备份工作站到外部存储 _(关键)_
- [ ] 使用零认知云备份的备份工具 _(中等)_
### 注意事项
#### 全加密备份存到外部存储
首先是,避免拷贝你的家目录到任何非加密存储上,甚至是快速的在两个系统上移动文件,一旦完成你肯定会忘了清除它,暴露个人隐私或者安全信息到监听者手中 -- 尤其是把这个存储跟你的笔记本防盗同一个包里。
#### 零认知站外备份选择性
作为选择,你可以使用零认知备份工具,例如[SpiderOak][5]它提供一个卓越的Linux GUI工具还有实用的特性例如在多个系统或平台间同步内容。
## 最佳实践
### 浏览
#### 1: 实用两个不同的浏览器
这很容易做到,但是只有很少的安全效益。并不是所有浏览器都妥协给攻击者完全自由访问您的系统 -- 有时他们只能允许一个读取本地浏览器存储,窃取其他标签的活动会话,捕获输入浏览器,例如,实用两个不同的浏览器,一个用在工作/高安全站点,另一个用在其他,有助于防止攻击者请求整个饼干罐的小妥协。主要的不便是两个不同的浏览器消耗内存大量。
##### 火狐用来工作和高安全站点
- [ ] NoScript _(关键)_
- NoScript阻止活动内容加载除非在用户白名单里的域名。跟你默认浏览器比它使用起来很麻烦可是提供了真正好的安全效益所以我们建议只在开启了它的浏览器上访问与工作相关的网站。
- [ ] Privacy Badger _(关键)_
- EFF的Privacy Badger将在加载时预防大多数外部追踪器和广告平台在这些追踪站点影响你的浏览器时将有助于避免妥协追踪着和广告站点通常会成为攻击者的目标因为他们会迅速影响世界各地成千上万的系统
- [ ] HTTPS Everywhere _(关键)_
- 这个EFF开发的扩展将确保你访问的大多数站点都在安全连接上甚至你点击的连接使用的是http://(有效的避免大多数的攻击,例如[SSL-strip][7])。
- [ ] Certificate Patrol _(中等)_
- 如果你正在访问的站点最近改变了他们的TLS证书 -- 特别是如果不是接近失效期或者现在使用不同的证书颁发机构,这个工具将会警告你。它有助于警告你是否有人正尝试中间人攻击你的连接,但是产生很多无害的假的类似情况。
##### 其他一切都用Chrome/Chromium
有人推荐你在Chrome上也安装**Privacy Badger**和**HTTPS Everywhere**扩展,然后给他一个不同的主题,从火狐指出这是你浏览器“不信任的站点”。
#### 2: 使用两个不同浏览器,一个在专用的虚拟机里
#### 3: 通过虚拟化完全隔离你的工作和娱乐环境
### 密码管理器
#### 清单
- [ ] 使用密码管理器 _(关键)_
- [ ] 不相关的站点使用不同的密码 _(关键)_
- [ ] 使用支持团队共享的密码管理器 _(中等)_
- [ ] 给非网站用户使用一个单独的密码管理器 _(偏执)_
#### 注意事项
使用好的,唯一的密码对你的团队成员来说应该是非常关键的需求。证书盗取一直在发生 — 要么通过中间计算机,盗取数据库备份,远程站点利用,要么任何其他的打算。证书从不应该通过站点被重用,尤其是关键的应用。
##### 浏览器中的密码管理器
1. 不能跨浏览器工作
2. 不提供任何与团队成员共享凭证的方法
##### 独立的密码管理器
任何密码管理器都有一个主要的缺点,与浏览器结合,事实上是应用的一部分,这样最有可能被入侵者攻击。如果这让你不舒服(应该这样),你应该选择两个不同的密码管理器 -- 一个集成在浏览器中用来保存网站密码一个作为独立运行的应用。后者可用于存储高风险凭证如root密码数据库密码其他shell账户凭证等。
- [KeePassX][8]2版中改善了团队共享
- [Pass][9]它使用了文本文件和PGP并与git结合
- [Django-Pstore][10]他是用GPG在管理员之间共享凭据
- [Hiera-Eyaml][11]如果你已经在你的平台中使用了Puppet可以便捷的追踪你的服务器/服务凭证像你的Hiera加密数据的一部分。
### 加固SSH和PGP私钥
个人加密密钥包括SSH和PGP私钥都是你工作站中最重要的物品 -- 攻击将在获取到感兴趣的东西,这将允许他们进一步攻击你的平台或冒充你为其他管理员。你应该采取额外的步骤,确保你的私钥免遭盗窃。
#### 清单
- [ ] 强壮的密码用来保护私钥 _(关键)_
- [ ] PGP的主密码保存在移动存储中 _(中等)_
- [ ] 身份验证、签名和加密注册表子项存储在智能卡设备 _(中等)_
- [ ] SSH配置为使用PGP认证密钥作为ssh私钥 _(中等)_
#### 注意事项
- [Kernel Concepts][12]在这里可以采购支持OpenPGP的智能卡和USB读取器你应该需要一个。
- [Yubikey NEO][13]这里提供OpenPGP功能的智能卡还提供很多很酷的特性U2F, PIV, HOTP等等
确保PGP主密码没有存储在工作平台也很重要只有子密码在使用。主密钥只有在登陆其他的密钥和创建子密钥时使用 — 不经常发生这种操作。你可以照着[Debian的子密钥][14]向导来学习如何移动你的主密钥到移动存储和创建子密钥。
你应该配置你的gnupg代理作为ssh代理然后使用基于智能卡PGP认证密钥作为你的ssh私钥。我们公布了一个细节向导如何使用智能卡读取器或Yubikey NEO。
### 工作站上的SELinux
#### 清单
- [ ] 确保你的工作站强制使用SELinux _(关键)_
- [ ] 不要盲目的执行`audit2allow -M`,经常检查 _(关键)_
- [ ] 从不 `setenforce 0` _(中等)_
- [ ] 切换你的用户到SELinux用户`staff_u` _(中等)_
#### 注意事项
##### 从不`setenforce 0`
使用`setenforce 0`短时间内把SELinux设置为许可模式但是你应该避免这样做。其实你是想查找一个特定应用或者程序的问题实际上这样是把全部系统的SELinux关闭了。
你应该使用`semanage permissive -a [somedomain_t]`替换`setenforce 0`,只把这个程序放入许可模式。首先运行`ausearch`查看那个程序发生问题:
ausearch -ts recent -m avc
semange permissive -a gpg_pinentry_t
semanage permissive -d gpg_pinentry_t
##### 用SELinux的用户staff_r使用你的工作站
usermod -Z staff_u [username]
你应该退出然后登陆激活新角色,届时如果你运行`id -Z`,你将会看到:
sudo -i -r sysadm_r
届时`id -Z`将会显示:
- Chrome/Chromium
- Skype
- VirtualBox
usermod -Z unconfined_u [username]
## 延伸阅读
- [Fedora Security Guide](
- [CESG Ubuntu Security Guide](
- [Debian Security Manual](
- [Arch Linux Security Wiki](
- [Mac OSX Security](
## 许可
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@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
开发者的 Linux 容器之旅
在这篇文章中,我会介绍容器化背后的概念。容器和虚拟机的区别。以及容器构建背后的逻辑以及它是如何适应应用程序架构的。我会探讨轻量级的 Linux 操作系统是如何适应容器生态系统。我还会讨论使用镜像创建可重用的容器。最后我会介绍容器集群如何使你的应用程序可以快速扩展。
在后面的文章中,我会一步一步向你介绍容器化一个事例应用程序的过程,以及如何为你的应用程序容器创建一个托管集群。同时,我会向你展示如何使用 Deis 将你的事例应用程序部署到你本地系统以及多种云供应商的虚拟机上。
### 虚拟机的好处 ###
[虚拟机][1] 是运行在物理宿主机上的软件抽象。配置一个虚拟机就像是购买一台计算机:你需要定义你想要的 CPU 数目RAM 和磁盘存储容量。配置好了机器后,你把它加载到操作系统,然后是你想让虚拟机支持的任何服务器或者应用程序。
### 虚拟机的局限 ###
如上面所示,假如你在一个主机上创建了三个虚拟机。主机有 12 个 CPU48 GB 内存和 3TB 的存储空间。每个虚拟机配置为有 4 个 CPU16 GB 内存和 1TB 存储空间。到现在为止,一切都还好。主机有这个容量。
但这里有个缺陷。所有分配给一个虚拟机的资源,无论是什么,都是专有的。每台机器都分配了 16 GB 的内存。但是,如果第一个虚拟机永不会使用超过 1GB 分配的内存,剩余的 15 GB 就会被浪费在那里。如果第三天虚拟机只使用分配的 1TB 存储空间中的 100GB其余的 900GB 就成为浪费空间。
### 来到:容器 ###
概念上来说,容器是 Linux 中认为只有它自己的一个进程。该进程只知道告诉它的东西。另外,在容器化方面,该容器进程也分配了它自己的 IP 地址。这点很重要,我会再次重复。**在容器化方面,容器进程有它自己的 IP 地址**。一旦给予了一个 IP 地址,该进程就是宿主网络中可识别的资源。然后,你可以在容器管理器上运行命令,使容器 IP 映射到主机中能访问公网的 IP 地址。该映射发生时,对于任何意图和目的,一个容器就是网络上一个可访问的独立机器,概念上类似于虚拟机。
再次说明,容器是拥有不同 IP 地址从而使其成为网络上可识别的独立 Linux 进程。下面是一个示意图:
容器/进程以动态合作的方式共享主机上的资源。如果容器只需要 1GB 内存,它就只会使用 1GB。如果它需要 4GB就会使用 4GB。CPU 和存储空间利用也是如此。CPU内存和存储空间的分配是动态的和典型虚拟机的静态方式不同。所有这些资源的共享都由容器管理器管理。
### 容器托管、配置和管理 ###
托管容器的计算机运行着被剥离的只剩下主要部分的 Linux 版本。现在,宿主计算机流行的底层操作系统是上面提到的 [CoreOS][2]。当然还有其它,例如 [Red Hat Atomic Host][3] 和 [Ubuntu Snappy][4]。
所有容器之间共享Linux 操作系统,减少了容器足迹的重复和冗余。每个容器只包括该容器唯一的部分。下面是一个示意图:
你用它所需的组件配置容器。一个容器组件被称为**层**。一层是一个容器镜像,(你会在后面的部分看到更多关于容器镜像的介绍)。你从一个基本层开始,这通常是你想在容器中使用的操作系统。(容器管理器只提供你想要的操作系统在宿主操作系统中不存在的部分。)当你构建配置你的容器时,你会添加层,例如你想要添加网络服务器 Apache如果容器要运行脚本则需要添加 PHP 或 Python 运行时。
分层非常灵活。如果应用程序或者服务容器需要 PHP 5.2 版本,你相应地配置该容器即可。如果你有另一个应用程序或者服务需要 PHP 5.6 版本,没问题,你可以使用 PHP 5.6 配置该容器。不像虚拟机,更改一个版本的运行时依赖时你需要经过大量的配置和安装过程;对于容器你只需要在容器配置文件中重新定义层。
所有上面描述的容器多功能性都由一个称为容器管理器的软件控制。现在,最流行的容器管理器是 [Docker][5] 和 [Rocket][6]。上面的示意图展示了容器管理器是 Docker宿主操作系统是 CentOS 的主机情景。
### 容器由镜像构成 ###
从概念上讲,注册表类似于一个使用 Java 的人眼中的 [Maven][7] 仓库,使用 .NET 的人眼中的 [NuGet][8] 服务器。你会创建一个列出了你应用程序所需镜像的容器配置文件。然后你使用容器管理器创建一个包括了你应用程序代码以及从注册表中下载的构成资源的容器。例如,如果你的应用程序包括了一些 PHP 文件,你的容器配置文件会声明你会从注册表中获取 PHP 运行时。另外,你还要使用容器配置文件声明需要复制到容器文件系统中的 .php 文件。容器管理器会封装你应用程序的所有东西为一个独立容器。该容器将会在容器管理器的管理下运行在宿主计算机上。
如果你使用了配置服务,例如 [Deis][9]你刚刚创建的应用程序容器作为镜像存在4配置服务会将它部署到你选择的云供应商上。类似 AWS 和 Rackspace 云供应商。
### 集群中的容器 ###
容器真正灵活是在集群中。记住,每个容器有一个独立的 IP 地址。因此,能把它放到负载均衡器后面。将容器放到负载均衡器后面,就上升了一个层次。
假如你开发了一个进行资源密集型工作的应用程序。例如图片处理。使用类似 [Deis][9] 的容器配置技术,你可以创建一个包括了你图片处理程序以及你图片处理程序需要的所有资源的容器镜像。然后,你可以部署一个或多个容器镜像到主机上的负载均衡器。一旦创建了容器镜像,你可以在系统快要刷爆时把它放到一边,为了满足手中的工作时添加更多的容器实例。
### 全部放在一起 ###
容器技术完善了虚拟机不包括的部分。类似 CoreOS、RHEL Atomic、和 Ubuntu 的 Snappy 宿主操作系统,和类似 Docker 和 Rocket 的容器管理技术结合起来,使得容器变得日益流行。
尽管容器变得更加越来越普遍,掌握它们还是需要一段时间。但是,一旦你懂得了它们的窍门,你可以使用类似 [Deis][9] 的配置技术使容器创建和部署变得更加简单。
作者:[Bob Reselman][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
How to Install Redis Server on CentOS
如何在CentOS 7上安装Redis 服务
大家好, 本文的主题是Redis我们将要在CentOS 7 上安装它。编译源代码安装二进制文件创建、安装文件。然后安装组建我们还会配置redis 就像配置操作系统参数一样目标就是让redis 运行的更加可靠和快速。
![Runnins Redis](
Redis 服务器
Redis 是一个开源的多平台数据存储软件使用ANSI C 编写直接在内存使用数据集这使得它得以实现非常高的效率。Redis 支持多种编程语言包括Lua, C, Java, Python, Perl, PHP 和其他很多语言。redis 的代码量很小只有约3万行它只做很少的事但是做的很好。尽管你在内存里工作但是对数据持久化的需求还是存在的而redis 的可靠性就很高,同时也支持集群,这儿些可以很好的保证你的数据安全。
### 构建 Redis ###
redis 目前没有官方RPM 安装包我们需要从牙UN代码编译而为了要编译就需要安装Make 和GCC。
如果没有安装过GCC 和Make那么就使用yum 安装。
yum install gcc make
从[官网][1]下载tar 压缩包。
curl -o redis-3.0.4.tar.gz
tar zxvf redis-3.0.4.tar.gz
cd redis-3.0.4
使用Make 编译源文件。
### 安装 ###
cd src
复制 Redis server 和 client 到 /usr/local/bin
cp redis-server redis-cli /usr/local/bin
最好也把sentinelbenchmark 和check 复制过去。
cp redis-sentinel redis-benchmark redis-check-aof redis-check-dump /usr/local/bin
创建redis 配置文件夹。
mkdir /etc/redis
在`/var/lib/redis` 下创建有效的保存数据的目录
mkdir -p /var/lib/redis/6379
#### 系统参数 ####
为了让redis 正常工作需要配置一些内核参数。
配置vm.overcommit_memory 为1它的意思是一直避免数据被截断详情[见此][2].
sysctl -w vm.overcommit_memory=1
修改backlog 连接数的最大值超过redis.conf 中的tcp-backlog 值即默认值511。你可以在[][3] 找到更多有关基于sysctl 的ip 网络隧道的信息。
sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=512.
禁止支持透明大页因为这会造成redis 使用过程产生延时和内存访问问题。
echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
### redis.conf ###
Redis.conf 是redis 的配置文件然而你会看到这个文件的名字是6379.conf 而这个数字就是redis 监听的网络端口。这个名字是告诉你可以运行超过一个redis 实例。
复制redis.conf 的示例到 **/etc/redis/6379.conf**.
cp redis.conf /etc/redis/6379.conf
vi /etc/redis/6379.conf
#### 守护程序 ####
设置daemonize 为nosystemd 需要它运行在前台否则redis 会突然挂掉。
daemonize no
#### pidfile ####
设置pidfile 为/var/run/。
pidfile /var/run/
#### port ####
port 6379
#### loglevel ####
loglevel notice
#### logfile ####
logfile /var/log/redis_6379.log
#### dir ####
设置目录为 /var/lib/redis/6379
dir /var/lib/redis/6379
### 安全 ###
#### Unix sockets ####
在很多情况下客户端程序和服务器端程序运行在同一个机器上所以不需要监听网络上的socket。如果这和你的使用情况类似你就可以使用unix socket 替代网络socket ,为此你需要配置**port** 为0然后配置下面的选项来使能unix socket。
设置unix socket 的套接字文件。
unixsocket /tmp/redis.sock
限制socket 文件的权限。
unixsocketperm 700
现在为了获取redis-cli 的访问权限,应该使用-s 参数指向socket 文件。
redis-cli -s /tmp/redis.sock
#### 密码 ####
requirepass "bTFBx1NYYWRMTUEyNHhsCg"
#### 重命名命令 ####
为了限制甚至禁止这条或者其他指令可以使用**rename-command** 命令。你必须提供一个命令名和替代的名字。要禁止的话需要设置replacement 为空字符串,这样子禁止任何人猜测命令的名字会比较安全。
rename-command FLUSHDB "FLUSHDB_MY_SALT_G0ES_HERE09u09u"
rename-command FLUSHALL ""
rename-command CONFIG "CONFIG_MY_S4LT_GO3S_HERE09u09u"
![Access Redis through unix with password and command changes](
通过密码和修改命令来访问unix socket。
#### 快照 ####
默认情况下redis 会周期性的将数据集转储到我们设置的目录下的文件**dump.rdb**。你可以使用save 命令配置转储的频率,他的第一个参数是以秒为单位的时间帧(译注:按照下文的意思单位应该是分钟),第二个参数是在数据文件上进行修改的数量。
save 900 1
save 300 10
save 60 10000
文件**/var/lib/redis/6379/dump.rdb** 包含了内存里经过上次保存命令的转储数据。因为他创建了临时文件并且替换了源文件,这里没有被破坏的问题,而且你不用担心直接复制这个文件。
### 开机时启动 ###
You may use systemd to add Redis to the system startup
你可以使用systemd 将redis 添加到系统开机启动列表。
复制init_script 示例文件到/etc/init.d注意脚本名所代表的端口号。
cp utils/redis_init_script /etc/init.d/redis_6379
现在我们来使用systemd所以在**/etc/systems/system** 下创建一个单位文件名字为redis_6379.service。
vi /etc/systemd/system/redis_6379.service
Description=Redis on port 6379
ExecStart=/etc/init.d/redis_6379 start
ExecStop=/etc/init.d/redis_6379 stop
现在添加我之前在**/etc/sysctl.conf** 里面修改多的内存过分提交和backlog 最大值的选项。
vm.overcommit_memory = 1
对于透明大页支持并没有直接sysctl 命令可以控制,所以需要将下面的命令放到/etc/rc.local 的结尾。
echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
### 总结 ###
这些足够启动了通过设置这些选项你将足够部署redis 服务到很多简单的场景然而在redis.conf 还有很多为复杂环境准备的redis 的选项。在一些情况下,你可以使用[replication][4] 和 [Sentinel][5] 来提高可用性,或者[将数据分散][6]在多个服务器上,创建服务器集群 。谢谢阅读。
作者:[Carlos Alberto][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
如何在Ubuntu 15.04 上安装带JSON 支持的SQLite 3.9.1
欢迎阅读我们关于SQLite 的文章SQLite 是当今时间上使用最广泛的SQL 数据库引擎它他基本不需要配置不需要安装或者管理就可以运行。SQLite 是一个是开放领域的软件是关系数据库的管理系统或者说RDBMS用来在大表存储用户定义的记录。对于数据存储和管理来说数据库引擎要处理复杂的查询命令这些命令可能会从多个表获取数据然后生成报告的数据总结。
SQLite 是一个非常小、轻量级不需要分离的服务进程或系统。他可以运行在UNIXLinuxMac OS-XAndroidiOS 和Windows 上已经被大量的软件程序使用如Opera, Ruby On Rails, Adobe System, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome 和 Skype。
### 1) 基本需求: ###
在几乎全部支持SQLite 的平台上安装SQLite 基本上没有复杂的要求。
所以让我们在CLI 或者Secure Shell 上使用sudo 或者root 权限登录Ubuntu 服务器。然后更新系统,这样子就可以让操作系统的软件更新到新版本。
在Ubuntu 上,下面的命令是用来更新系统的软件源的。
# apt-get update
如果你要在新安装的Ubuntu 上部署SQLite那么你需要安装一些基础的系统管理工具如wget, make, unzip, gcc。
要安装wget可以使用下面的命令然后输入Y 如果系统提示的话:
# apt-get install wget make gcc
### 2) 下载 SQLite ###
要下载SQLite 最好是在[SQLite 官网][1]下载,如下所示
![SQLite download](
你也可以直接复制资源的连接然后再命令行使用wget 下载,如下所示:
# wget
![wget SQLite](
下载完成之后解压缩安装包切换工作目录到解压缩后的SQLite 目录,使用下面的命令。
# tar -zxvf sqlite-autoconf-3090100.tar.gz
### 3) 安装 SQLite ###
现在我们要开始安装、配置刚才下载的SQLite。所以在Ubuntu 上编译、安装SQLite运行配置脚本。
root@ubuntu-15:~/sqlite-autoconf-3090100# ./configure prefix=/usr/local
![SQLite Installation](
配置要上面的prefix 之后,运行下面的命令编译安装包。
root@ubuntu-15:~/sqlite-autoconf-3090100# make
source='sqlite3.c' object='sqlite3.lo' libtool=yes \
DEPDIR=.deps depmode=none /bin/bash ./depcomp \
运行完上面的命令之后要在Ubuntu 上完成SQLite 的安装得运行下面的命令。
# make install
![SQLite Make Install](
### 4) 测试 SQLite 安装 ###
要保证SQLite 3.9 安装成功了,运行下面的命令。
# sqlite3
SQLite 的版本会显示在命令行。
![Testing SQLite Installation](
### 5) 使用 SQLite ###
SQLite 很容易上手。要获得详细的使用方法在SQLite 控制台里输入下面的命令。
sqlite> .help
![SQLite Help](
现在开始最后一部分使用一点SQLite 命令创建数据库。
# sqlite3 test.db
sqlite> create table memos(text, priority INTEGER);
sqlite> insert into memos values('deliver project description', 15);
sqlite> insert into memos values('writing new artilces', 100);
sqlite> select * from memos;
deliver project description|15
writing new artilces|100
sqlite> .exit
![Using SQLite3](
### 结论 ###
通过本文你可以了解如果安装支持JSON1 的最新版的SQLiteSQLite 从3.9.0 开始支持JSON1。这是一个非常棒的库可以用来获取内嵌到应用程序利用它可以很有效而且很轻量的管理资源。我们希望你能觉得本文有所帮助请自由的像我们反馈你遇到的问题和困难。
作者:[Kashif Siddique][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
如何在 Ubuntu 上用 Go For It 管理您的待办清单 (To-Do Lists)
若您的工作有部分需要在电脑上完成,那么您一定很乐意知道,有多款应用软件自称可以为您减轻任务管理的负担。即便这些软件中的大多数都是为 Windows 用户服务的,在 Linux 系统中仍然有不少选择。在本文中我们就来讨论这样一款软件Go For It.
### Go For It ###
[Go For It][1] (GFI) 由 Manuel Kehl 开发他声称“这是款简单易用且时尚优雅的生产力软件以待办清单To-Do List为主打特色并整合了一个能让你专注于当前事务的定时器。”这款软件的定时器功能尤其有趣它还可以确保您在继续工作之前暂停下来放松一段时间。
### 下载并安装 ###
使用基于 Debian 系统如Ubuntu的用户可以通过运行以下终端命令轻松地安装这款软件
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mank319/go-for-it
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install go-for-it
### 使用及配置###
当你第一次运行 GFI 时,它的界面是长这样的:
可以看到,界面由三个标签页组成,分别是*待办* (To-Do)*定时器* (Timer)和*完成* (Done)。*待办*页是一个任务列表上图所示的4个任务是默认生成的——您可以点击头部的方框删除它们*定时器*页内含有任务定时器,而*完成*页则是已完成任务的列表。底部有个文本框,您可以在此输入任务描述,并点击“+”号将任务添加到上面的列表中。
当然,您可以将定时器设定为你喜欢的任何值。然而我并没有修改,而是直接点击下方的“开始 (Start)”按钮启动定时器。一旦剩余时间为60秒GFI 就会给出一个提示。
任务完成以后,您可以点击*定时器*页中的“完成 (Done)”按钮,然后这个任务就会从*待办*页被转移到*完成*页。
GFI 也能让您稍微调整一些它的设置。例如,下图所示的设置窗口就包含了一些选项,让您修改默认的任务时长,休息时长和提示时刻。
值得一提的是GFI 是以 TODO.txt 格式保存待办清单的,这种格式方便了移动设备之间的同步,也让您能使用其他前端程序来编辑任务——更多详情请阅读[这里][2]。
您还可以通过以下视频观看 GFI 的动态展示。
youtube 视频
<iframe frameborder="0" src=";autohide=2&amp;border=1&amp;wmode=opaque&amp;enablejsapi=1&amp;controls=1&amp;showinfo=0" id="youtube-iframe"></iframe>
### 结论###
正如您所看到的GFI 是一款简洁明了且易于使用的任务管理软件。虽然它不提供非常丰富的功能,但它实现了它的承诺,定时器的整合特别有用。如果您正在寻找一款实现了基础功能,并且开源的 Linux 任务管理软件Go For It 值得您一试。
作者:[Himanshu Arora][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
Linux 101最有效地使用 Systemd
- 理解现代 Linux 发行版中的显著变化;
- 看看 Systemd 是如何取代 SysVinit 的;
- 处理好*单元* (unit)和新的 journal 日志。
吐槽邮件人身攻击死亡威胁——Lennart PoetteringSystemd 的作者,对收到这些东西早就习以为常了。这位 Red Hat 公司的员工最近在 Google+ 上怒斥 FOSS 社区([][1])的本质,悲痛且失望地表示:“那真是个令人恶心的地方”。他着重指出 Linus Torvalds 在邮件列表上言辞刻薄的帖子,并谴责这位内核的领导者为在线讨论定下基调,并使得人身攻击及贬抑之辞成为常态。
但为何 Poettering 会遭受如此多的憎恨为何就这么个搞搞开源软件的人要忍受这等愤怒答案就在于他的软件的重要性。如今大多数发行版中Systemd 是 Linux 内核发起的第一个程序,并且它还扮演多种角色。它会启动系统服务,处理用户登陆,每隔特定的时间执行一些任务,还有很多很多。它在不断地成长,并逐渐成为 Linux 的某种“基础系统”——提供系统启动和发行版维护所需的所有工具。
如今,在以下几点上 Systemd 颇具争议:它逃避了一些确立好的 Unix 传统,例如纯文本的日志文件;它被看成是个“大一统”的项目,试图接管一切;它还是我们这个操作系统的支柱的重要革新。然而大多数主流发行版已经接受了(或即将接受)它,因此它就保留了下来。而且它确实是有好处的:更快地启动,更简单地管理那些有依赖的服务程序,提供强大且安全的日志系统等。
因此在这篇教程中,我们将探索 Systemd 的特性,并向您展示如何最有效地利用这些特性。即便您此刻并不是这款软件的粉丝,读完本文后您至少可以更加了解和适应它。
**这部没正经的动画片来自[][2],它把 Systemd 塑造成一只狂暴的动物,吞噬它路过的一切。大多数批评者的言辞可不像这只公仔一样柔软。**
### 启动及服务 ###
大多数主流发行版要么已经采用 Systemd要么即将在下个发布中采用如 Debian 和 Ubuntu。在本教程中我们使用 Fedora 21——该发行版已经是 Systemd 的优秀实验场地——的一个预览版进行演示,但不论您用哪个发行版,要用到的命令和注意事项都应该是一样的。这是 Systemd 的一个加分点:它消除了不同发行版之间许多细微且琐碎的区别。
在终端中输入 **ps ax | grep systemd**,看到第一行,其中的数字 **1** 表示它的进程号是1也就是说它是 Linux 内核发起的第一个程序。因此,内核一旦检测完硬件并组织好了内存,就会运行 **/usr/lib/systemd/systemd** 可执行程序,这个程序会按顺序依次发起其他程序。(在还没有 Systemd 的日子里,内核会去运行 **/sbin/init**,随后这个程序会在名为 SysVinit 的系统中运行其余的各种启动脚本。)
Systemd 的核心是一个叫*单元* (unit)的概念它是一些存有关于服务在运行在后台的程序设备挂载点和操作系统其他方面信息的配置文件。Systemd 的其中一个目标就是简化这些事物之间的相互作用因此如果你有程序需要在某个挂载点被创建或某个设备被接入后开始运行Systemd 可以让这一切正常运作起来变得相当容易。(在没有 Systemd 的日子里,要使用脚本来把这些事情调配好,那可是相当丑陋的。)要列出您 Linux 系统上的所有单元,输入以下命令:
systemctl list-unit-files
现在,**systemctl** 是与 Systemd 交互的主要工具它有不少选项。在单元列表中您会注意到这儿有一些格式被使能的单元显示为绿色被禁用的显示为红色。标记为“static”的单元不能直接启用它们是其他单元所依赖的对象。若要限制输出列表只包含服务使用以下命令
systemctl list-unit-files --type=service
注意一个单元显示为“enabled”并不等于对应的服务正在运行而只能说明它可以被开启。要获得某个特定服务的信息以 GDM (the Gnome Display Manager) 为例,输入以下命令:
systemctl status gdm.service
这条命令提供了许多有用的信息:一段人类可读的服务描述,单元配置文件的位置,启动的时间,进程号,以及它所从属的 CGroups (用以限制各组进程的资源开销)。
如果您去查看位于 **/usr/lib/systemd/system/gdm.service** 的单元配置文件您可以看到多种选项包括要被运行的二进制文件“ExecStart”那一行相冲突的其他单元即不能同时进入运行的单元以及需要在本单元执行前进入运行的单元“After”那一行。一些单元有附加的依赖选项例如“Requires”必要的依赖和“Wants”可选的依赖
当您启动 **gdm.service** 后,您将可以通过 **systemctl status display-manager.service** 来查看它的状态。当您知道有*显示管理程序* (display manager)在运行并想对它做点什么,但您不关心那究竟是 GDMKDMXDM 还是什么别的显示管理程序时,这个选项会非常有用。
**使用 systemctl status 命令后面跟一个单元名,来查看对应的服务有什么情况。**
### “目标”锁定 ###
如果您在 **/usr/lib/systemd/system** 目录中输入 **ls** 命令,您将看到各种以 **.target** 结尾的文件。一个*启动目标* (target)是一种将多个单元聚合在一起以致于将它们同时启动的方式。例如,对大多数类 Unix 操作系统而言有一种“多用户”状态,意思是系统已被成功启动,后台服务正在运行,并且已准备好让一个或多个用户登陆并工作——至少在文本模式下。(其他状态包括用于进行管理工作的单用户状态,以及用于机器关机的重启状态。)
如果您打开 **** 文件一探究竟,您可能期待看到的是一个要被启动的单元列表。但您会发现这个文件内部几乎空空如也——其实,一个服务会通过 **WantedBy** 选项让自己成为启动目标的依赖。因此如果您去打开 **avahi-daemon.service**, **NetworkManager.service** 及其他 **.service** 文件看看,您将在 Install 段看到这一行:
因此,切换到多用户启动目标会使能那些包含上述语句的单元。还有其他一些启动目标可用(例如 **** 用于一个紧急情况使用的 shell以及 **** 用于机器关机),您可以用以下方式轻松地在它们之间切换:
systemctl isolate
在许多方面,这些都很像 SysVinit 中的*运行级* (runlevel),如文本模式的 **** 类似于第3运行级**** 类似于第5运行级**** 类似于第6运行级诸如此类。
### 开启与停止 ###
现在您也许陷入了沉思我们已经看了这么多但仍没看到如何停止和开启服务这其实是有原因的。从外部看Systemd 也许很复杂,像野兽一般难以驾驭。因此在您开始摆弄它之间,有必要从宏观的角度看看它是如何工作的。实际用来管理服务的命令非常简单:
systemctl stop cups.service
systemctl start cups.service
(若某个单元被禁用了,您可以先通过 **systemctl enable** 加该单元名的方式将其使能。这种做法会为该单元创建一个符号链接,并将其放置在当前启动目标的 .wants 目录下,这些 .wants 目录在**/etc/systemd/system** 文件夹中。)
还有两个有用的命令是 **systemctl restart****systemctl reload**后面接单元名。后者要求单元重新加载它的配置文件。Systemd 的绝大部分都有良好的文档,因此您可以查看手册 (**man systemctl**) 了解每条命令的细节。
> ### 定时器单元:取代 Cron ###
> 除了系统初始化和服务管理Systemd 还染指其他方面。在很大程度上,它能够完成 **cron** 的工作,而且可以说是以更灵活的方式(并带有更易读的语法)。**cron** 是一个以规定时间间隔执行任务的程序——例如清楚临时文件,刷新缓存等。
> 如果您再次进入 **/usr/lib/systemd/system** 目录,您会看到那儿有多个 **.timer** 文件。用 **less** 来查看这些文件,您会发现它们与 **.service** 和 **.target** 文件有着相似的结构,而区别在于 **[Timer]** 段。举个例子:
> [Timer]
> OnBootSec=1h
> OnUnitActiveSec=1w
> **OnBootSec** 选项告诉 Systemd 在系统启动一小时后启动这个单元。第二个选项的意思是:自那以后每周启动这个单元一次。关于定时器有大量选项您可以设置——输入 **man systemd.time** 查看完整列表。
> Systemd 的时间精度默认为一分钟。也就是说,它会在设定时刻的一分钟内运行单元,但不一定精确到那一秒。这么做是基于电源管理方面的原因,但如果您需要一个没有任何延时且精确到毫秒的定时器,您可以添加以下一行:
> AccuracySec=1us
> 另外, **WakeSystem** 选项(可以被设置为 true 或 false决定了定时器是否可以唤醒处于休眠状态的机器。
**存在一个 Systemd 的图形界面程序,即便它已有多年未被积极维护。**
### 日志文件:向 journald 问声好 ###
Systemd 的第二个主要部分是 journal 。这是个日志系统,类似于 syslog 但也有些显著区别。如果您是个 Unix 日志管理模式的 粉丝,准备好热血沸腾吧:这是个二进制日志,因此您不能使用常规的命令行文本处理工具来解析它。这个设计决定不出意料地在网上引起了激烈的争论,但它的确有些优点。例如,日志可以被更系统地组织,带有更多元数据,因此可以更容易地根据可执行文件名和进程号等过滤出信息。
要查看整个 journal输入以下命令
像许多其他的 Systemd 命令一样,该命令将输出通过管道的方式引向 **less** 程序,因此您可以使用空格键向下滚动,“/”(斜杠)键查找,以及其他熟悉的快捷键。您也能在此看到少许颜色,像红色的警告及错误信息。
journalctl -b
这就是 Systemd 大放异彩的地方!您想查看自上次启动以来的全部消息吗?试试 **journalctl -b -1** 吧。再上一次的?用 **-2** 替换 **-1** 吧。那自某个具体时间例如2014年10月24日16:38以来的呢
journalctl -b --since=”2014-10-24 16:38”
journalctl -u gdm.service
(注意:这是个查看 X server 产生的日志的好办法。)那根据特定的进程号?
journalctl _PID=890
journalctl /usr/bin/pulseaudio
若您想将输出的消息限制在某个优先级,可以使用 **-p** 选项。该选项参数为 0 的话只会显示紧急消息(也就是说,是时候向 **\$DEITY** 祈求保佑了),为 7 的话会显示所有消息,包括调试消息。请查看手册 (**man journalctl**) 获取更多关于优先级的信息。
值得指出的是,您也可以将多个选项结合在一起,若想查看在当前启动中由 GDM 服务输出的优先级数小于等于 3 的消息,请使用下述命令:
journalctl -u gdm.service -p 3 -b
最后,如果您仅仅想打开一个随 journal 持续更新的终端窗口,就像在没有 Systemd 时使用 tail 命令实现的那样,输入 **journalctl -f** 就好了。
**二进制日志并不流行,但 journal 的确有它的优点,如非常方便的信息查找及过滤。**
> ### 没有 Systemd 的生活?###
> 如果您就是完全不能接收 Systemd您仍然有一些主流发现版中的选择。尤其是 Slackware作为历史最为悠久的发行版目前还没有做出改变但它的主要开发者并没有将其从未来规划中移除。一些不出名的发行版也在坚持使用 SysVinit 。
> 但这又将持续多久呢Gnome 正越来越依赖于 Systemd其他的主流桌面环境也会步其后尘。这也是引起 BSD 社区一阵恐慌的原因Systemd 与 Linux 内核紧密相连,导致在某种程度上,桌面环境正变得越来越不可移植。一种折中的解决方案也许会以 Uselessd ([][3]) 的形式到来:一种裁剪版的 Systemd纯粹专注于启动和监控进程而不消耗整个基础系统。
> ![Image](
> 若您不喜欢 Systemd可以尝试一下 Gentoo 发行版,它将 Systemd 作为初始化工具的一种选择,但并不强制用户使用 Systemd。
作者:[Mike Saunders][a]
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