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synced 2025-03-21 02:10:11 +08:00
@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
### “云”简介 ###
> **云计算** 过去常常被当做是网络计算的一个模型,网络计算就是把用户程序或者是应用运行在一个联网的服务器或是一个服务器集群,而不是像个人电脑、平板以及智能手机这一类运算设备。比如像传统的client-server (客户机-服务器模型) 和老一代的大型机,^[1] 用户通过连接服务器来执行一项任务。这和“云计算”是不同的,“云计算”是利用虚拟化的技术,把运算进程运行在一个或多个服务器上。利用虚拟技术,越来越多的物理化的服务器被配置和划分成多个独立的“虚拟”服务器,每个服务独立运行,对于用户来说,就像是运行在一个独立的物理服务器上一样。虚拟服务器本质上还是从他们的物理服务器中分离出来的,由于这种灵活的配置方式,使得人们可以按照意愿移动服务器和按比例分配资源而不影响最终的用户体验。计算机资源已成“颗粒”,给用户和管理人员提供方便,包括提供按需自助服务,支持更广泛的跨平台之间的访问,资源共享,快速重新部署,可被监控与量测服务。^[2]
IT 行业的很多服务也逐渐转向外包,许多的技术支持和开发的业务都被打包给中国、印度、马来西亚和东欧。
> 现在,“云计算”已经成为云计算基础设施的简称。^[4] 这个术语来源于早年一些网络工程师用云状的符号表示那些对他们来说未知的网络。^[5] 后来,营销者普及了这个云的概念,指的是软件、平台和一些可以买卖的基础设施。比如,远程登录互联网。
### 电子邮件 ###
### 办公套件 ###
在以前,当人们刚刚进入电脑世界的时候,买一个电脑会带回一个超大型的机器和半打子CD,刻着几个没用的 Microsoft Works ( 微软工作软件 )。 (LCTT译注:Microsoft Works Mirosoft Works是微软的一种家用综合软件,它主要面向低端的家庭用户,提供基本的能提高生活效率的工具,比如提供简单的文档处理、数据库、电子表格的入门级办公包功能。) 微软工作软件是一个廉价,而且无用到几乎要被砍掉的微软office版本。
最好的选择当然是Google Docs和Office 365。对于Office 365能否很好的运行于Linux平台,这篇来自2012期专业电脑的文章似乎说明了这个问题。

有人说这怎么可能呢,我不相信,所以,我注册并登录了Office 365,想看看到底是什么情况。

一切看起来都挺好,我打开了Microsoft Word,选择了一个模板来使用,当然根本就没有打开成功。
Office 365 并没有很好的支持linux设备,况且,说实话,你也不需要这东西。so,咱们继续。

Google Docs对于一般的办公支持非常完美,它能完成很多的事情,并且有很多的模板针对文字处理,演示工具,电子表格等。即使它始终也代替不了Excel,因为他并没有成百上千的开发人员为其创建宏和编写VBA脚本。

和Google Docs一样,Zoho也包含有文字处理工具,演示程序,电子表格程序和电子邮件。

它和Google Docs和Zoho这些在线服务一样,给予了人们相互协作的便利。
这里会给出一些理由来帮助你从Google Docs和Zoho中选择一个适合你的办公套件。
### 在线文件存储 ###
Google Docs和Zoho给我们提供了其他一些很好的服务,就是很好的线上存储能力,你们可以线上存储很多文档和创建很多文件。
### 相册 ###
### 音乐 ###
我得到的第一个唱片是20世纪80年代初“Adam and the Ants”的"Kings of the wild frontier"里的一个12英寸的碟子。
### 电影 ###
小飞象 (Dumbo) 是我最早在电影院看的一部电影。而我最早接触录像是“Krull”,它讲述了Dulph Lundgren的年轻时候的经历,录像的格式是Beta Max。(当时我的邻居就有一个) 。
有一天,爸爸从收音机租赁处带回来一个录像机,我和我的姐姐就轮流去录像店租带子看。我清楚的记得,我第一次租的带子名字叫“黑洞”(The Black Hole)。
其中,最出名的流媒体提供商是Netflix和Lovefilm (Netflix和Lovefilm都是在线的影片租赁公司)。
### 游戏 ###
### 争议 ###
### 总结 ###
或许云仅仅是营销人员炒起来的一个概念,也只会让技术新闻感到兴奋。是否还有人记得我们一直在用的“Web 2.0”?
via: http://www.linuxnews.pro/how-does-the-cloud-affect-the-everyday-linux-user/
译者:[barney-ro](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
保持自由 - GCC应该接受收费插件吗?
> GCC邮件列表中在争论GCC是否应该接受收费插件,但是认为GCC是一个免费软件开发的媒介的论调占得了上风
LLVM的核心是‘开放源代码’。GCC是反著作权(copyleft)代表,是严格的免费软件,她不允许以任何形式收费的插件的代码进入到GCC的代码中。争论的一种意见,正如Eric Raymond说的,“FSF不可能既阻止持有所有权的供应者添加他们的插件到一个免费编译器中,又让这个编译器得到发展。就像马儿已经偏离了跑道,反对插件策略的战略目标已经彻底的失败了”。
LLVM已经被苹果公司采用作为OS X和苹果硬件上GCC的替代品,并且正在变得流行起来,特别是在BSD系列操作系统的用户中间。LLVM的拥护者推测LLVM将会在更广阔的应用程序和移动设备开发市场上成为GCC的替代者。GCC的反对者们的观点是GCC太过复杂,并且开发者们必须遵守她的‘反著作权(copyleft)’。这限制了那些不想在‘反著作权(copyleft)’许可证下发布他们的语言或者软件产品。作为典型,苹果公司有一个很长的厌恶免费软件的历史。他们也不允许遵守‘反著作权(copyleft)’的软件通过他们的App Store发布。
GCC对于软件开发者和移动设备开发者来说也是一个划时代的产品,而不仅仅对于那些免费软件概念提出者。GCC不但免费和可移植,她跨越不同硬件架构的普遍性和公用性使得更加容易做到软件的兼容性、鲁棒性和一致性。这和John Gilmore,Michael Tiemann和David Henkel-Wallace在开发GCC时发现的一样。这也是Cygnus Solutions公司主要的卖点,Cygnus Solutions是第一家靠卖免费软件赚钱的公司。[译注:Cygnus Solutions是John Gilmore, Michael Tiemann and David Henkel- Wallace创办的公司,同时也是GNU几个主要产品的贡献者]
对于一个免费软件项目,添加一种新的语言或者架构到GCC也许是一个非常困难的过程,添加有版权的插件也是不允许的。由于模块间界限非常不明确,最容易的添加方法就是让添加的特性遵循免费软件许可证。最初的开发者也许想保持代码的封闭和版权,但最后不得不将代码以免费软件发布。早期的C++以及Objective C就被认为是其中典型的例子。
Richard Stallman[对这方面的演讲中][1]旗帜鲜明地宣布:“在免费软件运动中,我们为自由而战。免费软件的的价值观从根本上就和开源软件不同,后者以写‘更好的代码’为终极目标。如果GCC从免费的编译器变成非免费的编译器,她将不再能够达成自由的目标。
via: http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/features/staying-free-should-gcc-allow-non-free-plug-ins
译者:[love\_daisy\_love](https://github.com/CNprober) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@

**不论你喜欢与否,微软 Office 及其文件格式是大多数工作和学习环境所必须的,无论是好用还是不好用**
通过使用[LibreOffice的应用程序套件][1],在Ubuntu上阅读、编辑和保存这些专有文件格式出现是基本可行的。 Writer、Calc和Impress都不同程度的和微软 Office 可以互通,虽然以我的实际经验来看(幸好很短暂),不是很完美。
有时候你会不得不使用微软Office(虽然我们大多数人都心里向着开放标准,但是我们不应该无视实际问题),但你如果不太想去购买一个完整的微软OFFICE许可证,并通过 WINE来运行它,那么微软的在线网络应用程序就是完美的解决方法。

通过快捷方式,可以在你的默认的浏览器中打开相应的Microsoft Web应用,不可能有比这更简单的了。听起来不错吧?你可以找到这些Web 应用的快捷方式:
- Word
- Excel
- PowerPoint
- Outlook
- OneDrive
- Calendar
- OneNote
- People
你可以从下面的链接下载.deb文件安装程序。适用于Ubuntu14.04 LTS和更高版本。
- [下载微软的在线办公应用(.deb)][2]

类似的替代方案是[安装Chrome官方网上应用商店的在线办公应用程序][3],然后添加应用程序启动器到Linux。这也会在 Dash 中为它们创建启动快捷方式,不过那些可以被设置为打开自己的窗口框架中,而且不需要安装任何第三方软件包。
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/07/run-microsoft-office-web-apps-ubuntu-desktop
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@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
diff -u: 内核开发里的新鲜事儿
这一次,*迈克尔·凯利斯克(Michael Kerrisk)*报告了一个影响文件操作的POSIX违规。显然,在多线程操作期间读写文件会导致竞争出现,重写其它操作的改变。
艾尔·维洛(Al Viro)和李纳斯一起设法解决这个修复。李纳斯尝试引入一个简单的互斥量去锁住文件,以便写操作无法互相重写。艾尔提出了自己的改进以改善李纳斯的补丁。
*安迪·克伦(Andi Kleen)*则想为*perf*增加底层CPU事件支持。问题在于这可能会导致大量的底层事件,而且会因CPU的变化而改变。即使为了所有类型的CPU把可能的时间都存储在内存里,也可能会显著地增加内核的运行大小。因此,把这个信息硬编码进内核的方法是有问题的。
@ -24,20 +24,21 @@ diff -u: 内核开发里的新鲜事儿
萨沙·莱文(Sasha Levin)最近发布了一个脚本来从堆栈转储中把*十六进制的偏移量*翻译成有意义的指向内核源码文件的行号。因此诸如“ffffffff811f0ec8”形式的十六进制表示可以被翻译成“fs/proc/generic.c:445”。
然而,结果表明李纳斯·托瓦兹正打算从堆栈转储中移除十六进制偏移量,具体原因是他们难以理解。所以萨沙的代码看起来过时了。[译者注:程序媛,伤不起!:< ]
via: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/diff-u-whats-new-kernel-development-0
原文作者:[Zack Brown][a]
译者:[KayGuoWhu](https://github.com/KayGuoWhu) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
译者:[KayGuoWhu](https://github.com/KayGuoWhu) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
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@ -13,56 +13,56 @@ shell脚本中的变量是用来**调用**一个**数值**或者**字符值**的
<table width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<td><strong> System Defined Variables </strong></td>
<td><strong> Meaning </strong></td>
<td><strong>系统定义的变量 </strong></td>
<td><strong>意义 </strong></td>
<td> BASH=/bin/bash </td>
<td> Shell Name </td>
<td> Bash Shell 名称 </td>
<td> BASH_VERSION=4.1.2(1) </td>
<td> Bash Version </td>
<td> Bash 版本 </td>
<td> COLUMNS=80 </td>
<td> No. of columns for our screen </td>
<td> 你的屏幕宽度(列数) </td>
<td> HOME=/home/linuxtechi </td>
<td> Home Directory of the User </td>
<td> 用户家目录 </td>
<td> LINES=25 </td>
<td> No. of columns for our screen </td>
<td> 你的屏幕高度(行数) </td>
<td> LOGNAME=LinuxTechi </td>
<td> LinuxTechi Our logging name </td>
<td> 当前登录用户的名字 </td>
<td> OSTYPE=Linux </td>
<td> OS type </td>
<td> 操作系统类型 </td>
<td> PATH=/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin </td>
<td> Path Settings </td>
<td> 可执行文件搜索路径 </td>
<td> PS1=[\u@\h \W]\$ </td>
<td> Prompt Settings </td>
<td> 命令行提示符 </td>
<td> PWD=/home/linuxtechi </td>
<td> Current Working Directory </td>
<td> 当前工作目录 </td>
<td> SHELL=/bin/bash </td>
<td> Shell Name </td>
<td> Shell 名称 </td>
<td> USERNAME=linuxtechi </td>
<td> User name who is currently login to system </td>
<td> 当前登录的用户名 </td>
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ shell脚本中的变量是用来**调用**一个**数值**或者**字符值**的
$ echo “The cost of the item is $15”
The cost of the item is 5
$ echo “The cost of the item is \$15”
The cost of the item is $15
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ shell脚本中的变量是用来**调用**一个**数值**或者**字符值**的
**用户变量**可以是任何不超过**20个的字母、数字**或者**下划线字符**的文本字符串(LCTT 译注:变量只能以字母或下划线开头)。用户变量是大小写敏感的,因此,变量Var1和变量var1是不同的变量。这个小规则常常让新手编写脚本时麻烦重重。
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ shell脚本为变量值**自动确定数据类型**。shell脚本内定义的变
Jessica checked in 5 days ago
$ cat test4
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ shell会在**反引号**中运行命令,然后将输出结果赋值给变量te
$ ./test5
The date and time are: Mon Jan 31 20:23:25 EDT 2011
@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ shell会在**反引号**中运行命令,然后将输出结果赋值给变量te
via: http://www.linuxtechi.com/variables-in-shell-scripting/
作者:[Pradeep Kumar][a]
译者:[ ](https://github.com/GOLinux)
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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Linux FAQ -- 如何在VMware ESXi虚拟机上设置静态MAC地址。
Linux有问必答:如何在VMware ESXi虚拟机上设置静态MAC地址
> **问题**:我想给VMware ESXi上的一台虚拟机分配一个静态的MAC地址。然而当我开始这么做的时候,虚拟机就不能启动了不且抛出了一个这样一个错误"00:0c:29:1f:4a:ab is not an allowed static Ethernet address. It conflicts with VMware reserved MACs"(00:0c:29:1f:4a:ab不是一个合法的静态以太网地址。它与VMWare的保留MAC地址冲突)。我该如何在VMware ESXi虚拟机上设置静态MAC地址?
> **问题**:我想给VMware ESXi上的一台虚拟机分配一个静态的MAC地址。然而当我开始这么做的时候,虚拟机就不能启动了,并且抛出了一个这样一个错误"00:0c:29:1f:4a:ab is not an allowed static Ethernet address. It conflicts with VMware reserved MACs"(00:0c:29:1f:4a:ab不是一个合法的静态以太网地址。它与VMWare的保留MAC地址冲突)。我该如何在VMware ESXi虚拟机上设置静态MAC地址?
当你在VMware ESXi上创建虚拟机时,虚拟机的每个网络接口就被分配了一个动态的NAC地址。如果你想要改变默认的行为并给你的虚拟机分配一个静态MAC地址时就这样做
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Linux FAQ -- 如何在VMware ESXi虚拟机上设置静态MAC地址。
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Linux FAQ -- 如何在VMware ESXi虚拟机上设置静态MAC地址。
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/static-mac-address-vmware-esxi-virtual-machine.html
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@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
Linux 下 SSH 命令实例指南
如果你已经接触计算机比较长时间, 应该对 SSH 这个了不起的工具及其安全特性有所耳闻吧. 本教程可以让你在短时间内掌握通过 SSH 安全便利地连接到远程计算机的技术.
如果你已经在IT圈内混了很长时间, 应该对 SSH 这个了不起的工具及其安全特性有所耳闻吧. 本教程可以让你在短时间内掌握通过 SSH 安全便利地连接到远程计算机的技术.
如果你对 SSH 还没什么概念, 可以先访问 [维基百科][1] 进行了解.
### 基本用法 ###
最简单的 SSH 命令只需要提供用户名和主机名参数即可. 主机名可以是 IP 地址或者域名. 命令格式如下:
最简单的 SSH 命令只需要指定用户名和主机名参数即可. 主机名可以是 IP 地址或者域名. 命令格式如下:
$ ssh user@hostname
比如要登录到局域网内我的一个树莓派系统, 只需要简单的在命令行输入如下命令:
比如要在我的局域网内登录一个树莓派系统, 只需要简单的在命令行输入如下命令:
$ ssh pi@
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Linux 下 SSH 命令实例指南
### 使用其他端口 ###
SSH 默认连接到目标主机的 22 端口上, 但是由于各种原因你可能需要连接到其他端口.
SSH 默认连接到目标主机的 22 端口上,但是由于各种原因你可能需要连接到其他端口.
$ ssh -p 10022 user@hostname
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ SSH 默认连接到目标主机的 22 端口上, 但是由于各种原因你可
### 远程执行命令 ###
有时需要很方便地在远程主机执行一条命令并显示到本地, 然后继续本地工作. SSH 就能满足这个需求:
有时在远程主机执行一条命令并显示到本地, 然后继续本地工作是很方便的. SSH 就能满足这个需求:
$ ssh pi@ ls -l
@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ SSH 默认连接到目标主机的 22 端口上, 但是由于各种原因你可

### 挂在远程文件系统 ###
### 挂载远程文件系统 ###
有一个很赞的基于 SSH 的工具叫 sshfs. sshfs 可以让你在本地直接挂载远程主机的文件系统.
另外一个很赞的基于 SSH 的工具叫 sshfs. sshfs 可以让你在本地直接挂载远程主机的文件系统.
$ sshfs -o idmap=user user@hostname:/home/user ~/Remote
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ SSH 默认连接到目标主机的 22 端口上, 但是由于各种原因你可
该命令就将远程主机 pi 用户的主目录挂载到本地主目录下的 Pi 文件夹.
要详细了解可以参考 [sshfs 入门教程][2].
要详细了解可以参考 [sshfs 教程][2].
### X11 图形界面 ###
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ SSH 提供了多样的转义字符功能. 用 SSH 连接到任意一台远程主
### 总结 ###
通过以上的内容你应该可以很轻松的使用 SSH 了. SSH 还有很多功能值得你去发掘, 这就要看你的想象力了.
通过以上的内容你应该可以轻松使用 SSH 了. SSH 还有很多功能值得你去发掘, 这就要看你的想象力了。
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/pocket-guide-linux-ssh-command/
作者:[Bobbin Zachariah][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@

> 这一切都是关于“开源”.
### 抵制中国模式 ###
正如 [我所提到的][2],“与同在亚洲的印度十分相似,中国的企业更倾向于购买复杂的、面向企业的软件。因为这种软件比服务大众的公司开发出来的更为先进。”但这种形势不会持续太久,因为中国的软件产业正在以一种惊人的速度前进,并毫无颓势。中国将会坚持向西方国家“借鉴”代码,直到有一天有足够的能力可以创造出创新性的软件。
### 开源化中国 ###
正如CCID的分析师在 [J. Aaron Farr 的关于中国开源化报告][3] 中指出的,中国的开源社区规模很小而且没什么影响力。开源社区中缺少大项目、参与者稀少而且资金匮乏。
抬头看看 [现金软件行业内最炙手可热的新公司][5], 你就会知道中国的互联网公司未来的主流趋势,正如发生在西方世界的一样。不出意料的,许多都是关于“开源”。
### 销售给中国 ###
图片由 [hackNY.org][6] 提供。
原文: http://readwrite.com/2014/08/12/china-opensource-software-ip-programmers-united-states
作者:[Matt Asay][a]
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published/20140829 Linux Doesn't Need to Own the Desktop.md
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published/20140829 Linux Doesn't Need to Own the Desktop.md
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Linux 应当放弃桌面
Linus Torvalds 前不久发布了 Linux 3.17 rc-2,这[偏离了他正常的发布时间表][1],因为8月25日是 Linux 的第23个生日。“Hello 大家好,你还在使用minix吗?”,23年前的8月25日,Torvalds 在 Linux 的第一次发布中这样写道。
与此同时,最近 PCMag.com 网站声称[Linux 的时间已经不多了][2]。但是你们不觉得这样没玩没了地讨论 Linux 在桌面端是否成功其实是毫无意义的吗?Linux 已经广泛应用于超级计算机和车载系统,它构建了 Android 的基础,同时还是最流行的云整合(例如 OpenStack)的运行平台 —— 以上这些还只是 Linux 的一部分成就。桌面并不是 Linux 唯一的战场。
Jon Buys 在他[最近的文章][3]中谈到了 Linux 专业化以及与桌面有关的内容:
> “最近,IT业在追问‘[Linus 是否还在执著于 Linux 桌面?][4]’,来自 Teck Republic 的 Matt Asay 也在说‘[拜托不要再讨论 Linux 桌面了行吗?][5]’。这两篇文章都对 Linux 在个人计算机方面的发展空间持怀疑态度,还拿 Android 的成功故事来说事…… 但是它们都忽略了,Linux的灵活性以及它开源许可证的开放性,也许这两者正是拯救 Linux 桌面的关键。”
也许这是事实,但是 Linux 对于如此众多的桌面用户来说,还是太多余了。Linux 分享庞大市场的最佳机会已经来也匆匆去也匆匆了。
事实其实很简单,Linux已经改变了世界,获得了无与伦比的成功 —— 除了桌面系统,这毋庸置疑。Android已经不仅仅是一个基于Linux的平台,它已经成为了一个伟大的标志。Linux在服务器端和嵌入式技术领域占有巨大的份额,同时也为平台整合方面不断提供创新动力。Ubuntu已经成为部署搭建 OpenStack 最流行的平台。全世界的超级计算机都运行着 Linux,Chrome OS 也是基于 Linux。
因此,Linux 正在不断推动着整个世界的巨变,批评家们是时候停下来执著于 Linux 在桌面端的状态了。
via: http://ostatic.com/blog/linux-doesnt-need-to-own-the-desktop
作者:[Sam Dean][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
### 步骤 1 – 在网站上注册 ###
只需要[注册][4]一个新的 用户名/密码,或者直接使用你的github账户快速登录。
### 步骤 2 – 下载安装monitor程序 ###
1) 克隆github上的这个项目的仓库,这样你能获得最新的源代码。
apt-get install git
yum install git
git clone https://github.com/dtannen/monitor.git
2) 安装readline和curl,这些库是通过源码构建程序的先决条件:
apt-get install libreadline-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
yum install readline-devel curl-devel
3) 构建程序:
cd monitor
sudo make install

### 步骤 3 – 使用monitor命令###
monitor {-d} {-h} {-u <username>}
-d : 不删除/tmp下的文件
-h : 帮助
-u : commands.com用户名</username>
riccio@mint-desktop ~ $ monitor -u ricciocri
Successfully logged in...
AuthKey saved to /tmp/.riccio.commands.com. Delete file to return to Anonymous posting.
monitor$ cd /tmp
### 总结 ###
curl commands.io/JTNSHRLQJA | sh
via: http://linuxaria.com/article/how-to-share-on-linux-the-output-of-your-shell-commands
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Ubuntu商城有了一款 Ubuntu Touch 的 BT 客户端了

你会发现在大多数手机中BT客户端并不是必备的东西。Android和Windows手机已经已经有这类的应用程序,看起来Ubuntu也将是支持的平台之一。Ubuntu开发者[Alan Pope][1]公布了一张正在为Ubuntu平台开发的应用程序的截图,该程序命名为DowNow。
这是一个相对较新的应用程序,而且仍然在开发中,你可以在Launchpad点击DowNow 0.3安装包,如果你想要获得更多详情,你也可以从Ubuntu软件中心下载。
via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-Touch-Now-Has-a-Torrent-Clinent-in-the-Ubuntu-Store-457538.shtml
作者:[Silviu Stahie][a]
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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
[小贴士] 怎么在Linux发行版下列出所有安装了的包

@ -39,7 +38,7 @@
dpkg -l
@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ via: http://www.unixmen.com/quick-tip-list-installed-packages-linux-distribution
作者:[Enock Seth Nyamador][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
**想要知道如何在正式发布前上手体验乌托邦独角兽(Utopic Unicorn)?现在你就可以做到!—— 真的是[“上手”][1]体验哦~!**
显然是为了庆祝即将发布的同名Ubuntu,Canonical上线了一款“手把手教你独角兽折纸指南”。这一活动作为该公司[2014 Deconstruct][2] 大会的一部分出现,大会于九月上旬在英国Brighton举办。

供图: Alejandra Obregon
大会为期一天,为富有创造力的专家以及数字文化狂热者们提供了一个理想的交流场所,Canonical将展示一个正在开发中版本的 Ubuntu Phone,内容包括具体的设计以及用户交互界面,用以满足与会观众。
人们对这一折纸活动的反响很积极。折纸独角兽作品最棒的人,将会获得一部全新的 Ubuntu 手机,这大大激发了人们的积极性。
### 下载折纸独角兽 ###
如果你有五分钟的休息时间,为什么不玩玩这个折纸娱乐一下呢?如果你认为自己折出来的独角兽非常非常出(la)色(ji),请在[Twitter][3] 或 [Google+][4]上给我们发照片~(译者表示不爽!这是诚心不给我们天朝百姓获奖的机会吗?)
- [下载 ‘Make a Unicorn’ 手工折纸][5]
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/09/unicorn-origami-download-pdf-ubuntu-utopic
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
Potenza 图标主题2.0已可下载

[Potenza][1]图标主题版本2.0已经发布。Potenza 图标的灵感来自[faenza][2],faenza是我们在[Ubuntu 13.10的最佳图标][3]的列出的一款漂亮的图标主题。
Potenza 的开发者 Alessandro Bompadre说,他曾试图建立一个适用于Linux的完整图标集,它应该适合各种桌面环境,包括如Unity,Gnome,Cinnamon,KDE等。
###下载 Potenza 图标###
Potenza 图标可在 Ubuntu,Linux Mint、Elementary OS、Linux Lite 等环境中通过Noobslab的PPA来安装。只有一点需要提醒你,因为要为所有主要类型的桌面环境提供了大量的图标,所以总下载字节大概是400 MB。
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/potenza
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install potenza-2
- [下载 Potenza 图标主题][4]
解压文件到 ~/.icons 目录。在Ubuntu的Unity环境中,你可以[使用Unity Tweak Tool把当前的图标主题切换][5] 为 Potenza 。
希望你喜欢Potenza,您也可以试试[Dalisha图标主题][6]或看看我们的[Ubuntu 14.04的最佳图标主题列表][7]。
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
via: http://itsfoss.com/potenza-icon-themes-20-download/
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published/The Open Source Witch Hunts Have Returned.md
Normal file
published/The Open Source Witch Hunts Have Returned.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@

> 开源软件社区已经做出了改变,就像之前的美好时光。
幸运的是,这一系列的使用主义注定要结束了。在过去的一段时间里,我们团结在Mozilla身边支持DRM版权保护以及嘲笑Red Hat和OpenStack之间的竞争。开源社区那些年仅有的几个开源软件明星和[Open Core 这种商业模式][1]产生了冲突而被反噬了。
### Red Hat 退回到2003年 ###
Red Hat,开源软件理想主义的典范,在几周前拒绝支持它的竞争对手。Jodi Mardesich[出色的][2]揭露了真相,而Red Hat在努力辩护,这个真相就是:
Red Hat不想支持它的竞争对手,它的OpenStack的竞争对手也不想这样做。
### Mozilla变成了麻瓜 ###
Red Hat作为开源软件理想主义的典范代表很容易成为各种带颜色攻击的目标,Mozilla其实是更大的一个目标。
Mozilla致力于为用户服务,它最近进行了一场自我牺牲似的CEO 下台,同意加入DRM的技术,即纯Firefox浏览器源码可以使用户观看视频。
总是找到别人的思想滑坡的问题,开源软件组织[批评了][3] Mozilla,深切表达了自己对于Mozilla的失望,因为这种“为减轻市场份额的流失而妥协重要原则的决定”令人担忧。
[Mitchell Bake解释道][5],Mozilla可能并没有投降:“Firefox用户会需要使用另外的浏览器来观看他们自己想看的视频,这会让人怀疑Firfox做一一个产品是否真的有用”。
### 回到我们的思想源头 ###
via: http://readwrite.com/2014/05/21/open-source-witch-hunt-mozilla-openstack-redhat#feed=/hack&awesm=~oEYDhxfP0Qv5hE
译者:[jiajia9linuxer](https://github.com/jiajia9linuxer) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
Ubuntu Touch Now Has a Torrent Client in the Ubuntu Store

**The Ubuntu Touch platform is already the host of many interesting applications, and it looks like the developers have started to implement software that goes beyond what you might expect, like a torrent client for example.**
The app store for Ubuntu Touch has been growing steadily over the past few months and interesting applications are added all the time. Most of them are covering some of the basic needs of the operating system, but there are quite a few that go well beyond regular users’ needs.
A torrent client is not something that you will find on most phones. Android and Windows Phone already have this kind of apps and it looks like Ubuntu is now one of those platforms. Ubuntu developer [Alan Pope][1] posted a screenshot with a new application that's being developed for the Ubuntu platforms called DowNow.
This is a relatively new application and it's still under development. You can find the click package for DowNow 0.3 in Launchpad, if you want to take a closer look, or you can download from Ubuntu Software Center.
For now, the only supported devices are Nexus 4 and Nexus 7, if you want to test Ubuntu for phones, but that might change in the coming months.
via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-Touch-Now-Has-a-Torrent-Clinent-in-the-Ubuntu-Store-457538.shtml
作者:[Silviu Stahie][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
How to Go Hands On With the Utopic Unicorn – Literally!
**Looking to go hands-on with the Utopic Unicorn ahead of its release? Now you can — [literally][1]!**
A step-by-step guide to making your own paper Unicorn (to celebrate the upcoming release of the same name, obviously) has been posted online by Canonical. The instructions were offered as part of the company’s presence at the 2014 [deconstruct][2] event held in Brighton, UK in early September.

Image: Alejandra Obregon
The one-day conference for creative professionals and digital culture enthusiasts served as an ideal place for Canonical to showcase an in-progress version of the upcoming Ubuntu Phone, its design and the user interaction benefits they believe it offers.
Reaction was positive, they say. That will have made the prize of a brand new Ubuntu phone to the maker of the best origami unicorn all the more tempting!
### Download Origami Unicorn ###
No prizes are on offer to the rest of us attempting to fold our way to frustration, but a download of the how-to is.
If you have a spare five hours minutes, why not make one for fun? If you make particularly epic success/fail of it be sure to send us a pic on [Twitter][3] or [Google+][4].
- [Download ‘Make a Unicorn’ Instructions][5]
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/09/unicorn-origami-download-pdf-ubuntu-utopic
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
One of the Smallest Distros in the World, Tiny Core, Gets a Fresh Update

Tiny Core desktop
**Robert Shingledecker has announced the immediate availability for download of the final version of the Tiny Core 5.4 Linux operating system, which also happens to be one the smaller operating systems in the world.**
The name of the distro says pretty much everything about the operating system, but the developers have integrated some interesting packages and a very light desktop to match it. This latest iteration only had a single Release Candidate and it's one of the quietest releases made so far.
"Tiny Core is simply an example of what the Core Project can produce, an 12MB FLTK/FLWM desktop. The user has complete control over which applications and/or additional hardware to have supported, be it for a desktop, a netbook, an appliance, or server, selectable by the user by installing additional applications from online repositories, or easily compiling most anything you desire using tools provided," says the dev on the official website.
According to the changelog, entries for nfs server have been added, 'Done' is now printed in a new lin, and udev has been updated to version 174 to fix a race condition.
A complete list of updates and changes can be found in the official [announcement][1].
You can download Tiny Core Linux 5.4.
- [Tiny Core Linux 5.4 (ISO)][2][iso] [14 MB]
- [Tiny Core Plus 5.4 (ISO)][3][iso] [72 MB]
- [Core 5.4 (ISO)][4][iso] [8.90 MB]
The distribution is Live, so you can test it before installing it.
via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/One-of-the-Smallest-Distros-in-the-World-Tiny-Core-Gets-a-Fresh-Update-458785.shtml
作者:[Silviu Stahie][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
alim0x translating
GNOME Control Center 3.14 RC1 Corrects Lots of Potential Crashes

GNOME Control Center in Arch Linux
**GNOME Control Center, GNOME's main interface for the configuration of various aspects of your desktop, has been updated to version 3.14 RC1, along with a lot of the packages from the GNOME stack.**
The GNOME Control Center is a piece of software that's actually very important in the GNOME ecosystem, although not all users are aware of its existence. This is the part that takes care of all the settings in an OS powered by GNOME, as you can see from the screenshot.
It's not something that's usually advertised and it's actually one of the few packages in the GNOME stack that doesn't have the same name as source and as implementation. The source package is called GNOME Control Center, but users will usually see Settings or System Settings, depending on what the developers choose.
### What's new in GNOME Control Center 3.14 RC1 ###
According to the changelog, libgd has been updated in order to fix the GdNotification theming, the background chooser dialog is no longer resizing when switching views, a stack with three views is now used for the chooser dialog, a memory leak in Flickr support has been fixed, the hard-code font size is no longer used for the Date & Time, a crash that occurred if the WM changed (or restarted) has been fixed, a possible crash that occurred when wireless-enabled was changing has been fixed, and more potential crashers for WWAN have been corrected.
Also, the hotspot is now running only if the device is active, all of the virtualization bridges are now hidden, the underlying device for VPN connections is no longer shown, the empty folder list is no longer shown by default, various UI padding issues have been fixed, the focus is now returned in the account dialog, a crash that occurred when setting year to 0 has been fixed, the "Wi-Fi hotspot" properties are now centered, a warning provided on startup with the hotspot enabled has been fixed, and an error is now provided when turning on the hotspot fails.
A complete list of changes, updates, and bug fixes can be found in the official [changelog][1].
You can download GNOME Control Center 3.14 RC1:
- [tar.xz (3.12.1 Stable)][2][sources] [6.50 MB]
- [tar.xz (3.14 RC1 Development)][3][sources] [6.60 MB]
This is just the source package and you will have to compile it yourself in order to test it. Unless you really know what you are doing, you should wait until the complete GNOME stack is made available through the repositories.
via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/GNOME-Control-Center-3-14-RC1-Correct-Lots-of-Potential-Crashes-458986.shtml
作者:[Silviu Stahie][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Another Italian City Says Goodbye To Microsoft Office, Will Switch To OpenOffice Soon

It seems [Open Source][1] adoption is the latest fad in European countries. Last month only we heard that [Turin became the first Italian city to officially opt for Open Source product][2]. Another city in north-west Italy, [Udine][3], has also announced that it is ditching Microsoft office and will migrate to [OpenOffice][4].
Udine has a population of 100,000 and the administration has around 900 computers which are running Microsoft Windows as their default productivity suite. As per the [budget document][5], the migration will start somewhere around December with 80 new computers. It will be followed by the migration of older computers to OpenOffice.
The migration is estimated to save licensing fee which otherwise would have cost around Euro 400 per computer, which makes a total of Euro 360,000. But saving money is not the only goal of this migration, getting regular software update is also one of the factors.
Of course the transition from Microsoft Office to OpenOffice won’t be smooth. Keeping this in mind, the municipality is planning training sessions for at least first few employees who will get the new machines with OpenOffice.
As I stated earlier, this seems to be a trend in Europe. [French city Toulouse saved a million euro with LibreOffice][6] earlier this year along with [Canary Islands in Spain][7]. Neighboring Spanish city [Geneva also showed sign of Open Source adoption][8]. In other part of the world, government organizations in [Tamil Nadu][9] and Kerala provinces of India also ditched Microsoft for Open Source.
I think demise of Windows XP has been a boon for Open Source, along with sluggish economy. Whatever may be the reason, I am happy to see this list growing. What about you?
via: http://itsfoss.com/udine-open-source/
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
Netflix Offers to Work with Ubuntu to Bring Native Playback to All

**We saw [last month just how close native Netflix support for Linux is][1] to arriving, with now only a few simple steps required to enable HTML5 video streaming on Ubuntu desktops.**
Now Netflix wants to go one step further. It wants to bring true, out-of-the-box Netflix playback to all Ubuntu users. And all it requires is an update to the **Network Security** Services library.
### Netflix Natively? Neato. ###
In [an e-mail][2] sent to the Ubuntu Developer mailing list Netflix’s Paul Adolph explains the current situation:
> “Netflix will play with Chrome stable in 14.02 if NSS version 3.16.2 or greater is installed. If this version is generally installed across 14.02, Netflix would be able to make a change so users would no longer have to hack their User-Agent to play.”
While the upcoming release of Ubuntu 14.10 offers the newer [NSS v3.17][3], Ubuntu 14.04 LTS — used by the majority of users — currently offers v3.15.x.
NSS is a set of libraries that supports a range of security-enabled client and server applications, including SSL, TLS, PKCS and other security standards. Keen to enable native HTML5 Netflix for Ubuntu LTS users, Paul asks:
> “What is the process of getting a new NSS version into the update stream? Or can somebody please provide me with the right contact?”
Netflix began offering HTML5 video playback on Windows 8.1 and OS X Yosemite earlier this year, negating the need for any extra downloads or plugins. The switch has been made possible through the [Encrypted Media Extension][4] spec.
While we wait for the discussions to move forward (and hopefully solve it for all) you can still “hack” HTML5 Netflix on Ubuntu by [following our guide][5].
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/09/netflix-linux-html5-nss-change-request
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
Red Hat Acquires FeedHenry for $82 Million to Advance Mobile Development
> Red Hat jumps into the mobile development sector with a key acquisition.
Red Hat's JBoss developer tools division has always focused on enterprise development, but hasn't always been focused on mobile. Today that will start to change as Red Hat announced its intention to acquire mobile development vendor [FeedHenry][1] for $82 million in cash. The deal is set to close in the third quarter of Red Hat's fiscal 2015. Red Hat is set to disclose its second quarter fiscal 2015 earning at 4 ET today.
Mike Piech, general manager of Middleware at Red Hat, told Datamation that upon the deal's closing FeedHenry's employees will become Red Hat employees
FeedHenry's development platform enables application developers to rapidly build mobile application for Android, IOS, Windows Phone and BlackBerry. The FeedHenry platform leverages Node.js programming architecture, which is not an area where JBoss has had much exposure in the past.
"The acquisition of FeedHenry significantly expands Red Hat's support for and engagement in Node.js," Piech said.
Piech Red Hat's OpenShift Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) technology already has a Node.js cartridge. Additionally Red Hat Enterprise Linux ships a tech preview of node.js as part of the Red Hat Software Collections.
While node.js itself is open source, not all of FeedHenry's technology is currently available under an open source license. As has been Red Hat's policy throughout its entire history, it is now committing to making FeedHenry open source as well.
"As we've done with other acquisitions, open sourcing the technology we acquire is a priority for Red Hat, and we have no reason to expect that approach will change with FeedHenry," Piech said.
Red Hat's last major acquisition of a company with non open source technology was with [ManageIQ][2] for $104 million back in 2012. In May of this year, Red Hat launched the ManageIQ open-source project, opening up development and code of the formerly closed-source cloud management technology.
From an integration standpoint, Red Hat is not yet providing full details of precisely where FeedHenry will fit it.
"We've already identified a number of areas where FeedHenry and Red Hat's existing technology and products can be better aligned and integrated," Piech said. "We'll share more details as we develop the roadmap over the next 90 days."
via: http://www.datamation.com/mobile-wireless/red-hat-acquires-feedhenry-for-82-million-to-advance-mobile-development.html
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barney-ro translating
How does the cloud affect the everyday linux user?
### Introduction ###
Cloud computing is one of those terms you hear about and see all the time whether it is in the national newspapers, online news websites, podcasts, technical blogs, technical news sites or on radio and television.
It is a fairly woolly term that encompasses so many things but what exactly is it?
> **Cloud computing** is a term used to refer to a model of network computing where a program or application runs on a connected server or servers rather than on a local computing device such as a PC, tablet or smartphone. Like the traditional client-server model or older mainframe computing,[1] a user connects with a server to perform a task. The difference with cloud computing is that the computing process may run on one or many connected computers at the same time, utilizing the concept of virtualization. With virtualization, one or more physical servers can be configured and partitioned into multiple independent “virtual” servers, all functioning independently and appearing to the user to be a single physical device. Such virtual servers are in essence disassociated from their physical server, and with this added flexibility, they can be moved around and scaled up or down on the fly without affecting the end user. The computing resources have become “granular”, which provides end user and operator benefits including on-demand self-service, broad access across multiple devices, resource pooling, rapid elasticity and service metering capability.[2]
The above quote was obviously taken from Wikipedia.
In the past we either used dumb terminals to connect to a mainframe or more recently desktop computers connected to applications on in-house servers which in turn connected to databases also kept on site.
The management of the desktops, applications and servers were all local and all had to be supported by the company who owned them.
Whilst this might be great for software houses it isn’t good business for other companies such as banks, insurance companies and oil companies. Information Technology is not a banking function in the same way catering isn’t a function of drilling oil out of the ground.
Large companies have long since outsourced many functions to dedicated companies. For example outside catering companies provide the staff canteen and we all know about the offshore call centres handling customer calls for the banks.
IT has also become an offshore function with a number of support and development functions shipped out to China, India, Malaysia and Eastern Europe.
Cloud computing is different to the typical model in that it is all about virtualisation. It is about putting applications on virtual servers which could all be in one location or could be thousands of miles apart but the point is it doesn’t matter because it is somebody else’s job to make sure they work.
> In common usage the term “the cloud” has become a shorthand way to refer to cloud computing infrastructure.[4] The term came from the cloud symbol that network engineers used on network diagrams to represent the unknown (to them) segments of a network.[5] Marketers have further popularized the phrase “in the cloud” to refer to software, platforms and infrastructure that are sold “as a service”, i.e. remotely through the Internet.
This article is therefore all about the cloud and what it means for the everyday linux user and what it can do for you and what, if any, pitfalls are there.
From an end user and home user point of view, cloud computing has basically come to mean any service that is hosted online.
So here goes, which cloud services are useful for an everyday linux user?
### Email ###
I would be very surprised if you are reading this and you don’t have an email account.
PC Advisor magazine analysed the top 6 emails services back in March, 2014 consisting of Outlook, GMail, Yahoo, iCloud, AOL and GMX.
### Office Suites ###
As well as an email client one of the most commonly used tools required by everyone is an office suite.
In the past people would toddle off down to PC World, buy a computer and come home with a great big machine and half a dozen CDs containing 5 programs you definitely won’t use and Microsoft Works which was a cheap and virtually useless cut down version of Microsoft Office.
Now you don’t even need an office suite on your computer even though there are some great free choices out there including LibreOffice and Kingsoft.
The obvious choices are of course Google Docs and Office 365. Does Office 365 work for Linux? Well this article from PC Pro in 2012 seems to suggest that it does.

I don’t believe everything I read though so I signed up to Office 365 to see what would happen.
Signing up was free for a month and I was presented with a list of online applications that I could use which included Word, Excel and Outlook.

All looked to be going well. I started Microsoft Word, chose a template to use and then of course it didn’t work at all.
Office 365 isn’t yet supported on Linux and to be honest you don’t need it. Move on.

Google Docs works and for home use it is perfect. There are hundreds of templates for the word processing and presentation tools and the spreadsheet application does most things although it doesn’t really replace Excel because you haven’t got hundreds of wannabe developers creating naff macros and VBA scripts everywhere.

Another alternative to Office 365 is Zoho.
Similar to Google Docs, Zoho includes a word processor, spreadsheet tool, presentation tool and mail.
There are finance and CRM tools as well.

The interface for the tools is actually very nice and clean.
Services such as Google Docs and Zoho also give you the power of collaboration.
Documents can be shared and worked on by different people in different locations.
This site provides a good list of alternative choices to Google Docs and Zoho.
### Online File Storage ###
Another good service provided by Google Docs and Zoho is the ability to store the documents and files you create online.
There are other services however such as Dropbox that are used to exclusively store your documents in the cloud.
The benefit of storing files with services like Dropbox is that if your house is burgled or catches fire then you have an offshore backup that remains intact. You can also access your files anywhere.
Dropbox is free for up to 2 gigabytes of use. If you have a lot more data, and most of us do nowadays, then there is a $ 9.99 monthly plan that is available allowing for 100 gigabytes. There is also a business version available from $ 15 a month.
There are of course alternatives to Dropbox and this site provides a list of the best online backup solutions.
### Photos ###
Since the introduction of digital cameras and more recently smart phones, more and more of us have memory cards full of photos.
I bet that at some point or other that you have lost photos because your phone died and the photos were on the phone and not the memory card or you lost your phone losing pictures of your child’s sports day or another important occasion.
Losing a phone is never a good thing. If you are clever you will have set up some sort of security because most people have their phones synchronised with their email accounts, Facebook, Twitter and even online banking.
All it takes to fix a lost phone is to change the passwords to all of the above accounts but lost photos are just not possible to recover and are a little bit more upsetting when lost.
One solution of course is to backup to your computer. This is of course a good first step but occasionally laptops break as well and you are back to square one.
Online photo storage sites are great resources because not only do they keep your photos safe you can also share them with whoever you choose to, eliminating the need to get 5 copies of the same photo developed to send to mum, nan, sister, aunty and mother-in-law.
The solution I like to use is Google’s Picasa but many of you will have heard of services like Flickr as well.
Lifehacker has a list of the five best photo sharing services.
Remember though that just because they are called photo sharing services doesn’t mean you have to share them. You can keep them just to yourself.
### Music ###
The first record that I was ever given was a 12 inch vinyl version of “Kings of the wild frontier” by “Adam and the Ants” back in the early 1980s.
As the 1980s progressed the long play records were replaced by cassettes and just as I had accumulated a decent number of cassettes the compact disc became the thing to have.
Hundreds of compact discs later and MP3 file sharing became the norm and it even became the legal way of doing things.
Nothing sits still with technology and the future is now with audio streaming services such as Spotify.
Spotify is free to use but is supported with the inclusion of adverts. In this regard it is like having your own personal radio station where you choose the playlist. Of course you can pay a monthly fee and have the adverts removed altogether.
There are dozens of similar services including Grooveshark and last.fm.
Techradar has a list of 7 alternatives to Spotify.
### Film ###
The first film I ever watched in the Cinema was Dumbo. The first video I ever watched was “Krull” which contained a young Dulph Lundgren. The format of the video was on Beta Max. (My next door neighbour had one).
My dad came home one day with a video recorder from Radio Rentals and my sister and I used to take it in turns to pick a video to hire from the video store. I remember my first choice being “The Black Hole”.
As with music time moves on. Just as you get large units full of movies, some genius comes along and develops DVDs and then they come out with Bluerays.
Now of course video streaming is the order of the day especially if you have a decent enough internet connection.
The most commonly known services are Netflix and Lovefilm.
This website has a list of good alternatives to Netflix. Not all of these services (including Netflix) work seamlessly on Linux.
### Gaming ###
Music, films and now gaming have moved to the online arena.
Gaming is of course more difficult. Music is relatively low cost in terms of bandwidth and although films require a little more, the stream just needs to remain steady to get a clear picture.
Games need to run at a consistently high frame rate to be playable and unless you have a decent connection it probably isn’t even worth trying.
Current services offering a cloud gaming service include OnLive and StreamMyGame.
This site contains a list of 6 online gaming services to rival OnLive.
### Pitfalls ###
Cloud computing isn’t free from issues.
There is the obvious problem of hacking. If someone gets access to your online banking or your email then you have a real problem.
What about online file storage? There is currently the high profile case of Megaupload.com.
Megaupload.com was essentially a file storage site for storing large files. The problem is that a lot of people used the service to share copyright material and the US authorities came down like a ton of bricks and the service was shut down.
Now a lot of people losing files would perhaps be expecting the inevitable but what about people who genuinely did nothing wrong. Their data has been lost. The US authorities refusing to give it back.
Finally there is the subject of service maintenance. If your email went down for a day could you cope? What about 3 days? What about a month? You are at the mercy of the service provider.
A lot has been made about large companies losing data and there has also been a lot of noise regarding heartbleed which is a vulnerability found in SSL left unpatched for years.
If you have services hosted for you online then you are relying on technical support staff to do their job properly and if they don’t you could be at the mercy of hackers, hardware failures and poor backup and recovery maintenance.
### Summary ###
Cloud computing has really become the buzz term for any online service. Your web browser is a client connecting to a server or clusters of servers hosted anywhere in the world. The point is that you don’t care. You don’t need to know.
Generally speaking I have barely touched the surface. We all use the cloud everyday and most of us don’t even think about it.
How does the cloud affect the everyday linux user? It turns out quite a bit.
Is the cloud a good or bad thing? Neither. Each service has to be judged on it’s own merits.
The term “The Cloud” is just something marketing people and the technical press get excited about. Anyone remember when they kept using the term “Web 2.0″?
Thankyou for reading.
via: http://www.linuxnews.pro/how-does-the-cloud-affect-the-everyday-linux-user/
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Staying free – should GCC allow non-free plug ins?
> Arguments in favour of the use of non-free plug-ins in GCC have again been raised on GCC mailing-lists, but are trumped by the arguments for GCC as a vehicle for free software development
Once again, Gcc and its lack of modularity has been raised as an issue and contrasted with LLVm, the new compiler on the block. GCC is huge and venerable: 5 million lines, 30 years, and growing. LLVM, in contrast, is relatively youthful and modular and allows free and proprietary languages to be added as modules.
The core of LLVM is ‘open source’. GCC is copyleft and unreservedly free software and doesn’t allow plug-ins or other means to add proprietary extensions to the GCC code. The argument, as delivered by Eric Raymond, is that “FSF can no longer prevent proprietary vendors from plugging into a free compiler to improve their tools. That horse has left the barn; the strategic goal of the anti-plug-in policy has been definitively busted.”
LLVM has been sponsored by Apple as a replacement for GCC on OS X and Apple hardware and has grown in popularity, especially among users of the BSDs. Advocates of LLVM see it as a putative replacement for GCC in the wider market for applications developers and mobile devices. The argument against GCC is that its complexity, and the commitment of its developers to copyleft licensing, constrains the possibilities for proprietary developers, who do not want to release their language or architectural specifications under a copyleft licence. Apple, of course, has a long history of antipathy to free software, and doesn’t allow applications licensed under copyleft licences to be distributed through its App Store.
To this extent, the argument between LLVM and GCC is a retread of the historic differences between GNU/Linux and the BSDs, between ‘open source’ and free software. Open source developers allow the code to be reused in any context, free or proprietary. Free software is restrictive in that it insists that the code, and any modifications to the code, must remain free in perpetuity. Advocates of free software would argue that the integrity of copyleft licensing has been instrumental in the spread of GCC, and has taken Linux and free software into places it would not otherwise have reached, and that free software cannot be bought or corrupted by commercial or corporate interests. Open source advocates argue that open source is more free because the user has no restrictions and can do what he or she likes, including developing closed source versions of the code.
Since the beginning, the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) was vital to the spread of free software. Compilers were a rare and expensive commodity and the compilers of the proprietary software companies were rife with ‘features’ that were non-compliant with ANSI programming standards. Porting software between different machines and operating systems was an unnecessarily complicated task. GCC, the first truly free cross-platform compiler, commoditised this process.
GCC was a breakthrough product for applications developers and mobile device developers – not just those who were committed to the idea of free software. Not only was GCC free and portable, its ubiquity and commonality across different architectures made it easier to port software between machines and to expect robust and consistent results – as the likes of John Gilmore, Michael Tiemann and David Henkel- Wallace were to discover when they made GCC and its development the key selling point of Cygnus Solutions, the first company to make money by selling free software.
The primary technical difference between LLVM and GCC emerges in the separation between the modules that form the ‘front ends’, ‘middle end’ and ‘back ends’ of both GCC and LLVM. ‘Front ends’ are used to interpret the code specific to the translation of a particular language. The ‘middle end’ optimises the translated code. The ‘back ends’ take the optimised code and apply the results to a specific target architecture. LLVM separates these modules into distinct entities, but for semantic and historical reasons, GCC obfuscates the separation between the modules.
Perhaps untypically for a free software project, it is a difficult process to add a new language or architecture to GCC and the adding of proprietary plug-ins is not allowed. There is little clear separation between the modules, and the path of least resistance is to add any feature under a free software licence. The early ports of C++ and Objective C (via Apple) are cited as examples where the original developers might have preferred to keep the code in-house and proprietary, and instead released the code as free software.
In contrast, LLVM has allowed, or perhaps even encouraged, the addition and development of proprietary languages and architectures – one example being Nvidia’s NVCC for GPU computing, based on Clang and LLVM. The source code of NVCC is inaccessible to free software or ‘open source’ developers.
Richard Stallman’s [take on this][1] is characteristically resolute: “In the free software movement, we campaign for the freedom of the users of computing. The values of free software are fundamentally different from the values of open source, which make‘bettercode’theultimategoal. IfGCCwere to change from a free compiler into a platform for non-free compilers, it would no longer serve the goal of freedom very well.
“The Clang and LLVM developers reach different conclusions from ours because they do not share our values and goals. They object to the measures we have taken to defend freedom because they see the inconvenience of them and do not recognise (or don’t care about) the need for them. I would guess they describe their work as ‘open source’ and do not talk about freedom.”
The GCC developers are unlikely to compromise on the licensing terms. While LLVM is fashionable among certain sectors of industry, because it is young and new and has been quicker to jump on developing trands in programming languages, the prevailing wind is towards greater openness, and GCC’s resolve to be incorruptible and free from commercial interests, may be the greater asset in the long term. The Unix companies learnt something from the Unix wars of the Eighties and Nineties. Languages and operating systems are tools, and are better open and shared. GCC is free software and belongs to nobody.
via: http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/features/staying-free-should-gcc-allow-non-free-plug-ins
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Where And How To Code: Choosing The Best Free Code Editor
A close look at Cloud9, Koding and Nitrous.IO.

**Ready to start your first coding project? Great! Just configure** Terminal or Command Prompt, learn to use it and then install all the languages, add-on libraries and APIs you’ll need. When you're finally through with all that, you can get started with installing [Visual Studio][1] so you can preview your work.
At least that's how you used to have to do it.
No wonder beginning coders are increasingly turning to online integrated development environments (IDEs). An IDE is a code editor that comes ready to work with languages and all their dependencies, saving you the hassle of installing them on your computer.
I wanted to learn more about what constitutes the typical IDE, so I took a look at the free tier for three of the most popular integrated development environments out there: [Cloud9][2], [Koding][3], and [Nitrous.IO][4]. In the process, I learned a lot about the cases in which programmers would and would not want to use IDEs.
### Why Use An IDE? ###
If a text editor is like Microsoft Word, think of an IDE as Google Drive. You get similar functionality, but it's accessible from any computer and ready to share. As the Internet becomes an increasingly influential part of project workflow, IDEs make life easier.
I used Nitrous.IO for my last ReadWrite tutorial, the Python app in [Create Your Own Obnoxiously Simple Messaging App Just Like Yo][5]. When you use an IDE, you select the language you want to work in so you can test and preview how it looks on the IDE’s Virtual Machine (VM) designed to run programs written specifically in that language.
If you read the tutorial, you'll see there are only two API libraries that my app depended on—messaging service Twilio and Python microframework Flask. That would have been easy to build using a text editor and Terminal on my computer, but I chose an IDE for yet another convenience: when everyone is using the same developer environment, it’s easier to follow along with a tutorial.
### What An IDE Is Not ###
Still, an IDE is not a long term hosting solution.
When you’re working on an IDE, you’re able to build, test and preview your app in the cloud. You’re even able to share the final draft via link.
But you can’t use an IDE to store your project permanently. You wouldn't ditch your blog in favor of hosting your posts as Google Drive documents. Like Google Drive, IDEs allow you to link and share content, but neither are equipped to replace real hosting.
What's more, IDEs aren't designed for wide-spread sharing. Despite the increased functionality IDEs add to the preview capability of most text editors, stick with showing off your app preview to friends and coworkers, not with, say, the front page of Hacker News. In that case, your IDE would probably shut you down for excessive traffic.
Think of it this way: an IDE is a place to build and test your app; a host is a place for it to live. So once you’ve finalized your app, you’ll want to deploy it on a cloud-based service that lets you host apps long term, preferably one with a free hosting option like [Heroku][6].
### Choosing An IDE ###

As IDEs become more popular, more are popping up all the time. In my opinion, there’s no perfect IDE. However, some IDEs are better for certain work process priorities than others.
I took a look at the free tier for three of the most popular integrated development environments out there: Cloud9, Koding, and Nitrous.IO. Each has its benefits, depending on what you're working on. Here's what I found.
### Cloud9: Ready To Collaborate ###
When I signed up for Cloud9, one of the first things it prompted me to do was integrate my GitHub and BitBucket accounts. Instantly, all my GitHub projects, solo and collaborative, were ready to clone and work on in Cloud9’s development tool. Other IDEs have nowhere near this level of GitHub integration.
Out of the three IDEs I looked at, Cloud9 seemed most intent on ensuring an environment where I could work seamlessly with co-coders. Here, it’s not just a chat function in the corner. In fact, said CEO Ruben Daniels, Cloud9 collaborators can see each others coding in real time, just like co-authors are able to on Google Drive.
“Most services’ collaborative features only work on a single file,” said Daniels. “Ours work on multiples throughout the project. Collaboration is fully integrated within the IDE.”
### Koding: Help When You Need It ###
IDEs give you the tools you need to build and test applications in the gamut of open source languages. For a beginner, that can be a little bit intimidating. For example, if I’m working on a project with both Python and Ruby components, which VM do I use for testing?
The answer is both, though on a free account, you can only turn on one VM for testing at a time. I was able to find that out right on my Koding dashboard, which doubles as a place for users to give and get advice on their Koding projects. Of the three, it’s the most transparent when it comes to where you can ask for assistance and hear back in minutes.
“We have an active community built into the application,” said Nitin Gupta, Chief Business Officer at Koding. “We wanted to create an environment that is extremely attractive to people who need help and who want to help.”
### Nitrous.IO: An IDE Wherever You Want ###
The ultimate advantage of using an IDE over your own desktop environment is that it’s self-contained. You don’t have to install anything to use it. On the other hand, the ultimate advantage of using your own desktop environment is that you can work locally, even without Internet.
Nitrous.IO gives you the best of both worlds. You can use the IDE on the Web, or you can download it to your own computer, said cofounder AJ Solimine. The advantage is that you can merge the integrations of Nitrous with the familiarity of your preferred text editor.
“You can access Nitrous.IO from any modern web browser via our online Web IDE, but we also have handy desktop applications for Windows and Mac that let you edit with your favorite editor,” he said.
### The Bottom Line ###
The most surprising thing I learned from a week of [using][7] three different IDEs? How similar they are. [When it comes to the basics of coding][8], they’re all equally helpful.
Cloud9, Koding, [and Nitrous.IO all support][9] every major open source language, from Ruby to Python to PHP to HTML5. You can choose from any of those VMs.
Both Cloud9 and Nitrous.IO have built-in one-click GitHub integration. For Koding there are a [couple more steps][10], but it can be done.
Each integrated easily with the APIs I needed. Each let me install my preferred package installers, too (and Koding made me do it as a superuser). They all have a built in Terminal for easily testing and deploying projects. All three allow you to easily preview your project. And of course, they all hosted my project in the cloud so I could work on it anywhere.
On the downside, they all had the same negatives, which is reasonable when you consider they're free. You can only run one VM at a time to test a program written in a particular language. When you’re not using your VM for a while, the IDE preserves bandwidth by putting it into hibernation and you have to wait for it to reload next time you use it (and Cloud9 was especially laborious). None of them make a good permanent host for your finished projects.
So to answer those who ask me if there’s a perfect free IDE out there, probably not. But depending on your priorities, there might be one that’s perfect for your project.
Lead image courtesy of [Shutterstock][11]
via: http://readwrite.com/2014/08/14/cloud9-koding-nitrousio-integrated-development-environment-ide-coding
作者:[Lauren Orsini][a]
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Why Your Company Needs To Write More Open Source Software - ReadWrite
> Real innovation doesn't happen behind closed doors.

**The Wall Street Journal [thinks][1] it's news that Zulily is developing** "more software in-house." It's not. At all. As [Eric Raymond wrote][2] years ago, 95% of the world's software is written for use, not for sale. The reasons are many, but one stands out: as Zulily CIO Luke Friang declares, it's "nearly impossible for a [off the shelf] solution to keep up with our pace."
True now, just as it was true 20 years ago.
But one thing is different, and it's something the WSJ completely missed. Historically software developed in-house was zealously kept proprietary because, the reasoning went, it was the source of a firm's competitive advantage. Today, however, companies increasingly realize the opposite: there is far more to be gained by open sourcing in-house software than keeping it closed.
Which is why your company needs to contribute more open-source code. Much more.
We've gone through an anomalous time these past 20 years. While most software continued to be written for internal use, most of the attention has been focused on vendors like SAP and Microsoft that build solutions that apply to a wide range of companies.
That's the theory, anyway.
In practice, buyers spent a small fortune on license fees, then a 5X multiple on top of that to make the software fit their requirements. For example, a company may spend $100,000 on an ERP system, but they're going to spend another $500,000 making it work.
One of the reasons open source took off, even in applications, was that companies could get a less functional product for free (or a relatively inexpensive fee) and then spend their implementation dollars tuning it to their needs. Either way, customization was necessary, but the open source approach was less costly and arguably more likely to result in a more tailored result.
Meanwhile, technology vendors doubled-down on "sameness," as Redmonk analyst [Stephen O'Grady describes][3]:
> The mainstream technology industry has, in recent years, eschewed specialization. Virtual appliances, each running a version of the operating system customized for an application or purpose, have entirely failed to dent the sales of general purpose alternatives such as RHEL or Windows. For better than twenty years, the answer to any application data persistence requirement has meant one thing: a relational database. If you were talking about enterprise application development, you were talking about Java. And so on.
Along the way, however, companies discovered that vendors weren't really meeting their needs, even for well-understood product categories like Content Management Systems. They needed different, not same.
So the customers went rogue. They became vendors. Sort of.
As is often the case, [O'Grady nails][4] this point. Writing in 2010, O'Grady uncovers an interesting trend: "Software vendors are facing a powerful new market competitor: their customers."
Think about the most visible technologies today. Most are open source, and nearly all of them were originally written for some company's internal use, or some developer's hobby. Linux, Git, Hadoop, Cassandra, MongoDB, Android, etc. None of these technologies were originally written to be sold as products.
Instead, they were developed by companies—usually Web companies—building software to "[scratch their own itches][5]," to use the open source phrase. And unlike previous generations of in-house software developed at banks, hospitals and other organizations, they open sourced the code.
While [some companies eschew developing custom software][6] because they don't want to maintain it, open source (somewhat) mitigates this by letting a community grow up to extend and maintain a project, thereby amortizing the costs of development for the code originators. Yahoo! started Hadoop, but its biggest contributors today are Cloudera and Hortonworks. Facebook kickstarted Cassandra, but DataStax primarily maintains it today. And so on.
Today real software innovation doesn't happen behind closed doors. Or, if it does, it doesn't stay there. It's open source, and it's upending decades of established software orthodoxy.
Not that it's for the faint of heart.
The best open-source projects [innovate very fast][7]. Which is not the same as saying anyone will care about your open-source code. There are [significant pros and cons to open sourcing your code][8]. But one massive "pro" is that the best developers want to work on open code: if you need to hire quality developers, you need to give them an open source outlet for their work. (Just [ask Netflix][9].)
But that's no excuse to sit on the sidelines. It's time to get involved, and not for the good of some ill-defined "community." No, the primary beneficiary of open-source software development is you and your company. Better get started.
Lead image courtesy of Shutterstock.
via: http://readwrite.com/2014/08/16/open-source-software-business-zulily-erp-wall-street-journal
作者:[Matt Asay][a]
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Linus Torvalds Promotes Linux for Desktops, Embedded Computing
> Linux kernel developer and open source leader Linus Torvalds spoke recently about the future of desktop Linux and Linux for embedded devices.

What's the future of Linux for desktop computers and embedded devices? That's a question up for debate, but Linux founder and open source superstar Linus Torvalds provided some intriguing viewpoints in a discussion at the [Linux Foundation's][1] recent LinuxCon event.
As the guy who wrote the first Linux kernel code and shared it publicly over the Internet back in 1991, Torvalds is without doubt among the most famous developers of open source software—or any software, really—alive today. And while Torvalds is only one individual among many thousands of people and organizations guiding the development of Linux, his opinions tend to be influential with the open source community, and his role as a lead kernel developer places him in a powerful position for deciding which features and code make it into the operating system.
So it's worth paying attention when Torvalds says, "I still want the desktop," as he [did last week][2] at LinuxCon. It's a sign that he still sees a future for Linux as an operating system for powering personal PCs, even though desktop Linux market share has remained minuscule and relatively flat for more than a decade, and most of the commercial activity around Linux these days involves servers or Android-powered mobile hardware.
But, Torvalds added, ensuring a strong future for desktop Linux means solving an "infrastructure problem" that stems, he seems to believe, from the broader open source software ecosystem and the hardware world. It's not the core Linux code itself that's at issue, and making the channel friendly for desktop Linux is a feat Torvalds and his fellow kernel developers probably have little power to achieve on their own. That's up to app developers, hardware manufacturers and other parties who have the power to deliver computing platforms based on Linux that people will readily use.
On the other hand, Torvalds also mentioned a hope that kernel developers might streamline the Linux code for embedded devices—a task that might be at odds in some ways with making the kernel more desktop-friendly. But that's not necessarily the case, and at any rate, given that Linux is designed to be so modular, there's no reason a single kernel code base can't meet the needs of desktop users and embedded developers equally well, depending on which chunks they choose to use.
As a longtime desktop Linux user who would also like to see more Linux-powered embedded devices, I'm hoping Torvalds's aspirations in both regards will be realized, and that I will one day be able to do everything I need using only Linux, whether it's on a desktop computer, a mobile phone, the car or anywhere else.
via: http://thevarguy.com/open-source-application-software-companies/082514/linus-torvalds-promotes-linux-desktops-and-embedded-compu
作者:[Christopher Tozzi][a]
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translating by barney-ro
Interesting facts about Linux
Today, August, 25th, is the 23rd birthday of Linux. The modest [Usenet post][1] made by a 21 year old student at the University of Helsinki on August 25th, 1991, marks the birth of the venerable Linux as we know it today.
@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ Happy birthday, Linux!
via: http://xmodulo.com/2014/08/interesting-facts-linux.html
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
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Linux Doesn't Need to Own the Desktop
Linus Torvalds issued Linux 3.17 rc-2 on Monday of this week, and [he deviated from his normal schedule][1] in doing so, because August 25 happens to mark the 23rd anniversary of the original Linux announcement. "Hello everybody out there using minix," Torvalds wrote.
Meanwhile, PCMag.com has proclaimed that [Linux has run out of time][2]. But isn't it true that the endless discussions of whether Linux is a success on the desktop are moot? Linux is in supercomputers and cars, it formed the basis for Android and is the most popular platform to run emerging cloud platforms like OpenStack on--just to name a few of its successes. The desktop is not the only battleground for Linux.
Jon Buys took note of specialization and the Linux desktop [in a recent post][3], where he wrote:
> "Recently, IT World asked “[Does it still make sense for Linus to want the desktop for Linux?][4]”, and Matt Asay from Tech Repubic asked “[Can we please stop talking about the Linux desktop?][5]”. Both publishers are critical of the claim that there is still room for Linux on Personal Computers, and point to Android as a Linux success story...What both articles miss though is that the flexibility of Linux, and the permissiveness of its open source license may be the things that save Linux on the desktop."
That may be true, but Linux is so much to so many people beyond the desktop. Linux's opportunity for great market share on the desktop has come and gone.
The simple fact is that Linux has changed the world and been a tremendous success outside the desktop, and there is nothing wrong with that. Android is hardly the only Linux-based platform that has made a big mark. Linux is huge on servers, in embedded technology, and is a constant prompt for innovation on emerging platforms. Ubuntu is the most popular platform for building OpenStack deployments on. Supercomputers all over the world run Linux, and Chrome OS is based on it.
So Linux is making a huge difference globally, and it is time for detractors to stop focusing exclusively on its status on the desktop.
via: http://ostatic.com/blog/linux-doesnt-need-to-own-the-desktop
作者:[Sam Dean][a]
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Happy Birthday Email
**An Indian American had the brain to invent electronic mail without which we cannot figure out a single day in this era.**

30 August, email turned 32. Now we wonder how this fast and quick method of message transfer came into existence. The credit goes to an Indian American, Shiva Ayyadurai. Shiva developed a full-scale software of the interoffice mail system and it was named email.
He was officially acknowledged as the inventor of the computer programme on 30 August, 1982, by the US government. Born to Tamil family in Bombay, Shiva was just 14 years old when he invented the email system. He was studying at Livingston High School in New Jersey and he began working on this system for the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. A copyright was given to the email system as no other way was known to protect software inventions at that time.
Ayyadurai got the idea of the email system from the way mail was transported internally in offices. He tried to make a copy of ‘Pneumatic Tube System’ which was mostly used to send interoffice mails across offices. This system used a physical network of tubes which used to transport typed mails to secretaries. Each secretary used to have inbox, outbox, drafts, carbon copy paper, folders, address book, paper clips or attachments etc. All these were used to create and process incoming and outgoing mails.
Shiva also took a note of the common templates like “To”, “From”, “Subject”, “Date”, “Body”, “CC”, “BCC” and so on. All these templates were incorporated in the version of the electronic mail too. Mail was written FORTRAN programming language and Shiva discovered an electronic version of the same. Shiva received many accolades for his extraordinary work and also won a Westinghouse Science Talent Search Award for high school seniors in 1981. Now Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History (SINMAH) has the official US copyright for “Email”. But there is a controversy that not Ayyadurai but some other people have invented email.
via: http://www.efytimes.com/e1/fullnews.asp?edid=147170
作者:Sanchari Banerjee
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10 Open Source Cloning Software For Linux Users
> These cloning software take all disk data, convert them into a single .img file and you can copy it to another hard drive.

Disk cloning means copying data from a hard disk to another one and you can do this by simple copy & paste. But you cannot copy the hidden files and folders and not the in-use files too. That's when you need a cloning software which can also help you in saving a back-up image from your files and folders. The cloning software takes all disk data, convert them into a single .img file and you can copy it to another hard drive. Here we give you the best 10 Open Source Cloning software:
### 1. [Clonezilla][1]: ###
Clonezilla is a Live CD based on Ubuntu and Debian. It clones all your hard drive data and take a backup just like Norton Ghost on Windows but in a more effective way. Clonezilla support many filesystems like ext2, ext3, ext4, btrfs, xfs and others. It also supports BIOS, UEFI, MPR and GPT partitions.

### 2. [Redo Backup][2]: ###
Redo Bakcup is another Live CD tool which clones your drivers easily. It is free and Open Source Live System which has its licence under GPL 3. Its main features include easy GUI boots from CD, no installation, restoration of Linux and Windows systems, access to files with out any log-in, recovery of deleted files and more.

### 3. [Mondo Rescue][3]: ###
Mondo doesn't work like other software. It doesn’t convert your hard drivers into an .img file. It converts them into an .iso image and with Mondo you can also create a custom Live CD using “mindi” which is a special tool developed by Mondo Rescue to clone your data from the Live CD. It supports most Linux distributions, FreeBSD, and it is licensed under GPL.

### 4. [Partimage][4]: ###
This is an open-source software backup, which works under Linux system, by default. It's also available to install from the package manager for most Linux distributions and if you don’t have a Linux system then you can use “SystemRescueCd”. It is a Live CD which includes Partimage by default to do the cloning process that you want. Partimage is very fast in cloning hard drivers.

### 5. [FSArchiver][5]: ###
FSArchiver is a follow-up to Partimage, and it is again a good tool to clone hard disks. It supports cloning Ext4 partitions and NTFS partitions, basic file attributes like owner, permissions, extended attributes like those used by SELinux, basic file system attributes for all Linux file systems and so on.
### 6. [Partclone][6]: ###
Partclone is a free tool which clones and restores partitions. Written in C it first appeared in 2007 and it supports many filesystems like ext2, ext3, ext4, xfs, nfs, reiserfs, reiser4, hfs+, btrfs. It is very simple to use and it's licensed under GPL.
### 7. [doClone][7]: ###
doClone is a free software project which is developed to clone Linux system partitions easily. It's written in C++ and it supports up to 12 different filesystems. It can preform Grub bootloader restoration and can also transform the clone image to another computer via LAN. It also provides support to live cloning which means you will eb able to clone from the system even if it's running.

### 8. [Macrium Reflect Free Edition][8]: ###
Macrium Reflect Free Edition is claimed to be one of the fastest disk cloning utilities which supports only Windows file systems. It is a fairly straightforward user interface. This software does disk imaging and disk cloning and also allows you to access images from the file manager. It allows you to create a Linux rescue CD and it is compatible with Windows Vista and 7.

### 9. [DriveImage XML][9]: ###
DriveImage XML uses Microsoft VSS for creation of images, quite reliably. With this software you can create "hot" images from a disk, which is still running. XML files store images, which means you can access them from any supporting third-party software. DriveImage XML also allows restoring an image to a machine without any reboot. This software is also compatible with Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Vista, and 7.

### 10. [Paragon Backup & Recovery Free][10]: ###
Paragon Backup & Recovery Free does a great job when it comes to managing scheduled imaging. This is a free software but it's for personal use only.

via: http://www.efytimes.com/e1/fullnews.asp?edid=148039
作者:Sanchari Banerjee
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sources/talk/20140915 Make Downloading Files Effortless.md
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sources/talk/20140915 Make Downloading Files Effortless.md
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Make Downloading Files Effortless
A download manager is computer software that is dedicated to the task of downloading files, optimizing bandwidth usage, and operating in a more organized way. Some web browsers, such as Firefox, include a download manager as a feature, but their implementation lacks the sophistication of a dedicated download manager (or add-ons for the web browser), without using bandwidth optimally, and without good file management features.
Users that regularly download files benefit from using a good download manager. The ability to maximize download speeds (with download acceleration), resume and schedule downloads, make safer and more rewarding downloading. Download managers have lost some of their popularity, but the best of them offer real benefits including tight integration with browsers, support for popular sites such as YouTube and much more.
There are some sublime open source download managers for Linux, which makes selection somewhat problematic. I have compiled a roundup of my favorite download managers, and add-ons that turn a download manager into an excellent download manager for Firefox. Each application featured here is released under an open source license.


uGet is a lightweight, easy-to-use and full-featured open source download manager. uGet allows the user to download in multiple parallel streams for download acceleration, put files in a download queue, pause & resume downloads, offers advanced category management, with browser integration, clipboard monitoring, batch downloads, localized into 26 languages, and many more features.
uGet is mature software; it has been in developed for more than 11 years. In that time, it has progressed into a highly versatile download manager, with an estimable set of features, yet maintaining ease of use.
uGet is written in the C language, uses cURL as a backend, and the applicable library, libcurl. uGet has excellent platform compatibility. uGet is primarily a project for Linux, but it also runs on Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Android, and Windows.
#### Features include: ####
- Easy to use
- Downloads queue place your downloads into a queue to download as many, or as few, downloads as you want simultaneously
- Resume downloads
- Categorized defaults
- Clipboard monitor which is well implemented
- Batch downloads
- Import downloads import from HTML files
- Support for downloading files through HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, BitTorrent & Metalink
- Multi-connection (also known as Multi-Segment): up to 20 simultaneous connections per download with adaptive segment management which means that when one segment drops out then the other connections pick up the slack to ensure optimal download speeds at all times
- Multi-mirror
- FTP login & anonymous FTP
- Powerful scheduler
- FireFox integration via FlashGot
- Aria2 plugin
- Theme chameleoning
- Quiet mode
- Keyboard shortcuts
- CLI / Terminal usage support
- Folder auto-creation
- Download history management
- GnuTLS support
- Supports 26 languages including: Arabic, Belarusian, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Danish, English (default), French, Georgian, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese
- Website: [ugetdm.com][1]
- Developer: C.H. Huang and contributors
- License: GNU LGPL 2.1
- Version Number: 1.10.5


DownThemAll! is a fast, reliable and easy-to-use, open source download manager/accelerator built inside Firefox. This add-on lets the user download all the links or images contained in a webpage and much more. The add-on gives the user full control over downloads, dedicated speed and number of parallel connections at any time. Use Metalinks or add mirrors manually to download a file from different servers at the same time.
DownThemAll reads the size of the files you want to download and splits them into multiple sections, which are downloaded in parallel.
#### Features include: ####
- Complete integration with Firefox
- Multi-part download which allows the user to download the file in pieces, then combining the pieces after a completed download; thus increasing the download speed when connected to a slow server
- Metalink support which allows multiple URLs for each file to be passed to DTA, along with checksums and other informatio
- Spider a page with a single link
- Filtering
- Advanced auto-renaming options
- Pause and restart downloads
- Website: [addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/downthemall][2]
- Developer: Federico Parodi, Stefano Verna, Nils Maier
- License: GNU GPL v2
- Version Number: 2.0.17


JDownloader is a free, open-source download management tool with a large community of developers that makes downloading easy and fast. Users can start, stop or pause downloads, set bandwith limitations, auto-extract archives and much more. It offers an easy-to-extend framework.
JDownloader simplifies downloading files from One-Click-Hosters. It also offers downloading in multiple parallel streams, captcha recognition, automatic file extraction and much more. Additionally, many "link encryption" sites are supported - so you just paste the "encrypted" links and JDownloader does the rest. JDownloader can import CCF, RSDF and DLC files.
#### Features include: ####
- Download several files at once
- Download with multiple connections
- JD has an own powerful OCR module
- Automatic extractor (including password list search) (Rar archives)
- Theme Support
- Multilingual
- About 110 hoster and over 300 decrypt plug-ins
- Reconnect with JDLiveHeaderScripts: (1400 router supported)
- Webupdate
- Integrated package manager for additional modules (eg. Webinterface, Shutdown)
- Website: [jdownloader.org][3]
- Developer: AppWork UG
- License: GNU GPL v3
- Version Number: 0.9.581


FreeRapid Downloader is an easy to use open source downloader that supports downloading from Rapidshare, Youtube, Facebook, Picasa and other file-sharing services. Its engine is based on a list of plugins that make it possible to download from specific websites.
FreeRapid Downloader is an ideal choice for users needing a download manager specialized in sharing websites.
FreeRapid Downloader is written in Java. It needs at least Sun Java 7.0 to run.
#### Features include: ####
- Easy to use
- Supports concurrent downloading from multiple services
- Supports resuming downloads
- Download using proxy list
- Supports streamed videos or pictures
- Download history
- Smart clipboard monitoring
- Automatic checking for file's existence on server
- Auto shutdown options
- Automatic plugins updates
- Simple CAPTCHA recognition
- Multi-platform support
- Internationalization support: English, Bulgarian, Czech, Finnish, Portugal, Slovak, Hungarian, Simplified Chinese and many others
- More than 700 supported sites
- Website: [wordrider.net/freerapid/][4]
- Developer: Vity and contributors
- License: GNU GPL v2
- Version Number: 0.9u4


FlashGot is a free add-on for Firefox and Thunderbird, meant to handle single and massive ("all" and "selection") downloads with several external Download Managers.
FlashGot turns every supported download manager into a download manager for Firefox.
#### Features include: ####
- Supports in Linux: Aria, Axel Download Accelerator, cURL, Downloader 4 X, FatRat, GNOME Gwget, FatRat, JDownloader, KDE KGet, pyLoad, SteadyFlow, uGet, wxDFast, and wxDownload Fast)
- Build Gallery functionality which helps to synthesize full media galleries in one page, from serial contents originally scattered on several pages, for easy and fast "download all"
- FlashGot Link downloads through the default download manager the link under the mouse pointer
- FlashGot Selection
- FlashGot All
- FlashGot Tabs
- FlashGot Media
- Capture all links from a page
- Capture all links from all tabs
- Filter the links using a mask (e.g. to download only certain types of files)
- Make a selection on a web page and capture all links in that selection
- Supports direct and batch download from the most popular link protection and file hosting services
- Privacy options
- Internationalization support
- Website: [flashgot.net][5]
- Developer: Giorgio Maone
- License: GNU GPL v2
- Version Number:
via: http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20140913062041384/DownloadManagers.html
作者:Frazer Kline
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alim0x translating
The history of Android

The T-Mobile G1
Photo by T-Mobile
### Android 1.0—introducing Google Apps and actual hardware ###
By October 2008, Android 1.0 was ready for launch, and the OS debuted on the [T-Mobile G1][1] (AKA the HTC Dream). The G1 was released into a market dominated by the iPhone 3G and the [Nokia 1680 classic][2]. (Both of those phones went on to tie for the [best selling phone][3] of 2008, selling 35 million units each.) Hard numbers of G1 sales are tough to come by, but T-Mobile announced the device broke the one million units sold barrier in April 2009. It was way behind the competition by any measure.
The G1 was packing a single-core 528Mhz ARM 11 processor, an Adreno 130 GPU, 192MB of RAM, and a whopping 256MB of storage for the OS and Apps. It had a 3.2-inch, 320x480 display, which was mounted to a sliding mechanism that revealed a full hardware keyboard. So while Android software has certainly come a long way, the hardware has, too. Today, we can get much better specs than this in a watch form factor: the latest [Samsung smart watch][4] has 512MB of RAM and a 1GHz dual-core processor.
While the iPhone had a minimal amount of buttons, the G1 was the complete opposite, sporting almost every hardware control that was ever invented. It had call and end call buttons, home, back, and menu buttons, a shutter button for the camera, a volume rocker, a trackball, and, of course, about 50 keyboard buttons. Future Android devices would slowly back away from thousand-button interfaces, with nearly every new flagship lessening the number of buttons.
But for the first time, people saw Android running on actual hardware instead of a frustratingly slow emulator. Android 1.0 didn't have the smoothness, flare, or press coverage of the iPhone. It wasn't as capable as Windows Mobile 6.5. Still, it was a good start.

The default app selection of Android 1.0 and 0.9.
Photo by Ron Amadeo
The core of Android 1.0 didn't look significantly different from the beta version released two months earlier, but the consumer product brought a ton more apps, including the full suite of Google apps. Calendar, Email, Gmail, IM, Market, Settings, Voice Dialer, and YouTube were all new. At the time, music was the dominant media type on smartphones, the king of which was the iTunes music store. Google didn't have an in-house music service of its own, so it tapped Amazon and bundled the Amazon MP3 store.
The most important addition to Android 1.0 was the debut of Google's store, called "Android Market Beta." While most companies were content with calling their app catalog some variant of "app store"—meaning a store that sold apps and only apps—Google had much wider ambitions. It went with the much more general name of "Android Market." The idea was that the Android Market would not just house apps, but everything you needed for your Android device.

The first Android Market client. Screenshots show the main page, “my downloads," an app page, and an app permissions page.
Photo by [Google][5]
At the time, the Android Market only offered apps and games, and developers weren't even able to charge for them. Apple's App Store had a four-month head start on the Android Market, but Google's big differentiator was that Android's store was almost completely open. On the iPhone, apps were subject to review by Apple and had to meet design and technical guidelines. Potential apps also weren't allowed to duplicate the stock functionality. On the Android Market, developers were free to do whatever they wanted, including replacing the stock apps. The lack of control would turn out to be a blessing and a curse. It allowed developers to innovate on the existing functionality, but it also meant even the trashiest applications were allowed in.
Today, this client is another app that can no longer communicate with Google's servers. Luckily, it's one of the few early Android apps [actually documented][6] on the Internet. The main screen provided links to the common areas like Apps, Games, Search, and Downloads, and the top section had horizontally scrolling icons for featured apps. Search results and the "My Downloads" page displayed apps in a scrolling list, showing the name, developers, cost (at this point, always free), and rating. Individual app pages showed a brief description, install count, comments and ratings from users, and the all-important install button. This early Android Market didn’t support pictures, and the only field for developers was a description box with a 500-character limit. This made things like maintaining a changelog very difficult, as the only spot to put it was in the description.
Right out of the gate, the Android Market showed permissions that an app required before installing. This is something Apple wouldn't get around to implementing until 2012, after an iOS app was caught [uploading entire address books][7] to the cloud without the user's knowledge. The permissions display gave a full rundown of what permissions an app was using, although this version railroaded users into agreeing. There was an “OK" button, but no way to cancel other than the back button.

Gmail showing the inbox, the inbox with the menu open.
Photo by Ron Amadeo
The next most important app was probably Gmail. Most of the base functionality was here already. Unviewed messages showed up in bold, and labels displayed as colored tags. Individual messages in the Inbox showed the subject, author(s), and number of replies in a conversation. The trademark Gmail star was here—a quick tap would star or unstar something. As usual for early versions of Android, the Menu housed all the buttons on the main inbox view. Once inside a message, though, things got a little more modern, with "reply" and "forward" buttons as permanent fixtures at the bottom of the screen. Individual replies could be expanded and collapsed just by tapping on them.
The rounded corners, shadows, and bubbly icons gave the whole app a "cartoonish" look, but it was a good start. Android's function-first philosophy was really coming through here: Gmail supported labels, threaded messaging, searching, and push e-mail.

Gmail’s label view, compose screen, and settings on Android 1.0.
Photo by Ron Amadeo
But if you thought Gmail was ugly, the Email app took it to another level. There was no separate inbox or folder view—everything was mashed into a single screen. The app presented you with a list of folders and tapping on one would expand the contents in-line. Unread messages were denoted with a green line on the left, and that was about it for the e-mail interface. The app supported IMAP and POP3 but not Exchange.

[Ron Amadeo][a] / Ron is the Reviews Editor at Ars Technica, where he specializes in Android OS and Google products. He is always on the hunt for a new gadget and loves to rip things apart to see how they work.
via: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/06/building-android-a-40000-word-history-of-googles-mobile-os/6/
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alim0x translating
The history of Android

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Translating by ZTinoZ
10 Useful “Squid Proxy Server” Interview Questions and Answers in Linux
It’s not only to System Administrator and Network Administrator, who listens the phrase Proxy Server every now and then but we too. Proxy Server is now a corporate culture and is the need of the hour. Proxy server now a days is implemented from small schools, cafeteria to large MNCs. Squid (also known as proxy) is such an application which acts as proxy server and one of the most widely used tool of its kind.
This Interview article aims at strengthening your base from Interview point on the ground of proxy server and squid.

Squid Interview Questions
### 1. What do you mean by Proxy Server? What is the use of Proxy Server in Computer Networks? ###
> **Answer** : A Proxy Server refers to physical machine or Application which acts intermediate between client and resource provider or server. A client seeks for file, page or data from the the proxy server and proxy server manages to get the requested demand of client fulfilled by handling all the complexities in between.
Proxy servers are the backbone of WWW (World Wide Web). Most of the proxies of today are web proxies. A proxy server handles the complexity in between the Communication of client and Server. Moreover it provides anonymity on the web which simply means your identity and digital footprints are safe. Proxies can be configured to allow which sites client can see and which sites are blocked.
### 2. What is Squid? ###
> **Answer** : Squid is an Application software released under GNU/GPL which acts as a proxy server as well as web cache Daemon. Squid primarily supports Protocol like HTTP and FTP however other protocols like HTTPS, SSL,TLS, etc are well supported. The feature web cache Daemon makes web surfing faster by caching web and DNS for frequently visited websites. Squid is known to support all major platforms including Linux, UNIX, Microsoft Windows and Mac.
### 3. What is the default port of squid and how to change its operating port? ###
> **Answer** : The default port on which squid runs is 3128. We can change the operating port of squid from default to any custom unused port by editing its configuration file which is located at /etc/squid/squid.conf as suggested below.
Open ‘/etc/squid/squid.conf’ file and with your choice of editor.
# nano /etc/squid/squid.conf
Now change this port to any other unused port. Save the editor and exit.
http_port 3128
Restart the squid service as shown below.
# service squid restart
### 4. You works for a company the management of which ask you to block certain domains through squid proxy server. What are you going to do? ###
> **Answer** : Blocking domain is a module which is implemented well in the configuration file. We just need to perform a little manual configuration as suggested below.
a. Create a file say ‘blacklist’ under directory ‘/etc/squid’.
# touch /etc/squid/blacklist
b. Open the file ‘/etc/squid/blacklist’ with nano editor.
# nano /etc/squid/blacklist
c. Add all the domains to the file blacklist with one domain per line.
d. Save the file and exit. Now open the Squid configuration file from location ‘/etc/squid/squid.conf’.
# nano /etc/squid/squid.conf
e. Add the lines below to the Squid configuration file.
acl BLACKLIST dstdom_regex -i “/etc/squid/blacklist”
http_access deny blacklist
f. Save the configuration file and exit. Restart Squid service to make the changes effective.
# service squid restart
### 5. What is Media Range Limitation and partial download in Squid? ###
> **Answer** : Media Range Limitation is a special feature of squid in which just the required data is requested from the server and not the whole file. This feature is very well implemented in various videos streaming websites like Youtube and Metacafe where a user can click on the middle of progress bar hence whole video need not be fetched except for the requested part.
The squid’s feature of partial download is implemented well within windows update where downloads are requested in the form of small packets which can be paused. Because of this feature a update downloading windows machine can be restarted without any fear of data loss. Squid makes the Media Range Limitation and Partial Download possible only after storing a copy of whole data in it. Moreover the partial download gets deleted and not cached when user points to another page until Squid is specially configured somehow.
### 6. What is reverse proxy in squid? ###
> **Answer** : Reverse proxy is a feature of Squid which is used to accelerate the web surfing for end user. Say the Real server ‘RS’ contains the resource and ‘PS’ is the proxy Server. The client seek some data which is available at RS. It will rely on RS for the specified data for the first time and the copy of that specified data gets stored on PS for configurable amount of time. For every request for that data from now PS becomes the real source. This results in Less traffic, Lesser CPU usages, Lesser web resource utilization and hence lesser load to actual server RS. But RS has no statistics for the total traffic since PS acted as actual server and no Client reached RS. ‘X-Forwarded-For HTTP’ can be used to log the client IP although on RS.
Technically it is feasible to use single squid server to act both as normal proxy server and reverse proxy server at the same point of time.
### 7. Since Squid can be used as web-cache Daemon, is it possible to Clear its Cache? How? ###
> **Answer** : No Doubt! Squid acts as web-cache Daemon which is used to accelerate web surfing still it is possible to clear its cache and that too very easily.
a. First stop Squid proxy server and delete cache from the location ‘/var/lib/squid/cache’ directory.
# service squid stop
# rm -rf /var/lib/squid/cache/*<
b. Create Swap directories.
# squid -z
### 8. A client approaches you, who is working. They want the web access time be restricted for their children. How will you achieve this scenario? ###
Say the web access allow time be 4′o clock to 7′o clock in the evening for three hours, sharply form Monday to Friday.
a. To restrict web access between 4 to 7 from Monday to Friday, open the Squid configuration file.
# nano /etc/squid/squid.conf
b. Add the following lines and save the file and exit.
acl ALLOW_TIME time M T W H F 16:00-19:00
shttp_access allow ALLOW_TIME
c. Restart the Squid Service.
# service squid restart
### 9. Squid stores data in which file format? ###
> **Answer** : Data stored by Squid is in ufs format. Ufs is the old well-known Squid storage format.
### 10. Where do cache gets stored by squid? ###
> **Answer** : A squid stores cache in special folder at the location ‘/var/spool/squid’.
That’s all for now. I’ll be here again with another interesting article soon. Till then stay tuned and connected to Tecmint. Don’t forget to provide us with your valuable feedback the comment section below.
via: http://www.tecmint.com/squid-interview-questions/
作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
Check how much do you type with WhatPulse on Linux

If, like me, you are a statistics freak you must install this small application on all your computers: [WhatPulse][1]
The software tracks a user’s pressed keys, mouse clicks and used [bandwidth][2] and the uptime of the system. Periodically, or by hand, the user can upload to the server the number of keystrokes made; this is called “pulsing”.
Users can see where they are in a leaderboard of people who have joined the program and compare themselves against people from their own countries. Users can also join teams, which enables them to compare themselves against people with similar interests (Go Linux Users !!).
There is a basic, and free, version where you can easily see and check all the basic statistics and a premium account where you can see some more stats.
The software is available for Linux, Windows and Mac.
### Registration on the website ###
As first step you have to register your account on the [WhatPulse Website][1] or as alternative when you first start the WhatPulse client there is a practical wizard through which each user has the option to create an account to upload their own statistics (you can also log in with Facebook).
You will be prompted to login, once you login, you have to search for your computers name, this is because you can login to several computers with this and they’ll all collectively go to the same statistic count. Once you’ve logged in, a small W will appear in your system tray, that’s it, your set up!
### Installation of WhatPulse on Linux ###
The official website offer on the [download page][3] a generic version distributed via a .tar.gz archive (available for 32 and 64 bit) and a debian package.
Personally I’ve installed the debian package on my Mint Qiana and the [Aur Package][4] on My Arch Linux, no problems at all.
If you want to go with the generic installation please keep in mind that WhatPulse requires several libraries to function. Mainly Qt, because WhatPulse is built on Qt. Here’s a list of requirements:
- libQtCore
- libQtWebKit
- libqt4-sql
- libqt4-sql-sqlite
- openssl-devel (libssl-dev)
- libQtScript
#### Input Statistics ####
The client needs permissions to be allowed to read your keyboard/mouse input. Run the included interactive .sh script to set up these permissions.
#### [Network][5] Statistics ####
To enable the network measurements, you also need the package **libpcap** to allow WhatPulse to hook into the network traffic. If WhatPulse does not find libpcap, it will run but it will not display any network statistics.

### Using the Application ###
By default WhatPulse will start automatically at the login of your graphical session and clicking on the W on your systray you’ll go to the Overview tab that gives a birds-eye view of all the different information gathered about your machine, for instance, the Linux version installed on your PC, processor model, RAM, GPU, total click counts, keystrokes and bandwidth usage. Clicking ‘Pulse’ under these information will upload the gathered data to the main server.
It’s also possible to select when automatically ‘Pulse’ the data to the server, such as every 50.000 clicks or 1 GB downloaded.
For further details, you can switch to each category’s pertaining tab. For example, the Input tab shows you the amount of key strokes and clicks your PC has registered during a certain time period. The time period can be sorted on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and all-time basis. The ‘all’ setting will show stats since the program was installed.
Below the keystrokes, you’ll find the keyboard heat map, which basically uses light and warm colors to shows what keys were used more than others during the selected time period, as shown in the screenshot above. Below that, the app displays the total amount of clicks registered in the selected period.
Under the Network tab, it’s possible to view the daily Internet usage. The application can monitor bandwidth usage of all the network devices, and even shows you bandwidth usage by country. Once again, you can navigate between available data using the arrow buttons at the top-right.
On the website you’ll see the sum of all your computer statistics with the same information available on the client.
Disclaimer: The link above to the WhatPulse website contains my referral link, using it when you register will give me a premium account for some time.
via: http://linuxaria.com/recensioni/check-how-much-do-you-type-with-whatpulse-on-linux
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Disable reboot using Ctrl-Alt-Del Keys in RHEL / CentOS
In Linux , It's a security concern for us to allow anyone to **reboot** the server using **Ctrl-Alt-Del keys**. It is always recommended in production boxes that one should disable reboot uisng Ctrl-Alt-Del keys.
In this article we will discuss how can we disable reboot via above keys in RHEL & CentOS
### For RHEL 5.X & CentOS 5.X ###
To prevent the **init** process from handling **Ctrl-Alt-Del**, edit the file '**/etc/inittab**' comment the line which begins with '**ca::ctrlaltdel**:' as shown below :
[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/inittab
#ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now
We can also modify the line 'ca::ctrlaltdel:' to generate logs , if anybody try to reboot the server using the keys ,
[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/inittab
ca::ctrlaltdel:/bin/logger -p authpriv.warning -t init "Console-invoked Ctrl-Alt-Del was ignored"
### For RHEL6.X & CentOS 6.X ###
In RHEL 6.X / CentOS 6.X , reboot using the keys are handled by the file '**/etc/init/control-alt-delete.conf**'.
**Step:1** Before making the changes , first take the backup using below command
[root@localhost ~]# cp -v /etc/init/control-alt-delete.conf /etc/init/control-alt-delete.override
**Step:2** Edit the file , replacing the 'exec /sbin/shutdown' line with the following, which will simply generate a log entry each time Ctrl-Alt-Del is pressed:
[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/init/control-alt-delete.conf
exec /usr/bin/logger -p authpriv.notice -t init "Ctrl-Alt-Del was pressed and ignored"
via: http://www.linuxtechi.com/disable-reboot-using-ctrl-alt-del-keys/
作者:[Pradeep Kumar][a]
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@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
8 Options to Trace/Debug Programs using Linux strace Command
The strace is the tool that helps in debugging issues by tracing system calls executed by a program. It is handy when you want to see how the program interacts with the operating system, like what system calls are executed in what order.
This simple yet very powerful tool is available for almost all the Linux based operating systems and can be used to debug a large number of programs.
### 1. Command Usage ###
Let’s see how we can use strace command to trace the execution of a program.
In the simplest form, any command can follow strace. It will list a whole lot of system calls. Not all of it would make sence at first, but if you’re really looking for something particular, then you should be able to figure something out of this output.
Lets see the system calls trace for simple ls command.
raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ strace ls

This output shows the first few lines for strace command. The rest of the output is truncated.

The above part of the output shows the write system call where it outputs to STDOUT the current directory’s listing. Following image shows the listing of the directoy by ls command (without strace).
raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ ls

#### 1.1 Find configuration file read by program ####
One use of strace (Except debugging some problem) is that you can find out which configuration files are read by a program. For example,
raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ strace php 2>&1 | grep php.ini

#### 1.2 Trace specific system call ####
The -e option to strace command can be used to display certain system calls only (for example, open, write etc.)
Lets trace only ‘open’ system call for cat command.
raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ strace -e open cat dead.letter

#### 1.3 Stracing a process ####
The strace command can not only be used on the commands, but also on the running processes with -p option.
raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ sudo strace -p 1846

#### 1.4 Statistical summary of strace ####
The summary of the system calls, time of execution, errors etc. can be displayed in a neat manner with -c option:
raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ strace -c ls

#### 1.5 Saving output ####
The output of strace command can be saved into a file with -o option.
raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ sudo strace -o process_strace -p 3229

The above command is run with sudo as it will display error in case the user ID does not match with the process owner.
### 1.6 Displaying timestamp ###
The timestamp can be displayed before each output line with -t option.
raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ strace -t ls

#### 1.7 The Finer timestamp ####
The -tt option displays timestamp followed by microsecond.
raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ strace -tt ls

The -ttt displays microseconds like above, but instead of printing surrent time, it displays the number of seconds since the epoch.
raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ strace -ttt ls

#### 1.8 Relative Time ####
The -r option displays the relative timestamp between the system calls.
raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ strace -r ls

via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/linux-strace-command-examples/
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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
SPccman is translating
How to sniff HTTP traffic from the command line on Linux
Suppose you want to sniff live HTTP web traffic (i.e., HTTP requests and responses) on the wire for some reason. For example, you may be testing experimental features of a web server. Or you may be debugging a web application or a RESTful service. Or you may be trying to troubleshoot [PAC (proxy auto config)][1] or check for any malware files surreptitiously downloaded from a website. Whatever the reason is, there are cases where HTTP traffic sniffing is helpful, for system admins, developers, or even end users.
@ -100,4 +101,4 @@ via: http://xmodulo.com/2014/08/sniff-http-traffic-command-line-linux.html
@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
How to share on linux the output of your shell commands
Some time ago I posted an article about [shelr.tv][1] a website and a service that was made to allow you to share your [terminal][2] records directly from the website.
Now the website of shelr.tv seems dead and so I’ve took a look around to see if there are similar websites and I’ve found [commands.com][3].
For what I can see from their homepage it’s a service similar to the other, so let’s test it.
### Step 1 – Register on the website ###
Just [register][4] with a new username/password or use your github account to do it quickly.
### Step 2 – download and install the program monitor ###
[Monitor][5] is a command-line tool that captures command-line input/output and sends it to commands.com, the program it’s open source and hosted on github.
Monitor makes it easy to automate set-up/install of repos. With it you can easily show at people the most common errors and output from commands.
In short with it you can easily share your commands and their output with the world.
To install it follow these simple steps:
1) Clone the github repository of this project, in this way you’ll get the latest source code.
To do this you need the git command installed on your system, if you get an error with this command install it with your package manager, such as
Debian based distributions:
apt-get install git
Redhat/Centos/Fedora distributions
yum install git
And now from a terminal clone the repository with:
git clone https://github.com/dtannen/monitor.git
2) Install readline and curl, these libraries are a pre-requisite for building the program from the sources:
Debian based distributions:
apt-get install libreadline-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
Redhat/Centos/Fedora distributions
yum install readline-devel curl-devel
3) Build the program:
To do this you have to go to the directory we just cloned with git and compile the c program:
cd monitor
sudo make install
The default installation will put the binary in /usr/local/bin

### Step 3 – using the monitor command ###
The command monitor it’s pretty easy to use:
monitor {-d} {-h} {-u <username>}
-d : do not delete /tmp files
-h : help
-u : commands.com username</username>
To exit the monitor program you just have to use ctrl-c.
So for me this means just opening a terminal and give these commands:
riccio@mint-desktop ~ $ monitor -u ricciocri
Successfully logged in...
AuthKey saved to /tmp/.riccio.commands.com. Delete file to return to Anonymous posting.
monitor$ cd /tmp
Want to see which command I’ve used after these ?
I’ve made this session public (the default it’s private) so you can simply check this url: [https://commands.com/JTNSHRLQJA][6]
From there you can see the commands I’ve used and their output, an interesting options it’s the “fold/expand” so you could fold all commands and just expand the output of the one you like more.
### Conclusions ###
This is just the a basic startup guide, from the website you can make more “social” activity such as comment script/shell sessions, fork them or choose your favorites.
Like github, you can fork any public script/command and change it directly from the website and after that you can also get a public (or private url) that you can use to run directly your script with something like this:
curl commands.io/JTNSHRLQJA | sh
That’s great to store on the net some scripts that you run frequently on different computers/server, as usual don’t put anything with passwords or sensible information on the net and you’ll be safe enough.
via: http://linuxaria.com/article/how-to-share-on-linux-the-output-of-your-shell-commands
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>>Linchenguang is translating
Linux TCP/IP networking: net-tools vs. iproute2
Many sysadmins still manage and troubleshoot various network configurations by using a combination of ifconfig, route, arp and netstat command-line tools, collectively known as net-tools. Originally rooted in the BSD TCP/IP toolkit, the net-tools was developed to configure network functionality of older Linux kernels. Its development in the Linux community so far has ceased since 2001. Some Linux distros such as Arch Linux and CentOS/RHEL 7 have already deprecated net-tools in favor of iproute2.
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How To Recover Default Openbox Config Files On Crunchbang
[CrunchBang][1] is a Debian GNU/Linux based distribution offering a great blend of speed, style and substance. Using the nimble Openbox window manager, it is highly customizable and provides a modern, full-featured GNU/Linux system without sacrificing performance.
As Crunchbang is highly customizable, users tweak it to their liking as much as they can. All this is done via text files (config). As a “Crunchbanger” myself, I recently messed up with my **menu.xml** config file, which is responsible for the menu shown below.

Which removed every code from the menu configuration file. Since I wasn’t having a backup (It’s good to backup config files too) I have to search for the default configuration that comes with Crunchbang out of the box. And here’s how I got it fixed thanks to Crunchbang forums.
It is very interesting to know all default configs were pre-backed up for you and can be found at
So for any default config you just copy them over and restart the appropriate application.
I will use Openbox **menu.xml** as an example here:

cp -r /etc/skel/.config/openbox/menu.xml ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml
Then restart openbox.
openbox --restart
via: http://www.unixmen.com/recover-default-openbox-config-files-crunchbang/
作者:[Enock Seth Nyamador][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
johnhoow translating...
Install UberWriter Markdown Editor In Ubuntu 14.04
Quick tutorial to show you **how to install UberWriter markdown editor in Ubuntu 14.04** for free via official PPA.
[UberWriter][1] is a [markdown][2] editor for Ubuntu with a clean interface with focus on writing only. UberWriter utilizes [pandoc][3] markdown. The UI is based on GTK3 which is not yet fully integrated with Unity. A quick list of features for UberWriter is as following:
- Clean interface
- pandoc markdown
- Preview option
- Distraction free “focus mode”
- Spell check
- Syntax highlighting and math in html and pdf
- Option to export as PDF, HTML, ODT etc
### Install UberWriter in Ubuntu 14.04 ###
UberWriter is available in [Ubuntu Software Center][4] but it costs $5. I would really recommend that you buy it, if you like it and if you can afford it to support the developer.
UberWriter is also available for free via its official PPA. You can install it using the following commands in terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:w-vollprecht/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install uberwriter
Once installed, you can run it from Unity Dash. Write down your document in UberWriter. As you can see, it highlights the markdown syntax:

You can use the preview feature to see how your document will actually look like:

I tried to export it as PDF but it asked me to install texlive.

Export to HTML and ODT was fine though.
There are several other markdown editors available for Linux. [Remarkable][5] is one of them which has the feature of real time preview, which is not in UberWriter. But overall it is a nice application. If you are looking for document writing tool, you can also use [Texmaker LaTeX editor][6].
I hope this tutorial helped you to **install UberWriter in Ubuntu 14.04**. I haven’t tried but I presume that it should also work in Ubuntu 12.04, Linux Mint 17, Elementary OS and other Linux distributions based on Ubuntu.
via: http://itsfoss.com/install-uberwriter-markdown-editor-ubuntu-1404/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
QuiteRSS: RSS Reader For Desktop Linux
[QuiteRSS][1] is a free and [open source][2] RSS/Atome reader available for Windows , Linux and Mac. Written in C++/QT, it comes with a number of features.
The interface of QuiteRSS reminds me of Lotus Notes mail. You have plenty of RSS displayed in right side pane, which you can group together in labels. Clicking on an item, opens the RSS feed in lower panel.

Apart from this, it has ad blocker, a newspaper layout view, importing feeds from URL features etc. You can find the full list of features [here][3].
### Install QuiteRSS in Ubuntu and Linux Mint ###
QuiteRSS is available in Ubuntu 14.04 and Linux Mint 17. You can install it by simply using the command below:
sudo apt-get install quiterss
If you want to have the latest stable version, you can use the official [QuiteRSS PPA][4]:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:quiterss/quiterss
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install quiterss
The above should work for all Ubuntu based Linux distributions such as Linux Mint, Elementary OS, Linux Lite, Pinguy OS etc. For other Linux distributions and other platforms, you can get the source code and installers from the [download page][5].
### Uninstall QuiteRSS ###
To uninstall QuiteRSS, use the following command:
sudo apt-get remove quiterss
If you used the PPA, you should also remove the repository from the sources list.
sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:quiterss/quiterss
QuiteRSS is a fine Open Source RSS reader, though I prefer [Feedly][6]. Though there is no desktop application of Feedly for Linux as of now, you can still use it in web browser apart from your smartphone. I hope you find QuiteRSS worth a try on desktop Linux.
via: http://itsfoss.com/quiterss-rss-reader-desktop-linux/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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How to create a software RAID-1 array with mdadm on Linux
Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) is a storage technology that combines multiple hard disks into a single logical unit to provide fault-tolerance and/or improve disk I/O performance. Depending on how data is stored in an array of disks (e.g., with striping, mirroring, parity, or any combination thereof), different RAID levels are defined (e.g., RAID-0, RAID-1, RAID-5, etc). RAID can be implemented either in software or with a hardware RAID card. On modern Linux, basic software RAID functionality is available by default.
In this post, we'll discuss the software setup of a RAID-1 array (also known as a "mirroring" array), where identical data is written to the two devices that form the array. While it is possible to implement RAID-1 with partitions on a single physical hard drive (as with other RAID levels), it won't be of much use if that single hard drive fails. In fact, that's why most RAID levels normally use multiple physical drives to provide redundancy. In the event of any single drive failure, the virtual RAID block device should continue functioning without issues, and allow us to replace the faulty drive without significant production downtime and, more importantly, with no data loss. However, it does not replace the need to save periodic system backups in external storage.
Since the actual storage capacity (size) of a RAID-1 array is the size of the smallest drive, normally (if not always) you will find two identical physical drives in RAID-1 setup.
### Installing mdadm on Linux ###
The tool that we are going to use to create, assemble, manage, and monitor our software RAID-1 is called mdadm (short for **m**ultiple **d**isks **adm**in). On Linux distros such as Fedora, CentOS, RHEL or Arch Linux, mdadm is available by default. On Debian-based distros, mdadm can be installed with aptitude or apt-get.
#### Fedora, CentOS or RHEL ####
As mdadm comes pre-installed, all you have to do is to start RAID monitoring service, and configure it to auto-start upon boot:
# systemctl start mdmonitor
# systemctl enable mdmonitor
For CentOS/RHEL 6, use these commands instead:
# service mdmonitor start
# chkconfig mdmonitor on
#### Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint ####
On Debian and its derivatives, mdadm can be installed with **aptitude or apt-get**:
# aptitude install mdadm
On Ubuntu, you will be asked to configure postfix MTA for sending out email notifications (as part of RAID monitoring). You can skip it for now.
On Debian, the installation will start with the following explanatory message to help us decide whether or not we are going to install the root filesystem on a RAID array. What we need to enter on the next screen will depend on this decision. Read it carefully:

Since we will not use our RAID-1 for the root filesystem, we will leave the answer blank:

When asked whether we want to start (reassemble) our array automatically during each boot, choose "Yes". Note that we will need to add an entry to the /etc/fstab file later in order for the array to be properly mounted during the boot process as well.

### Partitioning Hard Drives ###
Now it's time to prepare the physical devices that will be used in our array. For this setup, I have plugged in two 8 GB USB drives that have been identified as /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc from dmesg output:
# dmesg | less
[ 60.014863] sd 3:0:0:0: [sdb] 15826944 512-byte logical blocks: (8.10 GB/7.54 GiB)
[ 75.066466] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdc] 15826944 512-byte logical blocks: (8.10 GB/7.54 GiB)
We will use fdisk to create a primary partition on each disk that will occupy its entire size. The following steps show how to perform this task on /dev/sdb, and assume that this drive hasn't been partitioned yet (otherwise, we can delete the existing partition(s) to start off with a clean disk):
# fdisk /dev/sdb
Press 'p' to print the current partition table:

(if one or more partitions are found, they can be deleted with 'd' option. Then 'w' option is used to apply the changes).
Since no partitions are found, we will create a new primary partition ['n'] as a primary partition ['p'], assign the partition number = ['1'] to it, and then indicate its size. You can press Enter key to accept the proposed default values, or enter a value of your choosing, as shown in the image below.

Now repeat the same process for /dev/sdc.
If we have two drives of different sizes, say 750 GB and 1 TB for example, we should create a primary partition of 750 GB on each of them, and use the remaining space on the bigger drive for another purpose, independent of the RAID array.
### Create a RAID-1 Array ###
Once you are done with creating the primary partition on each drive, use the following command to create a RAID-1 array:
# mdadm -Cv /dev/md0 -l1 -n2 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1
- **-Cv**: creates an array and produce verbose output.
- **/dev/md0**: is the name of the array.
- **-l1** (l as in "level"): indicates that this will be a RAID-1 array.
- **-n2**: indicates that we will add two partitions to the array, namely /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdc1.
The above command is equivalent to:
# mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1
If alternatively you want to add a spare device in order to replace a faulty disk in the future, you can add '--spare-devices=1 /dev/sdd1' to the above command.
Answer "y" when prompted if you want to continue creating an array, then press Enter:

You can check the progress with the following command:
# cat /proc/mdstat

Another way to obtain more information about a RAID array (both while it's being assembled and after the process is finished) is:
# mdadm --query /dev/md0
# mdadm --detail /dev/md0 (or mdadm -D /dev/md0)

Of the information provided by 'mdadm -D', perhaps the most useful is that which shows the state of the array. The active state means that there is currently I/O activity happening. Other possible states are clean (all I/O activity has been completed), degraded (one of the devices is faulty or missing), resyncing (the system is recovering from an unclean shutdown such as a power outage), or recovering (a new drive has been added to the array, and data is being copied from the other drive onto it), to name the most common states.
### Formatting and Mounting a RAID Array ###
The next step is formatting (with ext4 in this example) the array:
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/md0

Now let's mount the array, and verify that it was mounted correctly:
# mount /dev/md0 /mnt
# mount

### Monitor a RAID Array ###
The mdadm tool comes with RAID monitoring capability built in. When mdadm is set to run as a daemon (which is the case with our RAID setup), it periodically polls existing RAID arrays, and reports on any detected events via email notification or syslog logging. Optionally, it can also be configured to invoke contingency commands (e.g., retrying or removing a disk) upon detecting any critical errors.
By default, mdadm scans all existing partitions and MD arrays, and logs any detected event to /var/log/syslog. Alternatively, you can specify devices and RAID arrays to scan in mdadm.conf located in /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf (Debian-based) or /etc/mdadm.conf (Red Hat-based), in the following format. If mdadm.conf does not exist, create one.
DEVICE /dev/sd[bcde]1 /dev/sd[ab]1
ARRAY /dev/md0 devices=/dev/sdb1,/dev/sdc1
ARRAY /dev/md1 devices=/dev/sdd1,/dev/sde1
# optional email address to notify events
MAILADDR your@email.com
After modifying mdadm configuration, restart mdadm daemon:
On Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint:
# service mdadm restart
On Fedora, CentOS/RHEL 7:
# systemctl restart mdmonitor
On CentOS/RHEL 6:
# service mdmonitor restart
### Auto-mount a RAID Array ###
Now we will add an entry in the /etc/fstab to mount the array in /mnt automatically during boot (you can specify any other mount point):
# echo "/dev/md0 /mnt ext4 defaults 0 2" << /etc/fstab
To verify that mount works okay, we now unmount the array, restart mdadm, and remount. We can see that /dev/md0 has been mounted as per the entry we just added to /etc/fstab:
# umount /mnt
# service mdadm restart (on Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint)
or systemctl restart mdmonitor (on Fedora, CentOS/RHEL7)
or service mdmonitor restart (on CentOS/RHEL6)
# mount -a

Now we are ready to access the RAID array via /mnt mount point. To test the array, we'll copy the /etc/passwd file (any other file will do) into /mnt:

On Debian, we need to tell the mdadm daemon to automatically start the RAID array during boot by setting the AUTOSTART variable to true in the /etc/default/mdadm file:
### Simulating Drive Failures ###
We will simulate a faulty drive and remove it with the following commands. Note that in a real life scenario, it is not necessary to mark a device as faulty first, as it will already be in that state in case of a failure.
First, unmount the array:
# umount /mnt
Now, notice how the output of 'mdadm -D /dev/md0' indicates the changes after performing each command below.
# mdadm /dev/md0 --fail /dev/sdb1 #Marks /dev/sdb1 as faulty
# mdadm --remove /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1 #Removes /dev/sdb1 from the array
Afterwards, when you have a new drive for replacement, re-add the drive again:
# mdadm /dev/md0 --add /dev/sdb1
The data is then immediately started to be rebuilt onto /dev/sdb1:

Note that the steps detailed above apply for systems with hot-swappable disks. If you do not have such technology, you will also have to stop a current array, and shutdown your system first in order to replace the part:
# mdadm --stop /dev/md0
# shutdown -h now
Then add the new drive and re-assemble the array:
# mdadm /dev/md0 --add /dev/sdb1
# mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1
Hope this helps.
via: http://xmodulo.com/2014/09/create-software-raid1-array-mdadm-linux.html
作者:[Gabriel Cánepa][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
How to install Arch Linux the easy way with Evo/Lution
The one who ventures into an install of Arch Linux and has only experienced installing Linux with Ubuntu or Mint is in for a steep learning curve. The number of people giving up halfway is probably higher than the ones that pull it through. Arch Linux is somewhat cult in the way that you may call yourself a weathered Linux user if you succeed in setting it up and configuring it in a useful way.
Even though there is a [helpful wiki][1] to guide newcomers, the requirements are still too high for some who set out to conquer Arch. You need to be at least familiar with commands like fdisk or mkfs in a terminal and have heard of mc, nano or chroot to make it through this endeavour. It reminds me of a Debian install 10 years ago.
For those ambitious souls that still lack some knowledge, there is an installer in the form of an ISO image called [Evo/Lution Live ISO][2] to the rescue. Even though it is booted like a distribution of its own, it does nothing but assist with installing a barebone Arch Linux. Evo/Lution is a project that aims to diversify the user base of Arch by providing a simple way of installing Arch as well as a community that provides comprehensive help and documentation to that group of users. In this mix, Evo is the (non-installable) live CD and Lution is the installer itself. The project's founders see a widening gap between Arch developers and users of Arch and its derivative distributions, and want to build a community with equal roles between all participants.

The software part of the project is the CLI installer Lution-AIS which explains every step of what happens during the installation of a pure vanilla Arch. The resulting installation will have all the latest software that Arch has to offer without adding anything from AUR or any other custom packages.
After booting up the ISO image, which weighs in at 422 MB, we are presented with a workspace consisting of a Conky display on the right with shortcuts to the options and a LX-Terminal on the left waiting to run the installer.

After setting off the actual installer by either right-clicking on the desktop or using ALT-i, you are presented with a list of 16 jobs to be run. It makes sense to run them all unless you know better. You can either run them one by one or make a selection like 1 3 6 or 1-4 or do them all at once by entering 1-16. Most steps need to be confirmed with a 'y' for yes, and the next task waits for you to hit Enter. This will allow time to read the installation guide which is hidden behind ALT-g or even walking away from it.

The 16 steps are divided in "Base Install" and "Desktop Install". The first group takes care of localization, partitioning, and installing a bootloader.
The installer leads you through partitioning with gparted, gdisk, and cfdisk as options.


After you have created partitions (e.g., /dev/sda1 for root and /dev/sda2 for swap using gparted as shown in the screenshot), you can choose 1 out of 10 file systems. In the next step, you can choose your kernel (latest or LTS) and base system.

After installing the bootloader of your choice, the first part of the install is done, which takes approximately 12 minutes. This is the point where in plain Arch Linux you reboot into your system for the first time.
With Lution you just move on to the second part which installs Xorg, sound and graphics drivers, and then moves on to desktop environments.

The installer detects if an install is done in VirtualBox, and will automatically install and load the right generic drivers for the VM and sets up **systemd** accordingly.
In the next step, you can choose between the desktop environments KDE, Gnome, Cinnamon, LXDE, Enlightenment, Mate or XFCE. Should you not be friends with the big ships, you can also go with a Window manager like Awesome, Fluxbox, i3, IceWM, Openbox or PekWM.

Part two of the installer will take under 10 minutes with Cinnamon as the desktop environment; however, KDE will take longer due to a much larger download.
Lution-AIS worked like a charm on two tries with Cinnamon and Awesome. After the installer was done and prompted me to reboot, it took me to the desired environments.

I have only two points to criticize: when the installer offered me to choose a mirror list and when it created the fstab file. In both cases it opened a second terminal, prompting me with an informational text. It took me a while to figure out I had to close the terminals before the installer would move on. When it prompts you after creating fstab, you need to close the terminal, and answer 'yes' when asked if you want to save the file.

The second of my issues probably has to do with VirtualBox. When starting up, you may see a message that no network has been detected. Clicking on the top icon on the left will open wicd, the network manager that is used here. Clicking on "Disconnect" and then "Connect" and restarting the installer will get it automatically detected.
Evo/Lution seems a worthwhile project, where Lution works fine. Not much can be said on the community part yet. They started a brand new website, forum, and wiki that need to be filled with content first. So if you like the idea, join [their forum][3] and let them know. The ISO image can be downloaded from [the website][4].
via: http://xmodulo.com/2014/09/install-arch-linux-easy-way-evolution.html
作者:[Ferdinand Thommes][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
Linux FAQs with Answers--How to create a MySQL database from the command line
> **Question**: I have a MySQL server up and running somewhere. How can I create and populate a MySQL database from the command line?
To create a MySQL database from the command line, you can use mysql CLI client. Here is a step-by-step procedure to create and populate a MySQL database using mysql client from the command line.
### Step One: Install MySQL Client ###
Of course you need to make sure that MySQL client program is installed. If not, you can install it as follows.
On Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint:
$ sudo apt-get install mysql-client
On Fedora, CentOS or RHEL:
$ sudo yum install mysql
### Step Two: Log in to a MySQL Server ###
To begin, first log in to your MySQL server as root with the following command:
$ mysql -u root -h <mysql-server-ip-address> -p
Note that to be able to log in to a remote MySQL server, you need to [enable remote access on the server][1]. If you are invoking mysql command on the same host where the MySQL server is running, you can omit "-h <mysql-server-ip-address>" as follows.
$ mysql -u root -p
You will be then asked for the password of the MySQL root user. If the authentication succeeds, the MySQL prompt will appear.

### Step Three: Create a MySQL Database ###
Before you start typing commands at the MySQL prompt, remember that each command must end with a semicolon (otherwise it will not execute). In addition, consider using uppercase letters for commands and lowercase letter for database objects. Note that this is not required but helpful for reading.
Now, let's create a database named xmodulo_DB:

### Step Four: Create a MySQL Table ###
For a demonstration purpose, we will create a tabled called posts_tbl where we want to store the following information about posts:
- Text of article
- Author's first name
- Author's last name
- Whether the post is enabled (visible) or not
- Date when article was posted
This process is actually performed in two steps:
First, select the database that we want to use:
mysql> USE xmodulo_DB;
Then create a new table in the database:
mysql> CREATE TABLE 'posts_tbl' (
'content' TEXT,
'author_FirstName' VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
'author_LastName' VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( 'post_id' )

### Step Five: Create a User Account and Grant Permissions ###
When it comes to accessing our newly created database and tables, it's a good idea to create a new user account, so it can access that database (and that database only) without full permissions to the whole MySQL server.
You can create a new user, grant permissions and apply changes in two easy steps as follows:
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON xmodulo_DB.* TO 'new_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'new_password';
where 'new_user' and 'new_password' refer to the new user account name and its password, respectively. This information will be stored in the mysql.user table, and the password will be encrypted.
### Step Six: Testing ###
Let's insert one dummy record to the posts_tbl table:
mysql> USE xmodulo_DB;
mysql> INSERT INTO posts_tbl (content, author_FirstName, author_LastName)
VALUES ('Hi! This is some dummy text.', 'Gabriel', 'Canepa');
Then view all the records in posts_tbl table:
mysql> SELECT * FROM posts_tbl;

Note that MySQL automatically inserted the proper default values in the fields where we defined them earlier (e.g., 'isEnabled' and 'date').
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/create-mysql-database-command-line.html
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
Network Installation of “Debian 7 (Whezzy) on Client Machines using DNSMASQ Network Boot Server
This tutorial will guide you on how you can install **Debian 7 (Whezzy)** directly from a network location using **DNSMASQ** as a **PXE Server (Preboot eXecution Environment)**, in case your server doesn’t provide any method to boot from a CD/DVD/USB media drive or it just can operate with an attached monitor, keyboard and mouse.

Debian 7 Network Installation on Client Machines
**DNSMASQ** is a lightweight network infrastructure server which can provide crucial network services such as DNS, DHCP and Network Boot, using a build-in DNS, DHCP and TFTP server.
Once the PXE server is up and running you can instruct all your clients machines to directly boot from network, with the specifications that your clients must own a network card that supports network booting, which can be enabled from BIOS under Network Boot or Boot Services option.
### Requirements ###
- [Debian 7 (Wheezy) Installation Guide][1]
### Step 1: Install and Configure DNSMASQ Server ###
**1.** On first hand, after you install Debian Server assure that your system uses a **Static IP Address**, because, besides network booting, will also provide DHCP service for your entire network segment. Once the Static IP Address has been configured run the following command from root account or using a user with root powers to install DNSMASQ server.
# apt-get install dnsmasq

Install Dnsmasq Package
**2.** Once DNSMASQ package installed, you can start editing its configuration file. First create a backup of the main configuration and then start editing **dnsmasq.conf** file by issuing the following commands.
# mv /etc/dnsmasq.conf /etc/dnsmasq.conf.backup
# nano /etc/dnsmasq.conf

Backup Dnsmasq Configuration
**3.** The above backup process consisted on renaming the main configuration file, so the new file should be an empty one. Use the following excerpt for **DNSMASQ** configuration file as described below.
pxe-prompt="Press F8 for menu.", 60
#pxe-service types: x86PC, PC98, IA64_EFI, Alpha, Arc_x86, Intel_Lean_Client, IA32_EFI, BC_EFI, Xscale_EFI and X86-64_EFI
pxe-service=x86PC, "Install Debian 7 Linux from network server", pxelinux

Configuration of Dnsmasq
- **interface** – The network interface that the server should listen.
- **domain** – Replace it with your domain name.
- **dhcp-range** – Replace it with your network IP range defined by your network mask.
- **dhcp-boot** – Leave it as default but replace the IP statement with your server IP Address.
- **pxe-prompt** – Leave it as default – requires **F8 key strike** to enter menu 60 with seconds wait time.
- **pxe=service** – Use **x86PC** for 32-bit/64-bit architectures and enter a menu description prompt under string quotes. Other values types can be: PC98, IA64_EFI, Alpha, Arc_x86, Intel_Lean_Client, IA32_EFI, BC_EFI, Xscale_EFI and X86-64_EFI.
- **enable-tftp** – Enables the build-in TFTP server.
- **tftp-root** – Use /srv/tftp is the location for Debian netboot files.
### Step 2: Download Debian Netboot Files and Open Firewall Connection ###
**4.** Now it’s time to download Debian Network Boot files. First, change your current working directory path to **TFTP Root** location defined by the last configuration statement (**/srv/tftp** system path ).
Go to a offical page mirror of [Debian Netinstall][2] – [Network boot section][3] and grab the following files depending on your system architecture that you want to install it on your clients.
Once, you download **netboot.tar.gz** file, extract archive at the same time (this procedure describes only for 64-bit but the same procedure applies for other system architectures).
# cd /srv/tftp/
# wget http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/dists/wheezy/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz
# tar xfz netboot.tar.gz
# wget http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/dists/wheezy/main/installer-amd64/current/images/SHA256SUMS
# wget http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/dists/wheezy/Release
# wget http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/dists/wheezy/Release.gpg
Also it may be necessary to make all files in **TFTP** directory readable for TFTP server.
# chmod -R 755 /srv/tftp/

Download Debian NetBoot Files
Use the following variables for **Debian Netinstall** mirrors and architectures.
# wget http://"$YOURMIRROR"/debian/dists/wheezy/main/installer-"$ARCH"/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz
# wget http://"$YOURMIRROR"/debian/dists/wheezy/main/installer-"$ARCH"/current/images/SHA256SUMS
# wget http://"$YOURMIRROR"/debian/dists/wheezy/Release
# wget http://"$YOURMIRROR"/debian/dists/wheezy/Release.gpg
**5.** On the next step start or restart DNSMASQ daemon and run netstat command to get a list of ports that the server is listening.
# service dnsmasq restart
# netstat -tulpn | grep dnsmasq

Start Dnsmasq Service
**6.** Debian based distribution usually ships with **UFW Firewall** package. Use the following commands to open the required **DNSMASQ** port numbers: **67** (Bootps), **69** (TFTP) **53** (DNS), **4011** (proxyDHCP) udp and **53** tcp (DNS).
# ufw allow 69/udp
# ufw allow 4011/udp ## Only if you have a ProxyDHCP on the network
# ufw allow 67/udp
# ufw allow 53/tcp
# ufw allow 53/udp

Open Dnsmasq Ports
Now, the PXE loader located on your client network interface will load **pxelinux** configuration files from **/srv/tftp/pxelinux.cfg** directory using this order.
- GUID files
- MAC files
- Default file
### Step 3: Configure Clients to Boot from Network ###
**7.** To enable network boot for a client computer enter your system **BIOS configuration** (please consult the hardware motherboard vendor documentation for entering BIOS settings).
Go to **Boot menu** and select **Network boot** as the **primary boot device** (on some systems you can select the boot device without entering BIOS configuration just by pressing a key during **BIOS POST**).

Select BIOS Settings
**8.** After editing the boot order sequence, usually, press **F10** to save BIOS settings. After reboot, your client computer should boot directly from network and the first **PXE** prompt should appear demanding you to press **F8** key to enter menu.
Next, hit **F8** key to move forward and a new prompt should appear. Hit **Enter** key again and the main **Debian Installer** prompt should appear on your screen as in the screenshots below.

Boot Menu Selection

Select Debian Installer Boot

Select Debian Install
From here on you can start install Debian on your machine using the Debian 7 Wheezy procedure (installation link given above), but you can also need to make sure that your machine has an active Internet connection in order to be able to finish installation process.
### Step 4: Debug DNSMASQ Server and Enable it System-Wide ###
**9.** To diagnosticate the server for eventual occurred problems or other information offered to clients run the following command to open log file.
# tailf /var/log/daemon.log

Debug DNSMASQ Server
**10.** If everything is in place during server tests you can now enable **DNSMASQ** daemon to automatically start after system reboot with the help of **sysv-rc-conf** package.
# apt-get install sysv-rc-conf
# sysv-rc-conf dnsmaq on

Enable DNSMASQ Daemon
That’s all! Now your **PXE** server is ready to allocate IP addresses (**DHCP**) and to offer the required boot information for all your network segment clients which will be configured to boot and install Debian Wheezy from network.
Using PXE network boot installation has some advantages on networks with an increased number of server hosts because you can set up the entire network infrastructure in a short period of time or the same time, facilitates the distribution upgrading process, and, can also automate the entire installation process using kickstart files.
via: http://www.tecmint.com/network-installation-of-debian-7-on-client-machines/
作者:[Matei Cezar][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
来自Ubuntu开发团队关于Mir和Unity 8的状态更新
> 目前Unity 8和Mir的开发进度很慢,但是仍在进行中

Ubuntu开发者可能刚刚集中精力在一些重要的发布上,就像接下来的Ubuntu 14.10(Utopic Unicorn) 或者是新的面向移动设备的Ubuntu Touch,但是他们同样也涉及想Mir以及Unity 8这样的项目。
目前这代Ubuntu系统使用的是Unity 7桌面环境,但是新一代已经酝酿了很长一段时间。与新的显示服务一起,已经在Ubuntu的移动版中了,但最终也要将它带到桌面上。
这两个项目的领导Kevin Gunn经常发布一些来自开发者的进度信息以及这周以来的一些改变,虽然这些都很粗略。
根据 [开发团队][1]的消息, 一些关于触摸/高难度的问题已经修正了,几个翻译问题也已经修复了,一些Dash UI相关的问题已经修复了,目前 团队在开发Mir 0.8,Mir 0.7.2已经推广了,同时一些高优先级的bug也在进行中。
你可以下载 Ubuntu Next
- [Ubuntu 14.10 Daily Build (ISO) 64-bit][2]
- [Ubuntu 14.10 Daily Build (ISO) 32-bit][3]
- [Ubuntu 14.10 Daily Build (ISO) 64-bit Mac][4]
- [Ubuntu Desktop Next 14.10 Daily Build (ISO) 64-bit][5]
- [Ubuntu Desktop Next 14.10 Daily Build (ISO) 32-bit][6]
这个的特性是新的Unity 8以及Mir,但是还不完全。直到有一个明确的方向之前,它还会持续一会。
via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Mir-and-Unity-8-Update-Arrive-from-Ubuntu-Devs-459263.shtml
作者:[Silviu Stahie][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@

**已经准备好开始你的第一个编程项目了吗?很好!只要配置一下**终端或命令行,学习如何使用并安装所有要用到的编程语言,插件库和API函数库。当最终准备好一切以后,再安装好[Visual Studio][1]就可以开始了,然后才可以预览自己的工作。
### 为什么要用IDE? ###
假如有一个像Microsoft Word那样的文字编辑器,想想类似Google Drive那样的IDE吧。你可以拥有类似的功能,但是它还能支持从任意电脑上访问,还能随时共享。因为因特网在项目工作流中的影响已经越来越重要,IDE也让生活更轻松。
### IDE不能做的事情 ###
但是不能用IDE来永久存储你的整个项目。把帖子保存在Google Drive文件中不会让你的博客丢失。类似Google Drive,IDE可以让你创建链接用于共享内容,但是任何一个都还不足以替代真正的托管服务器。
还有,IDE并不是设计成方便广泛共享。尽管各种IDE都在不断改善大多数文字编辑器的预览功能,还只能用来给你的朋友或同事展示一下应用预览,而不是,比如说,类似Hacker News的主页。那样的话,占用太多带宽的IDE也许会让你崩溃。
### 选择一个IDE ###

### Cloud9:乐于协作 ###
在我测试的这三款IDE中,Cloud9看起来更加侧重于一个可以让协同工作的人们无缝衔接工作的环境。在这里,它并不是角落里放个聊天窗口。实际上,按照CEO Ruben Daniels说的,试用Cloud9的协作者可以互相看到其他人实时的编码情况,就像Google Drive上的合作者那样。
### Koding:在你需要的时候能提供帮助 ###
“我们在这款产品里加入了一个积极的社区功能”,Koding的首席商务官Nitin Gupta说,“我们希望搭建一个环境,真正吸引那些希望得到帮助和愿意提供帮助的人们。”
### Nitrous.IO: An IDE Wherever You Want ###
Nitrous.IO结合了这两个优势。你可以在网站上在线使用这个IDE,你也可以把它下载到自己的饿电脑上,共同创始人AJ Solimine这样说。优点是你可以结合Nitrous的集成性和你最喜欢的文字编辑器的熟悉。
### 底线 ###
via: http://readwrite.com/2014/08/14/cloud9-koding-nitrousio-integrated-development-environment-ide-coding
作者:[Lauren Orsini][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@

**华尔街日报 [称][1],有消息表明,Zulily正在开发** 更多的内部软件,但实际上根本不是。多年前[Eric Raymond写道][2],全世界95%的软件写来用的,而不是售卖。原因很多,但是其中有一个比较突出:正如Zulily的CIO Luke Friang所说,几乎没有一个[非定制]软件解决方案能跟上我们的步伐。
但是有一点是不同的,这也正是华尔街日报完全忽略的地方。而这也正是历史上开发的内部软件始终保持着专有的原因了,因为她是一个公司的 核心竞争力。然而今天,越来越多的公司意识到另一面:开源内部软件将会比保持专有获益更多。
在实践中,买方花费很少的钱购买license,然后至少付出5倍以上的代价来使软件符合他们的需求。比如说,一个公司可能在一个ERP系统上花费 100,000美元,但是他们还得继续花费500,000来维持软件正常运行。
开源软件甚至是应用程序正式发展起来的原因之一是很多公司可以免费获得一些功能性的产品(或者是以一个相对便宜的费用获得产品), 然后定制为他们所需要的。不管怎样,定制是有必要的,而且开源的根本是使成本更低,或许,这样的定制或许能产生更好的结果。
同时,开发者尽量的减少同类之间的相似之处。作为Redmonk分析师,[Stephen O'Grady认为][3]:
> 从最近几年看,主流技术产业都有意避开专业化。运行在定制操作系统上的虚拟设备,已经彻底败给了RHEL和Windowns这些通用的操作系统。 最快20年,任何程序的数据保存都意味着一件事:一个关联的数据库,如果你要做的是企业级应用开发,那么你首先要接触的是Java,等等。
然而,开源的道路上,一些公司也发现,有些销售商不能很好地描述他们所想要的,即便是很好理解的产品类别,如像内容管理系统,他们需要 知道的是产品亮点,而不希望是一个模子刻出来的。
这也是常有的事,[O'Grady指出了][4]这一点。2010年,O'Grady发现了一个有趣的现象:“软件提供商正面对着一个强有力的市场竞争者:他们 的顾客。”
最好的开源项目都[发展得很快][7],但是这并不意味着别人在乎你的开源代码。[开放你的源码有显著的优缺点][8],其中一个很重要的优点是 很多伟大的开发者都希望为开源做出贡献:如果你也想找一个伟大的开发者跟你一起,你需要给他们一个开放的源代码来让他们工作。([Netflix][9]说)
但是,我们没有理由站在一边看,现在正是时候参与开源社区了,而不是一些不清楚的社区。是的,开源最大的参与者正是你们和你们的公司。 赶紧开始吧。
主要图片来自于Shutterstock. (注:Shutterstock是美国的一家摄影图片网站。)
via: http://readwrite.com/2014/08/16/open-source-software-business-zulily-erp-wall-street-journal
作者:[Matt Asay][a]
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@ -1,67 +0,0 @@

> 这一切都是关于“开源”.
### 抵制中国模式 ###
正如 [我所提到的][2],“中国的企业更倾向于购买复杂的,面向企业的软件。因为这种软件比服务大众的公司设计出来的软件更先进,就像同在亚洲的印度。”但这种形势不会持续太久,因为中国的软件产业正在以一种惊人的速度前进,并毫无颓势。中国一定会坚持向西方国家“借鉴”代码直到有一天有足够的能力可以创造出有创新能力的软件。
### 开源化中国 ###
正如CCID的分析师在 [J. Aaron Farr 的关于中国开源化报告][3] 中指出的,中国的开源社区规模很小而且没什么影响力。开源社区们没有大项目、参与者稀少而且资金匮乏。
抬头看看 [现金软件行业内最炙手可热的新公司][5], 你就会知道中国的互联网公司未来的主流趋势,正如发生在西方世界的一样。不出意料的,许多都是关于“开源”。
### 销售给中国 ###
图片由 [hackNY.org][6] 提供。
原文: http://readwrite.com/2014/08/12/china-opensource-software-ip-programmers-united-states
作者:[Matt Asay][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
Linus Torvalds推动Linux的桌面与嵌入式计算的发展
> Linux的内核开发者和开源领袖Linus Torvalds最近表达了关于Linux桌面和嵌入式设备中Linux的未来的看法。

什么是Linux桌面和嵌入式设备中Linux的未来?这是个值得讨论的问题,不过Linux的创始人和开源巨人Linus Torvalds在最近一届 [Linux 基金会][1] 的LinuxCon大会上,在一次对话中表达了一些有趣的观点。
所以说,关注Torvalds所说的话是很值得的, "我还是挺想要桌面的。" [上周他在LinuxCon大会上这样说道][2] 那标志着他仍然着眼于作为使个人机更加强大的操作系统Linux的未来,尽管十年来Linux桌面市场的分享一直很少,而且大部分围绕Linux的商业活动都去涉及服务器或者安卓手机硬件去了。
但是,Torvalds还说,确保Linux桌面能有个宏伟的未来意味着解决了受阻的 “基础设施问题”,好像庞大的开源软件生态系统和硬件世界让他充满信心。这不是Linux核心代码本身的问题,而是要让Linux桌面渠道友好,这可能是伟大的Torvalds和他开发同伴们所需要花精力去达到的目标。这取决于app的开发者、硬件制造商和其它有志于实现人们能方便使用基于Linux的计算平台的各方力量。
via: http://thevarguy.com/open-source-application-software-companies/082514/linus-torvalds-promotes-linux-desktops-and-embedded-compu
作者:[Christopher Tozzi][a]
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translated/talk/20140902 Happy Birthday Email.md
Normal file
translated/talk/20140902 Happy Birthday Email.md
Normal file
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8月30日,电子邮件满32岁了。现在让我们一起熟悉一下这个快捷迅速的信息传递方式是怎么诞生的。这要感谢以为印度裔美国人,Shiva Ayyadurai。Shiva开发了一个全功能的办公室间邮件系统软件并命名为email。
via: http://www.efytimes.com/e1/fullnews.asp?edid=147170
作者:Sanchari Banerjee
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@ -1,62 +0,0 @@

> 开源软件社区已经做出了改变,就像之前的美好时光。
幸运的是,这种务实主义要结束了。在过去的几周当中,我们团结在Mozilla身边支持DRM版权保护以及嘲笑Red Hat和OpenStack之间的竞争。社区那些年如数家珍的开源软件明星和[Open Core][1]产生了冲突而被反噬了.
### 2003年的Red Hat ###
Red Hat,开源软件理想主义的典范,在几周前拒绝支持它的竞争对手。Jodi Mardesich做了[非凡的工作][2]却受到了指控以及Red Hat的回击。但是真实情况是:
Red Hat不想支持它的竞争对手OpenStack
### Mozilla变成了麻瓜 ###
Red Hat作为开源软件理想主义的典范代表很容易成为各种带颜色攻击的目标,Mozilla其实是更大的一个目标。
最新消息,这一次失败,开源软件组织[批评了][3] Mozilla,深切表达了自己对于Mozilla的失望,因为这种决定妥协的态度会导致浏览器份额的降低。
[Mitchell Bake解释道][5],Mozilla可能并没有投降:“Firefox用户会需要使用另外的浏览器来观看他们自己想看的视频,这让人怀疑Firfox做一一个产品是否真的有用”。
Um, yes.
### 回到我们的思想源头 ###
However much we may want to force others to live by our absolutist ideals, the reality is that others may have different 我们或许很专制的意图其他的东西活着,事实上他们却有着不同的优先度。免费的软件让步给开源软件,更加严格,更加固定“正确的方式”去获得授权。
via: http://readwrite.com/2014/05/21/open-source-witch-hunt-mozilla-openstack-redhat#feed=/hack&awesm=~oEYDhxfP0Qv5hE
译者:[jiajia9linuxer](https://github.com/jiajia9linuxer) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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The history of Android

T-Mobile G1
### 安卓1.0——谷歌系app和实体硬件的引入 ###
到了2008年10月,安卓1.0已经准备好发布,这个系统在[T-Mobile G1][1](又以HTC Dream为人周知)上初次登台。G1进入了被iPhone 3G和[Nokia 1680 classic][2]所主宰的市场。(这些手机并列获得了2008年[销量最佳手机][3]称号,各自卖出了350万台。)G1的销量数字已难以获得,但T-Mobile宣称截至2009年4月该设备的销量突破了100万台。无论从哪方面来说这在竞争中都处于落后地位。
G1拥有单核528Mhz的ARM 11处理器,一个Adreno 130的GPU,192MB内存,以及多达256MB的存储空间供给系统以及应用使用。它有一块3.2英寸,320x480分辨率的显示屏,被布置在一个含有实体全键盘的滑动结构之上。所以尽管安卓软件的确走过了很长的一段路,硬件也是的。时至今日,我们可以在厂商的一个手表中得到比这更好的参数:最新的[三星智能手表][4]拥有512MB内存以及1GHz的双核处理器。
但是这是第一次,人们见到了运行在实机上的安卓,而不是跑在一个令人沮丧的慢吞吞的模拟器上。安卓1.0没有iPhone那样顺滑流畅,闪亮耀眼,或拥有那么多的新闻报道。它也不像Windows Mobile 6.5那样才华横溢。但这仍然是个好的开始。

Ron Amadeo供图

那时候,安卓市场只提供应用和游戏,开发者们甚至还不能为它们收费。苹果的App Store相对与安卓市场有4个月的先发优势,但是谷歌的主要差异化在于安卓的商店几乎是完全开放的。在iPhone上,应用受制于苹果的审查,必须遵循设计和技术指南。潜在的新应用不允许在功能上复制已有应用。在安卓市场,开发者可以自由地做任何想做的,包括开发替代已有的应用。控制的缺失会转变成祝福同时也是诅咒。它允许开发者革新已有的功能,但同时意味着甚至是毫无价值的垃圾应用也被允许进入市场。

Ron Amadeo供图

Ron Amadeo供图

[Ron Amadeo][a] / Ron是Ars Technica的评论编缉,专注于安卓系统和谷歌产品。他总是在追寻新鲜事物,还喜欢拆解事物看看它们到底是怎么运作的。
via: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/06/building-android-a-40000-word-history-of-googles-mobile-os/6/
译者:[alim0x](https://github.com/alim0x) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
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================================================== ==============================


通过快捷方式,相应的Microsoft Web应用程序在你默认的系统浏览器中打开,不可能有比这更精美的了。听起来漂亮吗?下面是你的应用程序的快捷方式:
- 文档
- 表格
- 幻灯片
- Outlook
- OneDrive
- 日历
- OneNote
- 通讯录
你可以从下面的链接保存含有.deb文件安装程序,其中有安装链接。适用于Ubuntu14.04 LTS和更高版本。
- [下载微软的在线办公应用(.deb)][2]

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/07/run-microsoft-office-web-apps-ubuntu-desktop
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### 1. 什么是代理服务器?代理服务器在计算机网络中有什么用途? ###
> **回答** : 代理服务器是指那些作为客户端和资源提供商或服务器之间的中间件的物理机或者应用程序。客户端从代理服务器中寻找文件、页面或者是数据而且代理服务器能处理客户端与服务器之间所有复杂事务从而满足客户端的生成的需求。
### 2. Squid是什么? ###
> **回答** : Squid是一个在GNU/GPL协议下发布的即可作为代理服务器同时也可作为Web缓存守护进程的应用软件。Squid主要是支持像HTTP和FTP那样的协议但是对其它的协议比如HTTPS,SSL,TLS等同样也能支持。其特点是Web缓存守护进程通过从经常上访问的网站里缓存Web和DNS从而让上网速度更快。Squid支持所有的主流平台,包括Linux,UNIX,微软公司的Windows和苹果公司的Mac。
### 3. Squid的默认端口是什么?怎么去修改它的操作端口? ###
> **回答** : Squid运行时的默认端口是3128。我们可以通过编辑它的配置文件来把它的默认端口修改成未被用户使用的端口,路径是 /etc/squid/squid.conf ,建议如下。
用你的编辑器打开 ‘/etc/squid/squid.conf’ 文件。
# nano /etc/squid/squid.conf
http_port 3128
# service squid restart
### 4. 你的公司管理层要求你通过Squid代理服务器屏蔽掉一些域名,你怎么做? ###
> **回答** : 屏蔽域名是一个在配置文件中实现的功能模块。我们只需要执行一个小的手动配置即可,建议如下。
a. 在 ‘/etc/squid’ 目录下创建一个名为 ‘blacklist’ 的文件。
# touch /etc/squid/blacklist
b. 用nano编辑器打开这个文件。
# nano /etc/squid/blacklist
c. 以每行一个域名的方式将想要屏蔽的域名写进这个文件里。
d. 保存退出,然后从 ‘/etc/squid/squid.conf’ 打开Squid配置文件。
# nano /etc/squid/squid.conf
e. 在配置文件中添加如下行。
acl BLACKLIST dstdom_regex -i “/etc/squid/blacklist”
http_access deny blacklist
f. 保存配置文件并退出,重启Squid服务让其生效。
# service squid restart
### 5. 在Squid中什么是媒体范围限制和部分下载? ###
> **回答** : 媒体范围限制是Squid的一种特殊的功能,它只从服务器中获取所需要的数据而不是整个文件。这个功能很好的实现了用户在各种视频流媒体网站如YouTube和Metacafe看视频时,可以点击视频中的进度条来选择进度,因此整个视频不用全部都加载,除了一些需要的部分。
### 6. 什么是Squid的反向代理? ###
> **回答** : 反向代理是Squid的一个特点,这个功能被用来加快最终用户的上网速度。缩写为 ‘RS’ 的原服务器包含了所有资源,而代理服务器则叫 ‘PS’ 。客户端寻找RS所提供的数据,第一次指定的数据和它的复件会经过多次配置从RS上存储在PS上。这样的话每次从PS上请求的数据就等于就是从原服务器上获取的。这样就会减轻网络拥堵,减少CPU使用率,降低网络资源的利用率从而缓解原来实际服务器的负载压力。但是RS统计不了总流量的数据因为PS分担了部分原服务器的任务。‘X-Forwarded-For HTTP’ 就能记录下通过HTTP代理或负载均衡方式连接到RS的客户端最原始的IP地址。
### 7. 由于Squid能作为一个Web缓存守护进程,那缓存可以删除吗?怎么删除? ###
> **回答** : 当然!作为一个Web缓存守护进程,Squid能加快网页的访问速度,清除缓存也是非常简单的。
a. 首先停止Squid代理服务,然后从这个 ‘/var/lib/squid/cache’ 目录中删除缓存。
# service squid stop
# rm -rf /var/lib/squid/cache/*<
b. 创建交换分区目录。
# squid -z
### 8. 你身边有一台客户机,而你正在工作,如果想要限制儿童的访问时间段,你会怎么去设置那个场景? ###
a. 想要限制Web访问时间在星期一到星期五的晚上4点到7点,要先打开Squid的配置文件。
# nano /etc/squid/squid.conf
b. 在配置文件中添加如下行,保存文件并退出。
acl ALLOW_TIME time M T W H F 16:00-19:00
shttp_access allow ALLOW_TIME
c. 重启Squid服务。
# service squid restart
### 9. Squid存储的数据是什么文件格式? ###
> **回答** : Squid存储的数据是UFS文件格式的。UFS是一种老的,使用比较广泛的Squid存储格式
### 10. Squid的缓存会存储到哪里? ###
> **回答** : Squid存储的缓存是位于 ‘/var/spool/squid’ 的特殊目录下。
via: http://www.tecmint.com/squid-interview-questions/
作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@

### 在线注册 ###
### 在Linux上安装WhatPulse ###
就我个人而言,我已经在我的Mint Qiana上安装了debian包,在我的Arch Linux[Aur包][4]一点问题都没有。
- libQtCore
- libQtWebKit
- libqt4-sql
- libqt4-sql-sqlite
- openssl-devel (libssl-dev)
- libQtScript
#### 输入统计数据 ####
#### [网络][5]统计数据 ####

### 使用应用程序 ###
via: http://linuxaria.com/recensioni/check-how-much-do-you-type-with-whatpulse-on-linux
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
在RHEL / CentOS下停用按下Ctrl-Alt-Del 重启系统的功能
在Linux里,由于对安全的考虑,我们允许任何人按下**Ctrl-Alt-Del**来**重启**系统。但是在生产环境中,应该停用按下Ctrl-Alt-Del 重启系统的功能。
### 在RHEL 5.X和CentOS 5.X下 ###
[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/inittab
#ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now
我们还可以改变'ca::ctrlaltdel:'这行来输出日志 ,如果任何人想用该热键重启服务器,就会有日志,
[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/inittab
ca::ctrlaltdel:/bin/logger -p authpriv.warning -t init "Console-invoked Ctrl-Alt-Del was ignored"
### 在RHEL6.X和CentOS 6.X下 ###
在RHEL6.X和CentOS 6.X下, 该热键的行为由'**/etc/init/control-alt-delete.conf**'控制.
**第一步** 在变化之前,先用下列命令备份配置
[root@localhost ~]# cp -v /etc/init/control-alt-delete.conf /etc/init/control-alt-delete.override
**第二步**编辑文件,把'exec /sbin/shutdown'这一行用下方配置代替,这个配置会在每次按下Ctrl-Alt-Del 时输出日志:
[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/init/control-alt-delete.conf
exec /usr/bin/logger -p authpriv.notice -t init "Ctrl-Alt-Del was pressed and ignored"
via: http://www.linuxtechi.com/disable-reboot-using-ctrl-alt-del-keys/
作者:[Pradeep Kumar][a]
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8 Options to Trace/Debug Programs using Linux strace Command
### 1. 命令用法 ###
raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ strace ls


raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ ls

#### 1.1 寻找被程序读取的配置文件 ####
raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ strace php 2>&1 | grep php.ini

#### 1.2 跟踪指定的系统调用 ####
raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ strace -e open cat dead.letter

#### 1.3 用于进程 ####
raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ sudo strace -p 1846

#### 1.4 strace的统计概要 ####
raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ strace -c ls

#### 1.5 保存输出结果 ####
raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ sudo strace -o process_strace -p 3229

### 1.6 显示时间戳 ###
raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ strace -t ls

#### 1.7 更好的时间戳 ####
raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ strace -tt ls

-ttt也可以向上面那样展示微秒级的时间戳,但是它并不是打印当前时间,而是显示自从epoch(译注:1970年1月1日00:00:00 UTC)以来的所经过的秒数。
raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ strace -ttt ls

#### 1.8 Relative Time ####
raghu@raghu-Linoxide ~ $ strace -r ls

via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/linux-strace-command-examples/
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
[CrunchBang][1]是一个很好地融合了速度、风格和内容的基于Debian GNU/Linux的发行版。使用了灵活的Openbox窗口管理器,高度定制化并且提供了一个现代、全功能的GNU/Linux系统而没有牺牲性能。


cp -r /etc/skel/.config/openbox/menu.xml ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml
openbox --restart
via: http://www.unixmen.com/recover-default-openbox-config-files-crunchbang/
作者:[Enock Seth Nyamador][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
- 简洁的界面
- 使用pandoc转换markdown
- 可预览
- 免打扰模式
- 拼写检查
- 语法高亮,能在html和pdf中出现数学公式
- 支持导出到PDF,HTML,ODT等
### 在Ubuntu14.04上安装UberWriter ###
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:w-vollprecht/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install uberwriter



在Linux下还有一些其他的markdown编辑器。[Remarkable][5]是一款能够实时预览的编辑器,但UberWriter不能。如果你在寻找文本编辑器的话,你以可以试试[Texmaker LaTeX editor][6]。
系统这次展示能够帮你在Ubuntu14.04上成功安装UberWriter。我猜想UberWriter在Ubuntu12.04,Linux Mint 17,Elementary OS和其他在Ubuntu的基础上的Linux发行版上也能成功安装。
via: http://itsfoss.com/install-uberwriter-markdown-editor-ubuntu-1404/
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
QuiteRSS: Linux桌面的RSS阅读器
QuiteRSS的界面让我想起Lotus Notes mail,会有很多RSS信息排列在大小合适的方块上,你可以通过标签分组。需要查找东西时,只需在下面板上打开RSS信息。

### 在 Ubuntu 和 Linux Mint 上安装 QuiteRSS ###
QuiteRSS在Ubuntu 14.04 和 Linux Mint 17中可用。你可以通过以下命令行轻松安装:
sudo apt-get install quiterss
如果你想安装最新的稳定版本,你可以使用官方的[QuiteRSS PPA][4]:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:quiterss/quiterss
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install quiterss
上面的命令在所有基于Ubuntu的发行版都支持,比如Linux Mint, Elementary OS, Linux Lite, Pinguy OS等等。对于其他Linux发行版和平台上,你可以从 [下载页][5]获得源码来安装。
### 卸载 QuiteRSS ###
用下方命令卸载 QuiteRSS:
sudo apt-get remove quiterss
sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:quiterss/quiterss
QuiteRSS是一个不错的开源RSS阅读器,尽管我更喜欢[Feedly][6]。尽管现在 Feedly 还没有Linux桌面程序,但是你依然可以在网页浏览器中使用。希望你会觉得QuiteRSS值得在桌面Linux一试。
via: http://itsfoss.com/quiterss-rss-reader-desktop-linux/
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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
从Windows双启动中卸载Ubuntu Linux

我在过去已经多次涉及到[在UEFI模式下安装Ubuntu 14.04与Windows 8/8.1双启动][1]的话题。 但是要怎么从**Windows双启动中卸载Ubuntu呢**?下面我们将看到的教程适用于任意的Linux操作系统,如Ubuntu,Linux Mint,Elementary OS或其它任意Linux发行版。
如果你认为[在双启动模式下安装Ubuntu与Windows 8共存][2]是件难事,而从Windows双启动中移除Ubuntu将是很简单的,你的想法并不是完全错误的。如果你有个Windows安装介质的话,从Windows双启动中卸载Linux将是轻而易举的。
这个教程将教你如何在有**Windows 8/8.1安装介质**的情况下将Linux从Windows 8或Windows 8.1双启动中完全移除。
### 将Ubuntu从Windows 8双启动中安全卸载 ###
你有没有Windows 8安装介质以及是否已经安装了Windows 8.1在你系统上这都不重要。它同样工作得很好。但是我不能说在Windows 7上也一样。如果你身边有Windows安装盘,让我们开始从Windows双启动中移除Ubuntu的进程吧。
从双启动中删除Linux分为两部分。第一部分是删除Linux安装的所在分区。第二部分是修复Windows启动引导,因为简单地将Linux分区删除会引起[“Grub rescue”错误][3]。
### 第一部分:在Windows下删除Linux分区 ###
登录Windows。按下 **Windows+R** 然后在其中运行 diskmgmt.msc 命令。它将会打开Windows磁盘管理工具。


**Step 3:**
选择Linux分区,右键点击并选择 **删除卷** 选项。


**Step 4:**

#### 第二部分:修复Windows启动引导 ####
**插入Windows 8安装介质并重启**你的电脑。在启动的时候按下F10或F12进入BIOS/UEFI,选择**从可移除介质启动(boot from removable disk)**。

选择修复你的计算机(repair your computer):


在疑难解答页面,选择高级选项(Advanced options):

找到这里的命令提示符(command prompt):

bootrec.exe /fixmbr

一旦完成了这一步,重启你的电脑,这次从硬盘正常启动。你应该能够启动进入Windows。如果你仍然看到Grub rescue错误,试试下面的步骤。


现在如果你重启的话,你应该能够正常进入Windows,不再看到任何的Grub rescue错误提示。
我希望这个指南能够帮助你**将Ubuntu从Windows 8双启动中完全移除**。欢迎提出任何问题与建议。
via: http://itsfoss.com/uninstall-ubuntu-linux-windows-dual-boot/
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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
Linux有问必答——如何使用tcpdump来捕获TCP SYN,ACK和FIN包
> **问题**:我想要监控TCP连接活动(如,建立连接的三次握手,以及断开连接的四次握手)。要完成此事,我只需要捕获TCP控制包,如SYN,ACK或FIN标记相关的包。我怎样使用tcpdump来仅仅捕获TCP SYN,ACK和/或FYN包?
proto [ expr : size ]
使用这种格式,你可以像下面这样过滤TCP SYN,ACK或FIN包。
只捕获TCP SYN包:
# tcpdump -i <interface> "tcp[tcpflags] & (tcp-syn) != 0"
只捕获TCP ACK包:
# tcpdump -i <interface> "tcp[tcpflags] & (tcp-ack) != 0"
只捕获TCP FIN包:
# tcpdump -i <interface> "tcp[tcpflags] & (tcp-fin) != 0"
# tcpdump -r <interface> "tcp[tcpflags] & (tcp-syn|tcp-ack) != 0"

via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/capture-tcp-syn-ack-fin-packets-tcpdump.html
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
Linux有问必答——如何在CentOS或RHEL 7上修改主机名
> 问题:在CentOS/RHEL 7上修改主机名的正确方法是什么(永久或临时)?
在CentOS或RHEL中,有三种定义的主机名:(1)静态的,(2)瞬态的,以及(3)优雅的。“静态”主机名也成为内核主机名,是系统在启动时从/etc/hostname自动初始化的主机名。“瞬态”主机名是在系统运行时临时分配的主机名,例如,通过DHCP或mDNS服务器分配。静态主机名和瞬态主机名都遵从作为互联网域名同样的字符限制规则。而另一方面,“优雅”主机名则被允许使用自由形式(包括特殊/空白字符)的主机名,以展示给终端用户(如Dan's Computer)。
在CentOS/RHEL 7中,有个叫hostnamectl的命令行工具,它允许你查看或修改与主机名相关的配置。
$ hostnamectl status

$ hostnamectl status [--static|--transient|--pretty]
$ sudo hostnamectl set-hostname <host-name>

$ sudo hostnamectl --static set-hostname <host-name>
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/change-hostname-centos-rhel-7.html
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
> **问题**:我在配置一个需要访问我的亚马逊AWS帐号的应用时被要求提供**AWS访问密钥ID**和**秘密访问密钥**,我怎样创建一个新的AWS访问密钥呢?




### 多用户AWS帐号 ###

via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/create-amazon-aws-access-key.html
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
> **问题**:我的磁盘上有额外的空间,所以我想要扩展其上创建的现存的XFS文件系统,以完全使用额外空间。怎样才是扩展XFS文件系统的正确途径?
XFS是一个开源的(GPL)日子文件系统,最初由硅谷图形开发,现在被大多数的Linux发行版都支持。事实上,XFS已经被最新的CentOS/RHEL 7采用,成为其默认的文件系统。在其众多的特性中,包含了“在线调整大小”这一特性,使得现存的XFS文件系统在被挂载时可以进行扩展。然而,对于XFS文件系统的缩减确实不被支持的。


$ sudo xfs_growfs /dev/centos/root -D 1986208
$ sudo xfs_growfs /dev/centos/root


via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/expand-xfs-file-system.html
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
> **问题**:我试着通过运行apt-get update命令来再次同步包索引文件,但是却出现了“404 无法找到”的错误,看起来似乎是我不能从先前添加的第三方PPA仓库中获取最新的索引。我怎样才能清楚这些破损而且陈旧的PPA仓库呢?
Err http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty/main amd64 Packages
404 Not Found
Err http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty/main i386 Packages
404 Not Found
W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/finalterm/daily/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-amd64/Packages 404 Not Found
W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/finalterm/daily/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-i386/Packages 404 Not Found
E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
但你试着更新APT包索引时,“404 无法找到”错误总是会在版本更新之后发生。就是说,在你升级你的Ubuntu发行版后,你在旧的版本上添加的一些第三方PPA仓库就不再受新版本的支持。在此种情况下,你可以像下面这样来**鉴别并清除那些破损的PPA仓库**。
首先,找出那些引起“404 无法找到”错误的PPA。
$ sudo apt-get update | grep "Failed"

在本例中,Ubuntu Trusty不再支持的PPA仓库是“ppa:finalterm/daily”。
$ sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:finalterm/daily

在移除所有过时PPA仓库后,重新运行“apt-get update”命令来检查它们是否都被移除。
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/find-remove-obsolete-ppa-repositories-ubuntu.html
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Linux FAQ - Ubuntu如何使用命令行移除PPA仓库
> **问题**: 前段时间,我的Ubuntu增加了一个第三方的PPA仓库,如何才能移除这个PPA仓库呢?
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webapps/preview
如果你想要 **单独地删除一个PPA仓库**,运行下面的命令。
$ sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:someppa/ppa
如果你想要 **完整的删除一个PPA仓库并包括来自这个PPA安装或更新过的软件包**,你需要ppa-purge命令。
$ sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
$ sudo ppa-purge ppa:webapps/preview
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/how-to-remove-ppa-repository-from-command-line-on-ubuntu.html
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@ -1,42 +1,39 @@
translating by cvsher
Linux Performance Monitoring with Vmstat and Iostat Commands
This is our on-going series of commands and performance monitoring in **Linux**. **Vmstat** and **Iostat** both commands are available on all major **Unix-like (Linux/Unix/FreeBSD/Solaris)** Operating Systems.
If **vmstat** and **iostat** commands are not available on your box, please install **sysstat** package. The **vmstat**, **sar** and **iostat** commands are the collection of package included in **sysstat** – the system monitoring tools. The iostat generates reports of **CPU** & all device statistics. You may download and install **sysstat** using source tarball from link [sysstat][1], but we recommend installing through **YUM** command.


Linux Performance Monitoring with Vmstat and Iostat
### Install Sysstat in Linux ###
#yum -y install sysstat
# yum -y install sysstat
- **vmstat** - 内存,进程和分页等的简要信息。
- **iostat** - CPU统计信息,设备和分区的输入/输出统计信息。
- **vmstat** – Summary information of Memory, Processes, Paging etc.
- **iostat** – Central Processing Unit (CPU) statistics and input/output statistics for devices and partitions.
### Linux下vmstat命令的6个范例###
### 6 Vmstat Command Examples in Linux ###
####1. 列出活动和非活动的内存####
#### 1. List Active and Inactive Memory ####
In the below example, there are six columns. The significant of the columns are explained in man page of **vmstat** in details. Most important fields are **free** under memory and **si**, **so** under swap column.
[root@tecmint ~]# vmstat -a
[root@tecmint ~]# vmstat -a
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- -----cpu-----
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- -----cpu-----
r b swpd free inact active si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa st
1 0 0 810420 97380 70628 0 0 115 4 89 79 1 6 90 3 0
- **Free** – Amount of free/idle memory spaces.
- **si** – Swaped in every second from disk in Kilo Bytes.
- **so** – Swaped out every second to disk in Kilo Bytes.
- **Free** – 空闲的内存空间
- **si** – 每秒从磁盘中交换进内存的数据量(以KB为单位)。
- **so** – 每秒从内存中交换出磁盘的数据量(以KB为单位)。
**Note**: If you run **vmstat** without parameters it’ll displays summary report since system boot.
#### 2. Execute vmstat ‘X’ seconds and (‘N’number of times) ####
With this command, **vmstat** execute every two seconds and stop automatically after executing six intervals.
####2. 每X秒执行vmstat,共执行N次####
[root@tecmint ~]# vmstat 2 6
@ -49,9 +46,10 @@ With this command, **vmstat** execute every two seconds and stop automatically a
0 0 0 810412 22064 101368 0 0 0 0 17 35 0 0 100 0 0
0 0 0 810412 22064 101368 0 0 0 0 18 36 0 1 100 0 0
#### 3. Vmstat with timestamps ####
####3. 带时间戳的vmstat命令####
**vmstat** command with **-t** parameter shows timestamps with every line printed as shown below.
[tecmint@tecmint ~]$ vmstat -t 1 5
@ -63,9 +61,10 @@ With this command, **vmstat** execute every two seconds and stop automatically a
0 0 0 631780 24992 192244 0 0 0 0 156 524 0 5 95 0 0 2012-09-02 14:57:21 IST
1 0 0 631656 24992 192244 0 0 0 0 189 592 0 5 95 0 0 2012-09-02 14:57:22 IST
#### 4. Statistics of Various Counter ####
####4. 统计各种计数器####
**vmstat** command and -s switch displays summary of various event counters and memory statistics.
[tecmint@tecmint ~]$ vmstat -s
@ -96,9 +95,9 @@ With this command, **vmstat** execute every two seconds and stop automatically a
1346574857 boot time
2309 forks
#### 5. Disks Statistics ####
####5. 磁盘统计信息####
**vmstat** with **-d** option display all disks statistics.
[tecmint@tecmint ~]$ vmstat -d
@ -133,9 +132,9 @@ With this command, **vmstat** execute every two seconds and stop automatically a
dm-0 11578 0 659242 1113017 32163 0 257384 8460026 0 126
dm-1 324 0 2592 3845 0 0 0 0 0 2
#### 6. Display Statistics in Megabytes ####
####6. 以MB为单位输出统计信息####
The **vmstat** displays in **Megabytes** with parameters **-S** and **M**(Uppercase & megabytes). By default **vmstat** displays statistics in kilobytes.
[root@tecmint ~]# vmstat -S M 1 5
@ -147,11 +146,11 @@ The **vmstat** displays in **Megabytes** with parameters **-S** and **M**(Upperc
0 0 0 346 53 476 0 0 0 0 15 13 0 0 100 0 0
0 0 0 346 53 476 0 0 0 0 34 61 0 1 99 0 0
### 6 Iostat Command Examples in Linux ###
#### 7. Display CPU and I/O statistics ####
####1. 输出CPU和输入/输出(I/O)的统计信息####
**iostat** without arguments displays **CPU** and **I/O** statistics of all partitions as shown below.
[root@tecmint ~]# iostat
@ -165,9 +164,9 @@ The **vmstat** displays in **Megabytes** with parameters **-S** and **M**(Upperc
dm-0 5.76 159.71 13.47 1077154 90864
dm-1 0.05 0.38 0.00 2576 0
#### 8. Shows only CPU Statistics ####
####2. 只输出CPU的统计信息####
**iostat** with **-c** arguments displays only **CPU** statistics as shown below.
[root@tecmint ~]# iostat -c
@ -176,9 +175,9 @@ The **vmstat** displays in **Megabytes** with parameters **-S** and **M**(Upperc
avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle
0.12 0.01 1.47 1.98 0.00 96.42
#### 9. Shows only Disks I/O Statistics ####
####3. 只输出磁盘的输入/输出统计信息####
**iostat** with **-d** arguments displays only disks **I/O** statistics of all partitions as shown.
[root@tecmint ~]# iostat -d
@ -189,9 +188,9 @@ The **vmstat** displays in **Megabytes** with parameters **-S** and **M**(Upperc
dm-0 5.37 148.59 12.65 1077154 91728
dm-1 0.04 0.36 0.00 2576 0
#### 10. Shows I/O statistics only of a single device. ####
####4. 只输出某个磁盘的输入/输出统计信息####
By default it displays statistics of all partitions, with **-p** and device name arguments displays only disks **I/O** statistics for specific device only as shown.
[root@tecmint ~]# iostat -p sda
@ -205,9 +204,9 @@ By default it displays statistics of all partitions, with **-p** and device name
sda1 0.07 0.56 0.00 4120 18
sda2 3.22 147.79 12.55 1080650 91752
#### 11. Display LVM Statistics ####
####5. 输出逻辑卷管理(LVM)的统计信息####
With **-N** (Uppercase) parameter displays only **LVM** statistics as shown.
[root@tecmint ~]# iostat -N
@ -221,26 +220,27 @@ With **-N** (Uppercase) parameter displays only **LVM** statistics as shown.
vg_tecmint-lv_root 5.13 141.68 12.16 1077154 92448
vg_tecmint-lv_swap 0.04 0.34 0.00 2576 0
#### 12. iostat version. ####
####6. iostat版本信息####
With **-V** (Uppercase) parameter displays version of **iostat** as shown.
[root@tecmint ~]# iostat -V
sysstat version 9.0.4
(C) Sebastien Godard (sysstat orange.fr)
**Note**: **vmstat** and **iostat** contains number of columns and flags which may not possible to explain in details. If you want to know more about it you may refer man page of **vmstat** and **iostat**. Please share it if you find this article is useful through our comment box below.
via: http://www.tecmint.com/linux-performance-monitoring-with-vmstat-and-iostat-commands/
作者:[Ravi Saive][a]
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