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20 Funny Commands of Linux or Linux is Fun in Terminal
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@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
20 Funny Commands of Linux or Linux is Fun in Terminal
**Linux** is fun! **Huhhh**. OK so you don’t believe me. Mind me at the end of this article you will have to believe that **Linux** is actually a fun box.
玩**Linux** 乐趣无穷!**哈哈**。不相信。记住我的话,在文章结尾时你就会相信**Linux**确实好玩了。

### 1. Command: sl (Steam Locomotive) ###
### 1. 命令:sl (蒸汽机车) ###
You might be aware of command ‘ls‘ the list command and use it frequently to view the contents of a folder but because of miss-typing sometimes you would result in ‘sl‘, how about getting a little fun in terminal and not “command not found“.
你可能了解 ‘ls’ 命令,并经常使用它来查看文件夹的内容。但是,有些时候你可能会拼写成 ‘sl’ ,这时我们应该如何获得一些乐趣而不是看见“command not found”呢?
#### Install sl ####
#### 安装 sl ####
root@tecmint:~# apt-get install sl (In Debian like OS)
root@tecmint:~# yum -y install sl (In Red Hat like OS)
#### Output ####
#### 输出 ####
root@tecmint:~# sl

This command works even when you type ‘**LS**‘ and not ‘**ls**‘.
### 2. Command: telnet ###
### 2. 命令:telnet ###
**No! No!!** it is not as much complex as it seems. You would be familiar with **telnet**. Telnet is a text-oriented bidirectional network protocol over network. Here is nothing to be installed. What you should have is a Linux box and a working Internet.
**非也!非也!!**这可不像它平常那样复杂。你可能很熟悉**telnet**。Telnet 是一个文本化的双向网络协议。这里不需要安装什么东西。你需要的就是一个Linux系统和一个正常的网络。
root@tecmint:~# telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl

#### 3. Command: fortune ####
#### 3. 命令:fortune ####
what about getting your random fortune, sometimes funny in terminal.
#### Install fortune ####
#### 安装 fortune ####
root@tecmint:~# apt-get install fortune (for aptitude based system)
root@tecmint:~# yum install fortune (for yum based system)
@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ what about getting your random fortune, sometimes funny in terminal.
You worry too much about your job. Stop it. You are not paid enough to worry.
Your love life will be... interesting.
### 4. Command: rev (Reverse) ###
### 4. 命令:rev(翻转)###
It **reverse** every string given to it, is not it funny.
root@tecmint:~# rev
@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ It **reverse** every string given to it, is not it funny.
xuniL eb ot nrob
born to be Linux
### 5. Command: factor ###
### 5. 命令:factor ###
Time for some **Mathematics**, this command output all the possible factors of a given number.
root@tecmint:~# factor
@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ Time for some **Mathematics**, this command output all the possible factors of a
5442134: 2 2721067
### 6. Command: script ###
### 6.命令:script ###
OK fine this is not a command and a script but it is nice.
root@tecmint:~# for i in {1..12}; do for j in $(seq 1 $i); do echo -ne $i×$j=$((i*j))\\t;done; echo;done
@ -96,16 +96,16 @@ OK fine this is not a command and a script but it is nice.
11×1=11 11×2=22 11×3=33 11×4=44 11×5=55 11×6=66 11×7=77 11×8=88 11×9=99 11×10=110 11×11=121
12×1=12 12×2=24 12×3=36 12×4=48 12×5=60 12×6=72 12×7=84 12×8=96 12×9=108 12×10=120 12×11=132 12×12=144
### 7. Command: Cowsay ###
### 7.命令:Cowsay ###
An **ASCII** cow in terminal that will say what ever you want.
#### Install Cowsay ####
### 安装Cowsay ###
root@tecmint:~# apt-get install cowsay (for Debian based OS)
root@tecmint:~# yum install cowsay (for Red Hat based OS)
#### Output ####
### 输出 ###
root@tecmint:~# cowsay I Love nix
@ -118,7 +118,8 @@ An **ASCII** cow in terminal that will say what ever you want.
||----w |
|| ||
How about pipelineing ‘**fortune command**‘, described above with cowsay?
如果用管道将‘**fortune command**’命令重定向到cowsay会怎样呢?
root@tecmint:~# fortune | cowsay
@ -137,25 +138,25 @@ root@tecmint:~# fortune | cowsay
||----w |
|| ||
**Note: ‘|‘** is called pipeline instruction and it is used where the output of one command needs to be the input of another command. In the above example the output of ‘**fortune**‘ command acts as an input of ‘**cowsay**‘ command. This pipeline instruction is frequently used in scripting and programming.
**xcowsay** is a graphical program which response similar to **cowsay** but in a graphical manner, hence it is **X** of cowsay.
apt-get insatll xcowsay
yum install xcowsay
#### Output ####
#### 输出 ####
root@tecmint:~# xcowsay I Love nix

**cowthink** is another command just run “cowthink Linux is sooo funny” and see the difference in output of cowsay and cowthink.
**cowthink**是另一个命令。运行“cowthink Linux is sooo funny ”看看它与cowsay的不同吧。
apt-get insatll cowthink
yum install cowthink
#### Output ####
#### 输出 ####
root@tecmint:~# cowthink ....Linux is sooo funny
@ -167,9 +168,9 @@ root@tecmint:~# fortune | cowsay
||----w |
|| ||
### 8. Command: yes ###
### 8. 命令:yes ###
It is funny but useful as well, specially in scripts and for **System Administrators** where an automated predefined response can be passed to terminal or generated.
yes 是一个非常有趣又有用的命令,尤其对于脚本编写和系统管理员来说,它可以自动地生成预先定义的响应或者将其传到终端。
root@tecmint:~# yes I Love Linux
@ -186,18 +187,19 @@ It is funny but useful as well, specially in scripts and for **System Administra
I Love Linux
I Love Linux
**Note**: (Till you interrupt i.e **ctrl+c**).
**提示**: (直到你按下**ctrl+c**才停止)
### 9. Command: toilet ###
### 9. 命令: toilet ###
what? Are u kidding, huhh no! Definitely not, but for sure this command name itself is too funny, and I don’t know from where this command gets it’s name.
#### Install toilet ####
什么?你在开玩笑吗! 当然没有,但肯定的是这个命令的名字太搞了,我也不知道这个命令的名字从何而来。
#### 安装toilet ####
root@tecmint:~# apt-get install toilet
root@tecmint:~# yum install toilet
#### Output ####
#### 输出 ####
root@tecmint:~# toilet tecmint
@ -207,106 +209,115 @@ what? Are u kidding, huhh no! Definitely not, but for sure this command name its
# #"""" # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# "#mm" "#mm" # # # mm#mm # # "mm # "#mm" "#m#" # # #
It even offers some kind of color and fonts style.
root@tecmint:~# toilet -f mono12 -F metal Tecmint.com

**Note: Figlet** is another command that more or less provide such kind of effect in terminal.
**提示:Figlet** 是另外一个与toilet产生的效果类似的命令。
### 10. Command: cmatrix ###
You might have seen Hollywood movie ‘**matrix**‘ and would be fascinated with power, **Neo** was provided with, to see anything and everything in matrix or you might think of an animation that looks alike **Hacker**‘s desktop.
### 10. 命令:cmatrix ###
#### Install cmatrix ####
#### 安装 cmatrix ####
root@tecmint:~# apt-get install cmatrix
root@tecmint:~# yum install cmatrix
#### Output ####
#### 输出 ####
root@tecmint:~# cmatrix

### 11. Command: oneko ###
### 11. 命令: oneko ###
OK so you believe that mouse pointer of Linux is the same silly black/white pointer where no animation lies then I fear you could be wrong. “**oneko**“ is a package that will attach a “**Jerry**“ with you mouse pointer and moves along with you pointer.
#### Install cmatrix ####
#### 安装 oneko ####
root@tecmint:~# apt-get install oneko
root@tecmint:~# yum install oneko
#### Output ####
#### 输出 ####
root@tecmint:~# oneko

**Note**: Once you close the terminal from which **oneko** was run, **jerry** will disappear, nor will start at start-up. You can add the application to start up and continue enjoying.
### 12. Fork Bomb ###
This is a very nasty piece of code. Run this at **your own risk**. This actually is a fork bomb which exponentially multiplies itself till all the system resource is utilized and the system hangs. (To check the power of above code you should try it once, but all at your own risk, close and save all other programs and file before running **fork bomb**).
### 12. Fork炸弹 ###
root@tecmint:~# :(){ :|:& }:
### 13. Command: while ###
### 13. 命令:while ###
The below “while” command is a script which provides you with colored date and file till you interrupt (ctrl + c). Just copy and paste the below code in terminal.
root@tecmint:~# while true; do echo "$(date '+%D %T' | toilet -f term -F border --gay)"; sleep 1; done

**Note**: The above script when modified with following command, will gives similar output but with a little difference, check it in your terminal.
root@tecmint:~# while true; do clear; echo "$(date '+%D %T' | toilet -f term -F border --gay)"; sleep 1; done
### 14. Command: espeak ###
### 14. 命令: espeak ###
Just Turn the Knob of your multimedia speaker to full before pasting this command in your terminal and let us know how you felt listening the god’s voice.
#### Install espeak ####
#### 安装 espeak ####
root@tecmint:~# apt-get install espeak
root@tecmint:~# yum install espeak
#### Output ####
#### 输出 ####
root@tecmint:~# espeak "Tecmint is a very good website dedicated to Foss Community"
### 15. Command: aafire ###
### 15. 命令: aafire ###
How about fire in your terminal. Just type “**aafire**” in the terminal, without quotes and see the magic. Press any key to interrupt the program.
#### Install aafire ####
#### 安装 aafire ####
root@tecmint:~# apt-get install libaa-bin
#### Output ####
#### 输出 ####
root@tecmint:~# aafire

### 16. Command: bb ###
### 16. 命令: bb ###
First install “**apt-get insatll bb**” and then, type “**bb**” in terminal and see what happens.
首先安装“**apt-get install bb**”,然后敲入“**bb**”看看会发生什么吧。
root@tecmint:~# bb

### 17. Command: url ###
### 17. 命令: url ###
Won’t it be an awesome feeling for you if you can update you **twitter status** from command line in front of your friend and they seems impressed. OK just replace **username, password** and **your status message** with your’s **username, password** and “**your status message**“.
如果在你的朋友面前用命令行来改变你的 **twitter status** 会不会很酷呢。用你的**用户名密码**和**你想要的状态**分别替换**username, password** 和“**your status message**“就可以了。
### 18. ASCIIquarium ###
How it will be to get an **aquarium** in terminal.
root@tecmint:~# apt-get install libcurses-perl
root@tecmint:~# cd /tmp
@ -316,9 +327,9 @@ How it will be to get an **aquarium** in terminal.
root@tecmint:~# perl Makefile.PL && make && make test
root@tecmint:~# make install
#### Install ASCIIquarium ####
#### 安装 ASCIIquarium ####
Now Download and Install **ASCIIquarium**.
root@tecmint:~# cd /tmp
root@tecmint:~# wget http://www.robobunny.com/projects/asciiquarium/asciiquarium.tar.gz
@ -327,15 +338,19 @@ Now Download and Install **ASCIIquarium**.
root@tecmint:~# cp asciiquarium /usr/local/bin
root@tecmint:~# chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/asciiquarium
And finally run “**asciiquarium**” or “**/usr/local/bin/asciiquarium**“ in terminal without quotes and be a part of magic that will be taking place in front of your eyes.
root@tecmint:~# asciiquarium

### 19. Command: funny manpages ###
### 19. 命令: funny manpages ###
首先安装“**apt-get install funny-manpages**”然后运行下面命令的man手册。其中一些
First install “**apt-get install funny-manpages**” and then run man pages for the commands below. Some of them may be **18+**, run at your own risk, they all are too funny.
@ -362,7 +377,7 @@ First install “**apt-get install funny-manpages**” and then run man pages fo
### 20. Linux Tweaks ###
It is time for you to have some one liner **tweaks**.
root@tecmint:~# world
@ -400,16 +415,18 @@ It is time for you to have some one liner **tweaks**.
server@localhost:/srv$ \(-
bash: (-: command not found
Linux is sexy: **who | grep -i blonde | date; cd ~; unzip; touch; strip; finger; mount; gasp; yes; uptime; umount; sleep** (If you know what i mean)
There are certain other but these don’t work on all the system and hence not included in this article. Some of them are man **dog , filter, banner**, etc.
Linux总是sexy:**who | grep -i blonde | date; cd ~; unzip; touch; strip; finger; mount; gasp; yes; uptime; umount; sleep**(如果你知道我的意思)
Have fun, you can say me thanks later :) yup your comment is highly appreciated which encourages us write more. Tell us which command you liked the most. Stay tuned i will be back soon with another article worth reading.
还有一些其它的命令,只是这些命令并不能在所有的系统上运行,所以本文没有涉及到。比如说**dog , filter, banner**
via: http://www.tecmint.com/20-funny-commands-of-linux-or-linux-is-fun-in-terminal/
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