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Writing man Pages Using groff
使用 groff 编写 man 手册页页
groff is the GNU version of the popular nroff/troff text-formatting tools provided on most Unix systems. Its most common use is writing manual pages—online documentation for commands, programming interfaqces, and so forth. In this article, we show you the ropes of writing your own man pages with groff.
`groff` 是大多数 Unix 系统上所提供的流行的文本格式化工具 nroff/troff 的 GNU 版本。它一般用于编写手册页,即命令、编程接口等的在线文档。在本文中,我们将给你展示如何使用 `groff` 编写你自己的 man 手册页。
Two of the original text processing systems found on Unix systems are troff and nroff, developed at Bell Labs for the original implementation of Unix (in fact, the development of Unix itself was spurred, in part, to support such a text-processing system). The first version of this text processor was called roff (for “runoff”); later came troff, which generated output for a particular typesetter in use at the time. nroff was a later version that became the standard text processor on Unix systems everywhere. groff is GNU's implementation of nroff and troff that is used on Linux systems. It includes several extended features and drivers for a number of printing devices.
在 Unix 系统上最初有两个文本处理系统:troff 和 nroff,它们是由贝尔实验室为初始的 Unix 所开发的(事实上,开发 Unix 系统的部分原因就是为了支持这样的一个文本处理系统)。这个文本处理器的第一个版本被称作 roff(意为 “runoff”——径流);稍后出现了 troff,在那时用于为特定的<ruby>排字机<rt>Typesetter</rt></ruby>生成输出。nroff 是更晚一些的版本,它成为了各种 Unix 系统的标准文本处理器。groff 是 nroff 和 troff 的 GNU 实现,用在 Linux 系统上。它包括了几个扩展功能和一些打印设备的驱动程序。
groff is capable of producing documents, articles, and books, much in the same vein as other text-formatting systems, such as TeX. However, groff (as well as the original nroff) has one intrinsic feature that is absent from TeX and variants: the ability to produce plain-ASCII output. While other systems are great for producing documents to be printed, groff is able to produce plain ASCII to be viewed online (or printed directly as plain text on even the simplest of printers). If you're going to be producing documentation to be viewed online, as well as in printed form, groff may be the way to go (although there are alternatives, such as Texinfo, Lametex, and other tools).
`groff` 能够生成文档、文章和书籍,很多时候它就像是其它的文本格式化系统(如 TeX)的血管一样。然而,`groff`(以及原来的 nroff)有一个固有的功能是 TeX 及其变体所缺乏的:生成普通 ASCII 输出。其它的系统在生成打印的文档方面做得很好,而 `groff` 却能够生成可以在线浏览的普通 ASCII(甚至可以在最简单的打印机上直接以普通文本打印)。如果要生成在线浏览的文档以及打印的表单,`groff` 也许是你所需要的(虽然也有替代品,如 Texinfo、Lametex 等等)。
groff also has the benefit of being much smaller than TeX; it requires fewer support files and executables than even a minimal TeX distribution.
`groff` 还有一个好处是它比 TeX 小很多;它所需要的支持文件和可执行程序甚至比最小化的 TeX 版本都少。
One special application of groff is to format Unix man pages. If you're a Unix programmer, you'll eventually need to write and produce man pages of some kind. In this article, we'll introduce the use of groff through the writing of a short man page.
`groff` 一个特定的用途是用于格式化 Unix 的 man 手册页。如果你是一个 Unix 程序员,你肯定需要编写和生成各种 man 手册页。在本文中,我们将通过编写一个简短的 man 手册页来介绍 `groff` 的使用。
As with TeX, groff uses a particular text-formatting language to describe how to process the text. This language is slightly more cryptic than systems such as TeX, but also less verbose. In addition, groff provides several macro packages that are used on top of the basic formatter; these macro packages are tailored to a particular type of document. For example, the mgs macros are an ideal choice for writing articles and papers, while the man macros are used for man pages.
像 TeX 一样,`groff` 使用特定的文本格式化语言来描述如何处理文本。这种语言比 TeX 之类的系统更加神秘一些,但是更加简洁。此外,`groff` 在基本的格式化器之上提供了几个宏软件包;这些宏软件包是为一些特定类型的文档所定制的。举个例子, mgs 宏对于写作文章或论文很适合,而 man 宏可用于 man 手册页。
### Writing a man Page
### 编写 man 手册页
Writing man pages with groff is actually quite simple. For your man page to look like others, you need to follow several conventions in the source, which are presented below. In this example, we'll write a man page for a mythical command coffee that controls your networked coffee machine in various ways.
用 `groff` 编写 man 手册页十分简单。要让你的 man 手册页看起来和其它的一样,你需要从源头上遵循几个惯例,如下所示。在这个例子中,我们将为一个虚构的命令 `coffee` 编写 man 手册页,它用于以各种方式控制你的联网咖啡机。
Using any text editor, enter the source from Listing 1 and save the result as coffee.man. Do not enter the line numbers at the beginning of each line; those are used only for reference later in the article.
使用任意文本编辑器,输入如下代码,并保存为 `coffee.man`。不要输入每行的行号,它们仅用于本文中的说明。
.TH COFFEE 1 "23 March 94"
coffee /- Control remote coffee machine
coffee \- Control remote coffee machine
/fBcoffee/fP [ -h | -b ] [ -t /fItype/fP ]
\fBcoffee\fP [ -h | -b ] [ -t \fItype\fP ]
/fBcoffee/fP queues a request to the remote
coffee machine at the device /fB/dev/cf0/fR.
The required /fIamount/fP argument specifies
\fBcoffee\fP queues a request to the remote
coffee machine at the device \fB/dev/cf0\fR.
The required \fIamount\fP argument specifies
the number of cups, generally between 0 and
12 on ISO standard coffee machines.
.SS Options
Brew hot coffee. Cold is the default.
Burn coffee. Especially useful when executing
/fBcoffee/fP on behalf of your boss.
\fBcoffee\fP on behalf of your boss.
/fB-t /fItype/fR
\fB-t \fItype\fR
Specify the type of coffee to brew, where
/fItype/fP is one of /fBcolumbian/fP,
/fBregular/fP, or /fBdecaf/fP.
\fItype\fP is one of \fBcolumbian\fP,
\fBregular\fP, or \fBdecaf\fP.
The remote coffee machine device
milk(5), sugar(5)
@ -57,15 +56,23 @@ May require human intervention if coffee
supply is exhausted.
Don't let the amount of obscurity in this source file frighten you. It helps to know that the character sequences \fB, \fI, and \fR are used to change the font to boldface, italics, and roman type, respectively. \fP sets the font to the one previously selected.
*清单 1:示例 man 手册页源文件*
Other groff requests appear on lines beginning with a dot (.). On line 1, we see that the .TH request is used to set the title of the man page to COFFEE, the man section to 1, and the date of the last man page revision. (Recall that man section 1 is used for user commands, section 2 is for system calls, and so forth. The man man command details each section number.) On line 2, the .SH request is used to start a section, entitled NAME. Note that almost all Unix man pages use the section progression NAME, SYNOPSIS, DESCRIPTION, FILES, SEE ALSO, NOTES, AUTHOR, and BUGS, with extra, optional sections as needed. This is just a convention used when writing man pages and isn't enforced by the software at all.
不要让这些晦涩的代码吓坏了你。字符串序列 `\fB`、`\fI` 和 `\fR` 分别用来改变字体为粗体、斜体和正体(罗马字体)。`\fP` 设置字体为前一个选择的字体。
Line 3 gives the name of the command and a short description, after a dash ([mi]). You should use this format for the NAME section so that your man page can be added to the whatis database used by the man -k and apropos commands.
其它的 `groff` <ruby>请求<rt>request</rt></ruby>以点(`.`)开头出现在行首。第 1 行中,我们看到的 `.TH` 请求用于设置该 man 手册页的标题为 `COFFEE`、man 的部分为 `1`、以及该 man 手册页的最新版本的日期。(说明,man 手册的第 1 部分用于用户命令、第 2 部分用于系统调用等等。使用 `man man` 命令了解各个部分)。
On lines 4—6 we give the synopsis of the command syntax for coffee. Note that italic type \fI...\fP is used to denote parameters on the command line, and that optional arguments are enclosed in square brackets.
在第 2 行,`.SH` 请求用于标记一个<ruby>节<rt>section</rt></ruby>的开始,并给该节名称为 `NAME`。注意,大部分的 Unix man 手册页依次使用 `NAME`、 `SYNOPSIS`、`DESCRIPTION`、`FILES`、`SEE ALSO`、`NOTES`、`AUTHOR` 和 `BUGS` 等节,个别情况下也需要一些额外的可选节。这只是编写 man 手册页的惯例,并不强制所有软件都如此。
Lines 7—12 give a brief description of the command. Boldface type is generally used to denote program and file names. On line 13, a subsection named Options is started with the .SS request. Following this on lines 14—25 is a list of options, presented using a tagged list. Each item in the tagged list is marked with the .TPrequest; the line after .TP is the tag, after which follows the item text itself. For example, the source on lines 14—16:
第 3 行给出命令的名称,并在一个横线(`-`)后给出简短描述。在 `NAME` 节使用这个格式以便你的 man 手册页可以加到 whatis 数据库中——它可以用于 `man -k` 或 `apropos` 命令。
第 4-6 行我们给出了 `coffee` 命令格式的大纲。注意,斜体 `\fI...\fP` 用于表示命令行的参数,可选参数用方括号扩起来。
第 7-12 行给出了该命令的摘要介绍。粗体通常用于表示程序或文件的名称。
在 13 行,使用 `.SS` 开始了一个名为 `Options` 的子节。
接着第 14-25 行是选项列表,会使用参数列表样式表示。参数列表中的每一项以 `.TP` 请求来标记;`.TP` 后的行是参数,再之后是该项的文本。例如,第 14-16 行:
@ -73,22 +80,29 @@ Lines 7—12 give a brief description of the command. Boldface type is generally
Brew hot coffee. Cold is the default.
-h Brew hot coffee. Cold is the default.
Lines 26—29 make up the FILES section of the man page, which describes any files that the command might use to do its work. A tagged list using the .TP request is used for this as well.
第 26-29 行创建该 man 手册页的 `FILES` 节,它用于描述该命令可能使用的文件。可以使用 `.TP` 请求来表示文件列表。
On lines 30—31, the SEE ALSO section is given, which provides cross-references to other man pages of note. Notice that the string <\#34>SEE ALSO<\#34>following the .SH request on line 30 is in quotes; this is because .SH uses the first whitespace-delimited argument as the section title. Therefore any section titles that are more than one word need to be enclosed in quotes to make up a single argument. Finally, on lines 32—34, the BUGS section is presented.
第 30-31 行,给出了 `SEE ALSO` 节,它提供了其它可以参考的 man 手册页。注意,第 30 行的 `.SH` 请求中 `"SEE ALSO"` 使用括号扩起来,这是因为 `.SH` 使用第一个空格来分隔该节的标题。任何超过一个单词的标题都需要使用引号扩起来成为一个单一参数。
### Formatting and Installing the man Page
最后,第 32-34 行,是 `BUGS` 节。
### 格式化和安装 man 手册页
In order to format this man page and view it on your screen, you can use the command:
$ groff -Tascii -man coffee.man | more
`-Tascii` 选项告诉 `groff` 生成普通 ASCII 输出;`-man` 告诉 `groff` 使用 man 手册页宏集合。如果一切正常,这个 man 手册页显示应该如下。
@ -117,39 +131,47 @@ BUGS
As mentioned before, groff is capable of producing other types of output. Using the -Tps option in place of -Tascii will produce PostScript output that you can save to a file, view with GhostView, or print on a PostScript printer. -Tdvi will produce device-independent .dvi output similar to that produced by TeX.
*格式化的 man 手册页*
If you wish to make the man page available for others to view on your system, you need to install the groff source in a directory that is present in other users' MANPATH. The location for standard man pages is /usr/man. The source for section 1 man pages should therefore go in /usr/man/man1\. Therefore, the command:
如之前提到过的,`groff` 能够生成其它类型的输出。使用 `-Tps` 选项替代 `-Tascii` 将会生成 PostScript 输出,你可以将其保存为文件,用 GhostView 查看,或用一个 PostScript 打印机打印出来。`-Tdvi` 会生成设备无关的 .dvi 输出,类似于 TeX 的输出。
如果你希望让别人在你的系统上也可以查看这个 man 手册页,你需要安装这个 groff 源文件到其它用户的 `%MANPATH` 目录里面。标准的 man 手册页放在 `/usr/man`。第一部分的 man 手册页应该放在 `/usr/man/man1` 下,因此,使用命令:
$ cp coffee.man /usr/man/man1/coffee.1
If you can't copy man page sources directly to /usr/man (say, because you're not the system administrator), you can create your own man page directory tree and add it to your MANPATH. The MANPATH environment variable is of the same format asPATH; for example, to add the directory /home/mdw/man to MANPATH just use:
这将安装该 man 手册页到 `/usr/man` 中供所有人使用(注意使用 `.1` 扩展名而不是 `.man`)。当接下来执行 `man coffee` 命令时,该 man 手册页会被自动重新格式化,并且可查看的文本会被保存到 `/usr/man/cat1/coffee.1.Z` 中。
如果你不能直接复制 man 手册页的源文件到 `/usr/man`(比如说你不是系统管理员),你可创建你自己的 man 手册页目录树,并将其加入到你的 `%MANPATH`。`%MANPATH` 环境变量的格式同 `%PATH` 一样,举个例子,要添加目录 `/home/mdw/man` 到 `%MANPATH` ,只需要:
$ export MANPATH=/home/mdw/man:$MANPATH
`groff` 和 man 手册页宏还有许多其它的选项和格式化命令。找到它们的最好办法是查看 `/usr/lib/groff` 中的文件; `tmac` 目录包含了宏文件,自身通常会包含其所提供的命令的文档。要让 `groff` 使用特定的宏集合,只需要使用 `-m macro` (或 `-macro`) 选项。例如,要使用 mgs 宏,使用命令:
groff -Tascii -mgs files...
Unfortunately, the macro sets provided with groff are not well-documented. There are section 7 man pages for some of them; for example, man 7 groff_mm will tell you about the mm macro set. However, this documentation usually only covers the differences and new features in the groff implementation, which assumes you have access to the man pages for the original nroff/troff macro sets (known as DWB—the Documentor's Work Bench). The best source of information may be a book on using nroff/troff which covers these classic macro sets in detail. For more about writing man pages, you can always look at the man page sources (in /usr/man) and determine what they do by comparing the formatted output with the source.
`groff` 的 man 手册页对这个选项描述了更多细节。
This article is adapted from Running Linux, by Matt Welsh and Lar Kaufman, published by O'Reilly and Associates (ISBN 1-56592-100-3). Among other things, this book includes tutorials of various text-formatting systems used under Linux. Information in this issue of Linux Journal as well as Running Linux should provide a good head-start on using the many text tools available for the system.
不幸的是,随同 `groff` 提供的宏集合没有完善的文档。第 7 部分的 man 手册页提供了一些,例如,`man 7 groff_mm` 会给你 mm 宏集合的信息。然而,该文档通常只覆盖了在 `groff` 实现中不同和新功能,而假设你已经了解过原来的 nroff/troff 宏集合(称作 DWB:the Documentor's Work Bench)。最佳的信息来源或许是一本覆盖了那些经典宏集合细节的书。要了解更多的编写 man 手册页的信息,你可以看看 man 手册页源文件(`/usr/man` 中),并通过它们来比较源文件的输出。
### Good luck, and happy documenting!
这篇文章是《Running Linux》 中的一章,由 Matt Welsh 和 Lar Kaufman 著,奥莱理出版(ISBN 1-56592-100-3)。在本书中,还包括了 Linux 下使用的各种文本格式化系统的教程。这期的《Linux Journal》中的内容及《Running Linux》应该可以给你提供在 Linux 上使用各种文本工具的良好开端。
Matt Welsh ([mdw@cs.cornell.edu][1]) is a student and systems programmer at Cornell University, working with the Robotics and Vision Laboratory on projects dealing with real-time machine vision.
### 祝好,撰写快乐!
Matt Welsh ([mdw@cs.cornell.edu][1])是康奈尔大学的一名学生和系统程序员,在机器人和视觉实验室从事于时时机器视觉研究。
via: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/1158
作者:[Matt Welsh][a]
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