Merge pull request #3985 from martin2011qi/patch-15

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Ezio 2016-05-17 10:07:31 -05:00
commit 9eba143b08
2 changed files with 101 additions and 103 deletions

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@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
translating by martin2011qi
Why and how I became a software engineer
The year was 1989. The city was Kampala, Uganda.
In their infinite wisdom, my parents decided that instead of all the troublemaking I was getting into at home, they would send me off to my uncle's office to learn how to use a computer. A few days later, I found myself on the 21st floor in a cramped room with six or seven other teens and a brand new computer on a desk perpendicular to the teacher's desk. It was made abundantly clear that we were not skilled enough to touch it. After three frustrating weeks of writing and perfecting DOS commands, the magic moment happened. It was my turn to type **copy doc.txt d:**.
The alien scratching noises that etched a simple text file onto the five-inch floppy sounded like beautiful music. For a while, that floppy disk was my most prized possession. I copied everything I could onto it. However, in 1989, Ugandans tended to take life pretty seriously, and messing around with computers, copying files, and formatting disks did not count as serious. I had to focus on my education, which led me away from computer science and into architectural engineering.
Like any young person of my generation, a multitude of job titles and skills acquisition filled the years in between. I taught kindergarten, taught adults how to use software, worked in a clothing store, and served as a paid usher in a church. While I earned my degree at the University of Kansas, I worked as a tech assistant to the technical administrator, which is really just a fancy title for someone who messes around with the student database.
By the time I graduated in 2007, technology had become inescapable. Every aspect of architectural engineering was deeply intertwined with computer science, so we all inadvertently learned simple programming skills. For me, that part was always more fascinating. But because I had to be a serious engineer, I developed a secret hobby: writing science fiction.
In my stories, I lived vicariously through the lives of my heroines. They were scientists with amazing programming skills who were always getting embroiled in adventures and fighting tech scallywags with technology they invented, sometimes inventing them on the spot. Sometimes the new tech I came up with was based on real-world inventions. Other times it was the stuff I read about or saw in the science fiction I consumed. This meant that I had to understand how the tech worked and my research led me to some interesting subreddits and e-zines.
### Open source: The ultimate goldmine
Throughout my experiences, the fascinating weeks I'd spent writing out DOS commands remained a prominent influence, bleeding into little side projects and occupying valuable study time. As soon as Geocities became available to all Yahoo! Users, I created a website where I published blurry pictures that I'd taken on a tiny digital camera. I created websites for free, helped friends and family fix issues they had with their computers, and created a library database for a church.
This meant that I was always researching and trying to find more information about how things could be made better. The Internet gods blessed me and open source fell into my lap. Suddenly, 30-day trials and restrictive licenses became a ghost of computing past. I could continue to create using GIMP, Inkscape, and OpenOffice.
### Time to get serious
I was fortunate to have a business partner who saw the magic in my stories. She too is a dreamer and visionary who imagines a better connected world that functions efficiently and conveniently. Together, we came up with several solutions to pain points we experienced in the journey to success, but implementation had been a problem. We both lacked the skills to make our products come to life, something that was made evident every time we approached investors with our ideas.
We needed to learn to program. So, at the end of the summer in 2015, we embarked on a journey that would lead us right to the front steps of Holberton School, a community-driven, project-based school in San Francisco.
My business partner came to me one morning and started a conversation the way she does when she has a new crazy idea that I'm about to get sucked into.
**Zee**: Gloria, I'm going to tell you something and I want you to listen first before you say no.
**Me**: No.
**Zee**: We're going to be applying to go to a school for full-stack engineers.
**Me**: What?
**Zee**: Here, look! We're going to learn how to program by applying to this school.
**Me**: I don't understand. We're doing online courses in Python and...
**Zee**: This is different. Trust me.
**Me**: What about the...
**Zee**: That's not trusting me.
**Me**: Fine. Show me.
### Removing the bias
What I read sounded similar to something we had seen online. It was too good to be true, but we decided to give it a try, jump in with both feet, and see what would come out of it.
To become students, we had to go through a four-step selection process based solely on talent and motivation, not on the basis of educational degree or programming experience. The selection process is the beginning of the curriculum, so we started learning and collaborating through it.
It has been my experience—and that of my business partner—that the process of applying for anything was an utter bore compared to the application process Holberton School created. It was like a game. If you completed a challenge, you got to go to the next level, where another fascinating challenge awaited. We created Twitter accounts, blogged on Medium, learned HTML and CSS in order to create a website, and created a vibrant community online even before we knew who was going to get to go.
The most striking thing about the online community was how varied our experience with computers was, and how our background and gender did not factor into the choices that were being made by the founders (who we secretly called "The Trinity"). We just enjoyed being together and talking to each other. We were all smart people on a journey to increasing our nerd cred by learning how to code.
For much of the application process, our identities were not very evident. For example, my business partner's name does not indicate her gender or race. It was during the final step, a video chat, that The Trinity even knew she was a woman of color. Thus far, only her enthusiasm and talent had propelled her through the levels. The color of her skin and her gender did not hinder nor help her. How cool is that?
The night we got our acceptance letters, we knew our lives were about to change in ways we had only dreamt of. On the 22nd of January 2016, we walked into 98 Battery Street to meet our fellow [Hippokampoiers][2] for the first time. It was evident then, as it had been before, that the Trinity had started something amazing. They had assembled a truly diverse collection of passionate and enthusiastic people who had dedicated themselves to become full-stack engineers.
The school is an experience like no other. Every day is an intense foray into some facet of programming. We're handed a project and, with a little guidance, we use every resource available to us to find the solution. The premise that [Holberton School][1] is built upon is that information is available to us in more places than we've ever had before. MOOCs, tutorials, the availability of open source software and projects, and online communities are all bursting at the seams with knowledge that shakes up some of the projects we have to complete. And with the support of the invaluable team of mentors to guide us to solutions, the school becomes more than just a school; we've become a community of learners. I would highly recommend this school for anyone who is interested in software engineering and is also interested in the learning style. The next class is in October 2016 and is accepting new applications. It's both terrifying and exhilarating, but so worth it.
### Open source matters
My earliest experience with an open source operating system was [Fedora][3], a [Red Hat][4]-sponsored project. During a panicked conversation with an IRC member, she recommended this free OS. I had never installed my own OS before, but it sparked my interest in open source and my dependence on open source software for my computing needs. We are advocates for open source contribution, creation, and use. Our projects are on GitHub where anyone can use or contribute to them. We also have the opportunity to access existing open source projects to use or contribute to in our own way. Many of the tools that we use at school are open source, such as Fedora, [Vagrant][5], [VirtualBox][6], [GCC][7], and [Discourse][8], to name a few.
As I continue on my journey to becoming a software engineer, I still dream of a time when I will be able to contribute to the open source community and be able to share my knowledge with others.
### Diversity Matters
Standing in the room and talking to 29 other bright-eyed learners was intoxicating. 40% of the people there were women and 44% were people of color. These numbers become very important when you are a woman of color in a field that has been famously known for its lack of diversity. It was an oasis in the tech Mecca of the world. I knew I had arrived.
The notion of becoming a full-stack engineer is daunting, and you may even struggle to know what that means. It is a challenging road to travel with immeasurable rewards to reap. The future is run by technology, and you are an important part of that bright future. While the media continues to trip over handling the issue of diversity in tech companies, know that whoever you are, whatever your background is, whatever your reasons might be for becoming a full-stack engineer, you can find a place to thrive.
But perhaps most importantly, a strong reminder of the role of women in the history of computing can help more women return to the tech world, and they can be fully engaged without hesitation due to their gender or their capabilities as women. Their talents will help shape the future not just of tech, but of the world.
作者:[Gloria Bwandungi][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
1989 年乌干达首都,坎帕拉。
赞美我的父母,他们机智的把我送到叔叔的办公室,去学着用电脑,而非将我留在家里添麻烦。几日后,我和另外六、七个小孩,还有一台放置在与讲台相垂直课桌子上的崭新电脑,一起置身于 21 层楼高的狭小房间中。很明显我们还不够格去碰那家伙。在长达三周无趣的 DOS 命令学习后,终于迎来了这美妙的时光。终于轮到我来输 **copy doc.txt d:** 了。
那奇怪的声音其实是将一个简单文件写入五英寸软盘的声音但听起来却像音乐般美妙。那段时间这块软盘简直成为了我的至宝。我把所有我可以拷贝的东西都放在上面了。然而1989 年的乌干达,人们的生活十分正经,相较而言捣鼓电脑,拷贝文件还有格式化磁盘就称不上正经。我不得不专注于自己的学业,这让我离开了计算机科学走入了建筑工程学。
当我 2007 年毕业时,这些技术已经变得不可或缺。建筑工程学的方方面面都与计算机科学深深的交织在一起,所以我们也都在不经意间也都学了些简单的编程知识。我对于这方面一直很着迷。但由于我不得不成为一位正经的工程师,所以我发展了一项私人爱好:写科幻小说。
在我的故事中,我以我笔下的女英雄的形式存在。她们都是编程能力出众的科学家,总是在冒险的途中用自己的技术发明战胜那些渣渣们,有时发明要在战斗中进行。我想出的这些“新技术”,一般基于真实世界中的发明。也有些是从买来的科幻小说中读到的。这就意味着我需要了解这些技术的原理,而且我的研究使我有意无意的关注了许多有趣的 subreddit 和电子杂志
### 开源:巨大的宝库
在我的经历中,那几周花在 DOS 命令上的时间仍然记忆犹新在一些偏门的项目上耗费心血并占据了宝贵的学习时间。Geocities 一向所有 Yahoo! 用户开放,我就创建了一个网站,用于发布一些由我用小型数码相机拍摄的个人图片。这个网站是我随性而为的,用来帮助家人和朋友,解决一些他们所遇到的电脑问题。同时也为教堂搭建了一个图书馆数据库。
这意味着我需要一直研究并尝试获取更多的信息使它们变得更棒。上帝保佑让互联网和开源砸在了我的面前。然后30 天试用和 license 限制对我而言就变成了过去式。我可以完全不受这些限制,持续的使用 GIMP、Inkscape 和 OpenOffice。
### 是时候正经了
我们需要学习编程。所以在 2015 年的夏末,我们踏上了征途,来到了 Holberton 学校的阶前。那是一所座落于旧金山由社区推进,基于项目教学的学校。
**Zee**: Gloria我想和你说点事在拒绝前能先听我说完吗
**Me**: 不行。
**Zee**: 我们想要申请一所学校的全栈工程师。
**Me**: 什么?
**Zee**: 就是这,看!就是这所学校,我们要申请这所学校学习编程。
**Me**: 我不明白。我们不是正在网上学 Python 和…
**Zee**: 这不一样。相信我。
**Me**: 那…
**Zee**: 还不相信吗?
**Me**: 好吧…我看看。
### 抛开偏见
根据我和我合作伙伴的经验,相比 Holberton 学校的申请流程,其他的申请流程实在是太无聊了。就像场游戏。如果你完成了一项挑战,你就能通往下一关,在那里有别的有趣的挑战正等着你。我们创建了 Twitter 账号,在 Medium 上写博客,为了创建网站而学习 HTML 和 CSS 打造了一个充满活力的社区,虽然在此之前我们并不知晓有谁会来。
在线社区最吸引人的就是我们使用电脑的经验是多种多样的而我们的背景和性别并非创始人我们私下里称他为“The Trinity三位一体做出选择的因素。大家只是喜欢聚在一块交流。我们都是通过学习编程来提升自己计算机技术的聪明人。
相较于其他的的申请流程,我们不需要泄露很多的身份信息。就像我的商业伙伴,她的名字里看不出她的性别和种族。直到最后一个步骤,在视频聊天的时候, The Trinity 才知道她是一位有色人种女性。迄今为止,促使她达到这个程度的只是她的热情和才华。肤色和性别,并没有妨碍或者帮助到她。还有比这更酷的吗?
那个我们获得录取通知书的晚上我们知道我们的命运已经改变我们获得了原先梦寐以求的生活。2016 年 1 月 22 日,我们来到北至巴特瑞大街 98 号,去见我们的小伙伴 [Hippokampoiers][2]这是我们的初次见面。很明显在见面之前“The Trinity”就已经开始做一些令人激动的事了。他们已经聚集了一批形形色色的人他们都专注于成为全栈工程师并为之乐此不疲。
这所大学有种与众不同的体验。感觉每天都是向编程的一次竭力的冲锋。我们着手的工程,并不会有很多指导,我们需要使用一切我们可以使用的资源找出解决方案。[Holberton 学校][1] 的办学宗旨便是向学员提供相较于我们已知而言更为多样的信息渠道。MOOCs大型开放式课程、教程、可用的开源软件和项目以及线上社区层出不穷将我们完成项目所需要的知识全都衔接了起来。加之宝贵的导师团队来指导我们制定解决方案这所学校变得并不仅仅是一所学校我们已经成为了求学者的社区。任何对软件工程感兴趣并对这种学习方法感兴趣的人我都十分推荐这所学校。下次开课在 2016 年 10 月,并且会接受新的申请。虽然会让人有些悲喜交加,但是那真的很值得。
### 开源问题
我最早使用的开源系统是 [Fedora][3],一个 [Red Hat][4] 赞助的项目。在与 IRC 中一名成员一番惊慌失措的交流后,她推荐了这款免费的系统。 虽然在此之前,我还未独自安装过操作系统,但是这激起了我对开源的兴趣和日常使用计算机时对开源软件的依赖性。我们提倡为开源贡献代码,创造并使用开源的项目。我们的项目就在 Github 上,任何人都可以使用或是向它贡献出自己的力量。我们也会使用或以自己的方式为一些既存的开源项目做出贡献。在学校里,我们使用的大部分工具是开源的,例如 Fedora、[Vagrant][5]、[VirtualBox][6]、[GCC][7] 和 [Discourse][8],仅举几例。
### Diversity Matters
站在教室里,在着 29 双明亮的眼睛关注下交流心得,真是令人陶醉。学员中有 40% 是女性,有 44% 的有色人种。当你是一位有色人种且为女性,并身处于这个以缺乏多样而著名的领域时,这些数字就变得非常重要了。那是高科技圣地麦加上的绿洲。我知道我做到了。
作者:[Gloria Bwandungi][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出