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### Some thoughts on Spectre and Meltdown
By now I imagine that all of my regular readers, and a large proportion of the rest of the world, have heard of the security issues dubbed "Spectre" and "Meltdown". While there have been some excellent technical explanations of these issues from several sources — I particularly recommend the [Project Zero][3] blog post — I have yet to see anyone really put these into a broader perspective; nor have I seen anyone make a serious attempt to explain these at a level suited for a wide audience. While I have not been involved with handling these issues directly, I think it's time for me to step up and provide both a wider context and a more broadly understandable explanation.
The story of these attacks starts in late 2004\. I had submitted my doctoral thesis and had a few months before flying back to Oxford for my defense, so I turned to some light reading: Intel's latest "Optimization Manual", full of tips on how to write faster code. (Eking out every last nanosecond of performance has long been an interest of mine.) Here I found an interesting piece of advice: On Intel CPUs with "Hyper-Threading", a common design choice (aligning the top of thread stacks on page boundaries) should be avoided because it would result in some resources being overused and others being underused, with a resulting drop in performance. This started me thinking: If two programs can hurt each others' performance by accident, one should be able to  _measure_  whether its performance is being hurt by the other; if it can measure whether its performance is being hurt by people not following Intel's optimization guidelines, it should be able to measure whether its performance is being hurt by other patterns of resource usage; and if it can measure that, it should be able to make deductions about what the other program is doing.
It took me a few days to convince myself that information could be stolen in this manner, but within a few weeks I was able to steal an [RSA][4] private key from [OpenSSL][5]. Then started the lengthy process of quietly notifying Intel and all the major operating system vendors; and on Friday the 13th of May 2005 I presented [my paper][6] describing this new attack at [BSDCan][7] 2005 — the first attack of this type exploiting how a running program causes changes to the microarchitectural state of a CPU. Three months later, the team of Osvik, Shamir, and Tromer published [their work][8], which showed how the same problem could be exploited to steal [AES][9] keys.
Over the years there have been many attacks which expoit different aspects of CPU design — exploiting L1 data cache collisions, exploiting L1 code cache collisions, exploiting L2 cache collisions, exploiting the TLB, exploiting branch prediction, etc. — but they have all followed the same basic mechanism: A program does something which interacts with the internal state of a CPU, and either we can measure that internal state (the more common case) or we can set up that internal state before the program runs in a way which makes the program faster or slower. These new attacks use the same basic mechanism, but exploit an entirely new angle. But before I go into details, let me go back to basics for a moment.
#### Understanding the attacks
These attacks exploit something called a "side channel". What's a side channel? It's when information is revealed as an inadvertant side effect of what you're doing. For example, in the movie [2001][10], Bowman and Poole enter a pod to ensure that the HAL 9000 computer cannot hear their conversation — but fail to block the  _optical_  channel which allows Hal to read their lips. Side channels are related to a concept called "covert channels": Where side channels are about stealing information which was not intended to be conveyed, covert channels are about conveying information which someone is trying to prevent you from sending. The famous case of a [Prisoner of War][11] blinking the word "TORTURE" in Morse code is an example of using a covert channel to convey information.
Another example of a side channel — and I'll be elaborating on this example later, so please bear with me if it seems odd — is as follows: I want to know when my girlfriend's passport expires, but she won't show me her passport (she complains that it has a horrible photo) and refuses to tell me the expiry date. I tell her that I'm going to take her to Europe on vacation in August and watch what happens: If she runs out to renew her passport, I know that it will expire before August; while if she doesn't get her passport renewed, I know that it will remain valid beyond that date. Her desire to ensure that her passport would be valid inadvertantly revealed to me some information: Whether its expiry date was before or after August.
Over the past 12 years, people have gotten reasonably good at writing programs which avoid leaking information via side channels; but as the saying goes, if you make something idiot-proof, the world will come up with a better idiot; in this case, the better idiot is newer and faster CPUs. The Spectre and Meltdown attacks make use of something called "speculative execution". This is a mechanism whereby, if a CPU isn't sure what you want it to do next, it will  _speculatively_  perform some action. The idea here is that if it guessed right, it will save time later — and if it guessed wrong, it can throw away the work it did and go back to doing what you asked for. As long as it sometimes guesses right, this saves time compared to waiting until it's absolutely certain about what it should be doing next. Unfortunately, as several researchers recently discovered, it can accidentally leak some information during this speculative execution.
Going back to my analogy: I tell my girlfriend that I'm going to take her on vacation in June, but I don't tell her where yet; however, she knows that it will either be somewhere within Canada (for which she doesn't need a passport, since we live in Vancouver) or somewhere in Europe. She knows that it takes time to get a passport renewed, so she checks her passport and (if it was about to expire) gets it renewed just in case I later reveal that I'm going to take her to Europe. If I tell her later that I'm only taking her to Ottawa — well, she didn't need to renew her passport after all, but in the mean time her behaviour has already revealed to me whether her passport was about to expire. This is what Google refers to "variant 1" of the Spectre vulnerability: Even though she didn't need her passport, she made sure it was still valid  _just in case_  she was going to need it.
"Variant 2" of the Spectre vulnerability also relies on speculative execution but in a more subtle way. Here, instead of the CPU knowing that there are two possible execution paths and choosing one (or potentially both!) to speculatively execute, the CPU has no idea what code it will need to execute next. However, it has been keeping track and knows what it did the last few times it was in the same position, and it makes a guess — after all, there's no harm in guessing since if it guesses wrong it can just throw away the unneeded work. Continuing our analogy, a "Spectre version 2" attack on my girlfriend would be as follows: I spend a week talking about how Oxford is a wonderful place to visit and I really enjoyed the years I spent there, and then I tell her that I want to take her on vacation. She very reasonably assumes that — since I've been talking about Oxford so much — I must be planning on taking her to England, and runs off to check her passport and potentially renew it... but in fact I tricked her and I'm only planning on taking her to Ottawa.
This "version 2" attack is far more powerful than "version 1" because it can be used to exploit side channels present in many different locations; but it is also much harder to exploit and depends intimately on details of CPU design, since the attacker needs to make the CPU guess the correct (wrong) location to anticipate that it will be visiting next.
Now we get to the third attack, dubbed "Meltdown". This one is a bit weird, so I'm going to start with the analogy here: I tell my girlfriend that I want to take her to the Korean peninsula. She knows that her passport is valid for long enough; but she immediately runs off to check that her North Korean visa hasn't expired. Why does she have a North Korean visa, you ask? Good question. She doesn't — but she runs off to check its expiry date anyway! Because she doesn't have a North Korean visa, she (somehow) checks the expiry date on  _someone else's_  North Korean visa, and then (if it is about to expire) runs out to renew it — and so by telling her that I want to take her to Korea for a vacation  _I find out something she couldn't have told me even if she wanted to_ . If this sounds like we're falling down a [Dodgsonian][12] rabbit hole... well, we are. The most common reaction I've heard from security people about this is "Intel CPUs are doing  _what???_ ", and it's not by coincidence that one of the names suggested for an early Linux patch was Forcefully Unmap Complete Kernel With Interrupt Trampolines (FUCKWIT). (For the technically-inclined: Intel CPUs continue speculative execution through faults, so the fact that a page of memory cannot be accessed does not prevent it from, well, being accessed.)
#### How users can protect themselves
So that's what these vulnerabilities are all about; but what can regular users do to protect themselves? To start with, apply the damn patches. For the next few months there are going to be patches to operating systems; patches to individual applications; patches to phones; patches to routers; patches to smart televisions... if you see a notification saying "there are updates which need to be installed", **install the updates**. (However, this doesn't mean that you should be stupid: If you get an email saying "click here to update your system", it's probably malware.) These attacks are complicated, and need to be fixed in many ways in many different places, so  _each individual piece of software_  may have many patches as the authors work their way through from fixing the most easily exploited vulnerabilities to the more obscure theoretical weaknesses.
What else can you do? Understand the implications of these vulnerabilities. Intel caught some undeserved flak for stating that they believe "these exploits do not have the potential to corrupt, modify or delete data"; in fact, they're quite correct in a direct sense, and this distinction is very relevant. A side channel attack inherently  _reveals information_ , but it does not by itself allow someone to take control of a system. (In some cases side channels may make it easier to take advantage of other bugs, however.) As such, it's important to consider what information could be revealed: Even if you're not working on top secret plans for responding to a ballistic missile attack, you've probably accessed password-protected websites (Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, perhaps your online banking...) and possibly entered your credit card details somewhere today. Those passwords and credit card numbers are what you should worry about.
Now, in order for you to be attacked, some code needs to run on your computer. The most likely vector for such an attack is through a website — and the more shady the website the more likely you'll be attacked. (Why? Because if the owners of a website are already doing something which is illegal — say, selling fake prescription drugs — they're far more likely to agree if someone offers to pay them to add some "harmless" extra code to their site.) You're not likely to get attacked by visiting your bank's website; but if you make a practice of visiting the less reputable parts of the World Wide Web, it's probably best to not log in to your bank's website at the same time. Remember, this attack won't allow someone to take over your computer — all they can do is get access to information which is in your computer's memory  _at the time they carry out the attack_ .
For greater paranoia, avoid accessing suspicious websites  _after_  you handle any sensitive information (including accessing password-protected websites or entering your credit card details). It's possible for this information to linger in your computer's memory even after it isn't needed — it will stay there until it's overwritten, usually because the memory is needed for something else — so if you want to be safe you should reboot your computer in between.
For maximum paranoia: Don't connect to the internet from systems you care about. In the industry we refer to "airgapped" systems; this is a reference back to the days when connecting to a network required wires, so if there was a literal gap with just air between two systems, there was no way they could communicate. These days, with ubiquitous wifi (and in many devices, access to mobile phone networks) the terminology is in need of updating; but if you place devices into "airplane" mode it's unlikely that they'll be at any risk. Mind you, they won't be nearly as useful — there's almost always a tradeoff between security and usability, but if you're handling something really sensitive, you may want to consider this option. (For my [Tarsnap online backup service][13] I compile and cryptographically sign the packages on a system which has never been connected to the Internet. Before I turned it on for the first time, I opened up the case and pulled out the wifi card; and I copy files on and off the system on a USB stick. Tarsnap's slogan, by the way, is "Online backups  _for the truly paranoid_ ".)
#### How developers can protect everyone
The patches being developed and distributed by operating systems — including microcode updates from Intel — will help a lot, but there are still steps individual developers can take to reduce the risk of their code being exploited.
First, practice good "cryptographic hygiene": Information which isn't in memory can't be stolen this way. If you have a set of cryptographic keys, load only the keys you need for the operations you will be performing. If you take a password, use it as quickly as possible and then immediately wipe it from memory. This [isn't always possible][14], especially if you're using a high level language which doesn't give you access to low level details of pointers and memory allocation; but there's at least a chance that it will help.
Second, offload sensitive operations — especially cryptographic operations — to other processes. The security community has become more aware of [privilege separation][15] over the past two decades; but we need to go further than this, to separation of  _information_  — even if two processes need exactly the same operating system permissions, it can be valuable to keep them separate in order to avoid information from one process leaking via a side channel attack against the other.
One common design paradigm I've seen recently is to "[TLS][16] all the things", with a wide range of applications gaining understanding of the TLS protocol layer. This is something I've objected to in the past as it results in unnecessary exposure of applications to vulnerabilities in the TLS stacks they use; side channel attacks provide another reason, namely the unnecessary exposure of the TLS stack to side channels in the application. If you want to add TLS to your application, don't add it to the application itself; rather, use a separate process to wrap and unwrap connections with TLS, and have your application take unencrypted connections over a local (unix) socket or a loopback TCP/IP connection.
Separating code into multiple processes isn't always practical, however, for reasons of both performance and practical matters of code design. I've been considering (since long before these issues became public) another form of mitigation: Userland page unmapping. In many cases programs have data structures which are "private" to a small number of source files; for example, a random number generator will have internal state which is only accessed from within a single file (with appropriate functions for inputting entropy and outputting random numbers), and a hash table library would have a data structure which is allocated, modified, accessed, and finally freed only by that library via appropriate accessor functions. If these memory allocations can be corralled into a subset of the system address space, and the pages in question only mapped upon entering those specific routines, it could dramatically reduce the risk of information being revealed as a result of vulnerabilities which — like these side channel attacks — are limited to leaking information but cannot be (directly) used to execute arbitrary code.
Finally, developers need to get better at providing patches: Not just to get patches out promptly, but also to get them into users' hands  _and to convince users to install them_ . That last part requires building up trust; as I wrote last year, one of the worst problems facing the industry is the [mixing of security and non-security updates][17]. If users are worried that they'll lose features (or gain "features" they don't want), they won't install the updates you recommend; it's essential to give users the option of getting security patches without worrying about whether anything else they rely upon will change.
#### What's next?
So far we've seen three attacks demonstrated: Two variants of Spectre and one form of Meltdown. Get ready to see more over the coming months and years. Off the top of my head, there are four vulnerability classes I expect to see demonstrated before long:
* Attacks on [p-code][1] interpreters. Google's "Variant 1" demonstrated an attack where a conditional branch was mispredicted resulting in a bounds check being bypassed; but the same problem could easily occur with mispredicted branches in a<tt>switch</tt> statement resulting in the wrong  _operation_  being performed on a valid address. On p-code machines which have an opcode for "jump to this address, which contains machine code" (not entirely unlikely in the case of bytecode machines which automatically transpile "hot spots" into host machine code), this could very easily be exploited as a "speculatively execute attacker-provided code" mechanism.
* Structure deserializing. This sort of code handles attacker-provided inputs which often include the lengths or numbers of fields in a structure, along with bounds checks to ensure the validity of the serialized structure. This is prime territory for a CPU to speculatively reach past the end of the input provided if it mispredicts the layout of the structure.
* Decompressors, especially in HTTP(S) stacks. Data decompression inherently involves a large number of steps of "look up X in a table to get the length of a symbol, then adjust pointers and perform more memory accesses" — exactly the sort of behaviour which can leak information via cache side channels if a branch mispredict results in X being speculatively looked up in the wrong table. Add attacker-controlled inputs to HTTP stacks and the fact that services speaking HTTP are often required to perform request authentication and/or include TLS stacks, and you have all the conditions needed for sensitive information to be leaked.
* Remote attacks. As far as I'm aware, all of the microarchitectural side channels demonstrated over the past 14 years have made use of "attack code" running on the system in question to observe the state of the caches or other microarchitectural details in order to extract the desired data. This makes attacks far easier, but should not be considered to be a prerequisite! Remote timing attacks are feasible, and I am confident that we will see a demonstration of "innocent" code being used for the task of extracting the microarchitectural state information before long. (Indeed, I think it is very likely that [certain people][2] are already making use of such remote microarchitectural side channel attacks.)
#### Final thoughts on vulnerability disclosure
The way these issues were handled was a mess; frankly, I expected better of Google, I expected better of Intel, and I expected better of the Linux community. When I found that Hyper-Threading was easily exploitable, I spent five months notifying the security community and preparing everyone for my announcement of the vulnerability; but when the embargo ended at midnight UTC and FreeBSD published its advisory a few minutes later, the broader world was taken entirely by surprise. Nobody knew what was coming aside from the people who needed to know; and the people who needed to know had months of warning.
Contrast that with what happened this time around. Google discovered a problem and reported it to Intel, AMD, and ARM on June 1st. Did they then go around contacting all of the operating systems which would need to work on fixes for this? Not even close. FreeBSD was notified  _the week before Christmas_ , over six months after the vulnerabilities were discovered. Now, FreeBSD can occasionally respond very quickly to security vulnerabilities, even when they arise at inconvenient times — on November 30th 2009 a [vulnerability was reported][18] at 22:12 UTC, and on December 1st I [provided a patch][19] at 01:20 UTC, barely over 3 hours later — but that was an extremely simple bug which needed only a few lines of code to fix; the Spectre and Meltdown issues are orders of magnitude more complex.
To make things worse, the Linux community was notified  _and couldn't keep their mouths shut_ . Standard practice for multi-vendor advisories like this is that an embargo date is set, and **nobody does anything publicly prior to that date**. People don't publish advisories; they don't commit patches into their public source code repositories; and they  _definitely_  don't engage in arguments on public mailing lists about whether the patches are needed for different CPUs. As a result, despite an embargo date being set for January 9th, by January 4th anyone who cared knew about the issues and there was code being passed around on Twitter for exploiting them.
This is not the first time I've seen people get sloppy with embargoes recently, but it's by far the worst case. As an industry we pride ourselves on the concept of responsible disclosure — ensuring that people are notified in time to prepare fixes before an issue is disclosed publicly — but in this case there was far too much disclosure and nowhere near enough responsibility. We can do better, and I sincerely hope that next time we do.
作者:[ Daemonic Dispatches][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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Containers, the GPL, and copyleft: No reason for concern
Though open source is thoroughly mainstream, new software technologies and old technologies that get newly popularized sometimes inspire hand-wringing about open source licenses. Most often the concern is about the GNU General Public License (GPL), and specifically the scope of its copyleft requirement, which is often described (somewhat misleadingly) as the GPL's derivative work issue.
One imperfect way of framing the question is whether GPL-licensed code, when combined in some sense with proprietary code, forms a single modified work such that the proprietary code could be interpreted as being subject to the terms of the GPL. While we haven't yet seen much of that concern directed to Linux containers, we expect more questions to be raised as adoption of containers continues to grow. But it's fairly straightforward to show that containers do _not_ raise new or concerning GPL scope issues.
Statutes and case law provide little help in interpreting a license like the GPL. On the other hand, many of us give significant weight to the interpretive views of the Free Software Foundation (FSF), the drafter and steward of the GPL, even in the typical case where the FSF is not a copyright holder of the software at issue. In addition to being the author of the license text, the FSF has been engaged for many years in providing commentary and guidance on its licenses to the community. Its views have special credibility and influence based on its public interest mission and leadership in free software policy.
The FSF's existing guidance on GPL interpretation has relevance for understanding the effects of including GPL and non-GPL code in containers. The FSF has placed emphasis on the process boundary when considering copyleft scope, and on the mechanism and semantics of the communication between multiple software components to determine whether they are closely integrated enough to be considered a single program for GPL purposes. For example, the [GNU Licenses FAQ][1] takes the view that pipes, sockets, and command-line arguments are mechanisms that are normally suggestive of separateness (in the absence of sufficiently "intimate" communications).
Consider the case of a container in which both GPL code and proprietary code might coexist and execute. A container is, in essence, an isolated userspace stack. In the [OCI container image format][2], code is packaged as a set of filesystem changeset layers, with the base layer normally being a stripped-down conventional Linux distribution without a kernel. As with the userspace of non-containerized Linux distributions, these base layers invariably contain many GPL-licensed packages (both GPLv2 and GPLv3), as well as packages under licenses considered GPL-incompatible, and commonly function as a runtime for proprietary as well as open source applications. The ["mere aggregation" clause][3] in GPLv2 (as well as its counterpart GPLv3 provision on ["aggregates"][4]) shows that this type of combination is generally acceptable, is specifically contemplated under the GPL, and has no effect on the licensing of the two programs, assuming incompatibly licensed components are separate and independent.
Of course, in a given situation, the relationship between two components may not be "mere aggregation," but the same is true of software running in non-containerized userspace on a Linux system. There is nothing in the technical makeup of containers or container images that suggests a need to apply a special form of copyleft scope analysis.
It follows that when looking at the relationship between code running in a container and code running outside a container, the "separate and independent" criterion is almost certainly met. The code will run as separate processes, and the whole technical point of using containers is isolation from other software running on the system.
Now consider the case where two components, one GPL-licensed and one proprietary, are running in separate but potentially interacting containers, perhaps as part of an application designed with a [microservices][5] architecture. In the absence of very unusual facts, we should not expect to see copyleft scope extending across multiple containers. Separate containers involve separate processes. Communication between containers by way of network interfaces is analogous to such mechanisms as pipes and sockets, and a multi-container microservices scenario would seem to preclude what the FSF calls "[intimate][6]" communication by definition. The composition of an application using multiple containers may not be dispositive of the GPL scope issue, but it makes the technical boundaries between the components more apparent and provides a strong basis for arguing separateness. Here, too, there is no technical feature of containers that suggests application of a different and stricter approach to copyleft scope analysis.
A company that is overly concerned with the potential effects of distributing GPL-licensed code might attempt to prohibit its developers from adding any such code to a container image that it plans to distribute. Insofar as the aim is to avoid distributing code under the GPL, this is a dubious strategy. As noted above, the base layers of conventional container images will contain multiple GPL-licensed components. If the company pushes a container image to a registry, there is normally no way it can guarantee that this will not include the base layer, even if it is widely shared.
On the other hand, the company might decide to embrace containerization as a means of limiting copyleft scope issues by isolating GPL and proprietary code--though one would hope that technical benefits would drive the decision, rather than legal concerns likely based on unfounded anxiety about the GPL. While in a non-containerized setting the relationship between two interacting software components will often be mere aggregation, the evidence of separateness that containers provide may be comforting to those who worry about GPL scope.
Open source license compliance obligations may arise when sharing container images. But there's nothing technically different or unique about containers that changes the nature of these obligations or makes them harder to satisfy. With respect to copyleft scope, containerization should, if anything, ease the concerns of the extra-cautious.
作者:[Richard Fontana][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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Top 10 open source legal stories that shook 2017
Like every year, legal issues were a hot topic in the open source world in 2017. While we're deep into the first quarter of the year, it's still worthwhile to look back at the top legal news in open source last year.
### 1. GitHub revises ToS
In February 2017, GitHub [announced][1] it was revising its terms of service and invited comments on the changes, several of which concerned rights in the user-uploaded content. The [earlier GitHub terms][2] included an agreement by the user to allow others to "view and fork" public repositories, as well as an indemnification provision protecting GitHub against third-party claims. The new terms added a license from the user to GitHub to allow it to store and serve content, a default ["inbound=outbound"][3] contributor license, and an agreement by the user to comply with third-party licenses covering uploaded content. While keeping the "view and fork" language, the new terms state that further rights can be granted by adopting an open source license. The terms also add a waiver of [moral rights][4] with a two-level fallback license, the second license granting GitHub permission to use content without attribution and to make reasonable adaptations "as necessary to render the website and provide the service."
In March, after the new terms became effective, concerns were raised by several developers, notably [Thorsten Glaser][5] and [Joey][6] [Hess][7], who said they would be removing their repositories from GitHub. As Glaser and Hess read the new terms, they seemed to require users to grant rights to GitHub and other users that were broader than third-party licenses would permit, particularly copyleft licenses like the GPL and licenses requiring attribution. Moreover, the license to GitHub could be read as giving it a more favorable license in users' own content than ordinary users would receive under the nominal license. Donald Robertson of the Free Software Foundation (FSF) [wrote][8] that, while GitHub's terms were confusing, they were not in conflict with copyleft: "Because it's highly unlikely that GitHub intended to destroy their business model and user base, we don't read the ambiguity in the terms as granting or requiring overly broad permissions outside those already granted by the GPL."
GitHub eventually added a sentence addressing the issue; it can be seen in the [current version][9] of the terms: "If you upload Content that already comes with a license granting GitHub the permissions we need to run our Service, no additional license is required."
### 2. Kernel enforcement statement
[Section 4][10] of GPLv2 speaks of automatic termination of rights for those who violate the terms of the license. By [2006][11] the FSF had come to see this provision as unduly harsh in the case of inadvertent violations. GPLv3 modifies the GPLv2 approach to termination by providing a 30-day cure opportunity for first-time violators as well as a 60-day period of repose. Many GPL projects like the Linux kernel continue to be licensed under GPLv2.
As I [wrote][12] last year, 2016 saw public condemnation of the GPL enforcement tactics of former Netfilter contributor Patrick McHardy. In a further reaction to McHardy's conduct, the Linux Foundation [Technical Advisory Board][13] (TAB), elected by the individual kernel developers, drafted a Linux Kernel Enforcement Statement, which was [announced by Greg Kroah-Hartman][14] on the Linux kernel mailing list (LKML) on October 16, 2017. The [statement][15], now part of the kernel's Documentation directory, incorporates the GPLv3 cure and repose language verbatim as a "commitment to users of the Linux kernel on behalf of ourselves and any successors to our copyright interests." The commitment, described as a grant of additional permission under GPLv2, applies to non-defensive assertions of GPLv2 rights. The kernel statement in effect adopts a recommendation in the [Principles of Community-Oriented GPL Enforcement][16]. To date, the statement has been signed by over 100 kernel developers. Kroah-Hartman published an [FAQ][17] on the statement and a detailed [explanation][18] authored by several TAB members.
### 3. Red Hat, Facebook, Google, and IBM announce GPLv2/LGPLv2.x cure commitment
A month after the announcement of the kernel enforcement statement on LKML, a coalition of companies led by Red Hat and including Facebook, Google, and IBM [announced][19] their own commitment to [extend the GPLv3 cure][20] and repose opportunities to all code covered by their copyrights and licensed under GPLv2, LGPLv2, and LGPLv2.1. (The termination provision in LGPLv2.x is essentially identical to that in GPLv2.) As with the kernel statement, the commitment does not apply to defensive proceedings or claims brought in response to some prior proceeding or claim (for example, a GPL violation counterclaim in a patent infringement lawsuit, as occurred in [Twin Peaks Software v. Red Hat][21]).
### 4. EPL 2.0 released
The [Eclipse Public License version 1.0][22], a weak copyleft license that descends from the [Common Public License][23] and indirectly the [IBM Public License][24], has been the primary license of Eclipse Foundation projects. It sees significant use outside of Eclipse as well; for example, EPL is the license of the [Clojure][25] language implementation and the preferred open source license of the Clojure community, and it is the main license of [OpenDaylight][26].
Following a quiet two-year community review process, in August 2017 the Eclipse Foundation [announced][27] that a new version 2 of the EPL had been approved by the Eclipse Foundation board and by the OSI. The Eclipse Foundation intends EPL 2.0 to be the default license for Eclipse community projects.
EPL 2.0 is a fairly conservative license revision. Perhaps the most notable change concerns GPL compatibility. EPL 1.0 is regarded as GPL-incompatible by both the [FSF][28] and the [Eclipse Foundation][29]. The FSF has suggested that this is at least because of the conflicting copyleft requirements in the two licenses, and (rather more dubiously) the choice of law clause in EPL 1.0, which has been removed in EPL 2.0. As a weak copyleft license, EPL normally requires at least some subset of derivative works to be licensed under EPL if distributed in source code form. [FSF][30] and [Eclipse][31] published opinions about the use of GPL for Eclipse IDE plugins several years ago. Apart from the issue of license compatibility, the Eclipse Foundation generally prohibits projects from distributing third-party code under GPL and LGPL.
While EPL 2.0 remains GPL-incompatible by default, it enables the initial "Contributor" to authorize the licensing of EPL-covered source code under a "Secondary License"—GPLv2, GPLv3, or a later version of the GPL, which may include identified GPL exceptions or additional permissions like the [Classpath Exception][32]—if the EPL-covered code is combined with GPL-licensed code contained in a separate file. Some Eclipse projects have already relicensed to EPL 2.0 and are making use of this "Secondary License" feature, including [OMR][33] and [OpenJ9][34]. As the FSF [observes][35], invocation of the Secondary License feature is roughly equivalent to dual-licensing the code under EPL / GPL.
### 5. Java EE migration to Eclipse
The [Java Community Process][36] (JCP) facilitates development of Java technology specifications (Java Specification Requests, aka JSRs), including those defining the [Java Enterprise Edition][37] platform (Java EE). The JCP rests on a complex legal architecture centered around the Java Specification Participation Agreement (JSPA). While JCP governance is shared among multiple organizational and individual participants, the JCP is in no way vendor-neutral. Oracle owns the Java trademark and has special controls over the JCP. Some JCP [reforms][38] were adopted several years ago, including measures to mandate open source licensing and open source project development practices for JSR reference implementations (RIs), but efforts to modernize the JSPA stalled during the pendency of the Oracle v. Google litigation.
In August 2017, Oracle announced it would explore [moving Java EE][39] to an open source foundation. Following consultation with IBM and Red Hat, the two other major contributors to Java EE, Oracle announced in September that it had [selected the Eclipse Foundation][40] to house the successor to Java EE.
The migration to Eclipse has been underway since then. The Eclipse board approved a new top-level Eclipse project, [EE4J][41] (Eclipse Enterprise for Java), to serve as the umbrella project for development of RIs and technology compatibility kits (TCKs) for the successor platform. The [GlassFish][42] project, consisting of source code of the RIs for the majority of Java EE JSRs for which Oracle has served as specification lead, has mostly been under a dual license of CDDL and GPLv2 plus the Classpath Exception. Oracle is in the process of [relicensing this code][43] to EPL 2.0 with GPLv2 plus the Classpath Exception as the Secondary License (see EPL 2.0 topic). In addition, Oracle is expected to relicense proprietary Java EE TCKs so they can be developed as Eclipse open source projects. Still to be determined are the name of an Eclipse-owned certification mark to succeed Java EE and the development of a new specification process in place of the one defined in the JSPA.
### 6. React licensing controversy
Open source licenses that specifically address patent licensing often couple the patent license grant with a "patent defense" clause, terminating the patent license upon certain acts of litigation brought by the licensee, an approach borrowed from standards agreements. The early period of corporate experimentation with open source licensing was characterized by enthusiasm for patent defense clauses that were broad (in the sense that a relatively wide range of conduct would trigger termination). The arrival of the Apache License 2.0 and Eclipse Public License 1.0 in 2004 marked an end to that era; their patent termination criteria are basically limited to patent lawsuits in which the user accuses the licensed software itself of infringement.
In May 2013 Facebook released the [React][44] JavaScript library under the Apache License 2.0, but the 0.12.0 release (October 2014) switched to the 3-clause BSD license along with a patent license grant in a separate `PATENTS` file. The idea of using a simple, standard permissive open source license with a bespoke patent license in a separate file has some precedent in projects maintained by [Google][45] and [Microsoft][46]. However, the patent defense clauses in those cases take the narrow Apache/EPL approach. The React `PATENTS` language terminated the patent license in cases where the licensee brought a patent infringement action against Facebook, or against any party "arising from" any Facebook product, even where the claim was unrelated to React, as well as where the licensee alleged that a Facebook patent was invalid or unenforceable. In response to criticism from the community, Facebook [revised][47] the patent license language in April 2015, but the revised version continued to include as termination criteria patent litigation against Facebook and patent litigation "arising from" Facebook products.
Facebook came to apply the React license to many of its community projects. In April 2017 an [issue][48] was opened in the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) "Legal Discuss" issue tracker concerning whether Apache Cassandra could use [RocksDB][49], another Facebook project using the React license, as a dependency. In addition to the several other ASF projects that were apparently already using RocksDB, a large number of ASF projects used React itself. In June, Chris Mattmann, VP of legal affairs for the ASF, [ruled][50] that the React license was relegated to the forbidden Category X (see my discussion of the [JSON license][12] last year)—despite the fact that the ASF has long placed open source licenses with similarly broad patent defense clauses (MPL 1.1, IBM-PL, CPL) in its semi-favored Category B. In response, Facebook relicensed RocksDB under [GPLv2][51] and the [Apache License][52] 2.0, and a few months later announced it was [relicensing React][53] and three other identically licensed projects under the MIT license. More recent Facebook project license changes from the React approach to conventional open source licenses include [osquery][54] (GPLv2 / Apache License 2.0) and [React Native][55] (MIT).
Much of the community criticism of the React license was rather misinformed and often seemed to be little more than ad hominem attack against Facebook. One of the few examples of sober, well-reasoned analysis of the topic is [Heather Meeker's article][56] on Whatever actual merits the React license may have, Facebook's decision to use it without making it licensor-neutral and without seeking OSI approval were tactical mistakes, as [Simon Phipps points out][57].
### 7. OpenSSL relicensing effort
The [license][58] covering most of OpenSSL is a conjunction of two 1990s-vintage BSD-derivative licenses. The first closely resembles an early license of the Apache web server. The second is the bespoke license of OpenSSL's predecessor project SSLeay. Both licenses contain an advertising clause like that in the 4-clause BSD license. The closing sentence of the SSLeay license, a gratuitous snipe at the GPL, supports an interpretation, endorsed by the FSF but no doubt unintended, that the license is copyleft. If only because of the advertising clauses, the OpenSSL license has long been understood to be GPL-incompatible, as Mark McLoughlin explained in a now-classic [essay][59].
In 2015, a year after the disclosure of the Heartbleed vulnerability and the Linux Foundation's subsequent formation of the [Core Infrastructure Initiative][60], Rich Salz said in a [blog post][61] that OpenSSL planned to relicense to the Apache License 2.0. The OpenSSL team followed up in March 2017 with a [press release][62] announcing the relicensing initiative and set up a website to collect agreements to the license change from the project's several hundred past contributors.
A form email sent to identified individual contributors, asking for permission to relicense, soon drew criticism, mainly because of its closing sentence: "If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you have no objection." Some raised policy and legal concerns over what Theo de Raadt called a "[manufacturing consent in volume][63]" approach. De Raadt mocked the effort by [posting][64] a facetious attempt to relicense GCC to the [ISC license][65].
Salz posted an [update][66] on the relicensing effort in June. At that point, 40% of contacted contributors had responded, with the vast majority in favor of the license change and fewer than a dozen objections, amounting to 86 commits, with half of them surviving in the master branch. Salz described in detail the reasonable steps the project had taken to review those objections, resulting in a determination that at most 10 commits required removal and rewriting.
### 8. Open Source Security v. Perens
Open Source Security, Inc. (OSS) is the commercial vehicle through which Brad Spengler maintains the out-of-tree [grsecurity][67] patchset to the Linux kernel. In 2015, citing concerns about GPL noncompliance by users and misuse of the grsecurity trademark, OSS began [limiting access][68] to the stable patchset to paying customers. In 2017 OSS [ceased][69] releasing any public branches of grsecurity. The [Grsecurity Stable Patch Access Agreement][70] affirms that grsecurity is licensed under GPLv2 and that the user has all GPLv2 "rights and obligations," but states a policy of terminating access to future updates if a user redistributes patchsets or changelogs "outside of the explicit obligations under the GPL to User's customers."
In June 2017, Bruce Perens published a [blog post][71] contending that the grsecurity agreement violated the GPL. OSS sued Perens in the Northern District of California, with claims for defamation, false light, and tortious interference with prospective advantage. In December the court [granted][72] Perens' motion to dismiss, denied without prejudice Perens' motion to strike under the California [anti-SLAPP][73] statute, and denied OSS's motion for partial summary judgment. In essence, the court said that as statements of opinion by a non-lawyer, Perens' blog posts were not defamatory. OSS has said it intends to appeal.
### 9. Artifex Software v. Hancom
Artifex Software licenses [Ghostscript][74] gratis under the [GPL][75] (more recently AGPL) and for revenue under proprietary licenses. In December 2016 Artifex sued Hancom, a South Korean vendor of office suite software, in the Northern District of California. Artifex alleged that Hancom had incorporated Ghostscript into its Hangul word processing program and Hancom Office product without obtaining a proprietary license or complying with the GPL. The [complaint][76] includes claims for breach of contract as well as copyright infringement. In addition to monetary damages, Artifex requested injunctive relief, including an order compelling Hancom to distribute the source code of Hangul and Hancom Office to Hancom's customers.
In April 2017 the court [denied][77] Hancom's motion to dismiss. One of Hancom's arguments was that Artifex did not plead the existence of a contract because there was no demonstration of mutual assent. The court disagreed, stating that the allegations of Hancom's use of Ghostscript, failure to obtain a proprietary license, and public representation that its use of Ghostscript was licensed under the GPL were sufficient to plead the existence of a contract. In addition, Artifex's allegations regarding its dual-licensing scheme were deemed sufficient to plead damages for breach of contract. The denial of the motion to dismiss was widely misreported and sensationalized as a ruling that the GPL itself was "an enforceable contract."
In September the court [denied][78] Hancom's motion for summary judgment on the breach of contract claim. Hancom first argued that as a matter of law Artifex was not entitled to money damages, essentially because GPL compliance required no payment to Artifex. The court rejected this argument, as the value of a royalty-bearing license and an unjust enrichment theory could serve as the measure of Artifex's damages. Second, Hancom argued in essence that any damages for contract breach could not be based on continuing GPL-noncompliant activity after Hancom first began shipping Ghostscript in violation of the GPL, because at that moment Hancom's GPL license was automatically terminated. In rejecting this argument, the court noted that GPLv3's language suggested Hancom's GPL obligations persisted beyond the termination of its GPL rights. The parties reached a settlement in December.
Special thanks to Chris Gillespie for his research and analysis of the Artifex case.
### 10. SFLC/Conservancy trademark dispute
In 2006 the Software Freedom Law Center formed a [separate nonprofit organization][79], which it named the Software Freedom Conservancy. By July 2011, the two organizations no longer had any board members, officers, or employees in common, and SFLC ceased providing legal services to Conservancy. SFLC obtained a registration from the USPTO for the service mark SOFTWARE FREEDOM LAW CENTER in early 2011. In November 2011 Conservancy applied to register the mark SOFTWARE FREEDOM CONSERVANCY; the registration issued in September 2012. SFLC continues to be run by its founder Eben Moglen, while Conservancy is managed by former SFLC employees Karen Sandler and Bradley Kuhn. The two organizations are known to have opposing positions on a number of significant legal and policy matters (see, for example, my discussion of the [ZFS-on-Linux][12] issue last year).
In September 2017, SFLC filed a [petition][80] with the [Trademark Trial and Appeal Board][81] to cancel Conservancy's trademark registration under Section 14 of the Lanham Trademark Act of 1946, [15 U.S.C.][82][§][82][1064][82], claiming that Conservancy's mark is confusingly similar to SFLC's. In November, Conservancy submitted its [answer][83] listing its affirmative defenses, and in December Conservancy filed a [summary judgment motion][84] on those defenses. The TTAB in effect [denied the summary judgment motion][85] on the basis that the affirmative defenses in Conservancy's answer were insufficiently pleaded.
Moglen publicly [proposed a mutual release][86] of all claims "in return for an iron-clad agreement for mutual non-disparagement," including "a perpetual, royalty-free trademark license for Conservancy to keep and use its current name." [Conservancy responded][87] in a blog post that it could not "accept any settlement offer that includes a trademark license we don't need. Furthermore, any trademark license necessarily gives SFLC perpetual control over how we pursue our charitable mission."
SFLC [moved][88] for leave to amend its petition to add a second ground for cancellation, that Conservancy's trademark registration was obtained by fraud. Conservancy's [response][89] argues that the proposed amendment does not state a claim for fraud. Meanwhile, Conservancy has submitted [applications for trademarks][90] for "THE SOFTWARE CONSERVANCY."
作者:[Richard Fontana][a]
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Lessons Learned from Growing an Open Source Project Too Fast
![open source project][1]

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Understanding Linux filesystems: ext4 and beyond

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GitHub Is Building a Coders Paradise. Its Not Coming Cheap
The VC-backed unicorn startup lost $66 million in nine months of 2016, financial documents show.
Though the name GitHub is practically unknown outside technology circles, coders around the world have embraced the software. The startup operates a sort of Google Docs for programmers, giving them a place to store, share and collaborate on their work. But GitHub Inc. is losing money through profligate spending and has stood by as new entrants emerged in a software category it essentially gave birth to, according to people familiar with the business and financial paperwork reviewed by Bloomberg.
The rise of GitHub has captivated venture capitalists. Sequoia Capital led a $250 million investment in mid-2015\. But GitHub management may have been a little too eager to spend the new money. The company paid to send employees jetting across the globe to Amsterdam, London, New York and elsewhere. More costly, it doubled headcount to 600 over the course of about 18 months.
GitHub lost $27 million in the fiscal year that ended in January 2016, according to an income statement seen by Bloomberg. It generated $95 million in revenue during that period, the internal financial document says.
![Chris Wanstrath, co-founder and chief executive officer at GitHub Inc., speaks during the 2015 Bloomberg Technology Conference in San Francisco, California, U.S., on Tuesday, June 16, 2015\. The conference gathers global business leaders, tech influencers, top investors and entrepreneurs to shine a spotlight on how coders and coding are transforming business and fueling disruption across all industries. Photographer: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg *** Local Caption *** Chris Wanstrath](
GitHub CEO Chris Wanstrath.Photographer: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg
Sitting in a conference room featuring an abstract art piece on the wall and a Mad Men-style rollaway bar cart in the corner, GitHubs Chris Wanstrath says the business is running more smoothly now and growing. “What happened to 2015?” says the 31-year-old co-founder and chief executive officer. “Nothing was getting done, maybe? I shouldnt say that. Strike that.”
GitHub recently hired Mike Taylor, the former treasurer and vice president of finance at Tesla Motors Inc., to manage spending as chief financial officer. It also hopes to add a seasoned chief operating officer. GitHub has already surpassed last years revenue in nine months this year, with $98 million, the financial document shows. “The whole product road map, we have all of our shit together in a way that weve never had together. Im pretty elated right now with the way things are going,” says Wanstrath. “Weve had a lot of ups and downs, and right now were definitely in an up.”
Also up: expenses. The income statement shows a loss of $66 million in the first three quarters of this year. Thats more than twice as much lost in any nine-month time frame by Twilio Inc., another maker of software tools founded the same year as GitHub. At least a dozen members of GitHubs leadership team have left since last year, several of whom expressed unhappiness with Wanstraths management style. GitHub says the company has flourished under his direction but declined to comment on finances. Wanstrath says: “We raised $250 million last year, and were putting it to use. Were not expecting to be profitable right now.”
Wanstrath started GitHub with three friends during the recession of 2008 and bootstrapped the business for four years. They encouraged employees to [work remotely][1], which forced the team to adopt GitHubs tools for their own projects and had the added benefit of saving money on office space. GitHub quickly became essential to the code-writing process at technology companies of all sizes and gave birth to a new generation of programmers by hosting their open-source code for free.
Peter Levine, a partner at Andreessen Horowitz, courted the founders and eventually convinced them to take their first round of VC money in 2012\. The firm led a $100 million cash infusion, and Levine joined the board. The next year, GitHub signed a seven-year lease worth about $35 million for a headquarters in San Francisco, says a person familiar with the project.
The new digs gave employees a reason to come into the office. Visitors would enter a lobby modeled after the White Houses Oval Office before making their way to a replica of the Situation Room. The company also erected a statue of its mascot, a cartoon octopus-cat creature known as the Octocat. The 55,000-square-foot space is filled with wooden tables and modern art.
In GitHubs cultural hierarchy, the coder is at the top. The company has strived to create the best product possible for software developers and watch them to flock to it. In addition to offering its base service for free, GitHub sells more advanced programming tools to companies big and small. But it found that some chief information officers want a human touch and began to consider building out a sales team.
The issue took on a new sense of urgency in 2014 with the formation of a rival startup with a similar name. GitLab Inc. went after large businesses from the start, offering them a cheaper alternative to GitHub. “The big differentiator for GitLab is that it was designed for the enterprise, and GitHub was not,” says GitLab CEO Sid Sijbrandij. “One of the values is frugality, and this is something very close to our heart. We want to treat our team members really well, but we dont want to waste any money where its not needed. So we dont have a big fancy office because we can be effective without it.”
Y Combinator, a Silicon Valley business incubator, welcomed GitLab into the fold last year. GitLab says more than 110,000 organizations, including IBM and Macys Inc., use its software. (IBM also uses GitHub.) Atlassian Corp. has taken a similar top-down approach with its own code repository Bitbucket.
Wanstrath says the competition has helped validate GitHubs business. “When we started, people made fun of us and said there is no money in developer tools,” he says. “Ive kind of been waiting for this for a long time—to be proven right, that this is a real market.”
Source: GitHub
It also spurred GitHub into action. With fresh capital last year valuing the company at $2 billion, it went on a hiring spree. It spent $71 million on salaries and benefits last fiscal year, according to the financial document seen by Bloomberg. This year, those costs rose to $108 million from February to October, with three months still to go in the fiscal year, the document shows. This was the startups biggest expense by far.
The emphasis on sales seemed to be making an impact, but the team missed some of its targets, says a person familiar with the matter. In September 2014, subscription revenue on an annualized basis was about $25 million each from enterprise sales and organizations signing up through the site, according to another financial document. After GitHub staffed up, annual recurring revenue from large clients increased this year to $70 million while the self-service business saw healthy, if less dramatic, growth to $52 million.
But the uptick in revenue wasnt keeping pace with the aggressive hiring. GitHub cut about 20 employees in recent weeks. “The unicorn trap is that youve sold equity against a plan that you often cant hit; then what do you do?” says Nick Sturiale, a VC at Ignition Partners.
Such business shifts are risky, and stumbles arent uncommon, says Jason Lemkin, a corporate software VC whos not an investor in GitHub. “That transition from a self-service product in its early days to being enterprise always has bumps,” he says. GitHub says it has 18 million users, and its Enterprise service is used by half of the worlds 10 highest-grossing companies, including Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and Ford Motor Co.
Some longtime GitHub fans werent happy with the new direction, though. More than 1,800 developers signed an online petition, saying: “Those of us who run some of the most popular projects on GitHub feel completely ignored by you.”
The backlash was a wake-up call, Wanstrath says. GitHub is now more focused on its original mission of catering to coders, he says. “I want us to be judged on, Are we making developers more productive?’” he says. At GitHubs developer conference in September, Wanstrath introduced several new features, including an updated process for reviewing code. He says 2016 was a “marquee year.”
At least five senior staffers left in 2015, and turnover among leadership continued this year. Among them was co-founder and CIO Scott Chacon, who says he left to start a new venture. “GitHub was always very good to me, from the first day I started when it was just the four of us,” Chacon says. “They allowed me to travel the world representing them; they supported my teaching and evangelizing Git and remote work culture for a long time.”
The travel excursions are expected to continue at GitHub, and theres little evidence it can rein in spending any time soon. The company says about half its staff is remote and that the trips bring together GitHubs distributed workforce and encourage collaboration. Last week, at least 20 employees on GitHubs human-resources team convened in Rancho Mirage, California, for a retreat at the Ritz Carlton.
作者:[Eric Newcomer ][a]
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New Years resolution: Donate to 1 free software project every month
### Donating just a little bit helps ensure the open source software I use remains alive
Free and open source software is an absolutely critical part of our world—and the future of technology and computing. One problem that consistently plagues many free software projects, though, is the challenge of funding ongoing development (and support and documentation). 
With that in mind, I have finally settled on a New Years resolution for 2017: to donate to one free software project (or group) every month—or the whole year. After all, these projects are saving me a boatload of money because I dont need to buy expensive, proprietary packages to accomplish the same things.
#### + Also on Network World: [Free Software Foundation shakes up its list of priority projects][19] +
Im not setting some crazy goal here—not requiring that I donate beyond my means. Heck, some months I may be able to donate only a few bucks. But every little bit helps, right? 
To help me accomplish that goal, below is a list of free software projects with links to where I can donate to them. Organized by categories, just because. Im scheduling a monthly calendar item to remind me to bring up this page and donate to one of these projects. 
This isnt a complete list—not by any measure—but its a good starting point. Apologies to the (many) great projects out there that I missed.
#### Linux distributions 
[elementary OS][20] — In addition to the distribution itself (which is based, in part, on Ubuntu), this team also develops the Pantheon desktop environment. 
[Solus][21] — This is a “from scratch” distro using their own custom-developed desktop environment, “Budgie.” 
[Ubuntu MATE][22] — Its Ubuntu—with Unity ripped off and replaced with MATE. I like to think of this as “What Ubuntu was like back when I still used Ubuntu.” 
[Debian][23] — If you use Ubuntu or elementary or Mint, you are using a system based on Debian. Personally, I use Debian on my [PocketCHIP][24].
#### Linux components 
[PulseAudio][25] — PulsAudio is all over the place now. If it stopped being supported and maintained, that would be… highly inconvenient. 
#### Productivity/Creation 
[Gimp][26] — The GNU Image Manipulation Program is one of the most famous free software projects—and the standard for cross-platform raster design tools. 
[FreeCAD][27] — When people talk about difficulty in moving from Windows to Linux, the lack of CAD software often crops up. Supporting projects such as FreeCAD helps to remove that barrier. 
[OpenShot][28] — Video editing on Linux (and other free software desktops) has improved tremendously over the past few years. But there is still work to be done. 
[Blender][29] — What is Blender? A 3D modelling suite? A video editor? A game creation system? All three (and more)? Whatever you use Blender for, its amazing. 
[Inkscape][30] — This is the most fantastic vector graphics editing suite on the planet (in my oh-so-humble opinion). 
[LibreOffice / The Document Foundation][31] — I am writing this very document in LibreOffice. Donating to their foundation to help further development seems to be in my best interests. 
#### Software development 
[Python Software Foundation][32] — Python is a great language and is used all over the place. 
#### Free and open source foundations 
[Free Software Foundation][33] — “The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is a nonprofit with a worldwide mission to promote computer user freedom. We defend the rights of all software users.” 
[Software Freedom Conservancy][34] — “Software Freedom Conservancy helps promote, improve, develop and defend Free, Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects.” 
Again—this is, by no means, a complete list. Not even close. Luckily many projects provide easy donation mechanisms on their websites.
Join the Network World communities on [Facebook][17] and [LinkedIn][18] to comment on topics that are top of mind.
作者:[ Bryan Lunduke][a]
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yangjiaqiang 翻译中
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Managing users on Linux systems
Your Linux users may not be raging bulls, but keeping them happy is always a challenge as it involves managing their accounts, monitoring their access rights, tracking down the solutions to problems they run into, and keeping them informed about important changes on the systems they use. Here are some of the tasks and tools that make the job a little easier.

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### Full demo weather app included.
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HankChow Translating
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#fuyongXu 翻译中
# [Google launches TensorFlow-based vision recognition kit for RPi Zero W][26]

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# Scrot: Linux command-line screen grabs made simple
by [Scott Nesbitt][a] · November 30, 2017
@ -58,7 +56,7 @@ It's basic, but Scrot gets the job done nicely.
作者:[Scott Nesbitt][a]
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Toplip A Very Strong File Encryption And Decryption CLI Utility
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Peeking into your Linux packages
Do you ever wonder how many _thousands_ of packages are installed on your Linux system? And, yes, I said "thousands." Even a fairly modest Linux system is likely to have well over a thousand packages installed. And there are many ways to get details on what they are.

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The Best Linux Apps & Distros of 2017
![best linux distros 2017][1]
**In this post we look back at the best Linux distro and app releases that helped define 2017.**
'2017 was a fantastic year for Ubuntu and for Linux in general. I can't wait to see what comes next'
And boy were there a lot of 'em!
So join us (ideally with from a warm glass of something non-offensive and sweet) as we take a tart look backwards through some key releases from the past 12 months.
This list is not presented in any sort of order, and all of the entries were sourced from **YOUR** feedback to the survey we shared earlier in the week. If your favourite release didn 't make the list, it's because not enough people voted for it!
Regardless of your opinions on the apps and Linux distros that are highlighted I'm sure you'll agree that 2017 was a great year for Linux as a platform and for Linux users.
But enough waffle: on we go!
## Distros
### 1. Ubuntu 17.10 'Artful Aardvark'
[![Ubuntu 17.10 desktop screenshot][3]][4]
There's no doubt about it: Ubuntu 17.10 was the year's **biggest** Linux release -- by a clear margin.
'Ubuntu 17.10 was the year's biggest Linux distro release'
Canonical [dropped a bombshell in April][5] when it announced it was abandoning its home-grown Unity desktop and jettisoning its (poorly received) mobile ambitions. Most of us were shocked, and few would've been surprised had the distro maker opted to take some time out to figure out what it went next.
But that …That's just not the Ubuntu way.
Canonical dived right into developing Ubuntu 17.10 'Artful Aardvark', healing some long held divisions in the process.
Part reset, part gamble; the Artful Aardvark had the arduous task of replacing the bespoke (patched, forked) Unity desktop with upstream GNOME Shell. It also [opted to make the switch][6] to the new-fangled [Wayland display server protocol][7] by default, too.
Amazingly, thanks a mix of grit and goodwill, it succeeded. The [Ubuntu 17.10 release][8] emerged on time on October 19, 2017 where it was greeted by warm reviews and a sense of relief!
The recurring theme among the [Ubuntu 17.10 reviews][9] was the Artful Aardvark was a real **return to form** for the distro. It got people excited about Ubuntu for the first time in a long time.
And with an long-term support release next up, long may the enthusiasm for it continue!
### 2. Solus 3
We knew 2017 was going to be a big year for the Solus Linux distro, which is why it made our list of [Linux distros we were most excited for][12] this year.
'Solus is fast becoming the Linux aficionados' main alternative to Arch'
Solus is unique distro in that it's not based on another. It uses its home grown Budgie desktop by default, has its own package manager (eopkg) and update procedure, and sets its own criteria for app curation. Solus also backs Canonical's Flatpak rival Snappy.
The [release of Solus 3][13] in the summer was a particular highlight for this upstart distro. The update packs in improvements across the board, touching on everything from kernel security through to multimedia upgrades.
Solus 3 also arrived with [Budgie 10.4][14]. A massive upgrade to this GTK-based desktop environment, Budgie 10.4 brings (among other things) greater customisation, a new Settings app, multiple new panel options, applets and transparency, and an improved Raven sidebar.
Fast becoming the Linux aficionados' main alternative to Arch Linux, Solus is a Linux distro that's going places.
If you like the look of Budgie you can use it on Ubuntu without damaging your existing desktop. See our [how to install Budgie 10.4 on Ubuntu][14] article for all the necessary details.
If you get bored over the holidays I highly recommended you [download the Solus MATE edition][15] too. It combines the strength of Solus with the meticulously maintained MATE desktop, a combination that works incredibly well together.
### 3. Fedora 27
We're not oblivious to what happens beyond the orange bubble and the release of [Fedora 27 Workstation][18] marked another fine update from the folks who like to wear red hats.
Fedora 27 features GNOME 3.26 (and all the niceties that brings, like color emoji support, folder sharing in Boxes, and so on), ships with LibreOffice 5.4, and "simplifies container storage, delivers containerized services by default" using RedHat's use no-cost RHEL Developer subscriptions.
[Redhat Press Release for Fedora 27][19]
## Apps
### 4. Firefox 57 (aka 'Firefox Quantum').
[![firefox quantum on ubuntu][20]][21]
Ubuntu wasn't the only open-source project to undergo something of 'renewal' this year.
'Like Ubuntu, Firefox finally got its mojo back this year'
After years of slow decline and feature creep Mozilla finally did something about Firefox Google Chrome.
Firefox 57 is such a big release that it even has its own name: Firefox Quantum. And the release truly is a quantum leap in performance and responsiveness. The browser is now speedier than Chrome, makes intelligent use of multi-threaded processes, and has a sleek new look that feels right.
Like Ubuntu, Firefox has got its mojo back.
Firefox will roll out support for client side decoration on the GNOME desktop (a feature already available in the latest nightly builds) sometime in 2018. This feature, along with further refinements to the finely-tuned under-the-hood mechanics, will add more icing atop an already fantastic base!
### 5. Ubuntu for Windows
Yes, I know: it's a little bit odd to list a Windows release in a run-down of Linux releases -- but there is a logic to it!
Ubuntu on the Windows Store is an admission writ large that Linux is an integral part of the modern software development
The arrival of [Ubuntu on the Windows Store][24] (along with other Linux distributions) in July was a pretty bizarre sight to see.
Few could've imagined Microsoft would ever accede to Linux in such a visible manner. Remember: it didn't sneak Linux distros in the through the back door, it went out and boasted about it!
Some (perhaps rightly) remain uneasy and/or somewhat suspicious over Microsoft's sudden embrace of 'all things open source'. Me? I'm less concerned. Microsoft isn't the hulking great giant it once was, and Linux has become so ubiquitous that the Redmond-based company simply can't ignore it.
The stocking of Ubuntu, openSUSE and Fedora on the shelves of the Windows Store (albeit for developers) is an admission writ large that Linux is an integral part of the modern software development ecosystem, and one they simply can't replicate, replace or rip-off.
For many regular Linux will always be preferable to the rather odd hybrid that is the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). But for others, mandated to use Microsoft products for work or study, the leeway to use Linux is a blessing.
### 6. GIMP 2.9.6
[![gimp on ubuntu graphic][25]][26]
We've written a fair bit about GIMP this year. The famous image editor has benefit from a spur of development activity. We started the year off by talking about the [features in GIMP 2.10][27] we were expecting to see.
While GIMP 2.10 itself didn't see release in 2017 two sizeable development updates did: GIMP 2.9.6 & GIMP 2.9.8.
The former of these added ** experimental multi-threading in GEGL** (a fancy way of saying the app can now make better use of multi-core processors). It also added HiDPI tweaks, introduced color coded layer tags, added metadata editor, new filters, crop presets and -- take a breath -- improved the 'quit' dialog.
### 7. GNOME Desktop
[![GNOME 3.26 desktop with apps][28]][29]
While not strictly and app or a distro release, there were 2 GNOME releases in 2017: the feature-filled [GNOME 3.24 release][30] in March; and the iterative follow-up [GNOME 3.26][31] in September.
Both release came packed full of new features, and both bought an assembly of refinements, improvements and adjustments,
**GNOME 3.24 ** features included Night Light, a blue-light filter that can help improve natural sleeping patterns; a new desktop Recipes app; and added short weather forecast snippets to the Message Try.
**GNOME 3.26** built on the preceding release. It improves the look, feel and responsiveness of the GNOME Shell UI; revamped the Settings apps with a new layout and access to more options; integrates Firefox Sync support with the Web browser app; and tweaks the window animation effects (a bit of a trend this year) to create a more fluid feeling desktop.
GNOME isn't stopping there. GNOME 3.28 is due for release in March with plenty more changes, improvements and app updates planned. GNOME 3.28 is looking like it will be used in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
### 8. Atom IDE
[![Atom IDE][32]][32]
This year was ripe with code editors, with Sublime Text 3, Visual Studio Code, Atom, Adobe Brackets, Gedit and many others relating updates.
But, for me, it was rather sudden appearance of **Atom IDE ** that caught my attention.
[Atom IDE][33] is a set of packages for the Atom code editor that add more traditional [IDE][34] capabilities like context-aware auto-completion, code navigation, diagnostics, and document formatting.
### 9. Stacer 1.0.8
[![Stacer is an Ubuntu cleaner app][35]][36]
A system cleaner might not sound like the most exciting of tools but **Stacer** makes housekeeping a rather appealing task.
This year the app binned its Electron-built base in favour of a native C++ core, leading to various performance improvements as a result.
Stacer has 8 dedicated sections offering control over system maintenance duties, including:
* **Monitor system resources including CPU**
* **Clear caches, logs, obsolete packages etc**
* **Bulk remove apps and packages**
* **Add/edit/disable start-up applications**
The app is now my go-to recommendation for anyone looking for an Ubuntu system cleaner. Which reminds me: I should get around to adding the app to our list of ways to [free up space on Ubuntu][37]… Chores, huh?!
### 10. Geary 0.12
[![Geary 0.11 on Ubuntu 16.04][38]][39]
The best alternative to Thunderbird on Linux has to be **Geary, ** the open-source email app that works brilliantly with Gmail and other webmail accounts.
In October [Geary 0.12 was released][40]. This huge update adds a couple of new features to the app and a bucket-load of improvements the ones it already boasts.
Among the (many) highlights in the Geary 0.12:
* **Inline images in the email composer**
* **Improved interface when displaying conversations**
* **Support message archiving for Yahoo! Mail and**
* **Keyboard navigation for conversations**
Geary 0.12 is available to install on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and above from the [official Geary PPA][41]. If you're tired of Thunderbird (and the [gorgeous Montrail theme][42] doesn't make it more palatable) I recommend giving Geary a go.
## Other Odds & Ends
I said at the outset that it had been a busy year -- and it really has been. Writing a post like this is always a thankless task. So many app, script, theme, and distribution releases happen throughout the year, the majority bringing plenty to the table. I don't want to miss anyone or anything out -- but I must if I ever want to hit publish!
### Flathub
[![flathub screenshot][43]][44]
All this talk of apps means I have to mention the launch of [Flathub][45] this year.
Flathub is the de facto [Flatpak][46] app store; a centralised repository where the latest versions of your favourite apps live.
Flatpak really needed something like **Flathub** , and so did users. Now it's really easy to install the latest release of a slate of apps on pretty much any Linux distribution, without having to stress about package dependencies or conflicts.
Among the apps you can install from Flathub:
* **Corebird**
* **Spotify**
* **SuperTuxKart**
* **VLC**
* **Discord**
* **Telegram Desktop**
* **Atom**
* **GIMP**
* **Geary**
* **Skype**
And the list is still growing!
### And! And! And!
Other apps we loved this year include [continued improvement][47]s to the **Corebird** Twitter client, some [useful new options][48] in the animated Gif maker **Peek** , as well as the arrival of Nylas Mail fork **Mailspring ** and the promising GTK audiobook player **Cozy**.
**Skype** bought a [bold new look][49] to VoIP fans on Linux desktops, **LibreOffice** (as always) served up continued improvements, and **Signal** launched a [dedicated desktop app.][50].
A big **CrossOver** update means you can now [run Microsoft Office 2016 on Linux][51]; and we got a handy wizard that makes it easy to [install Adobe Creative Cloud on Linux][52].
**What was your favourite Linux related release of 2017? Let us know in the comments!**
Wondering where the games are? Don't panic! We cover the best Linux games of 2017 in a separate post, which we'll published tomorrow.
作者:[Joey Sneddon][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出
[3]: (Ubuntu 17.10 desktop screenshot)
[19]: (Redhat Press Release )
[20]: (Firefox 57 screenshot on Linux)

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翻译中 by zky001
10 keys to quick game development
In early October, the inaugural [Open Jam][1] sponsored by drew 45 entries from teams located around the world. The teams had just three days to create a game using open source software to enter into the competition, and [three teams came out on top][2].
@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ Have you participated in Open Jam or another a game jam and have other advice? O
作者:[Ryan Estes][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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【翻译中】18 Cyber-Security Trends Organizations Need to Brace for in 2018
18 Cyber-Security Trends Organizations Need to Brace for in 2018
### 18 Cyber-Security Trends Organizations Need to Brace for in 2018

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Translating by lonaparte
Container Basics: Terms You Need to Know

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Translating by stevenzdg988
How To Find The Installed Proprietary Packages In Arch Linux

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Rediscovering make: the power behind rules

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Two great uses for the cp command: Bash shortcuts

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An overview of the Perl 5 engine
As I described in "[My DeLorean runs Perl][1]," switching to Perl has vastly improved my development speed and possibilities. Here I'll dive deeper into the design of Perl 5 to discuss aspects important to systems programming.
Some years ago, I wrote "OpenGL bindings for Bash" as sort of a joke. The implementation was simply an X11 program written in C that read OpenGL calls on [stdin][2] (yes, as text) and emitted user input on [stdout][3] . Then I had a littlefile that would declare all the OpenGL functions as Bash functions, which echoed the name of the function into a pipe, starting the GL interpreter process if it wasn't already running. The point of the exercise was to show that OpenGL (the 1.4 API, not the newer shader stuff) could render a lot of graphics with just a few calls per frame by using GL display lists. The OpenGL library did all the heavy lifting, and Bash just printed a few dozen lines of text per frame.
In the end though, Bash is a really horrible [glue language][4], both from high overhead and limited available operations and syntax. [Perl][5], on the other hand, is a great glue language.
### Syntax aside...
If you're not a regular Perl user, the first thing you probably notice is the syntax.
Perl 5 is built on a long legacy of awkward syntax, but more recent versions have removed the need for much of the punctuation. The remaining warts can mostly be avoided by choosing modules that give you domain-specific "syntactic sugar," which even alter the Perl syntax as it is parsed. This is in stark contrast to most other languages, where you are stuck with the syntax you're given, and infinitely more flexible than C's macros. Combined with Perl's powerful sparse-syntax operators, like `map`, `grep`, `sort`, and similar user-defined operators, I can almost always write complex algorithms more legibly and with less typing using Perl than with JavaScript, PHP, or any compiled language.
So, because syntax is what you make of it, I think the underlying machine is the most important aspect of the language to consider. Perl 5 has a very capable engine, and it differs in interesting and useful ways from other languages.
### A layer above C
I don't recommend anyone start working with Perl by looking at the interpreter's internal API, but a quick description is useful. One of the main problems we deal with in the world of C is acquiring and releasing memory while also supporting control flow through a chain of function calls. C has a rough ability to throw exceptions using `longjmp`, but it doesn't do any cleanup for you, so it is almost useless without a framework to manage resources. The Perl interpreter is exactly this sort of framework.
Perl provides a stack of variables independent from C's stack of function calls on which you can mark the logical boundaries of a Perl scope. There are also API calls you can use to allocate memory, Perl variables, etc., and tell Perl to automatically free them at the end of the Perl scope. Now you can make whatever C calls you like, "die" out of the middle of them, and let Perl clean everything up for you.
Although this is a really unconventional perspective, I bring it up to emphasize that Perl sits on top of C and allows you to use as much or as little interpreted overhead as you like. Perl's internal API is certainly not as nice as C++ for general programming, but C++ doesn't give you an interpreted language on top of your work when you're done. I've lost track of the number of times that I wanted reflective capability to inspect or alter my C++ objects, and following that rabbit hole has derailed more than one of my personal projects.
### Lisp-like functions
Perl functions take a list of arguments. The downside is that you have to do argument count and type checking at runtime. The upside is you don't end up doing that much, because you can just let the interpreter's own runtime check catch those mistakes. You can also create the effect of C++'s overloaded functions by inspecting the arguments you were given and behaving accordingly.
Because arguments are a list, and return values are a list, this encourages [Lisp-style programming][6], where you use a series of functions to filter a list of data elements. This "piping" or "streaming" effect can result in some really complicated loops turning into a single line of code.
Every function is available to the language as a `coderef` that can be passed around in variables, including anonymous closure functions. Also, I find `sub {}` more convenient to type than JavaScript's `function(){}` or C++11's `[&](){}`.
### Generic data structures
The variables in Perl are either "scalars," references, arrays, or "hashes" ... or some other stuff that I'll skip.
Scalars act as a string/integer/float hybrid and are automatically typecast as needed for the purpose you are using them. In other words, instead of determining the operation by the type of variable, the type of operator determines how the variable should be interpreted. This is less efficient than if the language knows the type in advance, but not as inefficient as, for example, shell scripting because Perl caches the type conversions.
Perl scalars may contain null characters, so they are fully usable as buffers for binary data. The scalars are mutable and copied by value, but optimized with copy-on-write, and substring operations are also optimized. Strings support unicode characters but are stored efficiently as normal bytes until you append a codepoint above 255.
References (which are considered scalars as well) hold a reference to any other variable; `hashrefs` and `arrayrefs` are most common, along with the `coderefs` described above.
Arrays are simply a dynamic-length array of scalars (or references).
Hashes (i.e., dictionaries, maps, or whatever you want to call them) are a performance-tuned hash table implementation where every key is a string and every value is a scalar (or reference). Hashes are used in Perl in the same way structs are used in C. Clearly a hash is less efficient than a struct, but it keeps things generic so tasks that require dozens of lines of code in other languages can become one-liners in Perl. For instance, you can dump the contents of a hash into a list of (key, value) pairs or reconstruct a hash from such a list as a natural part of the Perl syntax.
### Object model
Any reference can be "blessed" to make it into an object, granting it a multiple-inheritance method-dispatch table. The blessing is simply the name of a package (namespace), and any function in that namespace becomes an available method of the object. The inheritance tree is defined by variables in the package. As a result, you can make modifications to classes or class hierarchies or create new classes on the fly with simple data edits, rather than special keywords or built-in reflection APIs. By combining this with Perl's `local` keyword (where changes to a global are automatically undone at the end of the current scope), you can even make temporary changes to class methods or inheritance!
Perl objects only have methods, so attributes are accessed via accessors like the canonical Java `get_` and `set_` methods. Perl authors usually combine them into a single method of just the attribute name and differentiate `get` from `set` by whether a parameter was given.
You can also "re-bless" objects from one class to another, which enables interesting tricks not available in most other languages. Consider state machines, where each method would normally start by checking the object's current state; you can avoid that in Perl by swapping the method table to one that matches the object's state.
### Visibility
While other languages spend a bunch of effort on access rules between classes, Perl adopted a simple "if the name begins with underscore, don't touch it unless it's yours" convention. Although I can see how this could be a problem with an undisciplined software team, it has worked great in my experience. The only thing C++'s `private` keyword ever did for me was impair my debugging efforts, yet it felt dirty to make everything `public`. Perl removes my guilt.
Likewise, an object provides methods, but you can ignore them and just access the underlying Perl data structure. This is another huge boost for debugging.
### Garbage collection via reference counting
Although [reference counting][7] is a rather leak-prone form of memory management (it doesn't detect cycles), it has a few upsides. It gives you deterministic destruction of your objects, like in C++, and never interrupts your program with a surprise garbage collection. It strongly encourages module authors to use a tree-of-objects pattern, which I much prefer vs. the tangle-of-objects pattern often seen in Java and JavaScript. (I've found trees to be much more easily tested with unit tests.) But, if you need a tangle of objects, Perl does offer "weak" references, which won't be considered when deciding if it's time to garbage-collect something.
On the whole, the only time this ever bites me is when making heavy use of closures for event-driven callbacks. It's easy to have an object hold a reference to an event handle holding a reference to a callback that references the containing object. Again, weak references solve this, but it's an extra thing to be aware of that JavaScript or Python don't make you worry about.
### Parallelism
The Perl interpreter is a single thread, although modules written in C can use threads of their own internally, and Perl often includes support for multiple interpreters within the same process.
Although this is a large limitation, knowing that a data structure will only ever be touched by one thread is nice, and it means you don't need locks when accessing them from C code. Even in Java, where locking is built into the syntax in convenient ways, it can be a real time sink to reason through all the ways that threads can interact (and especially annoying that they force you to deal with that in every GUI program you write).
There are several event libraries available to assist in writing event-driven callback programs in the style of Node.js to avoid the need for threads.
### Access to C libraries
Aside from directly writing your own C extensions via Perl's [XS][8] system, there are already lots of common C libraries wrapped for you and available on Perl's [CPAN][9] repository. There is also a great module, [Inline::C][10], that takes most of the pain out of bridging between Perl and C, to the point where you just paste C code into the middle of a Perl module. (It compiles the first time you run it and caches the .so shared object file for subsequent runs.) You still need to learn some of the Perl interpreter API if you want to manipulate the Perl stack or pack/unpack Perl's variables other than your C function arguments and return value.
### Memory usage
Perl can use a surprising amount of memory, especially if you make use of heavyweight libraries and create thousands of objects, but with the size of today's systems it usually doesn't matter. It also isn't much worse than other interpreted systems. My personal preference is to only use lightweight libraries, which also generally improve performance.
### Startup speed
The Perl interpreter starts in under five milliseconds on modern hardware. If you take care to use only lightweight modules, you can use Perl for anything you might have used Bash for, like `hotplug` scripts.
### Regex implementation
Perl provides the mother of all regex implementations... but you probably already knew that. Regular expressions are built into Perl's syntax rather than being an object-oriented or function-based API; this helps encourage their use for any text processing you might need to do.
### Ubiquity and stability
Perl 5 is installed on just about every modern Unix system, and the CPAN module collection is extensive and easy to install. There's a production-quality module for almost any task, with solid test coverage and good documentation.
Perl 5 has nearly complete backward compatibility across two decades of releases. The community has embraced this as well, so most of CPAN is pretty stable. There's even a crew of testers who run unit tests on all of CPAN on a regular basis to help detect breakage.
The toolchain is also pretty solid. The documentation syntax (POD) is a little more verbose than I'd like, but it yields much more useful results than [doxygen][11] or [Javadoc][12]. You can run `perldoc FILENAME` to instantly see the documentation of the module you're writing. `perldoc Module::Name` shows you the specific documentation for the version of the module that you would load from your `include` path and can likewise show you the source code of that module without needing to browse deep into your filesystem.
The testcase system (the `prove` command and Test Anything Protocol, or TAP) isn't specific to Perl and is extremely simple to work with (as opposed to unit testing based around language-specific object-oriented structure, or XML). Modules like `Test::More` make writing the test cases so easy that you can write a test suite in about the same time it would take to test your module once by hand. The testing effort barrier is so low that I've started using TAP and the POD documentation style for my non-Perl projects as well.
### In summary
Perl 5 still has a lot to offer despite the large number of newer languages competing with it. The frontend syntax hasn't stopped evolving, and you can improve it however you like with custom modules. The Perl 5 engine is capable of handling most programming problems you can throw at it, and it is even suitable for low-level work as a "glue" layer on top of C libraries. Once you get really familiar with it, it can even be an environment for developing C code.
作者:[Michael Conrad][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@qhh0205 翻译中
Running a Python application on Kubernetes

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erialin translating
tmux A Powerful Terminal Multiplexer For Heavy Command-Line Linux User
tmux stands for terminal multiplexer, it allows users to create/enable multiple terminals (vertical & horizontal) in single window, this can be accessed and controlled easily from single window when you are working with different issues.

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pinewall translating
A history of low-level Linux container runtimes

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translating by szcf-weiya
API Star: Python 3 API Framework Polyglot.Ninja()
For building quick APIs in Python, I have mostly depended on [Flask][1]. Recently I came across a new API framework for Python 3 named “API Star” which seemed really interesting to me for several reasons. Firstly the framework embraces modern Python features like type hints and asyncio. And then it goes ahead and uses these features to provide awesome development experience for us, the developers. We will get into those features soon but before we begin, I would like to thank Tom Christie for all the work he has put into Django REST Framework and now API Star.

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Getting Started with the openbox windows manager in Fedora

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Why Python devs should use Pipenv

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Getting started with Python for data science

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translating by Flowsnow
How To Check All Running Services In Linux

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translating by amwps290
Simple Load Balancing with DNS on Linux

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Getting started with Jenkins Pipelines

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[translating by Dotcra]
How To Browse Stack Overflow From Terminal

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KevinSJ translating
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