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# 5 个给孩子的非常好的 Linux 教育软件和游戏
5 个给孩子的非常好的 Linux 游戏和教育软件

@ -8,39 +9,39 @@ Linux 是一个非常强大的操作系统,因此因特网上的大多数服
**相关阅读**:[使用一个 Linux 发行版的新手指南][1]
### 1. GCompris
### 1、GCompris
如果你正在为你的孩子寻找一款最佳的教育软件,[GCompris][2] 将是你的最好的开端。这款软件专门为 2 到 10 岁的孩子所设计。作为所有的 Linux 教育软件套装的巅峰之作,GCompris 为孩子们提供了大约 100 项活动。它囊括了你期望你的孩子学习的所有内容,从阅读材料到科学、地理、绘画、代数、测验、等等。
如果你正在为你的孩子寻找一款最佳的教育软件,[GCompris][2] 将是你的最好的开端。这款软件专门为 2 到 10 岁的孩子所设计。作为所有的 Linux 教育软件套装的巅峰之作,GCompris 为孩子们提供了大约 100 项活动。它囊括了你期望你的孩子学习的所有内容,从阅读材料到科学、地理、绘画、代数、测验等等。
![Linux educational software and games][3]
GCompris 甚至有一项活动可以帮你的孩子学习计算机的相关知识。如果你的孩子还很小,你希望他去学习字母、颜色、和形状,GCompris 也有这方面的相关内容。更重要的是,它也为孩子们准备了一些益智类游戏,比如国际象棋、井字棋、好记性、以及猜词游戏。GCompris 并不是一个仅在 Linux 上可运行的游戏。它也可以运行在 Windows 和 Android 上。
GCompris 甚至有一项活动可以帮你的孩子学习计算机的相关知识。如果你的孩子还很小,你希望他去学习字母、颜色和形状,GCompris 也有这方面的相关内容。更重要的是,它也为孩子们准备了一些益智类游戏,比如国际象棋、井字棋、好记性、以及猜词游戏。GCompris 并不是一个仅在 Linux 上可运行的游戏。它也可以运行在 Windows 和 Android 上。
### 2. TuxMath
### 2、TuxMath
很多学生认为数学是们非常难的课程。你可以通过 Linux 教育软件如 [TuxMath][4] 来让你的孩子了解数学技能,从而来改变这种看法。TuxMath 是为孩子开发的顶级的数学教育辅助游戏。在这个游戏中,你的角色是在如雨点般下降的数学问题中帮助 Linux 企鹅 Tux 来保护它的星球。
很多学生认为数学是门非常难的课程。你可以通过 Linux 教育软件如 [TuxMath][4] 来让你的孩子了解数学技能,从而来改变这种看法。TuxMath 是为孩子开发的顶级的数学教育辅助游戏。在这个游戏中,你的角色是在如雨点般下降的数学问题中帮助 Linux 企鹅 Tux 来保护它的星球。
在它们落下来毁坏 Tux 的星球之前,找到问题的答案,就可以使用你的激光去帮助 Tux 拯救它的星球。数字问题的难度每过一关就会提升一点。这个游戏非常适合孩子,因为它可以让孩子们去开动脑筋解决问题。而且还有助他们学好数学,以及帮助他们开发智力。
### 3. Sugar on a Stick
### 3、Sugar on a Stick
[Sugar on a Stick][6] 是献给孩子们的学习程序 —— 一个广受好评的全新教学法。这个程序为你的孩子提供一个成熟的教学平台,在那里,他们可以收获创造、探索、发现和思考方面的技能。和 GCompris 一样,Sugar on a Stick 为孩子们带来了包括游戏和谜题在内的大量学习资源。
[Sugar on a Stick][6] 是献给孩子们的学习程序 —— 一个广受好评的全新教学法。这个程序为你的孩子提供一个成熟的教学平台,在那里,他们可以收获创造、探索、发现和思考方面的技能。和 GCompris 一样,Sugar on a Stick 为孩子们带来了包括游戏和谜题在内的大量学习资源。
关于 Sugar on a Stick 最大的一个好处是你可以将它配置在一个 U 盘上。你只要有一台 X86 的 PC,插入那个 U 盘,然后就可以从 U 盘引导这个发行版。Sugar on a Stick 是由 Sugar 实验室提供的一个项目 —— 这个实验室是一个由志愿者运作的非盈利组织。
### 4. KDE Edu Suite
### 4、KDE Edu Suite
[KDE Edu Suite][8] 是一个用途与众不同的软件包。带来了大量不同领域的应用程序,KDE 社区已经证实,它不仅是一系列成年人授权的问题;它还关心年青一代如何适应他们周围的一切。它囊括了一系列孩子们使用的应用程序,从科学到数学、地理等等。
[KDE Edu Suite][8] 是一个用途与众不同的软件包。带来了大量不同领域的应用程序,KDE 社区已经证实,它不仅可以给成年人授权;它还关心年青一代如何适应他们周围的一切。它囊括了一系列孩子们使用的应用程序,从科学到数学、地理等等。
KDE Edu 套件根据长大后所必需的知识为基础,既能够用作学校的教学软件,也能够作为孩子们的学习 APP。它提供了大量的可免费下载的软件包。KDE Edu 套件在主流的 GNU/Linux 发行版都能安装。
### 5. Tux Paint
### 5、Tux Paint
@ -61,20 +62,20 @@ via: https://www.maketecheasier.com/5-best-linux-software-packages-for-kids/
作者:[Kenneth Kimari][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[a]: https://www.maketecheasier.com/author/kennkimari/
[1]: https://www.maketecheasier.com/beginner-guide-to-using-linux-distro/ "The Beginner’s Guide to Using a Linux Distro"
[1]: https://www.maketecheasier.com/beginner-guide-to-using-linux-distro/
[2]: http://www.gcompris.net/downloads-en.html
[3]: https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/07/Linux-educational-software-gcompris.jpg "Linux educational software and games"
[3]: https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/07/Linux-educational-software-gcompris.jpg
[4]: https://tuxmath.en.uptodown.com/ubuntu
[5]: https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/07/Linux-educational-software-tuxmath-1.jpg "linux-educational-software-tuxmath-1"
[5]: https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/07/Linux-educational-software-tuxmath-1.jpg
[6]: http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_on_a_Stick/Downloads
[7]: https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/07/Linux-educational-software-sugar-on-a-stick.png "linux-educational-software-sugar-on-a-stick"
[7]: https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/07/Linux-educational-software-sugar-on-a-stick.png
[8]: https://edu.kde.org/
[9]: https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/07/Linux-educational-software-kde-1.jpg "linux-educational-software-kde-1"
[10]: https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/07/Linux-educational-software-tux-paint-2.jpg "linux-educational-software-tux-paint-2"
[9]: https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/07/Linux-educational-software-kde-1.jpg
[10]: https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/07/Linux-educational-software-tux-paint-2.jpg
[11]: http://www.tuxpaint.org/
[12]: http://edubuntu.org/
[12]: http://edubuntu.org/
@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
在 Linux 中安全轻松地管理 Cron 定时任务
在 Linux 中安全且轻松地管理 Cron 定时任务

在 Linux 中遇到计划任务的时候,你首先会想到的大概就是 Cron 定时任务了。Cron 定时任务能帮助你在类 Unix 操作系统中计划性地执行命令或者任务。也可以参考一下我们之前的一篇[《关于 Cron 定时任务的新手指导》][1]。对于有一定 Linux 经验的人来说,设置 Cron 定时任务不是什么难事,但对于新手来说就不一定了,他们在编辑 Crontab 文件的时候不知不觉中犯的一些小错误,也有可能把整个 Cron 定时任务搞挂了。如果你在处理 Cron 定时任务的时候为了以防万一,可以尝试使用 **Crontab UI**,它是一个可以在类 Unix 操作系统上安全轻松管理 Cron 定时任务的页面工具。
Crontab UI 是使用 NodeJS 编写的免费开源软件。有了 Crontab UI,你在创建、删除和修改 Cron 定时任务的时候就不需要手工编辑 Crontab 文件了,只需要打开浏览器稍微操作一下,就能完成上面这些工作。你可以用 Crontab UI 轻松创建、编辑、暂停、删除、备份 Cron 定时任务,甚至还可以简单做到导入、导出、部署其它机器上的 Cron 定时任务,它还支持错误日志、邮件发送和钩子。
在 Linux 中遇到计划任务的时候,你首先会想到的大概就是 Cron 定时任务了。Cron 定时任务能帮助你在类 Unix 操作系统中计划性地执行命令或者任务。也可以参考一下我们之前的一篇《[关于 Cron 定时任务的新手指导][1]》。对于有一定 Linux 经验的人来说,设置 Cron 定时任务不是什么难事,但对于新手来说就不一定了,他们在编辑 crontab 文件的时候不知不觉中犯的一些小错误,也有可能把整个 Cron 定时任务搞挂了。如果你在处理 Cron 定时任务的时候为了以防万一,可以尝试使用 **Crontab UI**,它是一个可以在类 Unix 操作系统上安全轻松管理 Cron 定时任务的 Web 页面工具。
Crontab UI 是使用 NodeJS 编写的自由开源软件。有了 Crontab UI,你在创建、删除和修改 Cron 定时任务的时候就不需要手工编辑 Crontab 文件了,只需要打开浏览器稍微操作一下,就能完成上面这些工作。你可以用 Crontab UI 轻松创建、编辑、暂停、删除、备份 Cron 定时任务,甚至还可以简单地做到导入、导出、部署其它机器上的 Cron 定时任务,它还支持错误日志、邮件发送和钩子。
### 安装 Crontab UI
只需要一条命令就可以安装好 Crontab UI,但前提是已经安装好 NPM。如果还没有安装 NPM,可以参考[《如何在 Linux 上安装 NodeJS》][2]这篇文章。
只需要一条命令就可以安装好 Crontab UI,但前提是已经安装好 NPM。如果还没有安装 NPM,可以参考《[如何在 Linux 上安装 NodeJS][2]》这篇文章。
执行这一条命令来安装 Crontab UI。
$ npm install -g crontab-ui
就是这么简单,下面继续来看看在 Crontab UI 上如何管理 Cron 定时任务。
@ -23,29 +22,29 @@ $ npm install -g crontab-ui
### 在 Linux 上安全轻松管理 Cron 定时任务
执行这一条命令启动 Crontab UI:
$ crontab-ui
Node version: 10.8.0
Crontab UI is running at
首先在你的防火墙和路由器上放开 8000 端口,然后打开浏览器访问 **<>**。
首先在你的防火墙和路由器上放开 8000 端口,然后打开浏览器访问 `<>`。
注意,默认只有在本地才能访问到 Crontab UI 的控制台页面。但如果你想让 Crontab UI 使用系统的 IP 地址和自定义端口,也就是想让其它机器也访问到本地的 Crontab UI,你需要使用以下这个命令:
$ HOST= PORT=9000 crontab-ui
Node version: 10.8.0
Crontab UI is running at
Crontab UI 就能够通过 <http://IP-Address>:9000 这样的 URL 被远程机器访问到了。
Crontab UI 就能够通过 `<http://IP-Address>:9000` 这样的 URL 被远程机器访问到了。
Crontab UI 的控制台页面长这样:
@ -53,19 +52,17 @@ Crontab UI 的控制台页面长这样:
从上面的截图就可以看到,Crontab UI 的界面非常简洁,所有选项的含义都能不言自明。
输入 `Ctrl + C` 就可以关闭 Crontab UI。
在终端输入 `Ctrl + C` 就可以关闭 Crontab UI。
**创建、编辑、运行、停止、删除 Cron 定时任务**
点击“New”,输入 Cron 定时任务的信息并点击“Save”保存,就可以创建一个新的 Cron 定时任务了。
#### 创建、编辑、运行、停止、删除 Cron 定时任务
点击 “New”,输入 Cron 定时任务的信息并点击 “Save” 保存,就可以创建一个新的 Cron 定时任务了。
1. 为 Cron 定时任务命名,这是可选的;
2. 你想要执行的完整命令;
3. 设定计划执行的时间。你可以按照启动、每时、每日、每周、每月、每年这些指标快速指定计划任务,也可以明确指定任务执行的具体时间。指定好计划时间后,**Jobs** 区域就会显示 Cron 定时任务的句式。
3. 设定计划执行的时间。你可以按照启动、每时、每日、每周、每月、每年这些指标快速指定计划任务,也可以明确指定任务执行的具体时间。指定好计划时间后,“Jobs” 区域就会显示 Cron 定时任务的句式。
4. 选择是否为某个 Cron 定时任务记录错误日志。
这是我的一个 Cron 定时任务样例。

@ -74,41 +71,40 @@ Crontab UI 的控制台页面长这样:

如果你需要更改 Cron 定时任务中的某些参数,只需要点击 **Edit** 按钮并按照你的需求更改对应的参数。点击 **Run** 按钮可以立即执行 Cron 定时任务,点击 **Stop** 则可以立即停止 Cron 定时任务。如果想要查看某个 Cron 定时任务的详细日志,可以点击 **Log** 按钮。对于不再需要的 Cron 定时任务,就可以按 **Delete** 按钮删除。
如果你需要更改 Cron 定时任务中的某些参数,只需要点击 “Edit” 按钮并按照你的需求更改对应的参数。点击 “Run” 按钮可以立即执行 Cron 定时任务,点击 “Stop” 则可以立即停止 Cron 定时任务。如果想要查看某个 Cron 定时任务的详细日志,可以点击 “Log” 按钮。对于不再需要的 Cron 定时任务,就可以按 “Delete” 按钮删除。
**备份 Cron 定时任务**
#### 备份 Cron 定时任务
点击控制台页面的 **Backup** 按钮并确认,就可以备份所有 Cron 定时任务。
点击控制台页面的 “Backup” 按钮并确认,就可以备份所有 Cron 定时任务。

备份之后,一旦 Crontab 文件出现了错误,就可以使用备份来恢复了。
**导入/导出其它机器上的 Cron 定时任务**
#### 导入/导出其它机器上的 Cron 定时任务
Crontab UI 还有一个令人注目的功能,就是导入、导出、部署其它机器上的 Cron 定时任务。如果同一个网络里的多台机器都需要执行同样的 Cron 定时任务,只需要点击 **Export** 按钮并选择文件的保存路径,所有的 Cron 定时任务都会导出到 `crontab.db` 文件中。
Crontab UI 还有一个令人注目的功能,就是导入、导出、部署其它机器上的 Cron 定时任务。如果同一个网络里的多台机器都需要执行同样的 Cron 定时任务,只需要点击 “Export” 按钮并选择文件的保存路径,所有的 Cron 定时任务都会导出到 `crontab.db` 文件中。
以下是 `crontab.db` 文件的内容:
$ cat Downloads/crontab.db
{"name":"Remove Pacman Cache","command":"rm -rf /var/cache/pacman","schedule":"@monthly","stopped":false,"timestamp":"Thu Aug 23 2018 10:34:19 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)","logging":"true","mailing":{},"created":1535020459093,"_id":"lcVc1nSdaceqS1ut"}
导出成文件以后,你就可以把这个 `crontab.db` 文件放置到其它机器上并导入成 Cron 定时任务,而不需要在每一台主机上手动设置 Cron 定时任务。总之,在一台机器上设置完,导出,再导入到其他机器,就完事了。
**在 Crontab 文件获取/保存 Cron 定时任务**
#### 在 Crontab 文件获取/保存 Cron 定时任务
你可能在使用 Crontab UI 之前就已经使用 `crontab` 命令创建过 Cron 定时任务。如果是这样,你可以点击控制台页面上的 **Get from crontab** 按钮来获取已有的 Cron 定时任务。
你可能在使用 Crontab UI 之前就已经使用 `crontab` 命令创建过 Cron 定时任务。如果是这样,你可以点击控制台页面上的 “Get from crontab” 按钮来获取已有的 Cron 定时任务。

同样地,你也可以使用 Crontab UI 来将新的 Cron 定时任务保存到 Crontab 文件中,只需要点击 **Save to crontab** 按钮就可以了。
同样地,你也可以使用 Crontab UI 来将新的 Cron 定时任务保存到 Crontab 文件中,只需要点击 “Save to crontab” 按钮就可以了。
管理 Cron 定时任务并没有想象中那么难,即使是新手使用 Crontab UI 也能轻松管理 Cron 定时任务。赶快开始尝试并发表一下你的看法吧。
via: https://www.ostechnix.com/how-to-easily-and-safely-manage-cron-jobs-in-linux/
@ -116,7 +112,7 @@ via: https://www.ostechnix.com/how-to-easily-and-safely-manage-cron-jobs-in-linu
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,40 +1,39 @@
如何在 Ubuntu Linux 中使用 RAR 文件
[RAR][1] 是一种非常好的归档文件格式。但相比之下 7-zip 能提供了更好的压缩率,并且默认情况下还可以在多个平台上轻松支持 Zip 文件。不过 RAR 仍然是最流行的归档格式之一。然而 [Ubuntu][2] 自带的归档管理器却不支持提取 RAR 文件,也不允许创建 RAR 文件。
方法总比问题多。只要安装 `unrar` 这款由 [RARLAB][3] 提供的免费软件,就能在 Ubuntu 上支持提取RAR文件了。你也可以试安装 `rar` 来创建和管理 RAR 文件。
办法总比问题多。只要安装 `unrar` 这款由 [RARLAB][3] 提供的免费软件,就能在 Ubuntu 上支持提取 RAR 文件了。你也可以安装 `rar` 试用版来创建和管理 RAR 文件。
![RAR files in Ubuntu Linux][4]
### 提取 RAR 文件
在未安装 unrar 的情况下,提取 RAR 文件会报出“未能提取”错误,就像下面这样(以 [Ubuntu 18.04][5] 为例):
在未安装 `unrar` 的情况下,提取 RAR 文件会报出“未能提取”错误,就像下面这样(以 [Ubuntu 18.04][5] 为例):
![Error in RAR extraction in Ubuntu][6]
如果要解决这个错误并提取 RAR 文件,请按照以下步骤安装 unrar:
如果要解决这个错误并提取 RAR 文件,请按照以下步骤安装 `unrar`:
sudo apt-get install unrar
sudo apt-get install unrar
安装 unrar 后,直接输入 `unrar` 就可以看到它的用法以及如何使用这个工具处理 RAR 文件。
安装 `unrar` 后,直接输入 `unrar` 就可以看到它的用法以及如何使用这个工具处理 RAR 文件。
最常用到的功能是提取 RAR 文件。因此,可以**通过右键单击 RAR 文件并执行提取**,也可以借助此以下命令通过终端执行操作:
unrar x FileName.rar
![Using unrar in Ubuntu][7]
如果家目录中不存在对应的文件,就必须使用 `cd` 命令移动到目标目录下。例如 RAR 文件如果在 `Music` 目录下,只需要使用 `cd Music` 就可以移动到相应的目录,然后提取 RAR 文件。
如果压缩文件没放在家目录中,就必须使用 `cd` 命令移动到目标目录下。例如 RAR 文件如果在 `Music` 目录下,只需要使用 `cd Music` 就可以移动到相应的目录,然后提取 RAR 文件。
### 创建和管理 RAR 文件
@ -42,18 +41,16 @@ unrar x FileName.rar
`unrar` 不允许创建 RAR 文件。因此还需要安装 `rar` 命令行工具才能创建 RAR 文件。
要创建 RAR 文件,首先需要通过以下命令安装 rar:
要创建 RAR 文件,首先需要通过以下命令安装 `rar`:
sudo apt-get install rar
按照下面的命令语法创建 RAR 文件:
rar a ArchiveName File_1 File_2 Dir_1 Dir_2
按照这个格式输入命令时,它会将目录中的每个文件添加到 RAR 文件中。如果需要某一个特定的文件,就要指定文件确切的名称或路径。
@ -64,7 +61,6 @@ rar a ArchiveName File_1 File_2 Dir_1 Dir_2
rar u ArchiveName Filename
在终端输入 `rar` 就可以列出 RAR 工具的相关命令。
@ -82,7 +78,7 @@ via: https://itsfoss.com/use-rar-ubuntu-linux/
作者:[Ankush Das][a]
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@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
Translating By houbaron
Five things that make Go fast
_Anthony Starks has remixed my original Google Present based slides using his fantastic Deck presentation tool. You can check out his remix over on his blog,[mindchunk.blogspot.com.au/2014/06/remixing-with-deck][5]._
* * *
I was recently invited to give a talk at Gocon, a fantastic Go conference held semi-annually in Tokyo, Japan. [Gocon 2014][6] was an entirely community-run one day event combining training and an afternoon of presentations surrounding the theme of <q style="border: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; quotes: none;">Go in production</q>.
The following is the text of my presentation. The original text was structured to force me to speak slowly and clearly, so I have taken the liberty of editing it slightly to be more readable.
I want to thank [Bill Kennedy][7], Minux Ma, and especially [Josh Bleecher Snyder][8], for their assistance in preparing this talk.
* * *
Good afternoon.
My name is David.
I am delighted to be here at Gocon today. I have wanted to come to this conference for two years and I am very grateful to the organisers for extending me the opportunity to present to you today.
I want to begin my talk with a question.
Why are people choosing to use Go ?
When people talk about their decision to learn Go, or use it in their product, they have a variety of answers, but there always three that are at the top of their list
These are the top three.
The first, Concurrency.
Go’s concurrency primitives are attractive to programmers who come from single threaded scripting languages like Nodejs, Ruby, or Python, or from languages like C++ or Java with their heavyweight threading model.
Ease of deployment.
We have heard today from experienced Gophers who appreciate the simplicity of deploying Go applications.
This leaves Performance.
I believe an important reason why people choose to use Go is because it is _fast_ .
For my talk today I want to discuss five features that contribute to Go’s performance.
I will also share with you the details of how Go implements these features.
The first feature I want to talk about is Go’s efficient treatment and storage of values.
This is an example of a value in Go. When compiled, `gocon` consumes exactly four bytes of memory.
Let’s compare Go with some other languages
Due to the overhead of the way Python represents variables, storing the same value using Python consumes six times more memory.
This extra memory is used by Python to track type information, do reference counting, etc
Let’s look at another example:
Similar to Go, the Java `int` type consumes 4 bytes of memory to store this value.
However, to use this value in a collection like a `List` or `Map`, the compiler must convert it into an `Integer` object.
So an integer in Java frequently looks more like this and consumes between 16 and 24 bytes of memory.
Why is this important ? Memory is cheap and plentiful, why should this overhead matter ?
This is a graph showing CPU clock speed vs memory bus speed.
Notice how the gap between CPU clock speed and memory bus speed continues to widen.
The difference between the two is effectively how much time the CPU spends waiting for memory.
Since the late 1960’s CPU designers have understood this problem.
Their solution is a cache, an area of smaller, faster memory which is inserted between the CPU and main memory.
This is a `Location` type which holds the location of some object in three dimensional space. It is written in Go, so each `Location` consumes exactly 24 bytes of storage.
We can use this type to construct an array type of 1,000 `Location`s, which consumes exactly 24,000 bytes of memory.
Inside the array, the `Location` structures are stored sequentially, rather than as pointers to 1,000 Location structures stored randomly.
This is important because now all 1,000 `Location` structures are in the cache in sequence, packed tightly together.
Go lets you create compact data structures, avoiding unnecessary indirection.
Compact data structures utilise the cache better.
Better cache utilisation leads to better performance.
Function calls are not free.
Three things happen when a function is called.
A new stack frame is created, and the details of the caller recorded.
Any registers which may be overwritten during the function call are saved to the stack.
The processor computes the address of the function and executes a branch to that new address.
Because function calls are very common operations, CPU designers have worked hard to optimise this procedure, but they cannot eliminate the overhead.
Depending on what the function does, this overhead may be trivial or significant.
A solution to reducing function call overhead is an optimisation technique called Inlining.
The Go compiler inlines a function by treating the body of the function as if it were part of the caller.
Inlining has a cost; it increases binary size.
It only makes sense to inline when the overhead of calling a function is large relative to the work the function does, so only simple functions are candidates for inlining.
Complicated functions are usually not dominated by the overhead of calling them and are therefore not inlined.
This example shows the function `Double` calling `util.Max`.
To reduce the overhead of the call to `util.Max`, the compiler can inline `util.Max` into `Double`, resulting in something like this
After inlining there is no longer a call to `util.Max`, but the behaviour of `Double` is unchanged.
Inlining isn’t exclusive to Go. Almost every compiled or JITed language performs this optimisation. But how does inlining in Go work?
The Go implementation is very simple. When a package is compiled, any small function that is suitable for inlining is marked and then compiled as usual.
Then both the source of the function and the compiled version are stored.
This slide shows the contents of util.a. The source has been transformed a little to make it easier for the compiler to process quickly.
When the compiler compiles Double it sees that `util.Max` is inlinable, and the source of `util.Max`is available.
Rather than insert a call to the compiled version of `util.Max`, it can substitute the source of the original function.
Having the source of the function enables other optimizations.
In this example, although the function Test always returns false, Expensive cannot know that without executing it.
When `Test` is inlined, we get something like this
The compiler now knows that the expensive code is unreachable.
Not only does this save the cost of calling Test, it saves compiling or running any of the expensive code that is now unreachable.
The Go compiler can automatically inline functions across files and even across packages. This includes code that calls inlinable functions from the standard library.
Mandatory garbage collection makes Go a simpler and safer language.
This does not imply that garbage collection makes Go slow, or that garbage collection is the ultimate arbiter of the speed of your program.
What it does mean is memory allocated on the heap comes at a cost. It is a debt that costs CPU time every time the GC runs until that memory is freed.
There is however another place to allocate memory, and that is the stack.
Unlike C, which forces you to choose if a value will be stored on the heap, via `malloc`, or on the stack, by declaring it inside the scope of the function, Go implements an optimisation called _escape analysis_ .
Escape analysis determines whether any references to a value escape the function in which the value is declared.
If no references escape, the value may be safely stored on the stack.
Values stored on the stack do not need to be allocated or freed.
Lets look at some examples
`Sum` adds the numbers between 1 and 100 and returns the result. This is a rather unusual way to do this, but it illustrates how Escape Analysis works.
Because the numbers slice is only referenced inside `Sum`, the compiler will arrange to store the 100 integers for that slice on the stack, rather than the heap.
There is no need to garbage collect `numbers`, it is automatically freed when `Sum` returns.
This second example is also a little contrived. In `CenterCursor` we create a new `Cursor` and store a pointer to it in c.
Then we pass `c` to the `Center()` function which moves the `Cursor` to the center of the screen.
Then finally we print the X and Y locations of that `Cursor`.
Even though `c` was allocated with the `new` function, it will not be stored on the heap, because no reference `c` escapes the `CenterCursor` function.
Go’s optimisations are always enabled by default. You can see the compiler’s escape analysis and inlining decisions with the `-gcflags=-m` switch.
Because escape analysis is performed at compile time, not run time, stack allocation will always be faster than heap allocation, no matter how efficient your garbage collector is.
I will talk more about the stack in the remaining sections of this talk.
Go has goroutines. These are the foundations for concurrency in Go.
I want to step back for a moment and explore the history that leads us to goroutines.
In the beginning computers ran one process at a time. Then in the 60’s the idea of multiprocessing, or time sharing became popular.
In a time-sharing system the operating systems must constantly switch the attention of the CPU between these processes by recording the state of the current process, then restoring the state of another.
This is called _process switching_ .
There are three main costs of a process switch.
First is the kernel needs to store the contents of all the CPU registers for that process, then restore the values for another process.
The kernel also needs to flush the CPU’s mappings from virtual memory to physical memory as these are only valid for the current process.
Finally there is the cost of the operating system context switch, and the overhead of the scheduler function to choose the next process to occupy the CPU.
There are a surprising number of registers in a modern processor. I have difficulty fitting them on one slide, which should give you a clue how much time it takes to save and restore them.
Because a process switch can occur at any point in a process’ execution, the operating system needs to store the contents of all of these registers because it does not know which are currently in use.
This lead to the development of threads, which are conceptually the same as processes, but share the same memory space.
As threads share address space, they are lighter than processes so are faster to create and faster to switch between.
Goroutines take the idea of threads a step further.
Goroutines are cooperatively scheduled, rather than relying on the kernel to manage their time sharing.
The switch between goroutines only happens at well defined points, when an explicit call is made to the Go runtime scheduler.
The compiler knows the registers which are in use and saves them automatically.
While goroutines are cooperatively scheduled, this scheduling is handled for you by the runtime.
Places where Goroutines may yield to others are:
* Channel send and receive operations, if those operations would block.
* The Go statement, although there is no guarantee that new goroutine will be scheduled immediately.
* Blocking syscalls like file and network operations.
* After being stopped for a garbage collection cycle.
This an example to illustrate some of the scheduling points described in the previous slide.
The thread, depicted by the arrow, starts on the left in the `ReadFile` function. It encounters `os.Open`, which blocks the thread while waiting for the file operation to complete, so the scheduler switches the thread to the goroutine on the right hand side.
Execution continues until the read from the `c` chan blocks, and by this time the `os.Open` call has completed so the scheduler switches the thread back the left hand side and continues to the `file.Read` function, which again blocks on file IO.
The scheduler switches the thread back to the right hand side for another channel operation, which has unblocked during the time the left hand side was running, but it blocks again on the channel send.
Finally the thread switches back to the left hand side as the `Read` operation has completed and data is available.
This slide shows the low level `runtime.Syscall` function which is the base for all functions in the os package.
Any time your code results in a call to the operating system, it will go through this function.
The call to `entersyscall` informs the runtime that this thread is about to block.
This allows the runtime to spin up a new thread which will service other goroutines while this current thread blocked.
This results in relatively few operating system threads per Go process, with the Go runtime taking care of assigning a runnable Goroutine to a free operating system thread.
In the previous section I discussed how goroutines reduce the overhead of managing many, sometimes hundreds of thousands of concurrent threads of execution.
There is another side to the goroutine story, and that is stack management, which leads me to my final topic.
This is a diagram of the memory layout of a process. The key thing we are interested is the location of the heap and the stack.
Traditionally inside the address space of a process, the heap is at the bottom of memory, just above the program (text) and grows upwards.
The stack is located at the top of the virtual address space, and grows downwards.
Because the heap and stack overwriting each other would be catastrophic, the operating system usually arranges to place an area of unwritable memory between the stack and the heap to ensure that if they did collide, the program will abort.
This is called a guard page, and effectively limits the stack size of a process, usually in the order of several megabytes.
We’ve discussed that threads share the same address space, so for each thread, it must have its own stack.
Because it is hard to predict the stack requirements of a particular thread, a large amount of memory is reserved for each thread’s stack along with a guard page.
The hope is that this is more than will ever be needed and the guard page will never be hit.
The downside is that as the number of threads in your program increases, the amount of available address space is reduced.
We’ve seen that the Go runtime schedules a large number of goroutines onto a small number of threads, but what about the stack requirements of those goroutines ?
Instead of using guard pages, the Go compiler inserts a check as part of every function call to check if there is sufficient stack for the function to run. If there is not, the runtime can allocate more stack space.
Because of this check, a goroutines initial stack can be made much smaller, which in turn permits Go programmers to treat goroutines as cheap resources.
This is a slide that shows how stacks are managed in Go 1.2.
When `G` calls to `H` there is not enough space for `H` to run, so the runtime allocates a new stack frame from the heap, then runs `H` on that new stack segment. When `H` returns, the stack area is returned to the heap before returning to `G`.
This method of managing the stack works well in general, but for certain types of code, usually recursive code, it can cause the inner loop of your program to straddle one of these stack boundaries.
For example, in the inner loop of your program, function `G` may call `H` many times in a loop,
Each time this will cause a stack split. This is known as the hot split problem.
To solve hot splits, Go 1.3 has adopted a new stack management method.
Instead of adding and removing additional stack segments, if the stack of a goroutine is too small, a new, larger, stack will be allocated.
The old stack’s contents are copied to the new stack, then the goroutine continues with its new larger stack.
After the first call to `H` the stack will be large enough that the check for available stack space will always succeed.
This resolves the hot split problem.
Values, Inlining, Escape Analysis, Goroutines, and segmented/copying stacks.
These are the five features that I chose to speak about today, but they are by no means the only things that makes Go a fast programming language, just as there more that three reasons that people cite as their reason to learn Go.
As powerful as these five features are individually, they do not exist in isolation.
For example, the way the runtime multiplexes goroutines onto threads would not be nearly as efficient without growable stacks.
Inlining reduces the cost of the stack size check by combining smaller functions into larger ones.
Escape analysis reduces the pressure on the garbage collector by automatically moving allocations from the heap to the stack.
Escape analysis is also provides better cache locality.
Without growable stacks, escape analysis might place too much pressure on the stack.
* Thank you to the Gocon organisers for permitting me to speak today
* twitter / web / email details
* thanks to @offbymany, @billkennedy_go, and Minux for their assistance in preparing this talk.
### Related Posts:
1. [Hear me speak about Go performance at OSCON][1]
2. [Why is a Goroutine’s stack infinite ?][2]
3. [A whirlwind tour of Go’s runtime environment variables][3]
4. [Performance without the event loop][4]
David is a programmer and author from Sydney Australia.
Go contributor since February 2011, committer since April 2012.
Contact information
* dave@cheney.net
* twitter: @davecheney
via: https://dave.cheney.net/2014/06/07/five-things-that-make-go-fast
作者:[Dave Cheney ][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
translating by lujun9972
How to Create M3U Playlists in Linux [Quick Tip]
**Brief: A quick tip on how to create M3U playlists in Linux terminal from unordered files to play them in a sequence.**
![Create M3U playlists in Linux Terminal][1]
I am a fan of foreign tv series and it’s not always easy to get them on DVD or on streaming services like [Netflix][2]. Thankfully, you can find some of them on YouTube and [download them from YouTube][3].
Now there comes a problem. Your files might not be sorted in a particular order. In GNU/Linux files are not naturally sort ordered by number sequencing so I had to make a .m3u playlist so [MPV video player][4] would play the videos in sequence and not out of sequence.
Also sometimes the numbers are in the middle or the end like ‘My Web Series S01E01.mkv’ as an example. The episode information here is in the middle of the filename, the ‘S01E01’ which tells us, humans, which is the first episode and which needs to come in next.
So what I did was to generate an m3u playlist in the video directory and tell MPV to play the .m3u playlist and it would take care of playing them in the sequence.
### What is an M3U file?
[M3U][5] is basically a text file that contains filenames in a specific order. When a player like MPV or VLC opens an M3U file, it tries to play the specified files in the given sequence.
### Creating M3U to play audio/video files in a sequence
In my case, I used the following command:
$/home/shirish/Videos/web-series-video/$ ls -1v |grep .mkv > /tmp/1.m3u && mv /tmp/1.m3u .
Let’s break it down a bit and see each bit as to what it means –
**ls -1v** = This is using the plain ls or listing entries in the directory. The -1 means list one file per line. while -v natural sort of (version) numbers within text
**| grep .mkv** = It’s basically telling `ls` to look for files which are ending in .mkv . It could be .mp4 or any other media file format that you want.
It’s usually a good idea to do a dry run by running the command on the console:
ls -1v |grep .mkv
My Web Series S01E01 [Episode 1 Name] Multi 480p WEBRip x264 - xRG.mkv
My Web Series S01E02 [Episode 2 Name] Multi 480p WEBRip x264 - xRG.mkv
My Web Series S01E03 [Episode 3 Name] Multi 480p WEBRip x264 - xRG.mkv
My Web Series S01E04 [Episode 4 Name] Multi 480p WEBRip x264 - xRG.mkv
My Web Series S01E05 [Episode 5 Name] Multi 480p WEBRip x264 - xRG.mkv
My Web Series S01E06 [Episode 6 Name] Multi 480p WEBRip x264 - xRG.mkv
My Web Series S01E07 [Episode 7 Name] Multi 480p WEBRip x264 - xRG.mkv
My Web Series S01E08 [Episode 8 Name] Multi 480p WEBRip x264 - xRG.mkv
This tells me that what I’m trying to do is correct. Now just have to make that the output is in the form of a .m3u playlist which is the next part.
ls -1v |grep .mkv > /tmp/web_playlist.m3u && mv /tmp/web_playlist.m3u .
This makes the .m3u generate in the current directory. The .m3u playlist is nothing but a .txt file with the same contents as above with the .m3u extension. You can edit it manually as well and add the exact filenames in an order you desire.
After that you just have to do something like this:
mpv web_playlist.m3u
The great thing about MPV and the playlists, in general, is that you don’t have to binge-watch. You can see however much you want to do in one sitting and see the rest in the next session or the session after that.
I hope to do articles featuring MPV as well as how to make mkv files embedding subtitles in a media file but that’s in the future.
Note: It’s FOSS doesn’t encourage piracy.
via: https://itsfoss.com/create-m3u-playlist-linux/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
translating by lujun9972
Solve "error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)" In Arch Linux

It’s been a month since I upgraded my Arch Linux desktop. Today, I tried to update my Arch Linux system, and ran into an error that said **“error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files) stfl: /usr/lib/libstfl.so.0 exists in filesystem”**. It looks like one library (/usr/lib/libstfl.so.0) that exists on my filesystem and pacman can’t upgrade it. If you’re encountered with the same error, here is a quick fix to resolve it.
### Solve “error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)” In Arch Linux
You have three options.
1. Simply ignore the problematic **stfl** library from being upgraded and try to update the system again. Refer this guide to know [**how to ignore package from being upgraded**][1].
2. Overwrite the package using command:
$ sudo pacman -Syu --overwrite /usr/lib/libstfl.so.0
3. Remove stfl library file manually and try to upgrade the system again. Please make sure the intended package is not a dependency to any important package. and check the archlinux.org whether are mentions of this conflict.
$ sudo rm /usr/lib/libstfl.so.0
Now, try to update the system:
$ sudo pacman -Syu
I chose the third option and just deleted the file and upgraded my Arch Linux system. It works now!
Hope this helps. More good stuffs to come. Stay tuned!
via: https://www.ostechnix.com/how-to-solve-error-failed-to-commit-transaction-conflicting-files-in-arch-linux/
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translated/tech/20140607 Five things that make Go fast.md
Normal file
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
五种加速 Go 的特性
_Anthony Starks 使用他出色的 Deck 演示工具重构了我原来的基于 Google Slides 的幻灯片。你可以在他的博客上查看他重构后的幻灯片, [mindchunk.blogspot.com.au/2014/06/remixing-with-deck][5]._
* * *
我最近被邀请在 Gocon 发表演讲,这是一个每半年在日本东京举行的精彩 Go 的大会。[Gocon 2014][6] 是一个完全由社区驱动的为期一天的活动,由培训和一整个下午的围绕着 <q style="border: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; quotes: none;">生产环境中的 Go</q> 这个主题的演讲组成.
我要感谢 [Bill Kennedy][7] 和 Minux Ma,特别是 [Josh Bleecher Snyder][8],感谢他们在我准备这次演讲中的帮助。
* * *
我叫 David.
我很高兴今天能来到 Gocon。我想参加这个会议已经两年了,我很感谢主办方能提供给我向你们演讲的机会。
为什么选择 Go?
当大家讨论学习或在生产环境中使用 Go 的原因时,答案不一而足,但因为以下三个原因的最多。
这就是 TOP3 的原因。
Go 的 <ruby>并发原语<rt>Concurrency Primitives</rt></ruby> 对于来自 Nodejs,Ruby 或 Python 等单线程脚本语言的程序员,或者来自 C++ 或 Java 等重量级线程模型的语言都很有吸引力。
我们今天从经验丰富的 Gophers 那里听说过,他们非常欣赏部署 Go 应用的简单性。
我相信人们选择 Go 的一个重要原因是它 _快_。
在今天的演讲中,我想讨论五个有助于提高 Go 性能的特性。
我还将与大家分享 Go 如何实现这些特性的细节。
我要谈的第一个特性是 Go 对于值的高效处理和存储。
这是 Go 中一个值的例子。编译时,`gocon` 正好消耗四个字节的内存。
让我们将 Go 与其他一些语言进行比较
由于 Python 表示变量的方式的开销,使用 Python 存储相同的值会消耗六倍的内存。
Python 使用额外的内存来跟踪类型信息,进行 <ruby>引用计数<rt>Reference Counting</rt></ruby> 等。
与 Go 类似,Java 消耗 4 个字节的内存来存储 `int` 型。
但是,要在像 `List` 或 `Map` 这样的集合中使用此值,编译器必须将其转换为 `Integer` 对象。
因此,Java 中的整数通常消耗 16 到 24 个字节的内存。
为什么这很重要? 内存便宜且充足,为什么这个开销很重要?
这是一张显示 CPU 时钟速度与内存总线速度的图表。
请注意 CPU 时钟速度和内存总线速度之间的差距如何继续扩大。
两者之间的差异实际上是 CPU 花费多少时间等待内存。
自 1960 年代后期以来,CPU 设计师已经意识到了这个问题。
他们的解决方案是一个缓存,一个更小,更快的内存区域,介入 CPU 和主存之间。
这是一个 `Location` 类型,它保存物体在三维空间中的位置。它是用 Go 编写的,因此每个 `Location` 只消耗 24 个字节的存储空间。
我们可以使用这种类型来构造一个容纳 1000 个 `Location` 的数组类型,它只消耗 24000 字节的内存。
在数组内部,`Location` 结构体是顺序存储的,而不是随机存储的 1000 个 `Location` 结构体的指针。
这很重要,因为现在所有 1000 个 `Location` 结构体都按顺序放在缓存中,紧密排列在一起。
Go 允许您创建紧凑的数据结构,避免不必要的填充字节。
创建一个新的 <ruby>栈帧<rt>Stack Frame</rt></ruby>,并记录调用者的详细信息。
由于函数调用是非常常见的操作,因此 CPU 设计师一直在努力优化此过程,但他们无法消除开销。
减少函数调用开销的解决方案是 <ruby>内联<rt>Inlining</rt></ruby>。
Go 编译器通过将函数体视为调用者的一部分来内联函数。
这个例子显示函数 `Double` 调用 `util.Max`。
为了减少调用 `util.Max` 的开销,编译器可以将 `util.Max` 内联到 `Double` 中,就象这样
内联后不再调用 `util.Max`,但是 `Double` 的行为没有改变。
内联并不是 Go 独有的。几乎每种编译或及时编译的语言都执行此优化。但是 Go 的内联是如何实现的?
Go 实现非常简单。编译包时,会标记任何适合内联的小函数,然后照常编译。
此幻灯片显示了 `util.a` 的内容。源代码已经过一些转换,以便编译器更容易快速处理。
当编译器编译 `Double` 时,它看到 `util.Max` 可内联的,并且 `util.Max` 的源代码是可用的。
就会替换原函数中的代码,而不是插入对 `util.Max` 的编译版本的调用。
在这个例子中,尽管函数 `Test` 总是返回 `false`,但 `Expensive` 在不执行它的情况下无法知道结果。
当 `Test` 被内联时,我们得到这样的东西
编译器现在知道 `Expensive` 的代码无法访问。
这不仅节省了调用 `Test` 的成本,还节省了编译或运行任何现在无法访问的 `Expensive` 代码。
Go 编译器可以跨文件甚至跨包自动内联函数。还包括从标准库调用的可内联函数的代码。
<ruby>强制垃圾回收<rt>Mandatory Garbage Collection</rt></ruby> 使 Go 成为一种更简单,更安全的语言。
这并不意味着垃圾回收会使 Go 变慢,或者垃圾回收是程序速度的瓶颈。
这意味着在堆上分配的内存是有代价的。每次 GC 运行时都会花费 CPU 时间,直到释放内存为止。
与 C 不同,它强制您选择是否将值通过 `malloc` 将其存储在堆上,还是通过在函数范围内声明将其储存在栈上;Go 实现了一个名为 <ruby>逃逸分析<rt>Escape Analysis</rt></ruby> 的优化。
`Sum` 返回 1 到 100 的整数的和。这是一种相当不寻常的做法,但它说明了逃逸分析的工作原理。
因为切片 `numbers` 仅在 `Sum` 内引用,所以编译器将安排到栈上来存储的 100 个整数,而不是安排到堆上。
没有必要回收 `numbers`,它会在 `Sum` 返回时自动释放。
第二个例子也有点尬。在 `CenterCursor` 中,我们创建一个新的 `Cursor` 对象并在 `c` 中存储指向它的指针。
然后我们将 `c` 传递给 `Center()` 函数,它将 `Cursor` 移动到屏幕的中心。
最后我们打印出那个 'Cursor` 的 X 和 Y 坐标。
即使 `c` 被 `new` 函数分配了空间,它也不会存储在堆上,因为没有引用 `c` 的变量逃逸 `CenterCursor` 函数。
默认情况下,Go 的优化始终处于启用状态。可以使用 `-gcflags = -m` 开关查看编译器的逃逸分析和内联决策。
Go 有 goroutines。 这是 Go 并发的基石。
我想退一步,探索 goroutines 的历史。
最初,计算机一次运行一个进程。在 60 年代,多进程或 <ruby>分时<rt>Time Sharing</rt></ruby> 的想法变得流行起来。
在分时系统中,操作系统必须通过保护当前进程的现场,然后恢复另一个进程的现场,不断地在这些进程之间切换 CPU 的注意力。
这称为 _进程切换_。
首先,内核需要保护该进程的所有 CPU 寄存器的现场,然后恢复另一个进程的现场。
内核还需要将 CPU 的映射从虚拟内存刷新到物理内存,因为这些映射仅对当前进程有效。
最后是操作系统 <ruby>上下文切换<rt>Context Switch</rt></ruby> 的成本,以及 <ruby>调度函数<rt>Scheduler Function</rt></ruby> 选择占用 CPU 的下一个进程的开销。
Goroutines 升华了线程的思想。
Goroutines 是 <ruby>协作式调度<rt>Cooperative Scheduled
当对 Go <ruby>运行时调度器<rt>Runtime Scheduler</rt></ruby> 进行显式调用时,goroutine 之间的切换仅发生在明确定义的点上。
虽然 goroutine 是协作式调度的,但运行时会为你处理。
Goroutines 可能会给禅让给其他协程时刻是:
* 阻塞式通道发送和接收。
* Go 声明,虽然不能保证会立即调度新的 goroutine。
* 文件和网络操作式的阻塞式系统调用。
* 在被垃圾回收循环停止后。
箭头所示的线程从左侧的 `ReadFile` 函数开始。遇到 `os.Open`,它在等待文件操作完成时阻塞线程,因此调度器将线程切换到右侧的 goroutine。
继续执行直到从通道 `c` 中读,并且此时 `os.Open` 调用已完成,因此调度器将线程切换回左侧并继续执行 `file.Read` 函数,然后又被文件 IO 阻塞。
最后,当 `Read` 操作完成并且数据可用时,线程切换回左侧。
这张幻灯片显示了低级语言描述的 `runtime.Syscall` 函数,它是 `os` 包中所有函数的基础。
对 `entersyscall` 的调用通知运行时该线程即将阻塞。
这允许运行时启动一个新线程,该线程将在当前线程被阻塞时为其他 goroutine 提供服务。
这导致每 Go 进程的操作系统线程相对较少,Go 运行时负责将可运行的 Goroutine 分配给空闲的操作系统线程。
在上一节中,我讨论了 goroutine 如何减少管理许多(有时是数十万个并发执行线程)的开销。
我们已经看到 Go 运行时将大量的 goroutine 调度到少量线程上,但那些 goroutines 的栈需求呢?
Go 编译器不使用保护页,而是在每个函数调用时插入一个检查,以检查是否有足够的栈来运行该函数。如果没有,运行时可以分配更多的栈空间。
由于这种检查,goroutines 初始栈可以做得更小,这反过来允许 Go 程序员将 goroutines 视为廉价资源。
这是一张显示了 Go 1.2 如何管理栈的幻灯片。
当 `G` 调用 `H` 时,没有足够的空间让 `H` 运行,所以运行时从堆中分配一个新的栈帧,然后在新的栈段上运行 `H`。当 `H` 返回时,栈区域返回到堆,然后返回到 `G`。
例如,在程序的内部循环中,函数 `G` 可以在循环中多次调用 `H`,
每次都会导致栈拆分。 这被称为 <ruby>热分裂<rt>Hot Split</rt></ruby> 问题。
为了解决热分裂问题,Go 1.3 采用了一种新的栈管理方法。
如果 goroutine 的栈太小,则不会添加和删除其他栈段,而是分配新的更大的栈。
旧栈的内容被复制到新栈,然后 goroutine 使用新的更大的栈继续运行。
在第一次调用 `H` 之后,栈将足够大,对可用栈空间的检查将始终成功。
值,内联,逃逸分析,Goroutines 和分段/复制栈。
这些是我今天选择谈论的五个特性,但它们绝不是使 Go 成为快速的语言的唯一因素,就像人们引用他们学习 Go 的理由的三个原因一样。
例如,运行时将 goroutine 复用到线程上的方式在没有可扩展栈的情况下几乎没有效率。
逃逸分析还提供了更好的 <ruby>缓存局部性<rt>Cache Locality</rt></ruby>。
* 感谢 Gocon 主办方允许我今天发言
* twitter / web / email details
* 感谢 @offbymany,@billkennedy_go 和 Minux 在准备这个演讲的过程中所提供的帮助。
### 相关文章:
1. [听我在 OSCON 上关于 Go 性能的演讲][1]
2. [为什么 Goroutine 的栈是无限大的?][2]
3. [Go 的运行时环境变量的旋风之旅][3]
4. [没有事件循环的性能][4]
David 是来自澳大利亚悉尼的程序员和作者。
自 2011 年 2 月起成为 Go 的 contributor,自 2012 年 4 月起成为 committer。
* dave@cheney.net
* twitter: @davecheney
via: https://dave.cheney.net/2014/06/07/five-things-that-make-go-fast
作者:[Dave Cheney ][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
Linux下如何创建 M3U 播放列表 [小建议]
![Create M3U playlists in Linux Terminal][1]
我是外国电视连续剧的粉丝,这些连续剧不太容易从DVD或像[Netflix] [2]这样的流媒体上获得。还在,您可以在YouTube上找到一些内容并[从YouTube下载][3]。
现在出现了一个问题. 你的文件可能不是按顺序存储的. 在GNU / Linux中,文件不是按数字顺序自然排序的,因此我必须创建.m3u播放列表,以便[MPV视频播放器][4]可以按顺序播放视频而不是乱顺进行播放。
同样的,有时候表示第几集的数字实在文件名中间或结尾的,像这样 ‘My Web Series S01E01.mkv’. 这里的剧集信息位于文件名的中间,'S01E01'告诉我们人类,哪个是第一集,下一集是哪一个文件。
因此我要做的事情就是在视频墓中创建一个 m3u 播放列表并告诉MPV播放这个 .m3u 播放列表,MPV自然会按顺序播放这些视频.
### 什么是M3U 文件?
[M3U][5] 基本上就是个按特定顺序包含文件名的文本文件. 当类似MPV或VLC这样的播放器打开M3U文件时, 它会尝试按给定的顺序播放指定文件.
### 创建M3U来按顺序播放音频/视频文件
就我而言, 我使用了下面命令:
$/home/shirish/Videos/web-series-video/$ ls -1v |grep .mkv > /tmp/1.m3u && mv /tmp/1.m3u .
然我们拆分一下看看每个部分表示什么意思 –
**ls -1v** = 这就是用普通的 ls 来列出目录中的内容. 其中 `-1` 表示每行显示一个文件. 而 `-v` 表示根据文本中的数字(版本)进行自然排序
**| grep .mkv** = 基本上就是告诉 `ls` 寻找那些以 `.mkv` 结尾的文件. 它也可以是 `.mp4` 或其他任何你想要的媒体文件格式.
ls -1v |grep .mkv
My Web Series S01E01 [Episode 1 Name] Multi 480p WEBRip x264 - xRG.mkv
My Web Series S01E02 [Episode 2 Name] Multi 480p WEBRip x264 - xRG.mkv
My Web Series S01E03 [Episode 3 Name] Multi 480p WEBRip x264 - xRG.mkv
My Web Series S01E04 [Episode 4 Name] Multi 480p WEBRip x264 - xRG.mkv
My Web Series S01E05 [Episode 5 Name] Multi 480p WEBRip x264 - xRG.mkv
My Web Series S01E06 [Episode 6 Name] Multi 480p WEBRip x264 - xRG.mkv
My Web Series S01E07 [Episode 7 Name] Multi 480p WEBRip x264 - xRG.mkv
My Web Series S01E08 [Episode 8 Name] Multi 480p WEBRip x264 - xRG.mkv
结果显示我要做的事情是正确的. 现在下一步就是让输出以 `.m3u` 播放列表的格式输出.
ls -1v |grep .mkv > /tmp/web_playlist.m3u && mv /tmp/web_playlist.m3u .
这就在当前目录中创建了 `.m3u` 文件. 这个`.m3u`播放列表只不过是一个.txt文件,其内容与上面相同,扩展名为.m3u。 你也可以手动编辑它,并按照想要的顺序添加确切的文件名。
mpv web_playlist.m3u
一般来说,关于MPV和播放列表的好处在于你不需要一次性全部看完。 您可以一次看任意长时间,然后在下一次查看其余部分。
注意: 这是开源软件,不鼓励盗版
via: https://itsfoss.com/create-m3u-playlist-linux/
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
解决 Arch Linux 中出现的 “error:failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)”

自我更新 Arch Linux 桌面以来已经有一个月了。今天我试着更新我的 Arch Linux 系统,然后遇到一个错误 **“error:failed to commit transaction (conflicting files) stfl:/usr/lib/libstfl.so.0 exists in filesystem”**。看起来是 pacman 无法更新一个已经存在于文件系统上的库 (/usr/lib/libstfl.so.0)。如果你也遇到了同样的问题,下面是一个快速解决方案。
### 解决 Arch Linux 中出现的 “error:failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)”
1。简单在升级时忽略导致问题的 **stfl** 库并尝试再次更新系统。请参阅此指南以了解 [**如何在更新时忽略软件包 **][1]。
$ sudo pacman -Syu --overwrite /usr/lib/libstfl.so.0
3。手工删掉 stfl 库然后再次升级系统。请确保目标包不被其他任何重要的包所依赖。可以通过去 archlinux.org 查看是否有这种冲突。
$ sudo rm /usr/lib/libstfl.so.0
$ sudo pacman -Syu
我选择第三种方法,直接删除该文件然后升级 Arch Linux 系统。很有效!
via: https://www.ostechnix.com/how-to-solve-error-failed-to-commit-transaction-conflicting-files-in-arch-linux/
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