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### Record and Replay Terminal Session with Asciinema on Linux

* * [1. Introduction][11]
* [2. Difficulty][12]
* [3. Conventions][13]
* [4. Standard Repository Installation][14]
* [4.1. Arch Linux][1]
* [4.2. Debian][2]
* [4.3. Ubuntu][3]
* [4.4. Fedora][4]
* [5. Installation From Source][15]
* [6. Prerequisites][16]
* [6.1. Arch Linux][5]
* [6.2. Debian][6]
* [6.3. Ubuntu][7]
* [6.4. Fedora][8]
* [6.5. CentOS][9]
* [7. Linuxbrew Installation][17]
* [8. Asciinema Installation][18]
* [9. Recording Terminal Session][19]
* [10. Replay Recorded Terminal Session][20]
* [11. Embedding Video as HTML][21]
* [12. Conclusion][22]
* [13. Troubleshooting][23]
* [13.1. asciinema needs a UTF-8][10]
### Introduction
Asciinema is a lightweight and very efficient alternative to a `Script`terminal session recorder. It allows you to record, replay and share your JSON formatted terminal session recordings. The main advantage in comparison to desktop recorders such as Recordmydesktop, Simplescreenrecorder, Vokoscreen or Kazam is that Asciinema records all standard terminal input, output and error as a plain ASCII text with ANSI escape code .
As a result, JSON format file is minuscule in size even for a longer terminal session. Furthermore, JSON format gives the user the ability to share the Asciinema JSON output file via simple file transfer, on the public website as part of embedded HTML code or share it on Asciinema.org using asciinema account. Lastly, in case that you have made some mistake during your terminal session, your recorded terminal session can be retrospectively edited using any text editor, that is if you know your way around ANSI escape code syntax.
### Difficulty
### Conventions
* **#** - requires given command to be executed with root privileges either directly as a root user or by use of `sudo` command
* **$** - given command to be executed as a regular non-privileged user
### Standard Repository Installation
It is very likely that asciinema is installable as part fo your distribution repository. However, if Asciinema is not available on your system or you wish to install the latest version, you can use Linuxbrew package manager to perform Asciinema installation as described below in the "Installation From Source" section.
### Arch Linux
# pacman -S asciinema
### Debian
# apt install asciinema
### Ubuntu
$ sudo apt install asciinema
### Fedora
$ sudo dnf install asciinema
### Installation From Source
The easiest and recommended way to install the latest Asciinema version from source is by use of Linuxbrew package manager.
### Prerequisites
The following list of prerequisites fulfils dependency requirements for both, Linuxbrew and Asciinema.
* git
* gcc
* make
* ruby
Before you proceed with Linuxbrew installation make sure that the above packages are istalled on your Linux system.
### Arch Linux
# pacman -S git gcc make ruby
### Debian
# apt install git gcc make ruby
### Ubuntu
$ sudo apt install git gcc make ruby
### Fedora
$ sudo dnf install git gcc make ruby
### CentOS
# yum install git gcc make ruby
### Linuxbrew Installation
The Linuxbrew package manager is a fork of the popular Homebrew package manager used on Apple's MacOS operating system. Homebrew is known for its ease of use, which is to be seen shortly, when we use Linuxbrew to install Asciinema. Run the bellow command to install Linuxbrew on your Linux distribution:
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Linuxbrew/install/master/install)"
Linuxbrew is now installed under your `$HOME/.linuxbrew/`. What remains is to make it part of your executable `PATH` environment variable.
$ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.linuxbrew/bin:$PATH"' >>~/.bash_profile
$ . ~/.bash_profile
To confirm the Linuxbrew installation you can use `brew` command to query its version:
$ brew --version
Homebrew 1.1.7
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 5229; last commit 2017-02-02)
### Asciinema Installation
With the Linuxbrew now installed, the installation of Asciinema should be easy as single one-liner:
$ brew install asciinema
Check the correctnes of asciinema installation:
$ asciinema --version
asciinema 1.3.0
### Recording Terminal Session
After all that hard work with the installation, it is finally time to have some fun. Asciinema is an extremely easy to use software. In fact, the current version 1.3 has only few command line options available and one of them is `--help`.
Let's start by recording a terminal session using the `rec` option. The following command will start recording your terminal session after which you will have an option to either discard your recording or upload it on asciinema.org website for a future reference.
$ asciinema rec
Once you run the above command, you will be notified that your asciinema recording session has started, and that the recording can be stopped by entering `CTRL+D` key sequence or execution of `exit` command. If you are on Debian/Ubuntu/Mint Linux you can try this as your first asciinema recording:
$ su
# apt install sl
# exit
$ sl
Once you enter the last exit command you will be asked:
$ exit
~ Asciicast recording finished.
~ Press <Enter> to upload, <Ctrl-C> to cancel.
If you do not feel like to upload your super secret kung-fu command line skills to asciinema.org, you have an option to store Asciinema recording as a local file in JSON format. For example, the following asciinema recording will be stored as `/tmp/my_rec.json`:
$ asciinema rec /tmp/my_rec.json
Another extremely useful asciinema feature is time trimming. If you happen to be a slow writer or perhaps you are doing multitasking, the time between entering and execution of your commands can stretch greatly. Asciinema records your keystrokes real-time, meaning every pause you make will reflect on the lenght of your resulting video. Use `-w` option to shorten the time between your keystrokes. For example, the following command trims the time between your keystrokes to 0.2 seconds:
$ asciinema rec -w 0.2
### Replay Recorded Terminal Session
There are two options to replay your recorded terminal sessions. First, play you terminal session directly from asciinema.org. That is, provided that you have previously uploaded your recording to asciinema.org and you have valid URL:
$ asciinema play https://asciinema.org/a/7lw94ys68gsgr1yzdtzwijxm4
Alternatively, use your locally stored JSON file:
$ asciinema play /tmp/my_rec.json
Use `wget` command to download your previously uploaded recording. Simply add `.json` to your existing URL:
$ wget -q -O steam_locomotive.json https://asciinema.org/a/7lw94ys68gsgr1yzdtzwijxm4.json
$ asciinema play steam_locomotive.json
### Embedding Video as HTML
Lastly, Asciinema also comes with a stand-alone JavaScript player. Which means that it is easy to share your terminal session recordings on your website. The below lines illustrate this idea with a simple `index.html`code. First, download all necessary parts:
$ cd /tmp/
$ mkdir steam_locomotive
$ cd steam_locomotive/
$ wget -q -O steam_locomotive.json https://asciinema.org/a/7lw94ys68gsgr1yzdtzwijxm4.json
$ wget -q https://github.com/asciinema/asciinema-player/releases/download/v2.4.0/asciinema-player.css
$ wget -q https://github.com/asciinema/asciinema-player/releases/download/v2.4.0/asciinema-player.js
Next, create a new `/tmp/steam_locomotive/index.html` file with a following content:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./asciinema-player.css" />
<asciinema-player src="./steam_locomotive.json" cols="80" rows="24"></asciinema-player>
<script src="./asciinema-player.js"></script>
Once ready, open up your web browser, hit CTRL+O and open your newly created `/tmp/steam_locomotive/index.html` file.
### Conclusion
As mentioned before, the main advantage for recording your terminal sessions with the Asciinema recorder is the minuscule output file which makes your videos extremely easy to share. The example above produced a file containing 58 472 characters, that is 58KB for 22 seconds video session. When reviewing the output JSON file, even this number is greatly inflated, mostly due to the fact that we have seen a Steam Locomotive rushing across our terminal. Normal terminal session of this length should produce a much smaller output file.
Next, time when you are about to ask a question on forums about your Linux configuration issue and having a hard time to explain how to reproduce your problem, simply run:
$ asciinema rec
and paste the resulting URL into your forum post.
### Troubleshooting
### asciinema needs a UTF-8
Error message:
asciinema needs a UTF-8 native locale to run. Check the output of `locale` command.
Generate and export UTF-8 locale. For example:
$ localedef -c -f UTF-8 -i en_US en_US.UTF-8
$ export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
via: https://linuxconfig.org/record-and-replay-terminal-session-with-asciinema-on-linux
作者:[Lubos Rendek][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
### 如何在 Linux 终端会话中使用 Asciinema 进行录制和回放

* * [1、简介][11]
* [2、困难][12]
* [3、惯例][13]
* [4、标准库安装][14]
* [4.1、在 Arch Linux 上安装][1]
* [4.2、在 Debian 上安装][2]
* [4.3、在 Ubuntu 上安装][3]
* [4.4、在 Fedora 上安装][4]
* [5、从源代码安装][15]
* [6、前提条件][16]
* [6.1、在 Arch Linux 上安装 ruby][5]
* [6.2、在 Debian 上安装 ruby][6]
* [6.3、在 Ubuntu 安装 ruby][7]
* [6.4、在 Fedora 安装 ruby][8]
* [6.5、在 CentOS 安装 ruby][9]
* [7、 安装 Linuxbrew][17]
* [8、 安装 Asciinema][18]
* [9、录制终端会话][19]
* [10、回放已录制终端会话][20]
* [11、将视频嵌入 HTML][21]
* [12、结论][22]
* [13、 故障排除][23]
* [13.1、在 UTF-8 环境下运行 asciinema][10]
### 简介
Asciinema 是一个轻量并且非常高效的脚本终端会话录制器的替代品。使用它可以录制、回放和分享 JSON 格式的终端会话记录。和一些桌面录制器,比如 Recordmydesktop、Simplescreenrecorder、Vokoscreen 或 Kazam 相比,Asciinema 最主要的优点是,它能够以通过 ANSI 转义码编码的 ASCII 文本录制所有的标准终端输入、输出和错误。
事实上,即使是很长的终端会话,录制出的 JSON 格式文件也非常小。另外,JSON 格式使得用户可以利用简单的文件转化器,将输出的 JSON 格式文件嵌入到 HTML 代码中,然后分享到公共网站或者使用 asciinema 账户分享到 Asciinema.org 。最后,如果你的终端会话中有一些错误,并且你还懂一些 ASCI 转义码语法,那么你可以使用任何编辑器来修改你的已录制终端会话。
### 困难
### 惯例
* **#** - 给定命令需要以 root 用户权限运行或者使用 `sudo` 命令
* **$** - 给定命令以常规权限用户运行
### 标准库安装
很有可能, asciinema 可以使用你的版本库进行安装。但是,如果不可以使用系统版本库进行安装或者你想安装最新的版本,那么,你可以像下面的“从源代码安装”部分所描述的那样,使用 Linuxbrew 包管理器来执行 Asciinema 安装。
### 在 Arch Linux 上安装
# pacman -S asciinema
### 在 Debian 上安装
# apt install asciinema
### 在 Ubuntu 上安装
$ sudo apt install asciinema
### 在 Fedora 上安装
$ sudo dnf install asciinema
### 从源代码安装
最简单并且值得推荐的方式是使用 Linuxbrew 包管理器,从源代码安装最新版本的 Asciinema 。
### 前提条件
下面列出的前提条件是安装 Linuxbrew 和 Asciinema 需要满足的依赖关系:
* git
* gcc
* make
* ruby
在安装 Linuxbrew 之前,请确保上面的这些包都已经安装在了你的 Linux 系统中。
### 在 Arch Linux 上安装 ruby
# pacman -S git gcc make ruby
### 在 Debian 上安装 ruby
# apt install git gcc make ruby
### 在 Ubuntu 上安装 ruby
$ sudo apt install git gcc make ruby
### 在 Fedora 上安装 ruby
$ sudo dnf install git gcc make ruby
### 在 CentOS 上安装 ruby
# yum install git gcc make ruby
### 安装 Linuxbrew
Linuxbrew 包管理器是苹果的 MacOS 操作系统很受欢迎的 Homebrew 包管理器的一个复刻版本。还没发布多久,Homebrew 就以容易使用而著称。如果你想使用 Linuxbrew 来安装 Asciinema,那么,请运行下面命令在你的 Linux 版本上安装 Linuxbrew:
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Linuxbrew/install/master/install)"
现在,Linuxbrew 已经安装到了目录 `$HOME/.linuxbrew/` 下。剩下需要做的就是使它成为可执行 `PATH` 环境变量的一部分。
$ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.linuxbrew/bin:$PATH"' >>~/.bash_profile
$ . ~/.bash_profile
为了确认 Linuxbrew 是否已经安装好,你可以使用 `brew` 命令来查看它的版本:
$ brew --version
Homebrew 1.1.7
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 5229; last commit 2017-02-02)
### 安装 Asciinema
安装好 Linuxbrew 以后,安装 Asciinema 就变得无比容易了:
$ brew install asciinema
检查 Asciinema 是否安装正确:
$ asciinema --version
asciinema 1.3.0
### 录制终端会话
经过一番辛苦的安装工作以后,是时候来干一些有趣的事情了。Asciinema 是一个非常容易使用的软件。事实上,目前的 1.3 版本只有很少的几个可用命令行选项,其中一个是 `--help` 。
我们首先使用 `rec` 选项来录制终端会话。下面的命令将会开始录制终端会话,之后,你将会有一个选项来丢弃已录制记录或者把它上传到 asciinema.org 网站以便将来参考。
$ asciinema rec
运行上面的命令以后,你会注意到, Asciinema 已经开始录制终端会话了,你可以按下 `CTRL+D` 快捷键或执行 `exit` 命令来停止录制。如果你使用的是 Debian/Ubuntu/Mint Linux 系统,你可以像下面这样尝试进行第一次 asciinema 录制:
$ su
# apt install sl
# exit
$ sl
一旦输入最后一个 `exit` 命令以后,将会询问你:
$ exit
~ Asciicast recording finished.
~ Press <Enter> to upload, <Ctrl-C> to cancel.
如果你不想上传你的私密命令行技巧到 asciinema.org 网站,那么有一个选项可以把 Asciinema 记录以 JSON 格式保存为本地文件。比如,下面的 asciinema 记录将被存为 `/tmp/my_rec.json`:
$ asciinema rec /tmp/my_rec.json
另一个非常有用的 asciinema 特性是时间微调。如果你的键盘输入速度很慢,或者你在进行多任务,输入命令和执行命令之间的时间可以延长。Asciinema 会记录你的实时按键时间,这意味着每一个停顿都将反映在最终视频的长度上。可以使用 `-w` 选项来缩短按键的时间间隔。比如,下面的命令将按键的时间间隔缩短为 0.2 秒:
$ asciinema rec -w 0.2
### 回放已录制终端会话
有两种方式可以来回放已录制会话。第一种方式是直接从 asciinema.org 网站上播放终端会话。这意味着,你之前已经把录制会话上传到了 asciinema.org 网站,并且需要提供有效链接:
$ asciinema play https://asciinema.org/a/7lw94ys68gsgr1yzdtzwijxm4
Alternatively, use your locally stored JSON file:
另外,你也可以使用本地存储的 JSON 文件:
$ asciinema play /tmp/my_rec.json
如果要使用 `wget` 命令来下载之前的上传记录,只需在链接的后面加上 `.json`:
$ wget -q -O steam_locomotive.json https://asciinema.org/a/7lw94ys68gsgr1yzdtzwijxm4.json
$ asciinema play steam_locomotive.json
### 将视频嵌入 HTML
最后,Asciinema 还带有一个独立的 JavaScript 播放器。这意味者你可以很容易的在你的网站上分享终端会话记录。下面,使用一段简单的 `index.html` 代码来说明这个方法。首先,下载所有必要的东西:
$ cd /tmp/
$ mkdir steam_locomotive
$ cd steam_locomotive/
$ wget -q -O steam_locomotive.json https://asciinema.org/a/7lw94ys68gsgr1yzdtzwijxm4.json
$ wget -q https://github.com/asciinema/asciinema-player/releases/download/v2.4.0/asciinema-player.css
$ wget -q https://github.com/asciinema/asciinema-player/releases/download/v2.4.0/asciinema-player.js
之后,创建一个新的包含下面这些内容的 `/tmp/steam_locomotive/index.html` 文件:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./asciinema-player.css" />
<asciinema-player src="./steam_locomotive.json" cols="80" rows="24"></asciinema-player>
<script src="./asciinema-player.js"></script>
完成以后,打开你的网页浏览器,按下 `CTRL+O` 来打开新创建的 `/tmp/steam_locomotive/index.html` 文件。
### 结论
正如前面所说的,使用 Asciinema 录制器来录制终端会话最主要的优点是它的输出文件非常小,这使得你的视频很容易分享出去。上面的例子产生了一个包含 58472 个字符的文件,它是一个只有 58 KB 大的 22 秒终端会话视频。如果我们查看输出的 JSON 文件,会发现甚至这个数字已经非常大了,这主要是因为一个 “蒸汽机车” 已经跑过了终端。这个长度的正常终端会话会产生一个更小的输出文件。
下次,当你想要在一个论坛上询问关于 Linux 配置的问题,并且很难描述你的问题的时候,只需运行下面的命令:
$ asciinema rec
### 故障排除
### 在 UTF-8 环境下运行 asciinema
asciinema 需要在 UTF-8 环境下运行。请检查 `locale` 命令的输出。
$ localedef -c -f UTF-8 -i en_US en_US.UTF-8
$ export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
via: https://linuxconfig.org/record-and-replay-terminal-session-with-asciinema-on-linux
作者:[Lubos Rendek][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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