diff --git a/translated/tech/20160606 Learn your tools Navigating your Git History.md b/published/20160606 Learn your tools Navigating your Git History.md similarity index 71% rename from translated/tech/20160606 Learn your tools Navigating your Git History.md rename to published/20160606 Learn your tools Navigating your Git History.md index 1a7d192837..cbf988f14e 100644 --- a/translated/tech/20160606 Learn your tools Navigating your Git History.md +++ b/published/20160606 Learn your tools Navigating your Git History.md @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ -学习你的工具:驾驭你的 Git 历史 +学习用工具来驾驭 Git 历史 ============================================================ -在你的日常工作中,不可能每天都从头开始去开发一个新的应用程序。而真实的情况是,在日常工作中,我们大多数时候所面对的都是遗留下来的一个代码库,我们能够去修改一些特性的内容或者现存的一些代码行,是我们在日常工作中很重要的一部分。而这也就是分布式版本控制系统 `git` 的价值所在。现在,我们来深入了解怎么去使用 `git` 的历史以及如何很轻松地去浏览它的历史。 +在你的日常工作中,不可能每天都从头开始去开发一个新的应用程序。而真实的情况是,在日常工作中,我们大多数时候所面对的都是遗留下来的一个代码库,去修改一些特性的内容或者现存的一些代码行,这是我们在日常工作中很重要的一部分。而这也就是分布式版本控制系统 `git` 的价值所在。现在,我们来深入了解怎么去使用 `git` 的历史以及如何很轻松地去浏览它的历史。 ### Git 历史 -首先和最重要的事是,什么是 `git` 历史?正如其名字一样,它是一个 `git` 仓库的提交历史。它包含一堆提交信息,其中有它们的作者的名字、提交的哈希值以及提交日期。查看一个 `git` 仓库历史的方法很简单,就是一个 `git log` 命令。 +首先和最重要的事是,什么是 `git` 历史?正如其名字一样,它是一个 `git` 仓库的提交历史。它包含一堆提交信息,其中有它们的作者的名字、该提交的哈希值以及提交日期。查看一个 `git` 仓库历史的方法很简单,就是一个 `git log` 命令。 -> _*旁注:**为便于本文的演示,我们使用 Ruby 在 Rails 仓库的 `master` 分支。之所以选择它的理由是因为,Rails 有很好的 `git` 历史,有很好的提交信息、引用以及每个变更的解释。如果考虑到代码库的大小、维护者的年龄和数据,Rails 肯定是我见过的最好的仓库。当然了,我并不是说其它 `git` 仓库做的不好,它只是我见过的比较好的一个仓库。_ +> _旁注:为便于本文的演示,我们使用 Ruby on Rails 的仓库的 `master` 分支。之所以选择它的理由是因为,Rails 有良好的 `git` 历史,漂亮的提交信息、引用以及对每个变更的解释。如果考虑到代码库的大小、维护者的年龄和数量,Rails 肯定是我见过的最好的仓库。当然了,我并不是说其它的 `git` 仓库做的不好,它只是我见过的比较好的一个仓库。_ -因此,回到 Rails 仓库。如果你在 Ralis 仓库上运行 `git log`。你将看到如下所示的输出: +那么,回到 Rails 仓库。如果你在 Ralis 仓库上运行 `git log`。你将看到如下所示的输出: ``` commit 66ebbc4952f6cfb37d719f63036441ef98149418 @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Date: Thu Jun 2 21:26:53 2016 -0500 [skip ci] Make header bullets consistent in engines.md ``` -正如你所见,`git log` 展示了提交哈希、作者和他的 email 以及提交日期。当然,`git` 输出的可定制性很强大,它允许你去定制 `git log` 命令的输出格式。比如说,我们希望看到提交的信息显示在一行上,我们可以运行 `git log --oneline`,它将输出一个更紧凑的日志: +正如你所见,`git log` 展示了提交的哈希、作者及其 email 以及该提交创建的日期。当然,`git` 输出的可定制性很强大,它允许你去定制 `git log` 命令的输出格式。比如说,我们只想看提交信息的第一行,我们可以运行 `git log --oneline`,它将输出一个更紧凑的日志: ``` 66ebbc4 Dont re-define class SQLite3Adapter on test @@ -89,15 +89,15 @@ e98caf8 [skip ci] Make header bullets consistent in engines.md 如果你想看 `git log` 的全部选项,我建议你去查阅 `git log` 的 man 页面,你可以在一个终端中输入 `man git-log` 或者 `git help log` 来获得。 -> _**小提示:**如果你觉得 `git log` 看起来太恐怖或者过于复杂,或者你觉得看它太无聊了,我建议你去寻找一些 `git` GUI 命令行工具。在以前的文章中,我使用过 [GitX][1] ,我觉得它很不错,但是,由于我看命令行更“亲切”一些,在我尝试了 [tig][2] 之后,就再也没有去用过它。_ +> _小提示:如果你觉得 `git log` 看起来太恐怖或者过于复杂,或者你觉得看它太无聊了,我建议你去寻找一些 `git` 的 GUI 或命令行工具。在之前,我使用过 [GitX][1] ,我觉得它很不错,但是,由于我看命令行更“亲切”一些,在我尝试了 [tig][2] 之后,就再也没有去用过它。_ -### 查找尼莫 +### 寻找尼莫 -现在,我们已经知道了关于 `git log` 命令一些很基础的知识之后,我们来看一下,在我们的日常工作中如何使用它更加高效地浏览历史。 +现在,我们已经知道了关于 `git log` 命令的一些很基础的知识之后,我们来看一下,在我们的日常工作中如何使用它更加高效地浏览历史。 假如,我们怀疑在 `String#classify` 方法中有一个预期之外的行为,我们希望能够找出原因,并且定位出实现它的代码行。 -为达到上述目的,你可以使用的第一个命令是 `git grep`,通过它可以找到这个方法定义在什么地方。简单来说,这个命令输出了给定的某些“样品”的匹配行。现在,我们来找出定义它的方法,它非常简单 —— 我们对  `def classify` 运行 grep,然后看到的输出如下: +为达到上述目的,你可以使用的第一个命令是 `git grep`,通过它可以找到这个方法定义在什么地方。简单来说,这个命令输出了匹配特定模式的那些行。现在,我们来找出定义它的方法,它非常简单 —— 我们对  `def classify` 运行 grep,然后看到的输出如下: ``` ➜ git grep 'def classify' @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/string/inflections.rb: def classifyact activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/string/inflections.rb:205: def classifyactivesupport/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb:186: def classify(table_name)tools/profile:112: def classify ``` -更好看了,是吧?考虑到上下文,我们可以很轻松地找到,这个方法在`activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/string/inflections.rb` 的第 205 行的 `classify` 方法,它看起来像这样,是不是很容易? +更好看了,是吧?考虑到上下文,我们可以很轻松地找到,这个方法在 `activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/string/inflections.rb` 的第 205 行的 `classify` 方法,它看起来像这样,是不是很容易? ``` # Creates a class name from a plural table name like Rails does for table names to models. @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/string/inflections.rb:205: def classi end ``` -尽管这个方法我们找到的是在 `String` 上的一个常见的调用,它涉及到`ActiveSupport::Inflector` 上的另一个方法,使用了相同的名字。获得了 `git grep` 的结果,我们可以很轻松地导航到这里,因此,我们看到了结果的第二行, `activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb` 在 186 行上。我们正在寻找的方法是: +尽管我们找到的这个方法是在 `String` 上的一个常见的调用,它调用了 `ActiveSupport::Inflector` 上的另一个同名的方法。根据之前的 `git grep` 的结果,我们可以很轻松地发现结果的第二行, `activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb` 在 186 行上。我们正在寻找的方法是这样的: ``` # Creates a class name from a plural table name like Rails does for table @@ -146,17 +146,17 @@ def classify(table_name) end ``` -酷!考虑到 Rails 仓库的大小,我们借助 `git grep` 找到它,用时没有超越 30 秒。 +酷!考虑到 Rails 仓库的大小,我们借助 `git grep` 找到它,用时都没有超越 30 秒。 ### 那么,最后的变更是什么? -我们已经掌握了有用的方法,现在,我们需要搞清楚这个文件所经历的变更。由于我们已经知道了正确的文件名和行数,我们可以使用 `git blame`。这个命令展示了一个文件中每一行的最后修订者和修订的内容。我们来看一下这个文件最后的修订都做了什么: +现在,我们已经找到了所要找的方法,现在,我们需要搞清楚这个文件所经历的变更。由于我们已经知道了正确的文件名和行数,我们可以使用 `git blame`。这个命令展示了一个文件中每一行的最后修订者和修订的内容。我们来看一下这个文件最后的修订都做了什么: ``` git blame activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb ``` -虽然我们得到了这个文件每一行的最后的变更,但是,我们更感兴趣的是对指定的方法(176 到 189 行)的最后变更。让我们在 `git blame` 命令上增加一个选项,它将只显示那些行。此外,我们将在命令上增加一个 `-s` (阻止) 选项,去跳过那一行变更时的作者名字和修订(提交)的时间戳: +虽然我们得到了这个文件每一行的最后的变更,但是,我们更感兴趣的是对特定方法(176 到 189 行)的最后变更。让我们在 `git blame` 命令上增加一个选项,让它只显示那些行的变化。此外,我们将在命令上增加一个 `-s` (忽略)选项,去跳过那一行变更时的作者名字和修订(提交)的时间戳: ``` git blame -L 176,189 -s activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb @@ -183,13 +183,13 @@ git blame -L 176,189 -s activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb git show 5bb1d4d2 ``` -你亲自做实验了吗?如果没有做,我直接告诉你结果,这个令人惊叹的 [提交][3] 是由 [Schneems][4] 做的,他通过使用 frozen 字符串做了一个非常有趣的性能优化,这在我们当前的上下文中是非常有意义的。但是,由于我们在这个假设的调试会话中,这样做并不能告诉我们当前问题所在。因此,我们怎么样才能够通过研究来发现,我们选定的方法经过了哪些变更? +你亲自做实验了吗?如果没有做,我直接告诉你结果,这个令人惊叹的 [提交][3] 是由 [Schneems][4] 完成的,他通过使用 frozen 字符串做了一个非常有趣的性能优化,这在我们当前的场景中是非常有意义的。但是,由于我们在这个假设的调试会话中,这样做并不能告诉我们当前问题所在。因此,我们怎么样才能够通过研究来发现,我们选定的方法经过了哪些变更? ### 搜索日志 现在,我们回到 `git` 日志,现在的问题是,怎么能够看到 `classify` 方法经历了哪些修订? -`git log` 命令非常强大,因此它提供了非常多的列表选项。我们尝试去看一下保存了这个文件的 `git` 日志内容。使用 `-p` 选项,它的意思是在 `git` 日志中显示这个文件的完整补丁: +`git log` 命令非常强大,因此它提供了非常多的列表选项。我们尝试使用 `-p` 选项去看一下保存了这个文件的 `git` 日志内容,这个选项的意思是在 `git` 日志中显示这个文件的完整补丁: ``` git log -p activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb @@ -201,13 +201,13 @@ git log -p activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb git log -L 176,189:activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb ``` -`git log` 命令接受了 `-L` 选项,它有一个行的范围和文件名做为参数。它的格式可能有点奇怪,格式解释如下: +`git log` 命令接受 `-L` 选项,它用一个行的范围和文件名做为参数。它的格式可能有点奇怪,格式解释如下: ``` git log -L ,: ``` -当我们去运行这个命令之后,我们可以看到对这些行的一个修订列表,它将带我们找到创建这个方法的第一个修订: +当我们运行这个命令之后,我们可以看到对这些行的一个修订列表,它将带我们找到创建这个方法的第一个修订: ``` commit 51xd6bb829c418c5fbf75de1dfbb177233b1b154 @@ -238,11 +238,11 @@ diff--git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb b/activesuppor 现在,我们再来看一下 —— 它是在 2011 年提交的。`git` 可以让我们重回到这个时间。这是一个很好的例子,它充分说明了足够的提交信息对于重新了解当时的上下文环境是多么的重要,因为从这个提交信息中,我们并不能获得足够的信息来重新理解当时的创建这个方法的上下文环境,但是,话说回来,你**不应该**对此感到恼怒,因为,你看到的这些项目,它们的作者都是无偿提供他们的工作时间和精力来做开源工作的。(向开源项目贡献者致敬!) -回到我们的正题,我们并不能确认 `classify` 方法最初实现是怎么回事,考虑到这个第一次的提交只是一个重构。现在,如果你认为,“或许、有可能、这个方法不在 176 行到 189 行的范围之内,那么就你应该在这个文件中扩大搜索范围”,这样想是对的。我们看到在它的修订提交的信息中提到了“重构”这个词,它意味着这个方法可能在那个文件中是真实存在的,只是在重构之后它才存在于那个行的范围内。 +回到我们的正题,我们并不能确认 `classify` 方法最初实现是怎么回事,考虑到这个第一次的提交只是一个重构。现在,如果你认为,“或许、有可能、这个方法不在 176 行到 189 行的范围之内,那么就你应该在这个文件中扩大搜索范围”,这样想是对的。我们看到在它的修订提交的信息中提到了“重构”这个词,它意味着这个方法可能在那个文件中是真实存在的,而且是在重构之后它才存在于那个行的范围内。 但是,我们如何去确认这一点呢?不管你信不信,`git` 可以再次帮助你。`git log` 命令有一个 `-S` 选项,它可以传递一个特定的字符串作为参数,然后去查找代码变更(添加或者删除)。也就是说,如果我们执行 `git log -S classify` 这样的命令,我们可以看到所有包含 `classify` 字符串的变更行的提交。 -如果你在 Ralis 仓库上运行上述命令,首先你会发现这个命令运行有点慢。但是,你应该会发现 `git` 真的解析了在那个仓库中的所有修订来匹配这个字符串,因为仓库非常大,实际上它的运行速度是非常快的。在你的指尖下 `git` 再次展示了它的强大之处。因此,如果去找关于 `classify` 方法的第一个修订,我们可以运行如下的命令: +如果你在 Ralis 仓库上运行上述命令,首先你会发现这个命令运行有点慢。但是,你应该会发现 `git` 实际上解析了在那个仓库中的所有修订来匹配这个字符串,其实它的运行速度是非常快的。在你的指尖下 `git` 再次展示了它的强大之处。因此,如果去找关于 `classify` 方法的第一个修订,我们可以运行如下的命令: ``` git log -S 'def classify' @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ Date: Wed Nov 24 01:04:44 2004 +0000 git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trunk@4 5ecf4fe2-1ee6-0310-87b1-e25e094e27de ``` -很酷!是吧?它初次被提交到 Rails,是由 DHHD 在一个 `svn` 仓库上做的!这意味着 `classify` 提交到 Rails 仓库的大概时间。现在,我们去看一下这个提交的所有变更信息,我们运行如下的命令: +很酷!是吧?它初次被提交到 Rails,是由 DHH 在一个 `svn` 仓库上做的!这意味着 `classify` 大概在一开始就被提交到了 Rails 仓库。现在,我们去看一下这个提交的所有变更信息,我们运行如下的命令: ``` git show db045dbbf60b53dbe013ef25554fd013baf88134 @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ git show db045dbbf60b53dbe013ef25554fd013baf88134 ### 下次见 -当然,我们并不会真的去修改任何 bug,因为我们只是去尝试使用一些 `git` 命令,来演示如何查看 `classify` 方法的演变历史。但是不管怎样,`git` 是一个非常强大的工具,我们必须学好它、用好它。我希望这篇文章可以帮助你掌握更多的关于如何使用 `git` 的知识。 +当然,我们并没有真的去修改任何 bug,因为我们只是去尝试使用一些 `git` 命令,来演示如何查看 `classify` 方法的演变历史。但是不管怎样,`git` 是一个非常强大的工具,我们必须学好它、用好它。我希望这篇文章可以帮助你掌握更多的关于如何使用 `git` 的知识。 你喜欢这些内容吗? @@ -284,9 +284,9 @@ git show db045dbbf60b53dbe013ef25554fd013baf88134 via: https://ieftimov.com/learn-your-tools-navigating-git-history -作者:[Ilija Eftimov ][a] +作者:[Ilija Eftimov][a] 译者:[qhwdw](https://github.com/qhwdw) -校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) +校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy) 本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 diff --git a/sources/tech/20180116 Monitor your Kubernetes Cluster.md b/sources/tech/20180116 Monitor your Kubernetes Cluster.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4ff63402c1..0000000000 --- a/sources/tech/20180116 Monitor your Kubernetes Cluster.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,265 +0,0 @@ -Translating by qhwdw -Monitor your Kubernetes Cluster -====== -This article originally appeared on [Kevin Monroe's blog][1] - -Keeping an eye on logs and metrics is a necessary evil for cluster admins. The benefits are clear: metrics help you set reasonable performance goals, while log analysis can uncover issues that impact your workloads. The hard part, however, is getting a slew of applications to work together in a useful monitoring solution. - -In this post, I'll cover monitoring a Kubernetes cluster with [Graylog][2] (for logging) and [Prometheus][3] (for metrics). Of course that's not just wiring 3 things together. In fact, it'll end up looking like this: - -![][4] - -As you know, Kubernetes isn't just one thing -- it's a system of masters, workers, networking bits, etc(d). Similarly, Graylog comes with a supporting cast (apache2, mongodb, etc), as does Prometheus (telegraf, grafana, etc). Connecting the dots in a deployment like this may seem daunting, but the right tools can make all the difference. - -I'll walk through this using [conjure-up][5] and the [Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes][6] (CDK). I find the conjure-up interface really helpful for deploying big software, but I know some of you hate GUIs and TUIs and probably other UIs too. For those folks, I'll do the same deployment again from the command line. - -Before we jump in, note that Graylog and Prometheus will be deployed alongside Kubernetes and not in the cluster itself. Things like the Kubernetes Dashboard and Heapster are excellent sources of information from within a running cluster, but my objective is to provide a mechanism for log/metric analysis whether the cluster is running or not. - -### The Walk Through - -First things first, install conjure-up if you don't already have it. On Linux, that's simply: -``` -sudo snap install conjure-up --classic -``` - -There's also a brew package for macOS users: -``` -brew install conjure-up -``` - -You'll need at least version 2.5.2 to take advantage of the recent CDK spell additions, so be sure to `sudo snap refresh conjure-up` or `brew update && brew upgrade conjure-up` if you have an older version installed. - -Once installed, run it: -``` -conjure-up -``` - -![][7] - -You'll be presented with a list of various spells. Select CDK and press `Enter`. - -![][8] - -At this point, you'll see additional components that are available for the CDK spell. We're interested in Graylog and Prometheus, so check both of those and hit `Continue`. - -You'll be guided through various cloud choices to determine where you want your cluster to live. After that, you'll see options for post-deployment steps, followed by a review screen that lets you see what is about to be deployed: - -![][9] - -In addition to the typical K8s-related applications (etcd, flannel, load-balancer, master, and workers), you'll see additional applications related to our logging and metric selections. - -The Graylog stack includes the following: - - * apache2: reverse proxy for the graylog web interface - * elasticsearch: document database for the logs - * filebeat: forwards logs from K8s master/workers to graylog - * graylog: provides an api for log collection and an interface for analysis - * mongodb: database for graylog metadata - - - -The Prometheus stack includes the following: - - * grafana: web interface for metric-related dashboards - * prometheus: metric collector and time series database - * telegraf: sends host metrics to prometheus - - - -You can fine tune the deployment from this review screen, but the defaults will suite our needs. Click `Deploy all Remaining Applications` to get things going. - -The deployment will take a few minutes to settle as machines are brought online and applications are configured in your cloud. Once complete, conjure-up will show a summary screen that includes links to various interesting endpoints for you to browse: - -![][10] - -#### Exploring Logs - -Now that Graylog has been deployed and configured, let's take a look at some of the data we're gathering. By default, the filebeat application will send both syslog and container log events to graylog (that's `/var/log/*.log` and `/var/log/containers/*.log` from the kubernetes master and workers). - -Grab the apache2 address and graylog admin password as follows: -``` -juju status --format yaml apache2/0 | grep public-address - public-address: -juju run-action --wait graylog/0 show-admin-password - admin-password: -``` - -Browse to `http://` and login with admin as the username and as the password. **Note:** if the interface is not immediately available, please wait as the reverse proxy configuration may take up to 5 minutes to complete. - -Once logged in, head to the `Sources` tab to get an overview of the logs collected from our K8s master and workers: - -![][11] - -Drill into those logs by clicking the `System / Inputs` tab and selecting `Show received messages` for the filebeat input: - -![][12] - -From here, you may want to play around with various filters or setup Graylog dashboards to help identify the events that are most important to you. Check out the [Graylog Dashboard][13] docs for details on customizing your view. - -#### Exploring Metrics - -Our deployment exposes two types of metrics through our grafana dashboards: system metrics include things like cpu/memory/disk utilization for the K8s master and worker machines, and cluster metrics include container-level data scraped from the K8s cAdvisor endpoints. - -Grab the grafana address and admin password as follows: -``` -juju status --format yaml grafana/0 | grep public-address - public-address: -juju run-action --wait grafana/0 get-admin-password - password: -``` - -Browse to `http://:3000` and login with admin as the username and as the password. Once logged in, check out the cluster metric dashboard by clicking the `Home` drop-down box and selecting `Kubernetes Metrics (via Prometheus)`: - -![][14] - -We can also check out the system metrics of our K8s host machines by switching the drop-down box to `Node Metrics (via Telegraf) ` - -![][15] - - -### The Other Way - -As alluded to in the intro, I prefer the wizard-y feel of conjure-up to guide me through complex software deployments like Kubernetes. Now that we've seen the conjure-up way, some of you may want to see a command line approach to achieve the same results. Still others may have deployed CDK previously and want to extend it with the Graylog/Prometheus components described above. Regardless of why you've read this far, I've got you covered. - -The tool that underpins conjure-up is [Juju][16]. Everything that the CDK spell did behind the scenes can be done on the command line with Juju. Let's step through how that works. - -**Starting From Scratch** - -If you're on Linux, install Juju like this: -``` -sudo snap install juju --classic -``` - -For macOS, Juju is available from brew: -``` -brew install juju -``` - -Now setup a controller for your preferred cloud. You may be prompted for any required cloud credentials: -``` -juju bootstrap -``` - -We then need to deploy the base CDK bundle: -``` -juju deploy canonical-kubernetes -``` - -**Starting From CDK** - -With our Kubernetes cluster deployed, we need to add all the applications required for Graylog and Prometheus: -``` -## deploy graylog-related applications -juju deploy xenial/apache2 -juju deploy xenial/elasticsearch -juju deploy xenial/filebeat -juju deploy xenial/graylog -juju deploy xenial/mongodb -``` -``` -## deploy prometheus-related applications -juju deploy xenial/grafana -juju deploy xenial/prometheus -juju deploy xenial/telegraf -``` - -Now that the software is deployed, connect them together so they can communicate: -``` -## relate graylog applications -juju relate apache2:reverseproxy graylog:website -juju relate graylog:elasticsearch elasticsearch:client -juju relate graylog:mongodb mongodb:database -juju relate filebeat:beats-host kubernetes-master:juju-info -juju relate filebeat:beats-host kubernetes-worker:jujuu-info -``` -``` -## relate prometheus applications -juju relate prometheus:grafana-source grafana:grafana-source -juju relate telegraf:prometheus-client prometheus:target -juju relate kubernetes-master:juju-info telegraf:juju-info -juju relate kubernetes-worker:juju-info telegraf:juju-info -``` - -At this point, all the applications can communicate with each other, but we have a bit more configuration to do (e.g., setting up the apache2 reverse proxy, telling prometheus how to scrape k8s, importing our grafana dashboards, etc): -``` -## configure graylog applications -juju config apache2 enable_modules="headers proxy_html proxy_http" -juju config apache2 vhost_http_template="$(base64 )" -juju config elasticsearch firewall_enabled="false" -juju config filebeat \ - logpath="/var/log/*.log /var/log/containers/*.log" -juju config filebeat logstash_hosts=":5044" -juju config graylog elasticsearch_cluster_name="" -``` -``` -## configure prometheus applications -juju config prometheus scrape-jobs="" -juju run-action --wait grafana/0 import-dashboard \ - dashboard="$(base64 )" -``` - -Some of the above steps need values specific to your deployment. You can get these in the same way that conjure-up does: - - * : fetch our sample [template][17] from github - * : `juju run --unit graylog/0 'unit-get private-address'` - * : `juju config elasticsearch cluster-name` - * : fetch our sample [scraper][18] from github; [substitute][19]appropriate values for `[K8S_PASSWORD][20]` and `[K8S_API_ENDPOINT][21]` - * : fetch our [host][22] and [k8s][23] dashboards from github - - - -Finally, you'll want to expose the apache2 and grafana applications to make their web interfaces accessible: -``` -## expose relevant endpoints -juju expose apache2 -juju expose grafana -``` - -Now that we have everything deployed, related, configured, and exposed, you can login and poke around using the same steps from the **Exploring Logs** and **Exploring Metrics** sections above. - -### The Wrap Up - -My goal here was to show you how to deploy a Kubernetes cluster with rich monitoring capabilities for logs and metrics. Whether you prefer a guided approach or command line steps, I hope it's clear that monitoring complex deployments doesn't have to be a pipe dream. The trick is to figure out how all the moving parts work, make them work together repeatably, and then break/fix/repeat for a while until everyone can use it. - -This is where tools like conjure-up and Juju really shine. Leveraging the expertise of contributors to this ecosystem makes it easy to manage big software. Start with a solid set of apps, customize as needed, and get back to work! - -Give these bits a try and let me know how it goes. You can find enthusiasts like me on Freenode IRC in **#conjure-up** and **#juju**. Thanks for reading! - -### About the author - -Kevin joined Canonical in 2014 with his focus set on modeling complex software. He found his niche on the Juju Big Software team where his mission is to capture operational knowledge of Big Data and Machine Learning applications into repeatable (and reliable!) solutions. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: https://insights.ubuntu.com/2018/01/16/monitor-your-kubernetes-cluster/ - -作者:[Kevin Monroe][a] -译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) -校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 - -[a]:https://insights.ubuntu.com/author/kwmonroe/ -[1]:https://medium.com/@kwmonroe/monitor-your-kubernetes-cluster-a856d2603ec3 -[2]:https://www.graylog.org/ -[3]:https://prometheus.io/ -[4]:https://insights.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/706b/1_TAA57DGVDpe9KHIzOirrBA.png -[5]:https://conjure-up.io/ -[6]:https://jujucharms.com/canonical-kubernetes -[7]:https://insights.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/98fd/1_o0UmYzYkFiHIs2sBgj7G9A.png -[8]:https://insights.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/0351/1_pgVaO_ZlalrjvYd5pOMJMA.png -[9]:https://insights.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/9977/1_WXKxMlml2DWA5Kj6wW9oXQ.png -[10]:https://insights.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/8588/1_NWq7u6g6UAzyFxtbM-ipqg.png -[11]:https://insights.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/a1c3/1_hHK5mSrRJQi6A6u0yPSGOA.png -[12]:https://insights.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/937f/1_cP36lpmSwlsPXJyDUpFluQ.png -[13]:http://docs.graylog.org/en/2.3/pages/dashboards.html -[14]:https://insights.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/9256/1_kskust3AOImIh18QxQPgRw.png -[15]:https://insights.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/2037/1_qJpjPOTGMQbjFY5-cZsYrQ.png -[16]:https://jujucharms.com/ -[17]:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/conjure-up/spells/master/canonical-kubernetes/addons/graylog/steps/01_install-graylog/graylog-vhost.tmpl -[18]:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/conjure-up/spells/master/canonical-kubernetes/addons/prometheus/steps/01_install-prometheus/prometheus-scrape-k8s.yaml -[19]:https://github.com/conjure-up/spells/blob/master/canonical-kubernetes/addons/prometheus/steps/01_install-prometheus/after-deploy#L25 -[20]:https://github.com/conjure-up/spells/blob/master/canonical-kubernetes/addons/prometheus/steps/01_install-prometheus/after-deploy#L10 -[21]:https://github.com/conjure-up/spells/blob/master/canonical-kubernetes/addons/prometheus/steps/01_install-prometheus/after-deploy#L11 -[22]:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/conjure-up/spells/master/canonical-kubernetes/addons/prometheus/steps/01_install-prometheus/grafana-telegraf.json -[23]:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/conjure-up/spells/master/canonical-kubernetes/addons/prometheus/steps/01_install-prometheus/grafana-k8s.json diff --git a/sources/tech/20180123 Never miss a Magazine-s article, build your own RSS notification system.md b/sources/tech/20180123 Never miss a Magazine-s article, build your own RSS notification system.md deleted file mode 100644 index 7f648c5441..0000000000 --- a/sources/tech/20180123 Never miss a Magazine-s article, build your own RSS notification system.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,171 +0,0 @@ -Translating by qhwdw -Never miss a Magazine's article, build your own RSS notification system -====== - -![](https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/learn-python-rss-notifier.png-945x400.jpg) - -Python is a great programming language to quickly build applications that make our life easier. In this article we will learn how to use Python to build a RSS notification system, the goal being to have fun learning Python using Fedora. If you are looking for a complete RSS notifier application, there are a few already packaged in Fedora. - -### Fedora and Python - getting started - -Python 3.6 is available by default in Fedora, that includes Python's extensive standard library. The standard library provides a collection of modules which make some tasks simpler for us. For example, in our case we will use the [**sqlite3**][1] module to create, add and read data from a database. In the case where a particular problem we are trying to solve is not covered by the standard library, the chance is that someone has already developed a module for everyone to use. The best place to search for such modules is the Python Package Index known as [PyPI][2]. In our example we are going to use the [**feedparser**][3] to parse an RSS feed. - -Since **feedparser** is not in the standard library, we have to install it in our system. Luckily for us there is an rpm package in Fedora, so the installation of **feedparser** is as simple as: -``` -$ sudo dnf install python3-feedparser -``` - -We now have everything we need to start coding our application. - -### Storing the feed data - -We need to store data from the articles that have already been published so that we send a notification only for new articles. The data we want to store will give us a unique way to identify an article. Therefore we will store the **title** and the **publication date** of the article. - -So let's create our database using python **sqlite3** module and a simple SQL query. We are also adding the modules we are going to use later ( **feedparser** , **smtplib** and **email** ). - -#### Creating the Database -``` -#!/usr/bin/python3 -import sqlite3 -import smtplib -from email.mime.text import MIMEText - -import feedparser - -db_connection = sqlite3.connect('/var/tmp/magazine_rss.sqlite') -db = db_connection.cursor() -db.execute(' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS magazine (title TEXT, date TEXT)') - -``` - -These few lines of code create a new sqlite database stored in a file called 'magazine_rss.sqlite', and then create a new table within the database called 'magazine'. This table has two columns - 'title' and 'date' - that can store data of the type TEXT, which means that the value of each column will be a text string. - -#### Checking the Database for old articles - -Since we only want to add new articles to our database we need a function that will check if the article we get from the RSS feed is already in our database or not. We will use it to decide if we should send an email notification (new article) or not (old article). Ok let's code this function. -``` -def article_is_not_db(article_title, article_date): - """ Check if a given pair of article title and date - is in the database. - Args: - article_title (str): The title of an article - article_date (str): The publication date of an article - Return: - True if the article is not in the database - False if the article is already present in the database - """ - db.execute("SELECT * from magazine WHERE title=? AND date=?", (article_title, article_date)) - if not db.fetchall(): - return True - else: - return False -``` - -The main part of this function is the SQL query we execute to search through the database. We are using a SELECT instruction to define which column of our magazine table we will run the query on. We are using the 0_sync_master.sh 1_add_new_article_manual.sh 1_add_new_article_newspaper.sh 2_start_translating.sh 3_continue_the_work.sh 4_finish.sh 5_pause.sh base.sh env format.test lctt.cfg parse_url_by_manual.sh parse_url_by_newspaper.py parse_url_by_newspaper.sh README.org reformat.sh symbol to select all columns ( title and date). Then we ask to select only the rows of the table WHERE the article_title and article_date string are equal to the value of the title and date column. - -To finish, we have a simple logic that will return True if the query did not return any results and False if the query found an article in database matching our title, date pair. - -#### Adding a new article to the Database - -Now we can code the function to add a new article to the database. -``` -def add_article_to_db(article_title, article_date): - """ Add a new article title and date to the database - Args: - article_title (str): The title of an article - article_date (str): The publication date of an article - """ - db.execute("INSERT INTO magazine VALUES (?,?)", (article_title, article_date)) - db_connection.commit() -``` - -This function is straight forward, we are using a SQL query to INSERT a new row INTO the magazine table with the VALUES of the article_title and article_date. Then we commit the change to make it persistent. - -That's all we need from the database's point of view, let's look at the notification system and how we can use python to send emails. - -### Sending an email notification - -Let's create a function to send an email using the python standard library module **smtplib.** We are also using the **email** module from the standard library to format our email message. -``` -def send_notification(article_title, article_url): - """ Add a new article title and date to the database - - Args: - article_title (str): The title of an article - article_url (str): The url to access the article - """ - - smtp_server = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587) - smtp_server.ehlo() - smtp_server.starttls() - smtp_server.login('your_email@gmail.com', '123your_password') - msg = MIMEText(f'\nHi there is a new Fedora Magazine article : {article_title}. \nYou can read it here {article_url}') - msg['Subject'] = 'New Fedora Magazine Article Available' - msg['From'] = 'your_email@gmail.com' - msg['To'] = 'destination_email@gmail.com' - smtp_server.send_message(msg) - smtp_server.quit() -``` - -In this example I am using the Google mail smtp server to send an email, but this will work with any email services that provides you with a SMTP server. Most of this function is boilerplate needed to configure the access to the smtp server. You will need to update the code with your email address and credentials. - -If you are using 2 Factor Authentication with your gmail account you can setup a password app that will give you a unique password to use for this application. Check out this help [page][4]. - -### Reading Fedora Magazine RSS feed - -We now have functions to store an article in the database and send an email notification, let's create a function that parses the Fedora Magazine RSS feed and extract the articles' data. -``` -def read_article_feed(): - """ Get articles from RSS feed """ - feed = feedparser.parse('https://fedoramagazine.org/feed/') - for article in feed['entries']: - if article_is_not_db(article['title'], article['published']): - send_notification(article['title'], article['link']) - add_article_to_db(article['title'], article['published']) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - read_article_feed() - db_connection.close() -``` - -Here we are making use of the **feedparser.parse** function. The function returns a dictionary representation of the RSS feed, for the full reference of the representation you can consult **feedparser** 's [documentation][5]. - -The RSS feed parser will return the last 10 articles as entries and then we extract the following information: the title, the link and the date the article was published. As a result, we can now use the functions we have previously defined to check if the article is not in the database, then send a notification email and finally, add the article to our database. - -The last if statement is used to execute our read_article_feed function and then close the database connection when we execute our script. - -### Running our script - -Finally, to run our script we need to give the correct permission to the file. Next, we make use of the **cron** utility to automatically execute our script every hour (1 minute past the hour). **cron** is a job scheduler that we can use to run a task at a fixed time. -``` -$ chmod a+x my_rss_notifier.py -$ sudo cp my_rss_notifier.py /etc/cron.hourly -``` - -To keep this tutorial simple, we are using the cron.hourly directory to execute the script every hours, I you wish to learn more about **cron** and how to configure the **crontab,** please read **cron 's** wikipedia [page][6]. - -### Conclusion - -In this tutorial we have learned how to use Python to create a simple sqlite database, parse an RSS feed and send emails. I hope that this showed you how you can easily build your own application using Python and Fedora. - -The script is available on github [here][7]. - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: https://fedoramagazine.org/never-miss-magazines-article-build-rss-notification-system/ - -作者:[Clément Verna][a] -译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) -校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 - -[a]:https://fedoramagazine.org -[1]:https://docs.python.org/3/library/sqlite3.html -[2]:https://pypi.python.org/pypi -[3]:https://pypi.python.org/pypi/feedparser/5.2.1 -[4]:https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?hl=en -[5]:https://pythonhosted.org/feedparser/reference.html -[6]:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron -[7]:https://github.com/cverna/rss_feed_notifier diff --git a/sources/tech/20180221 Getting started with SQL.md b/sources/tech/20180221 Getting started with SQL.md index 469716e478..ee2bcb0f1f 100644 --- a/sources/tech/20180221 Getting started with SQL.md +++ b/sources/tech/20180221 Getting started with SQL.md @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +Translating by MjSeven + Getting started with SQL ====== diff --git a/translated/tech/20180116 Monitor your Kubernetes Cluster.md b/translated/tech/20180116 Monitor your Kubernetes Cluster.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a8c8db5e5d --- /dev/null +++ b/translated/tech/20180116 Monitor your Kubernetes Cluster.md @@ -0,0 +1,266 @@ +监视 Kubernetes 集群 +====== +这篇文章最初发表在 [Kevin Monroe 的博客][1] 上 + +监视日志和指标状态是集群管理员的重点工作。它的好处很明显:指标能帮你设置一个合理的性能目标,而日志分析可以发现影响你工作负载的问题。然而,困难的是如何找到一个与大量运行的应用程序一起工作的监视解决方案。 + +在本文中,我将使用 [Graylog][2] (用于日志)和 [Prometheus][3] (用于指标)去打造一个Kubernetes 集群的监视解决方案。当然了,这不仅是将三个东西连接起来那么简单,实现上,最终结果看起来应该如下图所示: + +![][4] + +正如你所了解的,Kubernetes 不仅做一件事情 —— 它是 master、workers、networking bit 等等。同样,Graylog 是一个配角(apache2、mongodb、等等),Prometheus 也一样(telegraf、grafana 等等)。在部署中连接这些点看起来似乎有些让人恐惧,但是使用合适的工具将不会那么困难。 + +我将使用 [conjure-up][5] 和 [Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes][6] (CDK) 去探索 Kubernetes。我发现 conjure-up 接口对部署大型软件很有帮助,但是我知道一些人可能不喜欢 GUIs、TUIs 以及其它 UIs。对于这些人,我将用命令行再去部署一遍。 + +在开始之前需要注意的一点是,Graylog 和 Prometheus 是部署在 Kubernetes 侧而不是集群上。像 Kubernetes 仪表盘和 Heapster 是运行的集群中非常好的信息来源,但是我的目标是为日志/指标提供一个分析机制,而不管集群运行与否。 + +### 开始探索 + +如果你的系统上没有 conjure-up,首先要做的第一件事情是,请先安装它,在 Linux 上,这很简单: +``` +sudo snap install conjure-up --classic +``` + +对于 macOS 用户也提供了 brew 包: +``` +brew install conjure-up +``` + +你需要最新的 2.5.2 版,它的好处是添加了 CDK spell,因此,如果你的系统上已经安装了旧的版本,请使用 `sudo snap refresh conjure-up` 或者 `brew update && brew upgrade conjure-up` 去更新它。 + +安装完成后,运行它: +``` +conjure-up +``` + +![][7] + +你将发现有一个 spell 列表。选择 CDK 然后按下 `Enter`。 + +![][8] + +这个时候,你将看到 CDK spell 可用的附加组件。我们感兴趣的是 Graylog 和 Prometheus,因此选择这两个,然后点击 `Continue`。 + +它将引导你选择各种云,以决定你的集群部署的地方。之后,你将看到一些部署的后续步骤,接下来是回顾屏幕,让你再次确认部署内容: + +![][9] + +除了典型的 K8s 相关的应用程序(etcd、flannel、load-balancer、master、以及 workers)之外,你将看到我们选择的日志和指标相关的额外应用程序。 + +Graylog 栈包含如下: + + * apache2:graylog web 接口的反向代理 + * elasticsearch:日志使用的文档数据库 + * filebeat:从 K8s master/workers 转发日志到 graylog + * graylog:为日志收集器提供一个 api,以及提供一个日志分析界面 + * mongodb:保存 graylog 元数据的数据库 + + + +Prometheus 栈包含如下: + + * grafana:指标相关的仪表板的 web 界面 + * prometheus:指标收集器以及时序数据库 + * telegraf:发送主机的指标到 prometheus 中 + + + +你可以在回顾屏幕上微调部署,但是默认组件是必选 的。点击 `Deploy all Remaining Applications` 继续。 + +部署工作将花费一些时间,它将部署你的机器和配置你的云。完成后,conjure-up 将展示一个摘要屏幕,它包含一些链连,你可以用你的终端去浏览各种感兴趣的内容: + +![][10] + +#### 浏览日志 + +现在,Graylog 已经部署和配置完成,我们可以看一下采集到的一些数据。默认情况下,filebeat 应用程序将从 Kubernetes 的 master 和 workers 中转发系统日志( `/var/log/*.log` )和容器日志(`/var/log/containers/*.log`)到 graylog 中。 + +记住如下的 apache2 的地址和 graylog 的 admin 密码: +``` +juju status --format yaml apache2/0 | grep public-address + public-address: +juju run-action --wait graylog/0 show-admin-password + admin-password: +``` + +在浏览器中输入 `http://` ,然后以管理员用户名(admin)和密码()登入。 + +**注意:** 如果这个界面不可用,请等待大约 5 分钟时间,以便于配置的反向代理生效。 + +登入后,顶部的 `Sources` 选项卡可以看到从 K8s 的 master 和 workers 中收集日志的概述: + +![][11] + +通过点击 `System / Inputs` 选项卡深入这些日志,选择 `Show received messages` 查看 filebeat 的输入: + +![][12] + +在这里,你可以应用各种过滤或者设置 Graylog 仪表板去帮助识别大多数比较重要的事件。查看 [Graylog Dashboard][13] 文档,可以了解如何定制你的视图的详细资料。 + +#### 浏览指标 + +我们的部署通过 grafana 仪表板提供了两种类型的指标:系统指标,包括像 K8s master 和 workers 的 cpu/内存/磁盘使用情况,以及集群指标,包括像从 K8s cAdvisor 端点上收集的容器级指标。 + +记住如下的 grafana 的地址和 admin 密码: +``` +juju status --format yaml grafana/0 | grep public-address + public-address: +juju run-action --wait grafana/0 get-admin-password + password: +``` + +在浏览器中输入 `http://:3000`,输入管理员用户(admin)和密码()登入。成功登入后,点击 `Home` 下拉框,选取 `Kubernetes Metrics (via Prometheus)` 去查看集群指标仪表板: + +![][14] + +我们也可以通过下拉框切换到 `Node Metrics (via Telegraf) ` 去查看 K8s 主机的系统指标。 + +![][15] + + +### 另一种方法 + +正如在文章开始的介绍中提到的,我喜欢 conjure-up 的 “魔法之杖” 去指导我完成像 Kubernetes 这种复杂软件的部署。现在,我们来看一下 conjure-up 的另一种方法,你可能希望去看到实现相同结果的一些命令行的方法。还有其它的可能已经部署了前面的 CDK,想去扩展使用上述的 Graylog/Prometheus 组件。不管什么原因你既然看到这了,既来之则安之,继续向下看吧。 + +支持 conjure-up 的工具是 [Juju][16]。CDK spell 所做的一切,都可以使用 juju 命令行来完成。我们来看一下,如何一步步完成这些工作。 + +**从 Scratch 中启动** + +如果你使用的是 Linux,安装 Juju 很简单,命令如下: +``` +sudo snap install juju --classic +``` + +对于 macOS,Juju 也可以从 brew 中安装: +``` +brew install juju +``` + +现在为你选择的云配置一个控制器。你或许会被提示请求一个凭据(用户名密码): +``` +juju bootstrap +``` + +我们接下来需要基于 CDK 捆绑部署: +``` +juju deploy canonical-kubernetes +``` + +**从 CDK 开始** + +使用我们部署的 Kubernetes 集群,我们需要去添加 Graylog 和 Prometheus 所需要的全部应用程序: +``` +## deploy graylog-related applications +juju deploy xenial/apache2 +juju deploy xenial/elasticsearch +juju deploy xenial/filebeat +juju deploy xenial/graylog +juju deploy xenial/mongodb +``` +``` +## deploy prometheus-related applications +juju deploy xenial/grafana +juju deploy xenial/prometheus +juju deploy xenial/telegraf +``` + +现在软件已经部署完毕,将它们连接到一起,以便于它们之间可以相互通讯: +``` +## relate graylog applications +juju relate apache2:reverseproxy graylog:website +juju relate graylog:elasticsearch elasticsearch:client +juju relate graylog:mongodb mongodb:database +juju relate filebeat:beats-host kubernetes-master:juju-info +juju relate filebeat:beats-host kubernetes-worker:jujuu-info +``` +``` +## relate prometheus applications +juju relate prometheus:grafana-source grafana:grafana-source +juju relate telegraf:prometheus-client prometheus:target +juju relate kubernetes-master:juju-info telegraf:juju-info +juju relate kubernetes-worker:juju-info telegraf:juju-info +``` + +这个时候,所有的应用程序已经可以相互之间进行通讯了,但是我们还需要多做一点配置(比如,配置 apache2 反向代理、告诉 prometheus 如何从 K8s 中取数、导入到 grafana 仪表板等等): +``` +## configure graylog applications +juju config apache2 enable_modules="headers proxy_html proxy_http" +juju config apache2 vhost_http_template="$(base64 )" +juju config elasticsearch firewall_enabled="false" +juju config filebeat \ + logpath="/var/log/*.log /var/log/containers/*.log" +juju config filebeat logstash_hosts=":5044" +juju config graylog elasticsearch_cluster_name="" +``` +``` +## configure prometheus applications +juju config prometheus scrape-jobs="" +juju run-action --wait grafana/0 import-dashboard \ + dashboard="$(base64 )" +``` + +以上的步骤需要根据你的部署来指定一些值。你可以用与 conjure-up 相同的方法得到这些: + + * : 从 github 获取我们的示例 [模板][17] + * : `juju run --unit graylog/0 'unit-get private-address'` + * : `juju config elasticsearch cluster-name` + * : 从 github 获取我们的示例 [scraper][18] ;`[K8S_PASSWORD][20]` 和 `[K8S_API_ENDPOINT][21]` [substitute][19] 的正确值 + * : 从 github 获取我们的 [主机][22] 和 [k8s][23] 仪表板 + + + +最后,发布 apache2 和 grafana 应用程序,以便于可以通过它们的 web 界面访问: +``` +## expose relevant endpoints +juju expose apache2 +juju expose grafana +``` + +现在我们已经完成了所有的部署、配置、和发布工作,你可以使用与上面的**浏览日志**和**浏览指标**部分相同的方法去查看它们。 + +### 总结 + +我的目标是向你展示如何去部署一个 Kubernetes 集群,很方便地去监视它的日志和指标。无论你是喜欢向导的方式还是命令行的方式,我希望你清楚地看到部署一个监视系统并不复杂。关键是要搞清楚所有部分是如何工作的,并将它们连接到一起工作,通过断开/修复/重复的方式,直到它们每一个都能正常工作。 + +这里有一些非常好的工具像 conjure-up 和 Juju。充分发挥这个生态系统贡献者的专长让管理大型软件变得更容易。从一套可靠的应用程序开始,按需定制,然后投入到工作中! + +大胆去尝试吧,然后告诉我你用的如何。你可以在 Freenode IRC 的 **#conjure-up** 和 **#juju** 中找到像我这样的爱好者。感谢阅读! + +### 关于作者 + +Kevin 在 2014 年加入 Canonical 公司,他专注于复杂软件建模。他在 Juju 大型软件团队中找到了自己的位置,他的任务是将大数据和机器学习应用程序转化成可重复的(可靠的)解决方案。 + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: https://insights.ubuntu.com/2018/01/16/monitor-your-kubernetes-cluster/ + +作者:[Kevin Monroe][a] +译者:[qhwdw](https://github.com/qhwdw) +校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]:https://insights.ubuntu.com/author/kwmonroe/ +[1]:https://medium.com/@kwmonroe/monitor-your-kubernetes-cluster-a856d2603ec3 +[2]:https://www.graylog.org/ +[3]:https://prometheus.io/ +[4]:https://insights.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/706b/1_TAA57DGVDpe9KHIzOirrBA.png +[5]:https://conjure-up.io/ +[6]:https://jujucharms.com/canonical-kubernetes +[7]:https://insights.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/98fd/1_o0UmYzYkFiHIs2sBgj7G9A.png +[8]:https://insights.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/0351/1_pgVaO_ZlalrjvYd5pOMJMA.png +[9]:https://insights.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/9977/1_WXKxMlml2DWA5Kj6wW9oXQ.png +[10]:https://insights.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/8588/1_NWq7u6g6UAzyFxtbM-ipqg.png +[11]:https://insights.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/a1c3/1_hHK5mSrRJQi6A6u0yPSGOA.png +[12]:https://insights.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/937f/1_cP36lpmSwlsPXJyDUpFluQ.png +[13]:http://docs.graylog.org/en/2.3/pages/dashboards.html +[14]:https://insights.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/9256/1_kskust3AOImIh18QxQPgRw.png +[15]:https://insights.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/2037/1_qJpjPOTGMQbjFY5-cZsYrQ.png +[16]:https://jujucharms.com/ +[17]:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/conjure-up/spells/master/canonical-kubernetes/addons/graylog/steps/01_install-graylog/graylog-vhost.tmpl +[18]:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/conjure-up/spells/master/canonical-kubernetes/addons/prometheus/steps/01_install-prometheus/prometheus-scrape-k8s.yaml +[19]:https://github.com/conjure-up/spells/blob/master/canonical-kubernetes/addons/prometheus/steps/01_install-prometheus/after-deploy#L25 +[20]:https://github.com/conjure-up/spells/blob/master/canonical-kubernetes/addons/prometheus/steps/01_install-prometheus/after-deploy#L10 +[21]:https://github.com/conjure-up/spells/blob/master/canonical-kubernetes/addons/prometheus/steps/01_install-prometheus/after-deploy#L11 +[22]:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/conjure-up/spells/master/canonical-kubernetes/addons/prometheus/steps/01_install-prometheus/grafana-telegraf.json +[23]:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/conjure-up/spells/master/canonical-kubernetes/addons/prometheus/steps/01_install-prometheus/grafana-k8s.json diff --git a/translated/tech/20180123 Never miss a Magazine-s article, build your own RSS notification system.md b/translated/tech/20180123 Never miss a Magazine-s article, build your own RSS notification system.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..acd94006d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/translated/tech/20180123 Never miss a Magazine-s article, build your own RSS notification system.md @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +构建你自己的 RSS 提示系统——让杂志文章一篇也不会错过 +====== + +![](https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/learn-python-rss-notifier.png-945x400.jpg) + +人生苦短,我用 Python,Python 是非常棒的快速构建应用程序的编程语言。在这篇文章中我们将学习如何使用 Python 去构建一个 RSS 提示系统,目标是使用 Fedora 快乐地学习 Python。如果你正在寻找一个完整的 RSS 提示应用程序,在 Fedora 中已经准备好了几个包。 + +### Fedora 和 Python —— 入门知识 + +Python 3.6 在 Fedora 中是默认安装的,它包含了 Python 的很多标准库。标准库提供了一些可以让我们的任务更加简单完成的模块的集合。例如,在我们的案例中,我们将使用 [**sqlite3**][1] 模块在数据库中去创建表、添加和读取数据。在这个案例中,我们试图去解决的是在标准库中没有的特定的问题,也有可能已经有人为我们开发了这样一个模块。最好是使用像大家熟知的 [PyPI][2] Python 包索引去搜索一下。在我们的示例中,我们将使用 [**feedparser**][3] 去解析 RSS 源。 + +因为 **feedparser** 并不是标准库,我们需要将它安装到我们的系统上。幸运的是,在 Fedora 中有这个 RPM 包,因此,我们可以运行如下的命令去安装 **feedparser**: +``` +$ sudo dnf install python3-feedparser +``` + +我们现在已经拥有了编写我们的应用程序所需的东西了。 + +### 存储源数据 + +我们需要存储已经发布的文章的数据,这样我们的系统就可以只提示新发布的文章。我们要保存的数据将是用来辨别一篇文章的唯一方法。因此,我们将存储文章的**标题**和**发布日期**。 + +因此,我们来使用 Python **sqlite3** 模块和一个简单的 SQL 语句来创建我们的数据库。同时也添加一些后面将要用到的模块(**feedparse**,**smtplib**,和 **email**)。 + +#### 创建数据库 +``` +#!/usr/bin/python3 +import sqlite3 +import smtplib +from email.mime.text import MIMEText + +import feedparser + +db_connection = sqlite3.connect('/var/tmp/magazine_rss.sqlite') +db = db_connection.cursor() +db.execute(' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS magazine (title TEXT, date TEXT)') + +``` + +这几行代码创建一个新的保存在一个名为 'magazine_rss.sqlite' 文件中的 sqlite 数据库,然后在数据库创建一个名为 'magazine' 的新表。这个表有两个列 —— 'title' 和 'date' —— 它们能存诸 TEXT 类型的数据,也就是说每个列的值都是文本字符。 + +#### 检查数据库中的旧文章 + +由于我们仅希望增加新的文章到我们的数据库中,因此我们需要一个功能去检查 RSS 源中的文章在数据库中是否存在。我们将根据它来判断是否发送(有新文章的)邮件提示。Ok,现在我们来写这个功能的代码。 +``` +def article_is_not_db(article_title, article_date): + """ Check if a given pair of article title and date + is in the database. + Args: + article_title (str): The title of an article + article_date (str): The publication date of an article + Return: + True if the article is not in the database + False if the article is already present in the database + """ + db.execute("SELECT * from magazine WHERE title=? AND date=?", (article_title, article_date)) + if not db.fetchall(): + return True + else: + return False +``` + +这个功能的主要部分是一个 SQL 查询,我们运行它去搜索数据库。我们使用一个 SELECT 命令去定义我们将要在哪个列上运行这个查询。我们使用 `*` 符号去选取所有列(title 和 date)。然后,我们使用查询的 WHERE 条件 `article_title` and `article_date` 去匹配标题和日期列中的值,以检索出我们需要的内容。 + +最后,我们使用一个简单的返回 `True` 或者 `False` 的逻辑来表示是否在数据库中找到匹配的文章。 + +#### 在数据库中添加新文章 + +现在我们可以写一些代码去添加新文章到数据库中。 +``` +def add_article_to_db(article_title, article_date): + """ Add a new article title and date to the database + Args: + article_title (str): The title of an article + article_date (str): The publication date of an article + """ + db.execute("INSERT INTO magazine VALUES (?,?)", (article_title, article_date)) + db_connection.commit() +``` + +这个功能很简单,我们使用了一个 SQL 查询去插入一个新行到 'magazine' 表的 article_title 和 article_date 列中。然后提交它到数据库中永久保存。 + +这些就是在数据库中所需要的东西,接下来我们看一下,如何使用 Python 实现提示系统和发送电子邮件。 + +### 发送电子邮件提示 + +我们来使用 Python 标准库模块 **smtplib** 来创建一个发送电子邮件的功能。我们也可以使用标准库中的 **email** 模块去格式化我们的电子邮件信息。 +``` +def send_notification(article_title, article_url): + """ Add a new article title and date to the database + + Args: + article_title (str): The title of an article + article_url (str): The url to access the article + """ + + smtp_server = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587) + smtp_server.ehlo() + smtp_server.starttls() + smtp_server.login('your_email@gmail.com', '123your_password') + msg = MIMEText(f'\nHi there is a new Fedora Magazine article : {article_title}. \nYou can read it here {article_url}') + msg['Subject'] = 'New Fedora Magazine Article Available' + msg['From'] = 'your_email@gmail.com' + msg['To'] = 'destination_email@gmail.com' + smtp_server.send_message(msg) + smtp_server.quit() +``` + +在这个示例中,我使用了谷歌邮件系统的 smtp 服务器去发送电子邮件,在你自己的代码中你需要将它更改为你自己的电子邮件服务提供者的 SMTP 服务器。这个功能是个样板,大多数的内容要根据你的 smtp 服务器的参数来配置。代码中的电子邮件地址和凭证也要更改为你自己的。 + +如果在你的 Gmail 帐户中使用了双因子认证,那么你需要配置一个密码应用程序为你的这个应用程序提供一个唯一密码。可以看这个 [帮助页面][4]。 + +### 读取 Fedora Magazine 的 RSS 源 + +我们已经有了在数据库中存储文章和发送提示电子邮件的功能,现在来创建一个解析 Fedora Magazine RSS 源并提取文章数据的功能。 +``` +def read_article_feed(): + """ Get articles from RSS feed """ + feed = feedparser.parse('https://fedoramagazine.org/feed/') + for article in feed['entries']: + if article_is_not_db(article['title'], article['published']): + send_notification(article['title'], article['link']) + add_article_to_db(article['title'], article['published']) + +if __name__ == '__main__': + read_article_feed() + db_connection.close() +``` + +在这里我们将使用 **feedparser.parse** 功能。这个功能返回一个用字典表示的 RSS 源,对于 **feedparser** 的完整描述可以参考它的 [文档][5]。 + +RSS 源解析将返回最后的 10 篇文章作为 `entries`,然后我们提取以下信息:标题、链接、文章发布日期。因此,我们现在可以使用前面定义的检查文章是否在数据库中存在的功能,然后,发送提示电子邮件并将这个文章添加到数据库中。 + +当运行我们的脚本时,最后的 if 语句运行我们的 `read_article_feed` 功能,然后关闭数据库连接。 + +### 运行我们的脚本 + +给脚本文件赋于正确运行权限。接下来,我们使用 **cron** 实用程序去每小时自动运行一次我们的脚本。**cron** 是一个作业计划程序,我们可以使用它在一个固定的时间去运行一个任务。 +``` +$ chmod a+x my_rss_notifier.py +$ sudo cp my_rss_notifier.py /etc/cron.hourly +``` + +**为了使该教程保持简单**,我们使用了 cron.hourly 目录每小时运行一次我们的脚本,如果你想学习关于 **cron** 的更多知识以及如何配置 **crontab**,请阅读 **cron** 的 wikipedia [页面][6]。 + +### 总结 + +在本教程中,我们学习了如何使用 Python 去创建一个简单的 sqlite 数据库、解析一个 RSS 源、以及发送电子邮件。我希望通过这篇文章能够向你展示,**使用 Python 和 Fedora 构建你自己的应用程序是件多么容易的事**。 + +这个脚本在 [GitHub][7] 上可以找到。 + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: https://fedoramagazine.org/never-miss-magazines-article-build-rss-notification-system/ + +作者:[Clément Verna][a] +译者:[qhwdw](https://github.com/qhwdw) +校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]:https://fedoramagazine.org +[1]:https://docs.python.org/3/library/sqlite3.html +[2]:https://pypi.python.org/pypi +[3]:https://pypi.python.org/pypi/feedparser/5.2.1 +[4]:https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?hl=en +[5]:https://pythonhosted.org/feedparser/reference.html +[6]:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron +[7]:https://github.com/cverna/rss_feed_notifier