From 41ac956f62c46c7e2f7719810ca07aa22d905e4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: GHLandy Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 16:43:39 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Create Part 2 - LFCS: How to Install and Use vi or vim as a Full Text --- ...and Use vi or vim as a Full Text | 392 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 392 insertions(+) create mode 100644 translated/tech/LFCS/Part 2 - LFCS: How to Install and Use vi or vim as a Full Text diff --git a/translated/tech/LFCS/Part 2 - LFCS: How to Install and Use vi or vim as a Full Text b/translated/tech/LFCS/Part 2 - LFCS: How to Install and Use vi or vim as a Full Text new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e300edbb99 --- /dev/null +++ b/translated/tech/LFCS/Part 2 - LFCS: How to Install and Use vi or vim as a Full Text @@ -0,0 +1,392 @@ +GHLandy Translated + +LFCS系列第二讲:如何安装和使用纯文本编辑器vi/vim + +================================================================================ + +几个月前, Linux 基金会发起了 LFCS (Linux 基金会认证系统管理员)认证,以帮助世界各地的人来验证他们能够在 Linux 系统上做基本的中间系统管理任务:如系统支持,第一手的故障诊断和维修,以及何时向上游支持团队提出问题的智能决策。 + +![Learning VI Editor in Linux]( + +在 Linux 中学习 vi 编辑器 + +请简要看看一下视频,里边介绍了 Linux 基金会认证的程序。 + +注:youtube 视频 + + + +这篇文章是十个tutorial系列的第二部分,在这个部分,我们会介绍 vi/vim 基本的文件编辑操作和理解编辑器中的(三个)模式,这是LFCS认证考试中必须掌握的。 + +### 使用 vi/vim 执行基本的文件编辑操作 ### + +vi 是为了 Unix 而被编写的第一个全屏文本编辑器。由于它被设计得小巧而简单,对于只使用图形界面编辑器,举几个例子,如 NotePad++ 或者 gedit 的那些人来说,使用起来可能存在一些困难。 + +为了使用 vi,我们必须首先理解这个强大的程序操作中的3种模式,方便我们后边学习这个强大文本处理软件的相关操作。 + +请注意,大多数的现代 Linux 发行版都集成了 vi 的变种——— vim(vi升级版),相比于 vi,它有更多新功能。由于这个原因,我们会在本教程中交替使用 vi 和 vim。 + +如果你的发行版还没有安装 vim,你可以通过以下方法来安装: + +- Ubuntu 及其衍生版:apt-get update && apt-get install vim +- 以 Red-Hat 为基础的发行版:yum update && yum install vim +- openSUSE :zypper update && zypper install vim + +### 我为什么要学习 vi ### + +至少有以下两点好理由: + +1.(不管你使用什么发行版)vi 总是可用的,因为它是 POSIX 所要求的。 + 基本不消耗多少系统资源,并且允许我们仅仅通过键盘来完成任何可能的任务。 + +此外,vi 有的非常广泛的内置 manual 帮助,程序打开后就可以通过 :help 命令来查看。这个内置 manual 帮助比 vi/vim 的 man 页面包含了更多信息。 + +![vi Man Pages]( + +vi Man 页面 + +#### 启动 vi #### + +可以通过在命令提示符下输入 vi 来启动。 + +![Start vi Editor]( + +使用 vi 编辑器 + +然后按下字母 i,你就可以开始输入了。或者通过下面的方法来启动 vi: + + # vi filename + +这样会打开一个名为 filename 的 buffer(稍后详细介绍 buffer),在你编辑完成之后就可以存储在磁盘中了。 + +#### 理解 vi 的三个模式 #### + +1.在命令模式中,vi 允许用户浏览该文件并输入由一个或多个字母组成简短的、大小写敏感的 vi 命令。这些命令的大部分都可以增加一个前缀数字表示执行次数。 + +比如:yy(或Y) 复制当前的整行,3yy(或3Y) 复制当前整行和下边紧接着的两行(总共3行)。通过 Esc 键可以随时进入命令模式(而不管当前工作在什么模式下)。事实上,在命令模式下,键盘上所有的输入都被解释为命令而非文本,这往往使得初学者困惑不已。 + +2.在末行模式中,我们可以处理文件(包括保存当前文件和运行外部程序)。我们必须在命令模式下输入一个冒号(:),才能进入这个模式,紧接着是需要使用的末行模式下的命令。执行之后 vi 自动回到命令模式。 + +3.在文本输入模式(通常使用字母 i 进入这个模式)中,我们可以随意输入文本。大多数的键入将以文本形式输出到屏幕(一个重要的例外是Esc键,它将退出文本编辑模式并回到命令模式)。 + +![vi Insert Mode]( + +vi 文本插入模式 + +#### vi 命令 #### + +下面的表格列出常用的 vi 命令。文件版本的命令可以通过添加叹号的命令强制执行(如,:q! 命令强制退出编辑器而不保存文件)。 + +注:表格 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
 关键命令 描述
 h 或 ← 光标左移一个字符
 j 或 ↓ 光标下移一行
 k 或 ↑ 光标上移一行
 l (小写 L) 或 → 光标右移一个字符
 H 光标移至屏幕顶行
 L 光标移至屏幕末行
 G 光标移至文件末行
 w 光标右移一个词
 b 光标左移一个词
 0 (零) 光标移至行首
 ^ 光标移至当前行第一个非空格字符
 $ 光标移至当前行行尾
 Ctrl-B 向后翻页
 Ctrl-F 向前翻页
 i 在光标所在位置插入文本
 I (大写 i) 在当前行首插入文本
 J (大写 j) 将下一行与当前行合并(下一行上移到当前行)
 a 在光标所在位置后追加文本
 o (小写 O) 在当前行下边插入空白行
 O (大写 o) 在当前行上边插入空白行
 r 替换光标所在位置的字符
 R 光标所在位置覆盖插入文本
 x 删除光标所在位置的字符
 X 立即删除光标所在位置之前(左边)的一个字符
 dd 剪切当前整行文本(为了之后进行粘贴)
 D 剪切光标所在位置到行末的文本(该命令等效于 d$)
 yX 给 X 命令一个移动长度,复制适当数量的字符、单词或者从光标开始到一定数量的行
 yy 或 Y 复制当前整行
 p 粘贴在光标所在位置之后(下一行)
 P 粘贴在光标所在位置之前(上一行)
 . (句点) 重复最后一个命令
 u 撤销最后一个命令
 U 撤销最后一行的最后一个命令,只有光标仍在最后一行才能执行。
 n 在查找中跳到下一个匹配项
 N 在查找中跳到前一个匹配项
 :n 下一个文件,编辑多个指定文件时,该命令加载下一个文件。
 :e file 加载新文件来替代当前文件
 :r file 将新文件的内容插入到光标所在位置的下一行
 :q 退出并放弃更改
 :w file 将当期打开的buffer保存为file。如果是追加到已存在的文件中,则使用 :w >> file 命令
 :wq 保存当前文件的内容并退出。等效于 x! 和 ZZ
 :r! command 执行 command 命令,并将命令的输出插入到光标所在位置的下一行
+ +#### vi 选项 #### + +下列选项将会在启动 Vim 的时候进行加载(需要写入到~/.vimrc文件): + + # echo set number >> ~/.vimrc + # echo syntax on >> ~/.vimrc + # echo set tabstop=4 >> ~/.vimrc + # echo set autoindent >> ~/.vimrc + +![vi Editor Options]( + +vi编辑器选项 + +- set number 当 vi 打开或新建文件时,显示行号。 +- syntax on 打开语法高亮(对应多个文件扩展名),以便源码文件和配置文件更具可读性。 +- set tabstop=4 设置制表符间距为 4 个空格(默认为 8)。 +- set autoindent 将前一行的缩进应用于下一行。 + +#### 查找和替换 #### + +vi 具有通过查找将光标移动到(在单独一行或者整个文件中的)指定位置。它还可自动或者通过用户确认来执行文本替换。 + +a) 在行内查找。f 命令在当前行查找指定字符,并将光标移动到指定字符出现的位置。 + +例如,命令 fh 会在本行中将光标实例字母h出现的位置。注意,字母 f 和你要查找的字符都不会出现在屏幕上,但是当你按下回车的时候,要查找的字符会被高亮显示。 + +比如,以下是在命令模式按下 f4 之后的结果。 + +![Search String in Vi]( + +在 vi 中查找字符。 + +b) 在整个文件内查找。使用 / 命令,紧接着需要查找的单词或短语。这个查找可以通过使用 n 命令或者 N 重复查找上一个查找的字符串。以下是在命令模式键入 /Jane 的查找结果。 + +![Vi Search String in File]( + +在vi中查找字符 + +c) vi 通过使用命令来完成多行或者整个文件的替换操作(类似于 sed)。我们可以使用一下命令,使得整个文件中的单词 “old” 替换为 “young”。 + + :%s/old/young/g + +**注意**:冒号位于命令的最前面。 + +![Vi Search and Replace]( + +vi 的查找和替换 + +冒号 (:) 进入末行模式,在本例中 s 表示替换,% 是从第一行到最后一行的表示方式(也可以使用 nm 表示范围,即第 n 行到第 m 行),old 是查找模式,young 是用来替换的文本,g 表示在每个查找出来的字符串都进行替换。 + +另外,在命令最后增加一个 c,可以在每一个匹配项替换前进行确认。 + + :%s/old/young/gc + +将就文本替换为新文本前,vi/vim 会想我们显示一下信息: + +![Replace String in Vi]( + +vi 中替换字符串 + +- y: 执行替换(yes) +- n: 跳过这个匹配字符的替换并转到下一个(no) +- a: 在当前匹配字符及后边的相同项全部执行替换 +- q 或 Esc: 取消替换 +- l (小写 L): 执行本次替换并退出 +- Ctrl-e, Ctrl-y: 下翻页,上翻页,查看相应的文本来进行替换 + +#### 同时编辑多个文件 #### + +我们在命令提示符输入 vim file1 file2 file3 如下: + + # vim file1 file2 file3 + +vim 会首先打开 file1,要跳到 file2 需用 :n 命令。当需要打开前一个文件时,:N 就可以了。 + +为了从 file1 跳到 file3 + +a) :buffers 命令会显示当前正在编辑的文件列表 + + :buffers + +![Edit Multiple Files]( + +编辑多个文件 + +b) :buffer 3 命令(后边没有 s)会打开 file 进行编辑。 + +在上边的图片中,标记符号 # 表示该文件当前已被打开在后台,而 %a 标记的文件是正在被编辑的。另外,文件号(如上边例子的 3)后边的空格表示该文件还没有被打开。 + +#### vi 的临时 buffers #### + +为了复制连续的多行(比如,假设为 4 行)到一个名为 a 的临时 buffer(与文件无关),并且还要将这些行粘贴到在当前 vi 会话文件中的其它位置,我们需要: + +1. 按下 Esc 键以确认 vi 处在命令模式 + +2. 将光标放在我们希望复制的第一行文本 + +3. 输入 a4yy 复制当前行和接下来的 3 行,进入一个名为 a 的 buffer。我们一继续编辑我们的文件————我们不需要立即插入刚刚复制的行。 + +4. 当到了需要使用刚刚复制行的位置,在 p(小写)或 P(大写)命令来讲复制行插入到名为 a 的 buffer: + +- 输入 ap,复制行将插入到光标位置所在行的下一行。 +- 输入 aP,复制行将插入到光标位置所在行的上一行。 + +如果愿意,我们可以重复上述步骤,将 buffer a 中的内容插入到我们文件的多个位置。一个临时 buffer,像本次会话中的一样,会在当前窗口关闭时释放掉。 + +### 总结 ### + +像我们看到的一样,vi/vim 在命令接口下是一个强大而灵活的文本编辑器。通过以下链接,随时分享你自己的技巧和评论。 + +#### 参考链接 #### + +- [About the LFCS][1] +- [Why get a Linux Foundation Certification?][2] +- [Register for the LFCS exam][3] + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: + +作者:[Gabriel Cánepa][a] +译者:[GHLandy]( +校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出 + +[a]: +[1]: +[2]: +[3]: From f692f65f1e469169b649d4e9e82de825b1a5f938 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: GHLandy Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 16:45:39 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Delete Part 2 - LFCS--How to Install and Use vi or vim as a Full Text --- ...and Use vi or vim as a Full Text | 389 ------------------ 1 file changed, 389 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 sources/tech/LFCS/Part 2 - LFCS--How to Install and Use vi or vim as a Full Text diff --git a/sources/tech/LFCS/Part 2 - LFCS--How to Install and Use vi or vim as a Full Text b/sources/tech/LFCS/Part 2 - LFCS--How to Install and Use vi or vim as a Full Text deleted file mode 100644 index 23e1b30f57..0000000000 --- a/sources/tech/LFCS/Part 2 - LFCS--How to Install and Use vi or vim as a Full Text +++ /dev/null @@ -1,389 +0,0 @@ -GHLandy Translating - -Part 2 - LFCS: How to Install and Use vi/vim as a Full Text Editor -================================================================================ -A couple of months ago, the Linux Foundation launched the LFCS (Linux Foundation Certified Sysadmin) certification in order to help individuals from all over the world to verify they are capable of doing basic to intermediate system administration tasks on Linux systems: system support, first-hand troubleshooting and maintenance, plus intelligent decision-making to know when it’s time to raise issues to upper support teams. - -![Learning VI Editor in Linux]( - -Learning VI Editor in Linux - -Please take a look at the below video that explains The Linux Foundation Certification Program. - -注:youtube 视频 - - -This post is Part 2 of a 10-tutorial series, here in this part, we will cover the basic file editing operations and understanding modes in vi/m editor, that are required for the LFCS certification exam. - -### Perform Basic File Editing Operations Using vi/m ### - -Vi was the first full-screen text editor written for Unix. Although it was intended to be small and simple, it can be a bit challenging for people used exclusively to GUI text editors, such as NotePad++, or gedit, to name a few examples. - -To use Vi, we must first understand the 3 modes in which this powerful program operates, in order to begin learning later about the its powerful text-editing procedures. - -Please note that most modern Linux distributions ship with a variant of vi known as vim (“Vi improved”), which supports more features than the original vi does. For that reason, throughout this tutorial we will use vi and vim interchangeably. - -If your distribution does not have vim installed, you can install it as follows. - -- Ubuntu and derivatives: aptitude update && aptitude install vim -- Red Hat-based distributions: yum update && yum install vim -- openSUSE: zypper update && zypper install vim - -### Why should I want to learn vi? ### - -There are at least 2 good reasons to learn vi. - -1. vi is always available (no matter what distribution you’re using) since it is required by POSIX. - -2. vi does not consume a considerable amount of system resources and allows us to perform any imaginable tasks without lifting our fingers from the keyboard. - -In addition, vi has a very extensive built-in manual, which can be launched using the :help command right after the program is started. This built-in manual contains more information than vi/m’s man page. - -![vi Man Pages]( - -vi Man Pages - -#### Launching vi #### - -To launch vi, type vi in your command prompt. - -![Start vi Editor]( - -Start vi Editor - -Then press i to enter Insert mode, and you can start typing. Another way to launch vi/m is. - - # vi filename - -Which will open a new buffer (more on buffers later) named filename, which you can later save to disk. - -#### Understanding Vi modes #### - -1. In command mode, vi allows the user to navigate around the file and enter vi commands, which are brief, case-sensitive combinations of one or more letters. Almost all of them can be prefixed with a number to repeat the command that number of times. - -For example, yy (or Y) copies the entire current line, whereas 3yy (or 3Y) copies the entire current line along with the two next lines (3 lines in total). We can always enter command mode (regardless of the mode we’re working on) by pressing the Esc key. The fact that in command mode the keyboard keys are interpreted as commands instead of text tends to be confusing to beginners. - -2. In ex mode, we can manipulate files (including saving a current file and running outside programs). To enter this mode, we must type a colon (:) from command mode, directly followed by the name of the ex-mode command that needs to be used. After that, vi returns automatically to command mode. - -3. In insert mode (the letter i is commonly used to enter this mode), we simply enter text. Most keystrokes result in text appearing on the screen (one important exception is the Esc key, which exits insert mode and returns to command mode). - -![vi Insert Mode]( - -vi Insert Mode - -#### Vi Commands #### - -The following table shows a list of commonly used vi commands. File edition commands can be enforced by appending the exclamation sign to the command (for example, - - - - - - -  Key command -  Description - - -  h or left arrow -  Go one character to the left - - -  j or down arrow -  Go down one line - - -  k or up arrow -  Go up one line - - -  l (lowercase L) or right arrow -  Go one character to the right - - -  H -  Go to the top of the screen - - -  L -  Go to the bottom of the screen - - -  G -  Go to the end of the file - - -  w -  Move one word to the right - - -  b -  Move one word to the left - - -  0 (zero) -  Go to the beginning of the current line - - -  ^ -  Go to the first nonblank character on the current line - - -  $ -  Go to the end of the current line - - -  Ctrl-B -  Go back one screen - - -  Ctrl-F -  Go forward one screen - - -  i -  Insert at the current cursor position - - -  I (uppercase i) -  Insert at the beginning of the current line - - -  J (uppercase j) -  Join current line with the next one (move next line up) - - -  a -  Append after the current cursor position - - -  o (lowercase O) -  Creates a blank line after the current line - - -  O (uppercase o) -  Creates a blank line before the current line - - -  r -  Replace the character at the current cursor position - - -  R -  Overwrite at the current cursor position - - -  x -  Delete the character at the current cursor position - - -  X -  Delete the character immediately before (to the left) of the current cursor position - - -  dd -  Cut (for later pasting) the entire current line - - -  D -  Cut from the current cursor position to the end of the line (this command is equivalent to d$) - - -  yX -  Give a movement command X, copy (yank) the appropriate number of characters, words, or lines from the current cursor position - - -  yy or Y -  Yank (copy) the entire current line - - -  p -  Paste after (next line) the current cursor position - - -  P -  Paste before (previous line) the current cursor position - - -  . (period) -  Repeat the last command - - -  u -  Undo the last command - - -  U -  Undo the last command in the last line. This will work as long as the cursor is still on the line. - - -  n -  Find the next match in a search - - -  N -  Find the previous match in a search - - -  :n -  Next file; when multiple files are specified for editing, this commands loads the next file. - - -  :e file -  Load file in place of the current file. - - -  :r file -  Insert the contents of file after (next line) the current cursor position - - -  :q -  Quit without saving changes. - - -  :w file -  Write the current buffer to file. To append to an existing file, use :w >> file. - - -  :wq -  Write the contents of the current file and quit. Equivalent to x! and ZZ - - -  :r! command -  Execute command and insert output after (next line) the current cursor position. - - - - -#### Vi Options #### - -The following options can come in handy while running vim (we need to add them in our ~/.vimrc file). - - # echo set number >> ~/.vimrc - # echo syntax on >> ~/.vimrc - # echo set tabstop=4 >> ~/.vimrc - # echo set autoindent >> ~/.vimrc - -![vi Editor Options]( - -vi Editor Options - -- set number shows line numbers when vi opens an existing or a new file. -- syntax on turns on syntax highlighting (for multiple file extensions) in order to make code and config files more readable. -- set tabstop=4 sets the tab size to 4 spaces (default value is 8). -- set autoindent carries over previous indent to the next line. - -#### Search and replace #### - -vi has the ability to move the cursor to a certain location (on a single line or over an entire file) based on searches. It can also perform text replacements with or without confirmation from the user. - -a). Searching within a line: the f command searches a line and moves the cursor to the next occurrence of a specified character in the current line. - -For example, the command fh would move the cursor to the next instance of the letter h within the current line. Note that neither the letter f nor the character you’re searching for will appear anywhere on your screen, but the character will be highlighted after you press Enter. - -For example, this is what I get after pressing f4 in command mode. - -![Search String in Vi]( - -Search String in Vi - -b). Searching an entire file: use the / command, followed by the word or phrase to be searched for. A search may be repeated using the previous search string with the n command, or the next one (using the N command). This is the result of typing /Jane in command mode. - -![Vi Search String in File]( - -Vi Search String in File - -c). vi uses a command (similar to sed’s) to perform substitution operations over a range of lines or an entire file. To change the word “old” to “young” for the entire file, we must enter the following command. - - :%s/old/young/g - -**Notice**: The colon at the beginning of the command. - -![Vi Search and Replace]( - -Vi Search and Replace - -The colon (:) starts the ex command, s in this case (for substitution), % is a shortcut meaning from the first line to the last line (the range can also be specified as n,m which means “from line n to line m”), old is the search pattern, while young is the replacement text, and g indicates that the substitution should be performed on every occurrence of the search string in the file. - -Alternatively, a c can be added to the end of the command to ask for confirmation before performing any substitution. - - :%s/old/young/gc - -Before replacing the original text with the new one, vi/m will present us with the following message. - -![Replace String in Vi]( - -Replace String in Vi - -- y: perform the substitution (yes) -- n: skip this occurrence and go to the next one (no) -- a: perform the substitution in this and all subsequent instances of the pattern. -- q or Esc: quit substituting. -- l (lowercase L): perform this substitution and quit (last). -- Ctrl-e, Ctrl-y: Scroll down and up, respectively, to view the context of the proposed substitution. - -#### Editing Multiple Files at a Time #### - -Let’s type vim file1 file2 file3 in our command prompt. - - # vim file1 file2 file3 - -First, vim will open file1. To switch to the next file (file2), we need to use the :n command. When we want to return to the previous file, :N will do the job. - -In order to switch from file1 to file3. - -a). The :buffers command will show a list of the file currently being edited. - - :buffers - -![Edit Multiple Files]( - -Edit Multiple Files - -b). The command :buffer 3 (without the s at the end) will open file3 for editing. - -In the image above, a pound sign (#) indicates that the file is currently open but in the background, while %a marks the file that is currently being edited. On the other hand, a blank space after the file number (3 in the above example) indicates that the file has not yet been opened. - -#### Temporary vi buffers #### - -To copy a couple of consecutive lines (let’s say 4, for example) into a temporary buffer named a (not associated with a file) and place those lines in another part of the file later in the current vi section, we need to… - -1. Press the ESC key to be sure we are in vi Command mode. - -2. Place the cursor on the first line of the text we wish to copy. - -3. Type “a4yy to copy the current line, along with the 3 subsequent lines, into a buffer named a. We can continue editing our file – we do not need to insert the copied lines immediately. - -4. When we reach the location for the copied lines, use “a before the p or P commands to insert the lines copied into the buffer named a: - -- Type “ap to insert the lines copied into buffer a after the current line on which the cursor is resting. -- Type “aP to insert the lines copied into buffer a before the current line. - -If we wish, we can repeat the above steps to insert the contents of buffer a in multiple places in our file. A temporary buffer, as the one in this section, is disposed when the current window is closed. - -### Summary ### - -As we have seen, vi/m is a powerful and versatile text editor for the CLI. Feel free to share your own tricks and comments below. - -#### Reference Links #### - -- [About the LFCS][1] -- [Why get a Linux Foundation Certification?][2] -- [Register for the LFCS exam][3] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: - -作者:[Gabriel Cánepa][a] -译者:[译者ID](译者ID) -校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出 - -[a]: -[1]: -[2]: -[3]: From e76a60efe4a9f3de364a07217a8fcc69d1c835bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: GHLandy Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 16:47:26 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 3/3] [Translating] Part 3 - LFCS--How to Archive or Compress Files and Directories Setting File Attributes and Finding Files in Linux. --- ...ries Setting File Attributes and Finding Files in | 4 +++- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/sources/tech/LFCS/Part 3 - LFCS--How to Archive or Compress Files and Directories Setting File Attributes and Finding Files in b/sources/tech/LFCS/Part 3 - LFCS--How to Archive or Compress Files and Directories Setting File Attributes and Finding Files in index 82cc54a5a6..4b1d700c4e 100644 --- a/sources/tech/LFCS/Part 3 - LFCS--How to Archive or Compress Files and Directories Setting File Attributes and Finding Files in +++ b/sources/tech/LFCS/Part 3 - LFCS--How to Archive or Compress Files and Directories Setting File Attributes and Finding Files in @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +GHLandy Translateing + Part 3 - LFCS: How to Archive/Compress Files & Directories, Setting File Attributes and Finding Files in Linux ================================================================================ Recently, the Linux Foundation started the LFCS (Linux Foundation Certified Sysadmin) certification, a brand new program whose purpose is allowing individuals from all corners of the globe to have access to an exam, which if approved, certifies that the person is knowledgeable in performing basic to intermediate system administration tasks on Linux systems. This includes supporting already running systems and services, along with first-level troubleshooting and analysis, plus the ability to decide when to escalate issues to engineering teams. @@ -379,4 +381,4 @@ via: [3]: [4]: [5]: -[6]: \ No newline at end of file +[6]: