diff --git a/sources/screenFetch- The BASH Screenshot Information Tool.md b/sources/screenFetch- The BASH Screenshot Information Tool.md index 22e4a34ab5..0bec57c79e 100644 --- a/sources/screenFetch- The BASH Screenshot Information Tool.md +++ b/sources/screenFetch- The BASH Screenshot Information Tool.md @@ -1,74 +1,75 @@ -#screenFetch: The BASH Screenshot Information Tool +#screenFetch: BASH 截图信息工具 -[screenFetch](https://github.com/KittyKatt/screenFetch) is a “**Bash Screenshot Information Tool**”. It fetches system/theme information in terminal for Linux desktop screenshots. It can be used to generate one of those nifty terminal theme information + ASCII distribution logos you see in everyone’s screenshots nowadays. +[screenFetch](https://github.com/KittyKatt/screenFetch) 是一个“bash截图信息工具”。在linux桌面终端上抓取系统/主题信息。它可以被用来生成漂亮的终端主题+在每个人截图中看到当前的ASCII分部徽标. -It will auto-detect your distribution and display an ASCII version of that distribution’s logo and some valuable information to the right. There are options to specify no ascii art, colors, taking a screenshot upon displaying info, and even customizing the screenshot command. This script is very easy to add to and can easily be extended. +它将自动检测你的布局并且在右边显示其ASCII版本的logo和一些有价值的信息。有选项来指定没有字符插图,颜色,在显示信息之上捕获截图,甚至可以自定义截图命令。screenFectch非常容易添加且可以轻易的扩展. -screenFetch will display the following details: +screenFetch 将显示以下详情: -- Current logged in user -- Os version -- Kernel version -- Total Uptime -- No of installed packages -- Present shell details -- Present screen resolution -- Current Desktop environment -- Current Window manger (File manager) -- Total and Free Disk usage in percentage -- CPU details such as processor speed, type -- Total and current usage RAM sze +- 当前登录用户 +- 系统版本 +- 内核版本 +- 总计运行时间 +- 没有安装的软件包 +- 当前shell详情 +- 当前屏幕分辨率 +- 当前桌面环境 +- 当前窗口管理器(文件管理器) +- 合计和空闲磁盘使用百分比 +- CPU详情,例如,处理器速度,类型 +- 当前内存使用量 -###Install screenFetch On Linux +###在linux上安装screenFectch -You can either install it by directly downloading the source package from the project page or by cloning the screenFetch git repository. +你可以从项目页直接下载或从git仓库复制任一方式安装. -Install From Source: +源码安装: -Download the [latest version here](http://git.silverirc.com/cgit.cgi/screenfetch.git/). I downloaded and installed it in /home/sk/Downloads directory. +下载 [最新版](http://git.silverirc.com/cgit.cgi/screenfetch.git/). 我下载和安装在/home/sk/Downloads目录. -Extract it with command: +用命令解压: $ unzip Downloads/screenfetch-3.1.0.zip -Change to screenfetch directory and set the executable permission. +进入screenFectch目录,并设置执行权限. $ cd screenfetch-3.1.0/ $ chmod +x screenfetch-dev -Now run screenfetch with command: +运行: $ ./screenfetch-dev -Sample output: +输出示例: sk@sk: ~-screenfetch-3.1.0_008 -###Install Via GIT Repository +###通过git仓库安装 -First make sure you’ve installed git package. +首先确认你安装了git. -If not, install it with following command on RHEL based systems. +如果没有安装,基于RHEL系统的用以下命令安装. # yum install git -Install git on Debian based systems with command: +基于Debian系统的用以下命令安装: # apt-get install git -Now clone screenFetch repository using command: +使用命令复制screenFectch仓库: # git clone git://github.com/KittyKatt/screenFetch.git screenfetch -Copy the file to /usr/bin/ directory and set executable permission: +复制文件到/usr/bin/目录 并设置执行权限: # cp screenfetch/screenfetch-dev /usr/bin/screenfetch # chmod +x /usr/bin/screenfetch -Now run screenFetch with command: +运行screenFectch: # screenfetch -You will see the result like shown in the above screenshot. +你看到的结果像上面截图所示的. +有问题请查阅我们的Q/A论坛:http://ask.unixmen.com/ via: http://www.unixmen.com/screenfetch-bash-screenshot-information-tool/